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Lesson Plan in Food Processing NC II

Date: August 8-9, 2016 Week: 6 Quarter: I

Subject: Food Processing NC II Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

I. Objectives
1. Prepare meat for curing in accordance with approved specifications
and standard procedures
3. Observe care in preparing raw materials.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Food Processing National Certificate II
B. References: CBLM Food Processing 2nd Year pp.19-21

Curriculum Guide SHS–TVL Track AFA Food Processing NCII

C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation,

III. Procedure:
a. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
3. Unlocking of difficulties
 Carcass - the body of a slaughtered animals such
as cow, sheep, or pig, after removal of the offal.
 Tender cuts- contains lean meat and little
collagen. These are the least exercised parts of
the animal and are the most expensive.
 Mincing- cutting of meat into fine pieces or cuts.
b. Development of the Lesson
1. Motivation
Show pictures of different animals that is source of meat.
 Swine/ Pig
 Cattle / Cow
 Carabao
 Goat

2. Presentation
1. The teacher will present the PowerPoint presentation of
preparation of meat for curing in accordance with approved
specifications and standard procedures
Including the following Topics:
a. Preparing Meat
b. Sorting and Grading Meat

Remind the student to take down important data on their notebook.

3. Activity (August 9)
The students will prepare meat in accordance with approved
specifications and standard procedures

4. Generalization/ Application:
Explain why there is a need to observe accuracy in preparing
meat in accordance with the product specifications.

c. Evaluation
During the actual application of the students, they will be evaluated
based on the rubrics set by the teacher.

Quiz will be given with 10 points.

d. Agreement

Bring 1kg of meat tomorrow. Prepare PPE and Materials

needed in Food Processing Laboratory.

Prepared By:

SHS Teacher

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