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Submitted by: James Medar Padao

Submitted at: The Consultation Room (March 9, 2018)
Submitted to: Ms. Rowena Sagapsapan
What I Learned
Start Small
First of all, have faith in the idea you have for your business. Make it a small one,
so that if it does fail, you can go back to it, improve it and bring about changes to your
business model to make it a successful one. If, in any case, this cannot be done, then you
can still pull the plug on it at a minimal loss, since it is a small venture.

Know Your Locale

A good entrepreneur should do research on the locale you are venturing into.
Know your competition, and know how the industry works. Get to know what type of
business models work and what do not. Having an innovative model is of no use if the
industry is not ready or not willing to accept it. If you’re adamant enough to stick to your
model, then ensure that you have the stamina and the resources you need to run the
business for a long time. These resources, be it human, financial or IT, will be the fuel
that you will run on, so be prudent and have a long term plan.

Know Your Customers

After all, they are the ones who will buy your product or services. So, make sure
you understand how they think and what would make them buy your service. Also, be
prepared to tell your customers why you are better than your competition in the market.

Trust Yourself
Your intuition, your gut feeling, is a very strong weapon that you have. Many
times, it will seem to fail you, but rest assured that such experiences will provide you
with valuable life lessons instead. Sometimes, no matter how much data you may have,
your gut feeling will be the crucial factor in making a decision—so trust in it.
Comments about your Instructor
First of all, I would like to thank my parents for their never ending
support in my studies. I would also like to thank our Instructor Ma’am
Rowena Sagapsapan for her wonderful effort to teach us an abundant amount
of knowledge all about the subject “Entrepreneurship”.
Ma’am Rowena Sagapsapan; she is a hard working teacher, is even
teach us in a different way, a different perspective of things. Her class is fun
and is entertaining hence; learning is much easier and not stressful. Ma’am,
she accepts every weakness and strength a student has in order to use it so
that the student can do more and learn more.
In the other hand, Ma’am Rowena Sagapsapan’s class are limited in
hours, by limited I mean classes are not frequent her classes are not
consistent due to the scheduling of our subjects.
More the less, it’s a perfect class for those who want to learn things in a
different fun way.
Thank you Ma’am for your efforts!

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