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GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Using the given format, create a table of the parasites have recently discussed in the subject. All outputs must be
handwritten and placed in a long coupon bond. You may use more than one reference, but make sure that the information
that you place in the output are all correct.

Scientific Name Common Morphologic Stages Life Cycle Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis Treatment Prevention
Name Manifestations and Control
1. Balantidi Balantidiasis Trophozoites. Human Asymptomatic  accomplished The severity of  Person
um coli  Considered infection with Carrier State. by examining the infection al
as the B. coli is Similar to that seen stool and the hygien
largest initiated on in certain patients specimens for patient’s e
protozoan ingestion of infected with E. the presence response to  proper
known to infective cysts histolytica, some of treatment Is the sanitar
humans in patients are just trophozoites two factor THAT y
 typical contaminated carriers of B. coli and cysts. plays an conditi
Balantidium food or and remain  Stools from important role ons
coli water. asymptomatic. infected in determining
trophozoite Following Balantidiasis patients the prognosis.
may excystation in Symptomatic experiencing Medication
measure the small patients may diarrhea are oxytetracycline
from 28 to intestine, the experience a variety more likely to (Terramycin)
152 µm in resulting of discomforts, contain B. coli and iodoquinol.
length, with trophozoites ranging from mild trophozoites. Metronidazole
an average take up colitis and diarrhea  Sigmoidoscop (Flagyl) may also
length of 35 residence and to full-blown clinical y material be used to treat
to 50 µm feed primarily balantidiasis, which may also infected
 The average in the cecal may often resemble reveal B. coli patients.
trophozoite region and amebic dysentery organisms
width is terminal Acute infections are when
approximat portion of the characterized by up collected
ely 40 µm ileum, as well to 15 liquid stools from patients
but may as in the daily containing pus, suffering from
range from lumen, mucus, and blood. sigmoidorecta
22 to 123 mucosa, and Patients who suffer l infection.
submucosa of from chronic
µm the large infections may
 . The ovoid intestine. develop a tender
to sac The colon, anemia,
shaped B. multiplication cachexia, and
coli of each occasional diarrhea,
trophozoite trophozoite alternating with
tapers at occurs by constipation.
the anterior transverse
end. The binary fission,
organism from which
typically two young
exhibits trophozoites
rotary, emerge.
boring Encystation
motility. occurs in the
The lumen. The
trophozoite resulting
contains cysts mature
two nuclei. and
Cysts. ultimately
 Averaging in become the
size from 52 infective form
to 55 µm, for
the transmission
subspherical into a new
to oval B. coli host.
cyst may
from 43 to
66 µm
 One or two
may be
in young
 Stained cysts
reveal only
s; the other
are not
2. Isospora Isosporiasis  Oocysts. I . belli was Asymptomatic.  The consuming a  proper
belli  The oval initially A number of specimens of bland diet and person
transparent thought to be infected individuals choice for obtaining plenty al
oocyst of a typical remain recovery of of rest. Patients hygien
Isospora belli coccidial asymptomatic the I. belli suffering from e
ranges in size parasite. Pigs Isosporiasis. oocysts are more severe  adequ
from 25 to and cattle Infected patients fresh feces infections ate
35 µm long appeared to may complain of a and duodenal respond best to sanitati
by 10 to 15 be number of contents. chemotherapy, on
µm wide, intermediate symptoms, ranging Stool consisting of a practic
with an hosts for this from mild samples may combination of es
average of organism. It gastrointestinal contain trimethoprim  avoida
30 by 12 µm. has now been discomfort to oocysts that and nce of
 The determined severe dysentery. are sulfamethoxazol unprot
developing that I. belli is The more immature, e or ected
morphologic the only commonly noted partially pyrimethamine sex,
form within known clinical symptoms mature, and particu
the oocyst, coccidial include weight loss, and/or fully sulfadiazine. larly
known as a parasite that chronic diarrhea, mature. among
sporoblast, does not have abdominal pain,  I. belli homos
consists of a intermediate anorexia, weakness, oocysts may exual
roundish hosts. and malaise. be visible in men.
immature Humans serve direct wet
sac that as the preparations
contains a definitive and IN
small host, in concentratio
discrete whom both n or flotation
nucleus and sexual and procedures.
granular asexual  A tentative
cytoplasm. reproduction diagnosis
 As it take place. may be made
matures, the The following
young oocyst sporozoites preparation
divides into emerge after and
two excystation of examination
sporoblasts the oocyst in of an
the small auraminerho
intestine. damine
Asexual permanent
reproduction stain
resulting in
occurs in the
cells of the
mucosa. The
formation of
cytes and
takes place in
the same
3. Sarcocysti Sarcocystis  Mature The first  Fever Stool is the specimen medications of adequate
s spp. Oocysts. transmission  severe of choice for the trimethoprim cooking of
 The oval route occurs diarrhea recovery of plus beef and pork.
transparent when  weight loss Sarcocystis sulfamethoxazol
organism uncooked pig  abdominal organisms. e or
consists of or cattle meat pain. Routine histologic pyrimethamine
two mature infected with  muscle methods may be plus sulfadiazine
sporocysts Sarcocystis tenderness used to identify the
that each sarcocysts is invasion of Sarcocystis cyst stage
average from ingested. the striated
10 to 18 µm Humans are muscle.
in length. the definitive
Each host.
sporocyst is Gametogony
equipped usually occurs
with four in the human
sausage intestinal
shaped cells.
sporozoites. The second
A double- transmission
layered clear route occurs
and colorless when humans
cell wall accidentally
surrounds swallow
the oocysts from
sporocysts. stool sources
of animals
other than
cattle or pigs.
4. Cryptosp Cryptospori Oocysts. Sporozoites  diarrhea,  using iodine  use of  Prope
oridium dosis.  Measuring emerge after which is or modified spiramy r
parvum only 4 to 6 excystation in self-limiting acid-fast cin treat
µm the upper and lasts stain. ment
 the mature gastrointestin approximat  Formalin of
oocyst al tract, ely 2 weeks. fixed smears water
consists of where they  Fever, stained with suppli
four small take up nausea, Giemsa may es
sporozoites residence in vomiting, also yield the  handli
surrounded the cell weight loss, desired ng
by a thick membrane of and oocysts. know
cell wall epithelial abdominal  Enterotest, n
 One to six cells. Asexual pain enzyme- infect
dark and sexual linked ed
granules multiplication immunosorb mater
may also be may then ent assay ial by
seen occur. (ELISA) using
Schizonts and Sporozoites  indirect gloves
Gametocytes rupture from immunofluor and
 containing the resulting escence weari
four to eight oocysts and ng a

merozoites, are capable gown
microgamet of initiating  prope
n via
ocytes, and autoinfection modified zinc r hand
macrogame by invading sulfate washi
tocytes. new epithelial flotation or ng
 The average cells. by  prope
size of these Sheather’s rly
forms is a sugar disinf
mere 2 to 4 flotation ecting
µm poten
blastocystis Vacouated Form B. hominis  diarrhea  iodine wet  Iodoqui  thoro
5. Blastocys hominis Size: 5-32 µm reproduces  vomiting preparations, nol or ugh
tis Vacuole: Centrally by  nausea the metroni hand
hominis located sporulation or  fever peripheral dazole washi
Fluid-filled structure binary fission. cytoplasm ng,
 abdominal
Consumes almost The organism containing and
90% of organism passes one or more subse
Cytoplasm: Appears through a  cramping
nuclei quent
as ring around number of appears a prope
periphery of morphologic light yellow r
organism forms during in color handli
Nuclei: Two to four these  permanent ng of
located in processes. B. stain food
cytoplasm hominis preparations, and
participates the central water
in sexual and vacuole may
asexual vary in its
reproduction, ability to
and exhibits stain from
pseudopod not at all to
extension and very
retraction apparent. T
6. Cyclospor Cyclospora Oocyst begins with  longer  Diagnosis of combination properly
a cayetanensi Size: 7-10 µm in ingestion of duration of C. antibiotic treating water
cayetane s diameter an oocyst. diarrhea cayetanensis known as prior to use
nsis Number of The oocyst may be trimethoprim- and only using
sporocysts: Two contains two accomplishe sulfamethoxazol treated water
Contents of sporocysts, d when stool e (Bactrim, when
sporocysts: Each each samples are Septra). If you're handling and
sporocyst contains enclosing two concentrated unable to take processing
two sphorozoites sporozoites. nontradition trimethoprim- food
Once inside a ally without sulfamethoxazol
human host, the use of e, your doctor
cells in the formalin may prescribe
small fixative. ciprofloxacin or
intestine  addition of nitazoxanide
provide a 5% (Alinia).
suitable potassium
environment dichromate
for the allows the
emergence of sporocysts to
sporozoites. become
The visible
as well as
resulting in
cyte and
Male and
unite and
form oocysts.
humans pass
oocysts in the
stool. Under
these oocyts
continue to
develop and
outside the
human body
7. Microspor Microsporidi Spores On entering  Enteritis Serologic tests are  Albenda Frequent
idia a Size: 1-5 µm the host,  Keratoconju available for the zole hand washing
Other features: human nctivitis detection of some  oral and limiting
Equipped with infection is  myositis species. fumagilli exposure to
extruding polar initiated Thin smears stained n- potential
filaments (or when the with trichrome or alternati sources of
tubules) that initiate infective acid-fast stain may ve infection
infection by spores inject show the desired treatme
injecting sporoplasm spores. nt
sporoplasm into a host
(infectious material) cell. A
into host cell complex
occurs, new
emerge, and
cells typically
Spores are
into the
in the direct
cycle in the
feces or
urine, or by
the death of
the host. In
addition, the
spores may
be ingested
by a
8. Toxoplas Toxoplasmo Oocyst. The definitive Toxoplasmic:  analyzing combination of avoidance of
ma gondii sis round to slightly host in the T. General blood trisulfapyrimidin contact with
oval form measures gondii life Symptoms samples es and cat feces.
10 to 15 µm long by cycle is the  Fatigue using pyrimethamine
8 to 12 µm wide. cat (or other serologic test (Daraprim) avoidance of
 Lymphadeni
transparent oocyst: felines). On methods ingesting
contains two ingestion of T.  microscopic Spiramycin is contaminated
sporocysts, each gondii cysts
 Chills used in Europe, meat.
with four present in the  Fever Canada, and
of infected
sporozoites. brain or  Headache human tissue Mexico but is keeping cats
a clear, colorless, muscle tissue  Myalgia samples or still considered away from
two-layered cell of Congenital the an experimental potentially
wall contaminated Toxoplasmosis inoculation drug in the infective
Tachyzoites. mice or rats,  hydrocephal of laboratory United States rodents,
-range in size from 3 the enclosed y animals feeding cats
to 7 µm by 2 to 4 bradyzoites  microcephal only dry or
µm. are released y, cooked
-Round. in the cat and  intracerebra canned cat
Each tachyzoite is quickly l food, and/or
equipped with a transform calcification, not having
single centrally into  chorioretini cats at all.
located nucleus, tachyzoites tis
surrounded by a cell  convulsions
membrane. four ways:
 psychomoto
One route
occurs when
humans are
in contact
with infected
cat feces and
ingest the
present via
The second
ingestion of
meat from
cattle, pigs, or
The third
means of
human T.
transfer is
l infection.
fourth route
of human
occurs when
blood is
into an
9. Pneumoc Pneumocyst Trophozoites P. jiroveci  Nonproducti  Giemsa and Trimethoprim-  perso
ystis osis Size: 2-4 µm takes up ve iron sulfamethoxazol nal
jiroveci Shape: Ovoid, residence in  Cough hematoxylin e (Bactrim) prote
ameboid the alveolar  Fever stains may ction
spaces in lung from
Number of nuclei: tissue.  rapid be used Pentamidine drople
One Mature cysts respirations  histologic isethionate and ts
rupture,  Cyanosis procedures, cotrimoxazole  Protec
Cysts producing particularly are alternative tive
Size: Diameter, 4-12 actively AIDS persons Gomori’s treatments. gear,
µm growing, infected with P. methenamin such
Shape: Roundish multiplying, jiroveci often also e silver as a
Number of nuclei: and feeding suffer from Kaposi’s nitrate stain. mask,
Four to eight; trophozoites. sarcoma, a  Serologic worn
unorganized or The malignant skin techniques aroun
arranged in a trophozoites disease have been d
rosette eventually developed know
convert into Infected but are not n
precysts and malnourished yet infect
cysts. infants experience considered ed
poor feeding, loss of perso
energy, a rapid ns
respiration rate, and may
cyanosis. be

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