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Conventions of Product Reviews in this extract

Personal Anecdotes: “I went into my screening wondering what about that

original pitch was scintillating enough to spark such a frenzied bidding war”
Ethos: Personal anecdotes and closes the distance with readers and writers, reference
to other films and associated actors makes the author seem knowledgeable, hence
readers will have an easier time trusting him.
Industry Trends: “Other types of movies…..vanished from big screens”
Emotive Language: “blockbuster” “globe trotting”
Evaluative Language: “Trashy” “uninspired”
Jargon: “Reynolds stays in his usual territory”

M: Red Notice is a film with great potential and amazing cast but is ultimately boring
A: Anyone who is interested in seeing the film or are fans of anyone within the cast.
General public, reviews are meant to be seen by a general public
P: Inform its audience of the film and persuade the audience that it is not a movie that
it lived up to be.

BP1: Opening sections of the text and how it sets out the premise of the entire review,
stating personal hopes and opinions of the movie

BP2: Middle sections getting more analytical and opinion based, plot and cast are all

BP3: Ending sections reinforces the personal opinions and adds a glimpse of
evaluation as to the film and how it can do better, this tells the reader that the author is
knowledgeable enough to give out advice, generating ethos.

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