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INTRODUCTION: This module covers the General concept of character will present the
meaning of character formation or personality development. It will also tackle contributing
factors of character formation.


At the end of the module the learners should be able to:
1. Define what is character formation.
2. Enumerate and discuss the characteristics of a character.
3. Elucidate the importance of character building; and
4. Critically discuss the helps in character building of a person

PART 1. ORIENTATION. This part of module discusses salient features of ECA student
handbook, the expectations from students, the vision, mission, goal and objectives of the college
and of the institution, the desired learning outcomes of the students, general rule, observance of
academic honesty and professionalism, policy on absences, about required readings, evaluation
and grading system and house rules during the online class meetings.


The term character was derived from the Greek word "charassein,” referring to an engraving
instrument, originally used of a mark impressed upon a coin o the mark cut by it. Then it was applied to a
distinctive mark of the personality; and gradually, to the sum total of such marks, each individual one is
called characteristics (Bartemeier, 2009).

Basically, the character is defined as a psychological notion that refers to all the habitual ways of feeling
and reacting of a person that distinguish one individual from another. It is the trademark of being a person
and character is roughly equivalent to personality.


Character formation as defined by Donald (2006), is the process by which the individual,
through interaction of biologically transmitted predispositions with the environment, develops stable
pattern of functioning, thinking and feeling.

It is also known as, Character Building. It is that deeply internalized patterns of values and attitudes and
the consequent actions that are often established in precognitive times of life through the natural and
normal educational patterns that are appropriate for young children.

Nursing, weaning, toilet training, birth of siblings and the early relationship to the parents (especially to
the mother) are some of the examples of character formation. Character traits are usually formed through
the identification with parents and other important adults in the child's environment.

Everyone is partly responsible for one's character. Aristotle noted that character develops over time as one
acquires habits from parents and the environment either through reward and punishment. Developing a
good character is much learning to play a musical instrument. Initially, an individual may be under some
pressure to practice, but eventually, enjoys playing with skill and understanding (Hartman, 2013).


1. Parental Influence

Parental influence is the most important of all the factors responsible for personality
development. The way parents behave with the child, how much he is allowed to socialize, the kind of
culture he is subjected to by them, and the emotional make-up of his parents, all these have a great
bearing on the child's mental growth. In early stage of their human existence, children adapt their parent's
mannerisms. Thus, parents should be careful in their ways for they establish a great influence to their
children's character.

2. Home Environment

Home as cradle of human character and personality largely contribute to the character formation
of a child. It is said that the parents are the first educators of the children. It is their parental guidance and
discipline that creates the kind of character, personality and attitude the child has.

Parents should make sure that the child incorporates the positive emotions in his personality and stays
away from the negative ones. A child needs both his parents, to develop his personality. An absentee
father can be a negative influence on the child. To make a child a confident, positive person, parents
should avoid being too authoritative, trying to discipline excessively, criticizing the child, discouraging
him, comparing him with others, and being partial.

3. School Environment

To perfect the total development of a child's character and attitude, besides the home
environment, a child's school environment too plays a major role in shaping a child's personality. Once a
child starts going to school, he learns how to interact and deal with his peers. He comes to know how to
engage in “playing” according to the rules and regulations. He gets educated, and learns how to read,
write and communicate effectively. A child's personality is greatly influenced by the way he is treated at
school, both by his teachers as well as his peers. The school reinforces the education that the child needs
that home fails to provide.

4. Culture

Everyone has different character and values because of the different cultures where everyone is
exposed. Sociologists found out that different cultures have different values and a child grows up with
them, sub-consciously absorbing the same. The influence of culture on personality and social
development cannot be ignored. Those who were born and grew up in western countries are influenced to
be individualistic and competitive, while those children brought up in Asian, African, and South
American countries are taught to be cooperative.

Infancy, toddlerhood, preschool, and school-age are the various phases that a child passes through and
each of these stages has its own share of problems and challenges, which a child has to overcome, with
his parent's assistance, to turn out to be a well-developed personality.

Five (5) Factors that Determine Character Personality Traits.

1. Openness: appreciation for a variety of experiences

2. Conscientiousness: planning ahead rather than being spontaneous.

3. Extraversion: being sociable, energetic and talkative.

4. Agreeableness: being kind, sympathetic, and happy to help.

5. Neuroticism: inclined to worry or be vulnerable or temperamental


1. Positive Character /Good Character / Positive Trait - These are attributes such as integrity, honesty,
courage, loyalty fortitude, and other important virtues that promote good behavior and habits. Further, it
is said that:

a. Being honest and taking responsibility for your actions are admirable qualities.

b. Adaptability and compatibility are great traits that can help you get along with others.

C. Drive and determination will help you keep going no matter what.

d. Compassion and understanding mean you relate well to others.

e. Patience is a virtue and also a good personality trait.

f. Courage will help you do what's right in tough situations.

g. Loyalty is a good quality to possess, making others trust you

. 2. Negative Character / Negative Character / Negative Trait - A person's predisposition to commit

evil acts.

a. A propensity for lying, in order to avoid responsibility for our actions is a deplorable quality.

b. Being rigid and selfish, and unyielding to the needs of others are not endearing qualities.

C. Being full of laziness and excuses is sure to drive others away, too.

d. A hot temper and an inability to empathize with others will also alienate us from others.

e. Being quick to anger will turn people away.

f. Being distant · Being disloyal, quick to talk about others behind their backs or, worse, stab them in the
back for personal gain also falls high on the

The Six (6) Pillars of Good Character

(Source: Josephson

1. Trustworthiness

This is the pillar of good character that is considered the most complicated of the six core ethical values
and concerns a variety of qualifies like honesty, integrity, reliability, and loyalty.

When a person is given a greater leeway and no need to be monitored just to assure that they meet their
obligations. When they are trusted, we develop in them higher esteem which may be satisfying to them.
They must constantly live up to the expectations of others and refrain from even small lies or selfserving
behavior that can quickly destroy relationship.

A. Honesty

There is no more fundamental ethical value than honesty. Honesty is associated with honor. A person of
good character must be a person of honesty in both communications and conduct. Honesty in
communications is expressing the truth as best we know it and not conveying it in a way likely to mislead
or deceive.

Dimensions of Honesty

a) Truthfulness. Presenting the facts to the best of our knowledge. Take note that, intent is the
crucial distinction between truthfulness and truth itself. Being wrong is not the same thing as lying,
although honest mistakes can still damage trust insofar as they may show sloppy judgment.

b) Sincerity. One must observe genuineness, being without trickery or duplicity for it precludes all
acts, including half-truths, out-of-contexts statements, and even silence, that are intended to create beliefs
or leave impressions that are untrue or misleading.

c) Candor. In relationships involving legitimate expectations of trust, honesty, may also require
candor, forthrightness, and frankness, imposing the obligation to volunteer information that another
person needs to know.
d) Integrity. Persons of integrity are those who acts according to expediency. He is also consistent.
There is no difference in the way he makes decisions from situations from to situation; his principles do
not vary at work or at home, in public or alone.

The person of integrity takes time for self-reflection, so that events, crises, and seeming necessities of the
day do not determine the course of his moral life. He stays in control. He may be courteous, even
charming, but he is never duplicitous or unfaithful. He never demeans himself with obsequious behavior
toward those he thinks might do him some good. He is trusted because you know who he is: What You
See is What You Get. People integrity are called "hypocrites" or "two faced".

1. Reliability (Promise-Keeping).

Reliable persons are those who keep their promises for he believes that doing so create legitimate basis
for another person to rely on him, and that he undertakes special moral duties. They accept the
responsibility of making all reasonable efforts to fulfill their commitments. Because promise-keeping is
such an important aspect of trustworthiness.

Considerations to Maintain Reliability

•Avoid Bad-Faith Excuses. Interpret your promises fairly and honestly. Do not try to rationalize

•Avoid Unwise Commitments. Before making a promise consider carefully whether you are willing and
likely to keep it. Think about unknown, or future events that could make it difficult, undesirable, or
impossible. Sometimes, all we can promise is to our best.

•Avoid Unclear Commitments. Be sure that when you make a promise, the other person understands
what you are committing to do.

B. Loyalty

To be trusted one must be loyal to his or husband or wife, friends, employer, employee, organization,
citizen, and country.

Our relationships with other people create an expectation of allegiance, fidelity, and devotion. Hence,
loyalty is a responsibility that each one should develop and maintain to promote the interests of certain
people, organizations, or affiliations. This duty goes beyond the normal obligation we all share to care for

However, one should not sacrifice ethical principles when giving allegiance, fidelity, and devotion to the
other people to preserve his or her integrity, and dignity. We are only demanded to go with what is right
and legal. We should rather choose to lose our relationship with others than our legitimacy.

So many individuals and groups make loyalty claims on us that we must rank our loyalty obligations in
some rational fashion. For example, it is perfectly reasonable, and ethical, to look out for the interests of
our children, parents, and spouses even if we have to subordinate our obligations to other children,
neighbors, or co-workers in doing so. To be loyal we must develop the ability of safeguarding
confidential information. However, when keeping a secret breaks the law, threatens, or jeopardize others,
it is more important to "blow the whistle." Employees and public servants have a duty to make all
professional decisions on merit, unimpeded by conflicting personal interests. They owe ultimate loyalty to
the public.

2. Respect

The Golden Rule in Human Relation, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," perfectly
illustrates "respect'. When respect is observed we would prevent and pre-empt violence, humiliation. It
notions such as civility, courtesy, decency, dignity, autonomy, tolerance, and acceptance.

Everyone has a right to be treated with dignity. We certainly have no ethical duty to hold dignity. We
have no ethical duty to hold all people in high esteem, but we should treat everyone with respect,
regardless of who they are and what they have done. We have a responsibility to be the best we can be in
all situations, even when dealing with unpleasant people.

Qualities of a Respectful Person

a) Ability to Listen - When somebody is talking, he is attentively listening.

b) Treat Others with Consideration — Respectful person does not resort to intimidation, coercion,
or violence except in extraordinary and limited situations to defend others, including maturing children, to
have a say in the decisions that affect them.

c) Capable of Accepting Individual differences and Beliefs — Respectful individuals without

prejudice openly accept principles and ideologies of others. They judge others only on their negative
character, abilities, and conduct.

3. Responsibility

It is understood that life is full of choices and everyone has its own judgement and decisions to take in
life. However, we are expected to be responsible for our actions and behaviors as rational being. Being
responsible means to take charge and accountable of the consequences of what we think and do. Our
capacity to reason and our freedom to choose, make us morally autonomous and, therefore, answerable
for whether we honor or degrade the ethical principles that give life meaning and purpose. Thus, an
individual must be responsible and accountable, pursue excellence and exercise self-restraint. They
exhibit the ability to respond to expectations.

In the doctrine of Command Responsibility in accordance with the professional conduct of criminology
students or police officers, it imposed to commensurate accountability to the one who is vested with
authority to exercise management leadership functions (Guerero et. al., (2016).
Additionally, as noted by Guerero et al. (2016), one of the canons of police ethics is the primordial police
responsibility which is to serve and protect citizenry.

Qualities of a Responsible Person

a. Sense of Accountability. An accountable person leads by example and does not shift blame or
claim credit for the work of others. He considers the likely consequences of his behavior and associations.
He recognizes the common complicity in the triumph of evil when nothing is done to stop it.

b. Pursuit of Excellence. Responsible person shows diligence what he is doing, careful in his
actions, prepared and informed. They finish what they started, overcoming rather than surrendering to
obstacles. They avoid excuses such as, "That’s just the way I am," or "les not my job," or "It was legal,"
and always look for ways to do their work better.

c. Self-restraint. Responsible people exercise self-control, restraining passions, and appetites (such
as lust, hatred, gluttony, greed, and fear) for the sake of longer-term vision and better judgment. They
delay gratification if necessary and never feel it is necessary to "win at any cost." They realize they are as
good as they choose to be, every day.

If one law enforcer lacks this quality it will likely lead to this timely example, of the shooting incident
involving a police officer in Paniqui, Tarlac that led to the death of a 52-year-old mother and her son that
leads to condemnation of the police officer due to lack of self-restraint and maximum tolerance.

Police officers are trained to self-restraint, as they should always exercise maximum tolerance, both in
private and personal dealings.

4. Fairness

This pillar of good character involves issues of equality, impartiality, proportionality, openness,
and due process. It is unfair to handle similar matters inconsistently, and to impose punishment that is not
commensurate with the offense.

Remember that fairness and honesty are qualities that have universal appeals. Thus, there is opportunity
or need to display these qualities especially in the police service. Majority of community criticism against
police authority is occasioned by reason of partiality and unfairness in exercising police function.
Impartial application of laws and regulations, fairness and honesty in exercising police authority are
powerful forces in insuring community respect for police service (Florendo, 2012).

Unfair person does not scrupulously employ open and impartial processes for gathering and evaluating
information necessary to make decisions. In contrast, fair people do not wait for the truth to come to
them; they seek out relevant information and conflicting perspectives before making important
judgements. They make decisions objectively without favoritism or prejudice. They do not take advantage
of the weakness or ignorance of others.
5. Caring

Caring is the art of ethics, and ethical decision-making. It is scarcely possible to be truly ethical
and yet unconcerned with the welfare of others. That is because ethics is ultimately about good relations
with other people.

It is easier to love "humanity" than to love people. People who consider themselves ethical and
yet lack a caring attitude toward individuals tend to treat others as instruments of their will. They rarely
feel an obligation to be honest, loyal, fair, or respectful except insofar as it is prudent for them to do so,
disposition which itself hints at duplicity and a lack of integrity. A person who really cares feels an
emotional response to both the pain and pleasure of others.

The highest form of caring is the honest expression of benevolence, or altruism. This is not to be
confused with strategic charity. Gifts to charities to advance personal interests are a fraud. That is, they
are gifts at all. They are investments or tax write-offs.

6. Citizenship

This pillar of good character includes civic virtues and duties that prescribe how we ought to
behave as part of a community. The good citizen knows the laws and obeys them. He volunteers and stays
informed on the issues of the day, the better to execute his duties and privileges as a member of a self-
governing democratic society.

In conclusion, the Six Pillars of Character are ethical values to guide our choices. The standards of
conduct that arise out of those values constitute the ground rules of ethics, and therefore of ethical
decision-making. The Six Pillars act as a multi-level filter through which to process decisions. So, being
trustworthy is not enough — we must also be caring. Adhering to the letter of the law is not enough —e
we must accept responsibility for our action or inaction. The Pillars can help us detect situations where
we focus so hard on upholding one moral principle that we sacrifice another — where, intent on holding
others accountable, we ignore the duty to be compassionate; where, intent on getting a job done, we
ignore how. In short, the Six Pillars can dramatically improve the ethical quality of our decisions, and
thus our character and lives.

• Caballero, N. S. & Barican, L. B. (2020). Character Formation 1. Nationalism and
Patriotism. Philippines: Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.

I. INTRODUCTION: On the previous module the students have already equipped in understanding the
meaning of character formation In this module, we will be learning the Filipino characters and traits.


At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:

1. Determines the traits and attitudes of the Filipino as well as positive and negative traits of
2. Enumerates the positive and negative traits of Filipino as well as the character and personality of
3. Understand the main obligation underlying Filipino orientation.


The Most Well-known Traits and Attitudes of the Filipino

Positive Traits of Filipinos

1. Hospitality
A trait displayed by every Filipino, characterized by heart-warming generosity and friendliness exhibited
to foreigners and locals alike.
Filipinos are well-known for being hospitable. This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos. Most
foreigners who have gone to the Philippines fell in love with the warm hospitality they have experienced
while staying in the country thousands of years ago. Good thing is that the hospitality of the Filipinos is
not only shown to the foreigners but to its fellow Filipino as well.
Hospitality of Filipinos is shown in the following sample situations:
a. when a person visits a friend's house; the host greets him or her with a very warm welcome. The
host will immediately let their visitor sit down and will prepare a meal or a snack plus drinks for the
visitor. The host will insist that the friend not leave the house with an empty stomach. A host will always
make sure you had a great time visiting them.
b. People offer their guest room to visitors if they are going to spend the night.
c. Meals offered to guests are very special. A host always finds a way to prepare great tasting food
that her visitor wants to eat.

2. Respect
This is often observed-not just by younger people-but also by people of all ages. In the Philippines,
respect for one's elders is a tradition.
a. PO at Opo - These words are spoken by the Filipinos when talking to elders, or in order to show
respect to the elders, or in order to show respect to persons in authority. These Filipino words mean "yes,"
when answering or talking to the elders.
b. Pagmamano - Another way of showing to the elders when greeting them. This is done by putting
their elders! hands on their foreheads.
c. Filipinos also show respect at work by making a bow to their employers.

3. Strong Family Ties and Religions

Filipino values their families so much that they tend to keep families go to church and pray together
because their religion is important and creates a strong bond, marking God as the center of their religion
is important and create a strong bond, marking God as the center of their lives. Filipinos believe in only
one God and majority of the population are Catholics. It is a value system of the Filipinos to pray before
eating, going to bed, before the start of the meeting, conferences of program, gathering, etc.
On weekends, most Filipino families make sure to have quality time together by watching television or
eating a family meal, watch movies or going to beach resorts.

4. Generosity and Helpfulness

Aside from being hospitable, Filipinos are also well-known for being generous. They share what they
have to the people around them even when they only have little.
These could be felt during birthdays, weddings, or fiesta (party). When visitors came to celebrate great
tasting, special foods are specially prepared for everyone. It is shared by friends, families, or even
When you will be in trouble, Filipinos cannot refuse to help you. They are always willing to assist you or
lend a hand.

5. Strong Work Ethics

Another good thing most Filipinos have is being hardworking people. They are always willing to work
almost the whole day to provide the needs of their families. Filipino farmers though earning so little, but
they work with not much compensation.
Aside from their regular work, Filipinos always find creative ways to look for Other sources of income
like creating a small business from their home where they sell foods and other items for the convenience
of their neighbors.

6. Loving and Caring

Due to their generosity, hospitality and religiosity, Filipinos are found to be the sweetest and most loving
people in the world.
It is expressed by both foreigners and Filipino women that most Filipino men are so sweet and romantic
when it comes to love. They will send their beloved flowers, bring her to a very romantic place, text her
sweet quotes and tell often how special she is to them. Women tend to prepare dinner before their
husband comes home. They love, and value the relationship, always staying faithful to their husbands.
They love deeply and sincerely.

Negative Traits of Filipinos

1. Fatalism ("Bahala Nat' or "Come What May" Attitude)

When Filipinos are facing difficulties and shortcomings, they have this attitude of leaving it up to God to
sort things out. An attitude of "What Goes Around Comes Around." Filipinos tend to surrender the future
to luck. They have that strong confidence that everything will work out in his interest without doing
anything. Filipinos Often accepts bad news or circumstances without trying to stop or change them. This
can sometimes be helpful in adversity, but it can also keep us from finding ways out of situations. Also,
constantly expecting the worst can get pretty depressing.

2.Mañana Habit (Procrastination)

True blooded Filipinos have the attitude of causing delays in accomplishing things or making
transactions. When not interested or not in the mood, they wait until tomorrow or the next day to finish
what they are doing or meeting their transactions. However, there are some Filipinos nowadays who take
their time in doing things or in making decisions promptly. There are some who are habitually late or not
showing up at all. There are few Filipinos who are punctual for social meetings. In fact, it is not expected
of them to arrive exactly on time especially at a party.
The "bahala na" attitude is the outcome of the "mañana habit" when the tasks are left undone. This is
usually shown and even expressed by people who do not care much of what lies ahead and just leave
everything in fate.

3. Crab Mentality
This is an attitude of some Filipinos where they tend to push each other down to clear the way for their
own gain. Filipino people with this kind of mentality or attitude each other, by making issues against the
other for him to turn out bad to the public or to the company or so that people will gradually put distance
and loss their confidence and trust that eventually result to their replacement.

4. Hypocrisy
This is the trait of the Filipino where criticisms to others’ failure to live with the moral standards of the
society are inevitable. In the Philippines, morality is highly valued, most of us to live up to the standards
set by the traditional society. However, as no one is perfect, many of us are not actually able to sustain
these standards.
The fear of being an outcast has forced a lot of people to live a double standard life. To hide our failure in
following a norm, we tend to be condemning those who are caught red handed. A perfect example could
be the criticisms faced by those who become pregnant outside marriage The sad fact behind this scenario
is that some of critics could have actually engaged in premarital too-only that no proof is visible.

5. Ningas Cogon
One reason why we sometimes exert half-hearted effort in our undertakings is due to this attitude.
Translated to "burning cogon grass" in English, this idiom is meant to illustrate how Filipinos initially
exhibit great enthusiasm at the beginning of a project. Our eagerness, however, fades away just as quickly
as the fire is extinguished, leaving our work either half-baked or unfinished.
Most Filipinos are very good at the start when doing something. Nevertheless, after few hours or days,
the excitement to do or accomplish something is lost and become too lazy to finish what were have

6. Tardiness (Filipino time)

Only in the Philippines that we have the so-called "Filipino time" but not exactly referring to the
Philippine standard time, but then again, we use it to refer to the "tardiness" of the persons that we are
waiting or who keeps on coming late to the set time schedule of events. Instead of being something to be
proud of, 'Filipino time' brings a negative impression to our people. When the invitation says the program
will start at 7pm, it is expected to begin at 9pm. This has not only caused conflicts in relationships, but it
also discourages others including foreigners from getting involved in supposedly productive activities as
too much time can be wasted on waiting.

7. Gossiping
Filipinos are fond talking about other’s business. It is not true that only women into gossiping. Even men
can also be nosy on other people's lives. Secrets are brought out; failures and flaws are emphasized; and
relationships are destroyed. Worse, as gossips are passed around, they tend to be twisted until the final
story becomes too far from the original-thus, causing more damage.

1. Blaming- Filipinos can sometimes be too self-righteous. When mistakes happen, we do not want to
take the blame, we lack humility to accept our failures, and instead we point at others. This shows how
irresponsible we are on our actions. This attitude destroys teamwork, and reliability becomes an issue.

9. Selfishness (being insensitive of others)

Most Filipinos are insensitive to the needs and situations of others. Th1S could be an outcome of having
too many problems that Filipinos are facing and the tendency is to focus on their own needs first before

10. Disobedience to Simple Rules and Instructions

Some Filipinos, despite of the understanding of the purpose of laws and ordinances have inability to
observe and follow them. Consequently, crime victimization and accident rate in the Philippine are
constantly rising, poverty is getting more rampant and lifestyle development is relaxed.

11. Attention Taker

Filipinos are fun and people loving race. Thus, attracting attention is natural for them. Nevertheless, it is a
different thing to be an "epal" or "kapalmuks" — simply, being an attention grabber.
Sometimes, in our desperate need to be the center of attention, we do things that are already embarrassing
like butting in conversations as a know-it-all or by being scandalous. This-habit is also common to our
Instead of prioritizing their duty to give the best service to the people, they rather prioritize their thick
faces to grab attention that will bring them more chance of winning in the next election. But thanks to our
vigilant netizens, this kind of politicians earns more shame than fame.
12. Being onion-skinned or too sensitive
Another habit or attitude that we need to change is our being too proud which usually results to being
oversensitive. If we think highly of ourselves, then we tend to put a wall around us and that a signboard
on our forehead saying, "I must be respected" Therefore, when someone makes a joke or a not so positive
comment about us, we feel like we are not respected, and we get offended. If all people in the country do
not know how to accept constructive criticism, then we can never expect unity.

13. Living beyond their means (social climbing)

One of the reasons why a lot of Filipinos live in poverty is because of overspending. Since most people
want to live an elite lifestyle, many resorts to social climbing or living beyond their means. Sometimes,
some of us think that as long as we wear designer clothes and shoes, and we send our children to the most
expensive schools, it is alright to be swimming in credits and loans.
14. Passivity (lack of leadership)
Filipinos' lack of initiative for change is also one reason why our country does not progress. We keep on
complaining against the government and other societal issues. However, we do not do anything about
them. One of our excuses is the lack of faith that our small actions can bring change. However, we do not
do anything about them. One of our excuses is the lack of faith that our small actions can bring change.
However, the worse reason for this could be our lack of care for what is happening around us. Common
Filipinos also lack courage and confidence rooms, most of us do not like to sit in the front seat.

15. Other Negative Traits

Some Filipino women give birth at an early age 16 (Teenage Pregnancy). Some just do not mind their
own business. Some have many bad habits, like drinking, smoking, etc. Some poor teenagers engage in
prostitution. There are many broken families. A lot of bad words to choose from which Filipinos just
cannot avoid saying those, Most Filipinos tend to be with friends most of the time than to be with their

Filipino Character and Personality

Three (3) Main Traits Understanding Filipino Values (Excerpted from the Philippines Australia
Business Council)

1. Personalism — Filipinos valued interpersonal relationship. It is firmly believed that harmonious

personal relationship is the key to successful endeavors. Amicable settlement of dispute is the primary
means of restoring broken relationships and face-to-face open forum is considered once conflict is
recognized in an organization of the community.

2. Familialism - Filipinos are family-oriented. Development programs and projects in the

community are concentrated on the family. Decision on matters is centered on the welfare and best
interest of the family rather than on the betterment and interest of some individuals. The mistakes
committed by a family member affects the credibility and of the immediate members of the family and

3. Particularism — Displayed behavior by the individuals may it be good or bad is blamed against
the family. It is based on the principle that home is the cradle of human personality and character that is,
the product of goodness is always good and those who are molded in wickedness, will always show-off
badness. Individuals strive to promote their own and their family's interests over community interests.
On the other hand, knowing how to entertain people (marunong umasikaso ng kapwa) is important.
Conformity to proper codes of conduct reaps the rewards of cooperation and assistance; non-conformity
is punished by withdrawal of support.
Filipino Values Orientation

Values Orientation - is the approach that may influence work or social relationships by persons relating to
objects, events, and ideas,

Three Main Obligations Underlying Filipino Orientation

The relational or face-to-face interactions and their resulting responsibilities are called interpersonal
obligations. This is in relation to the value in Filipino cultural orientation, the personalism.
Pakikiramay, pakikisama, bayanihan, and galang are the nature of interpersonal relationships that are
inherent to the pureblooded Filipino people.

1. Pakikiramay - It is in the Filipino value of going out of the way to help, without being asked,
i.e., unsolicited help.
2. Pakikisama (Smooth Interpersonal Relations) - Regardless whether someone's views are
agreeable or not, Filipinos are capable of getting along with it. Camaraderie, trust, confidence, and loyalty
are enhanced and developed by this Filipino value.
3. Bayanihan - As mentioned in the preceding topics, Filipinos are able to render services and
generous enough to extend help without compensation. Somebody can request help in time of need from
those to whom it is extended.
4. Galang (Respect) - Filipinos are basically oriented to revere to the opinions of elders, peers, or
those in authority, during important discussions during social encounters. Verbal clash or any sign of
extreme familiarity in public meetings is a sign of disrespect to elders or persons in authority.

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