Module 1 (LC 1) HUMMS

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo
Guiso, Calinog, Iloilo

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________________

Grade & Section: _____________________________ Score: ________________________________

Teacher: JULIE ANN D. PAJARILLA Period Covered: ______________________

Module No.: 1


 The learner understands the literary conventions that govern the different genres. (e.g., narrative convention of
fiction, etc.)


 The learner clearly and coherently uses a chosen element conventionally identified with a genre for a written output.


 Analyze the theme and techniques used in a particular text



 Elements, Techniques, and Literary Devices


 Directions: Read the following questions carefully and circle the letter of your answer.

1. What is a theme?
a. Topic b. Subject c. Main idea d. Mood

2. How can a theme be stated in a text?

a. Directly b. Indirectly c. Implied d. Directly and Indirectly

3. Which of the following is an example of theme?

a. Wash you hands with soap all the time.
b. Life is short; make the most of it.
c. Vegetables and fruits are good for our health.
d. Avoid too much exposure to gadgets.

4. What is the difference between the subject and the theme?

a. The subject is the topic; the theme is an opinion.
b. They are both the same.
c. The theme is an idea expressed n a single word; the subject is the main idea.
d. The subject is the main character in the story; the theme is emotional state of the speaker.

5. How do you explore theme in a piece of writing?

a. By analyzing literary elements c. the theme is stated or implied.
b. By analyzing literary techniques. D. Both B and C
6. Which of the following is NOT related to the theme?
a. How a character is feeling
b. The moral of the story
c. The life lesson the main character learns
d. A truth that exhibits universality

7. Does the plot of the story affect the theme?

a. No b. Yes c. Maybe d. Never

8. What is the purpose of the theme?

a. Resolution b. Confusion c. Insight d. Benevolence

9. When determining a theme, what should the reader should consider first?
a. Topic b. title c illustrations d. length of the story

10. One way to figure out the theme is to ______

a. Read the beginning of the story c. To skim through the story
b. Read the ending of the story d. Think about what the character has learned.


A. Objective: Analyze the theme and techniques used in a particular text

B. Concept/Discussion:

What is theme?
 Theme is defined as the main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work, which may
be stated directly or indirectly. It binds together various essential elements of a narrative. It is
often a truth that exhibits universality, and stands true for people of all cultures. It gives reader better
understanding of the main character’s conflicts, experiences, discoveries, and emotions as they are derived from

 Types of Themes
1. Major theme - is an idea that a writer repeats in his literary work, making it the most
significant idea in the work.
2. Minor theme - refers to an idea that appears in a work briefly, giving way to another minor

 Difference between a Theme and a Subject

Subject is a topic that acts as a foundation of a literary work, while a theme is an opinion expressed on the
subject. For example, a writer may choose a subject of war for his story, and the theme may be his personal
opinion that war is a curse for humanity. Usually, it is up to the readers to explore the theme of of a literary work
by analyzing characters, plot, and other literary devices.

 Presentation of Themes
 A writer may express a theme through the feelings of his main character about the subject
he has chosen to write about.
 Themes are presented through thoughts and conversations of different characters. The
experiences of the main character in the course of literary work give us an idea about its
 The actions and events taking place in a narrative are consequential in determining its

Short Examples of Theme

1. The bus was travelling at a great speed when it was stopped by a gang of robbers. The passengers were ordered to
get out, leaving their precious belongings in the bus.
(Answer: Theme of fear)

2. The teacher said that she hoped all of her students would pass with good grades.
(Answer: Theme of optimism)

3. Their marriage ceremony was taking place in a grand hotel. All he eminent people of the city were invited, the
reason that the celebration was excellent. (Answer: Theme of happiness)
4. The immigrant looked around to talk to somebody, but could find no one to spoke his language. He felt
claustrophobic and desolate. (Answer: Theme of hopelessness)

5. The general commanded his troops to open fire at the enemy, and to kill each and every soldier of the combatants.
(Answer: Theme of war)

Examples of Theme in Literature

Poem: Annabel Lee (by Edgar Allan Poe) Poem: The Charge of the Light by Alfred Tennyson
“I was a child and she was a child, “Half a league, half a league,
In this kingdom by the sea, Half a league onward,
But we loved with a love that was more than love -- All in the valley of Death
I and my Annabel Lee -- Rode the six hundred.
With a love that the winged seraphs of Heaven ‘Forward, the Light Brigade!
Coveted her and me.” Charge for the guns!’ he said:
Into the valley of Death
This short extract, taken from Poe’s poem, depicts Rode te six hundred.”
the theme of love.
This extract from a poem by Tennyson has two
interwoven themes. War is the main of the poem, which
Source: naturally leads to death - while the theme of death is
interwoven with the theme of war.
Examples of Theme in a Text

1. Even though they were sisters, Suzie and June were nothing alike. If Suzie wanted to jump rope, June wanted to
play hopscotch. If June wanted to watch soap operas, Suzie wanted to watch talk shows. Tensions rose to the point
that the girls could no longer stand one another’s company. It seemed that they had nothing in common, until the day
that progress reports came out. While riding the bus home from school, the girls—startled by how upset the other
looked—realized that they were both failing a subject. Suzie was failing math and June was failing reading. Since
both girls wanted to pass their classes, they got to talking and agreed to help one another. So everyday after school
for the next few weeks, Suzie tutored June in reading and then June tutored Suzie in math. By the time report cards
came were distributed, Suzie and June were passing all of their classes. The girls were delighted, but their mother
was happiest of all. Not just because her daughters passed their classes, but because they had learned to be good

Answers: It’s better to work together, everyone can learn something from someone else, two heads are better
than one.

2. "Mike, could you please fix the leak in the roof?" Katie asked her husband politely, but he was sick of what felt
like his wife nagging him. "I'll get to it when I get to it," he replied brusquely. A small drip-drop of water collected in
a cooking pot on the living room floor. The next time it rained, Katie had to use a large bucket. The leak was growing
in size. "Mike, I really need you to patch the roof. It is getting worse," Katie warned her husband, but again he was in
no mood to take direction. "Do I really need to keep saying this, Katie? I'm tired from working. I want to watch the
game. I will patch the leak later," but Mike did not patch the leak and it continued expanding. A few weeks later a
torrential rainstorm hit. The water poured through the roof. Some of it may have damaged the floor, but Mike didn't
even seem to notice until the rains fell on his widescreen television.

Answers: Do not wait until a problem get out of control to address it; consider the advice of others.


 Directions: Read and determine the theme of the story. Write circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. During the basketball game, the opponent tried to steal the ball from Sam by tapping the ball from Sam
without hitting his hands. When the referee called for a foul, Sam immediately told the referee that the opponent did
not hit her hand. A week later, the very same referee was at Sam’s another game. Sam was bumped by an opponent
while trying to shoot the ball. He fall hard in the court missing the points but the referee did not call for a foul,. Sam
didn’t say a word, but the referee noticed the reaction and surprised look from Sam’s face. The referee asked Sam if he
was bumped by an opponent. When Sam told him that he was intentionally bump hard by the opponent. Upon the review
and what Sam had said, the referee changed his decision and called for a technical foul for the opponent. The coaches
and the opponents were furious, but the referee stood by his decision.

What is the theme?

A. You should cheat to win. C. Teamwork is the best.
B. It pays to be honest. D. Always work hard.

2. Swimming is one thing that cannot can be done at the beach. Snorkeling is another thing that can be enjoyed.
Playing beach volleyball can be a lot of fun. It is also fun to look for shells. Some people simply like to sunbathe.
There are many fun things to do at the beach.

A. Some people simply like to sunbathe. C. There are many fun things to do at the beach
B. It is also fun to look for shells. D. Going to the beach to swim can be fun.

3. Nature’s first green is gold, Then leaf subsides to leaf,

Her hardest hue to hold. So Eden sank to grief
Her early leaf’s a flower; So dawn goes down to day
But only so an hour. Nothing gold can stay.

What is the central theme of this poem?

A. Innocence cannot last. C. Nature and man
B. Nature and beauty D. Sunset and sunrise are beautiful

4. Brrrr. Winter is cold in some places. Many plants do not grow during winter. Some plants die. Snow and
ice may cover the ground. It can be hard for animals to find food during winter.  Animals get through this
time in many ways.
Birds and butterflies can fly. Many of them do not stick around for the winter. They leave. They go to a
place with nice weather. Then they come home in the spring. We call this migration. Migrating is a good way
to avoid the cold.
Another good way to avoid the cold is to sleep through it. Many animals hide during the winter. Their
bodies slow down. They save their energy. They do not eat. They live off of their fat. They do this until food
returns. We call this hibernation. Snakes, frogs, and bears hibernate.

Some animals store food in their homes. They do not sleep all winter, but they do much less.  They live on
what they saved in the summer and fall. This is what squirrels, beavers, and raccoons do. Skunks do this too.
Other animals tough it out. They do not leave. They do not hide. They must survive. Sometimes nature helps
them out. Some animals grow thicker coats in the winter. Other animals change color. The arctic fox is brown in the
summer. His coat turns white in the winter.
Winter may be pretty. It is nice to see snow on the trees. But it is dangerous too. People are also at risk. You can
get frost bitten or worse. How do you beat the winter? Do you wear a thick coat? Do you stay inside? Or do you live
somewhere warm?

What is theme of this text?

a. Animals do funny and interesting things. c. Animals survive the winter in many ways.
b. Most flowers do not grow during the wintertime. d. We must prepare for the dangers of winter.

5. Tommy wanted a skateboard badly. Sometimes he would stay after school just to watch the older boys do tricks on the
stairs. Tommy thought that it looked like so much fun to grind down rails and kickflip over gaps. He imagined performing
jaw-dropping tricks on the various landmarks he passed on his way home. After months of saving money and begging his
grandma, Tommy finally got a skateboard. With a beaming grin across his face, Tommy ran out to his driveway and
attempted one of the tricks that he had often imagined himself performing. As Tommy put his first foot on his skateboard,
the skateboard slid out from under him and Tommy fell on his butt. He broke out into tears. That was the last time that
Tommy rode a skateboard.

What is the theme of the story? __________________________________________________________________



 Directions: Read carefully and analyze the theme for each story. Write in complete sentences.

1. For the last few months the team at J & J Marketers had been working hard to launch a new campaign for a major soft
drink. Much of the work had already been done, but the team still needed to agree on a color scheme for the campaign.
The team was evenly divided into a group that liked the pink and green color scheme and another that liked pink and
brown. The marketers decided to bring in a young man named David from the mailroom. David had shown some
promising characteristics in the past, and the team was excited to give him a chance to prove himself. Such a chance could
lead to a full-time position in the marketing department with a significant raise. The marketing team filled in David on the
new campaign and explained to him the current color scheme dilemma, but rather than speaking to the color scheme,
David took issue with the slogan. "I just don't like how it sounds. Also, this logo is boring. It would look a lot better if it
had some balloons or something behind it." The marketing department thanked him for his input and sent him back to the
mailroom. The next day they decided to bring in an outside consultant to help them resolve the color scheme dilemma.

What is the theme of the story?_______________________________________________________________


2. Katie exhaled calmly. After several long nights of studying, she finally felt ready for the exam. Walking into her
English class the next morning, Katie coolly focused on the task before her. As the teacher walked up and down the rows
distributing the test, Katie heard a noise, "Psst…" Katie turned to see Shannon staring at her desperately. Shannon
whispered, "I forgot to study. Please let me copy off of you. I'll do anything." Katie refused, "I can't risk it Shannon."
Each knew that if the teacher caught them, they would both fail, but Shannon persisted, "Come on, Katie. Help me out. I'll
give you fifty bucks." The teacher turned toward them from across the room, "Ladies, please, it's test time." Katie didn't
want to jeopardize her future, but fifty dollars was a lot of money to her, so she silently nodded at Shannon. During the
exam Katie kept her test document on the corner of her desk near Shannon, giving Shannon a clear view of all of her hard
work. Shannon copied Katie's test exactly, even the writing portion word for word. After the test Katie approached
Shannon in the hallway. "When am I going to get the fifty dollars?" Shannon sneered at her. "Ha, never. What are you
going to tell someone that you let me copy? Please..." Shannon snapped at Katie. Katie ran away crying, upset that she
had been deceived and worried that she would get caught cheating.

What is the theme of the story?____________________________________________________________


3. Twin brothers Jack and Willie had more differences than commonalities. Willie was tall and Jack was short. Willie was
always joking around while Jack was a very serious person. Perhaps their greatest difference was that Willie learned
things quickly and easily in school while Jack had to study long and hard. Willie had the time of his life during high
school. He played around a lot, did very little work, and managed to get Cs in most of his classes. On the other hand, Jack
had a difficult time during high school. He played around very little, worked really hard, and, like Willie, managed to get
Cs in most of his classes. When the twins went away to college, they acted in much the same way even though things had
changed. Willie went right to his usual tricks of skating by and doing as little as possible, while Jack continued to work
hard in all of his classes. Since he had worked hard his whole life, Jack noticed that the work in college was much more
difficult, but he was prepared for it. Willie did not really notice that the difficulty had changed until the semester was
over. Jack managed to get Bs and Cs in all of his courses while Willie earned mainly Ds and Fs and was placed on
academic probation.

What is the theme of the story?____________________________________________________________



(Please complete the statement by stating what you have learned in the lesson.)

I learned that…

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