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1113-1117 San Marcelino St. Paco, Manila

School of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education Science

Technology and Society

Name: Juliana Patrice J. Perez Date: 21/03/24

Topic/Presentation: Intellectual Revolution



1. What are the examples of intellectual revolution?

Based on the learning material for this module, the examples of intellectual
revolution are the Heliocentric Model of Copernicus, Darwinian Revolution, Theory of
Personality by Freud, Information Age, and Imperialism in African art. The first one is an
astronomical paradigm devised by Nicolaus Copernicus and published in 1543 about
the sun being situated in the center of the universe and is immovable with Earth and the
other planets following it in circular orbits altered through epicycles and at similar
velocities. The second is a book built on significant facts and inferences written by
Charles Darwin and published in 1859 which was a turning point in how people
understood biology and has profound implications for modern science, religion, and
other sectors of society. The third one is a theory proposed by Sigmund Freud in 1923
regarding the id, ego, and superego that are always at odds with one another and how
adult personality and behavior are shaped by the outcomes of these internal conflicts
throughout childhood wherein a person with a strong ego has a healthy personality and
imbalances of ego can lead to neurosis and undesirable behavior. The fourth one is a
concept that began in the mid-twentieth century about information accessibility and
ownership as the defining feature of the current age in human civilization and
characterized by a sudden transition away from traditional industry created by the
Industrial Age towards an economy centered on information technology. Lastly, the fifth
one is art in Africa wherein colonization became a part of African art history and how
heavily it influenced contemporary African art, at the same time, how it opened up
numerous new possibilities for contemporary African art by showcasing to the rest of the
world that creativity once associated with the past has resurfaced in modern-day Africa.

2. How did the intellectual revolution change society?

Intellectual revolution, known as the beginning of the development of modern
science, dramatically changed society mainly through diverting away from traditional
thinking and embracing the rational or logical way of reasoning. From this point forward,
its impact on society progressed further by means of the improvements it brought on the
variety of fields of sciences namely astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, and
1113-1117 San Marcelino St. Paco, Manila

School of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education Science

Technology and Society

mathematics. It also resulted in the introduction of the scientific methods to society

which, in turn, became the reason for the birth of new societies and how they are now
defined as independent bodies of knowledge in themselves.

3. What is intellectual revolution all about?

In the context of STS, intellectual revolution is described as the intricate
interrelationship of diverse social contexts and the emergence of modern science. It
encompasses concepts, theories, and knowledge derived from scientific observation
and experimentation. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, it is due to this that people's
perceptions of the impact of science in society have changed.

4. What is the aim of intellectual revolution?

The main purpose of intellectual revolution would be to assist mankind in gaining
wisdom or the ability to understand what is valuable in life for themselves as well as for
others. It also aims to equip humanity with wisdom comprising knowledge and technical
expertise and way more. Most importantly, it urged society to stray away from its
accustomed form which may inhibit human evolution to undergo radical changes that
challenges mankind further of what they are truly capable of.

5. What is intellectual thought?

From my own understanding of the module and based on my prior knowledge,
the term intellectual thought is defined as in-depth reasoning and thought in reference to
either topics or disciplines that elicit intense debate. Evident examples of this are
Copernicus’s hypothesis that led to the creation of heliocentrism, Darwin’s assumptions
that guided to the development of the theory of evolution, Freud’s speculations that
resulted in the formation of the theory of personality, and much more. Tracing back to
the definition earlier, these were all revolutionary intellectual thoughts that sparked
discussions and engagement in society in either supporting or counteracting these

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