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Access Laurel screens in Application Processing System (APS) at the URL mentioned below:
Login in APS

Update User id and Password

details as provided.

Update “Captcha” details as

mentioned in the field below.
Kindly check Caps of
alphabets and update values
Login in APS

• Once logged in user will be able to view this screen.

• User to click on “APS” and proceed.
Branch Selection in APS

Select the Branch from the dropdown list by typing atleast 3 characters.
Product Selection in APS

• Select the “New Application” option.

• Select the Product for accessing Laurel screens.
• Please note – Not to select the Products from “More Loans” options as this will lead to Old version of APS screens.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen

1 – Update Customer Type Customer and Sub-Type whose details are being updated in system.
Here we are updating Applicants details with Sub-Type of an Individual.

2 – Update Customer Name details and Date Of Birth.

3 – Select the Gender and Relationship option from the Drop Down List. For Customer Type as “Applicant”, select “Relation with
Applicant” option as “Self”. For Customer Type as “Co-Applicant” or other options, select “Relationship with Applicant” appropriately.
Update Mobile Number 1 of the Applicant that will be considered as Primary Mobile Number of the Applicant.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen

4 – Select “Customer
Segment” option as
appropriate from the
Drop Down List.

5 – “Citizenship” will
be updated as
6 “Indian” by default.

6 – Update Customers
Email id in Personal
Email or
Work/Business Email
fields. Select the “For
Commn.” option for
the Email id that the
customer wishes to
opt as
Communication id.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen

7 – Update Employer/Business Name by mentioning first 3 characters of the Employer/Business Name and then
selecting the option from the Dropdown list. In case the Employer/Business Name does not feature in the Drop down
list, then update the Employer/Business Name as mentioned on the Application Form and Proceed.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen – Address Details Updation

• Select appropriate Address Type from the drop down list.

• Update Address Line 1 , 2, 3 and Landmark as mentioned in the Loan Application Form.
• Update Pincode from the dropdown list that will appear after typing in first 4 digits of the Pincode.
• On selection, click on the Search icon to auto-populate the City and State.
• Update Landline number if available else it can be left Blank.
• If this address has to be selected as Mailing address, then select the option “Mailing Address”.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen – Address Details Updation

Kindly find the Address details field updated with all details. Once all the details are updated, click on “Save” option to
save this address as Residence address.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen – Address Details Updation

8 – Once the address is Saved, it will appear as mentioned in the highlighted block.

Both these icons refer to “Edit” and “Delete” of the respective Address.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen – Edit and Delete option in Address Details
Edit option Delete option

• Once the Edit option is selected, the address details will populate in the address fields that will enable the user to
edit the address details. Once the modification is completed, user to click on “Update” option.

• On selecting the Delete option, the address gets deleted from the records.
Data Entry in Laurel Screen – Address Details Updation

• Once all addresses of the users are updated in system, they will be listed in the above manner.

• The Red envelope icon on the residence address in the above screenshot denotes address is selected as mailing
Data Entry in Laurel Screen – Identification Details Updation

Update Customer Identification details as mentioned in this section and click on “Add Customer” option
Data Entry in Laurel Screen – Identification Details Updation

Once updated, APS id will be generated that will be displayed on top of the page.

Applicant name will be featured in this manner confirming successful updation of details.
Here the Edit option will enable the user to edit details for this Applicant.
Document upload in Laurel Screen

Click on this icon to

upload scanned
documents in
Document upload in Laurel Screen

Click on “Upload” option to upload scanned documents in Laurel.

Document upload in Laurel Screen

• The screen that opens allows user to select the Document from system database and upload it in Laurel system here.

• Here user will be able to view “Document Category” enabling user to select the category in which the document will be
uploaded. For eg., user will select “KYC Document” as Document Category where PAN or Address proof is being
uploaded in system.
Document upload in Laurel Screen

• Once the Document Category is selected, then user to select Document and Document Owner name.
• If user is uploading Applicants documents, then select Document owner as Applicant and if user is
uploading Co-applicants documents, then select Document Owner as Co-Applicant and so on.
• Then Select on “Choose Files” to browse and select the document. Once the document is selected, click on
“Add” option and proceed.
• Once all relevant documents are uploaded for the specific Document Category, click on “Save” option.

• Repeat this for all other Document Categories for uploading relevant documents of the customer.
Document upload in Laurel Screen

• Uploaded Documents can be viewed by the user as shown in the above screenshot.

• Once all documents are uploaded, user can close the window and proceed.
My View option to view FTNR cases

This option
the FTNR
cases in

Count of
cases marked

• My View option provides user to view cases marked as FTNR by Underwriting team.

• User can click on the APS ids and confirm reason for marking the case as FTNR.

• User can rectify these cases as well by adding or modifying the documents uploaded.
Rectification of FTNR cases

Reason for marking case as FTNR will be mentioned in “FTNR Reason”.

Rectification of FTNR cases

9 – User can click the Document number to upload the revised document in Laurel.
Rectification of FTNR cases

• Once the rectified document is uploaded, it will be marked with .

• If user has to add new Document, Click the option “Upload” and follow the process as
mentioned in Slide 19.
• Click on “Submit” to submit the rectified image.
Breakfast MIS

User can access cases logged in by them from the option “Breakfast MIS” from “MIS” menu option.
Breakfast MIS

User to click on “Search” to view the status of cases logged in by them.

Breakfast MIS

To get details of cases logged in, click on Download MIS option and receive the data in an Excel.

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