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Excellent Very Good Good Needs Improvement

(10 points) (8 points) (6 points) (4 points)
Memorization VMGO is fully memorized VMGO is mostly VMGO is partially VMGO is partially
memorized, but speaker memorized, pauses often memorized and needs
might pause occasionally to recall prompting often
to recall or need to be

Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is somewhat Student does not seem at
prepared and has prepared but might have prepared, but it is clear all prepared to present
obviously memorized the needed a couple more time that memorization was
VMGO to memorize lacking

Organization Each segment relates to Displays minimal level of Displays minimal level of Does not present the
the others according to a organization with organization with segments of the body of
carefully planned discernible theme and the discernible theme, but the the presentation in a
framework presentation is organized a presentation is not coherent manner
bit clearly or in a coherent organized clearly or in a
manner coherent manner

Speaking Skills ▪ Poised, clear articulation Clear articulation but not ▪ some mumbling ▪ inaudible or too loud
▪ proper volume as polished ▪ uneven rate ▪ rate too slow/fast
▪ steady rate ▪ little or no expression ▪ speaker seemed
▪ good posture uninterested and used
▪ enthusiasm monotone
▪ confidence


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