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Rubrics for Assessment

(Please check your DA-1 to ensure that your submission meets all these criteria)
Course: BIT1026
Course: Food, Nutrition & Health
Course Instructor: P.K.Suresh
Assignment Topic: Poster on Indian versus an International diet
S. Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
No. Activity Marks Activity Marks Activity Marks
1 Organisation of Assignment 2.50 Assignment 1.50 Assignment not 0.50
the assignment neatly organised neatly in an organised
incorporating organised form
bibliographic without
details and emphasis on
illustrations bibliographic
2 Analysis of the In-depth 2.50 Partly 1.50 Not 0.50
assignment comprehension comprehended comprehended
and critiquing of and mere and not
the state-of-the art description of analysed
the current
3 Creativity in Highly creative 2.50 Partially 1.50 Not creative 0.50
terms of Creative (just
compilation paraphrased/co
(depiction of pied in certain
the information parts)
in the sections
and sub-
sections in
different ways)
4 Solutions and Current 2.50 Some solutions 1.50 No solutions 0.50
Challenges challenges; provided; not a provided. No
Novel/cost- detailed description/
effective solutions. description of superficial
the challenges. explanation of
the challenges.
Total Maximum Marks 10
Weightage for Assignment # 1 10

No marks will be allotted, if the assignment is uploaded TWO (2) days after the deadline. Copy and paste
assignments are not permitted. COPYING FROM EACH OTHER IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. You can adapt
certain diagrams from authentic, peer-reviewed sources. However, you will have to give credit to the authors who
came up with the diagrams/images. You can also include textual information. Updation can be done by referring to
the latest papers on the topic.

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