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Quarter 4 Module 5

Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of concepts and

underlying principles in fishery arts.
Performance The learner produces a simple fishing net according to weaving
Standards procedures
LO 5. - Discusses The Basic Principles And Theories In Fish
Learning LO 6. - Identifies The Kinds Of Fishing Gears Used In Municipal
Competency Fishing Grounds
LO 7. - Performs Basic Net Weaving According To Established

Name: _______________________________ Year/Sec. ____________

Parents Signature: _______________ Date: ____________


Learning Objective #5
The Basic Principles and Theories in Fish Capture

Fish Capture is a branch of fishery science deals with the scientific

method of catching fish as well and the type of fishing gear used.

PRINCIPLE 1: Sustainable fish stock

A fishery must be conducted in a manner that does not lead to

over-fishing or depletion of the exploited populations and, for those
populations that are depleted; the fishery must be conducted in a
manner that demonstrably leads to their recovery

PRINCIPLE 2: Minimizing environmental effect

Fishing operations should allow for the maintenance of the

structure, productivity, function and diversity of the ecosystem
(including habitat and associated dependent and ecologically related
species) on which the fishery depends.

PRINCIPLE 3: Effective management

The fishery is subject to an effective management system that

respects local, national and international laws and standards and
incorporates institutional and operational frameworks that require use
of the resource to be responsible and sustainable.

Criteria for fishing

• it can be continued indefinitely at a reasonable level;
• it maintains and seeks to maximize, ecological health and
• it maintains the diversity, structure and function of the
ecosystem on which it depends as well as the quality of its
habitat, minimizing the adverse effects that it causes;
• it is managed and operated in a responsible manner, in
conformity with local, national and international laws and
• it maintains present and future economic and social options
and benefits;
• it is conducted in a socially and economically fair and
responsible manner.

Why this principle of fishing?

• Appropriate fishing gear should be used
• Fishing crafts should only be used when it is necessary
• To maintain sustainable fish harvesting
• To have a good catch avoiding over fishing
• To maintain minimum effort and maximum catch
• To select/find out new fishing ground
• Fishing during a definite season and ban on spawning season
• To maintain a balance between the number of fish caught and
the number of young fish entering into the population
• Less wastes during fishing

Theory of Fishing
• Fishing is a complex problem for the fishery scientist
• A given population or community should be exploited and the
fishing activity should be adjusted to obtain the best results
• The best results point to the maximum sustainable yield
• That is the way to consume fish year to year without depleting
the fish stock

The different methods to solve this problem are:

1. Empirical method
This method considers the maximum sustainable yield
This method takes in account by the yield and the fishing
The fishing effort is measured by:
-the number and size of fishing gears and crafts
-the amount of time spent in fishing and yield

-it provides no means of judging the condition of getting
-this condition may not give the best yield in future
-in some cases the population couldn’t be exploited to give
the better result

2. Analytical method
This method investigates the cause of change in population
size and yield. It also investigates the cause of fish mortality due
to predation, diseases, salinity, etc. The criticism of empirical
method can be solved by this method

Theoretical model:
The following parameters are need to be studied to obtain
i) Recruitment (R): the number of a single year group
entering the exploitable phase of a stock in a given
period by growth of smaller individuals
ii) Growth (G): increase in size (length and weight). Fish
growth curve is S shaped.
iii) Natural Mortality (M): mortality due to predation,
diseases, salinity, etc
iv) Fishing Mortality (F): mortality by fishing
For over fishing, R+G-M<F
For under fishing, R+G-M>F
For optimum fishing, R+G-M=F

Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)

• MSY is such amount of fish stock which are caught from a
certain area without causing any harm
• MSY is such amount of fish stock which are captured from a
certain water body without depleting or hampering the actual
• By increasing fishing effort, total catch will be increased but at
a position of increasing fishing effort, total catch will be
maximum and after that total catch will be decreased by
increasing fishing effort.
In case of MSY, R+G=M+F

Learning Objective #6
The Kinds of Fishing Gears Used In Municipal Fishing Grounds

Municipal fishing - refers to fishing within municipal waters using

fishing vessels of three (3) gross tons or less, or fishing not
requiring the use of fishing vessels.
Municipal fisher folk - persons who are directly or indirectly engaged
in municipal fishing and other related fishing activities.
Municipal Fisher folk Organization - an organized group,
association, federation, alliance or an institution of fisher folk
which has at least fifteen (15) members, a set of officers, a
constitution and by-laws, an organizational structure and a
program of action.
Municipal Fisher folk Cooperative - a duly registered
association of fisher folk with a common bond of interest, who
have voluntarily joined together to achieve a lawful common
social or economic end, making equitable contribution to the
capital requirement and accepting a fair share of the risks and
benefits of the undertakings in accordance with universally
accepted cooperative principles.
Fish worker - a person regularly or not regularly employed in
commercial fishing and related industries, whose income is
either in wage, profit-sharing or stratified sharing basis, including
those working in fish pens, fish cages, fish corrals/traps,
fishponds, prawn farms, sea farms, salt beds, fish ports, fishing
boat or trawlers, or fish processing and/or packing plants.
Excluded from this category are administrators, security guards
and overseers.
Municipal waters - include not only streams, lakes, inland bodies of
water and tidal waters within the municipality which are not
included within the protected areas as defined under Republic
Act No. 7586 (The NIPAS Law), public forest, timber lands,
forest reserves or fishery reserves, but also marine waters
included between two (2) lines drawn perpendicular to the
general coastline from points where the boundary lines of the
municipality touch the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with
the general coastline including offshore in lands and fifteen (15)
kilometres from such coastline. Where two (2) municipalities are
so situated on opposite shores that there is less than thirty (30)
kilometres of marine waters between them, the third line shall be
equally distant from opposite shore of the respective

Users of Municipal Waters
 All fisheries related activities in municipal waters shall be utilized
by municipal fisher folk and their cooperatives /organizations that
are listed as such in the registry of municipal fisher folk.
 Small and Medium Commercial fishing vessels, through
appropriate municipal ordinance, may operate within the 10.1 to
15 kilo meter area from the shoreline in municipal waters
 Fisher folk organization/cooperatives, whose members are listed
in the registry of municipal fisher folk, may be granted use of
demarcated fishery areas to engage in fish capture, marine
culture and/or fish farming.
 Resident municipal fisher folk of the municipality concerned and
their organizations/cooperatives shall have priority to exploit
municipal and demarcated fishery areas of the said municipality.

Municipal Fishing Boats

1. Non-Motorized Type
 Length overall ranges from 3-7 m and gross tonnage
ranges from 0.1- 0.2.
 Used either paddle or sail as means of propulsion.
 Carry one to several people depending on the fishing gear
 Generally, paddled boats have the fishers facing the front
without oarlocks.
 During favorable monsoon weather, popular fishing gears
used by sail- powered craft include trolling, hand lines and
gill nets.
2. Motorized Type
 Length overall ranges from 5-18 m and gross tonnage
ranges from 0.5-2.9.
 Boats with 3-16 HP gasoline or diesel engine are the most
common motorized fishing craft.
 ◦ The rudder is controlled by means of a long pole attached
to the rudder arm.
 ◦ Gill nets, hand lines, traps, small ring nets, and other
small gears are usually operated from these boats.
 ◦ Recent innovations include the use of fiberglass to sheath
the areas of the hull most prone to damage.

Municipal Fishing Gears
There are many types of fishing gears used in the municipal
waters in the Philippines:

Gill Net Hook and Line Fish trap

Fish Corral Baby trawl spear Push net crab lift net-

Lift Net Lever Net (Salambaw) Fyke Net

Allowed Fishing Gears Versus Not Allowed Fishing Gears

A. Allowed Fishing Gears- refer to fishing gears that satisfy all of
the following criteria:
1. will not deprive anyone of the use of the municipal waters
2. will not harm coastal and marine habitat
3. will not deplete fish stock:
4. will promote a balance in the marine and coastal ecosystem
5. will not endanger the health and safety of the people

B. Not Allowed Gears - all other fishing gears that fail to satisfy any
of the abovementioned criteria.
The following gears are totally banned from Municipal waters:

1. Trawl (all kinds)(galadgad) 2. Purse seine (pangulong)

3. Danish seine- 4. Ring net- (kubkob, 5. Drive-in-net-

(Hulbot-hulbot, liba-liba) kalansisi ) (pa-aling )

6. Round haul sein (sapyaw)

7. Motorized push net (sudsod)

8. Bag net (basin) 9. Fishing gears using compressors

Role of the Municipal/City Government

 The municipal/city government shall have jurisdiction over

municipal waters.
 The municipal/city government, in consultation with the
FARMC shall have responsibility for the management,
conservation, development, protection, utilization, and
disposition of all fish and fishery/aquatic resources within their
respective municipal waters.
 The municipal/city government may, in consultation with the
FARMC, enact appropriate ordinances in accordance with the
National Fisheries Policy.
 The LGUs shall also enforce all fishery laws, rules and
regulations as well as valid fishery ordinances enacted by the
municipality/city council.
 The LGU shall maintain a registry of municipal fisher folk, who
are fishing or may desire to fish in municipal waters for the
purpose of determining priorities among them, of limiting entry
into the municipal waters and monitoring fishing activities
and/or other related purposes.
 The LGU concerned shall grant demarcated fishery rights to
the fishery organizations/cooperatives for marine culture
operation in specific areas identified by the Department of
 The Department of Agriculture and LGUs shall provide
support to municipal fisher folk through appropriate technology
and research, credit, production and marketing assistance and
other services such as, but not limited to training for
additional/supplementary livelihood.

Learning Objective #7
Basic Net Weaving According To Established Weaving Methods
A fishing net is a net used for fishing. Nets are devices made
from fibers woven in a grid-like structure. Fishing nets are
usually meshes formed by knotting a relatively thin thread. Early nets
were woven from grasses, flaxes and other fibrous plant material.
Later cotton was used. Modern nets are usually made of
artificial polyamides like nylon, although nets of organic polyamides
such as wool or silk thread were common until recently and are still
Net or netting is any textile in which the yarns are fused, looped
or knotted at their intersections, resulting in a fabric with open spaces
between the yarns. Net has many uses, and comes in different

How to Make a Hand-made Fishing Net

Part 1 Setting Up

Part 2 Beginning the Net

Part 3 Finishing your Net

Methods of Net Making or Weaving
1. Machine making

2. Hand making

(10 points)

Activity 1
Direction: Identify each item. Write the correct answer before the
number. Choose your answer from yhe choice iside the
Nets Netting Municipal fishing
Fishing net Fish worker Municipal fisher folk
Fish Capture Municipal Fisher folk Cooperative
Municipal waters Municipal Fisher folk Organization

_______1. is a branch of fishery science deals with the scientific

method of catching fish as well and the type of fishing gear
_______2. Is a net used for fishing.
_______3. Are devices made from fibre woven in a grid-like structure.
_______4. Is any textiles in which the yarns are fused, looped or
knotted at their intersections, resulting in a fabric with
open spaces between the yarns.
_______5. Refers to fishing within municipal waters using fishing
vessels of three (3) gross tons or less, or fishing not
requiring the use of fishing vessels.
_______6. Persons who are directly or indirectly engaged in
municipal fishing and other related fishing activities.
_______7. An organized group, association, federation, alliance or an
institution of fisher folk which has at least fifteen (15)
members, a set of officers, a constitution and by-laws, an
organizational structure and a program of action.
_______8. A duly registered association of fisher folk with a common
bond of interest, who have voluntarily joined together to
achieve a lawful common social or economic end, making
equitable contribution to the capital requirement and
accepting a fair share of the risks and benefits of the
undertakings in accordance with universally accepted
cooperative principles.
________9. A person regularly or not regularly employed in
commercial fishing and related industries, whose income
is either in wage, profit-sharing or stratified sharing basis.
________10. Marine waters included between two (2) lines drawn
perpendicular to the general coastline from points where
the boundary lines of the municipality touch the sea at low
tide and a third line parallel with the general line.
(20 points)
Activity 2
Directions: Enumerate each item.
A. Fishing gears used in the municipal waters in the Philippines:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
6. _____________________
7. _____________________
8. _____________________
B. Gears that are totally banned from Municipal waters:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
4. _____________________
5. _____________________
6. _____________________
7. _____________________
8. _____________________

C. Types of Municipal Fishing boats:

1. ____________________
2. ____________________

D. Methods of Net Making or Weaving

1. ___________________
2. ___________________

Performance Task #1
((50 points)


Visit a fishing landing area in your community. Take note of the

fishing gears used by the fishermen and conduct and interview on
how they were constructed and operated.

Other option also for this task, instead to visit a fish landing area, a
call, text or messenger to a fishermen you knew will do.

Take note:

1. You can ask favor or help from your parents or guardian to do the task.
2. Always follow safety protocols by wearing facemask, face shield and
washing hands at all times.

Parents Signature: ____________________


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