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Offtce of the
General Manger

No. GM/RCFIATR/CEO/lnspections Date:21 .47.2022

Sub: - lnspection note of Shri Vinay Kumar Tripathi, Chairman & CEO,
Railway Board of New Delhi station on 01.07.22, lnspection of
Charbagh station on 02.07.22 and Review of RDSO, LJN/NER &
LKO/NR on02.07.22.
Ref: - Chairman & CEO, Railway Board's lnspection note No.
2Aa21CRB|TP 106. dated 1 8.07 .2A22

Above referred inspection note is sent herewith for kind perusal and furnishing
comments on the item pe(aining to your department at the earliest possible to enable
submission of Action Taken Report to Rly. Board by the General Manager.

DA: As above.
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Dy. General Manager (G)


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New Delhi station on 01.07.22, Inspection of Charbagh stsrion otr 02.87.22 "".0
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ReviewofRDSO,LJN/t\iER&LKO/NR oa02.07.22 \J\ '

Ncw Delli Railw Slaliou on 01.0i.2022 l

Incoming rake of Train no. 12279 Yirangana Lakshrnibai

(Jhanshi)- New Dclhi Taj Express was inspected.
a. Foul smell was noticed ia toilets of Non-AC chair car coach
no. 163602/C. Cleaning of toilet floors and gang way needs MTRS
substantial improvement. GMAIR
b. Coach no. 1636021C was equipped with mini pantry which
was not inuse. Utilization of mini pantries except for
Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains should be critically reviewed.
Wherever not required, equipment should be removed and
spare..EffffiffinffiNnn[atmxilft *df
used q.! mgrjlqenance cme-
c. It was noticed that ofEcers concemed were not aware about

coverage of catering services in originating trains of Delhi DRMDLI

division. Offrcers responsible for deiivery of passenger
services must be fully updated on coverage, deliverables and
actual execution of the work.
2. Rake of train no. 12418 New Delhi- Prayagr:rj Express was
inspeeted. Overall maintenance and upkeep of the rake was GM,NCR
found satisfactory. Few damaged vinyl stickers of coach DRMPRYJ
numbers needs to be replaced.
3. In Train no. 12418 New Dethi- Prayagraj Express (HOG
compliant) power supply through HOG is being provided only
after placement on PF. This leads to initial discomfort and
passenger complaint. Following must be ensured:
a.HOG working in complaint rake and loco combination must
be ensured from washing line itself for proper pre-cooling,
illumination, working of fans etc. before placement on PF.
All Railways will undedake a drive to ensure tJris and MTRS
confirmation to be submitted to Board in a fortnight's time. AllGMs/ZR
b. Ensure pre-cooling, illumination etc through power car, AllDRMs
wherever working of HOG is not feasible from washing/
stabling line due to infrastructural constraints. Similar action
is required for the trains requiring reversal of locomotives en-
c. Infrastructural constraints at washinl stabling line in HOG
working must be removed in a mission mode within current
financial vear.
4. Rake of train no. 12802 New Delhi- Puri Puroshottam
Express was inspected: MTRS
a. Internal cleaning of coaches at other end attention needs Glv{/ECoR
_*-.r- ofitem discussed & action required Actim Br--.l
b. Most of the toilet floors were found wet. Foul smell was also
noticed in coach toilets.
c. Extemal power supply socket cover was found damaged and
open in few coaches. Proper maintenance and closing needs I

to bc cnsurcd.
d. 2d power car of Eains with less than 15 AC Coaches to be
with LSLRD on
Work of providing false ceiling structure on platform no. 13 &.
14 and other platforms of New Delhi Railway station is
incomplete. This work to be critically reviewed. GN4/NR
Illumination was found unsatisfactory due to non-provision of
adequate light frttings. Necessary steps should be taken to ensure
speciflied illumination on the platforms.
6. 1.93 MWp on- grid solar plant installed at New Delhi Railway
station is operating at average 11.24%o capacity utilization factor. GMAIR
Efforts should be made to achieve CUF of more than 18%. DRMDLI
7. Overal.l maintenance and upkeep of New Delhi railway station
needs to be improved. Following area require specifrc attention:
a. Leakage from rain gutter was noticed at many locations.
b. Water leakage from water booths and drainage on piatform
was also noticed. GM/NR
c. Concrete benches were found lying in haphazard maoner. DRMDLI
Availability at specified location should be ensured.
d. Proper programming of coach indication display board
should be done so as to cater both LHB as well as ICF stock.
B. Similar analysis ard action on Para no. I to 7 may be taken by
other Zonal Railways also. All GMs/ZR
9. DRM/DLI requested for immediate assistance of 02 nos.
escalators for Sonipat station. It may be got examined. GM,i}{R
B. Inspection of Charbagh station LKOllrlR
1 Intesrated rerler:elqpq! n1,of L_CSLqq1L{NB & NER) stations
Existing plan of re-development of Lricknow station of NR
& NER needs a complete review, to cater to the important
need of City Centre to serye common public.
h Planned skylvalk between Railway and Metro station will
completely obscure the facade of Lucknow Jn., station. A
comprehensive and futuristic plan needs to be developed
M Infra
duly addressing issues related to yard remodeling, GN{/NR,NER
discomfort to passengers due to distance from front and 2nd
entry & multiple UP and DOWN movement etc.
Review of vehicle movement and parking is also required to
avoid any conflicting movement. Effort should be made to
provide different level entry and exit at re-developed station.
Yard remodeling work sanctioned in 2010-i 1 is not yet
executed and does not cover the soods l,'ard. Master plan of

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complete yard should be prepared, work sanctioned end

executed in coherence to station redevelopment.
Ali plans should be developed involving all stake holders and
then only sent to Board for approval.
eharbagh station was inspectea. fottowirg ur*s neeO qpecifrc
attention and improvement:
a. Clsaning of CB station is currently being done through
manpower-based contact. Outcome-based cleaning contract
to be implemented, whenever feasible.
b. Reduudant rail posts.of watering hydrant should be removed
on priority.

C. Review of RDSO Lucknow

l Poor Brake power ir Bogie Mountod brake system (BMBS)
Repoded issues ofless brake power and erratic behavior of brake
application in the wagons fitted with Bogie Mounted Brake
System is cause of serious concem. Ongoing analysis of the MTRS
issue to be strictly monitored.
Revision in specification of BMBS componerts at RDSO to be DGRDSO
got completed by target date of 14.0'1.22 and modification work
to be completed in next tluee months. Existing BMBS approval
process shall be critically audited and put up to Railway Board.
4. Reduction in variants of Wagor and Traflic specilic wagons
Ongoing trials of for BCN, BCNA & BCNHL wagons, with
modified bogie suspension to increase speed to 100 kmph
(empty) & 75 kmph (toaded) to be completed with time line, so MTRS
that Indian Railway car achieve uniform speed ofgoods stock. MO&BD
Necessary policy formulation for wagons under development by
RDSO to cater to specific market requirements, to be examined
by Board.
5. Train Set (44 Rakes)
DG RDSO informed that all design approvals and t)?e testing
have been completed and prototype train set is likely to be turned
out by lSuAugust for trials. Following to be ensured: MTRS
a. Trials of prototype rake curreatly planned in D+ 42 days GI\,YICF
must be critically examined and brought down. DGRDSO
b. RDSO should unde(ake indigenizotion of critical rubber
metai-bonded items of bogie. Requiremeft of any policy
chaoge from Railway Board should be examined,
6. Kavach M Infra
Following must be ensured for proli&ration of Kavach: DGRDSO
a. Take feedback from SCR on performance & additional GI.,4/SCR
features which are required to be incorporated. AM (Signal)
b. Requisite chanses to be done to incorForate st$ppage of train
IEN-"T--.-_ of item discussed & action
at foot of the signal & incorporating train details (type,
composition, stock, brake power percentage etc) for correct
braking distance for each train profile.
c. Target for interfacing of Kavach with EI shall be reviewed.
A tinrclinc r,vith all probablc activity should bc prcparcd and j

followed up meticulously.
d. Requirement of including shunt Signal aspect in Kavach
should be examined so t}rat a universal system is developed
including all yard movements.
e. Any other existing and essential system of operation
required to add compatibility to Kavach should also be
studied and incorporated.

Activity wise timelines shall be ptepared and adhered to.

7. Developmert of ll7SHT Rails
RDSO must ensure development of flash butt welding and AT M Infra
welding technique in next 03 months, for smooth adoption of DG/RDSO
I 175 HT rails for operation of higher axle load goods traffic.
8. End of Train Telemetry @oTT) Project
Progress of EoTT system over IR was reviewed. Following must
be ensured.
a. Correct assessment of fouling mark without man'ral
intervention of crew. MTRS
b. Interoperability HoT & EoT among different makes. MO&BD
c. Further reduction in weight ofEoT equipment. AM(TO
d. Equipment should be able to address emergency duties of
Guard through suitable changes and development of station
module of this equipment. cl,w&r
e. For any untoward situation, a system of protecting infringed
adjacent lines to be incorporated in the Block Working rules
involving Eofi.
f. Requirement of Tail Lamp/ LV Board bracket in the last lll-,q-
vehicle (wagon) may be studied.
9 Brokeu Rail Detoction Systems
a. Ultrasonic Broken Rail Detection System (UBRD) and Rail M Infra
Fracture Intrusion and Detection System (RFID) to be GII{/NR,NCR
proven comprehensively, through the ongoing trials on NR DG /RDSO
& NCR respectively.
10. Development of Power Cars with under slung DA sets M TRS
lt rvas intbnned that porver car coach lal.out has becn finalized GM/RCF
by. RCF. Timelini: lbr devcloprnent ol high-capacity Pou cr oars DG /RDSO
r'vi(h imder siung LIA scls to be tlxeri iind monitored.
1i. Distributed Power Wireless Control System @PrilCS)
Progress of DPWCS over IR was reviewed. Following issues MTRS
should be addressed on priority: DC /RDSO
AM (Tr)
a. Reliabilitf issues of DPWCS rcported b-r' ECOR& SECR to
be addressed immediately by RDSO.
RDSO to expeditiously address all the issues pertaining to
Inteioperable DPWCS, frequent radio signal failures, I

availability of Data Radio for the system.

I Electronic ln-motion weigh- bridge

lt was informed that software vaiidation
It vali( testing of one firm for
uploading of data tluough cloud shall be concluded shortly. It M TRS
was stated that other sources have been advised for parallel DG/RDSO
development of software in line with the discussion with CRIS. MDCzuS
This shall be ensured as per time-line for early adoption of this
system to make EIMWB tamperproof.
l -r. @
For mechanization of track inspection, 3 new design TRCs have
been procured, of which one has been commissioned and
machine learning exercise is underway.
Recoding with these TRCs is to be done on prescribed frequency M lnfra
depending upon section and hence will not eliminate daily DG/RDSO
manual inspection. Efforts should be made to develop systerns to
eliminate daily patrolling. Such systems should be mountable on
existing rolling stock/ locomotive for monitoring at higher
frequency without requiring additional line capacity.
EI and Digital axle counter
Existing qualification norms for EI and Digital axle counter M Infra
needs to be critically examined. Vendor base to be increased. DGRDSO
Action plan with time line for development of more sources of AM(Signal)
these items to be prepared, shared and monitored.
15. EI systems are equipped with in built block working instrument. MInfra
However, it has not been put in use so far. Block working DGRDSO
through EI must be ensured in a month's time. In future separate AM (Signal)
block instrument should not be required at EI stations. AllGMs
16. Development of 750 KVA integrated hotel load converter to MTRS
cater full electrical load of complete AC rake and removal of AM (Traction)
power car should be expedited. DG RDSO
17. Reliability issues in high reach pantograph & propulsion system MTRS
and interoperability ofpropulsion systems to be addressed. AM (Trabtion)
18. General
a" Pending COCR runs for increasing sectional speed to 130
KMPH must be expedited. Calendar of pending sections be
prepared and shared with Zonal Railway and Board. MTRS
b. Progress of sanctioned works was reviewed. In 77 works M Infra
under PH- 18, progress is less than 1070 of current sanctioned DGRDSO
cost. These works should be expedited. Non required works EDE&R
should be closed on priority.
c. There are 12 items controlled by RDSO having less than 03
sources. Approved vendor base needs to be increased.
fSN--l---_ of item discussed & action required
d. RDSO controlled items have reduced to 213 in May-22
against 406 items in Jan-2022. This should be ,further
brought down.
e. Pending vendor registration cases have reduced ftom 449 ln
Apr-21 to 165 in Ir{ay-22. This should bc furthcr rcduccd.
i 1e. Assistance requested by RDSO: Following assistance sought by
RDSO may be examined:
a. Approval of Revised Indian Railway Schedule of Dimension M Infra
(rRsoD). MTRS
b. Approval of proposed acceptance limit for implementation EDE&R
ofEN 14363.
D. Review of LJN dilision. NER
1. Besides targeting sections and loop lines, there is an urgent need
to address abysmally low speed of connecting track from serving MO&BD
station to siding. Speed in each and every siding should be M Infra
reviewed and enhanced to maximum possible in a time bound AllGMs
manner, AllDRMs
z. Issues related to trees in 400 meter
stretch of Aishbagh-
Manaknagar independent line project lying in RDSO should be DG/RDSO
resolved immediately. GMA{ER
,. Both long term and immediate measures to be taken to resolve
issues at LHS prone to water logging. It should be responsibility M Inlra
of the concerned officer that all new LHS being commissioned All GMs
are free from water logging.
4. LJN division requested for inclusion of 'Other Assets' category MO&BD
on e-auction portal to cater assets not falling in existing AM(Coml.)
categories. This may be got examined. IVID/CRIS
5 LJN division has made good progress in closure of sanctioned
works by reducing total works from 751 in April-20 to 304 as on AllGMs
date. Similar efforts are required from each division, zonal AllDRMs
railways & PUs.
6. Targets set by LJN division for speed raising to 110 Kmph on
588.97 Kms traclq 30 Kmph loop line speed in three sections GMAIER
(259 Km) and speed raising to 100 Kmph in 6l Km long Gonda- DRM LJN
Bahraich section, must be adhered to and complbted in time
bormd manner.
LIN division raised the problem of poor quality of fittings and
lixtures like SS/ fibre dustbins, emergency lights, toilet
occupation indicators, exterior vinyl wrapping, plastic bottle
holders in economy coaches, befth rexene etc. in coaches MTRS
received from RCF & MCF between 01.03.22 and 25.06.22. This
should bc addressed with requisite corrective, preventive and GM/ iCF.
punitive measures. RCF& MCI.
o{ iterfi {iseussed a& acaior
LJN and LKO should submit detailed ti;posal for efi;ffi.n, MO&BD
. related to suggestion of increasing of investment period
in goods M Finance
sheds and policy for exclusive handling rights. GIWNR.NER
LJN division alss srrggested improvements in following areas:
a, Cluster formation in one station one product scheme.
b. Engagement ofhandling contractors in Goods shed. MO&BD
c. STB pattem staff at booking window. GI,{/NER
d. UTS mobile app publicity. DRMLJN
Detailed should be sent to Board for evaluation.
1.. Review of LKO NIi
1 Doubling of Alamnagar- Utraitia goods bypass line was
commissioned in lan'2022. Due to le& over \ryorks, this line is GMA,IR
operating at 50 kmph for goods kaffic only, Operation at 110 DRMLKO
kmph needs to be ensured by October 2022.
2. NR's proposal for techno.economic study for y-connections at 8 M Infra
Junction stations on LKO Divisiou to be examined.
PED GatiShakti
67 passenger ftains restored on NR does not inctude passenger MO&BD
trains of LKO division. Restoratioa of passenger ffains on LKO CIW}IR
division should be examined and organized. AllGMs
4. 158 block stations) on LK,
Division, only 38 parking slots have been identified for e-auction MO&BD
which is on lower side. All potential assets should be explored GIVI/NR
and listed for e-auction to maximize revenue. All DRIvIs
5 Cu:ent sectional speed of connecting Aack at FGTP siding af
Unchahar and TTPH (Tanda) are 05 & 15 kmph respectively. It MO&BD
should be augmented to 15 kmph & 30 kmph (respectively) in a M Infra
week's time and increased Rrther. Similar action should be GM/i.lR
taken in all sidings.
All other divisions to carry out $imilar exereise in their divisions. AllDRMs
6 Time takefl to linalize tenders should be closelv moniiored_ AllGMs
Excessive time is being taken in finalizing S&T and Electricat AIIDRMs
tenders in LN & S&T tenders on LKO Division. Adherence to
time line in finaiizing tenders as specified in MoU to be ensured. GMNR,NER

7. Progress of migration of M 0&Lrt)

M Infra
All fiMs
I LKO Division has fixed following targets for raising of sectional
speeds/ loop line speeds &nng2}22-23: DRMLKO
a. Raising of sectional speed to I 10 kmph: 607.15 Km
b. Raising of Loop line speed to 30 kmph: 516.54 Km
Month-wise milestones should be decided, monitored and

of it€m discussed & action Action
All other divisions to also carry out similar raising of sectional
All DRMs
speedV loop line speeds in time bound manner.
CC+8+2 loads run at 60 kmph on ZBD-SLN-UTR route, due to
sections lf ith 52kg rail. TRR, CTR and othcr rvorks required for
speed raising to 75 KMPH have been targeted for completion by DRM LKO
Dec'2022. This should be adhered to.
Crew utilization needs improvement on LKO Division. GM/NR
Detailed review of lobbies, spare running, promotional tmining
All GMs
ofLPGs, LPs on stationary duties etc is required.
All DRMs
CBT has been introduced for departmeukl selections on LKO
Division. Howwer, there is shortfall with respect to Selection
Calendar as Question banks have not been finalized by O&F, All/CMs
Engg and S&T so far. PED/StafT
All zones must draw promotional calendar and follow it
Progress of CG appointments should be monitored till the stage AIVGMS
ofjoining of candidate as specified in MoU. PED/Staff

Chairman & Chief Executive Oflicer

No 20221 CRB/ TP/ 06 New Delhi, Dated 18.07.2022

Copy to:
l. Advisor/ M& EDPG/ lvIR, EDPG to MoSR (D), EDPG to MoSR (J)
2. lv7 TRS, lW O&BD, lv[/ Infra, ]vll Finance
3. DG/ Safety, DG/ RHS, DG RPF
4. All GMs, DGs, CAOs,
5. PED GatiShakti, ED E&& ED/ Transformation

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