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201 2g Dishict Absent ON. AVELINO B, SOLIS city Caunellor ily GTN iON. Oy {fa Sty Counctor On Leave JON. ROWENA BAUTISTA: MENDIOLA “ty Counellag on. eainom pan Dist S JON. REYNALDO D. PALABRICA ly Coupiok cerlfied by ON. cat = EVARISTO ty Vice Mdyor/Presicing Officer proved by: ON. STRIKE B,REVILLA Republic of the Philippines CITY OF BACOOR Province of Cavite OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD PRESENT: HON. CATHERINE SARINO-EVARISTO - City Vice Mayor/ Presiding Officer DISTRICT | HON. HON, EDWIN G. GAWARAN - MIGUEL. BAUTISTA City Councilor City Councilor HON. REYNALDO M. FABIAN - City Couneilor HON. VENUS D. DE CASTRO ---- City Councilor DISTRICT II HON. REYNALDO D. PALABRICA - + City Councilor HON. HERNANDO C. GUTIERREZ - City Councilor HON. HON. HON. GAUDENCIO P. NOLASCO BAYANIM. DE LEON - ROBERTO R. JAVIER - - City Councilor + City Councilor City Councilor HON. VICTORIO L. GUERRERO, JR. City Councilor (ABC-Pres,) ON OFFICIAL LEAVE: HON. ROWENA BAUTISTA-MENDIOLA - HON. LEANDRO A. DE LEON - - City Councilor + City Councilor ABSENT: HON. AVELINO B, SOLIS City Councilor CITY RESOLUTION NO. 2014-129 Series of 2014 A RESOLUTION NAMING THE SOON TO BE COMPLETED GYMNASIUM AT THE NEW BACOOR CITY GOVERNMENT CENTER AS THE “BACOOR CITY S.T-RILK.E. (SPORTS TRAINING INCORPORATING KINESICS EDUCATION) GYMNASIUM”. Sponsored by: Hon, Reynaldo D. Palabrica Co-sponsored by: Hon. Miguel N. Bautista, Hon. Venus D. De Castro, Hon. Bayani M. De Leon, Hon. Reynaldo M. Fabian, Hon. Edwin G. Gawaran, Hon. Victorio L. Guerrero, Jr., Hon. Hernando C. Gutierrez, Hon. Roberto R. Javier, and Hon. Gaudencio P. Nolasco. WHEREAS, the aymnasium being constructed at the Bacoor City Government Center is now almost complete and would soon ‘open its doors to the general public. WHEREAS, there is a need to assign a name to the said facility in order to properly guide the public as to the purpose for its construction. WHEREAS, while the City of Bacoor is already replete with sports facilities, it does not have a facility that is dedicated not only to eee rrr City Resolution No, 2014-129, 26 May 2014 Page | Republic of the Philippines CITY OF BACOOR Province of Cavite OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD Dish sporis fraining but also to the study of kinesics which was first used in Oe 1952 and is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as a “systematic HON. AVELINO'B. SOLIS study of the relationship between non-linguistic body motions (as So blushes, shrugs, or eye movement] and communication”. HON et an eee NOW THEREFORE, upon motion of Councilor Reynaldo D. aA Palabrica, unanimously seconded by the members of the donee | Sangguniang Penlungsod in regular session duly assembled BE IT City Counetor RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED to name the soon io be x completed gymnasium at the Bacoor City Government Center as HON OMENAEAUNSIA. MeNpiota) te “Bacoor City S.LRILKE. (Sports Training Incorporating Kinesies : Education) Gymnasium”. ety Counc HON. REY! ily Gouht i ity Councier RESOLVED LASTLY, that this Resolution shall become effective - after it has been posted in at least three conspicuous places within the City of Bacoor and after it has been published once in a ESE EEE publication of general circulation in the Province of Cavite. ch RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this Resolution be sent to the National Historical Institute and all other government offices concermed. Disc UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of ‘HOM. HER? Bacoor this 26" day of May 2014. chy cou I hereby certify to the truth and comeciness of the above-quoted HON. GAUDENCIO’P. NOLASCO- Resolution. City Cp” ‘i ee HON. BAYARFA. DELEON Certified by: City Councilor h on Pat Hon. sanons& BELEN HON. CATHERINE SARINO-EVARISTO City Vice Mayor! Presiding Officer JAVIER End of Term a City Coureor- ABC Pies. Attested by: ATTY. KHAUD-A. ATEGA, JR, Approved by: Sengguniong Retwnaiod Secretory Certtied by: HON. STRIKE B. REVILLA, PhD City Mayor, HON. CATHERINE 5. EVARISTO City Vice Mayer/Presiing Officer Approved by: HON. STRIKE 8, BEVILLA City Mayor City Resolution No. 2014-129, 26 May 2014 Page 2

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