A Detailed Lesson Plan - 4

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A. CONTENT STANDARDS: Demonstrate that reading in a wider range of texts provides pleasure and an
avenue for self-expression and personal development.

B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Uses literal information from text to aptly infer and predict

(a) Give possible ending to a story read. (EN4 RC-IIg-31)

Giving possible ending to a story read



English CG p.91
English Edge Integrated Language *activity sheets for the motivational
Arts Series 4 pp. 137-144 activity
The Sword of Peace
English Basics and Beyond *flash cards containing the options
(Pedro Pablo Sacristan)
Integrated Reading and Language 4
*show me board
*draw box
Explore and Shine Through English 4
pp. 135-137; 142-143 *mini-flags (red, yellow, blue,



A.1. Preparation

A.1.I. Check-up of Assignment

A.1.2 Spelling
Mechanics: pupils will be asked to write on their spelling booklets the following words after which oral spelling
proceeds. Spelling words are derived from the selection.



1. KNIGHTS The king ordered his knights to defend their kingdom. K-N-I-G-H-T-S

2. TRIUMPHANT Both kingdoms enjoyed the triumphant results from the T-R-I-U-M-P-H-A-N-T
peaceful end of the war.

3. GLEAMING The weapons used in the war were not gleaming as new G-L-E-A-M-I-N-G
before the war.

4. SHROUDED Everything was covered in dirt and shrouded in a S-H-R-O-U-D-E-D

disgusting smell.

5. VIBRATE The swords vibrate which results a buzz. V-I-B-R-A-T-E

6. METALLIC First, it gave out a low buzz but this gradually got louder, M-E-T-A-L-L-I-C
until become an annoying metallic noise.

7. DEAFENING So, the weapons started vibrating and the noise become D-E-A-F-E-N-I-N-G

8. WINK No one managed to get even a wink of sleeps, not even the W-I-N-K
kings or the generals.

9. FURIOUS Both were furious, it ended with both of them declaring F-U-R-I-O-U-S
10. NUMEROUS They now understood that the things which united them N-U-M-E-R-O-U-S
were much more numerous than anything that set them
apart from each other.

A.1.3. Review

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

How do you predict outcomes? Predicting outcomes is done by stating what is likely to
happen next.
When predicting outcomes, evidences for the outcomes
should be based on clues from the event read, experiences
related to the event read and information known about the

Why should there be evidences when predicting There should be evidences in predicting outcomes is that the
outcomes? outcome will be valid and correct.

A.1.4 Motivation

Mechanics: The pupils will be engaged in a “Choose me Properly” game wherein they grouped into four. Each group
will have flashcards that contain set of options: a, b, c, and d; which they raised their corresponding answer after reading
each items or situation (-as a whole class) from the distributed activity sheets. The group that has a highest score win.

Directions: Group the class into (4) four. After providing the flashcards and activity sheets, as a class read each item’s
questions (situations) and options. After giving the signal, raise the corresponding answer. The scores will be recorded
on the board.

A. Ting looked out the window. He went back to his bedroom and got his jacket in the closet. Then,
he looked for his mother to borrow her umbrella. “Stay dry, Ting” his mother said as he went out
the door. “I don’t want you to catch a cold.’

Question a. Go to sleep
b. Help his mom
1. What would Ting do?
c. Leave the house
d. Clean his bedroom

B. The pupils in Mrs. Tan’s class were very excited. Johnny was putting the finishing touches on a big
handmade greeting card. Moana was arranging fresh flowers in a vase; Stella was putting a cupcake with a
tiny candle on the teacher’s table. They all loudly sang with a joyful song when Mrs. Tan entered the
room. The teacher’s eyes widened; her face broke into a big smile.

2. Why were the children very excited? a. They will be dismissed soon
b. Because it it an ordinary day
c. They are just playing
d. They want to surprise Mrs. Tan

3. How did Mrs.Tan feek on that day? a. Angry, because the children are noisy
b. Sad, because her classrom was litery
c. Happy, because she got promote
d. Happy, because her class made an effort the
surprised her.

C. it was the day of the fiesta. Mrs. Manansala gave balloons as prizes in the painting contest. Lita painted a
picture of a dog riding a bicycle.

4. What will Mrs. Manansala say? a. “Lita, better paint another picture”
b. “Why did you pain a dog?”
c. “you win a prize! Here’s a balloon for you.”
D. Friday is a special day in school. Many children brought them pets to school for the pet show. Romy
brought his kitten. Amy brought her puppy. The others brought their pets. Mrs. Reyes said, “We’ll have
more pet shows next year.”

5. Why will there be more pet shows next year? a. The children enjoyed the activity
b. Only few pets were shown
c. Friday is always a special day
d. The school have more activities for children


Teacher facilitates by asking the following questions

From the previous activity, we tried to figure out what?
We tried to figure out the possible ending of the story read.
Yes, from that you already know why those are the
correct answers for each item, which is?
The possible ending should always have a logical connection
from the given situation.
Correct, by that, we will discuss and learn furthermore
about giving a possible ending of a story read. So, bear
with me, ok? Yes, ma’am!


A.2.1. Unlocking difficulties

Mechanics: Through the given activity, the pupils will unlock the meaning of the underlined word. Maintaining the
group, each will unlock the meaning of the 10 words presented using a dictionary to determine the meaning. After
which, they will give the synonym and antonym of the underlined words through attaching the corresponding words
written on flashcards on the board.

Directions: Maintaining the group, the pupils will unlock the 10 words presented using a dictionary to define and
attached on the board the corresponding synonym and antonym of the underlined word which written on flashcards; then
construct a sentence using the underlined words.

Presented Words Synonym Antonym Sentence

KNIGHTS WARRIOR COMMONER During the war, weapons used by knights were all

TRIUMPHANT VICTORIOUS FAILED A grand celebration was held after triumphant from the
past conflict.

GLEAMING SHINING DULL The swords and armors of the soldiers are gleaming as
it reflected the light from the sun.

SHROUDED COVERED UNVEIL The battle field was shrouded by blood.

VIBRATE QUIVER FIRM A vibrate felt by the soldier every time his sword hits
the enemy’s weapon.

METALLIC GRATING WOODEN The weapons used create a metallic sound.

DEAFENING LOUD SOFT As the soldiers attack their enemies, their cheers are

WINK GLIMPSE STARE Not a single wink of sleep the soldiers have.

FURIOUS FIERCE CALM After the war, no man was furious.

NUMEROUS PLENTY SCARCE Numerous food prepared after the war for the

A.2.2. Raising of Motive Question


In the story, there are two kingdom disputes and declares

a war. What would you think stops it? How does it stop
the dispute?

A.2.3 Recall of Reading Standards


What are the standards for silent reading? 1. Sit erect

2. Hold the book with both hands
3. Read with your eyes and do not move your lips
4. Do not point to the words
5. Do not move your heads
6. Know your hard words
7. Understand what you read
8. Get the thought of the story

A.2.4 Reading Proper

Mechanics: Distribute the copies of the selection, making sure everyone has. Apply the standards for silent
reading. The teacher reads first the selection then read as a class in oral reading. The advanced and fluent reader
of the class will read for the class, followed by a silent reading. Lastly, the teacher read the selection again.
The Sword of Peace
-Pedro Pablo Sacristan

Once upon a time there was a precious sword. Now, this sword belonged to a great King, and for as long as anyone could remember,
the King spent all his time in his palace, enjoying his shows and parties. One day a great dispute broke out between this King and the
King of a neighboring country. It ended with both declaring war.
The sword was greatly excited at the prospect of taking part in its first real battle. It would show everyone how truly brave and
special it was, and would become renowned throughout the kingdom. On the way to the front line, the sword imagined itself the
winner of many battles. However, when they arrived, the first battle had already taken place, and the sword got to see the results of
war. What it saw had nothing in common with what the sword had imagined. No elegant shining knights, triumphant, with their
weapons gleaming in the sunlight. Instead, all the sword saw was broken weapons, and hordes of hungry and thirsty men. There was
hardly any food left. Everything was covered in dirt and shrouded in a disgusting smell. Many were half dead and scattered on the
ground, bleeding from multiple wounds.
The sword realized it liked neither wars nor battles. It decided it preferred to live in peace and spend its time taking part in
tournaments and competitions. So, on the night before what was going to be the big final battle, the sword tried to find a way to
prevent it from taking place. After a while, the sword started to vibrate. First it gave out a low buzz, but this gradually got louder,
until it became an annoying metallic noise. The swords and armor of the other soldiers asked the King's sword what it was doing. It
told them "I don't want there to be a battle tomorrow. I don't like war". One answered, "No one likes it, but what can we do?"
"Make yourself vibrate, just like I'm doing", said the King's sword. "If we make enough noise no one will sleep."
So, the weapons started vibrating, and the noise became deafening. It was so loud that it reached the enemy camp, and the weapons
there, who were equally sick of the war, joined the protest.
The next morning, when the battle should have begun, not a single soldier was ready to fight. No one had managed to get even a
wink of sleep, not even the Kings or the Generals. So, they spent the whole day catching up on sleep. During the evening they
started to wake up, and decided to put off the battle for the next day.
However, the weapons, led by the King's sword, spent the night repeating their peace song, and again no soldier could rest. The
battle had to be postponed yet again, and this carried on for the next seven days. On the evening of the seventh day, the Kings of the
two armies met to see what they could do about the situation. Both were furious from their previous dispute, but after being together
for a while they started to discuss their sleepless nights, the surprise on their soldier's faces, the confusion of day with night, and the
amusing situations all this had created. It wasn't long before both were laughing, like friends, at these little stories.
Fortunately, they forgot their old disputes and they put an end to the war, each returning to their own land with the double joy of not
having had to fight, and having regained a friend. And from then on, from time to time the Kings would meet up to talk about their
experiences as Kings. They now understood that the things which united them were much more numerous than anything that set
them apart from each other.


B.1.Answering of Motive Question


What do you think stops it? It was the sword of the king.
How did it stop the dispute? Every night they sang a peace song, and no soldier could rest
that makes the battle postponed in the morning.

B.2. Comprehension Check

Mechanics: Maintaining the group, the teacher draws questions from the box. A signal will be declared after reading the
question, one member from the group raised their flag that correspond to their answer that equivalent to a given point/s.
the group who got the highest score win.

1. What is the title of the story? The Sword of Peace

Pedro Pablo Sacristan
2. Who is the author of the story?

3. Who are characters of the story? The two kings, soldiers, the sword

4. The sword belonged to? a great king

5. Where does the king spent all his time? in the palace

6. Who is the king, does the owner of the sword king of neighboring country
dispute over?

7. What does be furious result? declaring war

8. What does the sword imagine itself on the way

to the front line? the sword imagined itself the winner of many battles

9. When they arrived, the first battle had already all the sword saw was broken weapons, and hordes of hungry
taken place, what was the sword got to see as a and thirsty men
result of war?

10. Did the sword like the battle? Why? No, because it witnessed a dreadful state. Everything was
covered in dirt and shrouded in a disgusting smell. Many were
half dead and scattered on the ground, bleeding from multiple

11. What does the sword do to prevent the war? The sword started to vibrate.

12. What was the response of the other sword No one likes the war and ask what they can do.
when the King’s sword told that it doesn’t like

13. Why do the swords start to vibrate? the swords start to vibrate to create a deafening sound to make
the soldiers not to sleep.

14. If you were the sword, will you do the same? Yes, because we want to stop the war too which is not good.

15. What was the result of the swords’ protest? No one had managed to get even a wink of sleep, not even the
Kings or the Generals, and not a single soldier was ready to
The swords and weapons start vibrating, and the noise became
16. Is the protest successful? How?
deafening. No one had got even a wink of sleep and not ready
to fight in the next morning and everyone catching up on
17. How many days does the swords protested? Seven days

18. What does the two kings of the two armies do

on the evening of the seventh day? They met to see what they could do about the situation.

19. What was the decision of the two kings? They decided to settle the dispute, forgot about their old
disputes and they put an end to the war.
If I am the king, I will ask sorry from the king of the other
20. If you were the king from one of that country, country if I commit a mistake.
how will you end the war?

A good conversation can fix a dispute, in the way that we start

21. How does a good conversation fix a dispute? to calm ourselves, reflect, and understand. Then choosing the
greater cause, which’s mostly, choosing to be happy rather
than having a troubled mind.
The good point in setting aside the dispute is we can prevent
worse things occur, like war. And enjoying the short period of
22. What is the good point in setting aside the
life worthwhile.

The characteristics of the swords are peace-maker, ambiguous

and humble.
23. What characteristics do have the swords?

Yes, because it teaches us that being furious to one another

24. Do you like the story? Why? can result a worst impact. We can’t deny we feel and
experience anger, but we shouldn’t cage ourselves putting at
risk the happiness we could enjoy.

The best part of the story is, when the sword witnessed the
25. What part of the story did you like best? Why? awful situation of a war. Because, through that it realized that
wars can’t always result a good situation as it was imagined.

If I am the author, I will add to the story about the event had
26. If you were the author of the story, what happen was spread across the other kingdoms which always
ending will you write to complete the story? remind that wars result from is not good and shouldn’t happen
Don’t assume that everything has a good result. Be ambiguous
on our actions, always choose the greater cause and be a peace
27. What lessons are learned from the story?


B.3.1. Introductory Activity

Mechanics: Using the presented selection, each pupil will reread the selection and give possible ending by drawing the
event and writing description about the idea in a clean sheet of bond paper. The pupils will be asked with questions
which serves them as guidance in able come up a possible ending, the answers will be written at the back of the paper.

Directions: Read the selection. In a clean sheet of bond paper, draw the possible ending and write the details about the
drawing. Then follow and answer the given questions.

Name:__________________ Date:_____
Grade and Section:________________


2. Answer the questions that follow.

a. Is your possible ending connected to the given situation from the story read?
b. Is your possible ending is not a cliffhanger or vague to understand?
c. Is the lesson gained displays or reflected from the given situation?
d. Is your possible ending wraps up the narrative in a clear and logical manner?
e. Is your possible ending incorporates some element of surprise, a good twist feels surprising, but it’s like also natural,
appropriate, and, somehow right?

B.3.2. Pupils’ Report

Mechanics: Each pupil will present their output. First, reading the description and justification through answering the
given questions.

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

a. Is your possible ending connected from the Yes, because it needs to have a connection from the given
given situation from the story read? situation to emphasize that the possible ending is not an
ending that comes out of the blue.
b. Is your possible ending being not a cliffhanger
No, the possible ending should not stay too much in
or vague to understand?
cliffhanger or vague because this makes the audience get
uninterest and not satisfied on the ending.
c. Is the lesson gained displays or reflected from Yes, because like connecting the given situation to the
the given situation? possible ending, the lesson also evident from the given
situation. Because, it makes the reader visualize and reflect
then criticize and even recreate other aspects and/or lessons.

d. Is your possible ending wraps up the narrative Yes, the possible ending must wrap up the narrative in a
in a clear and logical manner? clear and logical manner. Because, we prioritize that as
much as possible we don’t miss any part of the story that
catches the attention of the reader that needs to have a
satisfying ending. And, it is also in logical manner to have a
clear speculation on whatever the possible ending, there
must be consistency and congruency.
e. Is your possible ending incorporate some Element of surprise is not that necessary in giving possible
element of surprise, a good twist feels ending, because, it might mislead the given situation. But if
surprising, but it’s like also natural, appropriate, those surprise has made a foundation or connected to the
and, somehow right? given situation, it is potential elements to connects with the
reader’s emotion and excitement. Prioritizing the natural,
appropriate and realistic somehow is right.

B.3.3 Teacher Facilitates

Mechanics: The teacher processes the concluded activity by focusing the attention on the important points of the lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

What activity have we done? We give possible ending of a story read through drawing and
presenting our description.

Why do we need the connection of the climax to the Climax is the most exciting and amazing moment of the
possible ending of a story? story; thus, it supplements and guide the end. And to make
the end realistic and interesting.


C.1. Application

Mechanics: Events will be presented, wherein pupils encircle the letter of the correct ending for each situation that must
make a resolution to the conflict; must answer questions in the story; must be based on cause and effect. This means that
the ending is logical and not based on what just thought or want.

Directions: Read the following sentences. Encircle the letter of the correct ending for each situation.

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

1. Molly helped her father put his clothes in a a. Molly cried aloud in the airport because her tooth
luggage last night. Today, she walks with her aches.
father had-in-hand in an airport. Her mother is b. Molly smiled to her father and said she will study well
smiling but her eyes are. “Be a good girl, until he comes back.
Moll. I know you are. Study well and I will c. Molly ran away from her father because he made her
give you a present you want for Christmas,” mother sad.
her father said to her. What would Molly’s
reaction be?
2. Tina studied hard for the past week because a. Tina did well in her exams and passed every
the exams were coming. The night before the
exam, she slept early and had a good rest. subject.
What happened to Tina? b. Tina overslept and was not able to go to school.
c. Tina cheated and copied from her seatmate during
the exam.
3. Ron did not make his project in Science. He
just played computer games the other night a. Ron crammed to make his project at the back of the
and forgot about it. The following day, his class.
classmates passed their projects during their b. Ron lied to his Science teacher saying that he forgot his
Science class. What did Ron do? project at home and asked if he could pass it the next
c. Ron told his teacher that he forgot about the project
and asked if he could pass it the next day.
4. Jerome forgot to bring his lunch and he does
not have extra money with him. Jerome’s a. Josh left Jerome and sat with his other friends.
friend, Josh, sits with him during lunch. Josh b. Josh shared his extra sandwich ad banana to Jerome
has an extra sandwich and a banana. What and they ate together.
would Josh do? c. Josh gave his money to Jerome so he can buy his own
5. Andrea found a wallet while walking along food.
the corridor at school. Nobody is in the area a. Andrea picked up the wallet and went to the guidance
looking for a lost wallet. What would Andrea office to surrender it.
do? b. Andrea picked up the wallet and hid it in her bag.
c. Andrea ignored the wallet because it was not her’s to

Exercise 2
Read the short story “The Poor Man’s Wealth” and create your own possible ending for the story. Write it on the lines.

The Poor Man’s Wealth

Ramchand and Premchand were neighbors. Ramchand was a poor farmer. Premchand was a landlord.
Ramchand used to be very relaxed and happy. He never bothered to close the doors and windows of his house at
night. He had deep sound deeps. Although he had no money, he was peaceful.
Premchand used to be very tense always. He was very keen to close the doors and windows of his house at night.
He could not sleep well. He was always bothered that someone might break open his safe and steal away his money. He
envied the peaceful Ramchand.
One day, Premchand call Ramchand ad gave him a boxful of cash saying, “Look, my dear friend, I am blessed with
plenty of wealth. I find you in poverty. So, take this cash and live in prosperity.”
Ramchand was overwhelming happy. He was joyful throughout the day. Night came. Ramchand went to bed as
usual. But today, he could not sleep. He went and closed doors and windows. He still could not sleep. He began to keep
looking at the box of cash. The whole night, he was disturbed.
As soon as day broke, Ramchand took the box of cash to Premchand. He gave away the box to Premchand saying,
“Dear friend, I am poor. But no money took away peace from me. Please bear with me and take back your money.

What ending will you give the story?


Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

How do we give possible ending? Giving possible ending to a story is, it must be:
-make a resolution to the conflict
-answer questions in the in the story
-based on cause and effect.

Why do we need the connection of the climax to the Climax is the most exciting and amazing moment of the
story; thus, it supplements and guide the end. And to make
possible ending of a story? the end realistic and interesting.


Mechanics: A short story will be presented and everyone reads. After which, the pupils will create a possible ending of
the story. Do this in writing notebook.

Noel’s Pet Bird

Noel’s pet bird was free to fly around the house. But its frequent visits were made in the kitchen much to annoyance of
their helper. It would fly straight to the table where it would pick something to eat.
One warm day, the bird was attracted to a sticky fly paper. Its bill touched the paper and got stuck. The bird raised its
foot to let itself loose, but its foot got stuck, too. Soon, both its feet were stuck tight on the fly paper. No amount of
pulling, struggling, and bird noise helped the bird in its misfortune. It flew to a brook nearby with the fly paper dangling
from its feet.

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

Ending must make a resolution to the conflict

Ending answer questions in the story.

Ending must be based on cause and effect.

C.4 Assignment

Tell an unforgettable experience, and give an alternative possible ending of your experience. Write it on a one whole
sheet of paper.

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