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Sexual dimorphism in Pomacea canaliculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae)

Article · December 1990


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Nestor J. Cazzaniga
Universidad Nacional del Sur


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@ CMS, Inc., 1990
Thc Vcligcr 33(~):384-388 (Octobcr 1, 1990)

Sexual Dimorphism in Pomacea canaliculata

(Gastropoda: Ampullariidae)l

Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional del Sur,
8000 Bahía Blanca, Argentina

Abstract. The Argentine apple snail. Pomacca canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822), shows sexual di mor-
phism in the shape of the shell aperture and the operculum, whose relative widths are significantly
different between sexes. The shape of these structures is therefore a reliable means of externally sexing
the snails. ~-lales also bear a heavier shell than females. Consideration of sexual dimorphism will
imprm'e the predictive curves relating linear measuremt"nts and biomass. A test for sexual shell dimor-
phism would also enhance taxonomic undcrstanding of some conchological species.

II'\1'RODUC1'ION dissecled 10 ascertain lheir sexo Figure 1 shows lhe me;!-

surements taken. The aperture length was measured OJ¡
While studying Pomacca canaliculata (Lamarck. 1822) a
ilS largesl axis (i.e., obliquely lo lhe columellar axis) and
shell dimorphism involving lhe shape of lhe apenure and
lhe aperture width was measured p.=rpendicular lo lhe
lhe operculum was observed. A similar observation was
lenglh. This way of measuring fits .he operculum pro-
made by HALE (1964) and DEMIAN & IBRAHIM (1972)
portions better than the custom of using lhe aperlure lenglh
for lhe planorboid ampullariid Marisa cornuarietis (L.).
parameter parallel to lhe largesl axis of lhe shell.
1'he females of bOlh species have a narrow aperture com-
The shells were weighed lo lhe nearesl 0.01 g. For lhe
pared wilh lhe more rounded one of lhe males. 1'0 an
analysis of shell weight the largest female and the smallest
experienced eye this dimorphism permils routine eXlernal male were omitted from lhe calculations in order 10 study
sexing of mosl specimens, wilh a high degree of reliabililY,
the same size range for bolh sexes.
Though some males show a narrower aperture, expanded
perislomes are infrequent in females. In this paper a pre-
liminary analysis of the dimorphic condition is presenled RESUL TS
and its ecological and laxonomic derivations are discussed. Figure 2 shows two examples in which the relative widlh
of lhe aperture iIIuslrates lhe mentioned sexual dimor-
phism. The perimeler of lhe operculum is smoo¡h and
Thirly-four live individuals of Pomacea canaliculata, col- generally coincides wilh lhe shape of the aperlure in the
lecled al Palermo Park (Buenos Aires dt}', Argentina) in females. In the males il is often wider, showing' a sinuous
February 1987, were used lo lesl a hypothesis of sex related surface and an irregular ouler edge.
differences. AII specimens were within the size range of Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of lhe studied
mature adults (MARTIN, 1986). malerial. There is no significanl diITerence between the
Shells and opercula were measured wilh a Vernier cal- shell width-Ienglh ralio of males and females (t = 0.297,
iper lo the neareSl 0.01 mm, and ¡he animals were ¡hen P > 0.70, d.f. = 32) or hetween lhe apenure lenglh-shell
width ralio (t = 0.503, P > 0.60). The length of the body
whorl is almOSl equal 10 lhe shell widlh and is nol a
I Contribution No. 27 of the Laboratorio de Ecología Acuática, dimorphic characler (t = 1.300, P > 0.20). The widlh-
Departamento de Biología de la Universidad I\acional del Sur. Icnglh ratio of lhe operculum was compared lo lhal of lhe
This work was supported by a research grant from lhe Consejo
aperture using a paired t test, which gave a non-significant
Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET,
Argentina): PID 3915503. value of 0.648 (1' > 0.40). The analysis could therefore
l Researcher of the Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de be carried oul eqUallY weIl on the peristome or on the
la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. operculum.
N. J. Cazzaniga, 1990 Page 385


.80 .
. ..
.76 . ....
1\ 1/ 11 1 .72
I 3:1
mi I "'- 11 11 I
o o
00 o o
08000 o o
.64 o o o


30 40 50 60
sw shell wldth (mm)

Figure 1 Figure 3
Measurements ef Pomacea canaliculata shells. AL, apenure length; Scatter plet ef operculum width/operculum length versus shell
\ W, aperture width; B WL, body wherllength; SL. shelllength; width in the twe sexes of Pomacea canalicu/ala.
,-¡W. shell width.

The operculum width-Iength ratio is not significantly

dJ. = 2 and 28). The hypothesis of equality of lhe slopes
corrc:laled lo shel1 size (width) within this range. in either
sex: r = -0.1329 for lhe females; r = -0.2790 for the
was not rejected (F = 0.0015, P > 0.96), and it is lhus
lhe inlerCepts whieh are lhe souree of the dissimilarily.
males. 'The operculum ratio shows liule overlap between
The males have a heavier shel1 lhan the females, and
sexes (Figure 3), a critical leve! of discrimination being
the difference in shel1 weight-shel1 width ratio between
near 0.72. The comparison of the mean operculum ratios
the sexes is highly significant: l = 3.64, P < 0.01, d.f. =
yieldcd a highly significant diffcrence between sexes: l = 30).
10.45, P < 0.001.
Figure 4 shows the rcgression lines of shcll weighl (SlVe) DISCUSSION
as a funclion of shcll \Vidlh (S IV):
Males: SlVe = 0.271 36SIV - 5.72112 PO/TIllc/!acarw/rcu/ala is the sccond ampullariid species in
Females: SIV/! = 0.26807SIV- 6.71721 which sex dimorphism has becn reponed. BALE (1964)
described a similar feature in a Pueno Rican population
of Marisa comuarielis (L.), il1ustrating it by means of a
The analysis of covariance of the regressions over sexes scaller plOL She said lhat the difI'en:nce was "much lcss
indieatcd a significant diO'erence (1' = 7.694. P < 0.002, evidcnt" in a Florida populalion of lhe same species, lJut

- ......

Figur~ 2
A female (teft) and a male (righl) specimen of Pomaceacanalicu/ala illustrating sexual dimorphism in the relative
width ef the aperture.
Page 386 The Veliger, Vol. 33, No. 4

shell The expansion of lhe malc perislomc is probably relaled

welght lO lhe greal de\'elopmenl of lhe penial complex, whieh
. ¡;>;ivesrise lo an appreciable swelling under lhe righl sir:
(:j /rl
of lhe manllc cdgc in many ampullariids (HVLTON SCO'l .
1957; ANDREWS, 1964). Thus, lhe dimorphic conditio!l
I / may be common among olher NeOlropical apple snails.
When delermining sex on lhe basis of emply shells of
Pomacea canaliculala, il is useful 10 consider lhe aperlure
4 Icnglh obliquely, on its grealcst axis. The more cuslomary
vertical measuremenl would obscure lhe differences be-
lween sexes, which are clear in lhe operculum proportions.
GUEDES el al. (1981) sludied lhe correlalions among
35 45 55 linear parameters and lhe weighl of lhe shell and of the
shell wldth (mml soft parls in Pomacea canaliculala, and found lhallhe wea\.:-
est correlalions were lhose involving shell weighl. Becausc
Figure 4
they did not separale males from females. lhis low cor-
Rcgression lines of shell wcighl as a funClion of shell widlh in relalion could be due in parl lo the dimorphic condilion
Pnmacca cana/icu/ala.
of lhe shell weighl. The reproduclive eO'ort in lhis species
is higher lhan in olher gaslropods in temperale waters
(Eslebenel & Cazzaniga, unpublished data), and lhe rel-
no numcrical information was includcd to assess level of
alive weakness of lhe female shcll may therefore be relaled
signiflcance. DEMIAN& IBRAHIM(1972) carried out a more lo the expenditUre of calcium 10 build eggshells.
eXlensive sludy on lhe same species. They also found lhat Thcre are se\'eral conccivable ccological and laxonomic
shell aperture prO\'ides the mosl significant sex-rclaled ml1sequel1ces of shcll dimorphism.
differences, and delected (ess obvious signs of dimorphism
on olher shell and pigmenlalion characlers. \\'e found sex- Ecology: P07llQccncannliculatn and rclated snails are ",ilh.
rclated expanded apcrtures in P. canaliculata populations srread in lhe NeOlropical Region (CAZZANIGA,1987). The}'
from difI'erent localities. conslilule the main diel of some birds (SNVDER & KALE,
The opercular ralio for some Pomacea canaliculala from 1983; BOURNE, 1983), and are ealen by caimans (DIE-
Brazil is 61.1 lO 79.4. with a general mean of 67.36 :t FENBACH, 1979), lurlles, and other native verlebrales
3.90 (n = 87) (GUEDESel al., 1981). These values are not (RUSSELL, 1972). By assessing lheir biomass on lhe basis
differenl from lhose presented in Table 1 (t.= 1.08, P > of linear shell measurements il is possible bOlh lo evaluale
0.2, dJ. = 119), suggesting a high degree of similarit)' lhe energy budgel of live populalions Wilhoul employing
belween lhe Argentinian and Brazilian populalions. destruclive teehniques and lo eSlimate the biomass con-

Table 1
Shcll measuremenls and weighls of lhe studied specimens of POInacea canaliculala (Laman'k, 1822) from La Plala.

Females (n = 21) Males (n = 13)

Min Max Mean :t SD Min Max Mean :t SD

42.8 61.7 48.21 :t 4.53 39.0 53.8 47.85 :t 5.00

Shell 1cngth (SL)
Shell widlh (S\\') 37.7 57.8 43.13 :t 4.79 33.2 48.0 42.53 :t 4.44
36.7 59.5 42.43 :t 5.04 34.1 47.8 42.45 :t 4.21
Body whorllenglh (BWL)
31.3 49.5 35.79 :t 4.17 28.4 40.0 35.08 :t 3.37
Aperture length (AL)
2\.3 33.9 24.47 :t 2.88 20.5 29.0 25.65 :t 2.7.
Aperlure width (A W)
26.2 44.0 30.95 :t 3.87 26.1 35.:\ 30.97 :!: 2111;
Opcrcu1urTI Icnth (01.)
17.0 29.2 20.40 :!: 3.27 18.8 2(,.0 22.41 i 2.22
Uperculum widlh (UW)
2.83 6.97 4.65 :t 1.04 3.67 8.38 6.03 :t 1.38
Shell weightt (SWe)
82.68 97.91 89.40 :t 3.71 80.16 96.47 88.98 :t 4.48
100 SW /SL
92.16 103.66 98.38 :t 3.37 94.87 ]06.55 99.93 :!: 3.38
lOa BWL/S\\,
78.53 87.02 82.97 :t 2.65 77.38 88.35 82.62 :t 3.09
100 AL/SW
64.52 73.99 68.40 :t 2.47 70.14 77.60 72.99 :t 2.16
63.64 72.22 66.78 :t 2.35 70.59 77.78 75.35 :t 2.05
100 OW /OL*
9.13 13.34 10.86 :t 1.78 9.84 20.24 13.83 :t 2.86
100 SWe/SWt

t Calculaled Irorn 20 females ami 12 males.

* General mean (n = 34): 68.30:t 5.14.
.'J.J. Cazzaniga, 1990
Page 387

surncd by prcdators who Icave the empty shells. However,

hy PAIN (t 960) with rcgard to P. lineala (Spix in Wagner,
females havc heavier soft parts Ihan males (GUEDESel al., 1827) from llrazil, in whose synonymy he placed P. leuior.
1981). llecause the intercepts 01' lhe biomass regressions In both cases the specimens appear to have been male.
01'both sexes are significantly different, BOURNE& BERLIN A series of similar cases is easily found in the already
(1982) stated that Han overall equation, although possibly confused scheme of Pomacea forms. To what extent are
still useable, would show a consistent bias in prcdiction many of the mentioned differences among nominal species
dcpending on the sex 01'the individua!." We suggest that dlle 10 an unnOliced sex dimorphism? Knowledge of many
il is possib1e to identify reliably the sex 01' eaeh specimcn South American species of Pomacea is based on nothing
iI1d 10 use differentiatcd rcgression equations 10 predict more than a few empty shells, without any assessment 01'
;he biomass.
variability. A test for the presence of a dimorphic condition
GUEDES el al. (1981) delined an operculum product in the other apple snails would improve the understanding
(lcngth x widlh) thal they used as an independent variable of the conchological species: several putat'ive species could
in a regression on living weight. This parameter seems to prove 10 be sex-based synonyms.
be inadequale, considering the observed sexual differenees
in opereulum widlh. A fema1e will have a lower operculum
product but a grealcr biomass than a mal e 01' the same LITERATURE CITED
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