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I. Reading Comprehension Task (p. 103)

1. Instrumental Good – Ultimate Good

Aristotle emphasized that every action is aimed at some good. There are two
kinds of good—instrumental good and the ultimate good. Instrumental good is a mean
to achieving something else, while ultimate good refers to the absolute good in itself.

2. Pleasure – Happiness

Unlike happiness, pleasure cannot be considered as the ultimate good since it is

only temporary. One such example is whenever we consume our favorite items (food,
etc.). On the other hand, happiness is self-sufficient. According to Aristotle, happiness
is “living well and doing well” in whatever one does.

3. Virtue – Vice

Virtue and vice are the exact opposite of one another. Virtues refer to the
behavior showing high moral standards. On the other hand, vices represent immoral
behavior and practices.

4. Intellectual Virtue – Moral Virtue

According to Nicomachean Ethics, there are two kinds of virtue—intellectual

and moral. Intellectual virtue is mainly achieved through education, time, and
experience, while moral virtue is through habitual practice.

5. Science and Technology – The Good Life

Science and Technology are two of the most important parts of our planet.
Currently, they constitute the human civilization and its future generations. On the
other hand, the good life, according to the nicomachean ethics, refers to the state of
happiness and contentment in both mind and actions. Science and technology play huge
roles in attaining the good life.

II. Field Study (p. 109)

Hidden Sugar Found on the Label: High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Description: Fructose Corn Syrup, simply known as glucose-fructose, is a source of sugar

made from corn starch. The main reason for using GFA in foods and beverages is its
sweetness and ability to mix well with other ingredients. Interestingly, it can also be used
in place of food preservation additives (table sugar also works). This helps meet the needs
of consumers who need additive-free products. In addition to improving stability, GFS
helps improve texture, prevent crystallization and achieve the desired consistency (crispy
or moist).

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