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Risk exposure: Hazard openness is the proportion of potential future misfortune coming about because

of a particular action or occasion. An examination of the danger openness for a business frequently
positions chances as per their likelihood of happening increased by the expected misfortune on the off
chance that they do.

Risk exposure for Color Cosmetics: Shading makeup allude to the items basically used to improve the
appearance and involve individual taste and inclination. They comprise of facial make up items, lip care
items, eye make-up items, and nail care items. These items are accessible through online channels, elite
brand outlets, and claim to fame stores. Cognizance as to appearance is one of the central point which
drives this market.

Target Market: In view of the objective market, it is bifurcated into Prestige Products and Mass

Competitors: The significant parts in the Pakistan shading beautifying agents market incorporate
Unilever N.V., Avon Products, Inc. Revlon Inc. Mac Cosmetics, L’Oréal Group, Clinique Laboratories, LLC,
Etude House, Oriflamme Holding Ag, Coty, Inc. and Cite London. Competitors effects Unilever’s product
only when they are in high quality These are the various Competitors of this product. Unilever’s
cosmetics affect only when their quality of product decreases and customers go towards their
competitors and buy this Product. This condition proves risk exposure for the company.

Lack of modern Technology : Lack of modern technology effects Unilever’s product cosmetics. If the
company that is selling such product and have no latest idea about the product that make it efficient. In
this case the product of this company proves danger for the company. So that it is very important for
company to aware all the changes that occurs in the market related to your product. For example If a
product that is making in the organization and with the passage of time there is no development in it. It
proves harmful effects for the company and the company moves in downward direction. The main thing
is that your alternatives are present in the market and the customers goes anywhere in the market in
case of any disturbance.

Change in Government Policy: For our firm the change in policies affects the growth of business and
ultimately it proves risk for our firm and your product demand is not favorable for the customers due to
high rates of the following product. It proves risk exposure for the company.

Price of the Product: The value impact is an idea that takes a gander at the impact of market costs on
customer interest. The value impact can be a significant investigation for organizations in setting the
contribution cost of their merchandise and ventures. By and large, when costs rise, purchasers will
normally purchase less and the other way around when costs fall. If the cosmetics products price is not
favorable for all the customers that Proves danger for the company and overall the product go towards

Dissatisfaction of Customers: Client disappointment happens when your item or administration neglects
to meet the assumptions for your clients. Understanding client disappointment is significant in light of
the fact that clients are bound to recollect negative encounters instead of the positive experiences
they've had with your business. Cosmetics dissatisfaction means that your product are not favorable for
the customers and company disturb with this factor. The company required to see all your products that
selling in the market and used parameters to make it best and all customers are fully satisfied with this

.Lack of Innovation: For Unilever lack of Innovation means that their will be no innovation occur in the
case of color cosmetics. It effects the growth of the business and ultimate the production level
decreases and overall they kill the businesses. Unilever’s cosmetics are affected due to lack of
Innovation. They are innovative but some conditions present in the market such as covid-19 that proves
harmful effects for Companies growth.

Fluctuation in Market: Markets are continually going all over. In the event that the financial exchange
patterns up over the long run, it's known as a buyer market. On the off chance that it drifts down, it's
known as a bear market. However, for an informal investor, you need to comprehend market vacillation
at a lot further level. The Unilever’s product cosmetics are affected when the change occur in the market
due to many factors that disturbs the business of cosmetics.

Risk exposure for Cream

Price of the product: Ice Cream can be a regular treat or a craftsman extravagance. Ice cream estimating
technique ought to convey to clients whether your items are open solace food or treats for complex
eaters. A few clients will choose a brand of Ice cream on account of its low cost while others will be
attracted to a more extravagant item as a result of their insight that cost connects with quality. Your
decision of how to value your frozen yogurt will mirror the kind of client you wish to draw in.

If its price is less or low in quality it also proves risk exposure for an organization. On the other
hand if the price is high or quality is better not more better it also effects the Companies growth and the
sales are moves downward.

Choice of Consumer: It is an important factor in the case of ice cream. If you are selling something in the
market like ice cream and you don’t fulfill the choice of consumer. It also proves risk exposure for an
organization. The taste is different and quality is less then they move towards others and they also
affected by this act.

Competitors: The various Competitors are present in the market. Competitors can also effects the
growth of this product. If you are not working well with your product It proves risk exposure for the
Company and ultimate its growth decreases. In this case the Unilever’s product Ice cream is affected due
to his competitors. They make same product in the market with extra facilities like quality etc. In this
condition Unilever use strategy to compete with your competitors and make our product favorable.

Dissatisfaction of Customers: Dissatisfaction of Customers means that the customers are not satisfied
with your product that you are selling in the market. When the customers are dissatisfied when you are
not focused on your product like quality, services, taste etc. These are the things which dissatisfied the
customers and your product going downward. The customers are not fully satisfied with Unilever’s
product that is ice cream. Unilever make it best by adopting some conditions that not fulfilled with this
Risk Identification For Color Cosmetics:

Lower Sales: Another factor that is the lower Sales. It is very important phenomenon in case of any kind
of business. Sales is lower only when the customers are not satisfied with your product and have many
Complains from customers side. This totally affects the business and the sales becomes downward. In
case of cosmetics the sales are lower when there is a change occur in the product.

Price of the product: Another factor that affects the companies growth is the price of the product that
you are selling in the market at a specific location. If your product price is higher and your services is
much lower. This behavior will affect your business. The price of any commodity is favorable for the
customers and it’s demands that expecting from the Seller. For Unilever if the price of cosmetics is high
and the quality is much lower. That effects the Companies growth very badly.

Alternatives used to reduce risk: The various alternatives are described below:

Risk and it’s alternatives:

• Competitors: There are various approaches to confront the danger that is being developed
out of your rivals. For this danger looked by the individual wash scope of Unilever, Unilever
should take care of its current clients and give them the best it very well may be conceivable
that they bring new clients and furthermore Unilever must grows its proposals with new
items and administrations their clients may like.
• Technological Advancement: Unilever can undoubtedly keep away from this danger by
making themselves viable through innovation on the lookout. By employing new labor force
that has a decent hold over the new and trend setting innovation this will assist them with
being viable on the lookout and the danger of not being mechanical headway will be kept
away from.
• Customer Preferences: Unilever can without much of a stretch diminish this danger by
following the accompanying advances:

•Identify their indiscreet clients

•Know the strategy for how they shop.

•Cater the grumblings of your clients

•Invest in doing research of Unilever's clients.

•Make your client support successful.

•Make procedures that will expand your clients.

Every one of these methods will be useful in diminishing the danger.

• Lower Sales: A lower deal can be caused because of less acknowledgment of the item in the
market to expand the deals and correct the danger of lower deals Unilever should take part in
certain exercises like offering motivating forces to their rash purchasers, by disseminating free
examples and doing free demos in huge shopping centers and so forth where there is crowd to
engage that. (I would recommend Unilever to stay away from this danger).
• Price of the product: Unilever can without much of a stretch stay away from this danger by
making long haul evaluating methodologies besides by diminishing their expense in a proficient
way like making contracts with their crude material suppliers that have long haul impacts and by
scaling back technique to decreased.

Covid-19 Affects Unilever’s Wealth:

A Statement from the Chief executive Officer: Coronavirus is exceptionally affecting individuals and
economies around the world. Unilever has moved at speed to help our different partners and keep up
our tasks through the emergency, and get ready for development in another ordinary. We have
organized our prompt reaction into five regions: supporting our kin; ensuring supply; serving interest;
adding to society; and keeping up our monetary strength.

Our portfolio, our monetary dependability and the nature of our initiative groups all throughout the
planet imply that Unilever is all around situated during this emergency and for the changing scene that
will come a short time later. The basic drivers of development keep on being the key standards driving
our execution as we stay zeroed in on conveying prevalent long haul monetary execution through our
practical plan of action.

Unilever Overall Performance: Basic deals development was 0.0% with 0.2% from volume and negative
0.2% from cost. Created markets became 2.8% while developing business sectors declined 1.8%. China
declined because of the slump in food administration, out of home frozen yogurt and retail deals during
the lock-down. Development in India was affected by both the easing back market and the lock-down
carried out toward the finish of March, which halted creation and delivery for various days. Latin
America became 4.9% while South East Asia was blended, following the presentation of exacting
limitations in the Philippines. North America and Europe profited by family loading, in spite of a
decrease in food administration and frozen yogurt. Internet business developed as customers moved
from disconnected to online channels.

Turnover expanded 0.2%. There was a positive effect of 0.6% from acquisitions net of removals and an
adverse consequence of 0.4% from money.

Covid-19 Support Measures: During the quarter Unilever presented a wide-going arrangement of
measures to help worldwide and public endeavors to handle the Covid-19 pandemic. We are
contributing €100 million through gifts of cleanser, sanitizer, dye and food just as utilizing our acquisition
organization to procure genuinely necessary clinical hardware for associations all throughout the planet.

Also, we are working with the UK's Department for International Development to support a worldwide
program to direly handle the spread of Covid-19. The program expects to reach up to a billion group
around the world, raising cleanliness mindfulness and evolving conduct.

Financial Performance:

This information tells us the growth decreases due to the corona virus

Underlying sales growth*

This information tells the sales decreases

Underlying volume growth*

In this case the volume growth becomes downward due to the impact of corona virus
that is occur in the market

Operating margin

Underlying operating margin*


Free cash flow*


Cash flow from operating activities


Cash flow (used in)/from investing activities


Cash flow (used in)/from financing activities

The conclusion is that the overall growth disturbs. IN some cases the growth decreases
and in some cases the growth increases but the overall performance is poor due to this
behavior of the market.

Conclusion: The conclusion of the whole report is that to manage all the risks that faced to
Unilever’s products. In this case the firm make strategy to solve these problems related to this and
make our company strong due to his great efforts and be aware of all the challenges that faced in
future. In today’s environment they make favorable conditions to overcome these problems.

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