The Great Distortion

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How to Profit From the Biggest Transfer of Wealth in History

The Great Distortion

How to Profit From the Biggest Transfer of Wealth in History
But if you make the right moves today, you could set
DISTORTION REPORT yourself up for the retirement of your dreams. And
to do that, you need to understand the massive
trend behind it all.
The world we grew up with is gone.
But first, let me tell you a bit about myself… And
Ten years from now, we’ll look back and realize nearly
why my experience can help you grow your wealth
every industry has been fundamentally reshaped.
during this pivotal time of opportunity in the
Distorted like nothing we’ve ever seen before.
For decades, I’ve gone down every rabbit hole to
follow the money on Wall Street and in FROM WALL STREET INSIDER
My name is Nomi Prins. I’m an investigative
I’ve traveled tens of thousands of miles… from
journalist, author, and advisor on economic and
Berlin to Shanghai… from Sao Paulo to Tokyo…
financial matters globally.
All to get the pulse of the global economy and what
But once, I was a Wall Street insider.
it means to ordinary people and their money.
I got my start as an analyst at the Chase Manhattan
I’ve met with government leaders and financial
Bank when I was 19. I rose quickly through the ranks
movers and shakers… all while writing seven books
there. And I went on to hold senior positions with
on economics, history, the stock market, and Wall
Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns London.
Then in 2000, Goldman Sachs recruited me to be a
And what I’ve learned is this… This transformation
managing director at their global headquarters in
will lead to the biggest transfer of wealth in history.
New York. I had a coveted corner office on the 29th
A $150 trillion transfer, to be exact.
floor. And I was raking in a seven-figure salary.
As this transfer unfolds, you can either use it to
But Wall Street, not a bastion of morality to start
grow your wealth. Or you can ignore it… hope for a
with, was changing… for the worse.
“return to normal”… and risk missing out on this
historic wealth-building opportunity. I saw a growing gap between what Wall Street
wanted for itself and what was good for its clients.
The choice is yours.
Some of its clients were major companies. But many
Americans who choose to ignore my warning may were average Main Street folks.
never be able to forgive themselves for missing out.


The point is, I was fighting losing battles against In it, I warned that the “next bull market’s bust will
Wall Street greed. Then, something happened that be even more devastating than the last one.”
altered my life’s trajectory…
And I wrote this about the activities of big banks and
MY FIGHT TO TELL THE TRUTH insurance companies, such as AIG:

My office was just blocks away from the World Trade A brewing area of conflict of interest at the
Center. On 9/11, United Airlines flight 175 passed supermarket banks is their use of credit
right by my window. It was the second plane. derivatives… The picture will only worsen when
[insurers] start admitting their losses… which
The days that unfolded were chaotic for us all. But they are not obligated to disclose during their
here’s what stuck with me the most… fall, but only when they hit bottom.

Hank Paulson, then-Goldman Sachs Chairman and Four years later, these activities led to the $13
CEO, left a message on our internal voicemail. He trillion mega-bank bailouts during the 2008
said the “people of Goldman Sachs” had a duty to financial crisis – which were just the beginning.
return to their workplaces.
I was one of the few insiders who dared to expose
But I felt differently. Instead, I spent days at the this exclusive global banking framework. And I
69th Regiment Armory on Lexington Avenue. There, wasn’t afraid to talk about it…
I helped people comb through lists of artifacts to
find anything that belonged to their loved ones. I did interviews on TV and radio… I spoke to
audiences of students and politicians… I wrote
I realized life was too short to waste time. numerous newspaper articles and books on the
Over the weeks that followed, I knew I had another
calling – to shed light on the shadiness of Wall But nobody listened… Until the crisis hit.
Street and corporate America.
Then, my phone didn’t stop ringing. Interview and
Much to the chagrin of my mother, I quit my job at speaking requests came fast and furious.
Goldman. I gave up potential millions of dollars in
compensation in order to freely tell the truth. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to shed light on
the moral rot at the core of Wall Street and the
And since I left Wall Street, I have done just that. shadiness of corporate America.

For years, I dug into the elite connections that shaped I’ve exposed…
corporate favoritism… and the scandals that resulted.
• How the too-big-to-fail banks that got bailed
And I warned of the calamity that would befall the out during the financial crisis had the
financial system due to the house of cards Wall tightest top-level government connections.
Street had created. And the most help from the Federal Reserve.
There was a pattern…
In fact, I forecast the 2008 financial crisis four years
before it happened… And I wrote about exactly how • The blood, money, and power relationships
and why it would unfold. between Wall Street banking dynasties and
American presidents throughout the 20th
I published my first book about this in 2004, just two
century. These connections still impact our
years after leaving Wall Street. It’s called Other
lives today…
People’s Money: The Corporate Mugging of America.


• I even filed Freedom of

Information Act requests. I
did this to uncover
information at the Clinton
and other libraries. I wanted
to get to the bottom of how
those banking-political
relationships impacted
ordinary people.

All to help average folks get ahead

in the markets. And in that time, and
all that travel, I’ve made the most
important discovery of my life…

MOMENT FOR result, these financial assets have become
INVESTORS permanently disconnected from the real economy.
We are standing at the precipice of irreversible That disconnect is what I call The Great Distortion.
change. And it’s disrupting every single facet of our lives in
The markets are no longer anchored to ways most folks can’t even imagine.
fundamentals. They are floating on a multitrillion- It’s a make-or-break moment for investors. Because
dollar cushion of central bank money. where there are challenges, there are also
And there’s money to be made because of that. opportunities.

We started on this path in 1971, when Richard Nixon THIS NEW REALITY IS MORE
cut the dollar’s last ties to gold. Since then, the URGENT THAN EVER
markets have become more and more disconnected
One of the biggest opportunities on my radar today
from the real economy.
is in an area of the markets I call “New Energy.” It
The chart above puts this in perspective. You can see covers everything from renewable energy to cleaner
how productivity and wages have drifted apart since infrastructure.
the 1970s. In other words, life has been getting
The focus on clean and sustainable energy sources is
harder for most people.
growing, both here in the U.S. and across the globe.
Since 2002, global central banks have conjured $41
$750 billion was spent on clean energy technologies
trillion out of thin air. And America’s central bank, the
and efficiency worldwide in 2021. But there’s a lot
Federal Reserve, has been one of the biggest culprits.
more to come…
The 2008 financial crisis… and the pandemic crisis
The U.S. government recently passed a $1.2 trillion
of 2020… supercharged this. Since 2008 alone, the
infrastructure bill, earmarking $65 billion to
Fed has fabricated more than $8 trillion.
modernize the nation’s electricity grid so that it can
The banking system and markets suck up all this carry more renewable energy. And other countries
cheap money and use it to buy financial assets. As a are also planning New Energy investments.


The United Kingdom, for example, has pledged $4.1 This trend toward New Energy is inevitable. It will
billion to boost clean infrastructure projects in move forward whether we like it or not.
developing economies. And in November 2021, it
announced funding for a $660 million solar plant. MAJOR DRIVER FOR THIS HISTORIC
All this investment will create opportunities in the
sustainable energy and green technology sectors. In short, the old reality is gone… and a new reality is
But it’s not the only driving force. taking its place. And yet most people don’t realize it.
Many are still living in the reality of the past.
Over the last few months, conflicts around the world
and shortages at home have injected urgency into But the energy industry is one of the biggest
the plans for a New Energy reality. industries transformed by The Great Distortion.

On March 9, The New York Times reported: In the years ahead, we’ll see new oil drilling
technologies, synthetic energy sources… maybe
Loss of Russian Oil Leaves a Void Not Easily even alternative energy sources that replace oil
Filled, Straining Market altogether.

Global production will take time to ramp up, so In fact, the distortion of the energy industry will be
the U.S. and other buyers will chase limited one of the biggest drivers of the $150 trillion
supplies, creating upheaval unseen in decades. transfer of wealth I mentioned earlier.

We can no longer rely on foreign dictators and And Americans who see what’s coming could
adversaries for America’s energy needs. potentially multiply their retirement nest egg 10
times with a few key investments I have identified.
Beyond geopolitics, what happened at ExxonMobil is
a perfect example of the push for New Energy. If you’re interested in finding out more, I put
together a special presentation to show how you can
The world’s biggest oil company recently put three
turn The Great Distortion into a profit opportunity.
people on their board who despise oil.
You can check out my special presentation – and get
As the votes were coming in, Reuters reported:
more details on this $150 trillion transfer of wealth
Exxon loses board seats to activist hedge – right here.
fund in landmark climate vote
Happy investing,
A tiny hedge fund dealt a major blow to Exxon
Mobil Corp… unseating at least two board
members in a bid to force the company’s
leadership to reckon with the risk of failing to
adjust its business strategy to match global
efforts to combat climate change.

At first glance, it sounds too crazy to be true. But it Nomi Prins

makes sense once you understand this one Editor, Distortion Report
fundamental thing…


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