A Review of Digital Transformation in Mining

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Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration



A Review of Digital Transformation in Mining

Aaron Young 1 & Pratt Rogers 1

Received: 30 December 2018 / Accepted: 24 June 2019

# Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Inc. 2019

Digital transformation (DT) is the process by which entities adapt themselves to modern technology. As digital technology
becomes more prevalent (automation, cameras, sensors, touchscreens, artificial intelligence, etc.), there will be increased pressure
on companies to leverage it for additional gains. For many companies in the mining industry, this will involve overcoming a steep
learning curve. Furthermore, as the long-term success of the mining industry is dependent on a labor force with new skills (data
management, analytics, digital literacy, etc.), new curriculum will need to be appended to the mining engineering discipline. This
paper considers the mining industry’s need for DT. Then, it presents a three-part review of the foundational components of the DT
process–ubiquitous data, connectivity, and decision making. Finally, it provides a discussion on the future of DT in mining as
well as a research direction, which identifies the need of academia to provide support for mining companies in the form of both
research and the education of digitally literate, dynamically capable mining engineers into the coming decades.

Keywords Big data . Analytics . Operations technology . Data science . Innovation

1 Introduction different definitions for DT [15] within this article, we define

DT (Fig. 1) as a technology-driven process of change derived
Researchers have been interested in how mining companies from ubiquitous data, connectivity, and decision making [9].
adapt to technological change for nearly 70 years [1, 2]. In Through successful DT, a mining company may increase its
fact, the founding study of sociotechnical theory occurred in a digital capabilities and develop its sociotechnical capacity [2,
British coal mine by Trist and Bamforth in 1951 [1]. The coal 18]. DT is a formidable change to a mining operation, since it
mine experienced unforeseen setbacks due to the transition can fundamentally alter every aspect of business [19]. Despite
from “hand-got” to longwall mining methods. Analysis of large strides towards DT by other industries, many mining com-
these setbacks revealed that they were the result of an inability panies are struggling to even begin [20].
of the incipient longwall process to handle disruptions from As current literature specific to DT within the mining con-
socio-psychological and production influences that grew over text is perfunctory, this article offers four contributions. First,
the course of the transition. it considers the mining industry’s need for DT. Second, it
Fast forward to the fourth industrial revolution occurring provides a three-part review of the foundational components
today, the world has entered what has been called the first digital of the DT process, namely, ubiquitous data, connectivity, and
decade [3]. With more data than ever before (roughly 2.5 quin- decision making. Third, it provides a discussion on how DT
tillion bytes globally each day) [4], there is an abundance of will be an integral part to the success of mining companies
opportunity for mining innovation and much work is currently into the next decade [20–25]. Fourth, it identifies strategic
being done to “digitally transform” the mining industry [5]. The areas in which institutions of higher education can provide
term, digital transformation (DT), has come to define how en- DT support for mining companies [26, 27]. While some infor-
tities adapt to digital changes [3, 6–17]. While there are many mation from other countries is included, the majority of the
data presented and discussed in this article is from the USA.
* Aaron Young
2 Need for DT in Mining
University of Utah-Mining Engineering, William Browning
Building, 135 S 1460 E, ROOM 313, Salt Lake Through a brief industry review, this section examines the
City, UT 84112-0102, USA need for DT as well as its challenges unique to mining.
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Fig. 1 Components of digital transformation

Current attempts at mining digitization are timely, since the DT as part of their strategy, only three out of ten companies
industry is considered behind most other industry sectors, as could list qualitative results from DT, and only one out of ten
shown in Fig. 2. could give quantitative value for the benefit of DT [29]. Even in
A 2014 review of annual reports from the industry’s top ten cases where mining companies are working to benefit from DT,
mining corporations revealed that only six out of ten mentioned there remains a sizeable need for personnel with the non-
traditional skills necessary to implement it [30].
While it would be impossible to evaluate what every min-
ing company is doing for DT, trends for the industry as a
whole may be induced by looking at the frequency of associ-
ated terms as they occur in annual reports from its top com-
panies (by market value). Annual reports from forty-one of the
world’s top fifty mining companies were reviewed for many
common terms relating to data, analytics, and technology. The
results are displayed in Fig. 3.
Figure 3 displays the number of companies which men-
tioned specific terms in their annual reports in the first column,
and the total number of mentions of each term considering all
reports reviewed in the second column. The terms data and
technology appear the most in the annual reports reviewed;
however, these terms were often mentioned out of the context
of DT (e.g., drill-hole data). Innovation was mentioned very
often, and usually closely associated to the term technology,
which suggests that innovation and technology are common
priorities across mining’s top companies, being mentioned a
total of 1450 times in 39 of the 41 reports. Cyber was men-
Fig. 2 Relative digitization by industry sector adapted from [28] tioned 132 times and usually in the context of cybersecurity,
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Fig. 3 Frequency of DT or related

terms found in annual reports

making it a priority for roughly half of the companies. effect on the sector’s ability to adapt to new technological
Automation and Autonomous combined were mentioned about change [78]. Furthermore, the widespread and overlapping
as much as cyber. Information technology was mentioned by use of new buzzwords [79] surrounding DT has resulted in
over half of the companies, but operations technology was the need for a larger semantic vernacular across disparate
mentioned only once by one company. Finally, digital groups within mining companies, and a unifying digital ter-
transformation was mentioned by three companies for a total minology is overdue for fundamental aspects of DT [15], such
of 11 times. The low number of companies mentioning DT as cybersecurity [80–83].
might suggest that companies are unaware of what DT is, It is also not unheard of, or hard to imagine, that many
choose to use different terms to convey a similar idea, or do consultants present DT to mining companies at a high-level
not view DT as something valuable enough to be worth men- business perspective by placing zealous emphasis on new
tioning to their shareholders in specific terminology. business models and increased operational efficiency, without
In contrast, a review of Fortune-level companies across all bothering to explain the low-level complexities involved to
business sectors showed that over 88% of them have major achieve such outcomes [84]. In reality, DT has occurred to
DT initiatives [70]. Furthermore, businesses with successful desultory extents within the mining industry over the last sev-
DT strategies were 40% more likely to find new unexpected eral decades [85], but as a result of the radical development of
ways to improve their businesses. Returns on new digital in- new technologies in recent years, the industry is now lagging
vestments were also eight times higher, and projects were behind and without adopting DT skills, some companies may
completed within half the time for these businesses compared never catch up [6].
to their peers [12]. DT creates value in many other sectors Some mining companies rely on Enterprise Resource
from the development of customer-facing applications that Planning (ERP) systems instead of adopting a DT strategy
engage and enhance customer experience [15, 71]. However, [14, 86, 87]. While it is true that ERPs are vital for creating
in the case of mining, most companies have very few cus- process standards, they do not yield operational insight or
tomers and mining products must undergo numerous other competitive advantage [87–90]. In addition to ERPs, many
value-added processes before they reach the consumer. This companies wish they could purchase off-the-shelf DT solu-
fact creates little economic incentive for improving customer tions, but such software products would be inherently contra-
engagement with mining companies. dictory to the nature of DT, which involves business model
Diversity [72, 73], digital literacy [74, 75], and innovation and a new organizational culture around data usage
Gerontechnology (the study of how aging populations adapt [7, 8, 12, 15–17, 70, 79]. The following sections (3 through 5)
to new technology) [76] have a direct impact on the ability of examine the components that are fundamental to successful
the mining industry to pursue DT because a large portion of DT.
the mining workforce is composed of an older age demo-
graphic. Roughly 32% of the mining labor force are contrac-
tors [77], which only complicates digital governance since 3 Ubiquitous Data
companies have less control over contractors than their own
employees. “Brain Drain,” which refers to the high number of This section clarifies the difference between operations tech-
retirements, staff reductions, and loss of talent, that has nology (OT) and Information Technology (IT), and describes
plagued the mining industry for years also contributes a large how data generally originates within mining companies.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

For more than 30 years, data has been considered an asset minimizing those risks requires an emerging skillset between
[91–96]. Today, an abundance of readily available data, often IT and OT disciplines [8, 114].
referred to as big data [92, 94–99], exists in the mining indus-
try primarily as the result of machine-generated data [98]. 3.2 Differences Between OT and IT
High-speed electronic circuits with embedded self-
monitoring and intelligent systems have low cost/ Generally, IT is not considered to include the embedded tech-
performance ratios and are the generators of unprecedented nologies which are primarily responsible for generating data
amounts of information exchange in mining [84]. Big data is for mining companies [109]. It is of little surprise that IT and
characterized according to Ohlhorst’s concept of four V’s, OT departments have traditionally held separate roles within
namely volume, velocity, variety, and veracity [96]. Volume mining companies. Few companies have an OT department,
means a large amount of data. Velocity means that the data is and OT rarely receives the appropriate amount of support
in a dynamic and changing state. Variety means that the data within mining companies.
occurs in many forms. Veracity infers a large amount of sta- The convergence of IT and OT has come about due to the
tistical errors and noise in the data. contribution of many new innovations, including Networked
Most data in mining comes from OT and is often structured sensors (wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs)),
data in the form of logged records. Structured data [100] is that machine-to-machine communications, Neural Networks
which can be routinely managed by a relational database man- (NN), Machine Learning (ML), cloud computing, edge com-
agement system (RDBMS) and is manipulated programmati- puting, predictive analytics, wireless communication, and the
cally via structured query language (SQL) [101–103]. development of Internet-capable systems, including supervi-
Structured data can also be time-series data which is often sory control and data acquisitions (SCADA) systems, distrib-
sourced from signal-based data and managed by data histo- uted control systems (DCSs), programmable language con-
rians, such as the OSIsoft PI system [104, 105]. Semi- trollers (PLCs), and computer/non-computer numerical con-
structured data differs from that of structured data in that it trol ((C)NC) systems [114, 115].
requires initial one-time data wrangling; for instance, data Figure 4 shows the results of a study performed by
from a fleet management system (FMS) [106, 107] may re- Dimensional Research in March of 2018 about whether IT
quire the removal of outliers in cycle times which are the result and OT collaboration increases effectiveness [114]. The sur-
of errors from the FMS. Unstructured data comes in many vey involved 151 people who worked with industrial control
forms and is the most difficult to manage without multi- systems (ICS) at energy companies.
lateral or alternative platforms [108]. Regardless of structure, The results shown in Fig. 4 suggest that collaboration be-
useful data relies on robust data controls that ensure its quality, tween IT and OT functions is both increasing in volume and
timeliness, and attestability (worthiness of legal attestation in a improving in quality. While 73% of survey responses agreed
court of law and usability for business-to-government that collaboration is currently stronger and more effective,
reporting) [10, 91]. 19% of IT departments surveyed think that it is weaker now
than in the past. The value of closing the IT/OT divide is
3.1 What Is OT expected to be an increased understanding and control of each
domain [114]. The survey also found that both IT and OT
IT generally refers to anything related to computer technology, departments had trouble finding new talent.
such as hardware, software, networking, or the Internet. While IT
is familiar to most people, OT commonly refers to the hardware 3.3 Human Data Sources
and software that monitors and/or controls physical devices, pro-
cesses, and events in a company [109, 110]. OT has also been Digitization of mining has also increased access to data gen-
defined to mean the techniques an organization uses in its erated by humans, such as pre-shift risk assessment docu-
workflow activities [111]. Strong links exist between the adop- ments, explosive usage logs, ore control maps, block models,
tion of a new technology by an organization and the resulting pit designs, and maintenance work orders [116]. Humans
changes in that organization’s structure [2, 8]. OT likewise com- themselves may also be the object of data gathering at mines,
monly means the department or group within an organization for example, monitoring a haul truck driver’s facial features to
responsible for the deployment, care, maintenance, and perfor- determine if their eyes are open [117]. Another example is
mance of OT (e.g., the OT department) [112]. heat stress data for miners in hot underground working con-
Recent advancements in digital technologies have merged dition [118, 119]. Wearable technologies show potential for
software development with the core of OT and opened oper- improving data collection in this area [119].
ating models to many contributors both within and without of Arguably, the human-generated data with the most influ-
the corporate umbrella. Opening tightly controlled and highly ence on mining companies originates from humans outside of
valuable operations to the world poses many risks [113], and the mining company [120]. According to The International
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

access to user smart phone data, and Natural Language

Processing (NLP) techniques to identify trends [124].

3.4 New Data Sources

Autonomous operations, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),

robots, sensors, smart devices, wearables, and meta data (data
created as a result of data exchange and analysis) are among
the new data sources that will require mining operations to
adopt better DT strategies [17, 125, 126]. With an increase
in OT comes an increase in data, and mining companies now
have access to data that they have never had before, such as
photogrammetric data from UAV surveys, real-time locations
of workers from wearables, ore feed quality from on-belt sen-
sors, or equipment performance data with unprecedented
granularity [98, 103, 127]. Additionally, modern mining is
facilitated by sensors for real-time monitoring of mining en-
vironment, such as for temperature, humidity and gases for
underground mines, or slope stability, seismicity, and weather
patterns for surface mines, as well as remote machine health
and maintenance, drilling control, and heavy equipment oper-
Fig. 4 How IT and OT teams work together now compared to in the past
adapted from [114] ation (teleremote operations) [128]. While some of this data
has existed within mining companies for years, it is still vastly
Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the concept of underutilized.
shared value (benefit to the host community as well as the
mining company) has become critical for mining companies
to secure their social license to operate (SLO) [121]. SLO has
been ranked as the fifth greatest challenge to the mining sector 4 Connectivity
[122]. Some preliminary work has been done to not only de-
fine and measure SLO [123], but also establish a framework This section examines connectivity, which is the second fun-
for understanding SLO in real-time. The backbone for the damental component of DT. Here connectivity is broken down
real-time SLO framework is of course, human-generated data, into six topics, including The Internet of Things (IoT), data
sourced from smart phones, social media, blogs, news, outlets, knowledge exchange, cybersecurity, remote operation centers,
and websites, which can be analyzed using web scraping, integrated platforms, and wireless communications and 5G.

Fig. 5 The Internet of Things as it

relates to mining adapted from
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4.1 IoT 4.3 Cybersecurity

In tandem with data abundance, connectivity between and According to forecast, in 2022, there will be approximately 18
among devices has never been cheaper [98]. The vast network billion IoT devices [139]. IoT products have saturated the market
of connected physical devices, which now outnumber the so quickly, and are adopted so rapidly, that there is a growing
number of humans [129], is commonly referred to as the concern for how these devices will affect cybersecurity [81, 113].
Internet of Things (IoT) [130]. The mining IoT landscape is In most cases, these devices are added despite potential cyberse-
shown in Fig. 5 [90]. curity risks, since they have the potential to save money for
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) therefore refers to mining companies. This is especially true in the case of small
IoT within the industrial domain, but the terms IoT and IIoT devices with embedded systems that were not programmed to be
are often used interchangeably [131]. IoT is made possible intelligent until recently. Security for such devices is often differ-
through managed data flow cycles, where the data flows from ent than for traditional devices that follow more pre-defined com-
embedded devices or OT (things) to data warehouses, then munication protocols. Cloud services further compound the se-
into analytical platforms, where it flows to end users (ana- curity problem by taking these industrial systems, which previ-
lysts), and finally back into the process and/or the original ously were constrained to a company’s network, and connecting
device [84]. Because of IoT, mining companies can now con- them to the internet [140]. Unfortunately, courts have not tradi-
nect heavy equipment, processing machinery, sensors, and tionally held software manufacturers accountable for security
people into integrated platforms, as shown conceptually with- vulnerabilities, and merchants of embedded devices have little
in Fig. 5. These integrated platforms result in enhanced deci- economic incentive to make them secure [82].
sion making through the use of data analytics and other
techniques. 4.4 ROCs

Remote operations centers (ROCs) [25, 115, 141–143] are

4.2 Data/Knowledge Exchange rapidly becoming indispensable tools for mining companies
to manage, synthesize, and act upon the large volumes of
Simply gathering large amounts of data is not necessarily use- incoming data. Traditional methods of presenting and analyz-
ful [102]. A data warehouse is a database containing informa- ing data like spreadsheets and simple reports are inadequate.
tion from multiple sources, which is consolidated, integrated, ROCs utilize technologies long leveraged by industries out-
aggregated, and structured in such a way that they can support side of mining, like cloud computing and data visualization, to
business analysis and decision-making [6, 89, 101, 132–136]. provide a useful and meaningful way to help enable making
Data warehouses serve as organizational libraries of knowl- rapid and impactful decisions [144, 145].
edge that can be used far and wide across an organization to Additionally, ROCs reduce exposure of employees to risk
query and compare any number of variables of interest, such and increase productivity. By using tele-remote and semi-
as pump or tire performance immediately before failure. The autonomous equipment, employees are removed from haz-
data for the pump or tire could originate from a remote and ards, thereby obviating the need for costlier and less effective
unrelated part of the business, but fed into a data-warehouse, safety measures such as engineering controls, personal protec-
where it becomes a useful diagnostic tool, useable anywhere tive equipment (PPE), etc. [146]. Per the National Institute for
within the organization, potentially far beyond where the Occupational Safety and Healthy (NIOSH) Hierarchy of
pump is installed, or the tire is rolling [137]. Collected data Controls, removing employees from exposure to hazards is
rather than just sitting on a server somewhere can also yield the most effective and desirable method of reducing risk
value by providing real-time information to the customer re- [147]. In ROCs, operators typically work in comfortable
garding specifications of saleable product before it even ar- climate-controlled rooms and can control multiple pieces of
rives at its destination. equipment, resulting in appreciable gains in productivity.
The Extraction Transformation Load (ETL) process consti-
tutes up to 80% of the work required to create a data ware- 4.5 Integrated Platforms
house [101]. ETL involves (1) locating data from its original
source, (2) creating software applications to extract, filter, and Through the integration of various IT and OT platforms, min-
conform the data to a common format, and (3) loading it into ing companies can transform their operations into information
the data warehouse. Because data warehouses can be so com- systems (IS). Scalability is fundamental to any integrated plat-
plex, many companies use data marts as a downsized ap- form. Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) provide an
proach to data warehousing. Data marts are small-scale data attractive and scalable way to integrate multiple functional
warehouses that provide Decision Support Systems (DSS) for groups and data sources into one system [148]. An API estab-
a limited number of users [138]. lishes the protocol for a developer or outside program to
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

request services from a software program [138, 149]. It is mine sites. To make matters worse, these large mobile assets
through the use of APIs that multi-platform applications can are typically used for decades, while network hardware man-
communicate with one another and exchange data. ufacturers only provide support for their products for a few
The field of Management Information Systems (MIS), years before obsoletion [113]. Mining companies need wire-
which traditionally had nothing to do with computers [150], less communication systems capable of scaling over time to
now studies how IS are implemented and received by users the dynamic and robust demands of their business.
[151]. Mining’s complex nature requires understanding con- Furthermore, as data transmission volume increases, so do
struction, factory processes, labor challenges, workplace cul- the risks to cybersecurity [113, 157] and the demands on the
ture, information availability, integrative data elements, and network [158]. 5G wireless communication shows potential to
the current technical education of mining engineers in order meet these demands and is discussed further in the future
for IS to be successfully incorporated [152]. discussion section (Sect. 6).
IoT morphs the physical world into a type of IS through the
use of Internet Protocol (IP) [16]. This transformation
removes the difference between information and materials
5 Decision Making
by linking products with information. What remains is a total
consolidation of devices and process management. Such a
This section reviews decision making as the final component of
scenario is depicted in Fig. 6, as an integrated platform.
DT. Within the DT context, decision making is an analytical
While the reality of Fig. 6 remains yet to be seen for many
process which involves both people and technology. This form
mining companies, what the concept shows and means is that
of decision making is also referred to as data-driven decision
through integrated platforms assets, devices and work flows
making [6, 132, 133, 136] or decision support [134, 136].
merge to become a single unit. This merge unifies operations,
Regardless of how manageable a dataset is, there is no busi-
support, and business centers and empowers them with new
ness impact from data alone, but rather from turning data into
insights [16, 99, 153]. As such, integrated platforms have been
action [92]. According to the Harvard Business Review, OT is
identified as pre-requisites for the “digital factory” concept
only fundamental to business processes, because it provides
developed through the Factories of the Future (FoF) initiative
companies with a “power to act” [21]. Analytics may be de-
[83, 154, 155].
fined as any data-driven process that provides insight [88].
Insight leads to action. Experience and talent have historically
4.6 Wireless Communications and 5G held a high basis for decision making throughout the mining
industry [133, 159]. However, today, decisions based solely on
Not only are mines remotely located, but also their environ- gut or experience are no longer acceptable [160]. What is more,
ment is extremely harsh and their operation is constantly an organizational approach to decision making has direct and
changing [113, 156]. These factors constitute significant bar- indirect implications on openness to diversity of thought [161,
riers to the wireless connectivity of large mobile equipment at 162]. Thus, the real value of DT derives from the data-driven
decisions it can produce. For autonomous systems, this value
comes from the fact that small decisions can be made automat-
ically, but even these systems can reach the limit of their added
value [163]. For systems involving Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI), much research has been performed to ensure
that the cognitive capabilities of humans are synergized with the
computational power of computers [151].

5.1 Analytics

Quantitative analytics may be descriptive, predictive, or pre-

scriptive [164]. Descriptive analytics uses data to answer the
question of what is happening right now [165]. Predictive
analytics uses historical data to create a forecast of what will
happen in the future [166]. Prescriptive analytics creates
models from both descriptive and predictive analytics to an-
swer the question of what should happen [135]. Reporting,
trending, segmentation, and predictive modeling are common
Fig. 6 Integrated mining platform examples of analytics [88].
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Table 1 Role of analytics in

strategic planning [88] Method View Description

SWOT Analysis Traditional Planning around SWOT:

Porter’s Five Forces External Planning around Porter’s Five Forces:
•New market entrants
•Substitutable products
•Competitive Rivalry
Resource-based view of the business Internal Development VRIN resources by:
Wilde and Hax’s Delta Model Market Create customer bonding through:
•Best product
•Total customer solutions
•System lock-in

Analytics is most valuable if it removes the gap between groups often evaluate different scenarios, including investments,
raw data and business processes; without doing so, many at- risk, cash flow, maintenance, and reliability [133].
tempts at analytics fail and the effort spent to create, connect,
store, and aggregate the data are wasted [92]. According to 5.2 People
Stubbs, analytics supports strategic planning, creates a com-
petitive advantage, and delivers value to organizations. In tandem with the convergence between IT and OT, DT
Table 1 outlines how analytics supports strategic planning. brings a convergence of data analysts with business analysts.
While business analytics applies to the entire business, much Business analysts, which have historically been responsible
like a data warehouse applies to an entire operation, functional for analyzing and documenting the rules and processes of a
analytics applies to different silos within a business, similar to business, are stepping into roles traditionally held by IT per-
data marts [167]. Functional analytics groups typical of the min- sonnel for the maintenance of these very same rules and pro-
ing industry are shown in Table 2. These functional analytics cesses [93]. As data streams have become more continuous,

Table 2 Functional analytics groups in mining

Analytics type Analytics End user benefit

Human resource analytics Retention, compensation, reward analysis Human capital management
Staffing and scheduling Crew size, growth, deployment, utilization, allocation Employee productivity
Supply chain analytics Sourcing, supplier rating, working capital, inventory, transport and Better management of supply networks
Commodity market analytics Economic order quality, lead time, risks Inventory and stockpile management
Geology and exploration Scanning and locating eligible targets, due diligence of new resources Exploration portfolio management
Mining and processing analytics Servicing, lead times, cycle time, unit costs, risks in enterprise, Resilience, reactivity, and execution of
compliance delivery
Safety and risk analytics Root cause analysis, risk assessments, regulatory compliance Risk management
Permitting and environmental Regulatory compliance, reclamation Transparency and SLO
Financial analytics Portfolio optimization Business management
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

and business processes more fluid, the need to form system- currently available data science tools [168]. This data break-
atic analytical solutions has arisen, creating a void for data down can be achieved through many techniques, including
scientists in business organizations where previously there classification, regression, similarity, clustering, co-occurrence,
was none [168]. Analytics not only requires these changing profiling, link prediction, data reduction, causal modeling,
roles, but also a skillset primarily based on digital literacy [27, cross-correlation, decision trees, and anomaly detection [92,
74]. 94–99, 168, 172]. Each of these techniques is part of either
Digital literacy is the ability to understand and use infor- data collection, preparation, or other requirements as shown in
mation presented by computers in multiple formats from a Fig. 6.
wide number of sources [74]. Digital literacy frees audiences Once the data is broken down into components, first prin-
from previous restrictions of medium, enabling the kind of ciples models can be made, which model the behavior of the
information being presented to fit the audience it is being model using engineering and ML techniques [99]. These
presented to [169]. Unlike traditional literacy, digital literacy models are then tested and evaluated in a variety of ways,
does not mean to simply understand what content is presented, and the model is incrementally improved based on feedback
but rather the ability to build and interact with content dynam- from the process. Thus, in theory, the more feedback and the
ically placed at a user’s disposal by a computer. longer a model is refined, the better it fits the data. The ability
Digital literacy is a skillset traditionally found in graduates of models to adapt to changing conditions over time is perhaps
of computer sciences (CS) and MIS, talent which the mining one of the greatest benefits of using data analytics techniques
industry has difficulty finding [30]. Moreover, successful an- as opposed to traditional and static engineering methods.
alytics programs require knowledge of mining, metallurgy, Models serve to enhance the business understanding and the
and geology, which these graduates lack. The best solution entire process and can be repeated.
is a multi-disciplinary team [170]; hackathons are a recruiting
method for new, non-traditional talent that mining companies 5.4 Technology
have begun to use [24].
In addition to the technology mentioned previously in Sects. 2
and 3, many analytics-specific technologies exist. Some of
5.3 Process them are commercial and some are open source. Table 3
shows some of the most popular commercial and open-
The methodology for the analytics process, as shown in Fig. 7, source data analytics technologies.
is an iterative and scalable process for investigation. Many of these technologies employ the software as a ser-
Centered around business understanding, the analytics pro- vice (SAAS) business model. SAAS involves a subscription
cess begins by identifying a problem area of the business to software products that provide desired solutions without
process which is not fully understood. Data preparation then requiring companies to implement and maintain the software
occurs with the objective of breaking down the given problem themselves, and often leads to better solutions for cheaper
in such a way that each piece of it can be worked with starting costs [95]. Additionally, most of them are compatible
across wide varieties of software systems and platforms.
Considering big data, the attributes desired for data pro-
cessing and modeling technology include scalability, ability to
handle highly variable data and computational workload,
compatibility with other software, low cost, and parallel com-
puting [92, 94–99, 173]. Hadoop, created by the Apache
Software Foundation, is a powerful open-source platform for
data storage and processing [95]. There is also a plethora of
programming languages available for custom solutions, in-
cluding python, R, and Spark [97]. These technologies enable
analysts to leverage ML, NN, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
techniques, which generate value through scalability to large
and complex problems [9].

6 DT and the Future of Mining

DT differs substantially from previous IT-enabled trans-

Fig. 7 The Data Management and Analytics Process adapted from [171] formations due to its speed, size, and complexity [3,
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

Table 3 Popular data analytics technologies used in mining (adapted from [95])

Technology Description Website

Tableau Interactive data visualization and Business Intelligence software www.tableausoftware.com

QlikView Business Intelligence platform that finds data insights across www.qlikview.com
various sources with its indexing engine
MicroStrategy Software solutions for building and deploying analytics and www.microstrategy.com
mobility applications
D3.js Data Driven Documents JavaScript library http://d3js.org
SAS Software platform transforming data analyzation into www.sas.com
Gephi An open-source data visualization platform https://gephi.org
Flowing Data A community for data artists to understand and share http://flowingdata.com
visualization techniques
Arbor JS A Java-based graph library http://arborjs.org
Cubism D3 plug-in for visualizing time series http://square.github.com/cubism
GeoCommons A community building an open mapping platform http://geocommons.com
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit Web tools to create Interactive Data Visualizations http://thejit.org
Cognos/Many Eyes Data visualization tools from IBM Research http://www-958.ibm.
Microsoft Power BI Analytics and Business Intelligence software https://powerbi.microsoft.com
ESRI ArcGIS Geographical Information System http://www.arcgis.com/
acQuire Geoscientific information management system https://www.acquire.com.au/
Leapfrog 3D geological modeling software for the hydrogeology, http://www.leapfrog3d.com/
geothermal, and mining industries
DMSI (MAINTelligence) Provides maintenance solutions through multi-disciplinary anal- http://www.desmaint.com/
EarthSoft EQUIS™ Advanced data management and decision support system for https://earthsoft.com/
compliance monitoring
Oracle Analytics Cloud Cloud-based business insight visualization tools compatable https://www.oracle.com/solutions/business-analytics/
with the oracle platform
AssetWise Performance Bentley’s AssetWise Performance Management (formerly Ivara) https://www.bentley.com/en/products/brands/assetwise
Management software supports operational analytics
Landfolio® Landfolio® (formerly FlexiCadastre) land management software https://landadmin.trimble.
is built on the ESRI® platform for natural resources com/solutions/land-management/
TapRoot Root cause analysis tool for incident investigations https://www.taproot.com/
WorkAlign® WorkAlign® Analytics is a complete BI solution for EAM data https://www.viziya.com/products/analytics/
OSISoft PIVision Intuitive web-client visualization tool for PI System data https://techsupport.osisoft.
Resolver Risk Management software with analysis and reporting https://www.resolver.com/
capability for risk oversight
iDashboards Fully customizable visualization and data management platform https://www.idashboards.com/
ioGAS An exploratory data analysis software for geochemical and https://reflexnow.com/iogas/
geometallurgical data
Pronto Full ERP software integrated with IBM Cognos https://www.pronto.net/
Geosoft Suite of software for visualizing and analyzing complex https://www.geosoft.com/
geoscience challenges
Blue Marble Geographic GIS based modeling and visualization software https://www.bluemarblegeo.com/
Domo Fully mobile, cloud-based operating system for mobile BI solu- https://www.domo.com/
Minitab Statistics and analysis package developed at Pennsylvania State http://www.minitab.com/en-us/
Hexagon MineEnterprise Web-based reporting and analytics and live dashboard platform https://hexagonmining.com/
Uptake OEM agnostic data analysis platform https://www.uptake.com/industry-solutions/mining

6–17]. It also differs substantially in potential benefits. benefits will come in three different categories: people,
The remainder of this section discusses how these process, and technology.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

6.1 People 162]. It could be possible to create leading indicators of diver-

sity through analyzing the methods of decision making within
Approximately 1% of the global population are mine workers an organization. These leading indicators could then be used
[174]. DT that incorporates IS design centered around human to measure and manage diversity of inclusivity more success-
values will be an important social requirement going forward fully. Additionally, as AI continues to develop, organizations
[151]. Educational programs have adapted to the need for which can appropriately leverage its potential will have ad-
digitally literate and highly skilled analysts. According to a vantages, particularly when dealing with problems of com-
Tableau report on the state of higher education in the USA plexity [132, 179, 180]. Success in developing AI will most
(Fig. 8) in 2016, nearly 100% of highly ranked universities likely come through involving stakeholders, establishing
now offer analytics programs, compared to a 9% overall US values, conducting controlled experiments, and maintaining
university average [26]. a positive view on the future of AI [132, 136].
If the trend in analytics education continues, data analysts
will enter the mining industry in greater numbers. As IoT 6.2 Process
continues to grow within the industry, the collegiate mining
engineering curriculum will likely develop more IT, OT, and When considering ways that DT will change mining, per-
analytics learning. Furthermore, as the result of public educa- haps the most radical future prediction is that one day, the
tion, the future mining labor force will possess digital literacy mine and mill superintendents will actually be able to sit
[175]. Additionally, women will continue to enter the mining down at the same table without disagreement over opera-
workforce, bringing a variety of benefits [72, 176]. These tional data. DT will alter the fundamental processes of
changes will require a shift in how, who, when, and the speed mining by making operations safer, more remote, more
at which decisions are made. Future research on the methods automated, and more transparent. Short range planning
of decision making and its connection to diversity is needed, and short interval control is another target for improve-
since one major risk of the new digital eco-system is the po- ment considering DT, since planning and engineering de-
tential rise of new monopolistic or oligopolistic organizations cisions will have real-time data to support more frequent
[11]. Moreover, countries and people without access to digital but shorter meetings over operational decisions. A recent
innovations might see even greater labor and skill inequalities, review of short-range planning identified key challenges
becoming “digital refugees” [177, 178]. and future directions for short range planning enabled
Mining companies that overrate insight-based decisions through DT [181]. Mine to mill reconciliation will im-
will likely be more responsive to digital changes and therefore prove, and true bottlenecks to the holistic process will
reap the benefits [133]. Mining companies that overrate be systematically removed as fuzzy models will become
intuition-based decisions will likely not be as open to diversity clear [103]. With regard to SLO, mining companies will
of thought and will struggle to gain the benefits of DT [161, gain increased stakeholder awareness and engagement

Fig. 8 Trends in categories of

analytics programs names (This
image is part of a live public
dashboard from tableau [26] and
is available at: https://public.
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

with local communities as they leverage various media increase efficiency of their most mundane and routine
platforms through DT [22]. processes [183].
Mining companies that change their organizational struc-
ture might benefit from adopting an organizational system like 6.3 Technology
agile software development. Agile software development is
based around four main values, which are individuals and According to a survey of 875 participants performed by
interactions over processes and tools, working software over O’Reilly Media in 2017, non-relational database management
comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over systems, such as Hadoop, NoSQL, columnar/MPP analytic
contract negotiation, and responding to change over following databases, Amazon Redshift, and Google BigQuery now
a plan [182]. According to Cook [183], the success of agile make up just more than 70% of data sources for doing analyt-
software development depends on 12 core principles, which ics [184]. Since such platforms are more scalable and capable
are: of the demands of big data analytics, the increase of such types
of systems is likely to continue. These technologies will also
& Responsive planning change and reduce the time required for data integration.
& Business-value-driven work Virtual reality (VR) is a technology with huge potential for
& Hands-on business outputs mining applications, especially considering its ability to en-
& Direct stakeholder engagement hance remote operations and inspection of autonomous equip-
& Immovable deadlines ment [103]. VR mines facilitate training to improve worker
& Management by self-motivation performance, by simulating events that workers would other-
& “Just-in-time” communication wise not experience unless under unfortunate circumstances
& Immediate status tracking [185]. It also holds great potential for incident investigations
& Waste management and forensics [186].
& Constantly measurable quality Another potentially disruptive technology to the mining
& Rearview mirror checking industry is blockchain. There are at least nine potential use
& Continuous improvement cases for blockchain in mining, which include (1) digital iden-
tity for assets and people (DIAP), (2) data integrity, (3) prov-
Truly agile software can handle the highly variable and enance, (4) cradle to grave blockchain for assets, (5) workflow
changing factors of the mining industry, such as resource automation in combination with IoT, (6) supply chain optimi-
depletion, market competition, dynamic social factors, zation, (7) tokenized mines, (8) workforce health recording,
and volatility. Agile development approaches not only en- and (9) human resources management [187]. The exact char-
able organizations to more easily embrace change but also acteristics of over one million diamonds have already been

Table 4 Areas of DT research identified as well as their sources

Area Description

Workforce development Create an innovative and collaborative workplace culture [17, 18, 161, 162, 179, 180, 190]
Education Provide a new digital skill set to both the existing and future workforce through a change in
educational practices [26, 27, 72, 177, 191]
Supply chain management Improve reagent and product tracking methods [25, 126, 160, 165, 192, 193]
Eliminate conflict minerals and smuggling [10, 187–189]
Advance global market interaction [13, 17, 89, 92, 93, 160, 180, 194]
Safety Empower and protect workers from harm and mitigate safety risks [117, 118, 128, 157, 195, 196]
Transparency Increase digital/data quality, transparency, trust, accessibility, autonomy, and infrastructure for
environmental compliance and oversight [10, 83, 154, 197, 198]
Reducing environmental impacts Manage tailings and accelerate the reclamation process [102, 103, 113, 199–205]
Operational excellence Create and refine data-driven business models [5, 21, 23, 142, 206]
Innovation standards Modify regulations to encourage innovative changes and establish digital best practices
[83, 120, 122, 123, 154, 205]
Lowering innovation hurdles Overcome the “Innovation Gap” through the development of commercialization plans for new technologies
[7, 11, 29, 78, 90, 170, 177, 207, 208]
Alternative investments Strengthen stakeholder relationships and develop new partnerships [12, 79, 120, 122, 123, 190]
Business intelligence Provide analytics and decision support to decision makers [92, 94, 95, 132, 145, 180]
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration

digitized into a blockchain-based record by Everledger (a provide support for the DT of mining companies in twelve
cataloging software based on blockchain), making them less identified areas, including workforce development, education,
susceptible to illegal smuggling and immoral use [188]. supply chain management, safety, transparency, reducing en-
Blockchain is also having an impact on innovation and entre- vironmental impacts, operational excellence, innovation stan-
preneurship, which could cause impacts to mining both direct- dards, lowering innovation hurdles, alternative investments,
ly and indirectly [189]. and business intelligence.
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portion of the mining market in terms of number of operations.
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mining technology. With continued advances in IoT and re-
duction in costs of sensors and connectivity, it is feasible for
marketable products scaled for smaller operations.
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