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I. Project Title: TAWAG (Tuloy Aral Walang Sagabal) for Children with Disabilities

Our project will be a way to promote a numerous benefit in participating community service, both for
ourselves and for the others as well. We will provide a pleasant, fair, and diverse work environment,
allowing our associates to progress professionally and enjoy a better quality of life.

II. Nature of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to help the children that have a disability. We are focused on the 3-6 years
old children with disabilities. We will be donating school supplies to fulfill the educational needs and to
boost the confidence of the children.

III. Target Community:

Our target community is Brgy. Magtanggol. According to the barangay officials, the total population of
Brgy. Magtanggol are 1,487, and the total number of children that have disabilities are 5.

IV. Objectives:

To develop/enhance the physical, spiritual, social, mental and psychological functioning of children and
out-of-school youth with disabilities to facilitate their integration into regular day care/school and
community life.

Specific Objectives:

1. To mainstream pre-school children and out-of-school youth with disabilities for integration into
regular day care service/classes and to community life through the provision of appropriate
rehabilitation services.

2. To motivate the family members to actively participate in the rehabilitation activities of their children
or sibling by providing them opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills in assisting persons
with disabilities.

3. To develop capabilities of "roving day care workers" who will work closely and collaboratively with
special education workers, regular day care workers, parents and caregivers in the management of their
children with disabilities.

4. To provide social services to children and out-of-school youth with disabilities in the community such
as provision of assistive devices, self and social enhancement, referred to educational assistance and
vocational skills training.

5. To generate public awareness and support in mainstreaming children and youth with disabilities into
community life thru various advocacy and networking activities.
V. Time and Date:

June 10, 2022, 8:00 am to 11:30 pm

VI. Persons Involve

The person involves in this project with the partnership of our Brgy. officials together with the
kindergarten teacher of Brgy. Magtanggol.

VII. Resources:

Sponsored by the people who conducted this community service plan.

We would like to reach out to other sponsor soon to provide a better and more comprehensive project.

VIII. Projected Outcome:

We are expecting that the outcome of this project will be good, and we also expect that we can have
sponsors so that all the children with disabilities in Brgy. Magtanggol will be given an enough school
supplies so that they can strive harder and boost their academic confidence.

IX. Remarks: (to be done after the project implementation)


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