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FIELD STUDY 1: Observation in the Actual Teaching-Learning School Environment

Learning Episode 3: Creating an Appropriate Learning Environment through

Classroom Management
Classroom Management Matrix
Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Aspects of Classroom Description Effects on the learners

(This includes only those
aspects of classroom
management that are
observable in online set –

Press the raise hand button if they have Everything is organised and wait for
concerns or wanted to say something. everyone’s turn to be called.
1. Classroom Rules
Turned-off the voice button to avoid
They can concentrate better on the
sudden noise and interferences. Turned-
presentation or lecture of the
off the cameras if there is a presentation
to avoid taking spaces on screen. They can
only turned-on/off their cameras or voice
button if they are allowed by the teacher.

Waiting 10-15 minutes before starting to The students will be aware, on

wait for the majority or everyone to join. joining early and if they have things
Concentrate on the teacher and the to do they will not worry that what
2. Classroom teacher’s lesson. Answer if the name is if they missed something. They can
procedures/ called. They can only turned-on/off the have respect to each other to their
routines cameras and voice button if the teacher classmates and their teacher. At the
allowed to. Attendance/ Documentation/ same time, there is no surprise to
Screenshots of the attendees before motivate the students or to feel
ending the class. Giving of reminders, challenge. Because I observe that
updates, clarifications and concerns. there is no twist that encourages
students or get excited for the day.

The teacher reminds his/her students with The students will be triggered and
regards to their missing and incomplete push their way to start doing their
3. Handling
activities, also the teacher reminded them missing tasks and activities because
misbehavior/ off-
task about their responsibilities and roles as a at the end of the day they still have
student. And, pointed out to those to do it. Unconsciously, it will also
students who are not participating by be an encouragement to do their
encouraging them to get involve because role as a student. This can also lead
the teacher will be giving points for class students to be better, to grow,
involvement or recitation. learn, and realise their

The student will be pleased for such

recognition from their teacher. It
4. Reinforcement of The teacher will give feedback like “very
might seem simple yet it is a big
Positive Behavior good” to student that shows attentiveness
thing for students to try more often,
and sharing their insights or ideas on their
raise their confidence and show
topic for the day. The teacher reacts in a
more about themselves; what they
positive way if a student shows a jolly
can do and what they can still offer.
personality so that it will uplift the mood
of the meet or online class.

How do the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior?
Based on my observation, I think they are getting more passive. I can see that usually even if
the teacher called somebody it is taking to long for them to respond and often times there are
no responses at all. There are few students who are committed but most of them are so silent. I
hope maybe they are listening and understand something but it is hard to see their reaction.
These behaviours are I can observe based on the set-up or classroom organisation and routine
inside the virtual classes. In an observable environment you can say that they can have very
little chances of learning if they did not pay attention and listen very well. You can only make a
conclusion if you see their work or answers on the written activities if they do really learn so
much from what you taught.

Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do you
see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level?
I can see myself in the future organising my classroom in grade 9, the routines I would
consider for this level are: upon entering first is the prayer, then attendance, and start the class
with a motivational quotes or picture or games to make the my students feel excited to
proceed in the topic I will have for that day. Second, it is to prepare for the materials needed
for my lesson. Third, I go with communication, collaboration, critical thinking and open-ended
questions with regards the topic we have. Fourth, are the activities, tasks. And lastly, is the
home work. The procedure I would apply for this level is creativity because on that level they
started to develop their creative ability, they can able to work well with others, starting to make
more friends, peers and becoming more open about how they feel and about who they are
because they are on a transitional of maturity. This is where they started their teenage years
and be more open to the environment or people.

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