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STEAM Project Assessment Rubric

Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging Program (online)

This rubric has been designed to support teacher assessment of student learning in STEAM units. Research on Tech School
programs indicated that teachers wanted to use STEAM projects to assess against the Victorian curriculum standards for their

The rubric is suitable for a stand-alone STE(A)M subject or ideally and interdisciplinary unit over a term. Please talk to your local
Tech School for resources on how to embed Tech School projects and visits into your STEAM units at school.

Structure of the rubric

We have embedded the Victorian Curriculum standards into the stages of the Design Thinking Process used in Tech School projects.
Subjects, standards and descriptors are listed for each stage of the Design Thinking Process where they are best suited.

An assessment overview and marking sheet is included at the end of the rubric. Achievement levels out of 5 can be tallied in this
table for an overall mark for the project or unit of work.

Levels from the Victorian Curriculum

This rubric is designed for students in Levels 9 & 10. We have other rubrics for Level 5 & 6 and 7 & 8 students. We have included
in this rubric two descriptors from levels 7 & 8 Mathematics and one descriptor from levels 7 & 8 Science. This is because Level 9
& 10 Mathematics is too technically specialised for Tech School STEAM projects. The level 7& 8 descriptors are well suited to the
prototyping stages of the project and allow for mathematics skills to be applied and assessed. This is the same for the Level 7 & 8
Science descriptor in the Test stage.

We encourage teachers of Mathematics and other subjects to tailor the rubric to incorporate specific subject content which is suited
to their project. We have only included curriculum content which fits a generic Tech School STEAM project.

Explanation of terms
The rubric distinguishes between five levels of achievement with N indicating that no standards were met. The achievement levels
are not equated with the continuum of curriculum levels. Rather they are an assessment of how well a student has demonstrated
learning on a task, rather than the difficulty of the task achieved.

The five achievement levels are based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning. An example of the main terms used is included below.

Achievement Level
5 Outstanding: The student researches, evaluates, improves and creates information

4 Excellent: The student researches, investigates, analyses and justifies information

3 Established: The student explores, explains, examines and discusses information

2 Developing: The student outlines, describes and summarises information

1 Beginning: The student recognises, identifies, selects and lists information

N Not Shown
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Enterprising behaviours and
Economics and Business
capabilities Identify the ways enterprising behaviours and capabilities can be developed
Standard Sub-Category to improve the work and business environments
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates how different enterprising behaviours and capabilities can be improved in particular businesses or their own
5 Outstanding
learning/work and develops a plan to do this with specific strategies
analyses how different enterprising behaviours and capabilities can be improved in particular businesses or their own
4 Excellent
learning/work and develops a plan to do this
explores how different types of enterprising behaviours and capabilities can be improved in particular businesses or
3 Established
their own learning/work
2 Developing summarises types of enterprising behaviours and capabilities and their importance for work, business and the economy
1 Beginning identifies enterprising behaviours and capabilities used for work
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Design and Technologies Creating Designed Solutions Critique needs or opportunities to develop design briefs and investigate and
Standard Sub-Category select an increasingly sophisticated range of materials, systems,
VCDSCD060 Investigating components, tools and equipment to develop design ideas
Achievement Level The student:
researches, analyses and evaluates the user’s needs and evaluates the most suitable materials and technologies to design
5 Outstanding
a sustainable solution
researches and analyses the user’s needs and describes highly suitable materials and technologies to design a sustainable
4 Excellent
3 Established explores the user’s needs and outlines suitable materials and technologies to design a sustainable solution
2 Developing outlines the user’s needs and lists suitable materials and technologies to design a sustainable solution
1 Beginning identifies a user’s need and indicates materials that may be suitable to design a solution
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Personal and Social Social Awareness and
Capability Management Analyse how divergent values and beliefs contribute to different
Standard Sub-Category perspectives on social issues
VCPSCSO047 Relationships and diversity
Achievement Level The student:
researches how a social issue impacts on the needs of a user from different perspectives and evaluates how personal
5 Outstanding
values influence these different perspectives
researches how a social issue impacts on the needs of a user from different perspectives and possible reasons for
4 Excellent
differences in perspectives
3 Established explains how a social issue impacts on the needs of a user from different perspectives
2 Developing outlines how a social issue is relevant to the needs of a user
1 Beginning identifies a social issue relevant to the needs of a user
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Science Science Understanding Advances in scientific understanding often rely on developments in
Standard Sub-Category technology and technological advances are often linked to scientific
VCSSU115 Science as a human endeavour discoveries
Achievement Level The student:
researches and evaluates how the applications of technologies in different fields of science improves knowledge and
5 Outstanding
predictability of phenomena in human and environmental systems
investigates how the applications of technologies in different fields of science improves knowledge of human and
4 Excellent
environmental systems
3 Established explores the applications of technologies on developments in different fields of science
2 Developing outlines the applications of technologies on developments in science
1 Beginning recognises that technology has influenced developments in science
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Design and Technologies Technologies and Society
Standard Sub-Category Explain how designed solutions evolve with consideration of preferred
futures and the impact of emerging technologies on design decisions
Achievement Level The student:
researches, analyses and evaluates how technological change impacts on the basic needs of the user in a real-world
5 Outstanding
context involving social, ethical and sustainability consequences at present and in future
researches and analyses how technological change impacts on the basic needs of the user in a real-world context
4 Excellent
involving social, ethical and sustainability consequences
3 Established examines how technological change impacts on the basic needs of the user in a real-world context
2 Developing outlines the basic needs of the user in a real-world context of technological change
1 Beginning identifies the basic needs of the user in a real-world context
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Critical and Creative
Thinking Investigate use of additional or refined criteria when application of original
Standard Sub-Category criteria does not produce a clear conclusion
Achievement Level The student:
through researched examples evaluates the clarity and precision of the problem statement based on the application of
5 Outstanding
different criteria
4 Excellent examines the clarity and precision of the problem statement based on the strength of criteria used for definition
3 Established discusses how refining original criteria can improve their use in defining the problem
2 Developing outlines criteria characteristics of most use in defining the problem
1 Beginning identifies criteria for their usefulness in defining the problem
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Science Science Inquiry Skills
Formulate questions or hypotheses that can be investigated scientifically,
Standard Sub-Category
including identification of independent, dependent and controlled variables
VCSIS134 Questioning and predicting
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates using research how ideas for the prototype were revised based on available resources, information about the
5 Outstanding
user and the problem identified
analyses and justifies how ideas for the prototype were revised based on available resources, information about the user
4 Excellent
and the problem identified
explains how ideas for the prototype were revised based on available resources and information about the user and the
3 Established
problem identified
2 Developing outlines ideas to develop the prototype based on available resources and information about the user
1 Beginning selects ideas for the prototype which can be developed with available resources
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Design and Technologies Creating Designed Solutions
Apply design thinking, creativity, innovation and enterprise skills to
Standard Sub-Category
develop, modify and communicate design ideas of increasing sophistication
VCDSCD061 Generating
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates the benefits and constraints of technology features in meeting criteria such as functionality, structure and
5 Outstanding
aesthetics to make modifications to the design idea
analyses the benefits and constraints of technology features in meeting criteria such as functionality, structure and
4 Excellent
aesthetics in the design idea
explores how features of technologies can contribute to meeting criteria such as functionality, structure and aesthetics in
3 Established
the design idea
2 Developing describes how criteria such as functionality, structure and aesthetics have contributed to the design idea
1 Beginning identifies criteria such as functionality, structure and aesthetics in developing the design idea
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Critical and Creative
Questions and Possibilities
Thinking Suspend judgements to allow new possibilities to emerge and investigate
Standard Sub-Category how this can broaden ideas and solutions
Achievement Level The student:
compares and evaluates a range of ideas using strategies such as suspending judgements, experimenting with
5 Outstanding
technology and reflects on how the ideas have changed before selecting a final idea
investigates and compares a range of ideas using strategies such as suspending judgements and experimenting with
4 Excellent
technology before selecting a final idea
explores a range of ideas using strategies such as suspending judgements and experimenting with technology before
3 Established
selecting a final idea
2 Developing outlines a range of ideas before selecting a final idea
1 Beginning lists ideas before selecting a final idea
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Science Science Inquiry Skills Select and use appropriate equipment and technologies to systematically
Standard Sub-Category collect and record accurate and reliable data, and use repeat trials to
VCSIS136 Planning and conducting improve accuracy, precision and reliability
Achievement Level The student:
improves specific skills applied to relevant equipment and technology to achieve intended results throughout the
5 Outstanding
project, records this information and reflects on the improvements
applies specific skills relevant to equipment and technology used to achieve intended results, records this information
4 Excellent
and considers future improvements
applies specific skills relevant to equipment and technology used to achieve intended results and records this
3 Established
2 Developing applies specific skills relevant to equipment and technology used to achieve intended results
1 Beginning applies specific skills relevant to equipment and technology used
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Design and Technologies Creating Designed Solutions
Work flexibly to safely test, select, justify and use appropriate technologies
Standard Sub-Category
and processes to make designed solutions
VCDSCD062 Producing
Achievement Level The student:
safely, independently and innovatively manipulates technologies and materials to produce a high-quality prototype and
5 Outstanding
considers alternatives to reduce waste or time
4 Excellent safely, independently and confidently manipulates technologies and materials to produce a high-quality prototype
3 Established safely and independently manipulates technologies and materials to produce a quality prototype
2 Developing safely manipulates technologies and materials to produce a prototype with assistance
1 Beginning safely manipulates technologies and materials with assistance
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Science-Level 7 & 8 Science Inquiry Skills Construct and use a range of representations including graphs, keys and
Standard Sub-Category models to record and summarise data from students’ own investigations
and secondary sources, and to represent and analyse patterns and
VCSIS110 Recording and processing relationships
Achievement Level The student:
collects and compares contrasting data from more than one source to test the prototype and create a summary of
5 Outstanding
collected data to identify patterns and relationships
collects and compares contrasting data from more than one source to test the prototype and evaluate the summarised
4 Excellent
3 Established collects data from more than one source to test the prototype and create a summary of collected data
2 Developing collects and records data from more than one source to test the prototype
1 Beginning collects data to test the prototype
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Science Science Inquiry Skills Use knowledge of scientific concepts to evaluate investigation conclusions,
Standard Sub-Category including assessing the approaches used to solve problems, critically
analysing the validity of information obtained from primary and secondary
VCSIS139 Analysing and evaluating sources, suggesting possible alternative explanations and describing
specific ways to improve the quality of data
Achievement Level The student:
revises the test using a more scientific method either from primary or secondary sources of data to increase the validity
5 Outstanding
of the conclusion
4 Excellent explores factors to increase the scientific validity of the test related to primary and secondary sources of data
3 Established outlines factors to increase the validity of the test from a scientific perspective for a more reliable conclusion
2 Developing describes how limitations of the test from a scientific perspective might account for different conclusions
1 Beginning identifies limitations of the test from a scientific perspective
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Design and Technologies Creating Designed Solutions
Evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions against comprehensive
Standard Sub-Category
criteria for success recognising the need for sustainability
VCDSCD063 Evaluating
Achievement Level The student:
tests and evaluates the success of their designed solution or prototype according to specific criteria including
5 Outstanding
functionality and sustainability, and makes changes to their design and processes used through iteration
tests and justifies the success of their designed solution or prototype according to specific criteria, including
4 Excellent
functionality and sustainability, and details changes which should be made to the design or processes used
tests and assesses the success of their designed solution or prototype according to specific criteria and explains changes
3 Established
which should be made to the design or process used
2 Developing tests and assesses the success of their designed solution or prototype according to specific criteria
1 Beginning tests their designed solution or prototype according to basic criteria
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Science Science Inquiry Skills Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose,
Standard Sub-Category including constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate
VCSIS140 Communicating scientific language, conventions and representations
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates with evidence the designed solution using a range of representations, design thinking and scientific concepts
5 Outstanding
including impacts and limitations of the solution
4 Excellent justifies with evidence the designed solution using a range of representations, design thinking and scientific concepts
3 Established explains the designed solution using a range of representations, design thinking or scientific language
2 Developing outlines the designed solution using representations and appropriate language
1 Beginning presents the designed solution
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Design and Technologies Technologies and Society Critically analyse factors, including social, ethical and sustainability
Standard Sub-Category considerations, that impact on designed solutions for global preferred futures
and the complex design and production processes involved
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates how the choice of technologies, materials and concept for their design solves the user’s problem and
5 Outstanding
contributes to a preferred future with evidence from research on ethics and sustainability
justifies how the choice of technologies, materials and concept for their design solves the user’s problem and
4 Excellent
contributes to a preferred future based on ethics and sustainability
explains how the choice of technologies, materials and concept for their design solves the user’s problem and
3 Established
contributes to a preferred future
2 Developing outlines how the choice of technologies, materials and concept for their design solves the user’s problem
1 Beginning presents the user problem and their designed solution
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Media Arts Media Arts Practices Develop and refine media production skills to integrate and shape the
Standard Sub-Category technical and symbolic elements in images, sounds and text to represent a
VCAMAM042 story, purpose, meaning and style
Achievement Level The student:
collaboratively and creatively utilises diverse production skills to convey meaning, purpose and style in the pitch
5 Outstanding
presentation by engaging the interests of a specific audience
collaboratively and confidently utilises production skills to convey meaning, purpose and style in the pitch presentation
4 Excellent
to engage the audience
3 Established collaboratively and effectively utilises production skills to convey meaning and purpose in the pitch presentation
2 Developing utilises production skills to enhance the pitch presentation
1 Beginning presents a pitch using suitable media
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Science Science Understanding
The values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of
Standard Sub-Category
scientific research
VCSSU116 Science as a human endeavour
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates how their own further research into the user problem can promote social action or change business and
5 Outstanding
government policies regarding the user problem
investigates how further research in the field can promote social action or change business and government policies
4 Excellent
regarding the user problem
describes how research into the user problem has influenced their own view of the problem, can influence social views
3 Established
of the problem as well as further research in the field
outlines how research into the user problem has influenced their own view of the problem and can influence social
2 Developing
views of the problem
1 Beginning identifies how research into the user problem has influenced their own view of the problem
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Visual Communication
Present and Perform
Design Develop a brief that identifies a specific audience and needs, and present
Standard Sub-Category visual communications that meet the brief
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates with examples the selection of design elements, principles, materials and media to communicate ideas to a
5 Outstanding
target audience, meet the design brief and evaluates improvements to be made to the pitch
justifies with examples the selection of design elements, principles, materials and media to communicate ideas to a
4 Excellent
target audience and meet the design brief for the pitch
explains decisions made in selecting design elements, principles, materials and media used to communicate ideas to a
3 Established
target audience and meet the design brief for the pitch
summarises decisions made in selecting design elements, principles, materials and media used to communicate ideas to
2 Developing
a target audience
1 Beginning identifies media elements used to communicate ideas to a target audience
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Subject Standard Category Descriptor
Critical and Creative
Meta-Cognition Investigate the kind of criteria that can be used to rationally evaluate the
Standard Sub-Category quality of ideas and proposals, including the qualities of viability and
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates how workability and viability of the designed solution can be improved based on an assessment of its practical
5 Outstanding
implementation and risks involved against criteria
analyses whether the designed solution is workable and viable against criteria for practical implementation and risks
4 Excellent
explains the workability and viability of the designed solution against criteria for practical implementation and risks
3 Established
2 Developing outlines the workability of the designed solution against criteria for practical implementation
1 Beginning identifies factors relevant to the workability of the designed solution
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Personal and Social Social Awareness and Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles
Capability Management including leadership and provide useful feedback to peers, evaluate task
Standard Sub-Category achievement and make recommendations for improvements in relation to
VCPSCSO050 Collaboration team goals
Achievement Level The student:
evaluates how improving the clarity of roles and the division of the tasks would improve the overall success of the
5 Outstanding
project with specific examples and suggests strategies as feedback to team members
analyses how improving the clarity of roles and the division of the tasks would improve the overall success of the
4 Excellent
project with specific examples
explains how improving the clarity of roles and the division of the tasks would improve the overall success of the
3 Established
2 Developing outlines the relative contribution of team members to the overall completion of the project
1 Beginning identifies the roles that team members undertook
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

Project name: Student name: Team name:

ENTERPRISE Economics and Business
VCEBN027 /5

EMPATHISE Design and Technologies Personal and Social

VCDSCD060 /5 Capability
DEFINE Science Design and Technologies Critical and Creative
VCSSU115 /5 VCDSTS055 /5 Thinking
VCCCTR050 /5

IDEATE Science Design and Technologies Critical and Creative

VCSIS134 /5 VCDSCD061 /5 Thinking
VCCCTQ044 /5
PROTOTYPE Science Design and Technologies
VCSIS136 /5 VCDSCD062 /5

TEST Science-Level 7 & 8 Design and Technologies

VCSIS110 /5 VCDSCD063 /5
Science-Level 9 & 10
VCSIS139 /5
COMMUNICATE/ Science Design and Technologies Media Arts

REFLECT Science Visual Communication Critical and Creative

VCSSU116 /5 Design Thinking
VCAVCDP009 /5 VCCCTM053 /5
Personal and Social
Total Marks /30 /5
/35 /10 /25
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)


Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Digital Technologies Creating Design Solutions Design the user experience of a digital system, evaluating alternative
Standard Sub-Category designs against criteria including functionality, accessibility, usability and
VCDTCD051 aesthetics.
Achievement Level The student:
Evaluates and designs the user experience of a digital system, alternative designs against criteria including functionality,
5 Outstanding
accessibility, usability and aesthetics
justifies and designs the user experience of a digital system, alternative designs against criteria including functionality,
4 Excellent
accessibility, usability and aesthetics
explains and designs the user experience of a digital system, alternative designs against criteria including functionality,
3 Established
accessibility, usability and aesthetics
summarises and designs the user experience of a digital system, alternative designs against criteria including
2 Developing
functionality, accessibility, usability and aesthetics
identifies and designs the user experience of a digital system, alternative designs against criteria including functionality,
1 Beginning
accessibility, usability and aesthetics
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Science Science Understanding
Standard Sub-Category The values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of
VCSSU116 scientific research.
Science as a Human Endeavour

Achievement Level The student:

5 Outstanding evaluates the values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research
4 Excellent justifies the values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research
3 Established explains the values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research
2 Developing summarises the values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research
1 Beginning identifies the values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research
N Not Shown has not reached a standard scribed in any of these proficiencies


Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Standard Sub-Category

Achievement Level The student:

5 Outstanding
4 Excellent
STEAM Project Assessment Rubric
Levels 9 & 10 – Future Food Packaging
Program (online)

3 Established
2 Developing
1 Beginning
N Not Shown

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Standard Sub-Category

Achievement Level The student:

5 Outstanding
4 Excellent
3 Established
2 Developing
1 Beginning
N Not Shown

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Standard Sub-Category

Achievement Level The student:

5 Outstanding
4 Excellent
3 Established
2 Developing
1 Beginning
N Not Shown

Subject Standard Category Descriptor

Standard Sub-Category

Achievement Level The student:

5 Outstanding
4 Excellent
3 Established
2 Developing
1 Beginning
N Not Shown

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