Workplace Stressors and Employee Performance: A Conceptual Review

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Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting

21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

ISSN: 2456-639X

Workplace Stressors and Employee Performance: A

Conceptual Review
Miebaka Dagogo Tamunomiebi1* and Akpobolokami Andy Mezeh2
Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers, State University,
Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Doctoral Candidate Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State
University, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, PMB 5080, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between both authors. Author AAM wrote the first draft of
the paper. Author MDT read, corrected and structured the paper. Both authors read and approved the
final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/AJEBA/2021/v21i430371
(1) Dr. Ivan Markovic, University of Nis, Serbia.
(1) Isabel Mercader Rubio, Universidad de Almeria, Spain.
(2) Adnan Iqbal Kaplan, Australia.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 14 January 2021

Review Article Accepted 17 March 2021
Published 30 March 2021


In work settings, stress can be produced by an array of stressors, such as work tasks,
psychosocial, and organizational stressors. Reviews of studies done on physical and psychosocial
stressors revealed that physical factors, such as repetitive movements, awkward postures, high
force demands, work posture, vibration and psychosocial factors, such as low co-worker support,
high quantitative demands, low job control and low job satisfaction are of importance. The
organizations therefore should be concerned with identifying the workplace stressors, and
empowering their employees to deal with those stressors that cannot be completely eliminated.
Stress is a universal element experienced by employees around the globe. Stress has become
major problem for employer particularly in developing nations where the employer does not realize
the impact of stress on employee performance. It is important to recognize and address properly
job stress because it badly affects the employee’s mental and physiological health. As there are so
many resources for employees to perform excellent in their jobs but there is also some factors that
hinders in their way. These factors lead to negative employee performance. Stress at work is seen
as one of the major psychosocial risks of work. Work-related stress is one of the problems

*Corresponding author: E-mail:;

Tamunomiebi and Mezeh; AJEBA, 21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

confronting employees. It is of great concern to employees, employers and psychologists, because

of its high growing rate in ill- health, as a result of long working hours of some employees. The
purpose of this study is to examine the impact of work stressors on employee performance.

Keywords: Work stressors; stress; employee performance; physiological stressors; psychological


1. INTRODUCTION pace, high time pressure, difficult and mentally

exacting work. Job control refers to the
In work settings, stress can be produced by an individual’s ability to control his or her work
array of stressors, such as work tasks, activities Decision latitude consists of two
psychosocial, and organizational stressors. aspects, namely the width of skills used by the
Reviews of studies done on physical and workers on the job (skill discretion), and the
psychosocial stressors revealed that physical workers authority to make own decisions on the
factors, such as repetitive movements, awkward job (decision authority) [3].
postures, high force demands, work posture,
vibration and psychosocial factors, such as low In the JDC model there are two different
co-worker support, high quantitative demands, hypotheses, the strain hypothesis and the
low job control and low job satisfaction are of learning hypothesis. The model assumes that
importance. These factors might be associated having control over the work process will reduce
with poor organizational performance directly, or stress and increase learning, while psychological
as a consequence of raising the level of stress in demands will increase both stress and learning.
the work place and this will affects the The strain hypothesis states that psychological
organizational performance [1]. strain and physical illness are expected in the
combination between high demands in work and
Studies done previously in workplaces have low control of the work process. The learning
clearly established the association between high hypothesis states that high demands in
levels of stress and negative effects on health, combination with high control leads to increased
productivity, and well-being of employees. It is learning, motivation, and development of skills
argued that increased absenteeism and job [4].
turnover of employees is also a result of
occupational stress which affects employees. Another perspective of the JDC model implies
One implication is that absence from work and that control can buffer negative effects of high
job turnover which is stress-related is a direct demands on health and well-being. The Job
cost for employers. Consequently, identifying Demand-Control-Support (JDCS) model
major stress sources at the workplace and how acknowledges that social support is vital for the
to handle its effects is of benefit to the employee when coping with different demands at
employees, management and company as it work. The social support dimension makes a
would affect organizational performance. distinction between isolated jobs (jobs with few
Perceived Organizational performance can be opportunities for social interaction), and collective
obtained from measures of production, jobs (jobs in which interactions with co-workers
organization performance, by self-reports, and by are integrated). The evolution of the JDC model
interviews [1]. to the JDCS model has meant that the two
hypotheses have been slightly reshaped. The
2. LITERATURE REVIEW “iso-strain” hypothesis predicts that jobs which
are characterized by high demands, low control,
2.1 Theoretical Foundation and social isolation lead to more illness, both
psychologically and physically. The buffer
2.1.1 Job demand-control-support model
hypothesis states that job control and worksite
social support moderate the negative effects of
The JDC model is a situation-centered model, high demands on the employees well-being. It
and the model identifies psychological job has been argued that the JDC(S) model is a
demands and job control (or decision latitude) as “male” model because women are less
two primary job sources which can lead to stress vulnerable to (iso) strain than men. Some
at work or employee stress. [2] defined job authors found that social support is a more
demands as psychological stressors presented in important predictor for cardiovascular diseases
the work environment such as high working for women than work control. The argument

Tamunomiebi and Mezeh; AJEBA, 21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

about “male” model is in line with the suggestion stress and they are grouped into three (3) major
that job strain is another way of measuring social categories thus: 1. Physical stressors which are
status. There are also a number of different physiological or external factors. 2. Social
reviews of the models, and the results from them stressors which arises from social interaction like
show that the models are capable of predicting death of loved ones, imprisonment and loss of
health as well as motivational and productivity job, etc. 3. Psychological stressors which consist
outcomes [5]. of the intense negative emotions people
experience and could arise from either physical
2.2 Work Stress or social stressors. Like; guilt, worry, anger,
frustration, hatred, sadness, grief, self-pity and
Job stress is a universal phenomenon that every
employee or employer goes through at job. Every
employer or employee handles job stress
Somaz and Tulgan [14] identified many stressors
differently according their own way. According to
mentioned by employees, these are the most
[6], Job stress is basically a mismatch between
common: Conflicts in the organisation, The way
the individual capabilities and organizational
employees are treated by their
demand. It expresses itself differently in different
bosses/supervisors or company, lack of job
work situations and affects the workers differently
security, company policies, co-workers who do
[6]. It makes an individual experience dysfunction
not do their fair share, Unclear expectations/work
in organizational expectation and his/her own
or conflicting roles and boundaries, poor
needs. Currently stress has become a global
communication, inadequate control over
issue and affects all the countries, all categories
assignments, inadequate pay or benefits, urgent
of employees and societies [7]. The stress
deadlines, too much work/work overload, long
begins with the demand and opportunity from
hours and time pressure, difficult or complex
environment for a person and ends with the
tasks, lack of breaks, lack of variety,
individual’s response to that demand and
Uncomfortable physical conditions (for example,
opportunity [8].
space, temperature, light), Relationship conflicts,
Jonge and Dormann [9], the level of stress Co-workers making careless mistakes, Dealing
minimizes when resources are adequate to meet with rude customers, Lack of co-operation, How
demands. Employees experience stress because the company treats co-workers, having
of various issues among them workload, responsibility for people, under promotion, lack of
technological problems at work, long working training, Managers who are critical, demanding,
hours, inadequate salary, insufficient time for unsupportive or bullying create stress, whereas a
family and job worries at home. According to [10] positive social dimension of work and good team
other causes of work stress include role conflicts, working reduces it.
work intensification, poor relationship with
colleagues and unfavorable working conditions. 2.4 Types of Workplace Stressors
Stress causes dissatisfaction among employees
and as a result of this they may become nervous 2.4.1 Psychological stressors
and anxious [11].
According to [15], psychological stress occurs
Stress is a mental and physical condition, which when an individual perceives that the
affects an individual’s productivity, effectiveness, environmental demands exceed his or her
personal health and quality of work. Job stress adaptive capacity to perform effectively. Omolara
victims experienced lowered quality of work life [16] goes further to describe occupational stress
and job satisfaction. The harmful and costly as the adverse psychological reaction that in an
consequences of stress demonstrated the need individual demonstrates as a result of being
for strategies to limit stressors within the unable to cope with the demands being made on
organization. Organizations that did not adopt them. [17] added that stress is a complex
strategies to manage and alleviate stress found emotion that produces psychological changes to
their employees looking elsewhere for better prepare us for “flight or fight”. It consists of an
opportunities [12]. individual’s physical, social, spiritual intellectual
and environmental wellbeing [17].
2.3 Work Stressors
Most of our lives are spent at work; therefore job
Stressors According to [13] Stressors are stress is widely found to affect people in every
sources of pressure and tension that create sector [18]. Snow et a.[19], uniquely discovered

Tamunomiebi and Mezeh; AJEBA, 21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

that the relationship between work stressors, work settings, maximum daily client sessions,
coping and social support to psychological and referral source of clients [24]. Psychosocial
symptoms among female secretaries in New work environment is defined as the result of an
York, specifically for women who are often interaction between the work organizations the
underpaid, carry considerable responsibility with individual [25].
less status and control in their roles was high.
The best measures to predict interpersonal strain
Some stress however according to [20] can be according to [26], is namely; Role over load. This
good and some can be bad thus they highlight happens when employees have too much to do,
key factors such as work environment, in sufficient training and limited time. Secondly,
management support, workload in a demanding Role boundaries where employees have vague
and stressful the work environment, can be bad authority lines and conflicting supervisory
and have a negative effect on employee physical guidance and accountability levels to an
and mental health. Most stress is experienced employee’s own performance at the workplace
are invariably due to involuntary psychological [26] This is depicted in their comprehensive
responses that hinders employee performance model on occupational stress-strain-coping that
[21]. Enhanced health can result when the body sought to establish association among the three
has the physiological resources to build, maintain factors. [26] discovered that there are indeed
and repair it [20]. This type of restorative activity correlations among the three factors and
is governed by many factors, such as nutrition, employee performance either increasing or
but also by hormones, especially the balance of decreasing their performance at the workplace.
hormones relative to each other [22]. As stress is They specifically discovered that the perceived
a phenomenon that influences the physical, stress and resultant strain experienced by an
mental, spiritual and emotional parts of people’s employee could among other variables have a
lives, it can become an overwhelming issue that gross effect on work routine and ultimately on the
affects the successful functioning of the human employees performance.
race. In addition, exposure to prolonged stress
was increase the risk of serious mental health 2.5 Role Overload Stressors
problems, including depression and disabling
anxiety conditions, as well as alcohol misuse. Work related overload is commonly referred to
the time at which organizations employees’ role
2.4.2 Psychosocial stressors expectations exceed the resources or time
available for them to fulfill assigned
According to the psychosocial support model, the responsibilities [27]. Employees are faced with
term psychosocial is used to emphasize “the stressors on a daily basis in an increasingly high-
close connection between psychological aspect paced world. [28] insisted that employees are
of the human experience and the wider social expected to cope with their vulnerabilities silently
experience. Psychosocial stress according to and quickly by their supervisors. With most
[23], has now been recognized in Australia’s organizations requiring them to function on a
health and safety legislation as a workplace psychological level, employees provide reliable
hazard. A recent study conducted on the and valid information through their mental and
psychosocial hazard risk profiles in the public behavioral skills; values, self-perception,
and private sector in Australia by on 664 male community orientation and through their
and female 430, Queensland workers from the motivational composition.
public were 559 and private 105 sectors, across
both large and small organizations and from a 2.6 Role Boundaries Stressors
range of job roles. It was found that most private
sector employees rated their employers as being Workplace boundaries are defined as a set of
significantly more effective than public sector expectations which set the technical and ethical
employees, in managing workplace stress across standards of employees [29]. Organizations
all the dimensions other than role, while require that individuals function on a
employees in both sectors rated their employers psychological level, where they provide reliable
as less effective in managing job content and valid information through their mental and
stressors than job context stressors the variables behavioral skills; values, self-perception,
they identified to have significant differences on community orientation and lastly through their
the levels of stress, strain, and coping were motivational composition [28]. Role boundaries
gender, primary work setting, and number of are experienced where employees have vague

Tamunomiebi and Mezeh; AJEBA, 21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

authority lines and conflicting supervisory Recent studies by Cooper et al. [21] on work
guidance and accountability levels to their own demand stressors and job performance,
performance at the workplace [26]. A report suggested that the appraisal of any stressor
prepared for the work foundation’s principal reflects two basic dimensions: The first
partners, [30], suggested that certain perceptions dimension, associated with threat or hindrance,
of job stress are more likely than others to lead to is hypothesized to be negatively associated with
psychological problems such as anxiety or performance, and the second dimension,
depression. These aspects include; a perception reflecting challenge, tends to be positively related
of a poor relationship with a superior or a to performance. For instance, Job loads such as
perception of too much trouble at work. There is role conflict, role overload, and role ambiguity.
heightened risk of employees suffering from a The above-mentioned job stressors are
psychiatric disorder as they have little say or considered as ‘bad’ [33]. Cooper et al. [21] insist
control over how their work is done, when their that when employees perceive a demand
work is fast paced, when they have conflicting addressed to them is threatening or harmful, they
priorities or when they feel there is a lack of tend to use much time and energy to cope
recognition, understanding and support from causing anxiety and reducing the employee
managers. ability to perform by diverting their efforts from
performing job functions.
2.7 Cultural Integration Stressors
2.9 Facilitators of Work Stressors
As a part of the psychosocial mentioned above, 2.9.1 Financial strain
culture stressors are additionally related to others
not abiding by the primary workplace values. Financial stress is conceptualized as the
This is evident according to a study by [31] on subjective perception of one's personal finances.
the extent to which differing organizational Financial problems occur when one is unable to
cultures might be associated with different types meet their financial responsibilities. A study done
of work stressors. The study revealed that work by [34] showed that employees with high
stressors within organizational cultures are financial stress spent more time handling
manifested as a function of the primary financial matters at work instead of working than
organizational value. Further, the study’s results those with moderate financial stress. They were
revealed that several employees, specifically absent from work more frequently than the low
within the flexible-type cultures, described and moderate financially stressed groups and
workplace events more as a challenge than they were also less likely to be satisfied with pay.
stressful, and that these employees tended to Financial stress affects the workers attitudes and
report a similarity between themselves and the behaviours at work. They feel they do not have
organization. These findings suggested that a enough money for living expenses. They also
person’s fit with the organizational culture has worry about the amount of debts and are
importance in the investigation of organizational dissatisfied with their savings for retirement and
culture and perceptions of work stressors [31]. overall general financial situation which have
negative impact on their performance and
2.8 Job Demand Stressors productivity/work output. All employers should
realize that there is a group of employees in their
Bashir and Ramay [32] say that many workplaces who are stressed about their
organizations focus their human resources personal financial matters. The number may be
efforts on processes such as recruitment, 10% or 30% or even higher [35,36,34]
selection, and training to ensure that employees
have the necessary capabilities to meet the The actual number of financially distressed
demands of their work. However, these alone do employees in a particular workplace depends
not guarantee the level of effort an individual was primarily on the makeup of the workforce, the
applying to the job. Ten common stressors were educational level of the employees and their
suggested by the researchers to determine incomes among other variables. The kind of
stress levels in the workplace. overload, role remuneration that employees receives from their
vagueness, role conflict, keeping up with quick employers, and the financial education or know
technological change, being in an innovative role, how of how to manage finances is equally
career growth, organizational structure and important when dealing with financial related
environment, responsibilities for people, stress. Financial stress is a significant variable in
participation and lack of feedback, [32]. understanding organizational commitment and

Tamunomiebi and Mezeh; AJEBA, 21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

absenteeism [34]. Workplace financial also lead to low performance and reduced
education/counseling can help workers handle productivity. This happens when these
their personal finances better, reduce their relationships lead to competition, envy, gossip
financial stress, increase workers' pay and distraction from work related activities
satisfaction and improve productivity [37,34] because there is a more tightly webbed
emotional and occasionally physical connection
Researchers who have investigated the effects of that goes beyond the typical co-worker
financial strain on individual’s wellbeing suggest relationship or boss- worker relationship [38,43].
that as one repeatedly reacts to stressful events,
the disastrous effects on the body accumulates Personal relationship between the supervisors
so that the individual becomes increasingly and their employees are at times frowned at.
susceptible to emotional problems, accidental There is a great temptation to engage in
injuries, physical illnesses and behavioural favoritism when the supervisor has overly friendly
disorders. Prolonged financial stress such as or even romantic relationship with an employee.
continuous credit problems and financial needs Such relationship can potentially ignite sexual
can have negative effects on one’s health. harassment claims if the supervisor or employee
Financial strain has been associated with engages in an inappropriate or discriminatory
individual’s health, drinking problems and employment practice. Personal relationships can
substance abuse, decreased self-esteem, marital also disrupt employee morale and make other
stress, depression and reduced psychological employees feel less valued when they are not
well-being, which all affect organizational the ones with personal relationship with someone
performance. Teaching employees how to who can possibly improve their employment
manage their money or to prepare for financial status [44].
security improves the employees’ quality of work
[38,39]. If the employees feel the relationship with their
Workplace Relationships Workplace manager or supervisor is so rigid, they may be
relationships are unique interpersonal afraid or ashamed to admit they have a problem
relationships with important implications for the that is affecting their work even though all the
individuals in those relationships and the underlying signs and symptoms exist in their
organizations in which they develop [40]. deteriorating performance. A rehabilitative or
Because workers spend an average of fifty hours work related problem solving approach, where a
in a week in the workplace, these long hours manager works with the employee to help them
result to formation of friendships which may be resolve the performance issues is more effective
both positive and negative. Studies show that than taking punitive measures. These
relationships at workplace directly affect a professional working relationships also consist of
workers ability to succeed. Positive workplace honest guidelines, clear expectations and open
friendships leads to more cohesive workgroups, communications. More importantly a definitive
more satisfied and committed employees, role clarification between the manager and
greater goal attainment, increased positive employee is essential [45].
feelings about the organization can make both
2.10 Working Conditions
good and bad jobs better and are a factor in
preventing employee turnover and employee With more and more people committed to
desire to leave the organization [41]. improved health and quality of life in general, it is
not surprising that there is deep interest in
The employee relations office works with staff, employees ‘workplace physical conditions and
supervisors and administrators in maintaining a general environment. It’s hard to be productive
positive work environment, and positive when you’re physically uncomfortable. Anything
interactions between employees and employer. that makes your employees uncomfortable,
Primary functions of the office are working with including chairs, desks, workstations, lighting,
employees and supervisors on resolving temperature and noise levels, can affect
differences and conflicts at work, maintaining productivity [46]. A comfortable and ergonomic
productivity, enhancing organizational office design motivates employees and
performance, and promoting work-life balance substantially increases performance. All the feel-
[42]. Though workplace friendships tend to have good, psychological methods of improving
a positive impact on the employees overall employee productivity are great, but they’re
production and attitude towards the job, they can useless without the right tools. The right tools

Tamunomiebi and Mezeh; AJEBA, 21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

mean the right technology. For an employee to employee involvement and negatively affect
be efficient and productive in today’s job performance at the individual and corporate
environment means equipping employees with level. The experience of work and stress is
the right gear. Companies that do not upgrade or certainly not new in Kenya. Kenyans continue to
ignore the necessity for tech tools run the risk of experience stress as a result of poor
diminished employee productivity [47]. environmental conditions, political uncertainty,
poor working conditions and extreme levels of
Employees’ comfort level with equipment and poverty. A research conducted by Munali [55]
software can also affect productivity. If reveals that employees are reporting increased
employees does not understand how to use levels of stress which has led to poor health and
equipment or software or use it incorrectly, consequently performance. Globalization has left
performance and productivity suffers. Problems Kenyan suppliers facing stiff competition and
also occur when your existing equipment isn’t aggressive cost cutting. Work place pressure is
sufficient to handle your department's needs. growing day by day, people face changing
Upgrading equipment and tools, and providing economic and business situations, changing
ongoing training to employees is expensive, but customer expectations and changing
is essential in maintaining or improving expectations from their own role and position in
productivity. Organizations should evaluate the organization [56].
equipment and software yearly to catch problems
before they affect performance [48]. Intel, the Job stress has a vital importance and has
world’s largest semi-conductor maker, found that become a key challenge for the organizations
wireless notebook PC users increased their because of its strapping impact on the
productivity by 100 hours per year. They studied performance of an individual as well as the
the work habits and productivity of more than 100 organization. Employees serve as assets for an
Intel employees who were upgraded to wireless organization, but when they are stressed,
notebooks and found a gain of more than two undesirable circumstances such as increased
hours per week, more than paying for the cost of absenteeism; low productivity, low motivation
the upgrades in the first year. They also found and usually legal financial damages (which
that when workers were able to control more of eventually effect the employee work behavior
their time, that productivity increased as well [49]. and leads him/her towards the counter-
productive work behavior) emerge. Stress in
2.11 Work Stressors and Employee organizations affects both the individual and the
Performance organization (e.g. increased turnover rates).
Individuals can be affected at the physiological,
Stress exists in every organization either big or affective, and behavioral levels, and in their
small, work places and organizations have leisure time and family life. Stress affects
become so much complex due to which it exists, individuals and organizations within different time
work place stress has significant effects over the frames. Stress reactions can occur immediately
employees job performance, and the (short-term reactions) and/or may take longer
organizations in U.K are trying to cope with this time to develop (long-term reactions). With
scenario, [50]. Stress is an unwanted reaction respect to physiological responses, stress has an
people have to severe pressures or other types effect on the cardiac system. For example,
of demands placed upon them. A huge and multi individuals in so-called high-strain jobs (i.e., job
fields literature points a lot of key factors such as with high demands and low job control, show
work environment, management support, work higher blood pressure than individuals in other
load etc. in determining the stressful the work types of jobs [57].
can be and its effect on employee physical and
mental health [51]. According to [52] work to 3. CONCLUSION
family conflicts is also a predecessor which
creates stress in employees of an organization. Stress is a universal phenomenon that
Job stress has been also viewed as essentially manifests itself in humans as a result
dysfunctional for organizations and their of pressures emanating from several
members [53]. experiences or challenging situations [58]. It is a
part of daily life activities. In today’s world, stress
has become a worldwide phenomenon, which
According to Sayeed [54], stress also continues
occurs in various forms in every workplace. In
to jeopardize the health of organizations.
today’s work life, employees are generally
Unhealthy organizational climates reduce

Tamunomiebi and Mezeh; AJEBA, 21(4): 57-66, 2021; Article no.AJEBA.66526

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