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Hedging: Linguistic Strategies

Modal auxiliary verbs may, might, can, could, ‘Such a measure might be
would, should more sensitive to changes in
health after specialist

Modal lexical verbs doubting to seem, to appear (epistemic ‘In spite of its limitations, the
and evaluating rather than verbs), to believe, to assume, treatment appears to have a
merely describing to suggest, to estimate, to number of important
tend, to think, to argue, to strengths.’
indicate, to propose, to

Probability adjectives possible, probable, un/likely ‘Surgery is likely to result in


Nouns assumption, claim, ‘Our estimate is that the

possibility, estimate*, patient will make a full
suggestion recovery after chemotherapy.’

Adverbs perhaps, possibly, probably, ‘On examination, generalized

practically, likely, tenderness was noted, most
presumably, virtually, likely related to guarding but
apparently not rigidity.’

Approximators of degree, approximately, roughly, ‘Pyrexia, often PUO, is

quantity, frequency and time about, often, occasionally, present in about a third of
generally, usually, somewhat, cases.’
somehow, a lot of

Introductory phrases believe, to our knowledge, it ‘It is our view that the onset
is our view that, we feel that of the infection was probably
“If” clauses if true, if anything ‘If our estimate be true, the
fracture will have been
reduced in a month.’
Compound hedges seems reasonable, looks Such compound hedges can
probable be double hedges (it may
suggest that; it seems likely
that; it would indicate that;
this probably indicates);
treble hedges (it seems
reasonable to assume that);
quadruple hedges (it would
seem somewhat unlikely that,
it may appear somewhat
speculative that) and so on.

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