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ETABS- Time History Analysis

Prof. Prasad R. Vaidya

Mob: 9619110342 Email-

Important Points for Time History analysis

Linear – Response is directly proportional to excitation
Non linear – Response is not directly proportional to Excitation
Function – Functions are defined to describe how the load varies as a function of period, time or
Response Spectrum Function – Spectral acceleration Vs Time period
Time History Function – Loading Magnitude Vs Time Period
Transient – Temporary ie lasting only for short time
Types of time history analysis
a) Linear Transient Or Non Linear Transient- It starts with zero condition or previous linear/Non
linear transient time history case
b) Periodic – Initial condition is adjusted to be equal to those at the end of period of analysis
Nonlinear time history is suitable for building with base isolators and dampers
Period – Time in second required by a function to complete one cycle
No. of steps – Value point provided for each cycle of function
Amplitude – Maximum function value
Fast Nonlinear Analysis – Fast Nonlinear analysis is a modal analysis method useful for static and
dynamic evaluation of linear and nonlinear structural systems. Well suited for time history over direct
integration. Its efficiency is due to the separation of non linear object force vector. While using this
method it should be insure that
a) Analytical model should be primarily linear elastic
b) Have limited number of predefined non linear members
c) Non linear behavior with link object

Natural Period/ Natural Frequency

Natural period is a time taken by a building to undergo one complete oscillation. The building offer
least resistance when shaken by its natural frequency. Hence it undergoes larger oscillation when
shaken by natural frequency than other frequencies. The natural period for 1 to 20 storey building is in
the range of 0.05 to 2 sec.

Fundamental Natural Period/ Frequency

Every building has number of natural frequencies each of these natural frequencies and associated
deformation shape of building constitutes a natural mode of oscillation. The mode of oscillation with
smallest natural frequency is called as fundamental natural frequency.

ETABS- Time History Analysis
Prof. Prasad R. Vaidya
Mob: 9619110342 Email-

Ground Motion Characteristics

Earthquake originates below the surface of the earth due to rupture of bed-rock. This is associated with release
of stored strain energy that spreads out in all directions from the fault region in the form of seismic waves that
travel through the body and along the surface of the Earth. These seismic waves, primarily of two types called
the body waves and surface waves, together cause shaking of the ground (surface of the Earth) on which the
buildings are founded. The ground motion can be measures in the form of acceleration, velocity or
Three accelerograms are recorded simultaneously along three mutually perpendicular directions to capture the
complete oscillation of the ground at a location (called a station). These three records of three mutually
perpendicular correspond to two along the horizontal directions and one along the vertical direction. Type of
rupture, the geology along the travel path, geotechnical strata under the building are three critical factors that
determine the characteristics of acceleration ground motion at a station. Peak amplitude, representing the peak
ground acceleration (PGA), is an important design parameter. For instance, a horizontal PGA value of 0.6g
(i.e., a peak ground acceleration of 0.6 times the acceleration due to gravity g) suggests that the shaking of the
ground can cause a rigid building to sustain a maximum horizontal inertia force of 60% of its weight (i.e., one
with fundamental natural period T close to zero). Horizontal PGA values of about 1.82g were recorded during
the 1994 Northridge Earthquake in USA. The duration of shaking corresponds to that part of the ground
oscillation that is above the normal level of ambient vibration of the ground at the station. For a building that
remains elastic during the entire earthquake shaking, the duration of earthquake shaking may not make a
difference. But, for another building that accrues damage during earthquake shaking, the duration of earthquake
shaking does make a significant difference. Under these inelastic conditions of the building, all three factors
make a difference, namely peak ground acceleration, duration of strong shaking and the frequency content.
Acceleration Response Spectrum of Ground Motion
Force can be defined in two ways: (i) mass m times acceleration a, representing inertia force, or (ii) stiffness k
times displacement x representing elastic force, i.e.,
F = ma or F = kx .
In real buildings, it is easier to compute the mass of the building that is effective during earthquake shaking,
called seismic mass (equal to seismic weight divided by acceleration due to gravity g), than to evaluate overall
stiffness. Thus, once the natural period associated with each mode of oscillation is estimated, the corresponding
seismic lateral force is obtained by multiplying the acceleration response spectrum value (from the acceleration
response spectrum) with the mass associated to each mode of oscillation. In the design of buildings, seismic
design codes provide a design response spectrum and the corresponding force obtained is called the design
seismic lateral force of the building or the design seismic base shear of the building.

ETABS- Time History Analysis
Prof. Prasad R. Vaidya
Mob: 9619110342 Email-

Design codes use a Design Acceleration Response Spectrum, which is derived from the Acceleration Response
Spectrum of many individual ground motions. Loosely speaking, the Design Acceleration Response Spectrum is
the smoothened envelope of all Acceleration Response Spectra of the ground motions for which the building is
expected to be designed. In the strict sense, Design Acceleration Response Spectrum is different for each
location in the country, since the seismic wave actions are different at different locations in the country. But, it
would be tedious if designers are required to obtain this design spectrum by themselves for the design of
individual buildings in a country. Hence, design codes prescribe that the same Design Acceleration Response
Spectrum be used throughout the country. Only one correction is made related to the soil conditions at the site.
Soft soils are expected to shake more violently, and hence the Design Acceleration Response Spectra are
different for them. This Design Acceleration Response Spectrum prescribed by codes is a spectrum
recommended for use in the design of simple, regular and normal buildings. For the design of special buildings
(e.g., tall buildings), a Design Acceleration Response Spectrum should be arrived at specific to the site where
the special building is being constructed.
Step 1: Define time history function
Create time history file. Note following points for time history function file
1. File should be notepad file with extension *.txt
2. Line starting with $ will be skipped
3. All values should be separated with space
Prefix characters per line to skip- Specify number of character to skip in every line of text file
Number of points per line edit box- Specify number of points per line to be plotted for each line
Free format- Use this if items in text file is separated by space
Time and function values- Select this option if the text file contains values for both time and function
Values at Equal Interval of – Select this option if the text file contains function values spaced at equal
time interval
Step 2: Define Modal case data
In EATBS modal ie eigenvector or ritz-vector is based on mass of building. For nonlinear time history
analysis ritz-vector should be used.(Recommended by CSI)
Load Type – Acceleration
Maximum Cycle – Specify Zero since these limits will not be used until the minimum number of modes has
been found
Target Dyn, Par. Ratio, % - This ratio is exactly same as mass participation ratio. However this feature is not
yet available in this release of program and hence any value is set to zero ie they are ignored.

ETABS- Time History Analysis
Prof. Prasad R. Vaidya
Mob: 9619110342 Email-

Step 3: Define load case data

Load type – Acceleration
Load Name – U1(This is with respect to global axis)
Function – THX
Scale factor- If the values of time history function is given in the current units the scale factor is set to
1 otherwise scale factor should reflect conversion of time history to current unit. Example if time
history data is in cm/sec/sec and current unit is mm/sec/sec then scale factor = 10
Number of output time steps/Output time step size- The total time of the analysis is the number of
output time steps multiplied by output time step size.

NOTE: Following points should be noted regarding non linear case data
1) We can define only single load case for both the direction to perform time history. This can be done
by adding the acceleration load in U1 and U2 direction with same scale factor. The results can be
viewed separately in SAP. This is like applying acceleration load simultaneously in both the principal
direction. However the time history can also be applied one at a time in both directions. This can be
done by creating another nonlinear modal history case. There is not much differences in results was
observed in above two procedures.
2) The starting load vector can be initial unstressed condition or a specified load of gravity time
history. If the initial load vector is considered as unstressed condition no additional case needs to be
defined. If the time history lateral case is suppose to start from some defined gravity case a gravity
nonlinear time history case must be defined with dead load and scale factor as 1. The number of time
steps may be less than lateral time history case for eg it may be 100 steps of 0.01 time interval.
The starting vector is recommended as dead load since this load will initially be there on structure
before earthquake event occur and hence assigning the starting load vector will give more realistic
Step4: Define mass source
Define mass source to calculate seismic weight of building. Mass source is used in modal analysis and
time history uses modal analysis results. Hence the mass source needs to be defined.
Step5: Output of time history
The time history output can be acceleration, frequency, velocity, displacement of a specific node along
specific direction for all specified time steps.

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