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A capacitive sensor system for the analysis of two-phase flows of oil and
conductive water

Article  in  Sensors and Actuators A Physical · September 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2010.08.018


113 794

4 authors:

Marco Demori Vittorio Ferrari

Università degli Studi di Brescia Università degli Studi di Brescia


Domenico Strazza Pietro Poesio

Università degli Studi di Brescia

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Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179

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A capacitive sensor system for the analysis of two-phase flows

of oil and conductive water
Marco Demori a,∗ , Vittorio Ferrari a , Domenico Strazza b , Pietro Poesio b
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Università degli studi di Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale, Università degli studi di Brescia, Via Branze 38, 25123 Brescia, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A sensor system for the study of oil–water flow in pipes is proposed. The purpose is to estimate the area
Received 29 April 2010 fraction occupied by each fluid in a given section of the pipe, taking advantage of the difference in dielectric
Received in revised form 14 July 2010 permittivity between the fluids. The estimation is done by capacitance measurements between electrodes
Accepted 15 August 2010
flush-mounted on the external surface of a nonconductive section of the pipe. A key contribution of the
Available online 20 August 2010
present work is to propose a solution to the problem of capacitive sensing in presence of conductive
water which introduces parasitic coupling to stray elements outside the measurement section of the
pipe. To this purpose it is proposed a novel sensor configuration that employs guard electrodes, coupled
Capacitive sensor
Capacitance probe
to a tailored electronic interface to drive the guard electrodes and amplify the measurement signal at
Two-phase flow 2 MHz. The sensor system has been designed, manufactured and tested in an experimental plant where
Oil–water flow flows of oil–tap water have been generated. The results obtained from the developed sensor system
for different fluid fractions have been compared with those obtained by the Quick Closing Valve (QCV)
technique adopted as a reference. Differences between the two methods below 3% have been found in
the estimations of the normalized oil-area fraction.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to estimate the area fraction occupied by oil, Ho = Ao /(Ao + Aw ), with

Ao and Aw being the oil and water areas respectively, as shown in
Two-phase flows are characterized by the simultaneous flow Fig. 1a.
along a pipe of a combination of two phases such as gas–liquid, To provide real-time estimation of hold-up, a sensor system
liquid–solid and liquid–liquid, that remain separate. The study of based on a capacitive technique is proposed. This technique is
this kind of flows is of actual relevance not only for their scien- based on the different electric characteristics of the two phases
tific and fundamental interest, but also because they are commonly that, being located in various configurations and amounts inside the
found in many industrial applications, such as in oil industry or pipe, generate different dielectric permittivity distributions. These
chemical plants. Different combinations of flow rates of the two variations can be measured by a pair of electrodes placed on the
phases give rise to different flow patterns, i.e. geometrical config- external surface of a nonconductive section of the pipe to form a
urations of the phases in the pipe. In this work oil–water flows are capacitor, as shown in Fig. 1b. The main advantage of the capaci-
considered, which are typical for oil pipelines. In the paper, the tive technique is to be nonintrusive and, hence, it does not disturb
attention in mainly focused on the flow pattern known as core- the flow. Capacitive sensors have been developed with good results
annular flow, where oil flows in the center of the pipe and water in gas–liquid and liquid–liquid flows to obtain hold-up measure-
flows as an annulus around it. The annular flow is extremely inter- ments or tomographic reconstruction [2–7], and also in gas–solid
esting since it gives a significant advantage in terms of reduction systems [8].
of pressure drops [1]. In addition, oil-in-water dispersed and inter- The present sensor system has been specifically developed to
mittent flows are also considered. measure the oil hold-up in an oil–water flow under the typical con-
An important parameter in the study of two-phase liquid–liquid dition encountered in a real plant where water with finite electrical
flows is the hold-up, which represents the normalized area fraction conductivity (or brine) can be used. In this condition, the pipe sec-
occupied by each phase. In this paper, we present a sensing system tion where the sensor electrodes are placed cannot be considered
electrically isolated from the plant, and some difficulties arise in the
application of the capacitive technique [3,9–11]. As a first effect,
∗ Corresponding author at: University of Brescia, Department of Information Engi- a conductive fluid such as tap water inside the pipe generates a
neering, Via Branze 38, Brescia, Italy. screening action in the measurement section, which reduces the
E-mail address: (M. Demori). sensitivity to oil fraction. Moreover, the presence of a conductive

0924-4247/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Demori et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179 173

Fig. 1. Cross-section of the pipe with oil–water flow (a); capacitive technique
schematization with definitions of material properties (b).

fluid produces conductive paths that couple the measurement sec-

tion between the electrodes with the outer portions of the pipe and
the rest of the plant in turn. Overall, these issues affect the capac-
itance measurement and pose significant challenges that call for
innovative design solutions. A tailored approach was initially pro-
posed in [12] and has thereof led to the extended analyses, design
and experimental results that are reported in the present paper.
In Section 2, the application of the capacitance technique in
presence of a conductive fluid is discussed. A model of the electric
behavior of the material system between electrodes, comprising Fig. 2. Representation of annular flow in a pipe with circular cross-section (a); sim-
fluids and pipe, is proposed to understand how the oil hold-up plified geometry based on squared cross-section and equivalent circuit elements of
information can be extracted. Subsequently, the effect on the mea- the different materials (b).
surement due to external couplings is considered and a solution to
mitigate such a perturbing effect is proposed based on the use of
pipe with an electrodes arc length of 90◦ has been replaced by a
guard electrodes.
squared cross-section. In this configuration the whole area occu-
Section 3 provides the description of the developed sensor sys-
pied by the fluids is conveniently assumed as a square and the oil
tem composed of a measurement head, an electronic transduction
area is assumed as an inner centered square. As shown in Fig. 2b
circuit, and a PC-based data acquisition system. In particular, the
the side length ds of the square total section is set to the value
electronic transduction circuit that drives the measurement head
of the linear length covered by one electrode, whose arc length is
electrodes is illustrated. In addition, the principal dimensioning
of 90◦ in the circular section of Fig. 2a. Since the mean distance
parameters are reported.
between electrodes is almost equal to the perimeter portion cov-
Section 4 presents the experimental results obtained from the
ered by one electrode, the squared configuration can be assumed
developed sensor system installed on a laboratory plant where oil
as a good approximation of the circular cross-section. In the sim-
and tap water are circulated. The results for the hold-up measured
plified configuration, the area fractions of the fluids can be easily
for core-annular flow are compared with those obtained from a
linked to the geometrical parameters ds and lo that are the side of
reference technique. In addition, the application of the developed
the fluids and oil squares respectively.
probe to different flow patterns is reported and commented.
The cross-section is divided into homogeneous regions electri-
Section 5 summarizes the results and conclusions.
cally connected either in series or in parallel. The model allows to
derive the electrical behavior of the system (including fluids and
2. Capacitive technique in presence of a conductive fluid pipe walls) between the electrodes, which can be described as a
network of capacitances and resistances, whose values are related
2.1. Measurement section impedance to the electric characteristics of each material and to the geometric
dimensions of the corresponding regions [10,13]. These, in turn, can
In the core-annular flow regime the oil can be considered as a be expressed as a function of the oil hold-up parameter Ho defined
disc at the center of the pipe section surrounded by a concentric in Section 1.
annulus of water, as shown in Fig. 2a. If we analyze the system Denoting with ZS the overall impedance between the electrodes
of materials between the electrodes along the pipe, because of the per unit axial length, the expression of ZS (ω) as a function of the
presence of a conductive fluid, the electrical behavior of this system angular frequency ω = 2f is given by:
has to be considered as a generic impedance. To better under-
stand the characteristics of this impedance and to put it in relation 1 Rws Rwp
Z S (ω) = 2 +2 + .
with the hold-up information, we propose and analyze the sim- jωCp 1 + jωCws Rws 2 + jω2Cwp Rwp + jωCo Rwp
plified geometry of Fig. 2b, where the circular cross-section of the (1)
174 M. Demori et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179

With reference to Fig. 2b, the definitions of the circuit elements

expressed as a function of their respective dimensions and material
properties are the following:
ds ds 1 (ds − lo )/2
Cp =ε0 εpipe ; Cws =ε0 εw ; Rws = ;
dp (ds − lo )/2 w ds

(ds − lo )/2 1 lo
Cwp = ε0 εw ; Rwp = ; Co = ε0 εoil .
lo w (ds − lo )/2

The geometric dimensions of the oil and water regions can be

directly related to the hold-up Ho by the following expression:
Ao l2 
Ho = = o2 ⇒ lo = Ho ds2 . (3)
Ao + Aw ds
Inserting Eqs. (2a), (2b) and (3) into Eq. (1) we obtain the following
expression of the impedance ZS as function of the oil fraction Ho :

2 1 − Ho
Z S (ω) = +
jωCp w + jωε0 εw

+   . (4)
(1 − Ho )(w + jωε0 εw ) + Ho jωε0 εoil

Eq. (4) shows that the impedance ZS can be expressed as the sum Fig. 3. Computed phase (a) and magnitude (b) of the impedance per unit axial length
of three terms. The first term does not depend on Ho because it is ZS as a function of the oil fraction Ho for different values of frequency.
only related to the capacitance of the pipe wall. The second term
shows a dependence on Ho only in the magnitude, and the third
As mentioned and shown in Figs. 3a and b and 4, the frequency
term is a function of Ho both in the magnitude and in the phase.
directly influences the sensitivity. This is due to the conductive
As a consequence, it is difficult to immediately determine the
water that, for certain flow regimes such as the investigated core-
effect of Ho on ZS from the analytic expression of Eq. (4). However,
annular flow, completely separates the pipe internal wall from the
by inserting into Eq. (4) the material parameters and dimensions for
oil, thereby acting as a shield for the oil inner region. For frequen-
each region, the impedance ZS as a function of the oil fraction Ho can
cies in the order of 1 MHz and higher, the quantities  w and ωε0 εw
be calculated for different frequencies. This has been done by using
in Eq. (4) become of the same order of magnitude. In this way
the following values, which account for the physical dimensions of
the dielectric behavior of water becomes comparable to the con-
our pipe and electrical characteristics of pipe and fluids: dp = 2 mm,
ductive behavior, resulting in an increased sensitivity. The analysis
ds = 19.64 mm, εp = 3.4, εw = 80, and  w = 0.03 S/m.
shows that to detect hold-up values across a suitably wide range it
The results for the magnitude and phase of ZS as a function of Ho
is necessary to operate with frequencies in the order of 1 MHz or
for different frequencies ranging from 100 kHz to 5 MHz are shown
in Fig. 3a and b, respectively. As it can be seen, at 100 kHz there
The above results of the analysis on the measurement sec-
are no substantial variations of ZS as a function of Ho except for
tion impedance confirm what found in previous works where
Ho very close to 1. Therefore, at this frequency and below, it is not
comparatively high frequencies were used to extract the hold-
possible to obtain the adequate sensitivity to measure Ho across a
up information from the impedance between electrodes. In these
wide range. Increasing the frequency, the sensitivity increases as
works the adoption of AC capacitance meters, RF capacitance
can be seen from the results obtained for 2 and 5 MHz. Analyzing
meters or systems based on phase shift measurements were
the phase trend of Fig. 3a, it can be observed that for the most part of
described [3,10,14–18].
the values assumed by Ho the phase remains near −90◦ . This means
that the behavior of ZS can be mainly considered as dominated by
capacitive effects in spite of the presence of a conductive fluid. The
considered pipe is made by a purely dielectric material (Plexiglas)
with a finite thickness and the pipe walls act as two capacitances
in series to the actual impedance of the fluids. The value of these
capacitances is expressed by the first term of Eq. (4) and, from the
results of Fig. 3a and b, this value is dominant for most part of the
values assumed by Ho .
Further insight in the behavior of ZS can be obtained by analyz-
ing the trend of the admittance per unit axial length YS = (1/ZS ) that
is plotted in Fig. 4 where the real and imaginary components are
separately shown. As expected, the dominant part of YS is the imag-
inary component because of the prevailing capacitive behavior of
ZS . The imaginary part of YS is also monotonically sensitive to Ho .
Therefore, from a measurement viewpoint, it is expected that the
Ho information can be conveniently extracted from the imaginary Fig. 4. Computed real and imaginary parts of the admittance per unit axial length
part of YS or from a quantity directly linked to it. YS = (1/ZS ) for different values of frequency.
M. Demori et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179 175

simplified model the lumped impedances Z, ZGL and ZGR are divided
into two equal parts in order to introduce the conductive path along
the pipe represented by the impedances ZR and ZL . The impedances
ZLL and ZLR represent the terminal elements where all the external
couplings are assumed to be concentrated.
From this model it is evident that to minimize the effect of exter-
nal couplings it is necessary to limit the leakage currents ILL and
ILR flowing through ZL and ZR . This can be obtained by forcing the
nodes R and L in the model of Fig. 6b at the same potential of node
X. In this way, the measurement section becomes isolated from the
remaining pipe and therefore it is not influenced by the impedances
ZLL and ZLR due to the external couplings. In practice, however,
Fig. 5. Simplified schematization of the coupling between the measurement section nodes R, L and X are not directly accessible and, as such, perfectly
and external elements along the pipe by conductive water paths, and corresponding equal potentials cannot be achieved.
leakage currents.
To approach as much as possible this target condition it is neces-
sary to use the same polarization for the corresponding electrodes
2.2. External couplings in the measurement and the guard sections. This is achieved by
placing the three electrodes represented on the high side of Fig. 6b
The capacitance technique applied to a conductive fluid creates at the potential VP and the corresponding opposite electrodes at
problems not only related to the phenomena that take place in the zero potential. In addition, it is necessary that ZGL and ZGR are
cross-section, but also due to effects that occur along the pipe. The made low enough to allow the current passing through them to
conductive fluid creates conductive paths that may couple the mea- be much higher than the current through ZLL and ZLR . To reduce
surement section with the up-stream and down-stream portions of ZGL and ZGR two ways can be used: (1) to increase the length LG of
the pipe and the surroundings. the guard electrodes, which provides a correspondent reduction of
If, for instance, we consider an insulating pipe filled by water, as ZGL and ZGR ; (2) to increase the working frequency since ZGL and
shown in Fig. 5, the cylinder of fluid inside the pipe can be seen as ZGR are expected to have the same dominantly capacitive behavior
two pieces of conductive wire originating from the measurement described for ZS in Section 2.1.
section and extending outwards. Such conductive paths are cou-
pled with the surroundings in two different ways that we define
as external couplings. The first possible coupling mechanism is by 3. System description
direct contact with the metallic parts of the hydraulic set-up, such
as pumps. The second possible mechanism is the capacitive cou- The sensor can be divided into three principal parts as shown
pling between the conductive water and metallic parts that can in the block diagram of Fig. 7: the measurement head made by
be present nearby, such as mounting fixtures and supports. Exter- the electrodes along the pipe; the interface and signal-conditioning
nal couplings can cause two effects due to signal leakage from the electronic circuit; and the measurement data acquisition and visu-
measurement section, and to interference injection into the mea- alization system.
surement section, respectively. In the practical cases, the latter The measurement head has electrodes that are directly placed
effect can be minimized by a proper system layout and an adequate facing each other on the external surface of a nonconductive sec-
filtering and it will be therefore neglected in the following. The for- tion of the pipe. A Plexiglas tube with inner and outer diameters
mer effect can significantly perturb the measurement process and of 21 and 25 mm respectively has been used for the pipe. Spe-
therefore it will be considered in more detail. cial care has been devoted to the dimensioning of the electrodes,
With reference to Fig. 5, if we measure the impedance between in particular to counteract the effects of the conductive fluid, by
the electrodes by imposing a potential difference and measuring using electromagnetic Finite-Element Method (FEM) simulations
the correspondent current, it is evident that the measurement is and preliminary experimental tests. For the measurement section,
influenced by the external couplings. These external couplings rep- an electrode axial length LM = 10 cm and an arc length  e = 90◦ have
resent additional paths from which currents ILL and ILR can leak been chosen in order to obtain the required spatial resolution and
out from the measurement section in the axial direction along the to ensure a good sensitivity to the phenomena at the center of the
pipe. For a given system configuration, this could be considered as pipe. For the guard sections, an electrode axial length LG = 40 cm
a systematic effect that could be virtually corrected for. However, and an arc length  e = 90◦ have been chosen.
when oil is also present in the pipe together with water, the sec- The transduction electronic circuit has been developed to mea-
tion of the conductive path varies with Ho , which is the quantity we sure at a given probing frequency fp = ωp /2 the imaginary part of
want to measure, and therefore the estimation of the external cou- the admittance Y = 1/Z of the measurement section, which can be
plings necessary to correct the measurement is not straightforward. directly linked to Ho as described in Section 2. The imaginary part of
From these considerations, it is clear that the external couplings Y at fp can be seen as due to an effective capacitance C = Im(Y)/ωp .
prevent the accurate measurement of the impedance between the In presence of nonconductive fluids only, the overall behavior of
electrodes and the reliable estimation of Ho . the system of materials between the electrodes would be purely
In order to minimize the perturbing action due to external cou- capacitive and the effective capacitance C would be exactly the
plings, a properly designed configuration of the sensor system is capacitance seen between them. The present system could then be
here proposed. The configuration is based on the introduction of compared with capacitance probes developed by other authors, yet
two guard sections placed along the pipe before and after the mea- offering the added capability to operate also in presence of fluids
surement section and having the same electrode opening angle of with nonzero conductivity.
the measurement section, as shown in Fig. 6a. With reference to Fig. 6b, the three high-side electrodes in the
The system can be modeled by denoting with Z the impedance sensor head are connected together to the terminal P. The two
between the electrodes of the measurement section, and with ZGL low-side guard electrodes are connected together to terminal GND,
and ZGR the impedances between the guarding electrodes at the while the low-side measurement electrode is connected to ter-
left and right sides of the measurement section respectively. In this minal M. The circuit excites terminal P with a sinusoidal voltage
176 M. Demori et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179

Fig. 6. Electrodes of the measurement and guard sections (a); axial section of the pipe with electrode configuration and the lumped impedance simplified model to account
for the external coupling and the guarding action (b).

Vp (t) = Ap cos(ωp t), while terminal GND is grounded. The terminal 656, which allows the use of a RF large enough to have ωp CF RF  1
M is connected to the virtual ground of a transimpedance amplifier, (CF = 50 pF, RF = 10 M). Under this condition the amplifier transfer
which senses the current collected by the low-side measurement function is given by:
electrode while holding it at the same null potential of the neigh-

boring guard electrodes. Vo  (1/jωp CF ) Y
=− =− . (5)
The transimpedance amplifier is composed of an inverting- Vp  Z jωp CF
configuration operational amplifier where the feedback impedance ωp CF RF 1

is made by the parallel combination of the resistance RF and the

capacitance CF . This configuration allows to eliminate the effects The output voltage signal Vo (t) then results:
of stray capacitances of the connecting cables that can be much
higher than the effective capacitance C that has to be measured [19]. Ap Im(Y ) Ap Re(Y ) 
Vo (t) = − cos(ωp t) + cos(ωp t + ). (6)
In particular we used a JFET-input operational amplifier, TI OPA CF ωp CF ωp 2

Fig. 7. Block diagram of the complete sensor system where the connections to the measurement and guard sections of the sensor head, represented by terminal pairs (P, M)
and (P, GND) respectively, are schematized.
M. Demori et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179 177

Eq. (6) shows that, with respect to the excitation signal Vp (t), the
output voltage Vo (t) can be divided into an in-phase part propor-
tional to the imaginary part of Y, and a quadrature part proportional
to the real part of Y. To perform phase-sensitive demodulation,
the signal Vo is multiplied by Vp by an analog multiplier circuit
based on the AD835, and the resulting output is low-pass filtered
by a 2nd-order filter with a cut-off frequency of 20 Hz. In this
way, a narrow-band filtering effect around fp is obtained, which
rejects wideband noise and the electromagnetic interference pos-
sibly picked-up by the sensor electrodes. The filter output signal is
level-shifted by the adjustable DC voltage Vref and then amplified
by a gain G to adapt the signal level for the following acquisition.
The overall output Vmeas of the transduction circuit is a DC volt-
age given by: Fig. 8. Output voltage and RCD for a sequence of flows with three different values
  of oil hold-up HO . The inset pictures shows a section of the correspondent flow are
A2p /1V Im(Y (ωp )) A2p /1V taken by a lateral position along the transparent pipe.
Vmeas = G − + Vref = −G C + GVref , (7)
2CF ωp 2CF
establish the minimum signal variation that can be related to the oil
where the term 1 V accounts for the dimensional gain introduced by
fraction variation. These parameters in turn quantify the short-term
the analog multiplier. The role of the adjustable offset voltage Vref is
and medium-term measurement resolution, respectively. In the
to adapt the circuit to the most common case where the variations
condition of pipe completely filled with water, noise levels of about
of C due to the oil fraction variations are much smaller than the
1.5 mVrms , and 2.5 mVrms have been measured over an integration
absolute value of C. For this reason, it is necessary to have high sen-
time of 10 s in no flow and steady flow conditions, respectively.
sitivity while at the same time it is important to center the dynamics
The slight increase in the noise level in the flow condition is due to
of Vmeas around a given absolute value of C. For instance, it can be
the increased electromagnetic noise generated from the electrical
easily possible to adjust at zero the signal Vmeas for a fixed condi-
pumps actuation. On a long term operation, a base-line drift in the
tion, e.g. pipe filled with water, and then evaluate the Ho variations
signal Vmeas lower than 15 mV per hour has been measured for the
from such preset value.
water-filled pipe in either no flow and steady flow conditions.
The variation of the output Vmeas with respect to C defines the
Thereafter, the system has been experimentally tested in the
system sensitivity SC given by:
core-annular flow configuration. An example of the typical mea-
Ap /1V sured output signal is illustrated in Fig. 8, where the voltage Vmeas
SC = = −G . (8) is plotted as a function of time during a sequence of three subse-
∂C 2CF
quent flow conditions corresponding to three different increasing
Assuming a positive gain G, SC is negative. This conveniently deter- oil fractions. As expected, the system detects the different oil quan-
mines that an increase of Ho produces an increase in Vmeas . tities by providing different mean values of Vmeas . In addition, the
The circuit has been designed by choosing a probing frequency system is also sensitive to the flow fluctuations as can it be seen by
fp = 2 MHz which is adequately high according to what discussed in the oscillations around the mean value, which are well beyond the
Section 2, Ap = 1 V, and G = 200. These values result in a sensitivity resolution threshold set by background noise level.
|SC | = 2 V/pF which is high enough to estimate Ho even in the worst Fig. 8 reports on the right axis the Relative Capacitance Differ-
case when conductive water acts as a shield. ence RCD [3]:
The DC voltage Vmeas is then fed to the data acquisition and
visualization system which is based on a 16-bit A/D data acquisi- C − Coil Vmeas − Vwater
RCD = =1− . (9)
tion board, National Instruments PCI-6259, connected to a personal Cwater − Coil Voil − Vwater
computer. A dedicated program written in LabVIEW allows the con- The RCD is a dimensionless quantity that represents the relative
tinuous visualization over time of the measured values in order to variations of the effective capacitance C with respect to the end-
estimate C, the associated fluid fractions and their fluctuations. point conditions obtained with the pipe filled of either oil (Coil , Voil )
or water (Cwater , Vwater ).
4. Experimental results Fig. 9a shows the relationship between RCD and Ho derived by
FEM simulations obtained for the annular flow under the hypoth-
The developed sensor system has been mounted on an experi- esis of a perfectly symmetrical fluid configuration with a centered
mental set-up that simulates an oil pipeline. The experimental loop disc oil core. The curve obtained by interpolating the simulation
consists of a 9 m Plexiglas pipe composed of 6 pieces of 1.5 m each. results has been thereafter used as the calibration curve, which
The two fluids are pumped and jointly injected into the pipe by relates the measured data of RCD and the values of Ho to be esti-
an appropriate injection device. Water is supplied by a centrifu- mated.
gal pump connected to a frequency inverter that provides control The hold-up values estimated by the sensor have been com-
of the injected flow rate. Oil is pumped by a screw-type oil pump pared with the values obtained by the Quick Closing Valve (QCV)
and its flow rate is controlled by a mechanical gear reducer con- technique used as a reference [14–20]. To this purpose, a series of
nected to the pump. The two flow rates are separately measured annular flows with different oil hold-up values has been generated
by two turbine flow-meters. At the end of the pipe, oil and water and for each of them the RCD has been measured with our system.
are ejected into a storing vessel where they separate by gravity and At the same time, the oil fraction has been determined by the QCV
further re-circulated into the plant [1]. The measurement head of technique.
the sensor system is placed 5 m down-stream the injection device The RCD for the different flows has been obtained from Eq. (9) by
and a Quick Closing Valve device is placed at the edges of the tract averaging the corresponding Vmeas signal over an integration time
of pipe which includes the sensor. of 10 s; in this way the real-time information on the oil hold-up Ho
Preliminary tests have been conducted to characterize the out- in the measurement section is turned into a time-averaged value.
put signal Vmeas in terms of noise level and base-line drift in order to It can be reasonably assumed that the measured time-averaged Ho
178 M. Demori et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179

Fig. 10. Output voltage Vmeas measured for a sequence of two different dispersed
flows and the corresponding pictures in the insets. The flow 1 has a very small
amount of oil, while oil quantity is increased in flow 2 which results in an increased
average dimension of the oil drops that is consistently detected by the sensor system.

Fig. 9. (a) Calibration curve for annular flow regime: Relative Capacitance Difference
versus oil fraction Ho ; (b) comparison between Ho predictions by the sensor system
(applying the calibration curve) and the QCV estimation technique.

can be compared with the spatial average of Ho obtained by QCV

Fig. 11. Output voltage Vmeas measured for two different oil slug flows and the cor-
technique. responding pictures in the insets. In the first part, flow 1, the oil drops are separated
The comparison results are shown in Fig. 9b where for each by a long tract of water-filled pipe, while in the second part, flow 2, a sequence of
measured value of RCD the oil hold-up is estimated using the cal- close drops are generated. The sensor system consistently detects and distinguishes
ibration curve (triangles) and compared with the corresponding both variants of the slug flow.

value obtained by the QCV technique (circles). It can be observed

that the difference between the two values is below 3% for all the The slug flow is an intermittent flow composed by a sequence
tested hold-up values. The QCV technique is based on a volumet- of elongated drops of oil alternated by tracts where water entirely
ric measurement therefore it is not influenced by the presence of fills the pipe section [21]. In this flow regime, the oil presence is
a conductive fluid nor affected by the flow configuration. For this concentrated in the drop regions where the oil position in the cross-
reason, the obtained agreement demonstrates good performances section can be considered similar to the case of the annular flow.
of the developed system, and, in particular, evidences that the hold- Fig. 10 shows the output signal Vmeas as a function of time mea-
up estimation is almost independent from the eccentricity of the oil sured for slug flows represented by the pictures in the insets. In
core, that can be observed in the picture of Fig. 8, even if the calibra- the first part of this test, denoted as flow 1, the oil drops are sep-
tion curve is obtained under the centered configuration hypothesis. arated by a water-filled section much longer than the drop length.
Besides the core-annular flow, two other flow patterns of oil-in- As expected, Vmeas remains close to zero, which represents the ref-
water can be of practical interest, namely the dispersed flow and erence condition of water-filled pipe, until the drop reaches the
the oil slug, or intermittent, flow [1]. The developed system has measurement section and the Vmeas signal shows a spike with the
been used for a preliminary investigation of both such flows. amplitude related to the drop length and the oil fraction consider-
Oil-in-water dispersed flow consists of small drops of oil sus- ing the drop cross-section. In the second part of the test of Fig. 11,
pended in a continuous water flow. Fluid dynamic analyses of this denoted as flow 2, oil drop sections and water-filled sections have
kind of flow pattern demonstrate that it can occur also for in-situ a comparable length and Vmeas consistently shows a sequence of
oil fraction lower than 20% (Ho = 0.2). Since the amount of oil is so spikes.
small, a low sensitivity of C to the oil fraction is expected as a con- This test demonstrates the capability of the developed system to
sequence of the conductive water shielding effect, as anticipated in extract time-domain information on slug flow [7]. By the analysis of
Section 2.1. the signal Vmeas the mean drop frequency can be obtained, more-
Fig. 10 shows the output signal Vmeas as a function of time mea- over by adding multiple measurement sections the drop velocity
sured for two different dispersed flows. The values of Vmeas , much can be estimated.
lower than those obtained for the core-annular flow confirm the
expected small variations of the measured capacitance C. Despite 5. Conclusions
the reduced voltage variations, it is evident from the comparison
between the data plot and the pictures reported in the insets of A sensor system, based on a capacitive technique, for oil fraction
Fig. 10 that the system can distinguish the different amount of oil estimation in a two-phase oil–water flow has been proposed. The
in the flows denoted with 1 and 2. Moreover, it can be observed effect of the presence of a conductive fluid in the application of the
that the dimensions of oil drops influence the Vmeas oscillation, with capacitive technique has been investigated. In this case, the mate-
flow 2 consistently producing larger fluctuations compared to flow rial system between electrodes has to be considered as a generic
1 where the drops are smaller. impedance. A way to extract the oil-fraction information from this
M. Demori et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 163 (2010) 172–179 179

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demonstrate the ability of the system to address the operation
also in presence of a conductive fluid such as tap water, thereby Biographies
improving its industrial applicability compared with previous pro-
posed systems. In addition, the presented analysis of the external
Marco Demori was born in Bovolone (Verona) Italy, on October 24th 1979. In 2008
couplings in presence of a conductive fluid can be extended to the he received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Brescia.
design of capacitance tomography sensor systems. From 2008 he is a PhD student in “Electronic Instrumentation” at the University of
Brescia, Department of Information Engineering. His main research deals with the
development of electronic systems for the study of multiphase flows in pipes and
References microfluidic channels; this activity is performed in collaboration with the Thermo-
dynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the
same university.
[1] B. Grassi, D. Strazza, P. Poesio, Experimental validation of theoretical models
in two-phase high-viscosity-ratio liquid–liquid flows in horizontal and slightly Vittorio Ferrari was born in Milan, Italy, in 1962. In 1988, he obtained the Lau-
inclined pipes, Int. J. Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 950–965. rea degree cum laude in Physics at the University of Milan. In 1993 he received
[2] N. Reinecke, D. Mewes, Recent developments and industrial/research applica- the Research Doctorate degree in Electronic Instrumentation at the University of
tions of capacitance tomography, Meas. Sci. Technol. 7 (1996) 233–246. Brescia. He has been an assistant professor and an associate professor at the Fac-
[3] J.J.M. Geraets, J.C. Borst, A capacitance sensor for two-phase void fraction mea- ulty of Engineering of the University of Brescia until 2001 and 2006, respectively.
surement and flow pattern identification, Int. J. Multiphase Flow 14 (1988) Since 2006 he has been a full professor of Electronics. His research activity is in
305–320. the field of sensors and the related signal-conditioning electronics. Particular top-
[4] C. Strizzolo, J. Converti, Capacitance Sensors for Measurement of Phase Volume ics of interest are acoustic-wave piezoelectric sensors, microresonant sensors and
Fraction in Two-Phase Pipelines, IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 42 (1993) 726–729. MEMS, energy harvesting for autonomous sensors, oscillators for resonant sensors
[5] W.Q. Yang, L. Peng, Image reconstruction algorithms for electrical capacitance and frequency-output interface circuits. He is involved in national and international
tomography, Meas. Sci. Technol. 14 (2003) R1–R13. research programmes, and in projects in cooperation with industries.
[6] A. Martínez Olmosù, M.A. Carvajal, D.P. Morales, A. García, A.J. Palma, Devel-
opment of an Electrical Capacitance Tomography system using four rotating Domenico Strazza graduated in May 2006 in Mechanical Engineering at University
electrodes, Sens. Actuators A 148 (2008) 366–375. of Brescia. In November 2006, he was appointed as a PhD student at University
[7] E. dos Reis, L.J. Goldstein, A non-intrusive probe for bubble profile and velocity of Brescia in the course “Technologies and Energetic Systems for the Mechanical
measurement in horizontal slug flows, Flow Meas. Instrum. 16 (2005) 229–239. Industry”. From November 2006 to October 2009, he worked on liquid–liquid two-
[8] T. Dyakowski, R.B. Edwards, C.G. Xie, R.A. Williams, Application of capacitance phase flows; in particular he focused his attention on high viscous oil–water core-
tomography to gas–solid flows, Chem. Eng. Sci. 52 (1997) 2099–2110. annular flow. In April 2010 Domenico successfully defended his PhD thesis titled
[9] A.J. Jaworski, G.T. Bolton, The design of an electrical capacitance tomography “Two-phase and three-phase core-annular flow in horizontal and slightly inclined
sensor for use with media of high dielectric permittivity, Meas. Sci. Technol. 11 pipes”. He is currently doing research on two-phase and three-phase flows. He is
(2000) 743–757. also working with other researchers on capacitance measurements in multiphase
[10] A. Jaworek, A. Krupa, Gas/liquid ratio measurements by rf resonance capaci- flows and on microfluidic devices.
tance sensor, Sens. Actuators A 113 (2004) 133–139.
Pietro Poesio holds a MSc (Università di Brescia, Italy, 2000) and a PhD (Delft Uni-
[11] H. Canière, C. T’Joen, A. Willockx, M. De Paepe, Capacitance signal analysis of
versity of Technology, The Netherlands, 2004), both awarded with honors. Since
horizontal two-phase flow in a small diameter tube, Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 32
October 2004, he works as assistant professor at the Università di Brescia (Italy)
(2008) 892–904.
where he is in charge of the laboratory for Thermal and Fluid Sciences; his fields
[12] M. Demori, V. Ferrari, D. Strazza, A sensor system for oil-fraction estimation in
of interest cover fluid mechanics, microfluidics, and multiphase flows. Pietro has
a two-phase oil–water flow, Proc. Chem. 1 (2009) 1247–1250.
authored more than 60 publications on international journals and national and
[13] S.M. Huang, R.G. Green, A.B. Plaskowski, M.S. Beck, Conductivity effects on
internationals congresses.
capacitance measurements of two-component fluids using the charge transfer
method, J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 21 (1988) 539–548.

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