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Miss Sevin
What is adverb?
• Adverb (kata keterangan) is used to modify or describe a
verb, an adjective, another adverb or even the whole
• Adverb tells WHEN, WHERE and HOW an action is
performed or indicates the quality or degree of the action.
• Note: some words can be both adverbs and adjectives.
 Robin is always hungry for success.
 I love her very much.
 He is running fast.
 Alex works hard.
 He wrote that willingly.
Types of Adverb
• Adverb of Time (When?)
• Adverb of Place (Where?)
• Adverb of Frequency (How often?)
• Adverb of Manner (How?)
• Adverb of Degree (How much?)
Adverb of Time (When?)
• It indicates the time of the action.
• Yesterday, now, today, tomorrow, last night, next year,
9PM, 7AM, Wednesday, July, etc.

 I went to Seoul last year.
• Tomorrow, I will have an exam.
• Now we are studying English.
Adverb of Place (Where?)
• It indicates the place of the action.
• Across, over, under, in, out, through, beside, there,
around, here, sideways, upstairs, in the park, at the
classroom, in that place, etc.

• I went through the jungle.
• He plays football in the field.
• Alex is going to school.
• He is staying at my home.
• I hide my books below my desk.
Adverb of Frequency (How often?)
• It indicates the frequency of the action.
• Always, often, rarely, frequently, forever, seldom, once,
twice, usually, sometimes, never, normally, etc.

• Daniel always passes his exams.
• He is always happy.
• She often goes to school by foot.
• Andika rarely watches a horror movie.

Biasanya / hampir setiap waktu

(most of the time)

Sering (many times)

Kadang – kadang / beberapa kali

(some of the times)



Tidak pernah
Adverb of Manner (How?)
• It indicates how the action is performed. It is usually
ended in –ly.
 Beautifully, equally, thankfully, carefully, quickly, nicely, earnestly,
• Sometimes it doesn’t need –ly
 Fast, well, hard, rarely, good, late, etc.

• Let’s slice the pizza equally.
• Please, handle the camera carefully.
• My grandmother walks slowly to the kitchen.
• Mike is running fast.
Adverb of Degree (How much?)
• It indicates the importance of the action. It answers the
question ‘how much is the action performed?”
• Completely, nearly, entirely, less, so, most, thoroughly,
too, much, fairly, quite, hardly, almost, etc.

• The film is quite interesting.
• She completely forgot about her anniversary.
• I read the newspaper thoroughly.
• I am so excited about the new job.
• Robin hardly studies.

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