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Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology

Report on

Real time applications of Encoder and Decoder

Department of Computer science and engineering


SNEHABASAK 12200121046

03 Semester

Course Code ESC-301

Course Name Analog & Digital Electronics

St. Thomas’ College of Engineering and Technology, Kolkata

Affiliated to

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal

Session: 2022-2023

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1.Introduction 3

2.General application of encoder and decoder 5-7

3.Example of encoders and decoders in daily life 8-9

4. Conclusion 10



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In this report we will know about the Real time applications of Encoder and Decoder

And also its uses in real life .This report wil help us to know about encoders and decoders

With some real life application of encoders and decodes.

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Binary code of N digits can be used to store 2N distinct elements of coded information. This is what
encoders and decoders are used for. Encoders convert 2N lines of input into a code of N bits
and Decoders decode the N bits into 2N lines.

An encoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information in the form of a 2N input
lines into N output lines, which represent N bit code for the input. For simple encoders, it is
assumed that only one input line is active at a time.
As an example, let’s consider Octal to Binary encoder. As shown in the following figure, an octal-
to-binary encoder takes 8 input lines and generates 3 output lines.

A decoder does the opposite job of an encoder. It is a combinational circuit that converts n lines of
input into 2n lines of output.

In digital electronic projects, the encoder and decoder play an important role. It is used to
convert the data from one form to another form. Generally, these are frequently used in the
communication systems like telecommunication, networking, and transfer the data from one
end to the other end. In the same way, it is also used in the digital domain for easy
transmission of data, placed with the codes, and then transmitted. At the end of the receiver,
the coded data are collected from the code and then processed to display. This article
discusses what is encoder and encoder, working and their applications.

Fig.1.1 :Encoders Fig. 1.2 :Decoders

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Applications Of Encoder and Decoder

The applications of types of encoder and decoder include the following

 Speed synchronization of multiple motors in industries

 War field flying robot with a night vision flying camera
 A robotic vehicle with the metal detector
 RF-based home automation system
 Automatic health monitoring systems

1). Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors in Industries

This system is used to synchronize motor speed by using RF technology. This project is
applicable to many industries like steel plants, paper plants, and textile mills, where the
motors are used to design simultaneously. All these motors used on conveyers are designed to
be synchronized.

Fig:1.3: Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors in Industries

In this system, one motor output is given as the reference speed for the other motors to follow
the same speed. The proposed system consists of two blocks: transmitter and receiver blocks,
which are built with an encoder and decoder.

A particular speed is sent by the transmitter with the help of the decoder. The receiver
receives the data and converts the digital format to send the receiver system, and maintains
the same speed as it has received. Thus, if a particular speed is set by the transmitter, then
other motors run with the same speed by utilizing radio-frequency communication.

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2). War- Field -Flying Robot with a Night Vision Flying Camera

This system with a wireless camera can wirelessly transmit a real-time video with night
vision capabilities using RF technology, which is for remote operation. This kind of robot can
be helpful for spying in War fields.

fig:1.4: War Field Flying Robort with NJight Vision Flying Camera

In the transmitting end pushbuttons are used; commands are sent to the controller for
controlling the movement of the robot either in forward, backward, left, right, directions.

The RF transmitter acts as an RF remote control that has the advantage of adequate range (up
to 200 meters) with a proper antenna, while the receiver decodes before feeding it to another
microcontroller to drive DC motors via motor driver IC for necessary work. A wireless
camera is mounted on the robot body for spying purposes, even in complete darkness by
using infrared lighting. The basic schematic diagram is shown above.

3). Robotic Vehicle with Metal Detector

The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle that can sense metals ahead of it on its
path similar to sensing land mines. The robot is controlled by a remote using RF technology.
At the transmitting end, using push buttons, commands are sent to the receiver to control the
movement of the robot either in forward, backward, and left or right directions. At the
receiving end, two motors are interfaced to the microcontroller where they are used for the
movement of the vehicle.

The RF transmitter acts as an RF remote control that has the advantage of adequate range (up
to 200 meters) with a proper antenna, while the receiver decodes before feeding it to another
microcontroller to drive DC motors via motor driver IC for necessary work.

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Fig:1.5:Robotic Vehicle with Metal Detector

The RF transmitter acts as an RF remote control that has the advantage of adequate range (up
to 200 meters) with a proper antenna, while the receiver decodes before feeding it to another
microcontroller to drive DC motors via motor driver IC for necessary work.

4). RF-based Home Automation System

The main goal of this project is to develop a home automation system with an RF- controlled
remote. As technology is advancing so houses are also getting smarter. Modern houses are
gradually shifting from conventional switches to a centralized control system, involving RF-
controlled switches.

5). Secret Code Enabled Secure Communication using RF Technology

The project is designed to send secure messages by using a secret code from a computer
keyboard connected to the transmitting unit via RF technology. The message is retrieved at
the receiver end only upon entering the secret code used by the transmitter. Thus, complete
secrecy is maintained in this communication process. This project has a unique feature of
tagging the message with a secret code as selected by the sender.

The message is then transmitted through the RF transmitting module. At the receiver end, the
signal is received by the RF receiver module. The message is then retrieved only if the secret
code is known to the receiving personnel. In this project, the encoders and decoders are used
to transmit and receive the information. Once the secret code is entered, the message is
displayed on the receiving unit on the LCD display.

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In order to understand the basic use of Encoder and Decoder, let me explain with a simple

1. QR code
2. Scratches on CD can cause data loss, in this case RS code can be used to
reconstruct the original data back.
3. Television
There are a lot of different types of encoding and decoding techniques present today
each serving a different purpose. These are used in a lot places, some common uses and their
examples which we see in our day to day life are:

 Data privacy and security: Here encoding is synonymous to encryption-

decryption, which mean modifying an original message into unintelligible form to
avoid sharing it with someone unwanted. Some common examples:
a. Secure layer of communication over the web such as SSL which is used in
secure websites (HTTPS) you daily browse, VPN services to access office
network securely etc.
b. Encrypting files, hard drive and pdf password encryption are few examples of

 Data communication: Here it is synonymous to modulation-demodulation, which

is used to make the data into physically transmittable form and (or) overcome
various transmission problems.
a. Converting data into digital bits so that our electrical and wireless media could
represent it via high and low signals, example : modems used to connect
b. Modulating data with a high carrier frequency to avoid long distance signal
degradation, examples : all forms of wireless communication like Wifi, FM
radio, cellular phone services etc.
 Data compression: Here we can call it data compression-decompression.
Sometimes the generated and captured data becomes too large to read, manage,
store and/or transfer that we have to compress it somehow. These techniques are
used very frequently in our daily life.

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a. Music, Video/Photos capturing/recording, playing or even streaming over the

internet would not have been possible without compressing it into manageable
size. Here we use compression techniques like mpeg4, mp3, jpeg etc.
b. We daily save our hard disk memory space by RARing and ZIPing our large
chunks of data.
 Making data scannable: In some cases we may need to quickly grab the data from
something instead of reading and manually inserting into the computer, such as in a
retails store at the checkout to generate bill. For obvious reasons we would want to
utilise the computing power of our smartphones and computers to store and manage
the data. To name a few, we use barcode and QR codes very frequently nowadays.
There are a lot of different types of encoding and decoding techniques present today each
serving a different purpose. These are used in a lot places, some common uses and their
examples which we see in our day to day life are:

Fig 1.6 :BAR CODE Fig 1.7 :QR CODE

Make data human readable: Humans use different languages to read and write which
requires a lot of character types hence the need to character encoding standards
like ASCII and UTF, we also see a lot of emojis nowadays, which are extensions of these

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Hereby we can come to a conclusion that Combinational logic is the concept in which two
or more input state define one or more output state. Encoder and Decoder are the
combinational logic circuits. In which we implement combinational logic with the help of
boolean algebra.
To encode something is to convert an unambiguous piece of information into a form of
code that is not so clearly understood and the device which performs this operation is
termed ad Encoder.

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