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In our research, our study has examined the different end results and meaning in each comments

that viewers have been saying while the certain streamer is playing a game. While examining the
comments, it led us to believe that some comments have the same meaning and has their own way of
saying it, in which comments are sometimes harsh or supportive. The more views a streamer gets the
more people are motivated of commenting in their videos and with that the growth of his streams and
videos becomes more and more popular and seen by people who are entertained and impressed by his
skills or the videos content. A study have shown that virtual interactions using a certain media platforms
(eg., YouTube, etc.) have a wide amount of users and potential audiences to a game streamer because
of how popular the platform is and how big the streaming brands name is to the public, thus making it
favorable to streamers because of the public’s brand loyalty and influence. (Zhang et al., 2015). The
virtual community has progressed through the years and virtual interactions and information exchanged
are much common in which social behaviors is a factor in their intentions to have a significant impact.
Using the web for exchanging information can be also used to recommend something to others;
whether it is a video, community, or even streamers.

There are three factors that have the certain amount of impact on behavioral intentions of the
user; satisfaction, commitment and even group norms. The three related factors are found to have been
an important social-related factor to commit and to relate to a trend for their own satisfaction and
entertainment (Cheung & Lee, 2009). So a streamer must be creative and entertaining in making their
own content so that more and more people get interested in watching and commenting in their videos
and possibly share your content to others so that you may gain much more views and popularity as a
game streamer in a platform. Live-streaming is considered to be an active community in which others
can interact with them and state their own opinions on it, without interactions the stream and the game
becomes boring and unfavorable so commenting helps with social interactions and for their own pure
entertainment and exchanging information. Having an interactive television brings about new elements
of activity and insights to global interaction and discussion from people watching a certain live stream
and the streamer having to interact with their audiences is a truly a delight to watch so this new insight
is a favorable way to gaining audiences and growth and it changes the way of the gameplay and
broadens the experience of the people viewing the live-stream (Smith, Obrist & Wright, 2013).


This study investigates how "Streamer", a person who broadcasts themselves online through a live
stream or pre-corded video; the process of becoming successful on live-streaming on YouTube. To
determine the factors of streamers, on how their popularity increases. This study employs a research
design known as descriptive design. The respondents of the study are the comments or the
"commentator", a person who provides feedbacks or commentary at the comment section of the
platform and also the feedback/s of the viewer of a chosen video will be the source of information or
data. The sampling technique used in conducting this study is Simple Random Sampling, the researchers
sorted out a video of a certain content creator or the streamer in which all the comments of a video are
used to gather information and specified in a tabular form. Generally,

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