ROC White Final

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Radius of curvature

Priyansh B
April 2022

·Angle of contingence
Let pq be an arc of a curve.Suppose that between P and Q the bending is
continuously in one direction. Let LPR
and MQ be tangents at P and Q, intersecting at T and cutting a given fixed
straight line LZ in L and M .Then the angle RTQ is called the angle of contin-
gence of the arc PQ ,
The angle of contingence of any arc is therefore the difference of the angles
which the tangents at its extremities make with any given fixed straight line .It
also obviously the angle turned through by a line which rolls along the curve
from one extremity of the arc to the other

·Measure of Curvature
It is clear that the whole bending or curvature which the curve undergoes
between P and Q is greater or less according as the angle of contingence RTQ

greater or less. 
The fraction
angleof contingence
Lengthof arc is called the average bending or average curvature of the arc .We
shall define the curvature of a curve in the immediate neighborhood of a given

point to be the rate of deflection from the tangent at that point .And we shall
take as a measure of this rate of deflection at the given point the limit of the
angleof contingence
Lengthof arc when the length of the arc measured from the given point, and
therefore also the angle of contingence are indefinitely diminished

· Curvature of circle
In the case of the circle the curvature is the same at every point and is measured
For now let r be the radius ,O is the center. Then,
arcP Q
RT̂ Q = P ÔQ = r
The angle being supposedly measured in circular measure.
Hence angleof contingence
Lengthof arc = 1r
And this is true whether the limit be taken or not. Hence the “curvature" if a
circle at a point is measured by the reciprocal of the radius.

·Formula of Radius of Curvature

Let PQ and QR be considered equal chords, and therefore when we proceed to
the limit the elementary arcs PQ and QR may be considered equal. Call each
δs, and the angle RQZ = δΨ
Now the radius of the circum-circle of the triangle PQS is
2sinP QR .

Hence if p be the radius of curvature we have,
PR 2δs
p = Lt 2sinP QR = Lt 2sinδΨ
δs δΨ ds
= Lt δΨ sinδΨ = dΨ

Also, it is clear that the lines which bisect at right angles the chord PQ,QR
intersect at the circum-center of PQR, i.e in the limit the center of curvature of
any point on a curve may be considered as the point of intersection of the normal
at that point with the normal at the contiguous and ultimately coincident


This formula must be transformed so as to suit each of the systems of coordi-

nates in which it is usual to express the equation of a curve. These transfor-
mations we proceed to perform.
We have the equation
dx d2 x dy
cos Ψ = ds = ds2
, sinψ = ds .

Hence,differentiating each of these w.r.t s,

d2 s d2 y
−sinΨ dΨ
ds = ds2
, cosψ dΨ
ds = ds2

" #
−d2 x d2 y
Hence 1
p = ds2
dy = ds2

h i
And then by squaring and adding 1
2 2
= ( ddsx2 )2 + ( ddsy2 )2 . . .(C)
These formulae (B) and (C) are generally suitable for the case in which both x
and u are known as functions of s.

·Cartesian formula
Ahh! You must be relieved as this is more relevant to jee point of view your
friend cartesian..! xd
Again since tan Ψ = dx
d2 y
We have sec2 Ψ dΨ
dx = dx2

By differentiating with regard to x

Now dΨ
dx = dΨ ds
ds dx = 1
pcosΨ .

d2 y
And sec3 Ψ. p1 = dx2
 o3

dy 2
1+( dx )
Therefore p = ±
d2 y


This important form of the result is adapted to the evaluation of the radius of
curvature when the equation of the curve is given in cartesian coordinates, y
being an explicit function of x.
Ex. In the curve y = logsinx

y 0 = cotx, y” = −cosec2 x
2 3/2
Hence p = ± [1+(cotx)
cosec2 x
= cosecx

·Detailed proof of ROC

For a full detailed proof of ROC please check this youtube video

·ROC in polar form

This may easily put in the r,Θform thus :-
Since u = 1r ,

We have dΘ = − r12 dΘ

d2 u 1 d2 r
And therefore, dΘ2
= 23 ( dΘ
dr 2
) − r2 dΘ2

{ 12 + 14 ( dθ
dr 2 3/2
) ]
Therefore p= 1 1
2 dr 2
( ) − 1 d2 r
r3 r r 3 dθ r 2 dθ 2

dr 2 3/2
{r2 +( dθ ) }
= dr 2 2r
r2 +2( dθ ) −r d
dθ 2

·Few important points 2

–ROC will be same sign as dx d y dy 2 3/2
as[1 + ( dx ) ] >0 2
– dx < 0, Rc < 0 circle will be lying below the curve
d y

d2 y
-– dx2
> 0, Rc > 0 circle will be lying above the curve
– The sharper the point is the smaller the ROC gets, and if it is a straight line
ROC tends to inf

·Roc of parabola
y = kx2

dy 2
d y
We know, dx = 2kx, dx2 = 2k and we see the slope (dy/dx) is 0 here

Using roc formula we get ans as 1/2k

·Check your understanding

1. Find Roc of a parabola having eqn y2 = 4ax
—>Hint taking slope inf is wrong, instead of taking dy/dx take dx/dy,
rotating the graph

1. Find Roc of ellipse of the equation a2
+ yb2 here you need to find roc of the
2 circles possible

1. Derive ROC in polar form

·Problem practice
1.find Xo in the diagram given

Hint:- equation of parabola and ROC is required to solved ( roc of circle and
parabola are equal)

2. Find the ROC of a cycloid.

Detailed sol:-

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