MAPEH (Health) : Quarter 1 - Module 5: Consumer Health: Consumer Law

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MAPEH (Health)
Quarter 1 – Module 5:
Consumer Health:
Consumer Law
MAPEH (Health) - Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Consumer Health: Consumer Law
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

OIC-Schools Division Superintendent: Carleen S. Sedilla CESE
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Brian E. Ilan EdD

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Jayson E. Rufino, MA and Krisha Gem Tañare-Malate
Editor: Myrna T. Parakikay
Reviewers: Estrella M. Silvano and Aristeo S. Rodanilla
Layout Artist: Marisse G. Eng
Management Team: Angelita S. Jalimao
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Neil Vincent C. Sandoval

Education Program Supervisor, LRMS

Myrna T. Parakikay
Education Program Supervisor, MAPEH

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support of the City Government of Makati (Local School Board)

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Makati City

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What I Need to Know

This module was written and designed to make learning easier especially as we are in
the New Normal situation. As an educational tool, this module about the Consumer
Health: Consumer Law challenges you as a learner, to become creative, resourceful
and independent. The scope of the module provides a variety of activities that will
stimulate independent and self-guided learning experience. Lessons in this module are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course to ensure effective learning
continuity, make the experience more meaningful, effective and relevant to life

This module includes lessons and activities on:

• Understanding the law that enables you as a consumer to
prevent from being mistreated
• Knowing and valuing the basic rights and your responsibility as a consumer
• Importance of being protected and making good judgement when buying
• Application of consumer rights with the given scenarios
• Writing a letter for an expired product

After going through this module, the learners are expected to:

1. know and understand your rights and responsibility as a consumer;

2. be educated consumers who make wise selection of information, products, and
services that are scientifically proven and legally approved; and
3. learn how to write a letter of complaint for a product.

What I Know

Read each statement carefully and identify the missing word to complete the
statement. Write you answer on the space provided in each number.

1. Right to ______________ individuals to have adequate food, clothing, shelter, health

care, and education.
2. When the law protects consumers against marketing of goods and services that
might cause danger to health, the consumer is having his/her rights to _________.
3. Right to ______________ protects consumers against fake or misleading advertising
or labeling.
4. If the consumers were given the choose from various products at competitive prices
with an assurance of good quality, the consumer was given their rights to ________.
5. Right to ______________ provides the consumer with the right to input consumer
interest or concern in governmental policies.
6. When your mother was given the right to chance to return and exchange a product
because of poor-quality goods, she was given her rights to __________________.
7. Right to consumer ______________ provides the customer the necessary knowledge
and skills about the products and services.
8. If the consumers enjoy to live and work in a place that is free from danger nor
threat, the consumer was enjoying their rights to a healthy ___________________.
9. Critical _______________ makes the person to be more alert and inquisitive about
the use, price and quality of products and services.

10. ______________ is the act of seeking for what is due to you as consumer to ensure
that we get a fair deal.
11. Social _______________ makes you responsible enough to be aware of the impact of
other consumers, like practice conservation and share with those who are in need.
12. When the consumer understands the surroundings consequences of their
products and services consumption, they were able to conserve natural resources
known as environmental _______________.
13. ______________ is the responsibility of consumers cooperative and collaborating
with the government.
14. REPUBLIC Act No. __________is also known as the Consumer Act of the aims to
protect the interests of the consumer, promote his general welfare and to establish
standards of conduct for business and industry.
15. ________________ messages must not be sent by email or phone without the
recipient’s express prior consent to avoid fraud and ensure the credibility of seller
and buyer.

Consumer Health:
1 Consumer Law
The government plays an important role in consumer protection. A consumer has
rights mandated by law. These are privileges that an individual is guaranteed of
health products and services. Under the constitution, Republic Act No. 7394 or
The Consumer Act of the Philippines “is the policy of the State to protect the
interests of the consumer, promote his general welfare and to establish standards
of conduct for business and industry.” In this lesson, we will discuss the 8 basic
rights of a consumer together with your responsibilities which will enables you to
be aware and be educated consumer who makes wise selection of information,
products, and services.

What’s In

Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write the chosen letter of your
answer before each number.

____1. A type of medicine that uses roots, stems, a. Bayabas
leaves, flowers, or seeds of plants to
improve health, prevent disease, and treat b. Acupuncture
c. Nutrition Therapy
____2. A type of medicine treatment that uses
natural remedies to help the body heal
itself. d. Herbal Medicine

____3. A form of energy medicine where long thin e. Naturopathy

needles are inserted to specific parts of the body
to affect the energy low. f. Andiopathy

____4. A treatment of a medical condition by providing

a tailored diet for patient.

____5. Herb that is use as antiseptic to disinfect


What’s New

Read the scenario below. Analyze the situation and answer the question.

You go to a restaurant and order for a burger. When you received your
burger, it is cold and saw a strand of hair on it. Do you have to pay for it? Why?


What is it

In REPUBLIC Act No. 7394 otherwise known as the

Consumer Act of the Philippines passed into law on
April 13, 1992, it declares that it is the policy of the
State to protect the interests of the consumer,
promote his general welfare and to establish
standards of conduct for business and industry.

Meant to protect consumers against deception and

unfair sales acts and practices including scams, the
voluminous Consumer Act of the Philippines
contains a lengthy definition of terms and
provisions as well as prohibitions and penalties and
when we conduct our consumer advocacy, we
usually refer to the Eight(8) basic consumer rights which are;

1. Right to basic needs

This guarantees survival, adequate food, 5. Right to representation
clothing, shelter, health care, education, This provides the consumer with the
and sanitation to everyone. Basic and right to input consumer interest or
prime commodities at affordable prices and concern in governmental policies.
good quality will also be available.

6. Right to redress
2. Right to safety This provides the consumers with the
This protects consumers against right to compensate for
marketing of hazardous goods and misrepresentation of poor-quality goods
services. or unsatisfactory services.

3. Right to information
7. Right to consumer education
This protects consumers against dishonest
This is the consumers’ right to obtain the
or misleading advertising or labeling. It
necessary knowledge and skills to be an
also provides the right of facts and
informed customer.
information to help the consumers make
an informed choice.
8. Right to a healthy environment
4. Right to choose This is the consumers’ right to live and
This is the consumers’ right to choose from work in an environment that is neither
various products at competitive prices with dangerous nor threatening to promote
an assurance of good quality. well-being.

The Five (5) Consumer Responsibilities:

These responsibilities were defined in order to delve deeper into the role of a consumer
in society. When put into practice by the consuming public, they can greatly
contribute in achieving the ideal state of consumer protection in the country.
1. Critical Awareness
-responsibility to be more alert and questioning
about the use, price and quality of products and
services. You have the responsibility to ask
• How much is this product?
• What can it do? is it safe to use?
• What are its hazards to my health?

2. Action
-the responsibility to assert ourselves and act to
ensure that we get a fair deal. As long as we remain
passive consumers, we will continue to be abused.
• Seek for what is due to you

3. Social Concern
-the responsibility to be aware of the impact of our
consumption on other citizens, especially
disadvantaged or powerless groups, whether in the
local, national, or international community.
• Practice conservation and share with those who
are in need.

4. Environmental Awareness
- the responsibility to understand the environmental
consequences of our consumption. We should recognize
our individual and social responsibility to conserve natural
resources and protect the earth for future generations.
• Practice proper waste management and follow the
three R’s – reuse, reduce and recycle

5. Solidarity
- The responsibility to organize together as consumers to
develop the strength and influence to promote and protect
our interest.
• Be cooperative and collaborating with the government

What’s More

1. Let us read and analyze the sample letter below.
2. After reading the letter, construct a letter of complaint on the next page about the
purchase of a product tha1t is already expired.

3. Follow the format given in the sample letter.

August 20, 2020

AKD Company
Makati City

Dear AKD Company,

On August 16, 2020, I bought a foot massager with a serial number
FTA190589. I made this purchase at your branch in The Noypi Market.

Unfortunately, your product is not functioning properly because it keeps on

shutting off after being used for 5-10 minutes.

I would appreciate your action to repair or replace the product as soon as

possible. I look forward to your reply and resolution to my problem. Please
contact me at the address below or by phone through 0906-2145687.


Agatha Dela Cruz

477F Street A, Cembo Makati City

What I Have learned

Sentence Completion: Complete the following sentence to check your understanding

about the lesson learned.

1. I have learned that consumer rights are


2. I have learned that consumer responsibilities are

3. I have realized that

What I Can Do

Consumer Law
Read and analyze the given scenario. Work your way through each scenario and apply
the consumer law you have learned and recommend what should happen in each case.
Case 1: You bought a new pair of trousers from a shop. When you arrived in your
house, you tried to put on the pair of trousers only to find out that it doesn’t fit.
Are you entitled to a refund?

Case 2: You bought a new PlayStation and after 6 months it stops working. Can you
take it back to the shop and ask for a refund?

Case 3: You went to replace your ten-pin bowling shoes for bowling ones. When you
went back to the shop to swap them, they said they have lost your shoes. Are you
entitled to compensation?



Directions: Read the following questions carefully then choose the best answer for each
number. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following is the right that guarantees survival, adequate food, clothing,
shelter, healthcare, education, and sanitation?
a. The right to choose. c. The right to basic needs.
b. The right to safety. d. The right to representation.

2. Which of the following is the right to be protected against the marketing of goods
that are hazardous to health and life?
a. The right to choose. c. The right to basic needs.
b. The right to safety. d. The right to representation.

3. Which of the following is the right to provide consumers with the right to
compensate for misrepresentation of poor-quality goods or unsatisfactory services?
a. The right to choose. c. The right to basic needs.
b. The right to redress. d. The right to representation.

4. Which of the following Republic act is also known as the Consumer Act of the
a. Republic Act No. 7394 c. Republic Act No. 7610
b. Republic Act No. 9262 d. Republic Act No. 9003

5. What is the responsibility of a consumer to the environment?

a. Be cooperative and collaborating with the government.
b. Practice conservation and share with those who are in need.
c. Continue patronizing plastic straws and plastic food packaging
d. Practice proper waste management and follow the three R’s – reuse, reduce and

6. What is Consumer awareness?

a. A term that’s used to define the principals of a budget.
b. A term considering the characteristic of another person
c. A method to buy a car to be able to lease and not pay with a card.
d. Consumer awareness is about making the consumer aware of his/her rights. It
is a marketing term which means that consumers are aware of products or
services, its characteristics and the other marketing P's.

7. Which of the following consumer responsibility tells on the questioning of the use,
price and quality of products and services?
a. action c. solidarity
b. critical awareness d. social concern

8. Which of the following rights protects consumer against dishonest or misleading

advertising or labeling?
a. The right to choose. c. The right to basic needs.
b. The right to redress . d. The right to information.

9. Which of the following rights is about obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills
to be an informed customer?
a. The right to choose. c. The right to basic needs.
b. The right to redress. d. The right to consumer education.

10. Which of the following consumer responsibility is needed to be cooperative and
collaborating with the government?
a. action c. solidarity
b. critical awareness d. social concern

11. Who can file a complaint with the redressal agencies?

a. A consumer c. In case of death of a consumer
b. The central government d. All of the above

12. Which of the following is not a need?

a. housing c. utilities
b. eating out d. food

13. What is the purpose of advertising?

a. Tease the consumer. c. Persuade the consumer.
b. Inform the consumer. d. All of the above

14. Which of the following builds’ strong relationship between consumers and
a. label c. quality of product
b. packaging method d. company location

15. What is the medium of exchange of any product?

a. lipid c. money
b. bank account d. portable goods

Additional Activities

Write a one-paragraph summary of the following questions on the space provided.

1. Why is it important to know your rights as well as your responsibilities as a


2. What will happen if you do not know your rights?


3. How can you be a responsible consumer in the future?


Answer Key

15. C 15. marketing

14. C 14. 7394
13. D 13. solidarity
12. B 12. awareness
11. D 11. concern
10. C 10. action
9. D 9. awareness
8. D 8. environment
7. B 7. education
6. D 6. redress
A 5. 5. representation
5. D C 4.
4. A 4. choose
B 3. 3. information
3. B E 2.
2. B 2. safety
D 1. 1. basic needs
1. C
What’s In What I Know


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