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Name: _________________________ Grade & Section:______________________

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I. Multiple Choice: Write the corresponding letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
___ 1. The judiciary renders justice. This would mean that in deciding cases, the judgement is?
a) for both parties c) Against both parties
b) for one party and against the other d) None of the Above
___ 2. This power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle actual controversies.
a) Judicial b) Legislative c) Police d) Executive
___ 3. These are administrative agencies that are empowered to decide legal disputes by the laws creating them.
a) Commissions b) Civil society Organizations c) Quasi-Judicial Bodies d)People’s Orgs
___ 4. What administrative agency does not have quasi-judicial powers?
___ 5. The deprivation of the following invokes the right to due process, which of the following is not?
a) Life b) Liberty c) Property d) Authority
___ 6. What instance shows denial of due process?
a) denial of a notice for the hearing c) Denial of the opportunity to be heard
b) denial of a judgment based on evidences d) None of the above
___ 7. What petition could be filed to justify the detention or imprisonment of a detained individual?
a) Writ of Amparo b) Writ of Habeas Corpus c) Writ of repatriation d) Writ of Possession
___ 8. Which decides the amount of just compensation for the condemned property of a private individual?
a) Court b) Congress c) Senate d) House of Representative
___ 9. What document authorizes the government to take possession of the condemned property so that it can immediately start the project
covering the property?
a) Writ of Amparo b) Writ of Habeas Corpus c) Writ of repatriation d) Writ of Possession
___ 10. It refers to the standard applied in Supreme Court in reviewing a government office’s or official’s decision which is claimed to be grossly
unsound, unreasonable, or illegal.
a) Grave Abuse of Discretion c) Grave Abuse of Power
b) Grave Abuse of Authority d) Grave Abuse of Decision
___ 11. It is a question of policy that a court will not consider. It is a question that involves the exercise of discretionary power by the executive or
legislative branch of government.
a) Judicial Question b) Political Question c) Judiciary Question d) Legislative Question
___ 12. It is defined as the power of the courts to take cognizance and decide cases.
a) Discretion b) Jurisdiction c) Quasi-judiciary d) Judicial Review
___ 13. It pertains to the mandate of the courts to decide on the validity of executive and legislative acts in the light of their conformity with the
a) Discretion b) Jurisdiction c) Quasi-judiciary d) Judicial Review
___ 14. Which of the following is not a requisite of Judicial Review?
a) Actual Case b) Proper Party c) Earliest opportunity d) Political Question
___ 15. Applicants for appointment to the judiciary have to be screened by what agency?
a) Judicial and Bar Council b) Judicial Bar Council c) Judicial Council d) Bar Council
___ 16. Which is not a political subdivision of a nation which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local affairs?
a) Province b) Municipalities c) Cities d) States
___ 17. It means that political power or governmental power is concentrated at the top that is, at the national level.
a) Centralization b) Decentralization c) Devolution d) Deconcentration
___ 18. It signifies transfer of powers and responsibilities of state institutions to local governments.
a) Centralization b) Decentralization c) Devolution d) Deconcentration
___ 19. In this system of government, sovereignty is shared between the central and peripheral institutions.
a) Federal b) Unitary c) Liberal d) Dictatorial

___ 20. In unitary system of government, sovereign power is vested in a single, national institution like the country of?
a) Canada b) Brazil c) Philippines d) Pakistan
___ 21. Who introduced the centralized system of government to the Philippines?
a) Americans b) Japanese c) Spaniards d) Malays
___ 22. Which can create a Barangay through an ordinance?
a) Sangguniang Bayan b) Congress c) Sangguiniang Barangay d) Sangguniang Panlalawigan
___ 23. What is the most distinct attribute of a highly urbanized city from a component city in relation to its province?
a) Autonomy b) Dependency c) Reliance d) Authority
___ 24. Which one is the most notable accomplishment of the barangay?
a) settling disputes c) promoting rural developm
b) making ordinances d) providing public services
___ 25. A city is given more taxing powers than a municipality because it?
has larger population c) it has larger income
has larger land area d) it has larger operations
___ 26. It is the process by which voters in a country select the officials who will exercise the powers of government.
a) Elections b) Proceedings c) Hearings d) Plebiscite
___ 27. It is conducted to select the official who shall serve the unexpired term of an incumbent.
a) Regular Election b) Special Election c) Plebiscite d) Referendum
___ 28. In 2022, I am turning 18 in the first Monday of May. Will I be able to already vote in the elections?
Yes, if I’m a registered voter c) no, even if I’m a registered voter
Yes, even if I’m not a registered voter d) none of the above
___ 29. It is what one calls when government employees, who are registered voters, are allowed to vote on Election day on the places where they
are temporarily assigned to perform election duties.
a) Local Absentee Voting c) Absentee Voting
b) National Absentee Voting d) Special Absentee Voting
___ 30. The Commission on Election has the broad power to enforce and administer all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of the
following. Which does not belong?
a) Election b) Plebiscite c) Recall d) None of the following
___ 31. What power of the COMELEC refers to the issuance of rules and regulations to implement the election laws?
a) Quasi-judicial b) Quasi-legislative c) Administrative d) None of the following
___ 32. What power of the COMELEC refers to the enforcement and implementation of election laws?
a) Quasi-judicial b) Quasi-legislative c) Administrative d) None of the following
___ 33. The Automated election system was first used in the Philippines in what election year?
a) 2016 b) 2010 c) 2004 d) 1998
___ 34. It refers to an organized group of citizens advocating an ideology for the general conduct of government.
a) Political Party b) Electorates c) Incumbents d) Magistrates
___ 35. In the Philippine politics, which of the following is least needed for a politician to prevail in the elections?
a) Relevancy of cause b) Name Recall c) Intellectual Abilities d) Deep money chest
___ 36. It refers to an organized group of citizens whose principal advocacy pertains to the special interest and concerns of the following sectors:
labor, urban poor, indigenous communities, elderly, handicapped, OFWs, women and etc.
a) Sectoral Party b) National Party c) Regional Party d) Political Party
___ 37. 20% of the total number of members of the House of Representatives constitutes the seats allocated to?
a) Sectoral Party b) National Party c) Regional Party d) Political Party
___ 38. In the Philippine setting, a party list can have additional seats in the House of Representatives if that party obtains more than 2% of the
total votes cast for the party-list system. What kind of electoral system is this?
a) Proportional b) Non-proportional c) Mixed d) Simple Plurality
___ 39. It is situated between the state and the market. It is the sum total of civil institutions and citizens’ organizations separate and independent
from the state and private businesses.
a) Civil Society b) Civil Society Organization c) Formal Institutions d) Informal Institutions
___ 40. These institutions do not have a rigid structure: they may change through time because they are rooted in the community and are a
reflection of the customs, traditions and beliefs of the community.
a) Civil Society b) Civil Society Organization c) Formal Institutions d) Informal Institutions
___ 41. Civil Society Organizations are established independently and operate outside the state and the market. The following are the most
fundamental attributes of civil society organizations except?
a) Voluntary b) Non-Governmental c) Non-Profit d) Sectarian
___ 42. The very reason for existence of social movements is?
a) to demand change c) to defend tradition
b) to stand for the status quo d) none of the above

___ 43. Being a member of social movements demands what?

a) Conviction c) Deep money chest
b) Popularity d) both A & B
___ 44. The members of new social movements are different from traditional ones in these following aspects except?
a) they are better educated c) they are more concerned with the quality of life
b) they are young and affluent d) they are more concerned with economic advancement
___ 45. Which of the following is not a contribution of social movements to the development of a country?
a) they inspire positive reforms c) they help redirect government priorities
b) they lead government excesses d) they promote avenue for dialogue and consensus
___ 46. Citizenship is being a member of a state where membership bestows the following except?
a) Privileges b) Rights c) Obligations d) Protection
___ 47. Jus Sanguinis is the principle of citizenship based on what?
a) place of birth c) blood of mother only
b) citizenship of parents d) None of the following
___ 48. Jus soli is the principle of citizenship based on place of birth. Which of the following adapts this principle?
a) US b) Philippines c) Malaysia d) None of the following
___ 49. A country has a State-centric citizenship if?
state has sole control in governance c) citizens participates in governance
citizens has sole control in governance d) none of the following
___ 50. A country has a Participatory citizenship if?
state has sole control in governance c) citizens participates in governance
citizens has sole control in governance d) none of the following
___ 51. Rules of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority.
a) Politics b) Political Science c) Governance d) Laws
___ 52. Also known as adjective or remedial law, constitutes the set of rules governing the proceedings in court. Examples are the Rules of Court
and Revised Rules in Administrative Cases in the Civil Service.
a) Procedural Laws b) Substantive Laws c) General Laws d) Special Laws
___ 53. Provides for the rights and duties of persons in relation to other persons as well to the state, and includes the offenses for which individuals
who are alleged of having committed to them can be prosecuted.
a) Procedural Laws b) Substantive Laws c) General Laws d) Special Laws
___ 54. A body of individuals selected to formulate, amend, or repeal laws. It is essential to the proper functioning of a society.
a) Legislature b) Senate c) House of Representatives d ) Executive
___ 55. What house of congress exclusively initiates all appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills authorizing an increase in the public debt, bills of
local application, and private bills.
a) Legislature b) Senate c) House of Representatives d) Executive
___ 56. A law starts as a _____ which, in simple terms, is the draft of the proposed law.
a) Bill b) Ordinance c) Decree d) Resolution
___ 57. Power of Legislature that is exercised to elicit information that will enable Congress to craft a particular piece of legislation.
a) Legislative Inquiry b) Appropriation c) Legislation d) Expropriation
___ 58. The right of the President and high-level executive branch officers to withhold information from congress, the courts, and ultimately the
a) Executive Privilege b) Executive Authority c) Executive Immunity d) Executive Power
___ 59. The constitution vests the exclusive power to initiate and commence impeachment cases to the _______.
Congress b) House of Representative c) Senate d) Judiciary
___ 60.



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