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Deformation of Crust

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Earth Science Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module Deformation of

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the Earth and Life Science Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Deformation of Crust.

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is
capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills
at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of

the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
process what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned. This also tends retention
of learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

From time immemorial, the beauty and the grandeur of nature have never failed
to fascinate the imaginations of the creative minds. The colourful landscapes,
changing seasons, twinkling stars, vast sky, majestic oceans, exotic life forms, great
mountains, and deep valleys -have all been the source of veneration for the primitive
human being. The roots of modern science lie in man’s eternal quest to comprehend
these phenomena by careful and systematic observations that gradually led to many
discoveries of nature and its laws. The new scientific ideas and inventions have
profoundly changed the way we view our world today.

How trench and other earth’s feature were created? What is the nature of the
force or mechanism that moves massive continents thousands of miles across? What
causes violent earthquakes to displace huge landmasses abruptly? How could great
mountain ranges rise to such incredible heights? What makes earth's interior so
restless? Answers to some of these questions may lie in understanding the Earth's
interior itself. Good luck and I hope you will learn a lot from this module and
eventually pursue science courses in the future.

The module covers :

 Lesson 1 – Deformation of Crust

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain how seafloor spreads
2. Describe the structure and evolution of ocean basins

What I Know

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. What is the most likely to happen in nearby areas when edges of crustal plates
collide or rub against each other?
A. There will be a breaking up of the ground forming faults.
B. Nearby areas are subjected to different weights of the layers.
C. There will be changes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere in the earth.
D. Nearby areas become locations of mountain formation and earthquake

2. In seafloor spreading, where do molten materials rise and erupt?
A. in deep ocean trenches
B. along mid-oceanic ridges
C. at the north and south poles
D. along the edges of continents
3. How did scientists discover that rocks farther from the mid-oceanic ridge were
older than those near it?
A. by mapping rocks on the seafloor using sonar.
B. by measuring how fast seafloor spreading occurs.
C. by observing eruptions of molten materials on the seafloor.
D. by determining the age of rock samples obtained from drilling the
4. What is the process referring to the sinking of ocean floor beneath the deep
ocean trench and back into the mantle?
A. conduction C. convection
B. continental drift D. subduction
5. Which of the following was not used by Wegener as evidence of continental drift?
A. the geometric fit of the continents
B. magnetic anomalies on the seafloor
C. fossils common to many continents
D. evidence of glaciations on widely separated continents
6. What is the polarity of magnetic field that has the same polarity as the existing
magnetic field?
A. an isochromes C. normal polarity
B. magnetic reversal D. reverse polarity
7. What two topographic features of the ocean floor were discovered with the use
of sonar?
A. mid-ocean ridges and earthquakes
B. mid-ocean ridges and volcanic islands
C. mid-ocean ridges and deep sea trenches
D. shallow sea trenches and volcanic islands
8. What causes seafloor to spread?
A. earthquakes C. rising molten magma
B. sinking magma D. drifting continental crust
9. Which of the following portions of the ocean floor is the flattest?
A. abyssal plains C. ocean trenches
B. ocean ridges D. continental slope
10. Which of the following is NOT found in the deep ocean basins?
A. abyssal plains C. ocean trenches
B. ocean ridges D. continental slope


1 Deformation of Crust

What’s In

Discoveries lead to more discoveries. Inventions and sophisticated technologies

haved paved pay to countless discoveries about the Earth. Until 1970 the Philippine
Trench was regarded as the deepest point of the earth. In the meantime deeper
trenches have been discovered.

The Philippines Trench stretches with a length of approximately 1,320 km and

a width of round about 30 km from the northeast top of Luzon up to the Indonesian
Island of Malacca Halmahera. 10,540 meters depth were measured in its deepest point
- the Galathea Depth -. The Mount Everest with its 8,846 meters of height would
vanish smoothly in the deep sea trench. For comparison - the Pacific Ocean reaches
otherwise only an average-depth of round about 4,190 meters.

Figure 1. Philippine Trench

What’s New

Activity 1. Find the Hidden Phrase

Unscramble each of the clue words.Copy the letters in the numbered cells to other
cells with the same number.

What is It

Continental drift refers to the large-scale horizontal movements of continents
relative to one another and to the ocean basins during one or more episodes of
geologic time. This concept was an important precursor to the development of the
theory of plate tectonics, which incorporates it. The thought that continents might
have drifted was first speculated by Abraham Ortelius in 1596.The concept was fully
developed by Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), a German meteorologist.
The continental drift theory is states that once; all the continents were joined in a
super-continent, which scientists call Pangaea, meaning “All-earth.” Pangaea started
to break up into two smaller supercontinents, called Laurasia and Gondwanaland,
during the Jurassic period. By the end of the Cretaceous period, the continents were
separating into land masses that look like our modern-day continents. Panthalassa is
the ocean that surrounds the supercontinent.

Wegener’s Evidence
1. Fossil Correlation. The fossils of Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile which is only
found in South America and Africa is present around the shores of different continents.
Fossils of the land reptile Lystrosaurus from rocks of the same age are found in South
America Africa, and Antarctica. It was impossible for his reptile to swim the long
distance from one continent to another and being a freshwater animal. Fossils are
traces and remains of organisms that lived in prehistoric times. Fossil of the plant fern
Glossopteris was also found in India, South Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South
2. Topographic evidence. If the maps of North and South America were moved
eastward against Europe and Africa, the continental shapes would match. Continents
seemed to fit together, not as continuously changing shoreline but at the edges of their
continental shelves.
3. Rock Formation. Existing mountain ranges separated by vast oceans contain
rocks of identical mineral content. Appalachians Mountains on the Eastern US and
Caledonian Mountain (Scotland) fit together, as well as Karroo strata in South Africa
and Santa Caterina rocks in Brazil. Wegener concluded that they were once a single
mountain range that got separated as the continents drifted.
4. Paleoclimatic Evidence. Evidence of glaciers is present in regions with warm, dry
climate. There is an evidence of glacial till deposits in the northern and southern
latitudes. There are scratches on rocks left by glaciers. Tillites are found in Africa,
South America, India, and Australia. Coral reefs and swamps that lead to the
formation of coal deposits are found in tropical environments. Wegener discovered
ancient coal seams and coral reefs in parts of the continents that are much too cold

Despite all these incredible evidences for continental drift, Wegener was not
able to see his theory gain acceptance. He concentrated on developing evidences that
continents drifted not on what caused them to move. He died in 1930 at the age of 50
from a probable heart failure while on a scientific expedition in Greenland.

In the 1960’s Harry Hess theorized that the seafloor is a hundred million
years younger than the continents. He suggested that not only the continents moving
but also the seafloor. During World War II, Harry became interested in mapping the
ocean floor using SONAR, a device that bounces sound waves off underwater objects
and then records the echoes of this sound waves. The time it takes for the echo to
arrive indicates the distance of the object

Findings of Hess
1. Long mountain ranges existed throughout the ocean floor called Mid Oceanic
2. The longest one runs through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean called Mid
Atlantic Ridges.
3. A rift is an elongated break that or opening in the middle of the mid oceanic
ridge. This is where emission of volcanic materials occurs.
He devised a theory which states that at mid oceanic ridges, molten material
rises from the mantle and erupts. It then spreads out, pushing older rock to both sides
of the ridges. When it reaches the surface it cools and solidifies becoming the seafloor.
As more magma rises, the present floor is pushed aside. At plate boundaries,
the cold and denser rock sinks and melts, becoming magma once again. This shows
that there is “recycling process” that takes place. Subduction is the process by which
the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep ocean trench and back into the mantle. It allows
part of the ocean floor to sink back into the mantle. New ocean floor forms along the
cracks in the ocean crust as molten material erupts from the mantle spreading out
and pushing older rocks to the sides of the crack. New ocean floor is continually added
by the process of seafloor spreading.

The Earth is a giant magnet. When hot magma rises on the Earth’s surface.
Cools and hardens, the minerals especially the iron magnetite in magma are
magnetized in alignment with the Earth’s magnetic field. Rocks that were formed in
different places on Earth have different magnetizations. It was suggested that the
Earth’s magnetic poles must have flipped or wandered. This is called magnetic reversal.
Normal magnetic Polarity occurs when the magnetic orientation is the same as that of
the Earth’s current field. On the other hand, reversed magnetic polarity happens when
magnetic orientations in the rock are opposite to the current orientation of Earth’s
magnetic field.

In 1965, J. Tuzo Wilson combined the continental drift and seafloor spreading
and made two major contributions to strengthen the theory of plate tectonics.—the
introduction of hotspots and the transform plate boundary.


Crustal plates move gradually and converge at their boundaries. These
boundaries are common areas of tectonic activity which causes the deformation of
Earth’s crust. Tectonic activities includes earthquakes, volcanism, and mountain
formation. All of this results in the creation of many ocean basins features.
Much of the general information concerning the depth of the ocean basins as
made after WWI. Many topographic features that exist on the ocean basin are obtained
by using the following technologies: echo sounder which primarily developed for
military purposes, side scan sonar and satellites that measure the height of the sea
surfaces. SONAR is an instrument that accurately determines the time between the
emission of acoustic pulse and the detection of its echo. Using the principle of sound
reflection, scientists can determine the depth of the ocean.

Continental Margin

The continental margin is the shallow water area found in proximity to

continent. The continental margin consists of three different features: the continental
rise, the continental slope, and the continental shelf. Continental margins constitute
about 28% of the oceanic area. The continental shelf is the portion of the continental
margin that transitions from the shore out towards to ocean. They are believed to
make up 7 percent of the sea floor. Continental slope is the submerged border of a
continent that slopes gradually to the ocean bottom. The continental rise is an
underwater feature found between the continental slope and the abyssal plain. This
feature can be found all around the world, and it represents the final stage in the
boundary between continents and the deepest part of the ocean.

Topographic Features Associated with Ocean Basin

Plates can spread apart by moving away from each other. This creates gaps
where hot molten rock, called magma from Earth’s mantle wells up. When magma
seeps through the gaps, it solidifies as it cools, creating a new layer of ocean crust.
This creates structure such as oceanic ridge, which are continuous mountain chains
located under the surface of the sea. The mid-oceanic ridge constitutes 23% of Earth’s
surface. In the center of the mid-oceanic ridges is a rift valley beteen 30-50 km wide,
dissects 1000-3000 m deep into the ridge system. When volcanoes in the ocean floor
erupt, they can create mountains so high that their peaks breaks the surface of the
ocean. As the lava cools and hardens, an island forms. It is now called as the volcanic
island. A seamount is a large submerged volcanic mountain rising from the ocean floor
that did not break the surface of the ocean.
An abyssal plain is another raised feature found within ocean basins. It is
defined as small elevated landforms that rises from the great depths of the ocean.
Ocean trenches are long narrow, steep sided depressions found on the ocean floor that
contain the greatest depths of the ocean. Generally, the trenches mark the transition
between continents and ocean basins.

What’s More

Activity 2. Seafloor Spreading Model

Perform the experiment below and try to answer the guide questions.

scissors 2 sheets of unlined paper
metric ruler colored marker


1. Draw a stripes across one sheet of paper, parallel to the short sides of the paper.
The stripes should vary in spacing and thickness.

2. Fold the paper in half lengthwise and write the word “Start” at the top of both
halves of the paper. Using the scissors, carefully cut the paper in half along the fold
line to form two strips.

3. Lightly fold the second sheet of paper into eights. Then unfold it, leaving creases in
the paper. Fold this sheet in half lengthwise.

4. Starting at the fold, draw a lines 5.5 cm long on the middle crease and two crease
closest to the ends of paper.

5. Now carefully cut along the lines you drew. Unfold the paper. There should be three
slits in the center of the paper.

6. Put the two striped strip of papers together so their Start label touch one another.
Insert the Start ends of the strips up through the center slit, and then pull them
toward the side slits.

7. Insert the end strips into the side slits. Pull the ends of the strips, and watch what
happens at the center slit.

8. Practice pulling the strips through the slits until you can make the two strips come
up and go down at the same time.

Guide Questions
1. What feature of the ocean floor does the center slit stand for? What prominent
feature of the ocean floor is missing from the model at this point?
2. What do side slits stand for? What does the space under the paper stand for?
3. How does the ocean floor as shown by the part of the strip close to the center slit
differ from the ocean floor as shown by the part near a side slit? How does this
difference affect the depth of the ocean?
4. What do the stripes on the strips stand for? Why is it important that your model
have an identical pattern of stripes on both sides of the center slit?
5. Explain seafloor spreading. What part of the process were not shown by the model?

What I Have Learned

Activity 3. Deformation of the Crust Word Bank

Identify the following. Select from the given choice inside the box.
Continental drift Fossils Continental shelf Continental slope
Plate tectonic theory Laurasia Gondwanaland Seafloor spreading
Subduction J. Tuzo Wilson Pangaea Panthalassa
Continental margin Hary Hess

____________________1. It is the supercontinent which means all Earth.

____________________2. Ocean that surrounds the supercontinent.

____________________3. Process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep ocean
trench and back into the mantle. ; allows part of the ocean
floor to sink back into the mantle

____________________4. It is the shallow water area found in proximity to continent.

____________________5. It is the portion of the continental margin that transitions from

the shore out towards to ocean. They are believed to make up 7
percent of the sea floor.

____________________6-7. Pangaea started to break up into two smaller supercontinents

which are:
____________________8. The molten material rises from the mantle and erupts. It then
spreads out, pushing older rock to both sides of the ridges.
When it reaches the surface it cools and solidifies becoming
the seafloor.

____________________9. This theory states that once, all the continents were joined in a

____________________10. Theory which consolidates the continental drift and seafloor


____________________11. He combined the concept of continental drift and seafloor


____________________12. He suggested that not only the continents moving but also the
seafloor formulating the seafloor spreading theory.

____________________13.It is the submerged border of a continent that slopes gradually

to the ocean bottom.

____________________14. It is an underwater feature found between the continental

slope and the abyssal plain.

____________________15.Traces and remains of organisms that lived in prehistoric times.

What I Can Do

Activity 4. The Case of Continental Drift

“If we are to believe Wegener hypothesis we must forget everything which have
been learned in the last 70 years and start all over again”(as quoted in Oreskes 1988,
p.336). So proclaimed a vocal critic of Alfred Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis in
1922, setting the stage for one of the liveliest debates in modern science. Much was at
stake for this generation of geologists- so much that Wegener’s hypothesis would not
be fully accepted, in the form of Plate Tectonic Theory in 1960’s. Textbooks commonly
provide a brief synopsis of Wegener and his theory. Such explanation often end with a
clear cut reason why the theory was not accepted: He did not provide sufficient
mechanism. Historians have shown, however, that multiple plausible mechanisms
were available at the time and, of course, the modern plate tectonic theory ws
accepted before a clear mechanism was established. In reality, Wegener’s theory was
rejected for reasons that were methodological, cultural, personal, and conceptual.
Research on these and make a report as to why Wegener’s theory was not fully
accepted during his time. How did these played role on how Wegener’s work was
Be guided with the rubrics below.

4 3 2 1

Organization The report is both The report is The report is The report is
accurate and accurate and clear. factual and shows generally
compelling. The writing begins evidence of some confusing and
Introduction with an work. The writing hard to follow. The
contains a clear introduction that begins with an writing lacks any
and concise contains a clear introduction that real organization
statement. The thesis statement. contains a thesis and it may also
body fully explores The body explores statement, but this lack a thesis
the topic and the topic and might need statement. The
presents presents clarification. The body presents
information in a information in a body explores the support that may
sensible order. The sensible order. The topic and presents be related to the
conclusion conclusion a variety of topic but only in a
restates the thesis restates the thesis information. The general way. The
or offers a or offers a organization of organization is
comment or comment or this information poor or
question on it. question on it. may not always be nonexistent.
Effective and Transitions link clear or logical. Transitions may be
varied transitions most ideas. Some transitions used
link all ideas. are used, but more inconsistently or
are needed may be lacking.

Elements of the The writer provides The writer provides The writer provides The writer provides
reports facts and facts and facts and a mixture of
quotations from a quotations from quotations from opinions, facts,
variety of sources. several sources. more than one and statements.
Facts and ideas Facts and ideas source. Facts and Facts and ideas
are either are either ideas are not are often not
expressed in the expressed in the always expressed in the
writer’s words or writer’s words or documented or writer’s words or
else completely else documented. expressed in the else they lack
and correctly The body of the writer’s words. The documentation.
documented. The report supports body of the report The body of the
body of the report and develops the lacks real unity report lacks unity
supports and writer’s thesis, and and coherence, and coherence,
develops the it usually exhibits although most and may be d i f
writer’s thesis, and unity and details are ficult to
it contains no coherence. The somewhat related understand. The
extraneous ideas. report includes a to the topic. The report may not
The report complete report includes an include a
includes a bibliography or incomplete or bibliography or
complete and source list incorrect source list, or this
correct bibliography or may be incomplete
bibliography or source list. or i n c o r r e c t
source list

Grammar, Usage, There are few or There are minor There are Numerous errors
no errors in errors in numerous errors in mechanics,
Mechanics, and mechanics, usage, mechanics, usage, in mechanics, usage, grammar,
grammar, or grammar, or usage, grammar, or spelling may
spelling. Word spelling. Word or spelling. Word hinder
choice is precise choice is usually choice is not comprehension.
and appropriate appropriate for the always appropriate Word choice shows
for the audience. audience. for the audience. little
understanding of
the a u d i e n c e


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the movement of the Earth’s continents relative to each other
A. subduction C. continental drift
B. seafloor spreading D. convergence
2. He is the German meteorologist who developed the Continental Drift Theory.
A. Harry Hess C. J. Tuzo Wilson
B. Alfred Wegener D. Abraham Ortelius

3. The fossils of Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile which is only found in South
America and Africa but is present around the shores of different continents.
What type of evidence is presented here?
A. fossil correlation C. rock formation
B. paleoclimatic evidence D. topographic evidence
4. Continents seemed to fit together, not as continuously changing shoreline but
at the edges of their continental shelves. What type of evidence is presented
A. fossil correlation C. rock formation
B. paleoclimatic evidence D. topographic evidence
5. Why did most geologist rejected the Alfred’s Wegener’s idea of continental drift?
A. They were afraid of new idea.
B. Wegener used different types of evidence to support his theory.
C. Wegener could not identify a force that move the continents.
D. Wegener was interested in what Earth was like a million years ago.
6. It is a device that bounces sound waves off underwater objects and then records
the echoes of these sound waves.
B. LASER D. None of these
7. It refers to the elongated break that or opening in the middle of the mid oceanic
ridge wherein emission of volcanic materials occur.
A. mountain C. rift
B. ridge D. valley
8. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The rocks closest to the oceanic ridge were younger than the rocks found
further from the ridge.
B. New ocean floor is continually added by the process of seafloor spreading.
C. Rocks that were formed in different places on Earth have different
D. All of the above are true
9. How are oceanographers able to map the sea floor?
A. by sending out scuba divers. C. by using SONAR.
B. by studying seismic waves. D. by using telescope
10.Where is the ocean floor deepest?
A. in rift valleys C. in submarine canyons
B. in abyssal plains D. in oceanic trenches

Label the Ocean Floor
Label the diagram.
. Continental shift Trench Abyssal plain Ridge
Volcanic island Continental slope Seamount

A._________________________ D._________________________ G._________________________

B._________________________ E._________________________ H._________________________

C._________________________ F._________________________

Answer Key

What I Know
1. D 3. D 5. B 7. C 9. A
2. B 4. D 6. C 8. C 10. D

Activity 1. Find the Hidden Phrase





Activity 2. Seafloor Spreading
1. The center slit stands for the passage where the molten material can enter the Mid-
Ocean Ridge, formed by the converging of plates. What is currently missing from the
model is the mantle and other layers of the Earth.
2. The side slits stand for where subduction has occurred and the ocean floor has
sunk in. Also, the space under the paper stands for the oceanic crust of the Earth.
3. Near the center slit, the elevation of the ocean floor is much higher than the
elevation near the side slit. This difference affects the depth of the ocean because
where the elevation and pressure is higher, the water depth will be higher as well. At
some points, the water would be deeper than other spots.
4. The model has identical strips because, as the magma rises at the mid ocean ridge
½ goes to the right and ½ goes to the left of the mid ocean ridge. Each one of these
strips represents Earth's magnetic history.
5. Sea-floor spreading is a process in which plates cause the sea floor to spread or
move apart and new oceanic crust is continually formed in the process. The part of the
process that is not shown is the molten material seeping into the Mid-Ocean Ridge,
and process of subduction is not shown as well.

Activity 3. Deformation of Crust Word Bank

1. Pangaea 6. Laurasia 11. J. Tuzo Wilson
2. Panthalassa 7. Gondwanaland 12. Harry Hess
3. Subduction 8. Seafloor spreading 13. Continental slope
4. Continental margin 9. Continental Drift 14. Continental rise
5. Continental shelf 10. Plate Tectonic 15. Fossil

Activity 4. Word Bank

1. accretion 5. asthenosphere 9. temperature
2. radioactive decay 6. lava 10. temperature
3. uranium 7. gas
4. magma 8. viscosity

Activity 4. The Case of Continental Drift

Answer may vary.
Geologists of the time were committed to the idea of multiple working hypotheses by
which scientific evidence should weighed in light of competing explanations of the
phenomenon. Wegener’s theory was interpreted as violating this standard as it seemed

to put theory first and then south evidence to support it. In addition, continental drift
was incompatible with the version of isostasy, or the understanding of buoyancy in
relation to the Earth’s surface, that was popular at the time. Accepting continental
drift would mean rejecting the predominant theory of isostasy, which have been
ingrained in the work of early 20th century geologists. Finally, geologists largely
rejected the theory because of the legacy of uniformitarianism, or the principle of
studying presently observable processes is the best way to understand the past.
Wegener’s theory, however raised the idea that the present was not necessarily the key
to the past, that it was just a moment in Earth’s history.
Lastly, Wegener was a a German meteorologist. His nationality, career, and
methods drew questions and concerns among American geologists. Though these
factors were not highlighted in the arguments against continental drift, they certainly
played role on how his work was received.

1. C 3. A 5. C 7. C 9. C
2. B 4. D 6. C 8. D 10. D

Additional Activities
A. Continental slope D. Ridges G. Trench
B. Seamount E. Volcanic island
C. Abyssal plain F. Continental shelf

Bayo-ang, Roly.B., Maria Lourdes G. Coronacion, Annamae T. Jorda, and Anna
Jamille Restubog. Earth and Life Science for Senior High School. Quezon City,
Metro Manila: Educational Resources Corporation., 2016.

Bureau of Secondary Education. (n.d.) Project EASE (Effective and Alternative

Secondary Education), Intergrated Science I. [PDF]

De Silva, et al (2016). Earth Science [PDF]. Commission on Higher Education, Diliman,

Quezon City

Irfan, Umair (2018). A volcano in the Philippines is Threatening a Major Eruption.

Retrieved from

Miller, G.Tyler, et al. (2014). Earth Science. Philippine Edition. Ortigas Avenue, Pasig
City. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd (Philippine Branch)


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