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1.Who is God? the creator of earth

the creation of man in his own
2. What is the crown work of God? image
3.All creatures of God were under the control of man
4.Which of the following is not one of the causes of
sin? justice
5.From the Biblical account of creation, what did God
create on the fourth day? heavenly bodies way in which man is still sharing in God's creation
work is pro-creation
movement of the Israelites from
7.The Biblical meaning of Exodus is the _________ Egypt
8.The Bible was written by inspired men

9.Relationship takes place in all of these places except sky

10.God called Abraham at the age of ________years    75

11.The meaning of Moses is ________ i drew him out of water
12."I am who I am". This was God's revelation to
_________ Moses
13.The Gospel according to St. Luke was written by
_________ Luke
14."Give us food. Why should we die before your
eyes?" The people who made this request were
_______ the people of Israel
15.The confidence we have in someone or something
is referred to as ____________ trust
16.The following are different types of human
relationship except ________ given relationship
17.Complete this quotation. "Two nations are in your
womb, two children born of you shall be divided, the elder shall serve the
one shall be stronger than the other younger

18.When Joseph's brothers saw him coming at a shed no blood, but cast him into
distance, Reuben said ________ a pit

19.God gave the israelites the Ten Commandments guide them in their day to day
to________ living

20.Which of the following promises did God make make nations of him, and that
to Abram during his call? kings shall come forth from
21.One of the following is not an importance of
marriage to separate a man from woman
22.Complete the chain in its corresponding order:
Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus _______ Ruth
23.Any form of behavior that does not agree with the
custom and expectation of a society is called... delinquency
24.Terah was the _______ father of Abram
25.The Ijaw referred to God as.. abasi
26."To you and your descendants I will give the
land." So Abraham built an alter there. Where? canaan

27.What was the very first sin in the Bible? the eating of the forbidden fruit
28.One of the hardships the Israelites faced in the
wilderness of Zin was... hunger
29.The special consideration given to man at creation
is... creativity

30.Martha had a sister named Mary. What did Mary She sat at Jesus' feet listening to
do at this time? what He had to say
31.Branch of knowledge requiring systematic
studies and methods dealing with substances, life
and natural law is _____ Science
  32.____ is the practical application of the result of pure
science. Technology
33.Which of the following is not a means of
electronic Communication? A. B C. D. Gesture Communication
34.____ are machines or pieces of equipment
powered by electricity. Appliances
35.The marriage of one man to one woman is called Monogamy
36.The widest and modern socializing agent is Mass Media
37.The Process of sending and receiving messages
from one place to another is called Communication
38.When knowledge acquired in science is applied to
solving practical problems it is referred to as Technology
39.The process of sending information through cable is
termed as Telecommunication

Global System of Mobile

40. G.S.M stands for Communication
41.The level of a nation’s stage of development is
usually determined by _________ Technology
42.A major problem confronting our traditional
Science and Technology is ________ No records of discovery
43.The practical application of knowledge to meet the
needs of society is called ________ Technology

44.The statement ’information technology’ has Access to information has become

turned the world into a global village’ means very easy as if the whole world
________ has turned to a village

45.The primary aim of marriage is ________ Companionship

46.Science and Technology should be encouraged in
Nigerian schools in order to _________ Produce future scientists
47.Man uses science and technology to create the
following Except _______ Forest
48.The adoption of other people’s culture is called
_______ acculturation
49._____refers to ability to refrain from sexual
intercourse abstinence
50.One of the following is a type of self-esteem high self-esteem
51.Taboos are always ways of maintaining law and
order in a ________________ society Traditional

52. Identify from the following options one which clearly Process whereby government sells
defines privatization. its shares to private enterprises
53. Food water, fruits or drugs that are unfit for human
consumption are regarded as Harmful substance
54.Indicate from the options who to make a report to in
case of an accidents in the school. Teachers
55.Which of the following best describes the reason for
human trafficking? Poverty
56.Select from the option below, one way of NOT
expressing love among students Sexual intercourse

57.The practice where woman marries more than one

husband at a time-practiced in India is called……… Polyandry

58.The agency that sees to the arrest and prosecution of

people involved in production and selling of fake and
expired drug is known as……. EFCC
59.All of the following are basic rights of individuals
EXCEPT………. Right to kill
60.The study of man and his relationship with his
physical and social environment is known as………. Social studies
An occurrence that can lead to injury death or
loss of property accident
62.Nigerian youth service corps NYSC was
established in__ . 1973

One of the Nigeria’s national symbols is

The coat of arms
_____composed the lyrics of Nigeria’s old
national anthem Miss I .Jean Williams

    65. National consciousness means________ The feeling of love for one’s

   66.Which organ is responsible for the conduct of
election in Nigeria______________ 1NEC
   67.The first political party in Nigeria was ________ NNDP
     68Who enacted the first constitution in Nigeria?
_______________ Clifford
Where did democracy originate from? A Nigeria
B. America C. Greece D. Britain Greece

One of the steps for the protection of human

right is____________________
ndependence of the judiciary
Lord Lugard amalgamated the northern and
southern protectorates in________ 1914
72.Democracy is best illustrated by the
_____________ a. rule of law b. majority rule c.
equality d. minority majority rule
73.A synonym for crime is

All of these are punishable offences except
    74. Impartiality
75.Which of these security problems is peculiar to
the northern part of Nigeria__________________ terrorism
The unlawful killing of a person without
justification is called______________ a. Murder b.
falsehood c. theft d. rape Murder
77.The illegal entry into a building with the intent to
commit crime especially theft is
called_____________ burglary
78.All these are consequences of cultism
except_______________ love and affection
79.All of these are causes of common crime except formal education
80.An act of pretending to be another person in
order to defraud him is called __________ Impersonation
electing representatives for the
     81. Voting means __________________________
The black shield on the coat of arms
represents__________________ The good soil in the country
The willingness to exercise physical power to
get work done is called __________ physical courage
84.The abduction of over 200 girls in Nigeria
occurred in which town____________________ chibok
85.The Nigeria National flag was designed by
_______ Taiwo Akinkunmi

National Agency for Food,

86.NAFDAC means________ Drugs, Administration and

Federal, State, Local

87.The three (3) tiers of Government are _______
88.The Yoruba ethnic group occupies the ______ of
South-western part
89.Which of the following is a benefit of Cooperation leads to
cooperation? teamwork
90.Court where cases are tried according to Islamic
laws is called _________ sharia court
91.Citizens can be deprived of their rights during
Emergency rule
92.The letter "Y" on the Nigerian Coat of Arms
Niger and Benue
represents ____and______rivers
93.Being a citizen of two countries at the same time
is called _______citizenship.

94.FRSC means _____ Federal Road Safety Corp

95. All these are negative behaviour EXCEPT _____    Obedience

96. One of the following factors promotes good

Good leadership
97. A form of government in which the electorate
exercises their governing power directly through democracy
their elected representation is called _______
98.____ is a bedrock of democracy People
99.The nearest government to the people and an
important means of promoting grassroots    Local
development is the ________government
100.To be eligible to vote in Nigeria, you have to be
_____ years and above
the creator of
the creator of heaven religion the creator of all things
the creation of fish and the creation of the the creation of dry land and
birds stars and sun water
woman     lion air birds

greed desire       pleasure

vegetation   light living creatures

co-ordination production demand

movement of the
movement of the Hebrews saints movement of the apostles
authors public writers preachers

home church school

80 90 100
God has rewarded me i am coming home laughter

Joshua Abraham Adam

Paul John Peter

the family of Joshua Adam and eve the brothers of joseph

confinement over-statement over-confidence

church relationship family relationship community relationship

the younger shall serve the father shall serve the nation shall divide
the elder the mother against itself
there is nothing to
here comes the dreamer, gain if we slay our let us sell him to the
let us kill him brother ishmaelites
keep in the ark of
covenant keep for use by Moses
guide them morally permanently alone
give to him and his
give the land to his descendants the land make him the father of a
descendants of his sojourning multitude of nations
for companionship for security for child bearing

Judges Samuel Ruth

irrational arson mismanagement

son of Abram brother of Lot husband of Sarah
ubangiji tamara chineke

egypt Jerusalem shechem

the selling of birth
the killing of Abel by right by Esau to the killing of an Egyptian
Cain Jacob by Moses

loneliness cold thirst

dignity understanding wisdom

She anointed Jesus'
She baked bread for the feet with expensive She went into the village to
meal perfume hear Jesus preach

Technology Experiment Observation

Chemical Science Energy

Broadcast Telex Telecommunication

Refrigerator Electric Iron Tools

Endogamy Polygamy Polyandry
Family School Mosque

Circulation Transportation Information

Calculation Experiment Project

Communication Technology Signal

Global Security Mobile Global Society Mobile Global Service of Mobile

Communication Communication Communication

Population Hypothesis Universities

weather Population Witchcraft

Science Phenomena Electronics

Dissemination of
information is easier in
the villages than
Villages benefit more with anywhere in the The world is gradually
information technology world becoming villages
Increase family
Recognition in the society income Love making

Build more schools Buy aeroplanes Create more resources

Factories Roads Houses

myth and legend culture value

love assertiveness value

culture family courage

Urban Modern Village

A process in which supply A situation where Process in which enterprises

and demand determines monopoly determines are made to become
prices prices. commercial outfits

Contaminated substance Expired goods Rotten items

Peer group Elders Parents

Interest Peer pressure Ignorance

Sharing and caring Financial support Exchanging gifts

Bigamy Monogamy Polygamy


Right for human
Right to life dignity Right to own property

Business studies Government Sociology

incident. mistake bumping

1967 1975 1974

Nnamdi Azikiwe Defense Headquarters,

River Niger International Airport Abuja

Miss Angela gold Miss Mary Slessor Miss Florence.Benda

he feeling of love for . Thinking of how to survive
the love of money ones parents in Nigeria.



Richard Marpherson Littleton

Nigeria Australia Britain

Burn down
government houses
good military government and offices Discourage the press

1960 1964 1941

rule of law minority equality

mistake badness trade

rape Human trafficking drug trafficking

militancy kidnapping rape

rape falsehood theft

robbery fraud corruption

violence . moral decadence breakdown of social values

. poverty Over population peer group influence
abetting forgery dishonesty
The use of force to quarrelling to choose
choose a representative a leader none of the above
the dignity and pride
Authority and power
of Nigeria The beauty of Nigeria

spiritual courage chemical courage moral courage

chibrum . salem sabongida

Lamidi Fakeye Olusegun Obasanjo Christopher Kolade

  National Agency for
Nigeria Agency for Food, National Agents for Food
Food, Drugs,
Drugs, Administration Drugs, Administration and
Administration and
and Control Control
Federal, Legislature and Legislature, Executive and
National Assembly
State Judiciary

    Northern part South-East part    Middle-belt

Cooperation leads to
   There will be no
  There will be no set goals
intolerance peace in society

high court customary court   court of appeal

Democratic regime Political campaign Parliamentary debate

  Osun and Ogun    Sokoto and Benue    Niger and Kaduna

  Renunciation Honorary    Blood

Federal Road Safety

   Federal Road Safety   Federal Road Safety
Civil Commissioner Council

Corruption Drug abuse    Examination malpractices

Stealing Infidelity Illiteracy

  supremacy charismatic   autocratic

Police Children Army

Federal    Unitary State

17 30    21














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