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Introduction Organization
This seventh edition of Human Geography benefits from The emphasis on human geographic current events and
some format revisions suggested by helpful users of ear- interpretations builds on our felt initial obligation to set
lier versions, but retains the basic format of its predeces- the stage in Chapter 1 by briefly introducing students to
sors. It does contain, of course, significant content the scope, methods, and background basics of geography
changes, including revised and new tables, maps, and as a discipline and to the tools—especially maps—that all
text, required by rapidly altering world cultural, eco- geographers employ. It is supplemented by Appendix A
nomic, and political patterns. In all regards, however, the giving a more detailed treatment of map projections than
current edition maintains the structure and objectives of is appropriate in a general introductory chapter. Both are
its earlier versions. designed to be helpful, with content supportive of, not es-
sential to, the later chapters of the text.
The arrangement of those chapters reflects our own
sense of logic and teaching experiences. The chapters are
Audience unevenly divided among five parts, each with a brief orient-
ing introduction. Those of Part I, “Themes and Fundamen-
Designed for students enrolled in a one-semester or one- tals,” examine the basis of culture, culture change, and
quarter course, the text seeks to introduce its users to cultural regionalism, review the concepts of spatial interac-
the scope and excitement of human geography and its tion and spatial behavior, and consider population struc-
relevance to their daily lives and roles as informed citi- tures, patterns, and change. Parts II through IV (Chapters 5
zens. We recognize that for many of its readers their through 12) discuss the landscapes of cultural distinction
course in human geography may be their first or only and social organization resulting from human occupance of
work in geography and this their first or only textbook the earth. These include linguistic, religious, ethnic, folk,
in the discipline. For those students particularly, we and popular differentiation of peoples and societies and the
take seriously the obligation not only to convey the rich- economic, urban, and political organization of space. Chap-
ness and breadth of human geography but also to give ter 13—Part V—draws together in sharper focus selected as-
insight into the nature and intellectual challenges of the pects of the human impact on the natural landscape to
field of geography itself. Our goals have been to be in- make clear to students the relevance of the earlier-studied
clusive in our content, current in our data, and relevant human geographic concepts and patterns to matters of cur-
in our interpretations. These goals are elusive. Because rent national and world environmental concern.
of the time lapse between world events and the publica- Among those concepts is the centrality of gender is-
tion of a book, inevitably events outpace analysis. We sues that underlie all facets of human geographic inquiry.
therefore depend on a continuing partnership with Because they are so pervasive and significant we felt it un-
classroom instructors to provide the currency of infor- wise to relegate their consideration to a single separate
mation and the interpretation of new patterns of human chapter, thus artificially isolating women and women’s
geographic substance. concerns from all the topics of human geography for

Preface ix
which gender concerns are relevant. Instead, we have in- the end of each chapter and defined in an inclusive
corporated significant gender/female issues within the cross-referenced glossary at the end of the text. Each
several chapters where those issues apply—either within chapter also includes other repeated pedagogical aids.
the running text of the chapter or, very often, highlighted Summary reiterates the main points of the chapter and
in boxed discussions. provides a bridge to the chapter that follows. For Review
We hope by means of these chapter clusters and se- contains questions that direct student attention to im-
quence to convey to students the logic and integration we portant concepts developed within the chapter and that
recognize in the broad field of human geography. We rec- may serve, if the instructor chooses, as the basis for
ognize that our sense of organization and continuity is not written assignments. Selected References suggests a num-
necessarily that of instructors using this text and have de- ber of book and journal articles that expand on topics
signed each chapter to be reasonably self-contained, able presented within the chapter.
to be assigned in any sequence that satisfies the arrange- Appendix B at the end of the book is a modified ver-
ment preferred by the instructor. sion of the Population Reference Bureau’s 2001 World Pop-
ulation Data Sheet containing economic and demographic
data and projections for countries, regions, and conti-
Features nents. Although inevitably dated, these provide a wealth
of useful comparative statistics for student projects and
Instructor contributions and suggestions are gratefully ac- study of world patterns. Finally, Appendix C, a single-page
knowledged by the content changes incorporated in this “Anglo American Reference Map,” provides name identifi-
seventh edition. The basic structure of the book and its in- cation of all U.S. states and Canadian provinces and show-
structional philosophy and teaching aids have, however, ing the location of principal cities.
been retained. The chapter title page “Focus Preview”
alerting students to the three, four, or five main themes of
the chapter and the summarizing “Focus Follow-up” sec-
tion in the end-of-chapter material remain as does our use What’s New in this Edition
of map and photograph captions as teaching opportuni-
A great deal of new or expanded text has been incorpo-
ties, conveying additional information and explanation as
rated in this seventh edition of Human Geography, includ-
integral parts of the text.
ing revised considerations of how maps show data and
As in earlier editions of Human Geography, chapter
fundamentals of GIS in Chapter 1. Part I benefits from
introductions take the form of interest-arousing vignettes
new material on stimulus diffusion; globalization and cul-
to focus student attention on the subject matter that fol-
tural convergence; gender and migration; and the popula-
lows. The boxed inserts that are part of each chapter ex-
tion impact of AIDS. Part II revisions and additions
pand on ideas included within the text proper or introduce
include immigrant language contributions, migration and
related examples of chapter concepts and conclusions,
ethnicity impacts, and changing national and world demo-
often in gender-related contexts. Almost every chapter
graphic patterns. Part III incorporates new or reconsid-
contains at least one special-purpose box labeled “Geogra-
ered treatments of the intensification of agriculture and
phy and Public Policy” introducing a discussion of a topic
the green revolution; changing trends in world trade
of current national or international interest and conclud-
flows; post-Fordist, just-in-time, and flexible manufactur-
ing with a set of questions designed to induce thought and
ing processes; world industrial patterns; and tourism as a
class discussion of the topic viewed against the background
tertiary activity, while major revisions of central elements
of human geographic insights students have mastered.
of the urban and political geography chapters help re-
Increasingly for today’s students, the learning
structure Part IV. These and many other text changes are
process is electronically based. We have therefore included
supplemented by totally new or extensively revised and
in each chapter a preliminary guide to Internet and World
updated content and “public policy” boxed discussions in
Wide Web sources of information related to the contents of
all chapters and by more than a score of new and revised
the chapter. We do not pretend that the references given
maps and graphs and updated tables and statistics.
are exhaustive or represent the best sites currently avail-
able on the given topics; we hope, however, they will be
useful starting points for student exploration and for
instructor-supplied corrections and additions. We also peri-
odically update these “On-Line” reports on the text’s home
Supplements and Learning Aids
page maintained by the publisher at A book-specific website is located at
earthsci/geography/fellmann7e/. earthsci/geography/fellmann7e. This site provides compli-
This current edition of Human Geography contin- mentary access to PowerWeb Geography—McGraw-Hill’s on-
ues our practice of identifying new terms and special us- line articles from the popular press as well as links and
ages of common words and phrases by boldface or italic quizzing. Bookmark this URL so you can review material or
type. Many of these are included in the Key Words list at prepare for class. Here’s what you will find:

x Preface
For Instructors: Diego State University and the University of California,
Please note that all instructor’s material is password pro- Santa Barbara—and all others who have given generously
tected to ensure that students do not gain access to this of their time and knowledge in response to our requests.
portion of the site. These have been identified in earlier editions and al-
though their names are not repeated here they know of
• Instructor’s Manual our continuing appreciation.
• Test Item File We specifically, however, wish to recognize with
• Lecture Outlines gratitude the advice, suggestions, corrections, and general
• PowerPoint Lectures assistance in matters of content and emphasis provided by
• FREE access to PowerWeb Geography the following reviewers of the manuscript for this edition.
For Students: • Frank Ainsley, University of North
• Student Study Guide is available for FREE
• Jeff Allender, University of Central Arkansas
• Online Quizzing
• David Anderson, Louisiana State University—
• Geography Crossword Puzzles
• Flashcards
• A. Steele Becker, University of Nebraska—Kearney
• Links to Chapter-Specific Web Sites
• Margaret Boorstein, C.W. Post College
• FREE access to PowerWeb Geography
• Henry Bullamore, Frostburg State University
Other Supplements: • Susan Davgun, Bemidji State University
• Daniel Donaldson, University of Central Oklahoma
• Transparencies
• Roy Doyon, Ball State University
• Slides
• Richard Grant, University of Miami
• MicroTest Hybrid CD-ROM
• Harold Gulley, University of Wisconsin—Oshkosh
• PowerPoint CD-ROM
• J. Douglas Heffington, Middle Tennessee State
• Visual Resource Library CD-ROM containing
544 images from various McGraw-Hill GeoScience
• Andrew Herod, University of Georgia
texts, many specific to Human Geography
• John Hickey, Inver Hills Community College
• Qualified adopters can choose from an extensive
• Bella Bychkova Jordan, University of Texas—Austin
GeoScience Videotape Library
• Michael Kelsey, Aims Community College
• Paul Larson, Southern Utah University
• Jose Lopez, Minnesota State University—Mankato
Packaging Opportunities • James Lowry, East Central University
• Ralph Meuter, California State University—Chico
Many helpful, inexpensive supplements are available for • John Milbauer, Northeastern State University
packaging. Check with your McGraw-Hill sales representa- • David Nemeth, University of Toledo
tive for specific ISBN information and pricing. All of the • Karen Nichols, SUNY—Geneseo
following items are available at a significant discount • Walter Peace, McMaster University
when packaged with Human Geography: • Neil Reid, University of Toledo
• Allen: Student Atlas of World Geography • James Saku, Frostburg State University
• Allen: Student Atlas of World Politics • Wendy Shaw, Southern Illnois
• Dorling/Kindersley: EyeWitness World Atlas University—Edwardsville
CD-ROM • Thomas Tharp, Purdue University
• Fuson: Fundamental Place-Name Geography • George White, Frostburg State University
• Getis: You Can Make a Difference: Be We appreciate their invaluable help, as we do that of the
Environmentally Responsible many other previous reviewers recognized in earlier edi-
• Pitzl: Annual Editions - Geography tions of this book. None except the authors, of course, is
• Rand McNally: New Millennium CD-ROM responsible for final decisions on content or for errors of
(windows only) fact or interpretation the reader may detect.
• Rand McNally: Atlas of World Geography A final note of thanks is reserved for the publisher’s
“book team” members separately named on the copyright
page. It is a privilege to emphasize here their professional
competence, unflagging interest, and always courteous
Acknowledgements helpfulness.
It is with great pleasure that we again acknowledge our J. D. F.
debts of gratitude to both departmental colleagues—at the A. G.
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and at both San J. G.

Preface xi

Some Background Basics

The Trans-Alaska
pipeline carries
the imprint of
human action to
the remotest of
North America’s

Focus Preview
1. The nature of geography and the role of human 4. Why geographers use maps and how maps show
geography, pp. 2–5. spatial information, pp. 19–26.
2. Seven fundamental geographic observations and 5. Other means of visualizing and analyzing spatial
the basic concepts that underlie them, pp. 5–15. data: mental maps, systems, and models,
3. The regional concept and the characteristics of pp. 26–28.
regions, pp. 15–19.

Getting Started
The fundamental question asked by geographers is “Does it content of the different areas and places you frequent.
make a difference where things are located?” If for any one You carry out your routine activities in particular places
item or group of objects the answer is “You bet it does!” the and move on your daily rounds within defined geographic
geographer’s interest is aroused and geographic investiga- space, following logical paths of connection between dif-
tion is appropriate. For example, it matters a great deal that ferent locations.
languages of a certain kind are spoken in certain places. Just as geography matters in your personal life, so it
But knowledge of the location of a specific language group matters on the larger stage as well. Decisions made by cor-
is not of itself particularly significant. Geographic study of a porations about the locations of manufacturing plants or
language requires that we try to answer questions about warehouses in relation to transportation routes and mar-
why and how the language shows different characteristics kets are spatially rooted. So, too, are those made by shop-
in different locations and how the present distribution of its ping center developers and locators of parks and grade
speakers came about. In the course of our study, we would schools. On an even grander scale, judgments about the
logically discuss such concepts as migration, acculturation, projection of national power or the claim and recognition
the diffusion of innovation, the effect of physical barriers of “spheres of influence and interest” among rival coun-
on communication, and the relationship of language to tries are related to the implications of distance and area.
other aspects of culture. As geographers, we are interested Geography, therefore, is about space and the content
in how things are interrelated in different regions and give of space. We think of and respond to places from the
evidence of the existence of “spatial systems.” standpoint not only of where they are but, rather more
Geography is often referred to as the spatial science, importantly, of what they contain or what we think they
that is, the discipline concerned with the use of earth contain. Reference to a place or an area usually calls up
space. In fact, geography literally means “description of the images about its physical nature or what people do there
earth,” but that task is really the responsibility of nearly all and often suggests, without conscious thought, how those
the sciences. Geography might better be defined as the physical objects and human activities are related. “Col-
study of spatial variation, of how—and why—physical and orado,” “mountains,” and “skiing” might be a simple exam-
cultural items differ from place to place on the surface of ple. The content of area, that is, has both physical and
the earth. It is, further, the study of how observable spatial cultural aspects, and geography is always concerned with
patterns evolved through time. If things were everywhere understanding both (Figure 1.1).
the same, if there were no spatial variation, the kind of
human curiosity that we call “geographic” simply would
not exist. Without the certain conviction that in some in-
teresting and important way landscapes, peoples, and op-
portunities differ from place to place, there would be no
Evolution of the Discipline
discipline of geography. Geography’s combination of interests was apparent even in
But we do not have to deal in such abstract terms. the work of the early Greek geographers who first gave
You consciously or subconsciously display geographic structure to the discipline. Geography’s name was reputedly
awareness in your daily life. You are where you are, doing coined by the Greek scientist Eratosthenes over 2200 years
what you are doing, because of locational choices you ago from the words geo, “the earth” and graphein, “to write.”
faced and spatial decisions you made. You cannot be here From the beginning, that writing focused both on the physi-
reading this book and simultaneously be somewhere cal structure of the earth and on the nature and activities of
else—working, perhaps, or at the gym. And should you the people who inhabited the different lands of the known
now want to go to work or take an exercise break, the world. To Strabo (ca. 64 B.C.–A.D. 20) the task of geography
time involved in going from here to there (wherever was to “describe the several parts of the inhabited world . . .
“there” is) is time not available for other activities in other to write the assessment of the countries of the world [and] to
locations. Of course, the act of going implies knowing treat the differences between countries.” Greek (and, later,
where you are now, where “there” is in relation to “here,” Roman) geographers measured the earth, devised the global
and the paths or routes you can take to cover the distance. grid of parallels and meridians (marking latitude and longi-
These are simple examples of the observation that tude), and drew upon that grid surprisingly sophisticated
“space matters” in a very personal way. You cannot avoid maps (Figure 1.2). Employing nearly modern concepts, they
the implications of geography in your everyday affairs. discussed patterns and processes of climates, vegetation,
Your understanding of your hometown, your neighbor- and landforms and described areal variations in the natural
hood, or your college campus is essentially a geographic landscape. Against that physical backdrop, they focused
understanding. It is based on your awareness of where their attention on what humans did in home and distant
things are, of their spatial relationships, and of the varying areas—how they lived; what their distinctive similarities and

2 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Figure 1.1 The ski development at Whistler Mountain, British Columbia, Canada clearly shows the interaction of physical environment and
human activity. Climate and terrain have made specialized human use attractive and possible. Human exploitation has placed a cultural
landscape on the natural environment, thereby altering it.

Figure 1.2 World map of the 2nd century A.D. Greco-Egyptian geographer-astronomer Ptolemy. Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus) adopted
a previously developed map grid of latitude and longitude based on the division of the circle into 360°, permitting a precise mathematical
location for every recorded place. Unfortunately, errors of assumption and measurement rendered both the map and its accompanying six-
volume gazetteer inaccurate. Ptolemy’s map, accepted in Europe as authoritative to the time of Columbus and later, was published in many
variants in the 15th and 16th centuries. The version shown here summarizes the extent and content of the original.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 3

differences were in language, religion, and custom; and how made assignment of place information more reliable and
they used, altered, and perhaps destroyed the lands they comprehensive. During the 19th century, national cen-
inhabited. suses, trade statistics, and ethnographic studies gave
These are enduring and universal interests. The an- firmer foundation to human geographic investigation.
cient Chinese, for example, were as involved in geography By the end of the 19th century, geography had be-
as an explanatory viewpoint as were Westerners, though come a distinctive and respected discipline in universities
there was no exchange between them. Further, as Chris- throughout Europe and in other regions of the world
tian Europe entered its Middle Ages between A.D. 500 and where European academic examples were followed. The
1400 and lost its knowledge of Greek and Roman geo- proliferation of professional geographers and geography
graphical work, Muslim scholars—who retained that programs resulted in the development of a whole series of
knowledge—undertook to describe and analyze their increasingly specialized disciplinary subdivisions.
known world in its physical, cultural, and regional varia-
tion (see “Roger’s Book”).
Modern geography had its origins in the surge of
scholarly inquiry that, beginning in the 17th century, gave
Geography and Human Geography
rise to many of the traditional academic disciplines we Geography’s specialized subfields are not divisive but are
know today. In its European rebirth, geography from the interrelated. Geography in all its subdivisions is charac-
outset was recognized—as it always had been—as a terized by three dominating interests. The first is in the
broadly based integrative study. Patterns and processes of areal variation of physical and human phenomena on the
the physical landscape were early interests, as was con- surface of the earth. Geography examines relationships
cern with humans as part of the earth’s variation from between human societies and the natural environments
place to place. The rapid development of geology, botany, that they occupy and modify. The second is a focus on
zoology, and other natural sciences by the end of the 18th the spatial systems1 that link physical phenomena and
century strengthened regional geographic investigation
and increased scholarly and popular awareness of the in-
1A “system” is simply a group of elements organized in a way that every
tricate interconnections of items in space and between
element is to some degree directly or indirectly interdependent with
places. By that same time, accurate determination of lati- every other element. For geographers, the systems of interest are those
tude and longitude and scientific mapping of the earth that distinguish or characterize different regions or areas of the earth.

Roger’s Book

T he Arab geographer Idrisi, or

(300 pounds). Lost to looters in 1160, Though Idrisi worked in one of
Edrisi (ca. A.D. 1099–1154), a descen- the map is survived by “Roger’s Book,” the most prestigious courts of Eu-
dant of the Prophet Mohammed, was containing the information amassed rope, there is little evidence that his
directed by Roger II, the Christian by Idrisi’s academy and including a work had any impact on European
king of Sicily in whose court he world map, 71 part maps, and 70 sec- geographic thought. He was strongly
served, to collect all known geographi- tional itinerary maps. influenced by Ptolemy’s work and
cal information and assemble it in a Idrisi’s “inhabited earth” is di- misconceptions and shared the then
truly accurate representation of the vided into the seven “climates” of common Muslim fear of the un-
world. An academy of geographers Greek geographers, beginning at the known western ocean. Yet Idrisi’s
and scholars was gathered to assist equator and stretching northward to clear understanding of such scientific
Idrisi in the project. Books and maps the limit at which, it was supposed, truths as the roundness of the earth,
of classical and Islamic origins were the earth was too cold to be inhabited. his grasp of the scholarly writings of
consulted, mariners and travelers in- Each climate was then subdivided by his Greek and Muslim predecessors,
terviewed, and scientific expeditions perpendicular lines into 11 equal and the faithful recording of infor-
dispatched to foreign lands to observe parts beginning with the west coast of mation on little-known portions of
and record. Data collection took Africa on the west and ending with Europe, the Near East, and North
15 years before the final world map the east coast of Asia. Each of the re- Africa set his work far above the
was fabricated on a silver disc some sulting 77 square compartments was mediocre standards of contemporary
200 centimeters (80 inches) in diame- then discussed in sequence in Christian geography.
ter and weighing over 135 kilograms “Roger’s Book.”

4 Introduction: Some Background Basics

human activities in one area of the earth with other areas.
Together, these interests lead to a third enduring theme, Demo
that of regional analysis: geography studies human– n ce y
environmental—“ecological”—relationships and spatial sys- lS
litica Popu
tems in specific locational settings. This areal orientation Po l Geog tion
ica y raphy

Urb rban Plan

pursued by some geographers is called regional geography. lit ph

U ce,
Po gra


an Soc ning
Other geographers choose to identify particular o

Stu ial
Ur raph

classes of things, rather than segments of the earth’s sur-

Sociology, History


n y
face, for specialized study. These systematic geographers

may focus their attention on one or a few related aspects of HUMAN
the physical environment or of human populations and so-

die e,
cieties. In each case, the topic selected for study is exam-

og al

Stu uag

Ge Soci
ined in its interrelationships with other spatial systems and

ous ng

ligi , La
areal patterns. Physical geography directs its attention to the G eha
eo v

Re ology
natural environmental side of the human–environment gr ior
ap al
Ps omic

structure. Its concerns are with landforms and their distri- y hy Econ aphy

Ec ch
on ol e o gr
bution, with atmospheric conditions and climatic patterns, om og G
ics y, mics,
with soils or vegetation associations, and the like. The other cono
nal E
Regio conomics
systematic branch of geography—and the subject of this E
book—is human geography.

Human Geography Figure 1.3 Some of the subdivisions of human geography and
the allied fields to which they are related. Geography, “the mother of
Human geography deals with the world as it is and with sciences,” initiated in antiquity the lines of inquiry that later led to
the world as it might be made to be. Its emphasis is on the development of these and other separate disciplines. That
people: where they are, what they are like, how they in- geography retains its ties to them and shares their insights and data
reinforces its role as an essential synthesizer of all data, concepts,
teract over space, and what kinds of landscapes of human
and models that have integrative regional and spatial implications.
use they erect on the natural landscapes they occupy. It
encompasses all those interests and topics of geography
that are not directly concerned with the physical environ-
ment or, like cartography, are technical in orientation. Its earth. Its models and explanations of how things are inter-
content provides integration for all of the social sciences, related in earth space give us a clearer understanding of
for it gives to those sciences the necessary spatial and sys- the economic, social, and political systems within which
tems viewpoint that they otherwise lack. At the same we live and operate. Its analyses of those spatial systems
time, human geography draws on other social sciences in make us more aware of the realities and prospects of our
the analyses identified with its subfields, such as behav- own society in an increasingly connected and competitive
ioral, political, economic, or social geography (Figure 1.3). world. Our study of human geography, therefore, can help
Human geography admirably serves the objectives of make us better-informed citizens, more able to under-
a liberal education. It helps us to understand the world we stand the important issues facing our communities and
occupy and to appreciate the circumstances affecting peo- our countries and better prepared to contribute to their so-
ples and countries other than our own. It clarifies the con- lutions. Importantly, it can also help open the way to won-
trasts in societies and cultures and in the human derfully rewarding and diversified careers as professional
landscapes they have created in different regions of the geographers (see “Careers in Geography”).

Background Basics
phenomenon they will inquire: What is it? Where is it?
Basic Geographic Concepts How did it come to be what and where it is? Where is it
in relation to other things that affect it or are affected by
The topics included in human geography are diverse,
it? How is it part of a functioning whole? How does its lo-
but that very diversity emphasizes the reality that all
cation affect people’s lives and the content of the area in
geographers—whatever their particular topical or re-
which it is found?
gional specialties—are united by the similar questions
These questions are spatial in focus and systems ana-
they ask and the common set of concepts they employ to
lytical in approach and are derived from enduring central
consider their answers. Of either a physical or cultural

Introduction: Some Background Basics 5

Careers in Geography

G eography admirably serves the

environmental studies, regional sci- Their work may include assessing the
objectives of a liberal education. It ence, locational economics, and other environmental impact of proposed de-
can make us better informed citizens, interdisciplinary programs. velopment projects on such things as
more able to understand the impor- Because of the breadth and di- air and water quality and endangered
tant issues facing our communities, versity of the field, training in geogra- species, as well as preparing the envi-
our country, and our world and better phy involves the acquisition of ronmental impact statements re-
prepared to contribute solutions. techniques and approaches applicable quired before construction can begin.
Can it, as well, be a pathway to to a wide variety of jobs outside the Human geographers work in
employment for those who wish to academic world. Modern geography is many different roles in the public sec-
specialize in the discipline? The an- both a physical and social science and tor. Jobs include data acquisition and
swer is “Yes,” in a number of different fosters a wealth of technical skills. analysis in health care, transporta-
types of jobs. One broad cluster is con- The employment possibilities it pre- tion, population studies, economic
cerned with supporting the field itself sents are as many and varied as are development, and international eco-
through teaching and research. Teach- the agencies and enterprises dealing nomics. Many geography graduates
ing opportunities exist at all levels, with the natural environment and find positions as planners in local and
from elementary to university post- human activities and with the acquisi- state governmental agencies con-
graduate. Teachers with some train- tion and analysis of spatial data. cerned with housing and community
ing in geography are increasingly in Many professional geographers development, park and recreation
demand in elementary and high work in government, either at the planning, and urban and regional
schools throughout the United States, state or local level or in a variety of planning. They map and analyze land
reflecting geography’s inclusion as a federal agencies and international or- use plans and transportation systems,
core subject in the federally adopted ganizations. Although many positions monitor urban land development,
Educate America Act (Public Law 103- do not carry a geography title, physi- make informed recommendations
227) and the national determination cal geographers serve as water, min- about the location of public facilities,
to create a geographically literate so- eral, and other natural resource and engage in basic social science
ciety (see “National Geography Stan- analysts, weather and climate experts, research.
dards,” p. 8). At the college level, soil scientists, and the like. An area of Most of these same specializa-
specialized teaching and research in recent high demand is for environ- tions are also found in the private
all branches of geography have long mental managers and technicians. Ge- sector. Geographic training is ideal
been established, and geographically ographers who have specialized in for such tasks as business planning
trained scholars are prominently as- environmental studies find jobs in and market analysis; factory, store,
sociated with urban, community, and both public and private agencies. and shopping center site selection;

themes in geography.2 In answering them, geographers understanding how people live on and shape the earth’s
draw upon a common store of concepts, terms, and meth- surface. That understanding is not just the task and interest
ods of study that together form the basic structure and vo- of the professional geographer; it should be, as well, part of
cabulary of geography. Collectively, they reflect the the mental framework of all informed persons. As the pub-
fundamental truths addressed by geography: that things are lication Geography for Life summarizes, “There is now a
rationally organized on the earth’s surface and that recog- widespread acceptance . . . that being literate in geography
nizing spatial patterns is an essential starting point for is essential . . . to earn a decent living, enjoy the richness
of life, and participate responsibly in local, national, and in-
ternational affairs.” (See “The National Standards.”)
2Five fundamental themes of geography—basic concepts and topics that Geographers use the word spatial as an essential
are essential elements in all geographic inquiry and at all levels of modifier in framing their questions and forming their con-
instruction—have been recognized by a joint committee of the National
Council for Geographic Education and the Association of American cepts. Geography, they say, is a spatial science. It is con-
Geographers. They are: (1) the significance of absolute and relative cerned with spatial behavior of people, with the spatial
location; (2) the distinctive physical and human characteristics of place; relationships that are observed between places on the
(3) relationships, including human–environmental relationships, within
places; (4) movement, expressing patterns and change in human spatial earth’s surface, and with the spatial processes that create or
interaction; and (5) how regions form and change. maintain those behaviors and relationships. The word

6 Introduction: Some Background Basics

community and economic develop-

required in geographic research and GIS, who are knowledgeable about
ment programs for banks, public util- analysis gives geography graduates a data sources, hardware, and software,
ities, and railroads, and similar competitive edge in the labor market. are finding that they have ready ac-
applications. Publishers of maps, at- These field-based skills include famil- cess to employment opportunities.
lases, news and travel magazines, and iarity with geographic information The following table, based on the
the like employ geographers as writ- systems (GIS), cartography and com- booklet “Careers in Geography,”* sum-
ers, editors, and map makers. puter mapping, remote sensing and marizes some of the professional op-
The combination of a tradi- photogrammetry, and competence in portunities open to students who have
tional, broadly based liberal arts per- data analysis and problem solving. In specialized in one (or more) of the
spective with the technical skills particular, students with expertise in various subfields of geography.

Geographic Field of Concentration Employment Opportunities

Cartography and geographic information systems Cartographer for federal government (agencies such as Defense Mapping Agency, U.S. Geological
Survey, or Environmental Protection Agency) or private sector (e.g., Environmental Systems
Research Institute, ERDAS, Intergraph, or Bentley); map librarian; GIS specialist for planners, land
developers, real estate agencies, utility companies, local government; remote-sensing analyst;
Physical geography Weather forecaster; outdoor guide; coastal zone manager; hydrologist; soil
conservation/agricultural extension agent
Environmental studies Environmental manager; forestry technician; park ranger; hazardous waste planner
Cultural geography Community developer; Peace Corps volunteer; health care analyst
Economic geography Site selection analyst for business and industry; market researcher; traffic/route delivery manager;
real estate agent/broker/appraiser; economic development researcher
Urban and regional planning Urban and community planner; transportation planner; housing, park, and recreation planner;
health services planner
Regional geography Area specialist for federal government; international business representative; travel agent; travel writer
Geographic education or general geography Elementary/secondary school teacher; college professor; overseas teacher

*”Careers in Geography,” by Richard G. Boehm. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1996. Previously published by Peterson’s Guides, Inc.

spatial comes, of course, from space, and to geographers it • Places have location, direction, and distance with
always carries the idea of the way items are distributed, respect to other places.
the way movements occur, and the way processes operate • A place has size; it may be large or small. Scale is
over the whole or a part of the surface of the earth. The important.
geographer’s space, then, is earth space, the surface area • A place has both physical structure and cultural
occupied or available to be occupied by humans. Spatial content.
phenomena have locations on that surface, and spatial in- • The attributes of places develop and change over
teractions occur between places, things, and people within time.
the earth area available to them. The need to understand • The elements of places interrelate with other places.
those relationships, interactions, and processes helps • The content of places is rationally structured.
frame the questions that geographers ask. • Places may be generalized into regions of
Those questions have their starting point in basic ob- similarities and differences.
servations about the location and nature of places and about
how places are similar to or different from one another. These are basic notions understandable to everyone.
Such observations, though simply stated, are profoundly im- They also are the means by which geographers express fun-
portant to our comprehension of the world we occupy. damental observations about the earth spaces they examine

Introduction: Some Background Basics 7

The National Standards

G eography is a core subject in the

process, and report information from a 10. The characteristics, distribution, and
national Educate America Act. Its inclu- spatial perspective. complexity of Earth’s cultural
sion reflects a national conviction that 2. How to use mental maps to organize mosaics.
a grasp of the skills and understand- information about people, places, and 11. The patterns and networks of
ings of geography are essential in an environments in a spatial context. economic interdependence on Earth’s
American educational system “tailored 3. How to analyze the spatial surface.
to the needs of productive and re- organization of people, places, and 12. The processes, patterns, and
sponsible citizenship in the global environments on Earth’s surface. functions of human settlement.
economy.” The National Geography 13. How the forces of cooperation and
Places and Regions
Standards 1994 were developed to help conflict among people influence the
achieve that goal. They specify the es- 4. The physical and human division and control of Earth’s surface.
sential subject matter, skills, and per- characteristics of places.
Environment and Society
spectives that students who have gone 5. That people create regions to interpret
through the U.S. public school system Earth’s complexity. 14. How human actions modify the
should acquire and use. Although not 6. How culture and experience influence physical environment.
all of the standards are relevant to our people’s perceptions of places and 15. How physical systems affect human
study of human geography, together regions. systems.
they help frame the kinds of under- 16. The changes that occur in the
Physical Systems
standing we will seek in the following meaning, use, distribution, and
pages and suggest the purpose and ben- 7. The physical processes that shape the importance of resources.
efit of further study of geography. patterns of Earth’s surface.
The Uses of Geography
The 18 standards from Geogra- 8. The characteristics and spatial
phy for Life tell us: distribution of ecosystems on Earth’s 17. How to apply geography to interpret
surface. the past.
The geographically informed person
knows and understands: Human Systems 18. How to apply geography to interpret
The World in Spatial Terms the present and plan for the future.
9. The characteristics, distribution, and
Source: Geography for Life: National Geography
1. How to use maps and other geographic migration of human populations on Standards 1994. Washington, D.C.: National
tools and technologies to acquire, Earth’s surface. Geographic Research and Exploration, 1994.

and put those observations into a common framework of Absolute location is the identification of place by
reference. Each of the concepts is worth further discussion, some precise and accepted system of coordinates; it there-
for they are not quite as simple as they at first seem. fore is sometimes called mathematical location. We have
several such accepted systems of pinpointing positions.
Location, Direction, and Distance One of them is the global grid of parallels and meridians
Location, direction, and distance are everyday ways of as- (discussed later on page 20). With it the absolute location
sessing the space around us and identifying our position of any point on the earth can be accurately described by
in relation to other items and places of interest. They are reference to its degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude
also essential in understanding the processes of spatial in- and longitude (Figure 1.4).
teraction that figure so importantly in the study of human Other coordinate systems are also in use. Survey sys-
geography. tems such as the township, range, and section description
of property in much of the United States give mathemati-
Location cal locations on a regional level, while street address pre-
The location of places and objects is the starting point of all cisely defines a building according to the reference
geographic study as well as of all our personal movements system of an individual town. Absolute location is unique
and spatial actions in everyday life. We think of and refer to to each described place, is independent of any other char-
location in at least two different senses, absolute and relative. acteristic or observation about that place, and has obvious

8 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Figure 1.5 The reality of relative location on the globe may be
Figure 1.4 The latitude and longitude of Hong Kong is 22° 15' N, strikingly different from the impressions we form from flat maps.
114° 10’ E (read as 22 degrees, 15 minutes north; 114 degrees, The position of Russia with respect to North America when viewed
10 minutes east). The circumference of the earth measures from a polar perspective emphasizes that relative location properly
360 degrees; each degree contains 60 minutes and each minute has viewed is important to our understanding of spatial relationships and
60 seconds of latitude or longitude. What are the coordinates of interactions between the two world areas.

value in the legal description of places, in measuring the East Side not solely by reference to the street addresses or
distance separating places, or in finding directions be- city blocks they occupy, but by their spatial and functional
tween places on the earth’s surface. relationships to the total land use, activity, and population
When geographers—or real estate agents—remark patterns of New York City.
that “location matters,” however, their reference is usu- In view of these different ways of looking at loca-
ally not to absolute but to relative location—the posi- tion, geographers make a distinction between the site
tion of a place in relation to that of other places or and the situation of a place. Site, an absolute location
activities (Figure 1.5). Relative location expresses spatial concept, refers to the physical and cultural characteris-
interconnection and interdependence. On an immediate tics and attributes of the place itself. It is more than
and personal level, we think of the location of the school mathematical location, for it tells us something about the
library not in terms of its street address or room number internal features of that place. The site of Philadelphia,
but where it is relative to our classrooms, or the cafete- for example, is an area bordering and west of the Delaware
ria, or some other reference point. On the larger scene, River north of its intersection with the Schuylkill River
relative location tells us that people, things, and places in southeast Pennsylvania (Figure 1.6). Situation, on the
exist not in a spatial vacuum but in a world of physical other hand, refers to the external relations of a locale. It
and cultural characteristics that differ from place is an expression of relative location with particular refer-
to place. ence to items of significance to the place in question.
New York City, for example, may in absolute terms The situation of Chicago might be described as at the
be described as located at (approximately) latitude deepest penetration of the Great Lakes system into the
40° 43' N and longitude 73° 58' W. We have a better un- interior of the United States, astride the Great
derstanding of the meaning of its location, however, when Lakes–Mississippi waterways, and near the western mar-
reference is made to its spatial relationships: to the conti- gin of the manufacturing belt, the northern boundary of
nental interior through the Hudson–Mohawk lowland cor- the corn belt, and the southeastern reaches of a major
ridor or to its position on the eastern seaboard of the dairy region. Reference to railroads, coal deposits, and
United States. Within the city, we gain understanding of ore fields would amplify its situational characteristics
the locational significance of Central Park or the Lower (Figure 1.7).

Introduction: Some Background Basics 9

Figure 1.7 The situation of Chicago helps suggest the reasons
for its functional diversity.
Figure 1.6 The site of Philadelphia.

Direction Absolute distance refers to the spatial separation

Direction is a second universal spatial concept. Like loca- between two points on the earth’s surface measured by
tion, it has more than one meaning and can be expressed in some accepted standard unit such as miles or kilometers
absolute or relative terms. Absolute direction is based on for widely separated locales, feet or meters for more
the cardinal points of north, south, east, and west. These closely spaced points. Relative distance transforms those
appear uniformly and independently in all cultures, de- linear measurements into other units more meaningful
rived from the obvious “givens” of nature: the rising and for the space relationship in question.
setting of the sun for east and west, the sky location of the To know that two competing malls are about equidis-
noontime sun and of certain fixed stars for north and south. tant in miles from your residence is perhaps less impor-
We also commonly use relative or relational tant in planning your shopping trip than is knowing that
directions. In the United States we go “out West,” “back because of street conditions or traffic congestion one is
East,” or “down South”; we worry about conflict in the “Near 5 minutes and the other 15 minutes away (Figure 1.8).
East” or economic competition from the “Far Eastern coun- Most people, in fact, think of time distance rather than lin-
tries.” These directional references are culturally based and ear distance in their daily activities; downtown is 20 min-
locationally variable, despite their reference to cardinal utes by bus, the library is a 5-minute walk. In some
compass points. The Near and the Far East locate parts of instances, money rather than time may be the distance
Asia from the European perspective; they are retained in transformation. An urban destination might be estimated
the Americas by custom and usage, even though one would to be a $10 cab ride away, information that may affect ei-
normally travel westward across the Pacific, for example, to ther the decision to make the trip at all or the choice of
reach the “Far East” from California, British Columbia, or travel mode to get there.
Chile. For many Americans, “back East” and “out West” are A psychological transformation of linear distance is
reflections of the migration paths of earlier generations for also frequent. The solitary late-night walk back to the
whom home was in the eastern part of the country, to car through an unfamiliar or dangerous neighborhood
which they might look back. “Up North” and “down South” seems far longer than a daytime stroll of the same dis-
reflect our accepted custom of putting north at the top and tance through familiar and friendly territory. A first-
south at the bottom of our maps. time trip to a new destination frequently seems much
longer than the return trip over the same path. Distance
Distance relationships, their measurement, and their meaning for
Distance joins location and direction as a commonly un- human spatial interaction are fundamental to our under-
derstood term that has dual meanings for geographers. standing of human geography. They are a subject
Like its two companion spatial concepts, distance may be of Chapter 3, and reference to them recurs throughout
viewed in both an absolute and a relative sense. this book.

10 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Size and Scale
When we say that a place may be large or small, we
speak both of the nature of the place itself and of the gen-
eralizations that can be made about it. In either instance,
geographers are concerned with scale, though we may
use that term in different ways. We can, for example,
study a problem—say, population or agriculture—at the
local scale, the regional scale, or on a global scale. Here
the reference is purely to the size of unit studied. More
technically, scale tells us the mathematical relationship
between the size of an area on a map and the actual size
of the mapped area on the surface of the earth. In this
sense, scale is a feature of every map and essential to rec-
ognizing the areal meaning of what is shown on that map.
In both senses of the word, scale implies the degree of
generalization represented (Figure 1.9). Geographic inquiry
may be broad or narrow; it occurs at many different size
Figure 1.8 Lines of equal travel time (isochrones) mark off
scales. Climate may be an object of study, but research and
different linear distances from a given starting point, depending on
the condition of the route and terrain and changes in the roads and generalization focused on climates of the world will differ in
traffic flows over time. On this map, the areas within 30 minutes’ degree and kind from study of the microclimates of a city.
travel time from downtown Los Angeles are recorded for the period Awareness of scale is very important. In geographic work,
1953 to 1971. concepts, relationships, and understandings that have
Redrawn by permission from Howard J. Nelson and William A.V. Clark,
The Los Angeles Metropolitan Experience, page 49, Association of American
meaning at one scale may not be applicable at another.
Geographers, 1976. For example, the study of world agricultural patterns
may refer to global climatic regimes, cultural food prefer-
ences, levels of economic development, and patterns of
world trade. These large-scale relationships are of little

(a) (b)

Figure 1.9 Population density and map scale. “Truth” depends on one’s scale of inquiry. Map (a) reveals that the maximum population
density of Midwestern states is no more than 123 people per square kilometer (319 per sq mi). From map (b), however, we see that population
densities in two Illinois counties exceed 494 people per square kilometer (1280 per sq mi). Were we to reduce our scale of inquiry even further,
examining individual city blocks in Chicago, we would find densities as high as 2000 people per square kilometer (5200 per sq mi). Scale matters!

Introduction: Some Background Basics 11

concern in the study of crop patterns within single coun- Virtually every human activity leaves its imprint on an
ties of the United States, where topography, soil and area’s soils, water, vegetation, animal life, and other re-
drainage conditions, farm size, ownership, and capitaliza- sources and on the atmosphere common to all earth
tion, or even personal management preferences may be of space. The impact of humans has been so universal and
greater explanatory significance. so long exerted that essentially no “natural landscape” any
longer exists.
Physical and Cultural Attributes The visible expression of that human activity is the
All places have physical and cultural attributes that distin- cultural landscape. It, too, exists at different scales
guish them from other places and give them character, po- and different levels of visibility. Differences in agricul-
tential, and meaning. Geographers are concerned with tural practices and land use between Mexico and south-
identifying and analyzing the details of those attributes ern California are evident in Figure 1.11, while the
and, particularly, with recognizing the interrelationship signs, structures, and people of, for instance, Los Ange-
between the physical and cultural components of area: les’s Chinatown leave a smaller, more confined imprint
the human–environmental interface. within the larger cultural landscape of the metropolitan
Physical characteristics refer to such natural aspects of area itself.
a locale as its climate and soil, the presence or absence of Although the focus of this book is on the human
water supplies and mineral resources, its terrain features, characteristics of places, geographers are ever aware that
and the like. These natural landscape attributes provide the physical content of an area is also important in under-
the setting within which human action occurs. They help standing the activity patterns of people and the intercon-
shape—but do not dictate—how people live. The resource nections between people and the environments they
base, for example, is physically determined, though how re- occupy and modify. Those interconnections and modifica-
sources are perceived and utilized is culturally conditioned. tions are not static or permanent, however, but are subject
People modify the environmental conditions of a to continual change.
given place simply by occupying it. The existence of the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (and its counter-
parts elsewhere) is a reminder that humans are the active
and frequently harmful agents in the continuing interplay
between the cultural and physical worlds (Figure 1.10).

Figure 1.11 This Landsat image reveals contrasting cultural

landscapes along the Mexico-California border. Move your eyes from
Figure 1.10 Sites (and sights) such as this devastation of the Salton Sea (the dark patch at the top of the image) southward to the
ruptured barrels and petrochemical contamination near Texas City, agricultural land extending to the edge of the image. Notice how the
Texas are all-too-frequent reminders of the adverse environmental regularity of the fields and the bright colors (representing growing
impacts of humans and their waste products. Many of those impacts vegetation) give way to a marked break, where irregularly shaped fields
are more hidden in the form of soil erosion, water pollution, and less prosperous agriculture are evident. Above the break is the
increased stream sedimentation, plant and animal extinctions, Imperial Valley of California; below the border is Mexico.
deforestation, and the like. © NASA.

12 Introduction: Some Background Basics

The Changing Attributes of Place their management and alteration of the now no longer
The physical environment surrounding us seems eternal “natural” environment. Even the classical Greeks noted
and unchanging but, of course, it is not. In the framework how the landscape they occupied differed—for the worse—
of geologic time, change is both continuous and pro- from its former condition. With growing numbers of peo-
nounced. Islands form and disappear; mountains rise and ple and particularly with industrialization and the spread
are worn low to swampy plains; vast continental glaciers of European exploitative technologies throughout the
form, move, and melt away, and sea levels fall and rise in world, the pace of change in the content of area acceler-
response. Geologic time is long, but the forces that give ated. The built landscape—the product of human effort—
shape to the land are timeless and relentless. increasingly replaced the natural landscape. Each new
Even within the short period of time since the most settlement or city, each agricultural assault on forests,
recent retreat of continental glaciers—some 11,000 or each new mine, dam, or factory changed the content of re-
12,000 years ago—the environments occupied by humans gions and altered the temporarily established spatial inter-
have been subject to change. Glacial retreat itself marked a connections between humans and the environment.
period of climatic alteration, extending the area habitable Characteristics of places today, therefore, are the re-
by humans to include vast reaches of northern Eurasia and sult of constantly changing past conditions. They are, as
North America formerly covered by thousands of feet of well, the forerunners of differing human–environmental
ice. With moderating climatic conditions came associated balances yet to be struck. Geographers are concerned with
changes in vegetation and fauna. On the global scale, these places at given moments of time. But to understand fully
were natural environmental changes; humans were as yet the nature and development of places, to appreciate the
too few in numbers and too limited in technology to alter significance of their relative locations, and to comprehend
materially the course of physical events. On the regional the interplay of their physical and cultural characteristics,
scale, however, even early human societies exerted an im- geographers must view places as the present result of the
pact on the environments they occupied. Fire was used to past operation of distinctive physical and cultural
clear forest undergrowth, to maintain or extend grassland processes (Figure 1.12).
for grazing animals and to drive them in the hunt, and, You will recall that one of the questions geogra-
later, to clear openings for rudimentary agriculture. phers ask about a place or thing is: How did it come to be
With the dawn of civilizations and the invention and what and where it is? This is an inquiry about process
spread of agricultural technologies, humans accelerated and about becoming. The forces and events shaping the

Figure 1.12 The process of change in a cultural landscape. Before the advent of the freeway, this portion of suburban Long Island, New
York, was largely devoted to agriculture (left). The construction of the freeway and cloverleaf interchange ramps altered nearby land use patterns
(right) to replace farming with housing developments and new commercial and light industrial activities.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 13

physical and explaining the cultural environment of Geographers study the dynamics of spatial relation-
places today are an important focus of geography. They ships. Movement, connection, and interaction are part of
are, particularly in their human context, the subjects of the social and economic processes that give character to
most of the separate chapters of this book. To under- places and regions (Figure 1.13). Geography’s study of
stand them is to appreciate more fully the changing those relationships recognizes that spatial interaction is
human spatial order of our world. not just an awkward necessity but a fundamental organiz-
ing principle of human life on earth.
Interrelations between Places
The concepts of relative location and distance that we ear- The Structured Content of Place
lier introduced lead directly to a fundamental spatial real- A starting point for geographic inquiry is how objects are
ity: Places interact with other places in structured and distributed in area—for example, the placement of churches
comprehensible ways. In describing the processes and pat- or supermarkets within a town. That interest distinguishes
terns of that spatial interaction, geographers add accessi- geography from other sciences, physical or social, and
bility and connectivity to the ideas of location and distance.
A basic law of geography tells us that in a spatial
sense everything is related to everything else but that re-
lationships are stronger when items are near one another.
Our observation, therefore, is that interaction between
places diminishes in intensity and frequency as distance
between them increases—a statement of the idea of dis-
tance decay, which we explore in Chapter 3.
Consideration of distance implies assessment of
accessibility. How easy or difficult is it to overcome the
“friction of distance”? That is, how easy or difficult is it to
surmount the barrier of the time and space separation of
places? Distance isolated North America from Europe
until the development of ships (and aircraft) that reduced
the effective distance between the continents. All parts of
the ancient and medieval city were accessible by walking;
they were “pedestrian cities,” a status lost as cities ex-
panded in area and population with industrialization. Ac-
cessibility between city districts could only be maintained
by the development of public transit systems whose fixed
lines of travel increased ease of movement between con-
nected points and reduced it between areas not on the
transit lines themselves.
Accessibility therefore suggests the idea of
connectivity, a broader concept implying all the tangible
and intangible ways in which places are connected: by
physical telephone lines, street and road systems,
pipelines and sewers; by unrestrained walking across
open countryside; by radio and TV broadcasts beamed
outward uniformly from a central source. Where routes
are fixed and flow is channelized, networks—the patterns
of routes connecting sets of places—determine the effi-
ciency of movement and the connectedness of points.
There is, inevitably, interchange between connected Figure 1.13 The routes of the 5 million automobile
places. Spatial diffusion is the process of dispersion of an trips made each day in Chicago during the late 1950s are recorded
on this light-display map. The boundaries of the region of interaction
idea or an item from a center of origin to more distant
that they created are clearly marked and document the centrality of
points with which it is directly or indirectly connected. The Chicago at that time as the employment destination of city-fringe
rate and extent of that diffusion are affected by the distance and suburban residents. Those boundaries (and the dynamic region
separating the originating center of, say, a new idea or tech- they defined) were subject to change as residential neighborhoods
nology and other places where it is eventually adopted. Dif- expanded or developed, as population relocations occurred, and as
the road pattern was altered over time. If made today, the light-
fusion rates are also affected by population densities,
display would show a much more complex commuting pattern, with
means of communication, obvious advantages of the inno- most trips between suburbs and not from suburbs to the central city.
vation, and importance or prestige of the originating node. From Chicago Area Transportation Study, Final Report, 1959, Vol. I, p. 44, figure 22
These ideas of diffusion are further explored in Chapter 2. “Desire Lines of Internal Automobile Driver Trips.”

14 Introduction: Some Background Basics

underlies many of the questions geographers ask: Where is If the entire population of a metropolitan county
a thing located? How is that location related to other items? were all located within a confined central city, we might
How did the location we observe come to exist? Such ques- say the population was clustered. If, however, that same
tions carry the conviction that the contents of an area are population redistributed itself, with many city residents
comprehensibly arranged or structured. The arrangement moving to the suburbs and occupying a larger portion of
of items on the earth’s surface is called spatial distribution the county’s territory, it would become more dispersed. In
and may be analyzed by the elements common to all spatial both cases, the density of population (numbers in relation
distributions: density, dispersion, and pattern. to area of the county) would be the same, but the distribu-
tion would have changed. Since dispersion deals with sep-
Density aration of things one from another, a distribution that
The measure of the number or quantity of anything might be described as clustered (closely spaced) at one
within a defined unit of area is its density. It is therefore scale of reference might equally well be considered dis-
not simply a count of items but of items in relation to the persed (widely spread) at another scale.
space in which they are found. When the relationship is
absolute, as in population per square kilometer, for exam- Pattern
ple, or dwelling units per acre, we are defining arithmetic The geometric arrangement of objects in space is called
density (see Figure 1.9). Sometimes it is more meaningful pattern. Like dispersion, pattern refers to distribution,
to relate item numbers to a specific kind of area. Physio- but that reference emphasizes design rather than spacing
logical density, for example, is a measure of the number of (Figure 1.15). The distribution of towns along a railroad or
persons per unit area of arable land. Density defined in houses along a street may be seen as linear. A centralized
population terms is discussed in Chapter 4. pattern may involve items concentrated around a single
A density figure is a statement of fact but not neces- node. A random pattern may be the best description of an
sarily one useful in itself. Densities are normally em- unstructured irregular distribution.
ployed comparatively, relative to one another. High or low The rectangular system of land survey adopted in
density implies a comparison with a known standard, with much of the United States under the Ordinance of 1785
an average, or with a different area. Ohio, with (2000) creates a checkerboard rural pattern of “sections” and
107 persons per square kilometer (277 per sq mi), might be “quarter-sections” of farmland (see Figure 6.26). As a re-
thought to have a high density compared to neighboring sult, in most American cities, streets display a grid or recti-
Michigan at 68 per square kilometer (175 per sq mi), and a linear pattern. The same is true of cities in Canada,
low one in relation to New Jersey at 438 (1134 per sq mi). Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, which adopted
similar geometric survey systems. The hexagonal pattern
Dispersion of service areas of farm towns is a mainstay of central
Dispersion (or its opposite, concentration) is a state- place theory discussed in Chapter 11. These references to
ment of the amount of spread of a phenomenon over an the geometry of distribution patterns help us visualize and
area. It tells us not how many or how much but how far describe the structured arrangement of items in space.
things are spread out. If they are close together spatially, They help us make informed comparisons between areas
they are considered clustered or agglomerated. If they are and use the patterns we discern to ask further questions
spread out, they are dispersed or scattered (Figure 1.14). about the interrelationship of things.

Place Similarity and Regions

The distinctive characteristics of places in content and
structure immediately suggest two geographically impor-
tant ideas. The first is that no two places on the surface of

Figure 1.14 Density and dispersion each tell us something (a) (b) (c)
different about how items are distributed in an area. Density is simply
the number of items or observations within a defined area; it remains Figure 1.15 Pattern describes spatial arrangement and design.
the same no matter how the items are distributed. The density of The linear pattern of towns in (a) perhaps traces the route of a road or
houses per square mile, for example, is the same in both (a) and (b). railroad or the course of a river. The central city in (b) with its nearby
Dispersion is a statement about nearness or separation. The houses in suburbs represents a centralized pattern, while the dots in (c) are
(a) are more dispersed than those shown clustered in (b). randomly distributed.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 15

the earth can be exactly the same. Not only do they have All of us have a general idea of the meaning of re-
different absolute locations, but—as in the features of the gion, and all of us refer to regions in everyday speech
human face—the precise mix of physical and cultural and action. We visit “the old neighborhood” or “go down-
characteristics of a place is never exactly duplicated. town”; we plan to vacation or retire in the “Sunbelt”; or
Since geography is a spatial science, the inevitable we speculate about the effects of weather conditions in
uniqueness of place would seem to impose impossible the “Corn Belt” on next year’s food prices. In each in-
problems of generalizing spatial information. That this is stance we have mental images of the areas mentioned,
not the case results from the second important idea: The and in each we have engaged in an informal place classi-
physical and cultural content of an area and the dynamic fication to pass along quite complex spatial, organiza-
interconnections of people and places show patterns of tional, or content ideas. We have applied the regional
spatial similarity. Often the similarities are striking concept to bring order to the immense diversity of the
enough for us to conclude that spatial regularities exist. earth’s surface.
They permit us to recognize and define regions—earth What we do informally as individuals, geography at-
areas that display significant elements of internal unifor- tempts to do formally as a discipline—define and explain
mity and external difference from surrounding territories. regions (Figure 1.16). The purpose is clear: to make the
Places are, therefore, both unlike and like other places, infinitely varying world around us understandable
creating patterns of areal differences and of coherent spa- through spatial summaries. That world is only rarely sub-
tial similarity. divided into neat, unmistakable “packages” of uniformity.
The problem of the historian and the geographer is Neither the environment nor human areal actions present
similar. Each must generalize about items of study that us with a compartmentalized order, any more than the
are essentially unique. The historian creates arbitrary but sweep of human history has predetermined “eras” or all
meaningful and useful historical periods for reference and plant specimens come labeled in nature with species
study. The “Roaring Twenties” and the “Victorian Era” are names. We all must classify to understand, and the geog-
shorthand summary names for specific time spans, inter- rapher classifies in regional terms.
nally quite complex and varied but significantly distinct Regions are spatial expressions of ideas or sum-
from what went before or followed after. The region is the maries useful to the analysis of the problem at hand. Al-
geographer’s equivalent of the historian’s epoch. It is a de- though as many possible regions exist as there are
vice of areal generalization that segregates into compo- physical, cultural, or organizational attributes of area,
nent parts the complex reality of the earth’s surface. In the geographer studies selected areal variables that con-
both the time and the space need for generalization, atten- tribute to the understanding of a specific topic or areal
tion is focused on key unifying elements or similarities of problem. All other variables are disregarded as irrele-
the era or area selected for study. In both the historical vant. Regional boundaries are assumed to be marked
and geographical cases, the names assigned to those times where the region’s internal unifying characteristics
and places serve to identify the time span or region and to change so materially that different regional summaries
convey a complex set of interrelated attributes. are required.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.16 The Middle West as seen by different professional geographers. Agreement on the need to recognize spatial order and to
define regional units does not imply unanimity in the selection of boundary criteria. All the sources concur in the significance of the Middle
West as a regional entity in the spatial structure of the United States and agree on its core area. These sources differ, however, in their assessment
of its limiting characteristics.
Sources: (a) John H. Garland, ed., The North American Midwest (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1955); (b) John R. Borchert and Jane McGuigan, Geography of the New World
(Chicago: Rand McNally, 1961); and (c) Otis P. Starkey and J. Lewis Robinson, The Anglo-American Realm (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969).

16 Introduction: Some Background Basics

The Characteristics of Regions • Regions are hierarchically arranged. Although
The regional concept tells us that all regions share certain regions vary in scale, type, and degree of
common characteristics related to earth space. generalization, none stands alone as the ultimate
key to areal understanding. Each defines a part
• Regions have location, often expressed in the of spatial reality (Figure 1.18) and at the same
regional name selected, such as the Middle West, time exists as a part of a larger, equally valid
the Near East, North Africa, and the like. This regional unit.
form of regional name underscores the
importance of relative location. Types of Regions
• Regions have spatial extent. They define Regions may be either formal, functional, or perceptual.
territories across which are found uniform sets of Formal or uniform regions are areas of essential unifor-
physical, cultural, or organizational features. mity in one or a limited combination of physical or cul-
• Regions have boundaries based on the areal tural features. Your home state is a precisely bounded
spread of the features selected for study. Since formal political region within which uniformity of law and
regions are the recognition of the features administration is found. Later in this book we will en-
defining them, their boundaries are drawn where counter formal (homogeneous) cultural regions in which
those features no longer occur or dominate standardized characteristics of language, religion, ethnic-
(Figure 1.17). Regional boundaries are rarely as ity, or economy exist. The frontpaper foldout maps of
sharply defined as those suggested by Figure 1.17 landform regions and country units show other formal re-
or by the regional maps in this and other gional patterns. Whatever the basis of its definition, the
geography texts. More frequently, broad zones of formal region is the largest area over which a valid gener-
transition from one distinctive core area to alization of attribute uniformity may be made. Whatever
another exist, as the dominance of the defining is stated about one part of it holds true for its remainder.
regional features gradually diminishes outward The functional or nodal region, in contrast, is a
from the core to the regional periphery. Linear spatial system defined by the interactions and connections
boundaries are arbitrary divisions made that give it a dynamic, organizational basis (Figure 1.19).
necessary by the scale of world regional maps
and by the summary character of most regional

Figure 1.17 Aachen, Germany, in 1649. The acceptance of Figure 1.18 A hierarchy of regions. One possible nesting of
regional extent implies the recognition of regional boundaries. At regions within a regional hierarchy defined by differing criteria. On
some defined point, urban is replaced by nonurban, the Midwest ends a formal regional scale of size progression, the Delmarva Peninsula
and the Plains begin, or the rain forest ceases and the savanna of the eastern United States may be seen as part of the Atlantic
emerges. Regional boundaries are, of course, seldom as precisely and Coastal Plain, which is in turn a portion of the eastern North
visibly marked as were the limits of the walled medieval city. Its American humid continental climatic region. Each regional unit has
sprawling modern counterpart may be more difficult to define, but internal coherence. The recognition of its constituent parts aids in
the boundary significance of the concept of urban remains. understanding the larger composite areal unit.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 17


Total number of trips by
place of residence
SONOMA 10–50
SOLANO 101–200




ALAMEDA Figure 1.19 (a) The functional (or nodal) regions shown
on this map were based on linkages between large banks of
major central cities and the “correspondent” banks they served
N in smaller towns in the 1970s, before the advent of electronic
banking and bank consolidation. (b) A different form of
connectivity is suggested by the “desire line” map recording the
volume of daily work trips within the San Francisco Bay area
to the Silicon Valley employment node. The outer periphery of
SILICON VALLEY a dynamic functional region is marked by the farthest extent
SANTA CLARA of the commuting lines. The intensity of interchange and the
San Jose
strength of regional identity increases toward the center or
core. See also Figure 1.13.
0 5 MILES (a) Redrawn by permission from Annals of the Association of American
Geographers, John R. Borchert, vol. 62, p. 358, Association of American
Geographers, 1972. (b) Reprinted with permission from Robert Cervero,
Suburban Gridlock, © 1986 Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, the
(b) State University of New Jersey.

18 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Those characterizing features are most clearly defined at vidual study, and combined or recombined to reveal rela-
the core of the region and lessen in dominance toward its tionships not directly measurable in the landscape itself.
margins or periphery. The region’s boundaries remain con- But maps can serve their purpose only if their users have
stant only as long as the interchanges establishing it re- a clear idea of their strengths, limitations, and diversity
main unaltered. and of the conventions observed in their preparation and
Perceptual regions are less rigorously structured interpretation.
than the formal and functional regions geographers de-
vise. They reflect feelings and images rather than objec- Map Scale
tive data and because of that may be more meaningful in We have already seen that scale (page 11) is a vital ele-
the lives and actions of those who recognize them than ment of every map. Because it is a much reduced ver-
are the more abstract regions of geographers. sion of the reality it summarizes, a map generalizes the
Ordinary people have a clear idea of spatial varia- data it displays. Scale—the relationship between size or
tion and employ the regional concept to distinguish be- length of a feature on the map and the same item on the
tween territorial entities. People individually and earth’s surface—determines the amount of that general-
collectively agree on where they live. The vernacular re- ization. The smaller the scale of the map, the larger is
gions they recognize have reality in their minds and are the area it covers and the more generalized are the data
reflected in regionally based names employed in busi- it portrays. The larger the scale, the smaller is the de-
nesses, by sports teams, or in advertising slogans. The picted area and the more accurately can its content be
frequency of references to “Dixie” in the southeastern represented (Figure 1.20). It may seem backward, but
United States represents that kind of regional consensus large-scale maps show small areas, and small-scale maps
and awareness. Such vernacular regions reflect the way show large areas.
people view space, assign their loyalties, and interpret Map scale is selected according to the amount of
their world. At a different scale, such urban ethnic en- generalization of data that is acceptable and the size of
claves (see Chapter 6) as “Little Italy” or “Chinatown” area that must be depicted. The user must consider map
have comparable regional identity in the minds of their scale in evaluating the reliability of the spatial data that
inhabitants. Less clearly perceived by outsiders but un- are presented. Regional boundary lines drawn on the
mistakable to their inhabitants are the “turfs” of urban world maps in this and other books or atlases would
clubs or gangs. Their boundaries are sharp, and the per- cover many kilometers or miles on the earth’s surface.
ceived distinctions between them are paramount in the They obviously distort the reality they are meant to de-
daily lives and activities of their occupants. fine, and on small-scale maps major distortion is in-
evitable. In fact, a general rule of thumb is that the larger
the earth area depicted on a map the greater is the distor-
tion built into the map.
Maps This is so because a map has to depict the curved sur-
face of the three-dimensional earth on a two-dimensional
Maps are tools to identify regions and to analyze their sheet of paper. The term projection designates the
content. The spatial distributions, patterns, and rela- method chosen to represent the earth’s curved surface as a
tions of interest to geographers usually cannot easily be flat map. Since absolutely accurate representation is im-
observed or interpreted in the landscape itself. Many, possible, all projections inevitably distort. Specific projec-
such as landform or agricultural regions or major cities, tions may be selected, however, to minimize the distortion
are so extensive spatially that they cannot be seen or of at least one of the four main map properties—area,
studied in their totality from one or a few vantage shape, distance, and direction.3
points. Others, such as regions of language usage or reli-
gious belief, are spatial phenomena, but are not tangible The Globe Grid
or visible. Various interactions, flows, and exchanges Maps are geographers’ primary tools of spatial analysis.
imparting the dynamic quality to spatial interaction may All spatial analysis starts with locations, and all locations
not be directly observable at all. And even if all matters are related to the global grid of latitude and longitude.
of geographic interest could be seen and measured Since these lines of reference are drawn on the spherical
through field examination, the infinite variety of tan- earth, their projection onto a map distorts their grid rela-
gible and intangible content of area would make it tionships. The extent of variance between the globe grid
nearly impossible to isolate for study and interpretation and a map grid helps tell us the kind and degree of distor-
the few items of regional interest selected for special tion the map will contain.
Therefore, the map has become the essential and
distinctive tool of geographers. Only through the map 3A more detailed discussion of map projections, including examples of
can spatial distributions and interactions of whatever na- their different types and purposes, may be found in Appendix A,
ture be reduced to an observable scale, isolated for indi- beginning on page 529.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 19

Figure 1.20 The effect of scale on area and detail. The larger the scale, the greater the number and kinds of features that can be included.
Scale may be reported to the map user in one (or more) of three ways. A verbal scale is given in words (“1 centimeter to 1 kilometer” or “1 inch to
1 mile”). A representative fraction (such as that placed at the left, below each of the four maps shown here) is a statement of how many linear
units on the earth’s surface are represented by one unit on the map. A graphic scale (such as that placed at the right and below each of these
maps) is a line or bar marked off in map units but labeled in ground units.

The key reference points in the grid system are the 3. All lines of latitude (parallels) are parallel to the
North and South poles and the equator, which are given in equator and to each other.
nature, and the prime meridian, which is agreed on by car- 4. Parallels decrease in length as one nears the poles.
tographers. Because a circle contains 360 degrees, the dis- 5. Meridians and parallels intersect at right angles.
tance between the poles is 180 degrees and between the 6. The scale on the surface of the globe is the same
equator and each pole, 90 degrees (Figure 1.21). Latitude in every direction.
measures distance north and south of the equator (0°),
Only the globe grid itself retains all of these charac-
and parallels of latitude run due east-west. Longitude is the
teristics. To project it onto a surface that can be laid flat is
angular distance east or west of the prime meridian and is
to distort some or all of these properties and consequently
depicted by north-south lines called meridians, which con-
to distort the reality the map attempts to portray.
verge at the poles. The properties of the globe grid the
mapmaker tries to retain and the map user should look How Maps Show Data
for are as follows:
The properties of the globe grid and of various projections
1. All meridians are of equal length; each is one-half are the concern of the cartographer. Geographers are
the length of the equator. more interested in the depiction of spatial data and in the
2. All meridians converge at the poles and are true analysis of the patterns and interrelationships those data
north–south lines. present. Out of the myriad items comprising the content

20 Introduction: Some Background Basics

vary according to the type of information to be conveyed,
the level of generalization that is desired, and the symbol-
ization selected. Thematic maps may be either qualitative
or quantitative. The principal purpose of the qualitative
map is to show the distribution of a particular class of in-
formation. The world location of producing oil fields, the
distribution of U.S. national parks, or the pattern of areas
of agricultural specialization within a state or country are
examples. The interest is in where things are and nothing
is reported about—in the examples cited—barrels of oil ex-
tracted or in reserve, number of park visitors, or value or
volume of crops or livestock produced.
In contrast, quantitative thematic maps show the
spatial characteristic of numerical data. Usually, a single
variable such as population, income, wheat, or land value
is chosen and the map displays the variation from place to
place in that feature. Important types of quantitative the-
matic maps include graduated circle, dot, isometric and
isopleth, and choropleth maps (Figure 1.23).
Graduated circle maps use circles of different size to
show the frequency of occurrence of a topic in different
Figure 1.21 The grid system of parallels of latitude and places; the larger the circle, the more frequent the inci-
meridians of longitude. Since the meridians converge at the poles,
parallels become increasingly shorter away from the equator. On the
dence. On dot maps, a single or specified number of occur-
globe, the 60th parallel is only one-half as long as the equator, and a rences of the item studied is recorded by a single dot. The
degree of longitude along it measures only about 55 1⁄2 kilometers dot map serves not only to record data but to suggest their
(about 34 1⁄2 miles) compared to about 111 kilometers (about spatial pattern, distribution, and dispersion.
69 miles) at the equator (0°). An isometric map features lines (isolines) that connect
points registering equal values of the item mapped (iso
means “equal”). The isotherms shown on the daily weather
of an area, the geographer must, first, select those that are map connect points recording the same temperature at
of concern to the problem at hand and, second, decide on the same moment of time or the same average tempera-
how best to display them for study or demonstration. In ture during the day. Identical elevations above sea level
that effort, geographers can choose between different may be shown by a form of isoline called a contour line.
types of maps and different systems of symbolization. On isopleth maps, the calculation refers not to a point but
General-purpose, reference, or location maps make to an areal statistic—for example, persons per square kilo-
up one major class of maps familiar to everyone. Their meter or average percentage of cropland in corn—and the
purpose is simply to show without analysis or interpre- isoline connects average values for unit areas. For empha-
tation a variety of natural or human-made features of an sis, the area enclosed by isolines may be shaded to indi-
area or of the world as a whole. Familiar examples are cate approximately uniform occurrence of the thing
highway maps, city street maps, topographic maps (Fig- mapped, and the isoline itself may be treated as the
ure 1.22), atlas maps, and the like. Until about the mid- boundary of a uniform region.
dle of the 18th century, the general-purpose or A choropleth map presents average value of the data
reference map was the dominant map form, for the pri- studied per preexisting areal unit—dwelling unit rents or
mary function of the mapmaker (and the explorer who assessed values by city block, for example, or (in the
supplied the new data) was to “fill in” the world’s un- United States) population densities by individual town-
known areas with reliable locational information. With ships within countries. Each unit area on the map is then
the passage of time scholars saw the possibilities to use shaded or colored to suggest the magnitude of the event
the accumulating locational information to display and or item found within its borders. Where the choropleth
study the spatial patterns of social and physical data. map is based on the absolute number of items within the
The maps they made of climate, vegetation, soil, popula- unit area, as it is in Figure 1.23d, rather than on areal av-
tion, and other distributions introduced the thematic eraging (total numbers, that is, instead of, for example,
map, the second major class of maps. numbers per square kilometer), a misleading statement
Thematic map is the general term applied to a map of about density may be conveyed.
any scale that presents a specific spatial distribution or a A statistical map records the actual numbers or oc-
single category of data—that is, presents a graphic theme. currences of the mapped item per established unit area
The way the information is shown on such a map may or location. The actual count of each state’s colleges and

Introduction: Some Background Basics 21

Figure 1.22 A portion of the Santa Barbara, California, topographic quadrangle of the US Geological Survey 1:24,000 series. Topographic
maps portray the natural landscape features of relatively small areas. Elevations and shapes of landforms, streams, and other water bodies,
vegetation, and coastal features are recorded, often with great accuracy. Because cultural items that people have added to the physical landscape,
such as roads, railroads, buildings, political boundaries, and the like are also frequently depicted on them, topographic maps are classed as
general purpose or reference maps by the International Cartographic Association. The scale of the original map no longer applies to this
photographic reduction.
Source: U.S. Geological Survey.

universities shown on an outline map of the United States projections, symbolization, and common forms of the-
or the number of traffic accidents at each street intersec- matic and reference mapping standards they possess,
tion within a city are examples of statistical maps. A car- the more likely are they to reasonably question and
togram uses such statistical data to transform territorial clearly understand the messages maps communicate.
space so that the largest areal unit on the map is the one
showing the greatest statistical value (Figure 1.24). Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Maps communicate information but, as in all forms Increasingly, digital computers, mapping software, and
of communication, the message conveyed by a map re- computer-based display units and printers are employed
flects the intent and, perhaps, the biases of its author. in the design and production of maps and in the develop-
Maps are persuasive because of the implied precision of ment of databases used in map production. In computer-
their lines, scales, color and symbol placement, and in- assisted cartography, the content of standard
formation content. But maps, as communication de- maps—locational and thematic—is digitized and stored in
vices, can subtly or blatantly manipulate the message computers. The use of computers and printers in map
they impart or contain intentionally false information. production permits increases in the speed, flexibility, and
(Figure 1.25). Maps, then, can distort and lie as readily accuracy of many steps in the mapmaking process but in
as they can convey verifiable spatial data or scientifi- no way reduces the obligation of the mapmaker to employ
cally valid analyses. The more map users are aware of sound judgment in the design of the map or the communi-
those possibilities and the more understanding of map cation of its content.

22 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Population by county Population by county

4,000,000 100,000
1,000,000 10,000,000

Population Population by county

per square mile data in thousands
0–25 0–99
65–130 1000–1999
130–250 2000–16000
More than 25

Figure 1.23 Types of thematic maps. Although population is the theme of each, these different California maps present their information
in strikingly different ways. (a) In the graduated circle map, the area of the circle is approximately proportional to the absolute number of
people within each county. (b) In a dot-distribution map where large numbers of items are involved, the value of each dot is identical and stated
in the map legend. The placement of dots on this map does not indicate precise locations of people within the county, but simply their total
number. (c) Population density is recorded by the isopleth map, while the choropleth map (d) may show absolute values as here or, more
usually, ratio values such as population per square kilometer.
Source: Fred M. Shelley and Audrey E. Clarke, Human and Cultural Geography, © 1994. Reproduced by permission of Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 23

Figure 1.24 Relative traffic congestion. A typical value-by-area cartogram with states drawn in proportion to the number of vehicle-miles
driven per road mile.
Source: Borden D. Dent, Cartography: Thematic Map Design, 4th ed., © 1996. Reproduced by permission of Times Mirror Higher Education Group, Dubuque, Iowa.

Bol'shoy Sovetskiy Atlas Atlas Mira, 1954

Mira, 1939


Karta SSSR, 1958 Atlas SSSR, 1962

Logashkino Logashkino

Atlas Mira, 1967 Atlas SSSR, 1969


Figure 1.25 The wandering town of Logashkino, as traced in various Soviet atlases by Mark Monmonier. Deliberate, extensive
cartographic “disinformation” and locational falsification, he reports, became a Cold War tactic of the Soviet Union. We usually use—and trust—
maps to tell us exactly where things are located. On the maps shown, however, Logashkino migrates from west of the river away from the coast to
east of the river on the coast, while the river itself gains and loses a distributary and, in 1954, the town itself disappears. The changing
misinformation, Monmonier suggests, was intended to obscure from potential enemies the precise location of possible military targets.
Source: Mark Monmonier, How to Lie with Maps, 2nd ed. © 1996. Reproduced by permission of the University of Chicago.

24 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Geographic information systems (GIS) extend approach, the precise location of each object—point, line,
the use of digitized data and computer manipulation to or area—in a distribution is described. In either ap-
investigate and display spatial information. A GIS is both proach, a vast amount of different spatial information
an integrated software package for handling, processing, can be stored, accessed, compared, processed, analyzed,
and analyzing geographical data and a computer data- and displayed.
base in which every item of information is tied to a pre- A GIS database, then, can be envisioned as a set of
cise geographic location. In the raster approach, that tie discrete informational overlays linked by reference to a
involves dividing the study area into a set of rectangular basic locational grid of latitude and longitude (Figure 1.26).
cells and describing the content of each cell. In the vector The system then permits the separate display of the spatial

Questions Human

From stereoscopic Topography

aerial photographs

From stereoscopic Surface

aerial photographs drainage

From satellite Vegetation

images and land use

From agency Data of past

records river flow

Answers: graph - runoff and catchment area
map and table - vegetation change

Figure 1.26 A model of a geographic information system. A GIS incorporates three primary components: data storage capability,
computer graphics programs, and statistical packages. In this example, the different layers of information held are important in monitoring a
river system. Different data sets, all selected for applicability to the questions asked, may be developed and used in human geography, economic
geography, transportation planning, industrial location work, and similar applications.
Source: Michael Bradshaw and Ruth Weaver, Foundations of Physical Geography, © 1995. Reproduced by permission of Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 25

information contained in the database. It allows the user maps, as unknown as the interiors of Africa and South
to overlay maps of different themes, analyze the relations America were to Western Europeans two centuries ago.
revealed, and compute spatial relationships. It shows as- Our areas of awareness generally increase with the in-
pects of spatial associations otherwise difficult to display creasing mobility that comes with age (Figure 1.27), afflu-
on conventional maps, such as flows, interactions, and ence, and education and may be enlarged or restricted for
three-dimensional characteristics. In short, a GIS data- different social groups within the city (Figure 1.28).
base, as a structured set of spatial information, has be-
come a powerful tool for automating geographical analysis
and synthesis.
A GIS data set may contain the great amount of
place-specific information collected and published by the
U.S. Census Bureau, including population distribution,
race, ethnicity, income, housing, employment, industry,
farming, etc. It may also hold environmental information
downloaded from satellite imagery or taken from Geologi-
cal Survey maps and other governmental and private
sources. In human geography, the vast and growing array
of spatial data has encouraged the use of GIS to explore
models of regional economic and social structure, to ex-
amine transportation systems and urban growth patterns,
to study patterns of voting behavior, disease incidence, (a)
the accessibility of public services, and a vast array of
other topics. For physical geographers, the analytic and
modeling capabilities of GIS are fundamental to the un-
derstanding of processes and interrelations in the natural
Because of the growing importance of GIS in all
manner of public and private spatial inquiries, demand in
the job market is growing for those skilled in its tech-
niques. Most university courses in GIS are taught in Geog-
raphy departments, and “GIS/remote sensing” is a
primary occupational specialty for which many geography
undergraduate and graduate majors seek preparation.
Mental Maps
Maps that shape our understanding of distributions and
locations or influence our perception of the world
around us are not always drawn on paper. We carry with
us mental maps that in some ways are more accurate in
reflecting our view of spatial reality than the formal
maps created by geographers or cartographers. Mental
maps are images about an area or an environment devel-
oped by an individual on the basis of information or im-
pressions received, interpreted, and stored. We use this
information—this mental map—in organizing our daily
activities: selecting our destinations and the sequence in
which they will be visited, deciding on our routes of
travel, recognizing where we are in relation to where we (c)
wish to be. Figure 1.27 Three children, aged 6, 10, and 13, who lived in the
Such maps are every bit as real to their creators (and same house, were asked to draw maps of their neighborhood. They
we all have them) as are the street maps or highway maps received no further instructions. Notice how perspectives broaden
commercially available, and they are a great deal more and neighborhoods expand with age. (a) For the 6-year-old, the
“neighborhood” consists of the houses on either side of her own.
immediate in their impact on our spatial decisions. We
(b) The square block on which she lives is the neighborhood for the
may choose routes or avoid neighborhoods not on objec- 10-year-old. (c) The wider horizons of the 13-year-old are reflected in
tive grounds but on emotional or perceptual ones. Whole her drawing. The square block that the 10-year-old drew is shaded in
sections of a community may be voids on our mental this sketch.

26 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Figure 1.28 Four mental maps of Los Angeles. The upper-middle-income residents of Northridge and Westwood have expansive views of
the metropolis, reflecting their mobility and area of travel. Residents of Boyle Heights and Avalon, both minority districts, have a much more
restricted and incomplete mental image of the city. Their limited mental maps reflect and reinforce their spatial isolation within the
metropolitan area.
From Department of City Planning, City of Los Angeles, The Visual Environment of Los Angeles, 1971. Reprinted by permission.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 27

in the majority of cases, the lack of agreement between
Systems, Maps, and Models what is observed and what is expected in a particular case
leads to an examination of the circumstances contributing
The content of area is interrelated and constitutes a spatial
to the disparity. The quality of connecting roads, political
system that, in common with all systems, functions as a
barriers, or other variables may affect the specific places
unit because its component parts are interdependent. Only
examined, and these causative elements may be isolated
rarely do individual elements of area operate in isolation,
for further study.
and to treat them as if they do is to lose touch with spatial
Indeed, the steady pursuit of more refined and de-
reality. The systems of geographic concern are those in
finitive analysis of human geographic questions—the
which the functionally important variables are spatial: loca-
“further study” that continues to add to our understand-
tion, distance, direction, density, and the other basic con-
ing of how people occupy and utilize the earth, interact
cepts we have reviewed. The systems that they define are
with each other, and organize and alter earth space—has
not the same as regions, though spatial systems may be the
led to the remarkably diversified yet coherent field of
basis for regional identification.
modern human geography. With the content of this in-
Systems have components, and the analysis of the
troductory chapter as background to the nature, tradi-
role of components helps reveal the operation of the sys-
tions, and tools of geography, we are ready to begin its
tem as a whole. To conduct that analysis, individual sys-
tem elements must be isolated for separate identification
and, perhaps, manipulated to see their function within the
structure of the system or subsystem. Maps and models
are the devices geographers use to achieve that isolation
and separate study.
The Structure of This Book
Maps, as we have seen, are effective to the degree By way of getting started, it is useful for you to know
that they can segregate at an appropriate level of general- how the organization and topics of this text have been
ization those system elements selected for examination. structured to help you reach the kinds of understandings
By compressing, simplifying, and abstracting reality, maps we seek.
record in manageable dimension the real-world conditions We begin by exploring the roots and meaning of
of interest. A model is a simplified abstraction of reality, culture (Chapter 2), establishing the observed ground
structured to clarify causal relationships. Maps are a kind rules of spatial interaction and spatial behavior (Chapter
of model. They represent reality in an idealized form so 3), and examining the areal variations in patterns of pop-
that certain aspects of its properties may be more clearly ulation distribution and change (Chapter 4). These set
seen. They are a special form of model, of course. Their the stage for following separate discussions of spatial pat-
abstractions are rendered visually and at a reduced scale terns of language and religion, ethnic distinctions, and
so they may be displayed, for example, on the pages of folk and popular culture (Chapters 5–7). These are the
this book. principal expressions of unity and diversity and of areal
The complexities of spatial systems analysis—and differentiation among the peoples and societies of the
the opportunities for quantitative analysis of systems earth. Understanding their spatial patterns and interrela-
made possible by computers and sophisticated statistical tions goes far toward providing the world view that is our
techniques—have led geographers to use other kinds of objective.
models in their work. Model building is the technique so- Beginning with Chapter 8, our focus shifts more to
cial scientists use to simplify complex situations, to elimi- the economic and organizational landscapes humans
nate (as does the map) unimportant details, and to isolate have created. In turn, we look at economic geography
for special study and analysis the role of one or more in- and economic development (Chapters 8–10), urban sys-
teracting elements in a total system. tems and structures (Chapter 11), and patterns of the po-
An interaction model discussed in Chapter 3, for in- litical ordering of space (Chapter 12). Finally, in Chapter
stance, suggests that the amount of exchange expected be- 13, dealing with human impacts, we return to the under-
tween two places depends on the distance separating lying concern of all geographic study: the relationship be-
them and on their population size. The model indicates tween human geographic patterns and processes and
that the larger the places and the closer their distance, the both the present conditions and the future prospects of
greater is the amount of interaction. Such a model helps the physical and cultural environments we occupy, cre-
us to isolate the important components of the spatial sys- ate, or modify. To help clarify the connections between
tem, to manipulate them separately, and to reach conclu- the various topics of human geography, the chapters of
sions concerning their relative importance. When a model this book are grouped by common theme and separately
satisfactorily predicts the volume of intercity interaction introduced.

28 Introduction: Some Background Basics

The Internet, a vast network of computers electronically Geographer” option, offers links to experts in various fields of
joining millions of people and thousands of organizations and geography who may be contacted with inquiries about topics
institutions throughout the world, has become in its and issues in their fields of expertise. The AAG site also pro-
multimedia component, the World Wide Web, or WWW, an vides links to such other organizations as the Canadian Asso-
important tool for academic research and general information ciation of Geographers, the National Council for Geographic
gathering. Users of the Web, navigating through a graphic Education, and the National Geographic Society.
interface combining hypertext and hypermedia to link Are you interested in furthering your geography educa-
documents, images, video clips, and sound files, gain access tion or in learning about geography programs worldwide? A
to vast stores of data not easily (or at all) accessible with other good—but older—starting point is the Ryerson University geog-
research tools. There are numerous Internet resources for raphy department list at
geography, and many of its websites present more current geograph.html. A valuable general set of links and references
information in ways not possible with traditional printed to a variety of geography (and related) resources may be found
sources. For your guidance, each chapter of this text contains on the CU Resources for Geographers site at www.Colorado.EDU/
a boxed “On-Line” section (like this one) discussing World geography/virtdept/resources/contents.htm. Be sure also to
Wide Web sites that may themselves be data sources of value scan that site’s “Starting Places” section (www.Colorado.EDU/
in expanding topics of the chapter or be linked to other geography/virtdept/resources/startplc/start.htm) for quick ac-
websites concerned with those chapter topics.a cess to search engines, lists, and libraries to help you in brows-
Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, some of ing the Web for geography interests. The University of
the on-line addresses listed in this book may have changed or Wisconsin—Stevens Point Internet resources guide at
may no longer exist when you try to consult them. In most in- is valu-
stances, cross-references and directions to replacement ad- able, and Michigan State University maintains a useful guide to
dresses are cited at the old website locations for your Geography Related Web Links at
guidance. And new and useful sites are constantly being de- Although each chapter’s “On-Line” report has references
veloped. You are invited to report those new sources and ad- to subject-specific sites, some general background sites useful
dresses you have found valuable and wish to share with other for all chapters also exist. For example, a deeper understanding
readers. Check our home page at of “Geography for Life: the National Geography Standards” can
for directions for leaving an e-mail message with your infor- be found through a tutorial conducted by the National Council
mation and suggestions. There you will also find additional of Geography Teachers:
Web addresses for geography in general and for the individual Check out as well the wide variety of popular and scientific de-
chapter “On-Line” reports, many of them added by the pub- partments linked to the home page of the National Geographic
lisher or contributed by helpful users. Society at The CIA’s World Fact-
For those interested in professional geographic associa- book is a useful annually updated collection of information
tions and activities, the home page of the Association of about the geography, climate, people, customs, and govern-
American Geographers at is a good initial ments of the world organized by region and country. Consult it
point. It offers information about the association itself, its as an on-line reference at
publications and “specialty groups” (complete with e-mail ad- factbook. Finally, a visit to the Geography site at is
dresses), and, importantly, gives access to a revealing discus- a good starting point for searching out many geography inter-
sion of “Careers in Geography” and through its “Ask a ests. It features a comprehensive topical set of “Subject” links
to selected geographical resources, on-line maps, data, and
aForChapter 1, web sites concerned with maps and cartography are cited in the weekly articles, along with a chat room and bulletin board:
Appendix A On-Line box, p. 537.

exist from place to place. The collective interests of geogra-

Summary phers are summarized by the spatial and systems analytical
questions they ask. The responses to those questions are in-
Geography is about earth space and its physical and cultural
terpreted through basic concepts of location, distance, direc-
content. Throughout its long history, geography has re-
tion, content evolution, spatial interaction, and regional
mained consistent in its focus on human–environmental in-
teractions, the interrelatedness of places, and the likenesses
and differences in physical and cultural content of area that

Introduction: Some Background Basics 29

Geographers employ maps and models to abstract geography through study of the earth’s physical systems
the complex reality of space and to isolate its compo- of spatial and human concern or, as here, devote pri-
nents for separate study. Maps are imperfect renderings mary attention to people. This is a text in human geogra-
of the three-dimensional earth and its parts on a two- phy. Its focus is on human interactions both with the
dimensional surface. In that rendering, some or all of the physical environments people occupy and alter and with
characteristics of the globe grid are distorted, but con- the cultural environments they have created. We are
venience and data manageability are gained. Spatial in- concerned with the ways people perceive the landscapes
formation may be depicted visually in a number of ways, and regions they occupy, act within and between them,
each designed to simplify and to clarify the infinite com- make choices about them, and organize them according
plexity of spatial content. Geographers also use verbal to the varying cultural, political, and economic interests
and mathematical models for the same purpose, to ab- of human societies. This is a text clearly within the social
stract and analyze. sciences, but like all geography, its background is the
In their study of the earth’s surface as the occupied physical earth as the home of humans. As a human geog-
and altered space within which humans operate, geogra- raphy, its concern is with how that home has been al-
phers may concentrate on the integration of physical and tered by societies and cultures. Culture is the starting
cultural phenomena in a specific earth area (regional ge- point, and in the next chapter we begin with an inquiry
ography). They may, instead, emphasize systematic about the roots and nature of culture.

Key Words
absolute direction 10 geographic information system (GIS) 25 relative distance 10
absolute distance 10 mental map 26 relative location 9
absolute location 8 model 28 scale 11
accessibility 14 natural landscape 12 site 9
concentration 15 nodal region 17 situation 9
connectivity 14 pattern 15 spatial diffusion 14
cultural landscape 11 perceptual region 19 spatial distribution 15
density 15 projection 19 spatial interaction 14
dispersion 15 region 16 spatial system 28
formal region 17 regional concept 16 uniform region 17
functional region 17 relative direction 10

For Review
1. In what two meanings and for 4. What are the common elements 6. List at least four properties of the
what different purposes do we of spatial distribution? What globe grid. Why are globe grid
refer to location? different aspects of the spatial properties apt to be distorted on
2. Describe the site and the situation arrangement of things do they maps?
of the town where you live, work, address? 7. What does prime meridian mean?
or go to school. 5. What are the common What happens to the length of a
3. What kinds of distance characteristics of regions? How are degree of longitude as one
transformations are suggested by formal and functional regions approaches the poles?
the term relative distance? How is different in concept and 8. What different ways of displaying
the concept of psychological distance definition? What is a perceptual statistical data on maps can you
related to relative distance? region? name and describe?

30 Introduction: Some Background Basics

Focus Follow-Up
1. What is the nature of 3. What are the regional concept distribution, isometric,
geography and the role of and the generalized choropleth, statistical, or
human geography? pp. 2–5. characteristics of regions? cartogram form.
Geography is a spatial science pp. 15–19. 5. In what ways in addition to
concerned with how the content The regional concept tells us that maps may spatial data be
of earth areas differs from place to physical and cultural features of visualized or analyzed?
place. It is the study of spatial the earth’s surface are rationally pp. 26–28.
variation in the world’s physical arranged by understandable Informally, we all create “mental
and cultural (human) features. processes. All recognized regions maps” reflecting highly
The emphasis of human are characterized by location, personalized impressions and
geography is on the spatial spatial extent, defined boundaries, information about the spatial
variations in characteristics of and position within a hierarchy of arrangement of things (for
peoples and cultures, on the way regions. Regions may be “formal” example, buildings, streets,
humans interact over space, and (uniform) or “functional” (nodal) landscape features). More
the ways they utilize and alter the in nature. formally, geographers recognize
natural landscapes they occupy. 4. Why do geographers use maps the content of area as forming a
2. What are the fundamental and how do maps show spatial spatial system to which
geographic observations and information? pp. 19–26. techniques of spatial systems
their underlying concepts? Maps are tools geographers use to analysis and model building are
pp. 5–15. identify and delimit regions and applicable.
Basic geographic observations all to analyze their content. They
concern the characteristics, permit the study of areas and
content, and interactions of areal features too extensive to be
places. Their underlying concepts completely viewed or understood
involve such place specifics as on the earth’s surface itself.
location, direction, distance, size, Thematic (single category) maps
scale, physical and cultural may be either qualitative or
attributes, interrelationships, and quantitative. Their data may be
regional similarities and shown in graduated circle, dot

Selected References
Agnew, John, David N. Livingstone, and Gritzner, Charles F., Jr. “The Scope of Ley, David. “Cultural/Humanistic
Alisdair Rogers, eds. Human Cultural Geography.” Journal of Geography.” Progress in Human
Geography: An Essential Anthology. Geography 65 (1966): 4–11. Geography 5 (1981): 249–257; 7
Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1996. Johnston, Ronald J., Derek Gregory, (1983): 267–275.
Demko, George J., with Jerome Agel Geraldine Pratt, and Michael Watts. Livingstone, David N. The Geographical
and Eugene Boe. Why in the World: The Dictionary of Human Geography. Tradition. Cambridge, Mass.:
Adventures in Geography. New York: 4th ed. Oxford, England: Blackwell Blackwell, 1992.
Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1992. Publishers, 2000. Lobeck, Armin K. Things Maps Don’t Tell
Dent, Borden D. Cartography: Thematic Johnston, Ronald. J., J. Hauer, and G. Us: An Adventure into Map
Map Design. 5th ed. Dubuque, Iowa: A. Koekveld, eds. Regional Interpretation. Chicago: University of
WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1999. Geography: Current Developments and Chicago Press, 1993.
Gersmehl, Phil. The Language of Maps. Future Prospects. New York: Martin, Geoffrey J., and Preston E.
15th ed. Indiana, Pa.: National Council Routledge, 1990. James. All Possible Worlds: A History
for Geographic Education, 1996. Lanegran, David A., and Risa Palm. An of Geographical Ideas. 3d ed. New
Gould, Peter, and Rodney White. Mental Invitation to Geography. 2d ed. New York: Wiley, 1993.
Maps. 2d. ed. Boston: Allen & Unwin, York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.

Introduction: Some Background Basics 31

Monmonier, Mark. How to Lie with Pattison, William D. “The Four White, Gilbert F. “Geographers in a
Maps. 2d ed. Chicago: University of Traditions of Geography.” Journal of Perilously Changing World.” Annals
Chicago Press, 1996. Geography 63 (1964): 211–216. of the Association of American
Morrill, Richard L. “The Nature, Unity Rogers, Alisdair, Heather Viles, and Geographers 75 (1985): 10–15.
and Value of Geography.” Professional Andrew Goudie. The Student’s Wood, Tim F. “Thinking in Geography.”
Geographer 35 (1983): 1–9. Companion to Geography. Geography 72 (1987): 289–299.
Muehrcke, Phillip C., and Juliana O. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell,
Muehrcke. Map Use: Reading, 1992.
Analysis, and Interpretation. 4th ed.
Madison, Wis.: J.P. Publications, 1998.

32 Introduction: Some Background Basics


Roots and Meaning

of Culture

These Bushmen
of Namibia,
preparing an
ostrich egg
omelette next to
the spoils of
their hunt, are
modern day
remnants of the
way of life that
was universal
before the
domestication of
plants and

Focus Preview
1. Culture components and the nature of 3. The structure of culture and forms of culture
human–environmental relations, pp. 37–43. change, pp. 52–62.
2. Culture origins and culture hearths, pp. 43–52.

learned way of life. In this broader sense, culture is an
ever-present part of the regional differences that are the
hey buried him there in the cave where they essence of human geography. The visible and invisible
were working, less than 6 kilometers (4 miles) evidences of culture—buildings and farming patterns,
from the edge of the ice sheet. Outside stretched the language, political organization, and ways of earning a
tundra, summer feeding grounds for the mammoths living, for example—are all parts of the spatial diversity
whose ivory they had come so far to collect. Inside, human geographers study. Cultural differences over
near where they dug his grave, were stacked the tusks time may present contrasts as great as those between
the Stone Age ivory hunters and modern urban Ameri-
they had gathered and were cutting and shaping.
cans. Cultural differences in area result in human land-
They prepared the body carefully and dusted it with scapes with variations as subtle as the differing “feel” of
red ochre, then buried it in an elaborate grave with urban Paris, Moscow, or New York or as obvious as the
tundra flowers and offerings of food, a bracelet on sharp contrasts of rural Zimbabwe and the Prairie
its arm, a pendant about its throat, and 40 to Provinces of Canada (Figure 2.1).
50 polished rods of ivory by its side. It rested there,
in modern Wales, undisturbed for some 18,000 years
until discovered early in the 19th century. The
25-year-old hunter had died far from the group’s
home some 650 kilometers (400 miles) away near
present-day Paris, France. He had been part of a
routine annual summer expedition overland from
the forested south across the as-yet-unflooded
English Channel to the mammoths’ grazing grounds
at the edge of the glacier.
As always, they were well prepared for the trip.
Their boots were carefully made. Their sewn skin
leggings and tunics served well for travel and work;
heavier fur parkas warded off the evening chill. They
carried emergency food, fire-making equipment, and
braided cord that they could fashion into nets,
fishing lines, ropes, or thread. They traveled by
reference to sun and stars, recognizing landmarks
from past journeys and occasionally consulting a
crude map etched on bone.
Although the hunters returned bearing the sad
news of their companion’s death, they also brought
the ivory to be carved and traded among the
scattered peoples of Europe from the Atlantic Ocean
to the Ural Mountains.

As shown by their tools and equipment, their behaviors

and beliefs, these Stone Age travelers displayed highly de-
veloped and distinctive characteristics, primitive only
from the vantage point of our own different technologies
and customs. They represented the culmination of a long
history of development of skills, of invention of tools, and
of creation of lifestyles that set them apart from peoples
elsewhere in Europe, Asia, and Africa who possessed still
different cultural heritages.
To writers in newspapers and the popular press,
“culture” means the arts (literature, painting, music, and (b)
the like). To a social scientist, culture is the specialized Figure 2.1 Cultural contrasts are clearly evident between (a) a
behavioral patterns, understandings, adaptations, and subsistence maize plot in Zimbabwe and (b) the immense fields and
social systems that summarize a group of people’s mechanized farming of the Canadian prairies.

36 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Since such tangible and intangible cultural differ- or with genes. As members of a social group, individuals
ences exist and have existed in various forms for thou- acquire integrated sets of behavioral patterns, environ-
sands of years, human geography addresses the question, mental and social perceptions, and knowledge of existing
Why? Why, since humankind constitutes a single species, technologies. Of necessity, each of us learns the culture in
are cultures so varied? What and where were the origins of which we are born and reared. But we need not—indeed,
the different culture regions we now observe? How, from cannot—learn its totality. Age, sex, status, or occupation
whatever limited areas individual culture traits developed, may dictate the aspects of the cultural whole in which an
were they diffused over a wider portion of the globe? How individual becomes fully indoctrinated.
did people who had roughly similar origins come to display A culture, that is, despite overall generalized and
significant areal differences in technology, social structure, identifying characteristics and even an outward appear-
ideology, and the innumerable other expressions of human ance of uniformity, displays a social structure—a frame-
geographic diversity? In what ways and why are there dis- work of roles and interrelationships of individuals and
tinctive cultural variations even in presumed “melting pot” established groups. Each individual learns and adheres to
societies such as the United States and Canada or in the the rules and conventions not only of the culture as a
outwardly homogeneous, long-established countries of Eu- whole but also of those specific to the subculture to which
rope? Part of the answer to these questions is to be found he or she belongs. And that subgroup may have its own
in the way separate human groups developed techniques recognized social structure (Figure 2.2).
to solve regionally varied problems of securing food, cloth- Many different cultures, then, can coexist within a
ing, and shelter and, in the process, created areally distinc- given area, each with its own influence on the thoughts
tive customs and ways of life. and behaviors of their separate members. Within the
United States, for example, we can readily recognize mas-
culine and feminine; majority white and minority black,
Hispanic, Asian American, or other ethnic groups; gay
Components of Culture and straight, urban and rural; and many other subcul-
tures. All, of course, are simultaneously part of a larger
Culture is transmitted within a society to succeeding gen- “American” culture marked by commonalities of tradi-
erations by imitation, instruction, and example. In short, it tions, behaviors, loyalties, and beliefs. Human geography
is learned, not biological. It has nothing to do with instinct increasingly recognizes the plurality of cultures within

Figure 2.2 Both the traditional rice farmer of rural Japan and the harried commuter of Tokyo are part of a common Japanese culture. They
occupy, however, vastly different positions in its social structure.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 37

regions. In addition to examining the separate content book. In those later reviews as within the present chapter,
and influence of those subcultures, it attempts to record we must keep in mind that within any one recognized cul-
and analyze the varieties of contested cultural interac- ture region, groups united by the specific mapped charac-
tions between them, including those of political and eco- teristics may be competing and distinctive in other
nomic nature. important cultural traits.
Culture is a complexly interlocked web of behaviors Finally, a set of culture regions showing related cul-
and attitudes. Realistically, its full and diverse content ture complexes and landscapes may be grouped to form a
cannot be appreciated, and in fact may be wholly misun- culture realm. The term recognizes a large segment of
derstood, if we concentrate our attention only on limited, the earth’s surface having an assumed fundamental uni-
obvious traits. Distinctive eating utensils, the use of ges- formity in its cultural characteristics and showing a signif-
tures, or the ritual of religious ceremony may summarize icant difference in them from adjacent realms. Culture
and characterize a culture for the casual observer. These realms are, in a sense, culture regions at the broadest
are, however, individually insignificant parts of a much scale of recognition. In fact, the scale is so broad and the
more complex structure that can be appreciated only diversity within the recognized realms so great that the
when the whole is experienced. very concept of realm may mislead more than it informs.
Out of the richness and intricacy of human life we
seek to isolate for special study those more fundamental
cultural variables that give structure and spatial order to
societies. We begin with culture traits, the smallest distinc-
tive items of culture. Culture traits are units of learned
behavior ranging from the language spoken to the tools
used or the games played. A trait may be an object (a fish-
hook, for example), a technique (weaving and knotting of
a fishnet), a belief (in the spirits resident in water bodies),
or an attitude (a conviction that fish is superior to other
animal protein). Such traits are the most elementary ex-
pression of culture, the building blocks of the complex be-
havioral patterns of distinctive groups of peoples.
Individual cultural traits that are functionally inter-
related comprise a culture complex. The existence of
such complexes is universal. Keeping cattle was a culture
trait of the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania. Related traits
included the measurement of personal wealth by the
number of cattle owned, a diet containing milk and the
blood of cattle, and disdain for labor unrelated to herding.
The assemblage of these and other related traits yielded a
culture complex descriptive of one aspect of Maasai soci-
ety (Figure 2.3). In exactly analogous ways, religious com-
plexes, business behavior complexes, sports complexes,
and others can easily be recognized in American or any
other society.
Culture traits and complexes have areal extent.
When they are plotted on maps, the regional character of
the components of culture is revealed. Although human
geographers are interested in the spatial distribution of
these individual elements of culture, their usual concern
is with the culture region, a portion of the earth’s sur-
face occupied by populations sharing recognizable and
distinctive cultural characteristics. Examples include the
political organizations societies devise, the religions they
espouse, the form of economy they pursue, and even the
type of clothing they wear, eating utensils they use, or Figure 2.3 The formerly migratory Maasai of Kenya are now
kind of housing they occupy. There are as many such con- largely sedentary, partially urbanized, and frequently owners of
fenced farms. Cattle formed the traditional basis of Maasai culture
ceptual culture regions as there are culture traits and
and were the evidence of wealth and social status. They provided, as
complexes recognized for population groups. Their recog- well, the milk and blood important in the Maasai diet. Here, a
nition will be particularly important in discussions of eth- herdsman catches blood released from a small neck incision he has
nic, folk, and popular cultures in later chapters of this just made.

38 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Indeed, the current validity of distinctive culture If a global culture can be discerned, it may best be
realms has been questioned in light of an assumed global- seen as a combination of multiple territorial cultures,
ization of all aspects of human society and economy. The rather than a completely standardized uniformity. It is
term globalization implies the increasing interconnec- those territorially different cultural mixtures that are rec-
tion of all parts of the world as the full range of social, cul- ognized by the culture realms suggested on Figure 2.4,
tural, political, and economic processes becomes which itself is only one of many such possible divisions.
international in scale and effect. The result, it has been The spatial pattern and characteristics of these general-
suggested, is a homogenization of cultures as economies ized realms will help us place the discussions and exam-
are integrated and uniform consumer demands are satis- ples of human geography of later chapters in their
fied by standardized products produced by international regional context.
Certainly, the increasing mobility of people, goods,
and information have reduced the rigidly compartmental-
ized ethnicities, languages, and religions of earlier peri-
Interaction of People and Environment
ods. Cultural flows and exchanges have increased over the Culture develops in a physical environment that, in its way,
recent decades and with them has come a growing world- contributes to differences among people. In premodern sub-
wide intermixture of peoples and customs. Despite that sistence societies, the acquisition of food, shelter, and cloth-
growing globalism in all facets of life and economy, how- ing, all parts of culture, depends on the utilization of the
ever, the world is far from homogenized. Although an in- natural resources at hand. The interrelations of people to
creased sameness of commodities and experiences is the environment of a given area, their perceptions and uti-
encountered in distant places, even common and stan- lization of it, and their impact on it are interwoven themes
dardized items of everyday life—branded soft drinks, for of cultural ecology—the study of the relationship between
example, or American fast food franchises—take on a culture group and the natural environment it occupies.
unique regional meanings and roles, conditioned by the
total cultural mix they enter. Those multiple regional cul- Environments as Controls
tural mixes are often defiantly distinctive and separatist as Geographers have long dismissed as intellectually limiting
recurring incidents of ethnic conflict, civil war, and stri- and demonstrably invalid the ideas of environmental
dent regionalism attest. determinism, the belief that the physical environment


Anglo- Slavic
60° American

40° Sino-Japanese

Islamic Indic
Southeast Oceanic
0° Asia
Insular "Latin" Sub-
Oceanic American Saharan
20° African


180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 2.4 Culture realms of the modern world. This is just one of many possible subdivisions of the world into multifactor cultural regions.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 39

exclusively shapes humans, their actions, and their Americans made one use of the environment around
thoughts. Environmental factors alone cannot account for Pittsburgh, while 19th-century industrialists made quite
the cultural variations that occur around the world. Levels another.
of technology, systems of organization, and ideas about
what is true and right have no obvious relationship to en- Human Impacts
vironmental circumstances. People are also able to modify their environment, and this is
The environment does place certain limitations on the other half of the human–environment relationship of
the human use of territory. Such limitations, however, geographic concern. Geography, including cultural ge-
must be seen not as absolute, enduring restrictions but as ography, examines both the reactions of people to the physi-
relative to technologies, cost considerations, national aspi- cal environment and their impact on that environment. By
rations, and linkages with the larger world. Human using it, we modify our environment—in part, through the
choices in the use of landscapes are affected by group per- material objects we place on the landscape: cities, farms,
ception of the feasibility and desirability of their settle- roads, and so on (Figure 2.5). The form these take is the
ment and exploitation. These are not circumstances product of the kind of culture group in which we live. The
inherent in the land. Mines, factories, and cities were (and cultural landscape, the earth’s surface as modified by
are being) created in the formerly nearly unpopulated human action, is the tangible physical record of a given cul-
tundra and forests of Siberia as a reflection of Russian de- ture. House types, transportation networks, parks and ceme-
velopmental programs, not in response to recent environ- teries, and the size and distribution of settlements are among
mental improvement. the indicators of the use that humans have made of the land.
Possibilism is the viewpoint that people, not envi- Human actions, both deliberate and inadvertent,
ronments, are the dynamic forces of cultural develop- modifying or even destroying the environment are per-
ment. The needs, traditions, and level of technology of a haps as old as humankind itself. People have used, al-
culture affect how that culture assesses the possibilities of tered, and replaced the vegetation in wide areas of the
an area and shape what choices the culture makes regard- tropics and midlatitudes. They have hunted to extinction
ing them. Each society uses natural resources in accor- vast herds and whole species of animals. They have,
dance with its circumstances. Changes in a group’s through overuse and abuse of the earth and its resources,
technical abilities or objectives bring about changes in its rendered sterile and unpopulated formerly productive and
perceptions of the usefulness of the land. Simply put, the attractive regions.
impact of the environment appears inversely related to Fire has been called the first great tool of humans,
the level of development of a culture, while perception of and the impact of its early and continuing use is found on
environmental opportunities increases directly with nearly every continent. Poleward of the great rain forests of
growth in economic and cultural development. equatorial South America, Africa, and South Asia lies the
Map evidence suggests the nature of some environ- tropical savanna of extensive grassy vegetation separating
mental limitations on use of area. The vast majority of the scattered trees and forest groves (Figure 2.6). The trees ap-
world’s population is differentially concentrated on less pear to be the remnants of naturally occurring tropical dry
than one-half of the earth’s land surface, as Figure 4.22 forests, thorn forests, and scrub now largely obliterated by
suggests. Areas with relatively mild climates that offer a the use, over many millennia, of fire to remove the un-
supply of fresh water, fertile soil, and abundant mineral wanted and unproductive trees and to clear off old grasses
resources are densely settled, reflecting in part the differ- for more nutritious new growth. The grasses supported the
ent potentials of the land under earlier technologies to immense herds of grazing animals that were the basis of
support population. Even today, the polar regions, high hunting societies. After independence, the government of
and rugged mountains, deserts, and some hot and humid Kenya in East Africa sought to protect its national game
lowland areas contain very few people. If resources for preserves by prohibiting the periodic use of fire. It quickly
feeding, clothing, or housing ourselves within an area are found that the immense herds of gazelles, zebras, antelope,
lacking or if we do not recognize them there, there is no and other grazers (and the lions and other predators that
inducement for people to occupy the territory. fed on them) that tourists came to see were being replaced
Environments that do contain such resources pro- by less-appealing browsing species—rhinos, hippos, and
vide the framework within which a culture operates. elephants. With fire prohibited, the forests began to reclaim
Coal, oil, and natural gas have been in their present loca- their natural habitat and the grassland fauna was replaced.
tions throughout human history, but they were of no use The same form of vegetation replacement occurred
to preindustrial cultures and did not impart any recog- in midlatitudes. The grasslands of North America were
nized advantage to their sites of occurrence. Not until the greatly extended by Native Americans who burned the
Industrial Revolution did coal deposits gain importance forest margin to extend grazing areas and to drive animals
and come to influence the location of such great indus- in the hunt. The control of fire in modern times has re-
trial complexes as the Midlands in England, the Ruhr in sulted in the advance of the forest once again in formerly
Germany, and the steel-making districts formerly so im- grassy areas (“parks”) of Colorado, northern Arizona, and
portant in parts of northeastern United States. Native other parts of the United States West.

40 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Figure 2.5 The physical and cultural landscapes in juxtaposition. Advanced societies are capable of so altering the circumstances of nature
that the cultural landscapes they create become the controlling environment. The city of Cape Town, South Africa, is a “built environment”
largely unrelated to its physical surroundings.

Examples abound. The Pleistocene overkill—the Stone

Age loss of whole species of large animals on all inhabited
continents—is often ascribed to the unrestricted hunting
to extinction carried on by societies familiar with fire to
drive animals and hafted (with handles) weapons to
slaughter them. With the use of these, according to one es-
timate, about 40% of African large-animal genera passed
to extinction. In North America, most of the original large-
animal species had disappeared by 10,000 years ago under
pressure from the hunters migrating to and spreading
across the continent. Although some have suggested that
climatic changes or pathogens carried by dogs, rats, and
other camp followers were at least partially responsible,
human action is the more generally accepted explanation
for the abrupt faunal changes. No uncertainty exists in the
record of faunal destruction by the Maoris of New Zealand
or of Polynesians who had exterminated some 80% to 90%
of South Pacific bird species—as many as 2000 in all—by
Figure 2.6 The parklike landscape of grasses and trees the time Captain Cook arrived in the 18th century.
characteristic of the tropical savanna is seen in this view from Not only destruction of animals but of the
Kenya, Africa. life-supporting environment itself has been a frequent

Roots and Meaning of Culture 41

consequence of human misuse of area (see “Chaco the massive stone statues that were significant in the is-
Canyon Desolation”). North Africa, the “granary of Rome” landers’ religion (Figure 2.7). With the loss of livelihood
during the empire, became wasted and sterile in part be- resources and the collapse of religion, warfare broke out
cause of mismanagement. Roman roads standing high and the population was decimated. A similar tragic se-
above the surrounding barren wastes give testimony to quence is occurring on Madagascar in the Indian Ocean
the erosive power of wind and water when natural vegeta- today. Despite current romantic notions, not all early soci-
tion is unwisely removed and farming techniques are in- eties lived in harmony with their environment.
appropriate. Easter Island in the South Pacific was The more technologically advanced and complex
covered lushly with palms and other trees when Polyne- the culture, the more apparent is its impact on the natu-
sians settled there about A.D. 400. By the beginning of the ral landscape. In sprawling urban-industrial societies, the
18th century, Easter Island had become the barren waste- cultural landscape has come to outweigh the natural
land it remains today. Deforestation increased soil ero- physical environment in its impact on people’s daily
sion, removed the supply of timbers needed for the vital lives. It interposes itself between “nature” and humans,
dugout fishing canoes, and made it impossible to move and residents of the cities of such societies—living and

Chaco Canyon Desolation

I t is not certain when they first

came, but by A.D. 1000 the Anasazi peo-
ple were building a flourishing civi-
lization in present-day Arizona and
New Mexico. In the Chaco Canyon
alone, they erected as many as
75 towns, all centered around pueblos,
huge stone-and-adobe apartment build-
ings as tall as five stories and with as
many as 800 rooms. These were the
largest and tallest buildings of North
America prior to the construction of
iron-framed “cloudscrapers” in major
cities at the end of the 19th century.
An elaborate network of roads and irri-
gation canals connected and supported
the pueblos. About A.D. 1200, the settle-
ments were abruptly abandoned. The
Anasazi, advanced in their skills of
agriculture and communal dwelling,
were—according to some scholars— exhausted, and the community The material roots of their cul-
forced to move on by the ecological switched to spruce and Douglas fir ture destroyed, the Anasazi turned
disaster their pressures had brought to from mountaintops surrounding the upon themselves; warfare convulsed
a fragile environment. canyon. When they were gone by 1200, the region and, compelling evidence
They needed forests for fuel and the Anasazi fate was sealed—not only suggests, cannibalism was practiced.
for the hundreds of thousands of logs by the loss of forest but by the irre- Smaller groups sought refuge else-
used as beams and bulwarks in their versible ecological changes deforesta- where, re-creating on reduced scale
dwellings. The pinyon-juniper wood- tion and agriculture had occasioned. their pueblo way of life but now in
land of the canyon was quickly de- With forest loss came erosion that de- nearly inaccessible, highly defensible
pleted. For larger timbers needed for stroyed the topsoil. The surface water mesa and cliff locations. The destruc-
construction, the Anasazi first har- channels that had been built for irriga- tion they had wrought destroyed the
vested stands of ponderosa pine found tion were deepened by accelerated ero- Anasazi in turn.
some 40 kilometers (25 miles) away. As sion, converting them into enlarging
early as A . D . 1030 these, too, were arroyos useless for agriculture.

42 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

continent with the best-documented evidence of Pa-
leolithic culture) were covered with tundra vegetation, the
mosses, lichens, and low shrubs typical of areas too cold
to support forests. Southeastern Europe and southern Rus-
sia had forest, tundra, and grasslands, and the Mediter-
ranean areas had forest cover (Figure 2.9). Gigantic herds
of herbivores—reindeer, bison, mammoth, and horses—
browsed, bred, and migrated throughout the tundra and
the grasslands. An abundant animal life filled the forests.
Human migration northward into present-day Sweden,
Finland, and Russia demanded a much more elaborate set of
tools and provision for shelter and clothing than had previ-
ously been required. It necessitated the crossing of a num-
ber of ecological barriers and the occupation of previously
avoided difficult environments. By the end of the Paleolithic
period, humans had spread to all the continents but Antarc-
tica, carrying with them their common hunting-gathering
culture and social organization. The settlement of the lands
bordering the Pacific Ocean is suggested in Figure 2.10.
While spreading, the total population also increased.
But hunting and foraging bands require considerable terri-
tory to support a relatively small number of individuals.
There were contacts between groups and, apparently,
even planned gatherings for trade, socializing, and select-
ing spouses from outside the home group. Nevertheless,
the bands tended to live in isolation. Estimates place the
Figure 2.7 Now treeless, Easter Island once was lushly forested. Paleolithic population of the entire island of Great Britain,
The statues (some weighing up to 85 tons) dotting the island were which was on the northern margin of habitation, at only
rolled to their locations and lifted into place with logs. some 400–500 persons living in widely separated families
of 20–40 people. Total world population at about 9000 B.C.
working in climate-controlled buildings, driving to en-
closed shopping malls—can go through life with very little
contact with or concern about the physical environment.

Roots of Culture
Earlier humans found the physical environment more im-
mediate and controlling than we do today. Some
11,000 years ago, the massive glaciers—moving ice sheets
of great depth—that had covered much of the land and
water of the Northern Hemisphere (Figure 2.8) began to
retreat. Animal, plant, and human populations that had
been spatially confined by both the ice margin and the
harsh climates of middle-latitude regions, began to spread,
colonizing newly opened territories. The name Paleolithic
(Old Stone Age) is used to describe the period near the end
of glaciation during which small and scattered groups like
the ivory hunters at this chapter’s start began to develop
regional variations in their ways of life and livelihood.
All were hunter-gatherers, preagricultural people
dependent on the year-round availability of plant and ani-
mal foodstuffs they could secure with the limited variety Figure 2.8 Maximum extent of glaciation. In their fullest
development, glaciers of the most recent Ice Age covered large parts
of rudimentary stone tools and weapons at their disposal. of Eurasia and North America. Even areas not covered by ice were
Even during the height of the Ice Age, the unglaciated sec- affected as ocean levels dropped and rose and climate and vegetation
tions of western, central, and northeastern Europe (the regions changed with glacial advance and retreat.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 43

0 Miles 500
0 kilometers 500




London R

U Budapest
cial Shorel S
Gla ine


N an
WOO D LA ial horeline

Figure 2.9 Late Paleolithic environments of Europe. During the late Paleolithic period new food-gathering, shelter, and clothing
strategies were developed to cope with harsh and changing environments, so different from those in Europe today.

probably ranged from 5 to 10 million. Variations in the workweek. Time was available for developing skills in
types of tools characteristic of different population groups working flint and bone for tools, in developing regionally
steadily increased as people migrated and encountered distinctive art and sculpture, and in making decorative
new environmental problems. beads and shells for personal adornment and trade. By the
Improved tool technology greatly extended the range end of the Ice Age (about 11,000 to 12,000 years ago), lan-
of possibilities in the use of locally available materials. The guage, religion, long-distance trade, permanent settle-
result was more efficient and extensive exploitation of the ments, and social stratification within groups appear to
physical environment than earlier had been possible. At have been well developed in many European culture areas.
the same time, regional contrasts in plant and animal life What was learned and created was transmitted within
and in environmental conditions accelerated the differenti- the cultural group. The increasing variety of adaptive strate-
ation of culture between isolated groups who under earlier, gies and technologies and the diversity of noneconomic cre-
less varied conditions had shared common characteristics. ations in art, religion, language, and custom meant an
Within many environments, even harsh ones, the inevitable cultural variation of humankind. That diversifica-
hunting and foraging process was not particularly demand- tion began to replace the rough cultural uniformity among
ing of either time or energy. Recent studies of South hunting and gathering people that had been based on their
African San people (Bushmen), for example, indicate that similar livelihood patterns, informal leadership structures,
such bands survive well on the equivalent of a 2 1⁄2-day small-band kinship groups, and the like (Figure 2.11).

44 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

9200 BP
bridge 17,000 BP

Japan 13,000 BP
30,000 BP 11,200 BP 30°
Pacific Atlantic
Ocean Ocean 15°
13,000 BP
New Guinea 0°
Equator 40,000 BP Pleistocene ice sheets

Land once exposed by drop 32,000 BP 15°

in sea level about 120
50,000 BP meters (390 ft) 20,000 12,000 BP
to years ago 30°
60,000 BP
Australia Numbers indicate years Old theory
30,000 BP Before Present (BP) 13,000 BP migration path 45°
New theory
migration path

90° 120° 150° 180° 150° 120° 90° 60° 30° 0° 30°

Figure 2.10 Settlement of the Americas and the Pacific basin. Genetic studies suggest humans spread around the globe from their Old
World origins beginning some 100,000 years ago. Their time of arrival in the Western Hemisphere, however, is uncertain. The older view claimed
earliest migrants to the Americas, the ancestors of modern Amerindian groups, crossed the Bering land bridge in three different waves beginning
11,500 years ago. Recent evidence suggests those North Asian land migrants encountered (and conquered or absorbed) earlier occupants who had
arrived from Europe, Polynesia, and coastal East Asia by boat traveling along frozen or open shorelines. Although genetic and linguistic research
yields mixed conclusions, physical evidence considered solid by some investigators indicates the first Asian arrivals came at least 22,000 and
more likely 30,000 or more years ago. Eastern United States artifacts that have been assigned dates of 17,000 to 30,000 years ago hint at European
arrivals as early as those of coastal Asians. Other researchers caution that any New World population dates earlier than 11,500 to 12,000 years ago
are questionable.

Figure 2.11 Hunter-gatherers practiced the most enduring lifestyle in human history, trading it for the more arduous life of farmers under
the necessity to provide larger quantities of less diversified foodstuffs for a growing population. For hunter-gatherers (unlike their settled farmer
rivals and successors), age and sex differences, not caste or economic status, were and are the primary basis for the division of labor and of
interpersonal relations. Here a San (Bushman) hunter of Botswana, Africa, stalks his prey. Men also help collect the gathered food that
constitutes 80% of the San diet.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 45

eastern Asia were other Old World domestication sources,
Seeds of Change as were—less successfully—Meso-America and the An-
dean Uplands. Although there is evidence that the con-
The retreat of the last glaciers marked the end of the
cept of animal domestication diffused from limited source
Paleolithic era and the beginning of successive periods of
regions, once its advantages were learned numerous addi-
cultural evolution leading from basic hunting and gather-
tional domestications were accomplished elsewhere. The
ing economies at the outset through the development of
widespread natural occurrence of species able to be do-
agriculture and animal husbandry to, ultimately, the ur-
mesticated made that certain. Cattle of different varieties,
banization and industrialization of modern societies and
for example, were domesticated in India, north-central
economies. Since not all cultures passed through all stages
Eurasia, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Pigs and various do-
at the same time, or even at all, cultural divergence be-
mestic fowl are other examples.
tween human groups became evident.
The domestication of plants, like that of animals, ap-
Glacial recession brought new ecological conditions
pears to have occurred independently in more than one
to which people had to adapt. The weather became
world region over a time span of between 10,000 and per-
warmer and forests began to appear on the open plains
haps as long as 20,000 years ago. A strong case can be
and tundras of Europe and northern China. In the Middle
made that most widespread Eurasian food crops were first
East, where much plant and animal domestication would
cultivated in the Near East beginning some 10,000 years
later occur, savanna (grassland) vegetation replaced more
ago and dispersed rapidly from there across the midlati-
arid landscapes. Populations grew and through hunting
tudes of the Old World. However, clear evidence also ex-
depleted the large herds of grazing animals already retir-
ists that African peoples were raising crops of wheat,
ing northward with the retreating glacial front.
barley, dates, lentils, and chickpeas on the floodplains of
Further population growth demanded new food bases
the Nile River as early as 18,500 years ago. In other world
and production techniques, for the carrying capacity—
regions, farming began more recently; the first true farm-
the number of persons supportable within a given area by
ers in the Americas appeared in Mexico no more than
the technologies at their disposal—of the earth for hunter-
5000 years ago.
gatherers is low. The Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) period,
Familiarity with plants of desirable characteristics is
from about 11,000 to 5000 B.C. in Europe, marked the tran-
universal among hunter-gatherers. In those societies, fe-
sition from the collection of food to its production. These
males were assigned the primary food-gathering role and
stages of the Stone Age—occurring during different time
thus developed the greatest familiarity with nutritive
spans in different world areas—mark distinctive changes
plants. Their fundamental role in initiating crop produc-
in tools, tasks, and social complexities of the cultures that
tion to replace less reliable food gathering seems certain.
experience the transition from “Old” to “Middle” to “New.”
Indeed, women’s major contributions as innovators of
technology—in food preparation and clothing production,
Agricultural Origins and Spread for example—or as inventors of such useful and important
The population of hunter-gatherers rose slowly at the end items as baskets and other containers, baby slings, yokes
of the glacial period. As rapid climatic fluctuation ad- for carrying burdens, and the like are unquestioned.
versely affected their established plant and animal food Agriculture itself, however, seems most likely to
sources, people independently in more than one world have been not an “invention” but the logical extension to
area experimented with the domestication of plants and an- food species of plant selection and nurturing habits devel-
imals. There is no agreement on whether the domestica- oped for nonfood varieties. Plant poisons applied to hunt-
tion of animals preceded or followed that of plants. The ing arrows or spread on lakes or streams to stun fish made
sequence may well have been different in different areas. food gathering easier and more certain. Plant dyes and
What appears certain is that animal domestication—the pigments were universally collected or prepared for per-
successful breeding of species that are dependent on sonal adornment or article decoration. Medicinal and
human beings—began during the Mesolithic, not as a con- mood-altering plants and derivatives were known, gath-
scious economic effort by humans but as outgrowths of ered, protected, and cultivated by all early cultures. In-
the keeping of small or young wild animals as pets and deed, persuasive evidence exists to suggest that early
the attraction of scavenger animals to the refuse of human gathering and cultivation of grains was not for grinding
settlements. The assignment of religious significance to and baking as bread but for brewing as beer, a beverage
certain animals and the docility of others to herding by that became so important in some cultures for religious
hunters all strengthened the human-animal connections and nutritional reasons that it may well have been a first
that ultimately led to full domestication. and continuing reason for sedentary agricultural activities.
Radiocarbon dates suggest the domestication of pigs Nevertheless, full-scale domestication of food plants,
in southeastern Turkey and of goats in the Near East as like that of animals, can be traced to a limited number of
early as 8000 to 8400 B.C., of sheep in Turkey by about origin areas from which its techniques spread (Figure 2.12).
7500 B.C., and of cattle and pigs in both Greece and the Although there were several source regions, certain unifor-
Near East about 7000 B.C. North Africa, India, and south- mities united them. In each, domestication focused on

46 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Figure 2.12 Chief centers of plant and animal domestication. The southern and southeastern Asian center was characterized by the
domestication of plants such as taro, which are propagated by the division and replanting of existing plants (vegetative reproduction).
Reproduction by the planting of seeds (e.g., maize and wheat) was more characteristic of Meso-America and the Near East. The African and
Andean areas developed crops reproduced by both methods. The lists of crops and livestock associated with the separate origin areas are
selective, not exhaustive.

plant species selected apparently for their capability of pro-

viding large quantities of storable calories or protein. In
each, there was a population already well fed and able to Genetically
devote time to the selection, propagation, and improve- Atlantic similar
ment of plants available from a diversified vegetation. Ocean
Some speculate, however, that grain domestication in the
Near East may have been a forced inventive response,
starting some 12,000 years ago, to food shortages reflecting
abrupt increases in summertime temperatures and aridity
in the Jordan Valley. That environmental stress—reducing

summer food supplies and destroying habitats of wild


game—favored selection and cultivation of short-season an- Sea



nual grains and legumes whose seeds could be stored and

planted during cooler, wetter winter growing seasons.
In the tropics and humid subtropics, selected plants Med
were apt to be those that reproduced vegetatively—from 500 mi n ean Se a Genetically
roots, tubers, or cuttings. Outside of those regions, wild 500 km similar
plants reproducing from seeds were more common and
the objects of domestication. Although there was some du-
plication, each of the origin areas developed crop com-
Figure 2.13 The migration of first farmers out of the Middle
East into Europe starting about 10,000 years ago is presumably traced
plexes characteristic of itself alone, as Figure 2.12 by blood and gene markers. If the gene evidence interpretation is
summarizes. From each, there was dispersion of crop valid, the migrants spread at a rate of about one kilometer (five-
plants to other areas, slowly at first under primitive sys- eighths of a mile) per year, gradually interbreeding with and replacing
the indigenous European hunter-gatherers throughout that continent.
tems of population movement and communication (Fig-
Source: L. Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi, and Alberto Piazza. The History and
ure 2.13), more rapidly and extensively with the onset of Geography of Human Genes. Copyright © 1994 Princeton University Press,
European exploration and colonization after A.D. 1500. Princeton, N.J.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 47

While adapting wild plant stock to agricultural pur- By the end of the Neolithic period, certain spatially
poses, the human cultivators, too, adapted. They assumed restricted groups, having created a food-producing rather
sedentary residence to protect the planted areas from ani- than a foraging society, undertook the purposeful restruc-
mal, insect, and human predators. They developed labor turing of their environment. They began to modify plant
specializations and created more formalized and expan- and animal species; to manage soil, terrain, water, and
sive religious structures in which fertility and harvest rites mineral resources; and to utilize animal energy to supple-
became important elements. The regional contrasts be- ment that of humans. They used metal to make refined
tween hunter-gatherer and sedentary agricultural societies tools and superior weapons—first pure copper and later
increased. Where the two groups came in contact, farmers the alloy of tin and copper that produced the harder, more
were the victors and hunter-gatherers the losers in compe- durable bronze. Humans had moved from adopting and
tition for territorial control. shaping to the art of creating.
The contest continued into modern times. During As people gathered together in larger communities,
the past 200 years, European expansion totally dominated new and more formalized rules of conduct and control
the hunting and gathering cultures it encountered in large emerged, especially important where the use of land was
parts of the world such as North America and Australia. involved. We see the beginnings of governments to en-
Even today, in the rain forests of central Africa, Bantu force laws and specify punishments for wrongdoers. The
farmers put continuing pressure on hunting and gathering protection of private property, so much greater in amount
Pygmies; and in southern Africa, Hottentot herders and and variety than that carried by the nomad, demanded
Bantu farmers constantly advance on the territories of the more complex legal codes, as did the enforcement of the
San (Bushmen) hunter-gatherer bands. The contrast and rules of societies increasingly stratified by social privileges
conflict between the hunter-gatherers and agriculturalists and economic status.
provide dramatic evidence of cultural divergence.

Neolithic Innovations
The domestication of plants and animals began during the
Mesolithic period, but in its refined form it marked the
onset of the Neolithic (New Stone Age). Like other Stone
Age levels, the Neolithic was more a stage of cultural de-
velopment than a specific span of time. The term implies
the creation of an advanced set of tools and technologies
to deal with the conditions and needs encountered by an
expanding, sedentary population whose economy was
based on the agricultural management of the environment
(Figure 2.14).
Not all peoples in all areas of the earth made the
same cultural transition at the same time. In the Near
East, from which most of our knowledge of this late pre-
historic period comes, the Neolithic lasted from approxi-
mately 8000 to 3500 B.C. There, as elsewhere, it brought
complex and revolutionary changes in human life. Cul-
ture began to alter at an accelerating pace, and change it-
self became a way of life. In an interconnected adaptive
web, technological and social innovations came with a
speed and genius surpassing all previous periods.
Humans learned the arts of spinning and weaving
plant and animal fibers. They learned to use the potter’s
wheel and to fire clay and make utensils. They developed
techniques of brick making, mortaring, and construction,
and they discovered the skills of mining, smelting, and Figure 2.14 The Mediterranean scratch plow, the earliest form
casting metals. On the foundation of such technical ad- of this basic agricultural tool, was essentially an enlarged digging
vancements, a more complex exploitative culture ap- stick dragged by an ass, an ox, or—as here near Cairo, Egypt—by a
peared, a stratified society to replace the rough equality of pair of oxen. The scratch plow represented a significant
technological breakthrough in human use of tools and animal power
adults in hunting and gathering economies. Special local
in food production. Its earliest evidence is found in Egyptian tomb
advantages in resources or products promoted the devel- drawings and in art preserved from the ancient Middle East but was
opment of long-distance trading connections, which the elsewhere either independently invented or introduced by those
invention of the sailboat helped to maintain. familiar with its use. See also Figure 2.17a.

48 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Religions became more formalized. For the hunter, a party to their creation. The term culture hearth is used
religion could be individualistic, and his worship was con- to describe such centers of innovation and invention from
cerned with personal health and safety. The collective which key culture traits and elements moved to exert an
concerns of farmers were based on the calendar: the cycle influence on surrounding regions.
of rainfall, the seasons of planting and harvesting, the rise The hearth may be viewed as the “cradle” of a cul-
and fall of waters to irrigate the crops. Religions respon- ture group whose developed systems of livelihood and life
sive to those concerns developed rituals appropriate to created distinctive cultural landscapes. All hearth areas
seasons of planting, irrigation, harvesting, and thanksgiv- developed the trappings of civilizations. The definition of
ing. An established priesthood was required, one that that term is not precise, but indicators of its achievement
stood not only as intermediary between people and the are commonly assumed to be writing, metallurgy, long-
forces of nature but also as authenticator of the timing distance trade connections, astronomy and mathematics,
and structure of the needed rituals. social stratification and labor specialization, formalized
In daily life, occupations became increasingly spe- governmental systems, and a structured urban culture.
cialized. Metalworkers, potters, sailors, priests, merchants, Several major culture hearths emerged in the Neo-
scribes, and in some areas, warriors complemented the lithic period. Prominent centers of early creativity were
work of farmers and hunters. found in Egypt, Crete, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley of
the Indian subcontinent, northern China, southeastern
Asia, several locations in sub-Saharan Africa, in the Amer-
icas, and elsewhere (Figure 2.15). They arose in widely
Culture Hearths separated areas of the world, at different times, and under
differing ecological circumstances. Each displayed its own
The social and technical revolutions that began in and unique mix of culture traits and amalgams, some aspects
characterized the Neolithic period were initially spatially of which are summarized in Table 2.1.
confined. The new technologies, the new ways of life, and All were urban centered, the indisputable mark of civ-
the new social structures diffused from those points of ori- ilization first encountered in the Near East 5500–6000 years
gin and were selectively adopted by people who were not ago, but the urbanization of each was differently arrived at

Mesopotamia/ North China

Middle East 2200 BCE
5500 BCE

2500 BCE
Indus Valley
Meso-America 2300 BCE Southeast Asia
1250 BCE 1500 BCE
3300 BCE
West Africa
400 BCE
1500 BCE

Diffusion routes

Figure 2.15 Early culture hearths of the Old World and the Americas. The BCE (Before the Common Era) dates approximate times when
the hearths developed complex social, intellectual, and technological bases and served as cultural diffusion centers. Generalized hearth
characteristics are summarized in Table 2.1.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 49

TABLE 2.1 Emerging Culture Hearths: Periods and Features of Development

Hearth Before 10,000– 8000– 6000– 4000– 2000 B.C.–

Region 10,000 B.C. 8000 B.C. 6000 B.C. 4000 B.C. 2000 B.C. A.D. 1 A.D. 1–1000

Near East Earliest Domestication First farming First irrigation First cities First alphabet Birth of
domestication of sheep, pigs, villages Early records on Earliest writing Glass Mohammed
of dog and goats Wheat, barley, clay tablets (A.D. 570)
Wheeled vehicles Iron smelting
Early hunter- First permanent legumes Potter’s wheel Arab/Muslim
First legal codes Birth of Christ
gatherer communities Sophisticated expansion
villages Bronze Age
Long-distance houses
trade Plow
Pottery, textiles
Nile Valley Evidence of Pottery Domestication Cattle herding
cultivation of Fishing villages of cattle Farming
wheat, barley, Metalworking Cloth
lentils, dates
Farming villages Sailing ships
Indus Valley Village farming End of Indus Valley
Rise of cities cities (1600 B.C.)
East Asia Cultivation of Settled villages Metalworking Chinese walled cities First Southeast
rice; root crops, Wide range of (bronze) Buddha (563–483 B.C.) Asian cities
beans, millet crops, domestic First Chinese city Confucius
Pottery animals (551–479 B.C.)
Domestication Plow Ideographic script
of pigs Irrigation Iron working (China)
Europe Cave art Long-distance First farming in Megalithic Olive, grape Minoan civilization Fall of Roman
Ivory, stone trade Greece and tombs domestication on Crete Empire
figurines Aegean First European Mycenaean culture Dark Ages
cities in Greece
Copper working “Golden Age” of
Greece and Rome
West Africa Pottery Yam cultivation Village clusters Ceramic art
Farming First cities
Iron smelting
Empire of Ghana
Andean Roots, tubers Beans, pepper, Pottery Metalworking City formation
America (potato) as food other plant Ceramics City-state
crops domestications conquests
Meso- Maize Beans, squash, First farming Olmec culture Apex of Mayan
America domestication chili peppers villages Early cities culture
Early Mayan culture
Raised field

Adapted with permission from John E. Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Society: A Prehistory of the Establishment. Copyright © 1977 McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, NY.

50 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

and expressed (Figure 2.16). In some hearth areas, such as enable a significant number of people to engage in non-
Mesopotamia and Egypt, the transition from settled agricul- farm activities. Therefore, each hearth region saw the
tural village to urban form was gradual and prolonged. In creation of a stratified society that included artisans,
Minoan Crete, urban life was less explicitly developed than warriors, merchants, scholars, priests, and administra-
in the Indus Valley, where early trade contacts with the tors. Each also developed or adopted astronomy, mathe-
Near East suggest the importance of exchange in fostering matics, and the all-essential calendar. Each, while
urban growth (see “Cities Brought Low”). Trade seems par- advancing in cultural diversity and complexity, exported
ticularly important in the development of West African cul- technologies, skills, and learned behaviors far beyond its
ture hearths, such as Ghana and Kanem. Coming later own boundaries.
(from the 8th to the 10th centuries) than the Nile or Writing appeared first in Mesopotamia and Egypt at
Mesopotamian centers, their numerous stone-built towns least 5000 years ago, as cuneiform in the former and as hi-
seem to have been supported both by an extensive agricul- eroglyphics in the latter. The separate forms of writing
ture whose origins were probably as early as those of the have suggested to some that they arose independently in
Middle East and, particularly, by long-distance trade across separate hearths. Others maintain that the idea of writing
the Sahara. The Shang kingdom on the middle course of the originated in Mesopotamia and spread outward to Egypt,
Huang He (Yellow River) on the North China Plain had to the Indus Valley, to Crete, and perhaps even to China,
walled cities containing wattle-and-daub buildings but no though independent development of Chinese ideographic
monumental architecture. writing is usually assumed. The systems of record keeping
Each culture hearth showed a rigorous organization developed in New World hearths were not related to those
of agriculture resulting in local productivity sufficient to of the Old, but once created they spread widely in areas

Figure 2.16 Urbanization was invariably a characteristic of culture hearths of both the Old and the New Worlds. Pictured is the Pyramid of
the Moon and Avenue of the Dead at Teotihuacán, a city that at its height between A.D. 300 and 700 spread over nearly 18 square kilometers
(7 square miles). Located some 50 kilometers (30 miles) northeast of Mexico City in the Valley of Mexico, the planned city of Teotihuacán
featured broad, straight avenues and an enormous pyramid complex. The Avenue of the Dead, bordered with low stone-faced buildings, was some
3 kilometers (nearly 2 miles) in length.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 51

Cities Brought Low

S ustainable development requires

the rain-based agriculture on which and not reoccupied for over 300 years;
a long-term balance between human many of the early civilizations were deep accumulations (20–25 cm, or
actions and environmental conditions. dependent. Although they prospered 8–10 in.) of windblown sand over
When either poor management of through trade, urban societies were farmlands during the same three cen-
resources by an exploiting culture or sustained by the efforts of farmers. turies; abrupt declines in lake water
natural environmental alteration unre- When, about 2200 B.C., fields dried and levels; and thick lake- and seabed de-
lated to human actions destroys that crops failed through lack of rain, posits of windblown debris.
balance, a society’s use of a region is urban and rural inhabitants alike were Similar, but differently timed
no longer “sustainable” in the form pre- forced to flee the dust storms and drought periods—such as the cata-
viously established. Recent research famine of intolerable environmental strophic aridity between A.D. 800 and
shows that over 4000 years ago an un- deterioration. 1000 that destroyed Mayan culture in
manageable natural disaster spelled the Evidence of the killer drought Meso-America—have been blamed for
death of half a dozen ancient civiliza- that destroyed so many Bronze Age the collapse of advanced societies in
tions from the Mediterranean Sea on cultures—for example, those of the New World as well. Not even the
the west to the Indus Valley on the east. Mesopotamia, early Minoan Crete, most thriving of early urban cultures
That disaster took the form of an and the Old Kingdom in Egypt— were immune to restrictions arbitrar-
intense 300-year drought that destroyed includes: cities abandoned in 2200 B.C. ily imposed by nature.

under the influence of Andean and Meso-American creation. Although long out of favor, diffusionism has re-
hearths. Skill in working iron, so important in Near East- cently received renewed support from archaeological dis-
ern kingdoms, was an export of sub-Saharan African coveries apparently documenting very long-distance
hearths. transfer of ideas, technologies, and language by migrating
The anthropologist Julian Steward (1902–1972) pro- peoples.
posed the concept of multilinear evolution to explain In any event, the common characteristics deriving
the common characteristics of widely separated cultures from multilinear evolution and the spread of specific cul-
developed under similar ecological circumstances. He ture traits and complexes contained the roots of cultural
suggested that each major environmental zone—arid, convergence. That term describes the sharing of tech-
high altitude, midlatitude steppe, tropical forest, and so nologies, organizational structures, and even cultural
on—tends to induce common adaptive traits in the cul- traits and artifacts that is so evident among widely sepa-
tures of those who exploit it. Those traits were, at base, rated societies in a modern world united by instantaneous
founded on the development of agriculture and the emer- communication and efficient transportation. Convergence
gence of similar cultural and administrative structures in in those worldwide terms is, for many observers, proof of
the several culture hearths. But similar does not imply the pervasive globalization of culture.
identical. Steward simply suggested that since comparable
sequences of developmental events cannot always or
even often be explained on the basis of borrowing or ex-
porting of ideas and techniques (because of time and
space differences in cultures sharing them), they must be
The Structure of Culture
regarded as evidence of parallel creations based on simi- Understanding a culture fully is, perhaps, impossible for
lar ecologies. From similar origins, but through separate one who is not part of it. For analytical purposes, how-
adaptations and innovations, distinctive cultures ever, the traits and complexes of culture—its building
emerged. blocks and expressions—may be grouped and examined
Diffusionism is the belief that cultural similarities as subsets of the whole. The anthropologist Leslie White
occur primarily—perhaps even solely—by spatial spread (1900–1975) suggested that for analytical purposes, a
(diffusion) from one or at most a very few common origin culture could be viewed as a three-part structure com-
sites. Cultural advancement and civilizations, that is, are posed of subsystems that he termed ideological, techno-
passed on along trade routes and through group contact logical, and sociological. In a similar classification, the
rather than being the result of separate and independent biologist Julian Huxley (1887–1975) identified three

52 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

components of culture: mentifacts, artifacts, and socio- basic needs artifacts (Figure 2.17). In Chapter 10 we will
facts. Together, according to these interpretations, the examine the relationship between technological subsys-
subsystems—identified by their separate components— tems and regional patterns of economic development.
comprise the system of culture as a whole. But they are The sociological subsystem of a culture is the sum
integrated; each reacts on the others and is affected by of those expected and accepted patterns of interpersonal
them in turn. relations that find their outlet in economic, political, mili-
The ideological subsystem consists of ideas, be- tary, religious, kinship, and other associations. These
liefs, and knowledge of a culture and of the ways in which sociofacts define the social organization of a culture.
these things are expressed in speech or other forms of They regulate how the individual functions relative to the
communication. Mythologies and theologies, legend, liter- group—whether it be family, church, or state. There are
ature, philosophy, and folk wisdom make up this cate- no “givens” as far as the patterns of interaction in any of
gory. Passed on from generation to generation, these these associations are concerned, except that most cul-
abstract belief systems, or mentifacts, tell us what we tures possess a variety of formal and informal ways of
ought to believe, what we should value, and how we ought structuring behavior. Differing patterns of behavior are
to act. Beliefs form the basis of the socialization process. learned and are transmitted from one generation to the
Often we know—or think we know—what the beliefs of a next (Figure 2.18).
group are from their oral or written statements. Some- Classifications are of necessity arbitrary, and these
times, however, we must depend on the actions or objec- classifications of the subsystems and components of cul-
tives of a group to tell us what its true ideas and values ture are no exception. The three-part categorization of
are. “Actions speak louder than words” or “Do as I say, not culture, while helping us to appreciate its structure and
as I do” are commonplace recognitions of the fact that ac- complexity, can simultaneously obscure the many-sided
tions, values, and words do not always coincide. Two nature of individual elements of culture. A dwelling, for
basic strands of the ideological subsystem—language and example, is an artifact providing shelter for its occu-
religion—are the subject of Chapter 5. pants. It is, simultaneously, a sociofact reflecting the na-
The technological subsystem is composed of the ture of the family or kinship group it is designed to
material objects, together with the techniques of their house, and a mentifact summarizing a culture group’s
use, by means of which people are able to live. The ob- convictions about appropriate design, orientation, and
jects are the tools and other instruments that enable us to building materials of dwelling units. In the same vein,
feed, clothe, house, defend, transport, and amuse our- clothing serves as an artifact of bodily protection appro-
selves. We must have food, we must be protected from priate to climatic conditions, available materials and
the elements, and we must be able to defend ourselves. techniques, or the activity in which the wearer is en-
Huxley termed the material objects we use to fill these gaged. But garments also may be sociofacts, identifying

(a) (b)

Figure 2.17 (a) This Balinese farmer working with draft animals uses tools typical of the lower technological levels of subsistence
economies. (b) Cultures with advanced technological subsystems use complex machinery to harness inanimate energy for productive use.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 53

Figure 2.18 All societies prepare their children for membership in the culture group. In each of these settings, certain values, beliefs, skills,
and proper ways of acting are being transmitted to the youngsters.

an individual’s role in the social structure of the commu- 1917 communist revolution from a monarchical, agrarian,
nity or culture, and mentifacts, evoking larger commu- capitalistic system to an industrialized, communistic soci-
nity value systems (Figure 2.19). ety involved sudden, interrelated alteration of all facets of
Nothing in a culture stands totally alone. Changes in that country’s culture system. The equally abrupt disinte-
the ideas that a society holds may affect the sociological gration of Russian communism in the early 1990s was
and technological systems just as changes in technology similarly disruptive of all its established economic, social,
force adjustments in the social system. The abrupt alter- and administrative structures. The interlocking nature of
ation of the ideological structure of Russia following the all aspects of a culture is termed cultural integration.

54 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2.19 (a) When clothing serves primarily to cover, protect, or assist in activities, it is an artifact. (b) Some garments are sociofacts,
identifying a role or position within the social structure: the distinctive “uniforms” of the soldier, the cleric, or the beribboned ambassador
immediately proclaim their respective roles in a culture’s social organizations. (c) The mandatory chadors of Iranian females are mentifacts,
indicative not specifically of the role of the wearer but of the values of the culture the wearer represents.

the United States differs today from what you know it to

Culture Change have been in 1940—not in essentials, perhaps, but in the in-
numerable electrical, electronic, and transportational de-
The recurring theme of cultural geography is change. No
vices that have been introduced and in the social,
culture is, or has been, characterized by a permanently
behavioral, and recreational changes they and other tech-
fixed set of material objects, systems of organization, or
nological changes have wrought. Among these latter have
even ideologies. Admittedly, all of these may be long-
been shifts in employment patterns to include greater par-
enduring within a stable, isolated society at equilibrium
ticipation by women in the waged workforce and associated
with its resource base. Such isolation and stability have al-
adjustments in attitudes toward the role of women in the
ways been rare. On the whole, while cultures are essen-
society at large. Such cumulative changes occur because
tially conservative, they are always in a state of flux. Some
the cultural traits of any group are not independent; they
changes are major and pervasive. The transition from
are clustered in a coherent and integrated pattern. Change
hunter-gatherer to sedentary farmer, as we have seen, af-
on a small scale will have wide repercussions as associated
fected markedly every facet of the cultures experiencing
traits arrive at accommodation with the adopted adjust-
that change. Profound, too, has been the impact of the In-
ment. Change, both major and minor, within cultures is in-
dustrial Revolution and its associated urbanization on all
duced by innovation, diffusion, and acculturation.
societies it has touched.
Not all change is so extensive as that following the in-
troduction of agriculture or the Industrial Revolution. Many Innovation
changes are so slight individually as to go almost unnoticed Innovation implies changes to a culture that result from
at their inception, though cumulatively they may substan- ideas created within the social group itself and adopted by
tially alter the affected culture. Think of how the culture of the culture. The novelty may be an invented improvement

Roots and Meaning of Culture 55

in material technology, like the bow and arrow or the jet
engine. It may involve the development of nonmaterial
forms of social structure and interaction: feudalism, for ex-
ample, or Christianity.

Rate of Innovation
Premodern and traditional societies characteristi-
cally are not innovative. In societies at equilibrium with
their environment and with no unmet needs, change has
no adaptive value and no reason to occur. Indeed, all soci- Industrial
eties have an innate resistance to change. Complaints Agricultural
about youthful fads or the glorification of times past are Revolution
familiar cases in point. However, when a social group is
inappropriately unresponsive—mentally, psychologically,
or economically—to changing circumstances and to inno- Paleolithic Present
vation, it is said to exhibit cultural lag.
Innovation—invention—frequently under stress, Figure 2.20 The rate of innovation through human history.
has marked the history of humankind. As we have seen, Hunter-gatherers, living in easy equilibrium with their environment
and their resource base, had little need for innovation and no
growing populations at the end of the Ice Age necessi-
necessity for cultural change. Increased population pressures led to
tated an expanded food base. In response, domestication the development of agriculture and the diffusion of the ideas and
of plants and animals appears to have occurred inde- techniques of domestication, urbanization, and trade. With the
pendently in more than one world area. Indeed, a most Industrial Revolution, dramatic increases in innovation began to
striking fact about early agriculture is the universality of alter cultures throughout the world.
its development or adoption within a very short span
of human history. In 10,000 B.C., the world population of
no more than 10 million was exclusively hunter-gather-
ers. By A . D . 1500, only 1% of the world’s 350 million niques, building styles, or concepts of government alien
people still followed that way of life. The revolution in to their new home. (2) Information about an innovation
food production affected every facet of the threefold (e.g., hybrid corn or compact discs) may spread through-
subsystems of culture of every society accepting it. All out a society, perhaps aided by local or mass media ad-
innovation has a radiating impact on the web of culture; vertising; or new adopters of an ideology or way of
the more basic the innovation, the more pervasive its life—for example, a new religious creed—may be inspired
consequences. or recruited by immigrant or native converts. The former
In most modern societies, innovative change has be- is known as relocation diffusion, the latter as expansion dif-
come common, expected, and inevitable. The rate of in- fusion (Figure 2.21).
vention, at least as measured by the number of patents Expansion diffusion involves the spread of an
granted, has steadily increased, and the period between item or idea from one place to others. In the process the
idea conception and product availability has been decreas- thing diffused also remains—and is frequently intensified—
ing. A general axiom is that the more ideas available and in the origin area. Islam, for example, expanded from its
the more minds able to exploit and combine them, the Arabian Peninsula origin locale across much of Asia and
greater the rate of innovation. The spatial implication is North Africa. At the same time it strengthened its hold
that larger urban centers of advanced technologies tend to over its Near Eastern birthplace by displacing pagan,
be centers of innovation. This is not just because of their Christian, and Jewish populations. When expansion dif-
size but because of the number of ideas interchanged. In- fusion affects nearly uniformly all individuals and areas
deed, ideas not only stimulate new thoughts and view- outward from the source region, it is termed contagious
points but also create circumstances in which the society diffusion. The term implies the importance of direct con-
must develop new solutions to maintain its forward mo- tact between those who developed or have adopted the
mentum (Figure 2.20). innovation and those who newly encounter it, and is
reminiscent of the course of infectious diseases (Fig-
Diffusion ure 2.22). The rate of expansion diffusion of a trait or
Diffusion is the process by which an idea or innovation idea may be influenced by time-distance decay, which
is transmitted from one individual or group to another simply tells us that the spread or acceptance of an idea is
across space. Diffusion may assume a variety of forms, usually delayed as distance from the source of the inno-
each different in its impact on social groups. Basically, vation increases.
however, two processes are involved: (1) People move, In some instances, however, geographic distance is
for any of a number of reasons, to a new area and take less important in the transfer of ideas than is communi-
their culture with them. For example, immigrants to the cation between major centers or important people. News
American colonies brought along crops and farming tech- of new clothing styles, for example, quickly spreads

56 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Initial Stage Later Stage 0 miles 600
0 km 600


Initial Stage Later Stage

Figure 2.22 The process of contagious diffusion is sensitive to

both time and distance, as suggested by the diffusion pathways of the
European influenza pandemic of 1781. The pattern there was a
wavelike radiation from a Russian nodal origin area.
Source: Based on Gerald F. Pyle and K. David Patterson, Ecology of Disease 2,
no. 3 (1984):179.


Figure 2.21 Patterns of diffusion (a) In relocation diffusion,

innovations or ideas are transported to new areas by carriers who
permanently leave the home locale. The “Pennsylvania Dutch” barn
(Figure 6.24) was brought to Pennsylvania by German immigrants
and spread to other groups and areas southward through
Appalachia and westward into Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri.
Not all farmers or farm districts in the path of advancement
adopted the new barn design. (b) In expansion diffusion, a
phenomenon spreads from one place to neighboring locations, but
in the process remains and is often intensified in the place of origin
(see Figure 5.28).
Source: Redrawn by permission from Spatial Diffusion, by Peter R. Gould, Resource
Paper no. 4, page 4, Association of American Geographers, 1969.

internationally between major cities and only later filters

down irregularly to smaller towns and rural areas. The
process of transferring ideas first between larger places Figure 2.23 The process of hierarchical diffusion is one of
transfer between the large and the important before subsequent
or prominent people and only later to smaller or less im-
transmittal to the smaller or less important places or people lower
portant points or people is known as hierarchical diffusion down on the hierarchy. New discoveries, for example, are shared
(Figure 2.23). The Christian faith in Europe, for example, among scientists at leading universities before they appear in
spread from Rome as the principal center to provincial textbooks or become general knowledge through the public press.
capitals and thence to smaller Roman settlements in The process works because, for many things, distance is relative to
the communication network involved. Big cities or leading scientists,
largely pagan occupied territories (see Figure 5.22).
connected by strong information flows, are “closer” than their simple
While the diffusion of ideas may be slowed by time- distance separation suggests.
distance decay, their speed of spread may be increased to Source: Redrawn by permission from Spatial Diffusion, by Peter R. Gould, Resource
the point of becoming instantaneous through the space-time Paper no. 4, page 6, Association of American Geographers, 1969.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 57

compression made possible by modern communication. innovations. The Shah of Iran’s attempt at rapid west-
Given access to radios, telephones, and—perhaps most ernization of traditional Iranian, Islamic culture after
importantly—to computers and the Internet, people and World War II provoked a traditionalist backlash and rev-
areas distantly separated can immediately share in a com- olution that deposed the Shah and reestablished clerical
mon fund of thought and innovation. control of the state.
Stimulus diffusion is a third form of expansion diffu- It is not always possible, of course, to determine the
sion. The term summarizes situations in which a funda- precise point of origin or the routes of diffusion of inno-
mental idea, though not the specific trait itself, vations now widely adopted (see “Documenting Diffu-
stimulates imitative behavior within a receptive popula- sion”). Nor is it always certain whether the existence of a
tion. A documented case in point involves the spread of cultural trait in two different areas is the result of diffu-
the concept but not of a specific system of writing from sion or of independent (or parallel) invention. Cultural
European American settlers to at least one Native Ameri- similarities do not necessarily prove that diffusion has oc-
can culture group. Observing that white people could curred. The pyramids of Egypt and of the Central Ameri-
make marks on pieces of paper to record agreements and can Maya civilization most likely were separately
repeat lengthy speeches, Sequoyah, a Cherokee who conceived and are not necessarily evidence, as some
could neither read nor write any language, around 1820 have proposed, of pre-Columbian voyages from the
devised a system for writing the Cherokee language, Mediterranean to the Americas. A monument-building
eventually refining his initially complex pictorial system culture, after all, has only a limited number of shapes
to a set of 86 syllabic signs. With time, literacy in the from which to choose.
new system spread to others and The Cherokee Phoenix, a Historical examples of independent, parallel inven-
Cherokee language newspaper, was established in 1828. tion are numerous: logarithms by Napier (1614) and Burgi
There was no transfer between cultures or groups of a (1620), the calculus by Newton (1672) and Leibnitz (1675),
specific technique of writing, but there was a clear-cut the telephone by Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell
case of the idea of writing diffusing by stimulating imita- (1876) are commonly cited. It appears beyond doubt that
tive behavior. agriculture was independently developed not only in both
In relocation diffusion, the innovation or idea is the New World and the Old but also in more than one cul-
physically carried to new areas by migrating individuals ture hearth in each of the hemispheres.
or populations that possess it (Figure 2.21a). Mentifacts or
artifacts are therefore introduced into new locales by new Acculturation and Cultural Modification
settlers who become part of populations not themselves A culture group may undergo major modifications in its
associated or in contact with the origin area of the inno- own identifying traits by adopting some or all of the char-
vation. The spread of religions by settlers or conquerors acteristics of another, dominant culture group. Such is the
is a clear example of relocation diffusion, as was the dif- case in acculturation—discussed at greater length in
fusion of agriculture to Europe from the Middle East (Fig- Chapter 6 (pp. 195 to 196)—as immigrant populations take
ure 2.13). Christian Europeans brought their faiths to on the values, attitudes, customs, and speech of the re-
areas of colonization or economic penetration throughout ceiving society. A different form of contact and subse-
the world. At the world scale, massive relocation diffu- quent cultural alteration may occur in a conquered or
sion resulted from the European colonization and eco- colonized region where the subordinate or subject popula-
nomic penetration that began in the 16th century. More tion is either forced to adopt the culture of the new ruling
localized relocation diffusion continues today as Asian group, introduced through relocation diffusion, or does so
refugees or foreign “guest workers” bring their cultural voluntarily, overwhelmed by the superiority in numbers
traits to their new areas of settlement in Europe or North or the technical level of the conqueror. Tribal Europeans
America. in areas of Roman conquest, native populations in the
Innovations in the technological or ideological sub- wake of Slavic occupation of Siberia, and Native Ameri-
systems may be relatively readily diffused to, and ac- cans stripped of their lands following European settlement
cepted by, cultures that have basic similarities and of North America experienced this kind of cultural modifi-
compatibilities. Continental Europe and North America, cation or adoption.
for example, could easily and quickly adopt the innova- In extreme cases, of course, small and, particularly,
tions of the Industrial Revolution diffused from England primitive indigenous groups brought into contact with
with which they shared a common economic and tech- conquering or absorbing societies may simply cease to
nological background. Industrialization was not quickly exist as separate cultural entities. Although presumably
accepted in Asian and African societies of totally differ- such cultural loss has been part of all of human history,
ent cultural conditioning. On the ideological level, too, its occurrence has been noted and its pace quickened
successful diffusion depends on acceptability of the over the past 500 years. By one informed estimate, at

58 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Documenting Diffusion

T he places of origin of many

ideas, items, and technologies impor-
tant in contemporary cultures are
only dimly known or supposed, and
their routes of diffusion are specula-
tive at best. Gunpowder, printing, and
spaghetti are presumed to be the prod-
ucts of Chinese inventiveness; the la-
teen sail has been traced to the Near
Eastern culture world. The moldboard
plow is ascribed to 6th-century Slavs
of northeastern Europe. The sequence
and routes of the diffusion of these in-
novations has not been documented.
Source: Map based on data from Thomas O. Graff and Dub Ashton. “Spatial Diffusion of Wal-Mart: Contagious
In other cases, such documenta- and Reverse Hierarchical Elements.” Professional Geographer 46, no. 1 (1994):19–29.
tion exists, and the process of diffu-
sion is open to analysis. Clearly hundred years tobacco had spread and northern Michigan. By the late
marked is the diffusion path of the across Siberia and was, in the 1740s, 1940s, all commercial corn-growing
custom of smoking tobacco, a practice reintroduced to the American conti- districts of the United States and
that originated among Amerindians. nent at Alaska by Russian fur traders. southern Canada were cultivating hy-
Sir Walter Raleigh’s Virginia colonists, A second route of diffusion for tobacco brid corn varieties.
returning home in 1586, introduced smoking can be traced from Spain, A similar pattern of diffusion
smoking in English court circles, and where the custom was introduced in marked the expansion of the Wal-Mart
the habit very quickly spread among 1558, and from which it spread more stores chain. From its origin in north-
the general populace. England became slowly through the Mediterranean west Arkansas in 1962, the discount
the source region of the new custom area into Africa, the Near East, and chain had dispersed throughout the
for northern Europe; smoking was in- Southeast Asia. United States by the 1990s to become
troduced to Holland by English med- In more recent times, hybrid the country’s largest retailer in sales
ical students in 1590. Dutch and corn was first adopted by imaginative volume. In its expansion Wal-Mart
English together spread the habit by farmers of northern Illinois and east- displayed a “reverse hierarchical” dif-
sea to the Baltic and Scandinavian ern Iowa in the mid-1930s. By the late fusion, initially spreading by way of
areas and overland through Germany 1930s and early 1940s, the new seeds small towns before opening its first
to Russia. The innovation continued were being planted as far east as Ohio stores in larger cities and metropoli-
its eastward diffusion, and within a and north to Minnesota, Wisconsin, tan areas.

least one-third of the world’s inventory of human cul- frivolous aspects of American life (Figure 2.24). In turn,
tures has totally disappeared since A.D. 1500, along with American society was enriched by the selective importa-
their languages, traditions, ways of life, and, indeed, with tion of Japanese cuisine, architecture, and philosophy,
their very identity or remembrance. demonstrating the two-way nature of cultural diffusion.
In many instances, close contact between two differ- Where that two-way flow reflects a more equal exchange of
ent groups may involve adjustments of the original cultural cultural outlooks and ways of life, a process of transcultura-
patterns of both rather than disappearance of either. For ex- tion has occurred. That process is observable within the
ample, changes in Japanese political organization and phi- United States as massive South and Central American im-
losophy were imposed by occupying Americans after World migration begins to intertwine formerly contrasting cul-
War II, and the Japanese voluntarily adopted some more tures, altering both.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 59

Figure 2.24 Baseball, an import from America, is one of the most popular sports in Japan, attracting millions of spectators annually.

Roots and Meaning of Culture

As Chapter 1 and Figure 1.3 discussed, geography draws upon The University of Evansville hosts a similar site, Ex-
and integrates data from a number of sister disciplines to ploring Ancient World Cultures, at
document and support the insights geography itself develops. The EAWC is an on-line resource for the study of ancient so-
Both the original contributions of geography and their factual cieties with extensive Internet links and connection with the
dependence on other fields of research are clearly evident in Argos Project search engine. Washington State University
the subject matter of this chapter dealing with culture, presents World Cultures, “an on-line research textbook of
innovation, and diffusion. For example, many of the classical world cultures and histories” that includes Internet resource
cultural geographic concepts of landscape, culture hearths, directories on its specific cultures and eras pages:
agricultural origins, and cultural ecology developed and
refined by geographers depend for their data and Academic Info is a directory of Internet resources
documentation on research by scholars in such other designed for college student study needs. Its extensive
disciplines as archaeology, ethnobotany, and plant genetics. Main Subject Index at in-
Few, if any, websites exist specifically devoted to the cludes “anthropology” and “archeology” among topics of in-
individual topics of this chapter. However, some Internet terest to this chapter, plus an expansive list of area and
addresses that may provide links to the literature of allied country sites.
fields pertinent to those topics are indicated here. The World Wide Web Virtual Library listings on vari-
The collection of Internet environment and ecology ous topics provide website access to resources of interest.
sites is large and growing; it is in part reviewed in the On- The “library” for Anthropology is sponsored by Anthro TECH
Line discussion of Chapter 13. Few have relevance for our at and that for Archaeology is
culture history or cultural ecology discussions here, but some maintained by ArchNet at the Arizona State University:
useful links are included in the location Landscape ecology &
biogeography maintained by Australia’s Charles Sturt Univer- Another server with multiple subject entries worth a
sity: look is Alan Liu’s Voice of the Shuttle pages for humanities re-
The Ancient World Web is the highly rated work of Julia search:
Hayden; a well-organized, comprehensive resource “for schol- Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s home
ars, teachers, and students,” it includes both subject and geo- page at for additional websites
graphical indexes, an information exchange, and links to added by the publisher or contributed by helpful users.
related Internet resources:

60 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

to communicate without physical contact more easily and
Contact between Regions completely than was previously possible. This intensifica-
tion of contact has resulted in an acceleration of innova-
All cultures are amalgams of innumerable innovations
tion and in the rapid spread of goods and ideas. Several
spread spatially from their points of origin and integrated
millennia ago, innovations such as smelting of metals took
into the structure of the receiving societies. It has been es-
hundreds of years to diffuse. Today, worldwide diffusion—
timated that no more than 10% of the cultural items of
through Internet interest groups, for example—may be al-
any society are traceable to innovations created by its
most instantaneous.
members and that the other 90% come to the society
Obstacles do exist, of course. Diffusion barriers are
through diffusion (see “A Homemade Culture”). Since, as
any conditions that hinder either the flow of information or
we have seen, the pace of innovation is affected strongly
the movement of people and thus retard or prevent the ac-
by the mixing of ideas among alert, responsive people and
ceptance of an innovation. Because of the friction of dis-
is increased by exposure to a variety of cultures, the most
tance, generally the farther two areas are from each other,
active and innovative historical hearths of culture were
the less likely is interaction to occur, an observation earlier
those at crossroads locations and those deeply involved in
(p. 56) summarized by the term time-distance decay. Dis-
distant trade and colonization. Ancient Mesopotamia and
tance as a factor in spatial interaction is further explored in
classical Greece and Rome had such locations and in-
Chapter 3. For now it is sufficient to note that distance may
volvements, as did the West African culture hearth after
be an absorbing barrier, halting the spread of an innovation.
the 5th century and, much later, England during the In-
Interregional contact can also be hindered by the
dustrial Revolution and the spread of its empire.
physical environment and by a lack of receptivity by a
Recent changes in technology permit us to travel far-
contacted culture. Oceans and rugged terrain can and
ther than ever before, with greater safety and speed, and

A Homemade Culture

R eflecting on an average morn-

Asiatic steppes [and] puts on shoes African watermelon. With this he
ing in the life of a “100% American,” made from skins tanned by a has coffee, an Abyssinian
Ralph Linton noted: process invented in ancient Egypt plant. . . . [H]e may have the egg
and cut to a pattern derived from of a species of bird domesticated in
Our solid American citizen the classical civilizations of the Indo-China, or thin strips of flesh
awakens in a bed built on a pattern Mediterranean. . . . Before going of an animal domesticated in
which originated in the Near East out for breakfast he glances Eastern Asia which have been
but which was modified in through the window, made of glass salted and smoked by a process
Northern Europe before it was invented in Egypt, and if it is developed in northern Europe.
transmitted to America. He throws raining puts on overshoes made of When our friend has finished
back covers made from cotton, rubber discovered by the Central eating . . . he reads the news of the
domesticated in India, or linen, American Indians and takes an day, imprinted in characters
domesticated in the Near East, or umbrella invented in southeastern invented by the ancient Semites
wool from sheep, also domesticated Asia. . . . upon a material invented in China
in the Near East, or silk, the use of [At breakfast] a whole new series by a process invented in Germany.
which was discovered in China. All of borrowed elements confronts As he absorbs the accounts of
of these materials have been spun him. His plate is made of a form of foreign troubles he will, if he is a
and woven by processes invented pottery invented in China. His good conservative citizen, thank a
in the Near East. . . . He takes off knife is of steel, an alloy first made Hebrew deity in an Indo-European
his pajamas, a garment invented in in southern India, his fork a language that he is 100 per cent
India, and washes with soap medieval Italian invention, and his American.
invented by the ancient Gauls. . . . spoon a derivative of a Roman
Returning to the bedroom, . . . original. He begins breakfast with
he puts on garments whose form an orange, from the eastern Ralph Linton, The Study of Man: An Introduction.
© 1936, renewed 1964, pp. 326–327. Reprinted by
originally derived from the skin Mediterranean, a cantaloupe from permission of Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle
clothing of the nomads of the Persia, or perhaps a piece of River, N.J.

Roots and Meaning of Culture 61

Figure 2.25 Foreign foods modified for American tastes and American palates growing accustomed to dishes from all cultures together
represent syncretism in action.

have acted as physical interrupting barriers, delaying or de- of French culture. Traditional groups, perhaps controlled
flecting the path of diffusion. Cultural obstacles that are by firm religious conviction, may very largely reject culture
equally impenetrable may also exist. For example, for at traits and technologies of the larger society in whose midst
least 1500 years most California Indians were in contact they live (see Figure 7.2).
with cultures utilizing both maize and pottery, yet they Adopting cultures do not usually accept intact items
failed to accept either innovation. Should such reluctant originating outside the receiving society. Diffused ideas and
adopters intervene between hearths and receptive cul- artifacts commonly undergo some alteration of meaning or
tures, the spread of an innovation can be slowed. It can form that makes them acceptable to a borrowing group. The
also be delayed when cultural contact is overtly impeded process of the fusion of the old and new is called
by governments that interfere with radio reception, con- syncretism and is a major feature of culture change. It can
trol the flow of foreign literature, and discourage contact be seen in alterations to religious ritual and dogma made by
between their citizens and foreign nationals. convert societies seeking acceptable conformity between
More commonly, barriers are at least partially perme- old and new beliefs; the mixture of Catholic rites and
able; they permit passage (acceptance) of at least some in- voodooism in Haiti is an example. On a more familiar level,
novations encountering them. The more similar two syncretism is reflected in subtle or blatant alterations of im-
cultural areas are to each other, the greater is the likelihood ported cuisines to make them conform to the demands of
of the adoption of an innovation, for diffusion is a selective America’s palate and its fast-food franchises (Figure 2.25).
process. The receiver culture may adopt some goods or
ideas from the donor society and reject others. The deci-
sion to adopt is governed by the receiving group’s own cul-
ture. Political restrictions, religious taboos, and other social
customs are cultural barriers to diffusion. The French
Canadians, although close geographically to many centers The web of culture is composed of many strands. Together,
of diffusion such as Toronto, New York, and Boston, strive culture traits and complexes in their spatial patterns create
to be only minimally influenced by such centers. Both their human landscapes, define culture regions, and distinguish
language and culture complex govern their selective ac- culture groups. Those landscapes, regions, and group char-
ceptance of Anglo influences, and restrictive French-only acteristics change through time as human societies interact
language regulations are enforced to preserve the integrity with their environment, develop for themselves new

62 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

solutions to collective needs, or are altered through innova- The ivory hunters who opened our chapter showed
tions adopted from outside the group itself. The cultural how varied and complex the culture of even a primitive
uniformity of a preagricultural world composed solely of group can be. Their artifacts of clothing, fire making,
hunter-gatherers was lost as domestication of plants and an- hunting, and fishing displayed diversity and ingenuity.
imals in many world areas led to the emergence of culture They were part of a structured kinship system and en-
hearths of wide-ranging innovation and to a cultural diver- gaged in organized production and trade. Their artistic
gence between farmers and gatherers. Innovations spread efforts and ritual burial customs speak of a sophisticated
outward from their origin points, carried by migrants set of abstract beliefs and philosophies. Their culture
through relocation diffusion or adopted by others through a complex did not develop in isolation; it reflected at least
variety of expansion diffusion and acculturation processes. in part their contacts with other groups, even those far
Although diffusion barriers exist, most successful or advan- distant from their Paris Basin homeland. As have culture
tageous innovations find adopters, and both cultural modifi- groups always and everywhere, the hunters carried on
cation and cultural convergence of different societies their own pursuits and interacted with others in spatial
result. The details of the technological, sociological, and settings. They exhibited and benefitted from structured
ideological subsystems of culture define the differences spatial behavior, the topic to which we next turn our
that still exist between world areas. attention.

Key Words
acculturation 58 culture hearth 49 independent invention 58
artifact 53 culture realm 38 innovation 55
carrying capacity 46 culture region 38 mentifact 53
cultural convergence 52 culture trait 38 multilinear evolution 52
cultural divergence 46 diffusion 56 possibilism 40
cultural ecology 39 diffusion barrier 61 relocation diffusion 58
cultural integration 54 environmental determinism 39 sociofact 53
cultural lag 56 expansion diffusion 56 sociological subsystem 53
cultural landscape 40 globalization 39 syncretism 62
culture 36 hunter-gatherer 43 technological subsystem 53
culture complex 38 ideological subsystem 53

For Review
1. What is included in the concept of 3. What is a culture hearth? What new which you are a participant from
culture? How is culture traits of culture characterized the that experienced by your great-
transmitted? What personal early hearths? Identify and locate grandparents.
characteristics affect the aspects of some of the major culture hearths 5. Differentiate between culture traits
culture that any single individual that emerged at the close of the and culture complexes. Between
acquires or fully masters? Neolithic period. environmental determinism and
2. What do we mean by 4. What do we mean by innovation? possibilism.
domestication? When and where did By diffusion? What different 6. What are the components or
the domestication of plants and patterns of diffusion can you subsystems of the three-part
animals occur? What impact on describe? Discuss the role played system of culture? What
culture and population numbers by innovation and diffusion in characteristics are included in
did plant domestication have? altering the cultural structure in each of the subsystems?

Roots and Meaning of Culture 63

Focus Follow-up
1. What are the components of 2. How did cultures develop and 3. What are the structures of
culture and nature of diverge (pp. 43–45), and where culture and forms of culture
culture–environment did cultural advances change? pp. 52–62.
interactions? pp. 37–43. originate? pp. 46–52. All cultures contain ideological,
Culture traits and complexes may From Paleolithic hunting and technological, and sociological
be grouped into culture regions gathering to Neolithic farming and components that work together to
and realms. Differing then to city civilizations, different create cultural integration.
developmental levels color human groups made differently timed Cultures change through
perceptions of environmental cultural transitions. All early innovations they themselves
opportunities. In general, as the cultural advances had their invent or that diffuse from other
active agents in the relationship, origins in a few areally distinct areas and are accepted or
humans exert adverse impacts on “hearths.” adapted.
the natural environment.

Selected References
Brown, Lawrence A. Innovation Isaac, Erich. Geography of Domestication. Runnels, Curtis N. “Environmental
Diffusion: A New Perspective. London Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Degradation in Ancient Greece.”
and New York: Methuen, 1981. 1970. Scientific American (March 1995):
Coe, Michael, Dean Snow, and Elizabeth Kroeber, Alfred L., and Clyde Kluckhohn. 96–99.
Benson. Atlas of Ancient America. New “Culture: A Critical Review of Sauer, Carl. Agricultural Origins and
York: Facts on File Incorporated, 1986. Concepts and Definitions,” Harvard Dispersals. New York: American
Cowan, C. Wesley, and Patty Jo Watson, University. Papers of the Peabody Geographical Society, 1952.
eds. The Origins of Agriculture: An Museum of American Archaeology and Sebastian, Lynne. The Chaco Anasazi:
International Perspective. Washington, Ethnology 47, no. 2 (1952). Sociopolitical Evolution in the
D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, Lamb, H. H. Climate, History, and the Prehistoric Southwest. New York:
1992. Modern World. New York: Routledge, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Denevan, William M. “The Pristine 1995. Sjoberg, Gideon. “The Origin and
Myth: The Landscape of the MacNeish, Richard S. The Origins of Evolution of Cities.” Scientific
Americas in 1492.” Annals of the Agriculture and Settled Life. Norman: American 213 (1965): 54–63.
Association of American Geographers University of Oklahoma Press, 1991. Steward, Julian H. Theory of Culture
82, no. 3 (1992): 369–385. Morrill, Richard, Gary L. Gaile, and Change. Urbana: University of
Diamond, Jared. Guns, Germs, and Steel: Grant Ian Thrall. Spatial Diffusion. Illinois Press, 1955.
The Fates of Human Societies. New Scientific Geography Series vol. 10. Thomas, William L., Jr., ed. Man’s Role
York: Norton, 1997. Newbury Park, Calif.: SAGE in Changing the Face of the Earth.
Gebauer, Anne B., and T. Douglas Price, Publications, 1988. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
eds. Transitions to Agriculture in Parfit, Michael. “Hunt for the First 1956.
Prehistory. Monographs in World Americans.” National Geographic White, Leslie A. The Science of Culture: A
Archeology, no. 4. Madison, Wis.: (December 2000): 41–67. Study of Man and Civilization. New
Prehistory Press, 1992. “The Peopling of the Earth.” National York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
Gore, Rick. “The Most Ancient Geographic (October 1988): 434–503. 1969.
Americans.” National Geographic Rodrique, Christine M. “Can Religion White, Randall. Dark Caves, Bright
(October 1997): 92–99. Account for Early Animal Visions: Life in Ice Age Europe. New
Gould, Peter. Spatial Diffusion. Domestications . . . ?” Professional York: American Museum of Natural
Association of American Geographer 44, no. 4 (1992): 417–430. History in Association with W. W.
Geographers, Commission on Rogers, Alisdair, ed. Peoples and Norton & Company, 1986.
College Geography. Resource Paper Cultures. The Illustrated Zohary, Daniel, and Mari Hopf.
No. 4. Washington, D.C.: Association Encyclopedia of World Geography. Domestication of Plants in the Old
of American Geographers, 1969. New York: Oxford University Press, World. 2d ed. Oxford, England:
Haggett, Peter. “Geographical Aspects of 1992. Clarendon Press, 1993.
the Emergence of Infectious
Diseases.” Geografiska Annaler 76B,
no. 2 (1994): 91–104.

64 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography


Spatial Interaction
and Spatial Behavior

interaction in
Ho Chi Minh City

Focus Preview
1. The three bases for all spatial interaction, pp. 66–68. 4. The roles of information and perception in
2. How the probability of aggregate spatial human spatial behavior, pp. 76–84.
interaction is measured, pp. 68–71. 5. Migration patterns, types, and controls, pp. 84–94.
3. The special forms and nature of human spatial
behavior, pp. 71–76.

include: Are there discernible controls on human spatial
behavior? How does distance affect human interaction?
arly in January of 1849 we first thought of How do our perceptions of places influence our spatial
migrating to California. It was a period of activities? How do we overcome the consequences of
National hard times . . . and we longed to go to the distance in the exchange of commodities and informa-
new El Dorado and “pick up” gold enough with tion? How are movement and migration decisions (like
which to return and pay off our debts. that of the Hauns) reached? These are questions ad-
Our discontent and restlessness were enhanced dressing geography’s concern with understanding spatial
by the fact that my health was not good. . . . The
Spatial interaction means the movement of peo-
physician advised an entire change of climate thus to ples, ideas, and commodities within and between areas.
avoid the intense cold of Iowa, and recommended a The Hauns were engaging in spatial interaction (Fig-
sea voyage, but finally approved of our contemplated ure 3.1). International trade, the movement of semitrail-
trip across the plains in a “prairie schooner.” ers on the expressways, radio broadcasts, and business or
Full of the energy and enthusiasm of youth, personal telephone calls are more familiar examples.
the prospects of so hazardous an undertaking had Such movements and exchanges are designed to achieve
no terror for us, indeed, as we had been married but effective integration between different points of human
a few months, it appealed to us as a romantic activity. Movement of whatever nature satisfies some
wedding tour.1 felt need or desire. It represents the attempt to smooth
out the spatially differing availability of required re-
sources, commodities, information, or opportunities.
Whatever the particular purpose of a movement, there is
So begins Catherine Haun’s account of their 9-month jour-
inevitably some manner of trade-off balancing the bene-
ney from Iowa to California, just two of the quarter-
fit of the interaction with the costs that are incurred in
million people who traveled across the continent on the
overcoming spatial separation. Because commodity
Overland Trail in one of the world’s great migrations. The
movements represent simple demonstrations of the prin-
migrants faced months of grueling struggle over badly
ciples underlying all spatial interactions, let us turn to
marked routes that crossed swollen rivers, deserts, and
them first.
mountains. The weather was often foul, with hailstorms,
drenching rains, and burning summer temperatures.
Graves along the route were a silent testimony to the lives
claimed by buffalo stampedes, Indian skirmishes, cholera
epidemics, and other disasters.
What inducements were so great as to make emi-
grants leave behind all that was familiar and risk their
lives on an uncertain venture? Catherine Haun alludes
to economic hard times gripping the country and to their
hope for riches to be found in California. Like other mi-
grants, the Hauns were attracted by the climate in the
West, which was said to be always sunny and free of dis-
ease. Finally, like most who undertook the perilous jour-
ney West, the Hauns were young, moved by restlessness,
a sense of adventure, and a perception of greater oppor-
tunities in a new land. They, like their predecessors back
to the beginnings of humankind, were acting in space
and across space on the basis of acquired information
and anticipation of opportunity—prepared to pay the
price in time, money, and hardship costs of overcoming
A fundamental question in human geography is:
What considerations influence how individual human
beings use space and act within it? Related queries
Figure 3.1 Cross-country movement was slow, arduous, and
1From Catherine Haun, “A Woman’s Trip Across the Plains in 1849,” in dangerous early in the 19th century, and the price of long-distance
Lillian Schlissel, Women’s Diaries of the Westward Journey. (New York: spatial interaction was far higher in time and risks than a
Schocken Books, 1982). comparable journey today.

66 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Bases for Interaction For two places to interact, one place must have a supply
Neither the world’s resources nor the products of people’s of an item for which there is an effective demand in the
efforts are uniformly distributed. Commodity flows are re- other, as evidenced by desire for the item, purchasing
sponses to these differences; they are links between points power to acquire it, and means to transport it. The word
of supply and locales of demand. Such response may not be describing this circumstance is complementarity. Effec-
immediate or even direct. Matters of awareness of supplies tive supply and demand are important considerations;
or markets, the presence or absence of transportation con- mere differences from place to place in commodity sur-
nections, costs of movement, ability to pay for things plus or deficit are not enough to initiate exchange. Green-
wanted and needed—all and more are factors in the struc- land and the Amazon basin are notably unlike in their
ture of trade. Underlying even these, however, is a set of natural resources and economies, but their amount of in-
controlling principles governing spatial interaction. teraction is minimal. Supply and market must come to-
gether, as they do in the flow of seasonal fruits and
A Summarizing Model vegetables from California’s Imperial Valley to the urban
The conviction that spatial interaction reflects areal differ- markets of the American Midwest and East or in the
ences led the geographer Edward Ullman (1912–1976) to movement of manganese from Ukraine to the steel mills
speculate on the essential conditions affecting such inter- of Western Europe. The massive movement of crude and
actions and to propose an explanatory model. He ob- refined petroleum between spatially separated effective
served that spatial interaction is effectively controlled by supplies and markets clearly demonstrates complemen-
three flow-determining factors that he called complemen- tarity in international trade (Figure 3.2). More general-
tarity, transferability, and intervening opportunity. Although ized patterns of complementarity underlie the exchanges
Ullman’s model deals with commodity flows, it has—as we of the raw materials and agricultural goods of less devel-
shall see—applicability to informational transfers and pat- oped countries for the industrial commodities of the de-
terns of human movements as well. veloped states.

Major trade movements

Trade flows worldwide (million tons)
120.7 111.7 34.9
22.7 39.1

74.4 207.4

188.8 17.3

64.6 96.0 292.0

128.5 59.7 21.2

Canada 20.3 20.6
S. & Cent. America
Former Soviet Union
Middle East 40.1
Asia Pacific

Figure 3.2 Interregional trade in oil. Complementarity is so basic in initiating interaction that even relatively low-value bulk
commodities such as coal, fertilizer, and grain move in trade over long distances. For many years, despite fluctuating prices, petroleum has been
the most important commodity in international trade, moving long distances in response to effective supply and demand considerations.
Source: The BP Amoco Statistical Review of World Energy. Used with permission.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 67

Transferability pull of opportunities offered by a distant destination (Fig-
Even when complementarity exists, spatial interaction oc- ure 3.3). Patterns of spatial interaction are dynamic, reflect-
curs only when conditions of transferability—acceptable ing the changeable structure of apparent opportunity.
costs of an exchange—are met. Spatial movement responds
not just to availability and demand but to considerations of
Measuring Interaction
time and cost. Transferability is an expression of the mo- Complementarity, transferability, and intervening oppor-
bility of a commodity, and is a function of three interre- tunity—the controlling conditions of commodity move-
lated conditions: (1) the characteristics and value of the ment—help us understand all forms of spatial interaction,
product; (2) the distance, measured in time and money including the placing of long-distance phone calls, the res-
penalties, over which it must be moved; and (3) the ability idential locational decisions of commuters, and the once-
of the commodity to bear the costs of movement. If the in-a-lifetime transcontinental adventure of the Hauns.
time and money costs of traversing a distance are too Interaction of whatever nature between places is not, of
great, exchange does not occur. That is, mobility is not just course, meaningfully described by the movement of a sin-
a physical matter but an economic one as well. If a given gle commodity, by the habits of an individual commuter,
commodity is not affordable upon delivery to an otherwise or the once-only decision of a migrant. The discovery of
willing buyer, it will not move in trade, and the potential an Inuit (Eskimo) ivory carving in a Miami gift shop does
buyer must seek a substitute or go without. not establish significant interaction between the Arctic
Transferability is not a constant condition. It differs coast and a Florida resort.
between places, over time, and in relation to what is being The study of unique events is suggestive but not par-
transferred and how it is to be moved. The opening of a ticularly informative. We seek general principles that gov-
logging road will connect a sawmill with stands of timber ern the frequency and intensity of interaction both to
formerly inaccessible (nontransferable). An increasing validate the three preconditions of spatial exchange and to
scarcity of high-quality ores will enhance the transferabil- establish the probability that any given potential interac-
ity of lower-quality mine outputs by increasing their tion will actually occur. Our interest is similar to that of
value. Low-cost bulk commodities not economically the physical scientist investigating, for example, the re-
moved by air may be fully transferable by rail or water. sponse of a gas to variations in temperature and pressure.
Poorly developed and costly transportation may inhibit The concern there is with all of the gas molecules and the
exchanges even at short distance between otherwise will- probability of their collective reactions; the responses of
ing traders. In short, transferability expresses the chang- any particular molecule are of little interest. Similarly, we
ing relationships between the costs of transportation and are concerned here with the probability of aggregate, not
the value of the product to be shipped. individual, behavior.

Intervening Opportunity Distance Decay

Complementarity can be effective only in the absence of In all manner of ways, our lives and activities are influ-
more attractive alternative sources of supply or demand enced by the friction of distance. That phrase reminds us
closer at hand or cheaper. Intervening opportunities that distance has a retarding effect on human interaction
serve to reduce supply/demand interactions that other-
wise might develop between distant complementary
areas. A supply of Saharan sand is not enough to assure its
flow to sand-deficient Manhattan Island because supplies
of sand are more easily and cheaply available within the
New York metropolitan region. For reasons of cost and
convenience, a purchaser is unlikely to buy identical com-
modities at a distance when a suitable nearby supply is
available. When it is, the intervening opportunity demon-
strates complementarity at a shorter distance.
Similarly, markets and destinations are sought, if pos-
sible, close at hand. Growing metropolitan demand in Cali-
fornia reduces the importance of midwestern markets for
western fruit growers. The intervening opportunities of-
fered by Chicago or Philadelphia reduce the number of job
seekers from Iowa searching for employment in New York
City. People from New England are more likely to take win-
ter vacations in Florida, which is relatively near and acces-
Figure 3.3 (a) The volume of expected flow of a good between
centers L and M, based solely on their complementarity and distance
sible, than in Southern California, which is not. That is, apart, may be (b) materially reduced if an alternate supplier is
opportunities that are discerned closer at hand reduce the introduced as an intervening opportunity nearer to the market.

68 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

because there are increasing penalties in time and cost asso- When the friction of distance is reduced by lowered
ciated with longer-distance, more expensive interchanges. costs or increased ease of flow, the slope of the distance
We visit nearby friends more often than distant relatives; we decay curve is flattened and more total area is effectively
go more frequently to the neighborhood convenience store united than when those costs are high. When telephone
cluster than to the farther regional shopping center. Tele- calls are charged by uniform area rates rather than strictly
phone calls or mail deliveries between nearby towns are by distance, more calls are placed to the outer margins of
greater in volume than those to more distant locations. the rate area than expected. Expressways extend commut-
Our common experience, clearly supported by maps ing travel ranges to central cities and expand the total
and statistics tracing all kinds of flows, is that most interac- area conveniently accessible for weekend recreation. Fig-
tions occur over short distances. That is, interchange de- ure 3.4 shows that shipping distances for high-cost truck
creases as distance increases, a reflection of the fact that transport are, on the average, shorter than for lower-cost
transferability costs increase with distance. More generally rail hauls.
stated, distance decay describes the decline of an activity
or function with increasing distance from its point of origin. The Gravity Concept
As the examples in Figure 3.4 demonstrate, near destina- Interaction decisions are not based on distance or dis-
tions have a disproportionate pull over more distant points tance/cost considerations alone. The large regional shop-
in commodity movements. However, it is also evident that ping center attracts customers from a wide radius
the rate of distance decay varies with the type of activity. because of the variety of shops and goods its very size
Study of all manner of spatial interconnections has promises. We go to distant big cities “to seek our fortune”
led to the very general conclusion that interaction be- rather than to the nearer small town. We are, that is, at-
tween places is inversely related to the square of the dis- tracted by the expectation of opportunity that we associ-
tance separating them. That is, volume of flow between ate with larger rather than smaller places. That
two points 80 kilometers (50 miles) apart would probably expectation is summarized by another model of spatial
be only one-quarter of that between centers at 40 kilome- interaction, the gravity model, also drawn from the
ters (25 miles) separation. Such a rigid inverse-square rela- physical sciences.
tionship is well documented in the physical sciences. For In the 1850s, Henry C. Carey (1793–1879), in his
social, cultural, and economic relations, however, it is at Principles of Social Science, observed that the law of “molec-
best a useful approximation. In human interaction, linear ular gravitation” is an essential condition in human exis-
distance is only one aspect of transferability; cost and tence and that the attractive force existing between areas
time are often more meaningful measures of separation. is akin to the force of gravity. According to Carey, the

Percent of trips

26 Percent of shipments
(c) 60
22 50
AREA, 1970 (a)


16 30
20 Distance
12 Trips greater than
20 miles: 3.8%
10 10
6 0–99 100– 200– 300– 400– 500– 1000–
199 299 399 499 999 1499
4 Shipment distance in miles
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 3.4 The shape of distance decay. The geographer W. Tobler summarized the concept of distance decay in proposing his “first law of
geography: everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” Distance decay curves vary with the
type of flow. (a) is a generalized statement of distance decay, (b) summarizes United States data for a single year, and (c) suggests the primary
use of light trucks as short haul pickup and delivery vehicles.
Source: (c) Data from Chicago Area Transportation Study, A Summary of Travel Characteristics, 1977.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 69

physical laws of gravity and motion developed by Sir Isaac other of them according to that resident’s position relative
Newton (1642–1727) have applicability to the aggregate to the calculated breaking point. Since the breaking point
actions of humans. between cities of unequal size will lie farther from the
Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that any larger of the two, its spatially greater drawing power is as-
two objects attract each other with a force that is propor- sured (Figure 3.5).
tional to the product of their masses and inversely propor- Later studies in location theory, city systems, trade
tional to the square of the distance between them. Thus, area analysis, and other social topics all suggest that the
the force of attraction, F, between two masses Mi and Mj gravity model can be used to account for a wide variety of
separated by distance, d, is flow patterns in human geography, including population
migration, commodity flows, journeys to work or to shop,
Mi M j
F = g telephone call volumes, and the like. Each such flow pat-
dij 2 tern suggests that size as well as distance influences spatial
where g is the “gravitational constant.” interaction. Carey’s observation made nearly 150 years ago
Carey’s interests were in the interaction between initiated a type of analysis that has continuing relevance. In
urban centers and in the observation that a large city is modified form it is used today for a variety of practical stud-
more likely to attract an individual than is a small hamlet. ies that help us better understand the “friction of distance.”
His first interest could be quickly satisfied by simple anal-
ogy. The expected interaction (I) between two places, i Interaction Potential
and j, can be calculated by converting physical mass in Spatial interaction models of distance decay and gravita-
the gravity model to population size (P), so that tional pull deal with only two places at a time. The world
of reality is rather more complex. All cities, not just city
Pi Pj
I ij = pairs, within a regional system of cities have the possibil-
Dij ity of interacting with each other. Indeed, the more spe-
Exchanges between any set of two cities, A and B, cialized the goods produced in each separate center—that
can therefore be quickly estimated: is, the greater their collective complementarity—the more
likely is it that such multiple interactions will occur.
population of A × population of B
I AB = A potential model, also based on Newtonian
(distance between A and B)2
physics, provides an estimate of the interaction opportuni-
In social—rather than physical—science applications ties available to a center in such a multicentered network.
of the gravity model, distance may be calculated by travel It tells us the relative position of each point in relation to
time or travel cost modifications rather than by straight all other places within a region. It does so by summing the
line separation. Whatever the unit of measure, however, size and distance relationships between all points of po-
the model assures us that although spatial interaction al- tential interaction within an area. The concept of poten-
ways tends to decrease with increasing distance between tial is applicable whenever the measurement of the
places, at a given distance it tends to expand with in- intensity of spatial interaction is of concern—as it is in
creases in their size. studies of marketing, land values, broadcasting, commut-
Carey’s second observation—that large cities have ing patterns, and the like.
greater drawing power for individuals than small ones—
was subsequently addressed by the law of retail gravitation,
proposed by William J. Reilly (1899–1970) in 1931. Using
the population and distance inputs of the gravity model,
Reilly concluded that the breaking point (BP) or boundary
marking the outer edge of either of the cities’ trade area
could be located by the expression:
d ij
BP =
BP = distance from city 1 to the breaking point (or
boundary) Figure 3.5 The law of retail gravitation provides a quick
determination of the trade boundary (or breaking point) between
dij = distance between city 1 and city 2 two cities. In the diagram, cities 1 and 2 are 201 kilometers (125 mi)
P1 = population of city 1 apart. Reilly’s law tells us that the breaking point between them lies
P2 = population of city 2 81.6 kilometers (50.7 mi) distant from City 1. A potential customer
located at M, midway (100.5 km or 62.5 mi) between the cities, would
Any farm or small town resident located between lie well within the trade zone of City 2. A series of such calculations
the two cities would be inclined to shop in one or the would define the “trade area” of any single city.

70 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Movement Biases greater attraction than do others. The movement patterns
Distance decay and the gravity and potential models help from an isolated farmstead are likely oriented to a favored
us understand the bases for interaction in an idealized area shopping town. On a larger scale, in North America or
without natural or cultural barriers to movement or restric- Siberia long-distance freight movements are directionally
tions on routes followed, and in which only rational inter- biased in favor of east-west flows. Direction bias reflects
action decisions are made. Even under those model not just the orientation but also the intensity of flow.
conditions, the pattern of spatial interaction that develops Movements from a single point—from Novosibirsk in
for whatever reason inevitably affects the conditions under Siberia, for example, or from Winnipeg, Canada, or Kansas
which future interactions will occur. An initial structure of City in the United States—may occur in all directions;
centers and connecting flows will tend to freeze into the they are in reality more intense along the east-west axis.
landscape a mutually reinforcing continuation of that same Such directional biases are in part a reflection of net-
pattern. The predictable flows of shoppers to existing shop- work bias, a shorthand way of saying that the presence or
ping centers make those centers attractive to other mer- absence of connecting channels strongly affects the likeli-
chants. New store openings increase customer flow; hood that spatial interaction will occur. A set of routes and
increased flow strengthens the developed pattern of spatial the set of places that they connect are collectively called a
interaction. And increased road traffic calls for the highway network. Flows cannot occur between all points if not all
improvement that encourages additional traffic volume. points are linked. In Figure 3.6a, the interchange between
Such an aggregate regularity of flow is called a A and X, though not necessarily impossible, is unlikely be-
movement bias. We have already noted a distance bias fa- cause the routeway between them is indirect and cir-
voring short movements over long. There is also direction cuitous. In information flows, a worker on the assembly
bias, in which of all possible directions of movement, ac- line is less likely to know of company production plans
tual flows are restricted to only one or a few. Direction than is a secretary in the executive offices; these two work-
bias is simply a statement that from a given origin, flows ers are tied into quite different information networks.
are not random (Figure 3.6); rather, certain places have a A recognition of movement biases helps to refine
the coarser generalizations of spatial interaction based
solely on complementarity, transferability, and interven-
ing opportunity. Other modifying statements have been
developed, but each further refinement moves us away
from aggregate behavior toward less predictable individ-
ual movements and responses. The spatial interaction
questions we ask and the degree of refinement of the an-
swers we require determine the modifications we must
introduce into the models we employ.

Human Spatial Behavior

Humans are not commodities and individually do not nec-
essarily respond predictably to the impersonal dictates of
spatial interaction constraints. Yet, to survive, people
must be mobile and collectively do react to distance, time,
and cost considerations of movement in space and to the
implications of complementarity, transferability, and in-
tervening opportunity. Indeed, an exciting line of geo-
graphic inquiry involves how individuals make spatial
behavioral decisions and how those separate decisions
may be summarized by models and generalizations to ex-
plain collective actions.
Mobility is the general term applied to all types of
human territorial movement. Two aspects of that mobility
behavior concern us. The first is the daily or temporary
use of space—the journeys to stores, to work, or to school,
Figure 3.6 Direction bias. (a) When direction bias is absent, or for longer periods on vacation or college students’ relo-
movements tend to be almost random, occurring in all possible
cation between home and school dormitory. These types
directions, but less likely between points, such as A and X, not
directly connected. (b) Direction bias indicating predominantly of mobility are often designated as circulation and have in
north-south movements. Direction bias implies greatest intensity of common a lack of intended permanent relocation of resi-
movement within a restricted number of directions. dence (Figure 3.7). The second type of mobility is the

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 71

of much of human action and response. It is true that
some individual and collective activity appears to be gov-
erned by territorial defense responses: the conflict be-
tween street groups in claiming and protecting their
“turf” (and their fear for their lives when venturing be-
yond it) and the sometimes violent rejection by ethnic
urban neighborhoods of an advancing black, Hispanic, or
other population group. On a more individualized basis,
each of us claims as personal space the zone of privacy
and separation from others our culture or our physical
circumstances require or permit. Anglo Americans de-
mand greater face-to-face separation in conversations
than do Latin Americans. Personal space on a crowded
beach or in a department store is acceptably more limited
than it is in our homes or when we are studying in a li-
brary (Figure 3.8)
For most of us, our personal sense of territoriality is
a tempered one. We regard our homes and property as de-
fensible private domains but open them to innocent visi-
tors, known and unknown, or to those on private or
official business. Nor do we confine our activities so exclu-
sively within controlled home territories as street-gang
Figure 3.7 Fulani movement paths. Nomadic people have
members do within theirs. Rather, we have a more or less
regular routes of movement that involve near-continuous mobility in
response to the needs of their herds or flocks. Their moves are always extended home range, an activity space or area within
temporary and involves a circuit, not a one-way flow. The groups of which we move freely on our rounds of regular activity,
Fulani families herd their cattle within the savanna of West Africa. sharing that space with others who are also about their
On their southward trek during the dry season, the groups separate;
daily affairs. Figure 3.9 suggests probable activity spaces
when returning north during the wet season, they reunite. Movement
circuits may be changed annually in response to the availability of for a suburban family of five for a day. Note that the activ-
pasture and the location of areas free of the tsetse fly, the transmitter ity space is different and for the mapped day rather lim-
of “sleeping sickness.” ited for each individual, even though two members of the
Source: Map courtesy of Clyde Surveys Ltd, Berkshire, England. family use automobiles. If one week’s activity were
shown, more paths would be added to the map, and in a
year’s time, one or more long trips would probably have
longer-term commitment related to decisions to perma- to be noted.
nently leave the home territory and find residence in a The types of trips that individuals make and thus the
new location. This second form of spatial behavior is extent of their activity space depend on at least three in-
termed migration. terrelated variables: their stage in life course; the means
Both aspects imply a time dimension. Humans’ spa- of mobility at their command; and the demands or oppor-
tial actions are not instantaneous. They operate over tunities implicit in their daily activities. The first variable,
time, frequently imparting a rhythm to individual and stage in life course, refers to membership in specific age
group activity patterns and imposing choices among time- groups. School-age children usually travel short distances
consuming behaviors. Elements of both aspects of human to lower schools and longer distances to upper-level
spatial behavior are also embodied in how individuals schools. After-school activities tend to be limited to walk-
perceive space and act within it and how they respond to ing or bicycle trips to nearby locations. Greater mobility is
information affecting their space-behavioral decisions. characteristic of high school students. Adults responsible
The nature of those perceptions and responses affect us for household duties make shopping trips and trips related
all in our daily movements. The more permanent move- to child care as well as journeys away from home for so-
ment embodied in migration involves additional and less cial, cultural, or recreational purposes. Wage-earning
common decisions and behaviors, as we shall see later in adults usually travel farther from home than other family
this chapter. members. Elderly people may, through infirmity or inter-
ests, have less extensive activity spaces.
Individual Activity Space The second variable that affects the extent of activ-
One of the realities of life is that groups and countries ity space is mobility, or the ability to travel. An informal
draw boundaries around themselves and divide space consideration of the cost and effort required to overcome
into territories that are, if necessary, defended. Some see the friction of distance is implicit. Where incomes are
the concept of territoriality—the emotional attachment high, automobiles are available, and the cost of fuel is
to and the defense of home ground—as a root explanation reckoned minor in the family budget, mobility may be

72 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

(a) (b)

Figure 3.8 Our demanded personal space is not necessarily uniform in shape or constant in size. We tolerate strangers closer to our sides
than directly in front of us; we accept more crowding in an elevator than in a store. We accept the press of the crowd on a popular beach—as do
these vacationers along the Costa Blanca in Spain (a), but tend to distance ourselves from others in a library (b).

To recreational
activity P2
P2 P2
P2 P2 P2 P2

P2 P2

P2 P2

P2 P1 P2
P1 Parent P2
P1 P1 P1
P2 Second parent




Figure 3.9 Activity space for each member of one author’s family of five for a typical weekday. Routes of regular movement and areas
recurrently visited help to foster a sense of territoriality and to color one’s perceptions of space.

great and individual activity space large. In societies or A third factor limiting activity space is the individual
neighborhoods where cars are not a standard means of assessment of the existence of possible activities or oppor-
conveyance, the daily nonemergency activity space may tunities. In premodern societies where the needs of daily
be limited to walking, bicycling, or taking infrequent life are satisfied at home, the impetus for journeys away
trips on public transportation. Wealthy suburbanites are from home is minimal. Without stores, schools, factories,
far more mobile than are residents of inner-city slums, a or even roads, expectations and opportunities are limited.
circumstance that affects ability to learn about, seek, or Not only are activities spatially restricted, but awareness
retain work and to have access to medical care, educa- space—knowledge of opportunity locations beyond nor-
tional facilities, and social services. mal activity space—is minimal, distorted, or absent. In

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 73

low-income neighborhoods of modern cities in any coun- use time spent in transit for other activities, and the area
try, poverty and isolation restrict access to information reasonably accessible to the pedestrian is limited. The
about opportunities and therefore reinforce other limita- space-time prism for the driver (Figure 3.10c) has an-
tions on activity space (Figure 1.28). gled sides and the individual’s spatial range is wide. The
dimensions of the prism determine what spatially de-
The Tyranny of Time fined activities are possible, for no activity can exceed
The daily activities of humans—eating, sleeping, traveling the bounds of the prism (see “Space, Time, and
between home and destination, working or attending Women”). Since most activities have their own time con-
classes—all consume time as well as involve space. An in- straints, the choices of things you can do and the places
dividual’s spatial reach is restricted because one cannot be you can do them are strictly limited. Defined class
in two different places at the same moment or engage si- hours, travel time from residence to campus, and dining
multaneously in activities that are spatially separate. Fur- hall location and opening and closing hours, for exam-
ther, since there is a finite amount of time within a day ple, may be the constraints on your space-time path (Fig-
and each of us is biologically bound to a daily rhythm of ure 3.11). If you also need part-time work, your choice
day and night, sleeping and eating, time tyrannically lim- of jobs is restricted by their respective locations and
its the spatial choices we can make and the activity space work hours, for the job, too, must fit within your daily
we can command. space-time prism.
Our daily space-time constraints—our time-
geography—may be represented by a space-time prism, Distance and Human Interaction
the volume of space and length of time within which our People make many more short-distance trips than long
activities must be confined. Its size and shape are deter- ones, a statement in human behavioral terms of the concept
mined by our mobility; its boundaries define what we can of distance decay. If we drew a boundary line around our ac-
or cannot accomplish spatially or temporally (Figure 3.10). tivity space, it would be evident that trips to the boundary
If our circumstances demand that we walk to work or are taken much less often than short-distance trips around
school (Figure 3.10b), the sides of our prism are steep and the home. The tendency is for the frequency of trips to fall
the space available for our activities is narrow. We cannot off very rapidly beyond an individual’s critical distance—

Home Home Home

(24h) Evening

6 P.M.


6 A.M.

(a) (b) (c)
(0h) Distance

Figure 3.10 The space-time prism. An individual’s daily prism has both geographical limits and totally surrounding space-time walls. The
time (vertical axis) involved in movement affects the space that is accessible, along with the time and space available for other than travel
purposes. (a) When collecting firewood for household use may take an entire day, as it does in some deforested developing countries, no time or
space is left for other activities, and the gatherer’s space-time prism may be represented by a straight line. (b) Walking to and from work or
school and spending the required number of hours there leave little time to broaden one’s area of activity. (c) The automobile permits an
extension of the geographical boundaries of the driver’s space-time prism; the range of activity possibilities and locations is expanded for the
highly mobile.

74 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

the distance beyond which cost, effort, and means strongly down the block but is inhibited by parental admonitions
influence our willingness to travel. Figure 3.12 illustrates from crossing the street. Different but equally effective dis-
the point with regard to journeys from the homesite. tance constraints control adult behavior.
Regular movements defining our individual activity The journey to work plays a decisive role in defin-
space are undertaken for different purposes and are differ- ing the activity space of most adults. Formerly restricted
ently influenced by time and distance considerations. The by walking distance or by the routes and schedules of
kinds of activities individuals engage in can be classified mass transit systems, the critical distances of work trips
according to type of trip: journeys to work, to school, to have steadily increased in European and Anglo American
shop, for recreation, and so on. People in nearly all parts cities as the private automobile figures more importantly
of the world make these same types of journeys, though in the movement of workers (Figure 3.14). Daily or
the spatially variable requirements of culture, economy, weekly shopping may be within the critical distance of an
and personal circumstance dictate their frequency, dura- individual, and little thought may be given to the cost or
tion, and significance to an individual (Figure 3.13). A the effort involved. That same individual, however, may
small child, for example, will make many trips up and relegate shopping for special goods to infrequent trips

Space, Time, and Women

F rom a time-geographic perspective

it is apparent that many of the limita-
tions women face in their choices of
employment or other activities out-
side the home reflect the restrictions
that women’s time budgets and travel
paths place on their individual daily
activity mixes.
Consider the case* of the un-
married working woman with one or
more children of preschool age. The make her late for work, and work hours though shorter—trips than men, leav-
location and operating hours of avail- would make her miss the center’s clos- ing less time for alternate activities.
able child-care facilities may have ing time. On the other hand, although Although the automobile reduces
more of an influence on her choice of W 1 is acceptable from a child-care those time demands, women have less
jobs than do her labor skills or the rel- standpoint, it leaves no time (or store access to cars than do males, in part
ative merits of alternative employ- options) for shopping or errands ex- because in many cities they are less
ment opportunities. From the cept during the lunch hour (indicated likely to have a driver’s license and
diagram we see that the woman can- by the small subprism). Job choice and because they typically cede use of a
not leave her home base, A, before a shopping opportunities are thus deter- single family car to husbands. The
given hour because the only available mined not by the woman’s labor skills lower income level of many single
full-day child-care service, D, is not or awareness of store price compar- women with or without children lim-
open earlier. She must return at the isons but by her time-geographic con- its their ability to own cars and leads
specified child pickup time and arrive straints. Other women in other job them to use public transit dispropor-
home to prepare food at a reasonable skill, parenthood, locational, or mobil- tionately to their numbers—to the
(for the child) dinner time. Her travel ity circumstances experience different detriment of both their money and
mode and speed determine the outer but comparable space-path restrictions. time-space budgets. They are, it has
limits of her daily space-time prism. Mobility is a key to activity mix, been observed, “transportation de-
Both of two solid job offers, W1 time-budget, and space-path configu- prived and transit dependent.”
and W2, have the same working hours rations. Again, research indicates that
and fall within her space-time prism. women are frequently disadvantaged. *Suggested by Risa Palm and Allan Pred, A Time-
The preferred, better paying job is W2, Because of their multiple work, child- Geographic Perspective on Problems of Inequality for
Women. Institute of Urban and Regional
but she cannot accept it because drop- care, and home maintenance tasks, Development, Working Paper no. 236. University of
off time at the child-care center would women on average make more— California, Berkeley, 1974

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 75

Midnight and carefully consider their cost and effort. The majority
(24h) of our social contacts tend to be at short distance within
our own neighborhoods or with friends who live rela-
Evening tively close at hand; longer social trips to visit relatives
are less frequent. In all such trips, however, the distance
decay function is clearly at work (Figure 3.15).
Dining Hall
Spatial Interaction and the Accumulation
6 P.M.
(18h) of Information
Critical distances, even for the same activity, are different
for each person. The variables of life course stage, mobil-
ity, and opportunity, together with an individual’s inter-
ests and demands, help define how often and how far a
Library person will travel. On the basis of these variables, we can
make inferences about the amount of information a per-
Lunch son is likely to acquire about his or her activity space and

(12h) the area beyond. The accumulation of information about
the opportunities and rewards of spatial interaction helps
Class increase and justify movement decisions.
For information flows, however, space has a differ-
ent meaning than it does for the movement of commodi-
ties. Communication, for example, does not necessarily
imply the time-consuming physical relocations of freight
6 A.M transportation (though in the case of letters and print
(6h) media it usually does). Indeed, in modern telecommuni-
cations, the process of information flow may be instanta-
neous regardless of distance. The result is space-time
convergence to the point of the obliteration of space. A
Bell System report tells us that in 1920, putting through a
Morning transcontinental telephone call took 14 minutes and eight
operators. By 1940, the call completion time was reduced
to less than 1 1/2 minutes. In the 1960s, direct distance di-
(0h) Distance
aling allowed a transcontinental connection in less than
30 seconds, and electronic switching has now reduced the
Figure 3.11 School-day space-time path for a hypothetical completion time to that involved in dialing a number and
college student. answering a phone.
The Internet and communication satellites have
made worldwide personal and mass communication im-
mediate and data transfers instantaneous. The same
technologies that have led to communication space-time
convergence have tended toward a space-cost conver-
gence (Figure 3.16). Domestic mail, which once charged
a distance-based postage, is now carried nationwide or
across town for the same price. In the modern world,
transferability is no longer a consideration in informa-
tion flows.
A speculative view of the future suggests that as dis-
tance ceases to be a determinant of the cost or speed of
communication, the spatial structure of economic and
social decision making may be fundamentally altered.
Figure 3.12 Critical distance. This general diagram indicates Determinations about where people live and work, the
how most people observe distance. For each activity, there is a role of cities and other existing command centers, flows
distance beyond which the intensity of contact declines. This is of domestic and international trade, constraints on
called the critical distance if distance alone is being considered, or the
human mobility, and even the concepts and impacts of
critical isochrone (from Greek isos, “equal,” and chronos, “time”) if
time is the measuring rod. The distance up to the critical distance is national boundaries may fundamentally change with
identified as a frictionless zone, in which time or distance new and unanticipated consequences for patterns of spa-
considerations do not effectively figure in the trip decision. tial interaction.

76 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

of sample

Trip origin
Regional capital

5 miles
(a) (b)
5 km

Figure 3.13 Travel patterns for purchases of clothing and yard goods of (a) rural cash-economy Canadians and (b) Canadians of the Old
Order Mennonite sect. These strikingly different travel behaviors mapped many years ago in nidwestern Canada demonstrate the great
differences that may exist in the action spaces of different culture groups occupying the same territory. At that time, “modern” rural Canadians,
owning cars and wishing to take advantage of the variety of goods offered in the more distant regional capital, were willing and able to travel
longer distances than were neighboring people of a traditionalist culture who had different mobility and whose different demands in clothing
and other consumer goods were by preference or necessity satisfied in nearby small settlements.
Source: Robert A. Murdie, “Cultural Differences in Consumer Travel,” Economic Geography 41, no. 3 (Worcester, Mass.: Clark University, 1965). Redrawn by permission.

Figure 3.14 The frequency distribution of work and nonwork trip

lengths in minutes in Toronto. More recent studies in different
metropolitan areas support the conclusions documented by this graph:
work trips are usually longer than other recurring journeys. In the United
States in the early 1990s, the average work trip covered 17.1 kilometers
(10.6 mi) and half of all trips to work took under 22 minutes; for
suburbanites commuting to the central business district, the journey to
work involved between 30 and 45 minutes. By 2000, increasing sprawl had
lengthened average commuting distances and, because of growing traffic
congestion, had increased the average work trip commuting time to
24.3 minutes. In western Canada in the 1990s, average work trip length in
Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta, was 11 kilometers (6.8 mi) and took
18 minutes. The situation is similar elsewhere; in the middle 1990s, the
average British commuting distance was 12.5 kilometers. Most nonwork
trips in all countries are relatively short.
Source: Maurice Yeates, Metropolitan Toronto and Region Transportation Study, figure 42,
The Queen’s Printer, Toronto: 1966.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 77

Information Flows need for an interposed channel (radio, press, postal ser-
Spatially significant information flows are of two types: in- vice, or telephone, for example) to convey messages. In-
dividual (person-to-person) exchanges and mass (source- formal communication requires no such institutionalized
to-area) communication. A further subdivision into formal message carrier.
and informal interchange recognizes, in the former, the Short-range informal individual communication is as
old as humankind itself. Contacts and exchanges between
individuals and within small groups tend to increase as
the complexity of social organization increases, as the size
and importance of the population center grow, and as the
range of interests and associations of the communicating
person expands. Each individual develops a personal
communication field, the informational counterpart of
that person’s activity space. Its size and shape are defined
by the individual’s contacts in work, recreation, shopping,
school, or other regular activities. Those activities, as we
have seen, are functions of the age, sex, education, em-
ployment, income, and so on of each person. An idealized
personal communication field is suggested in Figure 3.17.
Each interpersonal exchange constitutes a link in the
individual’s personal communication field. Each person,
in turn, is a node in the communication field of those with
whom he or she makes or maintains contact. The total
number of such separate informal networks equals the
total count of people alive. Despite the number of those
networks, all people, in theory, are interconnected by
multiple shared nodes (Figure 3.18). Experimentation has
Figure 3.15 Social interaction as a function of distance. demonstrated that through such interconnections no per-
Visits with neighbors on the same street are frequent; they are less son in the United States is more than five links removed
common with neighbors around the corner and diminish quickly to from any other person, no matter where located or how
the vanishing point after a residential relocation. Friends exert a
greater spatial pull, though the distance decay factor is clearly
unlikely the association.
evident. Visits with relatives offer the greatest incentive for longer
distance (though relatively infrequent) journeys.
Source: Frederick P. Stutz, “Distance and Network Effects on Urban Social Travel
Fields,” Economic Geography 49, no. 2 (Worcester, Mass.: Clark University, 1973),
p. 139. Redrawn by permission.

Figure 3.17 A personal communication field is determined by

individual spatial patterns of communication related to work,
shopping, business trips, social visits, and so on.

Figure 3.16 Space-cost convergence in telephone tolls

between New York and San Francisco, 1915–2000. The rates shown
are a smooth-curve summary of frequently adjusted charges for
station-to-station daytime 3-minute calls over telephone lines. The
cost of long-distance conversation essentially disappeared with the
advent of voice communication over the Internet in the late 1990s. Figure 3.18 Separate population sets are interconnected by the
Data from Historical Statistics of the United States, National Association of links between individuals. If link A–B exists, everyone in the two sets
Regulatory Utility Commissioners, and AT&T. is linked.

78 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Mass communication is the formal, structured trans- affiliates acting as the gatekeepers of network offerings
mission of information in essentially a one-way flow be- and adding to them locally originating programs and
tween single points of origin and broad areas of reception. news content. A similar market subdivision is repre-
There are few transmitters and many receivers. The mass sented by the regional editions of national newspapers
media are by nature “space filling.” From single origin and magazines. At a different scale, the spatial distribu-
points they address their messages by print, radio, or tele- tion of newspapers in Kansas (Figure 3.19) shows their
vision to potential receivers within a defined area. The hierarchical pattern.
number and location of disseminating points, therefore, The technological ability to fill space with messages
are related to their spatial coverage characteristics, to the from different mass media is unavailing if receiving audi-
minimum size of area and population necessary for their ences do not exist. In illiterate societies, publications can-
support, and to the capability of the potential audiences to not inform or influence. Unless the appropriate receivers
receive their message. The coverage area is determined are widely available, television and radio broadcasts are a
both by the nature of the medium and by the corporate in- waste of resources. Perhaps no invention in history has
tent of the agency. done more to weld isolated individuals and purely
There are no inherent spatial restrictions on the dis- person-to-person communicators into national societies
semination of printed materials. In the United States, exposed to centralized information flows than has the
much book and national magazine publishing has local- low-cost transistor radio. Its battery-powered transporta-
ized in metropolitan New York City, as have the services bility converts the remotest village and the most isolated
supplying news and features for sale to the print media lo- individual into a receiving node of entertainment, infor-
cated there and elsewhere in the country. Paris, Buenos mation, and political messages. The direct satellite broad-
Aires, Moscow, London—indeed, the major metropolises cast of television programs to community antennae or
and/or capital cities of other countries—show the same communal sets brings that mass medium to remote areas
spatial concentration. Regional journals emanate from re- of Arctic Canada, India, Indonesia, and other world areas
gional capitals, and major metropolitan newspapers, able to invest in the technology but as yet unserved by
though serving primarily their home markets, are distrib- ground stations.
uted over (or produce special editions for distribution
within) tributary areas whose size and shape depend on Information and Perception
the intensity of competition from other metropolises. A Human spatial interaction, as we have seen, is condi-
spatial information hierarchy has thus emerged. tioned by a number of factors. Complementarity, transfer-
Hierarchies are also reflected in the market-size re- ability, and intervening opportunities help pattern the
quirements for different levels of media offerings. Na- movement of commodities and peoples. Flows between
tional and international organizations are required to points and over area are influenced by distance decay and
expedite information flows (and, perhaps, to control partially explained by gravity and potential models. Indi-
their content), but market demand is heavily weighted in viduals in their daily affairs operate in activity spaces that
favor of regional and local coverage. In the electronic are partly determined by stage in life course, mobility,
media, the result has been national networks with local and a variety of socioeconomic characteristics. In every

Figure 3.19 The hierarchy of newspaper coverage in Kansas in the 1970s. The counties in sparsely populated western Kansas had only
weekly papers. The more populous eastern part of the state had daily and Sunday papers, with wide-area distribution.
Source: Reproduced by permission of Waveland Press, Inc. from John A. Jakle, Stanley Brunn, and Curtis C. Roseman, Human Spatial Behavior: A Social Geography, p. 130
(Copyright © 1976), reissued 1985 by Waveland Press, Inc., Prospect Heights, Ill.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 79

instance of spatial interaction, however, decisions are effectively transmitted information seems to come from
based on information about opportunity or feasibility of word-of-mouth reports. These may be in the form of let-
movement, exchange, or want satisfaction. ters or visits from relatives, friends, and associates who
More precisely, actions and decisions are based on supply information that helps us develop lines of attach-
place perception—the awareness we have, as individu- ment to relatively unknown areas.
als, of home and distant places and the beliefs we hold There are, of course, barriers to the flow of informa-
about them. Place perception involves our feelings and tion, including that of distance decay. Our knowledge of
understandings, reasoned or irrational, about the natural close places is greater than our knowledge of distant
and cultural characteristics of an area and about its oppor- points; our contacts with nearby persons theoretically
tunity structure. Whether our view accords with that of yield more information than we receive from afar. Yet in
others or truly reflects the “real” world seen in abstract de- crowded areas with maximum interaction potential, peo-
scriptive terms is not the major concern. Our perceptions ple commonly set psychological barriers around them-
are the important thing, for the decisions people make selves so that only a limited number of those possible
about the use of their lives or about their actions in space interactions and information exchanges actually occur.
are based not necessarily on reality but on their assump- We raise barriers against information overload and to pre-
tions and impressions of reality. serve a sense of privacy that permits the filtering out of
information that does not directly affect us. There are ob-
Perception of Environment vious barriers to long-distance information flows as well,
Psychologists and geographers are interested in determin- such as time and money costs, mountains, oceans, rivers,
ing how we arrive at our perceptions of place and envi- and differing religions, languages, ideologies, and political
ronment both within and beyond our normal activity systems.
space. The images we form firsthand of our home terri- Barriers to information flow give rise to what we ear-
tory have been in part reviewed in the discussion of men- lier (page 71) called direction bias. In the present usage,
tal maps in Chapter 1. The perceptions we have of more this implies a tendency to have greater knowledge of
distant places are less directly derived (Figure 3.20). In places in some directions than in others. Not having
technologically advanced societies, television and radio, friends or relatives in one part of a country may represent
magazines and newspapers, books and lectures, travel a barrier to individuals, so that interest in and knowledge
brochures and hearsay all combine to help us develop a of the area beyond the “unknown” region are low. In the
mental picture of unfamiliar places and of the interaction United States, both northerners and southerners tend to be
opportunities they may contain. Again, however, the most less well informed about each other’s areas than about the

Figure 3.20 A Palestinian student’s view of the world. The map was drawn by a Palestinian high school student from Gaza. The map
reflects the instruction and classroom impressions the student has received. The Gaza curriculum conforms to the Egyptian national standards
and thus is influenced by the importance of the Nile River and pan-Arabism. Al Sham is the old, but still used, name for the area including Syria,
Lebanon, and Palestine. The map would be quite different in emphasis if the Gaza school curriculum were designed by Palestinians or if it had
been drawn by an Israeli student.

80 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

western part of the country. Traditional communication by opinions about them, but there is no necessary rela-
lines in the United States follow an east-west rather than a tionship between the depth of knowledge and the percep-
north-south direction, the result of early migration pat- tions held. In general, the more familiar we are with a
terns, business connections, and the pattern of the devel- locale, the more sound the factual basis of our mental
opment of major cities. In Russia, directional bias favors a image of it will be. But individuals form firm impressions
north-south information flow within the European part of of places totally unknown to them personally, and these
the country and less familiarity with areas far to the east. may color interaction decisions.
Within Siberia, however, east-west flows dominate. One way to determine how individuals envisage home
When information about a place is sketchy, blurred or distant places is to ask them what they think of different
pictures develop. These influence the impression—the locales. For instance, they may be asked to rate places ac-
perception—we have of places and cannot be discounted. cording to desirability—perhaps residential desirability—or
Many important decisions are made on the basis of incom- to make a list of the 10 best and the 10 worst cities in their
plete information or biased reports, such as decisions to country of residence. Certain regularities appear in such in-
visit or not, to migrate or not, to hate or not, even to make quiries. Figure 3.21 presents some residential desirability
war or not. Awareness of places is usually accompanied data elicited from college students in three provinces of

Figure 3.21 Residential preferences of Canadians. Each of these maps shows the residential preference of a sampled group of Canadians
from the Provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec, respectively. Note that each group of respondents prefers its own area, but all like
the Canadian and U.S. west coasts.
Source: Herbert A. Whitney, “Preferred Locations in North America: Canadians, Clues, and Conjectures,” Journal of Geography 83, no. 5, p. 222. (Indiana, Pa.: National Council
for Geographic Education, 1984). Redrawn by permission.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 81

Canada. These and comparable mental maps derived from reason for interstate moves by adults of all ages. Interna-
studies conducted by researchers in many countries suggest tional studies reveal a similar migration motivation based
that near places are preferred to far places unless much in- not only on climate but also on concepts of natural beauty
formation is available about the far places. Places of similar and amenities.
culture are favored, as are places with high standards of liv-
ing. Individuals tend to be indifferent to unfamiliar places Perception of Natural Hazards
and areas and to dislike those that have competing interests Less certain is the negative impact on spatial interaction or
(such as distasteful political and military activities or con- relocation decisions of assessments of natural hazards,
flicting economic concerns) or a physical environment per- processes or events in the physical environment that are
ceived to be unpleasant. not caused by humans but that have consequences harm-
On the other hand, places perceived to have superior ful to them. Distinction is made between chronic, low-level
climates or landscape amenities are rated highly in men- hazards (health-affecting mineral content of drinking
tal map studies and favored in tourism and migration deci- water, for example) and high-consequence/low-probability
sions. The southern and southwestern coast of England is events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, and the
attractive to citizens of generally wet and cloudy Britain, like. Remedial low-level hazards do not appear to create
and holiday tours to Spain, the south of France, and the negative space perceptions, though highly publicized
Mediterranean islands are heavily booked by the English. chronic natural conditions, such as suspected cancer-
A U.S. Census Bureau study indicates that “climate” is, related radon emissions (Figure 3.22) may be an exception.
after work and family proximity, the most often reported Space perception studies do reveal, however, a small but

Figure 3.22 Areas with potentially high radon levels. The radon “scare” began in 1984 with the discovery that a Pennsylvania family was
being exposed in its home to the equivalent of 455,000 chest X rays per year. With the estimate that as many as 20% of the nation’s annual lung
cancer deaths may be attributable to radon, homeowners and seekers were made aware of a presumed new but localized environmental hazard.
More recent re-assessments suggest the earlier warnings of radon danger were partially or largely unwarranted.
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, August 1987.

82 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

measurable adverse assessment of locales deemed “danger- Why do people choose to settle in areas of high-
ous,” no matter what the statistical probability of the haz- consequence hazards in spite of the potential threat to
ard occurring. their lives and property? Why do hundreds of thousands
Mental images of home areas do not generally in- of people live along the San Andreas fault in California,
clude as an overriding concern an acknowledgment of po- build houses in Pacific coastal areas known to experience
tential natural dangers. The cyclone that struck the delta severe erosion during storms, return to flood-prone river
area of Bangladesh on November 12, 1970, left at least valleys in Europe or Asia, or avalanche-threatened An-
500,000 people dead, yet after the disaster the movement dean valleys? What is it that makes the risk worth taking?
of people into the area swelled population above precy- Ignorance of natural hazard danger is not necessarily a
clone levels—a resettlement repeated after other, more re- consideration. People in seismically active regions of the
cent cyclones. The July 28, 1976, earthquake in the United States and Europe, at least, do believe that damag-
Tangshan area of China devastated a major urban indus- ing earthquakes are a possibility in their districts but, re-
trial complex, with casualties estimated at about a quarter- search indicates, are reluctant to do anything about the
million, and between 50,000 and 100,000 city dwellers and risk. Similar awareness and reticence accompanies other
villagers reportedly perished during and after the Janu- low-incidence/high-consequence natural dangers. Less
ary, 2001 quake in Gujarat state of western India. In both than one-tenth of 1% of respondents to a federal survey
cases, rebuilding began almost immediately, as it usually gave “natural disaster” as the reason for their interstate
does following earthquake damage (Figure 3.23). The residential move.
human response to even such major and exceptional natu- There are many reasons why natural hazard risk does
ral hazards is duplicated by a general tendency to dis- not deter settlement or adversely affect space-behavioral
count dangers from more common hazard occurrences. decisions. Of importance, of course, is the persistent belief
Johnstown, Pennsylvania, has suffered recurrent floods, that the likelihood of an earthquake or a flood or other nat-
and yet its residents rebuild; violent storms strike the Gulf ural calamity is sufficiently remote so that it is not reason-
and East coasts of the United States, and people remain or able or pressing to modify behavior because of it. People
return. Californians may be concerned about Kansas tor- are influenced by their innate optimism and the predictive
nadoes if contemplating a move there but be unconcerned uncertainty about timing or severity of a calamitous event
about earthquake dangers at home. and by their past experiences in high-hazard areas. If they

Figure 3.23 Destruction from the San Francisco earthquake and fire. The first shock struck San Francisco early on the morning of April 18,
1906, damaging the city’s water system. Fire broke out and raged for three days. It was finally stopped by dynamiting buildings in its path. When
is was over, some 700 people were dead or missing, and 25,000 buildings had been destroyed. Locally, the event is usually referred to as the Great
Fire of 1906, suggesting a denial of the natural hazard in favor of assigning blame to correctable human error. Post-destruction reconstruction
began at once. Rebuilding following earthquake damage is the rule, though the immediate return of population to northern Italian areas after a
major quake in 1976 was followed by an abrupt longer-term exodus after a subsequent, much weaker shock.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 83

have not suffered much damage in the past, they may be
optimistic about the future. If, on the other hand, past dam-
age has been great, they may think that the probability of
repetition in the future is low (Table 3.1).
Perception of place as attractive or desirable may be
quite divorced from any understanding of its hazard poten-
tial. Attachment to locale or region may be an expression of
emotion and economic or cultural attraction, not just a ra-
tional assessment of risk. The culture hearths of antiquity
discussed in Chapter 2 and shown on Figure 2.15 were for
the most part sited in flood-prone river valleys; their endur-
ing attraction was undiminished by that potential danger.
The home area, whatever disadvantages an outside observer
may discern, exerts a force not easily dismissed or ignored.
Indeed, high-hazard areas are often sought out be-
cause they possess desirable topography or scenic views,
as do, for instance, coastal areas subject to storm damage.
Once people have purchased property in a known hazard
area, they may be unable to sell it for a reasonable price
even if they so desire. They think that they have no choice
but to remain and protect their investment. The cultural Figure 3.24 Many of the poor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, occupy
hazard—loss of livelihood and investment—appears more steep hillside locations above the reach of sewer, water, and power
lines that hold the more affluent at lower elevations. Frequent heavy
serious than whatever natural hazards there may be. rains cause mudflows from the saturated hillsides that wipe away the
Carried further, it has been observed that spatial ad- shacks and shelters that insecurely cling to them, and deposit the
justment to perceived natural hazards is a luxury not af- homes and hopes of the poor in richer neighborhoods below.
fordable to impoverished people in general or to the
urban and rural poor of Third World countries in particu-
lar. Forced by population growth and economic necessity
to exert ever-greater pressures upon fragile environments
or to occupy at higher densities hazardous hillside and
floodplain slums, their margin of safety in the face of both When continental glaciers began their retreat some
chronic and low-probability hazards is minimal to nonex- 11,000 years ago, the activity space and awareness space of
istent (Figure 3.24). Stone Age humans were limited. As a result of pressures of
numbers, need for food, changes in climate, and other in-
ducements, those spaces were collectively enlarged to en-
compass the world. Migration—the permanent relocation
TABLE 3.1 Common Responses to the Uncertainty of residential place and activity space—has been one of the
of Natural Hazards enduring themes of human history. It has contributed to
the evolution of separate cultures, to the diffusion of those
Eliminate the Hazard cultures and their components by interchange and com-
Deny or Denigrate Deny or Denigrate munication, and to the frequently complex mix of peoples
Its Existence Its Recurrence and cultures found in different areas of the world.
Massive movements of people within countries, across
“We have no floods here, only “Lightning never strikes twice in the
high water.” same place.” national borders, and between continents have emerged as
a pressing concern of recent decades. They affect national
“It can’t happen here.” “It’s a freak of nature.”
economic structures, determine population density and dis-
Eliminate the Uncertainty tribution patterns, alter traditional ethnic, linguistic, and re-
ligious mixtures, and inflame national debates and
Make It Determinate Transfer Uncertainty
international tensions. Because migration patterns and con-
and Knowable to a Higher Power
flicts touch so many aspects of social and economic rela-
“Seven years of great plenty. . . . “It’s in the hands of God.” tions and have become so important a part of current
After them seven years of famine.”
human geographic realities, their specific impact is a signifi-
“Floods come every five years.” “The government is taking care of it.” cant aspect of several of our topical concerns. Portions of
the story of migration have been touched on already in
Burton and Kates, The Perception of Natural Hazards in Resource Management, 3
Natural Resources Journal 435 (1964). Used by permission of the University of New Chapter 2; other elements of it are part of later discussions
Mexico School of Law, Albuquerque, N. M. of population (Chapter 4), ethnicity (Chapter 6), economic
development (Chapter 10), urbanization (Chapter 11), and

84 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

international political relations (Chapter 12). Because migra- Intracontinental and interregional migrations involve
tion is above all the result of individual and family deci- movements between countries and within countries, most
sions, our interest here is with migration as an commonly in response to individual and group assess-
unmistakable, recurring, and near-universal expression of ments of improved economic prospects, but often reflect-
human spatial behavior. Reviewing that behavioral basis of ing flight from difficult or dangerous environmental,
migration now will give us common ground for understand- military, economic, or political conditions. The millions of
ing its impacts in other contexts later. refugees leaving their homelands following the dissolution
Migration embodies all the principles of spatial inter- of Eastern European communist states, including the for-
action and space relations we have already discussed. mer USSR and Yugoslavia, exemplify that kind of flight.
Complementarity, transferability, and intervening oppor- Between 1980 and 2000, Europe received some 20 million
tunities and barriers all play a role. Space information and newcomers, often refugees, who joined the 15 million
perception are important, as are the sociocultural and eco- labor migrants (“guest workers”) already in West Euro-
nomic characteristics of the migrants and the distance re- pean countries by the early 1990s (Figure 3.25).
lationships between their original and prospective North America has its counterparts in the hundreds
locations of settlement. In less abstract terms, mass and of thousands of immigrants coming (many illegally) to the
individual migration decisions may express real-life re- United States each year from Mexico, Central America,
sponses to poverty, rapid population growth, environmen- and the Caribbean region. The Hauns, whose westward
tal deterioration, or international and civil conflict or war. trek opened this chapter, were part of a massive 19th-
In its current troubling dimensions, migration may be as century regional shift of Americans that continues today
much a strategy for survival as an unforced but reasoned (Figure 3.26). Russia experienced a similar, though east-
response to economic and social opportunity. ward, flow of people in the 20th century. Some 120 mil-
Naturally, the length of a specific move and its degree lion people—nearly 2% of world population—lived in a
of disruption of established activity space patterns raise dis- country other than the country of their birth in the late
tinctions important in the study of migration. A change of 1990s, and migration had become a world social, eco-
residence from the central city to the suburbs certainly nomic, and political issue of first priority.
changes both residence and activity space of schoolchildren In the 20th century, nearly all countries experi-
and of adults in many of their nonworking activities, but the enced a great movement of peoples from agricultural
working adults may still retain the city—indeed, the same areas to the cities, continuing a pattern of rural-to-urban
place of employment there—as an action space. On the migration that first became prominent during the 18th-
other hand, immigration from Europe to the United States and 19th-century Industrial Revolution in advanced
and the massive farm-to-city movements of rural Americans economies and now is even more massive than interna-
late in the 19th and early in the 20th centuries clearly tional migrant flows. Rapid increases in impoverished
meant a total change of all aspects of behavioral patterns.

Principal Migration Patterns

Migration flows may be discussed at different scales, from
massive intercontinental torrents to individual decisions
to move to a new house or apartment within the same
metropolitan area. At each level, although the underlying
controls on spatial behavior remain constant, the immedi-
ate motivating factors influencing the spatial interaction
are different, with differing impacts on population pat-
terns and cultural landscapes.
At the broadest scale, intercontinental movements
range from the earliest peopling of the habitable world to
the most recent flight of Asian or African refugees to
countries of Europe or the Western Hemisphere. The pop- Figure 3.25 International “guest worker” flows to Western
ulation structure of the United States, Canada, Australia Europe. Labor shortages in expanding Western European economies
and New Zealand, Argentina, Brazil, and other South beginning in the 1960s offered job opportunities to workers
immigrating under labor contract from Eastern and Southern Europe
American countries—as Chapter 4 suggests—is a reflection
and North Africa. Economic stagnation and domestic unemployment
and result of massive intercontinental flows of immigrants halted foreign worker contracting in Germany, France, Belgium,
that began as a trickle during the 16th and 17th centuries Netherlands, and Switzerland in the later 1980s and 1990s, but
and reached a flood during the 19th and early 20th continuing immigration raised the share of foreign workers in the
(Figure 4.21). Later in the 20th century, World War II labor force to 20% in Switzerland, 10% in Austria, and 9.5% in
Germany by 2000.
(1939–1945) and its immediate aftermath involved more
Source: Data from Gunther Glebe and John O’Loughlin, eds., “Foreign Minorities in
than 25 million permanent population relocations, all of Continental European Cities,” Erdkundliches Wissen 84 (Wiesbaden, Germany:
them international but not all intercontinental. Franz Steiner Verlag, 1987).

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 85



Figure 3.26 Westward shift of population, 1790–2000. More than 200 years of western migration and population growth are recorded by
the changing U.S. center of population. (The “center of population” is that point at which a rigid map of the United States would balance,
reflecting the identical weights of all residents in their location on the census date.) The westward movement was rapid for the first 100 years of
census history and slowed between 1890 and 1950. Some of the post-1950 acceleration reflects population growth in the “Sunbelt.” However, the
two different locations for the population center in 1950 and the symbol change indicate the geographic pull on the center of population exerted
by the admission of Alaska and Hawaii to statehood.

rural populations of developing countries put increasing Less than fully voluntary migration—reluctant
and unsustainable pressures on land, fuel, and water in relocation—of some 8 million Indonesians has taken place
the countryside. Landlessness and hunger as well as the under an aggressive governmental campaign begun in
loss of social cohesion that growing competition for de- 1969 to move people from densely settled Java (roughly
clining resources induces helps force migration to cities. 775 per square kilometer or 2000 people per square mile)
As a result, while the rate of urban growth is decreasing to other islands and territories of the country in what has
in the more developed countries, urbanization in the de- been called the “biggest colonization program in history.”
veloping world continues apace, as will be discussed International refugees from war and political turmoil or
more fully in Chapter 11. repression numbered 14 million at the start of 2000, ac-
cording to the World Refugee Survey—down from some
Types of Migration 15 million in 1990, but still one out of every 440 people on
Migrations may be forced or voluntary or, in many in- the planet. In the past, refugees sought asylum mainly in
stances, reluctant relocations imposed on the migrants by Europe and other developed areas. More recently, the
circumstances. flight of people is primarily from developing countries to
In forced migrations, the relocation decision is made other developing regions, and many countries with the
solely by people other than the migrants themselves (Fig- largest refugee populations are among the world’s poorest.
ure 3.27). Perhaps 10 to 12 million Africans were forcibly Sub-Saharan Africa alone housed over 3.5 million refugees
transferred as slaves to the Western Hemisphere from the (Figure 3.28). Worldwide, an additional 21 million persons
late 16th to early 19th centuries. Half or more were des- were “internally displaced,” effectively internal refugees
tined for the Caribbean and most of the remainder for within their own countries. In a search for security or sus-
Central and South America, though nearly a million ar- tenance, they have left their home areas but not crossed
rived in the United States. Australia owed its earliest Euro- an international boundary.
pean settlement to convicts transported after the 1780s to The great majority of migratory movements, how-
the British penal colony established in southeastern Aus- ever, are voluntary (volitional), representing individual re-
tralia (New South Wales). More recent involuntary mi- sponse to the factors influencing all spatial interaction
grants include millions of Soviet citizens forcibly relocated decisions. At root, migrations take place because the mi-
from countryside to cities and from the western areas to grants believe that their opportunities and life circum-
labor camps in Siberia and the Russian Far East beginning stances will be better at their destination than they are at
in the late 1920s. During the 1980s and 90s, many refugee their present location.
destination countries in Africa, Europe, and Asia expelled Poverty is the great motivator. Some 30% of the
immigrants or encouraged or forced the repatriation of world’s population—nearly 2 billion persons—have less
foreign nationals within their borders. than $1.00 per day income. Many additionally are victims

86 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Figure 3.27 Forced migrations: The Five
Civilized Tribes. Between 1825 and 1840, some
100,000 southeastern Amerindians were removed
from their homelands and transferred by the Army
across the Mississippi River to “Indian Territory” in
present-day Oklahoma. By far the largest number
were members of the Five Civilized Tribes of the
South: Cherokees, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks,
and Seminoles. Settled, Christianized, literate
small-farmers, their forced eviction and arduous
journey—particularly along what the Cherokees
named their “Trail of Tears” in the harsh winter of
1837–1838—resulted in much suffering and death.

Figure 3.28 Rwandan refugees near the border of Rwanda and

Tanzania. More than 1 million Rwandans fled into neighboring Zaire
(now, the Democratic Republic of the Congo), Tanzania, Uganda, and
Burundi in 1994 to escape civil war in their home country. At the end
of the 20th century, nearly 14 million Africans remained uprooted
(that is, internally displaced and refugees combined). Fleeing war,
repression, and famine, millions of people in developing nations
have become reluctant migrants from their homelands.

of drought, floods, other natural catastrophes or of wars

and terrorism. Poverty in developing countries is greatest
in the countryside; rural areas are home to around
750 million of the world’s poorest people. Of these, some
20 to 30 million move each year to towns and cities, many
as “environmental refugees” abandoning land so eroded or
exhausted it can no longer support them. In the cities
they join the 40% or more of the labor force that is unem-
ployed or underemployed in their home country and seek
legal or illegal entry into more promising economies of
the developed world. All, rural or urban, respond to the
same basic forces—the push of poverty and the pull of
perceived or hoped-for opportunity.

Controls on Migration
Economic considerations crystallize most migration deci-
sions, though nomads fleeing the famine and spreading
deserts of the Sahel obviously are impelled by different eco-
nomic imperatives than is the executive considering a job
transfer to Montreal or the resident of Appalachia seeking
factory employment in the city. Among the aging, affluent
populations of highly developed countries, retirement

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 87

amenities figure importantly in perceptions of residential spatial search behavior—the process by which locational
attractiveness of areas. Educational opportunities, changes alternatives are evaluated—is not initiated. If, on the other
in life cycle, and environmental attractions or repulsions hand, dissatisfaction with the home location is felt, then a
are but a few other possible migration motivations. utility is assigned to each of the possible migration loca-
Migration theorists attribute international economic tions. The utility is based on past or expected future re-
migrations to a series of often overlapping mechanisms. wards at various sites. Because new places are unfamiliar
Differentials in wages and job opportunities between home to the searcher, the information received about them acts
and destination countries are perhaps the major driving as a substitute for the personal experience of the homesite.
force in such individual migration decisions. Those differ- Decision makers can do no more than sample information
entials are in part rooted in a built-in demand for workers about place alternatives and, of course, there may be er-
at the bottom of the labor hierarchy in more prosperous rors in both information and interpretation. Ultimately,
developed countries whose own workers disdain low- they depend on their image—perhaps a mental map—of
income, menial jobs. Migrants are available to fill those the place being considered and on the motivations that
jobs, some argue, because advanced economies make in- impel them to consider long distance migration or even
dustrial investment in developing or colonial economies to local area relocation of residence. In the latter instance, of
take advantage of lower labor costs there. New factories in- course, the spatial search usually involves actual site visits
evitably disturb existing peasant economies, employ pri- in evaluating the potential move (Figure 3.29).
marily short-term female workers, and leave a residue of One goal of the potential migrant is to avoid physi-
unemployed males available and prone to migrate in cally dangerous or economically unprofitable outcomes
search of opportunity. If successful, international eco- in the final migration decision. Place utility evaluation,
nomic migrants, male or female, help diversify sources of therefore, requires assessments not only of hoped-for pull
family income through their remittances from abroad, a factors of new sites but also of the potentially negative
form of household security that in itself helps motivate economic and social reception the migrant might experi-
some international economic migration. ence at those sites. An example of that observation can be
Negative home conditions that impel the decision to seen in the case of the large numbers of young Mexicans
migrate are called push factors. They might include loss and Central Americans who have migrated both legally
of job, lack of professional opportunity, overcrowding or and illegally to the United States. Faced with poverty and
slum clearance, or a variety of other influences including overpopulation at home, they regard the place utility in
poverty, war, and famine. The presumed positive attrac- Mexico as minimal. With a willingness to work, they
tions of the migration destination are known as pull learn from friends and relatives of job opportunities
factors. They include all the attractive attributes per- north of the border and, hoping for success or even
ceived to exist at the new location—safety and food, per- wealth, quickly place high utility on relocation to the
haps, or job opportunities, better climate, lower taxes, United States. Many know that dangerous risks are in-
more room, and so forth. Very often migration is a result volved in entering the country illegally, but even legal
of both perceived push and pull factors. It is perception of immigrants face legal restrictions or rejections that are
the areal pattern of opportunities and want satisfaction advocated or designed to reduce the pull attractions of
that is important here, whether or not perceptions are sup- the United States (see “Backlash”).
ported by objective reality. In China, for example, a “float- Another migrant goal is to reduce uncertainty. That
ing” population of more than 100 million surplus workers objective may be achieved either through a series of transi-
has flooded into cities from the countryside, seeking urban tional relocation stages or when the migrant follows the
employment that exists primarily in their anticipation. example of known predecessors. Step migration involves
The concept of place utility helps us to understand the place transition from, for example, rural to central city
the decision-making process that potential voluntary mi- residence through a series of less extreme locational
grants undergo. Place utility is the measure of an indi- changes—from farm to small town to suburb and, finally,
vidual’s satisfaction with a given residential location. The to the major central city itself. Chain migration assures
decision to migrate is a reflection of the appraisal—the that the mover is part of an established migrant flow from
perception—by the prospective migrant of the current a common origin to a prepared destination. An advance
homesite as opposed to other sites of which something is group of migrants, having established itself in a new home
known or hoped for. In the evaluation of comparative area, is followed by second and subsequent migrations
place utility, the decision maker considers not only per- originating in the same home district and frequently
ceived value of the present location, but also expected united by kinship or friendship ties. Public and private ser-
place utility of potential destinations. vices for legal migrants and informal service networks for
Those evaluations are matched with the individual’s undocumented or illegal migrants become established and
aspiration level, that is, the level of accomplishment or am- contribute to the continuation or expansion of the chain
bition that the person sees for herself or himself. Aspira- migration flow. Ethnic and foreign-born enclaves in major
tions tend to be adjusted to what one considers attainable. cities and rural areas in a number of countries are the im-
If one finds present circumstances satisfactory, then mediate result, as we shall see more fully in Chapter 6.

88 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Vacancies in price range of buyers

Vacancy seen by buyers 0 miles 2 4

0 km 4
Workplaces of





home Work 1

De Soto




V en t ura Fwy.


le s Riv e r
Mulholland Work 2 Drive

Figure 3.29 An example of a residential spatial search. The dots represent the house vacancies in the price range of a sample family.
Note (1) the relationship of the new house location to the workplaces of the married couple; (2) the relationship of the old house location to the
chosen new home site; and (3) the limited total area of the spatial search. This example from the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles is
typical of intraurban moves.
Redrawn by permission from J. O. Huff, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 76, pp. 217–221. Association of American Geographers, 1986.

Sometimes the chain migration is specific to occupa-

tional groups. For example, nearly all newspaper vendors
in New Delhi, in the north of India, come from one small
district in Tamil Nadu, in the south of India. Most con-
struction workers in New Delhi come either from Orissa,
in the east of India, or Rajasthan, in the northwest. The di-
amond trade of Bombay, India, is dominated by a network
of about 250 related families who come from a small town
several hundred miles to the north.
Certainly, not all immigrants stay permanently at their
first destination. Of the some 80 million newcomers to the
United States between 1900 and 1980, some 10 million re-
turned to their homelands or moved to another country. Es-
timates for Canada indicate that perhaps 40 of each
100 immigrants eventually leave, and about 25% of new-
comers to Australia also depart permanently. A corollary of
all out-migration flows is, therefore, counter (or return)
migration, the likelihood that as many as 25% of all mi- Figure 3.30 Intended return migration of Yugoslavs from
grants will return to their place of origin (Figure 3.30). Germany. As the length of stay in Germany increased, the
Within the United States, return migration—defined proportion of Yugoslavs intending to return decreased, but even after
as moving back to one’s state of birth—makes up about 10 years abroad more than half intended to leave.
20% of all domestic moves. That figure varies dramati- Source: Brigitte Waldorf, “Determinants of International Return Migration Intentions.”
Professional Geographer 47, no. 2 (1995), Fig. 2, page 132.
cally between states. More than a third of in-migrants to
West Virginia, for example, were returnees—as were over
25% of those moving to Pennsylvania, Alabama, Iowa and numbers, while those with high proportions of returnees
a few other states. Such widely different states as New in the migrant stream are not perceived as desirable desti-
Hampshire, Maryland, California, Florida, Wyoming, and nations by other than former residents.
Alaska were among the several that found returnees were Once established, origin and destination pairs of
fewer than 10% of their in-migrants. Interviews suggest places tend to persist. Areas that dominate a locale’s in-
that states deemed attractive draw new migrants in large and out-migration patterns make up the migration fields

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 89

Geography and Public Policy
service, even autopsies and burials more than $3.5 billion per year and
Backlash for those who die while trying to cross result in overcrowded schools and
Migrants can enter a country the border. public health clinics, and the reduc-
legally—with a passport, visa, work • The governor of California, which is tion of services to legal residents.
permit, or other authorization—or il- home to an estimated 2 million Why should the latter pay for benefits
legally. Some aliens initially enter a illegal immigrants, proposed an for people who are breaking the law,
country legally but on a temporary amendment to the Constitution to 187-supporters asked.
basis (as a student or tourist, for ex- deny citizenship to children born on Those opposed to 187 con-
ample), but then remain after their American soil if their parents are tended that projected savings would
departure date. Others may arrive not legal residents of the United be illusory because the proposition
claiming the right of political asylum States. collided with federal laws that guar-
but actually seeking economic oppor- • Finally, and most dramatically, antee access to public education for
tunity. Recent years have seen a ris- California voters over a period of all children in the United States. It
ing tide of emotion against the years approved a trio of ballot also, they said, violated federal Med-
estimated 4 to 5 million people who initiatives aimed at curbing what icaid laws, so California would be in
reside illegally in the United States, a their proponents see as unwarranted danger of losing all regular Medicaid
sentiment that has been reflected in a privileges for immigrants. funding. Forcing an estimated
number of actions. 300,000 children out of school and
The first was Proposition 187, onto the streets would increase the
• Greater efforts are being made to passed in November 1994, prohibiting risk of juvenile crime. Forbidding
deter illegal crossings along the state and local government agencies doctors from giving immunizations
Mexican border by both increasing from providing publicly funded edu- or basic medical care to anyone sus-
the number of Border Patrol agents cation, nonemergency health care, pected of being an illegal immigrant
and by building steel fences near El welfare benefits, and social services would encourage the spread of com-
Paso, Texas, Nogales, Arizona, and to any person they could not verify as municable diseases throughout the
San Ysidro, California. either a U.S. citizen or a person state, putting everyone at risk. Educa-
• Four states—Florida, Texas, legally admitted to the country. The tors, doctors, and other public service
Arizona, and California—are suing measure also required state and local officials would be turned into immi-
the federal government to win agencies to report suspected illegal gration officers, a task for which they
reimbursement for their costs of immigrants to the Immigration and are ill-suited. Finally, opponents ar-
illegal immigration. Naturalization Service and to certain gued that the proposition would not
• The U.S.–Mexico Border Counties state officials. stop the flow of illegal aliens because
Coalition, composed of Proponents of Proposition 187 it did nothing to increase enforce-
representatives from the 24 counties argued that California could no ment at the border or to punish em-
in the United States that abut Mexico, longer support the burden of high lev- ployers who hire undocumented
is demanding that the federal els of immigration, especially if the workers.
government reimburse local immigrants cannot enter the more A week after the passage of
administrations for money spent on skilled professions. They contended Proposition 187, a federal judge issued
legal and medical services for that welfare, medical, and educa- a temporary restraining order block-
undocumented aliens. These services tional benefits are magnets that draw ing enforcement of most of its provi-
include the detention, prosecution, illegal aliens into the state. These sions pending the resolution of legal
and defense of immigrants, unauthorized immigrants were esti- issues. Shortly thereafter, the U.S. Dis-
emergency medical care, ambulance mated to cost California taxpayers trict Court struck down portions of

90 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

regular classrooms. Instead, students
would receive one year of instruction
in English. While opponents of the
measure called it immigrant-bashing,
its supporters argued that bilingual
education has been a failure; few chil-
dren graduate into English-speaking
classes each year, and many leave
school unable to speak, read, or write
well in the language of their adopted
country. Whatever the final fate of
these or other state initiatives, the im-
migration backlash they express re-
mains as a local and national issue.

Questions to Consider:
1. What do you think are the magnets
that draw immigrants across the
border: jobs or benefits? Would a
denial of services likely lessen the
perceived place utility of the United
States and thus reduce illegal
the proposition, declaring them sponsors of Proposition 187, however, 2. People who believe that states should
unconstitutional. “The state is power- warned that “the will of the people has receive full federal payment for all
less to enact its own scheme to regu- been frustrated,” and predicted that costs associated with illegal
late immigration or to devise “the battle may not be over.” immigrants argue that “State
immigration regulations,” the court California voters also approved taxpayers should not bear the burden
wrote. Ultimately, five years after its Proposition 209 in November 1996 of the federal government’s failure to
passage, the U.S. Court of Appeals for banning state and local government control the border.” Do you believe the
the Ninth Circuit in 1999 perma- preferences based on race and gender federal government has an obligation
nently voided the core provisions of in hiring and school admissions. No to fully or partially reimburse states
Proposition 187, including those that “positive” discrimination for racial for the costs of education, medical
prevented illegal immigrants from at- minorities is allowed, and affirmative care, and incarceration for
tending public schools and receiving action programs are to be discontin- unauthorized immigrants? Why or
social services and health care. It also ued. The U.S. Supreme Court in 1997 why not?
voided the requirement that local law- allowed the ban on racial and gender 3. Should the United States require
enforcement authorities, school ad- preferences to stand. citizens to have a national
ministrators, and social and medical Finally, in November 1998, Cali- identification card? Why or why not?
workers turn in suspected illegal im- fornia voters overwhelmingly ap- 4. If you had been able to vote on
migrants to federal and state authori- proved Proposition 227, characterized Proposition 187, how would you have
ties. “Today’s announcement is the by a spokesman for the Mexican voted? Why?
final shovel of dirt on the grave of American Legal Defense and Educa- 5. Is it good policy not to educate or
Proposition 187,” said the director of tion Fund as the third in a row of anti- give basic medical care to any
the American Civil Liberties Union of Latino measures. The proposition persons, even those not legally in the
Southern California. “Hopefully, it scraps the system of bilingual educa- country? If so, under what
brings to a close what has been a very tion, in which non–English-speaking circumstance?
ugly chapter in California politics,” children were taught in their native
added a spokesman for the state Attor- language until they learned English
ney General’s office. The original well enough to be mainstreamed into

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 91

of the place in question. As we would expect, areas near decay effect has often been noted in migration studies (Fig-
the point of origin comprise the largest part of the migra- ure 3.32). Movers seek to minimize the friction of distance.
tion field (Figure 3.31), though larger cities more distantly In selecting between two potential destinations of equal
located may also be prominent as the ultimate destination merit, a migrant tends to choose the nearer as involving
of hierarchical step migration. Some migration fields re- less effort and expense. And since information about dis-
veal a distinctly channelized pattern of flow. The channels tant areas is less complete and satisfying than awareness
link areas that are in some way tied to one another by of nearer localities, short moves are favored over long
past migrations, by economic trade considerations, or ones. Research indicates that determined migrants with
some other affinity. The flow along them is greater than specific destinations in mind are unlikely to be deterred by
otherwise would be the case but does not necessarily in- distance considerations. However, groups for whom push
volve individuals with personal or family ties. The former factors are more determining than specific destination
streams of southern blacks and whites to northern cities, pulls are likely to limit their migration distance in re-
of Scandinavians to Minnesota and Wisconsin, and of U.S. sponse to encountered apparent opportunities. For them,
retirees to Florida and Arizona or their European counter- intervening opportunity affects locational decisions.
parts to Iberia or the Mediterranean coast are all examples Observations such as these were summarized in the
of channelized migration. 1870s and 1880s as a series of “laws of migration” by E. G.
Voluntary migration is responsive to other controls Ravenstein (1834–1913). Among those that remain rele-
that influence all forms of spatial interaction. Push-pull vant are the following:
factors may be equated with complementarity; costs (emo-
1. Most migrants go only a short distance.
tional and financial) of a residence relocation are expres-
2. Longer-distance migration favors big city
sions of transferability. Other things being equal, large
cities exert a stronger migrant pull than do small towns, a
3. Most migration proceeds step-by-step.
reflection of the impact of the gravity model. The distance

Figure 3.31 The migration fields of Florida and California in 1980. (a) For Florida, nearby southern states received most out-migrants,
but in-migrants, especially retirees, originated from much of the eastern United States. (b) For California, the out-migration areas were the
western states; the in-migration origins included both western and heavily populated northeastern states.
Source: Kavita Pandit, “Differentiating Between Subsystems and Typologies in the Analysis of Migration Regions: A U.S. Example.” Professional Geographer 46, no. 3 (1994),
figures 5 and 6, pp. 342–343.

92 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

4. Most migration is rural to urban. their teens. The proportion of young, single women is par-
5. Each migration flow produces a counterflow. ticularly high in rural-to-urban migration flows, reflecting
6. Most migrants are adults; families are less likely their limited opportunities in increasingly overcrowded agri-
to make international moves. cultural areas. To the push and pull factors normally associ-
7. Most international migrants are young males. ated with migration decisions are sometimes added family
pressures that encourage young women with few employ-
The latter two “laws” introduce the role of personal
ment opportunities to migrate as part of a household’s sur-
attributes (and attitudes) of migrants: their age, sex, edu-
vival strategy. In Latin America, the Philippines, and parts
cation, and economic status. Migrants do not represent a
of Asia, emigration of young girls from large, landless fami-
cross section of the populace from which they come. Se-
lies is more common than from smaller families or those
lectivity of movers is evident, and the selection shows
with land rights. Their remittances of foreign earnings help
some regional differences. In most societies, young adults
maintain their parents and siblings at home.
are the most mobile (Figure 3.33). In the United States
For modern Americans, the decisions to migrate are
mobility peaks among those in their twenties, especially
more ordinary but individually just as compelling. They ap-
the later twenties, and tends to decline thereafter. Among
pear to involve (1) changes in life course (e.g., getting mar-
West African cross-border migrants, a World Bank study
ried, having children, getting a divorce); (2) changes in the
reveals, the age group 15–39 predominated.
career course (getting a first job or a promotion, receiving a
Ravenstein’s conclusion that young adult males are
career transfer, seeking work in a new location, retiring);
dominant in economically-pushed international move-
(3) changes of residence associated with individual personal-
ment is less valid today than when first proposed. In real-
ity. Work-related relocations are most important in U.S. in-
ity, women and girls now comprise 40% to 60% of all
terstate migrations (Figure 3.33), and in both intra- and
international migrants worldwide (see “Gender and Migra-
interstate relocations in the 1990s more migrants moved
tion”). It is true that legal and illegal migrants to the
down the urban hierarchy—that is, from larger to smaller
United States from Mexico and Central America are pri-
centers—than vice versa. Some observers suggest that
marily young men, as were first generation “guest work-
ers” in European cities. But population projections for
West European countries suggest that women will shortly
make up the largest part of their foreign-born population, Percent
and in one-third of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, in- 20
cluding Burkina Faso, Swaziland, and Togo, the female
share of foreign-born populations was as large as the male.
Further, among rural to urban migrants in Latin America
since the 1960s, women have been in the majority.
Female migrants are motivated primarily by economic Different Residence,
pushes and pulls. Surveys of women migrants in southeast Same County
Asia and Latin America indicate that 50% to 70% moved in 10
search of employment and commonly first moved while in

5 Different Residence,
Different County


15 4

25 4

30 9

40 9
45 4
50 9

55 4
60 9
65 4
70 9








Age cohort

Figure 3.33 Percentage of 1999 population over 5 years of

age with a different residence than in 1998. Young adults figure
most prominently in both short- and long-distance moves in the
United States, an age-related pattern of mobility that has remained
constant over time. For the sample year shown, 32% of people in
their 20s moved while fewer than 5% of those 65 and older did so.
Short distance moves predominate; 63% of the 41 million U.S. movers
between March, 1999 and March, 2000, relocated within the same
county and another 20% moved to another county in the same state.
Figure 3.32 Distance between old and new residences in the Some two-thirds of intracounty (mobility) moves were made for
Asby area of Sweden. Notice how the number of movers decreased housing-related reasons; long distance moves (migration), a Census
with increasing distance. Bureau survey reveals, are more likely to be made for work-related
Source: T. Hagerstrand, Innovation Diffusion as a Spatial Process. Copyright © 1967
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 93

Gender and Migration

G ender is involved in migration

women in London and of Turkish im- In the 1980s, Mexican women
at every level. In a household or fam- migrant women in the Netherlands began to migrate to the United States
ily, women and men are likely to play found that although these women were in increasing numbers. Economic
different roles regarding decisions or working for wages in their new soci- crises in Mexico and an increase in
responsibilities for activities such as eties, these new economic roles did not the number of jobs available for
child care. These differences, and the affect their subordinate standing in the women in the United States, espe-
inequalities that underlie them, help family in any fundamental way. cially in factories, domestic service,
determine who decides whether the In other situations, however, mi- and service industries, have changed
household moves, which household gration can give women more power in the backdrop of individual migration
members migrate, and the destination the family. In Zaire [now the Demo- decisions. Now, women often initiate
for the move. Outside the household, cratic Republic of the Congo], women family moves or resettlement efforts.
societal norms about women’s mobil- in rural areas move to towns to take ad- Mexican women have begun to
ity and independence often restrict vantage of job opportunities there, and build their own migration networks,
their ability to migrate. gain independence from men in the which are key to successful migration
The economies of sending and process. and resettlement in the United States.
receiving areas play a role as well. If One of the keys to understanding Networks provide migrants with infor-
jobs are available for women in the the role of gender in migration is to mation about jobs and places to live
receiving area, women have an incen- disentangle household decision- and have enabled many Mexican
tive to migrate, and families are more making processes. Many researchers women to make independent deci-
likely to encourage the migration of see migration as a family decision or sions about migrating.
women as necessary and beneficial. strategy, but some members will benefit In immigrant communities in
Thousands of women from East and more than others from those decisions. the United States, women are often
Southeast Asia have migrated to the For many years, men predomi- the vital links to social institution ser-
oil-rich countries of the Middle East, nated in the migration streams flow- vices and to other immigrants. Thus,
for example, to take service jobs. ing from Mexico to the United States. women have been instrumental in the
The impact of migration is also Women played an important role in way that Mexican immigrants have
likely to be different for women and this migration stream, even when they settled and become integrated into
men. Moving to a new economic or so- remained in Mexico. Mexican women new communities.
cial setting can affect the regular rela- influenced the migration decisions of
tionships and processes that occur other family members; they married
within a household or family. In some migrants to gain the benefits from and Reprinted with permission from Nancy E. Riley,
cases, women might remain subordi- opportunity for migration; and they “Gender, Power, and Population Change.”
Population Bulletin, vol. 52, No. 1, May 1997,
nate to the men in their families. A resisted or accepted the new roles in pp. 32–33. Copyright © by the Population Reference
study of Greek-Cypriot immigrant their families that migration created. Bureau, Inc.

pattern of deconcentration reflects modern transportation the movement of goods, information, people, ideas—
and communication technologies, more and younger re- indeed, of every facet of economy and society—between
tirees, and the attractions of amenity-rich smaller places. one place and another. It includes the daily spatial activi-
Some people, of course, simply seem to move often for no ties of individuals and the collective patterns of their short-
discernible reason, whereas others, stayers, settle into a and long-distance behavior in space. The principles and
community permanently. For other developed countries, a constraints that unite, define, and control spatial behavior
different set of summary migration factors may be present. in this sense constitute an essential organizing focus for
the study of human geographic patterns of the earth.
We have seen that whatever the type of spatial be-
Summary havior or flow, a limited number of recurring mechanisms
of guidance and control are encountered. Three underly-
Spatial interaction is the dynamic evidence of the areal dif- ing bases for spatial interaction are: complementarity,
ferentiation of the earth’s surface and of the interdepen- which encourages flows between areas by balancing sup-
dence between geographic locations. The term refers to ply with demand or satisfying need with opportunity;

94 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior
Forced and voluntary migrations and refugee flights are both library and archives, and research program information, and
clear expressions of human spatial behavior and among the to the individual international Federation of Centers for Mi-
pressing concerns of human geography. Websites dealing gration Studies. See it at
with the issues of these forms of human spatial interaction InterAction—American Council for Voluntary Interna-
include international and national governmental agencies, tional Action—is a coalition of 165 or more nonprofit organi-
nongovernmental and charitable organizations, and academic zations involved in worldwide assistance to those in need,
programs. Most have links to other related sites of potential including development aid, refugee support, disaster re-
interest. sponse, and advocacy actions. Subordinate sites linked to its
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ home home page at include “Sustainable De-
page leads to subsidiary UNHCR pages that include country- velopment,” “Disaster Response,” “Commission on Advance-
specific information about refugees, press releases, a topic- ment of Women,” “Publications,” and “Interaction
specific guide to special issues, tabular information about Initiatives.”
refugees, and access to hundreds of documents: The Refugee Studies Programme of Oxford University at
Nongovernmental sites well worth exploring, many may be of some interest, particularly
with statistical or descriptive data by subject or country, and through access to abstracts and summaries of the Pro-
nearly all with links to other sites and agencies, include the gramme’s “Research Reports” and of articles in its “Journal of
following: Refugee Studies.”
Refugees International claims to be “a voice for humani- An exhaustive list of references to on-line migration re-
tarian action” and to serve “refugees, displaced persons, and sources is contained in the World-Wide Web Virtual Library of
other dispossessed people around the world.” Its website gives Migration and Ethnic Relation at:
access to RI’s Media Center and to regional and refugee issues Many sites deal with natural hazards of various kinds.
and documents: One of the best, and one with multiple links to many others,
The International Organization for Migration, with the is the Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado,
motto “. . .orderly migration benefits migrants and society,” Boulder. It claims to be “a clearinghouse for information on
provides access through its home page at to its natural hazards and human adjustments [to them].” View it at
useful Migration Web and its various journals and newslet- Also check the National Oceanic
ters, many with pdf availability. and Atmospheric Administration websites through the NOAA
The Center for Migration Studies of New York studies the home page at
“demographic, historical, economic, political, legislative and Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s home
pastoral aspects of human migration and refugee move- page at for websites added or
ments.” Its home page gives access to its publications list, corrected by the publisher or contributed by helpful users.

transferability, which affects movement decisions by intro- Humans in their individual and collective short- and
ducing cost, effort, and time considerations; and interven- long-distance movements are responsive to these imper-
ing opportunities, which suggests that costs of overcoming sonal spatial controls. Their spatial behaviors are also in-
distance may be reduced by finding closer alternate points fluenced by their separate circumstances. Each has an
where needs can be satisfied. The flows of commodities, activity and awareness space reflective of individual socio-
ideas, or people governed by these interaction factors are economic and life-cycle conditions. Each differs in mobil-
interdependent and additive. Flows of commodities estab- ity. Each has unique wants and needs and perceptions of
lish and reinforce traffic patterns, for example, and also their satisfaction. Human response to distance decay is
channelize the movement of information and people. expressed in a controlling critical distance beyond which
Those flows and interactions may further be under- the frequency of interaction quickly declines. That de-
stood by the application of uniform models to all forms of cline is partly conditioned by unfamiliarity with distant
spatial interaction from interregional commodity exchanges points outside normal activity space. Perceptions of home
to an individual’s daily pattern of movement. Distance and distant territory therefore color interaction flows and
decay tells us of the inevitable decline of interaction with in- space evaluations. In turn, those perceptions, well or
creasing distance. The gravity model suggests that major poorly based, underlie travel and migration decisions, part
centers of activity can exert interaction pulls that partly of the continuing spatial diffusion and interaction of peo-
compensate for distance decay. Recognition of movement ple. It is to people and their patterns of distribution and
biases explains why spatial interaction in the objective regional growth and change that we turn our attention in
world may deviate from that proposed by abstract models. the following chapter.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 95

Key Words
activity space 72 intervening opportunity 68 potential model 70
awareness space 73 migration 84 pull factor 88
chain migration 88 migration field 89 push factor 88
channelized migration 92 mobility 71 return migration 89
complementarity 67 movement bias 71 space-time prism 74
counter migration 89 network 71 spatial interaction 66
critical distance 74 personal communication field 78 spatial search 88
distance decay 69 personal space 72 step migration 88
friction of distance 68 place perception 80 territoriality 72
gravity model 69 place utility 88 transferability 68

For Review
1. What is meant by spatial path for your movements on a distance decay and critical distance
interaction? What are the three typical class day. What alterations operative? What variables affect
fundamental conditions governing in your established movement your critical distances?
all forms of spatial interaction? habits might be necessary (or 7. What considerations appear to
What is the distinctive impact or become possible) if: (a) instead of influence the decision to migrate?
importance of each of the walking, you rode a bike? How do perceptions of place utility
conditions? (b) instead of biking, you drove a induce or inhibit migration?
2. What variations in distance decay car? (c) instead of driving, you
8. What is a migration field? Some
curves might you expect if you had to use the bus or go by bike
migration fields show a
were to plot shipments of ready- or afoot?
channelized flow of people. Select
mixed concrete, potato chips, and 5. What does the thought that a particular channelized
computer parts? What do these transportation and migration flow (such as the
respective curves tell us about communication are space-adjusting movement of Scandinavians to
transferability? imply? In what ways has Michigan, Wisconsin, and
3. What is activity space? What technology affected the “space Minnesota, or people from the
factors affect the areal extent of adjustment” in commodity flows? Great Plains to California, or
an individual’s activity space? In information flows? southern blacks to the North) and
4. On a piece of paper, and 6. Recall the places you have visited speculate why a channelized flow
following the model of in the past week. In your developed.
Figure 3.11, plot your space-time movements, were the rules of

Focus Follow-up
1. What are the three bases for all flows of goods between two points model tells us that distance decay
spatial interaction? pp. 66–68. by presenting nearer or cheaper can in part be overcome by the
Spatial interaction reflects areal sources. enhanced attraction of larger
differences and is controlled by 2. How is spatial interaction centers of activity; and movement
three “flow-determining” factors. probability measured? bias helps explain interaction
Complementarity implies a local pp. 68–71. flows contrary to model
supply of an item for which predictions.
The probability of aggregate
effective demand exists spatial movements and 3. What are the special forms,
elsewhere. Transferability interactions may be assessed by attributes, and controls of
expresses the costs of movement the application of established human spatial behavior?
from source of supply to locale of models. Distance decay reports pp. 71–76.
demand. An intervening the decline of interaction with While humans react to distance,
opportunity serves to reduce increase in separation; the gravity time, and cost considerations of

96 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

spatial movement, their spatial possess, and their degree of strategy for threatened people
behavior is also affected by attractiveness. Those perceptions and a reasoned response to
separate conditions of activity and may not be based on reality or perceptions of opportunity.
awareness space, of individual supported by balanced Migration has been enduring
economic and life-cycle information. Distant places are throughout human history and
circumstances, by degree of less known than nearby ones, for occurs at separate scales from
mobility, and by unique example, and real natural hazards intercontinental to regional, and
perceptions of wants and needs. of areas may be mentally includes flights of refugees and
4. What roles do information and minimized through familiarity or relocations of retirees. Negative
perception play in rationalization. home conditions (push factors)
conditioning human spatial 5. What kinds of migration coupled with perceived positive
actions? pp. 76–84. movements can be recognized destination attractions (pull
and what influences their factors) are important, as are age
Humans base decisions about the
occurrence? pp. 84–94. and sex of migrants and the
opportunity or feasibility of
spatial search they conduct.
spatial movements, exchanges, or Migration means the permanent
Step and chain migration and
want satisfactions on place relocation of residence and
return migratory flows all
perceptions. These condition the activity space. It is subject to all
affect patterns and volume of
feelings we have about physical the principles of spatial
and cultural characteristics of interaction and behavior and
areas, the opportunities they represents both a survival

Selected References
Boyle, Paul, and Keith Halfacre, eds. Hägerstrand, Torsten. Innovation Manson, Gary A., and Richard E. Groop.
Migration and Gender in the Diffusion as a Spatial Process. Chicago: “U.S. Intercounty Migration in the
Developed World. New York: University of Chicago Press, 1967. 1990s: People and Income Move
Routledge, 1999. Hanson, Susan, and Geraldine Pratt. Down the Urban Hierarchy.”
Brown, Lawrence A. Innovation “Geographic Perspectives on the Professional Geographer 52, no. 3
Diffusion: A New Perspective. New Occupational Segregation of (2000): 493–504.
York: Methuen, 1981. Women.” National Geographic Martin, Philip, and Jonas Widgren.
Brunn, Stanley, and Thomas Leinbach. Research 6, no. 4 (1990): 376–399. “International Migration: A Global
Collapsing Space and Time: Harner, John P. “Continuity Amidst Challenge.” Population Bulletin 51,
Geographic Aspects of Change: Undocumented Mexican no. 1. Washington, D.C.: Population
Communication and Information. Migration to Arizona.” Professional Reference Bureau, 1996.
Winchester Mass.: Unwin Hyman, Geographer 47, no. 4 (1994): Massey, Douglas S., et al. “Theories of
1991. 399–411. International Migration: A Review and
Castles, Stephen, and Mark J. Miller. Hay, Alan. “The Geographical Appraisal.” Population and Development
The Age of Migration: International Explanation of Commodity Flow.” Review 19, no. 3 (1993): 431–466.
Population Movements in the Modern Progress in Human Geography 3 Michelson, William. From Sun to Sun:
World. New York: Guilford (1979): 1–12. Daily Obligations and Community
Publications, 1993. Kane, Hal. The Hour of Departure: Forces Structure in the Lives of Employed
Clark, W. A. V. Human Migration. Vol. 7, that Create Refugees and Migrants. Women and Their Families. Totowa,
Scientific Geography Series. Newbury Worldwatch Paper 125. Washington, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld, 1985.
Park, Calif.: Sage, 1986. D.C.: Worldwatch Institute, 1995. Newbold, K. Bruce. “Race and Primary,
Cohen, Robin, ed. The Cambridge Survey Kellerman, Aharon. Telecommunications Return, and Onward Interstate
of World Migration. Cambridge, and Geography. New York: Halsted, Migration.” Professional Geographer
England: Cambridge University 1993. 49, no. 1 (1997): 1–14.
Press, 1995. King, Russell, ed. The New Geography of Palm, Risa. Natural Hazards. Baltimore,
Gober, Patricia. “Americans on the European Migrations. New York: Md.: Johns Hopkins University
Move.” Population Bulletin 48, no. 3. Belhaven Press, 1993. Press, 1990.
Washington, D.C.: Population Lenntorp, Bo. Paths in Space-time Plane, David A. “Age-Composition
Reference Bureau, 1993. Environments. Lund Studies in Change and the Geographical
Golledge, Reginald G., and Robert J. Geography. Series B. Human Dynamics of Interregional Migration
Stimson. Spatial Behavior: A Geography, no. 44, Lund, Sweden: in the U.S.” Annals of the Association
Geographic Perspective. New York: Lund University, 1976. of American Geographers 82, no. 1
Guilford Publications, 1996. (1992): 64–85.

Spatial Interaction and Spatial Behavior 97

Ravenstein, E. G. “The Laws of Stouffer, Samuel. “Intervening Ullman, Edward L. “The Role of
Migration.” Journal of the Royal Opportunities: A Theory Relating Transportation and the Basis for
Statistical Society 48 (1885): 167–227; Mobility and Distance.” American Interaction.” In Man’s Role in Changing
52 (1889): 241–301. Sociological Review 5 (1940): 845–867. the Face of the Earth, edited by William
Rogers, Andrei and Stuart Sweeney. Stutz, Frederick P. Social Aspects of E. Thomas, Jr., pp. 862–880. Chicago:
“Measuring the Spatial Focus of Interaction and Transportation. University of Chicago Press, 1956.
Migration Patterns.” Professional Association of American United Nations. High Commissioner for
Geographer 50, no. 2 (1998): Geographers, Commission on College Refugees. The State of the World’s
232–242. Geography. Resource Paper no. 76-2. Refugees. New York: Oxford
Roseman, Curtis C. “Channelization of Washington, D.C.: Association of University Press, annual.
Migration Flows from the Rural American Geographers, 1976. Waldorf, Brigitte. “Determinants of
South to the Industrial Midwest.” Tocalis, Thomas R. “Changing International Return Migration
Proceedings of the Association of Theoretical Foundations of the Intentions.” Professional Geographer
American Geographers 3 (1971): Gravity Concept of Human 47, no. 2 (1995): 125–136.
140–146. Interaction.” In The Nature of Change Wood, William B. “Forced Migration:
Simon, Rita James, and Caroline B. in Geographical Ideas, edited by Brian Local Conflicts and International
Brettell, eds. International Migration: J.L. Berry, pp. 66–124. Perspectives Dilemmas.” Annals of the Association
The Female Experience. Totowa, N.J.: in Geography 3. DeKalb: Northern of American Geographers 84, no. 4
Rowman & Allenheld, 1986. Illinois University Press, 1978. (1994): 607–634.

98 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography


World Patterns, Regional Trends

Serb refugees
fleeing Bosnian
occupation of
their town during
the 1990s
exemplify the
migration” of
throughout the
world when
caught in
domestic and

Focus Preview
1. Data and measures used by population 3. World population distributions, densities, and
geographers: the meaning and purpose of urban components, pp. 123–128.
population cohorts, rates, and other 4. Population projections, controls, and prospects:
measurements, pp. 100–116. estimating the future, pp. 128–133.
2. What we are told by the demographic transition
model and the demographic equation,
pp. 116–123.

ings in relation to variations in the conditions of earth

space. It differs from demography, the statistical study of
ero, possibly even negative [population] human population, in its concern with spatial analysis—
growth” was the 1972 slogan proposed by the the relationship of numbers to area. Regional circum-
prime minister of Singapore, an island country in stances of resource base, type of economic development,
Southeast Asia. His nation’s population, which stood level of living, food supply, and conditions of health and
at 1 million at the end of World War II (1945), had well-being are basic to geography’s population concerns.
doubled by the mid-1960s. To avoid the They are, as well, fundamental expressions of the
human–environmental relationships that are the sub-
overpopulation he foresaw, the government decreed
stance of all human geographic inquiry.
“Boy or girl, two is enough” and refused maternity
leaves and access to health insurance for third or
subsequent births. Abortion and sterilization were
legalized, and children born fourth or later in a Population Growth
family were to be discriminated against in school
Sometime early in 2001, a human birth raised the earth’s
admissions policy. In response, birth rates by the
population to 6.1 billion people. In 1988 the count was
mid-1980s fell to below the level necessary to replace 5.1 billion. That is, over the 13 years between those two
the population, and abortions were terminating dates, the world’s population grew on average by about
more than one-third of all pregnancies. 77 million people annually, or some 211,000 per day.
“At least two. Better three. Four if you can afford Global fertility and growth rates have been declining in re-
it” was the national slogan proposed by that same cent years. Before 2000, the U.S. Census Bureau reported,
prime minister in 1986, reflecting fears that the worldwide growth exceeded 80 million yearly; its more re-
stringencies of the earlier campaign had gone too cent estimates of future population numbers have been
far. From concern that overpopulation would doom reduced. Yet the United Nations still projects that the
the country to perpetual Third World poverty, Prime world will likely contain some 9 billion inhabitants in
Minister Lee Kuan Yew was moved to worry that 2050; in 1950 it had 2.5 billion. Although there is disagree-
population limitation would deprive it of the growth ment among them on details, many demographers as-
sume that world population will stabilize near 10 billion
potential and national strength implicit in a
around the year 2100. Others, however, foresee an earlier
youthful, educated workforce adequate to replace and lower population peak followed by numerical decline,
and support the present aging population. His 1990 not stability. All do agree, however, that essentially all of
national budget provided for sizable long-term tax any future growth will occur in countries now considered
rebates for second children born to mothers under “developing” (Figure 4.1). We will return to these projec-
28. Not certain that financial inducements alone tions and to the difficulties and disagreements inherent in
would suffice to increase population, the Singapore making them later in this chapter.
government annually renewed its offer to take Just what is implied by numbers in the millions and
100,000 Hong Kong Chinese who might choose to billions? With what can we equate the 2001 population of
leave when China took over that territory in 1997. Gabon in Africa (about 1.3 million) or of China (about
1.3 billion)? Unless we have some grasp of their scale and
meaning, our understanding of the data and data manipu-
lations of the population geographer can at best be super-
The policy reversal in Singapore reflects an inflexible popu-
ficial. It is difficult to appreciate a number as vast as
lation reality: The structure of the present controls the con-
1 million or 1 billion, and the great distinction between
tent of the future. The size, characteristics, growth trends,
them. Some examples offered by the Population Refer-
and migrations of today’s populations help shape the well-
ence Bureau may help in visualizing their immensity and
being of peoples yet unborn but whose numbers and distri-
butions are now being determined. The numbers, age, and
sex distribution of people; patterns and trends in their fertil- • A 2.5-centimeter (1-inch) stack of U.S. paper
ity and mortality; their density of settlement and rate of currency contains 233 bills. If you had a million
growth all affect and are affected by the social, political, and dollars in thousand-dollar bills, the stack would be
economic organization of a society. Through them, we begin 11 centimeters (4.3 inches) high. If you had a
to understand how the people in a given area live, how they billion dollars in thousand-dollar bills, your pile of
may interact with one another, how they use the land, what money would reach 109 meters (358 feet)—about
pressure on resources exists, and what the future may bring. the length of a football field.
Population geography provides the background • You had lived a million seconds when you were
tools and understandings of those interests. It focuses on 11.6 days old. You won’t be a billion seconds old
the number, composition, and distribution of human be- until you are 31.7 years of age.

100 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Population Growth World Total
7 (absolute size)
6 Less
5 Developed
More Developed Regions
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100

Less Developed Regions

Share of World Population, 2000 Share of World Population, 2050

Latin Sub- Latin

America Saharan America Sub-
8% Africa 9% Saharan
11% Africa
Other Other
Asia/ Asia/
Oceania Oceania
17% 20% China

India India
Near East/
17% 18%
North Africa Near East/
6% North Africa

Figure 4.1 World population numbers and projections. (a) After two centuries of slow growth, world population began explosive
expansion after World War II. United Nations demographers project a global population of around 9 billion in 2050. The total may rise to about
10 billion by the end of the 21st century. UN projections anticipate the more developed regions will reach a peak population of 1.6 billion in 2020
and then decline by 2050 to below their 2000 level. In contrast, the populations of the less developed regions are expected to increase by over 60%
between 2000 and 2050. (b) While only a little more than 80% of world population was found in regions considered “less developed” in 2000 (left
diagram), nearly 9 out of 10 will be located there in 2050 (right diagram). Numbers in more developed regions at mid-century will be lower than
at its start thanks to anticipated population loss in Europe. Continuing large volume immigration into Europe and other more developed areas
could alter those population decline projections.
Sources: (a) Estimates from Population Reference Bureau and United Nations Population Fund; (b) Based on United Nations and U.S. Bureau of the Census projections.

• The supersonic airplane, the Concorde, could unoccupied portions of the globe, and human experimen-
theoretically circle the globe in only 18.5 hours at tation with food sources initiated the Agricultural Revolu-
its cruising speed of 2150 kilometers (1336 mi) per tion. The 5 or 10 million people who then constituted all
hour. It would take 31 days for a passenger to of humanity obviously had considerable potential to ex-
journey a million miles on the Concorde, while a pand their numbers. In retrospect, we see that the natural
trip of a billion miles would last 85 years. resource base of the earth had a population-supporting ca-
The implications of the present numbers and the po- pacity far in excess of the pressures exerted on it by early
tential increases in population are of vital current social, hunting and gathering groups.
political, and ecological concern. Population numbers Some observers maintain that despite present num-
were much smaller some 12,000 years ago when continen- bers or even those we can reasonably anticipate for the fu-
tal glaciers began their retreat, people spread to formerly ture, the adaptive and exploitive ingenuity of humans is

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 101

in no danger of being taxed. Others, however, compare population, of births, deaths, marriages, and so on. To
the earth to a self-contained spaceship and declare with those basic counts, demographers bring refinements that
chilling conviction that a finite vessel cannot bear an ever- make the figures more meaningful and useful in popula-
increasing number of passengers. They point to recurring tion analysis. Among them are rates and cohort measures.
problems of malnutrition and starvation (though these are Rates simply record the frequency of occurrence
realistically more a matter of failures of distribution than of an event during a given time frame for a designated
of inability to produce enough foodstuffs worldwide). population—for example, the marriage rate as the number
They cite dangerous conditions of air and water pollution, of marriages performed per 1000 population in the United
the loss of forest and farmland, the apparent nearing ex- States last year. Cohort measures refer data to a popula-
haustion of many minerals and fossil fuels, and other evi- tion group unified by a specified common characteristic—
dences of strains on world resources as foretelling the the age cohort of 1–5 years, perhaps, or the college class
discernible outer limits of population growth. of 2005 (Figure 4.2). Basic numbers and rates useful in the
On a worldwide basis, populations grow only one way: analysis of world population and population trends have
The number of births in a given period exceeds the number been reprinted with the permission of the Population Ref-
of deaths. Ignoring for the moment regional population erence Bureau as Appendix B to this book. Examination of
changes resulting from migration, we can conclude that ob- them will document the discussion that follows.
served and projected increases in population must result
from the failure of natural controls to limit the number of Birth Rates
births or to increase the number of deaths, or from the suc- The crude birth rate (CBR), often referred to simply as
cess of human ingenuity in circumventing such controls the birth rate, is the annual number of live births per 1000
when they exist. The implications of these observations will population. It is “crude” because it relates births to total
become clearer after we define some terms important in the population without regard to the age or sex composition of
study of world population and explore their significance. that population. A country with a population of 2 million
and with 40,000 births a year would have a crude birth
rate of 20 per 1000.
40 000
= 20 per 1000
Some Population Definitions 2 000 000
Demographers employ a wide range of measures of popu- The birth rate of a country is, of course, strongly in-
lation composition and trends, though all their calcula- fluenced by the age and sex structure of its population, by
tions start with a count of events: of individuals in the the customs and family size expectations of its inhabitants,

Figure 4.2 Whatever their differences may be by race, sex, or ethnicity, these babies will forever be clustered demographically into
a single birth cohort.

102 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

and by its adopted population policies. Because these con- As the recent population histories of Singapore and
ditions vary widely, recorded national birth rates vary—at China indicate, birth rates are subject to change. The de-
the start of the 21st century, from a high of 50 or more in cline to current low birth rates of European countries and
Liberia and Niger in West Africa to the low of 8 or 9 per of some of the areas that they colonized is usually as-
1000 in 12 or more European countries. Although birth cribed to industrialization, urbanization, and in recent
rates of 30 or above per 1000 are considered high, one-sixth years, maturing populations. While restrictive family
of the world’s people live in countries with rates that are planning policies in China rapidly reduced the birth rate
that high or higher (Figure 4.3). In these countries, the from over 33 per 1000 in 1970 to 18 per 1000 in 1986, in-
population is prominently agricultural and rural, and a dustrializing Japan experienced a comparable 15-point
high proportion of the female population is young. They decline in the decade 1948–1958 with little governmental
are found chiefly in Africa, western and southern Asia, and intervention. Indeed, the stage of economic development
Latin America. In many of these states birth rates may be appears closely related to variations in birth rates among
significantly higher than official records indicate. Available countries, although rigorous testing of this relationship
data suggests that every year around 40 million births go proves it to be imperfect (Figure 4.3). As a group, the
unregistered and therefore uncounted. more developed states of the world showed a crude birth
Birth rates of less than 18 per 1000 are reckoned low rate of 11 per 1000 at the start of the 21st century; less
and are characteristic of industrialized, urbanized coun- developed countries (excluding China) registered almost
tries. All European countries including Russia, as well as 30 per 1000.
Anglo America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand have Religious and political beliefs can also affect birth
low rates as, importantly, do an increasing number of de- rates. The convictions of many Roman Catholics and
veloping states such as China (see “China’s Way—and Oth- Muslims that their religion forbids the use of artificial
ers”) that have adopted effective family planning birth control techniques often lead to high birth rates
programs. Transitional birth rates (between 18 and 30 per among believers. However, dominantly Catholic Italy has
1000) characterize some, mainly smaller, “developing” nearly the world’s lowest birth rate, and Islam itself does
countries, though giant India entered that group in 1994. not prohibit contraception. Similarly, some European

Live Births Per

1000 Population
12 or less
33– 42
43 or more

Figure 4.3 Crude birth rates. The map suggests a degree of precision that is misleading in the absence of reliable, universal registration of
births. The pattern shown serves, however, as a generally useful summary of comparative reproduction patterns if class divisions are not taken
too literally. Reported or estimated population data vary annually, so this and other population maps may not agree in all details with the figures
recorded in Appendix B.
Source: Data from Population Reference Bureau.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 103

China’s Way—and Others

A n ever larger population is “a

single child. Penalties, including to a one-child limit and of increasing
good thing,” Chairman Mao an- steep fines, were levied for second the chances that the one child would
nounced in 1965 when China’s birth births. At the campaign’s height in be male. By 1986, China’s officially-
rate was 37 per 1000 and population 1983, the government ordered the reported crude birth rate had fallen to
totaled 540 million. At Mao’s death in sterilization of either husband or wife 18 per 1000, far below 37 per 1000
1976, numbers reached 852 million, for couples with more than one child. then registered among the rest of the
though the birth rate then had Infanticide—particularly the expo- world’s less developed countries. Un-
dropped to 25. During the 1970s, when sure or murder of female babies—was officially, it is reported that the one-
it became evident that population a reported means both of conforming child policy was effectively dropped
growth was consuming more than
half of the annual increase in the
country’s gross domestic product,
China introduced a well-publicized
campaign advocating the “two-child
family” and providing services, in-
cluding abortions, supporting that
program. In response, China’s birth
rate dropped to 19.5 per 1000 by the
late 1970s.
“One couple, one child” became
the slogan of a new and more vigor-
ous population control drive
launched in 1979, backed by both in-
centives and penalties to assure its
success in China’s tightly controlled
society. Late marriages were encour-
aged; free contraceptives, cash
awards, abortions, and sterilizations
were provided to families limited to a

governments—concerned about birth rates too low to sus- fluctuation in the population structure and is thus a more
tain present population levels—subsidize births in an at- reliable figure for regional comparative and predictive
tempt to raise those rates. Regional variations in purposes than the crude birth rate.
projected percentage contributions to world population A total fertility rate of 2.1 is necessary just to replace
growth are summarized in Figure 4.4. present population. On a worldwide basis, the TFR in
2001 was 2.8; 15 years earlier it was 3.7. The more devel-
Fertility Rates oped countries recorded a 1.5 rate at the start of the 21st
Crude birth rates may display such regional variability be- century, down from 2.0 in 1985, while less developed
cause of differences in age and sex composition or dispari- states (excluding China) had a collective TFR of 3.6, down
ties in births among the reproductive-age, rather than from 5.0 in the mid-1980s. Indeed, the fertility rates for so
total, population. Total fertility rate (TFR) is a more ac- many less developed countries have dropped so dramati-
curate statement than the birth rate in showing the cally since the early 1960s (Figure 4.6) that earlier widely
amount of reproduction in the population (Figure 4.5). believed world population projections anticipating 11 bil-
The TFR tells us the average number of children that lion or more within two centuries are now generally re-
would be born to each woman if, during her childbearing jected. China’s decrease from a TFR of 5.9 births per
years, she bore children at the current year’s rate for woman in the period 1960–1965 to (officially) about 1.8 in
women that age. The fertility rate minimizes the effects of 2000 and comparable drops in TFRs of Bangladesh, Brazil,

104 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

in 1984 to permit two-child limits in

under intensive family planning en- Instead, that demand seems
rural areas where 70% of Chinese pop- couragement and frequent adviser closely tied to the use value placed on
ulation still resides. In 1996, Presi- visits. The costs per birth averted, children by poor families in some
dent Jiang spoke of “reestablishing” however, were reckoned at more parts of the developing world. Where
the one-child restriction following than the country’s $160 per capita those families share in such commu-
documentation of extensive underre- gross domestic product. nal resources as firewood, animal fod-
porting of rural births. In early 2000 Research suggests that fertility der, grazing land, fish, and the like,
he urged party officials to “establish falls because women decide they the more of those collective resources
an attitude of protracted war” to fight want smaller families, not because that can be converted to private fam-
illegal births despite Chinese demog- they have unmet needs for contracep- ily property and use, the better off is
raphers’ warnings that if the one- tive advice and devices. Nineteenth- the family. Indeed, the more commu-
child policy continues for another century northern Europeans without nal resources that are available for
generation it will eventually create a the aid of science had lower fertility “capture,” the greater are the incen-
society in which there won’t be rates than their counterparts today in tives for a household to have more
enough adult children in a family to middle-income countries. With some children to appropriate them. Some
care for their aging parents. convincing evidence, improved population economists conclude that
Concerned with their own women’s education has been pro- only when population numbers in-
growing numbers, many developing posed as a surer way to reduce births crease to the point of total conversion
countries have introduced their own than either encouraged contraception of communal resources to private
less extreme programs of family or China’s coercive efforts. Studies property—and children have to be
planning stressing access to contra- from individual countries indicate supported and educated rather than
ception and sterilization. Interna- that one year of female schooling can employed—will poor families in de-
tional agencies have encouraged reduce the fertility rate by between veloping countries want fewer chil-
these programs, buoyed by such pre- 5% and 10%. Yet the fertility rate of dren. If so, coercion, contraception,
sumed success as the 21% fall in fer- uneducated Thai women is only two- and education may be less effective as
tility rates in Bangladesh from 1970 thirds that of Ugandan women with checks on births than the economic
to 1990 as the proportion of married secondary education. Obviously, the consequence of population increase
women of reproductive age using demand for children is not absolutely itself.
contraceptives rose from 3% to 40% related to educational levels.

Figure 4.4 Projected percentage contributions to world

population growth, by region, 2000–2050. Birth rate changes
recorded by differently sized regional populations with differing age
Other Asia structures are altering the world pattern of population increase.
Africa 28.8% Africa, containing 13% of world population in 2000, will probably
33.6% account for more than one-third of total world increase between 2000
and 2050. Between 1965 and 1975, China’s contribution to world
growth was 2.5 times that of Africa; between 2000 and 2050, Africa’s
numerical growth will be 7 times that of China. India, which reached
the 1 billion level in 2000, is projected to grow by more than 50%
over the first half of the 21st century and have by far the world’s
Latin America 10.0% Anglo largest population. China added 65 million more people to world
America population than did India between 1970 and 1980. Between 2000 and
China 4.9% 4.0% Oceania 2050, India will add more than 400 million more people than China.
0.5% In contrast to the growth within the world regions shown, Europe’s
population is projected to decrease by 70 million over the same half-
century period.
Source: Projections based on World Bank and United Nations figures.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 105

Total Fertility Rate

Less than 2.1

(replacement level)
4.1– 6.4
More than 6.4

Figure 4.5 Total fertility rate (TFR) indicates the average number of children that would be born to each woman if, during her
childbearing years, she bore children at the same rate as women of those ages actually did in a given year. Since the TFR is age-adjusted, two
countries with identical birth rates may have quite different fertility rates and therefore different prospects for growth. Depending on mortality
conditions, a TFR of 2.1 to 2.5 children per woman is considered the “replacement level,” at which a population will eventually stop growing.
Source: Data from Population Reference Bureau

Fertility declines, 1960s to 2000 Mozambique, and other states demonstrate that fertility
reflects cultural values, not biological imperatives. If those
Early 1960s values now favor fewer children than formerly, popula-
Developed 2.7
1.5 2000 tion projections based on earlier, higher TFR rates must
be adjusted.
Developing 6.0
Nothing in logic or history requires population sta-
countries 3.2
bility at any level. In 2000, 44% of the world’s population
Sub-Saharan 6.7 lived in countries with fertility rates below 2.1 with more
Africa 5.8 countries joining their ranks each year. Should the world
6.1 TFR drop below the replacement level, population would
South Asia
3.6 not just stop growing as the UN projects; it would in-
evitably decline (see “A Population Implosion?”). Should
Latin America cultural values change to again favor children, growth
would resume. Different TFR estimates imply conflicting
5.9 population projections and vastly different regional and
East Asia
world population concerns. Individual country projec-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 tions based on current fertility rates, it should be noted,
Total fertility rate may not accurately anticipate population levels even in
the near future. As we saw in Chapter 3, massive inter-
Figure 4.6 Differential fertility declines. Fertility has declined national population movements are occurring in re-
most rapidly in Latin America and Asia and much more slowly in
sub-Saharan Africa. Developed countries as a group now have below-
sponse to political instabilities and, particularly, to
replacement-level fertility. Europe was far below with a 2001 TFR of differentials in perceived economic opportunities. Re-
1.4; the United States, however, showed births at just the replacement sulting migration flows may cause otherwise declining
point of 2.1 at the start of the century. national populations to grow. The European Union in re-
Sources: Population Reference Bureau and United Nations Population Fund. cent years has had a negative rate of natural increase,

106 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

A Population Implosion?

F or much of the last half of the 20th

populations of Spain and Italy, for ex- That conclusion is plausibly
century, demographers and econo- ample, are projected to shrink by a supported by assumptions of the
mists focused on a “population explo- quarter between 2000 and 2050. “In de- United Nations 1998 “low-variant”
sion” and its implied threat of a world mographic terms,” France’s prime min- world population projection. Noting
with too many people and too few re- ister remarked, “Europe is vanishing.” that total fertility rates for more de-
sources of food and minerals to sus- Europe’s experience soon was veloped regions had already fallen to
tain them. By the end of the century, echoed in other societies of advanced about 1.6 from 2.0 at the start of the
those fears for some observers were economic development on all conti- 1990s, the UN conjectured a further
being replaced by a new prediction of nents. By 1995, the United States, drop to about 1.4 by 2006. For the less
a world with too few rather than too Canada, Australia, New Zealand, developed regions, the rate dropped
many people. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singa- from 4.0 to 3.2 during the 1990s alone;
That possibility was suggested pore, and other older and newly indus- the low-variant model projects it will
by two related trends. The first be- trializing countries (NICs) registered decline below 2.1 about 2010 and to
came apparent by 1970 when it was fertility rates below the replacement around 1.6 in 2045. Should those low-
noted that the total fertility rates level. As they have for Europe, simple variant assumptions prove valid,
(TFRs) of 19 countries, almost all of projections foretold their aging and global depopulation could commence
them in Europe, had fallen below the declining population. Japan’s num- before midcentury. Between 2040 and
replacement level—the level of fertil- bers, for example, will begin to de- 2050, the projection indicates, world
ity at which populations replace cline in 2006 when its population will population would fall by about 85 mil-
themselves—of 2.1. Simultaneously, be older than Europe’s; Taiwan fore- lion (roughly the amount of its an-
Europe’s population pyramid began casts negative growth by 2035. nual growth during much of the
to become noticeably distorted, with a The second trend indicating to 1990s) and shrink further by about
smaller proportion of young and a many that world population numbers 25% with each successive generation.
growing share of middle-aged and should stabilize and even decline dur- If the UN low-variant scenario
retirement-age inhabitants. The de- ing the lifetimes of today’s college co- is realized in whole or in part—it
crease in native working-age cohorts hort is a simple extension of the first: is currently rejected by most
had already, by 1970, encouraged the TFRs are being reduced to or below the demographers—a much different
influx of non-European “guest work- replacement levels in countries at all worldwide demographic and economic
ers” whose labor was needed to main- stages of economic development in all future is promised than that prophe-
tain economic growth and to sustain parts of the world. While only 18% of sied so recently by “population explo-
the generous security provisions guar- total world population in 1975 lived in sion” forecasts. Declining rather than
anteed to what was becoming the old- countries with a fertility rate below re- increasing pressure on world food and
est population of any continent. placement level, nearly 45% did so by mineral resources would be in our fu-
Many countries of Western and the end of the century. By 2015, de- ture along with shrinking rather than
Eastern Europe sought to reverse their mographers estimate, nearly half the expanding world, regional, and na-
birth rate declines by adopting prona- world’s countries and about two-thirds tional economies. Even the achieve-
talist policies. The communist states of of its population will show TFRs below ment of zero population growth
the East rewarded pregnancies and 2.1 children per woman. Exceptions to (ZPG), a condition for individual coun-
births with generous family al- the trend are and still will be found in tries when births plus immigration
lowances, free medical and hospital Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, equal deaths plus emigration, has so-
care, extended maternity leaves, and and in some areas of South, Central, cial and economic consequences not
child care. France, Italy, the Scandina- and West Asia; but even in those re- always perceived by its advocates.
vian countries, and others gave similar gions fertility rates have been decreas- These inevitably include an increasing
bonuses or awards for first, second, and ing in recent years. “Powerful proportion of older citizens, fewer
later births. Despite those induce- globalizing forces [are] at work push- young people, a rise in the median age
ments, however, reproduction rates ing toward fertility reduction every- of the population, and a growing old-
continued to fall in Western states and, where,” was a 1997 observation from age dependency ratio with ever-
after the dissolution of communism in the French National Institute of De- increasing pension and social services
the East, to plummet there, too. The mographic Studies. costs borne by a shrinking labor force.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 107

yet experienced a population growth of 0.3% or nearly Latin America; lowest rates (less than 10) were associated
one million people in 1999, solely because of immigrant with developed states of Europe and Anglo America. That
influx from Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. In the correlation became decreasingly valid as dramatic reduc-
same year, the United States through immigration in- tions in death rates occurred in developing countries in
creased its population by 1%, nearly twice its rate of nat- the years following World War II. Infant mortality rates
ural increase. and life expectancies improved as antibiotics, vaccina-
World regional and national fertility rates reported in tions, and pesticides to treat diseases and control disease
Appendix B and other sources are summaries that conceal carriers were made available in almost all parts of the
significant variations between population groups. The world and as increased attention was paid to funding im-
Caribbean region, for example, showed a total fertility rate provements in urban and rural sanitary facilities and safe
of 2.6 in 2000, but the TFRs of individual states ranged water supplies.
from a low of 1.6 in Cuba to a high of 4.7 in Haiti. The Distinctions between more developed and less devel-
United States national average fertility rate of 2.1 did not oped countries in mortality (Figure 4.7), indeed, have been
reveal that the TFR for Hispanics was about 3.0 or about so reduced that by 1994 death rates for less developed
2.2 for African Americans or for Asian and Pacific Is- countries as a group actually dropped below those for the
landers only 1.9%. more developed states. Notably, that reduction did not ex-
tend to maternal mortality rates (see “The Risks of Mother-
Death Rates hood”). Like crude birth rates, death rates are meaningful
The crude death rate (CDR), also called the mortality for comparative purposes only when we study identically
rate, is calculated in the same way as the crude birth rate: structured populations. Countries with a high proportion
the annual number of events per 1000 population. In the of elderly people, such as Denmark and Sweden, would be
past, a valid generalization was that the death rate, like expected to have higher death rates than those with a high
the birth rate, varied with national levels of development. proportion of young people, such as Iceland, assuming
Characteristically, highest rates (over 20 per 1000) were equality in other national conditions affecting health and
found in the less developed countries of Africa, Asia, and longevity. The pronounced youthfulness of populations in

Deaths Per
1000 Population
6 or less
20 or more

Figure 4.7 Crude death rates show less worldwide variability than do the birth rates displayed in Figure 4.3, the result of widespread
availability of at least minimal health protection measures and a generally youthful population in the developing countries, where death rates
are frequently lower than in “old age” Europe.
Source: Data from Population Reference Bureau.

108 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

developing countries, as much as improvements in sani- mortality rate of 23 (1991), but it registered above 110 in
tary and health conditions, is an important factor in the re- parts of its Central Asian region. In contrast, infant mor-
cently reduced mortality rates of those areas. tality rates in Anglo America and Western and Northern
To overcome that lack of comparability, death rates Europe are more uniformly in the 4–7 range.
can be calculated for specific age groups. The infant mor- Modern medicine and sanitation have increased life
tality rate, for example, is the ratio of deaths of infants expectancy and altered age-old relationships between
aged 1 year or under per 1000 live births: birth and death rates. In the early 1950s, only five coun-
tries, all in northern Europe, had life expectancies at
deaths age 1 year or less
birth of over 70 years. By the end of the 20th century,
1000 live births
some 60 countries outside of Europe and North America—
Infant mortality rates are significant because it is at these though none in sub-Saharan Africa—were on that list.
ages that the greatest declines in mortality have occurred, The availability and employment of modern methods of
largely as a result of the increased availability of health health and sanitation have varied regionally, and the
services. The drop in infant mortality accounts for a large least developed countries have least benefited from
part of the decline in the general death rate in the last few them. In such underdeveloped and impoverished areas
decades, for mortality during the first year of life is usu- as much of sub-Saharan Africa, the chief causes of death
ally greater than in any other year. other than HIV/AIDS are those no longer of immediate
Two centuries ago, it was not uncommon for concern in more developed lands: diseases such as
200–300 infants per 1000 to die in their first year. Even malaria, intestinal infections, typhoid, cholera, and espe-
today, despite significant declines in those rates over the cially among infants and children, malnutrition and de-
last 60 years in many countries (Figure 4.8), striking hydration from diarrhea.
world regional and national variations remain. For all of HIV/AIDS is the tragic and, among developing re-
Africa, infant mortality rates are near 90 per 1000, and in- gions particularly, widespread exception to observed global
dividual African states (for example, Liberia, Mozambique improvements in life expectancies and reductions in adult
and Sierra Leone) showed rates above 130 at the start of death rates and infant and childhood mortalities. AIDS has
the century. Nor are rates uniform within single coun- become the fourth most common cause of death world-
tries. The former Soviet Union reported a national infant wide. Conservative estimates report over 36 million people

Infant deaths per 1000 live births







Chile Egypt India Japan Italy Nicaragua France United

Figure 4.8 Infant mortality rates for selected countries. Dramatic declines in the rate have occurred in all countries, a result of
international programs of health care delivery aimed at infants and children in developing states. Nevertheless, the decreases have been
proportionately greatest in the urbanized, industrialized countries, where sanitation, safe water, and quality health care are more widely
Source: Data from U.S. Bureau of the Census and Population Reference Bureau.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 109

The Risks of Motherhood

T he worldwide leveling of crude

death rates does not apply to Sub-Saharan
pregnancy-related deaths. In fact, the
maternal mortality ratio—maternal
South Africa
deaths per 100,000 live births—is the
single greatest health disparity between
Middle East &
developed and developing countries. North Africa
According to the World Health Organi-
zation, approximately 500,000 women Latin America
& Caribbean
die each year from causes related to
pregnancy and childbirth; 99% of them East Asia &
live in less developed states where, as a Pacific
group, the maternal mortality ratio is Developed
some 40 times greater than in the more Countries
developed countries. Complications of
pregnancy, childbirth, and unsafe abor- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
tions are the leading slayers of women Maternal deaths per 100,000 live births
of reproductive age throughout the de-
Regional Ratios of Maternal Deaths
veloping world, though the incidence
of maternal mortality is by no means
uniform, as the charts indicate. In Latin America More developed countries 1%
Africa, the risk is around 1 death in 16 4%
pregnancies compared with 1 in 65 in
Asia and 1 in 1400 in Europe. Country-
level differences are even more strik-
ing: in Ethiopia, for example, 1 out of
every 9 women dies from pregnancy- Africa 40%
related complications compared to 1 in Asia 55%
8700 in Switzerland.
Excluding China, less developed
countries as a group in the 1990s had a
maternal mortality ratio of 580 and
10% of all deaths were due to perinatal
and maternal causes. While 55% of all Regional Shares of Maternal Deaths
maternal deaths occurred in Asia (b)
(which accounts for about 61% of the
world’s births), sub-Saharan African Sources: Graph data from UNICEF, WHO, and Population Reference Bureau.

women, burdened with 37% of world

maternal mortality, were at greatest preventable. Most result from causes between women’s status and maternal
statistical risk. There, maternal death rooted in the social, cultural, and eco- mortality is not exact. In those cultures,
rates reach above 1600 in Guinea and nomic barriers confronting females in little attention is given to women’s
Somalia, and 1 in 13 women in sub- their home environment throughout health or their nutrition, and preg-
Saharan Africa dies of maternal causes. their lifetimes: malnutrition, anemia, nancy, although a major cause of death,
In contrast, the maternal mortality rate lack of access to timely basic maternal is simply considered a normal condi-
in developed countries as a group is 10, health care, physical immaturity due to tion warranting no special considera-
and in some—Belgium and Ireland, for stunted growth, and unavailability of tion or management. To alter that
example—it is as low as 4 or fewer (it adequate prenatal care or trained med- perception and increase awareness of
was 5 in Canada and 8 in the United ical assistance at birth. Part of the prob- the affordable measures available to re-
States in the mid-1990s). lem is that women are considered duce maternal mortality, 1998 was des-
The vast majority of maternal expendable in societies where their sta- ignated “The Year of Safe Motherhood”
deaths in the developing world are tus is low, although the correlation by a United Nations interagency group.
HIV positive at the start of the 21st century. Some 95% of A rapidly growing country such as Kenya has most
those infected live in developing countries, and more than people in the lowest age cohorts; the percentage in older
two-thirds reside in sub-Saharan Africa. In that hardest-hit age groups declines successively, yielding a pyramid with
region, as much as one-fourth of the adult population in markedly sloping sides. Typically, female life expectancy
some countries is HIV positive, and in the 29 most affected is reduced in older cohorts of less developed countries, so
African states life expectancy at birth is far less than it oth- that for Kenya the proportion of females in older age
erwise would be. Indeed, total population by 2015 is now groups is lower than in, for example, Sweden. Female life
projected to be 60 million less than it would have been in expectancy and mortality rates may also be affected by
the absence of AIDS. Nonetheless, because of their high cultural rather than economic developmental causes (see
fertility rates, populations in all sub-Saharan countries are “100 Million Women Are Missing”). In Sweden, a wealthy
still expected to grow significantly up to 2050. Elsewhere, country with a very slow rate of growth, the population is
year 2000 warnings of the rapid spread of the epidemic in nearly equally divided among the age groups, giving a
South and East Asia, and particularly in China and India, “pyramid” with almost vertical sides. Among older co-
raise new global demographic concerns even as more horts, as Austria shows, there may be an imbalance be-
hopeful reports of declining infection and mortality rates tween men and women because of the greater life
in some African countries are appearing. expectancy of the latter. The impacts of war, as Russia’s
pyramid vividly shows, are evident in that country’s de-
Population Pyramids pleted age cohorts and male-female disparities. The sharp
Another means of comparing populations is through the contrasts between the composite pyramids of sub-Saharan
population pyramid, a graphic device that represents a Africa and Western Europe summarize the differing popu-
population’s age and sex composition. The term pyramid lation concerns of the developing and developed regions
describes the diagram’s shape for many countries in the of the world; the projection for Botswana suggests the de-
1800s, when the display was created: a broad base of gree to which accepted pyramid shapes can quickly
younger age groups and a progressive narrowing toward change (Figure 4.10).
the apex as older populations were thinned by death. Now The population pyramid provides a quickly visual-
many different shapes are formed, each reflecting a differ- ized demographic picture of immediate practical and pre-
ent population history (Figure 4.9). By grouping several dictive value. For example, the percentage of a country’s
generations of people, the pyramids highlight the impact population in each age group strongly influences demand
of “baby booms,” population-reducing wars, birth rate re- for goods and services within that national economy. A
ductions, and external migrations. country with a high proportion of young has a high

Figure 4.9 Four patterns of population structure. These diagrams show that population “pyramids” assume many shapes. The age
distribution of national populations reflects the past, records the present, and foretells the future. In countries like Kenya, social costs related to
the young are important and economic expansion is vital to provide employment for new entrants in the labor force. Austria’s negative growth
means a future with fewer workers to support a growing demand for social services for the elderly. The 1992 pyramid for Russia reported the
sharp decline in births during World War II as a “pinching” of the 45–49 cohort, and showed in the large deficits of men above age 65 the heavy
male mortality of both World Wars and late-Soviet period sharp reductions in Russian male longevity.
Sources: The World Bank; the United Nations; Population Reference Bureau; and Carl Haub, “Population Change in the Former Soviet Republics,” Population Bulletin 49, no. 4 (1994).

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 111

100 Million Women Are Missing

W orldwide, some 100 million fe-

India found just 93.2 females for every 94 females for every 100 males, a
males are missing, victims of nothing 100 males while in China according to shortfall of about 12% of normal
more than their sex. In China, India, the latest census, nearly 10% of all girls (Western) expectations. A 2000
Pakistan, New Guinea, and many of the 1990s birth cohorts are “missing” United Nations report on South Asia
other developing countries a tradi- and in 2000 there were 120 boys under suggests the “100 million” world total
tional preference for boys has meant five for every 100 girls. of missing females is a gross under-
neglect and death for girls, millions of Ratio deviations are most strik- statement. It declares that abortions
whom are killed at birth, deprived of ing for second and subsequent births. of female fetuses along with infanti-
adequate food, or denied the medical In China, South Korea, Taiwan, and cide and the food favoritism shown
attention afforded to favored sons. In Hong Kong, for example, the most re- boys have meant that 79 million lost
both China and India ultrasound and cent figures for first-child sex ratios females are attributable to discrimi-
amniocentesis tests are employed, are near normal, but rise to 121 boys nation in South Asia alone. But not
often against government directives, per 100 girls for a second Chinese all poor countries show the same dis-
to determine the sex of a fetus so that child, and to 185 per 100 for a third parities. In sub-Saharan Africa,
it can be aborted if it is a female. Korean child. On that evidence, the where poverty and disease are per-
The evidence for the missing problem of missing females is getting haps more prevalent than on any
women starts with one fact: About worse. Conservative calculations sug- other continent, there are 102 fe-
106 males are conceived and born for gest there are more than 60 million fe- males for every 100 males and in
every 100 females. Normally, girls are males missing in China alone, almost Latin America and the Caribbean
hardier and more resistant to disease 5% of the national population and there are equal numbers of males
than boys, and in populations where more than are unaccounted for in any and females. Cultural norms and
the sexes are treated equally in matters other country. practices, not poverty or underdevel-
of nutrition and health care, there are The problem is seen elsewhere. opment, seem to determine the fate
about 105 to 106 females for every In much of South and West Asia and and swell the numbers of the world’s
100 males. However, the 2001 census of North Africa there are only some 100 million missing women.

(a) Western Europe (b) Sub-Saharan Africa (c) Botswana in 2020

Years of Age
80+ 80
75 With AIDS
70–74 65 or Over 70 Without AIDS
FEMALES 65–69 65
60–64 60
MALES 55–59 55
Age in years

50–54 50
45–49 45
40–44 40
35–39 15–64 35
30–34 30
25–29 25
20–24 20
15–19 15
10–14 10
Under 5–9 5
15 0–4 0
6 4 2 0 2 4 6 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Percent of Population Percent of Population Population (thousands)

Figure 4.10 Summary population pyramids. The mid-1990s pyramids for (a) Europe and (b) sub-Saharan Africa show the sharp contrasts
in the age structure of older developed regions with their characteristic lowered birth and total fertility rates and that of the much more youthful
developing sub-Saharan states. Even in 2000, about 44% of the sub-Saharan population was below age 15. That percentage, however, was smaller
than it had been just 5 years earlier and hinted at more dramatic declines possible in years to come. Part of the projected decline will come as a
result of economic development and changing family size decisions, but for some countries (c) tremendous pyramid distortions will result from
the demographic impact of AIDS. By 2020, the otherwise expected “normal” pyramid of Botswana may well be distorted into a “population
chimney” in which there would be more adults in their 60s and 70s than adults in their 40s and 50s.
Sources: (a) and (b) Lori S. Ashford, “New Perspectives on Population: Lessons from Cairo,” Population Bulletin 50, no. 1 (1995), Figure 3; (c) U.S. Bureau of the Census, World
Population Profile 2000.

112 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

demand for educational facilities and certain types of
health delivery services. In addition, of course, a large
portion of the population is too young to be employed
(Figures 4.10 and 4.11). On the other hand, a population
with a high percentage of elderly people also requires
medical goods and services specific to that age group (Fig-
ure 4.12), and these people must be supported by a
smaller proportion of workers. The dependency ratio is
a simple measure of the number of dependents, old or
young, that each 100 people in the productive years (usu-
ally, 15–64) must support. Population pyramids give quick
visual evidence of that ratio.
They also foretell future problems resulting from
present population policies or practices. The strict fam-
ily-size rules and widespread preferences for sons in
China, for example, skews the pyramid in favor of
males. On current evidence, about 1 million excess
males a year will enter an imbalanced marriage market
in China beginning about 2010. Even now, the Chinese
population pyramid shows never-married men ages
20–44 outnumber their female counterparts by nearly 2
to 1. Millions of bachelors, unconnected to society by
wives and children, may pose threats to social order
and, perhaps, national stability not foreseen or planned Figure 4.12 As these Dutch senior citizens exemplify, Europe is
an aging continent with an ever-growing proportion of the elderly
when family control programs were put in place, but dependent on the financial support of a reduced working-age
clearly suggested when made evident by population population. Rapidly growing developing countries, in contrast, face
pyramid distortions. increasing costs for the needs of the very young.

Percent Under 15 Years

24 or less
45 or more

Figure 4.11 Percentage of population under 15 years of age. A high proportion of a country’s population under 15 increases the
dependency ratio of that state and promises future population growth as the youthful cohorts enter childbearing years.
Source: Data from Population Reference Bureau.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 113

Natural Increase
TABLE 4.1 Doubling Time in Years at Different Rates
Knowledge of a country’s sex and age distributions also
of Increase
enables demographers to forecast its future population lev-
els, though the reliability of projections decreases with Annual Percentage Increase Doubling Time (Years)
increasing length of forecast (Figure 4.13). Thus, a country
0.5 140
with a high proportion of young people will experience a
high rate of natural increase unless there is a very high mor- 1.0 70
tality rate among infants and juveniles or fertility and birth 2.0 35
rates change materially. The rate of natural increase of a 3.0 24
population is derived by subtracting the crude death rate 4.0 17
from the crude birth rate. Natural means that increases or
5.0 14
decreases due to migration are not included. If a country
10.0 7
had a birth rate of 22 per 1000 and a death rate of 12 per
1000 for a given year, the rate of natural increase would be
10 per 1000. This rate is usually expressed as a percentage,
that is, as a rate per 100 rather than per 1000. In the exam-
ple given, the annual increase would be 1%.
Doubling Times
The rate of increase can be related to the time it takes for a TABLE 4.2 Population Growth Yielded
population to double, that is, the doubling time. Table 4.1 by a 2% Rate of Increase
shows that it would take 70 years for a population with a Year Population
rate of increase of 1% (approximately the rate of growth of
Thailand or Argentina at the turn of the century) to dou- 0 1000
ble. A 2% rate of increase—recorded in 1999 by the devel- 5 1104
oping world (excluding China)—means that the population 10 1219
will double in only 35 years. (Population doubling time can 15 1345
be estimated by dividing the growth rate into the number
20 1485
70. Thus, 70 ÷ 2 = 35 years.) How could adding only
20 people per 1000 cause a population to grow so quickly? 25 1640
The principle is the same as that used to compound inter- 30 1810
est in a bank. Table 4.2 shows the number yielded by a 2% 35 2000
rate of increase at the end of successive five-year periods.

Population in millions Population in millions

450 450

400 Series I 400 Projection

of 2000
350 350
Series III
300 300
250 250 of 1988
Series II

200 200

0 0
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1990 2010 2030 2050
(a) (b)

Figure 4.13 Possible population futures for the United States. As these population projections to 2050 illustrate, expected future
numbers vary greatly because the birth and death rate and immigration flow assumptions they are based on are different. (a) Depending on the
assumptions, 1985 Census Bureau projections of U.S. population in 2050 ranged from 231 million (low series) to 429 million (high series). (b) The
Bureau’s revised 1988 middle series projection was again adjusted in late 1996, reflecting actual population counts and new assumptions about
fertility, immigration, and racial and ethnic differentials in births and deaths. Those counts and assumption revisions increased the earlier
(1988) A.D. 2050 projection by 32%. Further revisions in the Census Bureau’s middle series in 2000 called for 403.7 million Americans in 2050; its
“highest series” guess was for 552.7 million.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census.

114 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

For the world as a whole, the rates of increase have
risen over the span of human history. Therefore, the dou- TABLE 4.3 Population Growth and Approximate
bling time has decreased. Note in Table 4.3 how the popula- Doubling Times Since A.D. 1
tion of the world has doubled in successively shorter periods Year Estimated Population Doubling Time (Years)
of time. It will rise to about 9 billion by the middle of the
21st century if the present rate of growth continues 1 250 million
(Figure 4.1). In countries with high rates of increase 1650 500 million 1650
(Figure 4.14), the doubling time is less than the 54 years pro- 1804 1 billion 154
jected for the world as a whole (at first-of-century growth 1927 2 billion 123
rates). Should world fertility rates decline (as they have in
1974 4 billion 47
recent years), population doubling time will correspond-
ingly increase, as it has since 1990 (Figure 4.15). World population may reach:
Here, then, lies the answer to the question posed 2030 8 billion 56a
earlier. Even small annual additions accumulate to large
aThe final estimate of doubling time reflects assumptions of decreasing and
total increments because we are dealing with geometric or
stabilizing fertility rates. No current projections contemplate a further doubling to
exponential (1, 2, 4, 8) rather than arithmetic (1, 2, 3, 4) 16 billion people.
growth. The ever-increasing base population has reached Source: United Nations.
such a size that each additional doubling results in an as-
tronomical increase in the total. A simple mental exercise
suggests the inevitable consequences of such doubling, or
J-curve, growth. Take a very large sheet of the thinnest
paper you can find and fold it in half. Fold it in half again.

Annual Rates of
Natural Increase
Very high (3% or more)
High (2–2.9%)
Moderate (1–1.9%)
Low (0.9% or less)
0 or decrease

Figure 4.14 Annual rates of natural increase. The world’s 2001 rate of natural increase (1.3%) would mean a doubling of population in
54 years. Since demographers now anticipate world population—currently above 6 billion—will stabilize at around 10 billion (in about A.D. 2100),
the “doubling” implication and time frame of current rates of increase reflect mathematical, not realistic, projections. Many individual
continents and countries, of course, deviate widely from the global average rate of growth and have vastly different doubling times. Africa as a
whole has the highest rates of increase, followed by Central America and Western Asia. Anglo America is prominent among the low-growth
areas, and Europe as a whole (including Russia) had negative growth at the start of the 21st century, with some individual countries showing
increases so small that their doubling times must be measured in millennia. For regions and countries, rates of increase and doubling time
projections have more valid implications than do those for the world as a whole.
Source: Data from Population Reference Bureau.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 115

After seven or eight folds the sheet will have become as reach twice as far as the distance to the nearest star. After
thick as a book—too thick for further folding by hand. If 100 folds, our paper would be more than ten billion light
you could make 20 folds, the stack would be nearly as years across and span the known universe. Rounding the
high as a football field is long. From then on, the results of bend on the J-curve, which world population has done
further doubling are astounding. At 40 folds, the stack (Figure 4.16), poses problems and has implications for
would be well on the way to the moon and at 70 it would human occupance of the earth of a vastly greater order of
magnitude than ever faced before.

The Demographic Transition

The theoretical consequence of exponential population
growth cannot be realized. Some form of braking mecha-
nism must necessarily operate to control totally unregu-
lated population growth. If voluntary population
limitation is not undertaken, involuntary controls of an
unpleasant nature may be set in motion.
One attempt to summarize an observed voluntary re-
lationship between population growth and economic de-
velopment is the demographic transition model. It
traces the changing levels of human fertility and mortality
presumably associated with industrialization and urbaniza-
tion. Over time, the model assumes, high birth and death
rates will gradually be replaced by low rates (Figure 4.17).
The first stage of that replacement process—and of the de-
Figure 4.15 The “doubling time” calculation illustrates the
mographic transition model—is characterized by high birth
long-range statistical effect of current year growth rates on future
population numbers. It should never be used to suggest a realistic and high but fluctuating death rates.
prediction of future population size, for population growth reflects As long as births only slightly exceed deaths, even
not just birth rates, but death rates, age structure, collective family when the rates of both are high, the population will grow
size decisions, and migration. Demographers generally recognize
only slowly. This was the case for most of human history
that high recent growth rates of developing countries will continue to
be gradually reduced. Therefore, should their collective population until about A.D. 1750. Demographers think that it took
double, it will take longer to do so than is suggested by a “doubling from approximately A.D. 1 to A.D. 1650 for the population
time” based solely on current rates. to increase from 250 million to 500 million, a doubling
Source: Population Reference Bureau, 1989 World Population Data Sheet. time of more than a millennium and a half. Growth was

6000 7000

5000 6000


Medical 3000
Revolution 4000
Colonial Industrial 2000
Columbus period Revolution 3000
discovers begins begins
America 1000
Figure 4.16 World population growth 8000 B.C.
to A.D. 2000. Notice that the bend in the J-curve begins
1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 1000 in about the mid-1700s when industrialization started
to provide new means to support the population growth
made possible by revolutionary changes in agriculture
0 and food supply. Improvements in medical science and
8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 B.C. A.D. 1000 2000 nutrition served to reduce death rates near the opening
Years of the 20th century in the industrializing countries.

116 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Figure 4.17 Stages in the demographic transition. During the
first stage, birth and death rates are both high, and population grows Figure 4.18 Paris, France, in the late 19th century. A
slowly. When the death rate drops and the birth rate remains high, modernizing Europe experienced improved living conditions and
there is a rapid increase in numbers. During the third stage, birth declining death rates during that century of progress.
rates decline and population growth is less rapid. The fourth stage is
marked by low birth and death rates and, consequently, by a low rate
of natural increase or even by decrease if death rates should exceed
those of births. Indeed, the negative growth rates of many European rates do not fall as soon as death rates; ingrained cultural
countries have suggested to some that a fifth stage, one of population
decline, is regionally—and ultimately worldwide—a logical extension
patterns change more slowly than technologies. In many
of the transition model. agrarian societies, large families are considered advanta-
geous. Children contribute to the family by starting to
work at an early age and by supporting their parents in
old age.
not steady, of course. There were periods of regional ex- Many countries in Latin America and southern and
pansion that were usually offset by sometimes cata- southwestern Asia display the characteristics of this sec-
strophic decline. Wars, famine, and other disasters took ond stage in the population model. Saudi Arabia, with a
heavy tolls. For example, the bubonic plague (the Black birth rate of 35 and a death rate of 5, and Nicaragua, with
Death), which swept across Europe in the 14th century, is respective rates of 36 and 6 (2000 estimates), are typical.
estimated to have killed over one-third of the population The annual rates of increase of such countries are near or
of that continent, and epidemic diseases brought by Euro- above 30 per 1000, and their populations will double in
peans to the Western Hemisphere are believed to have about 20 to 25 years. Such rates, of course, do not mean
reduced New World native populations by 95% within a that the full impact of the Industrial Revolution has been
century or two of first contact. The first stage of the de- worldwide; they do mean that the underdeveloped soci-
mographic transition model is no longer found in any eties have been beneficiaries of the life preservation tech-
country. By the end of the 20th century, few countries— niques associated with it.
even in poorer regions of Africa and Asia—had death The third stage follows when birth rates decline as
rates as high as 20 per 1000. However, in several states people begin to control family size. The advantages of
on those same continents birth rates approached or were having many children in an agrarian society are not so ev-
above 50 per 1000. ident in urbanized, industrialized cultures. In fact, such
cultures may view children as economic liabilities rather
The Western Experience than assets. When the birth rate falls and the death rate
The demographic transition model was developed to ex- remains low, the population size begins to level off. Many
plain the population history of Western Europe. That area countries are now displaying the low death rates and tran-
entered a second stage with the industrialization that began sitional birth rates of the third stage.
about 1750. Its effects—declining death rates accompanied The classic demographic transition model ends with
by continuing high birth rates—have been dispersed a fourth and final stage characterized by very low birth
worldwide even without universal conversion to an indus- and death rates. This stage yields at best only very slight
trial economy. Rapidly rising population during the sec- percentage increases in population and doubling times
ond demographic stage results from dramatic increases in stretch to a thousand years or more. In a few countries,
life expectancy. That, in turn, reflects falling death rates death rates have begun to equal or exceed birth rates and
due to advances in medical and sanitation practices, im- populations are actually declining. This extension of the
proved foodstuff storage and distribution, a rising per fourth stage into a fifth of population decrease has so far
capita income, and the urbanization that provides the en- been largely confined to the rich, industrialized world—
vironment in which sanitary, medical, and food distribu- notably Europe and Japan—but increasingly promises to
tional improvements are concentrated (Figure 4.18). Birth affect much of the rest of the world as well. Even now the

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 117

dramatic decline in fertility recorded in almost all coun-
tries since the 1980s suggests that by 2010 at the latest a
majority of the world’s population will reside in areas
where the only significant population growth will result
from demographic momentum (see p. 133), not from sec-
ond stage expansion.
The original transition model was devised to de-
scribed the experience of northwest European countries as
they went from rural-agrarian societies to urban-industrial
ones. It may not fully reflect the prospects of all develop-
ing countries. In Europe, church and municipal records,
some dating from the 16th century, show that people
tended to marry late or not at all. In England before the In-
dustrial Revolution, as many as half of all women in the
15–50 age cohort were unmarried. Infant mortality was
high, life expectancy low. With the coming of industrializa- Figure 4.19 Pure piped water replacing individual or
neighborhood wells, and sewers and waste treatment plants instead
tion in the 18th and 19th centuries, immediate factory of privies, became increasingly common in urban Europe and North
wages instead of long apprenticeship programs permitted America during the 19th century. Their modern successors, such as
earlier marriage and more children. Since improvements the Windsor, Ontario, treatment plant shown here, helped complete
in sanitation and health came only slowly, death rates re- the epidemiologic transition in developed countries.
mained high. Around 1800, 25% of Swedish infants died
before their first birthday. Population growth rates re-
mained below 1% per year in France throughout the In Europe, the striking reduction in death rates was
19th century. echoed by similar declines in birth rates as societies began to
Beginning about 1860, first death rates and then birth alter their traditional concepts of ideal family size. In cities,
rates began their significant, though gradual, decline. This child labor laws and mandatory schooling meant that chil-
“mortality revolution” came first, as an epidemiologic tran- dren became a burden, not a contribution, to family
sition echoed the demographic transition with which it is economies. As “poor-relief” legislation and other forms of
associated. Many formerly fatal epidemic diseases became public welfare substituted for family support structures, the
endemic, that is, essentially continual within a popula- insurance value of children declined. Family consumption
tion. As people developed partial immunities, mortalities patterns altered as the Industrial Revolution made more
associated with them declined. Improvements in animal widely available goods that served consumption desires, not
husbandry, crop rotation and other agricultural practices, just basic living needs. Children hindered rather than aided
and new foodstuffs (the potato was an early example) the achievement of the age’s promise of social mobility and
from overseas colonies raised the level of health of the Eu- lifestyle improvement. Perhaps most important, and by
ropean population in general. some measures preceding and independent of the implica-
At the same time, sewage systems and sanitary tions of the Industrial Revolution, were changes in the status
water supplies became common in larger cities, and of women and in their spreading conviction that control over
general levels of hygiene improved everywhere childbearing was within their power and to their benefit.
(Figure 4.19). Deaths due to infectious, parasitic, and
respiratory diseases and to malnutrition declined, while A Divided World Converging
those related to chronic illnesses associated with a ma- The demographic transition model described the presumed
turing and aging population increased. Western Europe inevitable course of population events from the high birth
passed from a first stage “Age of Pestilence and Famine” and death rates of premodern (underdeveloped) societies to
to a presumed ultimate “Age of Degenerative and the low and stable rates of advanced (developed) countries.
Human-Origin Diseases.” However, recent increases in The model failed to anticipate, however, that the popula-
drug- and antibiotic-resistant diseases, pesticide resis- tion history of Europe was apparently not relevant to all de-
tance of disease-carrying insects, and such new scourges veloping countries of the middle and late 20th century.
of both the less developed and more developed coun- Many developing societies seemingly remained locked in
tries as AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) the second stage of the model, unable to realize the eco-
cast doubt on the finality of that “ultimate” stage (see nomic gains and social changes necessary to progress to the
“Our Delicate State of Health”). Nevertheless, even the third stage of falling birth rates. The introduction of West-
resurgence of old and emergence of new scourges such ern technologies of medicine and public health, including
as malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS (which together have antibiotics, insecticides, sanitation, immunization, infant
caused an estimated 150 million deaths between 1945 and child health care, and eradication of smallpox, quickly
and 2000) are unlikely to have decisive demographic and dramatically increased life expectancies in developing
consequences. countries. Such imported technologies and treatments

118 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Our Delicate State of Health

D eath rates have plummeted

only 3.3 million are killed by the dis- health programs, inadequate invest-
and the benefits of modern medi- ease each year. More than 500 million ment in sanitary infrastructures, and
cines, antibiotics, and sanitary prac- people are infected with such tropical inefficient distribution of medical
tices have enhanced both the quality diseases as malaria, sleeping sickness, personnel and facilities, and the
and expectancy of life in the devel- schistosomiasis, and river blindness, causative role of humans in many of
oped and much of the developing with perhaps 3 million annual deaths. the current disease epidemics is
world. Far from being won, however, Newer pathogens are constantly ap- clearly visible.
the struggle against infectious and pearing, such as those causing Lassa In response, a worldwide Pro-
parasitic diseases is growing in inten- fever, Rift Valley fever, Ebola, Hanta, gram for Monitoring Emerging Dis-
sity and is, perhaps, unwinnable. and Hepatitis C, incapacitating and en- eases (ProMED) was established in
More than a half century after the dis- dangering far more than they kill. In 1993 and developed a global on-line
covery of antibiotics, the diseases fact, at least 30 new infectious diseases infectious disease network linking
they were to eradicate are on the rise have appeared since the mid-1970s. health workers and scientists in more
and both old and new disease-causing The spread and virulence of in- than 100 countries to battle what has
microorganisms are emerging and fectious diseases are linked to the dra- been called a growing “epidemic of
spreading all over the world. Infec- matic changes so rapidly occurring in epidemics.” The most effective
tious and parasitic diseases kill be- the earth’s physical and social environ- weapons in that battle are already
tween 17 and 20 million people each ments. Deforestation, water contami- known. They include improved health
year; they officially account for one- nation, climatic change, wetland education; disease prevention and sur-
third of global mortality and, because drainage, and other human-induced al- veillance; research on disease vectors
of poor diagnosis, certainly are re- terations to the physical environment and incidence areas (including GIS
sponsible for far more. And their disturb ecosystems and simultaneously and other mapping of habitats con-
global incidence is rising. disrupt the natural system of controls ducive to specific diseases); careful
The five leading infectious killers that keep infectious diseases in check. monitoring of drug therapy; mosquito
are acute respiratory infections such as Rapid population growth and explo- control programs; provision of clean
pneumonia, diarrheal diseases, tuber- sive urbanization, increasing global water supplies; and distribution of
culosis, malaria, and measles. In addi- tourism, population-dislocating wars such simple and cheap remedies and
tion, AIDS was killing 2.6 million and migrations, and expanding preventatives as childhood immuniza-
persons yearly at century’s end, far world trade all increase interper- tions, oral rehydration therapy, and
more than measles and as many as sonal disease-transmitting contacts vitamin A supplementation. All, how-
malaria. The incidence of infection, of and the mobility and range of dis- ever, require expanded investment
course, is far greater than the occur- ease-causing microbes, including and attention to those spreading infec-
rence of deaths. More than a third of those brought from previously iso- tious diseases—many with newly de-
the world’s people—some 1.8 billion— lated areas by newly opened road veloped antibiotic-resistant strains—so
for example, are infected with the bac- systems and air routes. Add in recently thought to be no longer of
terium that causes tuberculosis, but poorly planned or executed public concern.

accomplished in a few years what it took Europe 50 to Corresponding reductions in birth rates did not im-
100 years to experience. Sri Lanka, for example, sprayed mediately follow and world population totals soared: from
extensively with DDT to combat malaria; life expectancy 2.5 billion in 1950 to 3 billion by 1960 and 5 billion by the
jumped from 44 years in 1946 to 60 only eight years later. middle 1980s. Alarms about the “population explosion”
With similar public health programs, India also experienced and its predicted devastating impact on global food and
a steady reduction in its death rate after 1947. Simultane- mineral resources were frequent and strident. In demo-
ously, with international sponsorship, food aid cut the graphic terms, the world was viewed by many as perma-
death toll of developing states during drought and other dis- nently divided between developed regions that had made
asters. The dramatic decline in mortality that had emerged the demographic transition to stable population numbers
only gradually throughout the European world occurred and the underdeveloped, endlessly expanding ones that
with startling speed in developing countries after 1950. had not.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 119

Birth rate levels, of course, unlike life expectancy replacement level. Indeed, early in the 21st century almost
improvements depend less on supplied technology and 1.4 billion persons live in countries or regions where total fertility
assistance than they do on social acceptance of the idea of is still 3.5 or greater (a level not considered high, of course, in the
fewer children and smaller families (Figure 4.20). That ac- early 1950s when only a quarter of the world’s population had a
ceptance began to grow broadly but unevenly worldwide TFR below that mark). For the most part, these current high fer-
even as regional and world population growth seemed un- tility countries and areas are in sub-Saharan Africa and the north-
controllable. In 1984 only 18% of world population lived ern parts of the Indian subcontinent. Although accounting for
in countries with fertility rates at or below replacement less than a quarter of world population, high TFR regions collec-
levels (that is, countries that had achieved the demo- tively, United Nations demographers predict, will provide the
graphic transition). By 2000, however, 44% lived in such majority of world population growth to at least 2050.
countries and early in the 21st century it is increasingly The established patterns of both high and low fertility
difficult to distinguish between developed and developing regions tend to be self-reinforcing. Low growth permits the
societies on the basis of their fertility rates. Those rates in expansion of personal income and accumulation of capital
many separate Indian states (Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for that enhance the quality and security of life and make large
example) and in such countries as Sri Lanka, Thailand, families less attractive or essential. In contrast, in high birth
South Korea, and China are below those of the United rate regions, population growth consumes in social services
States. Significant decreases to near the replacement level and assistance the investment capital that might promote
have also occurred in the space of a single generation in economic expansion. Increasing populations place ever
many other Asian and Latin American states with high re- greater demands on limited soil, forest, water, grassland,
cent rates of economic growth. Increasingly, it appears, and cropland resources. As the environmental base deterio-
low fertility is becoming a feature of both rich and poor, rates, productivity declines and population-supporting ca-
developed and developing states. pacities are so diminished as to make difficult or impossible
Despite this general substantial convergence in fertility, the economic progress on which the demographic transi-
there still remains a significant minority share of the developing tion depends, an apparent equation of increasing interna-
world with birth rates averaging 1.5 to 2 times or more above the tional concern (see “The Cairo Plan”).

Rate per 1000 Rate per 1000

50 50
Developing Countries Developed Countries
Birth Rate

40 40

Natural Birth Rate

Increase Increase

30 30

Death Rate Death Rate

20 20

10 10

0 0
1790 1825 1875 1900 1925 1955 2000 1790 1825 1875 1900 1925 1955 2000
Years Years

Figure 4.20 World birth and death rates. The “population explosion” after World War II (1939–1945) reflected the effects of drastically
reduced death rates in developing countries without simultaneous and compensating reductions in births. By the end of the century, however,
three interrelated trends had appeared in many developing world countries: (1) fertility had overall dropped further and faster than had been
predicted 25 years earlier, (2) contraceptive acceptance and use had increased markedly, and (3) age at marriage was rising. In consequence, the
demographic transition had been compressed from a century to a generation in some developing states. In others, fertility decline began to
slacken in the mid-1970s, but continued to reflect the average number of children—four or more—still desired in many societies.
Source: Revised and redrawn from Elaine M. Murphy, World Population: Toward the Next Century, revised ed. (Washington, D.C.: Population Reference Bureau, 1989).

120 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Geography and Public Policy
registered religious objections by the Funding pledges to achieve
The Cairo Plan Vatican and many Muslim and Latin Cairo’s goals have not been met. Al-
After a sometimes rancorous nine-day American states to the inclusion of though developing countries fulfilled
meeting in Cairo in September 1994, legal abortion as part of health care, 70% of their two-thirds share commit-
the United Nations International Con- and to language suggesting approval of ment needed by 2000, developed
ference on Population and Develop- sexual relations outside of marriage. Al- countries had provided only 35% of
ment endorsed a strategy for stabilizing though the final text of the conference their one-third portion. The U.S. Con-
the world’s population at 7.27 billion by declaration did not promote any uni- gress has regularly failed to meet its
no later than 2015. The 20-year “pro- versal right to abortion and excluded it agreed annual $1.9 billion contribu-
gram of action” accepted by over as a means of family planning, some tion, and all donor countries were
150 signatory countries sought to avoid delegations still registered reservations urged to reverse the decline in their
the environmental consequences of ex- to its wording on both sex and abor- promised contributions.
cessive population growth. Its proposals tion. At conference close, however, the
were therefore linked to discussions Vatican endorsed the declaration’s un- Questions to Consider:
and decisions of the UN Conference on derlying principles, including the fam- 1. Do you think it is appropriate or useful
Environment and Development held in ily as “the basic unit of society,” the for international bodies to promote
Rio de Janeiro in June 1992. need to stimulate economic growth, policies affecting such purely personal
The Cairo plan abandoned sev- and to promote “gender equality, eq- or national concerns as reproduction
eral decades of policies that promoted uity, and the empowerment of women.” and family planning? Why or why not?
“population control” (a phrase avoided Reservations on abortion were 2. Do you think that current
by the conference) based on targets matched by even broader complaints international concerns over
and quotas and, instead, embraced for that demands for action on popula- population growth, development, and
the first time policies giving women tion growth continued to fall on the the environment are sufficiently valid
greater control over their lives, greater poor. The objectors held that the and pressing to risk the loss of long-
economic equality and opportunity, richer industrialized states are, in re- enduring cultural norms and religious
and a greater voice in reproduction de- ality, the greater danger to world envi- practices in many of the world’s
cisions. It recognized that limiting ronment and development because of traditional societies? Why or why not?
population growth depends on pro- their production of pollution and dis- 3. Do you think the financial obligations
grams that lead women to want fewer proportionate demands on natural re- implied for developed, donor
children and make them partners in sources. Although registered, those countries by the Cairo plan are
economic development. In that recog- observations were not seriously ad- justified in light of the many other
nition, the Conference accepted the dressed. The Cairo plan agreed on a international needs and domestic
documented link between increased significant increase in the world concerns faced by their governments?
educational access and economic amount spent on population stabiliza- Why or why not?
opportunity for women and falling tion, from about $5 billion in 1994 to 4. Many environmentalists see the world
birth rates and smaller families. Ear- $17 billion by 2000 and $22 billion by as a finite system unable to support
lier population conferences—1974 in 2015 (all in 1994 dollars). Developing ever-increasing populations; to exceed
Bucharest and 1984 in Mexico City—did countries were to pay two-thirds and its limits would cause frightful
not fully address these issues of equal- industrial countries the remainder. environmental damage and global
ity, opportunity, education, and politi- A special United Nations “Cairo misery. Many economists counter that
cal rights; their adopted goals failed to + 5” session in 1999 recommended free markets will keep supplies of
achieve hoped-for changes in births in some adjustments in the earlier agree- needed commodities in line with
large part because women in many tra- ments. It urged emphasis on measures growing demand and that science
ditional societies had no power to en- ensuring safe and accessible abortion will, as necessary, supply
force contraception and feared their in countries where it is legal, called technological fixes in the form of
other alternative, sterilization. for school children at all levels to be substitutes or expansion of
The earlier conferences carefully instructed in sexual and reproductive production. In light of such
avoided or specifically excluded abor- health issues, and told governments to diametrically opposed views of
tion as an acceptable family planning provide special family planning and population growth consequences, is it
method. It was the more open dis- health services for sexually active ado- appropriate or wise to base
cussion of abortion in Cairo that lescents, with particular stress on re- international programs solely on one
elicited much of the spirited debate that ducing their vulnerability to AIDS. of them? Why or why not?

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 121

movements of economic and political refugees across
The Demographic Equation Asian, African, and Latin American boundaries, emigra-
tion today provides no comparable relief valve for devel-
Births and deaths among a region’s population—natural
oping countries. Total population numbers are too great
increases or decreases—tell only part of the story of popu-
to be much affected by migrations of even millions of
lation change. Migration involves the long-distance move-
people. In only a few countries—Afghanistan, Cuba, El
ment of people from one residential location to another.
Salvador, and Haiti, for example—have as many as 10%
When that relocation occurs across political boundaries, it
of the population emigrated in recent decades.
affects the population structure of both the origin and des-
tination jurisdictions. The demographic equation sum-
marizes the contribution made to regional population Immigration Impacts
change over time by the combination of natural change Where cross-border movements are massive enough, mi-
(difference between births and deaths) and net migration gration may have a pronounced impact on the demo-
(difference between in-migration and out-migration). On a graphic equation and result in significant changes in the
global scale, of course, all population change is accounted population structures of both the origin and destination
for by natural change. The impact of migration on the de- regions. Past European and African migrations, for exam-
mographic equation increases as the population size of the ple, not only altered but substantially created the popula-
areal unit studied decreases. tion structures of new, sparsely inhabited lands of
colonization in the Western Hemisphere and Australasia.
Population Relocation In some decades of the late 18th and early 19th centuries
In the past, emigration proved an important device for re- 30% to more than 40% of population increase in the
lieving the pressures of rapid population growth in at United States was accounted for by immigration. Simi-
least some European countries (Figure 4.21). For exam- larly, eastward-moving Slavs colonized underpopulated
ple, in one 90-year span, 45% of the natural increase in Siberia and overwhelmed native peoples.
the population of the British Isles emigrated, and be- Migrants are rarely a representative cross section of
tween 1846 and 1935 some 60 million Europeans of all the population group they leave, and they add an unbal-
nationalities left that continent. Despite recent massive anced age and sex component to the group they join. A





African (Slaves)
40° Majority population
descended from

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 4.21 Principal migrations of recent centuries. The arrows suggest the major free and forced international population movements
since about 1700. The shaded areas on the map are regions whose present population is more than 50% descended from the immigrants of recent
Source: Shaded zones after Daniel Noin, Géographie de la Population (Paris: Masson, 1979), p. 85.

122 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

recurrent research observation is that emigrant groups and still others contain dense agglomerations of people.
are heavily skewed in favor of young singles. Whether More than half of the world’s people are found—unevenly
males or females dominate the outflow varies with cir- concentrated, to be sure—in rural areas. Some 45% are ur-
cumstances. Although males traditionally far exceeded fe- banites, however, and a constantly growing proportion are
males in international flow, in recent years females have residents of very large cities of 1 million or more.
accounted for between 40% and 60% of all transborder Earth regions of apparently very similar physical
migrants. makeup show quite different population numbers and
At the least, then, the receiving country will have its densities, perhaps the result of differently timed settle-
population structure altered by an outside increase in its ment or of settlement by different cultural groups. Had
younger age and, probably, unmarried cohorts. The results North America been settled by Chinese instead of Euro-
are both immediate in a modified population pyramid, and peans, for example, it is likely that its western sections
potential in future impact on reproduction rates and ex- would be far more densely settled than they now are.
cess of births over deaths. The origin area will have lost a Northern and Western Europe, inhabited thousands of
portion of its young, active members of childbearing years. years before North America, contain more people than
It perhaps will have suffered distortion in its young adult the United States on 70% less land.
sex ratios, and it certainly will have recorded a statistical We can draw certain generalizing conclusions from
aging of its population. The destination society will likely the uneven, but far from irrational distribution of popu-
experience increases in births associated with the youthful lation shown in Figure 4.22. First, almost 90% of all peo-
newcomers and, in general, have its average age reduced. ple live north of the equator and two-thirds of the total
dwell in the midlatitudes between 20° and 60° North
(Figure 4.23). Second, a large majority of the world’s in-
habitants occupy only a small part of its land surface.
World Population Distribution More than half the people live on about 5% of the land,
two-thirds on 10%, and almost nine-tenths on less than
The millions and billions of people of our discussion are 20%. Third, people congregate in lowland areas; their
not uniformly distributed over the earth. The most strik- numbers decrease sharply with increases in elevation.
ing feature of the world population distribution map (Fig- Temperature, length of growing season, slope and ero-
ure 4.22) is the very unevenness of the pattern. Some land sion problems, even oxygen reductions at very high alti-
areas are nearly uninhabited, others are sparsely settled, tudes, all appear to limit the habitability of higher





0° Persons per Persons per

square mile square kilometer
500 or more 200 or more
125–500 50–200
20° 25–125 10–50
2–25 2–10
1–2 1–2
Sparsely populated Sparsely populated

Urbanized area of more

than 1,000,000

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 4.22 World population density.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 123





Percentage of World 2.3%
Total Population

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 4.23 The population dominance of the Northern Hemisphere is strikingly evident from this bar chart. Only one out of nine
people lives south of the equator—not because the Southern Hemisphere is underpopulated, but because it is mainly water.

elevations. One estimate is that between 50% and 60% of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and the island state of Sri
all people live below 200 meters (650 ft), a zone contain- Lanka—though some might add to it the Southeast Asian
ing less than 30% of total land area. Nearly 80% reside countries of Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand. The four
below 500 meters (1650 ft). core countries alone account for another one-fifth, 21%, of
Fourth, although low-lying areas are preferred settle- the world’s inhabitants. The South and the East Asian con-
ment locations, not all such areas are equally favored. centrations are thus home to nearly one-half the world’s
Continental margins have attracted the densest settle- people.
ment. About two-thirds of world population is concen- Europe—southern, western, and eastern through
trated within 500 kilometers (300 mi) of the ocean, much Ukraine and much of European Russia—is the third exten-
of it on alluvial lowlands and river valleys. Latitude, arid- sive world population concentration, with another 13% of
ity, and elevation, however, limit the attractiveness of its inhabitants. Much smaller in extent and total numbers
many seafront locations. Low temperatures and infertile is the cluster in northeastern United States/southeastern
soils of the extensive Arctic coastal lowlands of the North- Canada. Other smaller but pronounced concentrations are
ern Hemisphere have restricted settlement there. Moun- found around the globe: on the island of Java in Indone-
tainous or desert coasts are sparsely occupied at any sia, along the Nile River in Egypt, and in discontinuous
latitude, and some tropical lowlands and river valleys that pockets in Africa and Latin America.
are marshy, forested, and disease-infested are unevenly The term ecumene is applied to permanently inhab-
settled. ited areas of the earth’s surface. The ancient Greeks used
Within the sections of the world generally conducive the word, derived from their verb “to inhabit,” to describe
to settlement, four areas contain great clusters of popula- their known world between what they believed to be the
tion: East Asia, South Asia, Europe, and northeastern unpopulated, searing southern equatorial lands and the
United States/southeastern Canada. The East Asia zone, permanently frozen northern polar reaches of the earth.
which includes Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea, is Clearly, natural conditions are less restrictive than Greek
the largest cluster in both area and numbers. The four geographers believed. Both ancient and modern technolo-
countries forming it contain nearly 25% of all people on gies have rendered habitable areas that natural conditions
earth; China alone accounts for one in five of the world’s make forbidding. Irrigation, terracing, diking, and drain-
inhabitants. The South Asia cluster is composed primarily ing are among the methods devised to extend the ec-
of countries associated with the Indian subcontinent— umene locally (Figure 4.24).

124 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Figure 4.24 Terracing of hillsides is one device to extend a naturally limited productive area. The technique is effectively used here at the
Malegcong rice terraces on densely settled Luzon Island of the Philippines.

At the world scale, the ancient observation of habit-

ability appears remarkably astute. The nonecumene, or Population Density
anecumene, the uninhabited or very sparsely occupied
Margins of habitation could only be extended, of course,
zone, does include the permanent ice caps of the Far
as humans learned to support themselves from the re-
North and Antarctica and large segments of the tundra
sources of new settlement areas. The numbers that could
and coniferous forest of northern Asia and North America.
be sustained in old or new habitation zones were and are
But the nonecumene is not continuous, as the ancients
related to the resource potential of those areas and the
supposed. It is discontinuously encountered in all portions
cultural levels and technologies possessed by the occupy-
of the globe and includes parts of the tropical rain forests
ing populations. The term population density expresses
of equatorial zones, midlatitude deserts of both the North-
the relationship between number of inhabitants and the
ern and Southern Hemispheres, and high mountain areas.
area they occupy.
Even parts of these unoccupied or sparsely occupied
Density figures are useful, if sometimes misleading,
districts have localized dense settlement nodes or zones
representations of regional variations of human distribu-
based on irrigation agriculture, mining and industrial ac-
tion. The crude density or arithmetic density of popula-
tivities, and the like. Perhaps the most anomalous case of
tion is the most common and least satisfying expression of
settlement in the nonecumene world is that of the dense
that variation. It is the calculation of the number of people
population in the Andes Mountains of South America and
per unit area of land, usually within the boundaries of a
the plateau of Mexico. Here Native Americans found tem-
political entity. It is an easily reckoned figure. All that is
perate conditions away from the dry coast regions and the
required is information on total population and total area,
hot, wet Amazon basin. The fertile high basins have
both commonly available for national or other political
served a large population for more than a thousand years.
units. The figure can, however, be misleading and may ob-
Even with these locally important exceptions, the
scure more of reality than it reveals. The calculation is an
nonecumene portion of the earth is extensive. Some
average, and a country may contain extensive regions that
35–40% of all the world’s land surface is inhospitable and
are only sparsely populated or largely undevelopable (Fig-
without significant settlement. This is, admittedly, a
ure 4.25) along with intensively settled and developed dis-
smaller proportion of the earth than would have qualified
tricts. A national average density figure reveals nothing
as uninhabitable in ancient times or even during the
about either class of territory. In general, the larger the po-
19th century. Since the end of the Ice Age some 11,000 to
litical unit for which crude or arithmetic population den-
12,000 years ago, humans have steadily expanded their
sity is calculated, the less useful is the figure.
areas of settlement.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 125

Figure 4.25 Tundra vegetation and landscape, Ruby Range, Northwest Territories, Canada. Extensive areas of northern North America and
Eurasia are part of the one-third or more of the world’s land area considered as nonecumene, sparsely populated portions of total national
territory that affects calculations of arithmetic density.

Various modifications may be made to refine density

as a meaningful abstraction of distribution. Its descriptive TABLE 4.4 Comparative Densities
precision is improved if the area in question can be subdi- for Selected Countries
vided into comparable regions or units. Thus it is more re- Country Crude Density Physiological Densitya
vealing to know that in 2000, New Jersey had a density of sq mi km2 sq mi km2
438 and Wyoming of 3.5 persons per square kilometer
(1134 and 9 per sq mi) of land area than to know only that Argentina 35 14 352 136
the figure for the conterminous United States (48 states) Australia 6 2 105 41
was 36 per square kilometer (94 per sq mi). If Hawaii and Bangladesh 2305 890 3814 1472
large, sparsely populated Alaska are added, the U.S. den- Canada 8 3 175 68
sity figure drops to 31 per square kilometer (80 per sq mi).
China 344 132 3419 1320
The calculation may also be modified to provide density
distinctions between classes of population—rural versus Egypt 177 68 5418 2092
urban, for example. Rural densities in the United States India 789 304 1529 591
rarely exceed 115 per square kilometer (300 per sq mi), Iran 107 41 944 364
while portions of major cities can have thousands of peo- Japan 870 336 7433 2870
ple in equivalent space. Nigeria 346 134 977 377
Another revealing refinement of crude density re-
United Kingdom 632 244 2603 1005
lates population not simply to total national territory but to
that area of a country that is or may be cultivated, that is, United States 80 31 380 147
to arable land. When total population is divided by arable
Sources: UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Production Yearbook and
land area alone, the resulting figure is the physiological Population Reference Bureau, World Population Data Sheet.
density which is, in a sense, an expression of population aIncludes arable land and land in permanent crops.
pressure exerted on agricultural land. Table 4.4 makes evi-
dent that countries differ in physiological density and that
the contrasts between crude and physiological densities of
countries point up actual settlement pressures that are not
revealed by arithmetic densities alone. The calculation of a value judgment reflecting an observation or conviction
physiological density, however, depends on uncertain defi- that an environment or territory is unable to support its
nitions of arable and cultivated land, assumes that all present population. (A related but opposite concept of
arable land is equally productive and comparably used, underpopulation refers to the circumstance of too few
and includes only one part of a country’s resource base. people to sufficiently develop the resources of a country
or region to improve the level of living of its
Overpopulation inhabitants.)
It is an easy and common step from concepts of popula- Overpopulation is not the necessary and inevitable
tion density to assumptions about overpopulation or over- consequence of high density of population. Tiny Monaco,
crowding. It is wise to remember that overpopulation is a principality in southern Europe about half the size of

126 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

New York’s Central Park, has a crude density of some for continuing undernourishment and overpopulation.
17,500 people per square kilometer (45,000 per sq mi). Much of sub-Saharan Africa finds itself in this circum-
Mongolia, a sizable state of 1,565,000 square kilometers stance. Its per capita food production decreased during
(604,000 sq mi) between China and Siberian Russia, has the 1990s, with continuing decline predicted over the
1.6 persons per square kilometer (4.1 per sq mi); Iran, following quarter century as the population-food gap
only slightly larger, has 41 per square kilometer (107 per widens (Figure 4.26). The countries of North Africa are
sq mi). Macao, a former island possession of Portugal off similarly strained. Egypt already must import well over
the coast of China, has more than 22,000 persons per half the food it consumes. Africa is not alone. The inter-
square kilometer (58,000 per sq mi); the Falkland Islands national Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) esti-
off the Atlantic coast of Argentina count at most 1 person mates that in 2000, at least 65 separate countries with
for every 5 square kilometers (2 sq mi) of territory. No over 30% of the population of the developing world
conclusions about conditions of life, levels of income, ade- were unable to feed their inhabitants from their own na-
quacy of food, or prospects for prosperity can be drawn tional territories at the low level of agricultural technol-
from these density comparisons. ogy and inputs employed. Even rapidly industrializing
Overcrowding is a reflection not of numbers per China, an exporter of grain until 1994, now in most
unit area but of the carrying capacity of land—the years is a net grain importer.
number of people an area can support on a sustained In the contemporary world, insufficiency of domes-
basis given the prevailing technology. A region devoted tic agricultural production to meet national caloric re-
to efficient, energy-intensive commercial agriculture quirements cannot be considered a measure of
that makes heavy use of irrigation, fertilizers, and bio- overcrowding or poverty. Only a few countries are agri-
cides can support more people at a higher level of living culturally self-sufficient. Japan, a leader among the ad-
than one engaged in the slash-and-burn agriculture de- vanced states, is the world’s biggest food importer and
scribed in Chapter 8. An industrial society that takes ad- supplies from its own production only 40% of the calo-
vantage of resources such as coal and iron ore and has ries its population consumes. Its physiological density is
access to imported food will not feel population pressure high, as Table 4.4 indicates, but it obviously does not
at the same density levels as a country with rudimen- rely on an arable land resource for its present develop-
tary technology. ment. Largely lacking in either agricultural or industrial
Since carrying capacity is related to the level of eco-
nomic development, maps such as Figure 4.22, displaying
present patterns of population distribution and density,
do not suggest a correlation with conditions of life. Many
industrialized, urbanized countries have lower densities
and higher levels of living than do less developed ones.
Densities in the United States, where there is a great deal
of unused and unsettled land, are considerably lower
than those in Bangladesh, where essentially all land is
arable and which, with nearly 900 people per square kilo-
meter (over 2300 per sq mi), is the most densely popu-
lated nonisland state in the world. At the same time,
many African countries have low population densities
and low levels of living, whereas Japan combines both
high densities and wealth.
Overpopulation can be equated with levels of living
or conditions of life that reflect a continuing imbalance
between numbers of people and carrying capacity of the
land. One measure of that imbalance might be the un-
availability of food supplies sufficient in caloric content
to meet individual daily energy requirements or so bal-
anced as to satisfy normal nutritional needs. Unfortu-
nately, dietary insufficiencies—with long-term adverse
implications for life expectancy, physical vigor, and men-
tal development—are most likely to be encountered in
the developing countries, where much of the population Figure 4.26 Carrying capacity and potentials in sub-Saharan
Africa. The map assumes that (1) all cultivated land is used for
is in the younger age cohorts (Figure 4.11).
growing food; (2) food imports are insignificant; (3) agriculture is
If those developing countries simultaneously have conducted by low technology methods.
rapidly increasing population numbers dependent on Sources: World Bank; United Nations Development Programme; Food and
domestically produced foodstuffs, the prospects must be Agriculture Organization (FAO); and Bread for the World Institute.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 127

resources, it nonetheless ranks well on all indicators of Urban and rural population growth, 1950–2030
national well-being and prosperity. For countries such 10
as Japan, a sudden cessation of the international trade Urban, less developed countries
that permits the exchange of industrial products for im- Urban, developed countries
ported food and raw materials would be disastrous. Do- 8
mestic food production could not maintain the dietary
levels now enjoyed by their populations and they, more

Population in billions
starkly than many underdeveloped countries, would be

Pressures on the land resource of countries are increased
not just by their growing populations but by the reduction
of arable land caused by such growth. More and more of
world population increase must be accommodated not in 2
rural areas, but in cities that hold the promise of jobs and
access to health, welfare, and other public services. As a
result, the urbanization (transformation from rural to 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
urban status) of population in developing countries is in-
creasing dramatically. Since the 1950s, cities have grown Figure 4.27 Past and projected urban and rural population
growth. According to UN projections, some 65% of the world’s total
faster than rural areas in nearly all developing states. Al-
population may be urbanized by 2030. Redrawn from Population
though Latin America, for example, has experienced sub- Bulletin vol. 53, no.1, Figure 3, page 12 (Population Reference
stantial overall population increase, the size of its rural Bureau, 1998).
population is actually declining.
Indeed, on UN projections, some 97% of all world
population increase between 2000 and 2030 will be in
urban areas and almost entirely within the developing re-
gions and countries, continuing a pattern established by
Population Data and Projections
1950 (Figure 4.27). In those areas collectively, cities are Population geographers, demographers, planners, govern-
growing on average by over 3% a year, and the poorest re- mental officials, and a host of others rely on detailed pop-
gions are experiencing the fastest growth. By 2020, the UN ulation data to make their assessments of present national
anticipates, a majority of the population of less developed and world population patterns and to estimate future con-
countries will live in urban areas. In East, West, and Cen- ditions. Birth rates and death rates, rates of fertility and of
tral Africa, for example, cities are expanding by 5% a natural increase, age and sex composition of the popula-
year, a pace that can double their population every tion, and other items are all necessary ingredients for
14 years. Global urban population, just 750 million in their work.
1950, grew to nearly 2.75 billion by century’s end and is
projected to rise to 5.1 billion by 2030. The uneven results Population Data
of past urbanization are summarized in Figure 4.28. The data that students of population employ come primar-
The sheer growth of those cities in people and terri- ily from the United Nations Statistical Office, the World
tory has increased pressures on arable land and adjusted Bank, the Population Reference Bureau, and ultimately,
upward both arithmetic and physiological densities. Ur- from national censuses and sample surveys. Unfortu-
banization consumes millions of hectares of cropland each nately, the data as reported may on occasion be more mis-
year. In Egypt, for example, urban expansion and new de- leading than informative. For much of the developing
velopment between 1965 and 1985 took out of production world, a national census is a massive undertaking. Isola-
as much fertile soil as the massive Aswan dam on the Nile tion and poor transportation, insufficiency of funds and
River made newly available through irrigation with the trained census personnel, high rates of illiteracy limiting
water it impounds. By themselves, some of these develop- the type of questions that can be asked, and populations
ing world cities, often surrounded by concentrations of suspicious of all things governmental serve to restrict the
people living in uncontrolled settlements, slums, and frequency, coverage, and accuracy of population reports.
shantytowns (Figure 11.42), are among the most densely However derived, detailed data are published by the
populated areas in the world. They face massive problems major reporting agencies for all national units even when
in trying to provide housing, jobs, education, and ade- those figures are poorly based on fact or are essentially
quate health and social services for their residents. These fictitious. For years, data on the total population, birth
and other matters of urban geography are the topics of and death rates, and other vital statistics for Somalia were
Chapter 11. regularly reported and annually revised. The fact was,

128 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Percent Urban
25 or less
80 or more

Figure 4.28 Percentage of national population that is classified as urban. Urbanization has been particularly rapid in the developing
continents. In 1950, only 17% of Asians and 15% of Africans were urban; at the start of the 21st century, some one-third of both Asians and
Africans were city dwellers and collectively the less-developed areas contained two-thirds of the world’s city population.
Source: Data from Population Reference Bureau.

however, that Somalia had never had a census and had Even the age structure reported for national popula-
no system whatsoever for recording births. Seemingly tions, so essential to many areas of population analysis,
precise data were regularly reported as well for Ethiopia. must be viewed with suspicion. In many societies, birth-
When that country had its first-ever census in 1985, at days are not noted, nor are years recorded by the Western
least one data source had to drop its estimate of the coun- calendar. Non-Western ways of counting age also confuse
try’s birth rate by 15% and increase its figure for the record. The Chinese, for example, consider a person
Ethiopia’s total population by more than 20%. And a dis- to be 1 year old at birth and increase that age by 1 year
puted 1992 census of Nigeria officially reported a popula- each (Chinese) New Year’s Day. Bias and error arise from
tion of 88.5 million, still the largest in Africa but far the common tendency of people after middle age to report
below the generally accepted and widely cited estimates their ages in round numbers ending in 0. Also evident is a
of between 105 and 115 million Nigerians. bias toward claiming an age ending in the number 5 or as
Fortunately, census coverage on a world basis is im- an even number of years. Inaccuracy and noncomparabil-
proving. Almost every country has now had at least one ity of reckoning added to incompleteness of survey and
census of its population, and most have been subjected to response conspire to cloud national comparisons in which
periodic sample surveys (Figure 4.29). However, only age or the implications of age are important ingredients.
about 10% of the developing world’s population live in
countries with anything approaching complete systems for Population Projections
registering births and deaths. Estimates are that 40% or For all their inadequacies and imprecisions, current data
less of live births in Indonesia, Pakistan, India, or the reported for country units form the basis of population
Philippines are officially recorded. Apparently, deaths are projections, estimates of future population size, age, and
even less completely reported than births throughout Asia. sex composition based on current data. Projections are
And whatever the deficiencies of Asian states, African sta- not forecasts, and demographers are not the social sci-
tistics are still less complete and reliable. It is, of course, ence equivalent of meteorologists. Weather forecasters
on just these basic birth and death data that projections work with a myriad of accurate observations applied
about population growth and composition are founded. against a known, tested model of the atmosphere. The

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 129

Figure 4.29 Taking the census in rural China. The sign identifies the “Third Population Census. Mobile Registration Station.” A Fourth
Population Census was undertaken on July 1, 1990 and the Fifth Census, involving 6 million census workers, was conducted during
November, 2000.

demographer, in contrast, works with sparse, imprecise, the future, the less likely is that assumption to remain
out-of-date, and missing data applied to human actions true. The resulting observation should be that the further
that will be unpredictably responsive to stimuli not yet into the future the population structure of small areas is
evident. projected, the greater is the implicit and inevitable error
Population projections, therefore, are based on as- (see Figure 4.13).
sumptions for the future applied to current data that are,
themselves, frequently suspect. Since projections are not
predictions, they can never be wrong. They are simply
the inevitable result of calculations about fertility, mortal-
ity, and migration rates applied to each age cohort of a
Population Controls
population now living, and the making of birth rate, sur- All population projections include an assumption that at
vival, and migration assumptions about cohorts yet un- some point in time population growth will cease and
born. Of course, the perfectly valid projections of future plateau at the replacement level. Without that assump-
population size and structure resulting from those calcula- tion, future numbers become unthinkably large. For the
tions may be dead wrong as predictions. world at unchecked present growth rates, there would be
Since those projections are invariably treated as sci- 1 trillion people three centuries from now, 4 trillion four
entific expectations by a public that ignores their under- centuries in the future, and so on. Although there is rea-
lying qualifying assumptions, agencies such as the UN sonable debate about whether the world is now overpopu-
that estimate the population of, say, Africa in the year lated and about what either its optimum or maximum
2025, do so by not one but by three or more projections: sustainable population should be, totals in the trillions are
high, medium, and low, for example (see “World Popula- beyond any reasonable expectation.
tion Projections”). For areas as large as Africa, a medium Population pressures do not come from the amount
projection is assumed to benefit from compensating er- of space humans occupy. It has been calculated, for ex-
rors and statistically predictable behaviors of very large ample, that the entire human race could easily be ac-
populations. For individual African countries and commodated within the boundaries of the state of
smaller populations, the medium projection may be Delaware. The problems stem from the food, energy,
much less satisfying. The usual tendency in projections and other resources necessary to support the population
is to assume that something like current conditions will and from the impact on the environment of the increas-
be applicable in the future. Obviously, the more distant ing demands and the technologies required to meet

130 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

World Population Projections

W hile the need for population

tries? And for the majority of more realities of soils, vegetation, water
projections is obvious, demographers developed countries with fertility cur- supplies, and climate that ultimately
face difficult decisions regarding the rently below replacement level, can determine feasible or possible levels
assumptions they use in preparing one assume that fertility will rise to of population support. Inevitably, dif-
them. Assumptions must be made avert eventual disappearance of the ferent analysts present different as-
about the future course of birth and population and, if so, when? sessments of the absolute carrying
death rates and, in some cases, about Predicting the pace of fertility de- capacity of the earth. At an unrealisti-
migration. cline is most important, as illustrated cally low level, the World Hunger
Demographers must consider by one earlier set of United Nations Project calculated that the world’s
many factors when projecting a long-range projections for Africa. As ecosystem could, with present agricul-
country’s population. What is the with many projections, these were is- tural technologies and with equal dis-
present level of the birth rate, of lit- sued in a “series” to show the effects of tribution of food supplies, support on
eracy, and of education? Does the different assumptions. The “low” pro- a sustained basis no more than 5.5 bil-
government have a policy to influ- jection for Africa assumed that replace- lion people, a number already far ex-
ence population growth? What is the ment level fertility would be reached in ceeded. Many agricultural economists,
status of women? What might be the 2030, which would put the continent’s in contrast—citing present trends and
impact of, for example, HIV/AIDS on population at 1.4 billion in 2100. If at- prospective increases in crop yields,
life expectancies? tainment of replacement-level fertility fertilizer efficiencies, and intensifica-
Along with these questions must were delayed to 2065, the population tion of production methods—are con-
be weighed the likelihood of socioeco- would reach 4.4 billion in 2100. That fident that the earth can readily feed
nomic change, for it is generally as- difference of 3 billion should serve as a 10 billion or more on a sustained
sumed that as a country “develops,” a warning that using population projec- basis. Nearly all observers, however,
preference for smaller families will tions requires caution and considera- agree that physical environmental
cause fertility to fall to the replace- tion of all the possibilities. realities make unrealistic purely
ment level of about two children per Unfortunately, demographers demographically-based projections of
woman. But when can one expect this usually cast their projections in an a world population three or four
to happen in less developed coun- environmental vacuum, ignoring the times its present size.

them. Rates of growth currently prevailing in many 1. Population is inevitably limited by the means of
countries make it nearly impossible for them to achieve subsistence.
the kind of social and economic development they 2. Populations invariably increase with increase in
would like. the means of subsistence unless prevented by
Clearly, at some point population will have to stop in- powerful checks.
creasing as fast as it has been. That is, either the self-induced 3. The checks that inhibit the reproductive capacity
limitations on expansion implicit in the demographic transi- of populations and keep it in balance with means
tion will be adopted or an equilibrium between population of subsistence are either “private” (moral
and resources will be established in more dramatic fashion. restraint, celibacy, and chastity) or “destructive”
Recognition of this eventuality is not new. “[P]estilence, and (war, poverty, pestilence, and famine).
famine, and wars, and earthquakes have to be regarded as a
The deadly consequences of Malthus’s dictum that
remedy for nations, as the means of pruning the luxuriance
unchecked population increases geometrically while food
of the human race,” was the opinion of the theologian Ter-
production can increase only arithmetically1 have been
tullian during the 2nd century A.D.
reported throughout human history, as they are today.
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834), an English
Starvation, the ultimate expression of resource depletion,
economist and demographer, put the problem succinctly
in a treatise published in 1798: All biological populations
have a potential for increase that exceeds the actual rate
1”Within a hundred years or so, the population can increase from fivefold
of increase, and the resources for the support of increase
to twentyfold, while the means of subsistence . . . can increase only
are limited. In later publications, Malthus amplified his from three to five times,” was the observation of Hung Liangchi of
thesis by noting the following: China, a spatially distant early 19th-century contemporary of Malthus.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 131

is no stranger to the past or present. By conservative esti-
mate, some 100 people worldwide will starve to death dur-
ing the two minutes it takes you to read this page; half
will be children under five. They will, of course, be more
than replaced numerically by new births during the same
2 minutes. Losses are always recouped. All battlefield ca-
sualties, perhaps 60 million, in all of humankind’s wars
over the last 300 years equal less than a nine-month re-
placement period at present rates of natural increase.
Yet, inevitably—following the logic of Malthus, the
apparent evidence of history, and our observations of ani- Figure 4.30 The steadily higher homeostatic plateaus (states of
equilibrium) achieved by humans are evidence of their ability to
mal populations—equilibrium must be achieved between increase the carrying capacity of the land through technological
numbers and support resources. When overpopulation of advance. Each new plateau represents the conversion of the J-curve
any species occurs, a population dieback is inevitable. The into an S-curve.
madly ascending leg of the J-curve is bent to the horizon-
tal, and the J-curve is converted to an S-curve. It has hap-
pened before in human history, as Figure 4.30 declined to 1.7, well below the 2.1 replacement level for
summarizes. The top of the S-curve represents a popula- developed countries, and the board was abolished as no
tion size consistent with and supportable by the ex- longer necessary. Caribbean and South American coun-
ploitable resource base. When the population is equivalent tries, except the poorest and most agrarian, have also expe-
to the carrying capacity of the occupied area, it is said to rienced declining fertility rates, though often these
have reached a homeostatic plateau. reductions have been achieved despite pronatalist views of
In animals, overcrowding and environmental stress governments influenced by the Roman Catholic Church.
apparently release an automatic physiological suppressant Africa and the Middle East have generally been less
of fertility. Although famine and chronic malnutrition responsive to the neo-Malthusian arguments because of in-
may reduce fertility in humans, population limitation usu- grained cultural convictions among people, if not in all
ally must be either forced or self-imposed. The demo- governmental circles, that large families—6 or 7 children—
graphic transition to low birth rates matching reduced are desirable. Although total fertility rates have begun to
death rates is cited as evidence that Malthus’s first as- decline in several sub-Saharan African states, they still re-
sumption was wrong: Human populations do not in- main nearly everywhere far above replacement levels. Is-
evitably grow geometrically. Fertility behavior, it was lamic fundamentalism opposed to birth restrictions also is
observed, is conditioned by social determinants, not solely a cultural factor in the Near East and North Africa. How-
by biological or resource imperatives. ever, the Muslim theocracy of Iran has endorsed a range of
Although Malthus’s ideas were discarded as deficient contraceptive procedures and developed one of the world’s
by the end of the 19th century in light of the European more aggressive family planning programs.
population experience, the concerns he expressed were Other barriers to fertility control exist. When first
revived during the 1950s. Observations of population proposed by Western states, neo-Malthusian arguments
growth in underdeveloped countries and the strain that that family planning was necessary for development were
growth placed on their resources inspired the viewpoint rejected by many less developed countries. Reflecting
that improvements in living standards could be achieved both nationalistic and Marxist concepts, they maintained
only by raising investment per worker. Rapid population that remnant colonial-era social, economic, and class
growth was seen as a serious diversion of scarce resources structures rather than population increase hindered devel-
away from capital investment and into unending social opment. Some government leaders think there is a corre-
welfare programs. In order to lift living standards, the ex- lation between population size and power and pursue
isting national efforts to lower mortality rates had to be pronatalist policies, as did Mao’s China during the 1950s
balanced by governmental programs to reduce birth rates. and early 1960s. And a number of American economists
Neo-Malthusianism, as this viewpoint became known, called cornucopians expressed the view, beginning in the
has been the underpinning of national and international 1980s, that population growth is a stimulus, not a deter-
programs of population limitation primarily through birth rent, to development and that human minds and skills are
control and family planning (Figure 4.31). the world’s ultimate resource base. Since the time of
Neo-Malthusianism has had a mixed reception. Asian Malthus, they observe, world population has grown from
countries, led by China and India, have in general—though 900 million to over 6 billion without the predicted dire
with differing successes—adopted family planning pro- consequences—proof that Malthus failed to recognize the
grams and policies. In some instances, success has been importance of technology in raising the carrying capacity
declared complete. Singapore established its Population of the earth. Still higher population numbers, they sug-
and Family Planning Board in 1965, when its fertility rate gest, are sustainable, perhaps even with improved stan-
was 4.9 lifetime births per woman. By 1986, that rate had dards of living for all.

132 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

But reducing fertility levels even to the replacement
level of 2.1 births per woman does not mean an immedi-
ate end to population growth. Because of the age compo-
sition of many societies, numbers of births will continue
to grow even as fertility rates per woman decline. The
reason is to be found in demographic (or population)
momentum, and the key to that is the age structure of a
country’s population.
When a high proportion of the population is young,
the product of past high fertility rates, larger and larger
numbers enter the childbearing age each year; that is the
case for major parts of the world at the start of the 21st
century. The populations of developing countries are far
younger than those of the established industrially devel-
oped regions (Figure 4.11), with about one-third (in Asia
and Latin America) to almost one-half (in Africa) below
the age of 15. The consequences of the fertility of these
young people are yet to be realized. A population with a
greater number of young people tends to grow rapidly re-
gardless of the level of childbearing. The results will con-
Figure 4.31 A Bombay, India, sign promoting the tinue to be felt until the now-youthful groups mature and
government’s continuing program to reduce the country’s high
fertility rate. Sterilization is a major contraception practice in India.
work their way through the population pyramid.
Inevitably, while this is happening, even the most
stringent national policies limiting growth cannot stop it
A third view, modifying cornucopian optimism, ad- entirely. A country with a large present population base
mits that products of human ingenuity such as the Green will experience large numerical increases despite declin-
Revolution (see page 282) increases in food production ing birth rates. Indeed, the higher fertility was to begin
have managed to keep pace with rapid population growth with and the sharper its drop to low levels, the greater will
since 1970. But its advocates argue that scientific and tech- be the role of momentum even after rates drop below re-
nical ingenuity to enhance food production do not automat- placement. A simple comparison of South Korea and the
ically appear; both complacency and inadequate research United Kingdom may serve to demonstrate the point. The
support have hindered continuing progress in recent years. two countries had (in 1998) the same level of fertility,
And even if further advances are made, they observe, not with women averaging about 1.7 children each. Between
all countries or regions have the social and political will or that year and 2025, the population of the U.K. (without
capacity to take advantage of them. Those that do not, considering immigration or the births associated with
third-view advocates warn, will fail to keep pace with the newcomers) was projected to decline by 2 million persons
needs of their populace and will sink into varying degrees while much more youthful South Korea was expected to
of poverty and environmental decay, creating national and continue growing, adding 6 million people.
regional—though not necessarily global—crises. Eventually, of course, young populations grow
older, and even the youthful developing countries are be-
ginning to face the consequences of that reality. The
problems of a rapidly aging population that already con-
Population Prospects front the industrialized economies are now being realized
in the developing world as well. Globally, there will be
Regardless of population philosophies, theories, or cul- more than 1 billion persons 60 years of age and older by
tural norms, the fact remains that in many parts of the 2025 and nearly 2 billion by 2050. Three-fourths of those
world developing countries are showing significantly de- elderly folk will live in the less developed world, for the
clining population growth rates. Global fertility and birth growth rate of older people is three times as high in de-
rates appear to be falling to an extent not anticipated by veloping countries as in the developed ones. The largest
pessimistic Malthusians and at a pace that suggests a percentage increases of the elderly will occur in the
peaking of world population numbers sooner—and at world’s poorest developing states that generally lack
lower totals—than previously projected (see “A Population health, income, housing, and social service support sys-
Implosion?”, p. 107). In all world regions, steady and tems adequate to the needs of their older citizens. To the
continuous fertility declines have been recorded over the social and economic implications of their present popula-
past quarter century, reducing fertility from global 5.0- tion momentum, therefore, developing countries must
children-per-woman levels in the early 1950s to less than add the aging consequences of past patterns and rates of
3 per woman at the end of the century. growth (Figure 4.32).

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 133

Birth, death, fertility, and growth rates are important in un-
derstanding the numbers, composition, distribution, and
spatial trends of population. Recent “explosive” increases in
human numbers and the prospects of continuing popula-
tion expansion may be traced to sharp reductions in death
rates, increases in longevity, and the impact of demo-
graphic momentum on a youthful population largely con-
centrated in the developing world. Control of population
numbers historically was accomplished through a demo-
graphic transition first experienced in European societies
that adjusted their fertility rates downward as death rates
fell and life expectancies increased. The introduction of ad-
vanced technologies of preventive and curative medicine,
pesticides, and famine relief have reduced mortality rates
in developing countries without, until recently, always a
compensating reduction in birth rates. Recent fertility de-
clines in many developing regions suggest the demographic
transition is no longer limited to the advanced industrial
countries and promise world population stability earlier
and at lower numbers than envisioned just a few years ago.
Even with the advent of more widespread fertility
declines, the 6 billion human beings present at the end of
the 1990s will still likely grow to about 9 billion by the
Figure 4.32 These senior citizens exercising in Beijing, China, middle of the 21st century. That growth will largely reflect
are part of the rapidly aging population of many developing increases unavoidable because of the size and youth of
countries. Worldwide, the over-60 cohort will number some 22% of
total population by 2050 and be larger than the number of children
populations in developing countries. Eventually, a new
less than 15 years of age. But by 2020, a third of Singapore citizens balance between population numbers and carrying capac-
will be 55 or older and China will have as large a share of its ity of the world will be reached, as it has always been fol-
population over 60—about one in four—as will Europe. Already, the lowing past periods of rapid population increase.
numbers of old people in the world’s poorer countries are beginning People are unevenly distributed over the earth. The
to dwarf those in the rich world. At the start of the 21st century there
were nearly twice as many persons over 60 in developing countries
ecumene, or permanently inhabited portion of the globe,
as in the advanced ones, but most are without the old-age assistance is discontinuous and marked by pronounced differences
and welfare programs developed countries have put in place. in population concentrations and numbers. East Asia,

Population Geography
Steadily increasing numbers of population-related websites, indexed by subject. It is as well a source of Census Bureau
with constantly changing and expanding information content, data maps and is linked to other population websites. Selected
are becoming available. We’ve listed here only a few of the tables from the latest Statistical Abstract and County and City
more useful home pages from governmental and Data Book are included or linked. Some lengthy reports need
nongovernmental agencies, including universities and Adobe Acrobat Reader. Find it at (2) The
international organizations. Census Bureau’s State Census Data Centers home pages provide
An efficient way of starting a search for population mate- population estimates, employment reports, economic indica-
rials is to use a subject resource guide. Perhaps the most exten- tors, and other data at state, county, and city levels. Existing
sive is the World Wide Web Virtual Library—Demography and state data center websites may be accessed from the single
Population Studies catalog at source: (3) Ameristat, a “one-stop
VirtualLibrary/ source for U.S. population data,” is sponsored by the Popula-
Leading sources for U.S. population data include: (1) The tion Reference Bureau and the Social Science Data Analysis
Census Bureau Home Page, a primary source for official social, Network and provides a whole range of topically organized
economic, and demographic statistics of the U.S. population U.S. census information. View it at

134 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Most recent Canadian census data may be found through Demographic and Health Surveys is a primary informa-
Statistics Canada at tion source on matters of fertility, maternal and child health,
Be sure to check the Nation Series of reports or go directly to and household living conditions in developing countries:
demographic information at The World Health Organization’s web-
People/popula.htm#pop. site reflects its global perspective, with overviews of health
World population information is found at a number threats from disease, environment, and lifestyle sources at
of sites. The WHO’s Statistical Information
United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN) System (WHOSIS) website provides access to statistical data
reports world, regional, and country-level demographic and information available from the WHO and links to other
trends, and is a good source for historical world population sources of health information elsewhere in electronic and
growth, urbanization, child mortality estimates, AIDS impact, other forms; view it at AEGIS, the web-
etc. Full-text regional reports and newsletters are also avail- site of the AIDS Education Global Information System and
able, including Country Health Profiles of the Pan American self-described “world’s largest AIDS database,” permits re-
Health Organization. The site is linked to many other popula- source searches through books, journals, AIDS websites, and
tion home pages and includes a worldwide directory of popu- government databases at
lation organizations and institutions. It is well worth visiting A valuable source of comparative international popula-
at tion reports and statistics exists in the International Programs
The United Nations Population Fund assists developing Center (IPC) of the U.S. Bureau of the Census; it provides a
countries in reproductive health and family planning ser- wealth of comparative statistics for all world countries, in-
vices. Its website provides on-line access to its current “State cluding population, life tables, migration, ethnicity, language,
of World Population” annual report, to various technical re- religion, vital statistics, labor force and economic data, and
ports and general interest publications, and links to related more. View it at Useful
UN and nongovernmental organization home pages: text and statistical supplements to the population appendix in this book are to be found in the CIA World Factbook of the
The Population Reference Bureau, a principal source of United States Central Intelligence Agency. The site contains
demographic data used in this book and in many newspaper demographic, economic, and social information for more than
and journal reports, gives current-year demographic statistics 260 countries, including data on population, vital statistics,
for more than 190 countries in its World Population Data Sheet ethnic composition, religions, languages, net migration, and
available on its website as well as a “top hits” list of PRB publi- more. Find it at
cations and a changing set of discussions on current popula- Population associations and information source guides
tion concerns: may help you gain access to other useful databases, bibli-
PopNet, also maintained by the Population Reference ographies, and agencies. Following are a few of potential
Bureau, is dedicated to providing comprehensive data on interest:
global population issues. Dubbing itself “the source for global The Population Association of America reports its activities
population information,” it presents data on such topics as in its full-text newsletter at
demographic statistics, education, environment, economics, PAA_Affairs. Internet Resources for Demographers is a collection
gender, and reproductive health; in addition, it has multiple of demographic Internet sites categorized under “North Ameri-
links to websites of governmental and nongovernmental do- can Demography,” “International Demography,” “General De-
mestic and international organizations and university cen- mography,” etc.a View it at∼gryn/
ters. PopNet can be reached through the Population demog.html. Also useful are: the Social Science Information
Reference Bureau website (above) or directly at its own ad- Gateway (SOSIG)—Demography at subject-listing/World-cat/demog.html and the Johns Hopkins
The Statistics Division of the United Nations maintains University Population Information Program Popline, a search-
a page for Social Indicators, minimum data sets covering a able bibliographies database of over 250,000 records covering
number of subjects of interest: worldwide literature on population, family planning, and
social/main2.htm. Unicef has a more extensive international health issues: The geogra-
view through its Information: Statistics page. National statisti- phy pages are always useful and revealing. For population ge-
cal data can be accessed by a country’s map location or ography in general, go to
name; world maps present some data graphically: geography/cs/populationgeo/index.htm and try’s The International Data World Population and Demographic Data site at http://geogra-
Base of the U.S. Census Bureau at for a variety of useful and inter-
idbnew.html provides extensive demographic and socioeco- esting data and discussion sources.
nomic data, including population pyramids, and Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s home
projections for 227 countries and user-selected regions page at for additional websites
from 1950 to 2050. added by the publisher or contributed by helpful users.
Health and disease topics have their own set of useful
aThe site is an extension of an exhaustive printed document, “Internet
home pages. The National Center for Health Statistics website
Resources for Demographers,” by Thomas A. Gryn that appears in Population
provides information on access to reports and statistics Index 20, no. 2 (Summer, 1997): 189–204.
about births, deaths, marriages, fertility rates, etc., at The guidance of the Population Reference Bureau in the preparation of this listing is gratefully acknowledged.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 135

South Asia, Europe, and northeastern United States/south- population geography is the essential starting point of the
eastern Canada represent the world’s greatest population human component of the human–environment concerns
clusters, though smaller areas of great density are found of geography. But human populations are not merely col-
in other regions and continents. Since growth rates are lections of numerical units; nor are they to be understood
highest and population doubling times generally shorter solely through statistical analysis. Societies are distin-
in world regions outside these four present main concen- guished not just by the abstract data of their numbers,
trations, new patterns of population localization and domi- rates, and trends, but by experiences, beliefs, understand-
nance are taking form. ings, and aspirations that collectively constitute that
A respected geographer once commented that human spatial and behavioral variable called culture. It is
“population is the point of reference from which all to that fundamental human diversity that we next turn
other elements [of geography] are observed.” Certainly, our attention.

Key Words
arithmetic density 125 dependency ratio 113 physiological density 126
carrying capacity 127 doubling time 114 population density 125
cohort 102 ecumene 124 population geography 100
crude birth rate (CBR) 102 homeostatic plateau 132 population projection 129
crude death rate (CDR) 108 J-curve 115 population pyramid 111
crude density 125 Malthus 131 rate of natural increase 114
demographic equation 122 mortality rate 108 rates 102
demographic (population) natural increase 114 replacement level 107
momentum 133 neo-Malthusianism 132 S-curve 132
demographic transition 116 nonecumene 125 total fertility rate (TFR) 104
demography 100 overpopulation 126 zero population growth (ZPG) 107

For Review
1. How do the crude birth rate and consequently, of population each be useful? How is carrying
the fertility rate differ? Which growth? What rate of natural capacity related to the concept of
measure is the more accurate increase would double population density?
statement of the amount of in 35 years? 8. What was Malthus’s underlying
reproduction occurring in a 5. How are population numbers assumption concerning the
population? projected from present relationship between population
2. How is the crude death rate conditions? Are projections the growth and food supply? In what
calculated? What factors account same as predictions? If not, in ways do the arguments of neo-
for the worldwide decline in death what ways do they differ? Malthusians differ from the
rates since 1945? 6. Describe the stages in the original doctrine? What
3. How is a population pyramid demographic transition. Where governmental policies are implicit
constructed? What shape of has the final stage of the in neo-Malthusianism?
“pyramid” reflects the structure of transition been achieved? Why 9. Why is demographic momentum a
a rapidly growing country? Of a do some analysts doubt the matter of interest in population
population with a slow rate of applicability of the demographic projections? In which world areas
growth? What can we tell about transition to all parts of the are the implications of
future population numbers from world? demographic momentum most
those shapes? 7. Contrast crude population density serious in calculating population
4. What variations do we discern in and physiological density. For growth, stability, or decline?
the spatial pattern of the rate of what differing purposes might
natural increase and,

136 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography

Focus Follow-up
1. What are some basic terms for some aging societies. The 4. What are population
and measures used by transition model has been observed projections and how are they
population geographers? to be not fully applicable to all affected by various controls on
pp. 100–116. developing states. The demographic population growth?
A cohort is a population group, equation attempts to incorporate pp. 128–133.
usually an age group, treated as a cross-border population migration Population projections are
unit. Rates record the frequency of into projections of national merely calculations of the future
occurrence of an event over a population trends. size, age, and sex composition of
given unit of time. Rates are used 3. What descriptive generalizations regional, national, or world
to trace a wide range of population can be made about world populations; they are based on
features and trends: births, deaths, population distributions and current data and manipulated by
fertility, infant or maternal densities? pp. 123–128. varying assumptions about the
mortality, natural increase, and World population is primarily future. As simple calculations,
others. Those rates tell us both the concentrated north of the equator, projections cannot be wrong.
present circumstances and likely in lower (below 200 meters) They may, however, totally
prospects for national, country elevations, along continental misrepresent what actually will
group, or world population margins. Major world population occur because of faulty current
structures. Population pyramids clusters include East Asia with data or erroneous assumptions
give visual evidence of the current 25% of the total, South Asia with used in their calculation. They
age and sex cohort structure of over 20%, Europe, and may also be invalid because of
countries or country groupings. Northeastern United States/ unanticipated self-imposed or
2. What are meant and measured southeastern Canada with external brakes on population
by the demographic transition significant but lesser shares of growth, such as changing family
model and the demographic world population. Other smaller size desires or limits on areal
equation? pp. 116–123. but pronounced concentrations carrying capacity that slow or
are found discontinuously on all halt current growth trends. Even
The demographic transition model
continents. Within the with such growth limitations,
traces the presumed relationship
permanently inhabited areas—the however, population prospects
between population growth and
“ecumene”—population densities are always influenced greatly by
economic development. In
vary greatly. Highest densities are demographic momentum, the
Western countries, the transition
found in cities; almost one-half of inevitable growth in numbers
model historically displayed four
the world’s people are urban promised by the high proportion
stages: (a) high birth and death
residents now and the vast of younger cohorts yet to enter
rates; (b) high birth and declining
majority of world population childbearing years in the
death rates; (c) declining births and
growth over the first quarter of the developing world.
reduced growth rates; and (d) low
birth and death rates. A fifth stage 21st century will occur in cities of
of population decline is observed the developing world.

Selected References
Ashford, Lori S. “New Perspectives on Brewer, Cynthia, and Trudy Suchan. Africa: A New Type of Transition?”
Population: Lessons from Cairo.” Mapping Census 2000: The Geography Population and Development Review
Population Bulletin 50, no. 1. of U.S. Diversity. Washington, D.C.: 19, no. 2 (1992): 211–242.
Washington, D.C.: Population U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001. Castles, Stephen, and Mark J. Miller.
Reference Bureau, 1995. Brown, Lester R., Gary Gardner, and The Age of Migration: International
Bongaarts, John. “Population Pressure Brian Halweil. Beyond Malthus: Population Movements in the Modern
and the Food Supply System in the Nineteen Dimensions of the Population World. 2d ed. New York: Guilford
Developing World.” Population and Challenge. New York: W. W. Norton, Press, 1998.
Development Review 22, no. 3 (1996): 1999. Cohen, Joel E. How Many People Can the
483–503. Caldwell, John C., I. O. Orbulove, and Earth Support? New York: W. W.
Pat Caldwell. “Fertility Decline in Norton, 1995.

Population: World Patterns, Regional Trends 137

Daugherty, Helen Ginn, and Kenneth Lee, James, and Feng Wang. One Pritchett, Lant H. “Desired Fertility and
C. W. Kammeyer. An Introduction to Quarter of Humanity: Malthusian the Impact of Population Policies.”
Population. 2d ed. New York: Guilford Mythology and Chinese Reality Population and Development Review
Publications, 1995. 1700–2000. Cambridge, Mass.: 20, no. 1 (March 1994): 1–55.
Gelbard, Alene, Carl Haub, and Mary M. Harvard University Press, 1999. Riley, Nancy E. “Gender, Power, and
Kent. “World Population Beyond Six Martin, Philip, and Jonas Widgren. Population Change.” Population
Billion.” Population Bulletin 54, no. 1. “International Migration: A Global Bulletin 52, no. 1. Washington, D.C.:
Washington, D.C.: Population Challenge.” Population Bulletin 51, Population Reference Bureau, 1997.
Reference Bureau, 1999. no. 1. Washington, D.C.: Population Robey, Bryant, Shea O. Rutstein, and
Gould, Peter. The Slow Plague: A Reference Bureau, 1996. Leo Morris. “The Fertility Decline in
Geography of the AIDS Pandemic. McFalls, Joseph A., Jr. “Population: Developing Countries.” Scientific
Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell, 1993. A Lively Introduction.” 3d. ed. American 269 (December 1993):
Haub, Carl. “Understanding Population Population Bulletin 53, no. 3. 30–37.
Projections.” Population Bulletin 42, Washington, D.C.: Population Simon, Julian. The Ultimate Resource 2.
no. 4. Washington, D.C.: Population Reference Bureau, 1998. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Reference Bureau, 1987. Olshansky, S. Jay, Bruce Carnes, Richard Press, 1996.
Haupt, Arthur, and Thomas Kane. G. Rogers, and Len Smith. “Infectious Smil, Vaclav. Feeding the World: A
Population Handbook. 4th ed. Diseases—New and Ancient Threats Challenge for the Twenty-First
Washington, D.C.: Population to World Health.” Population Bulletin Century. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Reference Bureau, 1997. 52, no. 2. Washington, D.C.: Press, 2000.
Population Reference Bureau, 1997.
Hirschman, Charles, and Philip Guest. United Nations. Population and Women.
“The Emerging Demographic Omran, Abdel R. “The Epidemiologic New York: United Nations, 1996.
Transitions of Southeast Asia.” Transition: A Theory of the
United Nations Population Fund. Food
Population and Development Review Epidemiology of Population Change.”
for the Future: Women, Population and
16, no. 1 (March 1990): 121–152. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 49
Food Security. New York: United
(1971): 509–538.
Hornby, William F., and Melvyn Jones. Nations, 1996.
An Introduction to Population Omran, Abdel R., and Farzaneh Roudi.
United Nations Population Fund. The
Geography. Cambridge, England: “The Middle East Population Puzzle.”
State of World Population. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1993. Population Bulletin 48, no. 1.
United Nations, annual.
Washington, D.C.: Population
Kent, Mary M., et al. “First Glimpses Visaria, Leela, and Pravin Visaria.
Reference Bureau, 1993.
from the 2000 U.S. Census.” Population “India’s Population in Transition.”
Bulletin 56, no. 2. Washington, D.C.: O’Neill, Brian, and Deborah Balk. “World
Population Bulletin 50, no. 3.
Population Reference Bureau, 2001. Population Futures.” Population
Washington, D.C.: Population
Bulletin 56, no. 3. Washington, D.C.:
Keyfitz, Nathan, and Wilhelm Flinger. Reference Bureau, 1995.
Population Reference Bureau, 2001.
World Population Growth and Aging: World Health Organization. The World
Demographic Trends in the Late 20th Peters, Gary L., and Robert P. Larkin.
Health Report. Geneva, Switzerland:
Century. Chicago: University of Population Geography: Problems,
WHO, annual.
Chicago Press, 1991. Concepts, and Prospects. Dubuque,
Ia.: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Xizhe Peng, and Guo Zhigang, eds. The
King, Russell, ed. Mass Migrations in Changing Population of China. Oxford,
Company, 1993.
Europe: The Legacy and the Future. England: Blackwell, 2000.
London and New York: Belhaven “Population.” National Geographic
Press and John Wiley & Sons, 1995. (October 1998).

138 Themes and Fundamentals of Human Geography


Language and Religion:

Mosaics of Culture

Jewish men
gathering to pray
at the 2500-year-
old Western Wall,
old Jerusalem’s
remnant of the
holy Second

Focus Preview
Language Religion
1. The classification, spread, and distribution of the 4. The cultural significance and role of religion,
world’s languages; the nature of language change, pp. 163–165.
pp. 142–152. 5. How world religions are classified and distributed,
2. Language standards and variants, from dialects to pp. 165–167.
official tongues, pp. 152–160. 6. The origins, nature, and diffusions of principal
3. Language as cultural identity and landscape relic, world religions, pp. 167–181.
pp. 160–163.

language and religion are fundamental strands in the com-
plex web of culture, serving to shape and to distinguish
hen God saw [humans become arrogant], he people and groups.
thought of something to bring confusion to They are ever-changing strands, for languages and re-
their heads: he gave the people a very heavy sleep. ligions in their present-day structure and spatial patterns
They slept for a very, very long time. They slept for are simply the temporary latest phase in a continuing pro-
so long that they forgot the language they had used gression of culture change. Languages evolve in place, re-
to speak. When they eventually woke up from their sponding to the dynamics of human thought, experience,
and expression and to the exchanges and borrowings ever
sleep, each man went his own way, speaking his own
more common in a closely integrated world. They disperse
tongue. None of them could understand the language in space, carried by streams of migrants, colonizers, and
of the other any more. That is how people dispersed conquerors. They may be rigorously defended and pre-
all over the world. Each man would walk his way and served as essential elements of cultural identity, or aban-
speak his own language and another would go his doned in the search for acceptance into a new society. To
way and speak in his own language. . . . trace their diffusions, adoptions, and disappearances is to
God has forbidden me to speak Arabic. I asked understand part of the evolving course of historical cul-
God, “Why don’t I speak Arabic?” and He said, “If you tural geography. Religions, too, are dynamic, sweeping
speak Arabic, you will turn into a bad man.” I said, across national, linguistic, and cultural boundaries by con-
“There is something good in Arabic!” And He said, version, conviction, and conquest. Their broad spatial
“No, there is nothing good in it! . . .” patterns—distinctive culture regions in their own right—
Here, I slaughter a bull and I call [the Muslim] are also fundamental in defining the culture realms out-
lined in Figure 2.4, while at a different scale religious
to share my meat. I say, “Let us share our meat.” But
differences may contribute to the cultural diversity and
he refuses the meat I slaughter because he says it is richness within the countries of the world (Figure 5.1).
not slaughtered in a Muslim way. If he cannot accept
the way I slaughter my meat, how can we be
relatives? Why does he despise our food? So, let us
eat our meat alone. . . . Why, they insult us, they
combine contempt for our black skin with pride in
their religion. As for us, we have our own ancestors
and our own spirits; the spirits of the Rek, the spirits
of the Twic, we have not combined our spirits with
their spirits. The spirit of the black man is different.
Our spirit has not combined with theirs.1

Language and religion are basic components of cultures,

the learned ways of life of different human communities.
They help identify who and what we are and clearly place
us within larger communities of persons with similar
characteristics. At the same time, as the words of Chief
Makuei suggest, they separate and divide peoples of differ-
ent tongues and faiths. In the terminology introduced in
Chapter 2, language and religion are mentifacts, compo-
nents of the ideological subsystem of culture that help
shape the belief system of a society and transmit it to suc-
ceeding generations. Both within and between cultures,

1The words of Chief Makuei Bilkuei of the Dinka, a Nilotic people of the

southern Sudan. His comments are directed at the attempts to unite into
a single people the Arabic Muslims of the north of the Republic of the
Sudan with his and other black, Luo-speaking animist and Christian
people of the country’s southern areas. Recorded by Francis Mading
Deng, Africans of Two Worlds: The Dinka in Afro-Arab Sudan. Copyright
© 1978 Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. Reprinted by permission Figure 5.1 Advertised evidence of religious diversity in the
of the author. United States.

142 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

The Geography of Language
Forever changing and evolving, language in spoken or Romanian. “Chinese” has uniformity only in the fact that
written form makes possible the cooperative efforts, the all of the varied Chinese languages are written alike. No
group understandings, and shared behavior patterns that matter how it is pronounced, the same symbol for ‘house’
distinguish culture groups. Language is the most impor- or for ‘rice’, for example, is recognized by all literate speak-
tant medium by which culture is transmitted. It is what ers of any Chinese language variant (Figure 5.2). Again,
enables parents to teach their children what the world the language known as “Arabic” represents a number of re-
they live in is like and what they must do to become func- lated but distinct tongues, so that Arabic spoken in Mo-
tioning members of society. Some argue that the language rocco differs from Palestinian Arabic roughly as
of a society structures the perceptions of its speakers. By Portuguese differs from Italian.
the words that it contains and the concepts that it can for- Languages differ greatly in their relative impor-
mulate, language is said to determine the attitudes, the tance, if “importance” can be taken to mean the number
understandings, and the responses of the society to which of people using them. More than half of the world’s in-
it belongs. habitants are speakers of just eight of its thousands of
If that conclusion be true, one aspect of cultural het- tongues. That restricted language dominance reflects the
erogeneity may be easily understood. The more than 6 bil- reality that the world’s linguistic diversity is rapidly
lion people on earth speak many thousands of different shrinking. In prehistory, humans probably spoke be-
languages. Knowing that as many as 1500 languages and tween 10,000 and 15,000 tongues. Of the at most 6000 still
language variants are spoken in sub-Saharan Africa gives remaining, between 20% and 50% are no longer being
us a clearer appreciation of the political and social divi- learned by children and are effectively dead. One esti-
sions in that continent. Europe alone has more than 100 mate anticipates that no more than 600 of the world’s lan-
languages and dialects. Language is a hallmark of cultural guages will still be in existence in A.D. 2100. Table 5.1 lists
diversity, an often fiercely defended symbol of cultural those languages currently spoken as a native or second
identity helping to distinguish the world’s diverse social tongue by 40 million or more people, a list that includes
groups. four-fifths of the world’s population. At the other end of
the scale are a number of rapidly declining languages
whose speakers number in the hundreds or, at most, the
few thousands.
Classification of Languages The diversity of languages is simplified when we
recognize among them related families. A language
On a clear, dark night the unaided eye can distinguish be- family is a group of languages descended from a single,
tween 4000 and 6000 stars, a number comparable to some earlier tongue. By varying estimates, from at least 30 to
estimates of the probable total number of the world’s lan- perhaps 100 such families of languages are found world-
guages. In reality, no precise figure is possible, for even wide. The families, in turn, may be subdivided into sub-
today in Africa, Latin America, New Guinea, and else- families, branches, or groups of more closely related
where, linguists are still in the process of identifying and tongues. Some 2000 years ago, Latin was the common
classifying the tongues spoken by isolated peoples. Even language spoken throughout the Roman Empire. The
when they are well known, languages cannot always be fall of the empire in the 5th century A.D. broke the unity
easily or unmistakably recognized as distinctly separate of Europe, and regional variants of Latin began to de-
entities. velop in isolation. In the course of the next several cen-
In the broadest sense, language is any systematic turies, these Latin derivatives, changing and developing
method of communicating ideas, attitudes, or intent as all languages do, emerged as the individual Romance
through the use of mutually understood signs, sounds, or languages—Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and
gestures. For our geographic purposes, we may define
language as an organized system of spoken words by
which people communicate with each other with mutual
comprehension. But such a definition fails to recognize the
gradations among and between languages or to grasp the
varying degrees of mutual comprehension between two or
more of them. The language commonly called “Chinese,”
for example, is more properly seen as a group of related
languages—Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, and others—that Figure 5.2 All literate Chinese, no matter which of the many
are as different from each other as are such comparably re- languages of China they speak, recognize the same ideographs for
lated European languages as Spanish, Italian, French, and house, rice, and tree.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 143

grammar. By tracing regularities of sound changes in dif-
TABLE 5.1 Languages Spoken by More ferent languages back through time, linguists are able to
than 40 Million People, 2001 reconstruct earlier forms of words and, eventually, deter-
Millions of Speakers
mine a word’s original form before it underwent alter-
Language (native plus nonnative) ation and divergence. Such a reconstructed earlier form is
said to belong to a protolanguage. In the case of the Ro-
English 1,500 mance languages, of course, the well-known ancestral
Mandarin (China) 1,076 language was Latin, which needs no such reconstruction.
Hindia (India, Pakistan) 497 Its root relationship to the Romance languages is sug-
Spanish 423
gested by modern variants of panis, the Latin word for
“bread”: pane (Italian), pain (French), pan (Spanish), pão
Russian 271
(Portuguese), pîine (Romanian). In other language fami-
Arabic 257 lies similar word relationships are less confidently traced
Bengali (Bangladesh, India) 216 to their protolanguage roots. For example, the Germanic
Portuguese 195 languages, including English, German, Dutch, and the
Malay-Indonesian 176 Scandinavian tongues, are related descendants of a less
French 127
well-known proto-Germanic language spoken by peoples
who lived in southern Scandinavia and along the North
German 127
Sea and Baltic coasts from the Netherlands to western
Japanese 126 Poland. The classification of languages by origin and his-
Urdua (Pakistan, India) 107 torical relationship is called a genetic classification.
Punjabi (India, Pakistan) 96 Further tracing of language roots tells us that the
Korean (Korea, China, Japan) 78 Romance and the Germanic languages are individual
Telugu (India) 76
branches of an even more extensive family of related lan-
guages derived from proto-Indo-European or simply Indo-
Tamil (India, Sri Lanka) 75
European. Of the principal recognized language clusters
Marathi (India) 72 of the world, the Indo-European family is the largest, em-
Cantonese (China) 72 bracing most of the languages of Europe and a large part
Wu (China) 71 of Asia, and the introduced—not the native—languages of
Vietnamese 69 the Americas (Figure 5.3). All told, languages in the Indo-
Javanese 64
European family are spoken by about half the world’s
Italian 63
By recognizing similar words in most Indo-European
Turkish 62 tongues, linguists deduce that the Indo-European
Tagalog (Philippines) 57 people—originally hunters and fishers but later becom-
Thai 53 ing pastoralists and learning to grow crops—developed
Min (China) 51 somewhere in eastern Europe or the Ukrainian steppes
Swahili (East Africa) 50
about 5000 years ago (though some conclude that cen-
tral Turkey was the more likely site of origin). About
Ukrainian 48
2500 B.C. their society apparently fragmented; they left
Kannada (India) 47 the homeland, carrying segments of the parent culture
Gujarati (India, Pakistan) 45 in different directions. Some migrated into Greece, oth-
Polish 45 ers settled in Italy, still others crossed central and west-
Hausa (West Africa) 40 ern Europe, ultimately reaching the British Isles.
Another group headed into the Russian forest lands, and
aHindi and Urdu are basically the same language: Hindustani. Written in the still another branch crossed Iran and Afghanistan, even-
Devangari script, it is called Hindi, the official language of India; in the Arabic script it tually to reach India. Wherever this remarkable people
is called Urdu, the official language of Pakistan.
settled, they appear to have dominated local populations
and imposed their language on them. For example, the
word for sheep is “avis” in Lithuanian, “ovis” in Latin,
Romanian—of modern Europe and of the world colo- “avis” in Sanskrit (the language of ancient India), and
nized by their speakers. Catalan, Sardinian, Provençal, “hawi” in the tongue used in Homer’s Troy. Modern En-
and a few other spatially restricted tongues are also part glish retains its version in “ewe.” All, linguists infer, de-
of the Romance language group. rive from an ancestral word “owis” in Indo-European.
Family relationship between languages can be rec- Similar relationships and histories can be traced for
ognized through similarities in their vocabulary and other protolanguages.

144 Patterns of Diversity and Unity


Indian Iranian Armenian Germanic Italic Hellenic Albanian Balto- Celtic


Avestan Old Latin Greek


Sanskrit Persian Old Baltic

Middle Bulgarian, Lithuanian,
Indian Czech, Lettish
Bengali, Serbo-Croatian,
Hindustani, etc.
and other
Modern Indian
Welsh Breton
Irish Gaelic

North East West French Italian Portuguese Romanian

Germanic Germanic Germanic Provencal Spanish Catalan


East West High Low

Norse Norse German German

Danish, Faroese,
Gothlandic, Icelandic, German Yiddish Old Anglo-Saxon Old Low
Swedish Norwegian Frisian (Old English) Saxon Franconian

Frisian Middle Middle Middle

English Low German Dutch

Modern Plattdeutsch Dutch,

English Flemish

Figure 5.3 The Indo-European linguistic family tree.

America (Figure 5.4). Their sparse populations are los-

World Pattern of Languages ing the mapped languages as the indigenous people
adopt the tongues of the majority cultures of which they
The present world distribution of major language families
have been forcibly made a part. In the Southern Hemi-
(Figure 5.4) records not only the migrations and con-
sphere, the several hundred original Australian lan-
quests of our linguistic ancestors but also the continuing
guages also loom large spatially on the map but have at
dynamic pattern of human movements, settlements, and
most 50,000 speakers, exclusively Australian aborigines.
colonizations of more recent centuries. Indo-European
Numerically and effectively, English dominates that
languages have been carried far beyond their Eurasian
homelands from the 16th century onwards by western Eu-
Examples of linguistic conquest by non-Europeans
ropean colonizers in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Aus-
also abound. In Southeast Asia, formerly extensive areas
tralasia. In the process of linguistic imposition and
identified with different members of the Austro-Asiatic
adoption, innumerable indigenous languages and lan-
language family have been reduced through conquest and
guage groups in areas of colonization have been modified
absorption by Sino-Tibetan (Chinese, Thai, Burmese, and
or totally lost. Most of the estimated 1000 to 2000
Lao, principally) expansion. Arabic—originally a minor
Amerindian tongues of the Western Hemisphere disap-
Afro-Asiatic language of the Arabian Peninsula—was dis-
peared in the face of European conquest and settlement
persed through much of North Africa and southwestern
(Figure 5.5).
Asia, where it largely replaced a host of other locally vari-
The Slavic expansion eastward across Siberia begin-
ant tongues and became the official or the dominant lan-
ning in the 16th century obliterated most of the Paleo-
guage of more than 20 countries and over 250 million
Asiatic languages there. Similar loss occurred in Eskimo
people. The more than 300 Bantu languages found south
and Aleut language areas. Large linguistically distinctive
of the “Bantu line” in sub-Saharan Africa are variants of a
areas comprise the northern reaches of both Asia and

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 145


11 16
15 16
a n
60° b a s k a
A l g
o n q u i n
n Fr en c h
g 1a
1b i
40° s
h 1b

20° p
Language Families is
1 Indo-European
a. Romance b. Germanic c. Slavic
d. Baltic e. Celtic f. Albanian g. Greek
h. Armenian k. Indo-Iranian
2 Uralic-Altaic 15 r t u g
3 Sino-Tibetan P

e s
4 Japanese-Korean 15
5 Dravidian

6 Afro-Asiatic

7 Niger-Congo 1a

8 Sudanic

9 Saharan s
10 Khoisan h
11 Paleo-Asiatic
12 Austro-Asiatic 1a
40° 13 Malayo-Polynesian
14 Australian
15 Amerindian
16. Eskimo-Aleut 17. Papuan 18. Caucasian
19. Basque 20. Vietnamese
180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40°

Figure 5.4 World language families. Language families are groups of individual tongues that had a common but remote ancestor. By
suggesting that the area assigned to a language or language family uses that tongue exclusively, the map pattern conceals important linguistic
detail. Many countries and regions have local languages spoken in territories too small to be recorded at this scale. The map also fails to report
that the population in many regions is fluent in more than one language or that a second language serves as the necessary vehicle of commerce,
education, or government. Nor is important information given about the number of speakers of different languages; the fact that there are more
speakers of English in India or Africa than in Australia is not even hinted at by a map at this scale.

146 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

2 Ch

2 a

1b k u
F in n i s h

u c





Tu n g u s Ma
1c Ko r y a k
1b 1d elo 1c
By sian
1e 1c
s 1c 1c


s h


1a ch M o n g o l
K a z a k h
en 18

19 Fr r 2
2 u s
giz l g
1a is e

2 Tur km ek Kir Korean

an 1h en U
Portuguese Tur kis h n 4
ur i

1g dis Japanese
1k h

6 3


r s a T i b eta n
r a 3

A b i P i
i c
be r 1k
er i
B 5
of 9 12
ol 20
ri c

u lani

F ra
ba Fulani 5

Yoru 7 6 Tamil
a m k an
A ba 8 i ti c 12
C ush

B 13
a a 17
Cong G an d 13

hi l

Lu b
S wa


Mbundu ba 13
em 7



Malagasy 14


Hottentot 10


Afrikaans Lu 1b

1b English


Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 147

Figure 5.5 Amerindian language families of North America. As many as 300 different North American and more than 70 Meso-American
tongues were spoken at the time of first European contact. The map summarizes the traditional view that these were grouped into 9 or 10
language families in North America, as many as 5 in Meso-America, and another 10 or so in South America. More recent research, however,
suggests close genetic relationships between Native American tongues, clustering them into just 3 families: Eskimo-Aleut in the extreme north
and Greenland; Na-Dené in Canada and the U.S. Southwest, and Amerind elsewhere in the hemisphere. Because each family has closer affinities
with Asian language groups than with one another, it is suggested that each corresponds to a separate wave of Asian migration to the Americas:
the first giving rise to the Amerind family, the second to the Na-Dené, and the last to the Eskimo-Aleut. Many Amerindian tongues have become
extinct; others are still known only to very small groups of mostly elderly speakers.
Data from various sources, including C. F. and F. M. Voegelin, Map of North American Indian Languages (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1986) and Joseph H.
Greenberg, Languages in the Americas (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987).

148 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

proto-Bantu carried by an expanding, culturally advanced majority population—but by the gradual abandonment of
population that displaced more primitive predecessors their former languages by native populations brought
(Figure 5.6). under the influence and control of the Roman Empire.
Adoption rather than eviction of language was the rule fol-
Language Spread lowed in perhaps the majority of historical and contempo-
Language spread as a geographical event represents the in- rary instances of language spread. Knowledge and use of
crease or relocation through time in the area over which a the language of a dominating culture may be seen as a ne-
language is spoken. The Bantu of Africa or the English- cessity when that language is the medium of commerce,
speaking settlers of North America displaced preexisting law, civilization, and personal prestige. It was on that basis,
populations and replaced as well the languages previously not through numerical superiority, that Indo-European
spoken in the areas of penetration. Therefore, we find one tongues were dispersed throughout Europe and to distant
explanation of the spread of language families to new India, Iran, and Armenia. Likewise, Arabic became wide-
areas of occurrence in massive population relocations spread in western Asia and North Africa not through mas-
such as those accompanying the colonization of the Amer- sive population relocations but through conquest, religious
icas or of Australia. That is, languages may spread be- conversion, and superiority of culture. That is, languages
cause their speakers occupy new territories. may spread because they acquire new speakers.
Latin, however, replaced earlier Celtic languages in Either form of language spread—dispersion of speak-
western Europe not by force of numbers—Roman legion- ers or acquisition of speakers—represents one of the spa-
naires, administrators, and settlers never represented a tial diffusion processes introduced in Chapter 2. Massive

t o t s

Language Families
Afro-Asiatic P y g m i e s
e n


Bantu subfamily
t t



Malayo-Polynesian h
"Bantu Line"
Original boundary of Bushmen- u
Hottentots and Pygmies B
Bantu advance A.D. 1— 1000
Khoisan retreat

Figure 5.6 Bantu advance, Khoisan retreat in Africa. Linguistic evidence suggests that proto-Bantu speakers originated in the region of the
Cameroon-Nigeria border, spread eastward across the southern Sudan, then turned southward to Central Africa. From there they dispersed slowly
eastward, westward, and against slight resistance, southward. The earlier Khoisan-speaking occupants of sub-Saharan Africa were no match against
the advancing metal-using Bantu agriculturalists. Pygmies, adopting a Bantu tongue, retreated deep into the forests; Bushmen and Hottentots
retained their distinctive Khoisan “click” language but were forced out of forests and grasslands into the dry steppes and deserts of the southwest.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 149

population relocation in which culture is transported to
and made dominant in a new territory is a specialized ex-
ample of relocation diffusion. When the advantages of a
new language are discerned and it is adopted by native
speakers of another tongue, a form of expansion diffusion
has occurred along with partial or total acculturation of the
adopting population. Usually, those who are in or aspire
to positions of importance are the first to adopt the new
language of control and prestige. Later, through schooling,
daily contact, and business or social necessity, other,
lower social strata of society may gradually be absorbed
into the expanding pool of language adopters.
Such hierarchical diffusion of an official or prestigious
language has occurred in many societies. In India during
the 19th century, the English established an administra-
tive and judicial system that put a very high premium on
their language as the sole medium of education, adminis-
tration, trade, and commerce. Proficiency in it was the
hallmark of the cultured and educated person (as knowl-
edge of Sanskrit and Persian had been in earlier periods Figure 5.7 In their mountainous homeland, the Basques have
under other conquerors of India). English, French, Dutch, maintained a linguistic uniqueness despite more than 2000 years of
encirclement by dominant lowland speakers of Latin or Romance
Portuguese, and other languages introduced during the ac- languages. This sign of friendly farewell gives its message in both
quisition of empire retain a position of prestige and even Spanish and the Basque language, Euskara.
status as the official language in multilingual societies,
even after independence has been achieved by former
colonial territories. In Uganda and other former British
of languages, many unique to single valleys or villages,
possessions in Africa, a stranger may be addressed in En-
lumped together spatially if not genetically into a separate
glish by one who wishes to display his or her education
Caucasian language family.
and social status, though standard Swahili, a second lan-
guage for many different culture groups, may be chosen if
certainty of communication is more important than pride.
As a diffusion process, language spread may be im-
peded by barriers or promoted by their absence. Cultural
Language Change
barriers may retard or prevent language adoption. Speak- Migration, segregation, and isolation give rise to separate,
ers of Greek resisted centuries of Turkish rule of their mutually unintelligible languages because the society
homeland and the language remained a focus of cultural speaking the parent protolanguage no longer remains uni-
identity under foreign domination. Breton, Catalan, Gaelic tary. Comparable changes occur normally and naturally
and other localized languages of Europe remain symbols within a single language in word meaning, pronunciation,
of ethnic separateness from surrounding dominant na- vocabulary, and syntax (the way words are put together in
tional cultures and controls. phrases and sentences). Because they are gradual, minor,
Physical barriers to language spread have also left and made part of group use and understanding, such
their mark (Figure 5.4). Migrants or invaders follow paths changes tend to go unremarked. Yet, cumulatively, they
of least topographic resistance and disperse most widely can result in language change so great that in the course of
where access is easiest. Once past the barrier of the centuries an essentially new language has been created.
Pamirs and the Hindu Kush mountains, Indo-European The English of 17th-century Shakespearean writings or the
tongues spread rapidly through the Indus and Ganges King James Bible (1611) sounds stilted to our ears. Few of
river lowlands of the Indian subcontinent but made no us can easily read Chaucer’s 14th-century Canterbury
headway in the mountainous northern and eastern border Tales, and 8th-century Beowulf is practically unintelligible.
zones. The Pyrenees Mountains serve as a linguistic bar- Change may be gradual and cumulative, with each
rier separating France and Spain. They also house the generation deviating in small degree from the speech pat-
Basques who speak the only language—Euskara in their terns and vocabulary of its parents, or it may be massive
tongue—in southwestern Europe that survives from pre- and abrupt. English gained about 10,000 new words from
Indo-European times (Figure 5.7). Similarly, the Caucasus the Norman conquerors of the 11th century. In some
Mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas separate 70 years (1558–1625) of literary and linguistic creativity
the Slavic speakers to the north and the areas of Ural- during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I, an estimated
Altaic languages to the south. At the same time, in their 12,000 words—based on borrowings from Latin, Greek,
rugged topography they contain an extraordinary mixture and other languages—were introduced.

150 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Discovery and colonization of new lands and conti- transplanted tongues established its own area of domi-
nents in the 16th and 17th centuries greatly and necessar- nance, but the West Saxon dialect of southern England
ily expanded English as new foods, vegetation, animals, emerged in the 9th and 10th centuries as Standard Old En-
and artifacts were encountered and adopted along with glish (Figure 5.8) on the strength of its literary richness.
their existing aboriginal American, Australian, or African It lost its supremacy after the Norman Conquest of
names. The Indian languages of the Americas alone 1066, as the center of learning and culture shifted northeast-
brought more than 200 relatively common daily words to ward from Winchester to London, and French rather than
English, 80 or more from the North American native English became the language of the nobility and the govern-
tongues and the rest from Caribbean, Central, and South ment. When the tie between France and England was sev-
American. More than two thousand more specialized or ered after the loss of Normandy (1204), French fell into
localized words were also added. Moose, raccoon, skunk, disfavor and English again became the dominant tongue, al-
maize, squash, succotash, igloo, toboggan, hurricane, bliz- though now as the French-enriched Middle English used by
zard, hickory, pecan, and a host of other names were taken Geoffrey Chaucer and mandated as the official language of
directly into English; others were adopted second hand the law courts by the Statute of Pleading (1362). During the
from Spanish variants of South American native words: 15th and 16th centuries English as spoken in London
cigar, potato, chocolate, tomato, tobacco, hammock. More re- emerged as the basic form of Early Modern English.
cently, and within a short span of years, new scientific During the 18th century, attempts to standardize and
and technological developments have enriched and ex- codify the rules of English were unsuccessful. But the Dic-
panded the vocabularies not only of English but of all lan- tionary of Samuel Johnson (published 1755)—based on
guages spoken by modern societies by adding many words cultured language of contemporary London and the exam-
of Greek and Latin derivation. ples of major authors—helped establish norms of proper
form and usage. A worldwide diffusion of the language re-
The Story of English sulted as English colonists carried it as settlers to the
English itself is a product of change, an offspring of proto- Western Hemisphere and Australasia; through merchants,
Germanic (Figure 5.3) descending through the dialects conquest, or territorial claim it established footholds in
brought to England in the 5th and 6th centuries by con- Africa and Asia. In that spatial diffusion, English was fur-
quering Danish and North German Frisians, Jutes, Angles, ther enriched by its contacts with other languages. By be-
and Saxons. Earlier Celtic-speaking inhabitants found coming the accepted language of commerce and science,
refuge in the north and west of Britain and in the rugged it contributed in turn to the common vocabularies of other
uplands of what are now Scotland and Wales. Each of the tongues (see “Language Exchange”).

Figure 5.8 Old English dialect regions. In structure and vocabulary, Old English brought by the Frisians, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes was
purely Germanic, with many similarities to modern German. It owed practically nothing to the Celtic it displaced, though it had borrowings
from Latin. Much of Old English vocabulary was lost after the Norman conquest. English today has twice as many words derived from Latin and
French as from the Germanic.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 151

Language Exchange

E nglish has a happily eclectic vo-

parenthesis all first appeared during shillingi (shilling) to Swahili; but also
cabulary. Its foundations are Anglo- the 1560s. In the 20th century, English der Bestseller, der Kommunikations
Saxon (was, that, eat, cow) reinforced adopted penicillin from Latin, poly- Manager, das Teeshirt and der Babysit-
by Norse (sky, get, bath, husband, styrene from Greek, and sociology and ter to German; and, to Italian, la pop
skill); its superstructure is Norman- television from both. And English’s art, il popcorn and la spray. In some
French (soldier, Parliament, prayer, ornaments come from all round the Spanish-speaking countries you might
beef). The Norman aristocracy used world: slogan and spree from Gaelic, wear un sueter to el beisbol, or witness
their words for the food, but the Saxon hammock and hurricane from un nocaut at el boxeo. And in Russia,
serfs kept theirs for the animals. The Caribbean languages, caviar and kiosk biznesmen prepare a press rilis on the
language’s decor comes from Renais- from Turkish, dinghy and dungarees lep-top kompyuter and print it by laz-
sance and Enlightenment Europe: from Hindi, caravan and candy from erny printer. Indeed, a sort of global
16th-century France yielded etiquette, Persian, mattress and masquerade from English word list can be drawn up:
naive, reprimand and police. Arabic. airport, passport, hotel, telephone; bar,
Italy provided umbrella, duet, Redressing the balance of trade, soda, cigarette; sport, golf, tennis; stop,
bandit and dilettante; Holland gave English is sharply stepping up its lin- OK, and increasingly, weekend, jeans,
cruise, yacht, trigger, landscape, and guistic exports. Not just the necessary know-how, sex-appeal, and no problem.
decoy. Its elaborations come from Latin imotokali (motor car) and izingilazi Excerpted by permission from The Economist,
and Greek: misanthrope, meditate, and (glasses) to Zulu; or motokaa and London, December 20, 1986, p. 131.

Within some 400 years, English has developed from a community. A rich literary tradition may help establish its
localized language of 7 million islanders off the European primacy, and its adoption as the accepted written and spo-
coast to a truly international language with some 375 mil- ken norm in administration, economic life, and education
lion native speakers, perhaps the same number who use it will solidify its position, minimizing linguistic variation
as a second language, and another 750 million who have and working toward the elimination of deviant, nonstan-
reasonable competence in English as a foreign language. dard forms. The dialect that emerges as the basis of a
With roughly 1.5 billion speakers worldwide, English also country’s standard language is often the one identified
serves as an official language of more than 60 countries (Fig- with its capital or center of power at the time of national
ure 5.9), far exceeding in that role French (27), Arabic (21), development. Standard French is based on the dialect of
or Spanish (20), the other leading current international lan- the Paris region, a variant that assumed dominance in the
guages. No other language in history has assumed so impor- latter half of the 12th century and was made the only offi-
tant a role on the world scene. cial language in 1539. Castilian Spanish became the stan-
dard after 1492 with the Castile-led reconquest of Spain
from the Moors and the export of the dialect to the Ameri-
Standard and Variant Languages cas during the 16th century. Its present form, however, is
a modified version associated not with Castile but with
People who speak a common language such as English Madrid, the modern capital of Spain. Standard Russian is
are members of a speech community, but membership identified with the speech patterns of the former capital,
does not necessarily imply linguistic uniformity. A St. Petersburg, and Moscow, the current capital. Modern
speech community usually possesses both a standard Standard Chinese is based on the Mandarin dialect of Bei-
language—comprising the accepted community norms of jing. In England, British Received Pronunciation—“Oxford
syntax, vocabulary, and pronunciation—and a number of English,” the speech of educated people of London and
more or less distinctive dialects reflecting the ordinary southeastern England and used by the British Broadcast-
speech of areal, social, professional, or other subdivisions ing System—is the accepted standard.
of the general population. Other forces than the political may affect language
standardization. In its spoken form, Standard German is
Standard Language based on norms established and accepted in the theater,
A dialect may become the standard language through the universities, public speeches, and radio and television.
identity with the speech of the most prestigious, highest- The Classical or Literary Arabic of the Koran became the
ranking, and most powerful members of the larger speech established norm from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean.

152 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 5.9 International English. In worldwide diffusion and acceptance, English has no past or present rivals. Along with French, it is
one of the two working languages of the United Nations; some two-thirds of all scientific papers are published in it, making it the first language
of scientific discourse, and the accepted language of international air traffic control. English is the sole or joint official language of more nations
and territories, some too small to be shown here, than any other tongue. It also serves as the effective unofficial language of administration in
other multilingual countries with different formal official languages. “English as a second language” is indicated for countries with near-
universal or mandatory English instruction in public schools. The full extent of English penetration of Continental Europe, where over 80% of
secondary school students study it as a second language, is not evident on this map.

Standard Italian was derived from the Florentine dialect of from one another and, to a trained observer, clearly
the 13th and 14th centuries, which became widespread as mark the origin of the speaker. In George Bernard Shaw’s
the language of literature and economy. play Pygmalion, on which the musical My Fair Lady was
In many societies, the official or unofficial standard based, Henry Higgins—a professor of phonetics—is able
language is not the dialect of home or daily life, and popu- to identify the London neighborhood of origin of a flower
lations in effect have two languages. One is their regional girl by listening to her vocabulary and accent. In many
dialect they employ with friends, at home, and in local instances such variants are totally acceptable modifica-
community contacts; the other is the standard language tions of the standard language; in others, they mark the
used in more formal situations. In some cases, the con- speaker as a social, cultural, or regional “outsider” or “in-
trast is great; regional variants of Arabic may be mutually ferior.” Professor Higgins makes a lady out of the unedu-
unintelligible. Most Italians encounter Standard Italian for cated flower girl simply by teaching her upper-class
the first time in primary school. In India, the several to- pronunciation.
tally distinct official regional languages are used in writing Shaw’s play tells us dialects may coexist in space.
and taught in school but have no direct relationship to Cockney and cultured English share the streets of London;
local speech; citizens must be bilingual to communicate black English and Standard American are heard in the
with government officials who know only the regional lan- same school yards throughout the United States. In many
guage but not the local dialect. societies, social dialects denote social class and educa-
tional level. Speakers of higher socioeconomic status or ed-
Dialects ucational achievement are most likely to follow the norms
Just as no two individuals talk exactly the same, all but of their standard language; less-educated or lower-status
the smallest and most closely-knit speech communities persons or groups consciously distinguishing themselves
display recognizable speech variants called dialects. Vo- from the mainstream culture are more likely to use the
cabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, and the speed at which vernacular—nonstandard language or dialect native to the
the language is spoken may set groups of speakers apart locale or adopted by the social group.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 153

Different dialects may be part of the speech patterns
of the same person. Professionals discussing, for example,
medical, legal, financial, or scientific matters with their
peers employ vocabularies and formal modes of address
and sentence structure that are quickly changed to infor-
mal colloquial speech when the conversation shifts to
sports, vacations, or personal anecdotes. Even sex may be
the basis for linguistic differences added to other determi-
nants of social dialects (see “Male and Female Language”).
More commonly, we think of dialects in spatial terms.
Speech is a geographic variable; each locale is apt to have its
own, perhaps slight, language differences from neighboring
places. Such differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, word Figure 5.10 Dialect boundaries. Descriptive words or terms
for common items are frequently employed indicators of dialect
meanings, and other language characteristics tend to accu-
difference. The limit of their areas of use is marked by an isogloss,
mulate with distance from a given starting point. When they such as that shown here for a term describing a coarse sack.
are mapped, they help define the linguistic geography— Usually such boundary lines appear in clusters or bundles;
the study of the character and spatial pattern of dialects and together, they help define the frontier of the dialect under study.
languages—of a generalized speech community. Source: Adapted from Gordon R. Wood, Vocabulary Change: A Study of Variation in
Regional Words in Eight of the Southern States (Carbondale: Southern Illinois
Every dialect feature has a territorial extent. The outer University Press, 1971), Map 81, p. 357. Used by permission of the publisher.
limit of its occurrence is a boundary line called an isogloss
(the term isophone is used if the areal variant is marked by
difference in sound rather than word choice), as shown in Geographic or regional dialects may be recognized
Figure 5.10. Each isogloss is a distinct entity, but taken to- at different scales. On the world scene, for example,
gether isoglosses give clear map evidence of dialect regions British, American, Indian, and Australian English are all
that in their turn may reflect topographic barriers and corri- acknowledged distinctive dialects of the same language.
dors, long-established political borders, or past migration Regionally, in Britain alone, one can recognize Southern
flows and diffusions of word choice and pronunciation. British English, Northern British English, and Scottish

Male and Female Language

S ex differentiation in language

California. Similar consistent sound phrases which the men never use, or
seems to be universal, appearing in changes have been noted elsewhere— they would be laughed to scorn,” one
some more or less prominent form among, for example, the Cham in informant reports.
among all language families. Most of Vietnam, Bengali speakers of India, or Evidence from both English and
the observed differences have to do in the Chukchi language of Siberia. such unrelated languages as Koasati
with vocabulary choice and with gram- Grammatical differences also occur. indicates that, apparently as a rule,
matical devices peculiar to individual Speakers of Kurukh, a Dravidian lan- female speakers use forms considered
cultures, though sociolinguistics—the guage of northern India, construct to be “better” or “more correct” than
study of the relationship between lan- verbs differently depending on who is males of the same social class. They
guage and society—explores a number speaking and who is listening. Male to tend to be more “conservative” and
of ways in which males and females male, male to female, female to fe- less “innovative” in the words and
everywhere obviously or subtly use male, and female to male conversa- phrases they employ. Presumably
language differently. tions all involve possible variants in these and other linguistic sex vari-
They may, for example, pro- verb forms in both singular and plural eties arise because language is a so-
nounce the same words differently or persons and in different tenses. Vo- cial phenomenon closely related to
produce some sounds—either conso- cabularies themselves may differ. social attitudes. The greater and
nants or vowels or both—with consis- Among the Caribs of the Caribbean, more inflexible the difference in the
tent sex-related differences, as do (or the Zulu of Africa, and elsewhere, social roles of men and women in a
did) the Gros Ventre Amerindians of men have words that women through particular culture, the greater and
Montana, the Koasati of southwestern custom or taboo are not permitted to more rigid the linguistic differences
Louisiana, or the Yana speakers in use, and “The women have words and between the sexes.

154 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

English, each containing several more localized variants. developed from that isolation and the passage of time
Italy contains the Gallo-Italian and Venetan dialect groups nearly as many dialects as there are bay settlements, with
of the north, the Tuscan dialects of the center, and a col- each dialect separately differing from Standard English in
lection of southern Italian dialects. Japanese has three accent, vocabulary, sounds, and syntax. Isolation has led
recognized dialect groups. to comparable linguistic variation among the 47,000 in-
Indeed, all long-established speech communities habitants of the 18 Faeroe Islands between Iceland and
show their own structure of geographic dialects whose Scotland; their Faeroese tongue has 10 dialects.
number and diversity tend to increase in areas longest
settled and most fragmented and isolated. For example, Dialects in America
the local speech of Newfoundland—isolated off the At- Mainland North America had a more diversified coloniza-
lantic coast of mainland Canada—retains much of the tion than did Newfoundland, and its more mobile settlers
17th-century flavor of the four West Counties of England mixed and carried linguistic influences away from the
from which the overwhelming majority of its settlers coast into the continental interior. Nonetheless, as early
came. Yet the isolation and lack of cultural mixing of the as the 18th century, three distinctive dialect regions had
islanders have not led to a general Newfoundland “di- emerged along the Atlantic coast of the United States (Fig-
alect”; settlement was coastal and in the form of isolated ure 5.11) and are evident in the linguistic geography of
villages in each of the many bays and indentations. There North America to the present day.

Figure 5.11 Dialect areas of the eastern United States. The Northern dialect and its subdivisions are found in New England and adjacent
Canada (the international boundary has little effect on dialect borders in Anglo America), extending southward to a secondary dialect area centered
on New York City. Midland speech is found along the Atlantic Coast only from central New Jersey southward to central Delaware, but spreads much
more extensively across the interior of the United States and Canada. The Southern dialect dominates the East Coast from Chesapeake Bay south.
Source: Redrawn by permission from Hans Kurath, A Word Geography of the Eastern United States (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1949).

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 155

With the extension of settlement after the Revolu- movements of the southern dialects. The Midland dialect,
tionary War, each of the dialect regions expanded inland. apparently so restricted along the eastern seaboard be-
Speakers of the Northern dialect moved along the Erie came, almost by default, the basic form for much of the
Canal and the Great Lakes. Midland speakers from Penn- interior and West of the United States. It was altered and
sylvania traveled down the Ohio River, and the related enriched there by contact with the Northern and Southern
Upland Southern dialect moved through the mountain dialects, by additions from Native American languages, by
gaps into Kentucky and Tennessee. The Coastal Southern contact with Spanish culture in the Southwest, and by
dialect was less mobile, held to the east by plantation contributions from the great non-English immigrations of
prosperity and the long resistance to displacement ex- the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Naturally, dialect
erted by the Cherokees and the other Civilized Tribes subregions are found in the West, but their boundary
(Figure 5.12). lines—so clear in the eastern interior—become less dis-
Once across the Appalachian barrier, the diffusion tinct from the Plains States to the Pacific.
paths of the Northern dialect were fragmented and The immigrant contributions of the last centuries
blocked by the time they reached the Upper Mississippi. are still continuing and growing. In areas with strong in-
Upland Southern speakers spread out rapidly: northward fusions of recently arrived Hispanic, Asian, and other
into the old Northwest Territory, west into Arkansas and immigrant groups, language mixing tends to accelerate
Missouri, and south into the Gulf Coast states. But the language change as more and different non-English
Civil War and its aftermath halted further major westward words enter the general vocabulary of all Americans. In

Figure 5.12 Speech regions and dialect diffusion in the United States. This generalized map is most accurate for the eastern seaboard
and the easternmost diffusion pathways where most detailed linguistic study has been concentrated. West of the Mississippi River the Midland
dialect becomes dominant, though altered through modifications reflecting intermingling of peoples and speech patterns. Northern speech
characteristics are still clearly evident in the San Francisco Bay area, brought there in the middle of the 19th century by migrants coming by sea
around Cape Horn. Northerners were also prominent among the travelers of the Oregon Trail.
Source: Based on Raven I. McDavid, Jr. “The Dialects of American English,” in W. Nelson Francis, The Structure of American English (New York: Ronald Press, 1958); “Regional
Dialects in the United States,” Webster’s New World Dictionary, 2d College Edition (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980); and Gordon R. Wood, Vocabulary Change
(Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1971), Map 83, p. 358.

156 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

many cases, those infusions create or perpetuate pockets Creole languages have proved useful integrative
of linguistically unassimilated peoples whose urban tools in linguistically diverse areas; several have become
neighborhoods in shops, signage, and common speech symbols of nationhood. Swahili, a pidgin formed from a
bear little resemblance to the majority Anglo communi- number of Bantu dialects, originated in the coastal areas
ties of the larger metropolitan area. Even as immigrant of East Africa and spread by trade during the period of En-
groups learn and adopt English, there is an inevitable re- glish and German colonial rules. When Kenya and Tanza-
tention of familiar words and phrases and, for many, the nia gained independence, they made Swahili the national
unstructured intermixture of old and new tongues into language of administration and education. Other exam-
such hybrids as “espanglish.” ples of creolization are Afrikaans (a pidginized form of
Local dialects and accents do not display predictable 17th-century Dutch used in the Republic of South Africa);
patterns of consistency or change. In ethnically and re- Haitian Creole (the language of Haiti, derived from the
gionally complex United States, for example, mixed con- pidginized French used in the slave trade); and Bazaar
clusions concerning local speech patterns have been Malay (a pidginized form of the Malay language, a version
drawn by researchers examining the linguistic results of of which is the official national language of Indonesia).
an increasingly transient population, immigration from
other countries and cultures, and the pervasive and pre- Lingua Franca
sumed leveling effects of the mass media. The distinct ev- A lingua franca is an established language used habitu-
idence of increasing contrasts between the speech ally for communication by people whose native tongues
patterns and accents of Chicago, New York, Birmingham, are mutually incomprehensible. For them it is a second
St. Louis, and other cities is countered by reports of de- language, one learned in addition to the native tongue.
creasing local dialect pronunciations in such centers as Lingua franca, literally “Frankish tongue,” was named
Dallas and Atlanta that have experienced major influxes from the dialect of France adopted as their common
of Northerners. And other studies find that some regional tongue by the Crusaders assaulting the Muslims of the
accents are fading in small towns and rural areas, pre- Holy Land. Later, it endured as a language of trade and
sumably because mass media standardization is more in- travel in the eastern Mediterranean, useful as a single
fluential than local dialect reinforcement as areal tongue shared in a linguistically diverse region.
populations decline. Between 300 B.C . and A.D. 500, the Mediterranean
world was unified by Common Greek. Later, Latin be-
Pidgins and Creoles came a lingua franca, the language of empire and, until
Language is rarely a total barrier in communication be- replaced by the vernacular European tongues, of the
tween peoples, even those whose native tongues are mu- Church, government, scholarship, and the law. Outside
tually incomprehensible. Bilingualism or multilingualism the European sphere, Aramaic served the role from the
may permit skilled linguists to communicate in a jointly 5th century B.C. to the 4th century A.D. in the Near East
understood third language, but long-term contact between and Egypt; Arabic followed Muslim conquest as the unify-
less able populations may require the creation of new ing language of that international religion after the 7th
language—a pidgin—learned by both parties. century. Mandarin Chinese and Hindi in India both for-
A pidgin is an amalgamation of languages, usually a merly and today have a lingua franca role in their linguis-
simplified form of one, such as English or French, with tically diverse countries. The immense linguistic
borrowings from another, perhaps non-European local diversity of Africa has made regional lingua francas there
language. In its original form, a pidgin is not the mother necessary and inevitable (Figure 5.13).
tongue of any of its speakers; it is a second language for
everyone who uses it, a language generally restricted to Official Languages
such specific functions as commerce, administration, or Governments may designate a single tongue as a coun-
work supervision. For example, such is the variety of lan- try’s official language, the required language of instruc-
guages spoken among the some 270 ethnic groups of the tion in the schools and universities, government business,
Democratic Republic of the Congo that a special tongue the courts, and other official and semiofficial public and
called Lingala, a hybrid of Congolese dialects and French, private activities. In societies in which two or more lan-
was created to permit, among other things, issuance of or- guages are in common use (multilingualism) such an of-
ders to army recruits drawn from all parts of the country. ficial language may serve as the approved national lingua
Pidgins are initially characterized by a highly simpli- franca, guaranteeing communication among all citizens of
fied grammatical structure and a sharply reduced vocabu- differing native tongues. In many immigrant societies,
lary, adequate to express basic ideas but not complex such as the United States, only one of the many spoken
concepts. If a pidgin becomes the first language of a group languages may have implicit or official government sanc-
of speakers—who may have lost their former native tion (see “An Official U.S. Language?”).
tongue through disuse—a creole has evolved. In their de- Nearly every country in linguistically complex sub-
velopment, creoles invariably acquire a more complex Saharan Africa has selected a European language—usually
grammatical structure and enhanced vocabulary. that of their former colonial governors—as an official

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 157

A r
Mandingo i
Ha Mab
M a
Ful Am
Sa Za nd
A70 l a
Equator g a
n S

Kitu l
ba Luba

d u wn ba
U mbun
To em


Figure 5.13 Lingua francas of Africa. The importance and extent of competing lingua francas in sub-Saharan Africa change over time,
reflecting the spread of populations and the relative economic or political stature of speakers of different languages. In many areas, an individual
may employ different lingua francas, depending on activity: dealing with officials, trading in the marketplace, conversing with strangers. Among
the elite in all areas, the preferred lingua franca is apt to be a European language. Throughout northern Africa, Arabic is the usual lingua franca
for all purposes.
Source: Adapted from Bernd Heine, Status and Use of African Lingua Francas (Munich, Germany: Weltforum Verlag; and New York: Humanities Press, 1970).

Geography and Public Policy

given bilingual programs in Spanish, and Michigan 20, including Arabic and
An Official U.S. Chinese, Haitian Creole, Russian, Finnish. And the 1965 federal Voting
Language? Korean, Vietnamese, French, Greek, Rights Act required multilingual bal-
Arabic, and Bengali. In most states, it lots in 375 electoral jurisdictions.
Within recent years in Lowell, Massa-
is possible to get a high-school- These, and innumerable other
chusetts, public school courses have
equivalency diploma without knowing evidences of governmentally sanc-
been offered in Spanish, Khmer, Lao,
English because tests are offered in tioned linguistic diversity, may come
Portuguese, and Vietnamese, and all
French and Spanish. In at least 39 as a surprise to those many Ameri-
messages from schools to parents
states, driving tests have been available cans who assume that English is the
have been translated into five lan-
in foreign languages; California has official language of the United States.
guages. Polyglot New York City has
provided 39 varieties, New York 23, It isn’t; nowhere does the Constitution

158 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

provide for an official language, and and social life of the country, propo- unconstitutional, Arizona’s Supreme
no federal law specifies one. The nents of “English only” use in public Court in 1998 noted it “chills First
country was built by a great diversity education, voting, and state and local Amendment rights.”
of cultural and linguistic immigrants governmental agencies, successfully To counter those judicial re-
who nonetheless shared an eagerness passed Official English laws or con- straints and the possibility of an
to enter mainstream American life. At stitutional amendments in 23 states eventual multilingual, multicultural
the start of the 21st century, a re- during the late 1980s and early United States in which English and,
ported 18% of all U.S. residents speak 1990s. likely, Spanish would have co-equal
a language other than English in the Although the amendments were status and recognition, U.S. English—
home. In California public schools, 1 supported by sizeable majorities of an organization dedicated to the be-
out of 3 students uses a non-English the voting population, resistance to lief that “English is, and ever must
tongue within the family. In Washing- them—and to their political and cul- remain, the only official language of
ton, D.C. schools, students speak 127 tural implications—has been in every the people of the United States”—
languages and dialects, a linguistic di- instance strong and persistent. Eth- actively supports the proposed U.S.
versity duplicated in other major city nic groups, particularly Hispanics, Constitutional amendment first intro-
school systems. who are the largest of the linguistic duced in Congress by former Senator
Nationwide bilingual teaching groups affected, charged that they S. I. Hayakawa in 1981, and resubmit-
began as an offshoot of the civil were evidence of blatant Anglo- ted by him and others in subsequent
rights movement in the 1960s, was centric racism, discriminatory and years. The proposed amendment
encouraged by a Supreme Court repressive in all regards. Some educa- would simply establish English as the
opinion authored by Justice William tors argued persuasively that all evi- official national language but would
O. Douglas, and has been actively dence proved that while immigrant impose no duty on people to learn
promoted by the U.S. Department of children eventually acquire English English and would not infringe on
Education under the Bilingual Educa- proficiency in any event, they do so any right to use other languages.
tion Act of 1974 as an obligation of with less harm to their self-esteem Whether or not these modern at-
local school boards. Its purpose has and subject matter acquisition when tempts to designate an official U.S.
been to teach subject matter to initially taught in their own lan- language eventually succeed, they
minority-language children in the guage. Business people with strong represent a divisive subject of public
language in which they think while minority labor and customer ties and debate affecting all sectors of Ameri-
introducing them to English, with political leaders—often themselves can society.
the hope of achieving English profi- members of ethnic communities or
ciency in two or three years. Disap- with sizable minority constituencies— Questions to Consider:
pointment with the results achieved argued against “discriminatory” lan- 1. Do you think multiple languages and
led to a successful 1998 California guage restrictions. ethnic separatism represent a threat
anti-bilingual education initiative, And historians noted that it had to U.S. cultural unity that can be
Proposition 227, to abolish the pro- all been unsuccessfully tried before. avoided only by viewing English as a
gram. Similar rejection elsewhere The anti-Chinese Workingmen’s Party necessary unifying force? Or do you
has followed California’s lead. in 1870s California led the fight for think making English the official
Opponents of the implications English-only laws in that state. The language might divide its citizens and
of governmentally encouraged multi- influx of immigrants from central damage its legacy of tolerance and
lingual education, bilingual ballots, and southeastern Europe at the turn diversity? Why or why not?
and ethnic separatism argue that a of the century led Congress to make 2. Do you feel that immigrant children
common language is the unifying oral English a requirement for natu- would learn English faster if bilingual
glue of the United States and all ralization, and anti-German senti- classes were reduced and immersion
countries; without that glue, they ment during and after World War I in English was more complete? Or do
fear, the process of “Americaniza- led some states to ban any use of Ger- you think that a slower pace of
tion” and acculturation—the adoption man. The Supreme Court struck down English acquisition is acceptable if
by immigrants of the values, atti- those laws in 1923, ruling that the subject matter comprehension and
tudes, ways of behavior, and speech “protection of the Constitution ex- cultural self-esteem are enhanced?
of the receiving society—will be un- tends to all, to those who speak other Why or why not?
dermined. Convinced that early im- languages as well as to those born 3. Do you think Official English laws
mersion and quick proficiency in with English on their tongue.” Follow- serve to inflame prejudice against
English is the only sure way for mi- ing suit, some of the recent state lan- immigrants or to provide all
nority newcomers to gain necessary guage amendments have also been newcomers with a common standard
access to jobs, higher education, and voided by state or federal courts. In of admission to the country’s political
full integration into the economic ruling its state’s English-only law and cultural mainstream?

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 159

language (Figure 5.14), only rarely designating a native
language or creole as an alternate official tongue. Indeed,
less than 10% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa live
in countries with any indigenous African tongue given of-
ficial status. Nigeria has some 350 clearly different lan-
guages and is dominated by three of them: Hausa, Yoruba,
and Ibo. For no Nigerian is English a native tongue, yet
throughout the country English is the sole language of in-
struction and the sole official language. Effectively, all
Nigerians must learn a foreign language before they can
enter the mainstream of national life. Most Pacific Ocean
countries, including the Philippines (with between 80 and
110 Malayo-Polynesian languages) and Papua New Guinea
(with over 850 distinct Papuan tongues), have a European
language as at least one of their official tongues.
In some countries, multilingualism has official
recognition through designation of more than a single
state language. Canada and Finland, for example, have
two official languages (bilingualism), reflecting rough
equality in numbers or influence of separate linguistic
populations comprising a single country. In a few multi-
lingual countries, more than two official languages have
been designated. Bolivia and Belgium have three official
Figure 5.14 Europe in Africa through official languages. Both
the linguistic complexity of sub-Saharan Africa and the colonial
tongues and Singapore has four. South Africa’s constitu- histories of its present political units are implicit in the designation
tion designates 11 official languages, and India gives offi- of a European language as the sole or joint “official” language of the
cial status to 15 languages at the regional, though not at different countries.
the national, level.
Multilingualism may reflect significant cultural and
smaller language groups in southern and coastal British
spatial divisions within a country. In Canada, the Official
Columbia have a much lower ratio of retention among na-
Languages Act of 1969 accorded French and English
tive speakers.
equal status as official languages of the Parliament and of
government throughout the nation. French-speakers are
concentrated in the Province of Quebec, however, and
constitute a culturally distinct population sharply diver-
gent from the English-speaking majority of other parts of
Language, Territoriality, and Identity
Canada (Figure 5.15). Within sections of Canada, even The designation of more than one official language does
greater linguistic diversity is recognized; the legislature of not always satisfy the ambitions of linguistically distinct
the Northwest Territories, for example, has eight official groups for recognition and autonomy. Language is an in-
languages—six native, plus English and French. separable part of group identity and a defining character-
Few countries remain purely monolingual, with only istic of ethnic and cultural distinction. The view that
a single language of communication for all purposes cultural heritage is rooted in language is well-established
among all citizens, though most are officially so. Past and and found throughout the world, as is the feeling that
recent movements of peoples as colonists, refugees, or mi- losing linguistic identity is the worst and final evidence
grants have assured that most of the world’s countries of discrimination and subjugation. Language has often
contain linguistically mixed populations. been the focus of separatist movements, especially of
Maintenance of native languages among such popula- spatially distinct linguistic groups outside the economic
tions is not assured, of course. Where numbers are small heartlands of the strongly centralized countries to which
or pressures for integration into an economically and so- they are attached.
cially dominant culture are strong, immigrant and aborigi- In Europe, highly centralized France, Spain,
nal (native) linguistic minorities tend to adopt the majority Britain—and Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union before their
or official language for all purposes. On the other hand, dismemberment—experienced such language “revolts”
isolation and relatively large numbers of speakers may and acknowledged, sometimes belatedly, the local con-
serve to preserve native tongues. In Canada, for example, cerns they express. Until 1970, when the ban on teaching
aboriginal languages with large populations of speakers— regional tongues was dropped, the spoken regional lan-
Cree, Ojibwe, and Inuktitut—are well maintained in their guages and dialects of France were ignored and denied
areas of concentration (respectively, northern Quebec, the recognition by the state. Since the late 1970s Spain not
northern prairies, and Nunavut). In contrast, much only has relaxed its earlier total rejection of Basque and

160 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 5.15 Bilingualism and diversity in Canada. The map shows areas of Canada which have a minimum of 5000 inhabitants and
include a minority population identified with an official language.
Source: Commissioner of Official Languages, Government of Canada.

Catalan as regional languages and given state support to particularly, as a buffer against the loss of regional institu-
instruction in them, but also has recognized Catalan as a tions and traditions threatened by a multinational “super-
co-official language in its home region in northeastern state” under the European Union. The Council of Europe,
Spain. In Britain, parliamentary debates concerning a 41-nation organization promoting democracy and human
greater regional autonomy in the United Kingdom have rights, has adopted a charter pledging encouragement of
resulted in bilingual road and informational signs in the use of indigenous languages in schools, the media and
Wales, a publicly supported Welsh-language television public life. That pledge recognizes the enduring reality
channel, and compulsory teaching of Welsh in all schools that of some 500 million people in Eastern and Western
in Wales. Europe (not including immigrants and excluding the for-
In fact, throughout Europe beginning in the 1980s, mer USSR), more than 50 million speak a local language
nonofficial native regional languages have increasingly not that is not the official tongue of their country. The lan-
only been tolerated but encouraged—in Western Europe, guage charter acknowledges that cultural diversity is part

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 161

of Europe’s wealth and heritage and that its retention Holland; settlers’ hometown memories brought Boston,
strengthens, not weakens, the separate states of the conti- New Bern, New Rochelle, and Cardiff from England,
nent and the larger European culture realm as a whole. Switzerland, France, and Wales. Monarchs were remem-
Many other world regions, less permissive than Eu- bered in Virginia for the Virgin Queen Elizabeth, Carolina
rope is becoming, have continuing linguistically-based for one English king, Georgia for another, and Louisiana
conflict. Language has long been a divisive issue in South for a king of France. Washington, D.C.; Jackson, Missis-
Asia, for example, leading to wars in Pakistan and Sri sippi and Michigan; Austin, Texas; and Lincoln, Illinois
Lanka and periodic demands for secession from India by memorialized heroes and leaders. Names given by the
southern states such as Tamil Nadu, where the Dravidian Dutch in New York were often distorted by the English;
Tamil language is defended as an ancient tongue as wor- Breukelyn, Vlissingen, and Haarlem became Brooklyn,
thy of respect as the Indo-European official language, Flushing, and Harlem. French names underwent similar
Hindi. In Russia and several other successor states of the twisting or translation, and Spanish names were adopted,
former USSR (which housed some 200 languages and di- altered, or, later, put into such bilingual combinations as
alects) linguistic diversity forms part of the justification Hermosa Beach. Amerindian tribal names—the Yenrish,
for local separatist movements, as it did in the division of Maha, Kansa—were modified, first by French and later by
Czechoslovakia into Czech- and Slovak-speaking succes- English speakers—to Erie, Omaha, and Kansas. A faddish
sor states and in the violent dismemberment of former “Classical Revival” after the Revolution gave us Troy,
Yugoslavia. Athens, Rome, Sparta, and other ancient town names and
later spread them across the country (see Figure 7.31).
Bethlehem, Ephrata, Nazareth, and Salem came from the
Bible. Names adopted were transported as settlement
Language on the Landscape: Toponymy moved westward across the United States (Figure 5.16).
Place names, whatever their language of origin, fre-
Toponyms—place names—are language on the land, the quently consist of two parts: generic (classifying) and spe-
record of past inhabitants whose namings endure, perhaps cific (modifying or particular). Big River in English is found
corrupted and disguised, as reminders of their existence as Rio Grande in Spanish, Mississippi in Algonquin, and Ta
and their passing. Toponymy is the study of place names, Ho in Chinese. The order of generic and specific, however,
a special interest of linguistic geography. It is also a reveal- may alter between languages and give a clue to the group
ing tool of historical cultural geography, for place names originally bestowing the place name. In English, the spe-
become a part of the cultural landscape that remains long cific usually comes first: Hudson River, Bunker Hill, Long Is-
after the name givers have passed from the scene. land. When, in the United States, we find River Rouge or
In England, for example, place names ending in Isle Royale we also find evidence of French settlement—the
chester (as in Winchester and Manchester) evolved from French reverse the naming order. Some generic names
the Latin castra, meaning “camp.” Common Anglo-Saxon can be used to trace the migration paths across the United
suffixes for tribal and family settlements were ing (people States of the three Eastern dialect groups (Figure 5.11).
or family) and ham (hamlet or, perhaps, meadow) as in Northern dialect settlers tended to carry with them their
Birmingham or Gillingham. Norse and Danish settlers habit of naming a community and calling its later neigh-
contributed place names ending in thwaite (“meadow”) bors by the same name modified by direction—Lansing
and others denoting such landscape features as fell (an un- and East Lansing, for example. Brook is found in the New
cultivated hill) and beck (a small brook). The Celts, pres- England settlement area, run is from the Midland dialect,
ent in Europe for more than 1000 years before Roman bayou and branch are from the Southern area.
times, left their tribal names in corrupted form on territo- European colonists and their descendants gave place
ries and settlements taken over by their successors. The names to a physical landscape already adequately named
Arabs, sweeping out from Arabia across North Africa and by indigenous peoples. Those names were sometimes
into Iberia, left their imprint in place names to mark their adopted, but often shortened, altered, or—certainly—
conquest and control. Cairo means “victorious,” Sudan is mispronounced. The vast territory that local Amerindians
“the land of the blacks,” and Sahara is “wasteland” or called “Mesconsing,” meaning “the long river,” was
“wilderness.” In Spain, a corrupted version of the Arabic recorded by Lewis and Clark as “Quisconsing,” later to be
wadi, “watercourse,” is found in Guadalajara and further distorted into “Wisconsin.” Milwaukee and Win-
Guadalquivir. nipeg, Potomac and Niagara; the names of 27 of the 50
In the New World, not one people but many placed United States; and the present identity of thousands of
names on landscape features and new settlements. In North American places and features, large and small, had
doing so they remembered their homes and homelands, their origin in Native American languages.
honored their monarchs and heroes, borrowed and mis- In the Northwest Territories of Canada, Indian and
pronounced from rivals, followed fads, recalled the Bible, Inuit (Eskimo) place names are returning. The town of
and adopted and distorted Amerindian names. Home- Frobisher Bay has reverted to its Eskimo name Iqaluit
lands were recalled in New England, New France, or New (“place of the fish”); Resolute Bay becomes Kaujuitok

162 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 5.16 Migrant Andover. Place names in a new land tend to be transportable, carried to new locales by migrating town founders.
They are a reminder of the cultural origins and diffusion paths of settlers. Andover, a town name from England, was brought to New England in
1646 and later carried westward.
Source: With kind permission of the American Name Society.

(“place where the sun never rises”) in Inuktitut, the lingua instead of Bombay, Chennai but not Madras, or Thiru-
franca of the Canadian Eskimos; the Jean Marie River re- vananthapuram replacing Trivandrum—demonstrates
turns to Tthedzehk’edeli (“river that flows over clay”), its post-colonial pride. Language may serve as a fundamental
earlier Slavey name. These and other official name evidence of ethnicity and be the fiercely defended symbol
changes reflect the decision of the territory’s Executive of the history and individuality of a distinctive social
Council that community preference will be the standard group. Spanish Americans demand the right of instruction
for all place names, no matter how entrenched might be in their own language, and Basques wage civil war to
European versions. achieve a linguistically based separatism. Indian states
It was a decision that recognized the importance of were adjusted to coincide with language boundaries, and
language as a powerful unifying thread in the culture the Polish National Catholic Church was created in Amer-
complex of peoples. In India, for example, the changing of ica, not Poland, to preserve Polish language and culture in
various long-accepted municipal place names—Mumbai an alien environment.

Patterns of Religion
Religion, like language, is a symbol of group identity and a the 20th and into the 21st century, as Chief Makuei’s words
cultural rallying point. Religious enmity forced the parti- opening this chapter suggest, including confrontations be-
tion of the Indian subcontinent between Muslims and Hin- tween Catholic and Protestant Christian groups in North-
dus after the departure of the British in 1947. French ern Ireland; Muslim sects in Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, and
Catholics and French Huguenots (Protestants) freely Algeria; Muslims and Jews in Palestine; Christians and
slaughtered each other in the name of religion in the 16th Muslims in the Philippines and Lebanon; and Buddhists
century. English Roman Catholics were hounded from and Hindus in Sri Lanka. More peacefully, in the name of
their country after the establishment of the Anglican their beliefs American Amish, Hutterite, Shaker, and other
Church. Religion has continued to be a root cause of many religious communities have isolated themselves from the
local and regional conflicts throughout the world during secular world and pursued their own ways of life.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 163

each carries a distinct conception of the meaning and
Religion and Culture value of this life, and most contain strictures about what
must be done to achieve salvation. These rules become
Unlike language, which is an attribute of all people, reli-
interwoven with the traditions of a culture. For Muslims
gion varies in its cultural role—dominating among some
the observance of the sharia (law) is a necessary part of
societies, unimportant or denied totally in others. All soci-
Islam, submission to Allah (see Figure 5.27). In classical
eties have value systems—common beliefs, understandings,
Judaism, the keeping of the Torah, the Law of Moses, in-
expectations, and controls—that unite their members and
volved ritual and moral rules of holy living. For Hindus,
set them off from other, different culture groups. Such a
the dharma, or teaching, includes the complex laws
value system is termed a religion when it involves sys-
enunciated in the ancient book of Manu. Ethics of con-
tems of formal or informal worship and faith in the sacred
duct and humane relations rather than religious rituals
and divine. Religion may intimately affect all facets of a
are central to the Confucian tradition of China, while the
culture. Religious belief is by definition an element of the
Sikh khalsa, or holy community, is defined by various
ideological subsystem; formalized and organized religion is
rules of observance, such as prohibiting the cutting of
an institutional expression of the sociological subsystem.
one’s hair.
And religious beliefs strongly influence attitudes toward
Economic patterns may be intertwined with past or
the tools and rewards of the technological subsystem.
present religious beliefs. Traditional restrictions on food
Nonreligious value systems can exist—humanism or
and drink may affect the kinds of animals that are raised
Marxism, for example—that are just as binding on the so-
or avoided (Figure 5.17), the crops that are grown, and
cieties that espouse them as are more traditional religious
the importance of those crops in the daily diet. Occupa-
beliefs. Even societies that largely reject religion—that are
tional assignment in the Hindu caste system is in part re-
officially atheistic or secular—are strongly influenced by
ligiously supported. In many countries, there is a state
traditional values and customs set by predecessor reli-
religion—that is, religious and political structures are in-
gions in days of work and rest, for example, or in legal
tertwined. Buddhism, for example, has been the state reli-
gion in Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand. By their official
Since religions are formalized views about the rela-
names, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic
tion of the individual to this world and to the hereafter,

Figure 5.17 Pattern of swine production. Religious prohibition against the consumption of pork, particularly among those of the Jewish
and Muslim faiths, finds spatial expression in the incidence of swine production. Because production figures are national summaries, the map
does not faithfully report small-area distributions of either religious affiliation or animal raising.
Source: J. F. Simoons, Eat Not This Flesh (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1961); United Nations, Food and Agriculture Organization.

164 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Republic of Iran proclaim their identity of religion and their cultural implications and areal arrangements). We
government. Despite Indonesia’s overwhelming Muslim are more interested in religions’ patterns and processes of
majority, that country sought and formerly found domes- diffusion once they have developed, with the spatial distri-
tic harmony by recognizing five official religions and a butions they have achieved, and with the impact of the
state ideology—pancasila—whose first tenet is belief in practices and beliefs of different religious systems on the
one god. landscape. To satisfy at least some of those interests, geog-
The landscape imprint of religions may be both obvi- raphers have found it useful to categorize religions as uni-
ous and subtle. The structures of religious worship—temples, versalizing, ethnic, or tribal (traditional).
churches, mosques, stupas, or cathedrals—landscape sym- Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are the major
bols such as shrines or statues, and such associated land world universalizing religions, faiths that claim applica-
uses as monasteries may give an immediately evident and bility to all humans and that seek to transmit their beliefs
regionally distinctive cultural character to an area. “Land- through missionary work and conversion. Membership in
scapes of death” may also be visible regional variables, for universalizing religions is open to anyone who chooses to
different religions and cultures dispose of their dead in dif- make some sort of symbolic commitment, such as baptism
ferent manners. Cemeteries are significant and reserved in Christianity. No one is excluded because of nationality,
land uses among Christians, Jews, and Muslims who typi- ethnicity, or previous religious belief.
cally bury their deceased with headstones or other markers Ethnic religions have strong territorial and cultural
and monuments to mark graves. Egyptian pyramids or elab- group identification. One becomes a member of an ethnic
orate mausoleums like the Taj Mahal are more grandiose religion by birth or by adoption of a complex life-style and
structures of entombment and remembrance. On the other cultural identity, not by simple declaration of faith. These
hand, Hindus and Buddhists have traditionally cremated religions do not usually proselytize, and their members
their dead and scattered their ashes, leaving no landscape form distinctive closed communities identified with a par-
evidence or imprint. ticular ethnic group or political unit. An ethnic religion—
Some religions may make a subtle cultural stamp on for example, Judaism, Indian Hinduism, or Japanese
the landscape through recognition of sacred places and Shinto—is an integral element of a specific culture; to be
spaces not otherwise built or marked. Grottos, lakes, sin- part of the religion is to be immersed in the totality of the
gle trees or groves, such rivers as the Ganges or Jordan, culture.
or special mountains or hills, such as Mount Ararat or Tribal or traditional religions are special forms of
Mount Fuji are examples that are unique to specific reli- ethnic religions distinguished by their small size, their
gions and express the reciprocal influences of religion unique identity with localized culture groups not yet fully
and environment. absorbed into modern society, and their close ties to na-
ture. Animism is the name given to their belief that life
exists in all objects, from rocks and trees to lakes and
mountains, or that such inanimate objects are the abode
Classification of Religion of the dead, of spirits, and of gods. Shamanism is a form
of tribal religion that involves community acceptance of a
Religions are cultural innovations. They may be unique to
shaman, a religious leader, healer, and worker of magic
a single culture group, closely related to the faiths pro-
who, through special powers, can intercede with and in-
fessed in nearby areas, or derived from or identical to belief
terpret the spirit world.
systems spatially far removed. Although interconnections
and derivations among religions can frequently be
discerned—as Christianity and Islam can trace descent
from Judaism—family groupings are not as useful to us in
classifying religions as they were in studying languages. A
Patterns and Flows
distinction between monotheism, belief in a single deity, The nature of the different classes of religions is reflected
and polytheism, belief in many gods, is frequent, but not in their distributions over the world (Figure 5.18) and in
particularly spatially relevant. Simple territorial categories their number of adherents. Universalizing religions tend
have been offered recognizing origin areas of religions: to be expansionary, carrying their message to new peo-
Western versus Eastern, for example, or African, Far East- ples and areas. Ethnic religions, unless their adherents are
ern, or Indian. With proper detail such distinctions may in- dispersed, tend to be regionally confined or to expand
form us where particular religions had their roots but do only slowly and over long periods. Tribal religions tend to
not reveal their courses of development, paths of diffusion, contract spatially as their adherents are incorporated in-
or current distributions. creasingly into modern society and converted by prosely-
Our geographic interest in the classification of reli- tizing faiths.
gions is different from that of, say, theologians or histori- As we expect in human geography, the map records
ans. We are not so concerned with the beliefs themselves only the latest stage of a constantly changing cultural re-
or with their birthplaces (though both help us understand ality. While established religious institutions tend to be

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 165

Mainly Roman Catholic
Mainly Protestant
Mainly Eastern Orthodox

Chinese faiths
Tribal religions

Figure 5.18 Principal world religions. The assignment of individual countries to a single religion category conceals a growing
intermixture of faiths in European and other western countries that have experienced recent major immigration flows. In some instances, those
influxes are altering the effective, if not the numerical, religious balance. In nominally Christian, Catholic France, for example, low church-
going rates suggest that now more Muslims than practicing Catholics reside there and, considering birth rate differentials, that someday Islam
may be the country’s predominant religion as measured by the number of practicing adherents.

conservative and resistant to change, religion as a culture lived in peaceful coexistence. By contrast, the fundamen-
trait is dynamic. Personal and collective beliefs may alter talist Islamic regime in Iran has persecuted and executed
in response to developing individual and societal needs those of the Baha’i faith.
and challenges. Religions may be imposed by conquest, Data on religious affiliation are not precise. Most na-
adopted by conversion, or be defended and preserved in tions do not have religious censuses, and different reli-
the face of surrounding hostility or indifference. gious groups differently and inconsistently report their
membership. When communism was supreme in the for-
The World Pattern mer Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, offi-
Figure 5.18 (at this scale) cannot present a full picture of cial atheism dissuaded many from openly professing or
religious affiliation or regionalization. Few societies are ho- practicing any religion; in nominally Christian Europe
mogeneous, and most modern ones contain a variety of and North America many who claim to be believers are
different faiths or, at least, variants of the dominant pro- not active church members and others renounce religion
fessed religion. Frequently, members of a particular reli- altogether.
gion show areal concentration within a country. Thus, in More than half of the world’s population probably
urban Northern Ireland, Protestants and Catholics reside adheres to one of the major universalizing religions:
in separate areas whose boundaries are clearly understood Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism. Of these three, Fig-
and respected. The “Green Line” in Beirut, Lebanon, ure 5.18 indicates, Christianity and Islam are most wide-
marked a guarded border between the Christian East and spread; Buddhism is largely an Asian religion. Hinduism,
the Muslim West sides of the city, while within the country the largest ethnic faith, is essentially confined to the In-
as a whole regional concentrations of adherents of differ- dian subcontinent, showing the spatial restriction charac-
ent faiths and sects are clearly recognized (Figure 5.19). teristic of most ethnic and traditional religions even
Religious diversity within countries may reflect the degree when found outside of their homeland area. Small Hindu
of toleration a majority culture affords minority religions. emigrant communities in Africa, southeast Asia, England,
In dominantly (90%) Muslim Indonesia, Christian Bataks, or the United States, for example, tend to remain isolated
Hindu Balinese, and Muslim Javanese for many years even in densely crowded urban areas. Although it is not

166 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

adult population attends its Sunday services. Two-thirds
of the French describe themselves as Catholic, and less
than 5% regularly go to church. Even in devoutly Roman
Catholic South American states, low church attendance
attests to the rise of at least informal secularism. In
Colombia, only 18% of people attend Sunday services; in
Chile, the figure is 12%, in Mexico 11%, and Bolivia 5%.

The Principal Religions

Each of the major religions has its own unique mix of cul-
tural values and expressions, each has had its own pattern
of innovation and spatial diffusion (Figure 5.20), and each
has had its own impact on the cultural landscape. To-
gether they contribute importantly to the worldwide pat-
tern of human diversity.

We begin our review of world faiths with Judaism, whose
belief in a single God laid the foundation for both Chris-
tianity and Islam. Unlike its universalizing offspring, Ju-
daism is closely identified with a single ethnic group and
with a complex and restrictive set of beliefs and laws. It
emerged some 3000 to 4000 years ago in the Near East,
Figure 5.19 Religious regions of Lebanon. Religious one of the ancient culture hearth regions (see Figure 2.15).
territoriality and rivalry contributed to a prolonged period of conflict Early Near Eastern civilizations, including those of Sume-
and animosity in this troubled country.
ria, Babylonia, and Assyria, developed writing, codified
laws, and formalized polytheistic religions featuring rituals
of sacrifice and celebrations of the cycle of seasons.
localized, Judaism is also included among the ethnic reli- Judaism was different. The Israelites’ conviction that
gions because of its identification with a particular people they were a chosen people, bound with God through a
and cultural tradition. covenant of mutual loyalty and guided by complex formal
Extensive areas of the world are peopled by those rules of behavior, set them apart from other peoples of the
who practice tribal or traditional religions, often in con- Near East. Theirs became a distinctively ethnic religion,
cert with the universalizing religions to which they have the determining factors of which are descent from Israel
been outwardly converted. Tribal religions are found prin- (the patriarch Jacob), the Torah (law and scripture), and
cipally among peoples who have not yet been fully ab- the traditions of the culture and the faith. Early military
sorbed into modern cultures and economies or who are on success gave the Jews a sense of territorial and political
the margins of more populous and advanced societies. Al- identity to supplement their religious self-awareness.
though the areas assigned to tribal religions in Figure 5.18 Later conquest by nonbelievers led to their dispersion (di-
are large, the number of adherents is small and declining. aspora) to much of the Mediterranean world and farther
One cannot assume that all people within a mapped east into Asia by A.D. 500 (Figure 5.21).
religious region are adherents of the designated faith, or Alternately tolerated and persecuted in Christian Eu-
that membership in a religious community means active rope, occasionally expelled from countries, and usually, as
participation in its belief system. Secularism, an indif- outsiders of different faith and custom, isolated in special
ference to or rejection of religion and religious belief, is residential quarters (ghettos), Jews retained their faith
an increasing part of many modern societies, particu- and their sense of community even though two separate
larly of the industrialized nations and those now or for- branches of Judaism developed in Europe during the Mid-
merly under communist regimes. The incidence of dle Ages. The Sephardim were originally based in the
secularism in a few Asian communist societies is sug- Iberian Peninsula and expelled from there in the late 15th
gested on Figure 5.18 by letter symbol; its widespread oc- century; with ties to North African and Babylonian Jews,
currence in other, largely Christian, countries should be they retained their native Judeo-Spanish language
understood though it is not mapped. In England, for ex- (Ladino) and culture. Between the 13th and 16th cen-
ample, the state Church of England claims 20% of the turies, the Ashkenazim, seeking refuge from intolerable
British population as communicants, but only 2% of the persecution in western and central Europe, settled in

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 167

Figure 5.20 Innovation areas and diffusion routes of major world religions. The monotheistic (single deity) faiths of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam arose in southwestern Asia, the first two in Palestine in the eastern Mediterranean region and the last in western Arabia
near the Red Sea. Hinduism and Buddhism originated within a confined hearth region in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. Their
rates, extent, and directions of diffusions are suggested here and detailed on later maps.

Poland, Lithuania, and Russia (Figure 5.21). It was from spread of the cultivated citron in the Mediterranean area
eastern Europe that many of the Jewish immigrants to the during Roman times has been traced to Jewish ritual
United States came during the later 19th and early 20th needs; and the religious use of grape wine assured the cul-
centuries, though German-speaking areas of central Eu- tivation of the vine in their areas of settlement. The syna-
rope were also important source regions. gogue as place of worship has tended to be less elaborate
The Ashkenazim constitute perhaps 80% of all Jews than its Christian counterpart. The essential for religious
in the world and differ from the Sephardim in cultural tra- service is a community of at least 10 adult males, not a
ditions (for example, their widespread use of Yiddish until specific structure.
the 20th century) and liturgy. Both groups are present in
roughly equal numbers in Israel. The mass destruction of Christianity
Jews in Europe before and during World War II—the Christianity had its origin in the life and teachings of
Holocaust—drastically reduced their representation Jesus, a Jewish preacher of the 1st century of the modern
among that continent’s total population. era, whom his followers believed was the messiah prom-
The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 was ised by God. The new covenant he preached was not a re-
a fulfillment of the goal of Zionism, the belief in the need jection of traditional Judaism but a promise of salvation to
to create an autonomous Jewish state in Palestine. It all humankind rather than to just a chosen people.
demonstrated a determination that Jews not lose their Christianity’s mission was conversion. As a universal
identity by absorption into alien cultures and societies. religion of salvation and hope, it spread quickly among
The new state represented a reversal of the preceding the underclasses of both the eastern and western parts of
2000-year history of dispersal and relocation diffusion. Is- the Roman Empire, carried to major cities and ports along
rael became largely a country of immigrants, an ancient the excellent system of Roman roads and sea lanes (Fig-
homeland again identified with a distinctive people and ure 5.22). Expansion diffusion followed the establishment
an ethnic religion. of missions and colonies of converts in locations distant
Judaism’s imprint on the cultural landscape has from the hearth region. Important among them were the
been subtle and unobtrusive. The Jewish community re- urban areas that became administrative seats of the new
serves space for the practice of communal burial; the religion. For the Western church, Rome was the principal

168 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

0 miles 400 800
0 km 400 800



Krakow Kiev
Atlantic Prague

Ocean Paris

Venice Kaffa (Theodosia)

Marseilles Black Sea



Lisbon Toledo

to Algiers Tripoli
Brazil Me
di t e
ea n
S ea
A.D. 70 – 1000
A.D. 1000 – 1500

Extent of Roman

Empire A.D. 200


Map shows present-day

country boundaries

Figure 5.21 Jewish dispersions, A.D. 70–1500. A revolt against Roman rule in A.D. 66 was followed by the destruction of the Jewish
Temple four years later and an imperial decision to Romanize the city of Jerusalem. Judaism spread from the hearth region by relocation
diffusion, carried by its adherents dispersing from their homeland to Europe, Africa, and eventually in great numbers to the Western
Hemisphere. Although Jews established themselves and their religion in new lands, they did not lose their sense of cultural identity and did not
seek to attract converts to their faith.

center for dispersal, through hierarchical diffusion, to one of the very few stabilizing and civilizing forces uniting
provincial capitals and smaller Roman settlements of Eu- western Europe during the Dark Ages. Its bishops became
rope. From those nodes and from monasteries established the civil as well as ecclesiastical authorities over vast
in pagan rural areas, contagious diffusion disseminated areas devoid of other effective government. Parish
Christianity throughout the continent. The acceptance of churches were the focus of rural and urban life, and the
Christianity as the state religion of the empire by the Em- cathedrals replaced Roman monuments and temples as
peror Constantine in A.D. 313 was also an expression of hi- the symbols of the social order (Figure 5.23). Everywhere,
erarchical diffusion of great importance in establishing the the Roman Catholic Church and its ecclesiastical hierar-
faith throughout the full extent of the Roman world. Fi- chy were dominant.
nally, and much later, relocation diffusion brought the faith Secular imperial control endured in the eastern em-
to the New World with European settlers (Figure 5.18). pire, whose capital was Constantinople. Thriving under its
The dissolution of the Roman Empire into a western protection, the Eastern Church expanded into the
and an eastern half after the fall of Rome also divided Balkans, eastern Europe, Russia, and the Near East. The
Christianity. The Western Church, based in Rome, was fall of the eastern empire to the Turks in the 15th century

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 169

0 miles 400 800
0 km 400 800




Atlantic Paris


Blac Sea

Rome Constantinople

Northern Toledo
limit of
Islam ca. Algiers
A.D. 1050 M ed i
t e r ra n ea n S ea

Diffusion direction
Area Christianized:
to A.D. 600
A.D. 600 – 800 Re
A.D. 800 – 1100
A.D. 1100 – 1300
A.D. 1300 – 1500

Map shows present-day country boundaries

Figure 5.22 Diffusion paths of Christianity, A.D. 100–1500. Routes and dates are for Christianity as a composite faith. No distinction is
made between the Western church and the various subdivisions of the Eastern Orthodox denominations.

opened eastern Europe temporarily to Islam, though the the Christian faith. Although accounting for nearly one-
Eastern Orthodox Church (the direct descendant of the third of the world’s population and territorially the most
Byzantine state church) remains, in its various ethnic extensive belief system, Christianity is no longer numeri-
branches, a major component of Christianity. cally important in or near its original hearth. Nor is it any
The Protestant Reformation of the 15th and 16th longer dominated by Northern Hemisphere adherents. In
centuries split the church in the west, leaving Roman 1900, two-thirds of all Christians lived in Europe and North
Catholicism supreme in southern Europe but installing a America; in 2000, two-thirds of an estimated 2 billion total
variety of Protestant denominations and national lived elsewhere—in South America, Africa, and Asia.
churches in western and northern Europe. The split was
reflected in the subsequent worldwide dispersion of Chris- Regions and Landscapes of Christianity
tianity. Catholic Spain and Portugal colonized Latin Amer- All of the principal world religions have experienced theo-
ica, taking both their languages and the Roman church to logical, doctrinal, or political divisions; frequently these
that area (Figure 5.20), as they did to colonial outposts in have spatial expression. In Christianity, the early split be-
the Philippines, India, and Africa. Catholic France colo- tween the Western and Eastern Churches was initially un-
nized Quebec in North America. Protestants, many of related to dogma but nonetheless resulted in a territorial
them fleeing Catholic or repressive Protestant state separation still evident on the world map. The later subdi-
churches, were primary early settlers of Anglo America, vision of the Western Church into Roman Catholic and
Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, and South Africa. Protestant branches gave a more intricate spatial pattern-
In Africa and Asia, both Protestant and Catholic mis- ing in western Europe that can only be generally suggested
sions attempted to convert nonbelievers. Both achieved at the scale of Figure 5.18. Still more intermixed are the
success in sub-Saharan Africa, though traditional religions areal segregations and concentrations that have resulted
are shown on Figure 5.18 as dominant through much of from the denominational subdivisions of Protestantism.
that area. Neither was particularly successful in China, In Anglo America, the beliefs and practices of vari-
Japan, or India, where strong ethnic religious cultural sys- ous immigrant groups and the innovations of domestic
tems were barriers largely impermeable to the diffusion of congregations have created a particularly varied spatial

170 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 5.23 The building of Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris, France, begun in 1163, took more than 100 years to complete. Perhaps the best
known of the French Gothic churches, it was part of the great period of cathedral construction in Western Europe during the late 12th and the
13th centuries. Between 1170 and 1270, some 80 cathedrals were constructed in France alone. The cathedrals were located in the center of major
cities; their plazas were the sites of markets, public meetings, morality plays, and religious ceremonies. They were the focus of public and private
life and the symbol not only of the faith but of the pride and prosperity of the towns and regions that erected them.

patterning (Figure 5.24), though intermingling rather than distinctive composite regions. The zone of cultural mix-
rigid territorial division is characteristic of the North ing across the center of the country from the Middle At-
American, particularly United States, scene (Figure 5.1). lantic states to the western LDS region—so evident in
While 85% of Canadian Christians belong to one of three the linguistic geography of the United States (Fig-
denominations (Roman Catholic, Anglican, or United ure 5.12)—is again apparent on both maps. No single
Church of Canada), it takes at least 20 denominations to church or denomination dominates, a characteristic as
account for 85% of Americans. Nevertheless, for the well of the Far Western zone.
United States, one observer has suggested a pattern of “re- Indeed, in no large section of the United States is
ligious regions” of the country (Figure 5.25a) that, he be- there a denominational dominance to equal the over-
lieves, reflects a larger cultural regionalization of the whelming (over 88%) Roman Catholic presence in Quebec
United States. The extent of the underlying areal concen- suggested, on Figure 5.24b, by the absence of any “second
tration and domination of at least two U.S. Protestant de- rank” religious affiliation. The “leading” position of the
nominations is demonstrated in Figure 5.25b. United Church of Canada in the Canadian West or of the
Strongly French-, Irish-, and Portuguese-Catholic Anglican Church in the Atlantic region of Newfoundland
New England, the Hispanic-Catholic Southwest, and the is much less commanding. Much of interior Canada shows
French-Catholic vicinity of New Orleans (evident on a degree of cultural mixing and religious diversity only
both Figure 5.24a and 5.25a) are commonly recognized hinted at by Figure 5.24b, where only the largest church
regional subdivisions of the United States. Each has a memberships are noted.
cultural identity that includes, but is not limited to, its The mark of Christianity on the cultural landscape has
dominant religion. The western area of Mormon (more been prominent and enduring. In pre-Reformation Catholic
properly, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Europe, the parish church formed the center of life for small
LDS) cultural and religious dominance is prominent and neighborhoods of every town, and the village church was
purely American. The Baptist presence in the South and the centerpiece of every rural community. In York, En-
that of the Lutherans in the Upper Midwest (Fig- gland, with a population of 11,000 in the 14th century, there
ure 5.25b) help determine the boundaries of other were 45 parish churches, one for each 250 inhabitants. In

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 171



Figure 5.24 (a) Religious affiliation in the conterminous United States. (b) Religious affiliation in Canada. The richness of Canadian
religious diversity is obscured by the numerical dominance of a small number of leading Christian denominations.
Sources: (a) Redrawn with permission from “Christian Denominations in the Conterminous United States.” In Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World, ed. Isma’il R. al-Faruqi
and David E. Sopher (New York: Macmillan, 1974); (b) Based on Statistics Canada, Population: Religion (Ottawa, 1984); and The National Atlas of Canada.

172 Patterns of Diversity and Unity



Figure 5.25 (a) Major religious regions of the United States. (b) Regional concentration of Baptists and Lutherans.
Sources: (a) Redrawn with permission from Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Wilbur Zelinsky, vol. 51, Association of American Geographers, 1961; (b) Based
on original maps prepared by Ingolf Vogeler, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
addition, the central cathedral served simultaneously as a tails of doctrine but also instructions on the conduct of
glorification of God, a symbol of piety, and the focus of reli- human affairs. For fundamentalists, it thus becomes the
gious and secular life. The Spanish Laws of the Indies (1573) unquestioned guide to matters both religious and secular.
perpetuated that landscape dominance in the New World, Observance of the “five pillars” (Figure 5.27) and surren-
decreeing that all Spanish American settlements should der to the will of Allah unites the faithful into a brother-
have a church or cathedral on a central plaza (Figure 5.26a). hood that has no concern with race, color, or caste.
Protestantism placed less importance on the church as That law of brotherhood served to unify an Arab
a monument and symbol, although in many communities— world sorely divided by tribes, social ranks, and multiple
in colonial New England, for example—the churches of the local deities. Mohammed was a resident of Mecca but fled
principal denominations were at the village center (Fig- in A.D. 622 to Medina, where the Prophet proclaimed a
ure 5.26b). They were often adjoined by a cemetery, for constitution and announced the universal mission of the
Christians—in common with Muslims and Jews—practice Islamic community. That flight—Hegira—marks the start-
burial in areas reserved for the dead. In Christian countries ing point of the Islamic (lunar) calendar. By the time of
in particular, the cemetery—whether connected to the Mohammed’s death in 11 A.H. (anno—the year of—Hegira,
church, separate from it, or unrelated to a specific denomi- or A.D. 632), all of Arabia had joined Islam. The new reli-
nation—has traditionally been a significant land use within gion swept quickly by expansion diffusion outward from
urban areas. Frequently, the separate cemetery, originally that source region over most of Central Asia and, at the
on the outskirts of the community, becomes with urban ex- expense of Hinduism, into northern India (Figure 5.28).
pansion a more central land use and often one that distorts The advance westward was particularly rapid and
or blocks the growth of the city. inclusive in North Africa. In western Europe, 700 years
of Muslim rule in much of Spain were ended by Chris-
Islam tian reconquest in 1492. In eastern Europe, conversions
Islam—the word means “submission” (to the will of made under an expansionary Ottoman Empire are re-
God)—springs from the same Judaic roots as Christianity flected in Muslim components in Bosnia and Kosovo re-
and embodies many of the same beliefs: There is only one gions of former Yugoslavia, in Bulgaria, and in the 70%
God, who may be revealed to humans through prophets; Muslim population of Albania. Later, by relocation diffu-
Adam was the first human; Abraham was one of his de- sion, Islam was dispersed into Indonesia, southern
scendants. Mohammed is revered as the prophet of Allah Africa, and the Western Hemisphere. Muslims now form
(God), succeeding and completing the work of earlier the majority population in 39 countries.
prophets of Judaism and Christianity, including Moses, Asia has the largest absolute number and Africa the
David, and Jesus. The Koran, the word of Allah revealed highest proportion of Muslims among its population—more
to Mohammed, contains not only rules of worship and de- than 42%. Islam, with an estimated 1.25 billion adherents


0 varas 200

(a) (b)

Figure 5.26 In Christian societies the church assumes a prominent central position in the cultural landscape. (a) By royal decree, Spanish
planned settlements in the New World were to focus on cathedral and plaza centered within a gridiron street system. On average, 1 vara equals
about 84 centimeters (33 inches). (b) Individually less imposing than the central cathedral of Catholic areas, the several Protestant churches
common in small and large Anglo American towns collectively constitute an important land use, frequently seeking or claiming space in the
center of the community. The distinctive New England spired church became a model for Protestant edifices elsewhere in the United States and
a symbol of religion in national life.

174 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 5.27 Worshipers gathered during hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. The black structure is the Ka’bab, the symbol of God’s
oneness and of the unity of God and humans. Many rules concerning daily life are given in the Koran, the holy book of the Muslims. All Muslims
are expected to observe the five pillars of the faith (1) repeated saying of the basic creed; (2) prayers five times daily, facing Mecca; (3) a month
of daytime fasting (Ramadan); (4) almsgiving; and (5) if possible; a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Aral Alma
Sea Ata
Black Sea Caspain

erra Damascus
Casablanca Tripoli nean Sea
Tehran Kabul

Dacca Pacific




Islands Kuala
Equator Indian Ocean

Atlantic Muslim Numerical

Ocean Sunni Islam majority
Shia Islam majority

Figure 5.28 Spread and extent of Islam. Islam predominates in over 35 countries along a band across northern Africa to Central Asia,
northwestern China, and the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. Still farther east, Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any
country. Islam’s greatest development is in Asia, where it is second only to Hinduism, and in Africa, where some observers suggest it may be the
leading faith. Current Islamic expansion is particularly rapid in the Southern Hemisphere.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 175

worldwide, is the fastest-growing major religion at the pres- descendants. At the start of the 21st century, Sunnis con-
ent time and a prominent element in recent and current po- stitute the majority of Muslims in all countries except
litical affairs. Sectarian hatreds fueled the 1980–1988 war Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, and perhaps Yemen.
between Iran and Iraq; Afghan mujahedeen—“holy The mosque—place of worship, community club
warriors”—found inspiration in their faith to resist Soviet oc- house, meeting hall, and school—is the focal point of Is-
cupation of their country, and Chechens drew strength from lamic communal life and the primary imprint of the religion
their faith in resisting the Russian assaults on their Cau- on the cultural landscape. Its principal purpose is to accom-
casian homeland during the 1990s and after. Islamic funda- modate the Friday communal service mandatory for all
mentalism led to the 1979 overthrow of Iran’s shah. Muslim male Muslims. It is the congregation rather than the struc-
separatism is a recurring theme in Philippine affairs, and ture that is important. Small or poor communities are as
militant groups seek establishment of religiously rather than well served by a bare whitewashed room as are larger cities
secularly based governments in several Muslim states. by architecturally splendid mosques with domes and
Islam initially united a series of separate tribes and minarets. The earliest mosques were modeled on or con-
groups, but disagreements over the succession of leader- verted from Christian churches. With time, however, Mus-
ship after the Prophet led to a division between two lim architects united Roman, Byzantine, and Indian design
groups, Sunnis and Shi’ites. Sunnis, the majority (80% to elements to produce the distinctive mosque architecture
85% of Muslims) recognize the first four caliphs (origi- found throughout the world of Islam. With its perfectly pro-
nally, “successor” and later the title of the religious and portioned, frequently gilded or tiled domes, its graceful,
civil head of the Muslim state) as Mohammed’s rightful soaring towers and minarets (from which the faithful are
successors. The Shi’ites reject the legitimacy of the first called to prayer), and its delicately wrought parapets and
three and believe that Muslim leadership rightly belonged cupolas, the carefully tended mosque is frequently the most
to the fourth caliph, the Prophet’s son-in-law, Ali, and his elaborate and imposing structure of the town (Figure 5.29).

Figure 5.29 The common architectural features of the mosque make it an unmistakable landscape evidence of the presence of Islam in any
local culture. The Badashi Mosque in Lahore, Pakistan, would not be out of place architecturally in Muslim Malaysia or Indonesia.

176 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Hinduism untouchables for whom the most menial and distasteful
Hinduism is the world’s oldest major religion. Though it tasks were reserved and backwoods tribes—together ac-
has no datable founding event or initial prophet, some evi- counting for around one-fifth of India’s population—stand
dence traces its origin back 4000 or more years. Hinduism outside the caste system. The castes are subdivided into
is not just a religion but an intricate web of religious, thousands of jati groups defined by geography and occupa-
philosophical, social, economic, and artistic elements tion. Caste rules define who you can mingle with, where
comprising a distinctive Indian civilization. Its estimated you can live, what you may wear, eat, and drink, and how
780 million adherents are largely confined to India, where you can earn your livelihood.
it claims 80% of the population. The practice of Hinduism is rich with rites and cere-
Hinduism derives its name from its cradle area in monies, festivals and feasts, processions and ritual gather-
the valley of the Indus River. From that district of present- ings of literally millions of celebrants. It involves careful
day Pakistan, it spread by contagious diffusion eastward observance of food and marriage rules and the perfor-
down the Ganges River and southward throughout the mance of duties within the framework of the caste sys-
subcontinent and adjacent regions by amalgamating, ab- tem. Pilgrimages to holy rivers and sacred places are
sorbing, and eventually supplanting earlier native reli- thought to secure deliverance from sin or pollution and to
gions and customs (Figure 5.20). Its practice eventually preserve religious worth (Figure 5.30). In what is perhaps
spread throughout southeastern Asia, into Indonesia, the largest periodic gathering of humans in the world, mil-
Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, as well lions of Hindus of all castes, classes, and sects gather
as into neighboring Myanmar (Burma) and Sri Lanka. The about once in 12 years for ritual washing away of sins in
largest Hindu temple complex is in Cambodia, not India, the Ganges River near Allahabad. Worship in the temples
and Bali remains a Hindu pocket in dominantly Islamic and shrines that are found in every village and the leaving
Indonesia. of offerings to secure merit from the gods are required
No common creed, single doctrine, or central ecclesi- (see “Religion in Nanpur”). The doctrine of ahimsa—also
astical organization defines the Hindu. A Hindu is one born fundamental in Buddhism—instructs Hindus to refrain
into a caste, a member of a complex social and economic— from harming any living being.
as well as religious—community. Hinduism accepts and in- Temples and shrines are everywhere; their construc-
corporates all forms of belief; adherents may believe in one tion brings merit to their owners—the villages or individu-
god or many or none. It emphasizes the divinity of the soul als who paid for them. Temples must be erected on a site
and is based on the concepts of reincarnation and passage that is beautiful and auspicious, in the neighborhood of
from one state of existence to another in an unending cycle water since the gods will not come to other locations.
of birth and death in which all living things are caught. Within them, innumerable icons of gods in various forms
One’s position in this life is determined by one’s karma, or are enshrined, the objects of veneration, gifts, and daily
deeds and conduct in previous lives. Upon that conduct de- care. All temples have a circular spire as a reminder that
pends the condition and the being—plant, animal, or the sky is the real dwelling place of the god who temporar-
human—into which a soul, after a stay in heaven or hell, is ily resides within the temple (Figure 5.31). The temples,
reborn. All creatures are ranked, with humans at the top of shrines, daily rituals and worship, numerous specially
the ladder. But humans themselves are ranked, and the so- garbed or marked holy men and ascetics, and the ever-
cial caste into which an individual is born is an indication present sacred animals mark the cultural landscape of
of that person’s spiritual status. The goal of existence is to Hindu societies—a landscape infused with religious sym-
move up the hierarchy, eventually to be liberated from the bols and sights that are part of a total cultural experience.
cycle of rebirth and redeath and to achieve salvation and
eternal peace through union with the Brahman, the univer- Buddhism
sal soul. Numerous reform movements have derived from Hin-
The caste (meaning “birth”) structure of society is an duism over the centuries, some of which have endured to
expression of the eternal transmigration of souls. For the the present day as major religions on a regional or world
Hindu, the primary aim of this life is to conform to pre- scale. Jainism, begun in the 6th century B.C. as a revolt
scribed social and ritual duties and to the rules of conduct against the authority of the early Hindu doctrines, rejects
for the assigned caste and profession. Those requirements caste distinctions and modifies concepts of karma and
comprise that individual’s dharma—law and duties. To vi- transmigration of souls; it counts perhaps 4 million adher-
olate them upsets the balance of society and nature and ents. Sikhism developed in the Punjab area of northwest-
yields undesirable consequences. To observe them im- ern India in the late 15th century A . D ., rejecting the
proves the chance of promotion at the next rebirth. Tradi- formalism of both Hinduism and Islam and proclaiming a
tionally, each craft or profession is the property of a gospel of universal toleration. The great majority of some
particular caste: brahmins (scholar-priests), kshatriyas 20 million Sikhs still live in India, mostly in the Punjab,
(warrior-landowners), vaishyas (businessmen, farmers, though others have settled in Malaysia, Singapore, East
herdsmen), sudras (servants and laborers). Harijans, Africa, the United Kingdom, and North America.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 177

Figure 5.30 Pilgrims at dawn worship in the Ganges River at Varanasi (Banares), India, one of the seven most sacred Hindu cities and the
reputed earthly capital of Siva, Hindu god of destruction and regeneration. Hindus believe that to die in Varanasi means release from the cycle of
rebirth and permits entrance into heaven.

Religion in Nanpur

T he villagers of Nanpur are Hin-

are presented. It is believed that the palanquin [a chair with carrying-
dus. They are religious. They believe deity rides them during the night and poles] around the village accompa-
in God and his many incarnations. goes from place to place guarding the nied by musicians. . . .
For them He is everywhere, in a village. . . . In the old days Mahlia The women in Nanpur worship
man, in a tree, in a stone. According Buddha had a special power to cure Satyapir, a Hindu-Muslim god, to bless
to . . . the village Brahmin, God is smallpox and cholera. Now, although them with sons. “Satyka” is the Hindu
light and energy, like the electric modern medicines have brought the part meaning “truth,” and “pir” in
current. To him there is no differ- epidemics under control, the power of Islam means “prophet.” It was a delib-
ence between the gods of the Hindus, the deity has not diminished. People erate attempt to bring the two com-
Muslims and Christians. Only the believe in him and worship him for munities together through religion.
names are different. everything, even for modern medi- There is a large Muslim settlement
Every village has a local deity. cines to be effective. three kilometers from Nanpur and in
In Nanpur it is a piece of stone . . . Religious festivals provide en- a village on the other side of the river
called Mahlia Buddha. He sits under tertainment. There is one almost a single Muslim family lives sur-
the ancient varuna tree protecting the every month. The most enjoyable is rounded by Brahmins. In spite of
village. Kanhai Barik, the village bar- the Spring festival of Holi when peo- Hindu-Muslim tensions in other parts
ber, is the attendant to the deity. Kan- ple throw colored powder and water of India, the atmosphere around the
hai, before starting his daily work, on each other as an expression of village has remained peaceful.
washes the deity, decorates it with ver- love. As the cuckoo sings, hidden
milion and flowers and offers food among the mango blossoms, the vil- Source: Reprinted from the UNESCO Courier, June
given by the villagers. Clay animals lagers carry Gopinath (Krishna) in a 1983, Prafulla Mohanti.

178 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 5.31 The Hindu temple complex at Khajraho in central India. The creation of temples and the images they house has been a
principal outlet of Indian artistry for more than 3000 years. At the village level, the structure may be simple, containing only the windowless
central cell housing the divine image, a surmounting spire, and the temple porch or stoop to protect the doorway of the cell. The great temples,
of immense size, are ornate extensions of the same basic design.

The largest and most influential of the dissident dominance in northern India was broken by conversions
movements has been Buddhism, a universalizing faith to Islam; by the 15th century, it had essentially disap-
founded in the 6th century B . C . in northern India by peared from all of the subcontinent.
Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (Enlightened One). The Present-day spatial patterns of Buddhist adherence re-
Buddha’s teachings were more a moral philosophy that of- flect the schools of thought, or vehicles, that were dominant
fered an explanation for evil and human suffering than a during different periods of dispersion of the basic belief sys-
formal religion. He viewed the road to enlightenment and tem (Figure 5.32). Earliest, most conservative, and closest
salvation to lie in understanding the “four noble truths”: to the origins of Buddhism was Theravada (Vehicle of the
existence involves suffering; suffering is the result of de- Elders) Buddhism, which was implanted in Sri Lanka and
sire; pain ceases when desire is destroyed; the destruction Southeast Asia beginning in the 3rd century B.C. Its empha-
of desire comes through knowledge of correct behavior sis is on personal salvation through the four noble truths; it
and correct thoughts. In Buddhism, which retains the mandates a portion of life to be spent as monk or nun.
Hindu concept of karma, the ultimate objectives of exis- Mahayana (Greater Vehicle) was the dominant tradi-
tence are the achievement of nirvana, a condition of per- tion when Buddhism was accepted into East Asia—China,
fect enlightenment, and cessation of successive rebirths. Korea, and Japan—in the 4th century A.D. and later. Itself
The Buddha instructed his followers to carry his message subdivided and diversified, Mahayana Buddhism considers
as missionaries of a doctrine open to all castes, for no dis- the Buddha divine and, along with other deities, a savior
tinction among people was recognized. In that message all for all who are truly devout. It emphasizes meditation
could aspire to ultimate enlightenment, a promise of sal- (contemplative Zen Buddhism is a variant form), does not
vation that raised the Buddha in popular imagination from require service in monasteries, and tends to be more poly-
teacher to savior and Buddhism from philosophy to uni- theistic and ritualistic than does Theravada Buddhism.
versalizing religion. Vajrayana (the Diamond Vehicle) was dominant when
Contact or contagious diffusion spread the belief sys- the conversion of Tibet and neighboring northern areas
tem throughout India, where it was made the state reli- began, first in the 7th century and again during the 10th and
gion in the 3rd century B.C. It was carried elsewhere into 11th centuries as a revived Lamaist tradition. That tradition
Asia by missionaries, monks, and merchants. While ex- originally stressed self-discipline and conversion through
panding abroad, Buddhism began to decline at home as meditation and the study of philosophy, but it later became
early as the 4th century A.D., slowly but irreversibly reab- more formally monastic and ritualistic, elevating the Dalai
sorbed into a revived Hinduism. By the 8th century its Lama as the reincarnated Buddha, who became both

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 179

Figure 5.32 Diffusion paths, times, and “vehicles” of Buddhism.

spiritual and temporal ruler. Before Chinese conquest and and privileges of the monasteries. In those states monks
the flight of the Dalai Lama in 1959, as many as one out of were no longer prominent in numbers or presence; Bud-
four or five Tibetan males was a monk whose celibacy dhist religious buildings were taken over by governments
helped keep population numbers stable. Tibetan Buddhism and converted into museums or other secular uses, aban-
was further dispersed, beginning in the 14th century, to doned, or destroyed. In consequence, the number of ad-
Mongolia, northern China, and parts of southern Russia. herents of Buddhism can now be only roughly and
In all of its many variants, Buddhism imprints its uncertainly estimated.
presence vividly on the cultural landscape. Buddha images
in stylized human form began to appear in the first cen- East Asian Ethnic Religions
tury A . D . and are common in painting and sculpture When Buddhism reached China from the south some 1500
throughout the Buddhist world. Equally widespread are the to 2000 years ago and was carried to Japan from Korea in
three main types of buildings and monuments: the stupa, a the 7th century, it encountered and later amalgamated with
commemorative shrine; the temple or pagoda enshrining already well established ethical belief systems. The Far
an image or relic of the Buddha; and the monastery, some Eastern ethnic religions are syncretisms, combinations of
of them the size of small cities (Figure 5.33). Common, too, different forms of belief and practice. In China the union
is the bodhi (or bo) tree, a fig tree of great size and was with Confucianism and Taoism, themselves becoming
longevity. Buddha is said to have received enlightenment intermingled by the time of Buddhism’s arrival. In Japan it
seated under one of them at Bodh Gaya, India, and speci- was with Shinto, a polytheistic animism and shamanism.
mens have been planted and tended as an act of reverence Chinese belief systems address not so much the here-
and symbol of the faith throughout Buddhist Asia. after as the achievement of the best possible way of life in
Buddhism has suffered greatly in Asian lands that the present existence. They are more ethical or philosoph-
came under communist control: Inner and Outer Mongo- ical than religious in the pure sense. Confucius (K’ung Fu-
lia, Tibet, North Korea, China, and parts of Southeast Asia. tzu), a compiler of traditional wisdom who lived about the
Communist governments abolished the traditional rights same time as Gautama Buddha, emphasized the importance

180 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 5.33 The golden stupas of the Swedagon pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar (Rangoon, Burma).

of proper conduct—between ruler and subjects and between nirvana achievable in this life, was easily accepted as a com-
family members. The family was extolled as the nucleus of panion to these traditional Chinese belief systems. Along
the state, and filial piety was the loftiest of virtues. There with Confucianism and Taoism, Buddhism became one of
are no churches or clergy in Confucianism, though its the honored Three Teachings, and to the average person
founder believed in a Heaven seen in naturalistic terms, there was no distinction in meaning or importance between
and the Chinese custom of ancestor worship as a mark of a Confucian temple, Taoist shrine, or Buddhist stupa.
gratitude and respect was encouraged. After his death the Buddhism also joined and influenced Japanese
custom was expanded to include worship of Confucius him- Shinto, the traditional religion of Japan that developed out
self in temples erected for that purpose. That worship be- of nature and ancestor worship. Shinto—The Way of the
came the official state religion in the 2nd century B.C., and Gods—is basically a structure of customs and rituals rather
for some 2000 years—until the start of the 20th century than an ethical or moral system. It observes a complex set
A.D.—Confucianism, with its emphasis on ethics and moral- of deities, including deified emperors, family spirits, and
ity rooted in Chinese traditional wisdom, formed the basis the divinities residing in rivers, trees, certain animals,
of the belief system of China. mountains and, particularly, the sun and moon. Buddhism,
It was joined by, or blended with, Taoism, an ideology at first resisted, was later intertwined with traditional
that according to legend was first taught by Lao-tsu in the Shinto. Buddhist deities were seen as Japanese gods in a
6th century B.C. Its central theme is Tao, the Way, a philoso- different form, and Buddhist priests formerly but no longer
phy teaching that eternal happiness lies in total identifica- assumed control of most Shinto shrines. More recently,
tion with nature and deploring passion, unnecessary Shinto divested itself of many Buddhist influences and be-
invention, unneeded knowledge, and government interfer- came, under the reign of the Emperor Meiji (1868–1912),
ence in the simple life of individuals. Beginning in the the official state religion, emphasizing loyalty to the em-
1st century A.D. this philosophical naturalism was coupled peror. The centers of worship are the numerous shrines
with a religious Taoism involving deities, spirits, magic, tem- and temples in which the gods are believed to dwell and
ples and priests. Buddhism, stripped by Chinese pragmatism which are approached through ceremonial torii, or gateway
of much of its Indian otherworldliness and defining a arches (Figure 5.34).

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 181

Figure 5.34 A Shinto shrine, Nikko Park, Honshu Island, Japan.

tongues. In some societies, religion may serve as a similar

Summary identifier of individuals and groups who observe distinc-
tive modes or rhythms of life dictated by their separate
Language and religion are basic threads in the web of cul-
faiths. Both language and religion are mentifacts, parts of
ture. They serve to identify and categorize individuals
the ideological subsystem of culture; both are transmitters
within a single society and to separate peoples and nations
of culture as well as its identifiers. Both have distinctive
of different tongues and faiths. By their pronunciation and
spatial patterns—reflecting past and present processes of
choice of words we quickly recognize districts of origin and
spatial interaction and diffusion—that are basic to the
educational levels of speakers of our own language and
recognition of world culture realms.
easily identify those who originally had different native

182 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Language and Religion
A great many language and religion websites exist, but American Regional English at
relatively few have direct relevance to our spatial, geographic dare.html and The American Dialect Society website at
interests. Many of the language pages have linguistics or The society is a scholarly association
instructional orientation; theological, philosophical, or studying the English language in North America and other lan-
denominational interests dominate the very great number of guages or dialects related to it. Although primarily of interest to
religion sites. We have found the following WWW sites to be its members, the Society’s website provides an index to past and
among the more geographically pertinent and good starting current volumes of its journal American Speech and links to lin-
points for further web browsing. Your own exploration may guistic and dialect resources. The Telsur Project of the Linguistics
well reveal sites of greater value to your individual interests. Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania is the developer of
the Atlas of North American English that traces regional dialects
Language The Summer Institute of Linguistics, connected to and accents. Its web site at de-
the International Linguistics Center in Dallas, Texas, focuses scribes the project, presents regional maps of speech characteris-
on the study of languages and cultures around the world. tics of northern cities with audible speech samples, and a
Among its rich menu of resources and links is the Ethnologue: “National Map of Regional Dialects of American English.”
Languages of the World, a detailed catalog of more than 6800 of Those particularly interested in toponyms will want to
the world’s languages and an exhaustive index of language view the Natural Resources Canada website on Origins of
names, dialects, multilingualism, and more. Available fully in Canada’s Geographical Names at
book and CD-ROM formats, some of Ethnologue’s content is also english/schoolnet/origin.html. Information about some 2 mil-
presented in an “Internet Version” at lion physical and cultural geographic features of the United
Pidgins and creole tongues are discussed there as “Languages States may be accessed through the Geographic Names Informa-
of Special Interest,” the world’s top 100 languages (by number tion System (GNIS) developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and
of speakers) are identified, and language name and language the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. GNIS is the official repos-
families indexes are supplied, among other items. itory of domestic toponymic information. Its homepage may be
The University of California-Davis and its Department accessed through
of Native American Studies originated Terralingua: Partner-
ships for Linguistic and Biological Diversity. Its website at Religion Facets of Religion, the Internet Virtual Library– gives access to “Resources,” including Religion, provides an exhaustive set of links to websites on
on-line bibliographies, publications, and websites and “Indige- the world’s principal religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Chris-
nous & Minority Peoples’ Views of Language” in the form of tianity, Islam, etc.) and to other religious and related resource
descriptive observations and quotations. lists. The site may be navigated by key word search by acti-
The Center for Applied Linguistics, a private nonprofit orga- vating any of a lengthy series of categories of religions and
nization, for many years has been conducting research and ap- religious topics:}cvoogt/Religion/.
plying information about language and culture to areas of The “Religion” page of Academic Info (“Your Gateway to
academic, cultural, and social concern. Its home page provides Quality Internet Resources”) is another useful and exhaustive
descriptions about its research projects and publications, with guide to Internet religion sources:
emphasis on educational and public policy issues: religindex.html. Estimates on the numbers and growth rates
Foreign Language Resources on the Web at www.itp. of adherents is offered on the Religions of the World site at}thorne/HumanResources.html claims status as “a
quality-only index” that is not comprehensive but does include The page of Religion/Spirituality contains a
the best of foreign language websites. Arranged by language, very extensive categories list that should lead you to specific
each citation contains a brief summary of the website contents religions and religious topics of interest to you. It is found at
and emphasis. It is an excellent starting point for your own In- And for both language (linguistics)
ternet language searches. Less useful geographically is Lan- and religion Internet leads, remember the Voice of the Shuttle
guage Links, a listing of multilanguage sites oriented toward pages at
language instructors but with significant cultural content: Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s
http://polyglot.lss.wisc. edu/lss/lang/langlink.html. home page at for websites
If your interests run to dialects and American regional added or corrected by the publisher or contributed by help-
word choices, check the home page of The Dictionary of ful users.

Languages may be grouped genetically—by origin and studies spatial variations in languages, variations that may
historical development—but the world distribution of lan- be minimized by encouragement of standard and official
guage families depends as much on the movement of peo- languages or overcome by pidgins, creoles, and lingua fran-
ples and histories of conquest and colonization as it does on cas. Toponymy, the study of place names, helps document
patterns of linguistic evolution. Linguistic geography that history of movement.

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 183

Religion is a less pronounced identifier or conveyer congregations in Anglo America. Until the 1960s, Latin
of culture than is language. While language character- was the language of liturgy in the Roman Catholic
izes all peoples, religion varies in its impact and influ- Church and Sanskrit remains the language of the Vedas,
ence on culture groups. Some societies are dominated in sacred in Hinduism. Sacred texts may demand the intro-
all aspects by their controlling religious belief: Hindu duction of an alphabet to nonliterate societies: the
India, for example, or Islamic Iran. Where religious be- Roman alphabet follows Christian missionaries, Arabic
liefs are strongly held, they can unite a society of adher- script accompanies Islam. The Cyrillic alphabet of east-
ents and divide nations and peoples holding divergent ern Europe was developed by missionaries. The tie be-
faiths. Although religions do not lend themselves to easy tween language and religion is not inevitable. The
classification, their patterns of distribution are as dis- French imposed their language but not their religion on
tinct and revealing as are those of languages. They, too, Algeria; Spanish Catholicism but not the Spanish lan-
reflect past and present patterns of migration, conquest, guage became dominant in the Philippines.
and diffusion, part of the larger picture of dynamic cul- Language and religion are important and evident
tural geography. components of spatial cultural variation. They are, how-
While each is a separate and distinct thread of cul- ever, only part of the total complex of cultural identities
ture, language and religion are not totally unrelated. Re- that set off different social groups. Prominent among
ligion can influence the spread of languages to new those identities is that of ethnicity, a conviction of mem-
peoples and areas, as Arabic, the language of the Koran, bers of a social group that they have distinctive character-
was spread by conquering armies of Muslims. Religion istics in common that significantly distinguish and isolate
may conserve as well as disperse language. Yiddish re- them from the larger population among which they re-
mains the language of religion in Hasidic Jewish com- side. Our attention turns in the next chapter to the con-
munities; church services in German or Swedish, and cept and patterns of ethnicity, a distinctive piece in the
school instruction in them, characterize some Lutheran mosaic of human culture.

Key Words
animism 165 language 143 Shinto 181
Buddhism 177 language family 143 social dialect 153
caste 177 lingua franca 157 speech community 152
Christianity 168 linguistic geography 154 standard language 152
Confucianism 181 monotheism 165 syncretism 180
creole 157 multilingualism 157 Taoism 181
dialect 153 official language 157 toponym 162
ethnic religion 165 pidgin 157 toponymy 162
geographic (regional) dialect 154 polytheism 165 tribal (traditional) religion 165
Hinduism 177 protolanguage 144 universalizing religion 165
Islam 174 religion 164 vernacular 153
isogloss 154 secularism 167
Judaism 167 shamanism 165

For Review
1. Why might one consider language influence? What might be the classification of language an
the dominant differentiating broader social or economic unfailing guide to spatial patterns
element of culture separating consequences of that growth? of languages? Why or why not?
societies? 3. In what way does the concept of 4. What spatial diffusion processes
2. In what way may religion affect protolanguage help us in linguistic may be seen in the prehistoric
other cultural traits of a society? classification? What is meant by and historic spread of languages?
In what cultures or societies does language family? Is genetic What have been the
religion appear to be a growing

184 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

consequences of language 6. Cite examples that indicate the 7. How does the classification of
spread on world linguistic significance of religion as a religions as universalizing, ethnic,
diversity? cultural dominant in the or tribal help us to understand
5. In what ways do isoglosses and the internal and foreign relations of their patterns of distribution and
study of linguistic geography help nations. spatial diffusion?
us understand other human
geographic patterns?

Focus Follow-up
Language exchange between speakers of alienate different groups within
different tongues. When evolved and between societies. Past and
1. How are the world’s languages into a complex native language of present belief systems of a culture
classified and distributed? a people, the pidgin has become a may influence its legal norms,
pp. 142–152. creole. Governments may dietary customs, economic
The some 6000 languages spoken designate one or more official patterns, and landscape imprints.
today may be grouped within a state languages (including, 5. How are religions classified
limited number of language perhaps, a creole such as Swahili). and distributed? pp. 165–167.
families that trace their origins to 3. How does language serve as a
common protolanguages. The As variable cultural innovations,
cultural identifier and religions do not lend themselves to
present distribution of tongues landscape artifact? pp. 160–163.
reflects the current stage of easy clustering or classification.
continuing past and recent Language is a mentifact, a part of Distinctions among universalizing,
dispersion of their speakers and the ideological subsystem of ethnic, and traditional religions
their adoption by new users. culture. It is, therefore, have some geographic significance,
Languages change through inseparable from group identity but geographers are more
isolation, migration, and the and self-awareness. Language interested in religions’ spatial
passage of time. may also be divisive, creating rifts patterns and diffusion processes
within multilingual societies and landscape impacts than in
2. What are standard languages when linguistic minorities seek their theologies. Those patterns
and what kinds of variants recognition or separatism. reflect their origin areas, the
from them can be observed? Toponyms (place names) record migrations and conquests achieved
pp. 152–160. the order past and present by their past adherents, and the
All speakers of a given language occupants have tried to place on converts they have attracted in
are members of its speech areas they inhabit or transit. home and distant areas.
community, but not all use the Toponymy in tracing that record 6. What are the principal world
language uniformly. The standard becomes a valuable tool of religions and how are they
language is that form of speech historical cultural geography. distinguished in patterns of
that has received official sanction Religion innovation, diffusion, and
or acceptance as the “proper” form landscape imprint? pp. 167–181.
of grammar and pronunciation. 4. What is the cultural role of
Dialects, regional and social, religion? pp. 163–165. The text briefly traces those
represent nonstandard or Like language, religion is a basic differing origins, spreads, and
vernacular variants of the identifying component of culture, a cultural landscape impacts of
common tongue. A pidgin is a mentifact that serves as a cultural Judaism, Christianity, Islam,
created, composite, simple rallying point. Frequently, religious Hinduism, Buddhism, and certain
language designed to promote beliefs and adherence divide and East Asian ethnic religions.

Selected References
Beinart, Haim. Atlas of Medieval Jewish Burnaby, Barbara, and Roderic Caldarola, Carlo, ed. Religions and
History. New York: Simon & Beaujot. The Use of Aboriginal Societies: Asia and the Middle East.
Schuster, 1992. Languages in Canada. Ottawa: Berlin and New York: Mouton
Bryson, Bill. The Mother Tongue: English Minister of Supply and Services Publishers, 1982.
and How It Got That Way. New York: Canada, 1987. Cartwright, Don. “Expansion of French
Morrow, 1990. Language Rights in Ontario,

Language and Religion: Mosaics of Culture 185

1968–1993.” The Canadian Hall, Robert A., Jr. Pidgin and Creole Park, Chris. Sacred Worlds: An
Geographer/Le Géographe canadien Languages. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Introduction to Geography and
40, no. 3 (1996): 238–257. University Press, 1966. Religion. New York: Routledge, 1994.
Carver, Craig. American Regional Dialects: Halvorson, Peter L., and William M. Rayburn, Alan. Naming Canada: Stories
A Word Geography. Ann Arbor: Newman. Atlas of Religious Change in about Place Names from Canadian
University of Michigan Press, 1987. America, 1952–1990. Atlanta, Ga.: Geographic. Toronto: University of
Chadwick, Henry, and G. R. Evans, eds. Glenmary Research Center, 1994. Toronto Press, 1994.
Atlas of the Christian Church. New Hill, Samuel S. “Religion and Region in Renfrew, Colin. “World Linguistic
York: Facts on File Publications, 1987. America.” Annals, American Academy Diversity.” Scientific American 270,
Chambers, J. K., ed. The Languages of of Political and Social Science 480 (July no. 1 (January 1994): 116–123.
Canada. Montreal: Didier, 1979. 1985): 132–141. Scott, Jamie, and Paul Simpson-
Cooper, Robert L., ed. Language Spread: Journal of Cultural Geography (Popular Housley, eds. Sacred Places and
Studies in Diffusion and Social Change. Culture Association and The Profane Spaces: Essays in the
Bloomington: Indiana University American Cultural Association) 7, no. Geographics of Judaism, Christianity,
Press, 1982. 1 (Fall/Winter 1986). Special issue and Islam. New York: Greenwood
Crystal, David, ed. The Cambridge devoted to geography and religion. Press, 1991.
Encyclopedia of the English Language. Kaplan, David H. “Population and Shortridge, James R. “Patterns of Religion
Cambridge, England: Cambridge Politics in a Plural Society: The in the United States.” Geographical
University Press, 1995. Changing Geography of Canada’s Review 66 (1976): 420–434.
Crystal, David. The Cambridge Linguistic Groups.” Annals of the Simoons, Frederick J. Eat Not This
Encyclopedia of Language. 2d ed. Association of American Geographers Flesh: Food Avoidances from Prehistory
Cambridge, England: Cambridge 84, no. 1 (March 1994): 46–67. to the Present. 2d ed. Madison:
University Press, 1997. Katzner, Kenneth. The Languages of the University of Wisconsin Press, 1994.
Crystal, David. “Vanishing Languages.” World. Rev. ed. London: Routledge & Sloane, David Charles. The Last Great
Civilization. February/March 1997: Kegan Paul, 1986. Necessity: Cemeteries in American
40–45. Key, Mary Ritchie. Male/Female History. Baltimore, Md.: Johns
Dutt, Ashok K., and Satish Davgun. Language. Metuchen, N.J.: The Hopkins University Press, 1991.
“Patterns of Religious Diversity.” In Scarecrow Press, 1975. Sopher, David E. The Geography of
India: Cultural Patterns and Processes, King, Noel Q. African Cosmos: An Religions. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
edited by Allen G. Noble and Ashok Introduction to Religion in Africa. Prentice Hall, 1967.
K. Dutt, pp. 221–246. Boulder, Colo.: Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1986. Stewart, George R. Names on the Globe.
Westview Press, 1982. Krindatch, Alexei D. Geography of New York: Oxford University Press,
Earhart, H. Byron. Japanese Religion: Religions in Russia. Decatur, Ga.: 1975.
Unity and Diversity. 3d ed. Belmont, Glenmary Research Center, 1996. Stewart, George R. Names on the Land.
Calif.: Dickenson, 1982. Lind, Ivan. “Geography and Place 4th ed. San Francisco: Lexikos, 1982.
Edwards, Viv. Language in a Black Names.” In Readings in Cultural Trudgill, Peter. On Dialect: Social and
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College-Hill Press, 1986. Wagner and Marvin Mikesell, England: Basil Blackwell, 1983.
Encyclopedia of World Religions. Wendy pp. 118–128. Chicago: University of Upton, Clive, and J. D. A. Widdowson.
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Springfield, Mass.: Merriam- McCrum, Robert, William Cran, and England: Oxford University Press,
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al-Faruqi, Isma’il R., and Lois L. al- New York: Elizabeth Sifton Weatherford, Jack. Native Roots: How
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al-Faruqi, Isma’il R., and David E. eds. Atlas of the World’s Languages. Williams, Peter W. Houses of God:
Sopher, eds. Historical Atlas of the London, England, and New York: Region, Religion, and Architecture in
Religions of the World. New York: Routledge, 1994. the United States. Urbana: University
Macmillan, 1974. “Native American Geographic Names.” of Illinois Press, 1997.
“Focus: Geography and Names.” The Special issue of Names, vol. 44, no. 4 Williamson, Juanita V., and Virginia M.
Professional Geographer 49, no. 4 (Dec. 1996). Burke, eds. A Various Language:
(1997): 465–500. Nielsen, Niels C., Jr., et al. Religions of Perspectives on American Dialects.
Gamkrelidze, Thomas V., and V. V. the World. New York: St. Martin’s New York: Holt, Rinehart and
Ivanov. “The Early History of Indo- Press, 1983. Winston, 1971.
European Languages.” Scientific Numrich, Paul D. “Recent Immigrant Zelinsky, Wilbur. “Some Problems in
American 262 (March 1990): 110–116. Religions in a Restructuring the Distribution of Generic Terms in
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Ruhlen. “Linguistic Origins of Native Landscapes in Chicago.” Journal of United States.” Annals of the
Americans.” Scientific American 267, Cultural Geography 17, no. 1 Association of American Geographers
no. 5 (November 1992): 94–99. (Fall/Winter 1997): 55–76. 45 (1955): 319–349.

186 Patterns of Diversity and Unity


Ethnic Geography:
Threads of Diversity

A proud
declaration of
ethnic diversity
in Miami,

Focus Preview
1. Ethnicity, ethnic diversity, and the changing 3. Anglo American and world urban ethnic diversity
immigration streams to multiethnic Anglo and patterns of segregation, pp. 207–215.
America, pp. 188–195. 4. The landscape impacts and residues of ethnic
2. Acculturation and the persistence of ethnic diversity, pp. 215–221.
clusters and identities in Anglo America and
elsewhere, pp. 195–207.

W e must not forget that these men and women
who file through the narrow gates at Ellis
Island, hopeful, confused, with bundles of
misconceptions as heavy as the great sacks upon
their backs—we must not forget that these simple,
rough-handed people are the ancestors of our
descendants, the fathers and mothers of our
So it has been from the beginning. For a
century a swelling human stream has poured across
the ocean, fleeing from poverty in Europe to a
chance in America. Englishman, Welshman,
Scotchman, Irishman; German, Swede, Norwegian,
Dane; Jew, Italian, Bohemian, Serb; Syrian,
Hungarian, Pole, Greek—one race after another has
knocked at our doors, been given admittance, has
married us and begot our children. We could not Figure 6.1 “Guest workers”—frequently called by their German
name, Gastarbeiter—have substantially altered the ethnic mix in
have told by looking at them whether they were to be
formerly unicultural cities of Western Europe. The restaurant shown
good or bad progenitors, for racially the cabin is not here is in an Algerian neighborhood of Paris, France. On average,
above the steerage, and dirt, like poverty and foreigners comprise nearly 10% of Western Europe’s labor force.
ignorance, is but skin-deep. A few hours, and the They form the majority of the work force in many Middle Eastern
countries; between 60% and 90% of the workers of the Persian Gulf
stain of travel has left the immigrant’s cheek; a few countries of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the
years, and he loses the odor of alien soils; a United Arab Emirates are foreigners.
generation or two, and these outlanders are
irrevocably our race, our nation, our stock.1
border movements and resettlements in Southeast Asia
and Africa are well-reported current events. European
colonialism created pluralistic societies in tropical lands
The United States is a cultural composite—as increasingly through introduction of both ruling elites and frequently,
are most of the countries of the world. North America’s nonindigenous laboring groups. Polyethnic Russia,
peoples include aborigine and immigrant, native born and Afghanistan, China, India, and most African countries
new arrival. Had this chapter’s introductory passage been have native—rather than immigrant—populations more
written in 2002 rather than nearly 90 years earlier, the list characterized by racial and cultural diversity than by uni-
of foreign origins would have been lengthened to include formity. Tricultural Belgium has a nearly split personality
many Latin American, African, and Asian countries as in matters political and social. The idea of an ethnically
well as the European sources formerly most common. pure nation-state is no longer realistic.
The majority of the world’s societies, even those out- Like linguistic and religious differences within soci-
wardly seemingly most homogeneous, house distinctive eties, such population interminglings are masked by the
ethnic groups, populations that feel themselves bound “culture realms” shown in Figure 2.4 but are, at a larger
together by a common origin and set off from other scale, important threads in the cultural-geographic web of
groups by ties of culture, race, religion, language, or na- our complex world. The multiple movements, diffusions,
tionality. Ethnic diversity is a near-universal part of migrations, and mixings of peoples of different origins mak-
human geographic patterns; the current some 200 or so ing up that world are the subject of ethnic geography. Its
independent countries are home to at least 5000 ethnic concerns are those of spatial distributions and interactions
groups. European states house increasing numbers of of ethnic groups however defined, and of the cultural char-
African and Asian immigrants and guest workers from acteristics and influences underlying them.
outside their borders (Figure 6.1) and have effectively be- Ethnicity is always based on a firm understanding by
come multiethnic societies. Refugees and jobseekers are members of a group that they are in some fundamental
found in alien lands throughout both hemispheres. Cross- ways different from others who do not share their distin-
guishing characteristics or cultural heritage. Ethnicity is, at
1From Walter E. Weyl, “The New Americans,” Harper’s Magazine 129
root, a spatial concept. Ethnic groups are associated with
(1914):615. Copyright © 1914 Harper’s Magazine Foundation, New clearly recognized territories—either larger homeland
York, N.Y. districts or smaller rural or urban enclaves—in which they

188 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

are primary or exclusive occupants and upon which they
have placed distinctive cultural marks. Since territory and
ethnicity are inseparable concepts, ethnicity becomes an
important concern in the cultural patterning of space and
clearly an item of human geographic interest. Further,
since ethnicity is often identified with language or reli-
gious practices setting a minority group off from a sur-
rounding majority culture, consideration of ethnicity flows
logically from the discussions of language and religion in
Chapter 5.
Our examination of ethnic patterns will concentrate
on Anglo America, an area originally occupied by a multi-
tude of territorially, culturally, and linguistically distinc-
tive Native American people who were overwhelmed and
displaced by immigrants—and their descendants—
representing a wide spectrum of the Old World’s ethnic
groups. While Anglo America lacks the homelands that
gave territorial identity to immigrant ethnics in their
countries of origin, it has provided a case study of how
distinctive culture groups partition space and place their
claims and imprints on it. It shows, as well, the durability
of the idea of ethnic distinction even under conditions and
national myths that emphasize intermixing and homoge- Figure 6.2 The annual Ninth Avenue International Fair in New
nization of population as the accepted norm. Examples York City became one of the largest of its kind. Similar festivals
drawn from other countries and environments will serve celebrating America’s ethnic diversity are found in cities and small
towns across the country.
to highlight ways in which American-based generaliza-
tions may be applied more broadly or in which the North
American experience reflects a larger world scene.
No single trait denotes ethnicity. Group recognition
may be based on language, religion, national origin,
unique customs, or an ill-defined concept of “race” (see
Ethnic Diversity and Separatism “The Matter of Race”). Whatever may establish the iden-
tity of a group, the common unifying bonds of ethnicity
Each year on a weekend in May, New York City has cele- are a shared ancestry and cultural heritage, the retention
brated its cultural diversity and vitality by closing off to all of a set of distinctive traditions, and the maintenance of
but pedestrian traffic a 1-mile stretch of street to conduct in-group interactions and relationships. The principal
the Ninth Avenue International Festival. Along the re- racial and ethnic groups of the United States are identified
served route from 37th to 57th streets, a million or more in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 and of Canada in Table 6.4.
New Yorkers have come together to sample the foods, Ethnocentrism is the term describing a tendency
view the crafts, and hear the music of the great number of to evaluate other cultures against the standards of one’s
the world’s cultures represented among the citizens of the own. It implies the feeling that one’s own ethnic group
city. As a resident of the largest United States metropolis, is superior. Ethnocentrism can divide multiethnic soci-
each of the merchants and artists contributing one of the eties by establishing rivalries and provoking social and
several hundred separate storefront, stall, or card-table spatial discord and isolation. It can, as well, be a sustain-
displays of the festival became a member of the Anglo ing and identifying emotion, giving familiar values and
American culture realm. Each, however, preserved a dis- support to the individual in the face of the complexities
tinctive small-group identity within that larger collective of life. The ethnic group maintains familiar cultural in-
“realm” (Figure 6.2). stitutions and shares traditional food and music. More
The threads of diversity exhibited in the festival are often than not, it provides the friends, spouses, business
expressions of ethnicity, a term derived from the Greek opportunities, and political identification of ethnic
word ethnos, meaning a “people” or “nation.” Intuitively group members.
we recognize that the literal translation is incomplete. Territorial isolation is a strong and supporting trait
Ethnic groups are composed of individuals who share of ethnic separatism and assists individual groups to re-
some prominent traits or characteristics, some evident tain their identification. In Europe, Asia, and Africa, eth-
physical or social identifications setting them apart both nicity and territorial identity are inseparable. Ethnic
from the majority population and from other distinctive minorities are first and foremost associated with home-
minorities among whom they may live. lands. This is true of the Welsh, Bretons, and Basques of

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 189

The Matter of Race

H uman populations may be dif-

Although racial classifications accentuated through inbreeding. If
ferentiated from one another on any vary by author, most are derived two populations are too separated
number of bases: gender, nationality, from recognized geographical varia- spatially for much interaction to
stage of economic development, and tions of populations. Thus, Mon- occur (isolation), a trait may develop
so on. One common form of differen- goloids are associated with northern in one but not in the other. Unlike
tiation is based on recognizable inher- and eastern Asia; Australoids are the natural selection, genetic drift dif-
ent physical characteristics, or race. aboriginal people of Australasia; ferentiates populations in nonadap-
A race is usually understood to Amerindians developed in the Amer- tive ways.
be a population subset whose mem- icas, and so on. If all of humankind Natural selection and genetic
bers have in common some heredi- belongs to a single species that can drift promote racial differentiation.
tary biological characteristics that set freely interbreed and produce fertile Countering them is gene flow via in-
them apart physically from other offspring, how did this areal differen- terbreeding (also called admixture),
human groups. The spread of human tiation by race occur? Why is it that which acts to homogenize neighbor-
beings over the earth and their occu- despite millennia of mixing and mi- ing populations. Genetically, it has
pation of different environments was gration, people with distinct combi- been observed, there is no such thing
accompanied by the development of nations of physical traits appear to as a “pure” race since people breed
physical variations in skin pigmenta- be clustered in particular areas of the freely outside their local group. Op-
tion, hair texture, facial characteris- world? portunities for interbreeding, always
tics, blood composition, and other Two causative forces appear to part of the spread and intermingling
traits largely related to soft tissue. be most important. First, through of human populations, have accel-
Some subtle skeletal differences evolutionary natural selection or erated with the growing mobility and
among peoples also exist. adaptation, characteristics are trans- migrations of people in the past few
Such differences formed the basis mitted that enable people to adapt to centuries. While we may have an urge
for the segregation, by some anthro- particular environment conditions, to group humans “racially,” we cannot
pologists, of humanity into different such as climate. Studies have sug- use biology to justify it, and anthro-
racial groups, although recent research gested some plausible relationship be- pologists have largely abandoned—
indicates that the greatest genetic vari- tween, for example, solar radiation and geneticists dismissed—the idea of
ation between any racial groups ever and skin color, and between tempera- race as a scientific concept.
identified is far less than the variation ture and body size. In tropical cli- Nor does race have meaningful
within any single population. Cauca- mates, for example, it persumably is application to any human character-
soid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Amerindian, advantageous to be short since that istics that are culturally acquired.
Australoid and other races have been means a greater bodily surface area That is, race is not equivalent to eth-
recognized in a process of arbitrary for sweat to evaporate. In frigid Arc- nicity or nationality and has no bear-
classification invention, modification, tic regions, it is suggested, Inuits and ing on differences in religion or
and refinement that began at least two other native populations developed language. There is no “Irish” or “His-
centuries ago. Racial differentiation as round heads and bodies with in- panic” race, for example. Such group-
commonly understood—based largely creased bodily volume and decreased ings are based on culture, not genes.
on surface appearance—is old and evaporative surface area. Culture summarizes the way of life of
can reasonably be dated at least to The second force, genetic drift, a group of people, and members of
the Paleolithic (100,000 to about refers to a heritable trait (such as the group may adopt it irrespective
11,000 years ago) spread and isolation flatness of face) that appears by of their individual genetic heritage,
of population groups. chance in one group and becomes or race.

Western Europe; the Slovenes, Croatians, or Bosnians of Where ethnic groups are intermixed and territorial
Eastern Europe; the non-Slavic “nationalities” of Russia; boundaries imprecise—former Yugoslavia is an example—or
and the immense number of ethnic communities of where a single state contains disparate, rival populations—
South and Southeast Asia. These minorities have specific the case of many African and Asian countries—conflict be-
spatial identity even though they may not have political tween groups can be serious if peaceful relations or central
independence. governmental control break down. “Ethnic cleansing,” a

190 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

TABLE 6.1 U.S. Resident Population by Race TABLE 6.2 Leading Ethnic Affiliations Claimed
and Hispanic Origin, 2000 by U.S. Census Respondents, 1990

Number Percent of Number Percentage of

Race (millions) U.S. Population Ancestry (000) Total Population
One race 274.6 97.6 German 57,947 23.3
White 211.5 75.1 Irish 38,736 15.6
Black or African American 34.7 12.3 English 32,682 13.1
Asian 10.2 3.6 African American 23,777 9.6
American Indian Italian 14,665 5.9
and Alaska Native 2.5 0.9
Mexican 11,589 4.7
Native Hawaiian and
French 10,321 4.1
Other Pacific Islander 0.4 0.1
Polish 9,366 3.8
Some other race 15.4 5.5
American Indian 8,708 3.5
Two or more races 6.8 2.4
Total Population 281.4 100.0 Note: More than 12 million persons listed “American” for ancestry. The tabulation is
Hispanic or Latinoa 35.3 12.5 based on self-identification of respondents, not on objective criteria. Many persons
reported their ancestry in two or three ethnic groups and were tabulated by the
Census Bureau under each claimed ancestry.
Note: Race as reported reflects the self-identification of respondents.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census.
aPersons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census.

and division would be lost and full amalgamation of all mi-

norities into a blended, composite majority culture would
polite term with grisly implications, has become a past or
occur, was the expectation voiced in the chapter-opening
present justification and objective for civil conflict in
quotation. For many even long-resident ethnic groups,
parts of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and
however, that ideal has not become a reality.
in several African and southeast Asian countries. Its out-
Recent decades have seen a resurgence of cultural
come is not only an alteration of the ethnic composition
pluralism and an increasing demand for ethnic autonomy
of states, but of the ethnic mix in, usually, adjacent coun-
not only in North America but also in multiethnic soci-
tries to which displaced populations have fled as
eties around the world (see “Nations of Immigrants,”
p. 192). At least, recognition is sought for ethnicity as a
Few identifiable homelands exist within the North
justifiable basis for special treatment in the allocation of
American cultural mix. However, the “Chinatowns” and
political power, the structure of the educational system,
“Little Italys” as created enclaves within North American
the toleration or encouragement of minority linguistic
cities have provided both the spatial refuge and the sup-
rights, and other evidences of group self-awareness and
port systems essential to new arrivals in an alien culture
promotion. In some multiethnic societies, second- and
realm. Asian and West Indian immigrants in London and
third-generation descendants of immigrants, now seeking
other English cities and foreign guest workers—originally
“roots” and identity, embrace the ethnicity that their fore-
migrant and temporary laborers, usually male—that reside
bears sought to deny.
in Continental European communities assume similar
spatial separation. While serving a support function, this
segregation is as much the consequence of the housing
market and of public and private restriction as it is simply
of self-selection. In Southeast Asia, Chinese communities
Immigration Streams
remain aloof from the majority culture not as a transi- The ethnic diversity found on the Anglo American scene
tional phase to incorporation with it but as a permanent today is the product of continuous flows of immigrants—
chosen isolation. some 70 million of them by the start of the 21st century—
By retaining what is familiar of the old in a new land, representing, at different periods, movements to this
ethnic enclaves have reduced cultural shock and have continent of members of nearly all of the cultures and
paved the way for the gradual process of adaptation that races of the world (Figure 6.3). For the United States, that
prepares both individuals and groups to operate effectively movement took the form of three distinct immigrant
in the new, larger host society. The traditional ideal of waves, all of which, of course, followed much earlier
the United States “melting pot,” in which ethnic identity Amerindian arrivals.

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 191

Figure 6.3 Although it was not opened until 1892, New York harbor’s Ellis Island—the country’s first federal immigration facility—quickly
became the symbol of all the migrant streams to the United States. By the time it was closed in late 1954, it had processed 17 million immigrants.
Today their descendants number over 100 million Americans. A major renovation project was launched in 1984 to restore Ellis Island as a
national monument.

Geography and Public Policy

was and is less complete and uniform and several European countries are
Nations of Immigrants than in Anglo America. While in now home to as many or more of the
Americans, steeped in the country’s nearly all South and Central Ameri- foreign-born proportionately than is
“melting pot” myth and heritage, are can states, European and other non- the United States. Some 20% of Switzer-
inclined to forget that many other native ethnic groups dominate the land’s population, 13% of France’s, 10%
countries are also “nations of immi- social and economic hierarchy, in of Sweden’s, and over 9% of Germany’s
grants” and that their numbers are many they constitute only a minority are of foreign birth, compared with
dramatically increasing. In the of the total population. In Paraguay, America’s 11%. Many came as immi-
United States, Canada, Australia, and for example, the vast majority of in- grants and refugees fleeing unrest or
New Zealand, early European habitants are native Paraguayans who poverty in post-communist Eastern
colonists and, later, immigrants from pride themselves on their Native Europe. Many are “guest workers” and
other continents overwhelmed indige- American descent, and Amerindians their families who were earlier re-
nous populations. In each, immigra- comprise nearly half the population cruited in Turkey and North Africa; or
tion has continued, contributing not of Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. But Eu- they are immigrants from former
only to national ethnic mixes but ropean ethnics make up over 90% of colonial or overseas territories in
maintaining or enlarging the propor- the population of Argentina, Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. More
tion of the population that is foreign Uruguay, Costa Rica, and southern than 7% of Germany’s inhabitants
born. In Australia, as one example, Chile, and about 50% of the inhabi- come from outside the European
that proportion now equals 25%; for tants of Brazil. Union, as do over 3% of Holland’s and
Canada it is some 18%. The original homelands of those Belgium’s.
In Latin America, foreign popu- immigrant groups are themselves in- The trend of ethnic mixing is
lation domination of native peoples creasingly becoming multi-ethnic, certain to continue and accelerate.

192 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Cross-border movements of migrants Declaration of Human Rights declares rejects “economic refugees” from
and refugees in Africa, Asia, the individuals are to be free to move Haiti. Algerians are increasingly re-
Americas, as well as in Europe, are within or to leave their own countries, sented in France as their numbers
continuing common occurrences, re- no right of admittance to any other and cultural presence increase. Turks
flecting growing incidences of ethnic country is conceded. Political asylum feel the enmity of a small but violent
strife, civil wars, famines, and eco- is often—but not necessarily— group of Germans, and East Indians
nomic hardships. But of even greater granted; refugees or migrants seeking and Africans find growing resistance
long-term influence are the growing economic opportunity or fleeing civil among the Dutch. In many countries,
disparities in population numbers strife or starvation have no claims for policies of exclusion or restriction ap-
and economic wealth between the acceptance. Increasingly, they are pear motivated by unacceptable in-
older developed states and the devel- being turned away. The Interior Min- fluxes of specific racial, ethnic, or
oping world. The population of the ister of France advocates “zero immi- national groups.
world’s poorer countries is growing gration”; Germany’s government
twice as fast as Europe’s of the late closed its doors in 1993 by increasing Questions to Consider:
19th century, when that continent fed border controls and changing its con- 1. Do you think all people everywhere
the massive immigration streams stitutional right to asylum; Britain in should have a universal right of
across the Atlantic. The current rich 1994 tightened immigration rules admittance to a country of choice
world, whose population is projected even for foreign students and casual equivalent to their declared right to
to stabilize well below 1.5 billion, will workers. And all European Union depart their homelands? Why or
increasingly be a magnet for those countries except Ireland have mea- why not?
from poorer countries where numbers sures for turning back refugees who 2. Do you think it appropriate that
will rise from some 4 billion to more come via another EU country. In destination states make a distinction
than 6.5 billion by A . D . 2025 and to 1995, the EU’s members materially between political and economic
nearly 8 billion in a half-century. The narrowed the definition of who may refugees? Why or why not?
economic and population pressures qualify for asylum. Additional indi- 3. Do you think it legitimate for
building in the developing world in- vidual and collective restrictions have countries to establish immigration
sure greater international and inter- been enforced during the later 1990s quotas based on national origin, or to
continental migration and a rapid and into the 21st century. classify certain potential immigrants
expansion in the numbers of “nations Nor is Europe alone. Hong Kong as unacceptable or undesirable on the
of immigrants.” ejects Vietnamese refugees; Congo or- grounds that their national, racial, or
Many of those developed host ders Rwandans to return to their own religious origins are incompatible
countries are beginning to resist country; India tries to stem the influx with the culture of the prospective
that flow. Although the Universal of Bangladeshis; the United States host country? Why or why not?

The first wave, lasting from pioneer settlement to cepted and the countries from which they could come.
about 1870, was made up of two different groups. One That system, plus a world depression and World War II
comprised white arrivals from western and northern Eu- (1939–1945), greatly slowed immigration until a third-
rope, with Britain and Germany best represented. To- wave migration was launched during the 1960s. At that
gether with the Scots and Scotch-Irish, they established a time the old national quota system of immigrant regula-
majority society controlled by Protestant Anglo-Saxons tion was replaced by one more liberal in its admission of
and allied groups. The Europeans dominated numerically Latin Americans. Along with more recent Asian arrivals,
the second group of first-wave immigrants, blacks brought they became the largest segment of new arrivals. The
involuntarily to the New World, who made up nearly 20% changing source areas of the newcomers are traced in
of U.S. population in 1790. The mass immigration that oc- Table 6.3 and Figure 6.4.
curred beginning after the middle of the 19th century Canada experienced three quite different immigra-
began to reduce both the northwest European dominance tion streams. Until 1760, most settlers came from
of American society and the percentage of blacks within France. After that date, the pattern abruptly altered as a
the growing total population. flood of United Kingdom (English, Irish, and Scottish)
That second immigrant wave, from 1870 to 1921, immigrants arrived. Many came by way of the United
was heavily weighted in favor of eastern and southern States, fleeing, as Loyalists, to Canada during and after
Europeans, who comprised more than 50% of new ar- the American Revolutionary War. Others came directly
rivals by the end of the 19th century. The second period from overseas. Another pronounced shift in arrival pat-
ended with congressional adoption of a quota system reg- tern occurred during the 20th century as the bulk of new
ulating both the numbers of individuals who would be ac- immigrants began originating in Continental Europe and,

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 193

more recently, in other continents. By 1996, 17.4% of all
Canadians had been born outside of the country; the na- TABLE 6.4 Canadian Population by Selected
tional ethnic mix in that year is reported in Table 6.4. Ethnic Origins, 1996
The United States’ cultural diversity has increased as Ethnic Groupa Total (000) Percent (of total)
its immigration source regions have changed from the tra-
ditional European areas to Latin America and Asia. The Single Origina 18,315.0 64.2
dominant European ethnic groups had completed their British Islesb 4,874.0 17.1
major periods of arrival in the United States by the 1920s, French 2,696.3 9.5
and immigration essentially halted until after World War II. Chinese 800.5 2.8
Except for a spurt of legal and illegal immigration from
Italian 729.5 2.6
Eastern Europe and Russia after 1990, the modest postwar
German 726.1 2.5
South Asian 590.1 2.1
Native Peoples 477.6 1.7
TABLE 6.3 Immigrants to the United States: Ukrainian 331.7 1.2
Major Flows by Origin
Dutch (Netherlands) 313.9 1.1
Numbers in Millions Polish 265.9 0.9
Ethnic Groups Time Period (approximate) Portuguese 252.6 0.9
Blacks 1650s–1800 1 Filipino 198.4 0.7
Irish 1840s and 1850s 1.75 Greek 144.9 0.5
Germans 1840s–1880s 4 Jamaican 128.6 0.4
Scandinavians 1870s–1900s 1.5 Multiple Originsc 10,224.5 35.8
Poles 1880s–1920s 1.25 Total Population 28,528.1 100.0
East European Jews 1880s–1920s 2.5
a”Canadian” ethnicity was claimed by more than 5.3 million (18.7%) of respondents.
Austro-Hungarians 1880s–1920s 4 bIncludes singly or in combination: English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and other British
Italians 1880s–1920s 4.75 Isles origins.
cPersons of Aboriginal, British Isles, French, and other European origins were more
Mexicans 1950s–2000 10.5
likely to report multiple origins than were more recently arrived Asian, Hispanic,
Cubans 1960s–2000 1.3 African, or Arab groups.
Asians 1960s–2000 6.5 Source: Statistics Canada.

Other North and West Europe

4% 4% South and
10% East Europe
2% North America

Asia 46%
Latin America

Figure 6.4 Legal immigrants admitted to the United States by region of origin, 1820–1999. The diagrams clearly reflect the dramatic
change in geographic origins of immigrants. After 1965 immigration restrictions based on national origin were shifted to priorities based on
family reunification and needed skills and professions. Those priorities underwent Congressional reconsideration in 1995 and 1996. What is not
shown is the dramatic increase in the numbers of legal and illegal entrants to the United States in the 1980s and 1990s, years that witnessed the
highest legal and illegal immigrant and refugee numbers in the nation’s history.
Data from Leon F. Bouvier and Robert W. Gardner, “Immigration to the United States: The Unfinished Story,” Population Bulletin 41, no. 4 (Washington D.C.: Population
Reference Bureau, 1986); and Immigration and Naturalization Service.

194 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

revival of inflow from Europe went largely unnoticed as the ways of behavior, and speech of the receiving society. In
new entrants affiliated with already assimilated groups of the process, the ethnic group loses its separate cultural
the same cultural background. identity as it accepts over time the culture of the larger
More recent expanded immigration from new source host community. Although acculturation most usually in-
regions has increased the number of visible and vocal eth- volves a minority group adopting the patterns of the domi-
nic communities and the regions of the country housing nant population, the process can be reciprocal. That is,
significant minority populations. Simultaneously, the pro- the dominant group may also adopt at least some patterns
portion of foreign-born residents has increased in the U.S. and practices typical of the minority group.
population mix. In 1920, at the end of the period of the Acculturation is a slow process for many immigrant
most active European immigration, more than 13% of the individuals and groups, and the parent tongue may of
American population had been born in another country. choice or necessity be retained as an ethnically identify-
That percentage declined each decade until a low of 4.8% ing feature even after fashions of dress, food, and custom-
foreign born was reported in 1970. So great was the inflow ary behavior have been substantially altered in the new
of aliens beginning in the 1970s, however, that by 2000 environment. In 2000, some 18% of U.S. census respon-
nearly 11% of the population, or some 30 million people, dents reported speaking a language other than English in
had been born abroad, and over 30% of total population the home; for 60% of them, that language was Spanish. In
growth of the country between 1990 and 2000 was ac- the light of recent immigration trends, we can assume
counted for by legal and illegal immigration. that the number of people speaking a foreign language at
Individual cities and counties showed very high con- home is increasing. The retention of the native tongue is
centrations of the foreign born at the end of the century. encouraged rather than hindered by American civil rights
New York City, for example, received one million immi- regulations that give to new immigrants the right to bilin-
grants in the 1990s and by 2000 40% of its population had gual education and (in some cases) special assistance in
been born abroad. Similar proportionate immigration voting in their own language (see “An Official U.S. Lan-
flows and foreign-born ratios were recorded for Dade guage?”, p. 158).
County (Miami) Florida, the Silicon Valley, California, The language barrier that has made it difficult for
counties of San Mateo and Santa Clara, and others. Mon- foreign-born groups, past and present, to gain quick en-
terey Park, California, has a population that is 60% Asian, trance to the labor force has encouraged their high rate of
the vast majority recent Chinese immigrants. initiation of or entry into small businesses. The conse-
As had been the case during the 19th century, grow- quence has been a continuing stimulus to the American
ing influxes from new immigrant source regions economy and, through the creation of family-held neigh-
prompted movements to halt the flow and to preserve the borhood enterprises, the maintenance of the ethnic char-
ethnic status quo (see “Backlash,” Chapter 3, p. 90). acter of immigrant communities (Figure 6.5). The result
has also been the gradual integration of the new arrivals
into the economic and cultural mainstream of American
Acculturation and Assimilation When that integration is complete, assimilation has
occurred. Full assimilation may be seen as a two-part
In the United States, at least, the sheer volume of multiple process. Behavioral (or cultural) assimilation is the
immigration streams makes the concept of “minority” sus- rough equivalent of acculturation; it implies integration
pect when no single “majority” group exists (see into a common cultural life through shared experience,
Table 6.2). American society is a composite of unity and language, intermarriage, and sense of history. Structural
diversity, with immigrants both being shaped by and shap- assimilation refers to the fusion of immigrant ethnics
ing the larger community they joined. The traditional with the groups, social systems, and occupations of the
“melting pot” view of ethnic integration has been more host society and the adoption of common attitudes and val-
formally called amalgamation theory, which rejects the ues. The extent of structural assimilation is frequently
idea of immigrant conformity to a dominating Anglo- measured by the degree of residential segregation that sets
culture norm and views American society as the merger off the minority group from the larger general community.
into a composite mainstream of the many traits of all eth- Employment segregation and intermarriage rates are also
nic groups entering it. indicative. For most of the “old” (pre-1921 European) im-
Nonetheless, as we shall see, all immigrant groups migrants and their descendants, both forms of assimilation
after the first found a controlling culture in place, with ac- are complete. For most of the “new” (post-1960s) immi-
customed patterns of behavior and response and a domi- grants, acculturation is proceeding or has already oc-
nating language of the workplace and government. The curred, but for many of them and for racial minorities as
customs and practices familiar and expected among those well, structural assimilation has been elusive.
already in place had to be learned by newcomers if they Assimilation does not necessarily mean that ethnic
were to be accepted. The process of acculturation is that consciousness or awareness of racial and cultural differ-
of the adoption by the immigrants of the values, attitudes, ences is lost. Competition theory, in fact, suggests that as

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 195

and a host of other means of retaining close association and
FUNCTIONAL VARIATION continuing identity with original national and cultural ori-
BY ETHNIC AREAS gins gives immigrant groups and individuals enhanced ca-
"EAST" AREA pabilities to survive without integration into the majority
"ANGLO" AREA Mexican American
society of their new homes. Increasingly, it seems, in ethni-
Prof. Serv.
cally mixed societies, multiculturalism rather than assimila-
Services Personal tion has become common, though not universally
Services welcomed by the majority host cultures.
Other Retail While in the United States it is usually assumed that ac-
culturation and assimilation are self-evidently advantageous,
ten percent increments

Eat/Drink Canada established multiculturalism in the 1970s as the na-

Other Retail tional policy designed to reduce tensions between ethnic
Auto Services and language groups and to recognize that each thriving cul-
Eat/Drink ture is an important part of the country’s priceless personal
resources. Since 1988, multiculturalism has been formalized
Auto Services
by act of the Canadian parliament and supervised by a sepa-
Financial Serv. rate government ministry. An example of its practical appli-
Vacant Food cation can be seen in the way Toronto, Canada’s largest and
Furn. & Appl. the world’s most multicultural city, routinely sends out
Repair Services
property tax notices in six languages—English, French, Chi-
nese, Italian, Greek, and Portuguese. Nevertheless,
Other Other Canada—which takes in more immigrants per capita than
N=1353 N=1314
any other industrialized country—began in 1995 to reduce
the number of newcomers it was prepared to admit.
Both Canada and the United States seek to incorpo-
Figure 6.5 Variations in business establishments in Anglo and rate their varied immigrant minorities into composite na-
Mexican American neighborhoods of Los Angeles in the late 1960s. tional societies. In other countries quite different attitudes
Although the total populations of the two areas were comparable, the and circumstances may prevail when indigenous—not
Mexican American community had over three times more food
stores because of the dominance of corner grocery stores over
immigrant—minorities feel their cultures and territories
supermarkets. Bakeries (tortillerías) were a frequent expression of threatened. The Sinhalese comprise 75% of Sri Lanka’s
ethnic dietary habits. Neighborhood businesses conducted in Spanish population, but the minority Tamils have waged years of
and related to the needs of the community were the rule. Anglo guerrilla warfare to defend what they see as majority
neighborhoods, because of greater affluence, had larger numbers of threats to their culture, rights, and property. In India,
professional services (doctors, lawyers) available.
Kashmiri nationalists fight to separate their largely Muslim
Source: Redrawn by permission from Annals of the Association of American
Geographers, Keith D. Harries, vol. 61, p. 739, Association of American valley from the Hindu majority society. And in many mul-
Geographers, 1971. tiethnic African countries, single-party governments seek
to impose a sense of national unity on populations whose
primary and nearly unshakable loyalties are rooted in their
ethnic minorities begin to achieve success and enter into tribes and regions and not the state that is composed of
mainstream social and economic life, awareness of ethnic many tribes. Across the world, conflicts between ethnic
differences may be heightened. Frequently, ethnic iden- groups within states have proliferated in recent years. Ar-
tity may be most clearly experienced and expressed by menia, Azerbaijan, Burma, Burundi, Ethiopia, Indonesia,
those who can most successfully assimilate but who Iraq, Russia, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia are others
choose to promote group awareness and ethnic mobiliza- in a long list of countries where ethnic tensions have
tion movements. That promotion, the theory holds, is a erupted into civil conflict.
reflection of pressures of American urban life and the re- Basques and Catalans of Spain and Corsicans, Bre-
alities of increased competition. Those pressures trans- tons, and Normans of France have only recently seen their
form formerly isolated groups into recognized, respective central governments relax strict prohibitions on
self-assertive ethnic minorities pursuing goals and inter- teaching or using the languages that identified those ethnic
ests dependent on their position within the larger society. groups. On the other hand, in Bulgaria, ethnic Turks who
Immigrant minorities, of course, no longer suffer the unofficially comprise 10% of the total population officially
isolation from their homelands that of necessity hastened ceased to exist in 1984, when the government obliged
their acculturation in the past. The new ease of personal Turkish speakers and Muslims to replace their Turkish
long-distance communication, of cheap and easy interna- and Islamic names with Bulgarian and Christian ones. The
tional travel that maintains and renews home territory ties, government also banned their language and strictly limited
the globalization of print and broadcast news and ready practice of their religion. The intent was to impose an as-
availability of home country newspapers and magazines, similation not sought by the minority.

196 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Elsewhere, ethnic minorities—including immigrant Russians, but also opened the way for many smaller ethnic
minorities—have grown into majority groups, posing the groups to seek recognition and greater local control from
question of who will assimilate whom. Ethnic Fijians the majority populations, including Russians, within whose
sought to resolve that issue by staging a coup to retain po- territory their homelands lay. In Asia, the Indian subconti-
litical power when the majority immigrant ethnic Indians nent was subdivided to create separate countries with pri-
came to power by election in 1987 and another in 2000 marily religious-territorial affiliations, and the country of
after the election of an ethnic-Indian prime minister. As India itself has adjusted the boundaries of its constituent
these and innumerable other examples from all conti- states to accommodate linguistic-ethnic realities. Other
nents demonstrate, Anglo American experiences and ex- continents and countries show a similar acceptance of the
pectations have limited application to other societies importance of ethnic territoriality in their administrative
differently constituted and motivated. structure. In some cases, as in the dismemberment of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire after World War I, the recogni-
tion of ethnically defined homelands was the basis of new
Areal Expressions of Ethnicity country formations (see “The Rising Tide of Nationalism”).
With the exceptions of some—largely Canadian—
Throughout much of the world, the close association of Native American groups and of French Canadians, there is
territoriality and ethnicity is well recognized, accepted, not the coincidence in Anglo America between territorial
and often politically disruptive. Indigenous ethnic groups claim and ethnic-racial distinctiveness so characteristic
have developed over time in specific locations and, elsewhere in the world (Figure 6.7). The general absence
through ties of kinship, language, culture, religion, and of such claims is the result of the immigrant nature of
shared history, have established themselves in their own American society. Even the Native American “homeland”
and others’ eyes as distinctive peoples with defined home- reservations in the United States are dispersed, noncon-
land areas. The boundaries of most countries of the world tiguous, and in large part artificial impositions.2 The spatial
encompass a number of racial or ethnic minorities, whose pattern of ethnicity that has developed is therefore more
demands for special territorial recognition have increased
rather than diminished with advances in economic devel- 2In Canada, a basic tenet of Aboriginal policy since 1993 has been the

opment, education, and self-awareness (Figure 6.6). recognition of the inherent right of self-government under Section 35 of
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, for ex- the Canadian Constitution. The new territory of Nunavut, the central
and eastern portion of the earlier Northwest Territories, is based largely
ample, not only set free the 14 ethnically-based union re- on Inuit land claims and came into existence as a self-governing district
publics that formerly had been dominated by Russia and in 1999.

AU S T R I A 10 miles 100 200 300 400 BE TAJIK

0 km 200 300 400






r ia


Ethnic Groups

Ethnic Groups Pathans


Serbs Se Kandahar Hazaras






Bosnians Bulgarians


Albanians Hungarians

Montenegrins Turks 0 miles 100 200 300

Macedonians Vlachs
G R EEC E 0 km 100 200 300

(a) (b)

Figure 6.6 (a) Ethnicity in former Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia was formed after World War I (1914–1918) from a patchwork of Balkan states
and territories, including the former kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia-Slavonia, and Dalmatia. The
authoritarian central government created in 1945 began to disintegrate in 1991 as non-Serb minorities voted for regional independence. In
response, Serb guerillas backed by the Serb-dominated Yugoslav military engaged in a policy of territorial seizure and “ethnic cleansing” to
secure areas claimed as traditional Serb “homelands.” Religious differences between Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Muslim adherents
compound the conflicts rooted in nationality. (b) Afghanistan houses Pathan, Tajik, Uzbek, and Hazara ethnic groups speaking Pashto, Dari
Persian, Uzbek, and several minor languages, and split between majority Sunni and minority Shia Moslem believers. Following Soviet military
withdrawal in 1989, conflict between various Afghan groups hindered the establishment of a unified state and government.

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 197

The Rising Tide of Nationalism

T he end of the 20th and start of

the 21st centuries are witness to

disintegration of British, French, and
Dutch colonial control after World
former Yugoslavia (Figure 6.6a), in
Moldova, and elsewhere, while
spreading ethnic self-assertion and War II resulted in new state forma- Czechs and Slovaks agreed to peace-
demands for national independence tion in Africa, South and East Asia, fully go their separate ways at the
and cultural purification of home- and Oceania. start of 1993.
land territories. To some, these de- Few empires have collapsed as Democracies, too, at least be-
mands and the conflicts they rapidly and completely as did that of fore legal protections for minorities
frequently engender are the expected the Soviet Union and its Eastern Eu- are firmly in place, risk disintegra-
consequences of the decline of ropean satellites in the late 1980s tion or division along ethnic, tribal,
strong central governments and im- and early 1990s. In the subsequent or religious lines. African states with
perial controls. It has happened loss of strong central authority, the their multiple ethnic loyalties (Fig-
before. The collapse of the Roman ethnic nationalisms that communist ure 12.5) have frequently used those
and the Holy Roman Empires were governments had for so long tried to divisions to justify restricting politi-
followed by the emergence of the suppress asserted themselves in inde- cal freedoms and continuing one-
nation-states of medieval and Renais- pendence movements. At one scale, party rule. However, past and present
sance Europe. The fall of Germany the Commonwealth of Independent ethnically inspired civil wars and re-
and the Austro-Hungarian Empire States and the republics of Estonia, gional revolts in Somalia, Ethiopia,
after World War I saw the creation of Latvia, Lithuania, and Georgia Nigeria, Uganda, Liberia, Angola,
new ethnically based countries in emerged from the former Soviet Rwanda, Burundi, and elsewhere
Eastern Europe. The brief decline of Union. At a lesser territorial scale, show the fragility of the political
post-czarist Russia permitted free- ethnic animosities and assertions led structure on that continent.
dom for Finland, and for 20 years for to bloodshed in the Caucasian
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The republics of the former USSR, in

Figure 6.7 Although all of North America was once

theirs alone, Native Americans have become now part of a
larger cultural mix. In the United States, their areas of
domination have been reduced to reservations found
largely in the western half of the country and to the ethnic
provinces shown on Figure 6.11. These are often areas to
which Amerindian groups were relocated, not necessarily
the territories occupied by their ancestors at the time of
European colonization.
Amerindians were never a single ethnic or cultural
group and cannot be compared to a European national
immigrant group in homogeneity. Arriving over many
thousands of years, from many different origin points,
with different languages, physical characteristics, customs,
and skills, they are in no way comparable to a culturally
uniform Irish or Slovak ethnic group arriving during the
19th century or Salvadorans or Koreans during the 20th.
Unlike most other minorities in the American amalgam,
Amerindians have generally rejected the goal of full and
complete assimilation into the national mainstream

198 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

intricate and shifting than in many other pluralistic soci- Somewhat comparable to the British domination in
eties. It is not based on absolute ethnic dominance but on the East is the Hispanic influence in the Southwest. Mexi-
interplay between a majority culture and, usually, several can and Spanish explorers established settlements in New
competing minority groups. It shows the enduring conse- Mexico a generation before the Pilgrims arrived at Ply-
quences of early settlement and the changing structure of mouth Rock. Spanish-speaking El Paso and Santa Fe were
a fluid, responsive, freely mobile North American society. prospering before Jamestown, Virginia, was founded in
1607. Although subsequently incorporated into an expand-
Charter Cultures ing “Anglo”-controlled cultural realm and dominated by it,
Although, with the Canadian French and Native American the early established Hispanic culture, reinforced by con-
exceptions noted, no single ethnic minority homeland tinuing immigration, has proved enduringly effective.
area exists in present-day Anglo America, a number of From Texas to California, Spanish-derived social, eco-
separate social and ethnic groups are of sufficient size and nomic, legal, and cultural institutions and traditions re-
regional concentration to have put their impress on partic- main an integral part of contemporary life—from
ular areas. Part of that imprint results from what the geog- language, art, folklore, and names on the land through
rapher Wilbur Zelinsky termed the “doctrine of first Spanish water law to land ownership patterns reflecting
effective settlement.” That principle holds that Spanish tenure systems.
Whenever an empty territory undergoes settlement, or an
earlier population is dislodged by invaders, the specific Ethnic Clusters
characteristics of the first group able to effect a viable, self- Because the British already occupied much of the agricul-
perpetuating society are of crucial significance for the later tural land of the East, other, later immigrant streams from
social and cultural geography of the area, no matter how Europe were forced to “leapfrog” those areas and seek set-
tiny the initial band of settlers may have been.3 tlement opportunities in still-available productive lands of
the interior and western United States and Canada. The
On the North American stage, the English and their
Scandinavians of the North Central states, the Germans in
affiliates, although few in number, were the first effective
the Appalachian uplands, the upper Middle West, and
entrants in the eastern United States and shared with the
Texas, various Slavic groups farther west on the Plains,
French that role in eastern Canada. Although the French
and Italians and Armenians in California are examples of
were ousted from parts of Seaboard Canada, they retained
later arrivals occupying, ethnically influencing, and be-
their cultural and territorial dominance in Quebec
coming identified with different sections of the United
Province, where today their political power and ethnocen-
States even as they remained part of a larger cultural
tricity foster among some the determination to achieve
realm dominated by British roots. Such areas of ethnic
separate nationhood. In the United States, British immi-
concentration are known as ethnic islands, the dispersed
grants (English, Welsh, Scottish, and Scotch-Irish) consti-
and rural counterparts of urban ethnic neighborhoods
tuted the main portion of the new settlers in eastern
(Figure 6.8).
Colonial America and retained their significance in the
Characterized usually by a strong sense of commu-
immigrant stream until after 1870.
nity, ethnic islands frequently placed their distinctive im-
The English, particularly, became the charter
print on the rural landscape by retaining home country
group, the dominant first arrivals establishing the cul-
barn and house styles and farmstead layouts, while their
tural norms and standards against which other immigrant
inhabitants may have retained their own language, man-
groups were measured. It is understandable, then, in the
ner of dress, and customs. With the passing of the genera-
light of Zelinsky’s “doctrine,” that: English became the na-
tions, rural ethnic identity has tended to diminish, and
tional language; English common law became the founda-
20th-century adaptations and dispersions have occurred.
tion of the American legal system; British philosophers
When long-enduring through spatial isolation or group de-
influenced the considerations and debates leading to the
termination, ethnic islands have tended to be considered
American Constitution; English place names predominate
landscape expressions of folk culture rather than purely
in much of the country; and the influence of English liter-
ethnic culture; we shall return to them in that context in
ature and music remains strong. By their early arrival and
Chapter 7.
initial dominance, the British established the majority cul-
Similar concentrations of immigrant arrivals are
ture of the Anglo American realm; their enduring ethnic
found in Canada. Descendants of French and British im-
impact is felt even today.
migrants dominate its ethnic structure, both occupying
primary areas too large to be considered ethnic islands.
3The Cultural Geography of the United States. Rev. ed. (Englewood Cliffs, British origins are most common in all the provinces ex-
N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1992), p. 13. cept Quebec, where 75% of the population is of French

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 199

Figure 6.8 Ethnic islands in the United States.
Source: Redrawn Settlement Patterns in Missouri by Russel L. Gerlach, by permission of University of Missouri Press © 1986 by Curators of the University of Missouri.

descent and over 80% of French Canadians make their Such cluster migration was not unique to foreign
home. French descendants are the second-largest ethnic colonies. In a similar fashion, a culturally distinctive Amer-
group in Atlantic Canada and Ontario but fall to fifth or ican group, the Latter-day Saints (Mormons), placed their
sixth position among minorities in the western provinces. enduring mark as the first and dominant settlers on a large
Chinese have concentrated in British Columbia, Italians in portion of the West, focusing on Utah and adjacent districts
Ontario and Quebec, and Ukrainians are the third-largest (Figure 6.10). In general, however, later in the century and
minority in the Prairie Provinces. The ethnic diversity of in the less arable sections of the western United States, the
that central portion of Canada is suggested by Figure 6.9. disappearance of land available for homesteading and the
European immigrants arriving by the middle of the changing nature of immigrant flows reduced the incidence
19th century frequently took up tracts of rural land as of cluster settlement. Impoverished individuals rather than
groups rather than as individuals, assuring the creation of financially solid communities sought American refuge and
at least small ethnic islands. German and Ukrainian Men- found it in urban locations and employment.
nonites in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, for example, While cluster migration created some ethnic concen-
Doukhobors in Saskatchewan, Mennonites in Alberta, Hut- trations of Anglo America, others evolved from the cumu-
terites in South Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Al- lative effect of chain migration—the assemblage in one
berta, the Pennsylvania Dutch (whose name is a corruption area of the relatives, friends, or unconnected compatriots
of Deutsch, or “German,” their true nationality), Frisians in of the first arrivals, attracted both by favorable reports and
Illinois, and other ethnic groups settled as collectives. They by familiar presences in specific locales of the New World
sometimes acted on the advice and the land descriptions re- (see also p. 88). Although such chain migration might not
ported by advance agents sent out by the group. In most affect sizable districts, it could and did place a distinctive
cases, sizable extents of rural territory received the imprint imprint on restricted rural ethnic islands and, particularly,
of a group of immigrants acting in concert. urban areas. “Chinatown,” “Little Sicily,” and other urban

200 Patterns of Diversity and Unity


ha A S A S K A T C H E W A N




0 miles 150 Regina

0 km 150 Lethbrid Winnipeg


A Austrian I Italian Belgian C Czecho-Slovak D Danish H Hebrew
E Estonian L Lithuanian Dutch G Galician I Icelandic M Mormon (U.S.)
Fi Finnish M Mennonite French R Polish N Norwegian N Black
G German (German-Russian) R Russian S Swedish Ne Nestorian
H Hungarian R Romanian Ru Ruthenian Sc Undifferentiated
Hu Hutterite (Austrian) S Swiss U Ukrainian

Figure 6.9 Ethnic diversity in the Prairie Provinces of Canada. In 1991, 69% of all Canadians claimed some French or English ancestry.
For the Prairie Provinces with their much greater ethnic mixture, only 15% declared any English or French descent. Immigrants comprise a
larger share of Canadian population than they do of the U.S. population. Early in the 20th century most newcomers located in rural western
Canada and by 1921 about half the population of the Prairie Provinces was foreign born. Later immigrants concentrated in the major
metropolitan centers. In the late 1990s, some 42% of Toronto’s population was foreign born and 35% of Vancouver’s. In the period 1981–1991, 48%
of Canada’s immigrants were from Asia and only 25% from Europe, the traditionally dominant source region. From 1991–1996, the disparity
increased: to 57% and 19%.
Source: D. G. G. Kerr, A Historical Atlas of Canada, 2d ed., 1966. Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1966.

enclaves, the concentration of Arab Americans in Dear- ethnic homelands to develop, even in the instance of the
born, Michigan, and the Italian and Armenian farm com- now-inappropriate association of African Americans with
munities of California’s Central Valley, are examples of southern states.
chain migrations and congregate settlement. African Americans, involuntary immigrants to the
continent, were nearly exclusively confined to rural
Black Dispersions areas of the South and Southeast prior to the Civil War
Some entire regions of North America—vastly larger (Figure 6.12). Even after emancipation, most remained
than the distinctive ethnic islands—have become associ- on the land in the South. During the 20th century, how-
ated with larger ethnic or racial aggregations numbering ever, established patterns of southern rural residence
in the thousands or millions. Such ethnic provinces in- and farm employment underwent profound changes, al-
clude French Canadians in Quebec, African Americans though southern regionalization of blacks is still evident
in the United States Southeast, Native Americans in Ok- (Figure 6.13). The decline of subsistence farming and
lahoma, the Southwest, the Northern Plains and Prairie share-cropping, the mechanization of southern agricul-
Provinces, and Hispanics in the southern border states of ture, the demand for factory labor in northern cities
the United States West (Figure 6.11). The identification starting with World War I (1914–1918), and the general
of distinctive communities with extensive regional units urbanization of the American economy all affected tradi-
persists, even though ethnicity and race have not been tional patterns of black residence and livelihood.
fully reliable bases for regionalization in North America. Between 1940 and 1970, more than 5 million black
Cultural, ethnic, and racial mixing has been too com- Americans left their traditional southeastern concentration—
plete to permit United States counterparts of Old World the largest internal ethnic migration ever experienced in

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 201





Idaho Falls
Twin Falls

CORE Salt Lake City 0 miles 200 400

Manti Native Americans 0 km 200 400 600

African Americans
DOMAIN Hispanic American
St. George borderlands
Franco Americans and
Las Vegas French Canadians

Figure 6.11

Los Angeles Four North American ethnic groups and their


Temple Phoenix
provinces. Note how this generalized map differs from the more

Pacific Coast detailed picture of ethnic distributions shown in Figure 6.8.



300 miles

300 km

Figure 6.10 The Mormon culture region as defined by D. W.

Meinig. To express the observed spatial gradations in Mormon
cultural dominance and to approximate its sequential spread,
Professor Meinig defined the Salt Lake City core region of Mormon
culture as “a centralized zone of concentration . . . and
homogeneity.” The broader concept of domain identifies “areas in
which the . . . culture is dominant” but less intensive than in the
core. The sphere of any culture, Meinig suggests, is the zone of outer
300 miles
influence, where only parts of the culture are represented or where
300 km
the culture’s adherents are a minority of the total population.
Source: Redrawn with permission from Annals of the Association of American
Geographers, D. W. Meinig, vol. 55, p. 214, Association of American Geographers, 1965. Percentage of Total Population
50% or more black
75% or more black
America. A modest return migration of, particularly, middle-
class African Americans that began in the 1970s picked up
speed during the 1980s and became a major flow by the late
Figure 6.12 African American concentrations, 1850.

1990s. Projections suggest that if the end-of-century pace of

return continues, a net flow of 2.7 million—more than half
of the great post-1940 migration—will have returned South these are distinctions not necessarily recognized by mem-
between 1975 and 2010. bers of the white majority. But even the Census Bureau, in
The growing African American population (over 12% its summary statistics, has treated “Black” and “Hispanic Ori-
of all Americans in 2000) has become more urbanized gin” as catchall classifications that suggest ethnic uniformi-
than the general population; 86% were residents of metro- ties where none necessarily exist.
politan areas in 1999, compared to 75% for all Americans In the case of African Americans, such clustering is
combined. Although recent national economic trends, in- of decreasing relevance. Their spatial mobility was en-
cluding industrial growth in the Sunbelt, have encouraged couraged by the industrial urban labor requirements first
a reverse migration, almost half of African Americans in apparent during World War I and continuing through the
2000 resided outside the South (Figure 6.13). Vietnam era of the 1960s. Government intervention, man-
Black Americans, like Asian Americans and Hispanics, dating and promoting racial equality, further deracialized
have had thrust on them an assumed common ethnicity the economic sector. As a result, the black community has
that does not, in fact, exist. Because of prominent physical become subdivided along socioeconomic rather than pri-
or linguistic characteristics, quite dissimilar ethnic groups marily regional lines. No common native culture united
have been categorized by the white, English-speaking major- the slaves brought to America; few of their transported
ity in ways totally at odds with the realities of their separate traits or traditions could endure the generations of servi-
national origins or cultural inheritances. Although the U.S. tude. By long residence and separate experiences, African
Census Bureau makes some attempt to subdivide Asian eth- Americans have become as differentiated as comparably
nic groups—Chinese, Filipino, and Korean, for example— placed ethnics of any other heritage.

202 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

African American
Percentage of State's Population

0 miles 200 400

0 km 200 400 600

More than 25 6.1–12
18.1–25 1.1–6
300 miles 100 miles 12.1–18 1 or less



Figure 6.13 Evidence of African American concentration endures in the South. African Americans, in response to employment
opportunities in metropolitan areas of the North and West, are now more widely distributed than a century ago. However, over half (55%) still
lived in the South in 2000, reflecting both tradition and a pronounced return migration in the later 20th century.
Source: Data from U.S. Bureau of the Census.

Hispanic Concentrations sumed uniform group as they do between that group and
Similarly, the members of the multiracial, multinational, the rest of the population. They also constitute the most
and multicultural composite population lumped by the rapidly growing minority component of U.S. residents—
Census Bureau into the single category of “Hispanic or increasing nearly 57% (to over 35.3 million) between
Latino” are not a homogeneous group either. Hispanic 1990 and 2000 to surpass African Americans as the
Americans represent as much diversity within the as- largest minority, as Table 6.5 indicates. Indeed, by 1990

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 203

TABLE 6.5 Actual and Projected United States TABLE 6.6 Composition of U.S. Hispanic
Population Mix: 2000, 2025, and 2050 Population, 2000

Percent of Total Hispanic Subgroup Number (millions) Percent

Population Group Mexican 20.6 58.4
(One race options) 2000 2025 2050 Puerto Rican 3.4 9.6
Non-Hispanic White 69.1 62.0 52.8 Cuban 1.2 3.4
Hispanic or Latino 12.5 18.2 24.5 Central and South American 3.1 8.8
Black or African American 12.3 12.9 13.2 Dominican 0.8 2.3
Asian/Pacific Islander 3.7 6.2 8.9 Other Hispanic origina 6.2 17.5
Native American 0.9 0.8 0.8 Total Hispanic or Latino 35.3 100

a”Other Hispanics” includes those with origins in Spain or who identify themselves as
Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Population Projection Program. Totals do not
round to 100%. “Hispanic,” “Latino,” “Spanish American,” etc.
Note: Black, Asian, and Native American categories exclude Hispanics, who may be Source: U. S. Bureau of Census.
of any race.

Hispanics had already outnumbered blacks in four of the Midwest have received the outflow. By the end of the
country’s ten largest cities and by 2000 they exceeded 1990s, New York City retained only about one-quarter of
African Americans in seven of the top ten. the mainland Puerto Ricans.
Mexican Americans account for nearly 60% of all Miami and Dade County, Florida, play the same
Hispanic Americans (Table 6.6). They are overwhelm- magnet role for Cubans as New York City earlier did for
ingly located in the five southwestern states that consti- Puerto Ricans. The first large scale movement of Cuban
tute the ethnic province called the Hispanic American refugees from the Castro revolution occurred between
borderland (Figure 6.11). Beginning in the 1940s, the 1959 and 1962. There followed a mixed period lasting
Mexican populations in the United States became in- until 1980 when emigration was alternately permitted and
creasingly urbanized and dispersed, losing their earlier prohibited by the Cuban government. Suddenly and unex-
primary identification as agricultural braceros (seasonal pectedly, in April 1980, a torrent of Cuban migration was
laborers) and as residents of the rural areas of Texas, released through the small port of Mariel. Although their
New Mexico, and Arizona. California rapidly increased flow was stopped after only five months, some 125,000
its Mexican American populations (Figure 6.14), as did Marielitos fled from Cuba to the United States. A 1994 ac-
the Midwest, particularly the chain of industrial cities cord between the United States and Cuba allows for a
from southeastern Wisconsin through metropolitan steady migration of at least 20,000 Cubans each year, as-
Chicago to Detroit. suring strong Cuban presence in Miami as the largest His-
Mexican Americans, representing a distinctive set of panic group among a growing number of other, largely
cultural characteristics, have been dispersing widely Central American, immigrants. Altogether, Hispanics ac-
across the United States, though increases in the Mid- counted for 56% of the total population of Dade County in
western states have been particularly noticeable. In simi- the late 1990s.
lar fashion, immigrants from equally distinctive South, Early in the period of post-1959 Cuban influx, the
Central, and Caribbean American countries have been federal government attempted a resettlement program to
spreading out from their respective initial geographic scatter the new arrivals around the United States. Some
concentrations. Puerto Ricans, already citizens, first local- remnants of that program are still to be found in concen-
ized in New York City, now the largest Puerto Rican city trations of Cubans in New York City, northern New Jer-
anywhere in numerical terms. Since 1940, however, sey, Chicago, and Los Angeles. The majority of early and
when 88% of mainland Puerto Ricans were New Yorkers, late arrivals from Cuba, however, have settled in the
there has been an outward dispersal primarily to other Miami area, with Florida as a home to two-thirds of all
major metropolitan areas of the northeastern part of the Cuban Americans.
country. The old industrial cities of New Jersey (Jersey Immigrants from the Dominican Republic, many of
City, Newark, Paterson, Passaic, and Hoboken); Bridge- them undocumented and difficult to trace, appear to be
port and Stamford, Connecticut; the Massachusetts cities concentrating in the New York City area. Within that
of Lowell, Lawrence, and Brockton; and Chicago and same city, Central and South Americans have congregated
other central cities and industrial satellites of the in the borough of Queens, with the South American

204 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 6.14 Street mural in a Los Angeles barrio. Nearly half of Los Angeles’ population in 2000 was Hispanic and overwhelmingly
Mexican American. Their impact on the urban landscape—in choice of house colors, advertising signs, street vendors, and colorful wall
paintings—is distinctive and pervasive.

contingent, particularly Colombians, settling in the Jack- 2000, over 91% of Hispanic households were in metropoli-
son Heights section. Elsewhere, Central American His- tan areas compared to 78% for non-Hispanic whites and
panics also tend to cluster. Los Angeles is estimated to 86% for blacks.
hold some 40% of Central American immigrants; other
concentrations include San Francisco, New York City, and Asian Contrasts
Washington, D.C. Each concentration differs in its country With their numbers more than doubling, Asians were the
of origin. Most Nicaraguans are found in the Miami area, country’s fastest-growing ethnic component between 1981
most Hondurans in New Orleans. As noted, migrants from and 1990, continuing a pattern of rapid increase (141%) evi-
the Dominican Republic seek refuge in New York City; dent during the 1970s. Though second to Hispanics in num-
Salvadoran and Guatemalan migrants have dispersed ber of new arrivals, Asians still made up nearly one-third of
themselves more widely. the legal immigrant flow between 1991 and 2000. By that
New arrivals tend to follow the paths of earlier coun- date, Asian Americans totaled over 10 million (see also
trymen. Chain migration and the security and support of Table 6.7), almost 4% of the entire U.S. population. In 1980
an ethnically distinctive halfway community are as impor- they accounted for just 1.5% of the total. Their rapid
tant for recent immigrants as for their predecessors of ear- growth has resulted from two different causes. First were
lier times and different cultures. As the residential changes in the immigration law enacted in 1965 that abol-
concentrations of the different Central American sub- ished the older national origins system and favored family
groups suggest, Hispanics as a whole are more urbanized reunification as an admission criterion. Educated Asians,
than are non-Hispanic populations of the United States. In taking advantage of professional preference categories in

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 205

lived; 35% of the whole population lived in the South, but
TABLE 6.7 U.S. Asian Population by Ethnicity, only 20% of Asian Americans were found there. Japanese
2000 Estimatesa and Filipinos are particularly concentrated in the western
Percent of Asian
states, where more than half of the Chinese Americans
Ethnicity Number (000) American Total also live. Only some 18% of all Asian Americans lived in
the Northeast, but about one-third of the country’s Asian
Chinese 2453 24.0 Indians were localized there. The distribution of Koreans
Filipino 2169 21.1 emphasizes Asian American concentration; over 26% of
Asian Indian 1284 12.5 the nation’s population of Korean descent reside in Los An-
Vietnamese 1088 10.6
geles, largely in its “Koreatown.” The Vietnamese, as a re-
sult of a refugee dispersal program, were initially more
Korean 1022 10.0
widely distributed than other major Asian American com-
Japanese 1003 9.8 munities. Eventually, however, most Indochinese drifted
Laotian 194 1.9 to the milder climates of the West Coast; by 1990 about
Cambodian 181 1.9 40% were in California, concentrated particularly in the
Thai 139 1.3 central valley south of San Francisco, although the largest
Pakistani 112 1.1
Vietnamese community outside of Vietnam is found in Or-
ange County, south of Los Angeles. In whatever part of the
Hmong 93 0.9
country they settled, Asian Americans (and Pacific Is-
Other Asian 504 4.9 landers) were drawn to metropolitan areas, where 96% of
Total 10,242 100 them lived in 1999—more than half in suburban areas.
aBased on Bureau of the Census and INS reports. French Uniformity
The stamp of the French charter group on the ethnic
province of French Canada is overwhelming. Quebec
Province—with ethnic extensions into New Brunswick
the immigration laws to move to the United States (or re- and northernmost Maine—is the only extensive region of
main here on adjusted student visas), could become citi- North America (except northern Canadian Native Ameri-
zens after five years and send for immediate family and can homelands) where regional delimitation on purely
other relatives without restriction. They in turn, after five ethnic lines is possible or appropriate. In language, reli-
years, could bring in other relatives. Chain migration was gion, legal principles, system of land tenure, the arts, cui-
an important agency. Second, the flood of Southeast Asian sine, philosophies of life, and landscapes of rural and
refugees admitted during 1975–1980 under the Refugee Re- urban occupance, Quebec stands apart from the rest of
settlement Program after the Vietnam War swelled the Canada (Figure 6.15). Its distinctiveness and self-assertion
Asian numbers in the United States by over 400,000, with have won it special consideration and treatment within
2.4 million more Asian immigrants admitted between 1980 the political structure of the country.
and 1990. At the start of the 21st century, nearly 28% of the Although the Canadiens of Quebec were the charter
U.S. foreign-born population were from Asia. Canada shows group of eastern Canada and for some 200 years the con-
a similar increase in the immigrant flow from that conti- trolling population, they numbered only some 65,000
nent. Although the annual share of immigrants coming when the Treaty of Paris ended the North American wars
from Asia to Canada never exceeded 5% during the 1950s, between the British and the French in 1763. That treaty,
by the mid-1990s close to two-thirds of new arrivals were however, gave them control over three primary aspects
from Asia. of their culture and lives: language, religion, and land
Asia is a vast continent; successive periods of immigra- tenure. From these, they created their own distinctive
tion have seen arrivals from many different parts of it, rep- and enduring ethnic province of some 1.5 million square
resenting totally different ethnic groups and cultures. The kilometers (600,000 sq mi) and 7.3 million people, 82%
major Asian American populations are detailed in Table 6.7, of whom have French as their native tongue (see
but even these groups are not homogeneous and cannot Figure 5.15) and adhere to the Roman Catholic faith.
suggest the great diversity of ethnic groups—Burmese, Cam- Quebec City is the cultural heart of French Canada,
bodian, Hmong, Mien, Indonesians of great variety, and though the bilingual Montreal metropolitan area with a
many more—who have joined the American realm. Al- population of over 3 million is the largest center of Que-
though settled in all sections of the country and, like His- bec Province. The sense of cultural identity prevalent
panic Americans, differently localized by ethnic group, throughout French Canada imparted a spirit of national-
Asian Americans as a whole are relatively concentrated in ism not similarly expressed in other ethnic provinces of
residence—far more so than the rest of the population. North America. Laws and guarantees recognizing and
In 1999 53% of them resided in the West (and almost strengthening the position of French language and cul-
40% in California alone), where only 22% of all Americans ture within the province assure the preservation of this

206 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Protestant Anglo Americans created from colonial
times the dominating host culture—the charter group—of
urban North America. To that culture the mass migrations
of the 19th and early 20th centuries brought individuals
and groups representative of different religious and ethnic
backgrounds, including Irish Catholics, eastern European
Jews, and members of every nationality, ethnic stock, and
distinctive culture of central, eastern, and southern Eu-
rope. To them were added, both simultaneously and sub-
sequently, newcomers from Asia and Latin America and
such urbanizing rural Americans as Appalachian whites
and Southern blacks.
Each newcomer element sought both accommoda-
tion within the urban matrix established by the charter
group and acceptable relationships with other in-migrant
ethnic groups. That accommodation has characteristically
(a) been achieved by the establishment of the ethnic commu-
nity or neighborhood—an area within the city where a
particular culture group aggregates, which it dominates,
and which may serve as the core area from which diffu-
sion or absorption into the host society can occur. The ra-
pidly urbanizing, industrializing society of 19th-century
America became a mosaic of such ethnic enclaves. Their
maintenance as distinctive social and spatial entities de-
pended on the degree to which the assimilation of their
population occurred. Figure 6.16 shows the more recent
ethnic concentrations that developed by the late 20th cen-
tury in one major American city. The increasing subdivi-
sion of the immigrant stream and the consequent
reduction in the size of identified enclaves make compara-
ble maps of older U.S. cities such as New York and
(b) Chicago nearly unintelligibly complex.
Figure 6.15 (a) The hotel Château Frontenac stands high above
Immigrant neighborhoods are a measure of the
the lower older portion of Quebec City, where many streets show the social distance that separates the minority from the char-
architecture of French cities of the 18th century carried over to the ter group. The greater the perceived differences between
urban heart of modern French Canada. (b) Rural Richelieu Valley in the two groups, the greater the social distance and the less
the Eastern Townships of Quebec Province. likely is the charter group to easily accept or assimilate
the newcomer. Consequently, the ethnic community will
endure longer as a place both of immigrant refuge and of
enforced segregation.
distinctive North American cultural region, even if the Segregation is a shorthand expression for the extent
movement for full political separation from the rest of to which members of an ethnic group are not uniformly
Canada is not successful. distributed in relation to the rest of the population. A com-
monly employed measure quantifying the degree to
which a distinctive group is segregated is the segregation
index or index of residential dissimilarity. It indicates the
Urban Ethnic Diversity percentage difference between the distribution of two
and Segregation component groups of a population, with a theoretical
range of values from 0 (no segregation) to 100 (complete
“Little Havanas” and “Little Koreas” have joined the “Chi- segregation). Evidence from cities throughout the world
natowns,” “Little Italys,” and “Germantowns” of earlier makes clear that most ethnic minorities tend to be sharply
eras as part of the American urban scene. The traditional segregated from the charter group and that segregation on
practice of selective concentration of ethnics in their own racial or ethnic lines is usually greater than would be an-
frequently well-defined subcommunities is evidence of a ticipated from the socioeconomic levels of the groups in-
much more inclusive, sharply defined social geography of volved. Further, the degree of segregation varies among
urban America, in which ethnic neighborhoods have been cities in the same country and among different ethnic
a pronounced, enduring feature. mixes within each city.

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 207

Whites Blacks
San Fernando Hispanics Mixed

Va l l ey Altadena

Pasadena Glendora
Alhambra (Chinese)
Hills Hollywood Covina
Sawtelle Monterey
(Japanese) Downtown Park
East Walnut
Pacific Los Angeles
Palisades Industry Pomona
South Central Santa Fe
Airport Watts Springs

Gardena Compton
Pacific Ocean

(Cambodians) 0 miles 5 10 15
0 km 5 10 15


Figure 6.16 Ethnic patterns in Los Angeles, 1990 are greatly generalized on this map, which conceals much of the complex intermingling
of different ethnic groups in several sections of the city.
Source: Data from Eugene Turner and James P. Allen, “An Atlas of Population Patterns in Metropolitan Los Angeles and Orange Counties, 1990.” Occasional Publication no. 8,
Center for Geographical Studies, California State University, Northridge.

Among major United States metropolitan areas in aliens. Their residential choices are consequently
2000, for example, Chicago, Illinois, had a black–white influenced by difficulties or disinterest in integration or
segregation index of 81 while for Raleigh-Durham, North amalgamation, a high degree of migrant self-identity, re-
Carolina, it was 46. Within the Detroit metropolitan area, striction to housing units or districts specially provided
on the other hand, the black–white index of residential for them, and the locational pull of chain migration. Cul-
dissimilarity was 85 but the Hispanic–white and ture and religion are important in that regard as even
Asian–white indexes were much lower, each at 46. In the small ethnically homogeneous groups, confined perhaps
country as a whole in 2000, the typical white neighbor- to part of a city block or to a single apartment building,
hood was nearly 83% white and the typical African Ameri- help to maintain the life-style and support systems of
can lived in a neighborhood that was 54% black. On home territories.
average, Hispanics resided in areas 42% Hispanic and The Islamic populations from North Africa and
Asians in communities that were only 19% Asian. Collec- Turkey tend to be more tightly grouped and defensive
tively, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians lived in more inte- against the surrounding majority culture of western Euro-
grated neighborhoods than did whites. pean cities than do African or south and east European
Each world region and each country, of course, has Christian migrants. France, with some 5 million Muslim
its own patterns of national and urban immigration and residents, most of them from North Africa, has tended to
immigrant residential patterns. Even when those popula- create bleak, distant outer city ghettoes in which Arab
tion movements involve distinctive and contrasting eth- legal and illegal immigrants remain largely isolated from
nic groups, American models of spatial differentiation mainstream French life.
may not be applicable. Foreign migrants to West Euro- Rapid urbanization in multiethnic India has re-
pean cities, for example, frequently do not have the same sulted in cities of extreme social and cultural contrasts.
expectations of permanent residence and eventual amal- Increasingly, Indian cities feature defined residential
gamation into the host society as their American counter- colonies segregated by village and caste origins of the im-
parts. Many came under labor contracts with no initial migrants. Chain migration has eased the influx of new-
legal assurance of permanent residence. Although many comers to specific new and old city areas; language,
now have been joined by their families, they often find custom, religion, and tradition keep them confined. In-
citizenship difficult to acquire; in Germany, even ternational and domestic migration within ethnically di-
German-born children of “guest workers” are considered verse Africa has had a similar residential outcome. In the

208 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Ivory Coast, for example, the rural-to-urban population margins—and the location of the oldest, most dilapidated,
shift has created city neighborhoods defined on tribal and least desirable housing. Proximity to job opportunity
and village lines. Worldwide in all continental and na- and the availability of cheap housing near the CBD, there-
tional urban contexts, the degree of immigrant segrega- fore, combined to concentrate the United States immi-
tion is at least in part conditioned by the degree of social grant slum near the heart of the 19th-century central city.
distance felt between the newcomer population and the In the second half of the 20th century, the suburbaniza-
other immigrant and host societies among whom resi- tion of jobs, the rising skill levels required in the auto-
dential space is sought. mated offices of the CBD, and the effective isolation of
Constraints on assimilation and the extent of dis- inner-city residents by the absence of public transpor-
crimination and segregation are greater for some minori- tation or their inability to pay for private transport
ties than for others. In general, the rate of assimilation of maintained the association of the least competitive mi-
an ethnic minority by the host culture depends on two norities and the least desirable housing area. But now
sets of controls: external, including attitudes toward the those locations lack the promise of entry-level jobs for-
minority held by the charter group and other competing merly close at hand.
ethnic groups, and internal controls of group cohesiveness That U.S. spatial association does not necessarily
and defensiveness. extend to other cultures and urban environments. In
Latin American cities, newest arrivals at the bottom of
External Controls the economic and employment ladder are most apt to
When the majority culture or rival minorities perceive an find housing in squatter or slum areas on the outskirts of
ethnic group as threatening, the group tends to be spa- the urban unit (Figure 11.42); prestigious housing claims
tially isolated by external “blocking” tactics designed to room near the city center. European cities, too, have re-
confine the rejected minority and to resist its “invasion” of tained a larger proportion of upper income groups at the
already occupied urban neighborhoods. The more tightly urban center than have their American counterparts,
knit the threatened group, the more adamant and overt with a corresponding impact on the distribution of lower-
are its resistance tactics. When confrontation measures status, lower-income housing (Figure 11.38). In French
(including, perhaps, threats and vandalism) fail, the inva- urban agglomerations, at least, the outer fringes fre-
sion of charter-group territory by the rejected minority quently have a higher percentage of foreigners than the
proceeds until a critical percentage of newcomer housing city itself.
occupancy is reached. That level, the tipping point, may
precipitate a rapid exodus by the former majority popula- Internal Controls
tion. Invasion, followed by succession, then results in a Although part of the American pattern of urban residen-
new spatial pattern of ethnic dominance according to tial segregation may be explained by the external controls
models of urban social geography developed for American of host-culture resistance and discrimination, the cluster-
cities and examined in Chapter 11, models less applicable ing of specific groups into discrete, ethnically homoge-
to the European scene. neous neighborhoods is best understood as the result of
Racial or ethnic discrimination in urban areas gen- internal controls of group defensiveness and conser-
erally expresses itself in the relegation of the most re- vatism. The self-elected segregation of ethnic groups can
cent, most alien, most despised minority to the poorest be seen to serve four principal functions—defense, sup-
available housing. That confinement has historically port, preservation, and “attack.”
been abetted by the concentration of the newest, least First, it provides defense, reducing individual immi-
assimilated ethnic minorities at the low end of the occu- grant isolation and exposure by physical association within
pational structure. Distasteful, menial, low-paying a limited area. The walled and gated Jewish quarters of
service and factory employment unattractive to the medieval European cities have their present-day counter-
charter group is available to those new arrivals even parts in the clearly marked and defined “turfs” of street
when other occupational avenues may be closed. The gang members and the understood exclusive domains of
dockworkers, street cleaners, slaughterhouse employ- the “black community,” “Chinatown,” and other ethnic or
ees, and sweatshop garment workers of earlier America racial neighborhoods. In British cities, it has been observed
had and have their counterparts in other regions. In En- that West Indians and Asians fill identical slots in the
gland, successive waves of West Indians and Common- British economy and reside in the same sorts of areas, but
wealth Asians took the posts of low-pay hotel and they tend to avoid living in the same areas. West Indians
restaurant service workers, transit workers, refuse col- avoid Asians; Sikhs isolate themselves from Muslims; Ben-
lectors, manual laborers, and the like; Turks in German galis avoid Punjabis. In London, patterns of residential iso-
cities and North Africans in France play similar low- lation even extend to West Indians of separate island
status employment roles. homelands (see “The Caribbean Map in London”).
In the United States there has been a spatial association Their own defined ethnic territory provides mem-
between the location of such employment opportunities— bers of the group with security from the hostility of
the inner-city central business district (CBD) and its antagonistic social groups, a factor also underlying the

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 209

The Caribbean Map in London

A lthough the movement [to En-

settlements in different parts of the that the only West Indians in Padding-
gland] from the West Indies has been city. There is an archipelago of Wind- ton are from St. Lucia. The mixture is
treated as if it were homogeneous, the ward and Leeward islanders north of much greater than that. The popula-
island identity, particularly among the Thames; Dominicans and St. Lu- tions overlap and interdigitate: there
those from the small islands, has re- cians have their core areas in Padding- are no sharp edges. . . . [Nevertheless,
mained strong. . . . [I]t is very evi- ton and Notting Hill; Grenadians are north of the river] there is a west-east
dent to anyone working in the field found in the west in Hammersmith change with clusters of Grenadians in
that the process of chain migration and Ealing; Montserratians are con- the west giving way to St Lucians and
produced a clustering of particular is- centrated around Stoke Newington, Dominicans in the inner west, through
land or even village groups in their Hackney and Finsburry Park; An- to Vincentians and Montserratians in
British destination. . . . tiguans spill over to the east in Hack- the inner north and east and thence to
The island identities have man- ney, Waltham Forest and Newham; Antiguans in the east.
ifested themselves on the map of south of the river is Jamaica. Source: Ceri Peach, “The Force of West Indian
Island Identity in Britain,” in Geography & Ethnic
London. The island groups can still That is not to say that Jamaicans Pluralism, ed. Colin Clarke, David Ley, and Ceri
be picked out in the clusters of are found only south of the river or Peach. (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1984).

white flight to “garrison” suburbs. That outsiders view at among African and Hispanic Americans represent con-
least some closely defined ethnic communities as homo- certed efforts to achieve the promotion of group interests
geneous, impenetrable, and hostile is suggested by at all governmental levels.
Figure 6.17, a “safety map” of Manhattan published in
the newspaper l’Aurore for the guidance of French Shifting Ethnic Concentrations
tourists. Ethnic communities once established are not necessarily,
Second, the ethnic neighborhood provides support for or even usually, permanent. With recent diversified immi-
its residents in a variety of ways. The area serves as a gration, older homogeneous ethnic neighborhoods have
halfway station between the home country and the alien become highly subdivided and polyethnic. In Los Angeles,
society, to which admittance will eventually be sought. It for example, the great wave of immigrants from Mexico,
acts as a place of initiation and indoctrination, providing Central America, and Asia has begun to push African
supportive lay and religious ethnic institutions, familiar Americans out of Watts and other well-established black
businesses, job opportunities where language barriers are communities, converting them from racially exclusive to
minimal, and friendship and kinship ties to ease the tran- multicultural areas. In New York, the Borough of Queens,
sition to a new society. once the stronghold of European ethnics, has now become
Third, the ethnic neighborhood may provide a home to more than 110 different, mainly non-European
preservation function, reflecting the ethnic group’s posi- nationalities. In Woodside in Queens, Latin Americans
tive intent to preserve and promote such essential ele- and Koreans are prominent among the many replace-
ments of its cultural heritage as language and religion. ments of the formerly dominant German and Irish groups.
The preservation function represents a disinclination to Elsewhere within the city, West Indians now dominate the
be totally absorbed into the charter society and a desire to old Jewish neighborhoods of Flatbush; Poles and Domini-
maintain those customs and associations seen to be es- cans and other Central Americans have succeeded Ger-
sential to the conservation of the group. For example, mans and Jews in Washington Heights. Manhattan’s
Jewish dietary laws are more easily observed by, or expo- Chinatown expands into old Little Italy, and a new Little
sure to potential marriage partners within the faith is Italy emerges in Bensonhurst.
more certain in, close-knit communities than when indi- Further, the new ethnic neighborhoods are inter-
viduals are scattered. mixed in a way that enclaves of the early 20th century
Finally, ethnic spatial concentration can serve what never were. The restaurants, bakeries, groceries, specialty
has been termed the attack function, a peaceful and legiti- shops, their customers and owners from a score of differ-
mate search for, particularly, political representation by a ent countries and even different continents are now found
concentration of electoral power. Voter registration drives within a two- or three-block radius. In the Kenmore

210 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Increasing ethnic diversity coupled with continuing
immigration flow has, in some instances, expanded
rather than reduced patterns of urban group segregation.
The tendency for separate ethnic groups to cluster for se-
curity, economic, and social reasons cannot be effective
if a great many relatively small numbers of different eth-
nic groups find themselves in a single city setting. Inter-
mixture is inevitable when individual groups do not
achieve the critical mass necessary to establish a true
identifiable separate community. But as continuing im-
migration and natural increase allow groups to expand in
size, they are able to create more distinctive self-selected
ethnic clusters and communities. The 2000 census
clearly shows the New York region, for example, to be
more ethnically diverse and more segregated than was
suspected during the 1990s, with multiple clearly recog-
nizable enclaves and districts each with its own distinc-
tive ethnic or racial composition and character.
Immigration growth during the preceding decade yielded
not only greater ethnic diversity but greater evident seg-
regation as well.
Even when an ethnic community rejects or is denied
assimilation into the larger society, it may both relocate
and retain its coherence. “Satellite Chinatowns” are exam-
ples of migration from city centers outward to the suburbs
or to outer boroughs—in Los Angeles’ San Gabriel Valley,
stretching in a 20-mile swath eastward from Alhambra
and Monterey Park to West Covina and Diamond Bar; in
San Francisco, from the downtown area along Grant Av-
enue to the Richmond district 3 miles away. In New York
City the satellite move was from the still-growing Canal
Street area in lower Manhattan to Flushing, about 15 miles
away (Figure 6.18) and to Elmhurst which, with immi-
grants from 114 different countries, is the city’s most eth-
nically diverse neighborhood. Other growing, older ethnic
communities—needing more space and containing newly
affluent and successful members able to compete for bet-
ter housing elsewhere—have followed a similar pattern of
Figure 6.17 A “safety map” of Manhattan. According to the subdivision and relocation. For some ethnics, assimilation
editors of the French newspaper l’Aurore, any place north of 96th in job and society does not reduce the need for commu-
street in Manhattan was (late 1970s) best avoided both by day and by
nity identity.
night. The perceived “danger area” included all of central and east
Source: From l’Aurore as reproduced in Peter Jackson, Ethnic Groups and
Typologies and Spatial Results
Boundaries, School of Geography, Oxford University, 1980. When both the charter group and the ethnic group per-
ceive the social distance separating them to be small,
the isolation caused by external discriminatory and in-
Avenue area of East Los Angeles, for example, a half- ternal cohesiveness controls is temporary, and devel-
square-mile (1.3 km2) area of former Anglo neighborhood oped ethnic residential clusters quickly give way to full
now houses over 9000 people representing Hispanics and assimilation. While they endure, the clusters may be
Asians of widely varied origin along with Pacific Islanders, termed colonies, serving essentially as points of entry
Amerindians, African Americans, and a scattering of for members of the particular ethnic group. They persist
native-born whites. Students in the neighborhood school only to the extent that new arrivals perpetuate the need
come from 43 countries and speak 23 languages, a local- for them. In American cities, many European ethnic
ized ethnic intermixture unknown in the communities of colonies began to lose their vitality and purpose with
single ethnicity so characteristic of earlier stages of immi- the reduction of European immigration flows after the
gration to the United States (see “Colonies of Immigrants”). 1920s. Earlier in the century, however, European

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 211

Colonies of Immigrants

I n the following extract from his

Jewish, a German, a negro, a millions of foreigners have
1904 book Poverty, Robert Hunter con- Chinese, a Greek, a Scandinavian, established colonies in the very
veys a sense of the ethnic diversity and other colonies. So it is also in hearts of our urban and industrial
found in American cities: Boston and many other cities. In communities. . . . In recent years
New York alone there are more the flow of immigrants to the
[In American cities] great colonies,
persons of German descent than cities, where they are not needed,
foreign in language, customs,
persons of native descent, and the instead of to those parts of the
habits, and institutions, are
German element is larger than in country where they are needed, has
separated from each other and
any city of Germany except Berlin. been steadily increasing. Sixty-
from the distinctly American
There are nearly twice as many nine percent of the present
groups on national or racial lines.
Irish as in Dublin, about as many immigration avows itself as
By crossing the Bowery one leaves
Jews as in Warsaw, and more determined to settle either in the
behind him the great Jewish
Italians than in Naples or great cities or in certain
colony made up of Russians, Poles,
Venice. . . . communities of the four great
and Roumanians and passes into
To live in one of these foreign industrial states, Massachusetts,
Italy; to the northeast lies a little
communities is actually to live on New York, Pennsylvania, and
Germany; to the southwest a
foreign soil. The thoughts, feelings, Illinois. According to their own
colony of Syrians; to the west lies
and traditions which belong to the statements, nearly 60 percent of
an Irish community, a settlement
mental life of the colony are often the Russian and Polish Jews intend
of negroes, a remnant of the old
entirely alien to an American. The to settle in the largest cities. As a
native American stock; to the south
newspapers, the literature, the matter of fact, those who actually
lie a Chinese and a Greek colony.
ideals, the passions, the things do settle in cities are even more
On Manhattan alone, either on the
which agitate the community are numerous than this percentage
extreme west side or the extreme
unknown to us except in indicates. As the class of
east side, there are other colonies
fragments. . . . immigrants, drawn from eastern
of the Irish, the Jews, and the
While there is a great movement and southern Europe, Russia, and
Italians, and, in addition, there is a
of population from all parts of the Asia, come in increasing numbers
large colony of Bohemians. In
old world to all parts of the new, to the United States, the tendency
Chicago there are the same foreign
the migration to the United States to settle in cities likewise increases.
poor. To my own knowledge there
is the largest and the most Source: Robert Hunter, Poverty. (New York:
are four Italian colonies, two
conspicuous. Literally speaking, Macmillan, 1904.)
Polish, a Bohemian, an Irish, a

colonies were dynamic components of every major east- Both discrimination and voluntarism determine the
ern and midwestern city, as the excerpt “Colonies of Im- changing pattern of ethnic clustering within metropoli-
migrants” describes. tan areas. Where forced segregation limits residential
When an ethnic cluster persists because its occupants choices, ethnic or racial minorities may be confined to
choose to preserve it, their behavior reflects the internal co- the older, low-cost housing areas, typically close to the
hesiveness of the group and its desire to maintain an en- city center. Growing ethnic groups that maintain volun-
during ethnic enclave or neighborhood. When the cluster tary spatial association frequently expand the area of
is perpetuated by external constraints and discriminatory their dominance by growth outward from the core of the
actions, it has come to be termed a ghetto. In reality, the city in a radial pattern. That process has long been rec-
colony, the enclave, and the ghetto are spatially similar out- ognized in Chicago (Figure 6.20) and has, in that and
comes of ethnic concentrations whose origins are difficult other cities, typically been extended beyond the central
to document. Figure 6.19 suggests the possible spatial ex- city boundaries into at least the inner fringe of the
pressions of these three recognized ethnic-cluster models. suburbs.

212 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 6.18 The Flushing, Queens, area of New York City
contains one of the developing “satellite Chinatowns.” Like those in
other cities, it reflects both the pressures exerted by a growing Chinese
community on their older urban enclaves and the suburbanization of Figure 6.19 Types of ethnic areas.
an affluent younger generation that still seeks community coherence. Source: David T. Herbert and Colin J. Thomas, Urban Geography, London: David
Fulton Publishers, 1987. Redrawn by permission.

African Americans have, traditionally, found strong re-

sistance to their territorial expansion from the Anglo charter represented a “toehold” location in high-density, aged,
group, though white-black urban relations and patterns of substandard housing on the margin of the central business
black ghetto formation and expansion have differed in dif- district. The classic northern ghetto is a more recent ex-
ferent sections of the country. A revealing typology of pansion of that initial enclave to surround the CBD and to
African American ghettos is outlined in Figure 6.21. In the penetrate, through invasion and succession, contiguous
South, the white majority, with total control of the housing zones as far as the numbers and the rent-paying ability of
market, was able to assign residential space to blacks in ac- the growing African American community will carry. Fi-
cordance with white, not black, self-interest. In the early nally, in new western and southwestern cities not tightly
southern ghetto of such pre-Civil War cities as Charleston hemmed in by resistant ethnic neighborhoods or ethnic
and New Orleans, African Americans were assigned small suburbs, the black community may display a linear expan-
dwellings in alleys and back streets within and bounding the sion from the CBD to the suburban fringe.
white communities where they worked as (slave) house and
garden servants. The classic southern ghetto for newly free Native-Born Dispersals
blacks was composed of specially built, low-quality housing Immigration flows to the United States during the last
on undesirable land—swampy, perhaps, or near industry or third of the 20th century—unlike those of earlier mass-
railroads—and was sufficiently far from better-quality white immigration periods—have begun to affect both the broad
housing to maintain full spatial and social segregation. regional ethnic make-up of the United States and the in-
In the North, on the other hand, African Americans ternal migration pattern of native-born Americans. The
were open competitors with other claimants for space in a spatial consequence has been dubbed a “demographic
generalized housing market. The early northern ghetto balkanization,” a pronounced and apparently reinforcing

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 213

areal segmentation of population by race/ethnicity, eco-
nomic status, and age across extended metropolitan areas
and larger regions of the country.
Early 20th-century immigration streams resulted, as
we have seen, in temporary ethnic segregation by urban
neighborhoods and between central cities and suburbs. Im-
migration legislation of 1965 dropped the national-origin
quotas that had formerly favored European immigrants, re-
placing that with a more inclusive formula emphasizing
family reunification. That change, plus economic and po-
litical pressures in many countries of Asia and Latin Amer-
ica, has swelled the influx of poorer, less-skilled Asians and
Hispanics. Highly dependent on family members and
friends for integration into the informal and formal Ameri-
can job market, the new arrivals are drawn to primary
port-of-entry metropolitan areas by chain migration links.
In those areas where immigrants account for most of the
present and prospective population growth, the trend is to-
ward increasingly multicultural, younger, and poorer resi-
dents and dominantly of Hispanic and Asian origins.

Figure 6.20 The outward expansion of racial and nationality

groups in Chicago. “Often,” Samuel Kincheloe observed in the 1930s,
“[minority] groups first settle in a deteriorated area of a city somewhere
near its center, then push outward along the main streets.” More recently,
many—particularly young, innovative, and entrepreneurial—immigrants
have avoided traditional first locations in central cities and from their
arrival have settled in metropolitan area suburbs and outlying cities where
economic opportunity and quality of life is perceived as superior to
conditions in the primary inner city.
Source: The American City and its Church by Samuel Kincheloe. Copyright 1938 by
Friendship Press, New York.

Figure 6.21 A typology of black ghettos in the United States.

Source: David T. Herbert and Colin J. Thomas, Urban Geography, London: David Fulton
Publishers, 1987. Redrawn by permission.

214 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

The high degree of areal concentration of recent comfortable when no advantage accrued. If a trait or a
immigrant groups initiated a selective native-born, par- cultural complex was essential to group identity and
ticularly white, retreat, not only fleeing the cities for the purpose—the religious convictions of the rural Amish, for
suburbs but leaving entire metropolitan areas and states. example, or of urban Hasidic Jews—its retention was cer-
California, with nearly one-quarter of its population for- tain. But ill-suited habits or techniques would be aban-
eign born in the mid-1990s, saw a departure of one doned if superior American practices were encountered,
native-born white or black resident for nearly each and totally inappropriate practices would be dropped. Ger-
foreign-born arrival. Individual urban areas echoed Cali- man settlers in Texas, for example, found that the vine
fornia’s state experience. The New York, Chicago, Los and the familiar midlatitude fruits did not thrive there.
Angeles, Houston, and Boston metropolitan areas—5 of Old-country agricultural traditions were, they discovered,
the top 11 immigrant destinations—lost 9 native resi- not fully transferable and had to be altered.
dents for every 10 immigrant arrivals. For whites, top Finally, even apparently essential cultural elements
destinations were to cities and states away from coastal may be modified in the face of unalterable opposition
and southern border immigrant entry points, from San from the majority population. Although American in ori-
Francisco to Houston in the West, Boston to Washington gin, the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) were viewed as out-
plus Miami in the East, and the Chicago district in the in- siders whose practice of polygamy was alien and
terior. African Americans, too, are leaving most of the repugnant. To secure political and social acceptance,
high-immigration metropolitan areas with Atlanta, Geor- church members abandoned that facet of their religious
gia, the preferred destination. A visible spatial conse- belief. More recently, the some 30,000 Hmong and Mien
quence, then, of recent patterns of U.S. immigration and tribespeople who settled in the Fresno, California, area
settlement is a decline of the older ideal and reality of after fleeing Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos found that their
immigrant assimilation and of racial and cultural urban traditional practices of medicinal use of opium, of “captur-
mixtures. Instead, the emerging pattern is one of in- ing” young brides, and of ritual slaughtering of animals
creasing wholesale segregation and isolation by metro- brought them into conflict with American law and cus-
politan areas and segments of the country. Immigrant toms and with the more Americanized members of their
assimilation may now be more difficult than in the past own culture group.
and social and political divisions more pronounced and Every relocated ethnic group is subject to forces of
enduring. attraction and rejection. The former tend toward assimila-
tion into the host society; the latter, innate to the group,
encourage retention of its self-identity. Acculturation
tends to be responsive to economic advantage and to be
Cultural Transfer accelerated if the immigrant group is in many basic traits
similar to the host society, if it is relatively well educated,
Immigrant groups arrive at their destinations with already relatively wealthy, and finds political or social advantages
existing sets of production techniques and skills. They in being “Americanized.”
bring established ideas of “appropriate” dress, foods, and Rejection factors internal to the group that aid in the
building styles, and they have religious practices, mar- retention of cultural identification include the element of
riage customs, and other cultural expressions in place and isolation. The immigrant group may seek physical separa-
ingrained. That is, immigrants carry to their new homes a tion in remote areas, or raise barriers of a social nature to
full complement of artifacts, sociofacts, and mentifacts. assure its separation from corrupting influences. Social
They may modify, abandon, or even pass these on to the isolation can be effective even in congested urban envi-
host culture, depending on a number of interacting influ- ronments if it is buttressed by distinctive costume, beliefs,
ences: (1) the background of the arriving group; (2) its so- or practices (Figure 6.22). Group segregation may even re-
cial distance from the charter group; (3) the disparity sult in the retention of customs, clothing, or dialects dis-
between new home and origin-area environmental condi- carded in the original home area.
tions; (4) the importance given by the migrants to the eco- Rejection factors may also involve culture
nomic, political, or religious motivations that caused them rebound, a belated adoption of group consciousness and
to relocate; and (5) the kinds of encountered constraints reestablishment of identifying traits. These may reflect
that force personal, social, or technical adjustments on the an attempt to reassert old values and to achieve at least a
new arrivals. modicum of social separation. The wearing of dashikis,
Immigrant groups rarely transferred intact all of the adoption of “Afro” hairstyles, the popularity of
their culture traits to North America. Invariably there Ghanian-origin kente cloth, or the celebration of Kwan-
have been modifications as a result of the necessary ad- zaa by American blacks seeking identification with
justment to new circumstances or physical conditions. In African roots are examples of culture rebound. Ethnic
general, if a transplanted cultural element was usable in identity is fostered by the nuclear family and ties of kin-
the new locale, it was retained. Simple inertia suggested ship, particularly when reinforced by residential proxim-
there was little reason to abandon the familiar and ity. It is preserved by such group activities as distinctive

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 215

Figure 6.22 Ultra-orthodox Hasidim, segregating themselves by dress and custom, seek social isolation and shun corrupting outside
influences even in the midst of New York City’s congestion.

feasts or celebrations and by marriage customs; by ethni- many and complex. The following paragraphs seek
cally identified clubs, such as the Turnverein societies of merely to suggest the variety of topics pursued in trac-
German communities or the Sokol movement of athletic ing the landscape impacts evident from the cultural di-
and cultural centers among the Czechs; and by ethnic versity of Anglo America.
churches (Figure 6.23).
Land Survey
The charter group of any area had the option of design-
ing a system for claiming and allotting land appropriate
The Ethnic Landscape to its needs and traditions. For the most part, the English
established land-division policies in the Atlantic
Landscape evidence of ethnicity may be as subtle as the Seaboard colonies. In New England, basic land grants
greater number and size of barns in the German-settled were for “towns,” relatively compact blocks ideally
areas of the Ozarks or the designs of churches or the 6 miles (9.7 km) square. The established central village,
names of villages. The evidence may be as striking as with its meeting house and its commons area, was sur-
the buggies of the Amish communities, the massive rounded by larger fields subdivided into strips for alloca-
Dutch (really, German-origin) barns of southeastern tion among the community members (Figure 6.25). The
Pennsylvania (Figure 6.24), or the adobe houses of Mexi- result was a distinctive pattern of nucleated villages and
can American settlements in the Southwest. The ethnic fragmented farms.
landscape, however defined, may be a relic, reflecting From Pennsylvania southward, the original royal
old ways no longer pursued. It may contain evidence of land grants were made to “proprietors,” who in turn sold
artifacts or designs imported, found useful, and re- or allotted holdings to settlers. In the southern colonies,
tained. In some instances, the physical or customary the occupants claimed land in amounts approved by the
trappings of ethnicity may remain unique to one or a authorities but unspecified in location. The land evalu-
very few communities. In others, the diffusion of ideas ated as best was claimed first, poor land was passed over,
or techniques may have spread introductions to areas and parcel boundaries were irregular and unsystematic.
beyond their initial impact. The landscapes and land- The metes-and-bounds system of property description of
scape evidences explored by cultural geographers are the region, based largely on landform or water features or

216 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 6.23 These young girls, dressed in traditional garb for a Los Angeles Greek Orthodox Church festival, show the close association of
ethnicity and religion in the American mosaic.

such temporary landscape elements as prominent trees,

unusual rocks, or cairns, led to boundary uncertainty and
dispute (Figure 6.26). It also resulted in “topographic”
road patterns, such as those found in Pennsylvania and
other eastern states, where routes are often controlled by
the contours of the land rather than the regularity of a
geometric survey.
When independence was achieved, the federal gov-
ernment decided that the public domain should be sys-
tematically surveyed and subdivided before being opened
for settlement. The resulting township and range rectangu-
lar survey system, adopted in the Land Ordinance of 1785,
established survey lines oriented in the cardinal directions
and divided the land into townships 6 miles (9.7 km)
square which were further subdivided into sections 1 mile
(1.6 km) on a side (Figure 6.26). The resultant rectilinear
Figure 6.24 The Pennsylvania Dutch barn, with its origins in system of land subdivision and ownership was extended
southern Germany, has two levels. Livestock occupy the ground level;
to all parts of the United States ever included within the
on the upper level, reached by a gentle ramp, are the threshing floor,
haylofts, and grain and equipment storage. A distinctive projecting public domain, creating the basic checkerboard pattern of
forebay provides shelter for ground-level stock doors and minor civil divisions, the regular pattern of section-line
unmistakably identifies the Pennsylvania Dutch barn. The style, and quarter-line country roads, the block patterns of fields
particularly in its primitive log form, was exported from its eastern and farms, and the gridiron street systems of American
origins, underwent modification, and became a basic form in the
towns and cities.
Upland (i.e., off the Coastal Plain) South, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and
Missouri. An example of a distinctive ethnic imprint on the Elsewhere in North America, the French and the
landscape, the Pennsylvania Dutch barn also became an example of Spanish constituted charter groups and established their
cultural transfer from an immigrant group to the charter group. own traditions of land description and allotment. The

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 217

Figure 6.25 Wethersfield, Connecticut: 1640–1641. The home lot and field patterns of 17th-century Wethersfield were typical of villages
of rural New England.
Source: Charles M. Andrews, “The River Towns of Connecticut,” in Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, 7th series, VII-VIII-IX (1899), opposite p. 5.

Figure 6.26 A contrast in survey systems. The original metes-and-bounds property survey of a portion of the Virginia Military
District of western Ohio is here contrasted with the regularity of surveyor’s townships, made up of 36 numbered sections each one mile
(1.6 km) on a side.
Source: Redrawn by permission from Original Survey and Land Subdivision, Monograph Series No. 4, Norman J. W. Thrower, p. 46, Association of American Geographers, 1966.

218 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

French impress has been particularly enduring. The long-
lot system was introduced into the St. Lawrence Valley
and followed French settlers wherever they established
colonies in the New World: the Mississippi Valley, Detroit,
Louisiana, and elsewhere. The long lot was a surveyed
elongated holding typically about 10 times longer than
wide stretching far back from a narrow river frontage (Fig-
ure 6.27). The back of the lot was indicated by a roadway
roughly parallel to the line of the river, marking the front
of a second series (or range) of long lots. The system had
the advantage of providing each settler with a fair access
to fertile land along the floodplain, lower-quality river ter-
race land, and remote poorer-quality back areas on the
valley slopes serving as woodlots. Dwellings were built at
the front of the holding, in a loose settlement alignment
called a côte where access was easy and the neighbors
were close.
Although English Canada adopted a rectangular sur-
vey system, the long lot became the legal norm in French
Quebec, where it controls land survey even in areas
where river access is not significant. In the Rio Grande
Valley of New Mexico and Texas, Spanish colonists intro-
duced a similar long-lot system.

Settlement Patterns
The United States rural settlement pattern has been
dominated by isolated farmsteads dispersed through the
open countryside. It is an arrangement conditioned by
the block pattern of land survey, by the homesteading
tradition of “proving up” claims through residence on
them, and by the regular pattern of rural roads. Other Figure 6.27 A portion of the Vincennes, Indiana–Illinois
survey systems, of course, permitted different culturally topographic quadrangle (1944) showing evidence of original French
long-lot survey. Note the importance of the Wabash River in both long-
rooted settlement choices. The French and Hispanic lot and Vincennes street-system orientations. This U.S. Geological
long lots encouraged the alignment of closely spaced, Survey map was originally published at the fractional scale of 1:62,500.
but separated, farmsteads along river or road frontage Source: U.S. Geological Survey map.
(Figure 6.28). The New England village reflected the

Figure 6.28 Land survey in Canada.

Adjacent areas of Canada demonstrate the effects of
different survey systems and cultural heritages on
rural settlement patterns. The regular plots of
Ontario in English Canada (left map) display the
isolated farmsteads characteristic of much of rural
Anglo America. The long-lot survey of Quebec in
French Canada (right map) shows the lot-front
alignments of rural dwellings.
Source: Redrawn by permission from Annals of the Association
of American Geographers, George I. McDermott, vol. 51,
p. 263, Association of American Geographers, 1961.

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 219

transplanting of an English tradition. Agricultural vil- Ethnic Regionalism
lages were found as well in Mormon settlement areas, in Other world regions display even more pronounced con-
the Spanish American Southwest, and as part of the cul- trasts in the built landscape, reflecting the more en-
tural landscapes established by early communistic or re- trenched homeland pattern of long-established ethnic
ligious communities, such as the Oneida Community of regionalism. In areas of intricate mixtures of peoples—
New York; the Rappites’s Harmony, Indiana; Fountain- eastern and southeastern Europe, for example—different
grove, California; and other, mostly short-lived “utopias” house types, farmstead layouts, even the use of color can
of the 19th and early 20th centuries. distinguish for the knowledgeable observer the ethnicity
To encourage the settlement of the prairies, the of the local population. The one-story “smoking-room”
Mennonites were granted lands in Manitoba not as indi- house of the northern Slavs with its covered entrance hall
viduals but as communities. Their established agricultural and stables all under one roof marks their areas of settle-
villages with surrounding communal fields (Figure 6.29) ment even south of the Danube River. Blue-painted one-
re-created in North America the landscape of their Euro- story, straw-roofed houses indicate Croatian communities.
pean homelands. (Ethnically German, some Mennonites In the Danube Basin, areas of Slovene settlement are dis-
had colonized in Russia and Ukraine before relocating in tinguished by the Pannonian house of wood and straw-
North America.) mud. In Spain, the courtyard farmstead marks areas of
Moorish influence just as white stucco houses trimmed
with dark green or ochre paint on the shutters indicates
Basque settlement.
It is impossible to delineate ethnic regions of the
United States that correspond to the distinctive landscapes
created by sharply contrasting cultural groups in Europe
or other world areas. The reason lies in the mobility of
Americans, the degree of acculturation and assimilation of
immigrants and their offspring, and the significance of
other than ethnic considerations in shaping the activities,
the associations, and the material possessions of partici-
pants in an urbanized, mass communication society. What
can be attempted is the delimitation of areas in which par-
ticular immigrant-group influences have played a recog-
nizable or determinant role in shaping tangible landscapes
and intangible regional “character.”
The “melting pot” producing a uniform cultural
amalgam, we have seen, has been more American myth
than reality. Therefore, there has occurred an inevitable,
persistent disparity between the landscapes created by di-
verse immigrant groups and the national uniformity im-
plicit either in the doctrine of first effective settlement or
the concept of amalgamation. That disparity was summa-
rized by Wilbur Zelinsky, as shown in Figure 6.30. The
cultural areas are European in origin and can be seen as
the expansionary product of three principal colonial cul-
Figure 6.29 A transplanted ethnic landscape. The German- ture hearths of the Atlantic Seaboard: the New England,
speaking Mennonites settled in Manitoba in the 1870s and recreated
the agricultural village of their European homeland. Individual
the South, and the Midland. As the figure indicates, the
farmers were granted strip holdings in the separate fields to be “Middle West” is the product of the union of all three
farmed in common with the other villagers. The farmsteads colonial regions. The popularly conceived American
themselves, with elongated rear lots, were aligned along both sides of “West” probably exists not as a separate unit but as a set
a single village street in an Old World pattern. of subregions containing cross sections of national popu-
Source: Redrawn from Carl A. Dawson, Group Settlement: Ethnic Communities in
Western Canada. Vol. 7, Canada Frontiers of Settlement (Toronto: Macmillan
lation with cultural mixing, but as yet with no achieved
Company of Canada, 1936), p. 111. cultural uniformity.

220 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

AND FORMATION (listed in order of importance) AND FORMATION (listed in order of importance)
1a. Nuclear New England 1620–1750 England 5a. Upper Rio Grande Valley 1590–
Mexico, Anglo America,
1b. Northern New England 1750–1830 Nuclear New England, England aborigines
5b. Willamette Valley 1830–1900
Northeast U.S.
THE MIDLAND 5c. Mormon Region 1847–1890
Northeast U.S., 19th-Century
2a. Pennsylvania Region 1682–1850 England and Wales, Rhineland, Europe
Ulster,19th-Century Europe 5d. Central California (1775–1848) (Mexico)
2b. New York Region or 1624–1830 Great Britain, New England, 19th- 1840– Eastern U.S., 19th
New England Extended Century Europe, Netherlands Century Europe, Mexico,
East Asia
THE SOUTH 5e. Colorado Piedmont 1860– Eastern U.S., Mexico
3a. Early British Colonial 1607–1750 England, Africa, British West Indies 5f. Southern California (1760–1848) (Mexico)
South 1880– Eastern U.S., 19th and
3b. Lowland or Deep South 1700–1850 Great Britain, Africa, Midland, 20th-Century Europe,
Early British Colonial South, Mormon Region, Mexico,
aborigines East Asia
3b-1. French Louisiana 1700–1760 France, Deep South, Africa, French 5g. Puget Sound 1870– Eastern U.S., 19th and 20th-
West Indies Century Europe, East Asia
3c. Upland South 1700–1850 Midland, Lowland South, Great Britain 5h. Inland Empire 1880– Eastern U.S., 19th and 20th-
3c-1. The Bluegrass 1770–1800 Upland South, Lowland South Century Europe
3c-2. The Ozarks 1820–1860 Upland South, Lowland South, 5i. Central Arizona 1900– Eastern U.S., Southern
Lower Middle West California, Mexico
4a. Upper Middle West 1800–1880 New England Extended, New A. Texas (1690–1836) (Mexico)
England,19th-Century Europe, 1821– Lowland South, Upland
British Canada South, Mexico, 19th-
4b. Lower Middle West 1790–1870 Midland, Upland South, New Century Central Europe
England Extended, 19th- B. Peninsular Florida 1880– Northeast U.S., the South,
Century Europe 20th-Century Europe, Antilles
4c. Cutover Area 1850–1900 Upper Middle West, 19th-Century C. Oklahoma 1890– Upland South, Lowland
Europe South, aborigines, Middle West

Figure 6.30 Culture areas of the United States based on multiple lines of evidence.
From Wilbur Zelinsky, The Cultural Geography of the United States, © 1992, pp. 118–119. Reprinted by permission of Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, N.J.

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 221

Ethnic Geography
Although more than a million individual web text pages may their approach. NativeWeb provides access to subordinate pages
be referenced through such key words as ethnic, race, and on geographic regions, different nations and peoples, languages,
native, the number of substantive organizational home pages and historical material together with links to newsletters, organ-
on those and related topics are relatively few and, usually, izations, information sites, and the like:
highly specialized by group and interest. Several U.S. universities or their members maintain web-
In the Anglo American context, good starting points for sites concerned with various aspects of ethnic studies. Michi-
examination of immigration volumes and ethnic makeup are gan State University’s page on Diversity and Pluralism
the respective federal immigration services of the United States introduces a database of articles searchable by keyword or let-
and Canada. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service is ter, cross-referenced by subject and author:
found at The
Select the Service’s “Statistics” and “Reports and studies” entries University of California-Santa Barbara serves as host to Alan
from its Public Affairs Public Information List. The Canadian Liu’s Voice of the Shuttle: Minority Studies Page with links to gen-
counterpart Citizenship and Immigration Canada home page eral resource sites and ethnic-specific home pages (African
provides access to its own research, publications, and statistics American; Asian American; Chicano, Latino, Hispanic, etc.):
and links to outside immigration-related sites: The National Associ-
The U.S. Census Bureau provides “Minority Links” to data on ation for Ethnic Studies hosted by Kansas State at
Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander Americans and provides linked refer-
American Indians at ences to other university ethnic studies programs and to a
hotlinks.html. number of ethnic websites and other ethnic-related resources.
Nongovernmental, institutional, and private sites of po- Less inclusive are Ethnic Studies at USC at
tential interest in the study of ethnic relations, patterns, and archives/ethnicstudies/ and the University of Maryland’s Diver-
interests—and good starting points for further links—include sity Database on National Origin, Race, and Ethnicity at
the following: Your own web
The Ethnicity, Racism and the Media (ERaM) program at surfing will reveal still others.
England’s Bradford University provides e-mail and Internet The Internet site links provided through organization
contacts for discussion and research “on issues of racism, eth- and university pages may be supplemented by the extensive
nicity, and the media” and an extensive set of links to index, web connections found through the WWW Virtual Library of
media, and organizational websites related to ethnicity: Migration and Ethnic Relations at In the North American context, has a series
CIEMEN’s Ethnic World Survey at of ethnic “Guide Sites,” including Afro American, Asian
ciemen/ethnic.html is useful to students interested in indige- American, French Canadian, Arctic/Northern, and Latino
nous ethnic studies. Ciemen, a Catalan organization, claims a cultures. Find them through Sev-
purely cultural and humanitarian interest in “marginated” eral organizations and websites are concerned primarily
peoples; its links to Africa, the Americas, Asia/CIS, Europe, with Native Americans. Those similarly interested might
and Oceania are of mixed value, but contain references not check Native American Resources at
easily found elsewhere. native/ and Native American Indian Resources at
Both the WWW Virtual Library of Indigenous Studies at}isk/mainmenu.html. and the Center for World In- Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s
digenous Studies’ Fourth World Documentation Project at home page at for websites are concerned with “fourth world” peoples. Cre- added or corrected by the publisher or contributed by help-
ated by the same agency, the websites are slightly different in ful users.

222 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

places on long-term maintenance of their own cultural
Summary identity. That is, ethnic communities have been the prod-
uct of both external and internal forces.
Ethnic diversity is a reality in most countries of the world
In other world regions, similar spatial separation of
and is increasing in many of them. Immigration, refugee
immigrant groups by racial, cultural, national, tribal, or
streams, guest workers, and job seekers all contribute to
village origin within the alien city is common. In Eu-
the mixing of peoples and cultures in an area. The mixing
rope, because of the uncertain legal and employment
is not complete, however. Ethnicity—affiliation in a group
status of many foreign populations and the restricted
sharing common identifying cultural traits—is fostered by
urban housing market they enter, ethnic enclaves have
territorial separation or isolation. In much of the world
taken a different form, extent, and level of segregation
that separation identifies home territories within which
than has been the case in Anglo America.
the ethnic group is dominant and with which it is identi-
Ethnicity is one of the threads of diversity in the spa-
fied. In societies of immigrants—Anglo America, for
tial cultural fabric. Throughout the world, ethnic groups
example—such homelands are replaced by ethnic
have imprinted their presence on the landscapes in which
colonies, enclaves, or ghettos of self-selected or imposed
they have developed or to which they have transported
separation from the larger host society. Cluster migration
their culture. In land division, house and farm building
helped establish such colonies in rural America; chain mi-
style, settlement patterns, and religious structures, the be-
gration encouraged their development in cities.
liefs and practices of distinctive groups are reflected in the
The 19th- and early 20th-century American central
cultural landscape. Ethnicity is not, of course, the sole
city displayed pronounced areal segregation as immigrant
thread in the regional tapestry of societies. Folk culture
groups established and clung to protective ethnic neigh-
joins ethnicity as a force creating distinctions between
borhoods while they gradually adjusted to the host cul-
peoples and imparting special character to area. Counter-
ture. A continual population restructuring of urban areas
ing those culturally based sources of separation is the be-
occurred as older groups underwent acculturation, amal-
havioral unification and reduction of territorial
gamation, or assimilation, and new groups entered the
distinctiveness that result from the leveling impact of pop-
urban social mix. The durability of ethnic neighborhoods
ular culture. It is to these two additional strands in the
has depended, among other considerations, on the degree
cultural fabric—folk and popular culture—that we turn our
of social distance separating the minority group from the
attention in the following chapter.
host culture and on the significance the immigrant group

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 223

Key Words
acculturation 195 ethnic enclave 212 ghetto 212
adaptation 190 ethnic geography 188 host society 191
amalgamation theory 195 ethnic group 188 natural selection 190
assimilation 195 ethnic island 199 race 190
behavioral (cultural) assimilation 195 ethnic province 201 segregation 207
chain migration 200 ethnicity 189 social distance 207
charter group 199 ethnocentrism 189 structural assimilation 195
cluster migration 200 first effective settlement 199 tipping point 209
colony 211 gene flow 190
culture rebound 215 genetic drift 190

For Review
1. How does ethnocentrism understanding of present-day perpetuate immigrant
contribute to preservation of social conflicts in either or both neighborhoods? What functions
group identity? In what ways countries? beneficial to immigrant groups do
might an ethnic group sustain and 4. How may segregation be ethnic communities provide?
support new immigrants? measured? Does ethnic 6. What kinds of land surveys were
2. How are the concepts of ethnicity segregation exist in the cities of important in the allocation of
and culture related? world areas outside of North property in the North American
3. What have been some of the America? If so, does it take culture realm? With which charter
principal time patterns of different form than in American groups were the different survey
immigration flows into the United cities? systems associated? How did
States? Into Canada? How are 5. What forces external to ethnic survey systems affect settlement
those patterns important to an groups help to create and patterns?

224 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Focus Follow-up
1. What are the implications and or acculturation has not been based on external restrictions of
bases of “ethnicity” and how complete, and areal expressions of isolation and discrimination or
have historic immigration ethnic differentiation persist in ethnic group internal separatism
streams shaped Anglo America in the form of ethnic controls of defense, mutual
American multiethnicity? islands, provinces, or regional support, and cultural preservation.
pp. 188–195. concentrations. French Canadian, Ethnic colonies, enclaves, and
Ethnicity implies a “people” or black, Amerindian, Hispanic, ghettos are the spatial result.
“nation,” a large group classified Asian American, and other, 4. What have been some of the
according to common religious, smaller groups display cultural landscape
linguistic, or other aspects of recognizable areal presences. consequences of ethnic
cultural origin or background, or, Among immigrant groups, those concentrations in Anglo
often, to racial distinctions. In concentrations may result from America and elsewhere?
common with nearly all countries, cluster and chain migration. pp. 215–221.
the United States and Canada are 3. What patterns of ethnic Landscape evidence of ethnicity
multiethnic. Past and current diversity and segregation exist may be subtle or pronounced. In
immigration streams—earlier in the world’s urban areas and Anglo America, differing culturally
primarily European, more recently how are they created or based systems of land survey and
Asian and Latin American—have maintained? pp. 207–215. allocation—such as metes-and-
intricately mixed their populations. Ethnic communities, clusters, and bounds, rectangular, or long-lot—of
2. How were the dominant Anglo neighborhoods are found in cities earlier groups may still leave their
American culture norms worldwide. They are a measure of landscape impacts. Clustered and
established and how complete the social distance that separates dispersed rural settlement
spatially and socially are its minority from majority or other customs; house and barn types and
ethnic minorities integrated? minority groups. Segregation styles; distinctive, largely urban,
pp. 195–207. measures the degree to which “Chinatowns,” “Little Havanas,”
The first effective settlers of Anglo culture groups are not uniformly and other cultural communities;
America created its English-rooted distributed within the total and even choices in dwelling-
charter culture to which other, population. Although different house colors or urban art are
later immigrant groups were world regions show differing landscape imprints of
expected to conform. Assimilation patterns, all urban segregation is multiethnicity in modern societies.

Ethnic Geography: Threads of Diversity 225

Selected References
Allen, James P., and Eugene Turner. Harris, Chauncy. “New European Nostrand, Richard L. The Hispano
“Spatial Patterns of Immigrant Countries and Their Minorities.” Homeland. Norman: University of
Assimilation.” Professional Geographer Geographic Review 83 no. 3 (1993): Oklahoma Press, 1992.
48, no. 2 (1996): 140–155. 301–320. O’Hare, William P. “America’s
Arreola, Daniel D. “Urban Ethnic Harris, Cole. “French Landscapes in Minorities: The Demographics of
Landscape Identity.” Geographical North America.” In The Making of the Diversity.” Population Bulletin 47,
Review 85, no. 3 (1995): 527–543. American Landscape, edited by no. 4. Washington, D.C.: Population
Asante, Molefi K., and Mark T. Mattson. Michael P. Conzen, pp. 63–79. Reference Bureau, 1992.
Historical and Cultural Atlas of Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990. Pinal, Jorge del, and Audrey Singer.
African Americans. New York: Hornbeck, David. “Spanish Legacy in “Generations of Diversity: Latinos in
Macmillan, 1991. the Borderlands.” In The Making of the United States.” Population Bulletin
Boal, F. W. “Ethnic Residential the American Landscape, edited by 52, no. 3. Washington, D.C.:
Segregation.” In Social Areas in Cities, Michael P. Conzen, pp. 51–62. Population Reference Bureau, 1997.
vol. 1, edited by D. Herbert and Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990. Pollard, Kelvin M., and William P.
R. Johnston, pp. 41–79. New York: “International Migration and Ethnic O’Hare. “America’s Racial and Ethnic
John Wiley & Sons, 1976. Segregation: Impacts on Urban Minorities.” Population Bulletin 54,
Brewer, Cynthia, and Trudy Suchan. Areas.” Special issue of Urban Studies no. 3. Washington, D.C.: Population
Mapping Census 2000: The Geography 35, no. 3 (March 1998). Reference Bureau, 1999.
of U.S. Diversity. Washington, D.C.: Kaplan, David H., and Steven R. Portes, Alejandro, and Ruben G.
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2001. Halloway. Segregation in Cities. Rumbaut. Immigrant America. 2d ed.
Clark, William A. V. The California Washington, D.C.: Association of Berkeley: University of California
Cauldron: Immigration and the American Geographers, 1998. Press, 1996.
Fortunes of Local Communities. New Lee, Sharon M. “Asian Americans: Price, Edward T. Dividing the Land:
York: Guilford, 1998. Diverse and Growing.” Population Early American Beginnings of Our
Conzen, Michael P. “Ethnicity on the Bulletin 53, no. 2. Washington, D.C.: Private Property Mosaic. Geography
Land.” In The Making of the American Population Reference Bureau, 1998. Research Paper 238. Chicago:
Landscape, edited by Michael P. MacDonald, John S., and Leatrice D. University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Conzen, pp. 221–248. Boston: Unwin MacDonald. “Chain Migration, Riche, Martha F. “America’s Diversity
Hyman, 1990. Ethnic Neighborhood Formation and and Growth: Signposts for the 21st
“Ethnicity and Geography.” GeoJournal Social Networks.” Millbank Memorial Century.” Population Bulletin 55,
30, no. 3 (July 1993). Special issue. Fund Quarterly 42, no. 1 (January no. 2. Washington, D.C.: Population
1964): 82–91. Reference Bureau, 2000.
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe, ed. The
Times Guide to the Peoples of Europe. Martin, Philip, and Elizabeth Midgley. Roseman, Curtis C., Gunther Thieme,
Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1995. “Immigration to the United States: and Hans Dieter Laux, eds.
Journey to an Uncertain Ethnicity: Geographic Perspectives on
Frantz, Klaus, and Robert A. Sauder,
Destination.” Population Bulletin 54, Ethnic Change in Modern Cities.
eds. Ethnic Persistence and Change in
no. 2. Washington, D.C.: Population Lanham, Md.: Rowman &
Europe and America: Traces in
Reference Bureau, 1999. Littlefield, 1995.
Landscape and Society. Innsbruck,
Austria: University of Innsbruck, McKee, Jesse O., ed. Ethnicity in Shinagawa, Larry Hajime, and Michael
1996. Veröffentlichungen der Contemporary America: Jang. Atlas of American Diversity.
Universität Innsbruck 213. A Geographical Approach. 2d rev. ed. Walnut Creek, Calif.: Altamira
Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, Press/Sage Publications, 1998.
Frey, William H. “Immigration,
2000. Shumway, J. Matthew, and Richard H.
Domestic Migration, and
Demographic Balkanization in Noble, Allen G., ed. To Build in a New Jackson. “Native American
America: New Evidence for the Land: Ethnic Landscapes in North Population Patterns.” Geographical
1990s.” Population and Development America. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Review 85, no. 2 (1995): 185–201.
Review 22, no. 4 (1996): 741–763. Hopkins University Press, 1992.

226 Patterns of Diversity and Unity


Folk and Popular Culture:

Diversity and Uniformity

Morris dancers
in Tilford, Surrey,
England. Folk
culture and
traditions are
cherished and
preserved in all

Focus Preview
A. Folk Culture B. Popular Culture
1. Anglo American hearths and folk building 4. The nature and patterns of popular culture:
traditions, pp. 229–241. inside the mall and out, pp. 251–257.
2. Nonmaterial folk culture: foods, music, 5. Diffusion and regionalism in popular culture,
medicines, and folklore, pp. 242–249. pp. 259–263.
3. Folk regions and regionalism, pp. 249–251.

The kaleidoscope of culture presents an endlessly chang-
ing design, different for every society, world region, and
n rural and frontier America before 1850 the national unit, and different over time. Ever present in each
games people played were local, largely of its varied patterns, however, are two repeated fragments
unorganized individual and team contests. of diversity and one spreading color of uniformity. One
Running, wrestling, weight lifting, shooting, or— distinctive element of diversity in many societies derives
if the Native American influence had been strong— from folk culture—the material and nonmaterial aspects of
shinny (field hockey), kickball, or lacrosse. In the daily life preserved by smaller groups partially or totally
isolated from the mainstream currents of the larger society
growing cities, rowing, boxing, cricket, fencing,
around them. A second source of diversity in composite so-
and the like involved the athletically inclined, cieties, as we saw in Chapter 6, is surely and clearly pro-
sometimes as members of sporting clubs and vided by ethnic groups, each with its distinctive
sponsored teams. Everywhere, horse racing was characterizing heritage and traditions and each contribut-
an avid interest. In the countryside, sports and ing to the national cultural mix. Finally, given time, easy
games relieved the monotony and isolation of life communication, and common interests, popular culture
and provided an excuse, after the contests, for may provide a unifying and liberating coloration to the
meeting friends, feasting, and dancing. Purely kaleidoscopic mix, reducing differences between formerly
local in participation, games reflected the ethnic distinctive groups though perhaps not totally eradicating
heritage of the local community—the games of the them. These three elements—folk, ethnic, and popular—of
homeland—as well as the influence of the the cultural mosaic are intertwined. We will trace their
American experience. In the towns, they provided connections particularly in the Anglo American context,
where diversified immigration provided the ethnic mix,
the outdoor recreation and exercise otherwise
frontier and rural isolation encouraged folk differentiation,
denied to shop-bound clerks and artisans. and modern technology produced the leveling of popular
Without easy transportation, contests at a distance culture. Along the way, we will see evidences of their sepa-
were difficult and rare; without easy rate influences in other societies and other culture realms.
communication, sports results were of local
interest only.
The railroad and the telegraph changed all
that. Teams could travel to more distant points, and
scores could be immediately known to supporters at
home and rivals in other cities. Baseball clubs were
organized during the 1850s throughout the East and
the Middle West. The establishment of the National
Association of Base Ball Players in 1857 followed
shortly after the railroad reached Chicago, and even
before the Civil War, New York teams were
competing throughout that state. After the war, the
expanding rail network turned baseball into a
national craze. The National League was organized
in 1876; Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington,
Kansas City, Detroit, St. Louis, and Philadelphia all
had professional teams by the 1880s, and
innumerable local leagues were formed. Horse
racing, prizefighting, amateur and professional
cycling races, and intercollegiate sports—football,
baseball, rowing, and track and field contests—
pitted contestants and drew crowds over long
distances. Sports and games had been altered from Figure 7.1 Spectator sports emerged as a major element in
American popular culture following the Civil War. The Cincinnati
small-group participations to national events. They Red Stockings of 1869, shown in this photograph, were the first openly
were no longer purely local, traditional, informal professional baseball team; the National League was established in
expressions of community culture; rather, 1876. Mark Twain, an early fan, wrote: “Baseball is the very symbol,
organized sport had emerged as a unifying, the outward and visible expression of the drive and push and struggle
of the raging, tearing, booming nineteenth century.” Organized
standardized expression of national popular culture football was introduced as a college sport—also in 1869—when Rutgers
(Figure 7.1). played Princeton in the first intercollegiate game.

228 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Folk Cultural Diversity and Regionalism
Folk connotes traditional and nonfaddish, the characteristic Within Anglo America, true folk societies no longer
or product of a homogeneous, cohesive, largely self- exist; the universalizing impacts of industrialization, ur-
sufficient group that is essentially isolated from or resistant banization, and mass communication have been too per-
to outside influences, even of a larger society surrounding vasive for their full retention. Generations of intermixing
it. Folk culture, therefore, may be defined as the collec- of cultures, of mobility of peoples, and of leveling public
tive heritage of institutions, customs, skills, dress, and way education have altered the meaning of folk from the iden-
of life of a small, stable, closely knit, usually rural commu- tification of a group to the recognition of a style, an arti-
nity. Tradition controls folk culture, and resistance to cle, or an individual preference in design and production.
change is strong. The homemade and handmade dominate The Old Order Amish, with their rejection of electricity,
in tools, food, music, story, and ritual. Buildings are erected the internal combustion engine, and other “worldly”
without architect or blueprint, but with plan and purpose accoutrements in favor of buggy, hand tools, and tradi-
clearly in mind and by a design common to the local soci- tional dress are one of the least altered—and few—folk so-
ety using locally available building materials. When, as in cieties of the United States (Figure 7.2).
Anglo America, folk culture may represent a modification Canada, on the other hand, with as rich a mixture of
of imported ideas and techniques, local materials often sub- cultural origins as the United States, has kept to a much
stitute for a less-available original substance even as the de- later date clearly recognizable ethnically unique folk and
sign concepts are left unchanged. decorative art traditions. One observer has noted that
Folk life is a cultural whole composed of both tangible nearly all of the national folk art traditions of Europe can
and intangible elements. Material culture is made up of be found in one form or another well preserved and prac-
physical, visible things: everything from musical instru- ticed somewhere in Canada. From the earliest arts and
ments to furniture, tools, and buildings. Collectively, ma- crafts of New France to the domestic art forms and folk
terial culture comprises the built environment, the artifacts of the Scandinavians, Germans, Ukrainians, and
landscape created by humans. At a different scale it also others who settled in western Canada in the late 19th and
constitutes the contents of household and workshop. Non- early 20th centuries, folk and ethnic are intertwined
material culture, in contrast, is the intangible part, the through transference of traditions from homelands and
mentifacts and sociofacts expressed in oral tradition, folk their adaptation to the Canadian context.
song and folk story, and customary behavior. Ways of Folk culture today is more likely to be expressed by
speech, patterns of worship, outlooks and philosophies are individuals than by coherent, isolated groups. The collector
parts of the nonmaterial component passed to following of folk songs, the artist employing traditional materials and
generations by teachings and examples. styles, the artisan producing in wood and metal products

(a) (b)

Figure 7.2 (a) Motivated by religious conviction that the “good life” must be reduced to its simplest forms, Old Order Amish communities
shun all modern luxuries of the majority secular society around them. Children use horse and buggy, not school bus or automobile, on their
daily trip to this rural school in east central Illinois. (b) Distribution of Old Order Amish communities in the United States.
Source: (b) Redrawn by permission from Annals of the Association of American Geographers, William K. Crowley, vol. 68, p. 262, Association of American Geographers, 1978.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 229

identified with particular groups or regions, the quilter
working in modern fabrics the designs of earlier genera-
tions all are perpetuating folk culture: material culture if it
involves “things,” nonmaterial if the preserved tradition re-
lates to song, story, recipe, or belief. In this respect, each of
us bears the evidence of folk life. Each of us uses proverbs
traditional to our family or culture; each is familiar with
and can repeat childhood nursery rhymes and fables. We
rap wood for luck and likely know how to make a willow
whistle, how to plant a garden by phases of the moon, and
what is the “right” way to prepare a favorite holiday dish.
When many persons share at least some of the same
folk customs—repeated, characteristic acts, behavioral
patterns, artistic traditions, and conventions regulating so-
cial life—and when those customs and artifacts are dis-
tinctively identified with any area long inhabited by a
particular group, a folk culture region may be recognized. Figure 7.3 Reconstructed Plimoth Plantation. The first settlers in
the New World carried with them fully developed cultural identities.
As with landscape evidence of ethnicity, folk culture in its Even their earliest settlements reflected established ideas of house and
material and nonmaterial elements may be seen to vary village form. Later, they were to create a variety of distinctive cultural
over time and space and to have hearth regions of origin landscapes reminiscent of their homeland areas, though modified by
and paths of diffusion. American environmental conditions and material resources.
Indeed, in many respects, ethnic geography and folk
geography are extensions of each other and are logically manufacture available at their origins were different or lack-
intertwined. The variously named “Swiss” or “Mennonite” ing at their destinations. What the newcomers brought in
or “Dutch” barn introduced into Pennsylvania by German tools and ideas they began to modify as they adapted and ad-
immigrants has been cited as physical evidence of ethnic- justed to different American materials, terrains, and poten-
ity; in some of its many modifications and migrations, it tials. The settlers still retained the essence and the spirit of
may also be seen as a folk culture artifact of Appalachia. the old but made it simultaneously new and American.
The folk songs of, say, western Virginia can be examined The first colonists, their descendants, and still later
either as nonmaterial folk expressions of the Upland arrivals created not one but many cultural landscapes of
South or as evidence of the ethnic heritage derived from America, defined by the structures they built, the settle-
rural English forebears. In the New World the debt of folk ments they created, and the regionally varied articles they
culture to ethnic origins is clear and persuasive. With the made or customs they followed. The natural landscape of
passage of time, of course, the dominance of origins re- America became settled, and superimposed on the natural
cedes and new cultural patterns and roots emerge. landscape as modified by its Amerindian occupants were
the regions of cultural traits and characteristics of the Eu-
ropean immigrants (see “Vanished American Roots”). In
their later movements and those of their neighbors and
offspring, they left a trail of landscape evidence from first
Anglo American Hearths settlement to the distant interior locations where they
Anglo America is an amalgam of peoples who came as touched and intermingled.
ethnics and stayed as Americans or Canadians. They The early arrivers established footholds along the East
brought with them more than tools and household items Coast. Their settlement areas became cultural hearths,
and articles of dress. Importantly, they brought clear ideas nodes of introduction into the New World—through reloca-
of what tools they needed, how they should fashion their tion diffusion—of concepts and artifacts brought from the
clothes, cook their food, find a spouse, and worship their Old. Locales of innovation in a new land rather than areas
deity. They knew already the familiar songs to be sung of new invention, they were—exactly as their ancient coun-
and stories to be told, how a house should look and a barn terparts discussed in Chapter 2—source regions from which
be raised. They came, in short, with all the mentifacts and relocation and expansion diffusion carried their cultural
sociofacts to shape the artifacts of their way of life in their identities deeper into the continent (Figure 7.4). Later
new home (Figure 7.3). (Mentifacts, sociofacts, and arti- arrivals, as we have seen in Chapter 6, not only added their
facts are discussed in Chapter 2.) own evidence of passage to the landscape but often set up
Their trappings of material and nonmaterial culture independent secondary hearths in advance of or outside of
frequently underwent immediate modification in the New the main paths of diffusion.
World. Climates and soils were often different from their Each of the North American hearths had its own mix
homelands; new animal and vegetable foodstuffs were found of peoples and, therefore, its own landscape distinctive-
for their larders. Building materials, labor skills, and items of ness. French settlement in the lower St. Lawrence Valley

230 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Vanished American Roots

A merica, like every other world re-

gion, had its own primitive, naïve, and
indigenous original architecture. But
this was the architecture of Indians—
the bark houses of the Penobscots, the
long houses of the Iroquois, the tipis of
the Crows, the mounds of the Mandans,
the pueblos of the Zuñi, the hogans of
the Navajos, the [plank] dwellings of
Puget Sound.
Some of these were even ele-
gant, many contained seeds of prom-
ise; but we swept them all aside.
Indian words and Indian foods passed “Spanish” architecture of the His- Source: From John Burchard and Albert Bush-
Brown, The Architecture of America: A Social and
into the American culture but noth- panic borderlands and northern Mex- Cultural History, (Boston: Little, Brown and
ing important from the Indian archi- ico, however—adobe-walled with Company, 1961), p. 57. © 1961, The American
Institute of Architects
tecture, save a belated effort to small windows and flatroofs sup-
imitate the form but not the function ported by wooden beams—was of
of the pueblos. (The so-called Amerindian, not European, origin.)

0 miles 200 400

0 km 200 400 600

Figure 7.4 Early Anglo American culture hearths. The interior “national hearth,” suggested by Richard Pillsbury, represents a zone of
coalescence in the eastern Midwest, from which composite housing ideas dispersed farther into the interior.
Source: Based on Allen G. Noble, Wood, Brick, and Stone, vol. 1 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984); and Annals of the Association of American Geographers,
Richard Pillsbury, vol. 60, p. 446, Association of American Geographers, 1970.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 231

re-created there the long lots and rural house types of and settlement patterns are comparably varied, a diversity
northwestern France. Upper Canada was English and increasingly lost as standardization of materials (corru-
Scottish with strong infusions of New England folk hous- gated metal, poured concrete, cinder block, and the like)
ing carried by Loyalists leaving that area during the Revo- and of design replace the local materials and styles devel-
lutionary War. Southern New England bore the imprint of oped through millennia by isolated folk societies.
settlers from rural southern England, while the Hudson The world is not yet, of course, totally homogenized.
Valley hearth showed the impress of Dutch, Flemish, En- The family compound of the Bambara of Mali (Figure 7.5)
glish, German, and French Huguenot settlers. is obviously and significantly different from the farmstead
In the Middle Atlantic area, the Delaware River of a North American rural family. The Mongol or Turkic
hearth was created by a complex of English, Scotch-Irish, yurt, a movable low, rounded shelter of felt, skin, short
Swedish, and German influences. The Delaware Valley poles and rope, is a housing solution adapted to the needs
below Philadelphia also received the eastern Finns, or and materials of nomadic herdsmen of the Asian grass-
Karelians, who introduced, according to one viewpoint, lands (Figure 7.6a). A much different solution with differ-
the distinctive “backwoods” life-styles, self-sufficient ent materials is reached by the Maasai, a similar nomadic
economies, and log-building techniques and house designs herding society but of the grasslands of eastern Africa.
of their forested homeland. It was their pioneering “mid- Their temporary home was traditionally the manyatta, an
land” culture that was the catalyst for the rapid advance of immovable low, rounded hut made of poles, mud, and
the frontier and successful settlement of much of the inte- cow dung that was abandoned as soon as local grazing and
rior of the continent and, later, of the Pacific Northwest. water supplies were consumed (Figure 7.6b). As the struc-
Coastal Chesapeake Bay held English settlers, though tures in Figure 7.7 can only slightly suggest, folk housing
Germans and Scotch-Irish were added elements away solutions in design and materials provide a worldwide mo-
from the major rivers. The large landholdings of the area saic of nearly infinite diversity and ingenuity.
dispersed settlement and prevented a tightly or clearly de- Within the Anglo American realm, although architec-
fined culture hearth from developing, although distinctive tural diversity does not reach global proportions, the vari-
house types that later diffused outward did emerge there. ety of ethnic and regional origins of immigrant streams
The Southern Tidewater hearth was dominantly English and the differences in encountered environmental condi-
modified by West Indian, Huguenot, and African influ- tions assured architectural contrasts among the several
ences. The French again were part of the Delta hearth, settlement hearths of the New World. The landscapes of
along with Spanish and Haitian elements. structures and settlements creating those contrasts speak
Later in time and deeper in the continental interior, to us of their creators’ origins, travels, adaptations to new
the Salt Lake hearth marks the penetration of the distant locales, and importations and retentions of the habits and
West by the Mormons, considered an ethnic group by virtue customs of other places. One of the joys of travel in a
of their self-identity through religious distinctiveness. Span-
ish American borderlands, the Upper Midwest Scandinavian
colonies, English Canada, and the ethnic clusters of the
Prairie Provinces could logically be added to the North
American map of distinctive immigrant culture hearths.
The ethnic hearths gradually lost their identification
with immigrant groups and became source regions of
American architecture and implements, ornaments and
toys, cookery and music. The evidence of the homeland
was there, but the products became purely indigenous. In
the isolated, largely rural American hearth regions, the
ethnic culture imported from the Old World was partially
transmuted into the folk culture of the New.

Folk Building Traditions

People everywhere house themselves and, if necessary,
provide protection for their domesticated animals.
Throughout the world, native rural societies established
types of housing, means of construction, and use of mate-
rials appropriate to their economic and family needs, the
Figure 7.5 The extended family compound of the Bambara of
materials and technologies available to them, and the en- Source: Redrawn with permission from Reuben K. Udo, The Human Geography of
vironmental conditions they encountered. Because all Tropical Africa (Ibadan: Heinemann Education Books (Nigeria) Ltd., 1982), p. 50.
these preconditions are spatially variable, rural housing

232 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

(a) (b)

Figure 7.6 (a) A Uygur yurt in Xinjiang Province, China; (b) the Maasai manyatta.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.7 The common characteristics of preindustrial folk

housing are an essential uniformity of design within a culture
group and region, a lack of differentiation of interior space, a close
adaptation to the conditions of the natural environment, and
frequently ingenious use of available materials and response to the
dictates of climate or terrain. (a) Stone house of Nepal;
(b) Icelandic sod farm house; (c) reed dwelling of the Uros people
on Lake Titicaca, Peru; (d) a Dogon village in Mali, West Africa;
(e) traditional housing on Nias Island, off the west coast of Sumatra,
(a) and (b) Courtesy, Colin E. Thorn. (e)

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 233

world region as internally diverse as that of North Amer- The Northern Hearths
ica is to observe the variations in its cultural landscape, to Vernacular house styles—those built in traditional form
listen to the many voices that tell of its creation through but without formal plans or drawings—were part of the
houses, barns, farmsteads, and village designs. material culture of early colonists that met new conditions
The folk cultural heritage is now passing; old farm in America. In the Northeast, colder, snowier winters
structures are replaced or collapse with disuse as farming posed different environmental challenges than did the
systems change. Old houses are removed, remodeled, or milder, frequently wetter climates of northwestern Eu-
abandoned, and the modern, the popular, or the faddish rope, and American stone and timber were more accessi-
everywhere replaces the evidences of first occupants. A ble and suitable construction materials than the clay and
close-knit community may preserve the past by resisting thatch common in the homeland. Yet the new circum-
the present, but except where the efforts of preservation- stances at first affected not at all, or only slightly, the tra-
ists have been successful in retaining and refurbishing ditional housing forms (see “Log Cabin Myths and Facts”).
one or a few structures or where outdoor museums and
re-creations have been developed, the landscapes—the The Lower St. Lawrence Valley
voices—of the past are gradually lost. Many of those fad- The St. Lawrence Valley (Figure 7.4) remains as one of
ing voices first took on their North American accents in the few areas with structural reminders of a French occu-
the culture hearths suggested in Figure 7.4. They are still pation that spread widely but impermanently over eastern
best heard in the house types associated with them. Anglo America (Figure 7.8). There, in French Canada,

Log Cobin Myths and Facts

F irst settlers in New England and

early English settlements, or to with “Old Hickory,” “Tippecanoe,”
Virginia brought with them familiarity maintain the fact that framed and Abraham Lincoln, with
with timber framing, wattle-and-daub houses were built by the English democracy and the frontier spirit,
infilling, and thatch roofing. They did without passing through a log and with the common man and his
not know of and did not construct the cabin stage, is to take issue with an dream of the good life, and those
log cabins that are now commonly as- American belief that is both deep- persons, types, and forces of which
sociated with pioneer settlement seated and tenacious. Americans are justly proud. The
throughout the Eastern Seaboard. Log The reasons for this emotional log cabin, along with the Indian,
buildings were familiar, however, to basis for the Log Cabin Myth are the long rifle, and the hunting shirt
the Swedes, Germans, and most par- not far to seek. In the nineteenth is associated with one of the
ticularly the eastern Finns, who century Americans began to greatest of all conquests, the
introduced them into the Delaware marvel at their own progress, and winning of the West. It gives us
Valley area. In Pennsylvania and much to make a virtue of their early that sense of the dramatic which
of the rest of North America, log struggles with the wilderness. The we seek in our history. . . . [W]e
construction—employing various log cabin as a symbol of democracy need not be surprised that careless
building traditions and techniques— was dramatized in two famous historians projected it back into
marked an initial settlement period. presidential campaigns, those of the earliest colonial settlements, or
Log housing was not glorified by those 1840 and 1860. In literature the that many Americans today feel a
who built and occupied it, however. As popular “Log-Cabin to White sense of outrage when told that
soon as affluence permitted, the log House” series firmly fixed the log neither Captain John Smith [of
cabin was replaced (or concealed be- cabin as the proper scenario for the Virginia colony] nor Governor
hind a new façade) by housing of birth of a great American; as early Bradford [of Massachusetts Bay] nor
greater prestige or social acceptability. as 1840 Daniel Webster was any of the founding fathers dwelt
Harold R. Shurtleff explains how the apologizing for not having been in a log cabin, or ever saw one.
log cabin assumed a bigger role in born in one, and as late as 1935, we
American folklore than it had in the are told, a “considerable legend”
Reprinted by permission of the publisher from The
hearts and minds of its builders. had already grown up around the Log Cabin Myth: A Study of the Early Dwellings of the
“log-cabin origins” of Roy Harris, English Colonists in North America by Harold R.
Shurtleff, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
[T]o deny that log cabins or log the Oklahoma composer. Thus, the Press, Copyright © 1939 by the President and
dwelling houses existed in the log cabin came to be identified Fellows of Harvard College.

234 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 7.8 The “arc of French settlement” about 1750. The French were interested in the fur trade, not in the conversion of the wild
landscape to one of farming and settlement. They needed the original forested environment peopled not by settlers but by the Native American
suppliers of the furs they sought. Except for the Lower St. Lawrence and parts of Atlantic Canada, most French influence was confined to their
few larger towns, such as New Orleans and Detroit. French rural settlers were few; their impact on the landscape diminished rapidly away from
towns and was more reflective of local than of Old World influences.
Sources: Based on Cole Harris, “French Landscapes in North America,” in The Making of the American Landscape, ed. Michael P. Conzen (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1990),
Fig. 4.1, p. 66; and R. Cole Harris, Historical Atlas of Canada, vol. 1, From the Beginning to 1800 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987), Plate 40.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 235

beginning in the middle of the 17th century, three major concentration in the Upper St. Lawrence Lowland—was a
house types were introduced. All were styles still found in larger stone structure more characteristic of the crowded
western France today. city than of the open countryside (Figure 7.9c).
In the lower valley below Quebec City, Norman cot- Along with their house styles, the French brought
tages appear as near-exact replicas of houses of the Nor- the characteristic Quebec long barn, stretching 50 or more
mandy region of northern France, with immense hipped feet wide with several bays and multiple barn functions
roofs steeply pitched to wide or upturned (bell-cast) eaves efficiently contained within a single structure. It was an
(Figure 7.9a). The Quebec cottage, more widely distributed attractive design for keeping the farmer indoors in bitterly
and more varied in construction materials than the Nor- cold Canadian winters, though weather protection was not
man cottage, featured two unequal rooms, a steeply pitched the primary purpose of the French original (Figure 7.9d).
(but gabled) roof with wide, overhanging eaves and, fre- While the St. Lawrence Valley house types were found in
quently, an elevated front porch or galley. External walls other areas of French settlement in North America—
were built of mortared and whitewashed stone rubble or, Louisiana, the St. Genevieve area of Missouri, northern
often, were framed and sheathed with sawn weatherboard Maine (Figure 7.8)—the long barn was not carried outside
(Figure 7.9b). The Montreal house—so named because of its of French Canada.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.9 Buildings of the Lower St. Lawrence hearth region. (a) the Norman cottage; (b) the Quebec cottage; (c) the Montreal house;
(d) the Quebec long barn.
Sources: (a), (b), and (c) Courtesy of John A. Jakle; (d) Reprinted from Wood, Brick, and Stone: The North American Settlement Landscape, volume 2, by Allen G. Noble.
Drawing by M. Margaret Geib (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1984), copyright © 1984 by the University of Massachusetts Press.

236 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Southern New England New England large house of up to ten rooms with lobby
The rural southern English colonists who settled in New entrance, central chimney, and a symmetrical gable
England carried memories of the heavily framed houses roof. Later, the central-chimney design gave way
of their home counties: sturdy posts and stout horizontal completely to the Georgian style with paired chimneys
beams held together by simple joinery and sided by over- that reinforced the sense of balance (Figure 7.10c). The
lapping clapboards. The series of New England New England hearth also created the gable-front house
vernacular houses that emerged in the new settlements and its variation, the upright-and-wing or lazy-T house
all displayed that construction and were further (Figure 7.10d), modified versions of which became land-
distinguished by steep roofs and massive central scape staples in both rural and urban areas from west-
chimneys. ern New York into the Middle West.
Among the primary house types evolved in the
New England hearth were: (1) the garrison house, whose The Middle Atlantic Hearths
characteristic second-floor overhang was a relict of The Middle Atlantic hearths were ethnically diverse sites
urban house design in medieval Europe (Figure 7.10a); of vernacular architecture more influential on North
(2) the saltbox house, with an asymmetrical gable roof American housing styles than any other early settlement
covering a shed or lean-to addition giving extra rooms areas. The log cabin, later carried into Appalachia and the
on the first floor to the rear (Figure 7.10b); and (3) the trans-Appalachian interior, evolved there. There, too, was

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.10 New England house types. (a) The garrison house; (b) the saltbox house; (c) the Georgian-style variant of the New England
large house; (d) An upright-and-wing house, the wing representing a one-story extension of the basic gable-front house plan.
(b) and (d ) Courtesy of John A. Jakle.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 237

introduced what would later be called the I house—a two- or Schweizer (Swiss) barn—in its several versions—was
story structure one room deep with two rooms on each carried from its Pennsylvania origins to the continental in-
floor that became prominent in the Upper South and the terior and from the southern Appalachians northward to
Lower Middle West in the 19th century. Ontario (see Figure 6.24). Perhaps no other hearth region
had as widespread an influence on American vernacular
The Delaware Valley architecture as did the Pennsylvania hearth. Migrants from
Dutch and Swedish settlers were less successful in colo- there carried their material culture southwestward along
nizing the Delaware Valley hearth area than were the the Great Valley of Virginia, as well as due west into the
English Quakers and Germans who arrived in the late Ohio Valley.
17th and early 18th centuries. These latter were joined
by Finns, Welsh, and Scotch-Irish, each of whom con- Chesapeake Bay
tributed to the diversity of stone, brick, frame, and log The area of dominantly English and Scotch-Irish settle-
housing of the district. Urban Quakers, arriving with the ment around Chesapeake Bay was rural and nearly devoid
memory of the Great London Fire of 1666 still fresh in of large cities. Its settlers initially introduced wood-framed
mind, built in red brick small versions of the Georgian- houses, though brick construction became increasingly
style houses then becoming fashionable in England. Ger- common. Both building types featured raised foundations,
mans, Scandinavians, and particularly, eastern Finns outside end chimneys, and one-deep floor plans. Kitchens
introduced the first New World log houses in the were often detached, and by the 18th century adaptation
17th century in Delaware and New Jersey. It was they, to the more southerly temperature conditions was re-
not the English colonists, who gave America that frontier flected in added front porches and front-to-rear ventilation
symbol. passages. Popular throughout the Middle Atlantic hearth
The Delaware Valley hearth (sometimes called the regions, the classic I house was also part of the vernacular
Pennsylvania hearth) is particularly noted for two ver- architecture of the Chesapeake Bay hearth (Figure 7.11b);
nacular house designs: the four-over-four house—so called it was early carried into the Upper South and, after the
in reference to its basic two-story floor plan with four 1850s, into the interior. Sometimes of brick but over-
rooms up and four down (Figure 7.11a); and the classic whelmingly of frame construction, its builders and build-
I house, almost always a “two-over-two” arrangement ing materials were brought by the new railroads to
(Figure 7.11b). The valley also made a major contribu- Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa (the I’s after which the house
tion to American architecture in the form of a barn—or was named).
rather a series of related designs of the German bank
barn. Unlike the earlier English and Dutch barns, which The Southern Hearths
were essentially crop oriented, the bank barn combined Both climate and a new ethnic cultural mix altered the
animal shelter with the grain storage and threshing func- form of vernacular housing in the southern hearths along
tions. The variously named German, Pennsylvania, Dutch, the Atlantic Coast and in the Gulf and Delta areas.

(a) (b)

Figure 7.11 House types of the Middle Atlantic hearths. (a) Four-over-four house; (b) the traditional or classic I house, with its two rooms
on each floor separated by central hallways, had a varying number of façade openings and, usually, end chimneys located in the standard gable
roof, but all symmetrically organized. This brick version, characteristic of the Upper South, has a detached summer kitchen.
(a) Courtesy of John A. Jakle.

238 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Although local responses to these influences varied, the and an introduction into America by free Haitian blacks
overall result was housing in a different style for different who settled in the delta before the middle of the
needs in the South than in the North. 19th century. With its narrow gable front, its consider-
able length of three or four rooms, and its front-to-back
The Southern Tidewater alignment of all room door openings (Figure 7.13), it
Along the southeastern Atlantic coastal region of South was quickly and cheaply made of sawed lumber and
Carolina and Georgia, European settlers faced problems of found favor far beyond the delta area as affordable
heat, humidity, and flooding not encountered farther to urban and rural housing.
the north. The malaria, mosquitoes, and extreme heat
plaguing their inland plantations during the summer Interior and Western Hearths
caused the wealthy to prefer hot-season residence in Other immigrant groups, some from the eastern states,
coastal cities such as Charleston, where sea breezes pro- others from abroad—and all encountering still different
vided relief. The result was the characteristic Charleston environmental circumstances and building material
single house, a name related to its single row of three or sources—made their impress on local areas of the inte-
four rooms ranged from front to back and lined on the rior and North American west. Settlers of many different
outside of each floor by a long veranda along one side of origins on the Great Plains initially built sod dugouts or
the structure (Figure 7.12). sod or rammed earth houses in the absence of native
timber stands. Later, after the middle of the century,
The Mississippi Delta “balloon frame” construction, utilizing newly available
The French, dominant in the Lower St. Lawrence Valley cheap wire nails and light lumber milled to standard di-
far to the north, established their second North American mensions, became the norm in the interior where heavy
culture hearth in New Orleans and along the lower Mis- timbers for traditional post and beam construction were
sissippi during the 18th century (Figure 7.8). There, not available. The strong, low-cost housing the new tech-
French influences from Nova Scotia and the French niques and materials made possible owed less to the ar-
Caribbean islands—Haiti, specifically—were mixed with chitectural traditions of eastern America than it did to
Spanish and African cultural contributions. Again, heat the simplicity and proportional dimensions imposed by
and humidity were an environmental problem requiring the standardized materials. Midwest vernacular house
distinctive housing solutions. The grenier house emerged types developed—including the one-story gabled rectan-
as the standard design for rural Louisiana. Usually of gle, double-wing, and two-story foursquare farmhouses,
frame construction with cypress siding, the structures quickly constructed by local carpenters or the farmers
were raised on posts or pillars several feet off the ground themselves.
for cooling and protection against floodwaters, ground
rot, and termites.
The shotgun house is a simple, inexpensive, and ef-
ficient house style identified with the delta area but
owing its origin to Africa by way of Port-au-Prince, Haiti,


5 feet Floor Plan


Figure 7.13 (a) Shotgun cottages in Claiborne County,

Mississippi; (b) one variant of a shotgun cottage floor plan.
Figure 7.12 The Charleston single house. (a) Courtesy of John A. Jakle.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 239

The thick-walled Spanish adobe house, long and
single-storied with a flat or low-pitched earth-covered roof
entered Anglo America through the Hispanic borderlands
(see Figure 6.11) but in most of its features owed more to
indigenous Pueblo Indian design than to Spanish origins.
In the Far West, Hispanic and Russian influences were lo-
cally felt, although housing concepts imported from the
humid East predominated. In the Utah area, Mormon im-
migrants established the central-hall house, related to both
the I house and the four-over-four house, as the dominant
house type.
A variety of ethnic and architectural influences met
and intermingled in the Pacific Northwest. French Canadi-
ans produced a closely knit ethnic settlement on the
Willamette River at French Prairie (between Salem and
Portland, Oregon). Chinese came to the coal mines of
Vancouver Island in the 1860s; later, thousands were em-
ployed in the construction of the Northern Pacific Rail-
road. By the 1870s an architecturally distinctive
Chinatown was centered around the foot of Yesler Way
and Occidental Avenue in Seattle, and similar enclaves
were established in Tacoma, Portland, and other urban
centers. But most immigrants to the British Columbia—
Washington—Oregon regions were of Anglo American not
foreign birth, and the vast majority on the United States Figure 7.14 Architectural source areas and the diffusion of
side came from midwestern roots, representing a further building methods from the Atlantic Seaboard hearths. The map
westward migration of populations whose forebears (or emphasizes log and frame construction as of 1850. The variation in
who themselves) were part of the Middle Atlantic culture the width of stream paths suggests the strength of the influence of the
various hearths on vernacular housing away from the coast. The
hearths. Some—the earliest—carried to the Oregon and Southern Coastal Stream was limited in its influence to the coastal
Washington forested regions the “midland” American plain. The Delaware Valley hearth not only exerted a strong impact
backwoods pioneer culture and log-cabin tradition first en- on the Upland South but also became—along with other Middle
countered in the Delaware Valley hearth; others brought Atlantic hearths—the dominant vernacular housing source for the
the variety of housing styles already well represented in lower Middle West and the continental interior. By 1850, and farther
to the west, new expansion cores were emerging around Salt Lake
the continental interior. City, in coastal California, and in the Willamette Valley area of
Oregon—all bearing the imprint of housing designs that first
emerged in eastern hearths.
Sources: F. Kniffen Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 55:560,
Architectural Diffusions 1965; Fred Kniffen and Henry Glassie, “Building in Wood in the Eastern United
States” in Geographical Review 56:60, © 1966 The American Geographical Society;
and Terry G. Jordan and Matti Kaups, The American Backwoods Frontier, pp. 8–9,
These vernacular architectural origins and movements © 1989 The Johns Hopkins University Press.
were summarized by the cultural geographer Fred Knif-
fen, who thought that house types of the eastern United
States and ultimately of much of Anglo America could be
traced to three source regions on the Atlantic Coast, each the Ohio Valley Midwest, creating an interior “national
feeding a separate diffusion stream: New England, Middle hearth” of several intermingled streams (Figure 7.4), and
Atlantic, and Southern Coastal (Figure 7.14). New England, from there spread north, south, and west. In this respect,
he argued, gave rise to a series of evolving house types the narrow Middle Atlantic region played for vernacular
based on a simple English original, variants of which architecture the same role its Midland dialect did in shap-
spread westward with the settlers across New York, Ohio, ing the linguistic geography of the United States, as dis-
Indiana, and Illinois and into Wisconsin and Iowa. cussed on page 156.
The principal contributions of the Middle Atlantic The earliest diffusion from the Middle Atlantic
source region were the English I house and the Finnish- hearth was the backwoods frontier culture that carried
German log building. Its major diffusion directions were rough log carpentry to all parts of the forested East and,
southward along the Appalachian Uplands, with offshoots eventually, westward to the northern Rockies and the Pa-
in all directions, and westward across Pennsylvania. Mul- cific Northwest. The identifying features of that building
tiple paths of movement from this hearth converged in tradition were the dogtrot and saddlebag house plans and

240 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

double-crib barn designs. The basic unit of both house throughout Anglo America. The French and Caribbean in-
and barn was a rectangular “pen” (“crib” if for a barn) of fluences of the Delta Stream, in contrast, were much more
four log walls that characteristically stood in tandem with restricted and localized.
an added second room that joined the first at the chim-
ney end of the house. The resultant two-room central
chimney design was called a saddlebag house. Another
even more common expansion of the single-pen cabin Folk Fencing in Anglo America
was the dogtrot (Figure 7.15), a simple roofing-over of an
Fencing, a nearly essential adjunct of agricultural land
open area left separating the two pens facing gable to-
use, has been used as an indicator of the folk cultural tra-
ward gable. Log construction techniques and traditions
ditions of farm populations, as a guide to settlement peri-
were carried across the intervening grasslands to the
ods and stages, and as evidence of the resources and
wooded areas of the mountains and the Pacific Coast dur-
environmental conditions the settlers found. The stone
ing the 19th Century. The first log buildings of settle-
fence, for example, was an obvious response to the need
ments and farmsteads of the Oregon territory, for
to clear glacial fieldstone before cultivation, and over
example, were indistinguishable from their eastern pred-
250,000 miles of stone fences were in existence in the
ecessors of the preceding century.
1870s in New York and New England. Elsewhere, angular
The third source area, in the Lower Chesapeake,
or flat stones in sedimentary rock areas—in southern
spread its remarkably uniform influence southward as
Ohio, Indiana, or parts of Kentucky, for example—made
the Southern Coastal Stream, diffusing its impact inland
fences easier to build and maintain than did the rounded
along numerous paths into the Upland South (Fig-
glacial boulders of New England.
ure 7.14). In that area of complex population movements
The heavily forested eastern hearth regions provided
and topographically induced isolations, source area archi-
an abundance of timber and poles for a variety of wooden
tectural styles were transformed into truly indigenous
fences, many based on European models. The “buck”
local folk housing forms. By 1850, diffusions from the
fence, identical to some French folk fences, was repro-
eastern architectural hearths had produced a clearly de-
duced in North America from French Canada southward
fined folk housing geography in the eastern half of the
into the Southern Appalachians (Figure 7.16a). The wattle
United States and subsequently, by relocation and expan-
fence of interlaced poles and branches (Figure 7.16b) was
sion diffusion, had influenced vernacular housing
common in medieval Europe, known and briefly used by
early settlers of Massachusetts and Virginia, but not found
elsewhere in North America.
The angled-rail, “snake,” or “worm” fence was a
dominant American fence form for much of the 19th cen-
tury until increasing labor costs and wood scarcity made
it uneconomical. Its earlier attraction was its ease of
construction—it required no post holes—and its use of
abundant farm-produced wood; it was widely found in the
South and in the eastern portion of the Middle West (Fig-
ure 7.16c). Indeed, wherever the backwoods pioneers
temporarily settled, the zigzag log fence enclosed their
forest clearings. The design was carried into the Pacific
Northwest from Oregon to British Columbia, to be re-
placed only as new generations of farmers appeared and
farm woodlots were reduced.
The post-and-rail fence, a form that consumed less
land and fewer rails than did the angled fence, was par-
ticularly popular in southern New England and the
Delaware Valley areas (Figure 7.16d). After the estab-
lishment of an American steel industry during the last
half of the 19th century—and in the grasslands of the
Great Plains—wire fencing, barbed wire in particular,
became the commonly encountered form of stock enclo-
sure or crop protection. Briefly, however, both sod
fences and hedge fences (the Osage orange in particu-
lar) were popular from the forest margin westward to
Figure 7.15 The “dogtrot” house. the mountains.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 241

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.16 Folk fencing of the eastern United States. (a) A buck fence; (b) a wattle or woven fence; (c) the angled-rail, snake, or worm
fence; (d) a post-and-rail fence.

In many ways more permanent records of our folk

Nonmaterial Folk Culture heritages and differentials are to be found in the intangi-
bles of our lives, in the nonmaterial folk culture that all of
Houses burn, succumb to rot, are remodeled beyond
us possess and few recognize. Although ways of life
recognition, or are physically replaced. Fences, barns, and
change and the purposes of old tools are forgotten, fa-
outbuildings are similarly transitory features of the land-
vorite foods and familiar songs endure. Nonmaterial char-
scape, lost or replaced by other structures in other materi-
acteristics may more indelibly mark origins and flows of
als for other purposes as farms mechanize, consolidate, no
cultures and peoples than physical trappings outmoded,
longer rear livestock, are abandoned, or are subdivided for
replaced, or left behind.
urban expansion. The folk housing and farm buildings
One important aspect of folk geography is the atten-
that seem so solid a part of the built environment are, in
tion it pays to the spatial association of culture and envi-
reality, but temporary features of it. Impermanent, too,
ronment. Folk societies, because of their subsistence,
for the most part are the tools and products of the folk
self-reliant economies 1 and limited technologies, are
craft worker. Some items of daily life and decoration may
deemed particularly responsive to physical environmental
be preserved in museums or as household heirlooms; oth-
circumstances (see “Subsistence Household Economies”).
ers may be exchanged among collectors of antiques. But
inevitably, material folk culture is lost as the artifacts of 1In which people produce most or all of the goods to satisfy their own
even isolated groups increasingly are replaced by prod- and their family’s needs; little or no exchange occurs outside of the
ucts of modern manufacture and standardized design. immediate or extended family.

242 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Subsistence Household Economies

W hatever may be folk societies’

vegetables that could be stored in again and again. Since candles
regional differences based on the cold cellars for the winter, and were always scarce, they were
varying environments they occupy or others that could be dried. Fruits stored away very carefully, and
the differing cultures they express, all such as apples and berries were used very sparingly.
have in common an economy of self- dried or preserved. The The most unpleasant chores of
sufficiency based on family or small homemaker also cared for the all were the cleaning of houses,
group cooperative effort. In the hearth barnyard animals. In order to have clothing and people. Water was
regions and along the diffusion paths a chicken in the kettle for dinner, scarce and had to be carried into
of settlement in Anglo America, the [she] had to slaughter, pluck and the house from a nearby stream.
basic subsistence unit was the individ- clean the fowl the same day. When The cleaning agent—a soft soap—
ual household. The husband and wife cows and pigs were slaughtered she was manufactured by a tedious
were equal partners in the enterprise, had the gigantic task of salting the process that involved the
producing their own food, clothing, beef to preserve it, and smoking combination of animal grease and
housing, furniture, and such neces- the pig meat into ham and lye, a caustic substance derived
sary household goods as candles and bacon. . . . Homemakers pickled a from ashes. . . . The busy
soap. Beverly Sanders describes the wide variety of foods. . . . homemaker could not possibly do
gender division of labor in colonial Like food, clothing had to be laundry and housecleaning every
households throughout much of the made “from scratch.” Fur and day, but rather set aside special
eastern hearth regions and the com- leather were popular materials for days for it once a month, or even
plex and arduous tasks assigned to clothing [on the frontier] because once in three months. . . .
women, who of necessity were mas- they didn’t need to be woven into Here is one day’s work in the
ters of a wide range of folk crafts, arti- cloth. Making linen cloth from the year 1775, set down in the diary of
facts, and skills. The essentials of flax plant was a painstaking . . . a Connecticut girl:
women’s responsibilities did not process that could take as long as
Fix’d gown for Prude,—Mend
change in later years in the settle- sixteen months—from planting
Mother’s Riding-hood,—Spun
ment of the United States or Canadian flax to spinning and bleaching
short thread,—Fix’d two gowns
prairies or of the Northwest. thread. In wool making, the fleece
for Welsh’s girls,—Carded tow,—
from the sheep was cleaned, oiled,
By and large the man was Spun linen,—Worked on
and then combed to draw out the
responsible for building the house Cheesebasket,—Hatchle’d flax
fibers to be spun into thread.
and furniture, clearing the land with Hannah, we did 51 lbs.
Women wove the linen and woolen
and planting crops, [and] apiece,—Pleated and ironed,—
threads into cloth on a hand
slaughtering the larger animals. Read a Sermon of Dodridge’s,—
loom. . . . Clothing took a long
The woman was responsible for Spooled a piece,—Milked
time to make because it was
feeding and clothing all household the cows,—Spun linen, did
generally worked on in odd hours
members, manufacturing 50 knots,—Made a Broom of
that women could spare from more
household necessities, Guinea wheat straw,—Spun
pressing chores.
housecleaning, nursing and child thread to whiten,—Set a Red
. . . [C]andle making had to be
care. . . . dye,—Had two Scholars from
done during the busy autumn
Feeding a family involved far Mrs. Taylor’s,—I carded two
season before the long dark winter
more than just cooking. The first pounds of whole wool and felt
set in. Most were made from tallow,
care . . . was tending the fire. Nationaly,—Spun harness
a rendered animal fat which was
Throughout the year, the woman twine,—Scoured the pewter.
melted with boiling water in a
had to produce most of the food as
large heavy kettle. Rows of candle Source: Beverly Sanders, Women in the Colonial Era
well as cook it. She generally and the Early American Republic 1607–1820,
wicks . . . were dipped into the (Newton, MA: WEEA/Education Development
planted and tended a kitchen
melted tallow, cooled, then dipped Center, 1979) pp. 18–21.
garden in which she grew

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 243

Thus, foodstuffs, herbs, and medicinal plants naturally 90
available or able to be grown locally—as well as shelter— 80
have been especially subject to folk geographic study. Less Maximum Mean
immediately connected to the environment, but impor- 70

tant indicators of the backgrounds and memories of a so- Minimum

cial group, are the stories, fables, and music traditional to
it and transmitted within it. 50
Growing Season
237 days
Folk Food and Drink Preferences 20
Folk and Customary Foods 16
Cuisine, meaning the selection of foods and the style of Reliable Season
cookery, is one of the most evident and enduring of the el-
ements distinguishing cultural groups. Ethnic foods are 8
the mainstay and the attraction of the innumerable fairs Mean

and “fests” held throughout the United States and Canada 4

to celebrate the traditions of locally important groups. In 0 Minimum

the case of ethnic foods, of course, what is celebrated is TIMING OF WORK
the retention in a new environment of the food prefer- J F M A M J J A S O N D
ences, diets, and recipes that had their origin in a distant Ridging up
Planting, Cultivation

Garden preparation and planting

homeland. Folk food habits, on the other hand, are prod- Corn planting
ucts of local circumstances; the dietary inputs are the nat- Sweet potato planting
ural foods derived from hunting, gathering, and fishing or Bean and pea planting
Cotton planting
the cultivated foods and domestic animals suited to the
"May-corn" planting
environmental conditions locally encountered. Bean planting
The distinction between folk and ethnic is no clearer Scraping and hoeing
in foods than it is in other aspects of regional culture. Harvesting Peas and beans
Three observations may be made on this point. First, most Turning down corn

societies have until recent times been intimately and Preparing and planting fall garden
Cotton picking
largely concerned with food production on an individual
Harvesting corn
and family basis. The close ties of people to environment— Harvesting sweet potatoes and pumpkins
folk ties—are therefore particularly evident in food gather- Sugar cane and syrup making

ing and growing (Figure 7.17). Repair, building and handicrafts

Second, most areas of the world have been occupied

by a complex mix of peoples migrating in search of food Hunting and foraging
Livestock handling, cattle and hogs
and carrying food habits and preferences with them in
(Scale 0 to 5)
their migrations. In the Americas, Australia, New Zealand,
and a few other regions of recent colonization and diversi-
fied settlement, we are aware of these differing ethnic ori- Figure 7.17 The traditional “annual round” of folk culture
gins and the recipes and customs they imply. In other farming in the Upland South area of eastern Louisiana. The system
world regions, ethnic and cultural intermixture is less im- and sequence of farming activities has varied little since the area was
first settled around 1800. Frost danger dates and the phases of the
mediately apparent. In Korea, for example, what outsiders
moon are important in determining exact planting times. The corn,
see as a distinctive ethnic cookery best known, perhaps, peas, and sweet potatoes assure the Upland farmer subsistence for
for kimch’i—brined, pickled, and spiced vegetables in end- family and animals. “The prudent folk farmer provides for
less combinations and uniquely Korean—also incorporates subsistence first; then he turns to money crops”—in this case, cotton.
Japanese and Chinese foodstuffs and dishes. Source: Milton Newton, Jr., “The Annual Round in the Upland South: The
Synchronization of Man and Nature through Culture,” Pioneer America 3, no. 2,
Third, food habits are not just matters of sustenance (Akron, Ohio: Pioneer Society of America, 1971), p. 65. Redrawn by permission.
but are intimately connected with the totality of culture or
custom. People eat what is available and also what is, to
them, edible. Sheep’s brains and eyeballs, boiled insects,
animal blood, and pig intestines, which are delicacies in mark of esteem and welcome, and the bountiful and spe-
some cultures, may be abominations to others unfamiliar cially prepared meal as the mark of hospitality is common
with the culture that offers them as special treats to in nearly all cultures.
guests. (For a special case of folk food habit, see “A Taste The interconnections between the folk, the ethnic,
for Dirt.”) Further, in most societies food and eating are and the customary in food habits and preferences are evi-
considered a social, not just a personal, experience. dent in the Anglo American scene of mixed settlement and
Among Slavic peoples to offer a guest bread and salt is a environmental diversity. Of course, the animals and plants

244 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

A Taste for Dirt

H undreds of millions of people

animal species also consume clay, it counteract intestinal distress caused
throughout the world eat dirt, usually is usually assumed that geophagy by consuming the tubers, Indians ei-
fine clays, in a custom—called can supply minerals otherwise defi- ther leach out the chemicals or, com-
geophagy—so widespread it is usually cient in diets or can counteract nau- monly, eat the potatoes with a dip
considered to be within the range of sea or diarrhea. (One of the most made of clay and a mustardlike herb.
normal human behavior. The practice popular and widely available com- That practice may have made it possi-
is particularly common in sub-Saharan mercial remedies for diarrhea is ble to domesticate this important food
Africa, where hundreds of farmer and based upon the clay kaolin). Heavy, crop. Amerindians of the southwest-
herder cultures consume dirt and, in chronic clay consumption can also ern United States similarly use clay as
some cases, sand. Africans brought as cause serious ailments, including in- a condiment with toxic wild tubers
slaves to the United States carried the testinal blockages, anemia, growth and acorns.
habit with them, and it is now preva- retardation, and zinc deficiency Like many other folk customs,
lent among their descendants in the among some practitioners of the geophagy is identified with specific
American South. It is also found habit, however. groups rather than universally prac-
widely in Asia, the Middle East, and As a folk food, clay may be spe- ticed. Like others, it seems to persist
parts of Latin America. cially selected for flavor (a sour taste despite changes in the earlier dietary
Wherever the custom is prac- is preferred). It is often mixed with circumstances that may originally
ticed, it is most common among bread dough or with vinegar and salt have inspired it and despite (in the
pregnant women, though it may be and baked, cooked, or smoked like United States) growing social pressure
more usual than reported among bacon. It may also be used as a condi- condemning the habit. Southern rela-
males as well. Some data indicate ment or neutralizer. Nearly all vari- tives may send favored varieties of
that from 30% to 50% of expectant eties of wild potatoes growing in the clay to women who have moved to
mothers in large areas of Africa and Andes Mountains of South America northern cities. Others, yielding to re-
among rural blacks in sections of the (where the potato is native) contain fined sensibilities, may substitute
American South eat clay, as do hun- toxic chemicals, as do some of the Argo starch, which has similar proper-
dreds of millions of women else- species cultivated and regularly eaten ties, for the clay consumption habits
where in the world. Since dozens of by the Indian populations there. To of their culture group.

nurtured, the basic recipes followed and flavorings added, Charleston, New Orleans, Tidewater, and other more lo-
and the specialized festive dishes of American folk groups calized recipes. Specific American dishes that have
have ethnic origins. Many originated abroad and were car- achieved fame and wide acceptance developed locally in
ried to and preserved in remote New World areas. Many response to food availability. New England seafood chow-
were derived from the larder of the Amerindians and often ders and baked beans; southern pone, johnnycake, hush
varyingly used in different regional contexts. Turkey, puppies, and other corn- (maize-) based dishes; the wild
squash, pumpkin, and cranberries were among them as was rice of the Great Lakes states; Louisiana crayfish (craw-
the corn (maize) that appeared with time as Southern grits, fish); southern gumbo; and salmon and shellfish dishes of
Southwestern tortillas, and everywhere south of Pennsylva- the Pacific coast are but a few of many examples of folk
nia as the American replacement for wheat in the making of foods and recipes originally and still characteristic of spe-
bread. Such classic American dishes as Brunswick stew, the cific cultural areas but subsequently made part of national
clambake, smoked salmon, cornflakes, and beef jerky were food experience. Others, once locally known, effectively
originally Indian fare. Gradually, the environmental influ- disappear as the culture or foodstuff source is lost. The
ences, isolation, and time spans implicit in the concept of “fern pie” of Oregon’s frontier past and “pigeon pie” made
folk culture created culinary distinctions among populations with the now-extinct passenger pigeon are among many
recognized as American rather than ethnic immigrants. examples.
Shelves of cookbooks mark the general distinctions
of folk cuisines of the United States. Broad categories of Drink
New England, Creole, Southern, Chesapeake, Southwest- In the United States, drink also represents an amalgam
ern, and other regional cookery may be further refined between ethnic imports and folk responses and em-
into cookbooks containing Boston, Pennsylvania Dutch, phases. A colonial taste for rum was based on West

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 245

Indian and Tidewater sugarcane and molasses. European The Northern song area—including the Maritime
rootstock was introduced, with mixed results, to develop Provinces of Canada, New England, and the Middle At-
vineyards in most seaboard settlements; the native scup- lantic states—in general featured unaccompanied solo
pernong grape was tried for wine making in the South. singing in clear, hard tones. Its ballads were close to En-
Peach, cherry, apple, and other fruit brandies were dis- glish originals, and the British connection was continu-
tilled for home consumption. Whiskey was a barley-based ously renewed by new immigrants, including Scots and
import accompanying the Scots and the Scotch-Irish to Irish. The traditional ballads and current popular songs
America, particularly to the Appalachians. In the New brought by British immigrants provided the largest part of
World the grain base became native corn (maize), and the Anglo Canadian folk song heritage. On both sides of
whiskey making became a deeply rooted folk custom in- the border, the fiddle was featured at dances, and in the
tegral to the subsistence economy. States, fife-and-drum bands became common in the early
Whiskey also had cash economy significance. Small years of the Republic.
farmers of isolated areas far from markets converted part The Southern Backwoods and Appalachian song area,
of their corn and rye crops into whiskey to produce a con- extending westward to East Texas, involved unaccompa-
centrated and valuable commodity conveniently trans- nied, high-pitched, and nasal solo singing. The music,
portable by horseback over bad roads. Such farmers based on English tradition and modified by Appalachian
viewed a federal excise tax imposed in 1791 on the pro- “hardscrabble” life, developed in isolation in upland and
duction of distilled spirits as an intolerable burden not lowland settlement areas. Marked by moral and emo-
shared by those who could sell their grain directly. The tional conflict with an undercurrent of haunting melan-
tax led, first, to a short-lived tax revolt, the Whiskey Rebel- choly, the backwoods style emerged in the modern
lion of 1794, in western Pennsylvania and, subsequently, period as the roots of the distinctive and popular genre of
to a tradition of moonshining—producing untaxed liquor “country” music.
in unlicensed stills. Figure 7.18 suggests the close associa- The northern and southern traditions abutted in a
tion between its isolated Appalachian upland environ- transition zone along the Ohio Valley but blended to-
ment and illicit whiskey production in East Tennessee in gether across the Mississippi to create the Western song
the 1950s. area. There, factual narrative songs reflected the experi-
ences of cowboy, riverman, sodbuster, and gold seeker.
Folk Music Natural beauty, personal valor, and feminine purity were
North American folk music began as transplants of fa- recurring themes. Many songs appeared as reworked lum-
miliar Old World songs carried by settlers to the New berjack ballads of the North or other modifications from
World. Each group of immigrants established an outpost the song traditions of the eastern United States.
of a European musical community, making the Ameri- Imported songs are more prominent among the tra-
can folk song, in the words of Alan Lomax, “a museum ditional folk tunes of Canada than they are in the United
of musical antiques from many lands.” But the imported States; only about one-quarter of Canadian traditional
songs became Americanized, hybridization between mu- songs were composed in the New World. Most native
sical traditions occurred, and American experience Canadian songs—like their U.S. counterparts—reflected
added its own songs of frontier life, of farming, courting, the daily lives of ordinary folk. In Newfoundland and
and laboring (see “The American Empire of Song”). along the Atlantic coast, those lives were bound up with
Eventually, distinctive American styles of folk music the sea, and songs of Canadian origin dealt with fishing,
and recognizable folk song cultural regions developed sealing, and whaling. Particularly in Ontario, it was the
(Figure 7.19). lumber camps that inspired and spread folk music.

Figure 7.18 In the mid–1950s, official estimates put weekly moonshine production at 24,000 gallons in mountainous eastern Tennessee, at
6000 gallons in partially hilly middle Tennessee, and at 2000 gallons in flat western Tennessee. The map shows the approximate number of stills
seized each month at that time in East Tennessee. Each dot indicates one still.
Source: Redrawn by permission from Loyal Durand, “Mountain Moonshining in East Tennessee,” Geographical Review 46 (New York: American Geographical Society, 1956), p. 171.

246 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Anglo Canadian songs show a strong Irish character in
pattern and tune and traditionally were sung solo and
The Black folk song tradition, growing out of racial
and economic oppression, reflects a union of Anglo Amer-
ican folk song, English country dancing, and West African
musical patterns. The African American folk song of the
rural South or the northern ghetto was basically choral
and instrumental in character; hands and feet were used
to establish rhythm. A strong beat, a leader-chorus style,
and deep-pitched mellow voices were characteristic.
Lomax dealt with and mapped only English-language
folk song styles. To round out the North American scene,
mention must also be made of French Canadian river and
fur trader songs of the Northeast and the strong Mexican
American musical tradition still vital and spreading in the
Different folk music traditions metamorphosed and
spread in the 20th century as distinctive styles of popular
music. Jazz emerged in New Orleans in the later 19th cen-
tury as a union of minstrel show ragtime and the blues, a
type of southern black music based on work songs and spir-
ituals. Urban blues—performed with a harsh vocal delivery
Figure 7.19 Folk song regions of eastern United States. Alan
accompanied by electric guitars, harmonicas, and piano—
Lomax has indirectly outlined folk culture regions of the eastern was a Chicago creation, brought there largely by artists
United States by defining areas associated with different folk song from Mississippi. Country music spread from its southern
traditions. white ancestral areas with the development of the radio
Source: Redrawn “Map depicting folk song regions of the Eastern U.S.” by Rafael and the phonograph in the 20th century. It became
Palacios, from Folk Songs of North America by Alan Lomax. Copyright © 1960 by
Alan Lomax. Used by permission. commercialized, electrified, and amplified but remained at
core modified folk music (Figure 7.20). Bluegrass style, a

The American Empire of Song

T he map sings. The chanteys

into the hills of Arkansas and Okla- The blues roll down the Missis-
surge along the rocky Atlantic homa. There in the Ozarks the North- sippi to New Orleans, where the Cre-
seaboard, across the Great Lakes and ern and Southern song families swap oles mix the musical gumbo of
round the moon-curve of the Gulf of tunes and make a marriage. jazz—once a dirty word, but now a
Mexico. The paddling songs of the The Texas cowboys roll the little symbol of musical freedom for the
French-Canadians ring out along the doughies [sic] north to Montana, West. The Creoles add Spanish pepper
Saint Lawrence and west past the singing Northern ballads with a and French sauce and blue notes to the
Rockies. Beside them, from New- Southern accent. New roads and steel rowdy tantara of their reconstruction-
foundland, Nova Scotia, and New En- rails lace the Southern backwoods to happy brass bands, stir up the hot
gland, the ballads, straight and tall as the growl and thunder of Negro music of New Orleans and warm the
spruce, march towards the West. chants of labour—the axe songs, the weary heart of humanity. . . . These
Inland from the Sea Islands, hammer songs, and the railroad are the broad outlines of America’s
slave melodies sweep across the whole songs. These blend with the lonesome folk-song map.
South from the Carolinas to Texas. hollers of levee-camp mule-skinners
And out on the shadows of the Smoky to create the blues, and the blues, “Introduction” from Folk Songs of North America by
and Blue Ridge mountains the old bal- America’s cante hondo, uncoils its sub- Alan Lomax. Copyright © 1960 by Alan Lomax.
Used by permission of Doubleday, a division of
lads, lonesome love songs, and hoe- tle, sensual melancholy in the ear of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. and
downs echo through the upland South all the states, then all the world. Alan Lomax.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 247

Figure 7.21 The southward shift of white spirituals. The
southward move and territorial contraction of the white spiritual folk
song tradition in America is clearly shown on this map.
Source: Reproduced by permission of the American Folklore Society from Journal of
American Folklore 65:258, October–December, 1952. Not for further reproduction.

Figure 7.20 Country music refuge areas. Traditional “old- Scottish communities—was the most common accompani-
timey” country music, little changed from that of the 18th and 19th
centuries, was preserved into the 20th in five pockets of the Upland
ment for dancing. Both instruments were frequently
South, according to George Carney, before it turned modern and homemade.
popular after World War II.
Source: Redrawn by permission from George O. Carney, “Country Music and the Folk Medicines and Cures
South,” Journal of Cultural Geography 1 (Fall/Winter 1980): 25. All folk societies—isolated and close to nature—have de-
veloped elaborate diversities of medicines, cures, and folk
health wisdom based on the plants, barks, leaves, roots,
high-pitched derivative of Scottish bagpipe sound and and fruits of their areas of settlement and familiarity. In-
church congregation singing tradition, is performed unam- deed, botanicals are a fundamental part of modern medi-
plified, true to its folk origins. Bluegrass identification with cine, most of them initially employed by folk societies:
commercial singing groups bearing identities derived from quinine from the bark of the South American cinchona
place names emphasizes the ties of the people, the per- tree, for example, or digitalis, a heart stimulant derived
formers, and the land in the folk tradition. from the dried leaf of the common foxglove.
As these examples of musical style and tradition In Anglo America, folk medicine derived from the
show, the ethnic merges into the folk, and the folk blends common wisdom of both the Old and the New World. The
into the popular—in music and in many other elements of settlers assigned medicinal values to many garden herbs
culture. On the other hand, Anglo American religious folk and spices they brought from Europe and planted every-
songs have become less popular and more spatially con- where in the eastern hearths. Basil, widely used in soups,
fined in an era of popular culture. The white spirituals, stews, and salads, also was considered effective heart
diffusing from their 18th-century New England hearth, medicine and a cure for melancholy; thyme tea eased sor-
covered much of the eastern United States during the 19th row. Parsley was thought to be generally healthful, and
century, before contracting—far from their original core fennel seeds, leaves, and roots properly prepared were
region—into the Lowland South during the 20th century deemed appropriate treatment for obesity. Sage was a spe-
(Figure 7.21). cific for colds, balm was made into a tea for breaking
The making of musical instruments is a recurring fevers, marjoram was a cure-all for coughs, bronchitis,
part of material folk culture traditions. For example, the dropsy, and yellow jaundice. Lemon balm and rosemary
zither was brought to the United States from northern and were thought to prevent baldness, and boiled chervil
central Europe, but as the Pennsylvania Germans carried roots, eaten cold, were healthful for the aged.
it southward into the southern Appalachians it became Native Americans provided Europeans with infor-
the American-made three- or four-stringed strummed or mation and example of the curative values of a whole
plucked dulcimer. The banjo has clear African origins, but new set of plants and practices. Sassafras was a cure-all
by the end of the 19th century it had become a character- widely known in all the colonies—good as a purgative, as
istically American folk instrument, versions of which— an ointment for bruises, as a “blood purifier,” and as a
five-stringed and fretless—were homemade throughout means of curing fevers. Bearberry, a variety of cranberry,
the Southern Uplands. The fiddle was the preeminent was an astringent and diuretic. Boneset (Eupatoria) was
Canadian folk instrument and—along with the bagpipe in an emetic and purgative also used to cure intermittent

248 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

fevers, arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. Goldenrod was a because particular groups—Pennsylvania Dutch, Old
specific for fevers, pain in the chest, boils, and colds. Order Amish, and the Hasidim of Brooklyn, for example—
American hemp was thought beneficial in dropsy, isolate themselves from mainstream American culture.
rheumatism, asthma, and as a diuretic. The list runs to Other groups—in Appalachia, the Missouri Ozarks, and
the hundreds of medicinal plants from all sections of the the Louisiana bayous—may retain or develop distinctive
country, cures (and practices such as sweat baths and folklore traditions because isolation was thrust on them by
cauterization) that were widely adopted by European remoteness or terrain.
newcomers, made part of their folk medicine and, in the Where immigrant groups intermixed, however, as in
case of some 200 different plants, incorporated into mod- most New World countries, syncretism—the merging or fu-
ern drug compendia. sion of different traditions—is characteristic. Old World
Folkloric magic and symbolism were (and are) also beliefs, particularly in magic, begin to recede and are lost
important. Diseases of the head are best cured by tops of to later generations. Proverbs begin to be shared, common
plants, while roots are specifics for leg problems. Brain short jokes replace long folk tales as both entertainment
fever should be treated by nut meats that resemble the and devices of instruction or ridicule of deviant behavior,
brain. Scarlet fever should respond to wrapping patients and literacy reduces dependence on the reports and repe-
in scarlet blankets and doctoring them with red medicine; titions of knowledgeable elders. Folkways—the learned
yellow plants are good for jaundice. Wormroot, the Indi- behavior shared by a society that prescribes accepted and
ans taught, is good for worms, and the red juice in blood- common modes of conduct—become those of the country
root prevents bleeding. as a whole as acculturation and popularization dictate the
Folk medicines, cures, and health wisdom in the ways of life of all.
United States have been best developed and preserved in With the passage of time, too, a new folklore of leg-
the Upland South and Southern Appalachia, along the end, myth, and hero develops. In the United States, Wash-
Texas-Mexican boundary in the Hispanic borderlands, and ington and the cherry tree, Patrick Henry’s plea for
in the rural West among both white and Indian popula- liberty, the exploits of Jim Bowie or Davy Crockett, the
tions. But primitive peoples everywhere have their known song of John Henry the steel-driving man, or tales of Paul
cures and their folk wisdoms in matters medicinal, and all Bunyan become the common property and heritage of all
of us in our everyday references may unknowingly in- Americans—a new national folklore that transcends re-
clude reminders of that knowledge: “The hair of the dog gional boundaries or immigrant origins.
that bit you” was not originally a recommendation for
treating a hangover but an accepted remedy for curing the
bite of a mad dog.
Folk Cultural Regions of Eastern
The Oral Folk Tradition
Folklore is the oral tradition of a group. It refers to ways
United States
of talking and interacting and includes proverbs, prayers, A small set of hearths or source regions of folk culture
common expressions, and particularly, superstitions, be- origin and dispersal have been recognized for the east-
liefs, narrative tales, and legends. It puts into words the ern United States. They are indicated in Figure 7.22.
basic shared values of a group and informally expresses its The similarity of the hearth locations and diffusion
ideals and codes of conduct. Folklore serves, as well, to routes to the pattern of ethnically based architectural re-
preserve old customs and tales that are the identity of the gions and flows shown in Figure 7.14 is unmistakable
folk group. The Brothers Grimm recorded German fairy and a reminder that in the American context, “folk” and
tales early in the 19th century to trace the old mythologies “ethnic” are intertwined and interchangeable when
and beliefs of the German people, not for the entertain- traced back to first settlement. Frontier settlers carrying
ment of the world’s children. to new, interior locations the artifacts and traditions of
Immigrant groups settling in the Americas brought those hearth areas created a small set of indistinctly
with them different well-developed folklore traditions, bounded eastern folk cultural regions (Figure 7.23). Al-
each distinctive not only to the ethnic group itself but though they have become blurred as folk traditions have
even to the part of the home country from which it came. died, their earlier contributions to American folk diver-
In the New World, the established folklores of home areas sity remain clear.
became intermixed. The countries of North and South From the small Mid-Atlantic region, folk cultural
America contain many coexisting and interacting folklore items and influences were dispersed into the North, the
traditions brought by early European colonizers, by trans- Upland South, and the Midwest. Southeastern Pennsylva-
ported African slaves, and by later diversified immigrant nia and the Delaware Valley formed its core and the
groups from both Europe and Asia. Pennsylvania Dutch determined much of the Mid-Atlantic
The imported folk traditions serve to identify the region’s character. The eastern Finns added their log-
separate groups in pluralistic societies. In some instances, building techniques and subsistence life-styles. Furniture
the retention of folk identity and belief is long term styles, log construction, decorative arts, house and barn

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 249

Figure 7.22 American folk culture hearths and diffusions.
Source: Based on Henry Glassie, Pattern in the Material Folk Culture of the Eastern United States, pp. 37–38, copyright © 1968 by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania;
and Michael P. Conzen, ed., The Making of the American Landscape (Winchester, Mass.: Unwin Hyman, 1990), 373.

types, and distinctive “sweet” cookery were among the quilts and furniture make the Upland South region a
purely European imports converted in the Mid-Atlantic prime repository of folk artifacts and customs in the
hearth to American folk expressions. United States.
The folk culture of the Lowland South, by contrast, The North—dominated by New England, but includ-
derived from English originals and African admixtures. ing New York State, English Canada, Michigan, and
French influences in the Louisiana coastal extension Wisconsin—showed a folk culture of decidedly English ori-
and some down-slope migrations from the highland gin. The saltbox house and Boston baked beans in pots of
areas add to the amalgam. Dogtrot and I houses became redware and stoneware are among characteristic elements.
common; English cuisine was adapted to include black- The New England-British domination is locally modified by
eyed peas, turnip greens, sweet potatoes, small-bird French Canadian and central European influences.
pies, and syrups from sugarcane and sorghum. African The Midwest—a conglomerate of inputs from the Up-
origins influenced the widespread use of the banjo in land South, from the North, and particularly, from the
music. Mid-Atlantic region—is the least distinctive, most inter-
The Upland South showed a mixture of influences mixed and Americanized of the cultural regions. Every-
carried up from the Tidewater and brought south from where the interior contains evidences, both rural and
the Mid-Atlantic folk region along the Appalachian high- urban, of artifacts carried by migrants from the eastern
lands by settlers of German and Scotch-Irish stock. The hearths and by newly-arriving European immigrants. Folk
sheltered isolation of the Upland South and its Ozark geography in the Midwest is more the occasional discov-
outlier encouraged the retention of traditional folk cul- ery of architectural relics more or less pure in form,
ture long after it had been lost in more accessible and though frequently dilapidated, or the recognition of such
exposed locations. Log houses and farm structures, rail unusual cultural pockets as those of the Amish, than it is a
fences, traditional art and music, and home-crafted systematic survey of a defined cultural region.

250 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

differentiated rural cultural landscapes. The cities of the
eastern and midwestern parts of the country were so-
cially a world apart from the farms. Brash and booming
with the economic success of rampant industrialization,
the cities were in constant flux. Building and rebuilding,
adding and absorbing immigrants and rural in-migrants,
increasingly interconnected by passenger and freight
railroad and by the national economic unification
important since the 1870s, they were far removed in
culture, outlook, and way of life from the agricultural
areas in which they were physically but not emotionally
It was in the countryside that the most pronounced
effects of regional cultural differentiation were to be dis-
cerned. Although the flow of young people to the city, re-
sponding to the push of farm mechanization and the pull
of urban jobs and excitement, was altering traditional so-
cial orders and rhythms, the automobile, electrical appli-
ances, and the lively mass medium of radio had not as yet
obscured the distinction between urban and rural. The
family farm, kinship and community ties, the traditions,
ways of life, and artifacts of small town and rural resi-
dence still existed as regionally varied composites. But
those ways and artifacts, and the folk cultural regions they
defined, were all being eroded and erased with the pas-
sage of time and the modernization of all segments of
North American life and culture.
Regional character is a transient thing. New peo-
Figure 7.23 Material folk culture regions of the eastern ples, new economic challenges, and new technologies
United States.
serve as catalysts of rapid change. By World War I and
Redrawn with permission from Henry Glassie, Pattern in the Material Folk Culture of
the Eastern United States, p. 39, copyright © 1968 by the Trustees of the University
the Roaring Twenties, the automobile, the radio, motion
of Pennsylvania. pictures, and a national press began to homogenize
America. The slowing of the immigrant stream and
second-generation absorption of the common national
culture served to blur and obliterate some of the most re-
The Passing of Folk gionally distinctive cultural identifications. Mechaniza-
Cultural Regionalism tion, mass production, and mass distribution through
mail order and market town diminished self-sufficiency
By the early 20th century, the impacts of immigrant be- and household crafts. Popular culture began to replace
ginnings, settlement diffusions, and ethnic modifica- traditional culture in everyday life throughout the
tions had made themselves felt in a pattern of regionally United States and Canada.

Patterns of Popular Culture

In 1728, Mary Stith of Virginia wrote to a friend, then in Charles Lawrence, to “send me a Suit of handsome Cloth
England, “When you come to London pray favour me in Cloaths. I have no doubts but you will choose a fashion-
your choice of a suit . . . suitably dressed with . . . what- able coloured Cloth as well as a good one and make it in
ever the fashion requires.” In the 1750s, George Washing- the best taste. . . .” The American gentry might be dis-
ton wrote to his British agent, Thomas Knox, to request tant and isolated, but they did not wish to be unstylish.
“two pair of Work’d Ruffles . . . ; if work’d Ruffles shou’d The leading American women’s magazine of the mid-
be out of fashion send such as are not . . . ,” noting dle 19th century was Godey’s Lady’s Book, featuring hand-
“whatever Goods you may send me . . . you will let them colored pictures of the latest foreign and American fashions
be fashionable.” In the 1760s, he asked another agent, in clothing and articles about household furnishings in the

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 251

newest styles. Its contents influenced ladies of fashion in Even here the contrast between local and universal
cities and towns throughout the settled United States. The is not clear or precise. Presumably, all mass-produced
Montgomery Ward and Sears, Roebuck catalogs appearing consumer goods should be equally available to all seg-
in the late 19th century served the same purpose for more ments of a society. We know, however, that regional
ordinary goods, garments, and classes of customers. tastes and consumption choices differ in, for example,
Awareness of style and desire to copy the clothing, the relative popularity and per capita consumption of
the manners, the new dances and entertainments as they different soft drinks (Dr. Pepper more favored in the
developed in the “fashion capitals” to which men and southern states than elsewhere) or various processed
women looked for leadership are nothing new to the cur- foods (Puerto Rico’s high per capita consumption of
rent century. Indeed, the concept of style has been as- Cheez Whiz). These mark regionally distinctive choices
cribed to the economic transformations in western among widely available similar products. Similar “re-
Europe beginning in the 11th century that opened up the gionalism” can be found throughout the popular culture
continent to long-distance travel and commerce and in- realm. The disinterest expressed until the last decade of
troduced, through new production techniques, a wider the 20th century in soccer in the United States and the
variety of cloth and clothing possibilities than formerly intense passion aroused by the game nearly everywhere
known. The example in dress and manners of the rich else in the world is a common example, as is the identi-
and noble in leading capital cities was soon brought back fication of cricket with Britain and the countries of its
by merchants and travelers to even the smallest provin- former empire while other societies are unfamiliar with
cial towns. Popular culture, based on fashions, standards, the game.
or fads developed in centers of influence and prestige, be- Such exceptions do not void the generalization that
came a new and important reality over wide areas and popular culture becomes the way of life of the mass of
across social strata. the population, reducing though perhaps not eliminating
By general understanding, popular culture stands in regional folk and ethnic differences. In so doing, it be-
opposition to folk or ethnic culture. The latter two suggest comes both a leveling and a liberating force. It serves to
individuality, small group distinctiveness, and above all, obliterate those locally distinctive life-styles and mate-
tradition. Popular culture, in contrast, implies the gen- rial and nonmaterial cultures that develop when groups
eral mass of people, primarily but not exclusively urban remain isolated and ethnocentric. Uniformity is substi-
based, constantly adopting, conforming to, and quickly tuted for differentiation, and group identity is eroded. At
abandoning ever-changing common modes of behavior the same time, however, the individual is liberated
and fads of material and nonmaterial culture. Popular cul- through exposure to a much broader range of available
ture presumably substitutes for and replaces folk and eth- opportunities—in clothing, foods, tools, recreations, and
nic differences. life-styles—than ever were available in a cultural envi-
From another point of view, the distinctions between ronment controlled by the restrictive and limited
the three classes of culture are not that clear and precise. choices imposed by custom and isolation. Although
Indeed, many details of popular culture derive from re- broad areal uniformity may displace localisms, it is a
gional folk cultural traits. For example, universally en- cultural uniformity vastly richer in content and possibil-
joyed popular sports such as soccer, football, golf, and ities than any it replaces.
tennis originated as local and regional folk games, many That uniformity is frequently, though not exclu-
of them hundreds of years old. Similarly, musicologists sively, associated with national populations: the American
easily trace most recent and current musical styles and or Canadian way of life distinguished from the English,
fads to earlier folk and ethnic music genres. Popular cul- the Japanese, or others. Even these distinctions are erod-
ture has been defined as “our way of life today”—how we ing as popular culture in many aspects of music, movies,
act (and why), what we eat and wear, how we amuse our- sports (soccer, for example), and the like becomes inter-
selves, what we believe, whom we admire. The same defi- nationalized (Figure 7.24). Popular culture becomes domi-
nition is appropriate as well for members of recognizable nant with the wide dissemination of common influences
folk and ethnic groups. and with the mixing of cultures that force both ethnic and
The distinction, if one is to be made, must be based folk communities to become aware of and part of a larger
on the universality of the “way of life” described. Ethnic homogeneous society.
culture is preserved as behavioral norms—along with ma- Initially, the printing press was the unifying agent.
terial and nonmaterial components—that set a recogniza- Later, industrialization, urbanization, television and na-
ble national, social, or religious minority group apart from tional advertising, increased leisure time, and decreased
a majority culture; their way of life is not accepted by the self-sufficiency became the devices that in all advanced
mass society among which they live. Folk culture, too, af- societies erode traditional differentiations and standardize
fects small groups; it is individually and community ori- behavior among the general population and within the
ented, self-sufficient, reinforcing, and only slowly altered great number of subcultures (such as that of college stu-
from within. Isolation or tradition keeps it separate and dents) that have emerged. The result is a material and
distinctive. nonmaterial cultural mix that is not necessarily better or

252 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 7.24 Soccer has become the world’s most popular sport, with a television audience approaching 2 billion worldwide for the
quadrennial World Cup soccer finals. The game here is being played in Madrid, Spain.

worse than the folk and ethnic cultures lost. It is, how-
ever, certainly and obviously different from the traits and
distinctions of the past.

National Uniformities
and Globalization
Landscapes of popular culture tend to acquire unifor-
mity through the installation of standardized facilities.
Within the United States, for example, national motel
chains announced by identical signs, advertised by repe-
titious billboards, and featuring uniform facilities and
services may comfort travelers with the familiar but also
deny them the interest of regional contrast. Fast-food
restaurants—franchised, standardized, and merchan-
dised as identical—carry single logos, building designs,
and menus across cultural boundaries and national bor-
ders (Figure 7.25). They provide the assurance of the Figure 7.25 Western fast-food chains, classics of standardized
known and the tolerable but insulate the palate from the popular culture, have gone international—and bilingual—as this
regionally distinctive. Even food outlets identified with restaurant row in Shenyang, China reveals.
ethnics have lost their cultural character. The pizza has
become American, not Italian (Figure 7.26), just as the
franchised Mexican American taco and burrito have es-
caped their regional and ethnic confines and been car-
ried nationwide. Chain gas stations, discount stores, and

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 253

One franchise 0 miles 200 400
0 km 200 400 600

Figure 7.26 The locations of pizza parlors of a single national chain.

Source: Floyd M. Henderson and J. Russel, unpublished drawing.

other enterprises carry on the theme of familiarity of versal popular icons are always differentially adapted
outlet and standardization of product and service wher- and modified for easy acceptance by different national
ever one resides or journeys. societies. Domino’s and Pizza Hut, for example, have a
Many of these Anglo American elements of popular combined total of some 6000 overseas outlets in over 100
culture are oriented toward the automobile, the ubiqui- countries, but do not serve a standard product world-
tous means of local and interregional travel (Figure 7.27). wide. Pizza in India likely will be ordered with spicy
Advertisements’ distinctiveness of design assures instant chicken sausage or pickled ginger. In Japan, a best seller
recognition, and their clustering along highways and main is pizza topped with potatoes, mayonnaise, and ham or
streets guarantees that whatever the incidence of regional bacon bits. Hong Kong customers prefer their pizza fla-
character still remaining, the public face of town and high- voring to be Cajun spices; Thais favor hot spices mixed
way is everywhere the same (Figure 7.28). with lemon grass and lime; while in England preferred
Those uniformities are transitory. While folk cul- toppings include sweet corn and tuna. The store signs
tures have ingrained traditions that change only slowly and designs may be universal; the product varies to fit
and locally, popular culture tends to change rapidly and local tastes.
uniformly over wide expanses. That is, popular culture
diffuses rapidly, even instantaneously, in our age of im- The Shopping Mall
mediate global communication and sharing of ideas Within Anglo America and, increasingly, other world re-
through television, radio, and the Internet. Those same gions, the apparent exterior sameness of popular culture
media and means assure the widespread quick replace- has been carried indoors into the design, merchants, and
ment of the old fads with new. The globalization of popu- merchandise of the shopping mall. Major regional malls
lar culture is commonly recognized. In clothing styles and have been created in every part of North America that
fashion trade names, near-universal display of American boasts a metropolitan population large enough to satisfy
movies and television shows, worldwide acceptance of the their carefully calculated purchasing-power require-
cultural norms of urban life and western business conduct ments. Local and neighborhood malls extend the concept
and institutions, and the global spread of soft drink signs to smaller residential entities. With their mammoth park-
and golden arches testify to the international standardiza- ing lots and easy access from expressways or highways,
tion of life and the quick adoption of changing tastes and America’s 38,000 large and small malls are part of the au-
practices. tomobile culture that helped create them after World
That standardization, of course, is not complete. War II. Increasingly, however, they stand in standardized
National and regional cultural contrasts remain embed- separation from the world of movement and of regional
ded in urban and rural landscapes, and seemingly uni- contrast. Enclosed, temperature controlled, without

254 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 7.27 A street transformation. A residential street becomes a commercial strip in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. After 60 years of
automobile traffic on this main arterial street, residential land use had been replaced almost entirely by commercial uses, all depending on
drive-in customer access or catering to automotive needs themselves. The major change in land use came after 1949.
Source: John A. Jakle and Richard L. Mattson, “The Evolution of a Commercial Strip,” Journal of Cultural Geography 1 (Spring/Summer 1981):14, 20. Redrawn by permission.

windows or other acknowledgment of a world outside, example, the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton, Al-
they cater to a full range of homogenized shopping and berta, was at its completion in 1986 the world’s largest
consuming wants with a repetitive assemblage of brand shopping mall, containing 836 stores, 110 restaurants,
name products available in a uniform collection of na- 20 movie theaters, a 360-room hotel, plus such other
tional chain outlets. recreational features as roller coasters, carousels and
Some assume monumental size, approximating the other rides, a miniature golf course, a water slide, and a
retail space contained in the central business districts of hockey rink. A slightly smaller U.S. counterpart opened
older medium-sized and large cities (Figure 7.29). For in Bloomington, Minnesota, in 1992. More recently,

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 255

Figure 7.28 For some, the advertisements for commercialized Figure 7.29 Massive, enclosed, and buffered from its
popular culture constitute visual blight. surroundings, the modern metropolitan shopping mall is an
external and internal built environment that summarizes the
contrasts between popular culture standardization and folk and
ethnic cultural individuality. This mall is in the center city area of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

expansion of established malls has outpaced develop- and pressed glass; and art stores stock similar lines of
ment of new ones, and by the end of 1995 both Wood- prints, photographs, and posters. It has been noted that
field Mall near Chicago and the King of Prussia Mall Americans, at least, spend more of their time within
near Philadelphia claimed the “world’s largest” title after malls than anywhere else except home and work. It is not
their renovation and enlargement. Malls are, it has been unlikely that a standardized popular culture is at least in
suggested, an idealized, Disneyland version of the Amer- part traceable to the homogenized shopping mall. By the
ican myth of small-town sanitized intimacy, itself a late 1990s, the growing market dominance of a limited
product of popular culture. number of national chains of “super” stores and discount
The ubiquity of malls and the uniformity of their outlets—the Wal-Marts, K-Marts, and the like—were no-
goods are clearly reflected in items of clothing. Fashion ticeably eroding the customer volume at shopping malls
replaces personal preference, social position, occupation, of all sizes and further reducing the number and stan-
or tradition as the arbiter of type or design of clothing. dardizing the array of clothing styles and brands and
Whatever may be dictated nationally—miniskirt, leisure other common items universally available.
suit, designer jeans, or other fad—is instantly available lo-
cally, hurried to market by well-organized chains respond- Outside the Mall
ing to well-orchestrated customer demand. A few national
Nonmaterial tastes and recreations are, in popular cul-
or international fashion centers dictate what shall be
ture, subject to the same widespread uniformities as are
worn, a few designer names dominate the popularly ac-
the goods available within repetitive shopping complexes.
ceptable range of choices. Since popular culture is, above
Country music, we saw, was culturally associated with the
all, commercialized culture, a market success by one pro-
Upland South. It has long since lost that regional exclusiv-
ducer is instantly copied by others. Thus, even the great
ity, and Nashville has become a product, not a place. By
number of individual shops within the mall is only an as-
the late 1970s (Figure 7.30), no American with access to
surance of variations on the same limited range of cloth-
radio was denied exposure to electric guitar and melan-
ing (or other) themes, not necessarily of diversity of
choly lyric. Fad motion pictures are simultaneously re-
choice. Yet, of course, the very wealth of variations and
leased throughout the country; the same children’s toys
separate items permits an individuality of choice and se-
and adults’ games are everywhere instantly available to
lection of image not possible within constrained and con-
satisfy the generated wants.
trolled folk or ethnic groups.
Wilbur Zelinsky reported on the speed of diffusion of
Even culture in the sense of the arts is standardized
a manufactured desire:
within the malls. Chain bookstores offer identical best-
sellers and paperbacks; multiscreen cinemas provide In August, 1958, I drove from Santa Monica, California, to
viewing choice only among the currently popular films; Detroit at an average rate of about 400 miles (650 km) per
gift shops have nationally identical selections of figurines day; and display windows in almost every drugstore and

256 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

0 miles 200 400
0 km 200 400 600

300 miles 100 miles

Figure 7.30 Country music radio stations. Although still most heavily concentrated in the Upland South, radio stations playing only
country music had become a national commonplace by the late 1970s.
Source: Redrawn by permission from George O. Carney, “From Down Home to Uptown,” Journal of Geography, 76 (Indiana, Pa.: National Council for Geographic Education,
1977), p. 107.

variety store along the way were being hastily stocked the old Frisbie Baking Company of Bridgeport, Connecti-
with hula hoops just off the delivery trucks from Southern cut, manufactured in plastic and carried as a game toy by
California. A national television program the week before college students throughout the United States, or that the
had roused instant cravings. It was an eerie sensation, Rubik’s Cube puzzle was an invention of a Hungarian ar-
surfing along a pseudo-innovation wave.2 chitect. The one has nothing to do with a New England
culture hearth nor the other with East European ethnic
Some more lasting popular changes have been
Diffusion Tracks recorded and do provide useful insight into the nature of
diffusion and the sequence of acceptance and adoption
Popular culture is marked by the nearly simultaneous of new cultural elements. The New Orleans origin of
adoption over wide areas of an artifact or a nonmaterial jazz, its upriver movement, and the gradual acceptance
element. Knowledge of an innovation is widely and by white sophisticates of a new black musical form trace
quickly available; television and the national press in- for us the origin, the diffusion path, and the adoption se-
form without distance constraints. Mass manufacturing quence of a major introduction. Cricket as a popular
and imitative production place desired items, as Zelinsky sport followed the spread of empire as British influences
discovered, in every store in a remarkably short time. For were implanted across the world. The names settlers
fads particularly, the tracing of diffusion tracks is difficult and town founders gave to their communities provide
and probably meaningless. Recognizable culture hearths another expression of popular culture and its diffusion
and migration paths are not clearly defined by the myriad (see Figure 5.16). Professor Zelinsky has investigated
introductions into the ever-changing popular culture the origin and spread of classical town names in the
pool. It is not particularly revealing to know that the ori- United States, documenting on the map America’s 19th-
gin of the Frisbee is apocryphally traced to the pie tins of century attraction to the Greco-Roman world. Neoclassi-
cal public architecture, Latin state mottoes, Latin and
Greek personal names, and classical town nomenclature
were all part of that Classical Revival. Figure 7.31 sum-
2CulturalGeography of the United States Rev. ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: marizes the patterns of innovation and dispersal that he
Prentice Hall, 1992), p. 80, fn 18. discovered.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 257

Folk and Popular Culture
The breadth and concept and content of “folk” and “popular” through its research resources option connects with a
assures both that there are a great number of websites dealing Yahoo search using the keywords Popular and Culture.
with limited and specialized interests of both kinds of Those professionally interested in popular culture will find
“culture” and relatively few that address the broader interests the joint home page of the Popular Culture
of either. Ethnic and regional foods and recipes, sports of all Association/American Culture Association at
varieties, visual and performing arts, and the like all have}pcaaca/ of interest. For others,
multiple specialized Internet representation. They are best the page only provides links to a small number of popular
found through usual Web search procedures. Following are a culture web sites. Internationally, the Manchester Institute
few more generalized sites of potential research interest for Popular Culture website at
themselves and with links to other home pages of broader provides access to a wide variety of subject category
folk and popular culture concerns. sources through a “links” option. Sarah Zupko’s Cultural
Studies Center is a widely cited and used collection of anno-
Folk Culture The Library of Congress’s The American Folk- tated links to popular culture and cultural studies, including
life Center, created in 1976 to “preserve and present American journals, articles, academic programs, bibliographic refer-
folklife,” has a home page presenting its own activities pri- ences, film, and television. It is well worth a visit at
marily, but with links to other websites related to ethno- Also of interest is “Popular/Mass
graphic studies: In contrast, the Culture Studies” with many links to a mixed bag of related
American Folklore Society’s home page at pri- websites. Part of the Voice of the Shuttle humanities research
marily serves the organizational needs of is members with pages, it is found at
little of research value to nonmembers. cultural.html#mass-culture.
The Folk Music home page “primarily provides and organ-
ized set of pointers to other pages” without original material of Other Topics The broader field of “American studies,” cov-
its own. Its links are categorized and include ties to folk music ering both folk and popular cultural concerns, may be ap-
in general, folk music by instrument and from different world proached usefully through the American Studies Web, a “guide
regions, by Internet ftp sites and mailing lists, and the like. Try to American studies resources in the Internet” sponsored by
it at The the American Studies Association, the U.S. Department of
announces itself as “the most comprehensive source for folk Education, and Georgetown University. It contains “the
and acoustic music resources” on the Web. Its home page at largest bibliography of web-based resources in the field of has category navigation bars to guide you Americans studies” arranged under an extensive set of cate-
to its content. Follow “organization” to “regional” for access to gories. Use it at:
Australian, Canadian, and many state folk music organizations. The current widespread interest in historic preserva-
A Canadian counterpart is Northern Journey’s Canadian folk tion reflects popular concern with not losing the physical
music website at A great remnants of past folk and popular culture. Many websites
number of more specialized sites also exist, such as the Old- with both local and wider national and international
Time Music Home Page at focus also feature links to other preservation groups and
Folk medicine also has a number of pages and sources. agencies. Good starting points include the “Links and
A good starting point is Folk Medicine: A UCLA Folklore Resources” option on the home page of Preservation Action
Archive Resource at Council of San Jose at and the Inter-
The Native American Indian Resources site includes sections active Oldhouse Network with “Preservation Links” at
on Native herbal treatments and Indian recipes. View it at}isk/mainmenu.html. You can keep up with recent work of the Cultural Geog-
raphy Specialty Group of the Association of American Geogra-
Popular Culture Almost any aspect of modern life repre- phers through the Specialty Group listing on the Association’s
sents a facet of popular culture and is served by websites and page at
discussion rooms of interest groups and organizations. “Popu- Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s
lar culture” as a general topic has a more restricted Internet home page at for additional
component. Useful sites include: websites supplied by the publisher or contributed by helpful
Bowling Green University’s Department of Popular users.
Culture website at
index.html describes the department’s programs and

258 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

Figure 7.31 Classical town names. A permanent reminder of popular culture: the diffusion of classical town names in the United States
to 1910.
Source: Redrawn by permission from Wilbur Zelinsky, “Classical Town Names in the United States,” Geographical Review 57 (New York: American Geographical Society, 1967).

pastime.” Studies and maps of many encountered regional

Regional Emphasis differences in food and drink preferences, leisure activities,
and personal and political tastes—a sampling is presented
The uneven distribution of classical place names suggests
in Figure 7.32—are suggestive of the growing interest in
that not all expressions of popular culture are spatially
how people behave and respond, not as echoes of the dis-
uniform. Areal variations do exist in the extent to which
tant past but as participants in a vibrant and changing con-
particular elements in the general cultural pool are
temporary world that still retains evidence of regional
adopted. These variations impart an aspect of regional dif-
contrast along with the commonalities of popular culture.
ferentiation of interest to geographers.
Spatial patterns in sports, for example, reveal that the
games played, the migration paths of their fans and play-
ers, and the landscape evidence of organized sports consti-
tute regional variables, part of the areal diversity of North
Vernacular Regions
American—and world—life. Figure 7.32a, for example, Ordinary people have a clear view of space. They are
shows that television interest in professional baseball is not aware of variations from place to place in the mix of
universal despite the sport’s reputation as “the national phenomena, both physical and cultural. They use and

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 259


Figure 7.32 Regional variations in expressions of popular culture. (a) Part of the regional variation in television viewing of baseball
reflects the game’s lack of appeal in the African American community and, therefore, its low viewership in the Southeast and in metropolitan
centers where, additionally, attendance at games is an alternative to watching TV. (b) The sharp regional contrasts in snack nut consumption
has been attributed to the presumed greater incidence of cocktail parties in the North and West and the higher incidence of religious
conservatives (not usual cocktail party hosts or guests) in the Southeast. A map of Americans who habitually listen to religious radio broadcasts
is essentially the reverse of this nut map.
From Michael J. Weiss, Latitudes and Attitudes: An Atlas of American Tastes, Trends, Politics, and Passions. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1994. Used by permission of
the author.

260 Patterns of Diversity and Unity



Figure 7.32 (continued) (c) Members of fraternal orders tend to concentrate in the rural west, where the clubs provide a social opportunity
for rural or small town residents, and in retirement communities, for the younger generation seems less inclined to “join the lodge.” (d) Even
bad habits regionalize. The country’s cigarette belt includes notably many of the rural areas where tobacco is grown.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 261

recognize as meaningful such common regional names popular regions of North America on the basis of place
as Corn Belt, Sunbelt, and “the Coast.” More important, names and locational identities found in the white pages
people individually and collectively agree on where they of central-city telephone directories (Figure 7.33). The 14
live. They occupy regions that have reality in their large but subnational vernacular regions recognized ac-
minds and that are reflected in regional journals, in re- cord reasonably well with cultural regions defined by
gional museums, and in regionally based names em- more rigorous methods. However, particularly in the
ployed in businesses, by sports teams, or in advertising West, that accordance is not clearly demonstrated by com-
slogans. parison of the vernacular regions with Figure 6.30. An-
These are vernacular or popular regions; they other, more subjective cultural regionalization of the
have reality as part of folk or popular culture rather than United States is offered in Figure 7.34. The generalized
as political impositions or scholarly constructs. Geogra- “consensus” or vernacular regions suggested are based on
phers are increasingly recognizing that vernacular regions an understood “sense of place” derived from current popu-
are significant concepts affecting the way people view lation and landscape characteristics as well as on histori-
space, assign their loyalties, and interpret their world. cal differences that impart distinctive regional behaviors
One geographer has drawn the boundaries of the large and attitudes.

Figure 7.33 Vernacular regions of North America as determined by names of enterprises listed in central city telephone directories.
Regions are those in which a given term or a cluster of closely related terms (e.g., Southern, Southland, Dixie) outnumber all other regional or
locational references.
Source: Redrawn by permission from Annals of the Association of American Geographers, W. Zelinsky, vol. 70, p. 14, Fig. 9, Association of American Geographers, 1980.

262 Patterns of Diversity and Unity




lop stic


Mountains Prairie
Grain Belt

Midwest Heartland


Country South

The South

0 500 1000 km Florida
0 300 600 mi

Figure 7.34 Generalized U.S. culture regions. “In spite of strong tendencies toward cultural homogenization and place
obliteration, . . . regional identities persist,” in the view of geographer Larry Ford who suggests the 11 culture regions shown. Whatever the
reasons for that persistence, “the different [culture] regions of the United States continue to have their own personalities and senses of place.”
Source: Arthur Getis, Judith Getis, and I.E. Quastler, eds., The United States and Canada: The Land and the People. 2nd ed. Copyright © 2001 The McGraw-Hill Companies.
Dubuque, Iowa. Reprinted by permission. All Rights Reserved.

material and nonmaterial culture were mixed, modified,

Summary abandoned, or disseminated along clearly traceable diffu-
sion paths into the continental interior. Ethnic culture was
In the population mix that is the Anglo American, particu-
transmuted to folk culture when nurtured in isolated areas
larly United States, society, we may recognize two culture-
and made part of traditional America by long retention and
based sources of separation and one of unification. Ethnic
by modification to accommodate local circumstances. Dis-
culture and folk culture tend to create distinctions be-
tinctive and bearing the stamp of restricted sections of the
tween peoples and to impart a special character to the
nation, those folk cultures contributed both to eastern re-
areas in which their influences are dominant. Popular cul-
gional diversity and to the diffusion streams affecting mid-
ture implies behavioral unification and the reduction of
western and western cultural amalgams.
territorial distinctiveness.
The territorial and social diversities implied by the
Early arriving ethnic groups were soon Americanized,
concepts of ethnic and folk are modified by the general uni-
and their imported cultures were converted from the dis-
fying forces of popular culture. Fads, foods, music, dress,
tinctly ethnic traits of foreigners to the folk cultures of the
toys, games, and other introduced tastes tend to be adopted
New World. The foothold settlements of first colonists be-
within a larger society, irrespective of the ethnic or folk dis-
came separate culture hearths in which imported architec-
tinctions of its parts. Sport interests and rivalries, as we saw
tural styles, food preferences, music, and other elements of

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 263

at the opening of this chapter, become regional and na- most readers. With different emphases of topic, we could, of
tional—and, increasingly, international—surmounting older course, present similar discussions of cultural mosaics for
limitations of distance. The more modernized and urban- all other culture realms and sizable countries of the world.
ized a country, the more it is uniformly subjected to the If we were to do so, one recurring condition of mate-
mass media and to common entertainment sources, and rial and nonmaterial cultural differentiation would be-
the more will popular culture subdue the remnant social come evident. Much of human activity, including tools
distinctions still imparted by folk and ethnic customs. At made and used, structures built, migrations undertaken,
the same time, the greater will be the choices made avail- and social controls adopted, is related to economic life.
able to individuals newly freed from the limiting con- Culture is conditioned by the necessities of production of
straints of folk and ethnic traditions. food and material objects and, increasingly, of their ex-
The threads of diversity traced in Chapter 6 and in this change over space and between groups. Many of the
chapter are those of the traits and characteristics of small threads in the fabric of cultural diversity—and, as well,
groups as revealed by behavior and artifact. The reference many of its patterns of uniformity—are those woven by
has been, for the most part, to a single cultural realm and the traditions and technologies of livelihood. We must
particularly to a single country, the United States, within therefore next turn our attention to a consideration of the
that realm. The aim has been to impart a clearer under- varied world of work and to the regional patterns of pro-
standing of the role of cultural differentiation and unifica- duction and exchange revealed by that encompassing
tion in the human geography of a region best known to branch of human geography called economic geography.

Key Words
built environment 229 folkways 249 popular region 262
custom 230 material culture 229 vernacular house 234
folk culture 229 nonmaterial culture 229 vernacular region 262
folklore 249 popular culture 252

For Review
1. What contrasts can you draw Americans? Thinking only of your the physical environment and the
between folk culture and popular own life and habits, what traces of characteristics of different
culture? What different sorts of folk culture do you carry? To vernacular house styles in North
material and nonmaterial what degree does popular culture America? In other parts of the
elements identify them? affect your decisions on dress? On world?
2. How many of the early settlement reading material? On recreation? 6. If, as some have observed, there is
cultural hearths of North America 4. How are we able to recognize a close relationship between the
can you name? Did early hearths and trace diffusions of folk natural environment and the
immigrants create uniform built cultural elements? Do items of artifacts of folk culture, is there
environments within them? If not, popular culture have hearths and likely to be a similar causal
why not? diffusion paths that are equally connection between the
3. When and under what traceable? Why or why not? environment and expressions of
circumstances did popular culture 5. What kinds of connections can popular culture? Why or why not?
begin to erode the folk and ethnic you discern between the nature of
cultural differences between

Focus Follow-up
1. What is folk culture and what Folk culture, often based on groups within mixed-culture
folk culture hearths and ethnic backgrounds, tends to be societies. In Anglo America,
building traditions are found localized by population groups diversified immigrant groups
in Anglo America? pp. 229–241. and areas. It acts to distinguish settling different, particularly

264 Patterns of Diversity and Unity

eastern, regions brought their Together, elements of material of restaurants, motels, and retail
own building traditions to “hearth” and nonmaterial folk and ethnic stores, many oriented toward
regions: those of the North in the cultural distinctions gave rise to a automobile mobility, characterize
northeastern United States and small set of folk culture regions. the contemporary Anglo American
southeastern Canada, the Middle Dispersions from the North, Mid- landscape and life-style.
Atlantic, and the South. Atlantic, and Lowland South into 5. Are there regional differences
2. What elements and patterns of the Midwest helped form a now- and emphases in our mass
nonmaterial folk culture can disappearing United States popular culture? pp. 259–263.
we observe in Anglo America? cultural regionalism.
Despite national—and increasingly
pp. 242–249. 4. What is popular culture and international—uniformities in
The universal elements of what are its universal and popular culture, regional
nonmaterial folk culture include Anglo American evidences? differences can be recognized. In
food and drink preferences and pp. 251–257. Anglo America these include
ingredients, music, herbal and Popular culture implies the tastes spatial patterns of sports interests
customary medicines and cures, and habits of the general mass of a and emphases, food and drink
recreations, and folkloric oral society rather than of its small preferences, leisure activities,
traditions. In Anglo America, group components. Popular religious and political affiliations
many of the nonmaterial elements culture is based on changing fads and loyalties, and the like. Those
of folk culture are associated with and features of clothing, foods, differences give rise to commonly
the recognized “hearths” of house- services, sports, entertainments, recognized and accepted
building traditions. and the like and embodies the vernacular or popular regions that
3. What folk culture regions are perhaps temporary dominating overcome even the strong
recognized for the eastern “way of life” of a society. Shopping tendencies of Anglo American
United States? pp. 249–251. malls, standardized national chains cultural homogenization.

Selected References
Bale, John. Landscapes of Modern Sport. Ensminger, Robert F. The Pennsylvania Jakle, John A., Robert W. Bastian, and
New York/Leicester, England: Barn: Its Origin, Evolution, and Douglas K. Meyer. Common Houses
Leicester University Press, 1994. Distribution in North America. in America’s Small Towns: The
Barer-Stein, Thelma. You Eat What You Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Atlantic Seaboard to the Mississippi
Are: A Study of Ethnic Food University Press, 1992. Valley. Athens: University of Georgia
Traditions. Toronto: McClelland and Fowke, Edith. Canadian Folklore. Press, 1989.
Stewart, 1979. Toronto: Oxford University Press, Johnson, Paul. The Birth of the Modern:
Carney, George O., ed. The Sounds of 1988. World Society 1815–1830. New York:
People and Places: Readings in the Francaviglia, Richard V. The Mormon HarperCollins, 1991.
Geography of American Folk and Landscape. New York: AMS Press, Jordan, Terry G., and Matti Kaups.
Popular Music. 3d ed. Lanham, Md.: 1978. “Folk Architecture in Cultural and
Rowman & Littlefield, 1994. Glassie, Henry. Pattern in the Material Ecological Context.” Geographical
Carney, George O., ed. Fast Food, Stock Folk Culture of the Eastern United Review 77 (1987): 52–75.
Cars, and Rock-N-Roll: Space and Place States. Philadelphia: University of Jordan, Terry G., and Matti Kaups. The
in American Pop Culture. Lanham, Pennsylvania Press, 1968. American Backwoods Frontier.
Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1995. Gordon, Jean, and Jan McArthur. Baltimore and London: Johns
Carney, George O., ed. Baseball, Barns, “Popular Culture, Magazines and Hopkins University Press, 1989.
and Bluegrass: A Geography of American Domestic Interiors, Jordan, Terry G., Jon T. Kilpinen, and
American Folklife. Lanham, Md.: 1898–1940.” Journal of Popular Culture Charles F. Gritzner. The Mountain
Rowman & Littlefield, 1998. 22, no. 4 (1989): 35–60. West: Interpreting the Folk
Coe, Sophie D. America’s First Cuisines. Hart, John Fraser. The Rural Landscape. Landscape. Baltimore, Md.: The
Austin: University of Texas Press, Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Johns Hopkins University Press,
1994. University Press, 1998. 1996.
Conzen, Michael P., ed. The Making of Hart, John Fraser, and Eugene Cotton Kimber, Clarissa T. “Plants in the Folk
the American Landscape. Boston: Mather. “The American Fence.” Medicine of the Texas-Mexico
Unwin Hyman, 1990. Landscape 5, no. 3 (1957): 4–9. Borderlands.” Proceedings of the
Association of American Geographers 5
Dorson, Richard M., ed. Folklore and Jackson, John B. Discovering the
(1973): 130–133.
Folklife: An Introduction. Chicago: Vernacular Landscape. New Haven,
University of Chicago Press, 1972. Conn.: Yale University Press, 1984.

Folk and Popular Culture: Diversity and Uniformity 265

Kniffen, Fred B. “Folk Housing: Key to Pillsbury, Richard. No Foreign Food: The Upton, Dell, and John Michael Vlach,
Diffusion.” Annals of the Association American Diet in Time and Place. eds. Common Places: Readings in
of American Geographers 55 (1965): Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1998. American Vernacular Architecture.
549–577. Price, Edward T. “Root Digging in the Athens: University of Georgia Press,
Kniffen, Fred B. “American Cultural Appalachians: The Geography of 1986.
Geography and Folklife.” In Botanical Drugs.” Geographical “Urban Consumption.” Review issue of
American Folklife, edited by Don Review 50 (1960): 1–20. Urban Studies vol. 35, no. 5/6 (May,
Yoder, pp. 51–70. Austin: University Purvis, Thomas L. “The Pennsylvania 1998).
of Texas Press, 1976. Dutch and the German-American Vermeer, Donald E., and Dennis A.
Kniffen, Fred B., and Henry Glassie. Diaspora in 1790.” Journal of Cultural Frate, “Geophagy in a Mississippi
“Building in Wood in the Eastern Geography 6, no. 2 (1986): 81–99. County.” Annals of the Association of
United States: A Time-Place Rapaport, Amos. House Form and American Geographers, 65 (1975):
Perspective.” Geographical Review 56 Culture. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: 414–424.
(1966): 40–66. Prentice Hall, 1969. Vlach, John Michael. “The Shotgun
Lewis, Peirce F. “Common Houses, Roark, Michael, ed. French and Germans House: An African Architectural
Cultural Spoor.” Landscape 19, no. 2 in the Mississippi Valley: Landscape Legacy.” Parts 1, 2. Pioneer America 8
(January 1975): 1–22. and Cultural Traditions. Cape (January 1976): 47–56, (July 1976):
Mather, Eugene Cotton, and John Girardeau: Southeast Missouri State 57–70.
Fraser Hart. “Fences and Farms.” University, 1988. Voeks, Robert. “African Medicine and
Geographical Review 44 (1954): Rooney, John F., Jr., and Richard Magic in the Americas.” Geographical
201–223. Pillsbury. Atlas of American Sport. Review 83, no. 1 (1993): 66–78.
Miller, E. Joan Wilson. “The Ozark New York: Macmillan, 1992. Vogel, Virgil J. American Indian
Culture Region as Revealed by Rooney, John F., Jr., and Richard Medicine. Norman: University of
Traditional Materials.” Annals of the Pillsbury. “Sports Regions.” American Oklahoma Press, 1970.
Association of American Geographers Demographics 14 (November 1993): Ward, Geoffrey C., et al., Jazz: A History
58 (1968): 51–77. 30–39. of America’s Music. New York: Knopf,
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Development in the Preindustrial Era. Colonial America. Chapel Hill:
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Shortridge. The Taste of American
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Place: A Reader on Regional and
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The North American Settlement & Littlefield, 1998. the Indians of the Americas
Landscape. Vol. 1: Houses; Vol. 2: Transformed the World. New York:
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Noble, Allen G., and Richard K. Cleek. (July 1969): 13–17.
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Heartland: Balloon Frame Farmhouses
of the Upper Midwest, 1850–1920.
Lawrence: University Press of
Kansas, 1992.

266 Patterns of Diversity and Unity


Livelihood and Economy:

Primary Activities

Hoisting salmon
aboard a purse
seiner off Kodiak
Island, Alaska.

Focus Preview
1. How productive activities and economies are 4. Nonfarming primary activities: fishing, forestry,
classified, pp. 270–274. mining, pp. 295–307.
2. The types and prospects of subsistence 5. Trade in primary products, pp. 308–310.
agriculture, pp. 274–285.
3. Commercial agriculture: its controls and
specializations, pp. 286–294.

understanding were possible, it would be valid for only a
fleeting instant of time, for economic activities are con-
he crop bloomed luxuriantly that summer of stantly undergoing change.
1846. The disaster of the preceding year seemed Economic geographers seek consistencies. They at-
over, and the potato, the sole sustenance of some tempt to develop generalizations that will aid in the com-
8 million Irish peasants, would again yield in the prehension of the maze of economic variations
bounty needed. Yet within a week, wrote Father characterizing human existence. From their studies
Mathew, “I beheld one wide waste of putrefying emerges a deeper awareness of the dynamic, interlocking
diversity of human enterprise and of the impact of eco-
vegetation. The wretched people were seated on the
nomic activity on all other facets of human life and cul-
fences of their decaying gardens . . . bewailing ture. From them, too, comes appreciation of the
bitterly the destruction that had left them foodless.” increasing interdependence of differing national and re-
Colonel Gore found that “every field was black,” and gional economic systems. The potato blight, although it
Father O’Sullivan noted that “the fields . . . struck only one small island, ultimately affected the
appeared blasted, withered, blackened, and . . . economies of continents. In like fashion, the depletion of
sprinkled with vitriol. . . .” The potato was America’s natural resources and the “deindustrialization”
irretrievably gone for a second year; famine and of its economy and conversion to postindustrial service
pestilence were inevitable. and knowledge activities are altering the relative wealth
Within five years, the settlement geography of of countries, flows of international trade, domestic em-
the most densely populated country in Europe was ployment and income patterns, and more (Figure 8.1).
forever altered. The United States received a million
immigrants, who provided the cheap labor needed
for the canals, railroads, and mines that it was
creating in its rush to economic development. New The Classification of Economic
patterns of commodity flows were initiated as Activity and Economies
American maize for the first time found an Anglo-
Irish market—as part of Poor Relief—and then The search for understanding of livelihood patterns is
made more difficult by the complex environmental and
entered a wider European market that had also
cultural realities controlling the economic activities of hu-
suffered general crop failure in that bitter year. mans. Many production patterns are rooted in the spa-
Within days, a microscopic organism, the cause of tially variable circumstances of the physical environment.
the potato blight, had altered the economic and The staple crops of the humid tropics, for example, are
human geography of two continents. not part of the agricultural systems of the midlatitudes;
livestock types that thrive in American feedlots or on
western ranges are not adapted to the Arctic tundra or to
Although the Irish famine of the 1840s was a spatially lo- the margins of the Saharan desert. The unequal distribu-
calized tragedy, it dramatically demonstrated how wide- tion of useful mineral deposits gives some regions and
spread and intricate are the interrelations between countries economic prospects and employment opportuni-
widely separated peoples and areas of the earth. It made ties that are denied to others. Forestry and fishing depend
vividly clear how fundamental to all human activity pat- on still other natural resources unequal in occurrence,
terns are those rooted in economy and subsistence. type, and value.
These are the patterns that, within the broader context of Within the bounds of the environmentally possible,
human geography, economic geography isolates for spe- cultural considerations may condition economic or produc-
cial study. tion decisions. For example, culturally based food prefer-
Simply stated, economic geography is the study of ences rather than environmental limitations may dictate
how people earn their living, how livelihood systems vary the choice of crops or livestock. Maize is a preferred grain
by area, and how economic activities are spatially interre- in Africa and the Americas, wheat in North America, Aus-
lated and linked. It applies geography’s general concern tralia, Argentina, southern Europe and Ukraine, and rice
with spatial variation to the special circumstances of the in much of Asia. As we saw in Figure 5.17, pigs are not
production, exchange, and consumption of goods and ser- produced in Muslim areas.
vices. In reality, of course, we cannot really comprehend Level of technological development of a culture will af-
the totality of the economic pursuits of more than 6 billion fect its recognition of resources or its ability to exploit
human beings. We cannot examine the infinite variety of them. Technology refers to the totality of tools and meth-
productive and service activities found everywhere on the ods available to and used by a culture group in producing
earth’s surface; nor can we trace all their innumerable in- items essential to its subsistence and comfort. Preindus-
terrelationships, linkages, and flows. Even if that level of trial societies have no knowledge of or need for the iron

270 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 8.1 These Japanese cars unloading at Seattle were forerunners of a continuing flow of imported goods capturing an ever-larger share
of the domestic market traditionally held by American manufacturers. Established patterns of production and exchange are constantly subject to
change in a world of increasing economic and cultural interdependence and of changing relative competitive strengths.

ore or coking coal underlying their hunting, gathering, or

gardening grounds. Political decisions may encourage or • Information
discourage—through subsidies, protective tariffs, or pro- • Research
duction restrictions—patterns of economic activity. And, • Management
ultimately, production is controlled by economic factors of
demand, whether that demand is expressed through a free • Executive Decision N
market mechanism, government instruction, or the con- Makers IO
sumption requirements of a single family producing for its N

own needs.

• Retail and Wholesale Trade


• Personal and Professional

Categories of Activity Services

Regionally varying environmental, cultural, technological, 2. SECONDARY ACTIVITIES


political, and market conditions add spatial details to more


• Manufacturing
• Processing

generalized ways of classifying the world’s productive

• Construction

work. One approach to that categorization is to view eco-


• Power Production

nomic activity as ranged along a continuum of both in-


creasing complexity of product or service and increasing

• Agriculture
distance from the natural environment. Seen from that • Gathering Industries
perspective, a small number of distinctive stages of pro- • Extractive Industries
duction and service activities may be distinguished (see
Figure 8.2). Figure 8.2 The categories of economic activity. The five main
Primary activities are those that harvest or ex- sectors of the economy do not stand alone. They are connected and
tract something from the earth. They are at the begin- integrated by transportation and communication services and
ning of the production cycle, where humans are in facilities not assigned to any single sector but common to all.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 271

closest contact with the resources and potentialities of the clerical, and personal services. They constitute the vital
environment. Such activities involve basic foodstuff and link between producer and consumer, for tertiary occupa-
raw material production. Hunting and gathering, grazing, tions importantly include the wholesale and retail trade
agriculture, fishing, forestry, and mining and quarrying activities—including “dot-com” Internet sales—necessary in
are examples. Secondary activities are those that add highly interdependent societies. Tertiary activities also pro-
value to materials by changing their form or combining vide essential information to manufacturers: the knowledge
them into more useful—therefore more valuable— of market demand without which economically justifiable
commodities. That provision of form utility may range production decisions are impossible.
from simple handicraft production of pottery or wooden- In economically advanced societies a growing num-
ware to the delicate assembly of electronic goods or ber of individuals and entire organizations are engaged in
space vehicles (Figure 8.3). Copper smelting, steel mak- the processing and dissemination of information and in
ing, metalworking, automobile production, textile and the administration and control of their own or other en-
chemical industries—indeed, the full array of manufac- terprises. The term quaternary is applied to this fourth
turing and processing industries—are included in this class of economic activities, which is composed entirely
phase of the production process. Also included are the of services rendered by “white collar” professionals work-
production of energy (the “power company”) and the con- ing in education, government, management, information
struction industry. processing, and research. Sometimes, a subdivision of
Tertiary activities consist of those business and labor these management functions—quinary activities—is dis-
specializations that provide services to the primary and sec- tinguished to recognize high-level decision-making roles
ondary sectors, to the general community, and to the indi- in all types of large organizations, public or private. (The
vidual. These include financial, business, professional, distinctions between tertiary, quaternary, and quinary

Figure 8.3 These logs entering a lumber mill are products of primary production. Processing them into boards, plywood, or prefabricated
houses is a secondary activity that increases their value by altering their form. The products of many secondary industries—sheet steel from steel
mills, for example—constitute “raw materials” for other manufacturers.

272 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

activities are more fully developed in chapter 9.) Trans- sectors of increasingly market-oriented economies. Never-
portation and communication services cut across the gen- theless, their landscape evidence lives on. The physical
eral categories of economic activity, unite them, and structures, patterns of production, and imposed regional
make possible the spatial interactions that all human en- interdependencies they created remain to influence the
terprise requires (discussed in Chapter 3). economic decisions of successor societies.
The term industry—in addition to its common mean- In actuality, few people are members of only one of
ing as a branch of manufacturing activity—is frequently these systems, although one may be dominant. A farmer
employed as a substitute identical in meaning to activity in India may produce rice and vegetables privately for the
as a designation of these categories of economic enter- family’s consumption but also save some of the produce to
prise. That is, we can speak of the steel, or automobile, or sell. In addition, members of the family may market cloth
textile “industry” with all the impressions of factories, or other handicrafts they make. With the money derived
mills, raw materials, and products each type of enterprise from those sales, the Indian peasant is able to buy, among
implies. But with equal logic we can refer in a more gen- other things, clothes for the family, tools, and fuel. Thus,
eralized way to the “entertainment” or the “travel” indus- that Indian farmer is a member of at least two systems:
tries or, in the present context, to “primary,” “secondary,” subsistence and commercial.
and “tertiary” industries. In the United States, government controls on the
These categories of production and service activities production of various types of goods and services (such as
or industries help us to see an underlying structure to the growing wheat or tobacco, producing alcohol, constructing
nearly infinite variety of things people do to earn a living and operating nuclear power plants, and engaging in li-
and to sustain themselves. But by themselves they tell us censed personal and professional services) mean that the
little about the organization of the larger economy of country does not have a purely commercial economy. To
which the individual worker or establishment is a part. a limited extent, its citizens participate in a controlled and
For that broader organizational understanding we look to planned as well as in a free market environment. Many
systems rather than components of economies. African, Asian, and Latin American market economies
have been decisively shaped by government policies that
Types of Economic Systems encourage or demand production of export commodities
Broadly speaking, national economies in the beginning rather than domestic foodstuffs, or promote through im-
years of the 21st century fall into one of three major types port restrictions the development of domestic industries
of system: subsistence, commercial, or planned. None of not readily supported by the national market alone. Exam-
these economic systems is “pure.” That is, none exists in ple after example would show that there are very few peo-
isolation in an increasingly interdependent world. Each, ple in the world who are members of only one type of
however, displays certain underlying characteristics based economic system.
on its distinctive forms of resource management and eco- Inevitably spatial patterns, including those of eco-
nomic control. nomic activities and systems, are subject to change. For
In a subsistence economy, goods and services are example, the commercial economies of Western European
created for the use of the producers and their kinship countries, some with sizable infusions of planned econ-
groups. Therefore, there is little exchange of goods and omy controls, are being restructured by both increased
only limited need for markets. In the commercial free market competition and supranational regulation
economies that have become dominant in nearly all parts under the World Trade Organization and the European
of the world, in theory producers or their agents freely Union (see p. 472). Many of the countries of Latin Amer-
market their goods and services, the laws of supply and ica, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East that traditionally
demand determine price and quantity, and market com- were dominated by subsistence economies are now bene-
petition is the primary force shaping production decisions fiting from technology transfer from advanced economies
and distributions. In the extreme form of planned and integration into expanding global production and ex-
economies associated with the communist-controlled so- change patterns.
cieties that have now collapsed in nearly every country No matter what economic system may locally prevail,
where they were formerly created or imposed, producers in all systems transportation is a key variable. No advanced
or their agents disposed of goods and services through economy can flourish without a well-connected transport
government agencies that controlled both supply and network. All subsistence societies—or subsistence areas of
price. The quantities produced and the locational patterns developing countries—are characterized by their isolation
of production were strictly programmed by central plan- from regional and world routeways (Figure 8.4). That isola-
ning departments. tion restricts their progression to more advanced forms of
Rigidly planned economies no longer exist in their economic structure.
classical form; they have been modified or dismantled Former sharp contrasts in economic organization
now in favor of free market structures or only partially re- are becoming blurred and national economic orienta-
tained in a lesser degree of economic control associated tions are changing. Still, both approaches to economic
with governmental supervision or ownership of selected classification—by types of activities and by organization

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 273





20° White indicates areas within

32 kilometers (20 miles)
of railroads, motor transportation,
or water navigation

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 8.4 Patterns of access and isolation. Accessibility is a key measure of economic development and of the degree to which a world
region can participate in interconnected market activities. Isolated areas of countries with advanced economies suffer a price disadvantage
because of high transportation costs. Lack of accessibility in subsistence economic areas slows their modernization and hinders their
participation in the world market.
Sources: Hammond Comparative World Atlas, New Revised and Expanded Edition, Hammond Inc., Maplewood, N.J.; Goode’s World Atlas, 19th edition, Rand McNally &
Company, Chicago, Ill., 1995.

of economies—help us to visualize and understand Agriculture, defined as the growing of crops and
changing world economic geographic patterns. In the re- the tending of livestock whether for the subsistence of the
mainder of this chapter we will center our attention on producers or for sale or exchange, has replaced hunting
the primary industries. In Chapter 9 we will consider and gathering as economically the most significant of the
secondary through quinary activity patterns. primary activities. It is spatially the most widespread,
found in all world regions where environmental circum-
stances permit (Figure 8.5). Crop farming alone covers
some 15 million square kilometers (5.8 million sq mi)
Primary Activities: Agriculture worldwide, about 10% of the earth’s total land area. The
United Nations estimates that more than one-third of the
Before there was farming, hunting and gathering were the world’s land area (excluding Greenland and Antarctica) is
universal forms of primary production. These preagricul- in agricultural use, including permanent pasture land. In
tural pursuits are now practiced by at most a few thou- many developing economies, at least two-thirds of the
sands of persons worldwide, primarily in isolated and labor force is directly involved in farming and herding. In
remote pockets within the low latitudes and among the some, such as Bhutan in Asia or Burkina Faso and Bu-
sparse populations of very high latitudes. The interior of rundi in Africa, the figure is more than 90%. Overall, how-
New Guinea, rugged areas of interior Southeast Asia, di- ever, employment in agriculture is steadily declining in
minishing segments of the Amazon rain forest, a few dis- developing economies (Figure 8.6).
tricts of tropical Africa and northern Australia, and parts Comparable or greater relative reductions in the agri-
of the Arctic regions still contain such preagricultural peo- cultural labor force have occurred in highly developed
ple. Their numbers are few and declining, and wherever commercial economies where farm work involves only a
they are brought into contact with more advanced cul- small fraction of the labor force: 8% in most of Western
tures, their way of life is eroded or lost. Europe, below 5% in Canada, and less than 3% in the

274 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

50 150
50 50 150

100 50



150 350 200
200 250 200
250 250
300 300

365 365


Mean Frost-Free
Days Per year 365
100 or less 365

101–200 300 250
301–364 250 150
200 250
All days frost free
(except in
higher elevations) 100

Figure 8.5 Average length of growing season. The number of frost-free days is an important environmental control on agriculture, as is
the availability of precipitation sufficient in amount and reliability for crop production. Since agriculture is not usually practicable with less
than a 90-day growing season, large parts of Russia and Canada have only limited cropping potential. Except where irrigation water is available,
arid regions are similarly outside of the margins of regular crop production.
Courtesy Wayne M. Wendland.

Percent of total employment in agriculture



Developing countries



1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 8.6 In the developing economies worldwide, the percentage of the labor force in agriculture has been steadily declining—and is
projected to decrease to even lower levels.
Source: FAO and World Bank.

United States. (For the world pattern of the agricultural agricultural systems. On the other hand, agriculture re-
labor force at the end of the 1990s, see Figure 10.11.) In- mains a major component in the economies of many of
deed, a declining number or proportion of farm workers, the world’s developing countries, producing for domestic
along with farm consolidation and increasing output, are markets and providing a major source of national income
typical in all present-day highly developed commercial through exports (Figure 8.7).

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 275

Figure 8.7 Share of agriculture in gross domestic product. Agriculture contributed 30% or more of gross domestic product (the total
monetary output of goods and services of an economy) of over 30 countries at the end of the 20th century. Most were small, developing
economies with less than US $500 in annual per capita income. Together, they held 11% of world population, far less than the 30% in 40 countries
with similar agricultural importance in the early 1990s.
Source: The World Bank

It has been customary to classify agricultural soci- other most essential requirements. Farming for the imme-
eties on the twin bases of the importance of off-farm sales diate needs of the family is, even today, the predominant
and the level of mechanization and technological ad- occupation of humankind. In most of Africa, south and
vancement. Subsistence, traditional (or intermediate), and east Asia, and much of Latin America, a large percentage
advanced (or modern) are usual terms employed to recog- of people are primarily concerned with feeding them-
nize both aspects. These are not mutually exclusive but selves from their own land and livestock.
rather are recognized stages along a continuum of farm Two chief types of subsistence agriculture may be rec-
economy variants. At one end lies production solely for ognized: extensive and intensive. Although each type has sev-
family sustenance, using rudimentory tools and native eral variants, the essential contrast between them is
plants. At the other is the specialized, highly capitalized, realizable yield per unit of area used and, therefore,
near-industrialized agriculture for off-farm delivery that population-supporting potential. Extensive subsistence
marks advanced economies. Between these extremes is agriculture involves large areas of land and minimal labor
the middle ground of traditional agriculture, where farm input per hectare. Both product per land unit and population
production is in part destined for home consumption and densities are low. Intensive subsistence agriculture in-
in part oriented toward off-farm sale either locally or in na- volves the cultivation of small landholdings through the ex-
tional and international markets. We can most clearly see penditure of great amounts of labor per acre. Yields per unit
the variety of agricultural activities and the diversity of area and population densities are both high (Figure 8.8).
controls on their spatial patterns by examining the “subsis-
tence” and “advanced” ends of the agricultural continuum. Extensive Subsistence Agriculture
Of the several types of extensive subsistence agriculture—
Subsistence Agriculture varying one from another in their intensities of land use—
By definition, a subsistence economic system involves two are of particular interest.
nearly total self-sufficiency on the part of its members. Nomadic herding, the wandering but controlled
Production for exchange is minimal, and each family or movement of livestock solely dependent on natural forage,
close-knit social group relies on itself for its food and is the most extensive type of land use system (Figure 8.8).

276 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 8.8 Subsistence agricultural areas of the world. Nomadic herding, supporting relatively few people, was the age-old way of life
in large parts of the dry and cold world. Shifting or swidden agriculture maintains soil fertility by tested traditional practices in tropical wet
and wet-and-dry climates. Large parts of Asia support millions of people engaged in sedentary intensive cultivation, with rice and wheat the
chief crops.

That is, it requires the greatest amount of land area per damaging or destroying large portions of tundra habitat.
person sustained. Over large portions of the Asian semi- In northern Scandinavia, Lapps (Saami) are engaged in
desert and desert areas, in certain highland zones, and on commercial more than in subsistence livestock farming.
the fringes of and within the Sahara, a relatively small In the Sahel region of Africa on the margins of the Sa-
number of people graze animals for consumption by the hara, oases formerly controlled by herders have been
herder group, not for market sale. Sheep, goats, and taken over by farmers, and the great droughts of recent
camels are most common, while cattle, horses, and yaks decades have forever altered the formerly nomadic way
are locally important. The reindeer of Lapland were for- of life of thousands.
merly part of the same system. A much differently based and distributed form of ex-
Whatever the animals involved, their common char- tensive subsistence agriculture is found in all of the warm,
acteristics are hardiness, mobility, and an ability to subsist moist, low-latitude areas of the world. There, many peo-
on sparse forage. The animals provide a variety of prod- ple engage in a kind of nomadic farming. Through clear-
ucts: milk, cheese, and meat for food; hair, wool, and ing and use, the soils of those areas lose many of their
skins for clothing; skins for shelter; and excrement for nutrients (as soil chemicals are dissolved and removed by
fuel. For the herder, they represent primary subsistence. surface and groundwater or nutrients are removed from
Nomadic movement is tied to sparse and seasonal rainfall the land in the vegetables picked and eaten), and farmers
or to cold temperature regimes and to the areally varying cultivating them need to move on after harvesting several
appearance and exhaustion of forage. Extended stays in a crops. In a sense, they rotate fields rather than crops to
given location are neither desirable nor possible. maintain productivity. This type of shifting cultivation
As a type of economic system, nomadic herding is has a number of names, the most common of which are
declining. Many economic, social, and cultural changes swidden (an English localism for “burned clearing”) and
are causing nomadic groups to alter their way of life or slash-and-burn.
to disappear entirely. On the Arctic fringe of Russia, Characteristically, the farmers hack down the natu-
herders under communism were made members of state ral vegetation, burn the cuttings, and then plant such
or collective herding enterprises; in post-Soviet years ex- crops as maize (corn), millet (a cereal grain), rice, manioc
tensive oil and natural gas exploration and extraction are or cassava, yams, and sugarcane (Figure 8.9). Increasingly

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 277

the essential characteristic of the system is the intermit-
tent cultivation of the land, each family requires a total
occupance area equivalent to the garden plot in current
use plus all land left fallow for regeneration. Population
densities are traditionally low, for much land is needed to
support few people. Here as elsewhere, however, popula-
tion density must be considered a relative term. In actual-
ity, although crude (arithmetic) density is low, people per
unit area of cultivated land may be high.
Shifting cultivation is one of the oldest and most
widely spread agricultural systems of the world. It is
found on the islands of Kalimantan (Borneo), New
Guinea, and Sumatra in Indonesia. It is now retained,
however, only in small parts of the uplands of Southeast
Asia in Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
Nearly the whole of Central and West Africa away from
the coasts, Brazil’s Amazon basin, and large portions of
Central America were formerly all known for this type of
extensive subsistence agriculture.
It may be argued that shifting cultivation is a highly
efficient cultural adaptation where land is abundant in re-
lation to population, and levels of technology and capital
availability are low. As those conditions change, the sys-
tem becomes less viable. The basic change, as noted in
Chapter 4, is that land is no longer abundant in relation to
population in many of the less developed wet, tropical
countries. Their growing populations have cleared and
settled the forestlands formerly only intermittently used
in swidden cultivation. The Boserup thesis, proposed by
the economist Ester Boserup, is based on the observation
that population increases necessitate increased inputs of
labor and technology to compensate for reductions in the
natural yields of swidden farming. It holds that population
growth independently forces an increased use of technol-
ogy in farming and—in a reversal of the Malthusian idea
(page 131) that the supply of essential foodstuffs is basi-
cally fixed or only slowly expandable—requires a conver-
sion from extensive to intensive subsistence agriculture.
Figure 8.9 An African swidden plot being fired. Stumps and
trees left in the clearing will remain after the burn.
Intensive Subsistence Systems
Nearly one-half of the people of the world are engaged in in-
tensive subsistence agriculture, which predominates in
included in many of the crop combinations are such high- areas shown in Figure 8.8. As a descriptive term, intensive
value, labor-intensive commercial crops as coffee, which subsistence is no longer fully applicable to a changing way of
provide the cash income that is evidence of the growing life and economy in which the distinction between subsis-
integration of all peoples into exchange economies. Initial tence and commercial is decreasingly valid. While families
yields—the first and second crops—may be very high, but may still be fed primarily with the produce of their individ-
they quickly become lower with each successive planting ual plots, the exchange of farm commodities within the sys-
on the same plot. As that occurs, cropping ceases, native tem is considerable. Production of foodstuffs for sale in
vegetation is allowed to reclaim the clearing, and garden- rapidly growing urban markets is increasingly vital for the
ing shifts to another newly prepared site. The first clear- rural economies of “subsistence farming” areas and for the
ing will ideally not be used again for crops until, after sustenance of the growing proportion of national and re-
many years, natural fallowing replenishes its fertility (see gional populations no longer themselves engaged in farm-
“Swidden Agriculture”). ing. Nevertheless, hundreds of millions of Indians, Chinese,
Less than 5% of the world’s people are still predomi- Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Indonesians plus further mil-
nantly engaged in tropical shifting cultivation on more lions in other Asian, African, and Latin American countries
than one-fifth of the world’s land area (Figure 8.8). Since remain small-plot, mainly subsistence producers of rice,

278 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Swidden Agriculture

T he following account describes

protect the soil and assure an even burn: 1)removal of unwanted
shifting cultivation among the Ha- burn, the larger trees must be felled vegetation, resulting in a cleared
nunóo people of the Philippines. or killed by girdling (cutting a swidden; 2)extermination of many
Nearly identical procedures are fol- complete ring of bark) so that animal and some weed pests;
lowed in all swidden farming regions. unwanted shade will be removed. 3) preparation of the soil for dibble
The successful felling of a real (any small hand tool or stick to
When a garden site of about one- forest giant is a dangerous activity make a hole) planting by making it
half hectare (a little over one acre) and requires great skill. Felling in softer and more friable; 4) provision
has been selected, the swidden second growth is usually less of an evenly distributed cover of
farmer begins to remove unwanted dangerous and less arduous. Some wood ashes, good for young crop
vegetation. The first phase of this trees are merely trimmed but not plants and protective of newly-
process consists of slashing and killed or cut, both to reduce the planted grain seed. Within the first
cutting the undergrowth and amount of labor and to leave trees year of the swidden cycle, an
smaller trees with bush knives. The to reseed the swidden during the average of between 40 and 50
principal aim is to cover the entire subsequent fallow period. different types of crop plants have
site with highly inflammable dead The crucial and most important been planted and harvested.
vegetation so that the later stage of single event in the agricultural cycle The most critical feature of
burning will be most effective. is swidden burning. The main firing swidden agriculture is the
Because of the threat of soil erosion of a swidden is the culmination of maintenance of soil fertility and
the ground must not be exposed many weeks of preparation in structure. The solution is to pursue
directly to the elements at any spreading and leveling chopped a system of rotation of 1 to 3 years
time during the cutting stage. vegetation, preparing firebreaks to in crop and 10 to 20 in woody or
During the first months of the prevent flames escaping into the bush fallow regeneration. When
agricultural year, activities jungle, and allowing time for the population pressures mandate a
connected with cutting take drying process. An ideal burn reduction in the length of fallow
priority over all others. It is rapidly consumes every bit of litter; period, productivity of the region
estimated that the time required in no more than an hour or an hour tends to drop as soil fertility is
ranges from 25 to 100 hours for the and a half, only smoldering remains lowered, marginal land is utilized,
average-sized swidden plot. are left. and environmental degradation
Once most of the undergrowth The Hanunóo, swidden farmers occurs. The balance is delicate.
has been slashed, chopped to of the Philippines, note the Source: Based on Harold C. Conklin, Hanunóo
hasten drying, and spread to following as the benefits of a good Agriculture, FAO Forestry Development Paper No. 12.

wheat, maize, millet, or pulses (peas, beans, and other Rice is known to have been cultivated in parts of
legumes). Most live in monsoon Asia, and we will devote China and India for more than 7000 years. Today, wet, or
our attention to that area. lowland, rice is the mainstay of subsistence agriculture
Intensive subsistence farmers are concentrated in and diets of populations from Sri Lanka and India to Tai-
such major river valleys and deltas as the Ganges and wan, Japan, and Korea. It is grown on over 80% of the
the Chang Jiang (Yangtze) and in smaller valleys close planted area in Bangladesh, Thailand, and Malaysia and
to coasts—level areas with fertile alluvial soils. These on over 50% in six other Asian countries. Almost exclu-
warm, moist districts are well suited to the production sively used as a human food, rice provides 25% to 80% of
of rice, a crop that under ideal conditions can provide the calories in the daily diet of over 2.8 billion Asians, or
large amounts of food per unit of land. Rice also re- half the world’s population. Its successful cultivation de-
quires a great deal of time and attention, for planting pends on the controlled management of water, relatively
rice shoots by hand in standing fresh water is a tedious easy in humid tropical river valleys with heavy, imperme-
art (Figure 8.10). In the cooler and drier portions of able, water-retaining soils though more difficult in upland
Asia, wheat is grown intensively, along with millet and, and seasonally dry districts. Throughout Asia the neces-
less commonly, upland rice. sary water management systems have left their distinctive

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 279

Figure 8.10 Transplanting rice seedlings requires arduous hand labor by all members of the family. The newly flooded diked fields,
previously plowed and fertilized, will have their water level maintained until the grain is ripe. This photograph was taken in Indonesia. The
scene is repeated wherever subsistence wet-rice agriculture is practiced.

marks on the landscape. Permanently diked fields to con- world’s total food production. Occurring in all regions of
tain and control water, levees against unwanted water, the world, developed and underdeveloped, but most
and reservoirs, canals, and drainage channels to control prevalent in Asia, urban agriculture activities range from
its availability and flow are common sights. Terraces to small garden plots, to backyard livestock breeding, to
extend level land to valley slopes are occasionally encoun- raising fish in ponds and streams. Using the garbage
tered as well (see Figure 4.24). dumps of Jakarta, the rooftops of Mexico City, and mea-
Intensive subsistence farming is characterized by ger dirt strips along roadways in Calcutta or Kinshasa,
large inputs of labor per unit of land, by small plots, by millions of people are feeding their own families and sup-
the intensive use of fertilizers, mostly animal manure, plying local markets with vegetables, fruit, fish, and even
and by the promise of high yields in good years (see “The meat—all produced within the cities themselves and all
Economy of a Chinese Village”). For food security and di- without the expense and spoilage of storage or long-
etary custom, some other products are also grown. Veg- distance transportation.
etables and some livestock are part of the agricultural In China, cities produce 90% and more of the vegeta-
system, and fish may be reared in rice paddies and ponds. bles consumed; more than half of all urban Taiwanese
Cattle are a source of labor and of food. Food animals in- families are members of farming associations. In Africa
clude swine, ducks, and chickens, but since Muslims eat where, for example, 2 of 3 Kenyan and Tanzanian urban
no pork, hogs are absent in their areas of settlement. Hin- families engage in farming, a reported 20% of urban nutri-
dus generally eat little meat, mainly goat and lamb but tional requirement is produced in the towns and cities; in
not pork or beef. The large number of cattle in India are Accra, Ghana’s capital, urban farming provides the city
vital for labor, as a source of milk and cheese, and as pro- with 90% of its fresh vegetables. At the end of the 20th
ducers of fertilizer and fuel. century, city farming in Cuba produced 65% of the coun-
try’s rice, 43% of its fruits and vegetables, and 12% of
Urban Subsistence Farming roots and fibers; altogether, some 165,000 urban Cubans
Not all of the world’s subsistence farming is based in rural produced 800,000 tons of fresh produce in 1999. Urban
areas. Urban agriculture is a rapidly growing activity, agriculture occupies city land as well as city residents: in
with some 800 million city farmers worldwide providing, Bangkok, Thailand for example, some 60% of the metro-
according to United Nations figures, one-seventh of the politan area is cultivated. Not all urban farming effort and

280 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

The Economy of a Chinese Village

T he village of Nanching is in sub-

little attention except keeping the summer, eggplant and several
tropical southern China on the Zhu water at a proper level. But after varieties of squash and beans were
River delta near Guangzhou (Can- this period came the first weeding; grown. The green-leafed vegetables
ton). Its pre-communist subsistence the second weeding followed a thrived in the cooler and drier
agricultural system was described by month later. This was done by period of fall, winter, and early
a field investigator, whose account is hand, and everyone old enough for spring. Leeks grew the year round.
here condensed. The system is found such work participated. With the When one crop of vegetables
in its essentials in other rice-oriented second weeding went the job of was harvested, the soil was turned
societies. adding fertilizer. The grain was now and the clods broken up by a
allowed to stand to “draw starch” to digging hoe and leveled with an
In this double-crop region, rice was fill the hull of the kernels. When the iron rake. Fertilizer was applied,
planted in March and August and kernels had “drawn enough starch,” and seeds or seedlings of a new
harvested in late June or July and water was let out of the field, and crop were planted. Hand weeding
again in November. March to both the soil and the stalks were was a constant job; watering with
November was the major farming allowed to dry under the hot sun. the long-handled wooden dipper
season. Early in March the earth Then came the harvest, when all had to be done an average of three
was turned with an iron-tipped the rice plants were cut off a few times a day, and in the very hot
wooden plow pulled by a water inches above the ground with a season when evaporation was
buffalo. The very poor who could sickle. Threshing was done on a rapid, as frequently as six times a
not afford a buffalo used a large threshing board. Then the grain day. The soil had to be cultivated
iron-tipped wooden hoe for the and the stalks and leaves were with the hoe frequently as the
same purpose. taken home with a carrying pole heavy tropical rains packed the
The plowed soil was raked on the peasant’s shoulder. The earth continuously. Instead of the
smooth, fertilizer was applied, and plant was used as fuel at home. two applications of fertilizer
water was let into the field, which As soon as the exhausting common with the rice crop,
was then ready for the harvest work was done, no time fertilizing was much more frequent
transplanting of rice seedlings. could be lost before starting the for vegetables. Besides the heavy
Seedlings were raised in a seedbed, chores of plowing, fertilizing, fertilizing of the soil at the
a tiny patch fenced off on the side pumping water into the fields, and beginning of a crop, usually with
or corner of the field. Beginning transplanting seedlings for the city garbage, additional fertilizer,
from the middle of March, the second crop. The slack season of usually diluted urine or a mixture
transplanting of seedlings took the rice crop was taken up by of diluted urine and excreta, was
place. The whole family was on the chores required for the vegetables given every ten days or so to most
scene. Each took the seedlings by which demanded continuous vegetables.
the bunch, ten to fifteen plants, and attention, since every peasant
pushed them into the soft inundated family devoted a part of the farm to
Source: Adapted from C. K. Yang, A Chinese Village
soil. For the first thirty or forty days vegetable gardening. In the hot and in Early Communist Transition (Cambridge, Mass.:
the emerald green crop demanded damp period of late spring and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1959).

area is solely for subsistence production. An estimated two-thirds of all families are engaged in agriculture, a
200 million global urban dwellers also produce food for United Nations Development Programme study reports,
sale to others. with as many as one-third of them having no other source
In all parts of the developing world, urban-origin of income.
foodstuffs have reduced the incidence of adult and child There are both positive and negative environmental
malnutrition in cities rapidly expanding by their own birth consequences of urban agricultural activities. On the plus
rates and by the growing influx of displaced rural folk. side, urban farming helps convert waste from a problem
City farming is, as well, a significant outlet for underem- to a resource by reducing run-off and erosion from open
ployed residents. In some cities, as many as one-fifth to dumps and by avoiding costs of wastewater treatment and

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 281

solid waste disposal. In Khartoum, Sudan, for example, When population pressures dictate land conversion,
about 25% of the city’s garbage is consumed by farm ani- serious environmental deterioration may result. Clearing
mals; in Calcutta, India, city sewage is used to feed some of wet tropical forests in the Philippines, the Amazon
3000 hectares (7400 acres) of lagoons which in turn pro- Basin, and Indonesia has converted dense woodland to bar-
duce some 6000 tons of fish annually. Additionally, some ren desolation within a very few years as soil erosion and
20,000 Calcutta residents diligently farm on the city’s nutrient loss have followed forest destruction. In Southeast
garbage dumps, converting waste area and rotting refuse Asia, some 10 million hectares (25 million acres) of former
to nutrition. Nearly everywhere, human and animal forestland are now wasteland, covered by useless saw-
wastes, vegetable debris, and table scraps are composted grasses that supply neither forage, food, nor fuel.
or applied to garden areas, and nearly everywhere, veg-
etable gardens and interspersed fruit trees, ornamental Intensification and the Green Revolution
plants, and flowers enhance the often drab urban scene. Increased productivity of existing cropland rather than ex-
Negative consequences also attend urban agricul- pansion of cultivated area has accounted for most of the
ture, and frequently evoke restrictive governmental regu- growth of agricultural production over the past few
lations and prohibitions. The widespread use of untreated decades. Two interrelated approaches to those yield in-
human waste as fertilizers exposes both producers and creases mark recent farming practices.
consumers to infectious diseases such as cholera and hep- First, throughout much of the developing world pro-
atitis. When pesticides and chemical fertilizers are avail- duction inputs such as water, fertilizer, pesticides, and
able and indiscriminately used by untrained gardeners, labor have been increased to expand yields on a relatively
local water supplies may become contaminated. In some constant supply of cultivable land. Irrigated area, for ex-
instances, limited supplies of drinking water may be se- ample, nearly doubled between 1960 and 2000 to com-
verely depleted through diversion for illegal irrigation or prise by the latter year some 17% of the world’s cropland.
watering of subsistence gardens and livestock. In response Global consumption of fertilizers has dramatically in-
to its estimate of 35% of fresh drinking water lost through creased since the 1950s, and inputs of pesticides and her-
leakage and illegal tapping by urban farmers, Tanzania’s bicides have similarly grown. Traditional practices of
National Urban Water Agency imposed severe penalty leaving land fallow (uncultivated) to renew its fertility
fees and prohibitions on urban agricultural use. Other mu- have been largely abandoned, and double and triple crop-
nicipal water agencies elsewhere have reacted similarly. ping of land where climate permits has increased in Asia
and even in Africa, where marginal land is put to near-
Costs of Territorial Extension continuous use to meet growing food demands.
Improved health care in the 20th century lowered infant Many of these intensification practices are part of the
and crude death rates and accelerated population growth second approach, linked to the Green Revolution—the
rates in countries of intensive subsistence agriculture. The shorthand reference to a complex of seed and management
rising population, of course, puts increasing pressure on improvements adapted to the needs of intensive agriculture
the land and, following the Boserup thesis, the response and designed to bring larger harvests from a given area of
has been to increase further the intensity of agricultural farmland. Between 1969 and 1999, world total grain produc-
production. Lands formerly considered unsuitable for tion rose 72%. Despite nearly 2.4 billion more people in the
farming by reason of low fertility, inadequate moisture, world, grain production per capita at the end of that period
difficulty of clearing and preparation, isolation from set- was 4% higher than at its start. More than three-quarters of
tlement areas, and other factors have been brought into that production growth was due to increases in yields
cultivation. rather than expansions in cropland. For Asia as a whole, ce-
To till those additional lands, a price must be paid. real yields grew by more than 40% between 1980 and the
Any economic activity incurs an additional (called mar- end of the century, accounted for largely by increases in
ginal) cost in labor, capital, or other unit of expenditure to China and India; they increased by over 35% in South
bring into existence an added unit of production. When America. These Green Revolution yield increases and the
the value of the added (marginal) production at least improved food supplies they represent have been particu-
equals the added cost, the effort may be undertaken. In larly important in densely populated, subsistence farming
past periods of lower population pressure, there was no areas heavily dependent on rice and wheat cultivation. Chi-
incentive to extend cultivation to less productive or more nese rice harvests grew by two-thirds and India’s wheat
expensive unneeded lands. Now circumstances are differ- yields doubled between 1970 and the end of the 1990s.
ent. In many intensive subsistence agricultural Genetic improvements in rice and wheat have
economies, however, possibilities for land conversion to formed the basis of the Green Revolution. Dwarfed vari-
agriculture are limited. More than 60% of the population eties have been developed that respond dramatically to
of the developing world lives in countries in which some heavy applications of fertilizer, that resist plant diseases,
three-quarters of possible arable land is already under cul- and that can tolerate much shorter growing seasons than
tivation and where undeveloped cultivable land has low traditional native varieties. Adopting the new varieties
potential for settlement and use. and applying the irrigation, mechanization, fertilization,

282 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

and pesticide practices they require have created a new land. And the huge amount of water required for Green
“high-input, high-yield” agriculture. Most poor farmers on Revolution irrigation has led to serious groundwater de-
marginal and rain-fed (nonirrigated) lands, however, have pletion, conflict between agricultural and growing urban
not benefited from the new plant varieties requiring irri- and industrial water needs in developing countries—
gation and high chemical inputs. many of which are in subhumid climates—and to wor-
Expanded food production made possible through ries about scarcity and future wars over water.
the Green Revolution has helped alleviate some of the And very serious genetic consequences are feared
shortages and famines predicted for subsistence agricul- from the loss of traditional and subsistence agriculture.
tural regions since the early 1960s (Figure 8.11), saving an With it is lost the food security that distinctive locally
estimated one billion people from starvation. Despite rap- adapted native crop varieties (land races) provided and the
idly growing population numbers since 1961, agricultural nutritional diversity and balance that multiple-crop inten-
production in the developing world has increased by 52% sive gardening assured. Subsistence farming, wherever
per person and daily food intake grew from 1932 calories, practiced, was oriented toward risk minimization. Many
barely enough to sustain life, to over 2700 calories in 2000; differentially hardy varieties of a single crop guaranteed
it is expected to continue to rise. In the same period, real some yield whatever adverse weather, disease, or pest
food prices have declined by more than 50%. According to problems might occur.
World Bank calculations, more than 80% of people in de- Commercial agriculture, however, aims at profit
veloping countries now have adequate diets, versus 55% maximization, not minimal food security. Poor farmers
in 1950. Although the number of undernourished people unable to afford the capital investment the Green Revolu-
remains near the 900 million mark because of population tion demands have been displaced by a commercial
growth, total world food supply has increased even faster monoculture, one often oriented toward specialty and in-
than population and will continue to do so, the UN pre- dustrial crops designed for export rather than to food pro-
dicts, through at least 2030. duction for a domestic market. Traditional rural society
But a price has been paid for Green Revolution suc- has been disrupted, and landless peasants have been
cesses. Irrigation, responsible for an important part of added to the urbanizing populations of affected countries.
increased crop yields, has destroyed large tracts of land; To the extent that land races are lost to monoculture, vari-
excessive salinity of soils resulting from poor irrigation etal distinction in food crops is reduced. “Seed banks”
practices is estimated to have a serious effect on the rather than native cultivation are increasingly needed to
productivity of 20 million to 30 million hectares preserve genetic diversity for future plant breeding and as
(80,000–120,000 sq mi) of land around the world, out of insurance against catastrophic pest or disease susceptibil-
a world total of some 220 million hectares of irrigated ity of inbred varieties (Figure 8.12).

Index of Total and Per Capita Food Production, 1961–99

(1989–91=100) Asia (1989–91=100) Africa

140 120
130 110
120 100
110 90
100 80
80 70
70 60
60 50
50 40
40 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

Figure 8.11 Trends in food production, 1961–1999. Globally, production of food crops increased over the last 40 years of the 20th
century, but the average annual increase dropped from 3% during the 1960s to 2.4% in the 1970s, 2.2% in the 1980s, and to 1% or less in the 1990s.
Although total food production has expanded in nearly all world regions (the area of the former Soviet Union is a notable exception), that
expansion has not in all cases been reflected in improved per capita availability. (a) Intensification and expansion of farming in Asia has
resulted in both greatly increased food production and, despite continuing population growth, expanding per capita availability. (b) Population
growth has presented a different picture in Africa, where total production of food has steadily grown over the graphed period, but per capita food
supplies have persistently declined.
Source: Data from Food and Agriculture Organization, World Resources Institute, and U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 283



Mediterranean China
Mexico and Ethiopia India
Central America

0° Indo-Malaya

Brazil and Paraguay

Peru, Ecuador
20° and Bolivia

40° Chile

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 80°
60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 8.12 Areas with high current genetic diversity of crop varieties. Loss of crop varieties characterizes the commercial agriculture
of much of the developed world. In place of the many thousands of species and subspecies (varieties) of food plants grown since the development
of agriculture 15,000 or more years ago, fewer than 100 species now provide most of the world’s food supply. Most of the diversity loss has
occurred in the last 100 years. In the United States, for example, 96% of commercial vegetable varieties listed by the Department of Agriculture in
1903 are now extinct. Crop breeders, however, require genetic diversity to develop new varieties that are resistant to evolving plant pest and
disease perils. That need necessitates the protection of plant stocks and environments in those temperate and subtropical zones where food
plants were first domesticated and are home to the wild relatives of our current food crops.
Sources: J.G. Hawkes, The Diversity of Crop Plants, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1983); and Walter V. Reid and Kenton R. Miller, Keeping Options Alive: The
Scientific Basis for Conserving Biodiversity. (Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute, 1989), fig. 5, p. 24.

The presumed benefits of the Green Revolution are countries, and the adverse ecological and social conse-
not available to all subsistence agricultural areas or ad- quences of industrial farming techniques arouse growing
vantageous to everyone engaged in farming (see resistance. Nor does biotechnology—which many have
“Women and the Green Revolution”). Africa is a case in hailed as a promising new Green Revolution approach—
point (Figure 8.11). Green Revolution crop improve- seem likely to fill the gap. Consumer resistance to geneti-
ments have concentrated on wheat, rice, and maize. Of cally modified crops, fear of the ecological consequences
these, only maize is important in Africa, where principal of such modification, and the high cost and restrictions
food crops include millet, sorghum, cassava, manioc, on the new biotechnologies imposed by their corporate
yams, cowpeas, and peanuts. Although new varieties of developers all conspire to inhibit the widespread adop-
maize resistant to the drought and acidic soils common tion of the new technologies.
in Africa were announced in the middle 1990s, both be- Even in those world regions favorable for Green
lated research efforts directed to African crops and the Revolution introductions, its advent has not always im-
great range of growing conditions on the continent sug- proved diets or reduced dependency on imported basic
gest that the dramatic regionwide increases in food pro- foodstuffs. Often, the displacement of native agriculture
duction experienced with rice in Southeast Asia will be involves a net loss of domestic food availability. In
delayed or perhaps never experienced in the African many instances, through governmental directive, for-
context. eign ownership or management, or domestic market re-
In many areas showing the greatest past successes, alities, the new commercial agriculture is oriented
Green Revolution gains are falling off. Recent cereal toward food and industrial crops for the export market
yields in Asia, for example, are growing at only two- or toward specialty crop and livestock production for the
thirds of their 1970s rate. Little prime land and even less expanding urban market rather than food production for
water remain to expand cultivation in many developing the rural population.

284 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Women and the Green Revolution

W omen farmers grow at least half

competent. Rather, it is due to restrict- machinery, displacing rather than
of the world’s food and up to 80% in ing cultural and economic factors. employing women. Even the applica-
some African countries. They are re- First, most women farmers are in- tion of chemical fertilizers (a man’s
sponsible for an even larger share of volved in subsistence farming and task) instead of cow dung (women’s
food consumed by their own families: food production for the local market work) has reduced the female role in
80% in sub-Saharan Africa, 65% in that yields little cash return. Second, agricultural development programs.
Asia, and 45% in Latin America and they have far less access than men to The loss of those traditional female
the Caribbean. Further, women com- credit at bank or government- wage jobs means that already poor
prise between one-third and one-half subsidized rates that would make it rural women and their families have
of all agricultural laborers in develop- possible for them to acquire the Green insufficient income to improve their
ing countries. For example, African Revolution technology, such as hybrid diets even in the light of substantial
women perform about 90% of the seeds and fertilizers. Third, in some increases in food availability through
work of processing food crops and cultures women cannot own land and Green Revolution improvements.
80% of the work of harvesting and so are excluded from agricultural im- If women are to benefit from the
marketing. provement programs and projects Green Revolution, new cultural
Women’s agricultural dominance aimed at landowners. For example, norms—or culturally acceptable ac-
in developing states is increasing, in many African agricultural develop- commodations within traditional
fact, as male family members continue ment programs are based on the con- household, gender, and customary
to leave for cities in search of paid version of communal land, to which legal relations—will be required.
urban work. In Mozambique, for exam- women have access, to private hold- These must permit or recognize
ple, for every 100 men working in agri- ings, from which they are excluded. In women’s land-owning and other legal
culture, there are now 153 women. In Asia, inheritance laws favor male over rights not now clearly theirs, access to
nearly all other sub-Saharan countries female heirs, and female-inherited credit at favorable rates, and admis-
the female component runs between land is managed by husbands; in Latin sion on equal footing with males to
120 and 150 per 100 men. The depar- America, discrimination results from government assistance programs.
ture of men for near or distant cities the more limited status held by Recognition of those realities fostered
means, in addition, that women must women under the law. the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
assume effective management of their At the same time, the Green Rev- tion of the United Nations’ “FAO Plan
families’ total farm operations. De- olution and its greater commercializa- of Action for Women in Development
spite their fundamental role, however, tion of crops has generally required (1996–2001)” aimed at stimulating
women do not share equally with men an increase in labor per hectare, par- and facilitating efforts to enhance the
in the rewards from agriculture, nor ticularly in tasks typically reserved role of women as contributors and
are they always beneficiaries of pre- for women, such as weeding, harvest- beneficiaries of economic, social, and
sumed improvements in agricultural ing, and postharvest work. If women political development. Objectives of
technologies and practices. Often, are provided no relief from their the plan include: promoting gender-
they cannot own or inherit the land other daily tasks, the Green Revolu- based equity in access to, and control
on which they work, and they fre- tion for them may be more burden of, productive resources; enhancing
quently have difficulty in obtaining than blessing. But when mechaniza- women’s participation in decision-
improved seeds or fertilizers available tion is added to the new farming sys- and policy-making processes at all
to male farmers. tem, women tend to be losers. levels, local and national; and encour-
As a rule, women farmers work Frequently, such predominantly fe- aging actions to reduce rural women’s
longer hours and have lower incomes male tasks as harvesting or dehusking workload while enhancing their op-
than do male farmers. This is not and polishing of grain—all tradition- portunities for paid employment and
because they are less educated or ally done by hand—are given over to income.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 285

Commercial Agriculture Beginning in the 1950s in the United States, special-
Few people or areas still retain the isolation and self- ist farmers and corporate purchasers developed strategies
containment characteristic of pure subsistence for minimizing those uncertainties. Processors sought uni-
economies. Nearly all have been touched by a modern formity of product quality and timing of delivery. Veg-
world of trade and exchange and have adjusted their tradi- etable canners—of tomatoes, sweet corn, and the
tional economies in response. Modifications of subsistence like—required volume delivery of raw products of uni-
agricultural systems have inevitably made them more form size, color, and ingredient content on dates that ac-
complex by imparting to them at least some of the diver- corded with cannery and labor schedules. And farmers
sity and linkages of activity that mark the advanced eco- wanted the support of a guaranteed market at an assured
nomic systems of the more developed world. Farmers in price to minimize the uncertainties of their specialization
those systems produce not for their own subsistence but and stabilize the return on their investment.
primarily for a market off the farm itself. They are part of The solution was contractual arrangements or vertical
integrated exchange economies in which agriculture is but integrations uniting contracted farmer with purchaser-
one element in a complex structure that includes mining, processor. Broiler chickens of specified age and weight, cat-
manufacturing, processing, and the service activities of tle fed to an exact weight and finish, wheat with a minimum
the tertiary, quaternary and quinary sectors. In those protein content, popping corn with prescribed characteris-
economies, farming activities presumably mark produc- tics, potatoes of the kind and quality demanded by particu-
tion responses to market demand expressed through lar fast-food chains, and similar product specification
price, and are related to the consumption requirements of became part of production contracts between farmer and
the larger society rather than to the immediate needs of buyer-processor. In the United States, the percentage of
farmers themselves. total farm output produced under contractual arrangements
or by vertical integration (where production, processing,
and sales were all coordinated within one firm) rose from
Production Controls 19% in 1960 to well over one-third during the 1990s. The
Agriculture within modern, developed economies is charac- term agribusiness is applied to the growing merging of the
terized by specialization—by enterprise (farm), by area, and older, farm-centered crop economy and newer patterns of
even by country; by off-farm sale rather than subsistence more integrated production and marketing systems.
production; and by interdependence of producers and buyers As a response to agribusiness integration, modern
linked through markets. Farmers in a free market economy commercial farmers have lost both the degree of control
supposedly produce those crops that their estimates of mar- they formerly exercised over their production plans and
ket price and production cost indicate will yield the great- their share of the rewards of farming. When family farm-
est return. Theoretically, farm products in short supply will ers were still central to the system in 1950, world agribusi-
command an increased market price. That, in turn, should ness was worth $420 billion, with the farmers’ share
induce increased production to meet the demand with a accounting for more than one-third. By the early 2000s, the
consequent reduction of market price to a level of equilib- farm market was valued in the trillions, and the farmers’
rium with production costs. In some developing countries, share has been estimated to be 10% or less of the total.
that equation between production costs and market price is Even for family farmers not bound by contractual
broken and the farm economy distorted when government arrangements to suppliers and purchasers, the older as-
policy requires uneconomically low food prices for urban sumption that supply, demand, and the market price
workers. It may also suffer material distortion under gov- mechanism are the effective controls on agricultural pro-
ernmental programs protecting local producers by inhibit- duction is not wholly valid. In reality, those theoretical
ing farm product imports, or subsidizing production by controls are joined by a number of nonmarket govern-
guaranteeing prices for selected commodities. mental influences that may be as decisive as market
Where free market conditions prevail, however, the forces in shaping farmers’ options and spatial production
crop or the mix of crops and livestock that individual com- patterns. If there is a glut of wheat on the market, for ex-
mercial farmers produce is a result of an appraisal of profit ample, the price per ton will come down and the area
possibilities. Farmers must assess and predict prices, eval- sown to it should diminish. It will also diminish regardless
uate the physical nature of farmland, and factor in the pos- of supply if governments, responding to economic or po-
sible weather conditions. The costs of production (fuel, litical considerations, impose acreage controls.
fertilizer, capital equipment, labor) must be reckoned. A Distortions of market control may also be introduced
number of unpredictable conditions may thwart farmers’ to favor certain crops or commodities through subsidies,
aspirations for profit. Among them are the uncertainties of price supports, market protections, and the like. The politi-
growing season conditions that follow the original planting cal power of farmers in the European Union (EU), for exam-
decision, the total volume of output that will be achieved ple, secured for them generous product subsidies and for
(and therefore the unit cost of production), and the supply the EU immense unsold stores of butter, wine, and grains
and price situation that will exist months or years in the until 1992, when reforms began to reduce the unsold stock-
future, when crops are ready for market. piles even while increasing total farm spending. In Japan,

286 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

the home market for rice is largely protected and reserved outer margins of profitable agriculture, farthest from the
for Japanese rice farmers even though their production effi- single central market, livestock grazing and similar exten-
ciencies are low and their selling price is high by world mar- sive land uses were found.
ket standards. In the United States, programs of farm price To explain why this should be so, von Thünen con-
supports, acreage controls, financial assistance, and other structed a formal spatial model, perhaps the first devel-
governmental involvements in agriculture have been of re- oped to analyze human activity patterns. He concluded
curring and equally distorting effect (Figure 8.13). that the uses to which parcels were put was a function of
the differing “rent” values placed on seemingly identical
A Model of Agricultural Location lands. Those differences, he claimed, reflected the cost of
Early in the 19th century, before such governmental influ- overcoming the distance separating a given farm from a
ences were the norm, Johann Heinrich von Thünen central market town (“A portion of each crop is eaten by
(1783–1850) observed that lands of apparently identical the wheels,” he observed). The greater the distance, the
physical properties were utilized for different agricultural higher was the operating cost to the farmer, since trans-
purposes. Around each major urban market center, he port charges had to be added to other expenses. When a
noted, there developed a set of concentric land use rings commodity’s production costs plus its transport costs just
of different farm products (Figure 8.14). The ring closest equaled its value at the market, a farmer was at the eco-
to the market specialized in perishable commodities that nomic margin of its cultivation. A simple exchange rela-
were both expensive to ship and in high demand. The tionship ensued: the greater the transportation costs, the
high prices they could command in the urban market lower the rent that could be paid for land if the crop pro-
made their production an appropriate use of high-valued duced was to remain competitive in the market.
land near the city. Surrounding rings of farmlands farther Since in the simplest form of the model, transport
away from the city were used for less perishable com- costs are the only variable, the relationship between land
modities with lower transport costs, reduced demand, and rent and distance from market can be easily calculated by
lower market prices. General farming and grain farming reference to each competing crop’s transport gradient. Per-
replaced the market gardening of the inner ring. At the ishable commodities such as fruits and vegetables would

Figure 8.13 Open storage of 1 million bushels of Iowa corn. In the world of commercial agriculture, supply and demand are not always in
balance. Both the bounty of nature in favorable crop years and the intervention of governmental programs that distort production decisions can
create surpluses for which no market is readily available.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 287

1. Dairying and market gardening
2. Specialty farming
3. Cash grain and livestock Chicago
4. Mixed farming

5. Extensive grain farming or stock raising



Dim dis

ma ;

pri uality
grain-fed livestock

inis tanc
ce il q

hin e to
an so
Cash grains


g s pr

ist ing

oil ima

g d ish

qu ry
sin in
1 2 3 4 5

alit m
rea Dim
Grain, livestock

y; ark
(feeder hogs, cattle),
general farming


Hog and cattle raising,
general farming, orchards

(a) (b)

Figure 8.14 (a) von Thünen’s model. Recognizing that as distance from the market increases, the value of land decreases, von Thünen
developed a descriptive model of intensity of land use that holds up reasonably well in practice. The most intensively produced crops are found
on land close to the market; the less intensively produced commodities are located at more distant points. The numbered zones of the diagram
represent modern equivalents of the theoretical land use sequence von Thünen suggested over 150 years ago. As the metropolitan area at the
center increases in size, the agricultural specialty areas are displaced outward, but the relative position of each is retained. Compare this diagram
with Figure 8.18. (b) A schematic view of the von Thünen zones in the sector south of Chicago. There, farmland quality decreases southward as
the boundary of recent glaciation is passed and hill lands are encountered in southern Illinois. On the margins of the city near the market,
dairying competes for space with livestock feeding and suburbanization. Southward into flat, fertile central Illinois, cash grains dominate. In
southern Illinois, livestock rearing and fattening, general farming, and some orchard crops are the rule.
(b) Modified with permission from Bernd Andreae, Farming Development and Space: A World Agricultural Geography, trans. Howard F. Gregor (Berlin; Hawthorne, N.Y.: Walter
de Gruyter and Co., 1981).

encounter high transport rates per unit of distance; other

items such as grain would have lower rates. Land rent for
Vegetables and dairying
any farm commodity decreases with increasing distance
from the central market, and the rate of decline is deter-
Land rent

mined by the transport gradient for that commodity. Crops

Mixed farming
that have both the highest market price and the highest
transport costs will be grown nearest to the market. Less
perishable crops with lower production and transport costs
will be grown at greater distances away (Figure 8.15). Vegetables
and dairying
Since in this model transport costs are uniform in all direc- Mixed farming
Distance from market
tions away from the center, a concentric zonal pattern of Grains

land use called the von Thünen rings results.

The von Thünen model may be modified by intro- Figure 8.15 Transport gradients and agricultural zones.
ducing ideas of differential transport costs (Figure 8.16),
variations in topography or soil fertility, or changes in
commodity demand and market price. With or without of peripheral city growth, the encroachment on agricultural
such modifications, von Thünen’s analysis helps explain land by expansion from two or more cities, and the with-
the changing crop patterns and farm sizes evident on the holding of land from farming in anticipation of subdivision
landscape at increasing distance from major cities, partic- may locally reverse or invert the von Thünen intensity
ularly in regions dominantly agricultural in economy. rings. Where those urbanizing forces dominate, the agricul-
Farmland close to markets takes on high value, is used in- tural pattern often may be one of increasing—rather than
tensively for high-value crops, and is subdivided into rela- decreasing—intensity with distance from the city.
tively small units. Land far from markets is used
extensively and in larger units. Intensive Commercial Agriculture
In dominantly industrial and post-industrial Following World War II, agriculture in the developed
economies, it has been suggested, the basic forces deter- world’s market economies turned increasingly to concen-
mining agricultural land use near cities are those associated trated methods of production. Machinery, chemicals, irriga-
with urban expansion itself, and von Thünen regularities tion, and dependence on a restricted range of carefully
are less predictable. Rather, irregularities and uncertainties selected and bred plant varieties and animal breeds all

288 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

milk. Although livestock-grain farmers work their land in-
tensively, the value of their product per unit of land is usu-
ally less than that of the truck farm. Consequently, in North
America at least, livestock-grain farms are farther from the
main markets than are horticultural and dairy farms.
Normally the profits for marketing livestock (chiefly
hogs and beef cattle in the United States) are greater per
pound than those for selling corn or other feed, such as al-
falfa and clover. As a result, farmers convert their corn
into meat on the farm by feeding it to the livestock, effi-
ciently avoiding the cost of buying grain. They may also
convert farm grain at local feed mills to the more balanced
feed modern livestock rearing requires. Where land is too
expensive to be used to grow feed, especially near cities,
feed must be shipped to the farm. The grain-livestock belts
of the world are close to the great coastal and industrial
zone markets. The Corn Belt of the United States and the
livestock region of Western Europe are two examples.
Figure 8.16 Ring modifications. Modifications of controlling
conditions will alter the details but not change the underlying pattern Extensive Commercial Agriculture
of the von Thünen rings. For example, a change in demand and Farther from the market, on less expensive land, there
therefore market price of a commodity would merely expand its ring
is less need to use the land intensively. Cheaper land
of production. An increase in transport costs would contract the
production area, while reductions in freight rates would extend it. gives rise to larger farm units. Extensive commercial
(a) If transport costs are reduced in one direction, the circularity—but agriculture is typified by large wheat farms and live-
not the sequence—of the rings will be affected. (b) If several roads are stock ranching.
constructed or improved, land use sequences assume a star-shaped or There are, of course, limits to the land use explana-
digitate outline. (c) The addition of a smaller outlying market results
tions attributable to von Thünen’s model. While it is evident
in the emergence of a set of von Thünen rings subordinate to it.
from Figure 8.18 that farmland values decline westward
with increasing distance from the northeastern market of
were employed in a concerted effort to wring more produc- the United States, they show no corresponding increase
tion from each unit of farmland. In that sense, all modern with increasing proximity to the massive West Coast market
commercial agriculture is “intensive.” There are, however, region until the specialty agricultural areas of the coastal
significant differences among the several types of farm spe- states themselves are reached. The western states are char-
cializations and practices in the relative ratios of capital in- acterized by extensive agriculture, but as a consequence of
puts per hectare of farmed land. Those differences underlie environmental, not distance, considerations. Climatic condi-
generalized distinctions made between intensive and exten- tions obviously affect the productivity and the potential agri-
sive commercial agriculture. cultural use of an area, as do associated soils regions and
Farmers who apply large amounts of capital (for ma- topography. In Anglo America, of course, increasing dis-
chinery and fertilizers, for example) and/or labor per unit tance westward from eastern markets is by chance associ-
of land engage in intensive commercial agriculture. ated with increasing aridity and the beginning of
The crops that justify such costly inputs are characterized mountainous terrain. In general, rough terrain and subhu-
by high yields and high market value per unit of land. mid climates rather than simple distance from market un-
They include fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, all of derlie the widespread occurrence of extensive agriculture.
which are highly perishable. Near most medium-sized and Large-scale wheat farming requires sizable capital in-
large cities, dairy farms and truck farms (horticultural or puts for planting and harvesting machinery, but the inputs
“market garden” farms) produce a wide range of vegeta- per unit of land are low; wheat farms are very large. Nearly
bles and fruits. Since the produce is perishable, transport half the farms in Saskatchewan, for example, are more than
costs increase because of the required special handling, 400 hectares (1000 acres). The average farm in Kansas is
such as use of refrigerated trucks and custom packaging. over 400 hectares, and in North Dakota more than
This is another reason for locations close to market. Note 525 hectares (1300 acres). In North America, the spring
the distribution of truck and fruit farming in Figure 8.17. wheat (planted in spring, harvested in autumn) region in-
Livestock-grain farming involves the growing of grain to cludes the Dakotas, eastern Montana, and the southern
be fed on the producing farm to livestock, which constitute parts of the Prairie Provinces of Canada. The winter wheat
the farm’s cash product. In Western Europe, three-fourths of (planted in fall, harvested in midsummer) belt focuses on
cropland is devoted to production for animal consumption; Kansas and includes adjacent sections of neighboring states
in Denmark, 90% of all grains are fed to livestock for con- (Figure 8.19). Argentina is the only South American country
version not only into meat but also into butter, cheese, and to have comparable large-scale wheat farming. In the

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 289

Figure 8.17 Generalized agricultural regions of North America.
Sources: U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics; Agriculture Canada; and Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos Hidráulicos, Mexico.

Eastern Hemisphere, the system is fully developed only production among all the world’s grains and accounts for
east of the Volga River in northern Kazakhstan and the more than 20% of the total calories consumed by humans
southern part of Western Siberia, and in southeastern and collectively—large-scale wheat farms face competition from
western Australia. Because wheat is an important crop in commercial and subsistence producers throughout the
many agricultural systems—today, wheat ranks first in total world (Figure 8.20).

290 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Very high

Figure 8.18 Relative value per acre of farmland and

buildings. In a generalized way, per acre valuations support von
Thünen’s model. The major metropolitan markets of the Northeast,
the Midwest, and California are in part reflected by high rural
property valuations, and fruit and vegetable production along the
Gulf Coast increases land values there. National and international
markets for agricultural goods, soil productivity, climate, and terrain
characteristics are also reflected in the map patterns.
Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States.

Figure 8.19 Contract harvesters follow the ripening wheat

northward through the plains of the United States and Canada.







180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 8.20 Principal wheat-growing areas. Only part of the world’s wheat production comes from large-scale farming enterprises. In
western and southern Europe, eastern and southern Asia, and North Africa, wheat growing is part of general or intensive subsistence farming.
Recently, developing country successes with the Green Revolution and subsidized surpluses of the grain in Europe have altered traditional
patterns of production and world trade in wheat.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 291





20° Mediterranean
Plantation agriculture
Livestock ranching

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 8.21 Livestock ranching and special crop agriculture. Livestock ranching is primarily a midlatitude enterprise catering to the
urban markets of industrialized countries. Mediterranean and plantation agriculture are similarly oriented to the markets provided by advanced
economies of western Europe and North America. Areas of Mediterranean agriculture—all of roughly comparable climatic conditions—specialize
in similar commodities, such as grapes, oranges, olives, peaches, and vegetables. The specialized crops of plantation agriculture are influenced
by both physical geographic conditions and present or, particularly, former colonial control of the area.

Livestock ranching differs significantly from livestock- In areas of livestock ranching, young cattle or sheep
grain farming and, by its commercial orientation and dis- are allowed to graze over thousands of acres. In the
tribution, from the nomadism it superficially resembles. A United States, when the cattle have gained enough weight
product of the 19th-century growth of urban markets for so that weight loss in shipping will not be a problem, they
beef and wool in Western Europe and the northeastern are sent to livestock-grain farms or to feedlots near slaugh-
United States, ranching has been primarily confined to terhouses for accelerated fattening. Since ranching can be
areas of European settlement. It is found in the western an economic activity only where alternative land uses are
United States and adjacent sections of Mexico and Canada nonexistent and land quality is low, ranching regions of
(Figure 8.17); the grasslands of Argentina, Brazil, the world characteristically have low population densities,
Uruguay, and Venezuela; the interior of Australia; the up- low capitalizations per land unit, and relatively low labor
lands of South Island, New Zealand; and the Karoo and ad- requirements.
jacent areas of South Africa (Figure 8.21). All except New
Zealand and the humid pampas of South America have Special Crops
semiarid climates. All, even the most remote from mar- Proximity to the market does not guarantee the inten-
kets, were a product of improvements in transportation by sive production of high-value crops should terrain or cli-
land and sea, refrigeration of carriers, and of meat- matic circumstances hinder it. Nor does great distance
canning technology. from the market inevitably determine that extensive
In all of the ranching regions, livestock range (and farming on low-priced land will be the sole agricultural
the area exclusively in ranching) has been reduced as option. Special circumstances, most often climatic,
crop farming has encroached on their more humid mar- make some places far from markets intensively devel-
gins, as pasture improvement has replaced less nutritious oped agricultural areas. Two special cases are agricul-
native grasses, and as grain fattening has supplemented ture in Mediterranean climates and in plantation areas
traditional grazing. Recently, the midlatitude demand for (Figure 8.21).
beef has been blamed for expanded cattle ranching and Most of the arable land in the Mediterranean basin
extensive destruction of tropical rain forests in Central itself is planted to grains, and much of the agricultural
America and the Amazon basin. area is used for grazing. Mediterranean agriculture as a

292 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

specialized farming economy, however, is known for
grapes, olives, oranges, figs, vegetables, and similar com-
modities. These crops need warm temperatures all year
round and a great deal of sunshine in the summer. The
Mediterranean agricultural lands indicated in Figure 8.21
are among the most productive in the world. Farmers can
regulate their output in sunny areas such as these be-
cause storms and other inclement weather problems are
infrequent. Also, the precipitation regime of Mediter-
ranean climate areas—winter rain and summer drought—
lends itself to the controlled use of water. Of course,
much capital must be spent for the irrigation systems.
This is another reason for the intensive use of the land
for high-value crops that are, for the most part, destined
for export to industrialized countries or areas outside the
Mediterranean climatic zone and even, in the case of
Southern Hemisphere locations, to markets north of the
Climate is also considered the vital element in the
production of what are commonly, but imprecisely,
known as plantation crops. The implication of plantation
is the introduction of a foreign element—investment,
management, and marketing—into an indigenous culture
and economy, often employing an introduced alien labor
force. The plantation itself is an estate whose resident
workers produce one or two specialized crops. Those
crops, although native to the tropics, were frequently for-
eign to the areas of plantation establishment: African cof-
fee and Asian sugar in the Western Hemisphere and
American cacao, tobacco, and rubber in Southeast Asia
and Africa are examples (Figure 8.22). Entrepreneurs in
Western countries such as England, France, the Nether-
lands, and the United States became interested in the
tropics partly because they afforded them the opportunity
to satisfy a demand in temperate lands for agricultural
commodities not producible in the market areas. Custom
and convenience usually retain the term “plantation” even Figure 8.22 An Indonesian rubber plantation worker collects
where native producers of local crops dominate, as they latex in a small cup attached to the tree and cuts a new tap just above
do in cola nut production in Guinea, spice growing in the previous one. The scene typifies classical plantation agriculture
India or Sri Lanka, or sisal production in the Yucatán. in general. The plantation was established by foreign capital (Dutch)
to produce a nonnative (American) commercial crop for a distant,
The major plantation crops and the areas where they
midlatitude market using nonnative (Chinese) labor supervised by
are produced include tea (India and Sri Lanka), jute (India foreign (Dutch) managers. Present-day ownership, management, and
and Bangladesh), rubber (Malaysia and Indonesia); cacao labor may have changed, but the nature and market orientation of
(Ghana and Nigeria), cane sugar (Cuba and the Caribbean the enterprise remain.
area, Brazil, Mexico, India, and the Philippines), coffee
(Brazil and Colombia), and bananas (Central America). As
Figure 8.21 suggests, for ease of access to shipping, most
plantation crops are cultivated along or near coasts since part of the 20th century in communist-controlled Soviet
production for export rather than for local consumption is Union, Eastern Europe, mainland China, and elsewhere—
the rule. state and collective farms and agricultural communes re-
place private farms or subsistence gardens, crop production
Agriculture in Planned Economies is divorced from market control or family need, and prices
As their name implies, planned economies have a degree of are established by plan rather than by demand or produc-
centrally directed control of resources and of key sectors of tion cost.
the economy that permits the pursuit of governmentally Such extremes of rural control have in recent years
determined objectives. When that control is extended to the been relaxed or abandoned in the formerly strictly
agricultural sector—as it was during particularly the latter planned economies. Wherever past centralized control of

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 293

agriculture was imposed and long endured, however, tra- needs of the country. By the end of 1957, 90% of peasant
ditional rural landscapes were altered and the organiza- households were collectivized into about 700,000 com-
tion of rural society was disrupted. The programs set in munes, a number further reduced in the 1970s to 50,000
motion by Stalin and his successors in the former Soviet communes averaging some 13,000 members.
Union, for example, fundamentally restructured the geog- After the death of Chairman Mao Zedong in 1976,
raphy of agriculture of that country (Figure 8.23), trans- what became effectively a private farming system was
forming the Soviet countryside from millions of small reintroduced when 180 million new farms were allocated
farm holdings to a consolidated pattern of fewer than for unrestricted use to peasant families under rent-free
50,000 centrally controlled operating units. Reestablish- leases. Most staple crops are still sold under enforced con-
ment of private agriculture was undertaken quickly in tracts at fixed prices to government purchasers, but in-
Russia following the USSR’s collapse in late 1991, but even creasingly vegetables and meat are sold on the free
by the early 2000s less than 5% of farmland was privately market (Figure 8.24), and per capita food production and
operated and few of Russia’s former collective farms have availability have increased dramatically. Disturbingly,
been dismantled or restructured. China with 20% of the world’s population and only 7% of
A different progression from private and peasant the world’s arable land is losing farmland rapidly to indus-
agriculture, through collectivization, and back to what is try, urban development, and environmental deterioration.
virtually a private farming system took place in the Any extensive, permanent loss of farmland—economic
planned economy of the People’s Republic of China. After growth is now swallowing more than 400,000 hectares
its assumption of power in 1949, the communist regime (some 1 million acres) per year for new factories and real
redistributed all farmlands to some 350 million peasants estate developments—that is not compensated by yield in-
in inefficiently small (0.2 hectare, or 0.5 acre) subsistence creases would again raise the prospect of shortages of do-
holdings that were totally inadequate for the growing food mestically produced food.

Figure 8.23 Stalin’s Virgin and Idle Lands program extended grain production, primarily spring wheat, eastward from its traditional
European Russian and Ukrainian focus onto marginal and arid land. Wheat constituted nearly 90% of total Soviet food-grain production and 50%
of all grains grown at the time of the state’s collapse. Sown land totaled some 10% of the USSR, most of it in a “fertile triangle” wedged between
the frigid northern and dry southern limits of farming. The eastward expansion into dryer grassland areas released older western grain districts
for vegetables, dairy products, and livestock production. But an ecological price has been paid. Soil erosion has forced Kazakhstan to abandon
half its cropland since 1980.

294 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 8.24 Independent street merchants, shop owners, and peddlers in modern China are members of both a planned and market
system. The country’s more than 20 million registered private businesses far exceed the total number of private enterprises operating in 1949
when the Communists took power. Since government price controls on most food items were removed in May 1985, free markets have
multiplied. Increasingly manufacturing, too, is being freed of central government control. In 1978, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) accounted for
78% of China’s industrial production; by 2000 they produced about 28% of industrial output but employed about 44% of all urban workers. The
photo shows a portion of the produce market in Kunming, Yunnan Province.

Resource Terminology
Primary Activities: Resources or natural resources are the naturally occur-
Resource Exploitation ring materials that a human population, at any given state
of economic development and technological awareness,
In addition to agriculture, primary economic activities in- perceives to be necessary and useful to its economic and
clude fishing, forestry, and the mining and quarrying of material well-being. Their occurrence and distribution in
minerals. These industries involve the direct exploitation the environment are the result of physical processes over
of natural resources that are unequally available in the en- which people have little or no direct control. The fact that
vironment and differentially evaluated by different soci- things exist, however, does not mean that they are re-
eties. Their development, therefore, depends on the sources. To be considered such, a given substance must
occurrence of perceived resources, the technology to ex- be understood to be a resource—and this is a cultural, not
ploit their natural availability, and the cultural awareness purely a physical, circumstance. Native Americans may
of their value. have viewed the resource base of Pennsylvania, West Vir-
Fishing and forestry are gathering industries based ginia, or Kentucky as composed of forests for shelter and
on harvesting the natural bounty of renewable resources fuel and as the habitat of the game animals (another re-
that are in serious danger of depletion through over- source) on which they depended for food. European set-
exploitation. Livelihoods based on both of these resources tlers viewed the forests as the unwanted covering of the
are areally widespread and both involve subsistence and resource that they perceived to be of value: soil for agricul-
market-oriented components. Mining and quarrying are ture. Still later, industrialists appraised the underlying
extractive industries, removing nonrenewable metallic coal deposits, ignored or unrecognized as a resource by
and nonmetallic minerals, including the mineral fuels, earlier occupants, as the item of value for exploitation
from the earth’s crust. They are the initial raw material (Figure 8.25).
phase of modern industrial economies.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 295

Figure 8.25 The original hardwood forest covering these West Virginia hills was removed by settlers who saw greater resource value in the
underlying soils. The soils, in their turn, were stripped away for access to the still more valuable coal deposits below. Resources are as a culture
perceives them, though their exploitation may consume them and destroy the potential of an area for alternate uses.

Resources may be classified as renewable or nonrenew- Fishing

able. Renewable resources are materials that can be con- Fish provide about 19% of all animal protein in the
sumed and then replenished relatively quickly by natural human diet worldwide, or about 5% of its total protein
or by human-assisted processes. Food crops are renewable intake from both plant and animal sources. About one
resources, for example, as are forests, grasslands, animals billion people depend on fish as their primary protein
and fish, and other living things. Even renewable resources source. Reliance on fish is greatest in developing coun-
can be exhausted if exploited to extinction or destruction. tries of eastern and southeastern Asia (50% or more of
Soils can be totally eroded, an animal species may be com- animal protein supply), Africa (15% to 20%), and parts
pletely eliminated. That is, some resources are renewable of Latin America. Fish are also very important in the
only if carefully managed. The maximum sustainable diets of some advanced states with well-developed fish-
yield of a resource is the maximum volume or rate of use ing industries—Russia, Norway, Iceland, and Japan, for
that will not impair its ability to be renewed or to maintain example.
the same future productivity. For fishing and forestry, for While about 75% of the world annual fish catch is
example, that level is marked by a catch or harvest equal to consumed by humans, up to 25% is processed into fish
the net growth of the replacement stock. If that maximum meal to be fed to livestock or used as fertilizer. Those
exploitation level is exceeded, the renewable resource be- two quite different markets have increased both the
comes a nonrenewable one—an outcome increasingly likely demand for and annual harvest of fish. Between 1950
in the case of Atlantic cod and some other food fish species. and 1970, the total commercial fisheries catch rose
Nonrenewable resources exist in finite amounts and ei- steadily at an annual rate of about 6%, then slowed to
ther are not replaced by natural processes—at least not annual increases of 1% to 2% to a total production of
within any time frame of interest to the exploiting society— some 80 million tons by the early 1980s. At that time,
or are replaced at a rate slower than the rate of use. about a tenth of the total harvest came from fish farm-
Both types of resource are exploited by the nonagri- ing. Often rapid but annually variable growth of the fish
cultural primary industries. Fish as a food resource and harvest continued into the late 1990s; by the end of the
forests as a source for building materials, cellulose, and century, of the nearly 120 million tons of total harvest
fuel are heavily exploited renewable resources. Mining over one-quarter came from fresh- and saltwater fish
and quarrying extract from nature the nonrenewable min- farming (Figure 8.26).
erals essential to industrialized economies.

296 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

millions of tons
140 annually of low-cost loans and direct grants, in effect en-
couraging uneconomic over-exploitation of a decreasing
120 resource.
Commercial capture fishing for market is largely a
Total Harvest
northern waters activity. Common and familiar food
species—herring, cod, mackerel, haddock, flounder,
Total Catch pollock—are denizens of the northern seas, where warm
60 and cold currents join and mix and where fish congre-
gate or “school” on the broad continental shelves and
40 banks—extensive elevated portions of the shelf where en-
vironmental conditions are most favorable for fish pro-
Fish Farming Output duction. Two of the most heavily fished regions are the
0 Northeast Atlantic, with a (late-1990s) catch of over
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
10 million tons per year, and the Northwest Pacific,
Figure 8.26 Annual fish harvests rose irregularly from where about 25 million tons per year are taken.
21 million tons in 1950 to 122 million in 1997; the decline in 1998 is Tropical fish species tend not to school and, be-
blamed on El Niño–induced ocean temperature changes reducing
cause of their high oil content and unfamiliarity, are less
fish stocks. Much of the recent increase has come from expansion in
inland and coastal fish “farming.” Asia in general and China in acceptable in the commercial market. They are, how-
particular have contributed most of that increase. Subtracting from ever, of great importance for local consumption. Tradi-
total fish harvest the proportion reduced to fishmeal and fish oil left tional or “artisan” fishermen, nearly all working in
some 15.5 kilograms (34 pounds) per capita of food fish availability inshore waters within sight of land, are estimated to
worldwide at the end of the 1990s.
number between 8 and 10 million worldwide, harvesting
Source: FAO
some 24 million metric tons of fish and shellfish a year—
a catch usually not included in world fishery totals. Since
each coastal fisherman provides employment for two or
About 20% of the annual fish supply now comes three onshore workers, more than 25 million persons are
from inland waters—lakes, rivers, and farm ponds. The involved in small-scale fisheries. That number is declin-
other 80% of production comes from the world’s oceans— ing year by year as commercial trawlers materially de-
from marine fisheries. And most (99%) of that is from plete the fish stocks on which artisanal fishermen
coastal wetlands, estuaries, and the relatively shallow depend.
coastal waters above the continental shelf—the gently slop- The rapid increase in world fish catch between 1950
ing extension of submerged land bordering most coast- and 1970 led to inflated projections of the eventual total
lines and reaching seaward for varying distances up to annual catch and to the feeling that the resources of the
150 kilometers (about 100 miles) or more where, at about oceans were inexhaustible. Quite the opposite has proved
the 100-fathom (600-foot or nearly 200-meter) line, an to be true. Both overfishing and pollution of coastal wa-
abrupt slope to much deeper water occurs (Figure 8.27). ters have seriously endangered the supply of traditional
Near shore, shallow embayments and marshes provide and desired food species. The collapse of the Peruvian an-
spawning grounds, and river waters supply nutrients to chovy industry in the early 1970s was the result of mas-
an environment highly productive of fish. Offshore, sive overfishing, though ecological change played a role.
ocean currents and upwelling water move great amounts Pilchard stocks off South Africa and Namibia fell dramati-
of nutritive materials from the ocean floor through the cally in 1974 from fishing pressure. Along the North
sunlit surface waters, nourishing plankton—minute plant American Atlantic Coast, the weakfish catch fell 85% be-
and animal life forming the base of the marine food tween 1980 and 1994, the summer flounder take dropped
chain. Increasingly these are, as well, areas seriously af- 75% between 1989 and 1995, oysters are largely gone
fected by pollution from runoff and ocean dumping, an from Chesapeake Bay, and grouper and red snapper are
environmental assault so devastating in some areas that mostly memories in the Gulf of Mexico. In 1993, Canada
fish and shellfish stocks have been destroyed with little shut down its cod industry to allow stocks to recover, and
hope of revival. U.S. authorities reported that 67 species were overfished
The remaining 1% of maritime fish catch comes and 61 were being harvested to capacity. Worldwide, all
from the open seas that make up more than 90% of the 17 of the principal marine fisheries have either reached
world’s oceans. Fishing in these comparatively barren wa- or exceeded their natural limits and nine are in serious
ters is an expensive form of maritime hunting and gather- decline.
ing. An accepted equation in distant water fishing is that Overfishing is partly the result of the accepted view
about one ton of diesel oil is burned for every ton of fish that the world’s oceans are common property, a resource
caught. In fact, all commercial marine fishing is costly. open to anyone’s use with no one responsible for its main-
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports tenance, protection, or improvement. The result of this
that governments subsidize fishers with over $50 billion “open seas” principle is but one expression of the so-called

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 297


e nt
60° tic C ka
At l nt



Alas nt
40° nt
Cali ent

Cur nary

hi e

os rr


ur Cu
North Pacific ulf


(K a n

Atlantic Pacific

Nor th E
q uito
r ia n t
u rr
e rif

al Counter C





ur n ie a



Ocean n
Indian al


South Pacific
Be rrent


r u C u rrent

Ocean Ocean


Major fishing area


Warm current
Cold current
180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 8.27 The major commercial marine fisheries of the world.

tragedy of the commons1—the economic reality that that a sustained yield of 100 million tons per year of squid
when a resource is available to all, each user, in the ab- is reasonable and that tens of millions of tons of krill—tiny,
sence of collective controls, thinks he or she is best served shrimplike crustaceans enormously plentiful in Antarctic
by exploiting the resource to the maximum even though waters—could be harvested annually.
this means its eventual depletion. More feasible is the steady expansion of harvesting
Increasingly since 1976, coastal states have been fish raised in farm ponds (aquaculture) or by fenced con-
claiming a 200-nautical mile (370-km) exclusive economic finement in coastal lagoons (mariculture). Fish farming in
zone (EEZ) within which they can regulate or prohibit for- ponds, canals, and rice paddies has been common in Asia
eign fishing fleets. Since most commercially attractive fish for millennia (Figure 8.28); catfish and crayfish farms are
live in coastal waters, these claims, part of the United Na- increasingly common in the southeastern United States.
tions Convention on the Law of the Sea treaty reviewed in Maricultural production of shellfish is being practiced in
Chapter 12 (p. 469), brought many fisheries under control France, Japan, the United States, Mexico, and East and
of the nearest country. In theory, the developed countries Southeast Asia. Together, aquaculture and mariculture
should have benefited the most, for the bulk of distant produce about 30% of the total world fishery harvest, are
water fishing is off their coasts and they—the United States growing at about 10% a year, and produce 90% of all com-
and Canada, particularly—gained most in expanded control mercially sold oysters, almost half of the tilapia, a third of
of fishery resources. Nevertheless, by the mid-1990s, over- all salmon, and more than 25% of all shrimps and prawns.
fishing in developed country waters was worse than ever as By the mid-1990s, inland and coastal fish farming
governments failed to act on scientific management recom- was well established as one of the fastest-growing food
mendations and as domestic fleets expanded to replace production activities in the world. Expansion since has
banned or restricted foreign fishing in territorial waters. been particularly rapid in Asia, with China and India to-
If fully exploited, unconventional maritime food gether supplying 60% of total world farmed fish produc-
sources may return to the seas their earlier reputation as a tion; when Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand are added,
near-inexhaustible supplier of protein. Calculations suggest some 80% of all fish farming production is accounted for.

1The commons refers to undivided land available for the use of everyone;
After the retreat of continental glaciers some 12,000 years
usually, it meant the open land of a village that all used as pasture. The ago and before the rise of agriculture, the world’s forests
Boston Common originally had this meaning. and woodlands probably covered some 45% of the earth’s

298 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 8.28 Harvesting fish at an aquaculture farm in Thailand.

land area exclusive of Antarctica. They were a sheltered mixed forest lying between the hardwood and softwood
and productive environment for earlier societies that sub- belts have been greatly reduced in areal extent by cen-
sisted on gathered fruits, nuts, berries, leaves, roots, and turies of agricultural and urban settlement and develop-
fibers collected from trees and woody plants. Few such ment. In both Europe and North America, however,
cultures remain, though the gathering of forest products is although they—like northern softwoods—have lately
still an important supplemental activity, particularly been seriously threatened by acid rain and atmospheric
among subsistence agricultural societies. pollution, their area has been held constant through
Even after millennia of land clearance for agricul- conservation, protection, and reforestation. They still
ture and, more recently, commercial lumbering, cattle are commercially important for hardwood applications:
ranching, and fuelwood gathering, forests still cover furniture, veneers, railroad ties, and the like.
roughly 30% of the world’s land area. As an industrial raw The tropical lowland hardwood forests are exploited
material source, however, forests are more restricted in primarily for fuelwood and charcoal, although an in-
area. Although forests of some type reach discontinuously creasing quantity of special quality woods are cut for ex-
from the equator northward to beyond the Arctic Circle port as lumber. In fact, developing—particularly
and southward to the tips of the southern continents, com- tropical—countries account for 90% of the world’s hard-
mercial forests are restricted to two very large global belts. wood log exports (Figure 8.30); some two-thirds of these
One, nearly continuous, is found in upper-middle lati- in the 1990s came from Malaysia alone, with the
tudes of the Northern Hemisphere; the second is located Malaysian state of Sarawak (on the island of Borneo and
in the equatorial zones of South and Central America, about the size of Mississippi) the source then of one-half
Central Africa, and Southeast Asia (Figure 8.29). These of the world’s hardwood logs.
forest belts differ in the types of trees they contain and in These contrasting uses document roundwood (log)
the type of market or use they serve. production as a primary economic activity. About 45% of
The northern coniferous, or softwood, forest is the the world’s annual logging harvest is for industrial con-
largest and most continuous stand, extending around sumption, well over 80% of it the output of industrialized
the globe from Scandinavia across Siberia to North countries from the temporal and boreal forest belt. Half of
America, then eastward to the Atlantic and southward all production of industrial wood is from the United States,
along the Pacific Coast. The pine, spruce, fir, and other Canada, and Russia. Chiefly because of their distance
conifers are used for construction lumber and to pro- from major industrial wood markets, the developing coun-
duce pulp for paper, rayon, and other cellulose prod- tries as a group accounted for less than 20% of industrial
ucts. On the south side of the northern midlatitude wood production in the late 1990s. The logic of von Thü-
forest region are the deciduous hardwoods: oak, hickory, nen’s analysis of transportation costs and market accessi-
maple, birch, and the like. These and the trees of the bility helps explain the pattern.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 299





20° Coniferous (softwood)

Mixed coniferous-deciduous
Tropical and subtropical

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 8.29 Major commercial forest regions. Much of the original forest, particularly in midlatitude regions, has been cut over. Many
treed landscapes that remain do not contain commercial stands. Significant portions of the northern forest are not readily accessible and at
current prices cannot be considered commercial. Deforestation of tropical hardwood stands involves more clearing for agriculture and firewood
than for roundwood production.

The other half (55%) of roundwood production is economies, patterns of international trade, and prospects
for fuelwood and charcoal; 90% of world fuelwood pro- of industrial development are all adversely affected. Some
duction comes from the forests of Africa, Asia, Oceania, world and regional ecological consequences of deforesta-
and Latin America, and demand for fuelwood grows by tion are discussed in Chapter 13.
over 1.2% per year. Since the populations of developing
countries are heavily dependent on fuelwood and char- Mining and Quarrying
coal (see “The Energy Crisis in LDCs,” page 371), their Societies at all stages of economic development can and
growing numbers have resulted in serious depletion of do engage in agriculture, fishing, and forestry. The extrac-
tropical forest stands. Indeed, about 60% (some 1.5 bil- tive industries—mining and drilling for nonrenewable
lion people) of those who depend upon fuelwood as their mineral wealth—emerged only when cultural advance-
principal energy source are cutting wood at a rate well ment and economic necessity made possible a broader un-
above the maximum sustainable yield. In tropical areas derstanding of the earth’s resources. Now those industries
as a whole, deforestation rates exceed reforestation by 10 provide the raw material and energy base for the way of
to 15 times. Since the mid-1970s, tropical forest and life experienced by people in the advanced economies
woodlands have been converted to agricultural lands at a and are the basis for a major part of the international
rate of 10 to 12 million hectares (25 to 30 million acres) trade connecting the developed and developing countries
annually. Additional millions of hectares, particularly in of the world.
South and Central America, have been cleared for pas- The extractive industries depend on the exploitation
ture for beef cattle destined primarily for the North of minerals unevenly distributed in amounts and concen-
American market. trations determined by past geologic events, not by con-
These uses and conversions have serious implica- temporary market demand. In physically workable and
tions not only ecologically but also economically. Forest economically usable deposits, minerals constitute only a
removal without replenishment for whatever reason con- tiny fraction of the earth’s crust—far less than 1%. That
verts the renewable resource of a gathering industry into industrialization has proceeded so rapidly and so cheaply
a destructively exploited nonrenewable one. Regional is the direct result of an earlier ready availability of rich

300 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 8.30 Teak logs for export stacked near Mandalay, Myanmar.

and accessible deposits of the requisite materials.

Economies grew fat by skimming the cream. It has been
suggested that should some catastrophe occur to return
human cultural levels to a preagricultural state, it would
be extremely unlikely that humankind ever again could
move along the road of industrialization with the re-
sources available for its use.
Our successes in exploiting mineral resources have
been achieved, that is, at the expense of depleting the
most easily extractable world reserves and with the
penalty of increasing monetary costs as the highest-grade
deposits are removed (Figure 8.31). Costs increase as
more advanced energy-consuming technologies must be
applied to extract the desired materials from ever greater
depths in the earth’s crust or from new deposits of Figure 8.31 The variable definition of reserves. Assume the
smaller mineral content. That observation states a physi- large rectangle includes the total world stock of a particular resource.
cal and economic reality relevant particularly to the ex- Some deposits of that resource have been discovered and are shown
in the left column as “identified.” Deposits not yet known are
ploitation of both the metallic minerals and the mineral “undiscovered reserves.” Deposits that are economically recoverable
fuels. It is less applicable to the third main category of ex- with current technology are at the top of the diagram. Those below,
tractive industry, the nonmetallic minerals. In few cases, labeled “subeconomic” reserves, are not attractive for any of several
however, does the observation imply that natural scarcity reasons of mineral content, accessibility, cost of extraction, and so
is a limit on resource availability. In fact, as a conse- on. Only the pink area can be properly referred to as usable
reserves. These are deposits that have been identified and can be
quence of modern exploration technologies and extrac- recovered at current prices and with current technology. X denotes
tion efficiencies, known reserves of all fossil fuels and of reserves that would be attractive economically but are not yet
most commercially important metals are now larger than discovered. Identified but not economically attractive reserves are
they were in the middle of the 20th century. That increas- labeled Y. Z represents undiscovered deposits that would not now be
ing abundance of at least non-fuel resources is reflected attractive even if they were known.
Source: U.S. Geological Survey.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 301

in the steady decrease in raw material prices since the however, that many smaller developing countries are
1950s that has so adversely affected some export-oriented major sources of one or more critical raw materials and
developing world economies. become, therefore, important participants in the growing
international trade in minerals.
Metallic Minerals The production of most metallic minerals, such as
Because usable mineral deposits are the result of geologic copper, lead, and iron ore, is affected by a balance of
accident, it follows that the larger the country, the more three forces: the quantity available, the richness of the
probable it is that such accidents will have occurred ore, and the distance to markets. A fourth factor, land ac-
within the national territory. And in fact, Russia, Canada, quisition and royalty costs, may equal or exceed other
China, the United States, Brazil, and Australia possess considerations in mine development decisions (see “Pub-
abundant and diverse mineral resources. It is also true, lic Land, Private Profit”). Even if these conditions are

Geography and Public Policy

actual and potential profits from the metal mining companies was not nec-
Public Land, law’s generous provisions. In Mon- essarily beneficial to the American
Private Profit tana, a company claim to 810 hectares public that owns the land. In part,
(2000 acres) of land would cost it less that feeling results from the fact that
When U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant
than $10,000 for an estimated $4 bil- mining companies commit environ-
signed the Mining Act of 1872, the
lion worth of platinum and palla- mental sins that require public fund-
presidential and congressional goal
dium; in California, a gold mining ing to repair or public tolerance to
was to encourage Western settlement
company in 1994 sought title to 93 accept. The mining firms may destroy
and development by allowing any
hectares (230 acres) of federal land whole mountains to gain access to
“hard-rock” miners (including prospec-
containing a potential of $320 million low-grade ores and leave toxic mine
tors for silver, gold, copper, and other
of gold for less than $1200. Foreign as tailings, surface water contamination,
metals) to mine federally owned land
well as domestic firms may be benefi- and open-pit scarring of the landscape
without royalty payment. It further
ciaries of the 1872 law. In 1994, a as they move on or disappear. Pro-
permitted mining companies to gain
South African firm arranged to buy jected public costs of cleaning up 56
clear title to publicly owned land and
411 hectares (1016 acres) of Nevada of the most damaged abandoned min-
all subsurface minerals for no more
land with a prospective $1.1 billion in ing sites are estimated at $32 billion.
than $12 a hectare ($5 an acre). Under
gold from the government for $5100. A congressional proposal intro-
those liberal provisions, mining firms
A Canadian firm in 1994 received title duced in 1993 would require mining
have bought 1.3 million hectares
to 800 hectares (nearly 2000 acres) companies to pay royalties of 8% on
(3.2 million acres) of federal land
near Elko, Nevada, that cover a likely gross revenues for all hard-rock ores
since 1872 and each year remove some
$10 billion worth of gold—a transfer extracted and prohibit them from out-
$1.2 billion worth of minerals from
that Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt right purchase of federal land. The roy-
government property. In contrast to
dubbed “the biggest gold heist since alty provision alone would have
the royalty-free extraction privileges
the days of Butch Cassidy.” And in yielded nearly $100 million annually
granted to metal miners, oil, gas, and
1995, Mr. Babbitt conveyed about at 1994 levels of company income.
coal companies pay royalties of as
$1 billion worth of travertine (a min- Mining firms claim that imposition of
much as 12.5% of their gross revenues
eral used in whitening paper) under royalties might well destroy America’s
for exploiting federal lands.
45 hectares (110 acres) of Idaho to a mining industry. They stress both the
Whatever the merits of the 1872
Danish-owned company for $275. high levels of investment they must
law in encouraging economic devel-
The “gold heist” characterization make to extract and process frequently
opment of lands otherwise unattrac-
summarized a growing administra- low-grade ores and the large number of
tive to homesteaders, modern-day
tion and congressional feeling that high-wage jobs they provide as their
mining companies throughout the
what was good in 1872 and today for sufficient contribution to the nation.
Western states have secured enormous

302 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

The Canadian company involved in example, banning the use of cyanide 2. Would you propose to prohibit
the Elko site, for example, reports that in gold and silver refining) reduce outright land sales to mining
since it acquired the claims in 1987 their economic viability. In conse- companies? If not, should sales prices
from their previous owner, it has ex- quence, both investment and em- be determined by surface value of the
pended over $1 billion, and in addition ployment in U.S. mining is in steady land or by the estimated (but
has made donations for town sewer decline, eroding the economic base unrealized) value of mineral deposits
lines and schools and created of many Western communities. it contains?
1700 jobs. The American Mining Con- 3. Do you think that cleanup and other
gress estimates the proposed 8% roy- Questions to Consider: charges now borne by the public are
alty charge would cost 47,000 jobs out 1. Do you believe the 1872 Mining Law acceptable in view of the capital
of 140,000, and even the U.S. Bureau of should be repealed or amended? If investments and job creation of hard-
Mines assumes a loss of 1100 jobs. not, what are your reasons for rock companies? Do you accept the
Public resistance to Western arguing for retention? If so, would you industry’s claim that imposition of
mining activities are taking their advocate the imposition of royalties royalties would destroy American
toll. State and federal regulatory pro- on mining company revenues? At metal mining? Why or why not?
cedures, many dragging on for a what levels, if any, should royalties be 4. Do you favor continued state and
decade or more, have discouraged assessed? Should hard-rock and federal restrictions on mining
opening new mines; newly enacted energy companies be treated equally operations, even at the cost of jobs
environmental regulations restrict- for access to public land resources? and community economies? Why or
ing current mining operations (for Why or why not? why not?

favorable, mines may not be developed or even remain copper (98% to 99% or more of the ore) and in most
operating if supplies from competing sources are more other industrially significant ores should not be consid-
cheaply available in the market. In the 1980s, more than ered the mark of an unattractive deposit. Indeed, the op-
25 million tons of iron ore-producing capacity was perma- posite may be true. Because of the cost of extraction or
nently shut down in the United States and Canada. Similar the smallness of the reserves, many higher-content ores
declines occurred in North American copper, nickel, zinc, are left unexploited in favor of the utilization of large
lead, and molybdenum mining as market prices fell below deposits of even very low-grade ore. The attraction of
domestic production costs. Beginning in the early 1990s, the latter is a size of reserve sufficient to justify the
as a result of both resource depletion and low cost im- long-term commitment of development capital and, si-
ports, the United States become a net importer of nonfuel multaneously, to assure a long-term source of supply.
minerals for the first time. Of course, increases in mineral At one time, high-grade magnetite iron ore was
prices may be reflected in opening or reopening mines mined and shipped from the Mesabi area of Minnesota.
that, at lower returns, were deemed unprofitable. How- Those deposits are now exhausted. Yet immense
ever, the developed industrial countries of market amounts of capital have been invested in the mining and
economies, whatever their former or even present min- processing into high-grade iron ore pellets of the virtu-
eral endowment, find themselves at a competitive disad- ally unlimited supplies of low-grade iron-bearing rock
vantage against developing country producers with (taconite) still remaining. Such investments do not as-
lower-cost labor and state-owned mines with abundant, sure the profitable exploitation of the resource. The met-
rich reserves. als market is highly volatile. Rapidly and widely
When the ore is rich in metallic content, it is prof- fluctuating prices can quickly change profitable mining
itable to ship it directly to the market for refining. But, and refining ventures to losing undertakings. Marginal
of course, the highest-grade ores tend to be mined first. gold and silver deposits are opened or closed in reaction
Consequently, the demand for low-grade ores has been to trends in precious metals prices. Taconite beneficiation
increasing in recent years as richer deposits have been (waste material removal) in the Lake Superior region has
depleted. Low-grade ores are often upgraded by various virtually ceased in response to the decline of the U.S.
types of separation treatments at the mine site to avoid steel industry. In market economies, cost and market
the cost of transporting waste materials not wanted at controls dominate economic decisions. In planned
the market. Concentration of copper is nearly always economies, cost may be a less important consideration
mine oriented (Figure 8.32); refining takes place near than other concerns such as goals of national develop-
areas of consumption. The large amount of waste in ment and resources independence.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 303

Nonmetallic Minerals
From the standpoint of volume and weight of material re-
moved, the extraction of nonmetallic earth materials is
the most important branch of the extractive industries.
The minerals mined are usually classified by their end
use. Of widest distribution, greatest use, and least long-
distance movement are those used for construction: sand
and gravel, building stone, and the gypsum and limestone
that are the ingredients of cement. Transportation costs
play a great role in determining where low-value minerals
will be mined. Minerals such as gravel, limestone for ce-
ment, and aggregate are found in such abundance that
they have value only when they are near the site where
they are to be used. For example, gravel for road building
has value if it is at or near the road-building project, not
otherwise. Transporting gravel hundreds of miles is an
unprofitable activity (Figure 8.33).
The mined fertilizer minerals include potash and
phosphate, which do move in international trade because
of their unequal distribution and market value. Precious
and semiprecious stones are also important in the trade of
some countries, including South Africa and Sri Lanka.

Mineral Fuels
The advanced economies have reached that status
through their control and use of energy. By the applica-
Figure 8.32 Copper ore concentrating and smelting facilities at
tion of energy, the conversion of materials into commodi-
the Phelps-Dodge mine in Morenci, Arizona. Concentrating mills ties and the performance of services far beyond the
crush the ore, separating copper-bearing material from the rocky mass capabilities of any single individual are made possible.
containing it. The great volume of waste material removed assures that Energy consumption goes hand in hand with industrial
most concentrating operations are found near the ore bodies. Smelters production and with increases in per capita income (Fig-
separate concentrated copper from other, unwanted, minerals such as
oxygen and sulfur. Because smelting is also a “weight-reducing” (and,
ure 8.34). Further, the application of energy can over-
therefore, transportation-cost reducing) activity, it is frequently— come deficiencies in the material world that humans
though not invariably—located close to the mine as well. exploit. High-quality iron ore may be depleted, but by

Figure 8.33 The Vancouver, British Columbia, municipal gravel quarry and storage yard. Proximity to market gives utility to low-value
minerals unable to bear high transportation charges.

304 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

massive applications of energy, the iron contained in on the mineral fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Also
rocks of very low iron content, such as taconite, can be known as fossil fuels, these nonrenewable energy sources
extracted and concentrated for industrial uses. represent the capture of the sun’s energy by plants and
Because of the association of energy and economic animals in earlier geologic time and its storage in the form
development, a basic disparity between societies is made of hydrocarbon compounds in sedimentary rocks within
clear. Countries that can afford high levels of energy con- the earth’s crust.
sumption through production or purchase continue to ex- Coal was the earliest in importance and is still the
pand their economies and to increase their levels of most plentiful of the mineral fuels. As the first of the
living. Those without access to energy or those unable to major industrial energy sources, coal deposits—as we shall
afford it see the gap between their economic prospects see in Chapter 9—were formerly very important in attract-
and those of the developed states growing ever greater. ing manufacturing and urbanization in industrializing
Except for the brief and localized importance of wa- countries. Although coal is a nonrenewable resource,
terpower at the outset of the Industrial Revolution, mod- world supplies are so great—on the order of 10,000 billion
ern economic advancement has been heavily dependent (1013) tons—that its resource life expectancy is measured
in centuries, not in the much shorter spans usually cited
for oil and natural gas. Worldwide, the most extensive de-
posits are concentrated in the industrialized middle lati-
tudes of the Northern Hemisphere (Table 8.1). Two
countries, the United States and China, accounted in
roughly equal shares for more than 50% of total world
coal output at the start of the 21st century; Russia and
Germany both with large domestic reserves, together pro-
duced less than 9%.
Coal is not a resource of constant quality, varying in
rank (a measure—from lignite to anthracite—of increas-
ing carbon content and fuel quality) and grade (a measure
of its waste material content, particularly ash and sulfur).
The value of a coal deposit depends on these measures
and on its accessibility, which is a function of the thick-
ness, depth, and continuity of the coal seam. Much coal
can be mined relatively cheaply by open-pit (surface)
techniques, in which huge shovels strip off surface mate-
rial and remove the exposed coal (see Figure 13.21).
Much coal, however, is available only by expensive and
more dangerous shaft mining, as in Appalachia and most
of Europe.
Petroleum, first extracted commercially in the 1860s
in both the United States and Azerbaijan, became a major
power source and a primary component of the extractive
industries only early in the 20th century. The rapidity of
its adoption as both a favored energy resource and a raw
material important in a number of industries from plastics
to fertilizers, along with the limited size and the speed of
depletion of known and probable reserves, suggest that pe-
troleum cannot continually retain its present position of
importance in the energy budget of countries. No one has
more than a vague notion of how much oil (or natural gas)
remains in the world or how long it will last. Cautious year
2000 estimates were that slightly more than 1000 billion
barrels could be classified as proved reserves; another
Figure 8.34 Energy and GNP. Energy consumption rises with 900 billion may exist in undiscovered reservoirs. Assuming
increasing gross national product. Because the internal-combustion total extraction from known reserves and a constant end-
engine accounts for a large share of national energy consumption,
of-century rate of extraction, proved reserves at these esti-
this graph is a statement both of economic development and of the
role of mass transportation, automotive efficiency, and mates would last only about 40 years. More optimistic
mechanization of agriculture and manufacturing in different assessments assure us that petroleum reserves that could
national economies. On the graph, energy units are in gigajoules. be extracted at acceptably competitive prices would last for
Data from World Bank. about 150 years at present consumption rates. Respected

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 305

TABLE 8.1 Proved Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Coal Reserves, January 1, 2001

Share of Total Petroleum (%) Share of Total Natural Gas (%) Share of Total Coal (%)
North Americaa 6.1 4.9 26.1
Europe 1.9 3.5 12.4
Former Soviet Union 6.4 37.8 23.4
Of which: Russian Fed. 4.6 32.1 15.9
Others 1.8 5.7 7.5
Central and South America 9.0 4.6 2.2
Africa 7.1 7.4 6.2
Middle Eastb 65.3 35.0 -.-
Australia/New Zealand 0.3 0.8 9.2
Japan -.- -.- 0.1
China 2.3 0.9 11.6
Other Asia Pacific 1.6 5.1 8.8
Total World 100.0 100.0 100.0
Of which OPECc 77.8 44.2 NA

aIncludes Canada, Mexico, U.S.A.

bMiddle East includes Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria.
cOPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Member nations are, by world region:
South America: Venezuela
Middle East: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras-al-Khaimah, and Sharjah)
North Africa: Algeria, Libya
West Africa: Nigeria
Asia Pacific: Indonesia
Source: BP Amoco, BP Amoco Statistical Review of World Energy.

experts, however, are convinced that price volatility, car- The uninterrupted international flow of oil is vital to
bon dioxide emissions concerns, and the steady drop in the economic health of the United States and such other
price of solar and other alternative energy sources, will re- advanced industrial economies as those of Europe and
duce oil demand long before supply becomes an issue. On Japan (see “A Costly Habit”). That dependence on im-
a world basis, petroleum accounted for 47% of commercial ported oil gives the oil exporting states tremendous
energy in 1973, but had dropped to 40% by 2001 as a re- power, as reflected in the periodic oil “shocks” that reflect
flection of its increasing cost and of conservation measures the supply and selling-price control exerted by the Organi-
to offset those increases. zation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Their
Petroleum is among the most unevenly distributed of expressions can be worldwide recessions and large net
the major resources. Seventy-five percent of proved re- trade deficits for some importers, and a reorientation of
serves are concentrated in just 7 countries; and 83% in only international monetary wealth.
10. Iran and the Arab states of the Middle East alone con- Natural gas has been called the nearly perfect energy
trol nearly two-thirds of the world total (Table 8.1). The dis- resource. It is a highly efficient, versatile fuel that re-
tribution of petroleum supplies differs markedly from that quires little processing and is environmentally benign. Ge-
of the coal deposits on which the urban-industrial markets ologists estimate that world recoverable gas reserves are
developed, but the substitution of petroleum for coal did lit- sufficient to last to near the last third of the century at
tle to alter earlier patterns of manufacturing and population 2000 levels of consumption. Ultimately recoverable reserves,
concentration. Because oil is easier and cheaper to trans- those that may be found and recovered at very much
port than coal, it was moved in enormous volumes to the higher prices, might last another 200 years.
existing centers of consumption via intricate and extensive As we saw for coal and petroleum, reserves of
national and international systems of transportation, a text- natural gas are very unevenly distributed (Table 8.1). In
book example of spatial interaction, complementarity, and the case of gas, however, inequalities of supply are not
transferability (see Chapter 3 and Figure 3.2). so readily accommodated by massive international

306 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

A Costly Habit

T he United States is a crude oil

deepwater fields in the Gulf of Mexico Several petroleum companies
junkie, dependent on daily fixes of are tapped. They are estimated to hold have built oil production platforms
petroleum. On average, Americans about 15 billion barrels of oil, consid- anchored one-half mile (.8 km) or
consumed some 19 million barrels erably more oil than the giant Prud- more below the surface of the water.
per day at the start of the 21st cen- hoe Bay fields in Alaska, which are One company, Shell Oil, has produced
tury. That was the equivalent of currently among the largest sources of from two of these platforms in its
2.9 gallons per person per day, or domestic oil. The Gulf fields lie be- Auger and Mars fields since the early
over 1000 gallons per person per yond the continental shelf and until and mid-1990s. Two additional
year. What are some of the implica- recently were considered too deep— fields—Ram-Powell and Ursa—began
tions of this dependence? Consider deeper than 456 meters (1500 feet)—to producing in the late 1990s. Unlike oil
the data in the table. reach economically. New deep and rigs in shallower water, which are
Notice the imbalance between lateral drilling techniques coupled rigid towers built on fixed platforms
production and consumption for the with vastly enhanced computerized attached to the sea bottom, the new
United States. In contrast to its hemi- seismic mapping to reveal geologic platforms float on the surface, teth-
spheric neighbors, Canada and Mex- structures at great depth and under- ered by steel tendons to enormous an-
ico, the United States consumes far neath thick salt deposits have im- chors. Each platform cost about
more oil than it produces. At current proved discovery and recovery $1 billion, reflecting the high price of
rates of consumption, assuming no prospects for Gulf and other oil fields. dependence on oil.
imports, and barring new discoveries
or increased recovery rates from exist-

0 50 100 miles

ing fields, the proved reserves would

0 50 100 km MISSISSIPPI

meet domestic demand for only

Oil field now considered LOUISIANA
5 years. Americans continue to drive accessible
their cars, and their manufacturing
plants continue to turn out a wide
range of petroleum-based products, TEXAS 1998
only because the country imports be- Ram-Powell
3220 ft.
tween 10.5 and 11 million barrels a 1996
day. That is, the United States relies 52 m) Mars
500 ft. (1
1000 ft. (305 m) 2933 ft.
on foreign sources to meet nearly 60% (610 m)
2000 ft. Auger
of its crude-oil needs. (1220 m
4000 ft. 1993
American dependence on im- 2860 ft.
ports should ease, and U.S. proved re- ) Gulf of Mexico
(1830 m
6000 ft.
serves increase significantly as

Country 2000 Proved Reserves (billion barrels) 2000 Production (billion bbls) 2000 Consumption (billion bbls)
United States 28.6 2.6 6.6
Canada 6.8 .9 .6
Mexico 28.4 1.2 .6

movements. Like oil, natural gas flows easily and cheaply temperature conditions. Where the fuel can be moved,
by pipeline, but unlike petroleum it does not move freely even internationally, by pipeline, its consumption has in-
in international trade by sea. Transoceanic shipment in- creased dramatically. For the world as a whole, gas con-
volves costly equipment for liquefaction and for special sumption rose more than 60% between 1974 and 2000, to
vessels to contain the liquid under appropriate 25% of global energy consumption.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 307

By the end of the century, however, world trade
Trade in Primary Products flows and export patterns of the emerging economies
were radically changing. Raw materials greatly decreased
International trade expanded by some 6% a year between
and manufactured goods correspondingly increased in the
1965 and the end of the century, a rate over 60% faster
export flows from developing states as a group. In 1990,
than growth in total gross world product. Primary
nonmanufactured (unprocessed) goods accounted for 60%
commodities—agricultural goods, minerals, and fuels—
of their exports; by 2000 that share had been cut in half
made up one-quarter of the total dollar value of that inter-
and, in a reversal, manufactured goods made up 60% of
national trade. During the first half of the 20th century,
the export flows from the developing to the industrialized
the world distribution of supply and demand for those
world. Even with that overall decline in raw material ex-
items in general resulted in an understandable pattern of
ports, however, trade in unprocessed goods remains domi-
commodity flow: from raw material producers located
nant in the economic well-being of many of the world’s
within less developed countries to processors, manufac-
poorer economies. Increasingly, the terms of the tradi-
turers, and consumers of the more developed ones (Fig-
tional trade flows they depend on have been criticized as
ure 8.35). The reverse flow carried manufactured goods
unequal and damaging to commodity exporting countries.
processed in the industrialized states back to the develop-
Commodity prices are volatile; they may rise sharply
ing countries. That two-way trade presumably benefited
in periods of product shortage or international economic
the developed states by providing access to a continuing
growth. Recent commodity price movements, however,
supply of industrial raw materials and foodstuffs not avail-
have been downward, to the great detriment of material-
able domestically and gave less developed countries
exporting economies. Prices for agricultural raw materials,
needed capital to invest in their own development or to
for example, dropped by 30% between 1975 and 2000, and
expend on the importation of manufactured goods, food
those for metals and minerals by almost 40%. Such price
supplies, or commodities—such as petroleum—they did
declines have been an additional cause of the downturn in
not themselves produce.

Figure 8.35 Sugar being loaded for export at the port of Cebu in the Philippines. Much of the developing world depends on exports of
mineral and agricultural products to the developed economies for the major portion of its income. Fluctuations in market demand and price of
some of those commodities can have serious and unexpected consequences.

308 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Primary Economic Activities
The great number of “primary economy” websites and their The Canadian Forest Service home page is at
topical diversity mean that any brief listing must be selective and that of the U.S. Forest Service of
and incomplete. But their number also suggests many the Department of Agriculture is at Both
opportunities for following links and cross-references in pursuit have access to their own publications and links to other
of specific topics of interest. A few suggestions for getting forestry-related sites.
started—tied to the main chapter topics—are offered here.
Minerals The U.S. Geological Survey’ Mineral Information
Agriculture The Food and Agriculture Organization of the page at is a lead-in to a
United Nations through its home page ( pro- wealth of information on mineral industries, mining, and pro-
vides connections to its subsidiary programs (agriculture, fish- cessing, to a variety of statistics of commodity and region,
eries, forestry, etc.) as well as to its own research and and to its authoritative “Minerals Yearbook,” Canada’s Natural
conference papers. The separate FAO Agriculture Department Resources Canada: Minerals and Metals Sector at
site at is perhaps the most useful and in- is also well worth exploring
formative of the agriculture sites on the Web. Through its for data, publications, and “related links.”
Magazine, Guides, and Gateway portals it yields a wealth of
world, regional, and topical information. Energy The United States’ Energy Information Administration
The United States Department of Agriculture page is more home page at opens up a wealth
limited, with primary emphasis on USDA programs, news re- of data on such topics as petroleum, natural gas, coal, and the
leases, and agricultural legislation. It does have useful links to like, and on international and environmental aspects of the
its agencies and their own home pages of varied information, energy scene. It is a good starting point for your energy-
including agricultural statistics, foreign agricultural service related interests.
activities, and the like. View it at Its Cana-
dian counterpart, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, has its de- Primary Resources Primary resources in general are
tailed introductory page at with considered on both international and purely domestic sites,
access to the agency’s databases and to a wealth of programs including: The BUBL (Bulletin Board for Libraries) Informa-
and publications. tion Service subject listings for agriculture, aquaculture,
Two sources of extensive links to agriculture-related sites forestry, and fisheries at
are the Iowa State University Department of Agriculture’s Agri- and Resources for the Future’s home page at
culture WWW Sites at and the RFF’s concerns are analytical and largely policy-oriented.
great variety of agriculture listings and topics on the Yahoo Sci- To appreciate the diversity of RFF topics and quality of
ence: Agriculture page at their consideration, examine the “Research Areas” segment
Fishing The FAO Fisheries department presents a world of the home page and explore the topics cited there. Also
view with documents, data, and many specific subject links at check the World Resources Institute websites listed at They touch on resource topics
Fisheries and Oceans Canada has both departmental in- of this chapter.
formation and publications data and extensive links to both
its own divisions and other fishery-related sites. Find it at Trade The World Trade Organization, established in 1995, is the principal agency of the world’s multilateral trading
The United States’ National Marine Fisheries Service is system. Its home page at includes discus-
part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration sions of international conferences and agreements, reviews
(NOAA). Its diversified mission includes domestic and inter- its own publications, and summarizes the current state of
national fisheries support, trade and industry assistance, world trade.
species protection and conservation services, and the like. Its The World Bank is a leading source for country studies,
home page at gives access to current research, and statistics covering all aspects of economic devel-
statistics and publications, to its several operational agencies, opment and world trade. Its website at
and links to its regional offices’ science centers. provides access to the contents of its publications and links to
its “partnerships” by regions and topics. In the United States,
Forestry Again, the international view, with statistics, re- the International Trade Administration of the Department of
ports, and links to other forestry sites, is offered by the FAO Commerce is charged with promoting U.S. trade:
Forestry department at
Particularly useful and informative is its biennial “State of the Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s
World’s Forestry,” offered for downloading in pdf format. And home page at for websites
be sure to follow the home page to the current and earlier is- added or corrected by the publisher or contributed by help-
sues of “Unasylva,” the FAO forestry journal. ful users.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 309

the value of the resource-based trade of developing states Over the longer term, it has been argued, depletion
and have cut deeply into the export earnings of many of their natural capital through the export of nonrenew-
emerging economies. Those income declines and uncer- able or destructively exploited resources endangers the
tainties create serious difficulties in economic planning future economic well-being of countries dependent
and debt repayment. As a group, raw material exporting wholly or largely on those natural resources for jobs and
states express resentment at what they perceive as com- national income (see Figure 10.5). Even the intensifica-
modity price manipulation by rich countries and corpora- tion of that exploitation to compensate for uneconomi-
tions to ensure low-cost supplies. cally low prices cannot guarantee maintenance of their
Although collusive price-fixing has not been demon- current income levels. Many developing regions heavily
strated, other price-depressing agencies are evident. dependent on commodity sales saw their share of global
Technology, for example, has provided industries in ad- trade fall materially between 1970 and the end of the cen-
vanced countries with a vast array of materials that now tury: sub-Saharan Africa from 3.8% to 1%, Latin America
can and do substitute for the ores and metals produced by from 5.6% to 3.3%, and the least developed states as a
developing states. Glass fibers replace copper wire in group from 0.8% to 0.4%. Those relative declines are un-
telecommunication applications; synthetic rubber re- derstandable in the light of greatly expanding interna-
places natural rubber; glass and carbon fibers provide the tional trade in manufactured goods from China, Korea,
raw material for rods, tubes, sheet panels, and other prod- Mexico, and other rapidly industrializing states and from
ucts superior in performance and strength to the metals the expansion of trade in both manufactured goods and
they replace, and a vast and enlarging array of plastics primary products between the industrialized countries
become the accepted raw materials for commodities and themselves within newly established regional free-trade
uses for which natural rivals are not even considered. zones. For example, the developed countries acquire
That is, even as the world industrial economy expands, some three-quarters by value of their agricultural imports
demands and prices for traditional raw materials remains and 70% of their industrial raw materials from one an-
depressed. other, diminishing the prospects for developing country
A whole series of negotiations shaping the interna- exports.
tional General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade between In reaction to these felt inequities in world trade be-
the late 1940s and early 1990s were designed to reduce tween the developed core and developing periphery
trade barriers and inequities; they led to the establish- countries (see The Core-Periphery Argument, p. 360), a
ment of the World Trade Organization in 1995. The WTO, demand for a new economic world order resulted in 1964
however, has been judged by its detractors to be ineffec- in the establishment of the United Nations Conference on
tive on issues of importance to developing countries. Trade and Development (UNCTAD), whose central con-
Chief among the complaints is the continuing failure of stituency was the “Group of 77,” expanded to 190 develop-
the industrial countries significantly (or at all) to reduce ing states by 2000. The Group demands an increase in the
protections for their own agricultural and mineral indus- prices and values of their exports, a system of import
tries. The World Bank has calculated, for example, that preferences for their manufactured goods, and a restruc-
agricultural trade barriers and farm subsidies in rich coun- turing of international cooperation to stress trade promo-
tries reduce incomes in developing countries by at least tion and recognition of the special needs of poor
$20 billion a year. countries.
While prices paid for developing country commodi-
ties tend to be low, prices charged for the manufactured
goods offered in exchange by the developed countries
tend to be high. To capture processing and manufacturing
profits for themselves, some developing states have How people earn their living and how the diversified re-
placed restrictions on the export of unprocessed com- sources of the earth are employed by different peoples
modities. Malaysia, the Philippines, and Cameroon, for ex- and cultures are of fundamental concern in human geog-
ample, have limited the export of logs in favor of raphy. The economic activities that support us and our so-
increased domestic processing of sawlogs and exports of ciety are constant preoccupations that color our
lumber. Some developing countries have also encouraged perception of the world and its opportunities. At the same
domestic manufacturing to reduce imports and to diver- time, the totality of our culture—technology, religion, cus-
sify their exports. Frequently, however, such exports tomary behavior—and the circumstances of our natural
meet with tariffs and quotas protecting the home markets environment influence the economic choices we discern
of the industrialized states. As a result, the disparities in and the livelihood decisions we make.
the economic roles and prospects of the developed and In seeking spatial and activity regularities in the
less developed countries (the “North—South” split re- nearly infinite diversity of human economic activity, it is
viewed later in Chapter 10) are continued in the estab- useful to generalize about systems of economic organiza-
lished pattern of all world trade, not solely of trade in tion and control and about classes of productive effort and
primary products. labor specialization. We can observe for example that,

310 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

broadly speaking, there are three types of economic sys- (administrative, informational, and technical specializa-
tems: subsistence, commercial, and planned. The first is tions) that mark highly advanced societies of either
concerned with production for the immediate consump- planned or commercial systems.
tion of individual producers and family members. In the Agriculture, the most extensively practiced of the
second, economic decisions ideally respond to impersonal primary industries, is part of the spatial economy of both
market forces and reasoned assessments of monetary subsistence and advanced societies. In the first instance—
gain. In the third, at least some nonmonetary social rather whether it takes the form of extensive or intensive, shift-
than personal goals influence production decisions. The ing or sedentary production—it is responsive to the
three system forms are not mutually exclusive; all soci- immediate consumption needs of the producer group and
eties contain some intermixture of features of at least two reflective of the environmental conditions under which it
of the three pure types, and some economies have ele- is practiced. Agriculture in advanced economies involves
ments of all three. Recognition of each type’s respective the application of capital and technology to the productive
features and controls, however, helps us to understand enterprises; as one sector of an integrated economy, it is
the forces shaping economic decisions and patterns in dif- responsive to consumption requirements expressed
ferent cultural and regional settings. through free or controlled markets. Its spatial expression
Our search for regularities is furthered by a classifica- reflects assessments of profitability and the dictates of so-
tion of economic activities according to the stages of pro- cial and economic planning.
duction and the degree of specialization they represent. We Agriculture, fishing, forestry, and the extractive
can, for example, decide all productive activity is arranged (mining) industries are closely tied to the uneven distribu-
along a continuum of increasing technology, labor special- tion of earth resources. Their spatial patterns reflect those
ization, value of product, or sophistication of service. With resource potentials, but they are influenced as well by the
that assumption, we can divide our continuum into pri- integration of all societies and economies through the
mary activities (food and raw material production), second- medium of international trade and mutual dependence.
ary production (processing and manufacturing), tertiary The flows of primary products and of manufactured goods
activities (distribution and general professional and per- suggest the hierarchy of production, marketing, and ser-
sonal service), and the quaternary and quinary activities vice activities, which will be the subject of Chapter 9.

Key Words
agriculture 274 natural resource 295 secondary activity 272
Boserup thesis 278 nomadic herding 276 shifting cultivation 277
commercial economy 273 nonrenewable resource 296 subsistence economy 273
economic geography 270 planned economy 273 technology 270
extensive agriculture 276, 289 plantation 293 tertiary activity 272
extractive industry 295 primary activity 271 tragedy of the commons 298
gathering industry 295 quaternary activity 272 truck farm 289
Green Revolution 282 quinary activity 272 usable reserves 301
intensive agriculture 276, 289 renewable resource 296 von Thünen rings 288
maximum sustainable yield 296

For Review
1. What are the distinguishing forms of extensive subsistence land Why, in your opinion, have such
characteristics of the economic use? In what world regions are different land use forms
systems labeled subsistence, such systems found? What, in developed in separate areas of the
commercial, and planned? Are your opinion, are the prospects warm, moist tropics?
they mutually exclusive, or can for these land uses and for the 4. Briefly summarize the
they coexist within a single way of life they embody? assumptions and dictates of von
political unit? 3. How is intensive subsistence Thünen’s agricultural model. How
2. What are the ecological agriculture distinguished from might the land use patterns
consequences of the different extensive subsistence cropping? predicted by the model be altered

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 311

by an increase in the market price 6. What economic and ecological 7. Why have the mineral fuels been
of a single crop? A decrease in the problems can you cite that do or so important in economic
transportation costs of one crop might affect the viability and development? What are the
but not of all crops? productivity of the gathering mineral fuels and what are the
5. What is the basic distinction industries of forestry and fishing? prospects for their continued
between a renewable and a What is meant by the tragedy of availability? What economic and
nonrenewable resource? Under the commons? How is that concept social consequences might you
what circumstances might the related to the problems you anticipate if the price of mineral
distinction between the two be discerned? fuels should double? If it should
blurred or obliterated? be cut in half?

Focus Follow-up
1. How are economic activities efforts are increasingly marked by and quarrying involve the direct
and national economies some production for market; they exploitation of areally variable
classified? pp. 270–274. have also benefited from Green natural resources. Resources are
The innumerable economically Revolution crop improvements. natural materials that humans
productive activities of humans 3. What characterizes commercial perceive as necessary and useful.
are influenced by regionally agriculture and what are its They may be renewable—
varying environmental, cultural, controls and special forms? replenished—by natural processes
technological, political, and pp. 286–294. or nonrenewable once extracted
market conditions. Understanding The modern integrated world of and used. Overexploitation can
the world’s work is simplified by exchange and trade increasingly exceed the maximum sustainable
thinking of economic activity as implies farming efforts that reflect yield of fisheries and forests and
arranged along a continuum of broader market requirements, not eventually destroy the resource.
increasing complexity of product purely local or family needs. Such destruction is assured in the
or service and increasing distance Commercial agriculture is case of nonrenewable minerals
from nature. Primary industries characterized by specialization, and fuels when their total or
(activities) harvest or extract off-farm sale, and economically feasible supply is
something from the earth. interdependence of farmers and exhausted.
Secondary industries change the buyers linked through complex 5. What is the status and nature
form of those harvested items. markets. The von Thünen model of world trade in primary
Tertiary activities render services, of agricultural location suggests products? pp. 308–310.
and quaternary efforts reflect that intensive forms of The primary commodities of
professional or managerial talents. commercial farming—fruits, agricultural goods, fish and forest
Those activity stages are carried vegetables, dairy products, and products, and minerals and fuels
out within national economies livestock-grain production— account for nearly one-third of the
grouped as subsistence, should be located close to dollar value of international trade.
commercial, or planned. markets. More extensive Traditional exchange flows of raw
2. What are the types and commercial agriculture, including materials outward from
prospects of subsistence large-scale wheat farms and developing states that then
agriculture? pp. 274–285. livestock ranches, are by model imported manufactured goods
and reality at more distant from advanced economies has
Subsistence farming—food
locations. Special crops may by changed in recent years.
production primarily or
value or uniqueness defy these Increasingly, the share of
exclusively for the producers’
spatial determinants; manufactured goods in
family needs—still remains the
Mediterranean and plantation developing world exports is
predominant occupation of
agriculture are examples. growing and dependence on
humans on a worldwide basis.
Nomadic herding and shifting 4. What are the special income from raw material sales is
(“swidden”) cultivation are characteristics and problems of dropping. However, material-
extensive subsistence systems. nonagricultural primary exporting states argue that
Intensive subsistence farming industries? pp. 295–307. current international trade
involves large inputs of labor and The “gathering” industries of agreements are unfavorable to
fertilizer on small plots of land. fishing and forestry and the exporters of agricultural products
Both rural and urban subsistence “extractive” industries of mining and ores and minerals.

312 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Selected References
Andreae, Bernd. Farming, Development French, Hilary F. Costly Tradeoffs: McGinn, Anne Platt. Rocking the Boat:
and Space: A World Agricultural Reconciling Trade and the Conserving Fisheries and Protecting
Geography. New York: Walter de Environment. Worldwatch Paper 113. Jobs. Worldwatch Paper 142.
Gruyter, 1981. Washington, D.C.: Worldwatch Washington, D.C.: Worldwatch
Bender, William, and Margaret Smith. Institute, 1993. Institute, 1998.
“Population, Food, and Nutrition.” Galaty, John G., and Douglas L. Millar, James R. The Soviet Economic
Population Bulletin 51, no. 4. Johnson, eds. The World of Experiment. Urbana: University of
Washington, D.C.: Population Pastoralism: Herding Systems in Illinois Press, 1990.
Reference Bureau, 1997. Comparative Perspective. New York: Peters, William J., and Leon F.
Berry, Brian J. L., Edgar C. Conkling, Guilford Press, 1990. Neuenschwander. Slash and Burn:
and D. Michael Ray. The Global Graham, Edgar, and Ingrid Floering, Farming in the Third World Forest.
Economy in Transition. 2d edition. eds. The Modern Plantations in the Moscow: University of Idaho Press,
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice- Third World. New York: St. Martin’s 1988.
Hall, 1997. Press, 1984. Postel, Sandra, and Lori Heise.
Boserup, Ester. The Conditions of Grigg, David. An Introduction to Reforesting the Earth. Worldwatch
Agricultural Change: The Economics of Agricultural Geography. 2d ed. New Paper 83. Washington, D.C.:
Agrarian Change under Population York: Routledge, 1995. Worldwatch Institute, 1988.
Pressure. London, England: Allyn & Grigg, David. “The Starchy Staples in Sinclair, Robert. “Von Thünen and
Unwin, 1965. World Food Consumption.” Annals of Urban Sprawl.” Annals of the
Bowler, Ian R. The Geography of the Association of American Association of American Geographers
Agriculture in Developed Market Geographers 86, no. 3 (1996): 57, no. 1 (1967): 72–87.
Economies. New York: John Wiley & 412–431. Smil, Vaclav. Feeding the World: A
Sons, 1993. Hamilton, Ian. Resources and Industry. Challenge for the Twenty-First
Chang, Claudia, and Harold A. Kostner. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Century. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Pastoralists at the Periphery: Herders World Geography. New York: Oxford Press, 2000.
in a Capitalist World. Tucson: University Press, 1992. Soussan, John. Primary Resources
University of Arizona Press, 1994. Hardin, Garrett. “The Tragedy of the and Energy in the Third World.
Corbridge, Stuart, ed. World Economy. Commons.” Science 162 (1968): London and New York: Routledge,
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of 1243–1248. 1988.
World Geography. New York: Oxford Harris, David R. “The Ecology of Stutz, Frederick P., and Anthony R.
University Press, 1993. Swidden Agriculture in the Upper de Souza. The World Economy:
Coull, James R. World Fisheries Resources. Orinoco Rain Forest, Venezuela.” Resources, Location, Trade and
New York: Routledge, 1993. Geographical Review 61 (1971): Development. Upper Saddle River,
Courtenay, Percy P. Plantation 475–495. N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1998.
Agriculture. 2d ed. London: Bell and Johnson, Hildegard B. “A Note on Symons, Leslie. Agricultural Geography.
Hyman, 1980. Thünen’s Circles.” Annals of the 2d rev. ed. Boulder, Colo.: Westview
Crosson, Pierre R., and Norman J. Association of American Geographers Press, 1979.
Rosenberg. “Strategies for 52 (1962): 213–220. Tarrant, John, ed. Farming and Food.
Agriculture.” Scientific American 261, Kane, Hal. “Growing Fish in Fields.” The Illustrated Encyclopedia of
no. 3 (1989): 128–135. Special issue, WorldWatch 6, no. 5 (Sept.–October, World Geography. New York: Oxford
Managing Planet Earth. 1993): 20–27. University Press, 1991.
Dyson, Tim. Population and Food: Global Lele, Uma, and Steven W. Stone. Turner, B. L. II, and Stephen B. Brush,
Trends and Future Prospects. New Population Pressure, the Environment, eds. Comparative Farming Systems.
York: Routledge, 1996. and Agricultural Intensification. New York: Guilford Press, 1987.
“Energy for Planet Earth.” Scientific MADIA Discussion Paper 4. Tuxill, John. Nature’s Cornucopia: Our
American 263 (September 1990). Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, Stake in Plant Diversity. Worldwatch
Special energy issue. 1989. Paper 148. Washington, D.C.:
Feeny, David, Firket Berkes, Bonnie J. Lomborg, Bjorn. The Skeptical Worldwatch Institute, 1999.
McCay, and James M. Acheson. “The Environmentalist: Measuring the Weber, Peter. Abandoned Seas: Reversing
Tragedy of the Commons: Twenty- Real State of the World. Cambridge, the Decline of the Oceans. Worldwatch
two Years Later.” Human Ecology 18 Eng.: Cambridge University Press, Paper 116. Washington, D.C.:
(1990): 1–19. 2001. Worldwatch Institute, 1993.

Livelihood and Economy: Primary Activities 313

Weber, Peter. Net Loss: Fish, Jobs, and Wolf, Edward C. Beyond the Green Nations Environment Programme
the Marine Environment. Worldwatch Revolution: New Approaches for Third and the United Nations Development
Paper 120. Washington, D.C.: World Agriculture. Worldwatch Paper Program. Washington, D.C.: World
Worldwatch Institute, 1994. 73. Washington, D.C.: Worldwatch Resources Institute, annual or
Wheeler, James O., et al. Economic Institute, 1986. biennial.
Geography. 3d ed. New York: John World Resources. . . . A Report by the Young, John E. Mining the Earth.
Wiley & Sons, 1998. World Resources Institute in Worldwatch Paper 109. Washington,
collaboration with the United D.C.: Worldwatch Institute, 1992.

314 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy


Livelihood and Economy:

From Blue Collar to Gold Collar

Robotic welding
along an
assembly line.
automation has
reduced labor
requirements in

Focus Preview
1. What principles or considerations guide 3. The older world patterns of manufacturing
manufacturing locational decisions, pp. 316–325, regions, pp. 333–339 and how they have been
and how those considerations have been affected by the special locational characteristics of
selectively incorporated in different industrial high-tech industries, pp. 340–343.
location theories, pp. 325–330. 4. What the identifying characteristics of tertiary,
2. How the realities of comparative advantage and quaternary, and quinary service activities are,
the emergence of transnational corporations pp. 343–347, and how their recent development
affect, distort, or reinforce classical locational impacted world economic patterns and
controls, pp. 330–333. international trade, pp. 347–349.

These contrasting and fluctuating patterns of traffic
flow symbolize the ever-changing nature and structure of
oute 837 connects the four USX (United States the Anglo American space economy. The smokestack in-
Steel) plants stretched out along the dustries of the 19th and early 20th centuries have de-
Monongahela (“Mon”) River south of Pittsburgh. clined, replaced by research park industries, shopping
Once, in the late 1960s, 50,000 workers labored in centers, and office building complexes that in their turn
those mills, and Route 837 was choked with the experience variable prosperity and adversity. The conti-
traffic of their cars and of steel haulers’ trucks. By nent’s economic landscape and employment structure
are inconstant at best (Figure 9.1). And North America is
1979, fires were going out in the furnaces of the
not alone. Change is the ever-present condition of con-
aging mills as steel imports from Asia and Europe temporary economies, whether of the already industrial-
flowed unchecked into domestic markets long ized, advanced countries or of those newly developing in
controlled by American producers. By the mid-1980s, an integrated world marketplace. Resources are exploited
with employment in the steel plants of the Mon and exhausted; markets grow and decline; patterns of
Valley well below 5000, the highway was only lightly economic advantage, of labor skills, of industrial invest-
traveled and only occasionally did anyone turn at ment and productive capacity undergo alteration as coun-
the traffic lights into the closed and deserted mills. tries and regions differentially develop, prosper, or
At the same time, traffic was building along experience reversals and decline. Such changes have pro-
many highways in the northeastern part of the found impact on the spatial structure and processes of
country. Four-lane Route 1 was clogged with traffic economic activity.
along the 42 kilometers (26 miles) of the “Princeton
Corridor” in central New Jersey as that stretch of
road in the 1980s had more office space, research Components of the Space Economy
laboratories, hotels, conference centers, and All human activity has spatial expression. In the eco-
residential subdivisions planned and under nomic sphere we recognize regions of industrial concen-
construction than anywhere else between tration, areas of employment and functional
Washington, D.C. and Boston. Farther to the south, specialization, and specific factory sites and store loca-
around Washington itself, traffic grew heavy along tions. As geographers, we assume an underlying logic to
the Capital Beltway in Virginia, where vast office those spatial economic patterns and seek, through obser-
building complexes, defense-related industries, and vation and theory, an understanding and explanation of
commercial centers were converting rural land to them. In a very preliminary fashion, that understanding
urban uses. And east of New York City, traffic jams has begun through classification of economic activity into
were monumental around Stamford, Connecticut, in primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and quinary indus-
Fairfield County, as it became a leading corporate tries. (Remember, the term industry may be used in the
narrow sense of type of manufacturing activity or enter-
headquarters town with 150,000 daily in-commuters.
prise as well as in the broader meaning of category of
By the early 1990s, traffic in Fairfield County economic orientation.)
had thinned as corporate takeovers, leveraged Primary industries, you will recall from Chapter 8,
buyouts, and “downsizing” reorganizations reduced are tied to the natural resources they gather or exploit.
the number and size of companies and their need for Location is therefore predetermined by the distribution
both employees and office space. Vacancies exceeded of minerals, fuels, forests, fisheries, or natural condi-
25% among the office buildings and research parks tions affecting agriculture and herding. The later (be-
so enthusiastically built during the 1970s and 1980s, yond primary) stages of economic activity, however, are
and vacant “corporate campuses” lined stretches of increasingly divorced from the conditions of the physi-
formerly clogged highways. But soon traffic was cal environment. In them, processing, distribution, com-
building elsewhere in the country as millions of munication, and management permit enterprise
Americans during the 1990s gained technology- location in response to cultural and economic rather
than physical influences. They are movable, rather than
related jobs in a series of widely-spaced emerging
spatially tied activities. The locational decisions made
“high-tech” hot spots clustered around such and the economic patternings that result differ with the
industries as computers, lasers, software, medical type or level of economic activity in question. Sec-
devices, and biotechnology. And by the late 1990s all ondary industries involved in material processing and
sections of the United States again were goods production have different spatial constraints than
experiencing the traffic volumes that economic do the retailing activities of tertiary industry or the re-
prosperity induces. search parks or office complexes of quaternary and

316 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 9.1 This idled Pennsylvania steel mill typifies the structural changes occurring in “post-industrial” America—and in other advanced
economies where comparable dislocations and changes are taking place. For heavy industrial jobs lost, replacement employment must
increasingly be found in the service industries of the tertiary and quaternary sectors. In adaptive advanced economies that restructuring is
normal. The site of the USX Homestead steel works along the Monongahela River near Pittsburg, closed in 1986, is being rebuilt, for example, as
the mixed-use Waterfront development with more than 50 retail shops, a 22-screen movie theater, and 500 apartments.

quinary activities. At every industrial or activity level, that people are economically rational; that is, given the in-
however, it is assumed that a recurring set of economic formation at their disposal, they make locational, produc-
controls may be identified. tion, or purchasing decisions in light of a perception of
what is most cost-effective and advantageous. Behavioral
Concepts and Controls research concludes that while people are not truly ra-
The controls that are assumed to exist are rooted in ob- tional in the theoretical economic sense, neither are they
servations about human spatial behavior in general and insane or incompetent. The acceptance of rationality,
economic behavior in particular. We have already ex- they conclude, is proper if one also accepts the reality that
plored some of those assumptions in earlier discussions. individuals respond to behavioral traits—envy, rivalry, im-
We noted, for example, that the intensity of spatial inter- pulsiveness, forgetfulness of past mistakes, positive wish-
action decreases with increasing separation of places— ful thinking, and the like—at odds with purely rational
distance decay, we called it. We observed the importance actions or decisions. With those appreciations of behav-
of complementarity and transferability in the assessment ioral human nature, economic rationality is still the ac-
of resource value and trade potential. Von Thünen’s cepted theoretical starting point.
model of agricultural land use, you will recall, was rooted From the standpoint of producers or sellers of goods
in conjectures about transportation cost and land value or services, it is assumed each is intent on maximizing
relationships. profit. To reach that objective, each may consider a host
Such simplifying assumptions help us to understand of production and marketing costs and political, competi-
a presumed common set of controls and motivations guid- tive, and other limiting factors—and, perhaps, respond to
ing human economic behavior. We assume, for example, individual behavioral quirks—but the ultimate goal of

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 317

profit-seeking remains clear. Finally, we assume that in specific locational settings and that neither people, nor re-
commercial economies the best measure of the correct- sources, nor opportunities are uniformly distributed over
ness of economic decisions is afforded by the market the earth. We appreciate that the place or places of pro-
mechanism. duction may differ from the locations of demand. We un-
At root, that market control mechanism is measured derstand that there are spatial relations and interactions
by price—the price of land (rent), of labor (wages), of a col- based on supply, demand, and equilibrium price. We real-
lege course (tuition), or of goods at the store. In turn, ize there is a geography of supply, a geography of demand,
price is seen as a function of supply and demand. In large, and a geography of cost.
complex economies where there are many producers, sell-
ers, and buyers, and many alternative products competing
in the marketplace, price is the neutral measure of com-
parative value and profitability. The theoretical relation- Secondary Activities: Manufacturing
ship between supply, demand, and price is simple. If
If we assume free markets, rational producers, and in-
demand for a good or service exceeds its available supply,
formed consumers, then locational production and market-
scarcity will drive up the price it can command in the
ing decisions should be based on careful consideration of
marketplace. That increased price will enhance the prof-
spatially differing costs and opportunities. In the case of
itability of the sale, which will encourage existing produc-
primary industries—those tied to the environment—points
ers to increase output or induce new producers or sellers
or areas of possible production are naturally fixed. The only
to enter the market (Figure 9.2a). That is, the higher the
decision is whether or not to exploit known resources. In
price of a good, the more of it will be offered in the market.
the instance of secondary and higher levels of economic ac-
When the price is very high, however, relatively few
tivity, however, the locational decision is more complex. It
people are inclined to buy. To dispose of their increased
involves the weighing of the locational “pulls” of a number
output, old and new producers of the commodity are forced
of cost considerations and profit prospects.
to reduce prices to enlarge the market by making the good
On the demand side, the distribution of populations
affordable to a larger number of potential customers. That
and of purchasing power defines general areas of market-
is, at lower prices, more of a good will be purchased (Fig-
ing opportunities. The regional location of tertiary—sales
ure 9.2b). If the price falls too low, production or sale be-
and service—activities may be nearly as fixed as are pri-
comes unprofitable and inefficient suppliers are forced out
mary industries, though specific site decisions are more
of business, reducing supply. Market equilibrium is
complex. On the supply side, decision making for manu-
marked by the price at which supply equals demand, satis-
facturers involves a more intricate set of equations. Manu-
fying the needs of consumers and the profit motivation of
facturers must consider costs of raw materials, distance
suppliers (Figure 9.2c).
from them and from markets, wages of labor, outlays for
These and other modifying concepts and controls of
fuel, capital availability and rates, and a host of other in-
the economist treat supply, demand, and price as if all
puts to the production and distribution process. It is as-
production, buying, and selling occurred at a single point.
sumed that the nature and the spatial variability of those
But as geographers, we know that human activities have
myriad costs are known and that rational location deci-
sions leading to profit maximization are based on that
knowledge. For market economies, both observation and
theory tend to support that assumption.

Locational Decisions in Manufacturing

Secondary activities involve transforming raw materials
into usable products, giving them form utility. Dominant
among them is manufacturing in all of its aspects, from
(a) (b) (c) pouring iron and steel to stamping out plastic toys, assem-
bling computer components, or sewing dresses. In every
Figure 9.2 Supply, demand, and market equilibrium. The case the common characteristics are the application of
regulating mechanism of the market may be visualized graphically. power and specialized labor to the production of standard-
(a) The supply curve tells us that as the price of a good increases,
more of that good will be made available for sale. Countering any
ized commodities in factory settings: in short, the charac-
tendency for prices to rise to infinity is the market reality that the teristics of industrialization.
higher the price, the smaller the demand as potential customers find Manufacturing poses a different locational problem
other purchases or products more cost-effective. (b) The demand than does the gathering of primary commodities. It in-
curve shows how the market will expand as prices are lowered and volves the assembly and the processing of inputs and the
goods are made more affordable and attractive to more customers.
(c) Market equilibrium is marked by the point of intersection of the
distribution of the output to other points and therefore
supply and demand curves and determines the price of goods, the presents the question of where the processing should take
total demand, and the quantity bought and sold. place. The answer may require multiple spatial levels of

318 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

consideration. The first is regional and addresses the com- location. Under conditions of imperfect
parative attractions for different types of industry of dif- competition, considerations of sales and market
ferent sections of the country or even of different may be more important than production costs in
countries at the international scale. Later decision stages fixing “best” locations.
become more focused, localized, and specific to an indi- 4. Since among the totality of production costs some
vidual enterprise. They involve assessment of the special inputs are approximately the same irrespective of
production and marketing requirements of particular in- location, fixed costs are not of major importance
dustrialists and of the degree to which those requirements in determining optimum, or least-cost, locations.
can or will be met at different subregional scales—at the Rather, the industrialist bases the locational
state (in the U.S.), community, and individual site levels. search on the minimization of variable costs. The
That is, we can ask at one level why northeastern United locational determinant is apt to be the cost that is
States-southeastern Canada exerted an earlier pull on in- both an important component of total costs and
dustry in general and, at other decision stages, why spe- shows the greatest spatial variation.
cific sites along the Monongahela Valley to the south of 5. Transportation charges—the costs of accumulating
Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania were chosen by U.S. Steel Cor- inputs and of distributing products—are highly
poration for its mills. variable costs. As such, they (rather than the
In framing responses, one needs to consider a wide commodity transported) may become the
range of industrial pulls and attractions and the modifying locational determinant, imparting an
influence of a number of physical, political, economic, unmistakable orientation—a term describing
and cultural constraints. For a great many searches, two locational tendencies—to the plant siting decision.
or several alternate locations would be equally satisfac- 6. Individual establishments rarely stand alone; they
tory. In very practical financial terms, locational decisions are part of integrated manufacturing sequences
at the state, community, and site levels may ultimately be and environments in which interdependence
based on the value of inducements that are offered by increases as the complexity of industrial processes
rival areas and agencies competing for the new or relo- increases. The economies of structural and spatial
cated manufacturing plant (See “Contests and Bribery,” interdependence may be decisive locational
p. 332). In both practice and theory, locational factors rec- determinants for some industries. Linkages
ognized and analyzed are complexly interrelated, change between firms may localize manufacturing in
over time in their relative significance, and differ between areas of industrial agglomeration where common
industries and regions. But all of them are tied to princi- resources—such as skilled labor—or multiple
ples of location that are assumed to operate under all eco- suppliers of product inputs—such as automobile
nomic systems, though to be determinant, perhaps, only component manufacturers—are found.
in free market, or commercial, economies.

Principles of Location
The principles or “ground rules” of location are simply
1. Certain of the input costs of manufacturing are
spatially fixed costs, that is, are relatively
unaffected in their amount or relative importance
no matter where the industry is located within a Variable or locational cost
generalized regional or national setting. Wage
rates set by national or areawide labor contracts Fixed or basic cost
are an example. Fixed costs have no implication
Distance O Distance
for comparative locational advantage.
2. Other of the input costs of manufacturing are Least-cost location
spatially variable costs; that is, they show
significant differences from place to place in both Figure 9.3 The spatial implications of fixed and variable
costs. Spatially fixed (or basic) costs represent the minimum price
their amount and their relative contribution to that must be paid at any location for the necessary inputs of
the total cost of manufacturing (Figure 9.3). These production of a given item. Here, for simplicity, a single raw
will influence locational choices. material is assumed and priced at its cheapest source. Spatially
3. The ultimate aim of the economic activity is profit variable (locational) costs are the additional costs incurred at
alternate locations in overcoming distance, attracting labor,
maximization. In an economic environment of full
purchasing the plant site, and so forth. In the example, only the
and perfect competition, the profit objective is transportation cost of the single material away from its cheapest
most likely to be achieved if the manufacturing (source) location is diagrammed to determine O, the optimal or least-
enterprise is situated at the least total cost cost location.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 319

These principles are generalized statements about lo-
0 miles 200 400
cational tendencies of industries. Their relative weight, of
course, varies among industries and firms. Their signifi- 0 km 200 400 600
Bay Lake
cance also varies depending on the extent to which purely Silver Bay Taconite


economic considerations—as opposed, say, to political or Duluth Two

Harbors en
environmental constraints—dictate locational decisions. Superior Marquette wr
Escanaba .
Raw Materials Huron L.
All manufactured goods have their origins in the process- Michicgan Hamilton Ontario
Huron L. Erie Buffalo
ing of raw materials, but only a few industries at the early Detroit New
stages of the production cycle use raw materials directly Chicago York
Gary Toledo
from farms or mines. Most manufacturing is based on the Cleveland

further processing and shaping of materials already Pittsburgh

treated in some fashion by an earlier stage of manufactur-

ing located elsewhere. In general, the more advanced the
industrial economy of a nation, the smaller is the role
played by truly raw materials in its economic structure.
For those industries in which unprocessed com-
modities are a primary input, however, the source and
characteristics of the raw materials upon which they are
based are important indeed. The quality, amount, or ease Principal iron ore
of mining or gathering of a resource may be a locational deposits
Iron ore shipping port
determinant if cost of raw material is the major variable Coking coal deposits
and multiple sources of the primary material are avail- Receiving port
able. Raw materials may attract the industries that Major iron ore flows
Major coal flows
process them when they are bulky, undergo great weight
loss in the processing, or are highly perishable. Copper
smelting and iron ore beneficiation are examples of Figure 9.4 Material flows in the steel industry. When an
industrial process requires the combination of several heavy or bulky
weight- (impurity-) reducing industries localized by their ingredients, an intermediate point of assembly of materials is often a
ore supplies (see pp. 302 to 304). Pulp, paper, and least-cost location. In the earlier 20th century, the iron and steel
sawmills are, logically, found in areas within or accessible industry of the eastern United States showed this kind of
to timber. Fruit and vegetable canning in California, mid- localization—not at the source of any single input but where coking
western meat packing, and Florida orange juice concen- coal, iron ore, and limestone could be brought together at the lowest
tration and freezing are different but comparable
examples of raw material orientation. The reason is
simple; it is cheaper and easier to transport to market a
refined or stabilized product than one filled with waste the Industrial Revolution when water power sites local-
material or subject to spoilage and loss. ized textile mills and fuel (initially charcoal, later coking
Multiple raw materials might dictate an intermediate coal) drew the iron and steel industry. Metallurgical in-
plant location. Least cost may be determined not by a sin- dustries became concentrated in such coal-rich regions
gle raw material input but by the spatially differing costs as the Midlands of England, the Ruhr district of Ger-
of accumulating several inputs. Steel mills at Gary, Indi- many, and the Donets Basin of Ukraine.
ana, or Cleveland, Ohio, for example, were not based on Massive charges of electricity are required to extract
local raw material sources but on the minimization of the aluminum from its processed raw material, alumina (alu-
total cost of collecting at a point the necessary ore, coking minum oxide). Electrical power accounts for between 30%
coal, and fluxing material inputs for the production and 40% of the cost of producing the aluminum and is the
process (Figure 9.4). Steel mills along the U.S. east coast— major variable cost influencing plant location in the indus-
at Sparrows Point, Maryland, or the Fairless Works near try. The Kitimat plant on the west coast of Canada or the
Philadelphia—were localized where imported ores were Bratsk plant near Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia are exam-
unloaded from ocean carriers, avoiding expensive trans- ples of industry placed far from raw material sources or
shipment costs. In this latter avoidance, both the Great market but close to vast supplies of cheap power—in these
Lakes and the coastal locations are similar. instances, hydroelectricity.

Power Supply Labor

For some industries, power supplies that are immobile Labor also is a spatial variable affecting location decisions
or of low transferability may serve to attract the activi- and industrial development. Traditionally, three different
ties dependent upon them. Such was the case early in considerations—price, skill, and amount—of labor were

320 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

considered to be determinant singly or in combination. For People themselves, of course, are the ultimate con-
many manufacturers today, an increasingly important con- sumers. Large urban concentrations represent markets,
sideration is labor flexibility, implying more highly educated and major cities have always attracted producers of goods
workers able to apply themselves to a wide variety of tasks consumed by city dwellers. Admittedly, it is impossible to
and functions. For some activities, a cheap labor supply is a distinguish clearly between urbanites as market and ur-
necessity (see “Wage Rates and the Cloth Trades”). For oth- banites as labor force. In either case, many manufacturing
ers, labor skills may constitute the locational attraction and activities are drawn to major metropolitan centers. Cer-
regional advantage. Machine tools in Sweden, precision in- tain producers are, in fact, inseparable from the immedi-
struments in Switzerland, optical and electronic goods in ate markets they serve and are so widely distributed that
Japan are examples of industries that have created and de- they are known as ubiquitous industries. Newspaper
pend on localized labor skills. In an increasingly high-tech publishing, bakeries, and dairies, all of which produce a
world of automation, electronics, and industrial robots, highly perishable commodity designed for immediate con-
labor skills—even at high unit costs—are often more in de- sumption, are examples.
mand than an unskilled, uneducated work force.
In some world areas, of course, labor of any skill Transportation
level may be poorly distributed to satisfy the developmen- Transportation has been so much the unifying thread of all
tal objectives of government planners or private entrepre- of these references to “factors” of industrial location that it
neurs. In the former Soviet Union, for example, is difficult to isolate its separate role. In fact, some of the
long-standing economic plans called for the fuller ex- earlier observations about manufacturing plant orienta-
ploitation of the vast resources of sparsely populated tions can be restated in purely transportation cost terms.
Siberia, an area generally unattractive to a labor force For example, copper smelting or iron ore beneficiation—
more attuned to the milder climates and greater amenities described earlier as examples of raw material orientation—
of the settled European portion of the country. At the may also be seen as industries engaged in weight reduction
same time, labor surpluses were growing in Soviet Central designed to minimize transportation costs by removal of
Asia, where resources were few and rates of natural popu- waste material prior to shipment. Some market orientation
lation increase were high, but whose Muslim populations is of the opposite nature, reflecting weight-gaining produc-
resisted resettlement outside of their homeland areas. tion. Soft drink bottlers, for example, add large amounts of
water to small amounts of concentrated syrup to produce a
Market bulky product of relatively low value. All transport costs
Goods are produced to supply a market demand. There- are reduced if only the concentrate is shipped to local bot-
fore, the size, nature, and distribution of markets may be tlers, who add the water that is available everywhere and
as important in industrial location decisions as are raw distribute only to local dealers. The frequency of this prac-
material, energy, labor, or other inputs. Market pull, like tice suggests the inclusion of soft drink bottlers among the
raw material attraction, is at root an expression of the cost ubiquitous industries.
of commodity movement. When the transportation No matter the specific characterization of attraction,
charges for sending finished goods to market are a rela- modern industry is intimately and inseparably tied to
tively high proportion of the total value of the good (or transportation systems. The Industrial Revolution is use-
can be significantly reduced by proximity to market), then fully seen as initially and simultaneously a transportation
the attraction of location near to the consumer is obvious revolution as successive improvements in the technology
and market orientation results. of movement of peoples and commodities enlarged the ef-
The consumer may be either another firm or the fective areas of spatial interaction and made integrated
general public. When a factory is but one stage in a larger economic development and areal specialization possible.
manufacturing process—firms making wheels, tires, wind- All advanced economies are well served by a diversity of
shields, bumpers, and the like in the assembly of automo- transport media (see Figure 8.4); without them, all that is
biles, for example—location near the next stage of possible is local subsistence activity. All major industrial
production is an obvious advantage. The advantage is in- agglomerations are simultaneously important nodes of dif-
creased if that final stage of production is also near the ul- ferent transportation media, each with its own character-
timate consumer market. To continue our example, istic advantages and limitations.
automobile assembly plants have been scattered through- Water transportation is the cheapest means of long-
out the North American realm in response to the exis- distance freight movement (Figure 9.5). Little motive
tence of large regional markets and the cost of distribution power is required, right-of-way costs are low or absent,
of the finished automobile. This market orientation is fur- and operating costs per unit of freight are low when high-
ther reflected by the location in North America of auto capacity vessels are used. Inland waterway improvement
manufacturing or assembly plants of Asian and European and canal construction marked the first phase of the In-
motor vehicle companies, although both foreign and do- dustrial Revolution in Europe and was the first stage of
mestic firms again appear to be reconcentrating the indus- modern transport development in the United States. Be-
try in the east central part of the United States. cause the ton-mile costs of water movement remain so

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 321

Wage Rates and the Cloth Trades

I n the free market world, few indus-

tries have been as spatially responsive
to labor costs as have textiles and gar-
ment making. While a great deal of
labor is necessary to turn natural or
artificial fibers into a finished prod-
uct, it need not be skilled labor. In the
United States, for example, the cotton
and woolen cloth industry established
in New England during the 1820s and
1830s drew extensively on a labor
pool made up largely of underem-
ployed daughters of the many fami-
lies working small farms of the area.
Later, immigrants provided the sur-
plus unskilled labor supply in the
cities and towns of the area. With
time and further industrialization,
wage rates began to increase in New
England to levels unacceptable to the
highly competitive textile industry.
When (among other reasons) it be-
came clear that a surplus of cheap lower-cost producers, including in the manufacture of standardized
labor was available in the Piedmont China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mex- women’s and children’s clothing. Wage
district of the Southeast, the industry ico, and Thailand. The trends of the rates for apparel production workers in
quickly moved in that direction. textile industry confirm the observa- the 20 major exporters of garments to
Today, the United States textile indus- tion that in commercial economies the United States range from a low of
try that still remains in the face of for- “best location” is only a transient ad- 2% (Bangladesh) to a high of 25% (Sin-
eign competition is concentrated in vantage of specific sites, regions, or gapore) of the level of their American
that region. countries. counterparts. Those 20 low-wage coun-
Much of the recent competition The point is emphasized in the tries accounted for nearly 90% of im-
comes from newly industrializing experience of the apparel industry, ported apparel, which, in turn,
countries (NICs) of Asia where the which converts finished textiles into captured 60% of the U.S. domestic ap-
textile industry is seen as a near- clothing. Like textile manufacturing, parel market in the early 1990s. That
ideal employer of an abundant labor the apparel industry finds its most percentage began to rise in the later
force. Among them earlier were the profitable production locations in 1990s as requirements of the World
major suppliers of the American areas of cheap labor. Repetitious, Trade Organization reduced American
market during the 1970s and 1980s: limited-skill, assembly-line operations import restrictions and quotas and ac-
Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong are necessary for volume production of celerated the apparel industry job loss
Kong. As industrialization grew and clothing for a mass market that is that already totaled nearly 600,000 be-
wage rates increased in these produc- highly price competitive; labor costs tween 1972 and 1997.
ing areas, however, their relative are the chief locational determinant.
labor advantage was eroded. The tex- Even the lowest-wage areas of the Source: Map data from Annual Survey of
tile industry began to shift to still United States have difficulty competing Manufacturers.

322 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy




Figure 9.5 The pattern of carrier efficiency. Different

transport media have cost advantages over differing distances. The
usual generalization is that when all three media are available for a
given shipment, trucks are most efficient and economical over short
hauls of up to about 500 kilometers (about 300 miles), railroads have
the cost advantage over intermediate hauls of 500 to 3200 kilometers
(about 300 to 2000 miles), and water (ship or barge) movement over
longer distances (and, often, over shorter distances where speed of
delivery of nonperishable commodities is not a consideration). The
Figure 9.6 Increasingly, environmental protection
requirements call for the use of higher-grade coals—those of low
differing cost curves represent the differing amounts of fixed or
content of the particulate matter that causes visible air pollution and
variable costs incurred by each transport medium, as further
lung damage and of the sulfur that is a major source of atmospheric
illustrated in Figure 9.8.
sulfur dioxide and acid rain. In the United States, such coals are found
mainly in the western states, far from the eastern consuming regions.
The cost of long-distance transportation is reduced when the long-
haul efficiencies of railroads are most economically exploited. Unit
relatively low, river ports and seaports have locational at- trains carrying only coal engage in a continuous shuttle movement
tractiveness for industry unmatched by alternative cen- between western strip mines and eastern utility companies.
ters not served by water carriers. Although the
disadvantages of water carriage of freight are serious,
where water routes are in place, as in northwestern Eu- transport include high maintenance costs of vehicles (and
rope or the Great Lakes-Mississippi systems of the United roads) and low efficiency in the long-distance, high-
States, they are vital elements in regional industrial volume movement of bulky commodities.
economies. Increasingly in the United States and elsewhere,
Railroads efficiently move large volumes of freight greater transport cost efficiencies are achieved by combin-
over long distances at low fuel and labor costs (Figure 9.6). ing short-haul motor carriage with longer-haul rail or ship
They are, however, inflexible in route, slow to respond to movement of the same freight containers. Hauling a truck
changing industrial locational patterns, and expensive to trailer on a railroad flatcar (“piggybacking”) or on ship deck
construct and maintain. They require high volumes of traf- serves to minimize total freight rates and transport times
fic to be cost-effective. When for any reason traffic declines by utilizing the most efficient carrier at different trip stages
below minimum revenue levels, rail service may be un- to move goods kept within a prepacked container.
economic and the lines abandoned—a response of Ameri- Pipelines provide efficient, speedy, and dependable
can railroads that abandoned over 125,000 miles of line transportation specifically suited to the movement of a va-
between 1930 and 2000. riety of liquids and gases. They serve to localize along their
High-volume, high-speed motor trucks operating on routes the industries—particularly fertilizer and petro-
modern roadway and expressway systems have altered chemical plants—that use the transported commodity as
the competitive picture to favor highways over railways in raw material. In contrast, air transport has little locational
many intercity movements in modern economies. Road significance for most industries despite its growing impor-
systems provide great flexibility of service and are more tance in long-distance passenger and high-value package
quickly responsive than railroads to new traffic demands freight movement. It contributes, of course, to the range of
and changing origin and destination points. Intervening transport alternatives available to large population centers
opportunities are more easily created and regional inte- in industrially advanced nations and may increase the
gration more cheaply achieved by highway than by rail- attractiveness of airport sites for high-tech and other
road (or waterway systems). Disadvantages of highway industries shipping or receiving high-value, low-bulk

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 323

commodities. Further, air transport may serve as the only In addition to these forms of rate discrimination,
effective connection with a larger national economy in the each shipment of whatever nature must bear a share of
development of outposts of mining or manufacturing—as, the fixed costs of the company’s investment in land,
for example, in Arctic regions or in interior Siberia. It is plant, and equipment and the assigned terminal and line-
not, however, an effective competitor in the usual patterns haul costs of the shipment. Terminal costs are charges
of freight flow (see “A Comparison of Transport Media”). associated with loading, packing, and unloading of a ship-
ment and of the paperwork and shipping documents it en-
Transportation and Location tails. Line-haul or over-the road costs vary with the
Figure 9.7 indicates the general pattern of industrial orien- individual shipments and are the expenses involved in the
tation related to variable transportation costs. In their actual movement of commodities once they have been
turn, those costs are more than a simple function of the loaded. They are allocated to each shipment according to
distance that goods are carried. Rather, they represent the equipment used and distance traveled. Total transport
application of differing freight rates, charges made for costs represent a combination of all pertinent charges and
loading, transporting, and unloading of goods. Freight are curvilinear rather than linear functions of distance.
rates are said to discriminate between commodities on the That is, carrier costs have a tendency to decline as the
basis of their assumed ability to bear transport costs in re- length of haul increases because scale economies in long-
lation to their value. In general, manufactured goods have haul movement permit the averaging of total costs over a
higher value, greater fragility, require more special han- greater number of miles. The result is the tapering princi-
dling, and can bear higher freight charges than can un- ple diagrammed in Figure 9.8.
processed bulk commodities. The higher transport costs One consequence of the necessary assignment of
for finished goods are therefore seen as a major reason for fixed and terminal costs to every shipment regardless of
the increasing market orientation of industry in advanced distance moved is that factory locations intermediate be-
economies with high-value manufacturing. tween sources of materials and final markets are less

A Comparison of Transport Media

Mode Uses Advantages Disadvantages
Railroad Intercity medium- to long- Fast, reliable service on separate rights-of- High construction and operating costs;
haul bulk and general cargo way; essentially nonpolluting; energy efficient; inflexibility of routes; underutilized lines causes
transport. adapted to steady flow of single commodities economic drain.
between two points; routes and nodes
provide intervening development
Highway carrier Local and intercity movement Highly flexible in routes, origins, and Low energy efficiency; contributes to air
of general cargo and destinations; individualized service; maximum pollution; adds congestion to public roads; high
merchandise; pickup and accessibility; unlimited intervening maintenance costs; inefficient for large-volume
delivery services; feeder to opportunity; high speed and low terminal freight.
other carriers. costs.
Inland waterway Low-speed haulage of bulk, High energy efficiency; low per mile costs; High terminal costs; low route flexibility; not
nonperishable commodities. large cargo capacity. suited for short haul; possible delays from ice or
low water levels.
Pipelines Continuous flows of liquids, Fast, efficient, dependable; low per mile costs Highly inflexible in route and cargo type; high
gases, or suspended solids over long distances; maximum safety. development cost.
where volumes are high and
continuity is required.
Airways Medium- and long-haul of High speed and efficiency; adapted to goods Very expensive; high mileage costs; some
high-value, low-bulk cargo that are perishable, packaged, of a size and weather-related unreliability; inconvenient
where delivery speed is quantity unsuited to other modes; high route terminal locations; no intervening opportunities
important. flexibility; access to areas otherwise between airports.

324 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

attractive than location at either end of a single long haul. Industrial Location Theories
That is, two short hauls cost more than a single continu- In practice, enterprise locational decisions are based not
ous haul over the same distance (Figure 9.9). on the impact of a single selected industrial factor but on
Two exceptions to this locational generalization are the interplay and balance of a number of considerations.
of practical interest. Break-of-bulk points are sites where Implicit in our review has been the understanding that
goods have to be transferred or transshipped from one car- each type or branch of industry has its own specific set of
rier to another—at ports, for example, where barge or significant plant siting conditions. For secondary activi-
ocean vessel must be unloaded and cargo reloaded to rail- ties as a whole, therefore, a truly bewildering complex of
car or truck, or between railroad and truck line. When locational determinants exists. Theorists beginning in the
such transfer occurs, an additional fixed or terminal cost is first third of the 20th century set themselves the task of
levied against the shipment, perhaps significantly increas- sorting through that complex in the attempt to define its
ing its total transport costs (piggyback transfers reduce, but underlying structure. The economic world they surveyed
do not eliminate, those handling charges). There is a ten- at that time, dominated by railroads, based on heavy in-
dency for manufacturing to concentrate at such points to dustry and ideas of national industrial self-sufficiency, no
avoid the additional charges. As a traffic-generating in- longer is fully consistent with a globalized economy re-
ducement, in-transit privilege may be granted to a man- flecting political, competitive, and social decisions of, for
ufacturer by a transportation agency through the quotation example, the World Trade Organization, transnational
of a special single rate from material source to market for a corporations, environmental protection agencies, and the
movement that may be interrupted for processing or man- like. Nevertheless, the logical systems and concepts they
ufacturing en route. Such a special rate obviously removes developed and the spatial conclusions they reached still
the cost disadvantage of two short hauls, and by equalizing are relevant in understanding present-day industrial
shipping costs between locations tends to reduce the other-
wise dominant attractions of either material or market

Company cost

Figure 9.8 The tapering principle. The actual costs of

transport, including terminal charges and line costs, increase at a
decreasing rate as fixed costs are spread over longer hauls. The
“tapering” of company cost is differently expressed among media
because their mixes of fixed and variable costs are different, as
Figure 9.5 diagrams. Note that actual rates charged move in stepwise
increments to match the general pattern and level of company costs.

Figure 9.7 Spatial orientation tendencies. Raw material

orientation is presumed to exist when there are limited alternative
material sources, when the material is perishable, or when—in its
natural state—it contains a large proportion of impurities or
nonmarketable components. Market orientation represents the least-
cost solution when manufacturing uses commonly available materials
that add weight to the finished product, when the manufacturing
process produces a commodity much bulkier or more expensive to Figure 9.9 The short-haul penalty. Plant locations
ship than its separate components, or when the perishable nature of intermediate between material and market are generally avoided
the product demands processing at individual market points. because of the realities of transportation pricing that are shown here.
Adapted with permission from Truman A. Hartshorn, Interpreting the City. Copyright Two short hauls simply cost more than a single long haul because
© 1980 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N.Y. two sets of fixed costs must be assigned to the interrupted movement.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 325

locational decisions. Although a full review of all of their
contributions is beyond our scope and interest, it is useful
to survey briefly the three fundamental approaches to the
problem of plant location those theorists proposed—least-
cost theory, locational interdependence theory, and profit-
maximization approaches—and the different conclusions
they reach.

Least-Cost Theory
The classical model of industrial location theory, the Figure 9.10 Weber’s locational triangle with differing
least-cost theory, is based on the work of Alfred Weber assumptions. (a) With one market, two raw material sources, and a
finished product reflecting a 50% material weight loss, production
(1868–1958) and sometimes called Weberian analysis. It could appropriately be located at S1, S2, or M since each length of
explains the optimum location of a manufacturing estab- haul is the same. In (b) the optimum production point, P, is seen to
lishment in terms of minimization of three basic ex- lie within the triangle, where total transport costs would be less than
penses: relative transport costs, labor costs, and at corner locations. The exact location of P would depend on the
agglomeration costs. Agglomeration refers to the cluster- weight-loss characteristics of the two material inputs if only
transport charges were involved. P would, of course, be pulled toward
ing of productive activities and people for mutual advan- the material whose weight is most reduced.
tage. Such clustering can produce “agglomeration
economies” through shared facilities and services. Dis-
economies such as higher rents or wage levels resulting
from competition for these resources may also occur. involve a $3 shipping charge from the other raw material
Weber concluded that transport costs are the major source plus $3 to move the product, for a total delivered
consideration determining location. That is, the optimum cost at market of $6. If the market were selected as the
location will be found where the costs of transporting raw plant site, two raw material shipments—again totaling
materials to the factory and finished goods to the market $6—would be involved.
are at their lowest. He noted, however, if variations in Weberian analysis, however, aims at the least trans-
labor or agglomeration costs are sufficiently great, a loca- port cost location, which most likely will be an intermedi-
tion determined solely on the basis of transportation costs ate point somewhere within the locational triangle. Its
may not in fact be the optimum one. exact position will depend on distances, the respective
Weber made five controlling assumptions: (1) An weights of the raw material inputs, and the final weight of
area is completely uniform physically, politically, cultur- the finished product, and may be either material or mar-
ally, and technologically. This is known as the uniform ket oriented (Figure 9.10b). Material orientation reflects a
or isotropic plain assumption. (2) Manufacturing in- sizable weight loss during the production process; market
volves a single product to be shipped to a single market orientation indicates a weight gain. The optimum place-
whose location is known. (3) Inputs involve raw materials ment of P can be found by different analytical means, but
from more than one known source location. (4) Labor is the easiest to visualize is by way of a mechanical model of
infinitely available but immobile in location. (5) Trans- weights and strings (Figure 9.11).
portation routes are not fixed but connect origin and desti-
nation by the shortest path; and transport costs directly Locational Interdependence Theory
reflect the weight of items shipped and the distance they When the locational decision of one firm is influenced by lo-
are moved. cations chosen by its competitors, a condition of locational
Given these assumptions, Weber derived the least interdependence exists. It influences the manner in
transport cost location by means of the locational triangle which competitive firms with identical cost structures
(Figure 9.10). It diagrams the cost consequences of fixed arrange themselves in space to assure themselves a mea-
locations of materials and market and of movement in sure of spatial monopoly in their combined market. In loca-
any direction of a given weight of commodity at a uni- tional interdependence theory, the concern is with variable
form cost per unit of distance. In Figure 9.10a, S1 and S2 revenue analysis rather than, as in the Weber model, with
are the two material sources for a product consumed at variable costs.
M. The problem is to locate the optimum point of produc- The simplest case concerns the locational decisions
tion where the total ton-distance involved in assembling of two firms in competition with each other to supply
materials and distributing the product is at a minimum. identical goods to customers evenly spaced along a linear
Each corner of the triangle exerts its pull; each has a de- market. The usual example cited is of two ice cream ven-
fined cost of production should it be chosen as the plant dors, each selling the same brand at the same price along
site. If we assume that the material weights are cut in a stretch of beach having a uniform distribution of peo-
half during manufacturing (so that the finished product ple. All will purchase the same amount of ice cream
weighs the same as each of the original raw materials), (that is, demand is inelastic—is not sensitive to a change
then location at either S 1 or S 2 on the diagram would in the price) and will patronize the seller nearer to them.

326 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 9.11 Plane table solution to a plant location
problem. This mechanical model, suggested by Alfred Weber, uses
weights to demonstrate the least transport cost point where there are
several sources of raw materials. When a weight is allowed to
represent the “pull” of raw material and market locations, an
equilibrium point is found on the plane table. That point is the
location at which all forces balance each other and represents the
least-cost plant location.

Figure 9.12 Competitive locations in a linear market

(Hotelling model). The initial socially optimal locations (a) that
Figure 9.12 suggests that the two sellers would eventu- minimize total distribution costs will be vacated in the search for
ally cluster at the midpoint of the linear market (the market advantage (b), eventually resulting in competitive equilibrium
at the center of the market (c). Spatial dispersion will again occur if
beach) so that each vendor could supply customers at two or more competitors either encounter elasticity of demand or
the extremities of the market without yielding locational subdivide the market by agreement (d).
advantage to the single competitor.
This is a spatial solution that maximizes return but
does not minimize costs. The lowest total cost location for
each of the two vendors would be at the midpoint of his or cream sellers to a more generalized statement explaining
her half of the beach, as shown at the top of Figure 9.12, industrial concentration by multiple producers under con-
where the total effort expended by customers walking to ditions of identical production costs and inelastic market
the ice cream stands (or cost by sellers delivering the demand. However, if the market becomes sensitive to
product) is least. To maximize market share, however, price, sales to more distant customers will be discouraged
one seller might decide to relocate immediately next to and producers seeking to maximize sales will again sepa-
the competitor (Figure 9.12b), dominating now three- rate rather than aggregate. The conclusion then is that
fourths of the entire beach market. The logical retaliation price sensitivity (elasticity of demand) will encourage in-
would be for the second vendor to jump back over the dustrial dispersion.
first to recapture market share. Ultimately, side-by-side lo-
cation at the center line of the beach is inevitable and a Profit-Maximization Approaches
stable placement is achieved since neither seller can gain For many theorists, the simplicities and rigidities of the
any further advantage from moving. But now the cus- least-cost and the locational interdependence explanations
tomers collectively have to walk farther to satisfy their ice are unrealistically restrictive. Ultimately, they maintain,
cream hunger than they did initially; that is, total acquisi- the correct location of a production facility is where the net
tion cost or delivered price (ice cream purchase plus effort profit is greatest. They propose employing a substitution
expended) has increased. principle that recognizes that in many industrial processes
The economist Harold Hotelling (1895–1973), who is it is possible to replace a declining amount of one input
usually associated with the locational interdependence ap- (e.g., labor) with an increase in another (e.g., capital for au-
proach, expanded the conclusion about clustered ice tomated equipment) or to increase transportation costs

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 327

while simultaneously reducing land rent. With substitution,
a number of different points may be appropriate manufac- point os
rface ta lc
turing locations. Further, they suggest, a whole series of u e su To
points may exist where total revenue of an enterprise just Re
Loss Profit Loss
equals its total cost of producing a given output. These points, profit

connected, mark the spatial margin of profitability and

define the larger area within which profitable operation is

possible (Figure 9.13). Location anywhere within the mar-
gin assures some profit and tolerates both imperfect knowl-
edge and personal (rather than economic) considerations.
Such less-than-optimal, but still acceptable, sites are consid-
ce gin
ered satisficing locations. tan Spatia
l mar
For some firms, spatial margins may be very broad Area of profitable production
Distance Distance
because transport costs are a negligible factor in produc-
tion and marketing. Such firms are said to be footloose— Figure 9.13 The spatial margin of profitability. In the
that is, neither resource nor market oriented. For diagram, O is the single optimal profit-maximizing location, but
example, both the raw materials and the finished product location anywhere within the area defined by the intersects of the
in the manufacture of computers are so valuable, light, total cost and total revenue surfaces will permit profitable operation.
Some industries will have wide margins; others will be more spatially
and compact that transportation costs have little bearing constricted. Skilled entrepreneurs may be able to expand the margins
on where production takes place. farther than less able industrialists. Importantly, a satisficing location
may be selected by reasonable estimate even in the absence of the
Other Locational Considerations and Controls totality of information required for an optimal decision.
The behavior of individual firms seeking specific produc-
tion sites under competitive commercial conditions forms
the basis of most classical industrial location theory. But industrial concentration and urban growth are recog-
such theory no longer fully explains world or regional pat- nized locational factors, but ones not easily quantified.
terns of industrial localization or specialization. Moreover, Both cost-minimizing and profit-maximizing theories, as
it does not account for locational behavior that is uncon- we have seen, make provision for agglomeration, the spa-
trolled by objective “factors,” that is influenced by new tial concentration of people and activities for mutual
production technologies and corporate structures or that benefit. That is, both recognize that areal grouping of in-
is directed by noncapitalistic planning goals. dustrial activities may produce benefits for individual
Traditional theories (including many variants not re- firms that they could not experience in isolation. Those
viewed here) sought to explain location decisions for benefits—agglomeration economies or external
plants engaged in mass production for mass markets economies—accrue in the form of savings from shared
where transportation lines were fixed and transport costs transport facilities, social services, public utilities, com-
relatively high. Both conditions began to change signifi- munication facilities, and the like. Collectively, these
cantly during the last year of the 20th century. Assembly and other installations and services needed to facilitate
line production of identical commodities by a rigidly con- industrial and other forms of economic development are
trolled and specialized labor force for generalized mass called infrastructure.
markets—known as “Fordism” to recognize Henry Ford’s Areal concentration may also create pools of skilled
pioneering development of the system—became less real- and ordinary labor, of capital, ancillary business services,
istic in both market and technology terms. In its place, and, of course, a market built of other industries and
post-Fordist flexible manufacturing processes based on urban populations. New firms, particularly, may find sig-
smaller production runs of a greater variety of goods nificant advantages in locating near other firms engaged
aimed at smaller, niche markets than were catered to by in the same activity, for labor specializations and support
traditional manufacturing have become common. At the services specific to that activity are already in place. Some
same time, information technology applied to machines may find profit in being near other firms with which they
and operations, increasing flexibility of labor, and declin- are linked either as customers or suppliers.
ing costs for transportation services that were increasingly A concentration of capital, labor, management skills,
viewed from a cost-time rather than a cost-distance stand- customer base, and all that is implied by the term infra-
point have materially altered underlying assumptions of structure will tend to attract still more industries from
the classical theories. other locations to the agglomeration. In Weber’s terms,
that is, economies of association distort or alter locational
Agglomeration Economies decisions that otherwise would be based solely on trans-
Geographical concentration of economic, including in- portation and labor costs, and once in existence agglomera-
dustrial, activities is the norm at the local or regional tions will tend to grow (Figure 9.14). Through a multiplier
scale. The cumulative and reinforcing attractions of effect, each new firm added to the agglomeration will lead

328 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 9.14 On a small scale, the planned industrial park furnishes its tenants external agglomeration economies similar to those offered
by large urban concentrations to industry in general. An industrial park provides a subdivided tract of land developed according to a
comprehensive plan for the use of (frequently) otherwise unconnected firms. Since the park developers, whether private companies or public
agencies, supply the basic infrastructure of streets, water, sewage, power, transport facilities, and perhaps private police and fire protection, park
tenants are spared the additional cost of providing these services themselves. In some instances, factory buildings are available for rent, still
further reducing firm capital outlays. Counterparts of industrial parks for manufacturers are the office parks, research parks, science parks, and
the like for “high-tech” firms and for enterprises in tertiary and quaternary services.

to the further development of infrastructure and linkages. profit by relocating to a more isolated position, a process
As we shall see in Chapter 11, the “multiplier effect” also called deglomeration. It is a process expressed in the sub-
implies total (urban) population growth and thus the ex- urbanization of industry within metropolitan areas or the
pansion of the labor pool and the localized market that are relocation of firms to nonmetropolitan locations.
part of agglomeration economies.
Agglomeration—concentration—of like industries in Just-in-Time and Flexible Production
small areas dates from the early industrial age and contin- Agglomeration economies and tendencies are also en-
ues with many of the newest industries. Familiar exam- couraged by newer manufacturing policies practiced by
ples include the town of Dalton, Georgia, in or near which both older, established industries and by newer post-
are found all but one of the top 20 United States carpet Fordist plants.
makers, and Akron, Ohio which, before 1930, held almost Traditional Fordist industries required the on-site
the entire 100 or so tire manufacturers of the country. Sili- storage of large lots of materials and supplies ordered
con Valley dating from the 1960s and other more recent and delivered well in advance of their actual need in pro-
high-tech specialized concentrations simply continue the duction. That practice permitted cost savings through in-
tradition. frequent ordering and reduced transportation charges
Admittedly, agglomeration can yield disadvantages as and made allowances for delayed deliveries and for in-
well as benefits. Overconcentration can result in dis- spection of received goods and components. The assur-
economies of congestion, high land values, pollution, in- ance of supplies on hand for long production runs of
creased governmental regulation, and the like. When the standardized outputs was achieved at high inventory and
costs of aggregation exceed the benefits, a firm will actually storage costs.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 329

Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, in contrast, seeks to exchange with Country B for the other, Country A
reduce inventories for the production process by purchas- stands to gain more than it loses. The key to compara-
ing inputs for arrival just in time to use and producing tive advantage is the utilization of resources in such a
output just in time to sell. Rather than costly accumula- fashion as to gain, by specialization, a volume of produc-
tion and storage of supplies, JIT requires frequent order- tion and a selling price that permit exchange for a
ing of small lots of goods for precisely timed arrival and needed commodity at a cost level that is below that of
immediate deployment to the factory floor. Such frequent the domestic production of both.
purchasing of immediately needed goods demands rapid At first glance, the concept of comparative advantage
delivery by suppliers and encourages them to locate near may at times seem to defy logic. For example, Japan may
the buyer. Recent manufacturing innovations thus rein- be able to produce airplanes and home appliances more
force and augment the spatial agglomeration tendencies cheaply than the United States, thereby giving it an appar-
evident in the older industrial landscape and de-empha- ent advantage in both goods. But it benefits both countries
size the applicability of older single-plant location theo- if they specialize in the good in which they have a com-
ries. parative advantage. In this instance, Japan’s manufactur-
JIT is one expression of a transition from mass- ing cost structure makes it more profitable for Japan to
production Fordism to more flexible production systems. specialize in the volume production of appliances and to
That flexibility is designed to allow producers to shift buy airplanes from the United States, where large civilian
quickly and easily between different levels of output and, and military markets encourage aircraft manufacturing
importantly, to move from one factory process or product specialization and efficiency.
to another as market demand dictates. Flexibility of that When other countries’ comparative advantages re-
type is made possible by new technologies of easily repro- flect lower labor, land, raw material, and capital costs,
grammed computerized machine tools and by computer- manufacturing activities may voluntarily relocate from
aided design and computer-aided manufacturing systems. higher-cost market locations to lower-cost foreign pro-
These technologies permit small-batch, just-in-time pro- duction sites. Such voluntary outsourcing—producing
duction and distribution responsive to current market de- parts or products abroad for domestic sale—by American
mand as monitored by computer-based information manufacturers has employment and areal economic con-
systems. sequences no different from those resulting from suc-
Flexible production to a large extent requires signifi- cessful competition by foreign companies or from
cant acquisition of components and services from outside industrial locational decisions favoring one section of the
suppliers rather than from in-house production. The pre- country over others.1 When comparative advantage is ex-
mium that flexibility places on proximity to component ploited by individual corporations, one expression of
suppliers adds still another dimension to industrial ag- flexible production systems is evident in the erosion of
glomeration tendencies. “Flexible production regions” the rigid spatial concentration of production assumed by
have, according to some observers, emerged in response classical location theory.
to the new flexible production strategies and interfirm de- A North American case in point is found along the
pendencies. Those regions, it is claimed, are usually some northern border of Mexico. In the 1960s Mexico enacted
distance—spatially or socially—from established concen- legislation permitting foreign (specifically, American)
trations of Fordist industrialization. companies to establish “sister” plants, called maquiladoras,
within 20 kilometers (12 miles) of the U.S. border for the
Comparative Advantage duty-free assembly of products destined for reexport. By
The principle of comparative advantage is of growing 2000, more than 3000 such assembly and manufacturing
international importance in industrial location and spe- plants had been established to produce a diversity of
cialization decisions. It tells us that areas tend to spe- goods including electronic products, textiles, furniture,
cialize in the production of those items for which they leather goods, toys, and automotive parts. The plants gen-
have the greatest relative advantage over other areas or erate direct and indirect employment for over one million
for which they have the least relative disadvantage, as Mexican workers (Figure 9.15) and for large numbers of
long as free trade exists. This principle, basic to the un- U.S. citizens, employees of growing numbers of American-
derstanding of regional specializations, applies as long side maquila suppliers and of diverse service-oriented
as areas have different relative advantages for two or businesses spawned by the “multiplier effect.” The North
more goods. American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) creating a sin-
Assume that two countries both have a need for gle Canadian–United States–Mexican production and mar-
and are domestically able to produce two commodities. keting community turns “outsourcing” in the North
Further assume that there is no transport cost considera-
tion. No matter what its cost of production of either
commodity, Country A will choose to specialize in only 1Outsourcing has also assumed the meaning of subcontracting production

one of them if by that specialization and through work to outside, particularly nonunion, domestic companies.

330 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

economies is transforming the world economy by intro-
ducing a new international division of labor. In the 19th and
first half of the 20th centuries, that division invariably
involved exports of manufactured goods from the “indus-
trial” countries and of raw materials from the “colonial” or
“undeveloped” economies. Roles have now altered. Manu-
facturing no longer is the mainstay of the economy and
employment structure of Europe or Anglo America and,
as the NAFTA example showed, the world pattern of in-
dustrial production is shifting to reflect the growing domi-
nance of countries formerly regarded as subsistence
peasant societies but now emerging as the source areas
for manufactured goods of all types.

Imposed Considerations
Locational theories dictate that in a pure, competitive
economy, the costs of material, transportation, labor, and
plant should be controlling in locational decisions. Obvi-
ously, neither in the United States nor in any other mar-
ket economy do the idealized conditions exist. Other
constraints—some representing cost considerations, oth-
ers political or social impositions—also affect, perhaps
decisively, the locational decision process. Land use and
zoning controls, environmental quality standards, gov-
ernmental area-development inducements, local tax
abatement provisions or developmental bond authoriza-
tions, noneconomic pressures on quasi-governmental
Figure 9.15 American manufacturers, seeking lower labor corporations, and other considerations constitute attrac-
costs, began in the 1960s to establish component manufacturing and tions or repulsions for industry outside of the context
assembly operations along the international border in Mexico. and consideration of pure theory (see “Contests and
United States laws allowed finished or semifinished products to be
brought into the country duty-free, as they are from this Converse
Bribery”). If these noneconomic forces become com-
Sport Shoe factory at Reynosa. Outsourcing has moved a large pelling, the assumptions of the commercial economy
proportion of American electronics, small appliance, toy, and classification no longer apply, and locational controls
garment industries to offshore subsidiaries or contractors in Asia reminiscent of those imposed by centrally planned
and Latin America. economies become determining.
No other imposed considerations were as pervasive
as those governing industrial location in planned
American context from a search abroad for low-cost pro- economies. The theoretical controls on plant location de-
duction sites to a review of best locations within a broad- cisions that apply in commercial economies were not, by
ened unified economic environment. definition, determinant in the centrally planned Marxist
The United States also benefits from outsourcing by economies of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet
other countries. Japanese and European companies have Union. In those economies, plant locational decisions
established automobile and other manufacturing plants were made by government agencies rather than by indi-
in part to take advantage of lower American production vidual firms.
and labor costs and in part in response to American pro- Bureaucratic rather than company decision making
tectionist policies and automobile import quotas. A did not mean that location assessments based on factor
strong yen in relation to the value of the dollar during cost were ignored; it meant that central planners were
the 1980s, by raising the relative cost of imported cars, more concerned with other than purely economic consid-
also encouraged Japanese auto plant location in the erations in the creation of new industrial plants and con-
United States followed by Japanese auto parts manufac- centrations. Important in the former Soviet Union, for
turers. At least a portion of the products of both automo- example, was a controlling policy of the rationalization of
bile assemblers and parts suppliers were available for industry through full development of the resources of the
reexport to other national markets. country wherever they were found and without regard to
Comparative advantage is not a fixed, unchanging re- the cost or competitiveness of such development. In-
lationship. As we shall see in Chapter 10, technology evitably, although the factors of industrial production are
transfer from economically advanced to underdeveloped identical in capitalist and noncapitalist economies, the

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 331

Geography and Public Policy
and building or their outright gifts, attraction amounts to a zero-sum
Contests and Bribery below-market financing of bonds, and game: unless the attracted newcomer
In 1985 it cost Kentucky over $140 mil- the like. Similar offers are regularly is a foreign firm, whatever one state
lion in incentives—some $47,000 a made by states, counties, and cities to achieves in attracting an expanding
job—to induce Toyota to locate an au- wholesalers, retailers, major office U.S. company comes at the expense of
tomobile assembly plant in George- worker and other service activity em- another state.
town, Kentucky. That was cheap. By ployers. The objective, of course, is Some doubt that inducements
1993 Alabama spent $169,000 per job not just to secure the new jobs repre- matter much, anyway. Although, sensi-
to lure Mercedes-Benz to that state and sented by the attracted firm but to bly, companies seeking new locations
Kentucky bid $350,000 per job in tax benefit from the general economic will shop around and solicit the lowest-
credits to bring a Canadian steel mill stimulus and employment growth cost, best deal possible, their site
there. The spirited auction for jobs is that those jobs—and their compa- choices are apt to be determined by
not confined to manufacturing. A Uni- nies—generate. Auto parts manufac- more realistic business considerations:
versity of Minnesota economist calcu- turers are presumably attracted to access to labor, suppliers, and markets;
lates that his state will have spent new assembly plant locations; cities transportation and utility costs;
$500,000 for each of the 1500 or more grow and service industries of all weather; the nature of the work force;
permanent jobs created by Northwest kinds—doctors, department stores, and overall costs of living. Only when
Airlines at two new maintenance fa- restaurants, food stores—prosper from two or more similarly attractive loca-
cilities. Illinois gave $240 million in the investments made to attract new tions have essentially equal cost struc-
incentives ($44,000 per job) to keep basic employment. tures might such special inducements
5400 Sears, Roebuck employees within Not everyone is convinced that as tax reductions or abatements be de-
the state, and New York City awarded those investments are wise, however. terminants in a locational decision.
$184 million to the New York Mercan- A poll of Minnesotans showed a ma-
tile Exchange and more than $30 mil- jority opposed the generous offer Questions to Consider:
lion each to financial firms Morgan made by the state to Northwest Air- 1. As citizen and taxpayer, do you think
Stanley and Kidder, Peabody to induce lines. In the late 1980s, the governor of it is appropriate to spend public
them to stay in the city. For some, the Indiana, a candidate for Kentucky’s money to attract new employment to
bidding between states and locales to governorship, and the mayor of Flat your state or community?
attract new employers and em- Rock, Michigan, were all defeated by 2. If not, why not? If yes, what kinds of
ployment gets too fierce. Kentucky challengers who charged that too inducements and what total amount
withdrew from competition for a much had been spent in luring the offered per job seem appropriate to
United Airlines maintenance facility, Suburu-Isuzu, Toyota, and Mazda you? What reasons support your
letting Indianapolis have it when plants, respectively. Established busi- opinion?
Indiana’s offered package exceeded nesses resent what often seems neglect 3. If you believe that “best locations” for
$450 million. of their interests in favor of spending the economy as a whole are those
Inducements to lure companies their tax money on favors to newcom- determined by pure location theory,
are not just in cash and loans—though ers. The Council for Urban Economic what arguments would you propose to
both figure in some offers. For manu- Development, surveying the escalat- discourage locales and states from
facturers, incentives may include ing bidding wars, has actively lobbied making financial offers designed to
workforce training, property tax against incentives, and many aca- circumvent decisions clearly justified
abatement, subsidized costs of land demic observers note that industrial on abstract theoretical grounds?

332 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

philosophies and patterns of industrial location and areal including nearly all African states—have received little
development will differ between them. Since major capi- FDI. Overall, at the end of the 20th century nearly 75% of
tal investments are relatively permanent additions to the foreign direct investment, however, flowed not to the
landscape, the results of their often noneconomic political poor or developing worlds but to the rich.
or philosophical decisions are fixed and will long remain The advanced-country destination of those capital
to influence industrial regionalism and competitive effi- flows is understandable: TNCs are actively engaged in
ciencies into the post-communist present and future. merging with or purchasing competitive established
Those same decisions and rigidities continue to inhibit the firms in already developed foreign market areas. Be-
transition by the formerly fully planned economies to tween 1980 and 2000, some 225,000 mergers or pur-
modern capitalist industrial techniques and flexibilities. chases were announced worldwide and in 1998 alone,
cross-border mergers and acquisitions claimed 59% of
Transnational Corporations total foreign direct investment. Since most transnational
Outsourcing is but one small expression of the growing in- corporations operate in only a few industries—computers,
ternational structure of modern manufacturing and service electronics, petroleum and mining, motor vehicles,
enterprises. Business and industry are increasingly state- chemicals, and pharmaceuticals—the worldwide impact
less and economies borderless as giant transnational of their consolidations is significant. Some dominate the
corporations (TNCs)—private firms that have established marketing and distribution of basic and specialized com-
branch operations in nations foreign to their headquarters modities. In raw materials, a few TNCs account for 85%
country—become ever more important in the world space or more of world trade in wheat, maize, coffee, cotton,
economy. At the start of the 21st century there were over iron ore, and timber, for example. In manufactures, the
60,000 transnational (or multinational) companies control- highly concentrated world pharmaceutical industry is
ling at least 500,000 foreign subsidiaries that accounted for dominated by just six firms, and the world’s 15 major au-
an estimated 25% of global output. They varied greatly in tomobile producers (2000), it has been predicted, will fall
size and power with the top 500 multinationals accounting to five or 10 by 2010.
for over $34 trillion in global assets. Excluding the parent Because they are international in operation with mul-
companies themselves, the subsidiaries of TNCs con- tiple markets, plants, and raw material sources, TNCs ac-
tributed 7% of the gross world product by value added. tively exploit the principle of comparative advantage. In
Of the world’s 100 largest economies, well over half manufacturing they have internationalized the plant-siting
are corporations, not countries. The great majority of them, decision process and multiplied the number of locationally
all TNCs, are engaged in primary and, particularly, second- separated operations that must be assessed. TNCs produce
ary industries. That is, except for a few resource-based in that country or region where costs of materials, labor, or
firms they are principally engaged in producing and selling other production inputs are minimized, while maintaining
manufactured goods. Although as we shall see, tertiary and operational control and declaring taxes in localities where
quaternary activities have also become international in the economic climate is most favorable. Research and de-
scope and transnational in corporate structure, the loca- velopment, accounting, and other corporate activities are
tional and operational advantages of multicountry opera- placed wherever economical and convenient.
tion were first discerned and exploited by manufacturers. TNCs have become global entities because global com-
TNCs are increasingly international in origin and ad- munications make it possible. Often, they have lost their
ministrative home and based in a growing number of eco- original national identities and are no longer closely associ-
nomically advanced countries. At the start of the century, ated with or controlled by the cultures, societies, and legal
about 90% of the world’s 100 largest TNCs had home of- systems of a nominal home country. At the same time, their
fices in the European Union, United States, and Japan; multiplication of economic activities has reduced any ear-
only two developing country firms were on the list. As a lier identifications with single products or processes and
group, TNCs directly employ some 75 million persons at given rise to “transnational integral conglomerates” that
home and abroad, or about 10% of worldwide nonagricul- span a large spectrum of both service and industrial sectors.
tural paid employment. But because of their outsourced
purchases of raw materials, parts and components, and
services, the total number of worldwide jobs associated
with TNCs in the late 1990s reached 150 million or more. World Manufacturing
Their foreign impact, however, is limited to a rela-
tively few countries and regions. Majority inflows of for-
Patterns and Trends
eign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries are Whether locational decisions are made by private entre-
concentrated in 10 to 15 states, mainly in South, South- preneurs or central planners—and on whatever consid-
east, and East Asia (China is the largest developing coun- erations those decisions are based—the results over
try recipient, accounting for about one-third of emerging many years have produced a distinctive world pattern of
markets’ total stock of FDI) and in Latin America and the manufacturing. Figure 9.16 suggests the striking promi-
Caribbean. The least developed countries as a group— nence of a relatively small number of major industrial

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 333

concentrations localized within relatively few countries steel industries) through advanced electronic assembly
primarily but not exclusively parts of the “industrial- has been dispersed from, or separately established within,
ized” or “developed” world. These may be roughly an ever-expanding list of countries.
grouped into four commonly recognized major manufac- Such states as Mexico, Brazil, China, and others of
turing regions: Eastern Anglo America, Western and Cen- the developing world have created industrial regions of in-
tral Europe, Eastern Europe, and Eastern Asia. Together, ternational significance, and the contribution to world
the industrial plants within these established regional manufacturing activity of the smaller newly industrializ-
clusters account for an estimated three-fifths of the ing countries (NICs) has been growing significantly. Even
world’s manufacturing output by volume and value. economies that until recently were overwhelmingly sub-
Their continuing dominance is by no means as- sistence or dominated by agricultural or mineral exports
sured. The first three—those of Anglo America and have become important players in the changing world
Europe—were the beneficiaries of an earlier phase in manufacturing scene. Foreign branch plant investment in
the development and spread of manufacturing following low-wage Asian, African, and Latin American states has
the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century and lasting not only created there an industrial infrastructure but has
until after World War II. The countries within them now as well increased their gross national products and per
are increasingly “postindustrial” and traditional man- capita incomes sufficiently to permit expanded production
ufacturing and processing are of declining relative for growing domestic—not just export—markets.
importance. Nevertheless, those countries separately and collec-
The fourth—the East Asian district—is part of the tively figure less prominently in world manufacturing vol-
wider, newer pattern of world industrialization that has umes and values than do the Anglo American and
emerged in recent years, the result of massive interna- European industrial regions that still remain major com-
tional cultural convergence (p. 52) and technology transfers ponents on the world economic landscape and are now
in the latter half of the 20th century. The older rigid eco- matched by the Eastern Asian region of more recent ori-
nomic split between the developed and developing worlds gin. Because of either their traditional or newly emerging
has rapidly weakened as the full range of industrial activi- world significance, each of those Western and Eastern
ties from primary metal processing (e.g., the iron and Hemisphere industrial regions warrants a closer look.


St. Petersburg Urals

Seattle Western Donbas
Portland Europe Vladivostok
Denver Manchuria
San Francisco Bay Fergana Valley
40° Anglo American Korea
Phoenix Lebanon Beijing
Los Angeles Manufacturing Belt Iran Japan
San Diego North Israel
Iraq Ganges Shanghai
Tijuana Africa Cairo Karachi
Border Gulf Coast Valley Wuhan Region
Havana Kuwait
20° Puerto Rico Guangzhou-Hong Kong Region
Mexico City Khartoum Bombay Manila
Bangalore Bangkok
Central Madras
Nigeria Ho chi
America Minh
Bogata Ghana Singapore

Ecuador Manaus Kinshasa Nairobi

Lima Coast Java
World Industrial Belt Southeast Brisbane
Brazil Perth
Capetown Sydney
Santiago Montevideo Adelaide
40° Buenos Aires Melbourne New

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 9.16 World industrial regions. Industrial districts are not as continuous or “solid” as the map suggests. Manufacturing is a relatively
minor user of land even in areas of greatest concentration. There is a loose spatial association of major industrial districts in an “industrial belt”
extending from Western Europe eastward to the Ural Mountains and, through outliers in Siberia, to the Far East. The belt picks up again on the west
coast of North America, though its major Anglo American concentration lies east of the Mississippi River. The former overwhelming production
dominance of that belt is being steadily and increasingly eroded by the expanding industrialization of countries throughout the developing world.

334 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Anglo America United States and adjacent sections of southeastern Canada,
The importance of manufacturing in Anglo America has the Anglo American Manufacturing Belt (Figure 9.17). That
been steadily declining. In 1960, the 28% of the labor force district contains the majority of the urban population of the
engaged in manufacturing generated nearly one-third of two countries, their densest and best-developed transporta-
the region’s wealth. By 2001, manufacturing employment tion network, the largest number of their manufacturing es-
had dropped to about 16% of a much larger labor force, tablishments, and the preponderance of heavy industry.
and manufacturing contributed less than a fifth of the Anglo American manufacturing began early in the
gross domestic product of the Anglo American realm. 19th century in southern New England, where waterpow-
Manufacturing is found particularly in the urbanized ered textile mills, iron plants, and other small-scale in-
sections of North America, but is not uniformly distributed. dustries began to free Canada and the new United States
Its primary concentration is in the northeastern part of the from total dependence on European—particularly

Figure 9.17 North American manufacturing districts. Although the preponderance of North American industry is still concentrated in
Anglo America, Mexican manufacturing activity is rapidly growing and diversifying—for both expanding domestic and export markets. While
Mexico City alone yields nearly half of the country’s manufacturing output volume, industrial plants are also localized in the Central Plateau
area and along the northern border with the United States, where most maquiladoras have been established.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 335

English—sources. The eastern portion of the manufactur- growing cities, and multiplying manufacturing plants of
ing belt contained early population centers, a growing the interior with markets and materials throughout the
canal and railroad network, a steady influx of immigrant country. The early heavy metallurgical emphasis—the
skilled and unskilled labor, and concentrations of invest- USX plants of the Mon Valley are an example—has de-
ment capital to invest in new manufacturing enterprises. clined and been succeeded at the start of the 21st century
The U.S. eastern seaboard remains an important by advanced material processing and fabrication plus
producer of consumer goods, light industrial, and high- high-tech manufacturing, creating a renewed and mod-
technology products on the basis of its market and devel- ernized diversified industrial base.
oped labor skills. Its core is Megalopolis, 2 a The Canadian portion of the Anglo American manu-
1000-kilometer- (600-mile-) long city system stretching facturing belt lies close to neighboring United States indus-
from southern Maine to Norfolk, Virginia, with a great trial districts. About one-half of Canada’s manufacturing
array of market-oriented industries and thousands of in- labor force is localized in southern Ontario. With Toronto
dividual industrial plants. as the hub, the industrial belt extends westward to Wind-
The heart of the Anglo American manufacturing sor, across from Detroit. Another third of Canadian manu-
belt developed across the Appalachians in the interior of facturing employment is found in Quebec, with Montreal
the continent. The Ohio River system and the Great as the obvious core but with energy-intensive industries—
Lakes provided the early—and still important—“high- particularly aluminum plants and paper mills—along the
ways” of the interior (Figure 9.18), supplemented later by St. Lawrence River.
canals and, after the 1850s, by the railroads that tied to- By the 1990s, manufacturing employment and
gether the agricultural and industrial raw materials, the volume was declining everywhere in the Anglo Ameri-
can economy. What remained showed a pattern of relo-
cation to Western and Southern zones reflecting
2Megalopolis or conurbation is an extended urbanized area formed by the national population shifts and changing material and
gradual merger of several individual cities. product orientations.

Figure 9.18 A barge “tow” passing St. Louis on the Mississippi River. About 15% of the total ton-miles of freight movement in the United
States is by inland water carriers. Crude and refined petroleum accounts for three-fifths of the tonnage. Farm products, chemicals (including
fertilizers), and nonmetallic minerals (sand, rock, and gravel) make up much of the rest.

336 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

In the Southeast, textiles, tobacco, food processing, became the largest single manufacturing center of the
wood products, furniture, and a Birmingham-based iron United Kingdom, its consumers and labor force potent
and steel industry became important users of local re- magnets for new industry.
sources. In the Gulf Coast—Texas district petroleum and Technologies developed in Britain spread to the conti-
natural gas provide wealth, energy, and raw materials nent. The coal fields distributed in a band across northern
for a vast petrochemical industry; sulfur and salt sup- France, Belgium, central Germany, the northern Czech Re-
port other branches of chemical production. Farther public, southern Poland, and eastward to southern Ukraine,
west, Denver and Salt Lake City have become major, as well as iron ore deposits, localize the metallurgical indus-
though isolated, industrial centers with important “high- tries to the present day. Other pronounced industrial con-
tech” orientations. On the West Coast, three distinctive centrations focus on the major metropolitan districts and
industrial subregions have emerged. In the Northwest, capital cities of the countries of Europe.
from Vancouver to Portland, orientation to both a re- The largest and most important single industrial area
gional and a broader Asian-Pacific market is of greater of Europe extends from the French–Belgian border to
significance than are the primary domestic markets of western Germany. Its core is Germany’s Ruhr, a compact,
Canada and the United States. Seattle’s aircraft produc- highly urbanized industrial concentration of more than
tion and the booming software industry of the North- 50 major cities housing iron and steel, textiles, automo-
west are, by their high-value products, largely biles, chemicals, and all the metal-forming and metal-
unaffected by transport costs to world markets. The San using industries of modern economies. In France, heavy
Francisco Bay district is home to Silicon Valley and the industry located near the iron ore of Nancy and the coal
electronics/computer/high-tech manufacturing that of Lille also specialized in textile production. Like London,
name implies. Food specializations there (wine, for ex- Paris lacks raw materials, but with easy access to the sea
ample) for a national market have their counterpart far- and to the domestic market, it became the major manu-
ther south in the Los Angeles—San Diego corridor, where facturing center of France. Farther east, the Saxony dis-
fruits and vegetables are grown and packed. More im- trict began to industrialize as early as the 1600s, in part
portant, however, is diversified, particularly consumer- benefiting from labor skills brought by immigrant artisans
goods, production for the rapidly growing California and from France and Holland. Those skills have been pre-
western market. served in a district noted for the quality of its manufac-
North America’s fastest growing industrial region tured goods.
lies along the U.S.-Mexican border. Called la frontera by Western Europe is experiencing a deindustrialization
its Mexican workers and extending 2100 miles from the accompanied by massive layoffs of workers in coal mining
Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, this subregion served because of declining demand and in iron mining because
us earlier as an example of “outsourcing” and compara- of ore depletion. Iron and steel, textiles, and shipbuilding—
tive advantage (page 330). the core industries of the Industrial Revolution—have been
particularly hard hit. As in the Anglo American Manufac-
Western and Central Europe turing Belt, a restructuring of the Western European econ-
The Industrial Revolution that began in England in the omy is introducing new industrial and service orientations
late 1700s and spread to the continent during the 19th and employment patterns.
century established Western and Central Europe as the
world’s premier manufacturing region and the source Eastern Europe
area for the diffusion of industrialization across the Between the end of World War II and 1990, Eastern Euro-
globe. By 1900 Europe accounted for 80% of the world’s pean industrial concentrations, such as that of Silesia in
industrial output though, of course, its relative position Poland and the Czech portion of the Bohemian Basin (Fig-
has since eroded, particularly after World War II. Al- ure 9.19), were largely cut off from their earlier connec-
though industry is part of the economic structure of tions with the larger European market and economy.
every section and every metropolitan complex of Eu- Instead, they were controlled by centralized industrial
rope, the majority of manufacturing output is concen- planning and tied to the regional economic plans imposed
trated in a set of distinctive districts stretching from the by the Soviet Union. Since its fall, Eastern European states
Midlands of England in the west to the Ural Mountains in have struggled with a generally poorly conceived, techno-
the east (Figure 9.19). logically antiquated, uneconomic industrial structure that,
Waterpowered mechanical spinning and weaving in in its creation and operation, was unresponsive to market
the textile industry of England began the Industrial Revo- realities.
lution, but it was steam power, not waterpower, that pro- Farther east, in Russia and Ukraine, two distinctly
vided the impetus for the full industrialization of that different industrial orientations predominate, both dat-
country and of Europe. Consequently, coal fields, not ing from Czarist times and strengthened under Soviet-
rivers, were the sites of the new manufacturing districts in era planning. One emphasis is on light industrial,
England. London, although remote from coal deposits, market-oriented production primarily focused on

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 337

0 miles 300 600

0 kilometers 600

South Urals
Atlantic St. Petersburg
Ocean Scottish
Lowland North Region



Se ti c



Wales London
Lower Berlin
Saxony Lodz
B Bohemian
iu m Ruhr Basin Silesia Kyyiv
Seine Paris Saar

Nothern Donets Basin-

Switzerland Dnepr River Ca

Sea Baku

Marseilles Genoa

M e d i t e
r r
a n
e a
S e

Figure 9.19 The industrial regions of Europe.

Russia’s Central Industrial Region of Greater Moscow turing nation. China—building on a rich resource base,
and surrounding areas (Figure 9.20). The other orienta- massive labor force, and nearly insatiable market
tion is heavy industrial. Its Czarist beginnings were lo- demand—is industrializing rapidly and ranks among the
calized in the southern Ukrainian Donets Basin-Dnepr top 10 producers of a number of major industrial com-
River district where coking coal, iron ore, fluxing mate- modities. Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan are three
rials, and iron alloys are found near at hand. Under the of the commonly-recognized “four tigers,” rapidly industri-
Stalinist Five-year plans, with their emphasis on cre- alizing Asian economies (the fourth is Singapore in South-
ation of multiple sources of supply of essential indus- east Asia) that have become major presences in markets
trial goods, heavy industry was also developed around the world.
elsewhere in the Soviet Union. The industrial districts of Japanese industry was rebuilt from near total de-
Russia’s Volga, Urals, Kuznetsk Basin, Baikal, and Far struction during World War II to its present leading posi-
East regions, and the industrial complexes of the Cauca- tion in some areas of electronics and other high-tech
sus, Kazakhstan, and Central Asia resulted from those production. That recovery was accomplished largely with-
Soviet programs first launched in 1928. out a domestic raw material base and primarily with the
export market in mind. Dependence on imports of materi-
Eastern Asia als and exports of product has encouraged a coastal loca-
The Eastern Asian sphere is rapidly becoming the most tion for most factories. The industrial core of modern
productive of the world’s industrial regions (Figure 9.21). Japan is the heavily urbanized belt from Tokyo to north-
Japan has emerged as the overall second-ranked manufac- ern Kyushu (Figure 9.21).

338 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 9.20 Industrial regions under central planning in the former Soviet Union. The Volga, the Central Industrial, and the St.
Petersburg (Leningrad) concentrations within the former Soviet manufacturing belt were dependent on transportation, labor, and market pulls.
All the other planned industrial regions had a strong orientation to materials and were developed despite their distance from the population
centers and markets of the west.

When the communists assumed control of China’s still country” status to become advanced industrialized
war-damaged economy in 1949, that country was essen- economies. Their rise to prominence has been rapid, and
tially unindustrialized. Most manufacturing was small-scale their share of market in those branches of industry in
production geared to local subsistence needs. A massive in- which they have chosen to specialize has increased dra-
dustrialization program initiated by the new regime greatly matically (Figure 9.22). Although the specifics of their in-
increased the volume, diversity, and dispersion of manufac- dustrial successes have differed, in each case an educated,
turing in China. Until 1976, domestic needs rather than for- trainable labor force; economic and social systems encour-
eign markets were the principal concern of an industrial aging industrial enterprise; and national programs di-
development totally controlled by the state and the com- rected at capital accumulation, industrial development,
munist party. From the late 1970s, however, manufacturing and export orientation fueled the programs.
activities were freed from absolute state control and indus- Their ranks have recently been joined by an ex-
trial output grew rapidly with most dramatic gains coming panded list of other industrial “tigers”—nations demon-
not from state enterprises but from quickly multiplying strating the capacity for rapid, sustained economic
rural collectives. Unlike Japan, China possesses a relatively growth. At the least, the new Asian tiger group includes
rich and diversified domestic raw material base of ores and Malaysia and Thailand and may soon be joined by the
fuels. The pattern of resource distribution in part accounts Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam. Other Asian manu-
for the spatial pattern of industry, though coastal locations, facturing concentrations are also emerging as important
urban agglomerations, and market orientations are equally participants in the world’s industrial economy. India, for
important (Figure 9.21). example, benefits from expanding industrial bases cen-
Four smaller East Asian economies—Hong Kong tered in metropolitan Karachi, Mumbai (Bombay), Delhi,
(now part of China proper), Taiwan, South Korea, and Calcutta, and elsewhere, each with its own developing
Singapore—have outgrown their former “developing specializations.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 339

Figure 9.21 The industrial regions of Eastern Asia.

skilled technicians. When these high-skill specialists are

High-Tech Patterns added to administrative, supervisory, marketing, and
other professional staffs they may greatly outnumber ac-
Major industrial districts of the world developed over time
tual production workers in a firm’s employment structure.
as entrepreneurs and planners established traditional sec-
In the world of high-tech, that is, the distinction between
ondary industries according to the pulls and orientations
secondary (manufacturing) and quaternary (knowledge)
predicted by classical location theories. Those theories are
activities and workers is increasingly blurred.
less applicable in explaining the location of the latest gen-
Although only a few types of industrial activity are
eration of manufacturing activities: the high-technology—
generally reckoned as exclusively high-tech—electronics,
or high-tech—processing and production that is
communication, computers, software, pharmaceuticals
increasingly part of the advanced economies. For these
and biotechnology, aerospace, and the like—advanced
firms, new and different patterns of locational orientation
technology is increasingly a part of the structure and
and advantage have emerged based on other than the tra-
processes of all forms of industry. Robotics on the assem-
ditional regional and site attractions.
bly line, computer-aided design and manufacturing, elec-
High technology is more a concept than a precise
tronic controls of smelting and refining processes, and the
definition. It probably is best understood as the applica-
constant development of new products of the chemical in-
tion of intensive research and development efforts to the
dustries are cases in point.
creation and manufacture of new products of an advanced
The impact of high-tech industries on patterns of
scientific and engineering character. Professional—“white
economic geography is expressed in at least three differ-
collar”—workers make up a large share of the total work-
ent ways. First, high-tech activities are becoming major
force. They include research scientists, engineers, and

340 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

of all nonfarm workers, while even workers in more
strictly defined “high-technology industries” totaled 7% of
all employment. The United Kingdom, Germany, Japan,
and other advanced countries—though not yet those of
Eastern Europe—have had similar employment shifts,
while many of the newly industrializing economies of
East and Southeast Asia have registered high-tech employ-
ment growth of similar or greater proportions.
The products manufactured by those workers, in
turn, represent an increasing share of total industrial out-
put of individual countries and of the trade between them.
As early as 1995, high-tech manufactures represented 15%
of manufacturing output in both the United States and
Japan, 14% in the United Kingdom, some 10% in Ger-
many and France; among the emerging Asian countries,
12.5% of China’s and 15% of South Korea’s total output
came from high-tech manufacturing. In all these and
other countries, high-tech production has increased in vol-
ume and percentage. The 2000 U.S. high-tech share in-
creased to near 20%. Global data are incomplete but
Figure 9.23 suggests the great disparity between countries
in the importance of high-tech products in their exports of
manufactured goods.
A second impact is more clearly spatial. High-tech
industries have tended to become regionally concentrated
in their countries of development and within those
regions they frequently form self-sustaining, highly spe-
cialized agglomerations. California, for example, has a
share of U.S. high-tech employment far in excess of its
share of American population. Along with California, the
Pacific Northwest (including British Columbia), New En-
gland, New Jersey, Texas, and Colorado all have propor-
tions of their workers in high-tech industries above the
Figure 9.22 Industrialization in Taiwan began in the 1950s
national average (Figure 9.24). And within these and other
with low-skill textiles, plastic toys, simple appliances, and states or regions of high-tech concentration, specific lo-
housewares production for export. In the 1960s, televisions, bicycles, cales have achieved prominence: “Silicon Valley” of Santa
refrigerators, radios, electrical goods, and the like represented more Clara County near San Francisco; Irvine and Orange
advanced manufacturing processes and products. In the 1970s, under County south of Los Angeles; the “Silicon Forest” near
governmental planning, factories for intermediate goods and
producers goods—petrochemicals, machine tools, heavy machinery,
Seattle; North Carolina’s Research Triangle; Utah’s “Soft-
and the like—were developed to support an expanding industrial ware Valley”; Route 128 around Boston; “Silicon Swamp”
base. The 1980s saw the rise of science-based high-technology of the Washington, D.C. area; Ottawa, Canada’s “Silicon
industries fully competitive in the world market. For the 1990s, and Valley North”; or the Canadian Technology Triangle west
later, further telecommunication, consumer electronic, aerospace, of Toronto are familiar Anglo American examples.
and pharmaceutical industry expansions were emphasized, and an
increasing volume of production was “outsourced,” particularly to
Within such concentrations, specialization is often
mainland China. the rule: medical technologies in Minneapolis and
Philadelphia, biotechnology around San Antonio, comput-
ers and semiconductors in eastern Virginia and at Austin,
Texas, biotechnology and telecommunications in New
factors in employment growth and manufacturing output Jersey’s Princeton Corridor, telecommunications and In-
in the advanced and newly industrializing economies. In ternet industries near Washington, D.C. Elsewhere, Scot-
the United States, for example, between 1986 and 2000, land’s Silicon Glen or England’s Sunrise Strip are other
the largest five high-tech industry groups alone added examples of industrial landscapes characterized by low,
more than 8 million new jobs to the secondary sector of modern, dispersed office-plant-laboratory buildings rather
the economy, helping to replace many thousands of other than by massive factories, mills, or assembly structures,
workers who lost jobs to outsourcing, foreign competition, freight facilities, and storage areas. Planned business
changing markets, and deindustrialization. In 2000, total parks catering to the needs of smaller companies are in-
U.S. high-technology employment equaled more than 16% creasingly a part of regional and local economic planning.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 341

High-tech Exports
as Percent of
Manufactured Exports
More than 30
0 or no data

Figure 9.23 This map of high-tech exports clearly suggests the importance of the industrialized countries—particularly the United States
and Western Europe—in high-tech manufacturing and exports. Less evident is the relative role of high-tech in the manufactured exports of a few
smaller, developing states: 60% for Singapore, 54% for Malaysia; and 71% for the Philippines in the late 1990s. The map, of course, does not report
a country’s ranking in volumes or values of high-tech manufactured goods exports.
Source: The World Bank.

Irvine, California’s Spectrum, for example, houses 44,000 inner-city problems and disadvantages. Many have
employees and 2200 companies, most of them high-tech emerged as self-sufficient areas of subdivisions, shopping
start-ups. centers, schools, and parks in close proximity to com-
The older distributional patterns of high-tech indus- pany locations and business parks that form their core.
tries suggest they respond to different localizing forces While the New York metropolitan area is a major high-
than those controlling traditional manufacturing indus- tech concentration, most of the technology jobs are sub-
tries. At least five locational tendencies have been recog- urban, not in Manhattan; the periphery’s share of
nized: (1) Proximity to major universities or research computer-related employment in the region amounted to
facilities and to a large pool of scientific and technical 80% in the late 1990s.
labor skills; (2) avoidance of areas with strong labor Agglomerating forces are also important in this new
unionization where contract rigidities might slow process industrial locational model. The formation of new firms is
innovation and work force flexibility; (3) locally available frequent and rapid in industries where discoveries are
venture capital and entrepreneurial daring; (4) location constant and innovation is continuous. Since many are
in regions and major metropolitan areas with favorable “spin-off” firms founded by employees leaving established
“quality of life” reputations—climate, scenery, recreation, local companies, areas of existing high-tech concentration
good universities, and an employment base sufficiently tend to spawn new entrants and to provide necessary
large to supply needed workers and provide job opportu- labor skills. Agglomeration, therefore, is both a product
nities for professionally trained spouses; (5) availability of and a cause of spatial associations.
first-quality communication and transportation facilities Not all phases of high-tech production must be con-
to unite separated stages of research, development, and centrated, however. The spatial attractions affecting the
manufacturing and to connect the firm with suppliers, professional, scientific, and knowledge-intensive aspects
markets, finances, and the government agencies so im- of high tech have little meaning for many of the compo-
portant in supporting research. Essentially all of the nent manufacturing and assembly operations, which
major high-tech agglomerations have developed on the may be highly automated or require little in the way of
semirural peripheries of metropolitan areas but far from labor skills. These tasks, in our earlier locational

342 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

High-tech jobs
(Percent of total)
7.5 and above
Less than 3

0 miles 200 400

300 miles 100 miles
0 kilometers 600

Figure 9.24 Share of employment in high-tech. High-tech jobs are not uniformly distributed in the United States. The map is based on
1997 employment in electronics manufacturing, software, computers, and telecommunications, and thus provides only a limited and older view
of the number of such jobs. The national level of employment in the listed categories is 4.5%. A broader 2001 high-tech assessment that included
all employees of industries with more than three times the national average of scientists, engineers, and computer professionals found such
economically balanced “rust belt” cities as Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit ranked higher in number of high-tech workers than did better-
known “silicon hot spots.”
Data from American Electronics Association and The Progressive Policy Institute.

terminology, are “footloose”; they require highly mobile production picture with Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Eu-
capital and technology investments but may be advanta- rope, and Israel, especially, poised to become major world
geously performed by young women in low-wage areas competitors.
at home or—more likely—in countries such as Taiwan,
Singapore, Malaysia, or Mexico. Contract manufacturers
totally divorced spatially and managerially from the
companies whose products they produce accounted for
an estimated 15% to 20% of the output of electronics
Tertiary and Beyond
hardware. Most often the same factory produces similar Primary activities, you will recall, gather, extract, or grow
or identical products under a number of different brand things. Secondary industries, we have seen in this chapter,
names. Through such manufacturing transfers of tech- give form utility to the products of primary industry
nology and outsourcing, therefore, high-tech activities through manufacturing and processing efforts. A major and
are spread to newly industrializing countries—from the growing segment of both domestic and international eco-
center to the periphery, in the developmental terms we nomic activity, however, involves services rather than the
will explore in Chapter 10. This areal transfer and dis- production of commodities. These tertiary activities con-
persion represents a third impact of high-tech activities sist of business and labor specializations that provide ser-
on world economic geographic patterns already undergo- vices to the primary and secondary sectors, to the general
ing significant but variable change in response to the community, and to the individual. They imply pursuits
new technologies. other than the actual production of tangible commodities.
From the 1980s to the end of the 1990s, the United As we have seen in these last two chapters, regional
States was the leading producer of high-tech products, con- and national economies undergo fundamental changes in
tributing about one-third of total world high-tech produc- emphasis in the course of their development. Subsistence
tion. World leaders also include Japan, the European societies exclusively dependent on primary industries
Union, China, and Korea. By the end of the century an in- may progress to secondary stage processing and manufac-
creasing number of new participants entered the high-tech turing activities. In that progression, the importance of

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 343

agriculture, for example, as an employer of labor or con- regions and all national income categories as all
tributor to national income declines as that of manufactur- economies have shared to some degree in world develop-
ing expands. Many parts of the formerly underdeveloped mental growth (Table 9.1). Indeed, the expansion of the
world have made or are making that developmental tran- tertiary sector in modernizing East Asia, South Asia, and
sition, as we shall review in Chapter 10. the Pacific was three times the world average in the
The advanced countries that originally dominated the 1990s. In Latin America and the Caribbean, services ac-
world manufacturing scene, in contrast, saw their former counted for more than 60% of total output at the end of
industrial primacy reduced or lost during the last third of the century.
the 20th century. Rising energy and labor costs, the growth “Tertiary” and “service,” however, are broad and im-
of transnational corporations, transfer of technology to de- precise terms that cover a range of activities from neigh-
veloping countries, and outsourcing of processing or assem- borhood barber to World Bank president. The designations
bly have all changed the structure and pattern of the world are equally applicable both to traditional low-order per-
economy. The earlier competitive manufacturing advan- sonal and retail activities and, importantly, to higher-order
tages of the developed countries could no longer be main- knowledge-based professional services performed primar-
tained and new economic orientations emphasizing service ily for other businesses, not for individual consumption.
and information activities became the replacement. Ad- Logically, the composite tertiary category should be
vanced economies that have most completely made that subdivided to distinguish between those activities answer-
transition are often referred to as “postindustrial.” ing to the daily living and support needs of individuals
Perhaps more than any other economy, the United and local communities and those involving professional,
States has reached postindustrial status. Its primary sector administrative, or financial management tasks at regional,
component fell from 66% of the labor force in 1850 to 2% national, and international scales. Those differing levels
in 2000 and the service sector rose from 18% to 80% (Fig- and scope of activity represent different locational princi-
ure 9.25). Of the 22 million new jobs created in the United ples and quite different roles in their contribution to do-
States between 1990 and 2000, more than half occurred in mestic and world economies.
services. Comparable changes are found in other coun- To recognize such fundamental contrasts, we may
tries. By the end of the 20th century, between 65% and usefully restrict the term “tertiary” specifically to those
80% of jobs in such economies as Japan, Australia, lower-level services largely related to day-to-day needs of
Canada, Israel, and all major Western European countries people and to the usual range of functions found in
were also in the services sector; Russia and Eastern Eu- smaller towns and cities worldwide. We can then assign
rope averaged rather less. higher-level, more specialized information research, and
The significance of tertiary activities to national management activities to distinctive “quaternary” and
economies and the contrast between more developed and “quinary” categories (see Figure 8.2) with quite different
less developed states are made clear not just by employ- and distinctive characteristics and significance.
ment but also by the differential contribution of services
to the gross domestic products of states. The relative im- Tertiary Services
portance of services displayed in Figure 9.26 shows a Some services are concerned with the wholesaling or re-
marked contrast between advanced and subsistence soci- tailing of goods, providing what economists call place util-
eties. The greater the service share of an economy, the ity to items produced elsewhere. They fulfill the exchange
greater is the integration and interdependence of that so- function of advanced economies and provide the market
ciety. That share has grown over time among most transactions necessary in highly interdependent societies.
In commercial economies, tertiary activities also provide
vitally needed information about market demand, without
which economically justifiable production decisions are
Percent of U.S. labor force
2% The locational controls for tertiary enterprises are
rather simpler than those for the manufacturing sector.
18% 16% 18% Service activities are by definition market oriented.
40% 51% Those dealing with transportation and communication
66% 33% 80% are concerned with the placements of people and com-
28% modities to be connected or moved; their locational deter-
1850 1900 1950 2000
minants are therefore the patterns of population
distribution and the spatial structure of production and
Primary workers Secondary workers Tertiary workers consumption.
Most tertiary activities, however, are concerned
Figure 9.25 The changing sectoral allocation of the U.S. labor
with personal and business services performed in shops,
force is a measure of the economic development of the country. Its
progression from a largely agricultural to postindustrial status is restaurants, and company and governmental offices that
clearly evident. cluster in cities large and small. The supply of those

344 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 9.26 Services accounted for nearly two-thirds of global GDP in 2000, up sharply from about 50% twenty years earlier. As the map
documents, the contribution of services to individual national economies varied greatly, while Table 9.1 indicates that all national income
categories shared to some degree in the expansion of service activities.

TABLE 9.1 Contribution of the Service Sector

to Gross Domestic Product

Percentage of GDP

Country Group 1960 1980 2000

Low income 32 30 38
Middle income 47 46 58
High income 54 59 65
United States 58 63 72
World 55 62

Source: World Bank

kinds of low-level services of necessity must be identical

to the spatial distribution of effective demand—that is,
wants made meaningful through purchasing power. Re- Figure 9.27 Low-level services are most efficiently and
tail and personal services are localized by their markets, effectively performed where demand and purchasing power are
because the production of the service and its consump- concentrated, as this garment repairman in an Ecuador city
marketplace demonstrates. Such “informal sector” employment,
tion are simultaneous occurrences. Retailers and per-
further illustrated in Figure 10.6, usually escapes governmental
sonal service providers tend to locate, therefore, where registration and is not included in official service employment totals.
market density is greatest and multiple service demands One informed source estimates that 60% of Latin America’s retailing
are concentrated (Figure 9.27). Their locational patterns is conducted in the unofficial informal sector.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 345

and the employment support they imply are important more than a quarter of them destined for the less devel-
aspects of urban economic structure and are dealt with in oped low- and middle-income countries. The inbound
Chapter 11. flow produced over 8% of all foreign earnings of develop-
In all of the world’s increasingly interdependent ing states in 1998 and between 9% and 11% of those of
postindustrial societies, the growth of the service compo- Africa and Latin America.
nent reflects not only the development of ever more com- Whatever the origins of tertiary employment
plex social, economic, and administrative structures. It growth, the social and structural consequences are com-
also indicates changes made possible by growing personal parable. The process of development leads to increasing
incomes and alterations in family structure and individual labor specialization and economic interdependence
lifestyle. For example, in subsistence economies families within a country. That was true during the latter 20th
produce, prepare, and consume food within the house- century for all economies, as Table 9.1 attests. Carried
hold. Urbanizing industrial societies have increasing de- to the postindustrial stage of advanced technology-based
pendence on specialized farmers growing food and economies and high per capita income, the service
wholesalers and retailers selling food to households that component of both the gross domestic product (Fig-
largely prepare and consume it at home. Postindustrial ure 9.26) and the employed labor force rises to decisive
America increasingly opts to purchase prepared foods in dominance.
restaurants, fast-food, or carry-out establishments with ac-
celerating growth of the tertiary food service workers that Beyond Tertiary
change demands. People are still fed, but the employment Available statistics unfortunately do not always permit a
structure has altered. clear distinction between tertiary service employment that
Part of the growth in the tertiary component is sta- is a reflection of daily life-style or corporate structural
tistical, rather than functional. We saw in our discussion changes and the more specialized, higher-level quaternary
of modern industry that “outsourcing” was increasingly and quinary activities.
employed as a device to reduce costs and enhance man- The quaternary sector may be seen realistically as
ufacturing and assembly efficiencies. In the same way, an advanced form of services involving specialized knowl-
outsourcing of services formerly provided in-house is edge, technical skills, communication ability, or adminis-
also characteristic of current business practice. Cleaning trative competence. These are the tasks carried on in
and maintenance of factories, shops, and offices— office buildings, elementary and university classrooms,
formerly done by the company itself as part of internal hospitals and doctors’ offices, theaters, accounting and bro-
operations—now are subcontracted to specialized kerage firms, and the like. With the explosive growth in de-
service providers. The jobs are still done, perhaps even mand for and consumption of information-based
by the same personnel, but worker status has changed services—mutual fund managers, tax consultants, software
from “secondary” (as employees of a manufacturing developers, statisticians, and more at near-infinite length—
plant, for example) to “tertiary” (as employees of a ser- the quaternary sector in the most highly developed
vice company). economies has replaced all primary and secondary em-
Special note should be made of tourism—travel un- ployment as the basis for economic growth. In fact, over
dertaken for purposes of recreation rather than business. half of all workers in rich economies are in the “knowledge
It has become not only the most important single terti- sector” alone—in the production, storage, retrieval, or dis-
ary sector activity but is, as well, the world’s largest in- tribution of information.
dustry in jobs and total value generated. On a worldwide Quaternary activities performed for other business
basis, tourism accounts for some 250 million recorded organizations often embody “externalization” of specialized
jobs and untold additional numbers in the informal econ- services similar to the outsourcing of low-level tertiary
omy. Altogether, 15% or more of the world’s work force functions. The distinction between them lies in the fact
is engaged in providing services to recreational travelers, that knowledge and skill-based free-standing quaternary
and the total economic value of tourism goods and ser- service establishments can be spatially divorced from their
vices at the end of the century reached about $4 trillion, clients; they are not tied to resources, affected by the envi-
or some 14% of the world’s gross domestic product. In ronment, or necessarily localized by market. They can re-
middle- and high-income countries, tourism supports a alize cost reductions through serving multiple clients in
diversified share of domestic expenditures through highly technical areas, and permit client firms to utilize
transportation-related costs, roadside services, entertain- specialized skills and efficiencies to achieve competitive
ment, national park visits, and the like. International advantage without the expense of adding to their own
tourism, on the other hand, generates new income and labor force.
jobs of growing importance in developing states. Alto- Often, of course, when high-level personal contacts
gether, worldwide international tourist visits numbered are required, the close functional association of client and
about 1 billion annually at the end of the 20th century, service firms within a country encourages quaternary

346 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

locations and employment patterns similar to those of the processing, and toward the trade, personal, and profes-
headquarters distribution of the primary and secondary sional services of the tertiary sector and the information
industries served. But the transportability of quaternary and control activities of the quaternary and quinary.
services also means that many of them can be spatially That transition is the essence of the now-familiar term
isolated from their client base. In the United States, at postindustrial.
least, these combined trends have resulted both in the
concentration of certain specialized services—merchant
banking or bond underwriting, for example—in major
metropolitan areas and, as well, in a regional diffusion of
the quaternary sector to accompany a growing regional
Services in World Trade
deconcentration of the client firm base. Similar locational Just as service activities have been major engines of na-
tendencies have been noted even for the spatially more tional economic growth, so too have they become an in-
restricted advanced economies of, for example, England creasing factor in international trade flows and
and France. economic interdependence. Between 1980 and 2000, ser-
Information, administration, and the “knowledge” ac- vices increased from 15% of total world trade to about
tivities in their broadest sense are dependent on commu- 25%. The fastest growing segment of that increase was
nication. Their spatial dispersion has been facilitated by in such private services as financial, brokerage, and
the underlying technological base of most quaternary ac- leasing activities, which grew to 50% of all commercial
tivities: electronic digital processing and telecommunica- services trade by the end of the 1990s. As in the domes-
tion transfer of data. That technology permits many tic arena, rapid advances and reduced costs in informa-
“back-office” tasks to be spatially far distant from the tion technology and electronic data transmission have
home office locations of either the service or client firms. been central elements in the internationalization of ser-
Insurance claims, credit card charges, mutual fund and vices (Figure 9.28). Many services considered nontrad-
stock market transactions, and the like, are more effi- able even during the 1980s are now actively exchanged
ciently and economically recorded or processed in low- at long distance.
rent, low-labor cost locations—often in suburbs or small Developing countries have been particular benefi-
towns and in rural states—than in the financial districts of ciaries of the new technologies. Their exports of ser-
major cities. Production and consumption of such services vices—valued at $280 billion in the late 1990s—grew at
can be spatially separated in a way not feasible for terti- an annual 12% rate in that decade, twice as fast as ser-
ary, face-to-face activities. vice exports from industrial regions. The increasing
And finally there are the quinary activities, the tradability of services has expanded the international
“gold collar” professions of the chapter title, another sepa-
rately recognized subdivision of the tertiary sector repre-
senting the special and highly paid skills of top business
executives, government officials, research scientists, fi-
nancial and legal consultants, and the like. These people Data Transmission Costs
find their place of business in major metropolitan centers, 5000
in and near major universities and research parks, at first-
(Cost to transmit one bit one km)

rank medical centers, and in cabinet and department-level 4000

offices of political capitals. Within their cities of concen-
Unit costs in mills

tration they may be highly localized by prestigious street 3000

addresses (Park Avenue, Wall Street) or post offices
(Princeton, New Jersey), or by notable “signature” office
buildings (Transamerica Building, Seagram Building).
Their importance in the structure of advanced economies Tre
far outweighs their numbers. 1000 nd
The list of tertiary, quaternary, and quinary em-
ployment is long. Its diversity and familiarity remind us 0
of the complexity of modern life and of how far re- 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
moved we are from the subsistence economies. As soci-
eties advance economically, the share of employment Figure 9.28 The costs of transmitting data electronically have
plummeted since the mid-1970s and promise to be lower still in the
and national income generated by the primary, second- coming years. Technologies announced at the end of the 1990s imply
ary, and composite tertiary sectors continually changes; the capability to transmit the equivalent of 90,000 volumes of an
the spatial patterns of human activity reflect those encyclopedia per second.
changes. The shift is steadily away from production and Sources: Probe Research, Inc.; Telcordia (Bellcore); Progressive Policy Institute.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 347

comparative advantage of developing states in relatively
labor-intensive long-distance service activities such as TABLE 9.2 Shares of World Trade in Services
mass data processing, computer software development, (Exports plus Imports, 1998)
and the like. At the same time, they have benefited from Country or Category % of World
increased access to efficient, state-of-the-art equipment
and techniques transferred from advanced economies. United States 15.5
The concentration of computer software development Germany 7.8
around Bangalore has made India a major world player Japan 6.6
in software innovation, for example, while there and United Kingdom 6.6
elsewhere in that country increasing volumes of back-
France 5.7
office work for Western insurance, financial, and ac-
counting companies and airlines are being performed. Italy 4.9
Customer interaction services (“call centers”) formerly Netherlands 3.7
based in the United States are now increasingly relo- Spain 2.9
cated to India, employing workers trained to speak to Belgium 2.6
callers in perfect American English. Claims processing Canada 2.5
for life and health insurance firms have become concen-
Austria 2.4
trated in English-speaking Caribbean states to take ad-
vantage of the lower wages and availability of a large pool China 2.0
of educated workers there. In all such cases, the result is Total 63.2
an acceleration in the transfer rate of technology in High-Income States 78.2
such expanding areas as information and telecommuni- Low-Income States 5.2
cations services and an increase in the rate of developing- Sub-Saharan Africa 1.5
country integration in the world economy.
Most of the current developing-country gains in in- Source: Data from World Bank.
ternational quaternary services are the result of increased
foreign direct investment (FDI) in the services sector.
Those flows accounted for three-fifths of all FDI at the end
of the 1990s. The majority of such investment, however,
is transferred among the advanced countries themselves The same cost and skill advantages that enhance
rather than between industrial and developing states. In the growth and service range of quaternary firms and
either case, as transnational corporations employ main- quinary activities on the domestic scene also operate in-
frame computers around the clock for data processing, ternationally. Principal banks of all advanced countries
they can exploit or eliminate time zone differences be- have established foreign branches, and the world’s lead-
tween home office countries and host countries of their af- ing banks have become major presences in the primary
filiates. Such cross-border intrafirm service transactions financial capitals. In turn, a relatively few world cities
are not usually recorded in balance of payment or trade have emerged as international business and financial
statistics, but materially increase the volume of interna- centers whose operations and influence are continuous
tional services flows. and borderless, while a host of off-shore banking havens
Despite the increasing share of global services have emerged to exploit gaps in regulatory controls and
trade held by developing countries, world trade— tax laws (Figure 9.29). Accounting firms, advertising
imports plus exports—in services is still overwhelmingly agencies, management consulting companies, and simi-
dominated by a very few of the most advanced states lar establishments of primarily North American or Euro-
(Table 9.2). The country and category contrasts are pean origin have increasingly established their
great, as a comparison of the “high-income” and “low- international presence, with main branches located in
income” groups documents. At a different level, the sin- principal business centers worldwide. Those advanced
gle small island state of Singapore had as large a 1998 and specialized service components help swell the domi-
share (1.4%) of world services trade as did all of sub- nating role of the United States and European Union in
Saharan Africa (1.5%). the structure of world trade in services.

348 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Brussels Frankfurt
Paris Vienna
Toronto Basle Zürich
San Chicago Rome
Francisco NEW
YORK Madrid Tokyo

Hong Kong
Mexico City Bombay


Rio de Janeiro
São Paulo
Highest-order centers Melbourne
Second-rank centers
Third-rank centers


Isle of Man Liechtenstein
Jersey Campione
Switzerland San Marino
Bermuda Monaco Lebanon Kuwait
Turks & Caicos Is. Hong
Malta Kong
Bahamas British Virgin Is. Bahrain Taipei
Cayman Is. Anguilla U.A.E.
Aruba Antigua Manila
Costa Rica Montserrat Liberia
Panama Barbados
Nevis St. Vincent
Singapore Nauru
Antilles Western
Vanuatu Samoa

Mauritius Tonga Cook Is.


Figure 9.29 (a) The hierarchy of international financial centers, topped by New York and London, indicates the tendency of highest-
order quaternary activities to concentrate in a few world and national centers. (b) At the same time, the multiplication of off-shore locations—
estimated at 40 or more in 2000—where “furtive money” avoiding regulatory control and national taxes finds refuge, suggests that dispersed
convenience sites also serve the international financial community.
Source: Peter Dicken. Global Shift, 3d. ed. Guilford Press, 1998, Figures 12.9 and 12.10.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 349

Blue Collar to Gold Collar
A rapidly expanding number of websites are devoted to The purpose of the White House Economic Statistics
economic data on a host of specific subjects and for nearly all Briefing Room at “is to
countries and regions of the world. The problem is not in provide easy access to current Federal economic indicators”
finding sites to visit, but discovering those of most use for the through links to specific data produced by several agencies.
specific questions you pose or data you seek. For the more Each of the topical headings on the home page leads to
developed industrial and postindustrial economies and topics, charts and summary statistics and, importantly, to links to
good starting points are home pages of national and agency reports. More inclusive and exhaustive access to Fed-
international statistical and economic organizations. For all eral statistics is available through the FedStats site at
general topical searches and for sites providing guides and It provides links to statistical sources by
connections to the subdivisions of the general field of topic, by area, and by specific statistical agencies.
economics and research agencies in them, comprehensive The National Bureau of Economic Research, America’s
libraries of agencies and linkages may be most helpful. leading economic research institute, publishes new academic
On the international scene, The World Bank, encountered working papers on its website—and many available for
in the last chapter, is a primary resource for country studies downloading—before they appear in printed journals. Search
and regional and international statistics dealing with the it through “Publications” and “Data” at
world’s economies. From its home page at In many ways more useful than United States websites is
one can sample its wealth of areal information by calling up that of Industry Canada, the federal government’s principal
“countries and regions” under the What We Do heading or, agency concerned with national economic matters. Its home
under Resources, call up the “data and statistics” option for in- page categorizes its interests and information under such head-
formation and links arranged by topic, by country, by “data in- ings as “The News Room” and “Publications.” Particularly help-
quiry,” and more. ful is the link to Strategis, Industry Canada’s business and
The United Nations has many agencies concerned with consumer information site that, in turn, gives links to other fed-
economic matters, including development, regional economic eral and nongovernmental pages and non-Canadian sites world-
outlooks, trade, and the like. Its Official Web Site Locator pro- wide. Be sure to check “Strategis for Economists”. Industry
vides a catalog of UN system websites, a searching program, Canada:; Strategis:
and a guide and links to “other international organizations,” For many economic geographers, one of the most use-
some of which also are economy-related: ful and informative worldwide and regional periodical re-
The home page of the Paris-based Organization for Eco- views of matters of general economic interest is The
nomic Cooperation and Development at pro- Economist. Its website at gives access to
vides access to publications and documents produced by the the current issue, to an archive of stories published within the
OECD. Check the topics on the left side of the page for access to past few years, to book reviews, and more.
OECD publications and research summaries. If you want more Perhaps the most comprehensive website for more gen-
direct connection to “Other Statistical Sources” go directly to eral “economic”—as opposed to “economic geographic”— with its many links to OECD and browsing is Resources for Economists on the Internet, sponsored
non-OECD countries and leading international organizations. by the American Economic Association and produced by Bill
The European Union is just one of several regional eco- Goffe of the University of Southern Mississippi. With more
nomic alliances maintaining websites with access to statistical than 30 categories in its index and scores of links to their en-
and text data. Its Statistical Office home page provides entry tries, Resources is easy to use, as are most of the pages it cites:
to a selection of on-line statistical publications and indicators,
press releases, catalogs, and links to other related agencies. A rather less weighty website is that of at
View it at Designed for
On the Anglo American scene, United States government a more general audience, this home page is a useful starting
agencies with responsibilities in the areas of secondary and ter- point in locating other economic resources on the web
tiary activities include: The U.S. Department of Commerce, through an extensive list of categorized NetLinks. The site
charged with promoting American business, manufacturing, also hosts discussions on a variety of current topics and has a
and trade. Its home page connects to the websites of its con- message board and chat rooms.
stituent agencies: The Bureau of Labor Statistics Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s
website contains economic data, including unemployment home page at for websites
rates, worker productivity, employment surveys, and statistical added or corrected by the publisher or contributed by help-
summaries of BLS time series data: ful users.

350 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Major industrial districts of Eastern Anglo America,
Summary Western and Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Eastern
Asia are part of a world-girdling “industrial belt” in which
The spatial patterns of the world’s manufacturing re-
the vast majority of global secondary industrial activity oc-
gions represent the landscape evidence of industrial lo-
curs. The most advanced countries within that belt, how-
cation theories. Those theories are based on assumed
ever, are undergoing deindustrialization as newly
regularities of human economic behavior that is respon-
industrializing countries with more favorable cost struc-
sive to profit and price motivations and on simplifying
tures compete for markets. In the advanced economies,
assumptions about fixed and variable costs of manufac-
tertiary, quaternary, and quinary activities become more
turing and distribution. In commercial economies, mar-
important as secondary-sector employment and share of
ket mechanisms and market prices guide investment and
gross national product decline. The new high-tech and
production decisions.
postindustrial spatial patterns are not necessarily identical
Industrial cost components considered theoreti-
to those developed in response to theoretical and practical
cally important are raw materials, power, labor, market
determinants of manufacturing success.
accessibility, and transportation. Weberian analysis ar-
The nearly empty highway of the Mon Valley and
gues that least-cost locations are optimal and are
the crowded expressways of high-tech and office park cor-
strongly or exclusively influenced by transportation
ridors are symbols of those changes in North America. As
charges. Locational interdependence theory suggests
economic activity becomes less concerned with raw mate-
that firms situate themselves to assure a degree of mar-
rials and freight rates, it becomes freer of the locational
ket monopoly in response to the location of competitors.
constraints of an older industrial society. Increasingly,
Profit maximization concepts accept the possibility of
skills, knowledge, communication, and population con-
multiple satisficing locations within a spatial margin of
centrations are what attract and hold the newer economic
profitability. Agglomeration economies and the multi-
sectors in the most advanced economies. At the same
plier effect may make attractive locations not otherwise
time, much of the less developed world is striving for the
predicted for individual firms, while comparative advan-
transfer of manufacturing technology from developed
tage may dictate production, if not location, decisions of
economies and for the industrial growth seen as the path
entrepreneurs. Location concepts developed to explain
to their future prosperity. Those aspirations for economic
industrial distributions under Fordist production con-
development and the contrasts they imply in the techno-
straints have been challenged as new just-in-time and
logical subsystems of the countries of the world are topics
flexible production systems introduce different loca-
of concern in Chapter 10.
tional considerations.

Key Words
agglomeration 326 line-haul costs 324 spatial margin of profitability 328
agglomeration (external) economies 328 locational interdependence 326 spatially fixed costs 319
break-of-bulk point 325 market equilibrium 318 spatially variable costs 319
comparative advantage 330 market orientation 321 substitution principle 327
deglomeration 329 material orientation 320 terminal costs 324
fixed cost 324 multiplier effect 328 tertiary activities 343
footloose firm 328 outsourcing 330 transnational (multinational)
Fordism 328 quaternary activities 346 corporation (TNC) 333
freight rates 324 quinary activities 347 ubiquitous industry 321
infrastructure 328 satisficing location 328 uniform (isotropic) plain 326
in-transit privilege 325 secondary activities 318 Weberian analysis 326
least-cost theory 326

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 351

For Review
1. What are the six principles of 4. Raw materials, power, labor, 8. How have the concepts or
location outlined in this chapter? market, and transportation are practices of comparative
Briefly explain each and note its “factors of location” usually advantage and outsourcing
contribution to an entrepreneur’s considered important in industrial affected the industrial structure
spatial search. placement decisions. Summarize of advanced and developing
2. What is the difference between the role of each, and cite countries?
fixed and variable costs? Which of examples of where each could be 9. In what ways are the locational
the two is of interest in the plant decisive in a firm’s location. constraints for high-tech industries
locational decision? What kinds of 5. What were Weber’s controlling significantly different from those
variable costs are generally assumptions in his theory of plant of more basic secondary
reckoned as most important in location? What “distortions” did he activities?
locational theory? recognize that might alter the 10. As high-tech industries and
3. What role do prices play in the locational decision? quaternary and quinary
allocation of resources in 6. With respect to plant siting, in employment become more
commercial economies? Are what ways do the concepts and important in the economic
prices a factor in resource conclusions of locational structure of advanced nations,
allocation in planned economies? interdependence theory differ from what consequences for economic
What differences in locational those of least-cost theory? geographic patterns do you
patterns of industry are implicit in 7. What is the spatial margin of anticipate? Explain.
the different treatment of costs in profitability? What is its significance
the two economies? in plant location practice?

Focus Follow-up
1. What are the principal 2. How do comparative advantage Outsourcing and TNC practices
elements of locational theory and transnational corporations evade the single location
and how do different classical operate to affect traditional implications of classical location
theories employ them? location theory outcomes? theories.
pp. 316–330. pp. 330–333. 3. What influences high-tech
Costs of raw materials, power, Comparative advantage recognizes activity location and what is
labor, market access, and that different regions or nations the impact of high-tech growth
transportation are the assumed have useful differences in their on established world
controls governing industrial industrial cost structures. manufacturing regions?
location decisions. They receive Companies utilize outsourcing of pp. 333–343.
different emphases and imply some share of the production Long-established industrial
different conclusions in the process to take advantage of those regions of Eastern Anglo America
theories considered here. Least- cost differences. Transnational and of Western, Central, and
cost (Weber) analysis concludes corporations base their entire set of Eastern Europe developed over
transport costs are the operations on the recognition of time in response to predications
fundamental consideration; comparative advantage when free of classical location analysis.
locational interdependence trade exists; on manufacturing in Eastern Asia, the most recently
(Hotelling) considers that location countries where production costs developed major industrial region,
of competitors determines a firm’s are lowest; on performing has been influenced by both
siting decision; profit maximization research, accounting, and other classical locational pulls and
maintains a firm should locate service components where outsourcing and high-tech
where profit is maximized by economic or convenient; and on locational needs. High-tech
utilizing the substitution maintaining headquarters in industries tend to create
principle. locations that minimize taxes. regionally specialized

352 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

agglomerations reflecting and provide services to goods activities include highly
proximity to scientific research producers, the general specialized and advanced
centers, technically skilled labor community, and individuals. services of research scientists,
pools, venture capital availability, Subdivided for easier recognition, highest-level corporate
quality of life environments, and the general tertiary category executives and governmental
superior transport and contains: (a) low-level personal officials, and the like. The
communication facilities. Their and professional services, growing world trade in services,
emergence has altered traditional retailing of goods, and the like made possible by plummeting
industrial emphases and involved in daily life and market- costs of information
distributional patterns. oriented functions. This transmission, has altered
4. What are the functional and subcategory is also called tertiary. international economic relations
locational characteristics of (b) The quaternary sector and encouraged cultural and
tertiary, quaternary, and comprises advanced forms of functional integration.
quinary service activities services suggested by the term
(pp 343–347) and how are they “knowledge industries” that are
reflected in world trade performed in classrooms,
patterns (pp. 347–349)? hospitals, accounting and
brokerage firms, corporate office
Tertiary industries include all
buildings, etc. (c) Quinary
nongoods production activities

Selected References
Berry, Brian J. L., Edgar C. Conkling, Ettlinger, Nancy. “The Roots of Henderson, Jeffrey. The Globalization of
and D. Michael Ray. The Global Competitive Advantage in California High Technology Production. New
Economy in Transition. Upper Saddle and Japan.” Annals of the Association York: Routledge, 1991.
River, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1997. of American Geographers 81, no. 3 Hepworth, Mark E. Geography of the
Bressand, Albert, and Kalypso (1991): 391–407. Information Economy. New York:
Nicolaïdis. Strategic Trends in Greenhut, Melvin L. Plant Location in Guilford Press, 1990.
Services: An Inquiry into the Global Theory and in Practice. Chapel Hill: Hoover, Edgar M. The Location of
Service Economy. New York: Harper University of North Carolina Press, Economic Activity. New York:
and Row, 1989. 1956. Reprint. Westport, Conn.: McGraw-Hill, 1948.
Chapman, Keith, and David Walker. Greenwood Press, 1982.
Hudman, Lloyd, and Richard Jackson.
Industrial Location. 2d ed. Oxford, Hall, Peter, and Ann Markusen, eds. Geography of Travel and Tourism.
England: Basil Blackwell, 1991. Silicon Landscapes. Boston: Allen and 3d ed. Albany, N.Y.: Delmar
Corbridge, Stuart. World Economy. The Unwin, 1985. Publishers, 1999.
Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Hamilton, Ian, ed. Resources and International Bank for Reconstruction
Geography. New York: Oxford Industry. The Illustrated Encyclopedia and Development/The World Bank.
University Press, 1993. of World Geography. New York: World Development Report.
Daniels, P. W. Service Industries in the Oxford University Press, 1992. Published annually for the World
World Economy. Series: Institute of Hannink, Dean M. Principles and Bank by Oxford University Press,
British Geographers Studies in Applications of Economic Geography. New York.
Geography. Cambridge, Mass.: New York: Wiley, 1997. Knox, Paul L., and John A. Agnew. The
Blackwell Publishers, 1993. Harrington, James W., and Barney Geography of the World Economy.
Daniels, P. W. The Global Economy in Warf. Industrial Location: Principles, 3d ed. London: Edward Arnold, 1998.
Transition. White Plains, N.Y.: Practice, and Policy. London and New Kotkin, Joel. The New Geography: How
Longman, 1996. York: Routledge, 1995. the Digital Revolution Is Reshaping the
Dicken, Peter. Global Shift: The Hayter, Roger. The Dynamics of American Landscape. New York:
Internationalization of Economic Industrial Location. New York: John Random House, 2000.
Activity. 3d ed. New York: Guilford Wiley & Sons, 1997.
Press, 1998.

Livelihood and Economy: From Blue Collar to Gold Collar 353

Malecki, Edward J. “Industrial South, Robert B. “Transnational Weber, Alfred. Theory of the Location of
Location and Corporate ‘Maquiladora’ Location.” Annals of the Industries. Translated by Carl J.
Organization in High Technology Association of American Geographers Friedrich. Chicago: University of
Industries.” Economic Geography 61, 80, no. 4 (1990): 549–570. Chicago Press, 1929. Reissue. New
no. 4 (1985): 345–369. Stutz, Frederick P., and Anthony R. York: Russell & Russell, 1971.
Malecki, Edward J. “The Geography of DeSouza. The World Economy: Wheeler, James O., Peter Muller, Grant
High Technology.” Focus 35, no. 4 Resources, Location, Trade, and Thrall, and Timothy Fik. Economic
(1985): 2–9. Development. 3d ed. Upper Saddle Geography. 3d ed. New York: John
Marshall, J. N. Services and Space: River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1998. Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Aspects of Urban and Regional United Nations Conference on Trade Williams, Stephen. Tourism Geography.
Development. White Plains, N.Y: and Development (UNCTAD). New York: Routledge, 1998.
Longman, 1995. Transnational Corporations,
Martin, Ron, and Bob Rowthorn, eds. Employment and the Workplace. World
The Geography of Deindustrialization. Investment Report 1994. New York
London: Macmillan, 1986. and Geneva: United Nations, 1994.

354 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy


Patterns of Development
and Change

laborers help
Electronic City
Industrial Park,
part of India’s
rapid expansion
of facilities

Focus Preview
1. Definitions and explanations of development and 3. Noneconomic measures of development: education,
underdevelopment, pp. 357–361. services, health, and cultural satisfaction, and their
2. Economic measures and models of development: relationship to economic indices, pp. 376–383.
income, energy, farming and food, and stages of 4. Women’s roles and rewards: the determinants of
growth, pp. 361–376. the pattern of gender relationships, pp. 383–387.

yield maximum benefit to the local economy and
maximum transfer of technology and skills, 50%
he Hindu funeral pyres burned day and night; ownership in the enterprise was retained for Indian
Muslims were buried five and more together in investors along with total local control of
common graves. Countless dead cattle, buffalo, and construction and operation of the plant. The
dogs were hastily gathered and dumped in pits. In a 1000 jobs were considered so important by the state
sense, on that unseasonably cold December night in and local governments that despite six accidents and
central India, all had died for economic one death in the years before the night of disaster,
development. Some 40% of the Indian population reports critical of plant safety and operation were
exists in poverty. Eager to attract modern industry to shelved and ignored. A local official who had called
its less developed states, to create additional for the removal of the factory to a more isolated area
industrial and urban employment, and to produce was himself removed from office.
domestically the chemicals essential to its drive for By the time of the fatal accident, Bhopal had
agricultural self-sufficiency, the Indian government grown from 300,000 to over 900,000 people. More
in 1969 granted Union Carbide Corporation a license than 130,000 residents lived in the slums and
to manufacture pesticides at a new plant built on shantytowns they built for themselves just across the
vacant land on the outskirts of Bhopal. A principal street from a factory they thought produced “plant
ingredient was deadly methyl isocyanate gas, the medicine” to keep crops healthy; they were the
silent killer that escaped from its storage tank that principal victims. Before the week was over, almost
winter night of 1984 after a sudden and unexplained 3000 people had died. Another 300,000 had been
build-up of its temperature and pressure. affected by exposure to the deadly poison, and
To assure the plant’s success, Union Carbide had perhaps 150,000 of those suffer long-term permanent
been exempted from many local taxes, and land, disabilities—blindness, sterility, kidney and liver
water, and power costs were heavily subsidized. To infections, and brain damage.

Figure 10.1 Burning the dead at Bhopal. At the time of the tragedy, India was more prepared than many developing countries to accept the
transfer of advanced technology. In 1984 it ranked among the top 15 countries in manufacturing output and supplied most basic domestic needs
from its own industry. India still sought modern plants and processes and, particularly, industry supporting agricultural improvement and

356 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

hunger-plagued northeastern Brazil stands in sharp con-
Development as a Cultural Variable trast to the prosperous, industrialized modernity of São
Paulo state or city (Figure 10.2), while in the United
Whatever its immediate cause of equipment failure or op-
States, farmers of the hillsides of Appalachia live in a dif-
erator error, the tragedy of Bhopal is witness to the lure of
ferent economic and cultural reality than do midwestern
economic development so eagerly sought that safety and
cash grain farmers.
caution are sacrificed to achieve it. That lure is nearly ir-
resistible for those countries and regions that look to in-
dustrialization and urban employment as their
deliverance from traditional economies no longer able to
support their growing populations or to satisfy their hopes Dividing the Continuum:
for an improved quality of life.
Any view of the contemporary world quickly shows
Definitions of Development
great—almost unbelievable—contrasts from place to place Countries display different levels of development.
in levels of economic development and people’s material Development in that comparative sense means simply
well-being. Variations in these are indicative of the tools, the extent to which the resources of an area or country
energy sources, and other artifacts (p. 53) differing soci- have been brought into full productive use. It may also
eties employ in production and the kinds of economic ac- carry in common usage the implications of economic
tivities in which they engage, and underlie the social growth, modernization, and improvement in levels of
organizations and behavior patterns they have developed. material production and consumption. For some, it also
A look around tells us that these interrelated economic suggests changes in traditional social, cultural, and politi-
and social structures are not shared by all societies; they cal structures to resemble more nearly those displayed
vary between cultures and countries. The ready distinc- in countries and economies deemed “advanced.” Many of
tion that we make between the “Gold Coast” and the the attributes of development under an economic defi-
“slum” indicates that different groups have differential ac- nition can be quantified by reference to statistics of
cess to the wealth, tools, and resources of the global and national production, per capita income, energy con-
national societies of which they are a part. sumption, nutritional levels, labor force characteristics,
At an international scale, we distinguish between and the like. Taken together, such variables might cali-
“advanced” or “rich” nations, such as Canada or Switzer- brate a scale of achievement against which the level of
land, and “less developed” or “poor” countries, like development of a single country may be compared.
Bangladesh or Burkina Faso, though neither class of states Such a scale would reveal that countries lie along a
may wish those adjectives applied to its circumstances. continuum from the least advanced in technology or in-
Hunter-gatherers of southwest Africa or Papua New dustrialization to the most developed in those and similar
Guinea, shifting gardeners of Amazonia, or subsistence characteristics. Geographers (and others) attempt to clas-
farmers of southeastern Asia may be largely untouched by sify and group countries along the continuum in ways that
the modernization, industrialization, or urbanization of so- are conceptually revealing and spatially informative. The
ciety commonplace elsewhere. Development differentials extremes are easy; the middle ground is less clear-cut, and
exist within countries, too. The poverty of drought- and the terminology referring to it is mixed.

(a) (b)

Figure 10.2 The modern high rise office and apartment buildings of prosperous São Paulo (a), a city that generates over one-third of
Brazil’s national income, stand a world apart from the poverty and peasant housing of northeastern Brazil (b). The evidences and benefits of
“development” are not equally shared by all segments of any country or society.

Patterns of Development and Change 357

In the broadest view, “developed” countries stand in agreed with the United Nations classification that placed
easy contrast to the “underdeveloped,” “less developed,” or all of Europe and North America, plus Australia, Japan,
“developing” world. (Developing was the term introduced New Zealand, and the former USSR in a more developed
by President Harry S. Truman in 1949 as a replacement country category, with all other states classed as less de-
for backward, the unsatisfactory and unflattering refer- veloped countries (LDCs).
ence then in use.) Underdevelopment from a strictly The variety of terms devised—not all of them accu-
economic point of view suggests the possibility or desir- rately descriptive or acceptable to those countries
ability of applying additional capital, labor, or technology designated—represent honest efforts to categorize countries
to the resource base of an area to permit the present pop- whose developmental circumstances are defined by a vari-
ulation to improve its material well-being or to allow pop- ety of economic and social measures along a continuum of
ulations to increase without a deterioration in their specific or composite characteristics. In the remainder of
quality of life. this chapter, broad developmental contrasts between coun-
The catch-all category of underdeveloped, however, tries or regions will conform to the “North-South” and the
does not tell us in which countries such efforts at im- UN “more developed-less developed” categorizations. Our
provement have occurred or been effective. With time, primary attention in maps and text, however, will be given
therefore, more refined subdivisions of development have to the developing countries of the “South.”
been introduced, including such indistinctly relative The terminology of development is usually applied
terms as moderately, less, or least developed countries. 1 to country units, but it is equally meaningful at the re-
Since development is commonly understood to imply in- gional and local levels within them, for few countries are
dustrialization and to be reflected in improvements in na- uniformly highly developed or totally undeveloped. Many
tional and personal income, the additional terms newly emerging economies contain pockets—frequently the
industrializing countries (NICs) (which we encountered in major urban centers—of productivity, wealth, and moder-
Chapter 9) and middle income countries have been em- nity not shared by the rest of the state. For example, Mex-
ployed. More recently, emerging economy has become a ico is a leading NIC, but more than 50% of its industrial
common designation providing a more positive image workers and over 60% of value of manufacturing are lo-
than “underdeveloped.” In a corruption of its original cated in metropolitan Mexico City. Many other parts of
meaning, the term Third World is often applied to the de- the country and, particularly, its Indian population, re-
veloping countries as a group, though when first used that main untouched by the development concentrated in the
designation was a purely political reference to nations not capital city. Even within the most advanced societies
formally aligned with a “First World” of industrialized free some areas and populations remain outside the main-
market (capitalist) nations or a “Second World” of cen- stream of progress and prosperity enjoyed by the major-
trally controlled (communist bloc) economies. And in- ity. Fourth World deprivation is not just a whole country
creasingly, the name Fourth World has been attached to concept.
the UN-recognized group of least developed states.
In 1980 the contrasting terms North and South were Explanations of Underdevelopment
introduced (by the Independent Commission on Interna- It is one thing to devise categories of relative development
tional Development Issues, commonly called the Brandt and to assign countries to them; it is quite another to see
Report2 ) as a broad and not wholly accurate general- in those categories an explanation of their spatial pattern.
ization to emphasize the distinctions between the rich, Why are different countries arranged as they are along the
advanced, developed countries of the Northern Hemi- continuum of advancement? What conditions underlie
sphere (to which Southern Hemisphere Australia and their relative degrees of development? Are those condi-
New Zealand are added)—the North—and, roughly, all tions common to all countries at the same level of tech-
the rest of the world—the South (Figure 10.3). This split nology? And do those conditions have spatial expression
and spatial explanation?
The Brandt Report hints at one frequent but simplis-
1In 1971 the General Assembly of the UN listed 24 “least developed”
tic spatial explanation: Development is a characteristic of
countries identified by per capita gross domestic product, share of the rich “North”—the midlatitudes, more precisely;
manufacturing in GDP, and adult literacy. In later years the criteria were poverty and underdevelopment are tropical conditions.
expanded to include a quality of life index, economic diversification Proponents of the latitudinal explanation support their
index, and population size; at the same time the number of countries
included in the least developed group rose steadily to 48 in 1994. Over conviction not only by reference to such topical maps as
the years, only one country, Botswana, has ever “graduated” from the Figures 10.3, 10.8, or 10.11, but by noting that rich
list. See Figure 10.3. countries—some 30 in number—have 93% of their popula-
2North-South: A Programme for Survival. The Commission was established

in 1977 at the suggestion of the chairman of the World Bank. Under its tion resident in temperate or “snow belt” zones; 42 of the
charge, “global issues arising from economic and social disparities of the world’s poorest states have 56% of their people in tropical
world community” were to be studied and “ways of promoting adequate latitudes and 18% in arid zones. They also note that ob-
solutions to the problems involved in development” were to be proposed.
The former Soviet Union was at that time included within the North, and servable differences in development and wealth exist
its successor states retain that association. within individual countries. Brazilians of the southeastern

358 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy





20° Brandt line

Least developed countries
Developing countries
Industrial countries

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 10.3 Comparative development levels. The “North–South” line of the 1980 Brandt Report suggested a simplified world contrast of
development and underdevelopment based largely on degree of industrialization and per capita wealth. More recently, the United Nations has
recognized a varying number (45 on this map) of “least developed countries” reflecting the states’ low ratings in three indicators: gross domestic
product, share of manufacturing in the GDP, and literacy rate. The “industrial countries” are those identified as most developed by the United
Nations Development Program. See also Figure 10.5.

temperate highlands, for example, have average incomes and overcrowding are frequently noted as common de-
several times higher than their compatriots of tropical nominators of national underdevelopment, but Singa-
Amazonia. Annual average incomes of Mexicans of the pore prospers with 6500 per square kilometer (17,000 per
temperate north far exceed those of southern Yucatán. sq mi) while impoverished Mali is empty with 9 per
Australians of the tropical north are poorer than Aus- square kilometer (23 per sq mi) (Figure 10.4). (3) Former
tralians of the temperate south. Unfortunately for the colonial status is often blamed for present underdevelop-
search for easy explanation, many of the poorer nations of ment, which may be a surprise to the ex-colonies of Aus-
the “South” lie partially or wholly within the midlatitudes tralia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, or the United
or at temperate elevations—Afghanistan, North Korea, States—and to Ethiopia, which never was colonized but is
and Mongolia are examples—while equatorial Singapore a case study in underdevelopment.
and Malaysia prosper. Geography, many argue forcefully, Although there appears to be no single, simple expla-
is not destiny. nation of Third World status, just as there is no single
Other generalizations seem similarly inconclusive: measure of underdevelopment that accounts for every
(1) Resource poverty is cited as a limit to developmental Third World case, the Harvard Institute for International
possibilities. Although some developing countries are defi- Development did attempt to quantify differences in na-
cient in raw materials, others are major world suppliers of tional economic development. It argued that “physical ge-
both industrial minerals and agricultural goods—bauxite, ography” is one of four factors influencing global patterns
cacao, and coffee, for example. Admittedly, a Third of growth; the least developed countries are almost with-
World complaint is that their materials are underpriced out exception located in ecological zones that pose serious
in the developed world markets to which they flow, but health conditions—including much shorter life spans—not
that is a matter of marketing and economics, not re- found in the midlatitudes and have agricultural limitations
sources. Further, economists have long held that re- that are very different from those of wealthy states. The
liance on natural resource wealth and exports by less other three factors are initial economic level, government
developed countries undermines their prospects for policy, and demographic change. The Institute’s conclu-
growth by interfering with their development of industry sions were that landlocked countries grew more slowly
and export-oriented manufacturing. (2) Overpopulation than coastal economies, that—because of poor health and

Patterns of Development and Change 359

that at least partially and temporarily the growth and pros-
perity of core regions is at the expense of exploited pe-
ripheral zones.
That conclusion is drawn from the observation that
linkages and interactions exist between the contrasting
parts of the system. As one variant of the model suggests,
if for any reason (perhaps a new industrial process or
product) one section of a country experiences accelerated
economic development, that section by its expanding
prosperity becomes increasingly attractive for investors
and other entrepreneurs. Assuming national investment
capital is limited, growth in the developing core must
come at the expense of the peripheries of the country.
A process of circular and cumulative causation
thus set in motion continues to polarize development and
leads to a permanent division between prosperous (and
dominating) cores and depressed (and exploited) peripheral
Figure 10.4 Landlocked and subject to severe droughts, Mali is
districts that are milked of surplus labor, raw materials, and
one of the poorest of the “least developed” countries. Low densities of
population are not necessarily related to prosperity, or high densities profits. In its dependency theory form (p. 376), this version
to poverty. Mali has fewer than 9 people per square kilometer (23 per of the core-periphery argument sees the developing world
sq mi); Japan has nearly 336 per square kilometer (870 per sq mi). as effectively held captive by the leading industrial nations.
These Dogon women crossing a parched millet field near Sanga are It is drained of wealth and deprived of growth by remaining
on their way to get water—a time- and energy-consuming daily task
for many Fourth World women. Even in more humid South Africa,
largely a food and raw material exporter and an importer of
rural women on average spend three hours and 10 minutes each day manufactured commodities—and frequently suffering price
fetching water, according to a South African government survey. discrimination in both their sales and purchases. A condi-
tion of neocolonialism is said to exist in which economic and
even political control is exercised by developed states over
the economies and societies of legally independent coun-
unproductive farming—tropical states were slower to de- tries of the underdeveloped world.
velop than temperate zone ones, and that sparse natural A more hopeful variant of the model observes that
resources and transport isolation inhibited growth possi- regional income inequalities exist within all countries, but
bilities and rates. that they tend to be greater in less developed countries
These physical differences and environmental limita- than in the developed ones. That is, within market
tions, the Institute found, were far less explanatory of na- economies income disparities tend to be reduced as devel-
tional growth rates than were market economies, prudent opmental levels increase. Eventually, it is argued, income
fiscal policies, and the rule of laws prohibiting corruption, convergence will occur as trickle-down effects or
breach of contract, expropriation of property, and the like. spread effects work to diffuse benefits outward from the
These are circumstances and controls independent of loca- center in the form of higher prices paid for needed materi-
tional or resource differentials. That conclusion is but- als or through the dispersion of technology to branch
tressed by a United Nations report concluding that “good plants or contract suppliers in lower-cost regions of pro-
government,” including protection of property rights under duction. On the international scale, such spread effects
a stable political and legal system, is the top priority in should work to reduce the dominance of formerly ex-
poverty-fighting and the key to sustainable development. ploitative cores and equalize incomes between world re-
gions. The increasing wealth of the newly industrializing
The Core-Periphery Argument economies and the penetration of European and Ameri-
Core-periphery models are based on the observation can markets by, for example, Asian-produced goods rang-
that within many spatial systems sharp territorial con- ing from cheap textiles to expensive automobiles and
trasts exist in wealth, economic advancement, and high-technology electronics are cited in support of this
growth—in “development”—between economic heartlands model variant.
and outlying subordinate zones. Wealthy urban cores and Core-periphery models stress economic relationships
depressed rural peripheries, or prospering “high-tech” con- and spatial patterns of control over production and trade.
centrations and declining “rust belts,” are contrasts found Indeed, the usual measures and comparisons of develop-
in many developed countries. On the international scene, ment are stated in economic terms (see Figure 10.5). As
core-periphery contrasts are discerned between, particu- we shall see later in this chapter, noneconomic measures
larly, Western Europe, Japan, and the United States as may also be employed, though usually not without refer-
prosperous cores and the Fourth World as underdevel- ence to their relationships to national or per capita in-
oped periphery. At all spatial scales, the models assume come or to other measures of wealth and productivity. We

360 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 10.5 The wealth of nations. Sustainable development, the World Bank observes, implies providing future generations with as much
or more capital per capita as we ourselves possess. Usual measures of national wealth emphasize brick, mortar, machinery, and infrastructural
physical capital and try to recognize less tangible national assets of education, health, and social organizations. But, the Bank suggests, a national
wealth account must also be credited with the value of possessed natural and mineral resources and adjusted downward by explicit recognition of
the costs of environmental degradation and mineral and agricultural resource depletion.
By that accounting system, a preliminary 1996 Bank ranking of per capita wealth of countries puts Australia at $835,000 per person and
Canada ($704,000) on top because their great natural wealth (capital) is owned by relatively small populations. “Developed countries” of the
North rate highly on the combined basis of their human, social, and produced capital, even though their natural capital may be modest. At the
bottom (Ethiopia, with a per capita national wealth of $1400, is lowest) are states with poor natural endowments and low levels of human, social,
and produced capital development and those where large and growing populations further subdivide a limited composite capital account. The
Bank’s “environmental accounting” method also recognizes dozens of states like Kenya, Libya, Nigeria, Venezuela, and others where the
accumulation of human and produced capital has been offset by the depletion of raw materials and fertile farmland.
Source: Data from The World Bank.

shall also see that composite measures of developmental at an average annual rate of over 5% compared to less than
level are perhaps more useful and meaningful than those 3% per year for the industrial states. As a result of those
restricted to single factors or solely to matters of either growth differentials and of overall changes in the composi-
economy or social welfare. tion of their gross domestic products, the less developed
And finally, we should remember that “develop- states were in a decisively different relative position at the
ment” is a culturally relative term. It is usually interpreted end of the 20th century than they were at its start. In 1913,
in western, democratic, market economy terms that pre- on the eve of World War I, the 20 or so countries now
sumably can be generalized to apply to all societies. Oth- known as the rich industrial economies produced almost
ers insist that it must be seen against the background of 80% of world manufacturing. In 1950, the United States
diverse social, material, and environmental conditions alone accounted for around half of world output, about the
that differently shape cultural and economic aspirations of share produced by all the developed economies together in
different peoples. the late 1990s.
Particularly after midcentury, the spread effects of
technology transfer, industrialization, and expanding
Economic Measures of Development world trade substantially reduced—though have not yet
eliminated—the core-periphery contrasts in productivity
The developing countries as a group have made significant and structure of gross domestic product that formerly
progress along the continuum of economic development. seemed insurmountably great. Significantly, manufac-
Between 1980 and 2000, their economies collectively grew tured goods at the end of the century accounted for nearly

Patterns of Development and Change 361

70% of all merchandise exports of developing countries as tural changes within developing countries, however, are
a group—including the rapidly industrializing and export- accounted for by official statistics. In all countries, at
ing economies of the East Asian “tigers” (fast-growing least a portion of goods and services are produced and
economies, specifically Hongkong, Singapore, South workers supported by the informal (shadow, under-
Korea, and Taiwan)—up from only 5% in 1955, and their ground) economy. For emerging economies as a group,
share of world exports of manufactures jumped from 5% an international study estimates, underground activity is
in 1970 to nearly 25% in 1999. Their growing importance equivalent to around one-third of gross domestic product
in manufacturing exports clearly marks the restructuring (and to about 15% in rich countries). The proportion of
of the economies of many developing states away from economic activity escaping official notice and thus not
subsistence agriculture and primary commodity produc- part of published GNP totals varies greatly between
tion. Not all developing regions have experienced that re- states, the 1999 study reports. Nigeria and Thailand have
structuring, of course; the share of manufacturing in the world’s largest shadow economies, both accounting
exports for sub-Saharan Africa was still no more than 15% for more than 70% of official GDP; for other developing
in the late 1990s. countries the proportion, though lower, is in all cases
In 1965, 30% of the developing countries’ combined still significant. Whether undertaken to avoid taxes, to
income came from agriculture and another 30% from in- hide illegal enterprises, or simply reflecting the efforts
dustry; by the end of the century, agriculture’s share had and employment of those unable to find jobs with regis-
dropped to about 12% while industry grew to account for tered businesses, informal economic activity obviously
some 35% of their collective national earnings; over the distorts government statistics on total employment and
same span, services increased from less than 40% to 53% real GDP and their agricultural, industrial, and service
of earnings. Not all of the employment shifts and struc- components (Figure 10.6).

Figure 10.6 “Informal sector” initiative by street typists for hire in Huancayo, Peru. Between 1965 and 2000, the percentage of the labor
force in agriculture dropped precipitously in all countries of Latin America. That decline was not matched by a proportional increase in
employment in manufacturing and other industries. In Peru, employment in agriculture fell from 50% to no more than 10% of the total, but the
share of workers in industry remained constant at about 20%. Many of the former rural workers found urban jobs in the informal or shadow
economy sector. They became errand runners, street vendors, odd-job handymen, open-air dispensers of such personal services as barbering,
shoe shining, clothes mending, letter-writing, and the like, as well as workers in small-scale construction and repair shops.

362 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

The world and regional impacts of continuing shifts than one-third of those from industrial market countries—
in global economic balance are obscured by traditional were minerals and agricultural products. By the end of the
market exchange rate estimates of the relative size of na- 1990s, the disparity had materially lessened; minerals and
tional economies. Those estimates measure gross national agricultural goods represented only 23% by value of the
product or per capita share of gross domestic product in developing countries’3 exports and 11% of those from in-
U.S. dollar equivalents, making no assessment of relative dustrial market economies.
price levels in different countries or of the value of non-
traded goods and services. Seeking a more realistic mea- The Diffusion of Technology
sure of national economies, the International Monetary Composite figures mask the disparities that exist within
Fund and the World Bank now use purchasing power the ranks of developing countries. The world’s 48 “least
parity (PPP), which takes account of what money actually developed” states in 2000 produced less than 1% of global
buys in each country. (PPP is based on the idea that an wealth, measured at market exchange rates. In contrast,
identical basket of traded goods should cost the same in the small, industrialized “four dragons”—Hong Kong, Sin-
all countries.) When the new PPP measure was introduced gapore, South Korea, and Taiwan—alone contributed al-
in 1993, it gave a clearer picture of the world economy most 3.5% to gross world product. Obviously, there are
and radically changed traditional assessments of it. differences within the developing world in the successful
Immediately, the relative economic importance of application of technology to the creation of wealth.
the Third World doubled. Using purchasing power parity, Technology refers to the totality of tools and meth-
Asia’s share of world 1998 output jumped from 10% to ods available to and used by a culture group in producing
26%, and the revised weight for all developing states items essential to its subsistence and comfort. We saw in
vaulted from 21% to 46%. That is, the rich industrial Chapter 2 how in antiquity there emerged culture
economies in the late 1990s accounted for just 54% of hearths—centers of technological innovation, of new
total global output using PPPs, a marked come-down from ideas and techniques that diffused or were carried out
their assumed 79% contribution under the old exchange from the core region. Innovation is rarely a single event;
rate system. If present trends hold, the World Bank fore- as cultures advance, needs multiply and different solu-
casts, by 2020 the current “rich world’s” share of global tions develop to meet expanding requirements. The an-
output could shrink to less than two-fifths. cient hearths (Figure 2.15; Table 2.1) were locales of
Impressive as the shifts in global economic balance such multiple invention and innovation. Their modern
between the industrial and developing countries may be, counterparts are the highly urbanized, industrialized ad-
they do little to reduce the contrasts that remain between vanced nations whose creativity is recorded by patent
the richest of the North and the poorest of the South. registrations and product and process introductions. The
While as a group the developing countries—134 of them as changing rate of innovation over time is suggested by
usually defined—are catching up to the developed world Figure 2.20.
in total productivity, a good part of the aggregate gain is In all periods there has existed between hearths and
lost in per capita terms (see “Poverty and Development”). outlying regions a technology gap, a contrast in the
With the South’s first-of-century population increasing at range and productivity of artifacts introduced at the core
about a 2% per annum rate, growing national prosperity and those known or employed at the periphery. That gap
has to be—at least statistically—divided among an increas- widened at an accelerating rate as technology moved far-
ing number of claimants. In the early 1990s, the South had ther away from the shared knowledge of earlier periods.
to apportion its recalculated one-third share of gross global During the Industrial Revolution, the technological dis-
product (the total value of goods and services produced by tance between cottage hand looms of 18th-century English
the world economy) among more than three-fourths of villagers and the power looms of their neighboring facto-
world population. By 2000, the South’s population had in- ries was one of only moderate degree (Figure 10.7). Far
creased by more than 600 million to over 80% of the greater is the gap between the range of traditional crafts
world total. Because of that growth, the number of per- known throughout the world and the modern technologies
sons worldwide living in poverty hardly changed during of the most advanced societies. It is much more difficult
the 1990s. And the very rich, in contrast, continue to get now for a less developed society to advance to the “state
richer. Average income in the richest 20 countries was at of the art” by its own efforts than it was for British
the end of the 1990s 37 times the average in the poorest colonies or the rest of Europe to re-create the textile or
20—a gap that had doubled over the preceding 40 years. iron-making industries first developed in England.
As core-periphery theorists suggest, the industrial The persistence and expansion of the technology gap
economies still account for three-quarters of world exports suggest that the idea of cultural convergence—the in-
and dominate the international financial markets. Fur- creasing similarity in technologies and ways of life among
ther, the South’s economies are far more (though decreas- societies at the same levels of development—does not as
ingly) oriented toward raw material production than are
those of the developed world. For example, in 1965, over
80% of the exports from developing countries—but less 3Excluding high-income petroleum exporting countries.

Patterns of Development and Change 363

Poverty and Development

A ccording to the World Bank

to age 40); knowledge (percentage of poverty rose during the 1990s. In Mex-
and the United Nations Human De- adults who are illiterate); and depriva- ico between 1989 and 1994 overall
velopment Programme (UNDP), of tion in living standards (measured by poverty declined modestly, but there
the world’s end-of-century 6 billion access to safe water, access to health were large variations across regions
people, 2.8 billion—almost half— services, and percentage of malnour- within the country. In Thailand, the
lived on less than $2.00 per day. Over ished children under 5). incidence of poverty in the rural
1.2 billion—about a fifth of the world By these standards, the world northeast was almost double the na-
total—experience “absolute poverty.” made significant progress in reducing tional average in 1992. The World
These folk exist on an income of less human poverty in the 1990s. In devel- Bank notes that in general poverty
than $1 per day ($440 per year in oping countries the percentage of tends to be associated with distance
purchasing power parity), a figure newly born people not expected to from cities and the seacoast.
below which, it is usually reckoned, survive to age 40 declined from 20% to Africa is a continuing problem
people are unable to buy adequate 14% during the decade. Adult illiter- region. Because of its rapid population
food, shelter, and other necessities. acy dropped from 35% to 28% and ac- growth, stagnation or decline in per
This is the same number, though a cess to safe water increased from 68% capita food production, weakness in
slightly smaller percentage of the to 72%. The income poverty rate, even infrastructure and facilities systems,
world’s population, as were poor in by the $1 a day standard (1993 PPP periodic drought, and devastating civil
1990. About 44% of the very poor live US$), dropped from 29% to 24%. In- wars, in sub-Saharan Africa the num-
in South Asia and another 25% in come poverty declined during the ber of poor people increased from
sub-Saharan Africa. East Asia and the 1990s in every developing region, 217 million in 1987 to over 291 mil-
Pacific account for 23% of those in though the decline was not uniform lion in 1999. The World Bank projects
absolute poverty and Latin America and ranged from 11 percentage points that the sub-Saharan region will have
and the Caribbean add another 6.5%. in East Asia to only 0.3 percentage 360 million people or 40% of its popu-
Although the dollar definition of points in sub-Saharan Africa. lation in poverty in 2010.
poverty is applied as if it were a The UNDP reports that some One key to improving both the
worldwide constant, in reality poverty countries have made notable progress. economic and social lot of the “poor-
is comprised of two separate elements Malaysia reduced income poverty from est of the poor,” the World Bank and
that are regional variables. One of 60% in 1960 to 14% in 1993, China from United Nations argue, is to target
these is the reasonably objective ob- 33% in 1978 to 18% in 1998, and India public spending on their special
servation that you are impoverished if from 54% in 1974 to 44% in 1997. In needs of education and health care
you can’t afford a minimum standard contrast, in Niger, the African country and to pursue patterns of investment
of nutrition. The other element is with the highest human poverty index, and economic growth that can pro-
more subjective and equates poverty nearly two-thirds of residents live in ductively employ that underutilized
with inability to buy basic goods that conditions of poverty, the highest fig- and growing labor force so abundant
other citizens of your country regard ure for any of the world’s developing in the least developed countries.
as necessities. The UNDP has at- countries. In the Western Hemisphere, Another needed solution, many
tempted to combine these separate el- Haiti has the highest HPI, and argue, is for rich creditor countries
ements in devising a human poverty Guatemala is the Latin American and international lending agencies
index that, first, identifies poverty poverty leader. In Asia, Nepal is worst to provide relief from the massive
populations by the simple income test off among South Asian states and Mo- burden of interest and principal re-
and then concentrates on measuring rocco leads the Arab world. payments owed by the group of 40 or
deprivation in three essential dimen- Poverty is an areal variable more highly indebted poor countries
sions of human life: longevity (per- within countries. In Burkina Faso and (HIPCs)a.
centage of people not expected to live Zambia, rural poverty fell and urban aSee “Does Foreign Aid Help?”, p. 374.

364 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

advanced and emerging economies. Other technologies,
particularly in the life sciences, materials innovation,
and energy, are more specific to the markets, monetary
resources, and needs of the rich countries and not
adapted to those of the less developed states. Even where
transfer is feasible, imported innovations may require
domestic markets sufficient to justify their costs, mar-
kets that poor countries will not possess at their current
national income levels. And the purchase of technology
presumes recipient country export earnings sufficient to
pay for it, again a condition not met by the poorest
Developing countries have, in a form of reverse
flow, contributed to scientific and engineering innovation.
Advanced technologies and scientific breakthroughs de-
Figure 10.7 Early in the Industrial Revolution, new techniques pend on public and private research institutions and cor-
that diffused most readily from the English hearth were those close to porate research and development departments common
handicraft production processes. In some industries, the important
innovation was the adoption of power and volume production, not
in the rich states. Many of the advances produced by
radically new machines or products. For textiles and similar light those agencies have been made by poor-country scientists
industries, capital requirements were low and workers required little working in the rich-country laboratories. Indian and Chi-
training in new skills. The picture shows carding, drawing, and nese technologists and engineers, for example, are major
spinning machinery built by memory in the United States in 1790 by components in the work force of all the high-tech concen-
Samuel Slater, an Englishman who introduced the new technology
despite British prohibitions on exports of drawings or models of it.
trations discussed in Chapter 9 (p. 340).

The Complex of Development

Technology transfer is only one aspect of economic devel-
well unite the most and the least advanced economies. In opment. The process as a whole intricately affects all
the modern world, as we saw in Chapter 2 (p. 52), there is facets of social and economic life. The terms level of living
a widespread sharing of technologies, organizational and standard of living bring to mind some of the ways in
forms, and developed cultural traits. But not all countries which economic advancement implies both technological
are at the same developmental state. Not all are equally and societal change, including amount of personal in-
able to draw on advanced technology to create the same come, levels of education, food consumption, life ex-
products with identical efficiency and quality, although pectancy, and the availability of health care. The
there is increasing awareness of the existence of those complexity of the occupational structure, the degree of
products and the benefits of their use. specialization in jobs, the ways in which natural resources
The technology gap matters. At any given level of are used, and the level of industrialization are also mea-
technology, the resources of an area will have a limited sures of development and of the innovation or adoption of
population supporting capacity. As population growth ap- technology within a society.
proaches or exceeds those limits, as it has in many less The generalized summary table “Relative Characteris-
developed areas of the globe, poverty, famine, and politi- tics of Development” outlines some of the many implica-
cal and social upheaval can result. Understandably, all tions and attributes of development. It also makes clear
countries aspire to expand their resource base, increase why no single measure is sufficient to assess the compara-
its support levels through application of improved tech- tive stage of economic development or level of living of a
nologies, or enter more fully into an income-producing society. We might, for example, simplistically assume that
exchange relationship with other world regions through national contrasts in average per capita income would
economic development. Their objective is a technology serve to measure the level of living in all of its aspects; but
transfer, placing in their own territory and under their personal income figures are particularly hard to compare
own control the productive plants and processes marking across national borders. An income of (U.S.) $50,000 in
the more advanced countries. The chemical plant of Sweden is taxed at a much higher rate than a similar in-
Bhopal was one item in a technology transfer sought by come in the United States. But social welfare programs,
the state of Madhya Pradesh and the government of higher education, and medicine receive greater central gov-
India, one step in the process of moving the region and ernmental funding in Sweden; the American family must
country further along the continuum from less developed set aside a larger portion of its income for such services.
to more developed status. Further, identical incomes will be spent on different
Not all technology, of course, is equally transfer- amounts and types of goods and services in different coun-
able. Computers, information management techniques, tries. Americans, because of lower prices, spend a smaller
cell phones, and the like easily make the move between proportion of their personal income on food than do the

Patterns of Development and Change 365

Relative Characteristics of Development

Less Developed
1. Per capita incomes are low, and capital is scarce. 1. Per capita incomes are high, and capital is readily available.
2. Wealth is unevenly distributed within individual countries 2. Wealth within individual countries is comparatively evenly
(e.g., in Colombia 2.6% of population owns 40% of the distributed (e.g., in Canada, 10% of the population owns
national wealth, and in Gabon 1% owns 56% of total wealth). 24% of national wealth).
3. Primary industries (farming, forestry, quarrying, mining, 3. Manufacturing and service industries dominate national
fishing) dominate national economies. economies.
4. High proportion (over 50%) of population is engaged in 4. Very small proportion (under 10%) of population is engaged
agriculture. in agriculture.
5. Farming is mostly at the subsistence level and is 5. Farming is mostly commercial, efficient, and highly
characterized by hand labor methods and underemployment. mechanized. Farm holdings are generally large, and crop
Farm holdings are small, mechanization is limited, and crop yields are high.
yields are low. 6. Populations are predominantly urban, with near 80% living
6. Populations are dominantly rural, though impoverished in towns and cities.
urban numbers are growing. 7. Birth and death rates are low, and life expectancy is high.
7. Birth and death rates are high, and life expectancy is low. There is often a high proportion of people over 65 years of
There tends to be a high proportion of children. Rates of age. Rates of natural increase are low.
natural increase are high. 8. Generally adequate supplies of food and balanced diets;
8. Inadequate or unbalanced diets resulting from a relatively low overeating is sometimes a problem.
consumption of protein; hunger and malnutrition are 9. Primary diseases are related to age and life-style; good
common. medical services are available.
9. Infectious, respiratory, and parasitic diseases are common; 10. Social conditions are generally good, with adequate housing
medical services are poor. space and a high level of public health facilities and
10. Overcrowding, poor housing, few public services, and bad sanitation.
sanitation yield poor social conditions. 11. Highly developed educational facilities and low levels of
11. Poor educational facilities and high levels of illiteracy hinder illiteracy are the norm. Technical proficiency is advanced.
scientific and technological advancement. (In sub-Saharan 12. Women are increasingly treated on equal terms with men.
Africa, over 40% of population is illiterate.)
Adapted with permission from Charles Whynne-Hammond, Elements of Human
12. Women may be held in inferior position in society. Geography. 2d ed., p. 171 (London: Unwin Hyman Limited, 1985).

residents of most European states or Japan; those living in The primarily economic measures discussed here are
upper latitudes must buy fuel and heavy clothing not nec- among those commonly accepted as most revealing of the
essary in tropical household budgets; and price levels may relative progress of countries of the “South” along the
vary widely in different economies for similar essential scale of development. They are: (1) gross national product
goods. Of course, national average personal income figures and purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita, (2) per
do not indicate how earnings are distributed among the cit- capita energy consumption, (3) percent of the workforce
izenry. In some countries the wealthiest 5% of the popula- engaged in agriculture, and (4) calorie intake per capita.
tion control over 50% of the income, whereas in others
revenues are more uniformly distributed. Gross National Product and PPP per Capita
To broaden the limited view afforded by per capita Gross national product (GNP) is a commonly available
income figures, therefore, a variety of more specific and statistic that reports the total market value of goods and
descriptive measures has been employed to suggest na- services4 produced within an economy within a given
tional levels of development. Each such measure can
present only part of a total picture of developmental sta-
4Adjusted by deducting income earned by foreign interests and adding
tus. Taken together, however, the comparative criteria
income accruing to residents from foreign investments or remittances.
tend to show a high, but not perfect, correlation that Without these adjustments the statistic is called gross domestic
collectively supports the accepted North-South global split. product, itself subject to different adjustments.

366 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 10.8 Gross national product per capita. GNP per capita is a frequently employed summary of degree of economic advancement,
though high incomes in sparsely populated, oil-rich countries may not have the same meaning in developmental terms as do comparable per
capita values in industrially advanced states. The map implies an unrealistic precision. For many states, when uncertain GNP is divided by
unreliable population totals, the resulting GNP per capita is at best a rough approximation that varies between reporting agencies. A comparison
of this map and Figure 10.11 presents an interesting study in regional contrasts.
Source: Data from World Bank and Population Reference Bureau.

time period, usually a year. Expressed in per capita status. It tends to distort a more inclusive picture of un-
terms (see Appendix B), GNP is the most frequently used derdevelopment by a overemphasizing the purely mone-
indicator of a country’s economic performance (Fig- tary circumstances of countries and not accurately
ure 10.8). Like any other single index of development, representing the economic circumstances of countries
gross national product tells only part of a complex story. with dominantly subsistence economies, for example,
Indeed, its concept, and that of the related gross domes- many of the nations of Asia and Africa with low income
tic product, is under increasing attack for its assumed figures.
distortions of reality. One group, including environmen- As expected, the countries with the highest GNP
talists, argues that the GNP overstates the wealth of a so- per capita are those in northwestern Europe, where the
ciety by ignoring the cost of ecological damage and the Industrial Revolution began, and in the midlatitude colo-
drain modern economies place on natural resources (see nial areas—North America, Australia, and New Zealand—
Figure 10.5). An opposing group holds that GNP under- to which the new technologies were first transplanted. In
states the strength of economic growth by overlooking the Middle position are found many of the countries of
much of the quality and productivity improvements Latin America and of southern and eastern Europe.
brought by technology (safer automobiles, faster, more Large sections of Africa and Asia, in contrast, are at the
powerful computers, etc.). low end of average income figures, since the money
Of course, gross national product per capita is not a value of the nontraded goods and services that subsis-
personal income figure, but simply a calculated assign- tence farmers provide for themselves and their commu-
ment of each individual’s share of a national total. Change nities goes unrecorded in the GNP. That problem is
in total population or in total national product will alter partly resolved, you will recall, by calculating what are
the average per capita figure but need have no impact on sometimes called “real per capita gross domestic prod-
the personal finances of any individual citizen. Nor is per ucts,” but more usually summarized as purchasing power
capita GNP a totally realistic summary of developmental parities (see Figure 10.9 and p. 363).

Patterns of Development and Change 367

Figure 10.9 Purchasing power parity (PPP). When local currency measures of gross national product or gross domestic product are
converted into purchasing power parities, there is a twofold revision of the usual view of world economic status. The first result is a sharp
increase in developing countries’ share of total world output. By the PPP calculation, China has the world’s second largest economy, and India,
Mexico, and the Russian Federation all emerge as bigger than Canada. Second, the abject poverty suggested by per capita gross national or gross
domestic product is seen to be much reduced in many developing countries. India, for example, showed a 1999 gross national product per capita
at market exchange rates of $450; in purchasing power parity, the figure rose to $2149, and the Central African Republic’s people jumped from
$290 to $1131. Compare this map with Figure 10.8 to see how PPP changes our impressions of some countries’ economic status.
Source: Data from World Bank and United Nations.

Energy Consumption per Capita The advanced countries developed their economic
Per capita energy consumption is a common measure of strength through the use of cheap energy and its applica-
technological advancement of nations because it loosely tion to industrial processes. But energy is cheap only if
correlates with per capita income, degree of industrializa- immense capital investment is made to produce it at a low
tion, and use of advanced technology (see Figure 8.34). In cost per unit. The less advanced nations, unable to make
fact, the industrialized countries use about 10 times more those necessary investments or lacking domestic energy
energy on a per capita basis than developing economies resources, use expensive animate energy or such decreas-
do. The consumption rather than the production of en- ingly available fuels as firewood (see “The Energy Crisis
ergy is the concern. Many of the highly developed coun- in LDCs”), and they must forgo energy-intensive industrial
tries consume large amounts of energy but produce development. Anything that increases the cost of energy
relatively little of it. Japan, for example, must import further removes it from easy acquisition by less developed
from abroad the energy supplies its domestic resource countries. Surges in petroleum prices beginning in the
base lacks. In contrast, many less developed countries 1970s and the consequent increase in the price of all pur-
have very high per capita or total energy production fig- chased energy supplies served to widen further the gulf
ures but primarily export the resource (petroleum). Libya, between the technological subsystems of the rich and the
Nigeria, and Brunei are cases in point. The data presented poor countries of the world.
in Figure 10.10 refer to commercial forms of inanimate
energy (petroleum, coal, lignite, natural gas, hydropower, Percentage of the Workforce Engaged
nuclear energy, etc.) converted into oil equivalents. Not in Agriculture
included, and thus distorting the world picture, are ani- A high percentage of employment in agriculture (Fig-
mate energy inputs (human and animal labor) and the ure 10.11) is almost invariably associated with low per
firewood, dung, peat, and other domestic fuels used by capita gross national product and low energy consumption,
subsistence populations. that is, with underdevelopment (Table 10.1). Economic

368 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 10.10 The South: per capita annual consumption of commercial energy. Large volume use of inanimate energy is usually—but
not invariably—an indicator of industrialization and mechanization of agriculture. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, for example,
have high consumption but relatively low indices of manufacturing or farm machinery use. Per capita commercial energy consumption in the
industrialized countries as a group exceeds 5000 kilograms of oil equivalent. Some, like Canada or the United States, approach or exceed 8000.
Source: Data from United Nations and World Bank.

development always means a range of occupational Landlessness is in part a function of an imbalance be-
choices far greater than those available in a subsistence tween the size of the agricultural labor force and the arable
agricultural society. Mechanization of agriculture increases land resource. It is also frequently a reflection of concen-
the productivity of a decreasing farm labor force; surplus tration of ownership by a few and consequent landlessness
rural workers are made available for urban industrial and for many. Restricted ownership of large tracts of rural land
service employment, and if jobs are found, national and appears to affect not just the economic fortunes of the agri-
personal prosperity increases. When a labor force is pri- cultural labor force itself but also to depress national eco-
marily engaged in agriculture, on the other hand, subsis- nomic growth through inefficient utilization of a valuable
tence farming, low capital accumulation, and limited but limited resource. Large estates are often farmed care-
national economic development are usually indicated. lessly, are devoted to production of crops for export with
little benefit for low-paid farm workers, or even left idle. In
Landlessness some societies, governments concerned about undue con-
Third World economies devoid of adequate urban industrial centration of ownership have imposed restrictions on total
or service employment opportunities can no longer accom- farm size—though not always effectively.
modate population growth by bringing new agricultural land In Latin America, where farms are often huge and
into cultivation. In the most densely settled portions of the most peasants landless, land reform—that is, redistribution
developing world, rural population expansion increasingly of arable land to farm workers—has had limited effect. The
means that new entrants to the labor force are denied access Mexican revolution early in the 20th century resulted in
to land either through ownership or tenancy. The problem is the redistribution of nearly half the country’s agricultural
most acute in southern Asia, particularly on the Indian sub- land over the succeeding 60 years, but the rural discord in
continent, where the landless rural population is estimated Chiapas beginning in the 1990s reflects the persistence
to number some 275 million—as large as the total population there of underutilized large estates and peasant landless-
of the United States. Additional millions have access to ness. The Bolivian revolution of 1952 was followed by a re-
parcels too small to adequately feed the average household. division of 83% of the land. Some 40% of Peru’s farming
A landless agricultural labor force is also of increasing con- area was redistributed by the government during the 1970s.
cern in Africa and Latin America (Figure 10.12). In other Latin American countries, however, land reform

Patterns of Development and Change 369





Labor Force in Agriculture

76 or more
20° 61–75
No data

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 10.11 Percentage of labor force engaged in agriculture. For the world as a whole, agricultural workers make up slightly less than
half of the total labor force. Highly developed economies usually have relatively low proportions of their labor forces in the agricultural sector.
Most countries of the “North” have 15% or less of their labor force in farming, but some less industrialized Eastern European and former Soviet
Central Asian states greatly exceed that percentage level, and North America and Western Europe fall far below it. The contrast between
advanced and underdeveloped countries in the agricultural labor force measure is diminishing. Rapid Third World population growth has
resulted in increased rural landlessness and poverty from which escape is sought by migration to cities. The consequent reduction in the
agricultural labor force percentage is an expression of relocation of poverty and unemployment, not of economic advancement.
Source: Data from International Labour Office and United Nations Development Programme.

TABLE 10.1 Economic Indicators and Agriculture’s Share of Labor

Per Capita Percent of Labor Force

Country Group Per Capita GNPa Energy Consumptionb in Agriculture
Least Developed Countries 270 403 74
All Developing Countries 1250 855 61
Industrial Countries 20,900 5259 8

aU.S. dollars
bKilograms of oil equivalent; commercial energy only.
Source: World Bank and United Nations Development Programme.

movements have been less successful. In Guatemala, for relatives. Population growth has reduced the amount of land
example, 85% of rural households are landless or nearly so, available to the average farmer on the Indonesian island of
and the top 1% of landowners control 34% of arable land. Java to only 0.3 hectares (three-quarters of an acre), and the
In India, where two-thirds of rural families either have central government reports that over half of Java’s farmers
no land at all or own less than 2 hectares (5 acres), a govern- now work plots too small to support them.
ment regulation limits ownership of “good” land to 7 hectares The rural landless are the most disadvantaged seg-
(18 acres). That limitation has been effectively circumvented ment of the poorest countries of the least developed
by owners distributing title to the excess land to their regions of the world. They have far higher levels of

370 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

The Energy Crisis in LDCs

T he poor man’s energy crisis” is a

energy for two-fifths of the world’s Reports of whole villages reduced to
phrase increasingly applicable to the population, continues to grow by well only one cooked meal a day are com-
rising demand for and the decreasing above 1% per year, and declining sup- mon. With the average villager requir-
supply of wood for fuel in the develop- plies are having serious human and ing a ton of wood per year, an
ing countries. It is a different kind of natural consequences. More than 100 increasing proportion of labor must
crisis from that faced by industrial- million people consume amounts of be expended to secure even minimal
ized countries encountering rising energy—mainly fuelwood—“below supplies of fuel, to the detriment of
prices and diminishing supplies of pe- minimum requirements” for cooking, food- or income-producing activities.
troleum and natural gas. The crisis of heating, and other domestic purposes. In parts of Tanzania in East Africa,
the less developed societies involves Another 1.3 billion people meet their because of time involved in traveling
cooking food and keeping warm, not needs only by serious depletion of the to and from forest lands and gather-
running machines, cooling theaters, wood reserves upon which they totally ing the wood itself, between 250 and
or burning lights. depend. Some two-thirds of those peo- 300 workdays are needed to fill the
The United Nations Food and ple live in Asia. The most serious yearly firewood needs of a single
Agriculture Organization (FAO) esti- shortages and depletions are in the household. The figure is 230 person-
mates that wood accounts for at least drier areas of Africa (more than days in the highlands of Nepal. Grow-
60% of the fuel used in the developing 50 million Africans face acute fuel- ing populations assure that the
countries and exceeds 90% in the poor- wood shortages), in the mountainous problem of fuel shortages will con-
est countries such as Ethiopia and districts of Asia—the Himalayas are tinue to plague developing countries
Nepal. The agency reports that wood particularly affected—and in the An- even though recently introduced im-
accounts for nearly two-thirds of all dean uplands of Latin America. proved stoves and backyard fermenta-
energy consumed in Africa (excluding As a result of shortages and de- tion tanks to convert human and
Egypt and South Africa), more than forestations in such widely scattered animal excreta and organic wastes
40% in the Far East (excluding China), areas as Nepal and Haiti, families into methane gas (biodigesters) for
20% in Latin America, and 14% in the have been forced to change their diets cooking, lighting, and heating fuel
Near East. Demand for fuelwood, the to primary dependence on less nutri- have begun to lower per capita fuel-
main or sole source of domestic tious foods that need no cooking. wood use in many regions.

Figure 10.12 Throughout much of the developing world,

growing numbers and proportions of rural populations are either
landless agricultural laborers with at best tiny garden plots to
provide basic food needs or independent holders of parcels
inadequate in size or quality to provide food security for the
family. In either case, size of land holding and poverty of farmer
restrict the operator to rudimentary agricultural implements and
practices. In this photo, a Nuer woman of Sudan cultivates corn
with a simple hand tool.

Patterns of Development and Change 371

malnutrition and incidence of disease and lower life ex- Nourishment levels, therefore, are as truly an indica-
pectancies than other segments of their societies. In tor of economic development of a country as are any of
Bangladesh, for example, the rural landless consume only the dollar-indexed measures of production and income or
some 80% of the daily caloric intake of their landholding summary statements about the structure of national em-
neighbors. To survive, many there and in other countries ployment. Indeed, no other economic measure of national
where landlessness is a growing rural problem leave the prosperity or development level can be as meaningful as
agricultural labor force and migrate to urban areas, the availability of food supplies sufficient in caloric con-
swelling the number of shantytown residents but not nec- tent to meet individual daily energy requirements and so
essarily improving their fortunes. balanced as to satisfy normal nutritional needs. Food, as
the essential universal consumption necessity and the ob-
Poverty, Calories, and Nutrition jective of the majority of human productive activity, is the
Poverty is the most apparent common characteristic of ultimate indicator of economic well-being.
countries, regions, communities, or households afflicted Calorie requirements to maintain moderate activity
by malnourishment. Availability of urban employment or vary according to a person’s type of occupation, age, sex,
rural access to arable land is far more important in deter- and size, and to climate conditions. The Food and Agricul-
mining national levels of undernourishment than is a ture Organization (FAO) of the UN specifies 2360 calories as
country’s aggregate per capita food production. During the the minimum necessary daily consumption level, but that
Bangladesh famine of 1974, for example, total food avail- figure has doubtful universal applicability. By way of a
ability per capita was at a long-term peak; starvation, ac- benchmark, per capita daily calorie availability in the
cording to World Bank reports, was the result of declines United States is nearly 3700. Despite the limitations of the
in real wages and employment in the rural sector and FAO standards, Figure 10.13 uses them to report calorie in-
short-term speculative increases in the price of rice. take as a percentage of the minimum daily requirements.

Figure 10.13 The South: Percentage of required dietary energy supply received daily. If the world’s food supply were evenly divided,
all would have an adequate diet; each person’s share would be between 2600 and 2700 calories. Even Third World populations as a group would be
adequately fed with between 2400 and 2500 calories each. In reality, about a sixth of the world’s population—nearly one billion persons—is
affected by chronic hunger in the form of starvation, undernutrition, a deficiency of essential iron, iodine, and Vitamin A, and because of
sickness and parasites that take the nutritive value from what food is eaten.
Yet progress in feeding the world’s people has been made. In 1970, more than one of every three people living in poor countries was
undernourished. Only in Africa has the hunger problem remained largely the same, a product of the continent’s continuing poverty and
progressive drop in per capita food production since the 1960s (see figure 8.11). In contrast to the regional variation shown on the map of the
South, all countries of the North have average daily per capita caloric intake above 110% of physiological requirements.
Source: Data from Bread for the World Institute and United Nations Development Programme.

372 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Like other national indicators, caloric intake figures stunted. South Asia shows the highest incidence of child-
must be viewed with suspicion; the dietary levels reported hood nutritional problems measured by standardized
by some states may more reflect self-serving estimates or weight-for-age and weight-for-height measures. There, of
fervent hopes than actual food availability. Even if accu- the under-5 age group 51% are moderately or severely un-
rate, of course, they report national averages, which may derweight, 52% show stunting, and half the world’s under-
seriously obscure the food deprivation of large segments nourished children are found. Malnutrition among young
of a population. But even the data reported on Fig- Indians, for example, is proportionately nearly twice as
ure 10.13 show one-seventh of the world’s population, ex- high as in sub-Saharan Africa.
clusively in the less developed countries, to be
inadequately supplied with food energy (Figure 10.14). Composite Assessment of Economic Development
Areal or household incidences of hunger or malnutrition Although single-factor evaluations of technological de-
that exist in the more developed and affluent economies velopment tend to identify the same set of countries as
are masked within high national averages. “less developed,” the correspondence is not exact. For
Low caloric intake is usually coupled with lack of di- each measure selected for comparison, each country
etary balance, reflecting an inadequate supply of the range finds itself in the company of a slightly different set of
and amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and peers. As a consequence, no one individual measure of
minerals needed for optimum physical and mental devel- technological development, wealth, or economic well-
opment and maintenance of health. The World Health Or- being fully reflects the diversity of characteristics of in-
ganization estimates that nearly 2 billion people worldwide dividual countries, though revealing summary indexes
suffer from some form of micronutrient malnutrition that have been prepared. Using data from the 1950s, Brian
leads to high infant and child mortality, impaired physical Berry (1934–) compressed through factor analysis, 43
and mental development, and weakened immune re- different, dominantly economic measurements of devel-
sponses. As Figure 10.13 indicates, dietary insufficiencies— opment for 95 separate countries into a single index of
with inevitable adverse consequences for life expectancy, technological status.
physical vigor, and intellectual acuity—are most likely to More recent similar attempts at country ranking on
be encountered in those developing countries that have an economic development scale show the earlier situa-
large proportions of their populations in the young age tion has changed very little with the passage of time.
groups (see Figure 4.11). Indeed, undernourishment is Some shifts have occurred, of course. Thanks to oil
damaging and widespread throughout the developing wealth, some petroleum exporting countries like Libya
world where, collectively, 32% of children under 5 years have moved out of the ranks of the “least developed.”
are moderately to severely underweight and 39% are India placed relatively well in the 1950 rankings, but

Figure 10.14 The occasional and uncertain supplies of food dispensed by foreign aid programs and private charities are not sufficient to
assure health, vigor, or normal development to these children in a Sudanese refugee camp.

Patterns of Development and Change 373

50 years later its low GNP per capita put it among the The takeoff to sustained growth is the critical develop-
poorer countries of the world. Such relatively modest mental stage, lasting perhaps 20 to 30 years, during which
changes emphasize rather than contradict the conclu- rates of investment increase, new industries are estab-
sion that improvements in a country’s relative techno- lished, resources are exploited, and growth becomes the
logical position and national wealth are difficult to expected norm. The drive to maturity sees the application
achieve. of modern technology to all phases of economic activity;
diversification carries the economy beyond the industrial
A Model for Economic Development emphases first triggering growth, and the economy be-
The realization that economic growth is not automatic and comes increasingly self-sufficient. Finally, when consumer
inevitable has been a discouraging reversal of an earlier goods and services begin to rival heavy industry as leading
commonly held and optimistic belief: that there was an in- economic sectors and most of the population has con-
evitable process of development that all countries could sumption levels far above basic needs, the economy has
reasonably expect to experience and that progress toward completed its transition to the age of mass consumption.
development would be marked by recognizable stages of More recently—and referring to most advanced economies
achievement. (and discussed in Chapter 9)—a sixth stage, the postindus-
A widely cited model for economic advancement trial, has been recognized. Services replace industry as the
was proposed in 1960 by W. W. Rostow (1916–). Generaliz- principal sector of the economy, professional and technical
ing on the “sweep of modern history,” Rostow theorized skills assume preeminence in the labor force, and informa-
that all developing economies may pass through five suc- tion replaces energy as the key productive resource.
cessive stages of growth and advancement. Traditional so- Rostow’s expectations of an inevitable progression of
cieties of subsistence agriculture, low technology levels, development proved illusory. Many LDCs remain locked
and poorly developed commercial economies can have in one of the first two stages of his model, unable to
only low productivity per capita. The preconditions for achieve the takeoff to self-sustained growth despite impor-
takeoff are established when those societies, led by an en- tation of technology and of foreign aid investment funds
terprising elite, begin to organize as political rather than from the more developed world (see “Does Foreign Aid
kinship units and to invest in transportation systems and Help?”). Indeed, it has become apparent to many ob-
other productive and supportive infrastructure. servers that despite the efforts of the world community,

Geography and Public Policy

retards growth and does nothing to re- In part, that was because eco-
Does Foreign Aid Help? duce poverty. Other studies similarly nomic growth was not necessarily a
A 1998 World Bank report on “Assess- have failed to find a link between aid donor country’s first priority. Dur-
ing Aid” concluded that the raw corre- and faster economic development. ing the Cold War, billions flowed
lation between rich country aid and The $1 trillion rich countries and in- from both the Soviet Union and the
developing country growth is near ternational agencies gave and loaned United States to prop up countries
zero. Simply put, more aid does not to poor ones between 1950 and 2000 whose leaders favored the donor
mean more growth, certainly not for did not have the hoped-for result of state agendas. Even today, strategic
countries with “bad” economic poli- eliminating poverty and reducing eco- considerations may outweigh chari-
cies (high inflation, large budget nomic and social disparities between table or developmental aims. Israel
deficits, corrupt bureaucracy); for the rich and poor countries of the gets a major share of American aid
them, the report claims, aid actually world. for historical reasons, Egypt gets the

374 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

next biggest portion for giving sup- poor countries and people. In 1996 The expressed hope of the inter-
port to American peace initiatives, the World Bank, International Mone- national community after the Prague
and Russia and Ukraine receive bil- tary Fund, and other agencies meeting was that the answer to the
lions for not selling nuclear war- launched the first HIPC initiative, question “Does foreign aid help?”
heads. About one-quarter of all aid identifying 41 very poor countries would finally be “Yes.”
from whatever source has been tied and acknowledging that their total
Questions to Consider
to purchases which must be made in debt burden (including the share
1. In light of World Bank and other
the donor country, and additional owed to international institutions)
studies concluding aid does not
large shares flow, regardless of need must be reduced to sustainable lev-
correlate with development or
or merit, to former colonies of donor els. In the years since, differing defi-
poverty reduction in recipient
countries. In part, a World Bank re- nitions of “sustainable” and criteria
countries, do you think the rich
port admits, aid failures reflect the for debt relief have been adopted but
world and international agencies
fact that the bank and its sister agen- remain rooted in the requirement
should halt all further monetary
cies have wasted billions on ill- that benefiting countries must
assistance to developing states? Why
conceived projects. maintain good economic policies
or why not?
Although some countries— and prepare a “Poverty Reduction
2. Do you think donor countries such as
Botswana, the Republic of Korea, Strategy Paper” created in conjunc-
the United States should completely
China, different Southeast Asian tion with participation from their
ignore all self-interest including, for
states—made great progress thanks to poor citizens and from nongovern-
example, extra generosity toward
development assistance, a large num- mental organizations. That Paper is
friendly or politically compatible
ber of others have seen their prospects to be a blueprint laying out how a
states, in making aid decisions? Why
worsen and their economies decline. country will fight poverty and pro-
or why not?
Slow growth and rising populations mote health and educational pro-
3. Do you think international programs
have lowered per capita incomes, grams, and how savings from debt
of forgiveness of debts contracted by
poor use of aid and loans has failed to relief will help.
sovereign states is appropriate or fair
improve their infrastructures and so- International meetings in
to lending countries and their citizens?
cial service levels. Most critically for Cologne, Germany, in 1999 and
Why or why not?
the economic and social development Prague, Czech Republic, in 2000 for-
4. One widely held opinion is that
prospects of those countries is that the malized the details of the assistance
money now spent on direct and
financing offered to them over the proposals. Approval of the applica-
indirect foreign aid more properly
years in the hopes of stimulating new tions and Strategy Papers of the first
should be spent on domestic
growth has become a burden of un- 20 countries, it was announced, re-
programs dealing with poverty,
manageable debt. sulted in the commitment of $30 bil-
unemployment, homelessness, inner-
So great and intractable has lion worth of debt relief. In addition,
city decay, inequality, and the like.
their debt problem become that the during 1999 and 2000, the richest
An equally strongly held contrary
international community has now countries pledged 100% forgiveness of
view is that foreign aid should take
recognized a whole class of countries bilateral debts owed them by HIPCs.
priority, for it is needed to address
distinguished by their high-debt con- At the start of 2001, the World Bank
world and regional problems of
dition: Heavily Indebted Poor Coun- reported that countries that had al-
overpopulation, hunger, disease,
tries (HIPCs) that are so far in debt ready received help had seen the net
destruction of the environment, and
that many of them are paying more value of their debt burden fall by an
civil and ethnic strife those
in interest and loan payments to in- average of 40%. To fulfill part of its
conditions foster. Assuming you had
dustrialized countries and interna- agreements, the United States in No-
to choose one of the two polar
tional agencies than they are vember, 2000, provided $435 million
positions, which view would you
receiving in exports to or aid from in HIPC debt relief and gave approval
support, and why?
those sources. Gradually, the rich for International Monetary Fund
world has accepted that debt relief, plans to use the proceeds from some
not lectures on capitalism, is the cor- limited sales of gold reserves for fur-
rect approach to helping the world’s ther debt relief.

Patterns of Development and Change 375

the development gap between the most and the least ad- subjugate other populations and regions to secure for
vanced countries widens rather than narrows over time. A themselves a continual source of new capital. Transna-
case in point is sub-Saharan Africa; between 1975 and tional corporations, the theory contends, tend to domi-
1999, per capita income declined by almost 1% a year, nate through their investments key areas of developing
leaving all but a tiny elite significantly poorer at the end state economies. They introduce technologies and pro-
of the period. Over the same years, income per head in duction facilities to further their own corporate goals,
the industrial market economies grew at a 1.8% annual not to further the balanced development of the recipient
rate. The 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s were all proclaimed by economies. Development aid where proffered, depend-
United Nations resolutions as “Development Decades.” ency theory holds, involves a forced economic depend-
They proved instead to be decades of dashed hopes—at ency on donor countries and economies that continues
least by economic measures—for many of the world’s an imposed cycle in which, in a sense, selective industri-
least developed states and for those who believed in defin- alization leads not to independent growth but to further
able and achievable “stages of development.” dependent underdevelopment.
Other development theories and models try to ad- Balancing these polar extremes, we have seen, is the
dress these realities. The concept of the “Big Push” con- emerging world reality of accelerating economic growth for
cludes that underdeveloped economies can break out of the developing countries as a group. Their present status as
their poverty trap by coordinated investment in both collective generators of nearly one-half of world output and
basic—but high wage—industries and infrastructure, creat- 25% of world trade clearly suggests that, development theo-
ing simultaneously an expanding consumer base and ries aside, the best stimulus for economic development has
steadily falling costs and rising volumes of production. been the widespread relaxation of restrictive economic and
These in turn encourage creation of backward- and political controls on all economies and on international
forward-linked industries, further cost reductions, faster trade flows in the past generation. Transnational corpora-
growth, and perhaps the industrial specializations that fos- tions, technology transfer, pro-development national poli-
ter agglomeration economies and trade expansion. cies, trade restriction relaxations, and selective foreign aid
Another viewpoint holds that national growth rate and lending have all played a part. But the major impetus
differentials are rooted in differing investments in to the transition to Rostow’s takeoff to sustained growth ap-
“human capital,” an ill-defined composite of skills, habits, pears to be near worldwide conversion from controlled to
schooling, and knowledge that—more importantly than free market economies.
labor force numbers or capital availability—contributes to
successful economic development and sustained growth.
Technological progress in recent decades, it is pointed
out, has been notably dependent on more educated work Noneconomic Measures
forces equipped with high levels of capital investment.
The current deep global imbalance in literate and techni-
of Development
cally trained people has been called the most potent force Development is measured by more than economic stan-
of divergence in well-being between the rich world and dards, though income and national wealth strongly affect
the poor. the degree to which societies can invest in education, san-
A corollary concept concludes that for least-developed itation, health services, and other components of individ-
or newly industrializing countries, incentives encouraging ual and group well-being. Indeed, the relationship
foreign direct investment and technology transfer are the between economic and social measures of development is
most important policy. When imported ideas and technol- direct and proportional. The higher the per capita gross
ogy that help create “human capital” labor and intellectual national product is, for example, the higher the national
skills are combined with domestic industrial control, en- ranking tends to be in such matters as access to safe
couragement of education, and local research and develop- drinking water, prevalence of sanitary waste treatment,
ment, there will certainly follow industrial specializations, availability of physicians and hospital beds, and educa-
massive exports, and rising levels of living—as presumably tional and literacy levels.
they did for Taiwan, Singapore, and the other Asian In contrast, the relationship between social-
“tigers.” economic and demographic variables is usually inverse.
Obviously, not all less developed countries have Higher educational or income levels, that is, are usually
been able to follow that same path to success. Indeed, associated with lower infant mortality rates, birth and
those countries where the poorest 20% of the world’s death rates, rates of natural increase, and the like. How-
people live were, in the 1990s, 60 times worse off than ever it is measured, the gap between the most and least
those where the richest fifth live, and the gap between developed countries in noneconomic characteristics is at
the two groups had doubled since the early 1960s. Depen- least as great as it is in their economic-technological cir-
dency theory holds that these differentials are not acci- cumstances. Table 10.2 suggests that the South as a whole
dental but the logical result of the ability and necessity has made progress in reducing its disadvantages in some
of developed countries and power elites to exploit and human well-being measures. In others, however, the gap

376 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

between rich and poor remains or is increasing and dis- stems from a national poverty that denies funds suffi-
parities still persist after the three UN “development cient for teachers, school buildings, books, and other ne-
decades.” cessities of the educational program. In part it reflects
the lack of a trained pool of teachers and the inability to
Education expand their number rapidly enough to keep up with
A literate, educated labor force is essential for the effec- the ever-increasing size of school-age populations. In
tive transfer of advanced technology from the developed African countries worst hit by the AIDS epidemic,
to developing countries. Yet in the poorest societies two- deaths among established teachers exceeded the supply
thirds or more of adults are illiterate; for the richest, the of new teachers entering the profession beginning in the
figure is 1% or less (Figure 10.15). The problem in part late 1990s. For the same number of potential pupils, the

TABLE 10.2 The Narrowing North–South Disparity in Human Development, 1960–2000

North South Absolute Disparity

1960 2000 1960 2000 1960 2000

Life expectancy (years) 69 75 46 63 23 12
Adult literacy (%) 95 98 46 72 49 26
Nutrition (daily calorie supply as % of requirement) 124 141 90 113 34 26
Infant mortality (per 1000 live births) 37 8 149 63 112 55
Child mortality (under age 5) 46 8 216 93 170 85
Access to safe water (% of population) 100 100 40 72 60 26

Sources: United Nations Development Programme, World Bank, and UNICEF.

Developed countries

Figure 10.15 The South: Adult literacy rate, as a percentage of the adult population (over 15 years of age) able to read and write short,
simple statements relating to their everyday life. With almost no exceptions, adult literacy was 95% or more in countries of the North.
Source: Data from UNESCO.

Patterns of Development and Change 377

richest countries may have 20 to 25 times as many added to the ranks of those with access to potable water;
teachers as do the poorest countries. In Denmark in the nearly another one billion were supplied during the
mid-1990s there was 1 teacher for every 12 children of 1990s.
school age; in Burkina Faso the ratio was 1 to more than
270. Both wealth and commitment appear important in Health
the student-teacher ratios. Oil-rich Qatar had 11 stu- Access to medical facilities and personnel is another spa-
dents per teacher; in similarly rich Saudi Arabia the fig- tial variable with profound implications for the health and
ure was nearly 30. Israel had more teachers per well-being of populations. Within the less developed world
1000 students than did wealthier Switzerland or the vast numbers of people are effectively denied the services
United States. of physicians. While in industrial countries on average
Lack of facilities and teachers, family poverty that one physician serves 350 people, the figure for developing
makes tuition fees prohibitive and keeps millions of countries is over 5800. For sub-Saharan Africa as a whole,
school-age children in full-time work, and national the ratio is about 18,500 to 1. In the developing world
poverty that underfunds all levels of education together there are simply too few trained health professionals to
combine to restrict school enrollment in poor countries to serve the needs of expanding populations. Those few who
a fraction of normal rich country expectations. In the least are in practice tend to congregate in urban areas, particu-
developed states in the late 1990s, only 60% of primary- larly in the capital cities. Rural clinics are few in number
age children and 31% of secondary school-age students and the distance to them so great that many rural popula-
were actually in school. Whatever the enrollment percent- tions are effectively denied medical treatment of even the
ages were in individual countries, girls were less apt to be most rudimentary nature.
in school than were boys. Again for least developed coun- Increasingly, those sorts of health-related contrasts
tries, female primary school enrollment was only at 80% between advanced and developing countries have become
of the rate for males; at the secondary level, only 25% of matters of international concern and attention (see
girls were enrolled and that rate was only 66% of the rate “Poverty and Development” p. 364). We saw in Chapter 4
for boys. how important for developing states population growth is
the transfer of advanced technologies of medicine and
Public Services public health: insecticides, antibiotics, and immunization,
Development implies more than industrial expansion or for example. Most recently, childhood diseases and deaths
agricultural improvement. The quality of public services in developing countries have come under coordinated at-
and the creation of facilities to assure the health of the tack by the World Health Organization under the Task
labor force are equally significant evidences of national Force for Child Survival program (Figure 10.18). Gains
advancement. Safe drinking water and the sanitary dis- have been impressive. If the 1960 worldwide infant mor-
posal of human waste are particularly important in main- tality rate had remained in 1998, 14 million more children
taining human health (see Figure 4.19). As Table 10.2 would have died than in fact did. Yet stark contrasts be-
notes, disparities in access to safe water are being steadily tween most developed and least developed societies re-
reduced between developed and developing countries, but main. Based on the mortality levels for children under 5
sanitation statistics are getting worse worldwide. In 2000, in industrialized countries in 1998 (6 per thousand), the
according to the UN, 2.4 billion of the world’s poor United Nations estimated that more than 90% of the ap-
people—some 40% of total world population—lacked ac- proximately 12.3 million infant and child deaths in devel-
cess to basic hygienic sanitation. oping countries (95 per thousand) in that year were
The accepted presence of pure water and sanitary preventable.
toilets in the North and their general absence in, partic- Taken at their extremes, advanced and developing
ularly, rural areas and urban slums in the less devel- countries occupy two distinct worlds of disease and
oped world present a profound contrast between the two health. One is affluent; its death rates are low, and the
realms. Less than half of the rural populations of the chief killers of its mature populations are cancers, heart
predominantly rural least developed states have access attacks, and strokes. The other world is impoverished,
to water safe to drink. Within the expanding cities of the often crowded, and prone to disease. The deadly dan-
developing countries nearly a quarter-billion people live gers of its youthful populations are infectious, respira-
in shantytowns and slums devoid of adequate water sup- tory, and parasitic diseases made more serious by
ply or sanitary disposal facilities (Figure 10.16). World- malnutrition.
wide, more than 1 billion people in the developing In 1978, the World Health Organization endorsed
countries lack a dependable sanitary supply of water preventive health care as an attainable goal and adopted
(Figure 10.17) and water-related diseases kill approxi- “health for all by the year 2000” as its official target. It
mately 10 million people every year. Yet, significant was to be reached through primary health care: low tech-
progress has been made; during the 1980s (the UN desig- nologies aimed at disease prevention in poorer nations.
nated it the International Drinking Water Supply and Although substantial improvements in global health
Sanitation Decade) 1.2 billion people worldwide were were made by the target year and disparities between

378 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 10.16 Because they have no access to safe drinking water or sanitary waste disposal, impoverished populations of a developing
country’s unserved rural districts and urban slums—like this one in Capetown, South Africa—are subject to water-borne and sanitation-related
diseases: 900 million annual cases of diarrhea including 2 million childhood deaths, 900 million cases of roundworm, 200 million of
schistosomiasis, and additional millions of other similarly related infections and deaths.

Figure 10.17 Percentage of population with access to safe drinking water. Between 1975 and 2000, access to safe water increased by
more than two-thirds to make potable water available to some 90% of urban residents in developing countries and 71% of rural folk (though only
to 57% of total populations in the least developed states).
Source: Data from United Nations Development Programme and World Health Organization.

Patterns of Development and Change 379

Figure 10.18 The World Health Organization (WHO) is the agency of the United Nations that helps bring modern preventive health care,
safe water, and sanitation to the less developed world. WHO workers help to fight certain diseases, advise on nutrition and living conditions, and
aid developing countries in strengthening their health services. When the organization launched its Expanded Programme on Immunization in
1974, only 5% of the world’s children were immunized against measles, diphtheria, polio, tetanus, whooping cough, and tuberculosis, diseases
claiming 7 million young lives annually. By 1997, immunization of the world’s newborns reached above 80%. The UN Children’s Fund reported
at the end of the century that more than 90% of the children of the developing world lived in countries making significant progress toward
reducing malnutrition and preventing diseases. Pictured is preventive health care in a Micronesian clinic.

the developed and developing worlds had been reduced, poorer populations outside tropical regions. Low income
gaps had actually widened between the developing world countries are also hard hit by the spread of AIDS (acquired
as a whole and its “least developed” components, and immune deficiency syndrome). In 2000, the UN Global Pro-
health gains have actually been reversed in some states. gram on AIDS reports, over 90% of a worldwide estimated
The World Health Assembly of 1998, recognizing the 35 million adult and 10 million child cases of HIV infection
continuing challenges, renewed the global commitment were found in the developing world.
to “health for all” and established new targets for the The high and rising costs of modern medications
early 21st century. place unbearable burdens on strained budgets of develop-
The general determinants of health are well known: ing states. Those costs increasingly must include health
enough purchasing power to secure the food, housing, and care for the rapidly growing number of their elderly citi-
medical care essential to it; a healthful physical environ- zens and for those exposed to the health risks that come
ment that is both sanitary and free from infectious dis- with economic development and industrialization: higher
ease; and a particularly female educational level sufficient consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and fatty foods, pollution,
to comprehend the essentials of nutrition and hygiene. motor vehicle accidents, and the like. The World Health Or-
Family planning, health, and infrastructure and economic ganization is concerned that health services in poor devel-
developmental programs have begun to increase the num- oping countries may be overwhelmed by the twin burdens
bers in the developing world that now have access to at of poverty-related illness and health problems of industrial-
least rudimentary health services (Figure 10.19). ization and urbanization; heart disease and cancer now
Unfortunately, resurgence of old diseases and emer- claim as many developing world as industrial world lives.
gence of new ones may disrupt or reverse the hoped-for
transition to better health in many world areas (See “Our
Delicate State of Health,” p. 119). Almost 10% of world pop-
ulation now suffer from one or more tropical diseases, Aggregate Measures of Development
many of which—malaria, affecting 200 to 300 million peo-
ple with up to 3 million deaths annually, is an example—
and Well-Being
were formerly thought to be eradicable but now are As we have seen, no single measure adequately summa-
spreading in drug-resistant form. One such scourge, tuber- rizes the different facets of national development or gives
culosis, is appearing as a major concern among particularly a definitive comparison of countries on the continuum of

380 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Figure 10.19 The South: Access to health services. The map reports the percentage of each country’s population that is within one hour’s
reach of local health services on foot or by local means of transport. Although many, particularly African, countries are still poorly served by
health personnel and facilities, 80% of the population of the developing countries as a group now have such access, though only 50% of people in
the least developed countries do.
Source: Data from UNICEF, WHO, and World Bank.

development. Composite measures to achieve that sum- by expenditure patterns or performance standards that
mary aim can, of course, be devised from the growing are ethnocentric or colored by political agendas. The val-
body of comparative statistics regularly published by ues of one culture—for example, in housing space per
United Nations agencies, the World Bank, and other person, in educational levels achieved, or in distribution
sources. Many of those—Figure 10.3 is an example—have of national income—are not necessarily universally ap-
been criticized for being based too strongly on economic plicable or acceptable, and a true comparative statistic
and infrastructural indicators: gross national product, per should not imply that they are.
capita income, sectoral structure of national economies, Seeking a value-free measure of the extent to
import and export data, miles of railroad or paved high- which minimum human needs are being satisfied
ways, and the like. among the world’s countries, the Overseas Development
Development, it is maintained, is more than the Council devised a Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI).
purely economic and physical, and personal develop- Three indicators—infant mortality, life expectancy, and
ment may have little or nothing to do with objective sta- literacy—are each scored 0–100, with 0 an explicitly
tistical measures. The achievement of development must “worst” performance. A national achievement level is
also be seen in terms of individual and collective well- calculated by averaging the three indicators. The PQLI
being: a safe environment, freedom from want, opportu- is but one of many attempts to recognize that national
nity for personal growth and enrichment, and access to development and human welfare are complex achieve-
goods and services beyond the absolute minimum to sus- ments not measurable by a single indicator. Each ap-
tain life (see “Measuring Happiness”). Health, safety, ed- proach has attempted to integrate into a composite
ucational and cultural development, security in old age, index a larger or smaller number of national variables
political freedom, and similar noneconomic criteria are detailing physical, economic, political, and social condi-
among the evidences of comparative developmental tions specific to country units. On the basis of the na-
level that are sought in composite statistics. Also sought tional rankings they derived, each has explicitly or
is a summary statistic of development that is value free; implicitly ranked the countries of the world on a contin-
that is, the input data should not measure development uum from least to most developed.

Patterns of Development and Change 381

Measuring Happiness

I n an article in The Times (London)

The motivation for this eccen- 2. Social support from family and
of 26 May 1975, “Introducing the Hedo- tric undertaking was a growing con- friends.
nometer, a New Way of Assessing Na- viction that the accretion of wealth 3. Species drive satisfaction (sex and
tional Performance or Why We Should and/or the expansion of income, parental drives).
Measure Happiness Instead of Income,” whether at national or individual 4. Satisfaction of drives contributing
Geraldine Norman compares England level, was not necessarily a recipe for to physical well-being (hunger,
and Botswana under six headings. happiness. Indeed, I suspected that in sleep, etc.).
some cases greater wealth reduced the 5. Satisfaction of aesthetic and sensory
Three years ago I spent my
likelihood of happiness—that in cer- drives.
honeymoon in the eastern
tain circumstances there could be a 6. Satisfaction of the exploratory drive
highlands of Rhodesia [now
negative correlation between happi- (creativity, discovery, etc.).
Zimbabwe] trying to construct a
ness and money. . . .
hedonometer, a means of You might like to modify the
From my psychology book . . . I
measuring happiness per head of table by changing the relative impor-
learnt that the two primary needs of a
the population. I did not have a tance of different factors, the scores,
human being are security and
thermometer type of thing in the countries, even the factors them-
achievement, achievement being the
mind: it was to be a statistical selves. On the purely subjective judg-
positive satisfaction of individual and
structure, on the lines of Keynesian ment of Geraldine Norman,
species drives. Conning [the] book
national accounting, that would Botswana is a “happier” place than
with attention—and using a bit of
end up by measuring gross national England. The measurement of happi-
imagination—I arrived at the six prin-
happiness instead of gross national ness is indeed difficult and very sub-
cipal factors which contribute to a
product. The unit of measurement jective. The exercise is worthwhile,
happy life, the basis of my hedonome-
would be psychological satisfaction however, because it shows how the
ter. The list is as follows (the first two
rather than money. I envisaged my conventional measures of develop-
factors provide security and the next
hedonometer as a tool for political ment such as energy consumption
four require satisfaction for an ade-
policy making of such power that and GNP per inhabitant are really
quate level of achievement):
boring chat about economic growth very subjective too.
would be ousted, forgotten and 1. Understanding of your environment
interred. and how to control it. ©Times Newspapers Limited, 1975.

England Botswana

Importance Satisfaction (%) Product (score) Satisfaction (%) Product (score)

Understanding 15 50 750 70 1050
Social support 20 40 800 80 1600
Species satisfaction 10 70 700 70 700
Physical well-being 35 92 3220 72 2520
Aesthetic 5 40 200 60 300
Exploratory 15 30 450 60 900
Total 100 6120 7070

382 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

One such ranking gaining increasing recognition is
employed by the United Nations Development Pro- The Role of Women
gramme. Its “human development index” (HDI) combines
Many of the common measures of development and
purchasing power (not just dollar amount of per capita
change within and between countries take no account of
GNP), life expectancy, and literacy (Figure 10.20). The
the sex and age structures of the societies examined.
HDI reflects the Programme’s conviction that the impor-
Gross national product per capita, literacy rates, percent-
tant human aspirations are leading a long and healthy life,
age of labor force in agriculture, and the like are statistics
receiving adequate education, and having access to assets
that treat all members (or all adult members) of the soci-
and income sufficient for a decent quality of life. The arbi-
ety uniformly. Yet among the most prominent strands in
trary weighting of the three input variables—longevity
the fabric of culture are the social structures (sociofacts)
(measured by life expectancy at birth), knowledge (indi-
and relationships that establish distinctions between
cated by weighted measures of adult literacy and mean
males and females in the duties assigned and the rewards
years of schooling), and income (based on a poverty-
afforded to each.
adjusted statistic of gross domestic product per capita)—
Because gender relationships and role assignments
makes the derived national rankings subjective rather
vary among societies, the status of women is a cultural
than fully objective. The HDI, like all attempts at measur-
spatial variable. Because so much of that variation is re-
ing developmental levels of countries and categorizing
lated to the way economic roles and production and re-
their variations in qualities of life and human welfare, is a
ward assignments are allocated by sex, we might well
recognition both of the complexity of the economic and
assume a close tie between the status of women in differ-
social structures involved and of the need to focus devel-
ent societies and their level and type of economic
opmental efforts.

Figure 10.20 Country rankings according to the Human Development Index of the United Nations Development Programme. Since the
index is intended to measure the absence of deprivation, it discounts incomes above the global average real GDP per capita (about PPP $6500)
and therefore is uninformative in comparing the levels of development of the richest countries. The four measures that are used by the UNDP—
life expectancy, adult literacy, combined school enrollment ratios, and real (PPP) income—are highly correlated with one another. For that
reason, it has been noted, the rankings derived by the HDI differ only slightly from income rankings adjusted for purchasing power parity. Fifth
quintile countries, at the bottom of the Human Development Index, closely match the “least developed” countries recognized by the UN and
shown on Figure 10.3.
Source: “Human Development Index,” country rankings are made and reported by United Nations Development Programme in its annual Human Development Report.

Patterns of Development and Change 383

development. Further, it would be logical to believe that
advancement in the technological sense would be re-
flected in an enhancement of the status and rewards of
both men and women in developing countries. Should
that prove true, it would logically follow that contrasts be-
tween the developed and developing world in gender rela-
tionships and role assignments would steadily diminish.
The pattern that we actually observe is not quite
that simple or straightforward, for gender relationships
and role assignments are only partially under the con-
trol of the technological subsystem. Gender in the cul-
tural sense refers to socially created—not biologically
based—distinctions between femininity and masculinity.
Therefore, religion and custom play their own impor-
tant roles. Further, it appears that at least in the earlier
phases of technological change and development,
women generally lose rather than gain in status and re-
wards. Only recently and only in the most developed
countries have gender-related contrasts been reduced
within and between societies.
Hunting and gathering cultures observed a general
egalitarianism; each sex had a respected, productive role
in the kinship group (see Figure 2.11). Gender is more in-
volved and changeable in agricultural societies (see
“Women and the Green Revolution,” page 285). The Agri-
cultural Revolution—a major change in the technological
subsystem—altered the earlier structure of gender-related
responsibilities. In the hoe agriculture found in much of
sub-Saharan Africa and in South and Southeast Asia,
women became responsible for most of the actual field
work, while still retaining their traditional duties in child
rearing, food preparation, and the like. Figure 10.21 Women dominate the once-a-week periodic
markets in nearly all developing countries. Here they sell produce
Plow agriculture, on the other hand, tended to sub-
from their gardens or the family farm and often offer processed
ordinate the role of women and diminish their level of goods for sale (to which their labor has added value)—oil pressed
equality. Women may have hoed, but men plowed, and from seeds or, in Niger, for example, from peanuts grown on their
female participation in farm work was drastically re- own fields; cooked, dried, or preserved foods; simple pottery and
duced. This is the case today in Latin America and, in- baskets, or decorated gourds. In West Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia,
between 70 and 90% of all farm and marine produce is traded by
creasingly, in sub-Saharan Africa where women are often
women. The market shown here is in the West African country of
more visibly productive in the market than in the field Mali. More than half the economically active women in sub-Saharan
(Figure 10.21). As women’s agricultural productive role Africa and southern Asia and about one-third in northern Africa and
declined, they were afforded less domestic authority, less the rest of Asia are self-employed, working primarily in the informal
control over their own lives, and few if any property sector. In the developed world, only about 14% of active women are
rights independent of male family members.
Western industrial—“developed”—society emerged
directly from the agricultural tradition of the subordinate
female who was not considered an important element in Between 1970 and 1997, both the percentage of the total
the economically active population, no matter how ardu- labor force who are women and the percentage of women
ous or essential the domestic tasks assigned, and who was who are economically active5 increased in nearly every
not afforded full access to education or similar amenities world region—developed and developing (Figure 10.22).
of an advancing society. European colonial powers intro-
duced that attitude along with economic development into
Third World cultures. Only within the later 20th century, 5The International Labour Office defines “economically active” work as

and then largely in the more developed countries, has that “producing significant amounts of ‘economic’ (that is, marketable)
that subordinate role pattern changed. goods, or of visible income.” Included in the “economically active
population” are all employed and unemployed persons seeking
The rate and extent of women’s participation in the employment and all wage earners, unpaid family workers, and members
labor force has expanded everywhere in recent years. of producers’ cooperatives.

384 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Women as percentage of adult (15+) labor force Percentage of adult (15+) women
who are economically active
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Developed Regions: Developed Regions:

Eastern Europe Eastern Europe

Western Europe, Western Europe

Other Developed
1970 Other Developed
Africa: 1997 Africa:
North Africa North Africa
Sub-Sahara Sub-Saharan
Africa Africa
Latin America Latin America
and Caribbean: and Caribbean:
Latin America Latin America

Caribbean Caribbean
Asia and Pacific: Asia and Pacific:
Eastern Asia Eastern Asia

Southeastern Asia Southeastern Asia

Southern Asia Southern Asia

Central Asia Central Asia

Western Asia Western Asia

Oceania Oceania

(a) (b)

Figure 10.22 (a) Women’s share of the labor force increased in almost all world regions between 1970 and 1997. Worldwide, women were
recorded by the World Bank at 41% of the total labor force in 1999 and comprised at least one-third of the workers in all areas except North Africa
and Western Asia according to 1997 UN figures. (b) Women’s economic activity rates showed a mixed pattern of change between and within
many world regions. More than half of the world’s female labor force lived in Asia and the Pacific area in 1997, and although the regional share
of economically active women varies widely, the UN estimates that women will make up half the labor force in most countries and regions
shortly after 2000.
Sources: Based on charts 5.1 and 5.2 of United Nations, The World’s Women 2000: Trends and Statistics. Social Statistics and Indicators, Series K., No. 16 (New York: United
Nations, 2000) and on International Labour Office surveys.

Women’s increased participation in the work force re- with wage labor, women’s work hours exceed men’s by
flects several changing conditions. Women have gained 30%. Everywhere women are paid less than men for com-
greater control over their fertility, thus increasing their parable employment, but in most world regions the per-
opportunities for education and employment. Further, at- centage of economically active women holding wage or
titudes toward employed women have changed and pub- salaried positions is about equal to the rate for men. Ex-
lic policies on, for example, child care, maternity ceptions are Latin America, where a higher proportion of
benefits, and the like, are more favorable. Economic active women than men are wage earners, and Africa,
growth, including the expansion of service sector jobs where wage-earning opportunities for women are few; in
open to women, was also important in many regions. Per- several African states less than 10% of economically ac-
missive attitudes and policies with regard to micro and tive women are wage earners.
small enterprises, including financing and credit pro- Despite these and similar widely applicable general-
grams, have in some areas played a major role in encour- izations, the present world pattern of gender-related insti-
aging women entrepreneurs (see “Empowering Women tutional and economic role assignments is varied. It is
Financially”). influenced by a country’s level of economic development,
Considering all work—paid and unpaid economic ac- by the persistence of the religious and customary restric-
tivity and unpaid housework—women spend more hours tions its culture imposes on women, and by the specific
per day working than do men in all developing and devel- nature of its economic—particularly agricultural—base.
oped regions except Anglo America and Australia. In de- The first control is reflected in contrasts between the de-
veloping countries, the UN estimates, when unpaid veloped and developing world; the second and third are
agricultural work and housework are considered along evidenced in variations within the developing world itself.

Patterns of Development and Change 385

Empowering Women Financially

T he Fourth World Conference on

In 1976 a Bangladeshi economist, of the borrowers are women and re-
Women held in Beijing during Septem- Muhammad Yunus, wandered into a payment rates reach above 95%. The
ber, 1995, called on all governments to poor village and got an idea that has average household income of
formulate strategies, programs, and captured international interest and Grameen Bank members has risen to
laws designed to assure women their changed accepted beliefs and practices about 59% higher than that of non-
full human rights to equality and de- of banking in developing countries. members in the same villages, with
velopment. The Conference’s final dec- The concept behind the Grameen Bank the landless benefiting most and
laration, reinforced at the “Beijing Plus he established is simple: if individual marginal landowner families follow-
Five” Conference held at The United borrowers are given access to credit ing closely. Because of enterprise in-
Nations in June, 2000, detailed recom- they will be able to identify and en- comes resulting from the lending
mended policies in the areas of sexual- gage in viable income-producing activ- program, there has been a sharp re-
ity and child-bearing, violence against ities such as pottery making, weaving, duction in the number of Grameen
women, discrimination against girls, sewing, buying and marketing simple Bank members living below the
female inheritance rights, and family consumer goods, or providing trans- poverty line—to 20% compared to
protection. Its particular emphasis, portation and other basic services. De- nearly 60% for nonmembers. There
however, focused on efforts to “ensure claring that “Access to credit should be has also been a marked shift from
women’s equal access to economic re- a human right,” Mr. Yunus was a pio- low-status agricultural labor to self-
sources including land, credit, . . . and neer in extending “microcredit” for employment in simple manufactur-
markets as a means to further advance- “microenterprises” with women emerg- ing and trading.
ment and empowerment of women ing as the primary borrowers and ben- The Grameen concept has
and girls.” eficiaries of Grameen Bank’s practice spread from its Bangladesh origins to
Two-thirds of the total amount of lending money without collateral elsewhere in Asia and to Latin Amer-
of work women do is unpaid, but that and at low rates of interest. To be eligi- ica and Africa. By 2000, some 10,000
unpaid work amounts to an $11 tril- ble for the average loan of about U.S. microfinance institutions worldwide
lion addition to the total world econ- $160, women without assets must join were reaching nearly 14 million
omy. The Beijing Conference or form a “cell” of five women, of clients. But these represent less than
declaration was a recognition that whom only two can borrow at first 3% of the estimated 500 million
women’s economic contribution though all five are responsible for re- women worldwide who have virtu-
would be even greater—and of more payment. When the first two begin to ally no access to credit—or to the
social and personal benefit—were gov- repay, two more can borrow, and so economic, social, educational, and
ernments to grant them equal oppor- on. As a condition of the loan, clients nutritional benefits that come from
tunity through financial support to must also agree to increase their sav- its availability. It is that globally
engage as owners in small-scale man- ings, observe sound nutritional prac- enormous number of women now
ufacturing, trade, or service enter- tices, and educate their children. effectively denied credit equality
prises. In fact, both the model and By 2000, the bank had made that the resolutions of the Fourth
proof of success in granting women over 2 million loans in 40,000 vil- World Conference on Women seek to
access to credit were already in place. lages in Bangladesh. More than 94% benefit.

The differential impact of these and other condi- countries involved. The same cultural limitations do not
tions is evident in Figures 10.23 and 10.24. The patterns apply under the different rural economic conditions of
show a distinct gender-specific regionalization among Muslims in southern and southeastern Asia, where labor
the countries of the Third World. Among the Arab or force participation by women in Indonesia and
Arab-influenced Muslim areas of western Asia and Bangladesh, for example, is much higher than it is
North Africa, the recorded proportion of the female pop- among the western Muslims.
ulation that is economically active is low. Religious tra- In Latin America, women have been overcoming cul-
dition restricts women’s acceptance in economic tural restrictions on their employment outside the home
activities outside of the home, a tradition that results in and their active economic participation has been increas-
probable under-reporting of female employment by the ing. That participation is occurring almost entirely outside

386 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy





Percent of Adult Women (15+)
Active in the Labor Force
25 or less
More than 70

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160°

Figure 10.23 Economically active women. Since female participation in the labor force is reported by individual countries with differing
definitions of “economically active,” international comparisons may be misleading. The International Labor Office definition is given as a
footnote on page 384. Since a higher proportion of the female than the male labor force is engaged in the “informal” sector, their recorded
presence in the workplace is officially understated. Worldwide, it is safe to assume, half of all women over 15 years of age are now in the labor
force, and women comprise over one-third of the labor force in developing countries. The ILO maintains that “in many developing areas . . . the
number of women in the labor force . . . is much larger than that given in official statistics.”
Sources: United Nations and International Labour Office.

of the agricultural realm, where the high degree of farm advanced levels of technology. The result is presumed to
labor tenancy as well as custom limits the role of females. be improved conditions of life and well-being for constant
Sub-Saharan Africa, highly diverse culturally and economi- or growing populations and, for the society undergoing de-
cally, in general is highly dependent on female farm labor velopment, a fuller integration into—and more equal
and market income. The historical role of strongly inde- share of—the world space economy.
pendent, property-owning females formerly encountered Development in that light can be seen as a cultural
under traditional agricultural and village systems, how- variable with a distinctive spatial patterning. No two
ever, has increasingly been replaced by subordination of countries have exactly the same position on the contin-
women with the modernization of agricultural techniques uum of development in all of its many different possible
and the introduction of formal, male-dominated financial economic and noneconomic measures. For this reason,
and administrative farm-sector institutions. precise classification of countries by developmental level
A “gender empowerment measure” devised by the is impossible and a variety of general descriptive terms
United Nations Development Programme emphasizes fe- has been introduced, including the following: developed,
male participation in national economic, political, and developing, underdeveloped, least (or less) developed,
professional affairs and clearly displays regional differen- Third or Fourth World, and the like. Whatever the terms,
tials in the position of women in different cultures and the overall world pattern of development is clear: The
world regions (Figure 10.25). advanced and relatively wealthy countries of the eco-
nomic core are those of Europe, North America, Japan,
Australia, and New Zealand. The rest of the world is con-
sidered to be “developing” on the economic periphery,
Summary where individual countries are progressing at different
rates and with different degrees of success.
Development as a concept and process implies change and A variety of comparative economic and noneco-
improvement. It suggests the fuller and more productive nomic data are available to help identify the relative po-
use of the resources of an area through the application of sition of individual countries. Gross national product and

Patterns of Development and Change 387

Figure 10.24 Percentage of economically active women engaged in agriculture. The role of women in agriculture is difficult to
document and is generally poorly estimated or ignored in many parts of the world. Nevertheless, some studies indicate that women have become
increasingly important in food production in developing regions thanks to men’s increased migration to cities and towns. A high proportion of
women in agriculture work without wages on their own or their families’ farms—about 40% in all developing regions except Latin America. The
map pattern reports late 1990s estimates.
Sources: Data from United Nations and the International Labour Office.

purchasing power parity per capita document the basic or achieve the technology transfer necessary to carry them
core-periphery pattern while making clear the diversity along the path to fuller economic development and prosper-
among the developing countries in the monetary suc- ity. Without that development, countries score poorly on
cess of their economies. Per capita consumption of com- noneconomic measures such as literacy, safe water, and
mercial energy reveals the immense size of the conditions of health. With it, they can—as the experience of
technology gap between most and least developed newly industrializing countries demonstrates—experience
states, for energy use may be loosely equated with growing cultural and technological convergence with the
modern industrial plant and transportation facilities. A most advanced states. That convergence, in fact, is increas-
high percentage of a country’s workforce in agriculture is ing and the share of the gross world product attributable to
associated with less developed subsistence economies what is still called the “developing” world continues to grow
with low labor productivity and low levels of national and amounted to over 45% at the end of the 1990s.
wealth. The price of underdevelopment—and of the rel- Development implies pervasive changes in the orga-
ative poverty it implies—is malnutrition. Although the nizational and institutional structuring of peoples and
correlation is not exact, countries registering average space. Urbanization of populations and employment has
caloric intake below daily requirements are also coun- invariably accompanied economic development, as has a
tries registering poorly on all purely economic measures more complete and rigorous political organization of
of development. space. We turn our attention in the following chapters to
Earlier hopes that underdevelopment was simply the these two important expressions of human geographic
common starting point in a series of expected and inevitable variation, beginning first with an examination of city sys-
stages of advancement have been dashed. Many countries tems and of the spatial variations observable in the struc-
appear unable to accumulate the capital, develop the skills, ture of urban units.

388 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Patterns of Development
Those agencies and organizations interested in economic and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Devel-
social development—international, governmental, and opment (OECD) is “an international organization that helps gov-
nongovernmental—form a closely knit community with ernments tackle economic [and] social . . . challenges of a
frequently interlinked websites. Any entrance to that globalised economy.” Its home page at
community will usually provide easy access to many other oecd/pages/home/displaygeneral/ offers access to a broad set of
home pages of potential interest. Your own personal or “themes,” “most visited pages,” development publications, and
research interests will guide you along the way. more. The Development Assistance Committee (DAC) is the pri-
A good starting point is the United States Agency for mary agency through which the OECD “deals with issues re-
International Development site at It not lated to cooperation with developing countries.” Access its web
only provides information about the programs and achieve- site and offerings through the OECD home page.
ments of USAID in developing countries but also contains “Libraries” of links to the extensive WWW collection of
an extensive list of “development links” to involved U.S. resources and sites are nearly indispensable for specific subject
governmental and nongovernmental agencies, international and regional searches. Among the useful special and general
and regional organizations, and general information purpose ones are: (1) PRAXIS, the “international development
sources. home page” of Professor Richard Estes of the University of
USAID’s northern counterpart is the Canadian Pennsylvania at}restes/
International Development Agency. Its home page at praxis.html, which features links to many resources on interna- has a number of subhead- tional and comparative social development topics; (2) the Inter-
ings exploring the agency’s and country’s involvement in national Affairs Network World Wide Web Virtual Library
“global sustainable development.” Another Canada-based or- IANWeb Resources on Economic Development at
ganization is the action-oriented nonprofit International Insti- }ian/resource/develop.htm; (3) the Virtual Library on Interna-
tute for Sustainable Development at tional Development maintained by the Canadian International
Reaching out to businesses, governments, and individuals, Development Agency at;
the IISD seeks to develop “best practices” in achieving sus- (4) the British BUBL Information Service providing an “eco-
tainable development. Its home page includes links to its nomic development” BUBL Link at
“Measuring SD” efforts and to the “SD Gateway” (separately development/; and (5) a WWW Virtual Library of International
found at, linking developmental Development Cooperation claiming to provide a “meta-index” of
groups worldwide The Gateway’s “SD Topics” and “Sustain- international organizations concerned with all (and other) of
ability Web Ring” options are very useful and informative. the topics of this chapter at
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) index.html.
home page offers access to current and past issues of its valu- WomenWatch, “the UN Internet gateway on the advance-
able “Human Development Reports” and their statistical se- ment and empowerment of women,” at
ries and contains links to other UN and related organizations: womenwatch/, is a joint venture of UN agencies devoted to women’s concerns but also with interests in the larger area of
The World Bank Group WWW resources are among the economic and social development. Through its Women of the
most useful and valuable of any agency. Start at the Bank’s World links it provides world regional statistical data disaggre-
home page at and select any of the gated by sex, country information, reports on national
menu choices—Regions, Topics, Data, etc.—to open a women’s programs, and related Internet resources on women
wealth of information. The bank also sponsors Development and women’s issues. It links, as well, with the UN’s Division for
News, its “daily webzine of [development] news and events” the Advancement of Women (DAW) with its aim (among others)
at featuring special to promote “women as equal participants and beneficiaries of
reports, press releases, issue briefs, and other information. sustainable development”:
The Global Development Network, created by the World Bank Unifem at is the home page of the
in 1999, is now a fully independent nonprofit organization United Nations Development Fund for Women, an agency
promoting policy-relevant development research at the na- concerned with “working for women’s empowerment and gen-
tional and global levels. Its home page at der equality”; it has links to “economic capacity” and “women’s
features access to the GDN’s global research project, train- human rights” as well a to related resources pages and its own
ing courses, news reports, and more. You might also check publications. Each of these UN sites has extensive but differ-
the Bank’s “Development Education Program” at ent menu options opening a wealth of programs, publications, Although designed for sec- and ongoing activities of interest to all involved in world de-
ondary students, it contains useful interactive learning velopmental issues.
modules teaching about social, economic, and environmen- Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s home
tal issues of sustainable development that are informative page at for additional websites
for any age group. added by the publisher or contributed by helpful users.

Patterns of Development and Change 389





Gender Empowerment Measure

(Rankings by Quintile)
Highest ranking

Lowest ranking
Not ranked

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 10.25 The gender empowerment measure (GEM) summarizes the relative empowerment of women in political and economic
spheres of activity based on three variables: female share of parliamentary seats; share of professional and technical jobs; and share of
administrative and managerial positions. The GEM rankings show that gender equality in political, economic, and professional activities is not
necessarily related to level of national wealth or development. Some developing countries according to this measure—China, for example, where
women are afforded a large share of legislative seats and political administrative positions—outperform industrialized South Korea. Only 102
countries are ranked; in most, women are in a distinct minority in the exercise of economic power and decision-making.
Source: Rankings from United Nations Development Programme.

Key Words
circular and cumulative causation 360 gross domestic product 366 technology gap 363
core-periphery model 360 gross national product 366 technology transfer 365
cultural convergence 363 purchasing power parity 363 Third World 358
development 357 spread effect 360 trickle-down effect 360
gender 384 technology 363 underdevelopment 358

For Review
1. How does the core-periphery does the concept of trickle-down why some countries are
model help us understand effects or spread effects explain the developed and others are
observed contrasts between equalization of development and underdeveloped?
developed and developing incomes on a regional or 3. What different ways and
countries? In what way is circular international scale? measures do we have to indicate
and cumulative causation linked 2. What are some of the reasons degrees of development of
either to the perpetuation or the that have been given to explain particular countries or regions?
reduction of those contrasts? How

390 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy

Do you think these measures can 6. Assume you are requested to assume that it also has a high
be used to place countries or devise a composite index of level of development? Why or
regions into uniform stages of national development and well- why not?
development? being. What kinds of 8. Have both males and females
4. Why should any country or society characteristics would you like to shared equally in the benefits of
concern itself with technology include in your composite? Why? economic development in its
transfer or with the technology gap? What specific measures of those early stages? What are the
What do these concepts have to do characteristics would you like to principal contrasts in the status of
with either development or cite? women between the developed
societal well-being? 7. Why is energy consumption per and developing worlds? What
5. What kinds of material and capita considered a reliable regional contrasts within the
nonmaterial economic and measure of level of national developing world are evident in
noneconomic contrasts can you economic development? If a the economic roles assigned to
cite that differentiate more country has a large per capita women?
developed from less developed production of energy, can we

Focus Follow-up
1. How do we define energy consumption, percentage as social support, aesthetic and
development and explain the of labor force in agriculture, and sensory needs, creativity outlets,
occurrence or persistence of average daily caloric intake are etc., also figure as importantly
underdevelopment? common, accepted measures of into well-being assessments as do
pp. 357–361. development. Attempts to model gross domestic product or energy
Development implies the process of development have consumption.
improvement in economic and led to inconclusive and 4. What conditions underlie the
quality-of-life aspects of a contrasting theories of inevitable varying world pattern of
society. It presumably results “stages of growth,” optimistic “Big women’s roles, status, and
from technology transfer from Push” ideas of coordinated rewards? pp. 383–387.
advanced to developing states investment, and pessimistic
The status of women is a cultural
and, through consequent cultural “dependency theory” concepts of
spatial variable reflecting gender
convergence, promises the full perpetual exploitation of
relationships characteristic of
integration of the developing underdeveloped regions.
different societies. The world
society into the larger modern 3. What are noneconomic aspects pattern of gender-related
world order. When that stage of of development and how are institutional and economic role
advancement is reached, they related to measures of assignments and rewards appears
transition from the world economic growth? pp. 376–383. strongly influenced by national
economic and social “periphery” Education, sanitation, and health levels of economic development
to its “core” has been achieved. services are among many and by the persistence of
Persistence of noneconomic indices of customary and religious
underdevelopment is usually development that are strongly restrictions on women. With few
attributed to failure of a culture related to income and national exceptions, women worldwide
or region to accumulate capital, wealth. The higher a country’s spend more hours per day
develop skills, or achieve ranking on purely economic working than do men;
technology transfers to improve measures, the more it can and everywhere they are paid less for
its prosperity or quality of life. does spend on improvement of comparable work. A general
2. What economic measures mark quality-of-life conditions for its world trend is toward greater
a country’s stage of citizens. Similarly, the higher equality for women in political
development or its progress those expenditures are, the lower and economic opportunities and
from underdevelopment? on average are national rates of status.
pp. 361–376. infant mortality, births and
Gross national product and deaths, rates of natural increase,
purchasing power parity per and the like. “Happiness” or
capita, per capita commercial satisfaction of such cultural wants

Patterns of Development and Change 391

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Development.” In The New Third New York: United Nations, 1995.
Development Studies 12, no. 1 (1991):
143–157. World, 2d ed., edited by Alonso United Nations. The World’s Women
Gonzalez and Jim Norwine, 2000: Trends and Statistics. Social
Dickenson, John. Geography of the Third
pp. 93–111. Bounder, Colo.: Statistics and Indicators, Series K,
World. 2d ed. New York: Routledge,
Westview Press, 1998. no. 16. New York: United Nations,
Momsen, Janet H., and Vivian Kinnaird. 2000.
Gilbert, Alan, and Joseph Gugler. Cities,
Different Places, Different Voices: United Nations Development
Poverty and Development:
Gender and Development in Africa, Programme. Human Development
Urbanization in the Third World. New
Asia and Latin America. New York: Report. New York: Oxford University
York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Routledge, 1993. Press, annual.
Hanson, Susan, and Geraldine Pratt.
Phillips, David R., and Yola Verhasselt, Unwin, Tim, ed. Atlas of World
Gender, Work and Space. New York:
eds. Health and Development. New Development. New York: John Wiley &
Routledge, 1995.
York: Routledge, 1994. Sons, 1994.
Independent Commission on
Porter, Philip W., and Eric S. Sheppard. World Bank. World Development Report.
International Development Issues.
A World of Difference: Society, Nature, New York: Oxford University Press,
North-South: A Programme for
Development. New York: Guilford, annual.
Survival. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
1998. World Development 17, no. 7 (July 1989).
Press, 1980.
Riley, Nancy E. “Gender, Power, and Special issue: Beyond Survival:
International Bank for Reconstruction
Population Change.” Population Expanding Income-Earning
and Development/The World Bank.
Bulletin 52, no. 1. Washington, D.C.: Opportunities for Women in Developing
World Development Report. New York:
Population Reference Bureau, 1997. Countries.
Oxford University Press, annual.

392 Dynamic Patterns of the Space Economy


Urban Systems
and Urban Structures

The skyline and

central business
district of

Focus Preview
1. The nature of cities in an urbanizing world: 3. Inside the city: land uses, social areas, and
origins, definitions, and locations, pp. 396–405. patterns of change, pp. 414–430.
2. The economic base and systems of cities: 4. World urban diversity: cities in Anglo America,
functions, hierarchies, and networks, pp. 405–414. Europe, and the developing world, pp. 431–442.

The toll exacted by its growth has been heavy.
Each year the city pours more than 5 million tons of
n the 1930s Mexico City was described as perhaps pollutants into the air. Some 80% comes from
the handsomest city in North America and the unburned gas leaked from residents’ stoves and
most exotic capital city of the hemisphere, heaters and from the exhausts of their estimated
essentially unchanged over the years and timeless in 4 million motor vehicles; the rest is produced by
its atmosphere. It was praised as beautifully laid out, nearly 35,000 industrial plants. More than 5 million
with wide streets and avenues, still the “city of people citywide have no access to tap water; in many
palaces” that Baron von Humboldt called it in the squatter neighborhoods less than half do. Some
19th century. The 70-meter- (200-ft.-) wide Paseo de 4 million residents have no access to the sewage
la Reforma, often noted as “one of the most beautiful system. About one-third of all families—and they
avenues in the world,” was shaded by a double row of average five people—live in but a single room, and
trees and lined with luxurious residences. that room generally is in a hovel in one of the largest
By the 1950s, with a population of over 2 million slums in the world.
and an area of 52 square kilometers (20 sq mi), Mexico
City was no longer unchanged. The old, rich families
who formerly resided along the Paseo de la Reforma The changes in Mexico City since the 1930s have been
had fled from the noise and crowding. Their “palaces” profound (Figure 11.1). Already one of the world’s most
were being replaced by tall blocks of apartments and populous centers, Mexico City is a worst-case scenario
of an urban explosion that sees an increasing proportion
hotels. Industry was expanding and multiplying, tens
of the world’s population housed within a growing num-
of thousands of peasants were flocking in from the
ber of immense cities. While growth rates have declined
countryside every year. By 2000, with its population or even reversed in recent years among some of the
estimated at more than 18 million and its area at over world’s largest cities, urban population overall is grow-
3000 square kilometers (1160 sq mi), the Mexico City ing more rapidly than the population as a whole and, by
metropolitan area was among the world’s largest most estimates, by larger annual increments than ever
urban complexes. before.

Figure 11.1 Surrounded by mountains, sprawling Mexico City endures frequent atmospheric inversions—most commonly during winter—
when cold air is trapped beneath a layer of warm air. Under that condition, pollutants surging into the air are unable to rise and drift away from
the city. The result is suggested in this late December sunset photo—frequent deadly smog as visibility drops to less than 500 meters and citizens
are afflicted with respiratory problems and eye irritation.

396 Landscapes of Functional Organization

still have relatively low proportions of people in cities,
The Urbanizing Century their absolute number of people in urban areas is extraor-
dinarily high. Given the huge populations in Asia, and the
Figure 11.2 gives evidence that the growth of major metro-
relatively heavy emphasis on agriculture (excluding Japan
politan areas was astounding in the 20th century. Some
and Korea), it sometimes escapes us that many very large
375 metropolitan areas each had in excess of 1 million
cities exist throughout parts of the world where most peo-
people in 2000; in 1900 there were only 13. Expectations
ple are still subsistence farmers.
are for 564 “million cities” in 2015. Nineteen metropolises
had populations of more than 10 million people in 2000,
earning them the title of megacities (Figure 11.3). In 1900, Megacities and Merging Metropolises
none was of that size. It follows, of course, that since the The emergence of megacities—a term originally coined by
world’s total population greatly increased (Chapter 4), so the UN in the 1970s—aroused dire predictions by the early
too would its urban component. Importantly, the urban 1980s that supercities were destined to dominate the world
share of the total has everywhere increased greatly as ur- urban structure and distort the economies and city hierar-
banization has spread to all parts of the globe. chies of countries everywhere. Predictions based on ob-
The amount of urban growth differs from continent served or projected growth rates envisioned there would
to continent and from region to region, but nearly all soon be cities of totally unmanageable size—20 million in-
countries have two things in common: The proportion of habitants or more. Fears as well were voiced of catastrophic
their people living in cities is rising, and the cities them- human poverty and unbearable environmental deteriora-
selves are large and growing. In consequence, most of the tion thought certain to accompany such megacity growth.
world’s people will soon be city dwellers. The UN projec- Various estimates claimed that ten or more metropolises—
tion is for world urban populations to become the majority including Mumbai (Bombay) and Delhi, India; Tokyo,
by 2005, and soon after that to become dominant in essen- Japan; Lagos, Nigeria; Dhaka, Bangladesh; São Paulo, Brazil;
tially all regions of the world (Figure 11.4). Urban popula- Karachi, Pakistan; Mexico City; and Jakarta, Indonesia—but
tion is increasing much more rapidly in developing none in Anglo America or Europe—would exceed 20 mil-
countries than in the more developed economies. In 1970, lion population by early in the 21st century.
urban dwellers were about evenly divided between the Those size predictions now appear to have been
less- and the more-developed portions of the world. At the overblown in many cases, reflecting simple projections of
start of the 21st century, that ratio is slighty over two to estimated past percentage and numerical increases. In re-
one; it is projected to pass three to one by 2015 and ap- ality, both personal migration choices and corporate and
proach four to one by 2025. Even though large parts of the government investment decisions have resulted in growth
developing world (Southeast and South Asia, for example) rates and city sizes below those earlier anticipated.

1.6% 7.5%
12.0% 1950
Cities of fewer than
1 million 21.4%
Cities of more than
1 million
86.4% 71.1%

World Population
1.6 billion World Population
2.5 billion

37.5% 23.2%


35.4% 23.8%

World Population
7.7 billion World Population
6.1 billion

Figure 11.2 Trends of world urbanization. The United Nations reports that virtually all the population growth expected during 2000–2020
will be concentrated in the urban areas of the world.
Estimates and projections from Population Reference Bureau, United Nations, and other sources.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 397



Seattle Toronto

San Francisco Chicago New York

Houston Miami


0° Population of
Urban Agglomerations

More than 15,000,000 Lima

Rio de
10-15,000,000 Janeiro
S o Paulo
2-3,000,000 Santiago
1-1,500,000 Bueno Aires

180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20°

Figure 11.3 Metropolitan areas of 1 million or more. Massive urbanized districts are no longer characteristic only of the industrialized,
developed nations. They are now found on every continent, in all latitudes, as part of most economies and societies. Not all cities in congested
areas are shown.

398 Landscapes of Functional Organization

St. Petersburg

Essen Berlin Novosibirsk

Mi Tianjin
lan Istanbul Beijing
Madrid Tashkent
Lisbon Tokyo
Athens Lahore
Baghdad Chongging Osaka
Tripoli New Delhi
Karachi Shanghai
Cairo Dacca
Hong Kong
Bombay Calcutta
(Mumbai) Bangkok Manila
Madras Guangzhou
Hyderabad (Chennai)
Ho Chi Minh City
Addis Ababa
Bangalore Kuala Lumpur
Lagos Singapore


Cape Town

20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 399

1950 Although data are not totally conclusive, the rapid expan-
Entire world sion of many megacities seems to be slowing and some of
the largest may now, in fact, be stabilized or even losing
More-developed population. In 1984, Mexico City was said to already hold
1970 regions
17 million people and a decade later the U.S. Census Bu-
reau was guessing it housed 24 million. More realistic UN
figures, however, put Mexico City’s 2000s population at
2000 about 18 million. Calcutta was projected to have 15 mil-
lion inhabitants by the end of the 1990s; it appears to have
had less than 13 million for its entire metropolitan area in
2000. While São Paulo and Mexico City may, indeed, have
stabilized, mid-size cities such as Curitiba (Brazil) and
Monterrey (Mexico) within the same countries are grow-
ing, with at least part of their growth representing outmi-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 grants from the megacities and government programs
Percent urban
(a) encouraging investment and population retention within
smaller towns and mid-sized cities.
While it is certain that growth rates have slowed for
Northern and Western Europe, North America,
Japan, Australia and New Zealand most developing country megacities in recent years, even
those lower rates represent more new residents each year
than during the middle of the 20th century because the
Southern Europe
rates are applied to an expanding population base. In con-
sequence, the world’s population is increasingly housed in
megacities. In 1975, less than 2% of global population
Eastern Europe
lived in cities of 10 million or more. In 2000, the propor-
tion exceeded 4% and is projected to top 5% by 2015.
When separate major metropolitan complexes of
whatever size expand along the superior transportation fa-
cilities connecting them, they may eventually meet, bind
together at their outer margins, and create the extensive
Asia 2000 metropolitan regions or conurbations suggested on
2025 (projected)
Figure 11.3. Where this increasingly common pattern has
emerged, the urban landscape can no longer be described
Latin America in simple terms. No longer is there a single city with a sin-
gle downtown area set off by open countryside from any
other urban unit in its vicinity. Rather, we must now recog-
Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand) nize extensive regions of continuous urbanization made up
of multiple centers that have come together at their edges.
Megalopolis, already encountered in Chapter 9, is the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 major conurbation of North America, a nearly continuous
Percent urban
urban string that stretches from north of Boston (southern
Maine) to south of Washington, D.C. (southern Virginia).
Figure 11.4 (a) Percentage of population that is urban. In Other North American present or emerging conurbations
general, developing countries show the highest percentage increases include
in their urban populations, and the already highly urbanized and
industrialized countries have the lowest—less than 1% per annum in • the southern Great Lakes region stretching from
most of Europe. The UN projects that the less-developed regions will north of Milwaukee through Chicago and eastward
have accounted for 93% of global urban population increase that to Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh;
occurs between 1970 and 2020. (b) World regional urbanization
levels. Within the larger continental summaries shown, regional
• the Coastal California zone of San Francisco—
differences in urbanization levels may be pronounced. Within Asia, Los Angeles—San Diego—Tijuana, Mexico;
for example, national levels range (2000) from about 11% in Nepal to • the Canadian “core region” conurbation from
over 90% in Israel and Qatar and 100% for Kuwait and Singapore. See Montreal to Windsor, opposite Detroit, Michigan,
also Figure 4.27. where it connects with the southern Great Lakes
Source: Data from Population Division, United Nations. region;
• the Vancouver—Willamette strip (“Cascadia”) in
the West, and the Gulf Coast and the Coastal
Florida zones in the Southeast (Figure 11.5).

400 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Detroit Hartford
Milwaukee Providence
Newark New York
Ogden Chicago Pittsburgh Trenton
Richmond Salt Lake City Cleveland Philadelphia

Berkeley Provo Fort Collins

Francisco Baltimore
Oakland Washington

Denver P
Silicon Valley Colorado Springs D.C. LO
Pueblo MEGA
Santa Greensboro Durham
Barbara Los Angeles Winston-Salem Raleigh
Ventura Charlotte
Long Beach
Greenville Spartanburg
San Diego
Tijuana Atlanta
Fort Worth Dallas

Baton Mobile Pensacola Jacksonville

Conurbations Houston Rouge
New Orlando
Closely spaced Galveston Orleans Tampa
metropolitan areas
0 500 1000 km
Fort Miami
0 300 600 mi Myers

Figure 11.5 Megalopolis and other Anglo American conurbations and areas made up of unconnected but closely spaced metropolitan
districts. Megalopolis, the northeastern U.S. Boston-to-Norfolk urban corridor, contains the economic, political, and administrative core of the
United States. A Canadian counterpart core region anchored by Montreal and Toronto connects with U.S. conurbations through Buffalo, New
York, and Detroit, Michigan. For some of their extent, conurbations fulfill their classic definition of continuous built-up urban areas. In other
portions, they are more statistical than landscape entities, marked by counties that qualify as “urban” or “metropolitan” even though land uses
may appear dominantly rural.

Outside North America, examples of conurbations are nu- to live apart, with houses and farm buildings located on
merous and growing, still primarily in the most industrial- land that is individually worked. In those regions, farm-
ized European and East Asian (Japanese) districts, but steads tend to be spatially separate one from another, and
forming as well in other world regions where urban clus- the farm village is a much less common settlement form.
ters and megacities emerged in developing countries still Communal settlements were not, of course, unknown in
primarily rural in residential pattern (Figure 11.3). Anglo America. Mormon Utah, Mennonite Manitoba, and
other districts of cluster migration (see page 200) were fre-
quently village-centered, as were such cooperative and
utopian communities as Oneida, New York; Amana, Iowa;
Settlement Roots New Harmony, Indiana; the various Shaker settlements;
and others of the 19th century. Elsewhere in the world,
The major cities of today had humbler origins, their villages and hamlets were the settlement norm, though
roots lying in the clustered dwellings which everywhere with size and form that varied by region and culture. In-
have been the rule of human settlement. People are gre- tensity of agricultural land use, density of population,
garious and cooperative. Even Stone Age hunters and complexity and specialization of life and livelihood, and
gatherers lived and worked in groups, not as single indi- addition of functions other than the purely residential af-
viduals or isolated families. Primitive cultures are fected the size, distribution, external form, and internal
communal for protection, cooperative effort, sharing of structure of settlements (Figures 11.6 and 11.7).
tasks by age and sex, and for more subtle psychological Rural settlements in developing countries are often
and social reasons. Communal dwelling became the considered as expressions of subsistence economic sys-
near-universal rule with the advent of sedentary agricul- tems in which farming and fishing cultures produce no
ture wherever it developed, and the village became the more than their individual families can consume. That
norm of human society. clearly is not always the case. Even in the poorest farm
In most of the world still, most rural people live in settlements of India or Bangladesh, for example, there is a
nucleated settlements, that is, in villages or hamlets, good deal of trading, buying, and selling of farm goods and
rather than in dispersed dwellings or isolated farmsteads. family crafts for other needed commodities, and at least
Only in Anglo America, parts of northern and western Eu- some village land is used for other than residential pur-
rope, and in Australia and New Zealand do rural folk tend poses (Figure 11.8). The farming or fishing settlement

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 401

Figure 11.6 Basic settlement forms. The smallest organized rural clusters of houses and nonresidential structures are commonly called
hamlets, and may contain only 10–15 buildings. Villages are larger agglomerations, although not as sizable or functionally complex as urban
towns. The distinction between village and town is usually a statistical definition that varies by country.
Introducing Cultural Geography, 2d ed., by Joseph E. Spencer and William L. Thomas. Copyright © 1978 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

(a) (b)

Figure 11.7 Rural settlements in largely subsistence economies

vary from the rather small populations characteristic of compact
African villages, such as the Zulu village, or kraal, in South Africa
shown in (a), to more dispersed and populous settlements such as the
Nepalese high pasture summer village of Konar seen in (b), to the
very large, densely populated Indian rural communities like that
seen in (c).
Source: (b) Nepalese village of Konar courtesy of Colin Thorn. (c)

402 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Sikh Jat (landowners)
Ramdasia (peasants and
casual laborers)
Mazhbi Sikh (agricultural
Charitable Inn
Service castes
Artisan castes Dera
Trading castes
Pipal Tree
Well (ficus religiosa)


Cemetery Ground

Figure 11.8 A village in the Punjab region, India. In the 1960s, Kunran village had some 1000 inhabitants of several different
occupational castes. Most numerous were the Sikh Jat (landowners: 76 households), Ramdasia (peasants and casual laborers: 27 households), and
Mazhbi Sikh (agricultural laborers: 12 households). Other castes (and occupations) included Tarkhan (carpenter), Bazigar (acrobat), Jhiwar
(water carrier), Sunar (goldsmith), Nai (barber), and Bania (shopkeeper). The trades, crafts, and services they (and others) pursued created a
more complex land use pattern than is implied by the generalized village forms depicted on Figure 11.6.
Redrawn with permission from Jan O. M. Broek and John M. Webb, A Geography of Mankind, copyright © 1968 McGraw-Hill, Inc.

itself, however, may be nearly self-contained, with little the world’s population. Whether ancient or modern, all
commercial exchange with neighboring villages or be- cities show recurring themes and regularities appropriate
tween villages and distant cities. to their time and place of existence.
When trade does develop between two or more rural First, all of them perform functions—have an eco-
settlements, they begin to take on new physical charac- nomic base—generating the income necessary to support
teristics as their inhabitants engage in additional types of themselves and their contained population. Second, none
occupations. The villages lose the purely social and resi- exists in a vacuum; each is part of a larger society and
dential character of subsistence agricultural settlements economy with which it has essential reciprocal connec-
and assume urban features. There is a tendency for the tions. That is, each is a unit in a system of cities and a
houses to cluster along the main road or roads, creating a focus for a surrounding nonurban area. Third, each urban
linear, cross, or starlike pattern. No longer are the settle- unit has a more or less orderly internal arrangement of
ments nearly completely self-contained; they become land uses, social groups, and economic functions. These
part of a system of communities. The beginnings of ur- arrangements may be partially planned and controlled
banization are seen in the types of buildings that are and partially determined by individual decisions and mar-
erected and in the heightened importance of the main ket forces. Finally, all cities, large or small, ancient or
streets and of the roads leading to other settlements. The modern, have experienced problems of land use, social
location of villages relative to one another becomes sig- conflict, and environmental concern. Yet cities, though
nificant as the once self-sufficient rural settlements be- flawed, remain the capstone of our cultures, the organiz-
come towns and cities engaged in urban activities and ing focuses of modern societies and economies, the mag-
interchange. net of people everywhere.
Whatever their size, age, or location, urban settle-
ments exist for the efficient performance of functions re-
quired by the society that creates them. They reflect the
The Nature of Cities saving of time, energy, and money that the agglomeration
of people and activities implies. The more accessible the
Cities are among the oldest marks of civilization. Dating producer to the consumer, the worker to the workplace,
from at least 6000 years or more ago, they originated in— the citizen to the town hall, the worshiper to the church,
or diffused from—the culture hearths that first developed or the lawyer or doctor to the client, the more efficient is
sedentary agriculture (Table 2.1, page 50). They are as the performance of their separate activities, and the more
well among the newest experiences of a growing share of effective is the integration of urban functions.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 403

Urban areas may provide all or some of the following The words city and town denote nucleated settle-
types of functions: retailing, wholesaling, manufacturing, ments, multifunctional in character, including an estab-
professional and personal services, entertainment, busi- lished central business district and both residential and
ness and political administration, military defense, educa- nonresidential land uses. Towns are smaller in size and
tional and religious functions, and transportation and have less functional complexity than cities, but they still
communication services. Because all urban functions and have a nuclear business concentration. Suburb implies a
people cannot be located at a single point, cities them- subsidiary area, a functionally specialized segment of a
selves must take up space, and land uses and populations larger urban complex. It may be dominantly or exclu-
must have room within them. Because interconnection is sively residential, industrial, or commercial, but by the
essential, the nature of the transportation system will specialization of its land uses and functions, a suburb is
have an enormous bearing on the total number of services not self-sufficient. It depends on and is integrated with
that can be performed and the efficiency with which they urban areas outside of its boundaries. Suburbs can, how-
can be carried out. The totality of people and functions of ever, be independent political entities. For large cities
a city constitutes a distinctive cultural landscape whose having many suburbs, it is common to call that part of the
similarities and differences from place to place are the urban area contained within the official boundaries of the
subjects for urban geographic analysis. main city around which the suburbs have been built the
central city.
Some Definitions Some or all of these urban types may be associated
Urban units are not of a single type, structure, or size. into larger landscape units. The urbanized area refers to
Their common characteristic is that they are nucleated, a continuously built-up landscape defined by building and
nonagricultural settlements. At one end of the size scale, population densities with no reference to political bound-
urban areas are hamlets or small towns with at most a sin- aries. It may be viewed as the physical city and may con-
gle short main street of shops; at the opposite end, they tain a central city and many contiguous cities, towns,
are complex multifunctional metropolitan areas or su- suburbs, and other urban tracts. A metropolitan area, on
percities (Figure 11.9). The word urban is often used to the other hand, refers to a large-scale functional entity,
describe such places as a town, city, suburb, and metro- perhaps containing several urbanized areas, discontinu-
politan area, but it is a general term, not used to specify a ously built-up but nonetheless operating as an integrated
particular type or size of settlement. Although the terms economic whole. Figure 11.10 shows these areas in a hy-
designating the different types of urban settlement, like pothetical American county.
city, are employed in common speech, not everyone uses The federal government has redefined the concept
them in the same way. What is recognized as a city by a of “metropolitan” from time to time to summarize the re-
resident of rural Vermont or West Virginia might not at all alities of the changing population, physical size, and func-
be afforded that name and status by an inhabitant of Cali- tions of urban regions. The current metropolitan statistical
fornia or New Jersey. It is necessary in this chapter to areas (MSAs), for example, described as economically in-
agree on the meanings of terms commonly employed but tegrated urbanized areas in one or more contiguous coun-
varyingly interpreted. ties, are just one of several layers of differently comprised

Figure 11.9 The differences in size, density, and land use complexity are immediately apparent between New York City and a small town.
Clearly, one is a city, one is a town, but both are urban.

404 Landscapes of Functional Organization

metropolitan units. In discussions begun in 2000, the Office usefully—to its absolute (globe grid) location. Classifications
of Management and Budget has proposed abandoning the of cities according to site characteristics have been pro-
often reconfigured idea of “standard metropolitan area,” posed, recognizing special placement circumstances. These
“metropolitan statistical area,” “consolidated metropolitan include break-of-bulk locations such as river crossing points
statistical area,” and “primary metropolitan statistical area” where cargoes and people must interrupt a journey; head-
in favor of a much larger and differently structured “core- of-navigation or bay head locations where the limits of water
based statistical area” composed of “megapolitan,” “macro- transportation are reached; and railhead locations where
politan,” and “micropolitan” subunits. the railroad ended. In Europe, security and defense—island
locations or elevated sites—were considerations in earlier
The Location of Urban Settlements settlement locations. Waterpower sites of earlier stages and
Urban centers are functionally connected to other cities coalfield sites of later phases of the Industrial Revolution
and to rural areas. In fact, the reason for the existence of were noted in Chapters 8 and 9 and represent a union of
an urban unit is not only to provide services for itself, but environmental and cultural-economic considerations.
for others outside of it. The urban center is a consumer of If site suggests absolute location, situation indicates
food, a processor of materials, and an accumulator and relative location that places a settlement in relation to the
dispenser of goods and services. But it must depend on physical and cultural characteristics of surrounding areas.
outside areas for its essential supplies and as a market for Very often it is important to know what kinds of possibili-
its products and activities. ties and activities exist in the area near a settlement, such
In order to adequately perform the tasks that support as the distribution of raw materials, market areas, agricul-
it and to add new functions as demanded by the larger tural regions, mountains, and oceans. Although in many
economy, the city must be efficiently located. That effi- ways more important than site in understanding the func-
ciency may be marked by centrality to the area served. It tions and growth potentials of cities, situation is more
may derive from the physical characteristics of its site. Or nearly unique to each settlement and does not lend itself
placement may be related to the resources, productive re- to easy generalization.
gions, and transportation network of the country, so that The site or situation that originally gave rise to an
the effective performance of a wide array of activities is urban unit may not remain the essential ingredient for its
possible. growth and development for very long. Agglomerations
In discussing urban settlement location, geographers originally successful for whatever reason may by their
usually mention the significance of site and situation, con- success attract people and activities totally unrelated to
cepts already introduced in Chapter 1 (see page 9 and Fig- the initial localizing forces. By what has been called a
ures 1.6 and 1.7). You will recall that site refers to the exact process of “circular and cumulative causation” (see
terrain features associated with the city, as well as—less page 360), a successful urban unit may acquire new popu-
lations and functions attracted by the already existing
markets, labor force, and urban facilities.

The Functions of Cities

The key concept is function—what cities actually do within
the larger society and economy that established them. No
city stands alone. Each is linked to other towns and cities
in an interconnected city system; each provides services
and products for its surrounding tributary region—its hin-
terland or trade area. Those linkages reflect complemen-
tarity and the processes of spatial interaction that we
explored in Chapter 3; they are rooted in the different
functions performed by different units within the urban
system. However, not all of the activities carried on
within a city are intended to connect that city with the
outside world. Some are necessary simply to support the
city itself. Together, these two levels of activity make up
Figure 11.10 A hypothetical spatial arrangement of urban the economic base of an urban settlement.
units within a metropolitan area. Sometimes official limits of the
central city are very extensive and contain areas commonly The Economic Base
considered suburban or even rural. On the other hand, older eastern
U.S. cities (and some such as San Francisco in the West) more often Part of the employed population of an urban unit is en-
have restricted limits and contain only part of the high-density land gaged either in the production of goods or the perfor-
uses and populations of their metropolitan or urbanized areas. mance of services for areas and people outside the city

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 405

itself. They are workers engaged in “export” activities, number of nonbasic personnel grows faster than the num-
whose efforts result in money flowing into the commu- ber of new basic workers. Thus, in cities with a population
nity. Collectively, they constitute the basic sector of the of 1 million, the ratio is about two nonbasic workers for
city’s total economic structure. Other workers support every basic worker. The addition of ten new basic employ-
themselves by producing goods or services for residents of ees implies the expansion of the labor force by 30
the urban unit itself. Their efforts, necessary to the well- (10 basic, 20 nonbasic) and an increase in total population
being and the successful operation of the settlement, do equal to the added workers plus their dependents. A
not generate new money for it but comprise a service or multiplier effect thus exists, associated with economic
nonbasic sector of its economy. These people are re- growth. The term implies the addition of nonbasic work-
sponsible for the internal functioning of the urban unit. ers and dependents to a city’s total employment and pop-
They are crucial to the continued operation of its stores, ulation as a supplement to new basic employment. The
professional offices, city government, local transit, and size of the multiplier effect is determined by the commu-
school systems. nity’s basic/nonbasic ratio (Figure 11.12).
The total economic structure of an urban area equals The changing numerical relationships shown in Fig-
the sum of its basic and nonbasic activities. In actuality, it ure 11.12 are understandable when we consider how set-
is the rare urbanite who can be classified as belonging en- tlements add functions and grow in population. A new
tirely to one sector or another. Some part of the work of industry selling services to other communities requires
most people involves financial interaction with residents new workers who thus increase the basic workforce.
of other areas. Doctors, for example, may have mainly These new employees in turn demand certain goods and
local patients and thus are members of the nonbasic sec- services, such as clothing, food, and medical assistance,
tor, but the moment they provide a service to someone which are provided locally. Those who perform such ser-
from outside the community, they bring new money into vices must themselves have services available to them.
the city and become part of the basic sector. For example, a grocery clerk must also buy groceries. The
Variations in basic employment structure among more nonbasic workers a city has, the more nonbasic
urban units characterize the specific functional role workers are needed to support them, and the application
played by individual cities. Most centers perform many of the multiplier effect becomes obvious.
export functions, and the larger the urban unit, the more The growth of cities may be self-generating—“circular
multifunctional it becomes. Nonetheless, even in cities and cumulative”—in a way related not to the development
with a diversified economic base, one or a very small of industries that specialize in the production of material
number of export activities tends to dominate the struc- objects for export, like automobiles and paper products,
ture of the community and to identify its operational but to the attraction of what would be classified as service
purpose within a system of cities. Figure 11.11 indicates activity. Banking and legal services, a sizable market, a di-
the functional specializations of some large U.S. metro- versified labor force, extensive public services, and the like
politan areas. may generate additions to the labor force not basic by defi-
Such functional specialization permits the classifica- nition, but nonbasic. In recent years, service industries
tion of cities into categories: manufacturing, retailing, have developed to the point where new service activities
wholesaling, transportation, government, and so on. Such serve older ones. For example, computer systems firms aid
specialization may also evoke images when the city is banks in developing more efficient computer-driven bank-
named: Detroit, Michigan, or Tokyo, Japan, as manufac- ing systems.
turing centers; Tulsa, Oklahoma, for oil production; Nice, In much the same way as settlements grow in size
France, as a resort; Ottawa, Canada, in government; and and complexity, so do they decline. When the demand for
so on. Certain large regional, national, or world capitals— the goods and services of an urban unit falls, obviously
as befits major multifunctional concentrations—call up a fewer workers are needed and both the basic and the ser-
whole series of mental associations, such as New York vices components of a settlement system are affected.
with banking, the stock exchange, entertainment, the There is, however, a resistance to decline that impedes
fashion industry, port activities, and others. the process and delays its impact. That is, settlements
can grow rapidly as migrants respond quickly to the need
Base Ratios for more workers, but under conditions of decline those
Assuming it were possible to divide with complete accu- that have developed roots in the community are hesitant
racy the employed population of a city into totally sepa- to leave or may be financially unable to move to another
rate basic and service (nonbasic) components, a ratio locale. Figure 11.13 shows that in recent years urban
between the two employment groups could be estab- areas in the South and West of the United States have
lished. With exception for some high-income communi- been growing, while some decline is evident in the North-
ties, this basic/nonbasic ratio is roughly similar for urban east and the Midwest regions. Regional summaries of
units of similar size irrespective of their functional spe- metropolitan area population change are detailed in
cializations. Further, as a settlement increases in size, the Table 11.1

406 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Portla Seatt
nd le

Boston Wilkes- Boston

Minneapolis Buffalo
New Flint Barre
Milwaukee t
Cleveland Bridgepor
San lphia Detroit New York
Franci Philade Chicago
sco Chicago Gary Newark
San Fra
ncisco Youngstown
Cincinnati Reading
St. San Jose Wilmington
Los Louis St.
Angel Louis
es Los


Most diversified Manufacturing

cities cities

Boston Boston
New Hartfor
Des Chicago
lphia Moines Newar
k New
Franci Philade Omaha York
sco San Fra lphia
ncisco Columbus Philade
Louis Kansas St. ond
Los Los City Richm
Angel Louis
es es Charlotte
x Phoenix Atlanta
Diego Atlanta
El Paso San Dallas Jacksonville
Finance, Fort
Tampa- Lauderdale Lauderdale
Retail St. Petersburg insurance, and
centers Miami real estate Miami

Boston Boston
New New
York York
Chicago rrisburg au - Chicago
Ha Nass lk Nassau-
Suffo lphia Suffolk
Sacram Columbus elphia Philade
San Fra ento St.
ton Ph il a d San Fra St.
ncisco Denver Louis Washing ore n cisco Denver Kansas Louis
D.C. Baltim City
Angel Los
Atlanta es Atlanta
Mobile Dallas
Antonio Houston
Public New
administration Transportation i
(including military) centers

Figure 11.11 Functional specialization of selected U.S. metropolitan areas. Five categories of employment were chosen to show patterns
of specialization for some U.S. metropolitan areas. In addition, the category “Most Diversified” includes representative examples of cities with a
generally balanced employment distribution. Since their “balance” implies performance of a variety of functions, the diversified cities are
included as open circles on the other specialization maps. Note that the most diversified urban areas tend to be the largest.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 407

City population



Nonbasic Basic

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of work force

Figure 11.12 A generalized representation of the proportion of the work force engaged in basic and nonbasic activities. As
settlements become larger, a greater proportion of the work force is employed in nonbasic activities. Larger centers are therefore more

0 miles 200 400

0 km 200 400 600

Percent Change in
Population 1990 to 1999
More than 40% 5–10%
20–40% 0–5%
300 miles 100 miles 10–20% Decline

Figure 11.13 The pattern of metropolitan growth and decline in the United States, 1990–1999. Shown are metropolitan areas with
600,000 or more population in 1999.
Data from U.S. Bureau of the Census.

408 Landscapes of Functional Organization

TABLE 11.1 Percent Increase in Metropolitan Area
Populations by Region and Division:
1990 to 1999

Area Percent Increase

Northeast Region 1.9
New England 2.0
Middle Atlantic 1.9
Midwest Region 6.6
East North Central 5.8
West North Central 9.4
South Region 14.6
South Atlantic 14.8
East South Central 10.8
West Region 15.5
Mountain 27.9
Pacific 12.1
United States 10.1

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census.

Systems of Urban Settlements 1940 Population Distribution

The functional structure of a settlement affects its current 100,000–200,000 10,000–25,000

size and growth prospects. At the same time, its functions 50,000–100,000 1000–5000
are a reflection of that community’s location and its rela- 500–1000
250,000–50,000 250
tionships with other urban units in the larger city system
0 miles 40 80
of which all are a part. A simple but revealing threefold 0 km 40 80
functional classification of urban settlements recognizes
them as either transportation centers, special-function
cities, or central places. Each class has its own characteris- Figure 11.14 Urban alignments in Illinois. Railroads
preceded settlement in much of the Anglo American continental
tic spatial arrangement; together, the three classes help interior, and urban centers were developed—frequently by the
explain the distributional pattern and the size and func- railroad companies themselves—as collecting and distributing
tional hierarchies of the entire city system. points expected to grow as the farm populations increased. Located
The spatial pattern of transportation centers is that of at constant 8- to 10-kilometer (5- to 6-mile) intervals in Illinois, the
rail towns were the focal points of an expanding commercial
alignment—along seacoasts, major and minor rivers,
agriculture. The linearity of the town pattern in 1940, at the peak
canals, or railways. Routes of communication form the of railroad influence, unmistakably marks the rail routes. Also
orienting axes along which cities developed and on which evident are such special-function clusterings as the Chicago and
at least their initial functional success depended (Fig- St. Louis metropolitan districts and the mining towns of Southern
ure 11.14). Special-function cities are those engaged in min- Illinois.
ing, manufacturing, or other activities the localization of
which is related to raw material occurrence, agglomera-
tion economies, or the circular and cumulative attractions
of constantly growing market and labor concentrations. of Canada, or in such massive urbanized complexes as
Special-function cities show a pattern of urban clustering— metropolitan Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, London, Buenos
as the mining and manufacturing cities of the Ruhr dis- Aires, and others worldwide.
trict of Germany, the Midlands of England, or the Donets A common property of all settlements is centrality,
Basin in Ukraine, for example. More familiarly, they ap- no matter what their recognized functional specializa-
pear in the form of the multifunctional metropolitan con- tions. Every urban unit provides goods and services for a
centrations recognized by the Metropolitan Statistical surrounding area tributary to it. For many, including min-
Areas of the United States, the Census Metropolitan Areas ing or major manufacturing centers, service to tributary

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 409

areas is only a very minor part of their economic base. Rank-Size and Primacy
Some settlements, however, have that rural service and The observation that there are many more small than
trade function as their dominant role, and these make up large cities within an urban system (“the larger the
the third simplified category of cities: central places. fewer”) is a statement about hierarchy. For many large
countries of great regional diversity and, usually but not
The Urban Hierarchy always, advanced economy, the city size hierarchy is sum-
Perhaps the most effective way to recognize how systems of marized by the rank-size rule. It tells us that the nth
cities are organized is to consider the urban hierarchy, a largest city of a national system of cities will be 1⁄n the size
ranking of cities based on their size and functional complex- of the largest city. That is, the second largest settlement
ity. One can measure the numbers and kinds of functions will be 1⁄2 the size of the largest, the 10th biggest will be 1⁄10
each city or metropolitan area provides. The hierarchy is the size of the first-ranked city.
then like a pyramid; a few large and complex cities are at The rank-size ordering may describe the urban-size
the top and many smaller, simpler ones are at the bottom. patterning in complex economies where urban history is
There are always more smaller cities than larger ones. long and urbanizing forces are many and widely distrib-
When a spatial dimension is added to the hierarchy uted. Although no national city system exactly meets the
as in Figure 11.15, it becomes clear that an areal system of requirements of the rank-size rule, that of the United
metropolitan centers, large cities, small cities, and towns States closely approximates it. It is less applicable to coun-
exists. Goods, services, communications, and people flow tries with developing economies or where the urban size
up and down the hierarchy. The few high-level metropoli- hierarchy has been distorted through concentration of
tan areas provide specialized functions for large regions functions in a single, paramount center.
while the smaller cities serve smaller districts. The sepa- In some countries the urban system is dominated by
rate centers interact with the areas around them, but since a primate city, one that is far more than twice the size of
cities of the same level provide roughly the same services, the second-ranked city. In fact, there may be no obvious
those of the same size tend not to serve each other unless “second city” at all, for a characteristic of a primate city hi-
they provide some very specialized activity, such as hous- erarchy is one very large city, few or no intermediate-
ing a political capital of a region or a major university. sized cities, and many subordinate smaller settlements.
Thus, the settlements of a given level in the hierarchy are For example, metropolitan Seoul contains over 40% of the
not independent but interrelated with communities of total population and one-half of the urban population of
other levels in that hierarchy. Together, all centers at all South Korea, and Luanda has almost two-thirds of An-
levels in the hierarchy constitute an urban system. gola’s urban folk. The capital cities of many developing

Figure 11.15 A functional hierarchy of U.S. metropolitan areas. Only the major metropolitan areas are shown. The hierarchy includes
smaller urban districts (not shown) that depend on or serve the larger centers.
Redrawn from P. L. Knox, ed., The United States: A Contemporary Human Geography. Harlow, England. Longman, 1988, Fig. 5.5, p. 144.

410 Landscapes of Functional Organization

countries display that kind of overwhelming primacy. In World Cities
part, their primate city pattern is a heritage of their colo- Standing at the top of national systems of cities are a rela-
nial past, when economic development, colonial adminis- tively few cities that may be called world cities. These are
tration, and transportation and trade activities were urban centers that are control points for international pro-
concentrated at a single point (Figure 11.16); Kenya duction and marketing and for international finance. Three
(Nairobi is the primate city) and many other African coun- world cities—New York, London, and Tokyo—dominate
tries are examples. commerce in their respective parts of the world. Each has a
In other instances—Egypt (Cairo) or Mexico (Mex- number of other secondary-level world cities (Osaka,
ico City), for example—development and population Rhine-Ruhr, Chicago, Paris, Frankfurt, and Zurich are often
growth have tended to concentrate disproportionately in cited) directly linked to it. All are bound together in com-
a capital city whose very size attracts further develop- plex networks that control the organization and manage-
ment and growth. Many European countries—Austria, ment of the global system of finance. Figure 11.17 shows
the United Kingdom, and France are familiar examples— the links between the dominant centers and the suggested
also show a primate structure, often ascribed to the for- major and secondary world cities. These are all intercon-
mer concentration of economic and political power nected mainly by advanced communication systems be-
around the royal court in a capital city that was, perhaps, tween governments, major corporations, stock and futures
also the administrative and trade center of a larger colo- exchanges, securities and commodity markets, major
nial empire. banks, and international organizations. Major international

Figure 11.16 Primate city evolution. At first colonial contact (a), settlements are coastal and unconnected with each other. Joining a
newly productive hinterland by European-built railroad to a new colonial port (b) begins to create a pattern of core-periphery relations and to
focus European administration, trade, and settlement at the port. Mineral discoveries and another rail line in a neighboring colony across the
river (c) mark the beginnings of a new set of core-periphery relationships and of a new multifunctional colonial capital nearby but unconnected
by land with its neighbor. With the passage of time and further transport and economic development, two newly independent nations (d) display
primate city structures in which further economic and population growth flows to the single dominating centers of countries lacking balanced
regional transport networks, resource development, and urban structures. Both populations and new functions continue to seek locations in the
primate city where their prospects for success are greatest.
Adapted from E. S. Simpson, The Developing World: An Introduction. (Harlow, Essex, England: Longman Group UK Limited, 1987).

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 411

Figure 11.17 A classification of world cities. The ties between the cities represent the flow of financial and economic information.

corporations themselves spur world city development and Intricate relationships and hierarchies are common.
dominance. The growing size and complexity of trans- Consider Grand Forks, North Dakota, which for local market
national corporations dictate their need to outsource cen- purposes dominates the rural area immediately surrounding
tral managerial functions to specialized service firms to it. However, Grand Forks is influenced by political decisions
minimize the complexity of control over dispersed opera- made in the state capital, Bismarck. For a variety of cultural,
tions. Those specialized service agencies—legal, account- commercial, and banking activities, Grand Forks is influ-
ing, financial, etc.—in their turn need to draw on the very enced by Minneapolis. As a center of wheat production,
large pools of expertise, information, and talent available Grand Forks and Minneapolis are subordinate to the grain
only in very large world-class cities. market in Chicago. Of course, the pervasive agricultural and
other political controls exerted from Washington, D.C., on
Urban Influence Zones Grand Forks, Minneapolis, and Chicago indicate how large
Whatever its position in its particular urban hierarchy, and complex are urban zones of influence.
every urban settlement exerts an influence upon its im-
mediately surrounding area. A small city may influence a Central Places
local region of some 1000+ square kilometers (400 sq mi) An effective way to realize the meaning of influence zones
if, for example, its newspaper is delivered to that district. and to grasp how cities and towns are interrelated is to
Beyond that area, another city may be the dominant influ- consider urban settlements as central places, that is, as
ence. Urban influence zones are the areas outside of a centers for the distribution of economic goods and services
city that are still affected by it. As the distance away from to surrounding nonurban populations. They are at the
a community increases, its influence on the surrounding same time essential links in a system of interdependent
countryside decreases (recall the idea of distance decay urban settlements. Central places show size and spacing
discussed in Chapter 3, page 69). The sphere of influence regularities not seen where special function or transporta-
of an urban unit is usually proportional to its size. tion cities predominate. That is, instead of showing pat-
A large city located, for example, 100 kilometers terns of clustering or alignment, central places display a
(62 miles) away from a small city may influence that and regularity of distribution, with towns of about the same
other small cities through its banking services, its TV sta- size and performing about the same number and kind of
tions, and its large shopping malls. There is an overlapping functions located about the same distance from each other.
hierarchical arrangement, and the influence of the largest In 1933, the German geographer Walter Christaller
cities is felt over the widest areas, a “market area” dominance (1893–1969) attempted to explain those observed regulari-
basic to central place theory, discussed in the following text. ties of size, location, and interdependence of settlements.

412 Landscapes of Functional Organization

He recognized that his central place theory could best 1. Since each customer patronizes the nearest center
be visualized in rather idealized, simplified circum- offering the needed goods, the agricultural plain is
stances. Christaller assumed that the following proposi- automatically divided into noncompeting market
tions were true: areas—complementary regions—where each
individual town (and its merchants) has a sales
1. Towns that provide the surrounding countryside
with such fundamental goods as groceries and
2. Those market areas will take the form of a series
clothing would develop on a uniform plain with
of hexagons that cover the entire plain, as shown
no topographic barriers, channelization of traffic,
in Figure 11.18. Since the hypothetical plain must
or variations in farm productivity.
be completely subdivided, no area can be
2. The farm population would be dispersed in an
unserved and none can have equal service from
even pattern across that plain.
two competing centers (Figure 11.19).
3. The characteristics of the people would be
3. There will be a central place at the center of each
uniform; that is, they would possess similar tastes,
of the hexagonal market areas.
demands, and incomes.
4. The largest central places (with the largest market
4. Each kind of product or service available to the
areas) will supply all the goods and services the
dispersed population would have its own
consumers in that area demand and can afford.
threshold, or minimum number of consumers
5. The size of the market area of a central place will
needed to support its supply. Because such goods
be proportional to the number of goods and
as sports cars or fur coats are either expensive or
services offered from that place.
not in great demand, they would have a high
6. Contained within or at the edge of the largest
threshold, while a fewer number of customers
market areas are central places serving a smaller
within smaller tributary areas would be needed to
population and offering fewer goods and services.
support a small grocery store.
As Figure 11.18 indicates, the central place pattern
5. Consumers would purchase goods and services
shows a “nesting” of complementary regions in
from the nearest opportunity (store or supplier).
which part or all of multiple lower-order service
When all of Christaller’s assumptions are considered areas are contained within the market area of a
simultaneously, they yield the following results: higher-order center.

Figure 11.18 Complementary regions and the pattern of central places. The two A central places are the largest on this diagram of one
of Christaller’s models. The B central places offer fewer goods and services for sale and serve only the areas of the intermediate-sized hexagons.
The many C central places, which are considerably smaller and more closely spaced, serve still smaller market areas. The goods offered in the
C places are also offered in the B and A places, but the latter offer considerably more and more specialized goods. Notice that places of the same
size are equally spaced.
Arthur Getis and Judith Getis, “Christaller’s Central Place Theory.” Journal of Geography, 1966. Used with permission of the National Council for Geographic Education, Indiana, PA.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 413

In addition, Christaller reached two important con- Network Cities
clusions. First, towns at the same size (functional level) in In recent years a new kind of urban spatial pattern has
the central place system will be evenly spaced, and larger begun to appear, one seemingly divorced from the more
towns (higher-order places) will be farther apart than recognized hierarchical orderings of cities we have
smaller ones. This means that many more small than reviewed. A network city evolves when two or more pre-
large towns will exist. In Figure 11.18 the ratio of the viously independent nearby cities, potentially comple-
number of small towns to towns of the next larger size is 3 mentary in functions, strive to cooperate by developing
to 1. This distinct, steplike series of towns in size classes between them high-speed transportation corridors and
differentiated by both size and function is called a hierar- communications infrastructure. For example, with the re-
chy of central places. union of Hong Kong and China proper, an infrastructure
Second, the system of towns is interdependent. If one of highway and rail lines and of communications improve-
central place were eliminated, the entire system would ments has been developed to help integrate Hong Kong
have to readjust in its spatial pattern, its offered goods, or with Guangzhou, the huge, rapidly growing industrial and
both. Consumers need a variety of products, each of which economic hub on the mainland. In Japan, three distinc-
has a different minimum number of customers required to tive, nearby cities—Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe—are joining
support it. The towns containing many goods and services together to compete with the Tokyo region as a major cen-
become regional retailing centers, while the smaller central ter of commerce. Kyoto, with its temples and artistic
places serve just the people immediately in their vicinity. treasures, is the cultural capital of Japan; Osaka is a pri-
The higher the threshold of a desired product, the farther, mary commercial and industrial center; and Kobe is a
on average, the consumer must travel to purchase it. leading port. Their complementary functional strengths
These conclusions have been shown to be generally are reinforced by high-speed rail transport connecting the
valid in widely differing areas of the world. When varying cities and by a new airport (Kansai) designed to serve the
incomes, cultures, landscapes, and transportation systems entire region.
are taken into account, the results, though altered to some In Europe, the major cities of Amsterdam, Rotter-
extent, hold up rather well. They are particularly applicable dam, and The Hague, together with intermediate cities
to agricultural areas. One has to stretch things a bit to see such as Delft, Utrecht, and Zaanstad, are connected by
the model operating in highly industrialized areas where high-speed rail lines and contain a major airport that
cities are more than just retailing centers. Therefore, in an serves them all collectively. Each of these cities has spe-
increasingly industrializing and modernizing world, pure cial functions not duplicated in the others and there is no
central place theory has decreasing applicability as the sole intention of developing competition between them. In a
explanation of observed urban spatial patterns. However, if sense, this region—called the Randstad—is in a strong po-
we combine a Christaller-type approach with the ideas that sition to rival London for dominant world city status.
help us understand the cluster patterns of special-function No similar network city has yet developed in Anglo
cities and the alignments of transportation-based cities, we America. The New York-Philadelphia, the San Francisco-
have a fairly good understanding of the distribution of the Oakland, or the Los Angeles-San Diego city pairings do
majority of cities and towns. not yet qualify for network city status since there has
been no concerted effort to bring their competing inter-
ests together into a single structure of complementary

Inside the City

The structure, patterns, and spatial interactions of sys-
tems of cities make up only half of the story of urban set-
tlements. The other half involves the distinctive cultural
landscapes that are the cities themselves. An understand-
ing of the nature of cities is incomplete without a knowl-
(a) (b)
edge of their internal characteristics. So far, we have
Figure 11.19 The derivation of complementary regions. explored the location, the size, and the growth and decline
(a) If the hypothetical region were totally covered by circular tendencies of cities within hierarchical urban systems.
complementary regions, areas of overlap would occur. Since Now we look into the city itself in order to better under-
Christaller’s assumption was that people will only shop at the nearest stand how its land uses are arranged, how social areas are
center, areas of overlap must be divided so that those on each side of
the boundary are directed to their nearest service point. (b) Circular
formed, and how institutional controls such as zoning reg-
areas too small to cover the region completely result in ulations affect its structure. We will begin on familiar
impermissible unserved populations. ground and focus our discussion primarily on United

414 Landscapes of Functional Organization

States cities. Later in this chapter we will review urban movement and pack-animal haulage were sufficient for
land use patterns and social geographies in different world the effective integration of the urban community. With
settings. the advent of large-scale manufacturing and the acceler-
It is a common observation that recurring patterns of ated urbanization of the economy during the 19th cen-
land use arrangements and population densities exist tury, however, functions and populations—and therefore
within urban areas. There is a certain sameness to the city areas—grew beyond the interaction capabilities of
ways cities are internally organized, especially within one pedestrian movement alone. Increasingly efficient and
particular culture sphere like Anglo America or Western costly mass transit systems were installed. Even with their
Europe. The major variables shaping those Anglo Ameri- introduction, however, only land within walking distance
can regularities were: accessibility, a competitive market of the mass transit routes or terminals could successfully
in land, the transportation technologies available during be incorporated into the expanding urban structure.
the periods of urban growth, and the collective conse- Usable—because accessible—land, therefore, was a
quences of individual residential, commercial, and indus- scarce commodity, and by its scarcity it assumed high
trial locational decisions. market value and demanded intensive, high-density uti-
lization. Because of its limited supply of usable land, the
The Competitive Bidding for Land industrial city of the mass transit era (the late 19th and
For its effective operation, the city requires close spatial early 20th centuries) was compact, was characterized by
association of its functions and people. As long as those high residential and structural densities (Figure 11.20),
functions were few and the population small, pedestrian and showed a sharp break on its margins between urban

Figure 11.20 Duplexes, apartment buildings, and row houses like these in the Crown Heights district of Brooklyn were characteristic 19th
century residential responses to the price and scarcity of developable urban land. Where detached single-family dwellings were built, they were
usually placed on far smaller lots than became the rule during the middle 20th century.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 415

and nonurban uses. The older central cities of, particu- of differential accessibility. The convergence of that sys-
larly, the northeastern United States and southeastern tem on the city core gave that location the highest acces-
Canada were of that vintage and pattern. sibility, the highest desirability, and hence, the highest
Within the mass transit city, parcels of land were al- land values of the entire built-up area. Similarly, transit
located among alternate potential users on the basis of the junction points were accessible to larger segments of the
relative ability of those users to outbid their competitors city than locations along single traffic routes; the latter
for a chosen site. There was, in gross generalization, a were more desirable than parcels lying between the ra-
continuous open auction in land in which users would lo- diating lines (Figure 11.21).
cate, relocate, or be displaced in accordance with “rent- Society deems certain functions desirable without re-
paying ability.” The attractiveness of a parcel, and gard to their economic competitiveness. Schools, parks,
therefore the price that it could command, was a function and public buildings are assigned space without being par-
of its accessibility. Ideally, the most desirable and efficient ticipants in the auction for land. Other uses, through the
location for all the functions and the people of a city process of that auction, are granted spaces by market
would be at the single point at which the maximum possi- forces. The merchants with the widest variety and highest
ble interchange could be achieved. Such total coalescence order of goods and the largest threshold requirements bid
of activity is obviously impossible. most for and occupy parcels within the central business
Because uses must therefore arrange themselves district (CBD), which became localized at the conver-
spatially, the attractiveness of a parcel is rated by its rel- gence of mass transit lines. The successful bidders for
ative accessibility to all other land uses of the city. Store slightly less accessible CBD parcels were the developers of
owners wish to locate where they can easily be reached tall office buildings of major cities, the principal hotels,
by potential customers; factories need a convenient as- and similar land uses that help produce the distinctive
sembling of their workers and materials; residents de- skylines of high-order commercial centers.
sire easy connection with jobs, stores, and schools. Comparable, but lower-order, commercial aggrega-
Within the older central city, the radiating mass transit tions developed at the outlying intersections—transfer
lines established the elements of the urban land use points—of the mass transit system. With time a distinctive
structure by freezing in the landscape a clear-cut pattern retailing hierarchy emerged within the urban settlement,



Medford 95

93 Melrose
approx. 4 miles

approx. 4 km Medford
Road Interstate highway
East Major road
Cambridge Boston Railroad Waltham
0 miles 2 4
er Cambridge 0 km 4

90 Logan
South B South Massachusetts
Brookline Boston
os Boston
t Bay


95 West



Quincy 93

(a) (b)

Figure 11.21 Major access lines in Boston in 1872 and 1994. (a) The convergence of mass transit lines in the 19th century gave to the
central city and its downtown core a centrality reduced or lost with (b) the freeway pattern and motor vehicle dominance in Boston of the 1990s.
See also Figure 11.36.

416 Landscapes of Functional Organization

an intracity central place pattern based on the purchasing Land Values and Population Density
power thresholds and complementary regions of city pop- Theoretically, the open land auction should yield two sep-
ulations themselves. Industry took control of parcels adja- arate although interconnected distance decay patterns,
cent to essential cargo routes: rail lines, waterfronts, one related to land values and the other to population
rivers, or canals. Strings of stores, light industries, and density (as distance increases away from the CBD, popula-
high-density apartment structures could afford and benefit tion density decreases). If one thinks of the land value
from location along high-volume transit routes. The least surface of the older central city as a topographic map with
accessible locations within the city were left for the least hills representing high valuations and depressions show-
competitive uses: low-density residences. A diagrammatic ing low prices, a series of peaks, ridges, and valleys would
summary of this repetitive allocation of space among com- reflect the differentials in accessibility marked by the pat-
petitors for urban sites in American mass transit cities is tern of mass transit lines, their intersections, and the un-
shown in Figure 11.22. Compare it to the generalized land served interstitial areas.
use map of Calgary, Alberta in Figure 11.27. Dominating these local variations, however, is an
The land use regularities of the older, eastern mass overall decline of valuations with increasing distance away
transit central cities were not fully replicated in the 20th- from the peak land value intersection, the most accessible
century urban centers of western United States. The den- (by mass transit) and costly location of the central busi-
sity and land use structures of those newer cities have ness district. As would be expected in a distance-decay pat-
been influenced more by the automobile than by mass tern, the drop in valuation is precipitous within a short
transit systems. They spread more readily, evolved at linear distance from that point, and then the valuation de-
lower densities, and therefore display less tightly struc- clines at a lesser rate to the margins of the built-up area.
tured and standardized land use patterns than their east- With one important variation, the population density
ern predecessors. pattern of the central city shows a comparable distance
decay arrangement, as suggested by Figure 11.23. The ex-
ception is the tendency to form a hollow at the center, the
CBD, which represents the inability of all but the most
costly apartment houses to compete for space against alter-
native users desiring these supremely accessible parcels.
Yet accessibility is attractive to a number of residential
users and brings its penalty in high land prices. The result
is the high-density residential occupancy of parcels near
the center of the city—by those who are too poor to afford a
long-distance journey to work; who are consigned by their
poverty to overcrowding in obsolescent slum tenements
near the heart of the inner city; or who are self-selected oc-
cupants of luxury apartments whose high rents are made
necessary by the price of land. Other urbanites, if finan-
cially able, may opt to trade off higher commuting costs for
lower-priced land and may reside on larger parcels away
from high-accessibility, high-congestion locations. Residen-
tial density declines with increasing distance from the city
center as this option is exercised.
As a city grows in population, the peak densities no
longer increase, and the pattern of population distribution
becomes more uniform. Secondary centers begin to com-
pete with the CBD for customers and industry, and the
residential areas become less associated with the city cen-
ter and more dependent on high-speed transportation ar-
teries. Peak densities in the inner city decline, and
peripheral areas increase in population concentration.
The validity of these generalizations may be seen on Fig-
ure 11.24, a time series graph of population density pat-
terns for Cleveland, Ohio, over a 50-year period. The peak
density was 2.8 miles from the CBD in 1940, but by 1990 it
Figure 11.22 Generalized urban land use pattern. The model
was at 5.8 miles. As the city expanded, density decreased
depicts the location of various land uses in an idealized city where close to the center, but beyond 7.7 miles from the center,
the highest bidder gets the most accessible land. population density increased.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 417

Figure 11.23 A summary population density curve. As distance from the area of multistory apartment buildings increases, the
population density declines.

Figure 11.24 Population density gradients for Cleveland, Ohio 1940–1990. The progressive depopulation of the central core and
flattening of the density gradient to the city margin is clearly seen as Cleveland passed from mass transit to automobile domination. The
Cleveland pattern is consistent with conclusions drawn from other urban density studies: density gradients tend to flatten over time and the
larger the city, the flatter the gradient.
Anupa Mukhopadhyay and Ashok K. Dutt, “Population Density Gradient Changes of a Postindustrial City—Cleveland, Ohio 1940–1990.” GeoJournal 34:517, no. 4 1994. Redrawn
by permission of Kluwer Academic Publishers and Ashok K. Dutt.

Models of Urban Land Use Structure wholesaling activities, transportation terminals, ware-
Generalized models of urban growth and land use pat- houses, new car dealers, furniture stores, and even light
terns were proposed during the 1920s and 1930s describ- industries. Just beyond the central business district frame
ing the results of these controls on the observed structure is the beginning of residential land uses.
of the central city. The models were simplified graphic The land use models shown in Figure 11.25 differ
summaries of United States mass transit city growth in their explanation of patterns outside the CBD. The
processes as interpreted by different observers. Although concentric zone model (Figure 11.25a), developed to
the culture, society, economy, and technology they sum- explain the sociological patterning of American cities in
marized have now been superseded, the physical patterns the 1920s, sees the urban community as a set of nested
they explained or summarized still remain as vestiges and rings. It recognizes four concentric circles of mostly res-
controls on the current landscape. A review of their idential diversity at increasing distance in all directions
propositions and conclusions still helps our understanding from the wholesaling, warehousing, and light industry
of the modern U.S. urban complex. border of the high-density CBD core:
The common starting point of the classical models is • A zone in transition marked by the deterioration
the distinctive central business district found in every of old residential structures abandoned, as the city
older central city. The core of this area displays intensive expanded, by the former wealthier occupants and
land development: tall buildings, many stores and offices, now containing high-density, low-income slums,
and crowded streets. Framing the core is a fringe area of rooming houses, and perhaps ethnic ghettos.

418 Landscapes of Functional Organization



Figure 11.25 Three classic models of the internal structure

of cities.
Redrawn from “The Nature of Cities” by C. D. Harris and E. L. Ullman in volume
no. 242 of The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
Copyright © 1945 The American Academy of Political and Social Science,
Philadelphia, PA. Used by permission of the publisher and authors.

San Diego
• A zone of “independent working people’s homes”
occupied by industrial workers, perhaps second- Downtown
generation Americans able to afford modest but
older homes on small lots.
• A zone of better residences, single-family homes,
or high-rent apartments occupied by those
wealthy enough to exercise choice in housing Medium-density houses
location and to afford the longer, more costly
journey to CBD employment.
Single-family houses
• A commuters’ zone of low-density, isolated
residential suburbs, just beginning to emerge
when this model was proposed.
Figure 11.26 Concentric zone modifications. The concentric
The model is dynamic; it imagines the continuous zone model permits adjustment to reflect the most important land
expansion of inner zones at the expense of the next outer use zone. Cincinnati is a major regional center with an extensive
developed circles and suggests a ceaseless process of inva- business-administrative district. Cleveland is a major industrial city,
and San Diego is a military and tourist city.
sion and succession that yields a restructured land use pat-
Reproduced with permission from The United States and Canada, 2d ed by Arthur
tern and population segregation by income level. It is also Getis, Judith Getis, and I. E. Quastler, Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2001.
adaptable; it remains validly descriptive even as it reflects
different primary land use demands (Figure 11.26).
The sector model (Figure 11.25b) also concerns it- sectors of growth. There tends to be a filtering down
self with patterns of housing and wealth, but it arrives at process as older areas are abandoned by the outward
the conclusion that high-rent residential areas are domi- movement of their original inhabitants, with the lowest-
nant in city expansion and grow outward from the center income populations (closest to the center of the city and
of the city along major arterials. New housing for the farthest from the current location of the wealthy) becom-
wealthy, the model concludes, is added in an outward ex- ing the dubious beneficiaries of the least desirable vacated
tension of existing high-rent axes as the city grows. areas. The accordance of the sector model with the actual
Middle-income housing sectors lie adjacent to the high-rent pattern that developed in Calgary, Canada, is suggested in
areas, and low-income residents occupy the remaining Figure 11.27.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 419

sire to be among similar kinds of people, a response to in-
come constraints, or a result of social and institutional
barriers. Most people feel more secure when they are
near those with whom they can easily identify. In tradi-
tional societies, these groups are the families and tribes.
In modern society, people group according to income or
occupation (social status), stages in the life cycle (family
status), and language or race (ethnic characteristics).
Awareness of such social and economic clustering is im-
portant in the commercial world (see “Birds of a Feather”).
Many of these social area groupings are fostered by
the size and the value of the available housing. Land de-
velopers, especially in cities, produce homes of similar
quality in specific areas. The current social sorting
process, then, takes place in relation to existing land uses,
themselves the product of older generations of urban
Figure 11.27 The land use pattern in and around Calgary, growth. Of course, as time elapses, there is a change in
Alberta, in 1981. The circular arrangement of uses suggested by the the condition and quality of that housing, and new groups
concentric zone theory (Figure 11.25a) might result if a city may replace previous tenants. In any case, neighborhoods
developed on a flat surface. In reality, hills, rivers, railroads, and of similar social characteristics evolve.
highways affect land uses in uneven ways. Physical and cultural
barriers and the evolution of cities over time tend to result in a
sectoral pattern of similar land uses. Calgary’s central business
Social Status
district is the focus for many of the sectors. The social status of an individual or a family is deter-
Revised and redrawn with permission from P. J. Smith, “Calgary: A Study in Urban mined by income, education, occupation, and home
Patterns” in Economic Geography vol. 38, p. 328. © 1962 Clark University,
Worcester, MA.
value, though it may be measured differently in different
cultures. In the United States, high income, a college edu-
cation, a professional or managerial position, and high
The concentric circle and sector models assume home value constitute high status. High home value can
urban growth and development outward from a single cen- mean an expensive rental apartment as well as a large
tral core, the site of original urban settlement that later de- house with extensive grounds.
veloped into the central business district. These A good housing indicator of social status is persons
“single-node” models are countered by a multiple-nuclei per room. A low number of persons per room tends to in-
model (Figure 11.25c), which maintains that large cities dicate high status. Low status characterizes people with
develop by peripheral spread from several nodes of low-income jobs living in low-value housing. There are
growth, not just one. Individual nodes of special function— many levels of status, and people tend to filter out into
commercial, industrial, port, residential—are originally de- neighborhoods where most of the heads of households
veloped in response to the benefits accruing from the and household incomes are of similar rank.
spatial association of like activities. Peripheral expansion Social status patterning agrees with the sector model,
of the separate nuclei eventually leads to coalescence and and in most cities, people of similar status are grouped in
the meeting of incompatible land uses along the lines of sectors which fan out from the innermost urban residential
juncture. The urban land use pattern, therefore, is not reg- areas (Figure 11.28). The pattern in Chicago is illustrated
ularly structured from a single center in a sequence of cir- in Figure 11.29. If the number of people within a given so-
cles or a series of sectors but based on separately cial group increases, they tend to move away from the cen-
expanding clusters of contrasting activities. The metropoli- tral city along an arterial connecting them with the old
tan consequences of that pattern may be glimpsed in Fig- neighborhood. Major transport routes leading to the city
ures 11.31 and 11.32. center are the usual migration routes out from the center.

Social Areas of Cities Family Status

Vestiges of these classical models of American city layout As the distance from the city center increases, the average
can be seen in modern interpretations of urban structure age of the adult residents declines, or the size of their fam-
based on observed social segregation within urban areas. ily increases, or both. Within a particular sector—say, that
The larger and more economically and socially complex of high status—older people whose children do not live
cities are, the stronger is the tendency for their residents with them or young professionals, unmarried or without
to segregate themselves into groups based on social status, families, tend to live close to the city center. Between these
family status, and ethnicity. In a large metropolitan region are the older families who lived at the outskirts of the city
with a diversified population, this territorial behavior may in an earlier period before expansion moved beyond them.
be a defense against the unknown or the unwanted, a de- The young families seek space for child rearing, and older

420 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Figure 11.29 A diagrammatic representation of the major
social areas of the Chicago region. The central business district of
Chicago is known as the “Loop.”
Redrawn with permission from Phillip Rees, “The Factorial Ecology of Metropolitan
Chicago” M.A. Thesis, University of Chicago, 1968.

Certain ethnic or racial groups, especially African

Figure 11.28 The social geography of American and
Americans, have had segregation in nuclear communi-
Canadian cities.
Redrawn with permission from Robert A. Murdie, Factorial Ecology of Metropolitan
ties forced on them. Every city in the United States has
Toronto. Research Paper 116, Department of Geography Research Series, one or more black areas which in many respects may be
University of Chicago, 1969. considered cities within a city, with their own self-
contained social geographies of social status, income,
and housing quality. Social and economic barriers to
people may covet more the accessibility of the cultural and movement outside the area have always been high, as
business life of the city. However, where inner-city life is they also have been for Hispanics and other non-English-
unpleasant, there is a tendency for older people to migrate speaking minorities. Figure 6.16 (page 208) illustrates
to the suburbs or to retirement communities. the concentration of blacks, Hispanics, and other ethnic
Within lower-status sectors, the same pattern tends groups in Los Angeles.
to emerge. Transients and single people are housed in the Black segregation is a spatial variable within the
inner city, and families, if they find it possible or desir- country. Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, and Philadelphia have
able, live farther from the center. The arrangement that more than half of their black residents living in segregated
emerges is a concentric circle patterning according to neighborhoods, and Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Cincin-
family status, as Figure 11.28 suggests. In general, inner- nati, and New York actually had greater black segregation
city areas house older people and outer-city areas house in 1990 than in 1980. On the other hand, southern and
younger populations. western metropolitan areas are much less segregated than
those of the Northeast and Midwest. San Diego is fully in-
Ethnicity tegrated, while segregation of blacks into predominantly
For some groups, ethnicity is a more important residential black districts in Los Angeles declined from 20% in 1980
location determinant than is social or family status. Areas to 7% in 1990, one result of the influx into their communi-
of homogeneous ethnic identification appear in the social ties of Hispanic and Asian immigrants.
geography of cities as separate clusters or nuclei, reminis- Of the three social geographic patterns depicted on
cent of the multiple-nuclei concept of urban structure (see Figure 11.28, family status has undergone the most
Figures 11.25 and 11.28). For some ethnic groups, cultural widespread change in recent years. Today, the suburbs
segregation is both sought and vigorously defended, even house large numbers of singles and childless couples, as
in the face of pressures for neighborhood change exerted well as two-parent families. Areas near the central busi-
by potential competitors for housing space, as we saw in ness district have become popular for young profession-
Chapter 6. The durability of “Little Italys” and “China- als. Much of this is a result of changes in family
towns” and of Polish, Greek, Armenian, and other ethnic structure and the advent of large numbers of new jobs
neighborhoods in many American cities is evidence of the for professionals in the suburbs and central business dis-
persistence of self-maintained segregation. tricts, but not in between. With more women in the

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 421

Birds of a Feather . . . or, Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood?

H ow does a McDonald’s or a

food and drink, clothes, furniture, community. But despite critical com-
Burger King decide which 99-cent cars, and all the other goods a con- mentary from some social science re-
menu items to promote at a certain sumer society offers. searchers, it maintains that the
site, or whether it can profitably offer Claritas uses a number of vari- identified clusters summarize the be-
salads at that franchise? Are there ables to classify areas of the country: havior that most people within them
enough families with children to jus- household density per square mile; are apt to follow. In the “Towns and
tify building a play area? On what area type (city, suburb, town, farm); Gowns” (college town singles aged
basis does a Starbucks or an Easy Lube degree of ethnic diversity; family type 18–34) ZIP code area, for example, resi-
determine in what neighborhood to (married with children, single, and so dents are likely to be college basketball
seek a new store location? on); predominant age group; extent of fans, own a computer, have a school
Many businesses, large and education; type of employment; hous- loan, watch television shows advertis-
small, base their sales and locational ing type; and neighborhood quality. ers gear to their age and income group
decisions on a marketing analysis After analyzing the data, the firm and read magazines similarly focused.
system developed by Claritas, Inc., characterizes each ZIP code as belong- But in the “Money and Brains” (older,
that uses ZIP codes and census data to ing to from one to five of 62 possible sophisticated town house couples pre-
categorize Americans by the social neighborhood lifestyle categories. dominantly employed in white-collar
and economic characteristics they Catchy names have been assigned to jobs) ZIP code, residents are most
share with their neighborhoods. Peo- these clusters, ranging from “Blue- likely to have a passport, own bonds,
ple tend to cluster together in roughly blood Estates” (elite, super-rich fami- shop at Nordstroms, own or lease a Eu-
homogeneous areas based on social lies) to “Hard Scrabble” (older families ropean luxury car, watch Public Tele-
status, family status, ethnicity, and in poor, isolated areas). Some of the vision shows, and to have purchased,
other cultural markers. People in any others: “Winner’s Circle” (executive in the past year, a business suit priced
one cluster tend to have or adopt sim- suburban families); “Pools and Patios” at more than $250.
ilar lifestyles. As Claritas puts it, “You (established empty nesters); “Upward If you would like to know how
are where you live.” Residents of a Bound” (young, upscale white collar Claritas marketing analysts have cate-
cluster tend to read the same kinds of families); and “Big City Blend” (mid- gorized your neighborhood and to
books, subscribe to the same maga- dle income immigrant families). judge how closely their summary
zines and newspapers, watch the The company realizes that the agrees with your own observations, go
same movies and television shows. designations don’t define the tastes to
They exhibit similar preferences in and habits of every single person in a ziplookup.wjsp and enter your ZIP code.

workforce than ever before, and as a result of multiple- are based on broad applications of the police powers of
earner families, residential site selection has become a municipalities to assure public health, safety, and well-
more complex undertaking. being even when private property rights are infringed.
These nonmarket controls on land use are designed
Institutional Controls to minimize incompatibilities (residences adjacent to
Over the past century, and particularly since World War II, heavy industry, for example), provide for the creation in
institutional controls have strongly influenced the land use appropriate locations of public uses (the transportation
arrangements and growth patterns of most United States system, waste disposal facilities, government buildings,
cities. Indeed, the governments—local and national—of parks), and private uses (colleges, shopping centers, hous-
most Western urbanized societies have instituted myriad ing) needed for and conducive to a balanced, orderly com-
laws to control all aspects of urban life with particular em- munity. In theory, such careful planning should prevent
phasis on the ways in which individual property and city the emergence of slums, so often the result of undesirable
areas can be developed and used. In the United States, em- adjacent uses, and should stabilize neighborhoods by re-
phasis has been on land use planning, subdivision control ducing market-induced pressures for land use change.
and zoning ordinances, and building, health, and safety Zoning ordinances and land use planning have some-
codes. All have been designed to assure a legally accept- times been criticized as being unduly restrictive and unre-
able manner and pattern of urban development, and all sponsive to changing land use needs and patterns of

422 Landscapes of Functional Organization

economic development. Zoning and subdivision control reg- Between 1950 and 1970, the two most prominent patterns
ulations that specify large lot sizes for residential buildings of population growth were the metropolitanization of peo-
and large house-floor areas have been particularly criticized ple and, within metropolitan areas, their suburbanization.
as devices to exclude from upper-income areas lower- During the 1970s the interstate highway system was sub-
income populations or those who would choose to build or stantially completed and major metropolitan expressways
occupy other forms of residences: apartments, special hous- put in place, allowing sites 30 to 45 or more kilometers (20
ing for the aged, and so forth. Bitter court battles have been to 30 or more miles) from workplaces to be within accept-
waged, with mixed results, over “exclusionary” zoning prac- able commuting distance from home. The major metro-
tices that in the view of some serve to separate rather than politan areas rapidly expanded in area and population.
to unify the total urban structure and to maintain or in- Growth patterns for the Chicago area, reflecting those de-
crease diseconomies of land use development. All institu- velopments, are shown in Figure 11.30.
tional controls, of course, interfere with the market Suburban expansion reached its maximum pace dur-
allocation of urban land, as do the actions of real estate ing the decade of the 1970s when developers were convert-
agents who “steer” people of certain racial and ethnic groups ing open land to urban uses at the rate of 80 hectares
into neighborhoods that the agent thinks are appropriate. (200 acres) an hour. The high energy prices of the 1970s
In most of Asia there is no zoning and it is quite slowed the rush to the suburbs, and during the 1980s urban
common to have small-scale industrial activities operat- development was consuming an estimated 40 hectares
ing in residential areas. Even in Japan, a house may (100 acres) an hour. That rate had dropped to 22 hectares
contain living space and several people doing piecework (50 acres) per hour at the end of the 1990s. In much of the
for a local industry. In both Europe and Japan, neigh- recent suburbanization, the tendency has been as much
borhoods have been built and rebuilt gradually over for “filling in” as for continued sprawl.
time to contain a wide variety of building types from Residential land uses led the initial rush to the sub-
several eras intermixed on the same street. In Anglo urbs. Typically uniform, spatially discontinuous housing
America such mixing is much rarer and is often viewed developments were built beyond the boundaries of most
as a temporary condition in a process of transition to older central cities. The new design was an unfocused
total redevelopment. sprawl because it was not tied to mass transit lines and
the channelized pattern of nodes and links they imposed.

Suburbanization in the United States

The 20 years before World War II (1939–1945) saw the cre-
ation of a technological, physical, and institutional struc-
ture that resulted after that war in a sudden and massive
alteration of past urban forms. The improvement of the
automobile increased its reliability and range, freeing its
owner from dependence on fixed-route public transit for
travel to home, work, or shopping. The new transport
flexibility opened up vast new acreages of rural land for
urban development. The acceptance of a maximum 40-
hour work week guaranteed millions of Americans the
time for a commuting journey not possible when work-
days of 10 or more hours were common.
Finally, to stimulate the economy by the ripple ef-
fect associated with expanding home construction, the
Federal Housing Administration was established as part of
the New Deal programs under President Franklin D. Roo-
sevelt. It guaranteed creditors the security of their mort-
gage loans, thus reducing down-payment requirements
and lengthening mortgage repayment periods, and made
owned rather than rented housing possible for working-
class Americans. In addition, veterans of World War II
were granted generous terms on new residences. Figure 11.30 A history of urban sprawl. In Chicago, as in
most larger and older U.S. cities, the slow peripheral expansion
Demand for housing, pent up by years of economic
recorded during the late 19th and early 20th centuries suddenly
depression and wartime restrictions, was loosed in a flood accelerated as the automobile suburbs began developing after 1945.
after 1945 and a massive suburbanization of people and Revised with permission from B. J. L. Berry, Chicago: Transformation of an Urban
functions altered the existing pattern of urban America. System, 1976, with additions from other sources.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 423

Further, it represented a massive relocation of purchasing
power to which retail merchants were quick to respond.
The planned major regional shopping center became the
suburban counterpart to higher-order central places and
the outlying commercial districts of the central city.
Smaller shopping malls and strip shopping centers gradu-
ally completed the retailing hierarchy.
Faced with a newly suburbanized labor force, industry
followed the outward move, drawn as well by the
economies derived from modern single-story plants with
plenty of parking space for employees, and the new free-
dom from railroad access made possible by the motor truck
and the expanding interstate highway system. Service in-
dustries were also attracted by suburbanizing purchasing
power and labor force, and along with the new shopping
malls, office building complexes began to be developed; like
the malls these localized at freeway intersections and along
freeway frontage roads and major connecting highways.
In time, in the United States, new metropolitan land
use and functional patterns emerged that could no longer
be satisfactorily explained by the classic ring, sector, or
multiple-nuclei models. Yet traces of the older generation
concepts seemingly remained applicable. Multiple nuclei of
specialized land uses appeared, expanded, and coalesced.
Sectors of high-income residential use continued their out- Figure 11.31 A diagram of the present-day United States
ward extension beyond the central city limits, usurping the metropolitan area. Note that aspects of the concentric zone, sector,
most scenic and most desirable suburban areas and segre- and multiple-nuclei patterns are evident and carried out into the
gating them by price and zoning restrictions. As shown in suburban fringe. The “major regional shopping centers” of this
Figure 11.31, middle-, lower-middle-, and lower-income earlier, mid-1970s model are increasingly the cores of newly
developing “outer cities.”
groups found their own income-segregated portions of the
Figure 4.10 (redrawn) from The North American City, 4th ed. by Maurice Yeates.
fringe. Ethnic minorities were frequently relegated to the Copyright © 1990 by Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.
inner city and to some older industrial suburbs (See “The
Dichotomous Metropolitan Region”).
By the 1990s, a new urban America had emerged on headquarters of leading corporations, banking, profes-
the perimeters of the major metropolitan areas. With in- sional services of all kinds, major hotel complexes and
creasing sprawl and the rising costs implicit in the ever- recreational centers—all formerly considered immovable
greater spatial separation of the functional segments of keystones of central business districts—became parts of
the fringe, peripheral expansion slowed, the supply of de- the new outer cities. And these outer cities themselves
velopable land was reduced (with corresponding increases filled in and made more continuous the urban landscape
in its price), and the intensity of land development grew. of all North American conurbations. Journalist Joel Gar-
No longer dependent on the central city, the suburbs were reau has dubbed them “edge cities,” defined as having
reborn as vast, collectively self-sufficient outer cities, 5 million square feet (465,000 sq mi) of office space,
marked by landscapes of skyscraper office parks, massive 500,000 square feet (46,500 sq mi) of retail space in malls,
retailing complexes, established industrial parks, and a and more jobs than residents.
proliferation of apartment and condominium districts. Edge cities now exist in all regions of urbanized Anglo
The new suburbia began to rival older central busi- America. The South Coast Metro Center in Orange County,
ness districts in size and complexity. Collectively, the new California, the City Post Oak-Galleria center on Houston’s
centers surpassed the central cities as generators of em- west side, King of Prussia and the Route 202 corridor north-
ployment and income. Individually, each of the major west of Philadelphia, the Meadowlands, New Jersey west of
suburban complexes established its own particular role in New York City, and Schaumburg, Illinois, in the western
the metropolitan economy. Together with the older CBDs, Chicago suburbs, are but a very few examples of the new
the suburbs perform the many tertiary and quaternary urban forms. The metropolis has become polynucleated
services that mark the postindustrial metropolis. During and urban regions are increasingly “galactic”—that is, galax-
the 1980s, more office space was created in the suburbs ies of economic activity nodes organized primarily around
than in the central cities of America. Tysons Corner, Vir- the freeway systems (Figure 11.32). Commuting across the
ginia, for example, became the ninth largest central busi- galaxy is far more common than journeys-to-work between
ness district in the United States. Regional and national suburbs and central cities.

424 Landscapes of Functional Organization

The Dichotomous Metropolitan Region

I n the United States, the suburban-

• a poorer population containing a employment, that is, informal jobs
ization movement that began at the large segment of people who have not where work is done in the home, on
end of World War II is still continuing been drawn into its formal workforce; the street, and where no benefits are
today. As a result, one of the most im- • a large population that is dependent paid by employers;
portant social contrasts is the differ- on municipal services and constitutes • a higher proportion of in-commuters
ence between city and suburban life. a drain on city resources; and higher levels of wages paid,
That difference is as much dependent • a slower growing population (a especially to the in-commuters;
on social, life cycle, and ethnic consid- decline in some cases); • a more concentrated economic
erations as it is on industrial, commer- • more single people, fewer children, structure, with gains in employment
cial, and transportation differences. and more older people; in the low-wage jobs of the finance
Without plan, the United States has de- • more ethnic diversity with greater and insurance industries at the
veloped dichotomous metropolitan numbers of blacks, Hispanics, and expense of all other categories of jobs.
areas. Some of the contrasts that have immigrants;
The suburbs have outgrown their
developed between city and suburb are • fewer women in the workforce;
former role as bedroom communities
noted in the following list. • a less well-educated workforce, fewer
and have emerged as a chain of inde-
Compared to the suburb, the jobs suitable for the inexperienced and
pendent, multinucleated urban develop-
city has: poorly educated;
ments. Together, they are largely
• a declining number of jobs in
• a better developed public self-sufficient, divorced from the central
manufacturing and retailing, and only a
transportation system, but a less city. Many, perhaps most, suburbanites
modest development of industrial parks;
developed system of highways; have no connection with the core city,
• more people dependent on temporary,
• more people dependent on public feel no ties to it, and satisfy almost all of
part-time, and what is termed casual
transportation; their needs within the peripheral zone.

(a) (b)

Figure 11.32 The galactic city’s multiple downtowns and special function nodes and corridors are linked by the metropolitan expressway
systems in these conceptualizations proposed by (a) Truman Hartshorn and Peter Muller and (b) Chauncy Harris.
(a) Redrawn with permission from V. H. Winston and Son, Inc., “Suburban Downtowns and the Transformation of Atlanta’s Business Landscape,” Urban Geography, 10:382
(Silver Springs, Md.: V. H. Winston and Son, Inc., 1989); (b) Redrawn with permission from Winston and Son, Inc., “ ‘The Nature of Cities’ and Urban Geography in the Last Half
Century,” Urban Geography, 18:17 (Silver Springs, Md.: Winston and Son, Inc., 1997).

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 425

lost the tax bases represented by suburbanized commerce,
Central City Change industry, and upper-income residential uses. Lost, too, are
the job opportunities that were formerly a part of the cen-
Continuing urbanization and metropolitanization of
tral city structure. Increasingly, the poor and minorities
America at the end of the 20th century led to two
are trapped in a central city without the possibility of
contrasting sets of central city patterns and problems.
nearby employment and are isolated by distance, immo-
One is characteristic of older, eastern cities and of their
bility, and unawareness—by spatial mismatch—from the
older generation of suburbs, unable to expand and ab-
few remaining low-skill jobs, which are now largely in the
sorb the new growth areas on their margins and to
maintain the balanced, profitable economic and social
Abandonment of the central city by people and func-
base originally theirs. The other set is more characteris-
tions has nearly destroyed the traditional active, open auc-
tic of western U.S. cities that developed in the automo-
tion of urban land which led to the replacement of
bile, rather than mass transit era. While they are able to
obsolescent uses and inefficient structures in a continuing
incorporate within their political boundaries new growth
process of urban modernization. In the vacuum left by the
areas on their margins, they are faced with problems of
departure of private investors, the federal government,
providing infrastructure, services, and environmental
particularly after the landmark Housing Act of 1949, initi-
protection to an ever-more sprawled residential and
ated urban renewal programs with or without provisions
functional base.
for a partnership with private housing and redevelopment
investment. Under a wide array of programs, slum areas
Constricted Central Cities were cleared; public housing was built (Figure 11.33); cul-
The economic base and the financial stability of those cen- tural complexes and industrial parks were created; and
tral cities unable to expand and absorb new growth areas city centers were reconstructed.
have been grievously damaged by the process of subur- With the continuing erosion of the urban economic
banization. In earlier periods of growth, as new settlement base and the disadvantageous restructuring of the central
areas developed beyond the political margins of the city, city population mix, the hard-fought governmental battle
annexation absorbed new growth within the corporate to maintain or revive the central city is frequently judged
boundaries of the expanding older city. The additional tax to be a losing one. Public assistance programs have not re-
base and employment centers became part of the munici- duced the central city burden of thousands of homeless
pal whole. But in states that recognized the right of sepa- people (see “The Homeless”), and central city economies,
rate incorporation for the new growth areas—particularly with their high land and housing values, limited unskilled
in the eastern part of the United States—the ability of the job opportunities, and inadequate resources for social ser-
city to continue to expand was restricted. Where possible, vices, appeared to many observers to offer few or no
suburbanites opted for a separation from the central city prospects for change.
and for aloofness from the costs, the deterioration, and That pessimistic outlook, however, began to change
the adversities associated with it. Their homes, jobs, shop- dramatically in the 1990s. Although their death was
ping, schools, and recreation all existed outside the con- widely reported, central cities by 2000 were showing
fines of the city from which they had divorced many positive signs of revival and renewed centrality
themselves. both in the expanded metropolitan districts they anchored
The redistribution of population caused by subur- and in the larger national economy. That revival reflects
banization resulted not only in the spatial but also in the at least two rediscovered attractions of core cities: as cen-
political segregation of social groups of the metropolitan ters of economic opportunity and employment and as
area. The upwardly mobile resident of the city— competitive and attractive residential locations for edu-
younger, wealthier, and better educated—took advan- cated and affluent home-seekers.
tage of the automobile and the freeway to leave the Central cities were often dismissed in the 1980s as
central city. The poorer, older, least-advantaged urban- anachronisms in the coming age of fax machines, the In-
ites were left behind. The central cities and the suburbs ternet, mobile phones, and the like that would eliminate
became increasingly differentiated. Large areas within the need for the face-to-face interaction intrinsic to cities.
those cities now contain only the poor and minority Instead, communications have become centralizing con-
groups, including women (see “Women in the City”), a cerns of knowledge-based industries and activities such as
population little able to pay the rising costs of the social finance, entertainment, health care, and corporate man-
services that their numbers, neighborhoods, and condi- agement that depend on dense, capital-intensive informa-
tion require. tion technologies concentrated in geographically
The services needed to support the poor include wel- centralized markets. Cities—particularly large metropoli-
fare payments, social workers, extra police and fire pro- tan cores—provide the first-rate telecommunications and
tection, health delivery systems, and subsidized housing. fiber optics infrastructures and the access to skilled work-
Central cities, by themselves, are unable to support such ers, customers, investors, research, educational, and cul-
an array and intensity of social services since they have tural institutions needed by the modern, postindustrial

426 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Women in the City

M aurice Yeates has noted that

A third spatial characteristic of there are spatial issues that
women have quite different needs, women in urban areas is that they impinge directly upon women.
problems, and patterns than men have shorter journeys to work and One is that many women find that
with respect to urban social space. rely more heavily upon public their spatial range of employment
transportation than do men, a opportunities is limited as a result
In the first place, women are
reflection of the lower incomes of the inadequate availability of
more numerous in large central
received by women, the differences child-care facilities within urban
cities than are men. Washington,
in location of “female jobs,” and the areas. A second spatial issue relates
D.C. probably is the most female-
concentration of women in the to the structure of North American
dominant (numerically) of any
central cities. Women on the whole metropolitan areas and to the
city in North America, with a “sex
simply cannot afford to spend as design of housing in general. North
ratio” of eighty-seven (or 115
much on travel costs as men and American cities are the outcome of
females for every 100 males). In
make greater use of public male-dominant traits. Suburbs, in
Minneapolis it is eighty-four. The
transportation, which in the United particular, reflect a male-paid work
preponderance of women in
States is usually inferior and often and female-home/children ethos.
central cities is related to an
dangerous. The concentration of The suburban structure mitigates
above-average number of
employment of women in clerical, against women by confining them
household units headed by
sales, service jobs, and nursing also to a place and role in which there
women, and to the larger
influences travel distances because are very few meaningful choices. It
numbers of women among the
these “women’s jobs” are spread has been argued that suburban
around the metropolitan area more women really desire a greater level
A second characteristic is that
than “men’s jobs,” which tend to be of accessibility to a variety of
women, along with their children,
concentrated. It might well be conveniences and services, more
constitute the bulk of the poor.
argued that the more widespread efficient housing units, and a range
This feminization of poverty
location of “women’s jobs” helps of public and private
among all races is a consequence of
maintain the relative transportation that will assure
the low wage rates, part-time work,
inaccessibility of many higher-paid higher levels of mobility. These
and lack of security of employment
“men’s jobs” to a large number of requirements imply higher-density
in many “women’s jobs.” Central
women. urban areas.
cities, with their low-cost but often
Given the allocation of roles, the Text excerpt from The North American City, 4th ed.,
low-quality rental housing units, by Maurice Yeates. Copyright © 1990 by Harper &
resulting inequities, and the Row Publishers, Inc. Reprinted by permission of
house the vast majority of poor
persistence of these inequities, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

economy. As a reflection of their renewed attractions, ing in “gateway” cities where they have become deeply
employment and gross domestic product in the country’s rooted in their new communities by buying and renovat-
50 largest urban areas grew significantly in the 1990s, re- ing homes in inner-city areas, spending money in neigh-
versing stagnation and decline in the preceding decade. borhood stores, and most importantly establishing their
Demand for downtown office space was met by extensive own businesses. They also are important additions to the
new construction and urban renewal, and even manufac- general urban labor force, providing the skilled and un-
turing has revived in the form of small and midsize com- skilled workers needed in expanding office-work, service,
panies providing high-tech equipment and processes. and manufacturing sectors.
These, in turn, support a growing network of suppliers Another part of central city residential revival is
and specialized services with “circular and cumulative” found in gentrification, the rehabilitation of housing in
growth the result. the oldest and now deteriorated inner-city areas by
Part of the new vigor of central cities comes from its middle- and high-income groups (Figure 11.34). Gentrifi-
new residents. Between 1980 and 2000, some 15 million cation has been a positive, privately-financed force in the
immigrants arrived in the United States, most concentrat- renewal of some depressed neighborhoods surrounding

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 427

Figure 11.33 Faulty towers. Many elaborate—and massive—public housing projects have been failures. Chicago’s Robert Taylor Homes,
shown here, consisted of 28 identical 16-story buildings, the largest public housing unit in the world and the biggest concentration of poverty in
America. Many of the 4400 apartments were abandoned—victims of soaring vandalism and crime rates—before the first of several of the project’s
buildings to be razed was demolished in May, 1997; sixteen are slated for demolition by 2006, part of the city’s intent to flatten almost all of its 58
“family high-rises.”
The growing awareness that public high-rise buildings intended to revive the central city do not meet the housing and social needs of their
inhabitants led to razing nearly 100,000 of the more than 1.3 million public housing units in cities around the country during the 1990s, many
replaced by low-rise apartment or mixed-use developments.

Figure 11.34 Gentrified housing in the

Georgetown section of Washington, D.C.
Gentrification is especially active in the major
urban centers of the eastern United States,
from Boston south along the Atlantic Coast to
Savannah, Georgia; it is also increasingly a
part of the regeneration of older, deteriorated,
first-generation residential districts in major
central cities across the country.

428 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Geography and Public Policy

The Homeless
In the 1980s and 1990s, the number of
homeless people in the United States
rose dramatically: to anywhere be-
tween 600,000 and 3 million in the late
1990s, according to various “official”
counts. Their existence and persis-
tence raise a multitude of questions—
with the answers yet to be agreed upon
by public officials and private Ameri-
cans. Who are the homeless, and why
do their numbers increase? Who
should be responsible for coping with
the problems they present? Are there
ways to eliminate homelessness?
Some people believe the home-
less are primarily the impoverished
victims of a rich and uncaring society.
They view them as ordinary people, A homeless man finds shelter on a bench near the White House in Washington D.C.
but ones who have had a bad break
and been forced from their homes by who spoil neighborhoods, terrorize services that includes education; treat-
job loss, divorce, domestic violence, or passersby, and threaten the common- ment for drug and alcohol abuse and
incapacitating illness. They point to weal.” They point to studies showing mental illness; and job training.
the increasing numbers of families, that nationally between 66% and 85%
women, and children among the of all homeless suffer from alcoholism, Questions to Consider:
homeless, less visible than the “loners” drug abuse, or mental illness, and 1. What is the nature of the homeless
(primarily men) because they tend to argue that people are responsible for problem in the community where you
live in cars, emergency shelters, or the alcohol and drugs they ingest; they live or with which you are most
doubled-up in substandard buildings. are not helpless victims of disease. familiar?
Advocates of the homeless argue that Communities have tried a num- 2. Where should responsibility for the
government policies of the 1980s and ber of strategies to cope with their homeless lie: at the federal, state, or
1990s that led to a dire shortage of af- homeless populations. Some set up local governmental level? Is it best left
fordable housing are partly to blame. temporary shelters, especially in cold to private groups such as churches
Federal outlays for building low- weather; some subsidize permanent and charities? Or is it ultimately best
income and subsidized housing were housing and/or group homes. They recognized as a personal matter to be
more than $30 billion in 1980 but encourage private, nonprofit groups handled by homeless individuals
dropped to $7.5 billion a decade later. to establish soup kitchens and food themselves? What reasons form or
Simultaneously, local governments banks. Others attempt to drive the support your response?
pursued policies of destruction of homeless out of town or at least to 3. Some people argue that giving money,
low-income housing, especially single- parts of town where they will be less food, or housing but no therapy to
room-occupancy hotels, and en- visible. They forbid loitering in city street people makes one an “enabler”
couraged gentrification. In addition, parks or on beaches after midnight, or accomplice of addicts. Do you
federal regulations and reduced state install sleep-proof seats on park agree? Why or why not?
funding for mental hospitals cast insti- benches and bus stations, and outlaw 4. One columnist has proposed
tutionalized patients onto the streets aggressive panhandling. quarantining male street people on
to join people displaced by gentrifica- Neither point of view appeals to military bases and compelling them to
tion, job loss, or rising rents. those who believe that homelessness accept medical treatment. Those who
A contrary view is presented by is more than simply a lack of shelter, resist would be charged with crimes of
those who see the homeless chiefly as that it is a matter of a mostly dis- violence and turned over to the
people responsible for their own turbed population with severe prob- criminal justice system. Do you
plight, not unlike the skid row lems that requires help getting off the believe the homeless should be forced
denizens of former years. In the words streets and into treatment. What the into treatment programs or
of one commentator, the homeless homeless need, they say, is a “contin- institutionalized against their will? If
are “deranged, pathological predators uum of care”—an entire range of so, under what conditions?
central business districts in cities across the country. A on physical expansion. That unrestricted growth has
study of 26 cities nationwide found each expecting its often resulted in the coalescence of separate cities into
downtown population to grow by 2010, some by double- ever-larger metropolitan complexes.
digit percentages. The speed and volume of growth has spawned a
The reason for that expected and actual growth lies complex of concerns, some reminiscent of older eastern
in demographics. Young professionals are marrying and cities and others specific to areas of rapid urban expan-
having children later or, often, are divorced or never- sion as in the West. As in the East, the oldest parts of
married. For them—a growing proportion of Americans— western central cities tend to be pockets of poverty,
suburban life and shopping malls hold few attractions, racial conflict, and abandonment. In addition, western
while central city residence offers high-tech and execu- central city governments face all the economic, social,
tive jobs within walking or biking distance and cultural, and environmental consequences of unrestricted mar-
entertainment, and boutique shopping opportunities ginal expansion. Scottsdale, Arizona, for example, cov-
close at hand. The younger group has been joined by ered a single square mile in 1950; by the end of the 1990s
“empty-nesters,” couples who no longer have children liv- it grew to nearly 200 square miles, four times the physi-
ing at home and who find big houses on suburban lots no cal size of San Francisco. Phoenix, with which Scottsdale
longer desirable. By their interests and efforts these two has now coalesced, surpasses in sprawl Los Angeles,
groups have largely or completely remade and upgraded which has three times as many people. The phenomenal
such old city neighborhoods as the Mill District of Min- growth of Las Vegas, Nevada, has similarly converted
neapolis, the Armory District of Providence, R.I., the vast areas of desert landscape to low-density urban use
Denny Regrade and Belltown of Seattle, Main St./Market (Figure 11.35).
Square district of Houston, and many others throughout Such unrestricted central city expansion has intro-
the country. duced its own fiscal crises. In many instances limited by
Individual home buyers and rehabbers opened the state law or constitution from raising taxes, central cities
way; commercial developers followed, greatly increasing have been unable to provide the infrastructural improve-
the stock of quality housing in downtown areas—but ments and social services their far-flung new populations
often only after local, state, or federal government made require. Schools remain unbuilt and underfunded, water
the first investments in slum clearance, park develop- supplies are increasingly difficult and expensive to ob-
ment, cultural center construction, and the like. Milwau- tain, open space requirements are ignored, street and
kee built a riverside walk and attracted $50 million in highway improvements and repairs are inadequate even
private investment, for example. Indianapolis city offi- as demand for them increases. In short, each additional
cials are emptying housing projects in the Chatham Arch unit of unrestricted growth costs the municipality more
neighborhood and selling them to developers for conver- than the additional development generates in tax rev-
sion into apartments and condominiums. Renovation of enue. Unrestrained expansion and incorporation of new
an old cotton mill in the Cabbagetown district of Atlanta growth areas has not been the solution to all central city
has produced 500 new apartments in a building recycling problems.
project common to many older cities. And as whole Increasingly, central cities and metropolitan areas of
areas are gentrified or redeveloped residentially, other both East and West are seeking to restrain rather than en-
investment flows into nearby commercial activities. For courage physical growth. Portland, Oregon drew a “do not
example, Denver’s LoDo district, once a skid row, has pass” line around itself in the late 1970s, prohibiting urban
been wholly transformed into a thriving area of shops, conversion of surrounding forests, farmlands, and open
restaurants, and sports bars along with residential lofts. space. Rather than losing people and functions, it has
added both while preserving and increasing parklands and
urban amenities.
Expanding Central Cities Other cities, metropolitan areas, and states are also
During the latter part of the 20th century, the most dy- beginning to resist and restrict urban expansion. “Smart
namic United States urban growth areas have been in growth” programs have been adopted by such states as
the 13 states of the Mountain and Pacific West. In 1940, Colorado, Delaware, Minnesota, and Washington, spurred
little more than half of all Westerners lived in cities; by by 1991 federal legislation (the Intermodal Surface Trans-
2000, nearly 90% were urbanites. Arizona, California, portation Efficiency Act) that gave local planners in-
Nevada, and Utah all have a higher percentage of city creased say in the expenditure of the highway trust fund
dwellers than New York, and six of the 10 fastest grow- monies. Diverting a portion of them from highways to
ing U.S. metropolitan areas are in the West. For the mass transit support, and resisting plans for expansion or
most part, these newer “automobile” metropolises were extension of freeways and other roadways in order to pre-
able to expand physically to keep within the central city vent further traffic generation and urban construction,
boundaries the new growth areas on their peripheries. cities of both the West and East are beginning to tighten
Nearly without exception they placed few restrictions controls on unrestricted and uneconomic expansion.

430 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Figure 11.35 Urban sprawl in the Las Vegas, Nevada metropolitan area. With a 62% population increase during the 1990s, Las Vegas was
the country’s fastest growing metro district during that decade. Like many Western cities, it has rapidly expanded to accommodate its influx of
new residents, converting wide swaths of desert land to urban use.

within the central area of cities. The Canadian city is better

World Urban Diversity served by and more dependent on mass transportation than
is the U.S. city. Since Canadian metropolitan areas have
The city, Figure 11.3 reminds us, is a global phenome-
only one-quarter the number of miles of expressway lanes
non. It is also a regional and cultural variable. The de-
per capita as U.S. metropolises—and at least as much resis-
scriptions and models that we have used to study the
tance to constructing more—suburbanization of peoples and
functions, land use arrangements, suburbanization
functions is less extensive north of the border than south.
trends, and other aspects of the United States city would
In social as well as physical structure, Canadian–
not in all—or even many—instances help us understand
United States contrasts are apparent. While cities in both
the structures and patterns of cities in other parts of the
countries are ethnically diverse—Canadian communities, in
world. Those cities have been created under different his-
fact, have the higher proportion of foreign born—U.S. cen-
torical, cultural, and technological circumstances. They
tral cities exhibit far greater internal distinctions in race, in-
have developed different functional and structural pat-
come, and social status and more pronounced contrasts
terns, some so radically different from our United States
between central city and suburban residents. That is, there
model that we would find them unfamiliar and uncharted
has been much less “flight to the suburbs” by middle-income
landscapes indeed. The city is universal; its characteris-
Canadians. As a result, the Canadian city shows greater so-
tics are cultural and regional.
cial stability, higher per capita average income, more reten-
The Anglo American City tion of shopping facilities, and more employment
opportunities and urban amenities than its U.S. central city
Even within the seemingly homogeneous culture realm of
counterpart. In particular, it does not have the rivalry from
the United States and Canada, the city shows subtle but
well-defined competitive “edge cities” of suburbia that so
significant differences—not only between older eastern
spread and fragment United States metropolitan complexes.
and newer western U.S. cities, but between cities of
Canada and those of the United States. Although the urban
expression is similar in the two countries, it is not identi- The West European City
cal. The Canadian city, for example, is more compact than If such significant urban differences are found even within
its U.S. counterpart of equal population size, with a higher the tightly knit Anglo American region, we can only ex-
density of buildings and people and a lesser degree of sub- pect still greater divergences from the U.S. model at
urbanization of populations and functions (Figure 11.36). greater linear and cultural distance and in countries with
Space-saving multiple-family housing units are more long urban traditions and mature cities of their own. The
the rule in Canada, so a similar population size is housed on political history of France, for example, has given to Paris
a smaller land area with much higher densities, on average, an overwhelmingly primate position in its system of cities.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 431

Figure 11.36 The central and outlying business districts of Toronto, easily visible in this photo, are still rooted firmly by mass transit
convergence and mass transit usage. On a per capita basis, Canadian urbanites are two and a half times more dependent on public transportation
than are American city dwellers. That reliance gives form, structure, and coherence to the Canadian central city, qualities now irretrievably lost
in the sprawled and fragmented U.S. metropolis.

Political, economic, and colonial history has done the same European cities were developed for pedestrians and
for London in the United Kingdom. On the other hand, still retain the compactness appropriate to walking dis-
Germany and Italy came late to nationhood and no over- tances. The sprawl of American peripheral or suburban
whelmingly dominant cities developed in their systems. zones is generally absent. At the same time, compactness
Nonetheless, a generally common heritage of me- and high density do not mean skyscraper skylines. Much of
dieval origins, Renaissance restructurings, and industrial urban Europe predates the steel frame building and the ele-
period extensions has given to the cities of Western Europe vator. City skylines tend to be low, three to five stories in
features distinctly different from those of cities in other re- height, sometimes (as in central Paris) held down by build-
gions founded and settled by European immigrants. De- ing ordinance (Figure 11.37), or by prohibitions on private
spite wartime destructions and postwar redevelopments, structures exceeding the height of a major public building,
many still bear the impress of past occupants and technolo- often the central cathedral. Those older restrictions are in-
gies, even back to Roman times in some cases. An irregular creasingly relaxed as taller office buildings and blocks are
system of narrow streets may be retained from the random developed in London and other commercial centers.
street pattern developed in medieval times of pedestrian Compactness, high densities, and apartment dwelling
and pack-animal movement. Main streets radiating from encouraged the development and continued importance of
the city center and cut by circumferential “ring roads” tell public transportation, including well-developed subway
us the location of primary roads leading into town through systems. The private automobile has become much more
the gates in city walls now gone and replaced by circular common of late, though most central city areas have not
boulevards. Broad thoroughfares, public parks, and plazas yet been significantly restructured with wider streets and
mark Renaissance ideals of city beautification and the es- parking facilities to accommodate it. The automobile is not
thetic need felt for processional avenues and promenades. the universal need in Europe that it has become in Ameri-
Although each is unique historically and culturally, can cities. Home and work are generally more closely
West European cities as a group share certain common spaced in Europe—often within walking or bicycling
features that set them off from the United States model, distance—while most sections of towns have first-floor re-
though they are less removed from the Canadian norm. tail and business establishments (below upper-story apart-
Cities of Western Europe have, for example, a much more ments) bringing both places of employment and retail
compact form and occupy less total area than American shops within convenient distance of residences.
cities of comparable population; most of their residents A very generalized model of the social geography
are apartment dwellers. Residential streets of the older of the West European city has been proposed (Fig-
sections tend to be narrow, and front, side, or rear yards ure 11.38). Its exact counterpart can be found nowhere,
or gardens are rare. but many of its general features are part of the spatial

432 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Figure 11.37 Even in their central areas, many European cities show a low profile, like that of Paris seen here from the Eiffel Tower.
Although taller buildings—20, 30, even 50 or more stories in height—have become more common in major cities since World War II, they are
not the universal mark of central business districts that they have become in the United States, nor the generally welcomed symbols of city
progress and pride.

Figure 11.38 A diagrammatic representation of the West European city.

Redrawn from Paul White. The West European City: A Social Geography. Copyright © 1984 Addison Wesley Longman Ltd. Reprinted by permission of Addison Wesley
Longman Ltd.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 433

social structure of most major European cities. In the buildings on the Western, capitalist model. A large central
historic core, now increasingly gentrified, residential square ringed by administrative and cultural buildings
units for the middle class, the self-employed, and the was the preferred pattern. Nearby, space was provided for
older generation of skilled artisans share limited space a large recreational and commemorative park. In the
with preserved historic buildings, monuments, and Russian prototype, neither a central business district nor
tourist attractions. major outlying business districts were required or pro-
The old city fortifications may mark the boundary vided. Residential areas were expected to be largely self-
between the core and the surrounding transitional zone of contained in the provision of at least low-order goods and
substandard housing, 19th-century industry, and recent services, minimizing the need for a journey to centralized
immigrants. The waterfront has similar older industry; shopping locations.
newer plants are found on the periphery. Public housing Residential areas are made up of microdistricts, as-
and some immigrant concentrations may be near that semblages of uniform apartment blocks housing perhaps
newer industry, while other urban socioeconomic groups 10,000 to 15,000 persons, surrounded by broad boule-
aggregate themselves in distinctive social areas within the vards, and containing centrally sited nursery and grade
body of the city. schools, grocery and department stores, theaters, clin-
The West European city is not characterized by ics, and similar neighborhood necessities and amenities
inner-city deterioration and out-migration. Its core areas (Figure 11.39a). Plans called for effective separation of
tend to be stable in population and attract, rather than residential quarters from industrial districts by land-
repel, the successful middle class and upward mobile. Nor scaped buffer zones, but in practice many microdistricts
does it always feature the ethnic neighborhoods of United were built by factories for their own workers and were
States cities although some, like London, do (see The located immediately adjacent to the workplace. Since
Caribbean Map in London, page 210), particularly for im- microdistricts were most easily and rapidly constructed
migrants of non-European origin. Similar segregation, on open land at the margins of expanding cities, high
though there in suburban apartment clusters, is found on residential densities have been carried to the outskirts
the margins of French cities, particularly for North of town (Figure 11.39b).
African ethnics. These characteristic patterns will change in the
decades to come as market principles of land allocation
The East European City are adopted. Now that private interests can own land and
Cities of Eastern Europe, including Russia and the for- buildings, the urban areas may take on forms more simi-
mer European republics of the Soviet Union, make up a lar to those of the West European city. Currently, a promi-
separate urban class—the East European city. It is an nent trend is to construct more spacious privately owned
urban form that shares many of the traditions and prac- apartments and single-family houses for the newly rich.
tices of West European cities, but it differs from them in
the centrally administered planning principles that were Cities in the Developing World
in the communist period (1945–1990) designed to shape Still farther removed from the United States urban model
and control both new and older settlements. For reasons are the cities of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Industri-
both ideological and practical, the particular concerns alization has come to them only recently, modern tech-
were, first, limitation on size of cities to avoid supercity nologies in transportation and public facilities are
growth and metropolitan sprawl; second, assurance of an sparsely available, and the structures of cities and the cul-
internal structure of neighborhood equality and self- tures of their inhabitants are far different from the urban
sufficiency; and third, strict land use segregation. The world familiar to North Americans. The developing world
planned East European city fully achieved none of these is vast in extent and diverse in physical and social con-
objectives, but by attempting them it has emerged as a tent; generalizations about it or its urban landscapes lack
distinctive urban form. certainty and universality. Islamic cities of North Africa,
In general structural terms, the city is compact, with for example, are entities sharply distinct from the sub-
relatively high building and population densities reflect- Saharan African, the Southeast Asian, or the Latin Ameri-
ing the nearly universal apartment dwelling, and with a can city.
sharp break between urban and rural land uses on its Yet, by observation and consensus, some common
margins. Like the older generation West European city, features of developing-world cities are recognizable. All,
the East European city depended nearly exclusively on for example, have endured massive in-migrations from
public transportation. rural areas, and most have had even faster rates of natural
During the communist period, it differed from its increase than of immigration. As a result, most are ringed
Western counterpart in its purely governmental rather by vast squatter settlements high in density and low in
than market control of land use and functional patterns. public facilities and services (see “The Informal Housing
That control dictated that the central area of cities (the Problem”). All, apparently, have populations greater than
Central Cultural District or CCD) should be reserved for their formal functions and employment bases can sup-
public use, not occupied by retail establishments or office port. In all, large numbers support themselves in the

434 Landscapes of Functional Organization

(a) (b)

Figure 11.39 (a) This scene from Bucharest, Romania, clearly shows important recurring characteristics of the socialist city design: mass
transit service to boulevard-bordered “superblocks” of self-contained apartment house microdistricts that contain their own shopping, schools,
and other facilities. (b) High-density apartment houses bordered by wheat fields mark the urban margin of Poprad, Slovakia; the Tatra
Mountains are in the background.

“informal” sector—as snack-food vendors, peddlers of ciga- characteristics. But in places like Mumbai (India), Lagos
rettes or trinkets, streetside barbers or tailors, errand- (Nigeria), Jakarta (Indonesia), Kinshasa (Congo), and
runners or package carriers, and the like outside the usual Cairo (Egypt), where the public transport system is lim-
forms of wage labor (see Figure 10.6). All of the large ited, the result has been overcrowded cities centered on a
cities have modern centers of commerce, not unlike their single major business district in the old tradition.
Western counterparts. The developing countries, emerging from formerly
But the extent of acceptable generalization is lim- dominant subsistence economies, have experienced dis-
ited, for the backgrounds, developmental histories, and proportionate population concentrations, particularly in
current economies and administrations of developing- their national and regional capitals. Lacking or relatively
world cities vary so greatly. Some are still preindustrial, undeveloped is the substructure of maturing, functionally
with only a modest central commercial core or central complex smaller and medium-sized centers characteristic
bazaar; they lack industrial districts, public transporta- of more advanced and diversified economies. The primate
tion, or any meaningful degree of land use separation. city dominates their urban systems (Figure 11.16). Nearly
Some are the product of Western colonialism, established a quarter of all Nicaraguans live in Managua, and Libre-
as ports or outposts of administration and exploitation, ville contains one-third of the populace of Gabon. Vast
built by Europeans on the Western model, though in- numbers of surplus, low-income rural populations have
creasingly engulfed by later, indigenous urban forms. In been attracted to these developed seats of wealth and po-
some, Western-style skyscraper central areas and com- litical centrality in the hope of finding a job.
mercial cores have been newly constructed; in others, Although attention may be lavished on creating
commerce is conducted in different forums and formats urban cores on the skyscraper model of Western cities
(Figure 11.40). Urban structure is a function of the role (Figure 11.41), most of the new urban multitudes have
the city plays in its own cultural milieu. Some may be re- little choice but to pack themselves into squatter shanty
ligious centers, as Mecca in Saudi Arabia and Varanasi in communities on the fringes of the city, isolated from the
India; others may be traditional market centers for a wide sanitary facilities, the public utilities, and the job oppor-
area, as are Timbuktu in Mali and Lahore in Pakistan, or tunities that are found only at the center. In the sprawl-
serve as cultural capitals such as Addis Ababa in Ethiopia ing slum district of Nairobi, Kenya, called Mathare
and Cuzco in Peru. Valley some 250,000 people are squeezed into 15 square
Wherever the automobile or modern transport sys- kilometers (6 sq mi) and are increasing by 10,000 inhabi-
tems are an integral part of the growth of developing- tants per year. Such impoverished squatter districts
world cities, the metropolis begins to take on Western exist around most major cities in Africa, Asia, and Latin

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 435

The Informal Housing Problem

B etween one-third and two-thirds

of the population of most developing
world cities is crowded into shanty-
towns and squatter settlements built
by the inhabitants, often in defiance
of officialdom. These unofficial com-
munities usually have little or no ac-
cess to publicly provided services such
as water supply, sewerage and
drainage, paved roads, and garbage re-
moval. In such megacities as Rio de
Janeiro, São Paulo, Mexico City,
Bangkok, Chennai (Madras), Cairo, or
Lagos, millions find refuge in the
shacks and slums of the “informal
housing sector.” Crumbling tenements
house additional tens of thousands,
many of whom are eventually forced whole during the 1980s and 1990s, only and flooding. The informality and
into shantytowns by the conversion of one formal housing unit was added for often illegality of the squatter housing
tenements into commercial property every nine new households, and be- solution means that those who impro-
or high-income apartments. tween 70% and 90% of all new house- vise and build their own shelters lack
No more than 20% of the new holds found shelter in shanties or registration and recognized ownership
housing in Third World cities is pro- slums. Peripheral squatter settlements, of their domiciles or the land on which
duced by the formal housing sector; though densely built, may provide ade- they stand. Without such legal docu-
the rest develops informally, ignoring quate household space and even water, mentation, no capital accumulation
building codes, zoning restrictions, sewers, and defined traffic lanes based on housing assets is possible and
property rights, and infrastructure through the efforts of the residents. no collateral for home improvement
standards. As the graph indicates, in- More usually, however, overcrowding loans or other purposes is created.
formal settlements house varying per- transforms these settlements into vast
centages of these populations, but for zones of disease and squalor subject to Source: Graph data from United Nations
low-income developing countries as a constant danger from landslides, fire, Development Programme and other sources.

America (Figure 11.42), creating an inverse concentric cities in Asia and Africa have certain important similari-
zone pattern where the elite and upper class reside in ties derived in part from their colonial heritage and the
central areas and social status declines with increasing imprint of alien cultures which they still bear.
distance from the center. Proposed models of urban The large Southeast Asian city is shown in Fig-
structures in the developing world help define some of ure 11.43a as a composite. The port and its associated
the regional and cultural contrasts that distinguish those areas were colonial creations, retained and strengthened
cities (Figure 11.43). in independence. Around them are found a Western-
style central business district with European shops, ho-
The Asian City and African City tels, and restaurants; one or more “alien commercial
Many large cities of Asia and Africa were founded and de- zones” where merchants of the Chinese and, perhaps,
veloped by European colonialists. For example, the British Indian communities have established themselves; and
built Calcutta and Mumbai (Bombay) in India, and Nairobi the more widespread zone of mixed residential, light
and Harare in Africa; the French developed Ho Chi Minh industrial, and indigenous commercial uses. Central
City (Saigon) in Vietnam, Dakar in Senegal and Bangui in slums and peripheral squatter settlements house up to
the Central African Republic. The Dutch had as their two-thirds of the total city population. Market gardening
main outpost Jarkarta in Indonesia, and many colonial and recent industrial development mark the outer met-
countries established Shanghai. These and many other ropolitan limits.

436 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Figure 11.40 The Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, Turkey, with its miles of crowded streets, was built in the mid-17th century and now houses more
than 3000 shops. It is a vibrant reminder that a successful, thriving commercial economy need not be housed in Western-style business districts.

The South Asian city appears in two forms. Fig- of environmental degradation posed by urban growth un-
ure 11.43b summarizes the internal structure of the colonial- supported by adequate infrastructure development in
based city, making clear the spatial separation of local and water, sewer, and other facilities.
European residential areas, the mixed-race enclave between Most Asian governments, recognizing the problems
them, and the 20th-century new growth areas housing the of substandard housing, inadequate public services, and
wealthier local elites. Figure 11.43c depicts the traditional environmental deterioration their dominantly primate
bazaar city, its city center focused on a crossroads around city population concentrations create, have adopted poli-
which are found the houses of the wealthier residents. Mer- cies encouraging the establishment of intermediate-sized
chants live above or behind their shops, and the entire city cities to disperse urbanization and its developmental ben-
center is characterized by mixed residential, commercial, efits more widely across their territories. China has
manufacturing land uses. Beyond the inner core is, first, an achieved more success in this regard than have, for exam-
upper-income residential area shared (but not in the same ple, India or Pakistan.
structures) with poorer servants. Still farther out are the The African city is less easily generalized. Sub-Saharan
slums and squatter communities, generally sharply segre- Africa, with little more than one-quarter of its people living
gated according to ethnic, religious, caste, or native village in cities, is the least urbanized segment of the developing
of their inhabitants. world. It has, however, the fastest urban growth rates. No
Asia’s past and projected urban growth is explosive. more than half of their growth reflects the natural increase
From 1960 to 1990, some 45% of the continent’s total popu- of populations already in the cities, and future African
lation growth came within its urban areas. The pace of ur- urban expansion will largely come from rural to urban mi-
banization increased during the 1990s, and the United gration and the incorporation of villages into spreading
Nations estimates that essentially all of Asia’s net popula- metropolitan complexes.
tion increase between 2000 and 2020 will be in cities, rais- As they did in Asia, European colonialists created
ing Asia’s urban population from 1.2 billion to 2.3 billion. new centers of administration and exploitation. Many
That annual average growth of 55 million new city were designed with spread-out, tree-lined European resi-
dwellers will exaggerate the already considerable problems dential districts separated by open land from the barracks

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 437

Figure 11.41 Downtown Nairobi, Kenya, is a busy, modern urban core complete with high-rise commercial buildings.

Figure 11.42 Millions of people of the developing world live in shantytown settlements on the fringes of large cities, without benefit of
running water, electricity, sewage systems, or other public services. The hillside slum pictured here is one of the many favelas that are home for
nearly half of Rio de Janeiro’s more than 11 million residents.

438 Landscapes of Functional Organization


New rial
Ind tate Native or
Es Administrative Black Town
ardening Zon
rket G e Quarters

urbs and Squatter
Su b Cen

ew Are t
fN b c as D ra

o d N

l B ict s
e H ew

n a

Re igh

n sity R esiden
e t sid Cla Port Extension
le D Zon ial
dd en ss

Tow n
2 e
Mi H tia Fort
Re igh

1 l
sid Cla

nd U s Original Port

1 Alien commercial zone La e en ss S

s ss
d tia O pen E ur o p e

2 Alien commercial zone

io n c la
3 l
Zo ovt.

3 Western commercial zone

ns e-

te i d dl
a Squatter area Port
b Suburb Zone N ew M
W e a lt h y a n d E x
R e si d e n t i a l



Physical Space Industrial
Bazaar-based traditional city Park
from the pre-colonial times
with rich in zone 1 and
hi P ico
re lass

poor in zone 3 Zone of Zone of

de evelopm

New post-independence Peripheral Situ Accretion


extensions with Squatter



extensive squatter Settlements

settlements 1 Market


Chowk or crossroads Zone of
High-intensity Maturity
commercial and

residential land uses Gentrification
Wholesale market
Elite Residential
Cultural Space Sector
Religious and linguistic Middle Class
clusters and Untouchables Commercial Residential Tract

Figure 11.43 Developing world urban models.

Sources: (a) Redrawing of top half of fig 25, p. 128, in T. G. McGee. The Southeast Asian City: A Social Geography of the Primate Cities of Southeast Asia, © 1967. (b),
(c) Figures 9.7 and 9.9 Ashok K. Dutt, “Cities of South Asia,” from Cities of the World: World Regional Development 2d ed., by Stanley D. Brunn and Jack F. Williams. Copyright ©
1993 by Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. Redrawn by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.; (d) Redrawn by permission from Larry Ford, “A New and Improved Model of
Latin American City Structure,” in Geographical Review 86 (1996) American Geographical Society.

built for African laborers. Disregarding local climate, In all African cities, however, spatial contrasts in so-
building materials, and wisdom, British colonists imposed cial geography are great and in most sub-Saharan cities so-
English building codes more concerned with snow load cioeconomic divisions are coupled with a partition of
than tropical heat. Since independence, these former squatter slum areas into ethnically-based subdivisions.
colonial outposts have grown apace, with the largest Former greenbelts have been densely filled with card-
cities expanding at rates upwards of 10% per year in board and sheet metal shacks of the poor who are still de-
some countries. That explosive growth reflects the cen- nied access to the spacious suburbs of the well-to-do and
tralization of government and the concentration of wealth influential. The richest 10% of Nairobi’s population, for
and power in single cities that the small urban elites view example, occupy two-thirds of the city’s residential land.
as symbols of their countries’ economic growth and
modernity. The Latin American City
Many, like Lagos, Nigeria, present a confused land- “City life” is the cultural norm in Latin America. The vast
scape of teeming, dirt-street shanty developments, un- majority of the residents of Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Ar-
served by running water or sewerage lines surrounding a gentina, Chile, and other countries live in cities, and very
modern urban core of high-rise buildings, paved streets often in the primate city. The urbanization process is
and expressways, and modern facilities, and the older, rapidly making Latin cities among the largest in the
lower building commercial, governmental, and residential world. Analysts predict that by the year 2015, six of the
district near the harbor. In contrast, others like Abidjan in largest 28 cities will be in Latin America, and Rio de
the Ivory Coast are clean, well-designed, and orderly cities Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil, will have merged into a con-
nearly Western in appearance. tinuous megalopolis 350 miles long.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 439

Latin cities (Figure 11.43d) still retain the focus on wide boulevard. Here one finds the upper-middle-class
their central areas which has been so largely lost in their housing stock, which is again apartments and town
Anglo American counterparts. The entire transportation houses. A mall or developing competitive major suburban
system focuses on the downtown, where the vast majority business node often lies at the end of the elite commercial
of jobs are found. The city centers are lively and modern spine. A ring highway (periférico) is becoming common in
with many tall office buildings, clubs, restaurants, and most large Latin American cities, serving to connect the
stores of every variety. Condominium apartments house mall and developing industrial parks and to ensure access
the well-to-do who prefer living in the center because of for the growing number of outlying elite residential com-
its convenience to workplaces, theaters, museums, munities and middle-class housing tracts. It also marks
friends, specialty shops, and restaurants (Figure 11.44). the separation of the better inner city residential areas
Thousands of commuters pour into the urban core each and the peripheral squatter settlements and slums.
day, some coming from the outer edge of the city (per- The second feature is the three established residen-
haps an hour or two commuting time) where the poorest tial districts arranged in concentric rings around the core
people live. The mixed usages of the city center are re- and housing ever poorer people as distance increases
flected in its increasing segregation into two parts: the from the center. This social patterning is just the opposite
modernizing CBD of self-contained newer high-rise office, of many United States cities. The slums and squatter set-
hotel, and department store buildings and the older tradi- tlements (barrios, favelas) are on the outskirts of the city.
tional “market” segment of small, street-oriented busi- In rapidly growing centers like Mexico City, the barrios
nesses and shops. are found in the farthest concentric ring, which is several
Two features of the Latin American city pattern are kilometers wide. Once Latin residents establish them-
noteworthy. One is the spine, which is a continuation of selves in the city, they tend to remain at their original
the features of the city center outward along the main site, and as income permits they improve their homes.

Figure 11.44 Buildings along the Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City. Part of the central business district, this area contains apartment
houses, theaters and nightclubs, and commercial high rises.

440 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Urban Systems and Urban Structures
Many web sites deal with a range of urban concerns, Urban Geography on the Web is the official home page of
including city and metropolitan area populations, politics, the Urban Geography Specialty Group of the Association of
poverty, housing, architecture, historic preservation and the American Geographers. The site contains information on the
like, but relatively few are easily identifiable as “urban” by subdiscipline as well as links to websites of interest. The page
title or agency and even fewer clearly “urban geographic” in is best accessed through the AAG home page at
orientation. Even without that specific focus, however, many Many other professional groups are concerned with
sites contain data, publications, or resources pertinent to urban matters, of course. Some of special interest that you
topics covered in this chapter. might explore include: the Urban Land Institute at
A good starting point that represents international inter-; the Canadian Urban Institute at;
est in urban settlement, particularly in developing regions, is the National League of Cities (; and The Urban In-
the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat). stitute (concerned primarily with matters of welfare, housing,
When accessed at its site provides entry to a social security, and the like) at
variety of documents and reports, including the 1997 World The Urban Morphology Research Group (UMRG) was
Habitat Day, the Istanbul Habitat, and the Istanbul + 5 Con- founded in 1974 in the School of Geography of the University
ferences. Also, be sure to examine the menu choices through of Birmingham, England. It specializes in the study of urban
“Programs & Campaigns” to the Global Urban Observatory form and processes and its home page provides an annotated
and the Urban Indicators programs. guide to Web resources for those interested in that topic.
The UN Habitat-sponsored Best Practices Database View it at
( is a searchable document that con- One example of changing urban morphology is offered
tains “proven solutions to common . . . problems of an ur- by the Urban Dynamics Research Program of the U.S. Geologi-
banizing world.” First presented at the United Nations Habitat cal Survey. Its page on “Analysis of Land Use Change in
II City Summit in 1996, this “knowledge base” identifies ways Urban Environments” at
in which shared solutions can address urban issues such as also contains links to its “Urban Dynamics Fact Sheet” and to
poverty, access to land, clean water, shelter, and transporta- the University of California at Santa Barbara site on “Land
tion. The UN’s educational program Cities of Today, Cities of Use Change Modeling.” In cooperation with UCSB, the Survey
Tomorrow, although designed for grades 5–12, has a useful set maintains a Project Gigalopolis: Urban and Land Cover Modeling
of background papers for those of any age interested in world website concerned with the 21st century system of cities.
cities, their history, and their current problems; the site gives View it at:
access as well to a set of brief international “City Profiles”: The resource directory of Cyburbia (the former Plan- ning and Architecture Internet Resource Center) is a compre-
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop- hensive website for links (more than 6000) to Internet
ment home page is located at Much of the site locations concerned with all aspects of urban planning, his-
has to do with fair housing laws and other operational con- toric preservation, housing, public transportation, and the
cerns of the agency itself and not with academic urban con- like: Internet Resources for City Planning
cerns. HUD does, however, maintain the valuable State of the Research by the Environmental Design Library of the Univer-
Cities Data Systems (SOCDS) that provides data for individual sity of California, Berkeley, also provides extensive Internet
metropolitan areas, central cities, and suburbs and access to links to urban (and other) planning sites. View it at
the current version of its annual State of the Cities report.
Check the site and its data links at The Electronic Map Library, provided by the Department
index.html. Be sure also to review the available HUD User of Geography at California State University–Northridge under
data sets at the auspices of the California Geographical Survey, gives ac-
The Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers Uni- cess to a growing collection of digital atlases including many
versity is an important and productive source of analytical of major U.S. cities and metropolitan centers. Atlases for each
studies of “urban poverty and community development, hous- city are divided into four principal topics: population and
ing, land use, [and] economic development.” Review its home race, income, poverty, and adult educational attainment. Find
page and research and policy programs at www.policy. the site at State of the Nation’s Cities is the Several interesting sites are linked through the “Cities &
subject of a comprehensive database on 77 American cities Transport” and “Large Cities” subject choices on the Geogra-
and suburbs developed by the Center. The database brings to- phy home page of at
gether nearly 3000 variables from a wide variety of sources, For those interested in accessing the home pages of individ-
allowing easy comparability of indicators on employment and ual U.S. cities, a good starting point is USA City Link:
economic development, demographic measures, housing and
land use, income and poverty, and a host of other health, so- Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s home
cial, and environmental indicators. It is found at page at for additional websites added by the publisher or contributed by helpful users.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 441

When times are good, there is a great deal of house repair Basic activities represent the functions performed for the
and upgrading activity in this middle zone of in situ accre- larger economy and urban system, while service (nonba-
tion. Those in the city for the longest time are generally sic) activities satisfy the needs of the urban residents
the most prosperous. As a result, the quality of housing themselves. Functional classifications distinguish the eco-
continually improves inward toward the city center. The nomic roles of urban centers, while simple classification
homes in the zone of maturity closest to the center are sub- of them as transportation and special-function cities or as
stantial and need little upgrading; the zone may also con- central places helps define and explain their functional
tain a small, elite sector of gentrification and historic and size hierarchies and the spatial patterns they display
preservation. within a system of cities.
Each of the idealized land use models in Fig- As Anglo American urban centers expanded in pop-
ure 11.43 presents a variant of the developing world’s col- ulation size and diversity, they developed structured
lective urban dilemma: an urban structure not fully land use and social patterns based on market allocations
capable of housing the peoples so rapidly thrust upon it. of urban space, channelization of traffic, and socioeco-
The great increases in city populations exceed urban sup- nomic aggregation. The observed regularity of land use
port capabilities and unemployment rates are nearly arrangements has been summarized for U.S. cities by the
everywhere disastrously high. There is little chance to re- concentric circle, sector, and multiple-nuclei models. So-
duce them as additional millions continue to swell cities cial area counterparts of land use specializations are
already overwhelmed by poverty. The problems, cul- based on social status, family status, and ethnicity. Since
tures, environments, and economies of developing-world 1945, these older models of land uses and social areas
cities are tragically unique to them. The urban models have been modified by the suburbanization of people
which give us understanding of United States cities are of and functions that has led to the creation of new and
little assistance or guidance in such vastly different cul- complex outer urban areas and “edge” cities and to the
ture realms. deterioration of the older central city itself. Recent eco-
nomic trends and gentrification have, however, en-
hanced the employment and residential importance of
Summary central city downtown areas.
Urbanization is a global phenomenon, and the Anglo
The city is the essential activity focus of every society ad- American models of city systems, land use, and social
vanced beyond the subsistence level. Although they are area patterns are not necessarily or usually applicable to
among the oldest marks of civilization, only in the past other cultural contexts. In Europe, stringent land use reg-
century have cities become the home of the majority of ulations have brought about a compact urban form ringed
the people in the industrialized countries and both the by greenbelts. Although rapidly changing, the East Euro-
commercial crossroads and place of refuge for uncounted pean urban areas still show a pattern of density and land
millions in the developing world. use reflecting recent communist principles of city struc-
All settlements growing beyond their village origins ture. Models descriptive of developing-world cities do lit-
take on functions uniting them to the countryside and to a tle to convey the fact that those settlements are currently
larger system of settlements. As they grow, they become growing faster than it is possible to provide employment,
functionally complex. Their economic base, composed of housing, safe water, sanitation, and other minimally es-
both basic and service activities, may become diverse. sential services and facilities.

Key Words
basic sector 406 economic base 405 rank-size rule 410
central business district (CBD) 416 edge city 424 sector model 419
central city 404 gentrification 427 service (nonbasic) sector 406
central place 412 metropolitan area 404 suburb 404
central place theory 413 multiple-nuclei model 420 town 404
Christaller, Walter 412 multiplier effect 406 urban hierarchy 410
city 404 network city 414 urban influence zone 412
concentric zone model 418 nonbasic (service) sector 406 urbanized area 404
conurbation 400 primate city 410 world city 411

442 Landscapes of Functional Organization

For Review
1. Consider the city or town in how many and of what kinds of social areas are associated with
which you live, attend school, or levels is that hierarchy composed? each? Does the social geography
with which you are most familiar. What localizing forces affect the of your community conform to
In a brief paragraph, discuss that distributional pattern of retailing the predicted pattern?
community’s site and situation. within that community? 7. How has suburbanization
Point out the connection, if any, 5. Briefly describe the urban land damaged the economic base and
between its site and situation and use patterns predicted by the the financial stability of the
the basic functions that it earlier concentric circle, the sector, and United States central city?
or now performs. the multiple-nuclei models of 8. In what ways does the Canadian
2. Describe the multiplier effect as it urban development. Which one, if city differ from the pattern of its
relates to the population growth any, best corresponds to the U.S. counterpart?
of urban units. growth and land use pattern of
9. What are primate cities? Why are
3. What area does a central place serve, the community most familiar to
primate cities so prevalent in the
and what kinds of functions does it you? How well do Figures 11.31
developing world? How are some
perform? If an urban system were or 11.32 depict the land use
governments attempting to
composed solely of central places, patterns in the metropolitan area
reduce their relative importance
what summary statements could with which you are most
in their national systems of cities?
you make about the spatial familiar?
10. What are the significant differences
distribution and the urban size 6. In what ways do social status,
in the generalized pattern of land
hierarchy of that system? family status, and ethnicity affect
uses of Anglo American, West
4. Is there a hierarchy of retailing the residential choices of
European, East European, Asian,
activities in the community with households? What expected
and African cities?
which you are most familiar? Of distributional patterns of urban

Focus Follow-up
1. What common features define between basic and nonbasic (or multiple nuclei patterns. Distinct
the origin, nature, and service) activities. Through a social area arrangements have
locations of cities? pp. 396–405. multiplier effect, adding basic been equated with those land use
Cities arose 4000–6000 years ago workers increases both the models. Newer cities and growing
as distinctive evidence of the number of service workers and metropolitan areas have created
growing cultural and economic the total population of a city. The different land use and social area
complexity of early civilizations. amount of growth reflects the structures with suburbs, edge
Distinct from the farm villages of base ratio characteristic of the cities, and galactic metropolises as
subsistence economies, true cities city. Cities may be hierarchically recognized urban landscape
provided an increasing range of ranked by their size and features.
functions—religious, military, functional complexity. Rank-size, 4. Are there world regional and
trade, production, etc.—for their primate, and central place cultural differences in the land
developing societies. Their hierarchies are commonly cited use and population patterns of
functions and importance were but distinctly different. major cities? pp. 431–442.
affected by the sites and situations 3. How are cities structured Cities are regional and cultural
chosen for them. The massive internally and how do people variables; their internal land use
recent increase in number and distribute themselves within and social area patterns reflect the
size of cities worldwide reflects them? pp. 414–430. differing historical, technological,
the universality of economic Cities are themselves distinctive political, and cultural conditions
development and total population land use and cultural area under which they developed.
growth in the latter 20th century. landscapes. In the United States, Although the Anglo American city
2. How are cities structured older cities show repetitive land is the familiar U.S.—Canadian
economically and how are use patterns that are largely model, we can easily recognize
systems of cities organized? determined by land value and differences between it and West
pp. 405–414. accessibility considerations. European, East European, Asian,
The economic base of a city—the Classical land use models include African, and Latin American city
functions it performs—is divided the concentric circle, sector, and types.

Urban Systems and Urban Structures 443

Selected References
Batten, David F. “Network Cities: Gugler, Josef, ed. The Urban Rose, Harold. The Black Ghetto: A Spatial
Creative Urban Agglomerations for Transformation of the Developing Behavioral Perspective. New York:
the 21st Century.” Urban Studies 32 World. Oxford, England: Oxford McGraw-Hill, 1971.
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444 Landscapes of Functional Organization


The Political Ordering

of Space

The European

Focus Preview
1. National political units: geographic characteristics 3. International political systems: the UN, maritime
and boundary concerns, pp. 446–460. law, and regional alliances, pp. 467–475.
2. Nationalism and the projection of power, 4. Local and regional political forms: representation
pp. 460–467. and fragmentation, pp. 475–482.

T hey met together in the cabin of the little ship
on the day of the landfall. The journey from
England had been long and stormy. Provisions ran
out, a man had died, a boy had been born. Although
they were grateful to have been delivered to the calm
waters off Cape Cod that November day of 1620, their
gathering in the cramped cabin was not to offer
prayers of thanksgiving but to create a political
structure to govern the settlement they were now to
establish. The Mayflower Compact was an agreement
among themselves to “covenant and combine our
selves togeather into a civill Body Politick . . . to
enacte, constitute, and frame such just and equall
Lawes, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Offices
Figure 12.1 Signing the Mayflower Compact, probably the
first written plan for self-government in America. Forty-one adult
. . . convenient for ye Generall good of ye males signed the Compact aboard the Mayflower before going ashore.
Colonie. . . .” They elected one of their company
governor, and only after those political acts did they
launch a boat and put a party ashore. That process is as old as human history. From clans
The land they sought to colonize had for more to kingdoms, human groups have laid claim to territory
and have organized themselves and administered their af-
than 100 years been claimed by the England they
fairs within it. Indeed, the political organizations of soci-
had left. The New World voyage of John Cabot in ety are as fundamental an expression of culture and
1497 had invested their sovereign with title to all of cultural differences as are forms of economy or religious
the land of North America and a recognized legal beliefs. Geographers are interested in that structuring be-
right to govern his subjects dwelling there. That right cause it is both an expression of the human organization
was delegated by royal patent to colonizers and their of space and is closely related to other spatial evidences of
sponsors, conferring upon them title to a defined culture, such as religion, language, and ethnicity.
tract and the right to govern it. Although the Political geography is the study of the organization
Mayflower settlers were originally without a charter and distribution of political phenomena, including their
or patent, they recognized themselves as part of an impact on other spatial components of society and cul-
established political system. They chose their ture. Nationality is a basic element in cultural variation
governor and his executive department annually by among people, and political geography traditionally has
had a primary interest in country units, or states (Fig-
vote of the General Court, a legislature composed of
ure 12.2). Of particular concern have been spatial patterns
all freemen of the settlement. that reflect the exercise of central governmental control,
As the population grew, new towns were such as questions of boundary delimitation and effect. In-
established too distant for their voters to attend the creasingly, however, attention has shifted both upward
General Court. By 1636 the larger towns were sending and downward on the political scale. On the world scene,
representatives to cooperate with the executive branch international alliances, regional compacts, and producer
in making laws. Each town became a legal entity, with cartels—some requiring the surrender of at least a portion
election of local officials and enactment of local of national sovereignty—have increased in prominence
ordinances the prime purpose of the town meetings since World War II, representing new forms of spatial in-
that are still common in New England today. teraction. At the local level, voting patterns, constituency
The Mayflower Compact, signed by 41 freemen boundaries and districting rules, and political fragmenta-
as their initial act in a New World, was the first step in tion have directed public attention to the significance of
area in the domestic political process.
a continuing journey of political development for the
In this chapter we consider some of the characteris-
settlement and for the larger territory of which it tics of political entities, examine the problems involved in
became a part. From company patent to crown colony defining jurisdictions, seek the elements that lend cohe-
to rebellious commonwealth under the Continental sion to a political entity, explore the implications of partial
Congress to state in a new country, Massachusetts surrender of sovereignty, and consider the significance of
(and Plimoth Plantation) were part of a continuing the fragmentation of political power. We begin with states
process of the political organization of space. (countries) and end with local political systems.

446 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Figure 12.2 These flags, symbols of separate member states,
grace the front of the United Nations building in New York City.
Although central to political geographic interest, states are only one
level of the political organization of space.

Emphasis here on political entities should not make

us lose sight of the reality that states are rooted in the op-
erations of the economy and society they represent, that
social and economic disputes are as significant as border
confrontations, and that in some regards transnational
corporations and other nongovernmental agencies may
exert more influence in international affairs than do the
separate states in which they are housed or operate. Some Figure 12.3 Territorial claims in Antarctica. Seven countries
of those expanded political considerations are alluded to claim sovereignty over portions of Antarctica, and those of
in the discussions that follow; others were developed Argentina, Chile, and the United Kingdom overlap. The Antarctic
Treaty of 1959 froze those claims for 30 years, banned further land
more fully in Chapter 9. claims, and made scientific research the primary use of the
continent. The treaty was extended for 50 years in 1991. Antarctica is
neither a sovereign state—it has no permanent inhabitants or local
government—nor a part of one.
National Political Systems
One of the most significant elements in cultural geogra-
phy is the nearly complete division of the earth’s land sur- arises because each word has more than one meaning. A
face into separate national units, as shown on the state can be defined as either (1) any of the political units
Countries of the World map inside this book’s cover. Even forming a federal government (e.g., one of the United
Antarctica is subject to the rival territorial claims of seven States) or as (2) an independent political entity holding
countries, although these claims have not been pressed sovereignty over a territory (e.g., the United States). In this
because of the Antarctic Treaty of 1959 (Figure 12.3). A latter sense, state is synonymous with country or nation.
second element is that this division into country units is That is, a nation can also be defined as (1) an independent
relatively recent. Although countries and empires have political unit holding sovereignty over a territory (e.g., a
existed since the days of early Egypt and Mesopotamia, member of the United Nations). But it can also be used to
only in the last century has the world been almost com- describe (2) a community of people with a common cul-
pletely divided into independent governing entities. Now ture and territory (e.g., the Kurdish nation). The second
people everywhere accept the idea of the state and its definition is not synonymous with state or country.
claim to sovereignty within its borders as normal. To avoid confusion, we shall define a state on the
international level as an independent political unit occu-
States, Nations, and Nation-States pying a defined, permanently populated territory and
Before we begin our consideration of political systems, we having full sovereign control over its internal and foreign
need to clarify some terminology. Geographers use the affairs. We will use country as a synonym for the territo-
words state and nation somewhat differently than the way rial and political concept of “state.” Not all recognized ter-
they are used in everyday speech; sometimes confusion ritorial entities are states. Antarctica, for example, has

The Political Ordering of Space 447

neither established government nor permanent popula- population shares a general sense of cohesion and adher-
tion, and it is, therefore, not a state. Nor are colonies or ence to a set of common values (Figure 12.4). That is, a
protectorates recognized as states. Although they have de- nation-state is an entity whose members feel a natural
fined extent, permanent inhabitants, and some degree of connection with each other by virtue of sharing lan-
separate governmental structure, they lack full control guage, religion, or some other cultural characteristic
over all of their internal and external affairs. More impor- strong enough both to bind them together and to give
tantly, they lack recognition as states by the international them a sense of distinction from all others outside the
community, a decisive consideration in the proper use of community. Although all countries strive for consensus
the term “state.” values and loyalty to the state, few can claim to be eth-
We use nation in its second sense, as a reference to nic nation-states. Iceland, Portugal, and Poland are often
people, not to political structure. A nation is a group of cited as acceptable European examples; Korea is an
people with a common culture occupying a particular terri- Asian illustration.
tory, bound together by a strong sense of unity arising from Very few countries of the world are true nation-
shared beliefs and customs. Language and religion may be states. That is, few are or ever have been wholly uniform
unifying elements, but even more important are an emo- ethnically or culturally. Although the modern concept of
tional conviction of cultural distinctiveness and a sense of state was a product of Europe’s Age of Nationalism, the
ethnocentrism. The Cree nation exists because of its cul- continent’s different peoples came to statehood by differ-
tural uniqueness, not by virtue of territorial sovereignty. ent routes. Some, like the French, British, or Spanish,
The composite term nation-state properly refers to were diverse groups joined together over time by a strong
a state whose territorial extent coincides with that occu- centralizing force; others, such as Germany and Italy,
pied by a distinct nation or people or, at least, whose were 19th century efforts to unify culturally associated

Sea of
Japan Sea

Tokyo Nicosia Turkish area CYPRUS

UN Buffer Zone
Greek area
Paci f i c
British bases

(a) (b)

ck Se

an S

dite Y

Algiers rran E
e an
Tripoli Se a
TUNISIA u r d s




edit Damascus IRAQ

M Se a

(c) (d)

Figure 12.4 Types of relationships between “states” and “nations.” (a) A nation-state. Japan’s claim to be an example of a state occupied
by a distinct nation, or people, is weakened by the sizeable Korean and indigenous Ainu populations that exist as unassimilated elements of the
country’s population (b) A multinational state. The island of Cyprus, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, contains two distinct nations: Greeks
and Turks. After Cyprus gained independence from Britain in 1960, there was an upsurge of violence between the two groups. Since 1974, Cyprus
has been partitioned with a United Nations-policed buffer zone separating Greeks and Turks. (c) A part-nation state. The Arab nation extends
across and dominates many states in northern Africa and the Middle East. (d) A stateless nation. An ancient group with a distinctive language,
the Kurds are concentrated in Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. Smaller numbers live in Syria, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.

448 Landscapes of Functional Organization

but politically fragmented groups. After both World War I Africa and the Western Hemisphere. It is true that West-
(1914–1918) and the collapse of communist control in ern European models and colonization strongly influ-
Russia and Eastern Europe (1990–1991), many new enced the forms and structures of modern states in both
countries—ethnically based but never ethnically hemispheres, but the cultural roots of statehood run
uniform—were created out of the wreckage of crumbling deeper and reach further back in many parts of the world
multinational empires. Most countries in Europe and than European example alone suggests.
elsewhere, whatever their histories of origin or self- The now universal idea of the modern state was de-
images of uniformity, are far from being “nation-states” veloped by European political philosophers in the 18th
in the strict meaning of that phrase. century. Their views advanced the concept that people
A binational or multinational state is one that con- owe allegiance to a state and the people it represents
tains more than one nation. Often, no single ethnic group rather than to its leader, such as a king or feudal lord. The
dominates the population. In the constitutional structure new concept coincided in France with the French Revolu-
of the former Soviet Union before 1988, one division of tion and spread over Western Europe, to England, Spain,
the legislative branch of the government was termed the and Germany.
Soviet of Nationalities. It was composed of representa- Many states are the result of European expansion
tives from civil divisions of the Soviet Union populated by during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, when much of
groups of officially recognized “nations”: Ukrainians, Africa, Asia, and the Americas was divided into colonies.
Kazakhs, Tatars, Estonians, and others. In this instance, Usually these colonial claims were given fixed and de-
the concept of nationality was territorially less than the scribed boundaries where none had earlier been formally
extent of the state. defined. Of course, precolonial indigenous populations
Alternatively, a single nation may be dispersed had relatively established home areas of control within
across and be predominant in two or more states. This is which there was recognized dominance and border de-
the case with the part-nation state. Here, a people’s sense fense and from which there were, perhaps, raids of plun-
of nationality exceeds the areal limits of a single country. der or conquest of neighboring “foreign” districts. Beyond
An example is the Arab nation, which dominates 17 states. understood tribal territories, great empires arose, again
Finally, there is the special case of the stateless nation, with recognized outer limits of influence or control:
a people without a state. The Kurds, for example, are a na- Mogul and Chinese; Benin and Zulu; Incan and Aztec.
tion of some 20 million people divided among six states Upon them where they still existed, and upon the less
and dominant in none (Figure 12.4d). Kurdish nationalism formally organized spatial patterns of effective tribal con-
has survived over the centuries, and many Kurds nurture a trol, European colonizers imposed their arbitrary new ad-
vision of an independent Kurdistan. Other stateless na- ministrative divisions of the land. In fact, tribes that had
tions include Gypsies (Roma), Basques, and Palestinians. little in common were often joined in the same colony
Palestinians, however, received limited self-rule and ad- (Figure 12.5). The new divisions, therefore, were not usu-
ministrative control, under the Palestine Liberation Orga- ally based on meaningful cultural or physical lines. In-
nization, over the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank stead, the boundaries simply represented the limits of the
territories beginning in the 1990s, and aspire to eventual colonizing empire’s power.
full, unrestricted statehood. As these former colonies have gained political inde-
pendence, they have retained the idea of the state. They
The Evolution of the Modern State have generally accepted—in the case of Africa, by a con-
Whether we think in terms of nation or state, the con- scious decision to avoid precolonial territorial or ethnic
cept and practice of political organization of space and claims that could lead to war—the borders established by
people arose independently in many parts of the world. their former European rulers (Figure 12.6). The problem
Certainly, one of the distinguishing characteristics of that many of the new countries face is “nation building”—
very early culture hearths—including those shown on developing feelings of loyalty to the state among their ar-
Figure 2.15—was the political organization of their peo- bitrarily associated citizens. The Democratic Republic of
ples and areas. The larger and more complex the eco- the Congo (“Zaire” from 1971 to 1997), the former Belgian
nomic structures they developed, the more sophisticated Congo, contains some 270 frequently antagonistic ethnic
became their mechanisms of political control and territo- groups. Only if past tribal animosities can be converted
rial administration. into an overriding spirit of national cohesion will such
Our Western orientations and biases may incline us countries truly be nation-states.
to trace ideas of spatial political organization through their The idea of separate statehood grew slowly at first and,
Near Eastern, Mediterranean, and Western European ex- more recently, has accelerated rapidly. At the time of the
pressions. Mesopotamian and classical Greek city states, Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776,
the Roman Empire, and European colonizing kingdoms there were only some 35 empires, kingdoms, and countries
and warring principalities were, however, neither unique in the entire world. By the beginning of World War II in
nor particularly unusual. Southern, southeastern, and 1939, their number had only doubled to about 70. Following
eastern Asia had their counterparts, as did sub-Saharan that war, the end of the colonial era brought a rapid increase

The Political Ordering of Space 449

Figure 12.5 The discrepancies between tribal and national boundaries in Africa. Tribal boundaries were ignored by European colonial
powers. The result has been significant ethnic diversity in nearly all African countries.
Redrawn from World Regional Geography: A Question of Place by Paul Ward English, with James Andrew Miller. Copyright © 1977 Harper & Row. Used by permission of the

in the number of sovereign states. From the former British separatism has been indirectly encouraged and increas-
Empire and Commonwealth, there have come the inde- ingly permitted by centralized governments no longer po-
pendent countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, litically motivated or able to suppress regional desires for
and Singapore in Asia, and Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, cultural or racial exclusivity.
Tanzania, Malawi, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Zambia in
Africa. Even this extensive list is not complete. A similar Geographic Characteristics of States
process has occurred in most of the former overseas posses- Every state has certain geographic characteristics by
sions of the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and France. By which it can be described and that set it apart from all
1990, independent states totaled nearly 200 and their num- other states. A look at the world political map inside the
ber increased again following—among other political geo- cover of this book confirms that every state is unique. The
graphic developments—the disintegration of the former size, shape, and location of any one state combine to dis-
USSR and Yugoslavia during the early 1990s (Figure 12.7). tinguish it from all others. These characteristics are of
The proliferation of states means that about half of more than academic interest, because they also affect the
the world’s independent countries had in 2000 smaller power and stability of states.
populations than the U.S. states of Maryland or Arizona.
All told, nearly 90 countries had populations under 5 mil- Size
lion, 55 had less than 2.5 million, and 33 had fewer than a The area that a state occupies may be large, as is true of
half-million population at the start of the century. The China, or small, as is Liechtenstein. The world’s largest
great increase in the number of smaller countries is an af- country, Russia, occupies over 17 million square kilome-
firmation of the ideal of nation-state. As democracy and ters (6.5 million sq mi), some 11% of the earth’s land
economic liberalism have spread across the globe, cultural surface—nearly as large as the whole continent of South

450 Landscapes of Functional Organization



Figure 12.6 Africa—from colonies to states. (a) Africa in 1939 was a patchwork of foreign claims and alien rule, some dating from the
19th century, others of more recent vintage. For example, Germany lost its claim to South West Africa, Tanganyika, Togoland, and the
Cameroons after World War I, and Italy asserted control over Ethiopia during the 1930s. (b) Africa in the 1990s was a mosaic of separate states.
Their dates of independence are indicated on the map. French West Africa and French Equatorial Africa have been extensively subdivided, and
Ethiopia and Somaliland emerged from Italian control. Most of the current countries retain the boundaries of their former colonial existence,
though the continent’s structure of political influence and regional power changed with the onset of a series of civil wars and neighboring state
interventions in the late 1990s. These marked the decline of earlier African principles of inviolability of borders and noninterference in the
internal affairs of other states.

America and more than one million times as large as In general, that assumption is valid, but much depends on
Nauru, one of the ministates or microstates found in all accidents of location. Mineral resources are unevenly dis-
parts of the world (see “The Ministates”). tributed, and size alone does not guarantee their presence
An easy assumption would be that the larger a state’s within a state. Australia, Canada, and Russia, though large
area, the greater is the chance that it will include the ores, in territory, have relatively small areas capable of support-
energy supplies, and fertile soils from which it can benefit. ing productive agriculture. Great size, in fact, may be a

The Political Ordering of Space 451





Armenia Russia

z a
Azerbaijan s ta
r km
Uzbekistan n

0 miles 500 1000

0 km 500 1000
Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan

Figure 12.7 By mid-1992, 15 newly independent countries had taken the place of the former USSR. Russia itself was a federation comprised
of 89 component republics and districts, many with strongly independent regional governments.

disadvantage. A very large country may have vast areas main part of the country, was designed by the Germans
that are remote, sparsely populated, and hard to integrate to give what was then their colony of Southwest Africa
into the mainstream of economy and society. Small states access to the Zambezi River. Whatever their origin,
are more apt than large ones to have a culturally homoge- proruptions tend to isolate a portion of a state.
neous population. They find it easier to develop trans- The least efficient shape administratively is repre-
portation and communication systems to link the sections sented by countries like Norway, Vietnam, or Chile,
of the country, and, of course, they have shorter bound- which are long and narrow. In such elongated states, the
aries to defend against invasion. Size alone, then, is not parts of the country far from the capital are likely to be
critical in determining a country’s stability and strength, isolated because great expenditures are required to link
but it is a contributing factor. them to the core. These countries are also likely to en-
compass more diversity of climate, resources, and peoples
Shape than compact states, perhaps to the detriment of national
Like size, a country’s shape can affect its well-being as a cohesion or, perhaps, to the promotion of economic
state by fostering or hindering effective organization. As- strength.
suming no major topographical barriers, the most efficient A fourth class of fragmented states includes coun-
form would be a circle with the capital located in the cen- tries composed entirely of islands (e.g., the Philippines
ter. In such a country, all places could be reached from and Indonesia), countries that are partly on islands and
the center in a minimal amount of time and with the least partly on the mainland (Italy and Malaysia), and those
expenditure for roads, railway lines, and so on. It would that are chiefly on the mainland but whose territory is
also have the shortest possible borders to defend. separated by another state (the United States). Pakistan
Uruguay, Zimbabwe, and Poland have roughly circular was a fragmented country until 1971, when the eastern
shapes, forming a compact state (Figure 12.8). part—1600 kilometers (1000 mi) distant—broke away from
Prorupt states are nearly compact but possess one the west and declared itself the independent state of
or sometimes two narrow extensions of territory. Bangladesh. Fragmentation and isolation can weaken cen-
Proruption may simply reflect peninsular elongations of tralized control of state territory and increase the regional-
land area, as in the case of Myanmar and Thailand. In ism that may lead to separatist movements. That was the
other instances, the extensions have an economic or case with Bangladesh; it also is a problem in the Philip-
strategic significance, recording a past history of inter- pines and Indonesia, the latter made up of over 13,000 is-
national negotiation to secure access to resources or lands stretched out along a 5100-kilometer (3200-mi) arc.
water routes or to establish a buffer zone between states A special case of fragmentation occurs when a ter-
that would otherwise adjoin. The proruptions of ritorial outlier of one state, an exclave, is located within
Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and another country. Before German unification, West
Namibia fall into this category. The Caprivi Strip of Berlin was an outlier of West Germany within the east-
Namibia, for example, which extends eastward from the ern German Democratic Republic. Europe has many

452 Landscapes of Functional Organization

The Ministates

T otally or partially autonomous

political units that are small in area
and population pose some intriguing
questions. Should size be a criterion
for statehood? What is the potential of
ministates to cause friction among the
major powers? Under what conditions
are they entitled to representation in
international assemblies like the
United Nations?
Of the world’s growing number
of small countries, more than 40 have
under 1 million, the population size
adopted by the United Nations as the
upper limit defining “small states,”
though not too small to be members of
that organization. Nauru has about
12,000 inhabitants on its 21 square
kilometers (8.2 sq mi). Other areally Pacific Ocean Ministates
small states like Singapore (580 sq km;
224 sq mi) have populations (3.5 mil- zones of adjacent seas (see “Specks and accepted into the United Nations in
lion) well above the UN criterion. Spoils,” page 471) adds to the attrac- 1999 and 2000 included four small Pa-
Many are island countries located in tion of yet others. cific island countries, all with popula-
the Caribbean, the Pacific or Indian Their strategic or economic tions under 100,000: Nauru, Tonga,
Ocean, but Europe (Vatican City and value can expose small islands and ter- Kiribati, and Tuvalu. Within the
Andorra), Asia (Bahrain and Brunei), ritories to unwanted attention from United Nations, the Alliance of Small
Africa (Djibouti and Equatorial larger neighbors. The 1982 war be- Island States (AOSIS) has emerged as a
Guinea), and Central and South Amer- tween Britain and Argentina over the significant power bloc, controlling
ica (Guyana, Suriname, and Belize) Falkland Islands (claimed as the Islas more than one-fifth of UN General As-
have their share. Malvinas by Argentina) and the Iraqi sembly votes—far more than the com-
Many ministates are vestiges of invasion of Kuwait in 1990 demon- bined voting strength of the combined
colonial systems that no longer exist. strate the ability of such areas to bring countries of South America.
Some of the small countries of West major powers into conflict and to re- The influence of the United
Africa and the Arabian peninsula fall ceive world attention that is out of pro- States and other major powers in the
into this category. Others, such as portion to their size and population. United Nations is, of course, dimin-
Mauritius, served primarily as refuel- The proliferation of tiny coun- ished by that of the small states. De-
ing stops on transoceanic shipping tries raises the question of their repre- spite its vastly greater contribution to
lanes. However, some occupy strategic sentation and their voting weight in the UN budget and with a population
locations (such as Bahrain, Malta, and international assemblies. Should there over one and one-half times that of all
Singapore), and others contain valu- be a minimum size necessary for par- the small countries combined, the
able minerals (Kuwait, Nauru, and ticipation in such bodies? Should coun- vote of the United States in the UN
Trinidad). The possibility of claiming tries receive a vote proportional to General Assembly can be offset by
370-kilometer-wide (200 nautical mile) their population? New members that of any one of the ministates.

The Political Ordering of Space 453






South Africa


Figure 12.8 Shapes of states. The sizes of the countries should not be compared. Each is drawn on a different scale.

such exclaves. Kleinwalsertal, for example, is a patch of Location

Austria accessible only from Germany. Baarle-Hertog is The significance of size and shape as factors in national
a fragment of Belgium inside Holland; Campione d’Italia well-being can be modified by a state’s location, both ab-
is an Italian outlier in Switzerland and Büsingen is a solute and relative. Although both Canada and Russia are
German one; and Llivia is a totally Spanish (Catalan) extremely large, their absolute location in upper middle
town of 930 residents 3 miles inside France. Exclaves latitudes reduces their size advantages when agricultural
are not limited to Europe, of course. African examples potential is considered. To take another example, Iceland
include Cabinda, an exclave of Angola, and Mililla and has a reasonably compact shape, but its location in the
Ceuta, two Spanish exclaves in Morocco. North Atlantic Ocean, just south of the Arctic Circle,
The counterpart of an exclave, an enclave, helps to means that most of the country is barren, with settlement
define the fifth class of country shapes, the perforated confined to the rim of the island.
state. A perforated state completely surrounds a territory A state’s relative location, its position compared to
that it does not rule as, for example, the Republic of South that of other countries, is as important as its absolute loca-
Africa surrounds Lesotho. The enclave, the surrounded tion. Landlocked states, those lacking ocean frontage and
territory, may be independent or may be part of another surrounded by other states, are at a commercial and
country. Two of Europe’s smallest independent states, San strategic disadvantage (Figure 12.9). They lack easy access
Marino and Vatican City, are enclaves that perforate Italy. to both maritime (sea-borne) trade and the resources
As an exclave of former West Germany, West Berlin perfo- found in coastal waters and submerged lands. Bolivia
rated the national territory of former East Germany and gained 480 kilometers (300 mi) of sea frontier along with
was an enclave in it. The stability of the perforated state its independence in 1825, but lost its ocean frontage by
can be weakened if the enclave is occupied by people conquest to Chile in 1879. Its annual Day of the Sea cere-
whose value systems differ from those of the surrounding mony reminds Bolivians of their loss and of continuing

454 Landscapes of Functional Organization







180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 12.9 Landlocked states.

diplomatic efforts to secure an alternate outlet. The num- thin, urbanization ratios and city sizes decline, and eco-
ber of landlocked states—about 40—increased greatly with nomic development is less concentrated on the periphery
the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the creation of than in the core. The outlying resource base may be rich
new, smaller nation-states out of such former multina- but generally is of more recent exploitation with product
tional countries as Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. and benefit tending to flow to the established heartlands.
In a few instances, a favorable relative location con- The developed cores of states, then, can be contrasted to
stitutes the primary resource of a state. Singapore, a their subordinate peripheries just as we saw the core-
state of only 580 square kilometers (224 sq mi), is located periphery idea applicable in an international developmen-
at a crossroads of world shipping and commerce. Based tal context in Chapter 10.
on its port and commercial activities and buttressed by Easily recognized and unmistakably dominant na-
its more recent industrial development, Singapore has tional cores include the Paris Basin of France, London and
become a notable Southeast Asian economic success. In southeastern England, Moscow and the major cities of Eu-
general, history has shown that countries benefit from a ropean Russia, northeastern United States and southeast-
location on major trade routes, not only from the eco- ern Canada, and the Buenos Aires megalopolis in
nomic advantages such a location carries, but also be- Argentina. Not all countries have such clearly defined
cause they are exposed to the diffusion of new ideas and cores—Chad, or Mongolia, or Saudi Arabia, for example—
technologies. and some may have two or more rival core areas.
Ecuador, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and
Cores and Capitals Vietnam are examples of multicore states.
Many states have come to assume their present shape, The capital city of a state is usually within its core
and thus the location they occupy, as a result of growth region and frequently is the very focus of it, dominant not
over centuries. They grew outward from a central region, only because it is the seat of central authority but because
gradually expanding into surrounding territory. The origi- of the concentration of population and economic func-
nal nucleus, or core area, of a state usually contains its tions as well. That is, in many countries the capital city is
most developed economic base, densest population and also the largest or primate city, dominating the structure
largest cities, the best developed transportation systems, of the entire country. Paris in France, London in the
and—at least formerly if no longer—the resources which United Kingdom, and Mexico City are examples of that
sustained it. All of these elements become less intense kind of political, cultural, and economic primacy (see
away from the national core. Transportation networks page 410 and Figure 11.16).

The Political Ordering of Space 455

This association of capital with core is common in aspirations of their several subdivisions and grant to them
what have been called the unitary states, countries with varying degrees of local administrative control while re-
highly centralized governments, relatively few internal taining in central hands authority over matters of nation-
cultural contrasts, a strong sense of national identity, and wide concern, such as monetary policy, defense, foreign
borders that are clearly cultural as well as political bound- relations, and the like. That new form of federalism in-
aries. Most European cores and capitals are of this type. It volves recognition of regional capitals, legislative assem-
is also found in many newly independent countries whose blies, administrative bureaucracies, and the like. The
former colonial occupiers established a primary center of asymmetric federalism of the United Kingdom, for exam-
exploitation and administration and developed a function- ple, now involves separate status for Scotland, Wales, and
ing core in a region that lacked an urban structure or or- Northern Ireland with their own capitals at Edinburgh,
ganized government. With independence, the new states Cardiff, and Belfast. That of Spain recognizes Catalonia
retained the established infrastructure, added new func- and the Basque country with capitals in Barcelona and Vi-
tions to the capital and, through lavish expenditures on toria, respectively.
governmental, public, and commercial buildings, sought All other things being equal, a capital located in the
to create prestigious symbols of nationhood. center of the country provides equal access to the govern-
In federal states, associations of more or less equal ment, facilitates communication to and from the political
provinces or states with strong regional governmental re- hub, and enables the government to exert its authority
sponsibilities, the national capital city may have been easily. Many capital cities, such as Washington, D.C., were
newly created or selected to serve as the administrative centrally located when they were designated as seats of
center. Although part of a generalized core region of the government but lost their centrality as the state expanded.
country, the designated capital was not its largest city and Some capital cities have been relocated outside of
acquired few of the additional functions to make it so. Ot- peripheral national core regions, at least in part to
tawa, Canada; Washington, D.C.; and Canberra, Australia, achieve the presumed advantages of centrality. Two ex-
are examples (Figure 12.10). amples of such relocation are from Karachi inland to Is-
A new form of state organization, regional govern- lamabad in Pakistan and from Istanbul to Ankara, in the
ment or asymmetric federalism, is emerging in Europe as center of Turkey’s territory. A particular type of relocated
formerly strong unitary states acknowledge the autonomy capital is the forward-thrust capital city, one that has been

Figure 12.10 Canberra, the planned capital of Australia, was deliberately sited away from the country’s largest cities, Sydney and
Melbourne. Planned capitals are often architectural showcases, providing a focus for national pride.

456 Landscapes of Functional Organization

deliberately sited in a state’s interior to signal the govern- or lines that establish the limit of each state’s jurisdiction
ment’s awareness of regions away from an off-center core and authority. Boundaries indicate where the sovereignty
and its interest in encouraging more uniform develop- of one state ends and that of another begins.
ment. In the late 1950s, Brazil relocated its capital from Within its own bounded territory, a state administers
Rio de Janeiro to the new city of Brasilia to demonstrate laws, collects taxes, provides for defense, and performs
its intent to develop the vast interior of the country. The other such governmental functions. Thus, the location of
West African country, Nigeria, has been building the new the boundary determines the kind of money people in a
capital of Abuja near its geographic center since the late given area use, the legal code to which they are subject, the
1970s, with relocation there of government offices and army they may be called upon to join, and the language
foreign embassies in the early 1990s. and perhaps the religion children are taught in school.
The British colonial government relocated Canada’s These examples suggest how boundaries serve as powerful
capital six times between 1841 and 1865, in part seeking reinforcers of cultural variation over the earth’s surface.
centrality to the mid-19th-century population pattern and Territorial claims of sovereignty, it should be noted,
in part seeking a location that bridged that colony’s cul- are three-dimensional. International boundaries mark not
tural divide (Figure 12.11). A Japanese law of 1997 calling only the outer limits of a state’s claim to land (or water)
for the relocation out of Tokyo of the parliament build- surface, but are also projected downward to the center of
ing, Supreme Court, and main ministries by 2010 is more the earth in accordance with international consensus allo-
related to earthquake fears and a search for seismic cating rights to subsurface resources. States also project
safety than to enhanced convenience or governmental ef- their sovereignty upward, but with less certainty because
ficiency. Putrajaya, the new administrative seat of of a lack of agreement on the upper limits of territorial
Malaysia 25 miles south of the present capital, Kuala airspace. Properly viewed, then, an international bound-
Lumpur, and Astana, the new national capital of Ka- ary is a line without breadth; it is a vertical interface be-
zakhstan located on a desolate stretch of Siberian steppe, tween adjacent state sovereignties.
are other examples of several recent new national capital Before boundaries were delimited, nations or em-
creations. pires were likely to be separated by frontier zones, ill-
defined and fluctuating areas marking the effective end of
Boundaries: The Limits of the State a state’s authority. Such zones were often uninhabited or
We noted earlier that no portion of the earth’s land sur- only sparsely populated and were liable to change with
face is outside the claimed control of a national unit, that shifting settlement patterns. Many present-day interna-
even uninhabited Antarctica has had territorial claims im- tional boundaries lie in former frontier zones, and in that
posed upon it (Figure 12.3). Each of the world’s states is sense the boundary line has replaced the broader frontier
separated from its neighbors by international boundaries, as a marker of a state’s authority.

Classification of Boundaries
Geographers have traditionally distinguished between
“natural” and “geometric” boundaries. Natural (or
ON 3 Quebec physical) boundaries are those based on recognizable
TA 4 1851–55
physiographic features, such as mountains, rivers, and
RI 1859–65
O 5
lakes. Although they might seem to be attractive as bor-
1844–49 ders because they actually exist in the landscape and are
Kingston visible dividing elements, many natural boundaries have
proved to be unsatisfactory. That is, they do not effec-
tively separate states.
Many international boundaries lie along mountain
0 miles 200
ranges, for example in the Alps, Himalayas, and Andes, but
0 km 200
while some have proved to be stable, others have not.
Mountains are rarely total barriers to interaction. Although
they do not invite movement, they are crossed by passes,
Figure 12.11 Canada’s migratory capital. Kingston was chosen roads, and tunnels. High pastures may be used for seasonal
as the first capital of the united Province of Canada in preference to
grazing, and the mountain region may be the source of
either Quebec, capital of Lower Canada, or Toronto, that of Upper
Canada. In 1844, governmental functions were relocated to Montreal water for irrigation or hydroelectric power. Nor is the defini-
where they remained until 1849, after which they shifted back and tion of a boundary along a mountain range a simple matter.
forth—as the map indicates—between Toronto and Quebec. An 1865 Should it follow the crests of the mountains or the water di-
session of the provincial legislature was held in Ottawa, the city that vide (the line dividing two drainage areas)? The two are not
became the capital of the Confederation of Canada in 1867.
always the same. Border disputes between China and India
Redrawn with permission from David B. Knight, A Capital for Canada (Chicago:
University of Chicago, Department of Geography, Research Paper No. 182, 1977), are in part the result of the failure of mountain crests and
Figure 1, p. vii. headwaters of major streams to coincide (Figure 12.12).

The Political Ordering of Space 457

Rivers can be even less satisfactory as boundaries. In the western portion of the United States–Canada boundary
contrast to mountains, rivers foster interaction. River val- is such an antecedent line, established by a treaty between
leys are likely to be agriculturally or industrially produc- the United States and Great Britain in 1846.
tive, and to be densely populated. For example, for Boundaries drawn after the development of the cul-
hundreds of miles the Rhine River serves as an interna- tural landscape are termed subsequent. One type of subse-
tional boundary in Western Europe. It is also a primary quent boundary is consequent (also called ethnographic), a
traffic route lined by chemical plants, factories, blast fur- border drawn to accommodate existing religious, linguistic,
naces, and power stations, and dotted by the castles and ethnic, or economic differences between countries. An ex-
cathedrals that make it one of Europe’s major tourist at- ample is the boundary drawn between Northern Ireland
tractions. It is more a common intensively used resource and Eire (Ireland). Subsequent superimposed boundaries
than a barrier in the lives of the nations it borders. With may also be forced on existing cultural landscapes, a coun-
any river, it is not clear precisely where the boundary line try, or a people by a conquering or colonizing power that is
should lie: along the right or left bank, along the center of unconcerned about preexisting cultural patterns. The colo-
the river, or perhaps along the middle of the navigation nial powers in 19th-century Africa superimposed bound-
channel. Even an agreement in accordance with interna- aries upon established African cultures without regard to
tional custom that the boundary be drawn along the main the tradition, language, religion, or tribal affiliation of those
channel may be impermanent if the river changes its whom they divided (see Figure 12.5).
course, floods, or dries up. When Great Britain prepared to leave the Indian sub-
The alternative to natural boundaries are geometric continent after World War II, it was decided that two inde-
(or artificial) boundaries. Frequently delimited as seg- pendent states would be established in the region: India
ments of parallels of latitude or meridians of longitude, and Pakistan. The boundary between the two countries,
they are found chiefly in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. defined in the partition settlement of 1947, was thus both
The western portion of the United States–Canada border, a subsequent and a superimposed line. As millions of Hin-
which follows the 49th parallel, is an example of a geo- dus migrated from the northwestern portion of the sub-
metric boundary (Figure 12.13). Many such were estab- continent to seek homes in India, millions of Muslims left
lished when the areas in question were colonies, the land what would become India for Pakistan. In a sense, they
was only sparsely settled, and detailed geographic knowl- were attempting to ensure that the boundary would be
edge of the frontier region was lacking. consequent, that is, that it would coincide with a division
Boundaries can also be classified according to whether based on religion.
they were laid out before or after the principal features of
the cultural landscape were developed. An antecedent
boundary is one drawn across an area before it is well pop-
ulated, that is, before most of the cultural landscape fea-
tures were put in place. To continue our earlier example,

Figure 12.13 The international Peace Arch at Blaine,

Washington. Its position is determined by the globe grid rather than
Figure 12.12 Several international borders run through the by topography or drainage systems. Geometric boundaries like that
jumble of the Himalayas. The mountain boundary between India and between most of the United States and Canada are unrelated to
China has long been in dispute. landscape features.

458 Landscapes of Functional Organization

If a former boundary line that no longer functions as The boundary between Argentina and Chile,
such is still marked by some landscape features or differ- originally defined during Spanish colonial rule and
ences on the two sides, it is termed a relic boundary formalized by treaty in 1881, was to follow “the
(Figure 12.14). The abandoned castles dotting the former most elevated crests of the Andean Cordillera
frontier zone between Wales and England are examples of dividing the waters” between east- and west-flowing
a relic boundary. They are also evidence of the disputes rivers. Because the southern Andes had not been
that sometimes attend the process of boundary making. adequately explored and mapped, it was not
apparent that the crest lines (highest peaks) and the
Boundary Disputes watershed divides do not always coincide. In some
Boundaries create many possibilities and provocations for places, the water divide is many miles east of the
conflict. Since World War II, almost half of the world’s sov- highest peaks, leaving a long, narrow area of some
ereign states have been involved in border disputes with 52,000 square kilometers (20,000 sq mi) in dispute
neighboring countries. Just like householders, states are (Figure 12.15). In Latin America as a whole, the
far more likely to have disputes with their neighbors than 21st century began with at least 10 unresolved
with more distant parties. It follows that the more neigh- border disputes, some dating back to colonial times.
bors a state has, the greater the likelihood of conflict. Al- 2. Territorial disputes over the ownership of a
though the causes of boundary disputes and open conflict region often, though not always, arise when a
are many and varied, they can reasonably be placed into boundary that has been superimposed on the
four categories. landscape divides an ethnically homogeneous
1. Positional disputes occur when states disagree
about the interpretation of documents that define
a boundary and/or the way the boundary was Peru
delimited. Such disputes typically arise when the
boundary is antecedent, preceding effective
human settlement in the border region. Once the
area becomes populated and gains value, the exact
location of the boundary becomes important. Paraguay





Ge Ocean


Mayo Ch


ic o

a nt a Cruz

l l e g os

0 100 200 miles

0 160 320 kilometers

Figure 12.14 Like Hadrian’s Wall in the north of England or Figure 12.15 The disputed boundary between Argentina and
the Great Wall of China, the Berlin Wall was a demarcated boundary. Chile in the southern Andes. The treaty establishing the boundary
Unlike them, it cut across a large city and disrupted established between the two countries preceded adequate exploration and
cultural patterns. The Berlin Wall, therefore, was a subsequent mapping of the area, leaving its precise location in doubt and in
superimposed boundary. The dismantling of the wall in 1990 marked contention. After years of friction, the last remaining territorial
the reunification of Germany; any of it that remains standing as a dispute between Chile and Argentina in the Andes was settled in an
historic monument is a relic boundary. accord signed in late 1998.

The Political Ordering of Space 459

population. Each of the two states then has some KASHMIR
justification for claiming the territory inhabited administered
by Pakistan
by the ethnic group in question. We noted
previously that a single nation may be dispersed
across several states (Figure 12.4d). Conflicts can AFGHANISTAN CHINA
arise if the people of one state want to annex a KASHMIR
territory whose population is ethnically related to Line of
that of the state but now subject to a foreign control

government. This type of expansionism is called PAKISTAN

irredentism. In the 1930s, Hitler used the New Delhi
existence of German minorities in Czechoslovakia NEPAL
and Poland to justify German invasion and
occupation of those countries. More recently,
Somalia has had many border clashes with
Ethiopia over the rights of Somalis living in that
country, and the area of Kashmir has been a cause
of dispute and open conflict between India and
Pakistan since the creation of the two countries
(Figure 12.16).
3. Closely related to territorial conflicts are resource
disputes. Neighboring states are likely to covet
the resources—whether they be valuable mineral
deposits, fertile farmland, or rich fishing
grounds—lying in border areas and to disagree
over their use. In recent years, the United States
has been involved in disputes with both its
immediate neighbors: with Mexico over the
shared resources of the Colorado River and Gulf of
Mexico and with Canada over the Georges Bank
fishing grounds in the Atlantic Ocean.
One of the causes of the 1990–91 war in the
Persian Gulf was the huge oil reservoir known as
the Rumaila field, lying mainly under Iraq with a
small extension into Kuwait. Because the two Figure 12.16 Kashmir, a disputed area that has been the cause
of two wars between India and Pakistan. The resolution of the
countries were unable to agree on percentages of problem of possession of Kashmir may be a permanent partition
ownership of the rich reserve, or a formula for along the cease-fire line.
sharing production costs and revenues, Kuwait
pumped oil from Rumaila without any
international agreement. Iraq helped justify its
invasion of Kuwait by contending that the latter the people of a state, that enable it to function and give it
had been stealing Iraqi oil in what amounted to strength. Centrifugal forces, on the other hand, destabi-
economic warfare. lize and weaken a state. If centrifugal forces are stronger
4. Functional disputes arise when neighboring than those promoting unity, the very existence of the state
states disagree over policies to be applied along a will be threatened. In the sections that follow we examine
boundary. Such policies may concern four centripetal (uniting) forces—nationalism, unifying
immigration, the movement of traditionally institutions, effective organization and administration
nomadic groups, customs regulations, or land use. of government, and systems of transportation and
U.S. relations with Mexico, for example, have been communication—to see how they can promote cohesion.
affected by the increasing number of illegal aliens
and the flow of drugs entering the United States Nationalism
from Mexico (Figure 12.17). One of the most powerful of the centripetal forces is
nationalism, an identification with the state and the ac-
Centripetal Forces: Promoting State Cohesion ceptance of national goals. Nationalism is based on the
At any moment in time, a state is characterized by forces concept of allegiance to a single country and the ideals
that promote unity and national stability and by others and the way of life it represents; it is an emotion that pro-
that disrupt them. Political geographers refer to the former vides a sense of identity and loyalty and of collective dis-
as centripetal forces. These are factors that bind together tinction from all other peoples and lands.

460 Landscapes of Functional Organization

(a) (b)

Figure 12.17 (a) To stem the flow of undocumented migrants entering California from Baja California, the United States in 1993
constructed a fence 3 meters (10 ft) high along the border. (b) Protesters on the Mexican side of the border expressed their anger over the new
barrier. By the end of the century the same border confrontations were building along the Arizona–Sonora boundary and elsewhere.

States purposely try to instill feelings of allegiance in States promote nationalism in a number of ways.
their citizens, for such feelings give the political system Iconography is the study of the symbols that help unite
strength. People who have such allegiance are likely to ac- people. National anthems and other patriotic songs; flags,
cept common rules of action and behavior and to partici- national sports teams, and officially designated or easily
pate in the decision-making process establishing those identified flowers and animals; and rituals and holidays
rules. In light of the divisive forces present in most soci- are all developed by states to promote nationalism and at-
eties, not everyone, of course, will feel the same degree of tract allegiance (Figure 12.18). By ensuring that all citi-
commitment or loyalty. The important consideration is zens, no matter how diverse the population may be, will
that the majority of a state’s population accepts its ideolo- have at least these symbols in common, they impart a
gies, adheres to its laws, and participates in its effective sense of belonging to a political entity called, for example,
operation. For many countries, such acceptance and ad- Japan or Canada. In some countries, certain documents,
herence has come only recently and partially; in some, it such as the Magna Carta in England or the Declaration of
is frail and endangered. Independence in the United States, serve the same pur-
We noted earlier that true nation-states are rare; in pose. Royalty may fill the need: in Sweden, Japan, and the
only a few countries do the territory occupied by the peo- United Kingdom, the monarchy functions as the symbolic
ple of a particular nation and the territorial limits of the focus of allegiance. Such symbols are significant, for sym-
state coincide. Most countries have more than one culture bols and beliefs are major components of the ideological
group that considers itself separate in some important subsystem (page 53) of every culture.
way from other citizens. In a multicultural society, nation-
alism helps integrate different groups into a unified popu- Unifying Institutions
lation. This kind of consensus nationalism has emerged in Institutions as well as symbols help to develop the sense of
countries such as the United States and Switzerland, commitment and cohesiveness essential to the state.
where different culture groups have joined together to Schools, particularly elementary schools, are among the
create political entities commanding the loyalties of all most important of these. Children learn the history of their
their citizens. own country and relatively little about other countries.

The Political Ordering of Space 461

Figure 12.18 The ritual of the pledge of allegiance is just one way in which schools in the United States seek to instill a sense of national
identity in students.

Schools are expected to instill the society’s goals, values, and resources distributed and allocated in such a way as to be
traditions, to teach the common language that conveys perceived to promote the economic welfare of all its citi-
them, and to guide youngsters to identify with their country. zens? Are all citizens afforded equal opportunity to par-
Other institutions that advance nationalism are the ticipate in governmental affairs (see “Legislative
armed forces and, sometimes, a state church. The armed Women”)? Do institutions that encourage consultation
forces are of necessity taught to identify with the state. They and the peaceful settlement of disputes exist? How firmly
see themselves as protecting the state’s welfare from what established are the rule of law and the power of the
are perceived to be its enemies. In some countries, the reli- courts? Is the system of decision making responsive to
gion of the majority of the people may be designated a state the people’s needs?
church. In such cases the church sometimes becomes a force The answers to such questions, and the relative im-
for cohesion, helping to unify the population. This is true of portance of the answers, will vary from country to coun-
the Roman Catholic Church in the Republic of Ireland, Islam try, but they and similar ones are implicit in the
in Pakistan, and Judaism in Israel. In countries like these, expectation that the state will, in the words of the Consti-
the religion and the church are so identified with the state tution of the United States, “establish justice, insure do-
that belief in one is transferred to allegiance to the other. mestic tranquility, provide for the common defence,
The schools, the armed forces, and the church are [and] promote the general welfare. . . .” If those expec-
just three of the institutions that teach people what it is tations are not fulfilled, the loyalties promoted by na-
like to be members of a state. As institutions, they operate tional symbols and unifying institutions may be
primarily on the level of the sociological subsystem of cul- weakened or lost.
ture, helping to structure the outlooks and behaviors of
the society. But by themselves, they are not enough to Transportation and Communication
give cohesion, and thus strength, to a state. A state’s transportation network fosters political integra-
tion by promoting interaction between areas and by join-
Organization and Administration ing them economically and socially. The role of a
A further bonding force is public confidence in the effec- transportation network in uniting a country has been rec-
tive organization of the state. Can it provide security from ognized since ancient times. The saying that all roads lead
external aggression and internal conflict? Are its to Rome had its origin in the impressive system of roads

462 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Legislative Women

W omen, a majority of the world’s

though many of the established than any other country in acknowledg-
population, in general get a raw deal democracies of Northern and Western ing the right of women to equal access
in the allocation of such resources as Europe and virtually all of the coun- to elective office when in 1999 it
primary and higher education, em- tries of Southern and Eastern Europe passed a constitutional amendment re-
ployment opportunities and income, fell below even that modest 15% share. quiring parité—parity or equality. A
and health care. That their lot is im- Although in the Parliament of the Eu- year later, the National Assembly en-
proving is encouraging. In nearly ropean Union women comprised 31% acted legislation requiring the coun-
every developing country women of members in early 2001, they held try’s political parties to fill 50% of the
have been closing the gender gap in only 9% of the seats in the Greek par- candidacies in all elections in the
literacy, school enrollment, and ac- liament and 11% of those of both country (municipal, regional, and Eu-
ceptance in the job market. France’s National Assembly and ropean Parliament) with women, or
But in the political arena—where Italy’s Chamber of Deputies. Japan lose a corresponding share of their
power ultimately lies—women’s share made an even poorer showing with state-provided campaign funding.
of influence is increasing only slowly but a 5% female membership. Nor did India similarly proposed to reserve a
and selectively. In 2000, less than one the United States show a very signifi- third of the seats in parliament for
dozen countries out of a world total of cant number of women members. In women. On the other hand, Canada’s
some 200 had women as heads of gov- the 106th Congress (1999–2001), only Inuit people voted against a plebiscite
ernment: presidents or prime minis- nine women served in the Senate and intending to divide the seats evenly be-
ters. Nor did they fare much better as 56 in the House of Representatives, tween men and women in the legisla-
members of parliaments. Women in for percentages of 9 and 13, respec- ture of their new territory of Nunavut.
late 2000 held just 14% of all the seats tively. At that time, both numbers Quotas are controversial, how-
in the world’s legislatures. were at their highest-ever levels. ever, and often are viewed with disfa-
Only in 19 countries did women In the later 1990s women’s leg- vor, even by avowed feminists who
in 2001 occupy more than 25% of the islative representation began to ex- argue that quotas imply women can-
seats in the lower or single legislative pand materially in many developed not match men on merit alone. Oth-
House; in none were women a leg- and developing democracies and their ers fear that other groups—for
islative majority. Nine of them were “fair share” of political power began to example religious or ethnic—would
European democracies—five Nordic be formally recognized or enforced. In also seek quotas to guarantee their
plus the Netherlands, Germany, Aus- Western countries, particularly, im- legislative presence.
tria, and Spain. Sweden was the most provement in female parliamentary A significant presence of
feminist of any country with 43% fe- participation has become a matter of women in legislative bodies makes a
male members. The worldwide roster plan and pride for political parties difference in the kinds of bills that get
was completed by Mozambique, and, occasionally, for governments passed and the kinds of programs that
Namibia, Rwanda, and South Africa themselves. Political parties from Mex- receive governmental emphasis. Stud-
in Africa; Argentina, Cuba, and ico to China have tried to correct fe- ies show that regardless of party affili-
Grenada in the Americas; New male underrepresentation, usually by ation, women are more apt than
Zealand in Oceania; and Turk- setting quotas for women candidates, males to sponsor bills and vote for
menistan and Vietnam in Asia. and a few governments—including measures affecting child care, elderly
Europe also counts an addi- Belgium and Italy—have tried to re- care, women’s health care, and med-
tional 10 countries with between 15% quire their political parties to improve ical insurance and bills affecting
and 25% female representatives, their balance. France went further women’s rights and family law.

that linked Rome to the rest of its empire. Centuries later, Roads and railroads have played a historically signifi-
a similar network was built in France, joining Paris to the cant role in promoting political integration. In the United
various departments of the country. Often the capital city States and Canada, they not only opened up new areas for
is better connected to other cities than the outlying cities settlement but increased interaction between rural and
are to one another. In France, for example, it can take less urban districts. Because transportation systems play a
time to travel from one city to another by way of Paris major role in a state’s economic development, it follows
than by direct route. that the more economically advanced a country is, the

The Political Ordering of Space 463

more extensive its transport network is likely to be (see A dissident minority that has total or partial secession
Figure 8.4). At the same time, the higher the level of de- from the state as its primary goal is said to be guided by
velopment, the more resources there are to be invested in separatism or autonomous nationalism. In recent
building transport routes. The two reinforce one another. years, such nationalism has created currents of unrest
Transportation and communication, while encour- within many countries, even long-established ones.
aged within a state, are frequently curtailed or at least Canada, for example, houses a powerful secessionist move-
controlled between them as a conscious device for pro- ment in French-speaking Quebec, the country’s largest
moting state cohesion through limitation on external province. In October 1995, a referendum to secede from
spatial interaction (Figure 12.19). The mechanisms of Canada and become a sovereign country failed in Quebec
control include restrictions on trade through tariffs or by a razor-thin margin. Quebec’s nationalism is fueled by
embargoes, legal barriers to immigration and emigra- strong feelings of collective identity and distinctiveness,
tion, and limitations on travel through passports and and by a desire to protect its language and culture.
visa requirements. In Western Europe, five countries (the United King-
dom, France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain) house separatist
Centrifugal Forces: Challenges to State Authority political movements whose members reject total control
State cohesion is not easily achieved or, once gained, in- by the existing sovereign state and who claim to be the
variably retained. Destabilizing centrifugal forces are ever- core of a separate national entity (Figure 12.20). Their
present, sowing internal discord and challenges to the basic demand is for regional autonomy, usually in the form
state’s authority. of self-government or “home rule” rather than complete
We said previously that nationalism is one of the independence. Accommodation of those demands has re-
most powerful of the centripetal forces. Paradoxically, it is sulted in some degrees of devolution (decentralization)
also a potentially disruptive centrifugal force. The idea of of political control and in the forms of asymmetric feder-
the nation-state is that states are formed around and coin- alism discussed earlier (p. 456) with the United Kingdom
cide with nations. It is a small step from that to the notion and Spain as examples.
that every nation has the right to its own state or territory. Separatist movements affect many states outside of
Any country that contains one or more important national Western Europe and indeed are more characteristic of de-
minorities is susceptible to nationalist challenges from veloping countries, especially those formed since the end
within its borders if the minority group has an explicit ter- of World War II and containing disparate groups more mo-
ritorial identification and believes that its right to self- tivated by enmity than affinity. The Basques of Spain and
determination—the right of a group to govern itself in its the Bretons of France have their counterparts in the Pales-
own state—has not been satisfied. tinians in Israel, the Sikhs in India, the Moros in the

Principal line
Secondary line
0 miles 100 Regina MANITOBA
0 km 100



Figure 12.19 Canadian–U.S. railroad discontinuity. Canada and the United States developed independent railway systems connecting
their respective prairie regions with their separate national cores. Despite extensive rail construction during the 19th and early 20th centuries,
the pattern that emerged even before recent track abandonment was one of discontinuity at the border. Note how the political boundary
restricted the ease of spatial interaction between adjacent territories. Many branch lines approached the border, but only eight crossed it. In fact,
for over 480 kilometers (300 miles), no railway bridged the boundary line. The international border—and the cultural separation it represents—
inhibits other expected degrees of interaction. Telephone calls between Canadian and U.S. cities, for example, are far less frequent than would be
expected if distance alone were the controlling factor, and research indicates that a Canadian province in the middle 1990s was 12 times more
likely to trade merchandise and 40 times more like to trade services with another Canadian province than with an American state of similar size
and distance.

464 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Philippines, the Tamils in Sri Lanka, and many others. number of other nationality regions, many of which are
Separatist movements are expressions of regionalism, rich in natural resources, have non-Russian majorities, and
minority group self-awareness and identification with a re- seek greater autonomy within the federation. Some, in-
gion rather than with the state. deed, want total independence. One, the predominantly
The countries of Eastern Europe and the republics of Muslim republic of Chechnya, in 1994 claimed the right of
the former Soviet Union have recently seen an explosion self-determination and attempted to secede from the feder-
of regionally-rooted nationalist feelings. Now that the ation, provoking a bloody civil war that escalated again in
forces of ethnicity, religion, language, and culture are no 1996 and 1999. Under similar separatist pressures, Yu-
longer suppressed by communism, ancient rivalries are goslavia shattered into five pieces in 1991–1992; more
more evident than at any time since World War II. The peacefully, Czechs and Slovaks agreed to split former
end of the Cold War aroused hopes of decades of peace. Czechoslovakia into two ethnically based states in 1993.
Instead, the collapse of communism and the demise of the Recently, several European governments have
USSR spawned dozens of smaller wars. Numerous ethnic moved peacefully in the direction of regional recognition
groups large and small are asserting their identities and and devolution. In France, 22 regional governments were
what they perceive to be their right to determine their established in 1986; Spain has a program of devolution for
own political status. its 17 “autonomous communities,” a program that Portugal
The national independence claimed in the early 1990s is beginning to emulate. Italy, Germany, and the Nordic
by the 15 former Soviet constituent republics did not assure countries have, or are developing, similar recognitions of
the satisfaction of all separatist movements within them. regional communities with granted powers of local admin-
Many of the new individual countries are themselves sub- istration and relaxation of central controls.
ject to strong destabilizing forces that threaten their territo- The two preconditions common to all regional au-
rial integrity and survival. The Russian Federation itself, tonomist movements are territory and nationality. First,
the largest and most powerful remnant of the former USSR, the group must be concentrated in a core region that it
has 89 components, including 21 “ethnic republics” and a claims as a national homeland and seek to regain control
of land and power that it believes were unjustly taken
from it. Second, certain cultural characteristics must pro-
vide a basis for the group’s perception of separateness,
identity, and unity. These might be language, religion, or
Scotland distinctive group customs and institutions which promote
feelings of group identity at the same time that they foster
North Sea
exclusivity. Normally, these cultural differences have per-
GREAT sisted over several generations and have survived despite
strong pressures toward assimilation.
Other characteristics common to many separatist
London movements are a peripheral location and social and eco-
Wales Brussels
Atlantic BELGIUM nomic inequality. Troubled regions tend to be peripheral,
Wallonia often isolated in rural pockets, and their location away
Paris from the seat of central government engenders feelings of
alienation and exclusion. They perhaps sense what has
Regions seeking
been called the law of peripheral neglect, which observes
South that the concern of the capital for its controlled political
Tirol space decreases with increasing distance from it. Second,

the dominant culture group is often seen as an exploiting



Country Corsica Rome class that has suppressed the local language, controlled ac-
cess to the civil service, and taken more than its share of
Catalonia wealth and power. Poorer regions complain that they
SPAIN have lower incomes and greater unemployment than pre-
ean Sea vail in the rest of the state, and that “outsiders” control
Medit key resources and industry. Separatists in relatively rich
400 miles regions believe that they could exploit their resources for
400 kilometers themselves and do better economically without the con-
straints imposed by the central state.
Figure 12.20 Regions in Western Europe seeking autonomy.
Despite long-standing state attempts to assimilate these historic The Projection of Power
nations culturally, each contains a political movement that has
sought or is seeking a degree of self-rule recognizing its separate
Territorial and political influence or control by a state
identity. Separatists on the island of Corsica, for example, want to need not necessarily halt at its recognized land borders.
secede from France as do the Basques from Spain. Throughout history states have projected power beyond

The Political Ordering of Space 465

their home territories where such power could credibly be Developed in a century that saw first Germany and
applied or asserted. Imperial powers such as Rome, then the Soviet Union dominate East Europe, and the de-
Czarist Russia, and China extended control outward over cline of Britain as a superpower, Mackinder’s theory im-
adjacent peoples and territories through conquest or pressed many. Even earlier, Alfred Mahan (1840–1914)
suzerainty—control over vassal states. The former Soviet recognized the core position of Russia in the Asian land-
Union, for example, not only conquered and incorporated mass and anticipated conflict between Russian land power
such adjacent states as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania but and British sea power, though Mahan argued that control
also, claiming to be first among equals, asserted the right of the world’s sea lanes to protect commerce and isolate
to intervene militarily to preserve communist regimes an adversary was the key to national strength. Near the
wherever they appeared threatened. end of World War II, Nicholas Spykman (1894–1943) also
Colonial empires such as those of England, France, agreed that Eurasia was the likely base for potential world
Spain, and Portugal exerted home state control over non- domination, but argued that the coastal fringes of the
contiguous territories and frequently retain influence even landmass, not its heartland, were the key (Figure 12.21).
after their formal colonial dominion has been lost. The The continental margins, Spykman reasoned, contained
Commonwealth (originally, the British Commonwealth of dense populations, abundant resources, and had control-
Nations), for example, is a free association of some 50 ling access both to the seas and to the continental interior.
countries that recognize the British sovereign as head of His rimland theory, published in 1944, stated “Who con-
the Commonwealth and retain use of the English language trols the Rimland rules Eurasia, who rules Eurasia con-
and legal system. The French Community comprises au- trols the destinies of the world.”2 The rimland has tended
tonomous states formerly part of the French colonial em- throughout history to be politically fragmented, and Spyk-
pire that opted to remain affiliated with the Community, man concluded that it would be to the advantage of both
that generally retain the French language and legal sys- the United States and the USSR if it remained that way.
tem, have various contractual cooperative arrangements By the end of World War II, the Heartland was
with the former ruling state, and have in the instance of equated in American eyes with the USSR. To prevent So-
African members occasionally called on France to inter- viet domination of the World-Island, U.S. foreign policy dur-
vene militarily to protect established regimes. ing the Cold War was based on the notion of containment,
or confining the USSR within its borders by means of a
Geopolitical Assessments string of regional alliances in the Rimland: The North At-
Geopolitics is a branch of political geography that consid- lantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Western Europe, the
ers the strategic value of land and sea area in the context Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) in West Asia, and the
of national economic and military power and ambitions. Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO). Military in-
In that light, geopolitical concerns and territorial assess- tervention was deemed necessary where communist ex-
ments have always influenced the policies of govern- pansion, whether Soviet or Chinese, was a threat—in
ments. “Manifest Destiny” rationalized the westward Berlin, the Middle East, and Korea, for example.
territorial spread of the United States; the Monroe Doc- A simple spatial model, the domino theory, was
trine declared the Western Hemisphere off-limits to fur- used as an adjunct to the policy of containment. Accord-
ther European colonization; creation of a “Greater East ing to this analogy, adjacent countries are lined up like
Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere” justified Japan’s Asian and Pa- dominoes; if one topples, the rest will fall. In the early
cific aggression before and during World War II. 1960s, the domino theory was invoked to explain and jus-
Modern geopolitics was rooted in the early 20th- tify U.S. intervention in Vietnam, and in the 1980s the
century concern of an eminent English geographer, Hal- theory was applied to involvement in Central America.
ford Mackinder (1861–1947), with the world balance of The fear that war among the Serbs, Croatians, and Bosni-
power at a time of British expansion and overseas em- ans in Bosnia-Herzegovina would lead to the destruction
pire. Believing that the major powers would be those that of that state and spread into other parts of the former Yu-
controlled the land, not the seas, he developed what goslavia led in 1995 to NATO airstrikes against the Serbs,
came to be known as the heartland theory. The greatest a peace agreement forged with American help in Dayton,
land power, he argued, would be sited in Eurasia, the Ohio, and stationing of United Nations peacekeeping
“World-Island” containing the world’s largest landmass in forces in Bosnia.
both area and population. Its interior or heartland, he These (and other) models aimed at realistic assess-
warned, would provide a base for world conquest, and ments of national power and foreign policy stand in con-
Eastern Europe was the core of that heartland. Mackinder trast to “organic state theory” based on the 19th-century
warned, “Who rules East Europe commands the Heart- idea of German geographer Friedrich Ratzel (1844–1904)
land, who rules the Heartland commands the World- that the state was an organism conforming to natural
Island, who rules the World-Island commands the World.”1 laws and forced to grow and expand into new territories

1Halford J. Mackinder, Democratic Ideals and Reality (London: Constable, 2Nicholas J. Spykman, The Geography of the Peace (New York: Harcourt

1919), p. 150. Brace, 1944), p. 43.

466 Landscapes of Functional Organization

and underlie such recent clashes as Indian rivalries be-
tween Hindus and Muslims, those of Sri Lanka between
Tamils and Buddhists, conflicts in former Yugoslavia and
between Armenians and Azeris in the Caucasus, and be-
tween and within other states and areas where “civiliza-
tions” come in contact and competition.

International Political Systems

As changing geopolitical theories and outlooks suggest, in
many ways individual countries are now weaker than
Figure 12.21 Geopolitical viewpoints. Both Mackinder and
ever before. Many are economically frail, others are politi-
Spykman believed that Eurasia possessed strategic advantages, but
they disagreed on whether its heartland or rimland provided the cally unstable, and some are both. Strategically, no coun-
most likely base for world domination. Mahan recognized sea power try is safe from military attack, for technology now
as the key to national strength, advocating American occupation of enables us to shoot weapons halfway around the world.
the Hawaiian Islands, control of the Caribbean, and construction of
Some people believe that no national security is possible
an interocean canal through Central America.
in the atomic age.
The recognition that a country cannot by itself guar-
antee either its prosperity or its own security has led to in-
(Lebensraum) in order to secure the resources needed for creased cooperation among states. In a sense, these
survival. Without that growth, the state would wither and cooperative ventures are replacing the empires of yester-
die. These ideas, later expanded in the 1920s by the Ger- day. They are proliferating quickly, and they involve
man Karl Haushofer (1869–1946) as Geopolitik, were used countries everywhere. They are also adding a new dimen-
by the Nazi party as the presumed intellectual basis for sion to the concept of “political boundaries” since the asso-
wartime Germany’s theories of race superiority and need ciations of states have themselves limits that are marked
for territorial conquest. Repudiated by events and Ger- by borders of a higher spatial order than those between in-
many’s defeat, Geopolitik for many years gave bad odor to dividual states. Such boundaries as the former Iron Cur-
any study of geopolitics, which only recently has again tain, the current division between NATO (North Atlantic
become a serious subfield of political geography. Treaty Organization) and non-NATO states, or that be-
In a rapidly changing world, many analysts believe tween the European Union area and other European
the older geopolitical concepts and ideas of geostrategy no countries represent a different scale of the political order-
longer apply. A number of developments have rendered ing of space.
them obsolete: the dissolution of the USSR and the pre-
sumed end of the Cold War; the proliferation of nuclear Supranationalism
technology; and the rise of Japan, China, and Western Eu- Such associations also represent a new dimension in the
rope to world power status. Geopolitical reality is now seen ordering of national power and national independence.
less in terms of military advantage and confrontation—the Recent trends in economic globalization and international
East-West rivalry of the Cold War era—and more as a reflec- cooperation suggest to some that the sovereign state’s tra-
tion of two other forms of competition. ditional responsibilities and authorities are being diluted
One is economic rivalry within the developed world by a combination of forces and partly delegated to higher-
and between economic core countries and emerging pe- order political and economic organizations. Even corpora-
ripheral states—the North-South split introduced in tions and nongovernmental economic and communication
Chapter 10 and expressed in the development of interna- agencies often operate in controlling ways outside of
tional blocs aligned by economic interests. The other is nation-state jurisdiction. The rise of transnational corpora-
competition rooted in more fundamental and perhaps tions dominant in global markets, for example, limits the
enduring conflicts between different “civilizations.” It economic influence of individual countries; cyberspace
has been suggested that the world will increasingly be and the Internet are controlled by no one and are largely
shaped by the interactions and conflicts among seven or immune to the state restrictions on the flow of informa-
eight major civilizations: Western, Confucian, Japanese, tion exerted by many governments. And increasingly, in-
Islamic, Hindu, Slavic, Latin American, and possibly dividual citizens of any country have their lives and
African. The differences between such civilizations, it is actions shaped by decisions not only of local and national
thought, are basic and antagonistic, rooted in enduring authorities, but by those of regional economic associations
differences of history, language, culture, tradition, and (the North American Free Trade Agreement, for exam-
religion. These differences, the argument runs, are less ple), multinational military alliances (NATO), and global
easily resolved than purely political and economic ones political agencies (the United Nations).

The Political Ordering of Space 467

The roots of such multistate cooperative systems are The UN is the most ambitious attempt ever under-
ancient—for example, the leagues of city states in the an- taken to bring together the world’s nations in international
cient Greek world or the Hanseatic League of free Ger- assembly and to promote world peace. Stronger and more
man cities in Europe’s medieval period. The creation of representative than its predecessor, the League of Nations,
new ones has been particularly active since 1945. They it provides a forum where countries may discuss interna-
represent a world trend toward a supranationalism com- tional problems and regional concerns and a mechanism,
prised of associations of three or more states created for admittedly weak but still significant, for forestalling disputes
mutual benefit and to achieve shared objectives. Although or, when necessary, for ending wars (Figure 12.22). The
many individuals and organizations decry the loss of na- United Nations also sponsors 40 programs and agencies
tional independence that supranationalism entails, the aimed at fostering international cooperation with respect to
many supranational associations in existence early in the specific goals. Among these are the World Health Organiza-
21st century are evidence of their attraction and perva- tion (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
siveness. Almost all countries, in fact, are members of at and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
least one—and most of many—supranational groupings. Organization (UNESCO). Many other UN agencies and
All except Switzerland are at least members of the United much of the UN budget are committed to assisting member
Nations. states with matters of economic growth and development.
Member states have not surrendered sovereignty to
The United Nations and Its Agencies the UN, and the world body is legally and effectively unable
The United Nations (UN) is the only organization that to make or enforce a world law. Nor is there a world police
tries to be universal, and even it is not all-inclusive. Its force. Although there is recognized international law adju-
membership has expanded from 51 countries in 1945 to dicated by the International Court of Justice, rulings by this
189 in 2000. Switzerland is the only independent, sover- body are sought only by countries agreeing beforehand to
eign state with a population of more than 1 million that is abide by its arbitration. The United Nations has no author-
not a member of the UN. ity over the military forces of individual countries.

Figure 12.22 United Nations peacekeeping forces on duty in Bosnia. Under the auspices of the UN, soldiers from many different countries
staff peacekeeping forces and military observer groups in many world regions in an effort to halt or mitigate conflicts. Demand for peacekeeping
and observer operations is indicated by recent deployment of UN forces in Angola, Bosnia, Cambodia, Cyprus, Haiti, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, India,
Pakistan, Rwanda, Somalia, and elsewhere.

468 Landscapes of Functional Organization

A pronounced change both in the relatively passive The primary concern was with security and unrestricted
role of the United Nations and in traditional ideas of inter- commerce. No separately codified laws of the sea existed,
national relations has begun to emerge, however. Long- however, and none seemed to be needed until after
established rules of total national sovereignty which World War I.
allowed governments to act internally as they saw fit, free A League of Nations Conference for the Codification
of outside interference, are fading as the United Nations of International Law, convened in 1930, inconclusively
increasingly applies a concept of “interventionism.” The discussed maritime legal matters and served to identify
Persian Gulf War of 1991 was UN authorized under the old areas of concern that were to become increasingly press-
rules prohibiting one state (Iraq) from violating the sover- ing after World War II. Important among these was an
eignty of another (Kuwait) by attacking it. After the war, emerging shift from interest in commerce and national se-
the new interventionism sanctioned UN operations within curity to a preoccupation with the resources of the seas,
Iraq against the Iraqi government’s will to protect Kurds an interest fanned by the Truman Proclamation of 1945.
within the country. Later, the UN intervened with troops Motivated by a desire to exploit offshore oil deposits, the
and relief agencies in Somalia, Bosnia, and elsewhere, in- federal government under this doctrine laid claim to all
voking an “international jurisdiction over inalienable resources on the continental shelf contiguous to its coasts.
human rights” that prevails without regard to state fron- Other states, many claiming even broader areas of con-
tiers or sovereignty considerations. trol, hurried to annex their own adjacent marine re-
Whatever the long-term prospects for intervention- sources. Within a few years, a quarter of the earth’s
ism replacing absolute sovereignty, for the short term the surface was appropriated by individual coastal countries.
United Nations remains the only institution where the Unrestricted extensions of jurisdiction and disputes
vast majority of the world’s countries can collectively dis- over conflicting claims to maritime space and resources
cuss matters of international political and economic con- led to a series of United Nations conferences on the Law
cerns and attempt peacefully to resolve their differences. of the Sea. Meeting over a period of years, delegates from
It has been particularly influential in formulating a law of more than 150 countries attempted to achieve consensus
the sea. on a treaty that would establish an internationally agreed-
upon “convention dealing with all matters relating to the
Maritime Boundaries Law of the Sea.” The meetings culminated in a draft treaty
Boundaries define political jurisdictions and areas of re- in 1982, the United Nations Convention on the Law of
source control. But claims of national authority are not the Sea.
restricted to land areas alone. Water covers about two-
thirds of the earth’s surface, and increasingly countries An International Law of the Sea
have been projecting their sovereignty seaward to claim The convention delimits territorial boundaries and rights by
adjacent maritime areas and resources. A basic question defining four zones of diminishing control (Figure 12.23):
involves the right of states to control water and the re-
sources that it contains. The inland waters of a country, • A territorial sea of up to 12 nm (19 km) in breadth
such as rivers and lakes, have traditionally been consid- over which coastal states have sovereignty,
ered within the sovereignty of that country. Oceans, including exclusive fishing rights. Vessels of all
however, are not within any country’s borders. Are they, types normally have the right of innocent passage
then, to be open to all states to use, or may a single through the territorial sea, though under certain
country claim sovereignty and limit access and use by circumstances noncommercial (primarily
other states? military and research) vessels can be challenged.
For most of human history, the oceans remained ef- • A contiguous zone to 24 nm (38 km). Although a
fectively outside individual national control or interna- coastal state does not have complete sovereignty
tional jurisdiction. The seas were a common highway for in this zone, it can enforce its customs,
those daring enough to venture on them, an inex- immigration, and sanitation laws and has the
haustible larder for fishermen, and a vast refuse pit for right of hot pursuit out of its territorial waters.
the muck of civilization. By the end of the 19th century, • An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of up to
however, most coastal countries claimed sovereignty over 200 nm (370 km) in which the state has
a continuous belt 3 or 4 nautical miles wide (a nautical recognized rights to explore, exploit, conserve,
mile, or nm, equals 1.15 statute miles, or 1.85 km). At the and manage the natural resources, both living
time, the 3-nm limit represented the farthest range of ar- and nonliving, of the seabed and waters (see
tillery and thus the effective limit of control by the Figure 12.24 and “Specks and Spoils”). Countries
coastal state. Though recognizing the rights of others to have exclusive rights to the resources lying within
innocent passage, such sovereignty permitted the en- the continental shelf when this extends farther, up
forcement of quarantine and customs regulations, al- to 350 nm (560 km), beyond their coasts. The
lowed national protection of coastal fisheries, and made traditional freedoms of the high seas are to be
claims of neutrality effective during other people’s wars. maintained in this zone.

The Political Ordering of Space 469

Figure 12.23 Territorial claims permitted by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).




40° North
Atlantic Pacific
20° Ocean
Pacific Africa

Ocean South
America South Indian

Atlantic Ocean


Area within
200-nautical mile limit
180° 160° 140° 120° 100° 80° 60° 40° 20° 0° 20° 40° 60° 80° 100° 120° 140° 160° 180°

Figure 12.24 The 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) claims of coastal states. The provisions of the Law of the Sea
Convention have in effect changed the maritime map of the world. Three important consequences flow from the 200-nm EEZ concept: (1) islands
have gained a new significance (see “Specks and Spoils”), (2) countries have a host of new neighbors, and (3) the EEZ lines result in overlapping
claims. EEZ lines are drawn around a country’s possessions as well as around the country itself. Every island, no matter how small, has its own
200-nm EEZ. This means that while the United States shares continental borders only with Canada and Mexico, it has maritime boundaries with
countries in Asia, South America, and Europe. All told, the United States may have to negotiate some 30 maritime boundaries, which is likely to
take decades. Other countries, particularly those with many possessions, will have to engage in similar lengthy negotiations.

• The high seas beyond the EEZ. Outside any national jurisdiction are declared the common
national jurisdiction, they are open to all states, heritage of humankind, to be managed for the
whether coastal or landlocked. Freedom of the benefit of all the peoples of the earth.
high seas includes the right to sail ships, fish, fly
over, lay submarine cables and pipelines, and By the end of the 1980s, most coastal countries, in-
pursue scientific research. Mineral resources in cluding the United States, had used the UNCLOS provi-
the international deep seabed area beyond sions to proclaim and reciprocally recognize jurisdiction

470 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Specks and Spoils

T he Convention on the Law of the

reserves of oil and gas in their vicini- dots in the sea, the largest of the
Sea gives to owners of islands claims ties. The Japanese seized the Paracels Spratlys is about 100 acres—no more
over immense areas of the surround- from China during World War II and than one-eighth the size of New York’s
ing sea and, of course, to the fisheries at its end surrendered them to Nation- Central Park. But under the Conven-
and mineral resources in and under alist Chinese forces that soon re- tion on the Law of the Sea, possession
them. Tiny specks of land formerly treated to Taiwan. South Vietnam of the island group would confer
too insignificant in size or distant in took them over until 1974, when they rights to the resources (oil, it is hoped)
location to arouse the emotions of were forcibly ejected by the mainland found beneath about 400,000 square
any nation now are avidly sought and Chinese. In 1979, a united Vietnam re- kilometers (150,000 sq mi) of sea. That
fervently claimed. Remote Rockall, a asserted its claims, basing them on lure has made rivals of six govern-
British islet far west of Scotland, was 17th- and 18th-century maps. China ments and posed the possibility of
used by Britain in 1976 to justify ex- countered with reference to 3rd- conflict. Until early in 1988, Vietnam,
tending its fishing rights claim farther century explorations by its geogra- the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan,
into the North Atlantic than otherwise phers and maintained its control. and tiny Brunei had all maintained in
was possible. Argentina nearly went The location of the Paracels to peaceful coexistence garrisons on sep-
to war with Chile in 1978 over three the north, near China, in the South arate islets in the Spratly group. Then
islands at the tip of South America at China Sea places them in a different China landed troops on islands near
the Atlantic end of the Beagle Chan- and less difficult status than that of the the Vietnamese holdings, sank two
nel. Chile had lodged its claim of own- Spratlys, whose nearest neighbors are Vietnamese naval ships, and accused
ership hoping to gain access to known the Philippines and Malaysia. Mere Vietnam of seizing “Chinese” territory
South Atlantic fish resources and on the pretext of searching for their
hoped-for petroleum deposits. In 1982 missing sailors. Although China
Argentina seized the Falkland Islands agreed in 1992 that ownership dis-
from Britain, ostensibly to reclaim putes in the Spratlys should be
the Malvinas (their Spanish name) as resolved without violence it also,
national territory, but with an under- in 1993, passed a law repeating its
lying economic motive as well. British claims to all the islands and its deter-
forces retook the islands and subse- mination to defend them. In early
quently used sovereignty over them to 1995, China occupied “Mischief Reef,”
claim a sea area three times as large close to—and already claimed by—the
as Britain. Japan has encased a disap- Philippines.
pearing islet in concrete to maintain Assertions of past discovery, pre-
territorial claims endangered through vious or present occupation, proxim-
erosion of the speck of land support- ity, and simple wishful thinking have
ing them. all served as the basis for the proliferat-
The Paracel and Spratly Islands, ing claims to seas and seabeds. The
straddling trade routes in the South world’s oceans, once open and freely
China Sea, have attracted more accessible, are increasingly being
attention and claimants than most is- closed by the lure of specks of land and
land groups, thanks to presumed large the spoils of wealth they command.

over 12-nm territorial seas and 200-nm economic zones. Other fully or essentially global supranational organi-
Despite reservations held by the United States and a few zations with influences on the economic, social, and cul-
other industrial countries about the deep seabed mining tural affairs of states and individuals have been created.
provisions, the convention received the necessary ratifi- Most are specialized international agencies, autonomous
cation by 60 states and became international law and with their own differing memberships but with affili-
in 1994. ated relationships with the United Nations and operating

The Political Ordering of Space 471

under its auspices. Among them are the Food and Agricul-
ture Organization (FAO), the International Bank for Recon-
struction and Development (World Bank), the
International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization
(WHO), and—of growing economic importance—the World
Trade Organization (WTO).
The WTO, which came into existence at the start of
1995, has become one of the most significant of the global
expressions of supranational economic control. It is
charged with enforcing the global trade accords that grew
out of years of international negotiations under the terms
of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
The basic principle behind the WTO is that the 142 (2001)
member countries should work to cut tariffs, dismantle
nontariff barriers to trade, liberalize trade in services, and
treat all other countries uniformly in matters of trade.
Any preference granted to one should be available to all.
Increasingly, however, regional rather than global trade
agreements are being struck and free trade areas are pro-
liferating. Only a few WTO members are not already part
of some other regional trade association. Such areal
alliances—some 80 of them by 2000—it is held, make
world trade less free by scrapping tariffs on trade among
member states but retaining them separately or as a group
on exchanges with nonmembers.
Figure 12.25 The original Inner Six and Outer Seven of
Regional Alliances Europe.
In addition to their membership in such international agen-
cies, countries have shown themselves willing to relinquish
some of their independence to participate in smaller multi- Between 1973 and 1986, three members (the United King-
national systems. Regional economic alliances are among dom, Denmark, and Portugal) left EFTA for membership
the most prominent and common expressions of that multi- in the Common Market and were replaced by Iceland and
national but not global supranationalism. Finland. Other Common Market additions were Greece in
1981, and Spain and Portugal in 1986. Austria, Finland,
Economic Alliances and Sweden became members of the European Union
Among the oldest, most powerful, and far-reaching of the (EU), as the organization embracing the Common Mar-
regional economic alliances are those that have evolved in ket is now called, in 1995. Invitations to preliminary
Europe, particularly the European Union and its several entry negotiations, conditional on continued economic
forerunners. Shortly after the end of World War II, the restructuring, were issued to Poland, the Czech Republic,
Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxem- Hungary, Slovenia, and Estonia in mid-1997 (Fig-
bourg) formed an economic union to create a common set ure 12.26). At meetings in 2000, the EU pledged they
of tariffs and to eliminate import licenses and quotas. would be ready to receive new members in 2004 but set
Formed at about the same time were the Organization for no firm dates for the admittance of any or all of the then
European Cooperation (1948), which coordinated the dis- 13 candidate countries.
tribution and use of Marshall Plan funds, and the Euro- Over the years, members of the European Union
pean Coal and Steel Community (1952), which integrated have taken many steps to integrate their economies and
the development of that industry in the member coun- coordinate their policies in such areas as transportation,
tries. A few years later, in 1957, the European Economic agriculture, and fisheries. A Council of Ministers, a Com-
Community (EEC) or Common Market, was created, com- mission, a European Parliament, and a Court of Justice
posed at first of only six states: France, Italy, West Ger- give the European Union supranational institutions with
many, and the Benelux countries. effective ability to make and enforce laws. By January 1,
To counteract these Inner Six, as they were called, 1993, the EU had abolished most remnant barriers to free
other countries in 1960 formed the European Free Trade trade and the free movement of capital and people, creat-
Association (EFTA). Known as the Outer Seven, they ing a single European market. In another step toward eco-
were the United Kingdom, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, nomic and monetary union, the EU’s single currency, the
Switzerland, Austria, and Portugal (Figure 12.25). euro, replaced 11 national currencies in 1999. Notes and

472 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Member, EU
Fast-track applicants
Other applicants
Recognized as a
400 miles

400 km


Ireland United
Kingdom Lithuania

Czech Slovakia
Atlantic Belgium Republic
Ocean Luxembourg
str Hungary
France Au






Malta Sea

Figure 12.26 The fifteen members of the European Union (EU) as of January, 2001, when 13 additional states were applicants for
membership. The EU has stipulated that in order to join, a country must have stable institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human
rights and protection of minorities; a functioning market economy; and the ability to accept the obligations of membership, including the aims
of political, economic, and monetary union. The EU now spreads from the Mediterranean to the Arctic. In addition, some 70 states in Africa, the
Caribbean, and the Pacific have been affiliated with the EU by the Lomé Convention, which provides for developmental aid and favored trade
access to EU markets.

coins in national units—such as the Portuguese escudo and cultural interests also in mind. CARICOM (Caribbean
and the German Deutsche Mark—were to be withdrawn Community and Common Market), for example, was es-
after July, 2002. tablished in 1974 to further cooperation among its 15
We have traced this European development history, members (2000) in economic, health, cultural, and foreign
not because the full history of the EU is important to re- policy arenas. MERCOSUR—the Southern Cone Commu-
member, but simply to illustrate the fluid process by nity Market—which unites Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay,
which regional alliances are made. Countries come to- and Paraguay in the proposed creation of a customs union
gether in an association, some drop out, and others join. to eliminate levies on goods moving between them, is a
New treaties are made, and new coalitions emerge. In- South American example. A similar interest in promoting
deed, a number of such regional economic and trade asso- economic, social, and cultural cooperation and develop-
ciations have been added to the world supranational map. ment among its members underpins the Association of
None are as encompassing in power and purpose as the Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), formed in 1967. A simi-
EU, but all represent a cession of national independence lar, but much less wealthy African example is ECOWAS,
to achieve broader regional goals. the Economic Community of West African States. The
NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in-
launched in 1994 and linking Canada, Mexico, and the cludes China, Japan, Australia, Canada, and the United
United States in an economic community aimed at lower- States among its 18 members and has a grand plan for
ing or removing trade and movement restrictions between “free trade in the Pacific” by 2020. More restricted bilateral
the countries, is perhaps the best known to North Ameri- and regional preferential trade arrangements have also
can students. The Americas as a whole, however, have proliferated, numbering over 400 by 2001 and creating a
other similar associations with comparable trade enhance- maze of rules, tariffs, and commodity agreements that re-
ment objectives, though frequently they—in common sult in trade restrictions and preferences contrary to the
with other world regional alliances—have social, political, free trade intent of the World Trade Organization.

The Political Ordering of Space 473

Some supranational alliances, of course, are more cul- Three further points about regional international al-
tural and political in orientation that these cited agencies. liances are worth noting. The first is that the formation of
The League of Arab States, for example, was established in a coalition in one area often stimulates the creation of an-
1945 primarily to promote social, political, military, and for- other alliance by countries left out of the first. Thus, the
eign policy cooperation among its 22 members (2000). In union of the Inner Six gave rise to the treaty among the
the Western Hemisphere, the Organization of American Outer Seven. Similarly, a counterpart of the Common
States (OAS) founded in 1948 concerns itself largely with Market was the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
social, cultural, human rights, and security matters affect- (CMEA), also known as Comecon, which linked the for-
ing the hemisphere. A similar concern with peace and se- mer communist countries of Eastern Europe and the
curity underlay the Organization of African Unity (OAU) USSR through trade agreements.
formed in 1963 by 32 African countries and, by 2001, ex- Second, the new supranational unions tend to be com-
panded to 53 members and renamed the African Union. posed of contiguous states (Figure 12.27). This was not the
Economic interests, therefore, may motivate the es- case with the recently dissolved empires, which included far-
tablishment of most international alliances, but political, flung territories. Contiguity facilitates the movement of peo-
social, and cultural objectives also figure largely or exclu- ple and goods. Communication and transportation are
sively in many. It seems safe to predict that although the simpler and more effective among adjoining countries than
alliances themselves will change, the idea of single- and among those far removed from one another, and common
multiple-purpose supranational associations has been per- cultural, linguistic, historical, and political traits and interests
manently added to the national political and global reali- are more to be expected in spatially proximate countries.
ties of the 21st century. The world map pattern those Finally, it does not seem to matter whether coun-
alliances create must be recognized and appreciated to un- tries are alike or distinctly different in their economies,
derstand the current international order. as far as joining economic unions is concerned. There are

United States
Atlantic Canada
Mexico Haiti
Belize Dominican Rep.
Guatemala Nicaragua Caricom
El Salvador Venezuela
Costa Rica Guyana
U.S. Panama Suriname
Colombia French
Ecuador Guiana
Canada Economic Unions Bolivia
NAFTA Chile Paraguay
Central American
Common Market
Washington D.C.
United States Community Uruguay
Mercosur Argentina

Andean Falkland


Community Islands
Mexico and Mercosur
associate 0 Km 2,000

(a) (b)

Figure 12.27 (a) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is intended to unite Canada, the United States, and Mexico in a
regional free trade zone. Under the terms of the treaty, tariffs on all agricultural products and thousands of other goods were to be eliminated by
the end of 1999. In addition, all three countries are to ease restrictions on the movement of business executives and professionals. If fully
implemented, the treaty will create one of the world’s richest and largest trading blocs. (b) Western Hemisphere economic unions in 2001. In
addition to these subregional alliances, President George Bush in 1990 proposed a “free trade area of the Americas” to stretch from Alaska to Cape
Horn with, later, a target date of 2005 set for its achievement by international agreement.

474 Landscapes of Functional Organization

examples of both. If the countries are dissimilar, they There are many examples of abortive political
may complement each other. This was one basis for the unions that have foundered precisely because the individ-
European Common Market. Dairy products and furniture ual countries could not agree on questions of policy and
from Denmark are sold in France, freeing that country to were unwilling to subordinate individual interests to make
specialize in the production of machinery and clothing. the union succeed. The United Arab Republic, the Central
On the other hand, countries that produce the same raw African Federation, the Federation of Malaysia and Singa-
materials hope that by joining together in an economic al- pore, and the Federation of the West Indies fall within this
liance, they might be able to enhance their control of category.
markets and prices for their products. The Organization Although many such political associations have
of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), mentioned in failed, observers of the world scene speculate about the
Chapter 8, is a case in point. Other past or present at- possibility that “superstates” will emerge from one or more
tempts to form commodity cartels and price agreements of the economic or political alliances that now exist. Will a
between producing and consuming nations include the “United States of Europe,” for example, under a single gov-
International Tin Agreement, the International Coffee ernment be the logical outcome of the successes of the
Agreement, and others. EU? No one knows, but as long as the individual state is re-
garded as the highest form of political and social organiza-
Military and Political Alliances tion (as it is now) and as the body in which sovereignty
Countries form alliances for other than economic reasons, rests, such total unification does not appear imminent.
as we have seen, including strategic, political, and cultural
considerations that may also foster cooperation. Military
alliances are based on the principle that unity assures
strength. Such pacts usually provide for mutual assistance Local and Regional Political
in the case of aggression. Once again, action breeds reac-
tion when such an association is created. The formation of
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a defen- The most profound contrasts in cultures tend to occur be-
sive alliance of many European countries and the United tween, rather than within, states, one reason political ge-
States, was countered by the establishment of the Warsaw ographers traditionally have been primarily interested in
Treaty Organization, which joined the USSR and its satel- country units. The emphasis on the state, however,
lite countries of Eastern Europe. Both pacts allowed the should not obscure the fact that for most of us it is at that
member states to base armed forces in one another’s terri- local level that we find our most intimate and immediate
tories, a relinquishment of a certain degree of sovereignty contact with government and its influence on the admin-
uncommon in the past. istration of our affairs. In the United States, for example,
Military alliances depend on the perceived common an individual is subject to the decisions and regulations
interests and political goodwill of the countries involved. made by the school board, the municipality, the county,
As political realities change, so do the strategic alliances. the state, and, perhaps, a host of special-purpose
NATO was created to defend Western Europe and North districts—all in addition to the laws and regulations issued
America against the Soviet military threat. When the disso- by the federal government and its agencies. Among other
lution of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact removed that things, local political entities determine where children go
threat, the purpose of the NATO alliance became less clear to school, the minimum size lot on which a person can
and, during the 1990s, its members (19 in 2000) put its re- build a house, and where one may legally park a car. Adja-
lationships with Eastern European states and Russia under cent states of the United States may be characterized by
review. Most of those countries sought ways to foster coop- sharply differing personal and business tax rates; differing
eration with NATO, and three of them—Poland, Hungary, controls on the sale of firearms, alcohol, and tobacco; vari-
and the Czech Republic—joined the alliance in 1999. ant administrative systems for public services; and differ-
All international alliances recognize communities of ent levels of expenditures for them (Figure 12.28).
interest. In economic and military associations, common All of these governmental entities are spatial systems.
objectives are clearly seen and described, and joint actions Because they operate within defined geographic areas and
are agreed on with respect to the achievement of those ob- because they make behavior-governing decisions, they are
jectives. More generalized mutual concerns or appeals to topics of interest to political geographers. In the conclud-
historical interest may be the basis for primarily political ing sections of this chapter we examine two aspects of po-
alliances. Such associations tend to be rather loose, not re- litical organization at the local and regional level. Our
quiring their members to yield much power to the union. emphasis will be on the United States and Canadian scene
Examples are the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly simply because their local political geography is familiar
the British Commonwealth), composed of many former to most of us. We should remember, however, Anglo
British colonies and dominions, and the Organization of American structures of municipal governments, minor
American States, both of which offer economic as well as civil divisions, and special-purpose districts have counter-
political benefits. parts in other regions of the world (Figure 12.29).

The Political Ordering of Space 475

Figure 12.28 The Four Corners Monument, marking the
meeting of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. Jurisdictional
boundaries within countries may be precisely located but are usually
not highly visible in the landscape. At the same time, those
boundaries may be very significant in citizens’ personal affairs and
in the conduct of economic activities.

The Geography of Representation:

The Districting Problem
There are more than 85,000 local governmental units in
the United States. Slightly more than half of these are mu-
nicipalities, townships, and counties. The remainder are
school districts, water-control districts, airport authorities,
sanitary districts, and other special-purpose bodies. Figure 12.29 The Rathaus—city hall—of Munich, Germany.
Around each of these districts, boundaries have been Before the rise of strong central governments, citizens of wealth and
drawn. Although the number of districts does not change power in medieval and renaissance Europe focused their loyalties on
their home cities and created within them municipal buildings and
greatly from year to year, many boundary lines are re-
institutions that would reflect their pride and substance. The city hall
drawn in any single year. was frequently the grandest public building of the community,
For example, the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court in prominently located in the center of town.
1954 in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, that
the doctrine of “separate but equal” school systems was
unconstitutional, led to the redrawing of thousands of at-
tendance boundaries of school districts. Likewise, the often oddly shaped because of such factors as the city lim-
court’s “one person, one vote” ruling in Baker v. Carr its, current population distribution, and transportation
(1962) signified the end of overrepresentation of sparsely routes—as well as past or present gerrymandering.
populated rural districts in state legislatures and led to the Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing the
frequent adjustment of electoral districts within states and boundaries of voting districts so as to unfairly favor one po-
cities to attain roughly equal numbers of voters. Such re- litical party over another, to fragment voting blocs, or to
districting or reapportionment is made necessary by shifts achieve other nondemocratic objectives (Figure 12.30). A
in population, as areas gain or lose people. number of strategies have been employed over the years for
The analysis of how boundaries are drawn around that purpose. Stacked gerrymandering involves drawing cir-
voting districts is one aspect of electoral geography, cuitous boundaries to enclose pockets of strength or weak-
which also addresses the spatial patterns yielded by elec- ness of the group in power; it is what we usually think of as
tion results and their relationship to the socioeconomic “gerrymandering.” The excess vote technique concentrates
characteristics of voters. In a democracy, it might be as- the votes of the opposition in a few districts, which they can
sumed that election districts should contain roughly equal win easily, but leaves them few potential seats elsewhere.
numbers of voters, that electoral districts should be rea- Conversely, the wasted vote strategy dilutes the opposition’s
sonably compact, and that the proportion of elected repre- strength by dividing its votes among a number of districts.
sentatives should correspond to the share of votes cast for Boundary lines can be drawn, therefore, to maximize, mini-
a given political party. In actuality, voting districts are mize, or effectively nullify the power of a group of people.

476 Landscapes of Functional Organization

Figure 12.30 The original gerrymander. The term gerrymander originated in 1812 from the shape of an electoral district formed in
Massachusetts while Elbridge Gerry was governor. When an artist added certain animal features, the district resembled a salamander and quickly
came to be called a gerrymander.

We must remember, of course, that in any large area set of districts may not be those that we want for another.
many groups vie for power. Each electoral interest group For example, sewage districts must take natural drainage
promotes its version of fairness in the way boundaries are features into account, whereas police districts may be
delimited. Minority interests, for example, seek represen- based on the distribution of the population or the number
tation in proportion to their numbers, so that they will be of miles of street to be patrolled, and school attendance
able to elect representatives who are concerned about and zones must consider the numbers of school-aged children
responsive to their needs (see “Voting Rights and Race”). and the capacities of individual schools.
In practice, gerrymandering is not always and auto- As these examples suggest, the United States is sub-
matically successful. First, a districting arrangement that ap- divided into great numbers of political administrative
pears to be unfair may be appealed to the courts. Further, units whose areas of control are spatially limited. The 50
voters are not unthinking party loyalists; key issues may cut states are partitioned into more than 3000 counties
across party lines, scandal may erode, or personal charm in- (“parishes” in Louisiana), most of which are further subdi-
crease, votes unexpectedly; and the amount of candidate fi- vided into townships, each with a still lower level of gov-
nancing or number of campaign workers may determine erning power. This political fragmentation is further
election outcome if compelling issues are absent. increased by the existence of nearly innumerable special-
purpose districts whose boundaries rarely coincide with
The Fragmentation of Political Power the standard major and minor civil divisions of the coun-
Boundary drawing at any electoral level is never easy, try or even with each other (Figure 12.31). Each district
particularly when political groups want to maximize their represents a form of political allocation of territory to
representation and minimize that of opposition groups. achieve a specific aim of local need or legislative intent
Furthermore, the boundaries that we may want for one (see “Too Many Governments”).

The Political Ordering of Space 477

Geography and Public Policy
1991, the Justice Department ordered election district boundaries, nor can
Voting Rights and Race North Carolina to redistrict so that at good-faith efforts to comply with the
Irregularly shaped Congressional vot- least two districts would contain black Voting Rights Act insulate redistrict-
ing districts were created by several majorities. Because of the way the ing plans from constitutional attack.
state legislatures after the 1990 census black population is distributed, the The difficulty in understanding
to make minority representation in only way to form black-majority dis- and complying with the Act is illus-
Congress more closely resemble mi- tricts was to string together in very trated by the fact that although the
nority presence in each state’s total elongated, sinuous belts cities, towns, Supreme Court in 1996 ruled North
population. Most were devised to con- and rural areas. The two newly cre- Carolina’s 12th Congressional District
tain a majority of black votes, but ated districts had slim (53%) black unconstitutional, federal courts in
what opponents called racial gerry- majorities. 1998 and 1999 rejected alternate dis-
mandering was in a few cases utilized The redistricting in North Car- trict designs. Finally, in Easley v. Cro-
to accommodate Hispanic majorities. olina and other states had immediate martie, the Court held in early 2001
All represented a deliberate attempt effects. Black membership in the that a redrawn 12th District met con-
to balance voting rights and race; all House of Representatives increased stitutional requirements and added
were specifically intended to comply from 26 in 1990 to 39 in 1992; blacks that race was a legitimate considera-
with the federal Voting Rights Act of constituted nearly 9% of the House as tion in redistricting as long as it was
1965, which provides that members of against 12% of African Americans in not the “dominant and controlling”
racial minorities shall not have “less the total population. Within a year, one. In Easley, the Court provided
opportunity than other members of those electoral gains were threatened guidance to state legislatures and
the electorate . . . to elect representa- as lawsuits challenging the redistrict- lower federal courts in creating and
tives of their choice.” Because at least ing were filed in a number of states. judging new districts made legally
some of the newly created “minority The chief contention of the plaintiffs necessary by the results of the 2000
majority” districts had such contorted was that the irregular shapes of the census.
boundaries, on appeal by opponents districts were a product of racial ger-
they have at least in part been ruled rymandering and amounted to re- Questions to Consider:
unconstitutional by the Supreme verse discrimination against whites. 1. Do you believe that race should be a
Court. The state legislatures’ honest In June, 1993, a sharply divided consideration in the electoral process?
attempts at fairness and adherence to Supreme Court ruled in Shaw v. Reno Why or why not? If so, do you believe
Congressional mandate contained in that North Carolina’s 12th Congres- that voting districts should be drawn
the Voting Rights Act were held not to sional District may have violated the to increase the likelihood that
meet such other standards as rough constitutional rights of white voters representatives of racial or ethnic
equality of district population size, and ordered a district court to review minorities will win elections?
reasonably compact shape, and avoid- the case. The 5–4 ruling gave evidence 2. With which of the following
ance of disenfranchisement of any that the country had not yet reached arguments in Shaw v. Reno do you
class of voters. The conflicts reflected agreement on how to comply with the agree? Why? “ . . . Racial
the uncertainty of exactly what were Voting Rights Act. It raised a central gerrymandering, even for remedial
the controlling requirements in vot- question: should a state maximize the purposes, may balkanize us into
ing district creation. rights of racial minorities or not take competing racial factions; it threatens
In North Carolina, for example, racial status into consideration? A di- to carry us further from the goal of a
although 22% of the population of the vided Court provided answers in 1995, political system in which race no
state is black, past districting had di- 1996, and 1997 rulings that rejected longer matters.” (Justice Sandra Day
vided black voters among a number of Congressional redistricting maps for O’Connor) “ . . . Legislators will have
districts, with the result that blacks Georgia, Texas, and North Carolina on to take race into account in order to
had not elected a single Congressional the grounds that “race cannot be the avoid dilution of minority voting
representative in the 20th century. In predominant factor” in drawing strength.” (Justice David Souter).

478 Landscapes of Functional Organization

3. One of the candidates in North 4. Blacks apparently face difficult in 1996, were two black incumbents
Carolina’s 12th Congressional District obstacles to being elected in districts from abolished majority-black
said, “I love the district because I can that do not have a black majority, as districts in Georgia—and that white
drive down I-85 with both car doors witness their numerical politicians can and do adequately
open and hit every person in the underrepresentation in most represent the needs of all, including
district.” Given a good transportation legislative bodies. But critics of “racial black, voters in their districts. Do you
and communication network, how gerrymandering” contend that blacks agree? Why or why not?
important is it that voting districts be have been and can continue to be
compact? elected in white-majority districts—as,

Figure 12.31 Political fragmentation in Champaign County, Illinois. The map shows a few of the independent administrative agencies
with separate jurisdictions, responsibilities, and taxing powers in a portion of a single Illinois county. Among the other such agencies forming
the fragmented political landscape are Champaign County itself, a forest preserve district, a public health district, a mental health district, the
county housing authority, and a community college district.

The Political Ordering of Space 479

Too Many Governments

I f you are a property owner in the

In addition to its 102 counties, borrowing and taxing power of local
city of Urbana, Cunningham Town- Illinois houses nearly 1300 municipal- governments to 5% of the assessed
ship, Champaign County, Illinois, ities, over 1400 townships, and nearly value of properties within their juris-
here’s who takes a bite out of your 1000 school districts. But the biggest dictional control. As demands on and
tax dollar: the city, the township, the share of the government unit total are functions of local governments in-
county, the public school district, the the single function special districts. creased over the years with the
community college district, the for- These were up from 2600 in 1982 to growth in population, officials and
est preserve district, the park dis- some 3100 by 2000 with no end to voters financially restricted by the
trict, the sanitary district, the public their increase foreseeable. Special dis- Constitution were forced to create
health district, the mass transit tricts range from Chicago’s massive new taxing bodies—special function
district, and the library district (Fig- Metropolitan Sanitary District to the districts to address specific public
ure 12.31). Caseyville Township Street Lighting needs. In addition to circumventing
The number of administrative District. Champaign County alone municipal debt limitations, such spe-
units levying taxes there does not re- contains 177 separate governments, cial districts also could be adapted
flect Urbana’s population density or including 107 single special function and shaped to serve users without re-
the devious tricks of Champaign districts. Most of them have property- gard to city, township, or county
County politicians. That’s just the way taxing power; some also impose sales boundaries.
things are in Illinois, host to more or utility taxes. The Chicago area For some, the multiple special
governmental units than any other alone has one unit of government for function districts simply duplicate ef-
state in the country. The Census Bu- every 6000 people—five times the forts, assure inefficiencies, and produce
reau reports there are 6835 local ad- ratio in greater Los Angeles and seven both higher costs and higher taxes. For
ministrative entities in Illinois; times the New York City ratio. their supporters, however, park, li-
Pennsylvania is in second place with Blame this Illinois proliferation brary, public health, sanitary, and
just 5070 units—1765 fewer than Illi- party on good intentions. Fearful of other special purpose units fulfill the
nois. The average for all 50 states is overtaxation, the framers of the ideal of government close to the people
only 1750. state’s 1870 constitution limited the and responsive to constituent needs.

The Political Ordering of Space

As the chapter content indicates, the range of topics of Publications Library site. The library’s superb collection
political geographic interest is great. The number of websites of links at the foreign country and international levels
addressing those interests is also large, and no more than a make it an indispensable reference tool. For
few can be suggested here. Most of those cited below are of information about foreign countries and governments,
research and study interest in themselves and have valuable follow its options through “Internet Sources of
links to other organizational home pages.
Information” at
1. At the international level, the Official WEB Site Locator for for/foreign.htm. Access “International Organization
the United Nations System at is of Information” at
obvious interest. It is a catalog of UN system websites ps/gov/int/internat.htm for links to various agencies,
linking directly to agencies by title, by subject matter, and such as the European Union, World Bank, United
by a search program. Links to other international Nations, and others. The World Wide Web Virtual
organizations are also provided. Library page on International Affairs Resources at
Another good place to start locating international provides extensive links
agency and foreign government information is at the categorized by media source type, by organizations, by
University of Colorado at Boulder’s Government topics, and by regions and countries.

480 Landscapes of Functional Organization

For information on more than 250 countries, check organizations have their respective websites: Association
the current edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence of Southeast Asian Nations ( and
Agency’s The World Factbook at Organization of American States ( are
publications/factbook/. It provides geographic, economic, examples.
demographic, governmental, and other data for each The North Atlantic Treaty Organization maintains its
country for the latest year available. Similar though less official home page at with subsites on
extensive information is included through the “Explore” NATO’s structure, documents and library, activities, and
option on the Microstate Network page at links to other international relations sites. That leads to regional and country 4. On the Anglo American scene, most United States and
information worldwide, though of course not all of it is Canadian government agencies have their own home pages
political geographic in content. and, usually, search engines for their own activities and
2. In addition to such general sites as those listed above, the publications and links to related agencies and organizations.
Internet has a number of special topical and organization The United States’ FedWorld Information Network helps
sites related to political geography. A few are cited below. in locating federal government information on-line. It
The Council on Ocean Law site at can be accessed at The Department
is designed to be a reference and documents center of State Foreign Affairs Network (DOSFAN) maintained by
relating to ocean law, to the Law of the Sea Convention, the University of Illinois at Chicago is an indispensable
and to the positions of the United States and other site for research into U.S. foreign policy. Its Electronic
countries relating to international maritime law. Research Collection, including principally archived
The home page of the International Boundaries electronic documents of the State Department and Arms
Research Unit of the University of Durham (www- Control and Disarmament Agency, may be accessed at provides links to several of the Unit’s
resources including its International Boundary News The University of Colorado Libraries site (see above)
Database (, also provides extensive links to United States state
which consists of thousands of documents related to government and municipality resources and pages
international boundaries, and its Boundary-related Links, through
an index of websites related to political borders and allstate.htm. Specialized sites on specific topics, such as
specific border disputes ( the redistricting sites at
The Swiss-maintained ISN International Relations and UTopic_redistrict.html or the Census Bureau’s 2000
Security Network contains documents on current world Redistricting Data Program at
affairs and a useful “links library” at redistricting.html are also available.
The Information Resource Centre of the Canadian The Government of Canada Internet Addresses site at
Forces College displays a Contemporary Conflicts world provides an
map at Each alphabetical list of all departments and agencies of the
place of conflict shown on the map is linked to websites national government and links to their websites. A
for further information. Country information and “Armed categorized Canadian Government Information on the
forces of the world” are also linked to the page. Internet site at
Election Resources on the Internet at Reference/cgii_index-e.html gives more direct access to provides links to sites federal subject matter sites and to provincial and
around the world detailing recent national and local municipal information.
election statistics. 5. In a more specialized vein, the changing and growing
3. A number of special-purpose and regional international role of women in national and regional parliamentary
organizations maintain Internet sites of political assemblies is traced on the Women in National
geographic interest. Only a few can be detailed here. Parliaments web site at
The World Trade Organization is the principal agency Data compiled by the Inter-Parliamentary Union are
of the world’s multilateral trading system. Its home page presented on tables giving world and regional average
gives access to documents discussing international percentage of women members and most recent tallies of
conferences and agreements, reviewing its own women’s participation in separate national legislative bodies.
publications, and summarizing the current state of world Finally, the Association of American Geographers’
trade. Its site is found at Political Geography Specialty Group page may be accessed
Europa at is the under the “Specialty Groups” option on the AAG’s
European Union’s page, accessing basic information on homepage at The group’s site features its
the EU and its constituent institutions, texts of official current newsletter and links to other sites of political
documents and publications, and current European geography interest. And don’t forget to check our own
Union news and statistics. The Council of Europe site at textbook’s home page at for has similar subpages to its activities, official websites added or corrected by the publisher or
texts, and current news releases. Other international contributed by helpful users.

The Political Ordering of Space 481

Canada, a federation of ten provinces and three ter- are to create or preserve coherence in the management of
ritories, has a similar pattern of political subdivision. areawide concerns and to assure that both the problems
Each of the provinces contains minor civil divisions— and the benefits of growth are shared without regard to
municipalities—under provincial control, and all (cities, their jurisdictional locations.
towns, villages, and rural municipalities) are governed by
elected councils. Ontario and Quebec also have counties
that group smaller municipal units for certain purposes.
In general, municipalities are responsible for police and
fire protection, local jails, roads and hospitals, water sup-
ply and sanitation, and schools, duties that are discharged The sovereign state is the dominant entity in the political
either by elected agencies or appointed commissions. subdivision of the world. It constitutes an expression of
Most North Americans live in large and small cities. cultural separation and identity as pervasive as that inher-
In the United States these, too, are subdivided, not only ent in language, religion, or ethnicity. A product of 18th-
into wards or precincts for voting purposes but also into century political philosophy, the idea of the state was
special districts for such functions as fire and police protec- diffused globally by colonizing European powers. In most
tion, water and electricity supply, education, recreation, instances, the colonial boundaries they established have
and sanitation. These districts almost never coincide with been retained as their international boundaries by newly
one another, and the larger the urban area, the greater the independent countries.
proliferation of small, special-purpose governing and taxing The greatly varying physical characteristics of states
units. Although no Canadian community has quite the mul- contribute to national strength and stability. Size, shape,
tiplication of governmental entities plaguing many U.S. set- and relative location influence countries’ economies and
tlements, major Canadian cities may find themselves with international roles, while national cores and capitals are
complex and growing systems of similar nature. Even be- the heartlands of states. Boundaries, the legal definition of
fore its major expansion on January 1, 1998, for example, a state’s size and shape, determine the limits of its sover-
Metropolitan Toronto had more than 100 identified authori- eignty. They may or may not reflect preexisting cultural
ties that could be classified as “local governments.” landscapes and in any given case may or may not prove to
The existence of such a great number of districts in be viable. Whatever their nature, boundaries are at the
metropolitan areas may cause inefficiency in public services root of many international disputes. Maritime boundary
and hinder the orderly use of space. Zoning ordinances, for claims, particularly as reflected in the UN Convention on
example, controlling the uses to which land may be put, are the Law of the Sea, add a new dimension to traditional
determined by each municipality. Unfortunately, in large claims of territorial sovereignty.
urban areas, the efforts of one community may be hindered State cohesiveness is promoted by a number of cen-
by the practices of neighboring communities. Thus land tripetal forces. Among these are national symbols, a variety
zoned for an industrial park or shopping mall in one city of institutions, and confidence in the aims, organization,
may abut land zoned for single-family residences in an ad- and administration of government. Also helping to foster
joining municipality. Each community pursues its own in- political and economic integration are transportation and
terests, which may not coincide with those of its neighbors communication connections. Destabilizing centrifugal
or the larger region. Inefficiency and duplication of effort forces, particularly ethnically based separatist movements,
characterize not just zoning but many of the services pro- threaten the cohesion and stability of many states.
vided by local governments, and many professionals think Although the state remains central to the partition-
that at least such matters as the provision of health care fa- ing of the world, a broadening array of political entities af-
cilities, electricity and water, transportation, and recre- fects people individually and collectively. Recent decades
ational space that affect the whole region should be under have seen a significant increase in supranationalism, in
the control of a single unified metropolitan government. the form of a number and variety of global and regional al-
The growth in the number and size of metropolitan liances to which states have surrendered some sovereign
areas has increased awareness of the problems of their ad- powers. At the other end of the spectrum, expanding
ministrative fragmentation. In response, new approaches Anglo American urban areas and governmental responsi-
to the integration of those areas have been proposed and bilities raise questions of fairness in districting procedures
adopted. The aims of all plans of metropolitan government and of effectiveness when political power is fragmented.

Key Words
antecedent boundary 458 centripetal force 460 consequent (ethnographic)
autonomous nationalism 464 compact state 452 boundary 458
centrifugal force 460 containment 466

482 Landscapes of Functional Organization

core area 455 geopolitics 466 regionalism 465
devolution 464 gerrymandering 476 relic boundary 459
domino theory 466 heartland theory 466 resource dispute 460
electoral geography 476 irredentism 460 rimland theory 466
elongated state 452 nation 448 separatism 464
enclave 454 nationalism 460 state 447
European Union (EU) 472 nation-state 448 subsequent boundary 458
exclave 452 natural (physical) boundary 457 superimposed boundary 458
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) 469 perforated state 454 supranationalism 468
fragmented state 452 political geography 446 territorial dispute 459
functional dispute 460 positional dispute 459 United Nations Convention on the Law
geometric (artificial) boundary 458 prorupt state 452 of the Sea 469

For Review
1. What are the differences between consequences of the concept of 8. How did MacKinder and Spykman
a state, a nation, and a nation-state? the 200-nm exclusive economic differ in their assessments of
Why is a colony not a state? How zone? Eurasia as a likely base for world
can one account for the rapid 5. Distinguish between centripetal conquest? What post-1945
increase in the number of states and centrifugal political forces. developments suggest that there
since World War II? What are some of the ways may be no enduring correlation
2. What attributes differentiate states national cohesion and identity are between location and national
from one another? How do a achieved? power?
country’s size and shape affect its 6. What characteristics are common 9. Why does it matter how boundaries
power and stability? Can a piece to all or most regional autonomist are drawn around electoral
of land be both an enclave and an movements? Where are some of districts? Theoretically, is it always
exclave? these movements active? Why do possible to delimit boundaries
3. How may boundaries be they tend to be on the periphery “fairly”? Support your answer.
classified? How do they create rather than at the national core? 10. What reasons can you suggest for
opportunities for conflict? 7. What types of international the great political fragmentation
Describe and give examples of organizations and alliances can of the United States? What
three types of border disputes. you name? What were the problems stem from such
4. How does the United Nations purposes of their establishment? fragmentation? Describe two
Convention on the Law of the Sea What generalizations can you approaches to insuring the more
define zones of diminishing make regarding economic efficient administration of large
national control? What are the alliances? urban areas.

Focus Follow-up
1. What are the types and the limits of states’ authority and Older geopolitical theories of state
geographic characteristics of underlie many international military power projection have
countries and the nature of disputes. been modified by concepts of
their boundaries? pp. 446–460. 2. How do states maintain economic rivalry and conflicting
States are internationally cohesiveness, instill cultural ideals.
recognized independent political nationalism, and project power 3. Why are international alliances
entities. When culturally internationally? pp. 460–467. proliferating and what
uniform they may be termed Cohesivensss is fostered through objectives do they espouse and
nation-states. Their varying unifying institutions, education, serve? pp. 467–475.
physical characteristics of size, and efficient transport and In an economically and
shape, and location have communication systems. It may technologically changing world,
implications for national power be eroded by minority group alliances are presumed to
and cohesion. Boundaries define separatist wishes and tendencies. increase the security and

The Political Ordering of Space 483

prosperity of states. The UN 4. What problems are evident in districts all have defined and
claims to represent and promote defining local political often overlapping boundaries and
worldwide cooperation; its Law of divisions in Anglo America functions. Voting rights,
the Sea regulates use and claims and what solutions have been reapportionment, and local
of the world’s oceans. Regional proposed or instituted? political boundary adjustments
alliances involving some pp. 475–482. represent areas of continuing
reduction of national The great political fragmentation political concern and dispute. In
independence promote economic, within, particularly, the United the United States, racial
military, or political objectives of States reflects the creation of gerrymandering is a current legal
groups of states related spatially special purpose units to satisfy a issue in voting district definition.
or ideologically. They are local or administrative need.
expressions of the growing trend States, counties, townships, cities,
toward supranationalism in and innumerable special purpose
international affairs.

Selected References
Agnew, John. Geopolitics: Re-Visioning Gibb, Richard, and Mark Wise. The “The Rise of Europe’s Little Nations.”
World Politics. New York: Routledge, European Union. London: Edward The Wilson Quarterly 18, no. 1 (1994):
1998. Arnold, 2000. 50–81.
Berdun, M., Montserrat Guibernau. Glassner, Martin I. Political Geography. Scholfield, Clive H., ed. Global
Nations Without States. Cambridge, 2d ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Boundaries. World Boundaries Series,
Mass.: Blackwell, 1999. 1996. vol. 1. London: Routledge, 1994.
Blake, Gerald H., ed. Maritime Hartshorne, Richard. “The Functional Shelley, Fred M., J. Clark Archer, Fiona
Boundaries. London and New York: Approach in Political Geography.” M. Davidson, and Stanley D. Brunn.
Routledge, 1994. Annals of the Association of American Political Geography of the United
Blouet, Brian W. Geopolitics and Geographers 40 (1950): 95–130. States. New York: Guilford
Globalization in the Twentieth Century. Hooson, David, ed. Geography and Publications, 1996.
London: Reaktion Books, 2001. National Identity. Oxford, England: Short, John R. An Introduction to Political
Boyd, Andrew. An Atlas of World Affairs. Blackwell Publishers, 1994. Geography. 2d ed. New York:
10th ed. New York: Routledge, 1998. Michalak, Wieslaw, and Richard Gibb. Routledge, 1993.
Chinn, Jeff, and Robert Kaiser. Russians “Trading Blocs and Multilateralism in Spencer, Metta, ed. Separatism:
as the New Minority: Ethnicity and the World Economy.” Annals of the Democracy and Disintegration.
Nationalism in the Soviet Successor Association of American Geographers Lanham, Md.: Rowman and
States. Boulder, Colo.: Westview 87, no. 2 (1997): 264–279. Littlefield, 1998.
Press, 1996. Minahan, James. Nations Without States: Taylor, Peter J., ed. World Government.
Demko, George J., and William B. A Historical Dictionary of Rev. ed. The Illustrated Encyclopedia
Wood, eds. Reordering the World: Contemporary National Movements. of World Geography. New York:
Geopolitical Perspectives on the Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Twenty-First Century. 2d ed. Boulder, 1996. Taylor, Peter J., and Colin Flint. Political
Colo.: Westview Press, 1999. Morrill, Richard. “Gerrymandering.” Geography: World-Economy, Nation-
Elbow, Gary S. “Regional Cooperation in Focus 41, no. 3 (Fall, 1991): 23–27. State and Locality. 4th ed. New York:
the Caribbean: The Association of Newhouse, John. “Europe’s Rising John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
Caribbean States.” Journal of Regionalism.” Foreign Affairs 76 Williams, Allan M. The European
Geography 96, no. 1 (1997): 13–22. (January/February 1997): 67–84. Community: The Contradiction of
Gibb, Richard, and Wieslaw Michalak, O’Loughlin, John, ed. Dictionary of Integration. 2d ed. Oxford, England:
eds. Continental Trading Blocs: The Geopolitics. Westport, Conn.: Basil Blackwell, 1994.
Growth of Regionalism in the World Greenwood Publishing Group, 1994.
Economy. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1994.

484 Landscapes of Functional Organization


Human Impacts
on Natural Systems

villagers hope to
advancing sand
set in motion by
desertification at
the margin of the

Focus Preview
1. Climates and biomes: problems of global 3. Problems of water supply and water quality,
warming, acid rain, and ozone change, pp. 510–515.
pp. 488–501. 4. Disposal of solid and toxic wastes, pp. 515–524.
2. Abuses of land and vegetation: deforestation,
desertification, and soil erosion, pp. 502–510.

W hen the daily tides come in, a surge of water
high as a person’s head moves up the rivers
and creeks of the world’s largest delta, formed
where the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers meet the
Physical Environments
and Cultural Impacts
The people of the chars live with an immediate environ-
mental contact that is not known to most of us in the
Bay of Bengal in the South Asian country of highly developed, highly urbanized countries of the world.
In fact, much of the content of the preceding chapters has
Bangladesh. Within that Wisconsin-sized country
detailed ways that humans isolate themselves from the
that is one-fifth water, millions of people live on
physical environment and how they superimpose cultural
thousands of alluvial islands known as “chars.” landscapes on it to accommodate the growing needs of
These form from the silt of the rivers and are their growing numbers.
washed away by their currents and by the force of Many cultural landscape changes are minor in them-
cyclones that roar upstream from the bay during selves. The forest clearing for swidden agriculture or the ter-
the annual cyclone period. As the chars are swept racing of hillsides for subsistence farming are modest
away so, too, are thousands and tens of thousands of alterations of nature. Plowing and farming the prairies, har-
their land-hungry occupants who fiercely battled nessing major river systems by dams and reservoirs, build-
each other with knives and clubs to claim and ing cities and their connecting highways, or opening vast
cultivate them. open-pit mines (Figure 13.1) are much more substantial
Late in April of 1991, an atmospheric low- modifications. In some cases the new landscapes are appar-
ently completely divorced from the natural ones which pre-
pressure area moved across the Malay Peninsula
ceded them—as in enclosed, air-conditioned shopping malls
of Southeast Asia and gained strength in the Bay
and office towers. The original minor modifications have cu-
of Bengal, generating winds of nearly mulatively become totally new cultural creations.
240 kilometers (150 miles) per hour. As it moved But suppression of the physical landscape does not
northward the storm sucked up and drew along mean eradication of human-environmental interactions.
with it a wall of water 6 meters (20 feet) high. At They continue, though in altered form, as humans in-
1:00 A.M. on April 30, with a full moon and highest creasingly become the active and dominant agents of en-
tides, the cyclone and its battering ram of water vironmental change. More often than not, the changes
slammed across the chars and the deltaic we have set in motion create unplanned cultural land-
mainland. When it had passed, some of the richest scapes and unwanted environmental conditions. We
rice fields in Asia were gray with the salt that have altered our climates, polluted our air and water and
ruined them, islands totally covered with paddies soil, destroyed natural vegetation and land contours
while stripping ores and fuels from the earth. At the
were left as giant sand dunes, others—densely
same time, we have found it increasingly difficult and
populated—simply disappeared beneath the
costly to provide with food and resources our growing
swirling waters. An estimated 200,000 lives were populations. Such adverse consequences of human im-
lost to the storm and to subsequent starvation, pact on the environment are fundamental elements in
disease, and exposure. our human geographic study. They are the unforeseen
Each year lesser variants of the tragedy are creations of the landscapes of culture we have been ex-
repeated; each year survivors return to rebuild their amining and analyzing.
lives on old land or new, still left after the storms or Environment is an overworked word that means
created as the floods ease and some of the annual the totality of things that in any way affect an organism.
2.5 billion tons of river-borne silt is deposited to Humans exist within a natural environment—the sum of
form new chars. Deforestation in the Himalayan the physical world—that they have modified by their indi-
headwaters of the rivers increases erosion there and vidual and collective actions. Those actions include clear-
ing forests, plowing grasslands, building dams, and
swells the volume of silt flowing into Bangladesh.
constructing cities. On the natural environment, then, we
Dams on the Ganges River in India alter normal
have erected our cultural environment, modifying, alter-
flow patterns, releasing more water during floods ing, or destroying the conditions of nature that existed be-
and increasing silt deposits during seasonal fore human impact was expressed.
droughts. And, always, population growth adds to Even in the absence of humans, those conditions
the number of desperate people seeking homes and were marked by constant alteration and adjustment that
fields on lands more safely left as the realm of river nonetheless preserved intact the biosphere (or
and sea. ecosphere), the thin film of air, water, and earth within

488 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Figure 13.1 The Bingham Canyon open-pit copper mine in Utah is one of the largest human-made holes on earth. It measures over
450 meters (1500 feet) deep and involves operations covering more than 4000 hectares (10,000 acres). Giant machinery and intensive application
of capital and energy make possible such monumental reshapings of contours and landscapes.

which we live. This biosphere is composed of three inter- absence of humans and their distorting impacts. Climatic
related parts: (1) the atmosphere, a light blanket of air en- change, year-to-year variations in weather patterns, fires,
veloping the earth, with more than half of its mass within windstorms, floods, diseases, or the unexplained rise and
6.5 kilometers (4 miles) of the surface and 98% within fall of predator and prey populations all call for new envi-
26 km (16 mi); (2) the hydrosphere, the surface and subsur- ronmental configurations and forever prevent the estab-
face waters in oceans, rivers, lakes, glaciers, and ground- lishment of a single, constant “balance of nature.”
water; and (3) the lithosphere, the upper reaches of the Remember that we began to track cultural geo-
earth’s crust containing the soils that support plant life, graphic patterns from the end of the last continental
the minerals that plants and animals require for life, and glaciation, some 11,000 years ago. Our starting point,
the fossil fuels and ores that humans exploit. then, was a time of environmental change when humans
The biosphere is an intricately interlocked system, were too few in number and primitive in technology to
containing all that is needed for life, all that is available have had any impact on the larger structure of the bio-
for life to use, and, presumably, all that ever will be avail- sphere. Their numbers increased and their technologies
able. The ingredients of the thin ecosphere must be and became vastly more sophisticated and intrusive with the
are constantly recycled and renewed in nature: plants pu- passage of time, but for nearly all of the period of cultural
rify the air; the air helps to purify the water; plants and development to modern times human impact on the
animals use the water and the minerals, which are re- world environment was absorbed and accommodated by it
turned to the system for reuse. Anything that upsets the with no more than local distress. The rhythm and the reg-
interplay of the ecosphere or diminishes its ability to recy- ularity of larger global systems proceeded largely unaf-
cle itself or to sustain life endangers all organisms within fected by people.
it, including humans. Over the millennia since the last glaciation—with a
few periods of unusual warming or cooling as the
exceptions—a relatively stable pattern of climatic regions
Climates, Biomes, and Change emerged, a global system of environmental conditions
within which human cultures developed and differentiated.
The structure of the ecosphere is not eternal and un- That pattern reflected enduring physical controls and bal-
changing. On the contrary, alteration is the constant rule ances: the tilt of the earth’s axis; the earth’s rotation and its
of the physical environment and would be so even in the movement about the sun; its receipt of energy from the sun

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 489

and the seasonal variations in energy effectiveness in the warmth of the tropical (equatorial) regions is replaced by
Northern and Southern Hemispheres; the reradiation of the seasonal temperature variations of the midlatitudes,
some of that received energy back through the atmosphere where land and water contrasts also affect the tempera-
in the form of heat (Figure 13.2); and, in finer detail, the tures recorded even at the same latitude. Summers be-
pattern of land and water distribution and of ocean and at- come cooler and shorter farther towards the poles until,
mospheric currents. finally, permanent ice cap conditions prevail. Precipita-
In combination these and other controls determine tion patterns are more complexly determined than are
global patterns of temperature and precipitation, the basic those of temperature but are important constituents of re-
variables in world climatic systems. The continual gional environmental variation.



Figure 13.2 Incoming solar energy is indicated by the yellow arrows in (a). Because of the tilt of the earth’s axis, the most intense of the
sun’s rays are received north of the equator in June and south of the equator in December. The tilt plus the earth’s daily rotation on its axis also
means that every point in the Northern (or Southern) Hemisphere summer has more hours of daylight than of darkness each day. The more direct
rays received over longer daylight periods assure seasonal differences in hemispheric heating and cooling. (b) Consider the incoming solar
radiation as 100%. The portion that is absorbed into the earth (50%) is eventually released to the atmosphere and then reradiated into space. Notice
that the outgoing radiation is equal to 100%, showing that there is an energy balance on the earth. Percentages shown are estimated averages.

490 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

The pattern of global climates that these physical But slowly, unnoticed at first, human activity began to
controls established (Figure 13.3) was, at the same time, have a global impact, carrying the consequences of cul-
a pattern of biomes. Biomes are major communities of tural abuse of the biosphere far beyond the local scene.
plants and animals occupying extensive areas of the The atmosphere, the one part of the biosphere that all the
earth’s surface in response to climatic conditions. We world shares, began to react measurably during the last
know them by such descriptive names as desert, grass- half of the 20th century to damage that humans had done
land or steppe or as the tropical rain forest and northern to it since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in
coniferous forest that we met in Chapter 8. Biomes, in the 18th century. If those reactions prove permanent and
turn, contain smaller, more specialized ecosystems: cumulative, then established patterns of climates and the
self-contained, self-regulating, and interacting communi- biomes based on them are destined to be altered in funda-
ties adapted to local combinations of climate, topogra- mental ways.
phy, soil, and drainage conditions. At first it appeared the danger was from over-cooling,
Ecosystems were the first to feel the destructive hand an onset of a new glacial stage. The cause is implicit in
of humans and the cultural landscapes they made. We saw Figure 13.2b. Part of incoming solar energy is intercepted
in Chapter 2 the results of human abuse of the local envi- by clouds and by solid and liquid particles—aerosols—and
ronment in the Chaco Canyon and Easter Island deforesta- reradiated back to space. An increase in reflectors de-
tions. Forest removal, overgrazing, and ill-considered creases energy receipts at the earth’s surface, and a cool-
agriculture turned lush hillsides of the Mediterranean ing effect, the icebox effect, is inevitable. Aerosols are
Basin into sterile and impoverished landscapes by the end naturally injected into the atmosphere from such sources
of the Roman Empire. Other similar local and even re- as dust storms, forest fires, or volcanos. Indeed, increases
gional alterations of natural environmental conditions oc- in volcanic eruptions are thought by some not only to be
curred and increased as humans multiplied and exerted triggering events for years-long cooling cycles but possibly
growing pressure on the resources and food potentials of even for ice age development itself. The famous “year
the areas they occupied. without a summer,” 1816, when snow fell in June in New
At a global scale, however, human impact was mini- England and frost occurred in July, was probably the cli-
mal. Long-term and short-term deviations from average matic reflection of the 1815 eruption of the Indonesian
conditions were induced by natural, not cultural, condi- volcano, Tambora. That explosion ejected an estimated
tions (Figure 13.4; see also “Our Inconstant Climates”). 200 million tons of gaseous aerosols—water vapor, sulfur

Figure 13.3 Climates of the world. Complex interrelationships of latitude, land and water contrasts, ocean currents, topography, and wind
circulation make the global pattern of climates more intricate than this generalized map reveals.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 491

Figure 13.4 The pattern of precipitation variability. Note that regions of low total precipitation tend to have high variability. In general,
the lower the amount of long-term annual precipitation, the lower is the probability that the “average” will be recorded in any single year. Short-
run variability and long-term progressive change in climatic conditions are the rule of nature and occur independent of any human influence.

dioxide, hydrogen chloride, and others—and upward of of climates established as the expected norm over the past
50 cubic kilometers (30 cubic miles) of dust and ash into few decades. Other scientifically plausible evidence, how-
the atmosphere. The reflective cooling effect lasted for ever, suggests that concerns and reactions based on the
years. (A similar, but less extreme, Northern Hemi- fear of human-induced global warming, acid precipitation,
sphere summer temperature drop in the early 1990s was and ozone destruction are exaggerated and in large mea-
attributed to the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the sure unwarranted.
Philippines in 1991.)
Aerosols in solid and gaseous form are products of Global Warming
human activities as well. Ever-increasing amounts of them To those who fear its reality, the evidence of global atmo-
are ejected from the smoke stacks of factories, power spheric warming seems compelling and modern civiliza-
plants, and city buildings and from the tail pipes of vehi- tion’s role in its occurrence appears easily traced.
cles and exhaust plumes of jet aircraft. The global cooling Humankind’s massive assault on the atmosphere presum-
that became noticeable by the late 1940s seemed to ably began with the Industrial Revolution. First coal and
presage a new ice age, partly the product of natural condi- then increasing amounts of petroleum and natural gas
tions but hastened and deepened by human pressures have been burned to power industry, heat and cool cities,
upon the atmosphere. and drive vehicles. Their burning has turned fuels into
The fears those pressures generated began to be re- carbon dioxide and water vapor. At the same time, the
placed, in the 1980s, by a three-part package of different world’s forest lands—most recently its tropical rain
concerns: (1) a global warming caused by the “green- forests—have been destroyed wholesale by logging and to
house” effect, (2) acid rain, and (3) ozone depletion. clear land for agriculture. With more carbon dioxide in the
These, too, are presumed threats ascribed to human intro- atmosphere and fewer trees to capture the carbon and
duction into the atmosphere of kinds and amounts of ma- produce oxygen, carbon dioxide levels have risen steadily.
terials that natural systems apparently cannot handle or The role of trees in managing the carbon cycle is sim-
recycle. Some lines of evidence and projections based on ple: Probably more than half the carbon dioxide put into the
them indicate that these changing conditions may well atmosphere by burning fossil fuels is absorbed by the earth’s
alter the composition of the atmosphere and the pattern oceans, plants, and soil. The rest of the carbon dioxide

492 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Our Inconstant Climates

I n 1125 William of Malmesbury fa-

climates under which they came to in Africa and Asia; and unexpected
vorably compared the number and power. Climatic change certainly al- freezes altered crop patterns in Latin
productivity of the vineyards of En- tered the established structure of Eu- America.
gland with those of France; England ropean society when, between 1550 This time, humans were aware
has almost no vineyards today. In the and 1850, a “little ice age” descended that changes in the great natural sys-
10th century, the Vikings established on the Northern Hemisphere. Arctic tems were partly traceable to things
successful colonies in Greenland; by ice expanded, glaciers advanced, that they themselves were doing. The
1250, that island was practically cut off Alpine passes were closed to traffic, problem was, they were doing so
by extensive drift ice, and by the early and crop failures and starvation were many things, with such contrary con-
15th century its colonies were forgot- common in much of Europe. Systems sequences, that the combined and cu-
ten and dead. The “little climatic opti- of agriculture, patterns of trade, de- mulative impact was unclear. One
mum,” which lasted from A.D. 800 to signs of buildings, styles of clothing, scenario predicted the planet would
1200, was marked by the warmest cli- and rhythms of life responded to cli- slowly cool over the next few centuries
mate that had occurred in the North- matic conditions vastly less favorable and enter a new ice age, helped along
ern Hemisphere for several thousand than those of the preceding centuries. that path by the large amount of soot
years. Glaciers retreated and agricul- A new pronounced warming and dust in the atmosphere traceable
tural settlement spread throughout Eu- trend began about 1890 and lasted to to human activity that prevents in-
rope. Those permissive conditions the early 1940s. During that period, coming solar energy from reaching
were not to last, however. Change and the margin of agriculture was ex- and warming the earth. A quite differ-
fluctuation in environmental condi- tended northward, the pattern of ent scenario foretold a planet warm-
tions are the rules of nature. commercial fishing shifted poleward, ing dangerously as different human
In recent years archaeologists and the reliability of crop yields in- stresses on the atmosphere overcame a
and historians have found evidence creased. But by the 1950s, natural natural cycle of cooling. Instead of na-
that ancient seats of power—such as conditions again seemed poised to ture’s refrigerator, a man-made sauna
Sumeria in the Middle East, Mycenae change. From the late 1940s to the may be the more likely prospect. A
in southern Greece, the Maya civiliza- 1970s, the mean temperature of the third conclusion maintains that funda-
tion in Yucatán, and Mali in Africa— globe declined. The growing season mental climatic changes result from
may have fallen not to barbarians but in England became two weeks natural conditions essentially unaf-
to unfavorable alterations in the shorter; disastrous droughts occurred fected by human activities.

remains in the atmosphere where it traps earth heat radia- absorption and retention provided by carbon dioxide and
tion. In theory, atmospheric carbon dioxide could be re- water vapor, energy reradiated by the globe would pass
duced by expanding plant carbon reservoirs, or “sinks,” on through the atmosphere and be lost in space; earth tem-
land. Under actual circumstances of expanded combustion peratures would fluctuate widely as they do on airless
of fuels and reduction of forest cover, atmospheric carbon Mars, and plant and animal life as we know it could not
dioxide levels now total well over 200% of their amounts at exist. The “greenhouse effect” that is of recent concern is
the start of the Industrial Revolution and continue to rise. the increased absorption of long-wave radiation from the
The International Energy Agency predicts that annual emis- earth’s surface induced by the apparent increase in atmo-
sions in 2010 will be 49% above their 1990 level. spheric carbon dioxide concentrations. That greenhouse
That extra carbon dioxide makes the atmosphere just effect is far less benign and nurturing than the name im-
a bit less transparent to the long-wave heat energy radi- plies (Figure 13.5). Slowly but inexorably the retained
ated back into space from the earth. Along with three heat raises the average temperature of the earth; slowly
other partially man-made gases (methane, nitrous oxides, but unavoidably, if the process continues, new patterns of
and chlorofluorocarbons), the carbon dioxide traps the climates and biomes must result.
heat before it can escape. That so-called greenhouse During the first century of the Industrial Revolution,
effect is a natural condition and a necessary element in from 1780 to 1880, mean global temperature rose 0.3° Cel-
earth’s heat budget. Without the atmospheric heat sius (0.5° Fahrenheit). In the next hundred years—even

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 493

(a) (b)

Figure 13.5 Creating the greenhouse effect. When the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air is low, as in (a), incoming solar radiation
strikes the earth’s surface, heating it up, and the earth radiates the energy back into space as heat. The greenhouse effect, depicted in (b), is the
result of the more than 6 billion tons of CO2 that the burning of fossil fuels adds to the atmosphere each year. The carbon dioxide molecules
intercept some of the reradiated energy, deflecting it groundward and preventing it from escaping from the atmosphere.

allowing for a slight cooling between 1945 and 1975—aver- the international Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
age temperatures increased about 0.6° C (a bit over 1° F). Change of 2° C (3.6° F) over the next century, the effects
They rose another half degree Celsius in the last half of upon world climates could be profound. The panel, a
the 1980s alone. Apparently the rate of heating was in- United Nations and World Meteorological Organization
creasing. The 20th was the warmest century for the past group of 2000 scientists from around the world, was es-
600 years, and although its 10 warmest years globally tablished in 1988 to assess the science of climate change,
(1998, 1934, 1999, 1921, 1931, 1990, 1953, 1954, 1939, determine the impact of any changes on the environ-
1987) were not concentrated at its end, 4 of the 10 came ment and society, and formulate strategies to respond.
in its last 15 years. Variations from global averages gave Its “worst-case” scenario concluded that temperatures
some world regions differing sets of warmest years, in could rise by 6.3° F by 2100. That same investigative
some instances—as in the United States—more clustered agency in 2001 warned of an even more serious set of
near the end of the century. possibilities: increases of 2.5° F probable and 10.4° F
Because of the time lag in developing the green- worst-case over the same time span. But the outcomes
house effect, temperatures would continue to rise even if under either the earlier or later year’s forecast are not
carbon dioxide amounts were stabilized at today’s levels. clearly foreseeable; climate prediction is not an exact
If temperatures rise by the 1995 “best estimate” made by science.

494 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

The role of humans in global warming has been dis- dry areas, such as Africa’s Sahel, and increase rainfall in
puted. Skeptics note that nearly half the observed atmo- some already wet areas—although traditionally damp En-
spheric warming occurred before 1940 even though almost gland’s extended period of dry weather during the middle
all the increased production of carbon dioxide and other and late 1990s has also been attributed to global warming.
greenhouse gases came after that date. Doubters further Almost certainly, much of the continental interiors of
note that every millennium since the end of the last Ice middle latitudes would receive less precipitation than
Age has had one or two centuries in which temperatures they do now and suffer at least periodic drought if not ab-
have risen by at least as much as they have in the last cen- solute aridity. Precipitation might decline by as much as
tury. It is reasonable, they claim, to assume that recent at- 40% in the U.S. corn and wheat belts, drastically reducing
mospheric temperature increases are part of a natural agricultural productivity, bringing to near ruin the rural
warming cycle and have nothing to do with carbon diox- economy, and altering world patterns of food supply and
ide. Further, they point out, increases in temperatures trade (Figure 13.6). That same 40% reduction of rainfall
recorded at terrestrial observation stations were inevitable would translate into significantly reduced flows of such
but misleading. Many weather stations originally sited in western rivers as the Colorado, cutting back the water
rural areas have, through urban expansion, now been supply of major southwestern cities and irrigated farming
made part of recognized city “heat islands.” The result, the districts.
climate-change skeptics maintain, has been a distortion of Climate change may also be expressed as short-term
officially recorded long-term temperature trends and a extremes of weather. Temperature and precipitation
false suggestion of steadily rising temperatures. records from 1980 through the 1990s show the incidence
Those arguments were countered by the Intergov- of extreme one-day precipitation, overall precipitation,
ernmental Panel’s conclusion that the warming of the last above-normal temperatures, and drought have risen in
century, and especially of the last few years, “is unlikely many parts of the United States. Those increases in
to be entirely due to natural causes, and . . . a pattern of weather extremes—the eastern states’ drought of 1999 is a
climatic response to human activities is identifiable in the recent example—are directly attributable, scientists con-
climatic record.” A 2001 U.S. National Academy of Science clude, to the increase in greenhouse gases.
review of available evidence reached the same conclu- On the global and long-term scales, of course, some
sion: that “Greenhouse gases are accumulating in Earth’s areas would benefit from general temperature rises.
atmosphere as a result of human activities.” Parts of Russia, Scandinavia, and Canada would get
Whatever the attributable causes of global heating, longer growing seasons; indeed, by the end of the 1990s,
climatologists agree on certain of its general conse- the growing season north of 45° N already was 12 days
quences should it continue. Increases in sea tempera- longer than it had been earlier in the century and sum-
tures would cause ocean waters to expand slightly and mer temperatures in Siberia were their warmest in
the polar ice caps to melt at least a bit. The prospect of
Arctic ice melt, at least, already gives sign of reality. Be-
tween 1978 and 2000, the coverage of Arctic sea ice in
winter decreased by 6%—equivalent to an area the size of
Texas. Further, the average thickness of Arctic ice over
the same period declined by 42%, from 3.1 to 1.8 meters
(10.2 to 5.9 ft), and research reports suggest the possibil-
ity of its complete disappearance by the middle of the
21st century. More serious consequences would result
from the simultaneously observed melting of the Green-
land ice sheet and the rapid retreat or total melting of gla-
ciers throughout the world. Melting sea ice would have
no effect on sea levels; water melted from continental
sources, however, is added to ocean volumes. Inevitably,
sea levels would rise, perhaps 0.5 to 3 meters (1.5 to 10
feet) or more within a hundred years. Even a conserva-
tive 1-meter (3-foot) rise would be enough to cover the
Maldives and other low-lying island countries. The homes
of between 50 and 100 million people would be inun- Figure 13.6 Many climatologists noted that the parched corn
dated, a fifth of Egypt’s arable land in the Nile Delta fields in the U.S. Midwest during the summer of 1988 were a sample
would be flooded, and the impact on the people of the of what could be expected on a recurring basis if a worst-case
scenario of global warming were to be realized. In actuality, the 1988
Bangladesh chars would be catastrophic.
drought was a natural climatic fluctuation—much like the abundant
Other water problems would result from changes in rain and floods of 1993 and the varying wet and dry periods during
precipitation patterns. Shifts in weather conditions might following years—but an event whose probability of recurrence is
well increase the aridity of some of the world’s already increased by the long-term accumulation of greenhouse gases.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 495

1000 years. In North America, crop patterns could shift major international conferences and treaty proposals of
northward, making the northern Great Lakes states and the 1990s seeking to address and limit the dangers prophe-
Canada the favored agricultural heartland climatically, sied (see “Climate Change Summits”).
though without the soil base supporting the present pat- Despite the intuitive response that remedial efforts
terns and volumes of production. Global warming would are needed to avert the problems foreseen, economic
tend to reduce latitudinal differences in temperature; analyses have suggested that it would be far more expen-
higher latitudes would become relatively more heated sive to radically cut carbon dioxide emissions than just to
than equatorial regions. pay the costs of adjustment to the predicted temperature
These are generally (but not completely) agreed increases. And it is not certain that even accepting the
upon scenarios of change, but local details are highly un- very high costs of the Kyoto Protocol would yield signifi-
certain. Temperature differences are the engine driving cant results. A model by one of the Climate Change
the global circulation of winds and ocean currents and Panel’s lead authors, indeed, predicts that the Treaty if
help create conditions inducing or inhibiting winter and fully implemented would only lower the expected tem-
summer precipitation and daily weather conditions. Ex- perature increase of 2.1° C in 2100 to an increase of
actly how those vital climatic details would express them- 1.9° C instead—or, that is, to postpone anticipated 2094
selves locally and regionally is uncertain since the best of temperatures by just 6 years to 2100.
current climate models are still unable to project those de- A cautionary note is needed. A scenario of general
tails reliably at those scales. The only realistic certainty is global warming through a human-induced greenhouse ef-
that the patterns of climates and biomes developed since fect may be countered by an equally plausible outline of
the last glaciation and shown on Figure 13.3 would be the ecological and cultural consequences of a replen-
drastically altered. ished Northern Hemisphere glacial cover. The onset of a
Global warming and climatic change would impact new ice age is predicted on solid climatic reasoning that
most severely, of course, on developing countries highly greenhouse-related temperature increases would likely
dependent on natural, unmanaged environments for warm upper latitudes sufficiently to permit heavy snow-
their economic support. Agriculture, hunting and gather- fall to commence in regions—like northern Greenland—
ing, forestry, and coastal fishing have that dependency, where it is now so cold that snow rarely falls. That
but even in those economic sectors the impact of green- increase in upper-latitude precipitation—already being
house warming is not certain. Studies suggest that warm- recorded in Antarctica—would yield a dramatic influx of
ing would reduce yields in many crops, but also that the fresh water and accumulation of ice subject to melting in
associated fertilization effect of higher carbon dioxide polar oceans. That influx would dilute the salt content of
content would probably offset the negative impact of ocean currents, making them less dense. Density con-
warming, at least for the next century. Indeed, the UN’s ferred by salinity affects both current flow and capacity
Food and Agriculture Organization observes that global to transport heat between lower latitudes and, particu-
crop productivity could increase by up to 30% if the con- larly, the North Atlantic. When the globe-girdling heat
centration of carbon dioxide doubles as they foresee over exchange of ocean currents is interrupted by a lowered
the next 50 years. But certainly, small and poor countries salt content, polar temperatures can drop abruptly and
with great dependence on agriculture are potentially significant changes in world climatic patterns can occur.
most at risk from projected climatic changes. The lower- Recent evidence, it is claimed, indicates that polar re-
latitude states would be most vulnerable as increased gions did, in fact, grow slightly warmer before the onset
heat and higher evaporation rates would greatly stress of the last glacial period, just as the greenhouse effect is
wheat, maize, rice, and soybean crops. Most economic ac- warming them now. Further, detailed ocean sediment
tivities in industrialized countries do not have a close de- cores provide strong evidence of a recurring 1500-year
pendency on natural ecosystems. The consensus is that cycle of alternating cold and warm spells—of global
the impacts of climate change on diversified developed warmings and “little ice ages”—dating back at least
countries are likely to be small, at least over the next 32,000 years and totally divorced from human-caused
half-century. greenhouse gas accumulations.
Nevertheless, on the world scene, any significant One of the greatest concerns about global warming,
continuing deviation from the present norm would at the therefore, is that it would shift Atlantic Ocean currents
very least disrupt existing patterns of economy, productiv- now warming northern Europe with a possible 11° C
ity, and population-supporting potential. At the worst, se- (20°F) drop in temperature within a ten-year span.
vere and pervasive changes could result in a total Should that sequence of climatic changes occur rather
restructuring of the landscapes of culture and the balances than the one predicted under the usual global warming
of human-environmental relationships presently estab- hypothesis, an equally profound, but quite different, set
lished. Nothing, from population distributions to the rela- of human consequences would ensue—one still trig-
tive strength of countries, would ever be quite the same gered by the greenhouse effect, but with a new ice age
again. Such grim predictions were the background for outcome.

496 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Climate Change Summits

A ccumulating evidence of global

be made mandatory and binding on “emissions trading.” The first encour-
warming, projections about its long- all parties concerned. The Kyoto ages industries in industrialized states
term effect, and growing public and (Japan) Climate Change Summit of to invest in emissions reduction de-
political determination to address its 1997 was to be the stage for those velopments in poorer countries, with
causes led during the 1990s to two binding treaty arrangements. both sharing credit for resulting sav-
high-level international conferences The world’s nations came to ings. The second allows nations that
and treaty proposals. Kyoto with different interests and bar- do not meet their own emission tar-
The first, the “Earth Summit,” gaining positions. The European gets to purchase “saved” emissions
was held in Rio de Janeiro in June, Union, for example, proposed that in- from states that do better than re-
1992. The Framework Convention on dustrial nations—including its own quired. Further, forested countries
Climate Change signed by 166 nations members—reduce emissions of CO 2 have reduced quotas because their
called on industrialized countries to and other heat-trapping gases to 85% trees absorb carbon dioxide and thus
try to cap emissions of greenhouse of their 1990 levels within 12 years. help worldwide emissions controls.
gases at 1990 levels by the year 2000 The United States in contrast pro- No specific goals were set on develop-
as a necessary first step to prevent posed that emissions be reduced no ing countries, though as a group they
disruption of world agriculture and lower than 1990 levels and not until were asked to set voluntary reduction
natural ecosystems. Small island some time between 2008 and 2012. quotas.
countries, fearing their possible oblit- The developing countries demanded The basic accord adopted at the
eration with rising seas, proposed that industrialized countries collec- Kyoto conference needs ratification
even more stringent reductions. The tively achieve a 35% emissions reduc- by at least 55 countries representing
European Union and the United tion by 2020. The Kyoto Protocol, the over 55% of 1990 carbon dioxide emis-
States, agreeing with the overall emis- result of ten days of intense discus- sions to take effect. However, the ac-
sions caps proposed, based their plans sion and bargaining, represents com- cepted rules of ratification assure that
for voluntary compliance on hoped- promises among the various extreme the Protocol cannot be binding if the
for improved energy efficiencies. Un- positions originally held and estab- United States, responsible for nearly
like the industrialized countries lished at least an initial institutional 23% of world carbon emissions in the
collectively responsible for most of framework and mechanism for ad- mid-1990s, does not approve it. That
the present and past production of dressing the global warming problem approval was not assured, since many
carbon dioxide, China and other de- in future years. in government and business objected
veloping economies were not to be The adopted climate accord ac- to the lack of controls on greenhouse
bound by any precise targets or knowledged, by the variable goals it gas emissions from developing coun-
timetables; they successfully rejected set, the diversity of concerns among tries and on the adverse effects strin-
being subject to treaty provisions that and between developed and develop- gent controls might have on the U.S.
would lower their economic growth ing economies. Thirty-eight industrial economy. In March, 2001, President
prospects by limiting industrializa- nations are required collectively to re- George W. Bush made clear his view
tion and the expansion of fossil fuel duce greenhouse emissions by an an- that the Protocol was “fatally flawed,”
use such growth implies. nual average of 5.2% below 1990 levels unequal in the obligations it placed
It became apparent in the years from 2008 through 2012—a 30% reduc- on developed and developing states,
after the Rio summit that most ad- tion below what they otherwise would and potentially unacceptably damag-
vanced economies were not going to likely be. The actual targets differ ing to the U.S. economy.
meet the voluntary greenhouse gas re- among them, however. The European Although other industrialized
ductions envisioned there and that Union’s goal is an 8% reduction, that countries and the world community
the production of such gases by devel- of the United States is 7%, and Japan’s in general expressed dismay at the
oping states was increasing more rap- is 6%. Some industrial states would American position and made plans to
idly than earlier projected. At have smaller reductions and a few proceed with the agreement without
subsequent lower-level conferences, would not face any cuts immediately. U.S. participation if necessary, the
notably Berlin in 1995, it was deter- Although methods of achieving fate of the Kyoto Protocol and the di-
mined that a second Earth Summit their assigned goals were not speci- rection of world response to per-
was required and that the gas emis- fied, the Kyoto Protocol does permit ceived global warming dangers are
sion targets to be adopted there had to both “clean development credits” and uncertain.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 497

Acid Rain
The acid rain that is the second of the recent trio of envi-
ronmental concerns is in part traceable to actions taken
in previous decades to alleviate a widespread source of
atmospheric pollution dangerous to public health and
damaging to public and private property. Smoke and soot
that poured into the skies from the chimneys of power
plants, mills, and factories in industrial areas of all coun-
tries were increasingly blamed for high incidences of res-
piratory disease, lowered life expectancies, and vast
damage to property. Urban smoke abatement and clean
air programs usually incorporated prohibitions against
the discharge of atmospheric pollutants damaging to
areas near the discharge point. The response was to raise
chimneys to such a height that smoke, soot, and gases
were carried far from their origin points by higher eleva-
tion winds (Figure 13.7).
But when power plants, smelters, and factories were
fitted with tall smokestacks to free local areas from pollu-
tion, the sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the smoke
instead of being deposited locally were pumped high into
the atmosphere. There they mixed with water and other
chemicals and turned into sulfuric and nitric acid that was
carried to distant areas. They were joined in their impact
by other sources of acid gases. Motor vehicles are particu-
larly prolific producers of nitrogen oxides in their ex-
hausts, and volcanos can add immense amounts of acidic Figure 13.7 Before concern with acid rain became
gases, as the Tambora eruption demonstrated. widespread, the U.S. Clean Air Act of 1970 set standards for ground-
When acids from all sources are washed out of the air level air quality that could be met most easily by building
smokestacks high enough to discharge pollutants into the upper
by rain, snow, or fog the result is acid rain, though acid pre-
atmosphere. Stacks 300 meters (1000 feet) and more high became a
cipitation is a more precise designation. Acidity levels are common sight at utility plants and factories, far exceeding the
described by the pH factor, the measure of acidity/alkalinity earlier norm of 60–90 meters (200–300 feet). What helped cleanse
on a scale of 0 to 14. The average pH of normal rainfall is one area of pollution greatly increased damage elsewhere. The
5.6, slightly acidic, but acid rainfalls with a pH of 2.4— farther and higher the noxious emissions go, the longer they have
to combine with other atmospheric components and moisture to
approximately the acidity of vinegar and lemon juice—have
form acids. Thus, the taller stacks directly aggravated the acid rain
been recorded. Primarily occurring in developed nations, problem. Recognizing this, the Environmental Protection Agency
acid rain has become a serious problem in many parts of in 1985 issued rules discouraging the use of tall smokestacks to
Europe, North America, and Japan. It expresses itself in sev- disperse emissions. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
eral forms, though the most visible are its corrosive effects required that sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from
smokestacks be cut in half.
on marble and limestone sculptures and buildings and on
metals such as iron and bronze (Figure 13.8) and in the de-
struction of forests. Trees at higher elevations are particu-
larly susceptible, with widespread forest loss clearly Acid deposition can harm and decrease yields of
apparent on the hillsides and mountain tops of New En- many food crops and increase the content of poisonous
gland, Scandinavia, and Germany, where acid rain had ap- heavy metals in drinking water supplies. The culprit acids
parently degraded much of that country’s famous forests by are borne in the atmosphere and so may wreak their in-
the early 1990s. jury far from the power plants or cities (or volcanos) that
Damage to lakes, fish, and soils is less immediately put them in the air (Figure 13.9). In North America, mid-
evident, but more widespread and equally serious. Acid western coal-burning power stations and industries are
rain has been linked to the disappearance of fish in thou- blamed for acid rain contamination in New England.
sands of streams and lakes in New England, Canada, and They, along with other United States industries, power
Scandinavia, and to a decline in fish populations else- plants, and automobiles, are credited with the widespread
where. It leaches toxic constituents such as aluminum acid rain damage in Canada (including some 2000 lakes to-
salts from the soil and kills soil microorganisms that break tally dead to fish life and another 150,000 in danger).
down organic matter and recycle nutrients through the Canada itself has major urban and industrial pollution
ecosystem. sources contributing to its acid rain incidence.

498 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts


Figure 13.8 The formation and effects of acid precipitation.

(a) Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides produced by the combustion of fossil
fuels are transformed into sulfate and nitrate particles; when the particles
react with water vapor, they form sulfuric and nitric acids, which then fall
to earth. (b) The destructive effect of acid rain is evident on this limestone
(b) statuary at the cathedral in Reims, France.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 499

Figure 13.9 Where acid rain falls. In general, the areas that receive the most acid rain in the eastern United States and Canada are those
that are least able to tolerate it. Their surface waters tend to be acidic rather than alkaline and are unable to neutralize the acids deposited by
rain or snow. Ironically, the highly industrialized Ohio Valley and southern Great Lakes districts have high natural resistance to soil and water
Data from Canadian government.

The Trouble with Ozone increasing use of automobiles in Europe, not acid rain,
The forest damage usually blamed exclusively on acid has done the harm to that continent’s forests, a fact that
rain has, on closer investigation, proved to be at least par- explains the rise of forest destruction during the same
tially the product of ozone poisoning. Ozone is a molecule years that sulfur dioxide emissions from power plants
consisting of three oxygen atoms rather than the two of were being significantly reduced.
normal oxygen. Sunlight produces it from standard oxy- There is an element of presumed irreversibility in
gen, and a continuous but thin layer of ozone accumulates both the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion. Once
at upper levels in the atmosphere. There it blocks the the processes creating them are launched, they tend to
cancer-causing ultraviolet (UV) light that damages DNA, become cumulative and continuous. Even if carbon diox-
the molecule of heredity and cell control. That upper at- ide levels stayed as they are now, temperatures would
mospheric shield now appears in danger of destruction by continue to climb. Even if all CFCs were immediately
chemicals released into the air by humans (see “Depleting banned and no more were released into the atmosphere,
the Ozone Layer”). it would take more than a century to replenish the ozone
At lower levels, however, the problem is accumula- already lost. Since population growth, industrial develop-
tion, not depletion, of ozone. Relatively harmless to hu- ment, and chemical pollution will continue—though per-
mans, ozone is injurious to plants. Exposed to too much haps under tighter control—assaults upon the
of it, their growth may be stunted, their yields reduced atmosphere will also continue rather than cease. The
(by as much as 30% for wheat), or they may even die. same disquieting irreversibility seems to characterize
That, apparently, is an important contributor to forest three other processes of environmental degradation:
damage and destruction commonly attributed to acid tropical deforestation; desertification of cropland, grazing
rain. In the lower atmosphere, ozone is produced in pho- areas, and deforested lands; and air, land, and water pol-
tochemical smogs by sunlight and pollution, with the lution. Each stands alone as an identified problem of
main pollutant being motor vehicle exhaust fumes (Fig- global concern, and each is a component part of cumula-
ure 13.10). Their nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons are tive human pressures upon the biosphere greater than its
particularly good at converting oxygen to ozone. The recuperative powers can handle.

500 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Depleting the Ozone Layer

I n the summer of 1986, scientists for

Greenland opens in the Arctic, too, very existence of the microscopic
the first time verified that a “hole” had and the ozone shield over the midlat- plankton at the base of the marine
formed in the ozone layer over itudes has dropped significantly food chain is threatened by it.
Antarctica. In fact, the ozone was not since 1978. Some scientists dispute both the
entirely absent, but it had been re- Why should the hole in the existence and the cause of ozone layer
duced from earlier recorded levels by ozone layer have appeared first so depletion. One report forcefully con-
some 40%. As a result, Antarctic life— prominently over Antarctica? In most cludes that “there is no observed
particularly the microscopic ocean parts of the world, horizontal winds change in global ozone concentra-
plants (phytoplankton) at the base of tend to keep chemicals in the air well tions that is outside the bounds of nat-
the food chain—that had lived more mixed. But circulation patterns are ural variability” and another claims
or less in ultraviolet (UV) darkness such that the freezing whirlpool of air “there is no observational evidence
was suddenly getting a trillionfold over the south polar continent in win- that man-made chemicals like CFCs
(1 followed by 12 zeros) increase ter is not penetrated by air currents are dangerously thinning the ozone
above the natural rate of UV receipt. from warmer earth regions. In the ab- layer. . . .” Nevertheless, production
The ozone hole typically occurs sence of sunlight and atmospheric and use of CFCs is being phased out
over Antarctica during late August mixing, the CFCs work to destroy the under the internationally adopted
through early October and breaks up ozone. During the Southern Hemi- 1987 Montreal Protocol requiring a
in mid-November. From 1987 when sphere summer, sunlight works to re- halt to CFC production in developed
the ozone loss was 60% to 2000 when plenish it. A different scenario exists countries after 1995 and to cease in
more than 85% of ozone in the lower in the Northern Hemisphere: one of developing states by 2010. Because of
stratosphere was destroyed, the hole accumulating greenhouse gases caus- those restrictions, ozone depletion is
grew larger, lasted longer, and spread ing increased upper atmosphere cool- being slowed and even reversed. Re-
farther outward each year toward ing and further ozone loss over the cent research suggests that the peak of
South America and Australia. The North Pole. In either Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere ozone loss will
NASA satellite image shows the pat- ozone depletion has identical adverse likely occur between 2000 and 2008.
tern of ozone depletion during effects. Among other things, increased The layer should then begin to mend
September 2000, when the gap meas- exposure to UV radiation increases and return to normal around 2050 in
ured 30 million square kilometers the incidence of skin cancer and, by the Antarctic. To the surprise of some,
(11.5 million sq mi), an area far suppressing bodily defense mecha- however, although concentrations of
larger than all of Anglo America nisms, increases risk from a variety of atmospheric CFCs are starting to de-
(19.2 million sq km) and an increase infectious diseases. Many crop plants cline, the ozone hole consequences of
of nearly 4 million square kilometers are sensitive to UV radiation, and the their existence persist or grow.
(1.5 million sq mi) over its 1999 ex-
tent. The color scale below the image
shows the total ozone levels; the dark
blues and purples indicate the areas of
greatest ozone depletion.
Most observers attribute the
ozone decline to pollution from
human-made chemicals, particularly
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as
coolants, cleansing agents, propel-
lants for aerosols, and in insulating
foams. In a chain reaction of oxygen
destruction, each of the chlorine
atoms released can over time destroy
upwards of 10,000 ozone molecules.
Ozone reduction is an increasing and
spreading atmospheric problem. A
similar ozone hole about the size of

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 501

(a) (b)

Figure 13.10 (a) Photochemical smog in sunny California during the late 1970s. When air remains stagnant over Los Angeles, it can
accumulate increasing amounts of automobile and industrial exhausts, reducing afternoon sunlight to a dull haze and sharply lifting ozone
levels. Such occurrences are increasingly rare in Los Angeles—where peak levels of ozone have dropped to a quarter of their 1955 levels—and in
other major American cities with past serious smog and ozone dangers. Mandates of the Clean Air Act and, particularly, more stringent
restrictions on automobile emissions assure continued improvements in metropolitan air quality. Europe is only beginning the same kinds of
protection, and summer ozone levels in such cities as Paris today are triple the worst Los Angeles readings. (b) The Germans call it Waldsterben—
forest death—a term now used more widely to summarize the destruction of trees by a combination of ozone, heavy metals, and acidity in clouds,
rain, snow, and dust. It first strikes at higher elevations where natural stresses are greatest and acidic clouds most prevalent, but it slowly moves
down slope until entire forests are gone. Here at Mount Mitchell in North Carolina, Waldsterben is thought to result from pollution traveling
eastward from the Ohio and Tennessee valleys. Forests all along the Eastern Seaboard northward into Canada display evidence of similar
pollution-related damage. Similar impacts are reported in Europe.

area and of areas downwind. On a global basis their cumu-

Land Use and Land Cover lative impact is less clear, but certain generalizations are
agreed upon. The generation of methane gas, an impor-
Human-induced alterations in land use and vegetative
tant contributor to the greenhouse effect, is almost cer-
cover affect the radiation balance of the earth and, there-
tainly reduced by drainage of swamps, but it is also
fore, contribute to climatic change. Since the beginning of
greatly increased as a by-product of expanding paddy rice
the 19th century, vast portions of the earth’s surface have
production and of growing herds of cattle on pastureland.
been modified, whole ecosystems destroyed, and global
Heavy applications of nitrogen fertilizers are thought to be
biomes altered or eliminated. North American and Euro-
important in increasing the nitrous oxide content of the
pean native forests have largely vanished, the grasslands
atmosphere. When they enter streams and lakes through
of interior United States, Canada, and Ukraine have been
farm runoff, the fertilizers encourage the algal growth that
converted into farmland. Marshes and wetlands have been
alters water surface reflectivity and evaporation rates.
drained, dams built, and major water impoundments cre-
But unquestionably the most important of the land
ated. Steppe lands have become deserts; deserts have blos-
surface changes has been that of clearing of forests and
somed under irrigation.
plowing of grasslands. Both effect drastic environmental
At least locally, every such change alters surface re-
changes that alter temperature conditions and water bal-
flectivity for solar radiation, land and air temperature con-
ances and release—through vegetative decomposition—
ditions, and water balances. In turn, these changes in
large quantities of carbon dioxide and other gases to the
surface conditions affect the climates of both the local

502 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

atmosphere. The destruction of both biomes represents, therefore increases the water-holding capacity of the
as well, the loss of major “sinks” that extract carbon diox- warmer air. As winds move the hotter, drier air, it tends
ide from the atmosphere and hold it in plant tissue. to exert a drying effect on adjacent forest and agricultural
lands. Trees and crops outside the denuded area experi-
Tropical Deforestation ence heat and aridity stresses not normal to their geo-
Forests, we saw in Chapter 8, still cover some 30% of the graphical locations. It is calculated that cutting the forests
earth’s land surface (see Figure 8.29), though the forest bi- of South America on a wide scale should raise regional
omes have suffered mightily as human pressures on them temperatures from 3° C to 5° C (5.5–9° F), which in turn
have increased. Forest clearing accompanied the develop- would extend the dry season and greatly disrupt not only
ment of agriculture and spread of people throughout Eu- regional but global climates.
rope, Central Asia, the Middle East, and India. European In some ways, the most serious long-term global con-
colonization had much the same impact on the temperate sequence of the eradication of tropical rain forests will be
forests of eastern North America and Australasia. In most the loss of a major part of the biological diversity of the
midlatitude developed countries, although original forest planet. Of the estimated 5–10 million plant and animal
cover is largely gone, replanting and reversion of cropland species believed to exist on earth, a minimum of 40% to
to timber has tended to replenish woodlands at about their 50%—and possibly 70% or more—are native to the tropi-
rate of cutting. cal rain forest biome. Many of the plants have become im-
Now it is the tropical rain forest—also known as the portant world staple food crops: rice, millet, cassava, yam,
tropical moist forest—biome that is feeling the pressure of taro, banana, coconut, pineapple, and sugarcane to name
growing population numbers, the need for more agricul- but a very few well-known ones. Unknown additional po-
tural land, expanded demand for fuel and commercial tential food species remain as yet unexploited. Reports
wood, and a midlatitude market for beef that can be satis- from Indonesia suggest that in that country’s forests
fied profitably by replacing tropical forest with cleared alone, some 4000 plant species have proved useful to na-
grazing land. These disappearing forests—covering no tive peoples as foodstuffs of one sort or another, though
more than 6% of the planet’s land surface—extend across less than one-tenth have come into wide use. The rain
parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and are the forests are, in addition, the world’s main storehouse of
world’s most diverse and least understood biome. About drug-yielding plants and insects, including thousands with
45% of their original expanse has already been cleared or proven or prospective anticancer properties and many
degraded. Africa has lost more than half of its original rain widely used as sources of antibiotics, antivirals, anal-
forest; nearly half of Asia’s is gone; 70% of the moist gesics, tranquilizers, diuretics, and laxatives, among a host
forests of Central America and some 40% of those of of other items (see “Tropical Forests and Medical Re-
South America have disappeared. Every year at least an sources”). The loss of the zoological and botanical store-
additional 180,000 square kilometers (69,500 sq mi)— house that the rain forests represent would deprive
about the size of Missouri or Oklahoma—are lost. Tropical humans of untold potential benefits that might never be
forest removal raises three principal global concerns and a realized.
host of local ones. On a more local basis, tropical forests play for their
First, on a worldwide basis, all forests play a major inhabitants and neighbors the same role taken by forests
role in maintaining the oxygen and carbon balance of the everywhere. They protect watersheds and regulate water
earth. This is particularly true of tropical forests because of flow. After forest cutting, unregulated flow accentuates
their total area and volume. Humans and their industries the problems of high and low water variations, increases
consume oxygen; vegetation replenishes it through photo- the severity of valley flooding, and makes more serious
synthesis and the release of oxygen back into the atmo- and prolonged the impact of low water flow on irrigation
sphere as a by-product. At the same time, plants extract agriculture, navigation, and urban and rural water supply.
the carbon from atmospheric carbon dioxide, acting as nat- Accelerated soil erosion—the process of removal of soil
ural retaining sponges for the gas so important in the particles from the ecosystem, usually by wind or running
greenhouse effect. Each year, each hectare (2.47 acres) of water—quickly removes the always thin, infertile tropical
Amazon rain forest absorbs a ton of carbon dioxide. When forest soils from deforested areas. Lands cleared for agri-
the tropical rain forest is cleared, not only is its role as a culture almost immediately become unsuitable for that
carbon sink lost but the act of destruction itself through de- use partially because of soil loss (Figure 13.11). The sur-
composition or burning releases as carbon dioxide the vast face material removed is transported and deposited down-
quantities of carbon the forest had stored. stream, changing valley contours, extending the area
A second global concern is also climate related. For- subject to flooding, and filling irrigation and drainage
est destruction changes surface and air temperatures, channels. Or it may be deposited in the reservoirs behind
moisture content, and reflectivity. Conversion of forest to the increasing number of major dams on rivers within the
grassland, for example, increases surface temperature, tropical rain forests or rising there (see “Dam Trouble in
raises air temperatures above the treeless ground, and the Tropics”).

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 503

Tropical Forests and Medical Resources

T ropical forests are biological cor-

half of all modern drugs, including earaches. Yet botanists have only re-
nucopias, possessing a stunning array strychnine, quinine, curare, and cently begun to identify tropical
of plant and animal life. Costa Rica, ipecac, come from the tropical forests. plants and study traditional herbal
about the size of South Carolina, con- A single flower, the Madagascar peri- medicines to discover which plants
tains as many bird species as all of winkle, produces two drugs used to might contain pharmaceutically im-
North America and more species of in- treat leukemia and Hodgkin’s disease. portant compounds.
sects. One stand of rain forest in Kali- As significant as these and other A second concern is that forest
mantan (Borneo) contains more than modern drugs derived from tropical destruction will create shortages of
700 species of tree, as many as exist in plants are, scientists believe that the drugs already derived from those
North America, and half a square kilo- medical potential of the tropical plants. Reportedly, as many as
meter of Malaysia’s forest can feature forests remains virtually untapped. 60,000 plants with valuable medical
as many tree and shrub species as the They fear that deforestation will erad- properties are likely to become ex-
whole of the United States and Canada. icate medicinal plants and traditional tinct by 2050. Already endangered is
Forty-three species of ant inhabit a sin- formulas before their uses become reserpine, an ingredient in certain
gle tree variety in Peru, dependent on known, depriving humans of untold tranquilizers that is derived from the
it for food and shelter and providing in potential benefits that may never be Rauwolfia serpentina plant found in
return protection from other insects. realized. Indigenous peoples make India. Also threatened are cinchona,
The tropical forests yield an free use of plants of the rain forest for whose bark produces quinine, and
abundance of chemical products used such purposes as treating stings and foxglove varieties that are used to
to manufacture a variety of medicinal snakebites, relieving burns and skin make the heart medications digitoxin
agents. Indeed, one quarter to one fungi, reducing fevers, and curing and acetyldigitoxin.

Figure 13.11 Wholesale destruction of the tropical rain forest

guarantees environmental degradation so severe that the forest can
never naturally regenerate itself. Exposed soils quickly deteriorate in
structure and fertility and are easily eroded, as this growing gully in
Amazonia clearly shows.

504 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Dam Trouble in the Tropics

T he great tropical river systems

years, employees at the dam wore gas clearing of vegetation for permanent
have a sizable percentage of the masks at work. Decomposition of agriculture usually results in acceler-
world’s undeveloped power potential. vegetation produced acids that cor- ated erosion, rapid sedimentation of
The lure of that power and its promise roded the dam’s cooling system, lead- reservoirs, and drastic reduction of
for economic development and na- ing to costly continuing repairs and electrical generating capacity. The
tional modernization have proved upkeep. Ambuklao Reservoir in the Philip-
nearly irresistible. But the tropical Water hyacinth spreads rapidly pines, built with an expected pay-
rain forests have been a particularly in tropical impoundments, its growth back period of 60 years, now appears
difficult environment for dam hastened by the rich nutrients re- certain to silt up in half that time.
builders. The dams (and their reser- leased by tree decomposition. Within The Anchicaya Reservoir in Colom-
voirs) often carry a heavy ecological a year of the reservoir’s completion, a bia lost 25% of its storage capacity
price, and the clearing and develop- 130-square-kilometer (50-sq-mi) blan- only two years after it was completed
ment of the areas they are meant to ket of the weed was afloat on Lake and was almost totally filled with silt
serve often assure the destruction of Brokopondo, and after another year within 10 years. The Peligre Dam in
the dam projects themselves. almost half the reservoir was covered. Haiti was completed in 1956 with a
The creation of Brokopondo in Another 440 square kilometers (170 sq life expectancy of at least 50 years;
Suriname in 1964 marked the first mi) were claimed by a floating fern, siltation reduced its usefulness by
large reservoir in a rain forest locale. Ceratopteris. Identical problems some 15 years. El Cajon Dam in Hon-
Without being cleared of their poten- plague most rain forest hydropower duras, Arenal in Costa Rica, Chixoy
tially valuable timber, 1480 square projects. in Guatemala and many others—all
kilometers (570 sq mi) of dense tropi- The expense, the disruption of built to last decades or even cen-
cal forest disappeared underwater. As the lives of valley residents whose turies—have, because of premature
the trees decomposed, producing hy- homes are to be flooded, and the en- siltation, failed to repay their costs
drogen sulfide, an intolerable stench vironmental damage of dam projects or fulfill their promise. The price of
polluted the atmosphere for scores of in the rain forest all may be in vain. deforestation in wet tropics is high
miles downwind. For more than two Deforestation of river banks and indeed.

Desertification region on the southern border of the Sahara, for example,

The tropical rain forests can succumb to deliberate mas- did not move steadily south as usually assumed. Rather, the
sive human assaults and be irretrievably lost. With much vegetation line fluctuated back and forth in response to vari-
less effort, and with no intent to destroy or alter the envi- able rainfall patterns, with year to year shifts ranging be-
ronment, humans are assumed to be similarly affecting tween 30 and 150 miles. Since Africa’s drylands climate has
the arid and semiarid regions of the world. The process is shifted back and forth between periods of extended drought
called desertification, the expansion or intensification of and higher rainfall for at least 10,000 years, many scientists
areas of degraded or destroyed soil and vegetation cover. now believe climate variation keeps the drylands in a con-
While the Earth Summit of 1992 defined desertification tinual state of disequilibrium. That rather than human
broadly as “land degradation in arid, semiarid and dry sub- abuse of the land is thought to be the major influence on
humid areas, resulting from climatic variations and dryland ecology and the shifting margins of deserts.
human activities,” the process is often charged to increas- Certainly much past periodic desertification of vast
ing human pressures exerted through overgrazing, defor- areas has been induced by nature rather than by humans.
estation for fuel wood, clearing of original vegetation for Over the past 10,000 years, for example, several prolonged
cultivation, and burning, and implies a continuum of eco- and severe droughts far more damaging than the “Dust
logical alteration from slight to extreme (Figure 13.12). Bowl” period of the 1930s converted vast stretches of the
Both satellite measurements and paleoclimatological Great Plains from Texas and New Mexico to Nebraska and
studies, however, are forcing a reassessment of what is re- South Dakota into seas of windblown sand dunes like those
ally happening to arid and semiarid drylands along the of the Sahara. Such conditions were seen most recently in
perimeter of the Sahara and other major world deserts. Im- the 18th and 19th centuries, before the region was heavily
agery dating from 1980 indicates that the Sahel drylands settled, but after many explorers and travelers noted—as

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 505

Figure 13.12 Desertification is usually understood to imply the steady advance of the margins of the world’s deserts into their bordering
drylands, converting through human mistreatment formerly productive or usable pastures and croplands into barren and sterile landscapes. In
reality, the process may result from natural climatic fluctuations as much as from human abuse; local and regional variations in those two causal
conditions are reflected in the reversal or stabilization of desertification in some areas. Because of different criteria, areas shown as “desert” here
are not identical to desert regions of Figure 13.3. See also Figure 13.15.
Sources: Based on H. E. Dregne, Desertification of Arid Lands, figure 1.2, copyright 1983 Harwood Academic Publishers; and A World Map of Desertification, UNESCO/FAO.

did one in 1796 in present-day Nebraska—“a great desert of It happens with increasing frequency in many areas
drifting sand, without trees, soil, rock, water or animals of of the earth as pressures on the land continue. World-
any kind.” Today, those same areas are covered only thinly wide, desertification affects about one billion people in
by vegetation and could revert to shifting desert—as they over 100 countries and impacts about 1.2 billion
almost did in the 1930s—with a prolonged drought of the hectares—about the size of China and India combined.
type that might accompany global warming. According to the United Nations, fully one-quarter of the
Whatever its degree of development, when desertifica- planet’s land surface now qualifies as degraded semi-
tion results from human rather than climatic causes, it be- desert. Africa is most at risk; the United Nations has esti-
gins in the same fashion: the disruption or removal of the mated that 40% of that continent’s nondesert land is in
native cover of grasses and shrubs through farming or over- danger of human-induced desertification. But nearly a
grazing (Figure 13.13). If the disruption is severe enough, third of Asia’s lands and a fifth of Latin America’s are
the original vegetation cannot reestablish itself and the ex- similarly endangered. In countries where desertification
posed soil is made susceptible to erosion during the brief, is particularly extensive and severe (Algeria, Ethiopia,
heavy rains that dominate precipitation patterns in semiarid Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mali, and Niger) per capita food
regions. Water runs off the land surface instead of seeping production declined by nearly half between 1950 and the
in, carrying soil particles with it and leaving behind an ero- late 1990s. The resulting threat of starvation spurs popu-
sion pavement. When the water is lost through surface flow lations of the affected areas to increase their farming and
rather than seepage downward, the water table is lowered. livestock pressures on the denuded land, further con-
Eventually, even deep-rooted bushes are unable to reach tributing to their desertification. It has been suggested
groundwater, and all natural vegetation is lost. The process that Mali may be the first country in the world rendered
is accentuated when too many grazing animals pack the uninhabitable by environmental destruction. Many of its
earth down with their hooves, blocking the passage of air over 11 million inhabitants begin their day by shoveling
and water through the soil. When both plant cover and soil their doorways clear of the night’s accumulation of sand
moisture are lost, desertification has occurred. (Figure 13.14).

506 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Figure 13.13 The margin of the desert. Intensive grazing pressure destroys vegetation, compacts soil, and leads to soil degradation and
desertification, as this desert-margin view from Burkina Faso suggests. Elsewhere, the Argentine government reports a vast area in the southern
part of that country has become part of an expanding desert mainly due to human activities that have degraded the lands to the point that “their
use to man is practically nil” and the damage is “economically irreversible.” Similarly, China reports its vast Gobi Desert is encroaching into
northern crop and grazing lands at a rate of 2500 square kilometers (950 sq mi) per year as a result of overgrazing and “excessive gathering of

Figure 13.14 Windblown dust is engulfing the scrub forest in this drought-stricken area of Mali, near Timbuktu. The district is part of the
Sahel region of Africa where desertification has been accelerated by both climate and human pressures on the land. From the late 1930s to 2000,
some 650,000 square kilometers (250,000 sq mi) were added to the southern Sahara. It has expanded on its northern and eastern margins as well.
On an annual basis, marginal fluctuation rather than steady expansion is the rule and some scientists prefer to speak of an “ebb and flow” of the
Sahara margins and of land degradation rather than of permanent conversion to true desert.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 507

Soil Erosion over 100 feet of horizontal distance) results in soil loss at
Desertification is but one expression of land deterioration or below the rate of soil formation; farming there on a
leading to accelerated soil erosion, a worldwide problem 15% slope would totally strip a field of its soil cover in
of biosphere deterioration. Over much of the earth’s sur- only 10 years (see “Maintaining Soil Productivity”).
face, the thin layer of topsoil upon which life depends is Farming skills have not declined in recent years.
only a few inches deep, usually less than 30 centimeters Rather, pressures on farmlands have increased with
(1 ft.). Below it, the lithosphere is as lifeless as the surface population growth and the intensification of agriculture
of the moon. A soil is a complex mixture of rock particles, and clearing of land for the commercial cropping that is
inorganic mineral matter, organic material, living organ- increasingly part of the developing countries’
isms, air, and water. Under natural conditions, soil is con- economies. Farming has been forced higher up on
stantly being formed by the physical and chemical steeper slopes, more forest land has been converted to
decomposition of rock material and by the decay of or- cultivation, grazing and crops have been pushed farther
ganic matter. It is simultaneously being eroded, for soil and more intensively into semiarid areas, and existing
erosion is as natural a process as soil formation and occurs fields have had to be worked more intensively and less
even when land is totally covered by forests or grass. carefully. Many traditional agricultural systems and
Under most natural conditions, however, the rate of soil areas that were ecologically stable and secure as re-
formation equals or exceeds the rate of soil erosion, so cently as 1950, when world population stood at 2.5 bil-
that soil depth and fertility tend to increase with time. lion and subsistence agriculture was the rule, are
When land is cleared and planted to crops or when disintegrating under the pressures of more than 6 billion
the vegetative cover is broken by overgrazing, deforesta- people and a changing global economy.
tion, or other disturbances, the process of erosion in- The evidence of that deterioration is found in all
evitably accelerates. When its rate exceeds that of soil parts of the world (Figure 13.15). The International Food
formation, the life-sustaining veneer of topsoil becomes Policy Research Institute in 2000 reported that nearly
thinner and eventually disappears, leaving behind only 40% of the world’s agricultural land is seriously degraded,
sterile subsoil or barren rock. At that point the renewable though the percentages differ by region. Almost 75% of
soil resource has been converted through human impact cropland in Central America shows serious degradation,
into a nonrenewable and dissipated asset. Carried to the as does 20% in Africa (mostly pasture), and 11% in Asia.
extreme of bare rock hillsides or wind-denuded plains, Soil deterioration expresses itself in two ways: through
erosion spells the total end of agricultural use of the land. decreasing yields of cultivated fields themselves and in
Throughout history, such extreme human-induced de- increased stream sediment loads and downstream deposi-
struction has occurred and been observed with dismay. tion of silt. In Guatemala, for example, some 40% of the
Any massive destruction of the soil resource could productive capacity of the land has been lost through ero-
spell the end of the civilization it had supported. For the sion, and several areas of the country have been aban-
most part, however, farmers—even those in difficult cli- doned because agriculture has become economically
matic and topographic circumstances—devised ingenious impracticable; the figure is 50% in El Salvador. In
ways to preserve and even improve the soil resource on Turkey, a reported 75% of the land is affected and 54% is
which their lives and livelihoods depended. Particularly severely or very severely eroded. Haiti has no high-value
when farming was carried on outside of fertile, level valley soil left at all. A full one-quarter of India’s total land area
lands, farmers’ practices were routinely based on some has been significantly eroded: some 13 million hectares
combination of crop rotation, fallowing, and terracing. (32 million acres) by wind and nearly 74 million hectares
Rotation involves the planting of two or more (183 million acres) by water. Between 1960 and the late
crops simultaneously or successively on the same area to 1990s, China lost over 15% of its total arable land to ero-
preserve fertility or to provide a plant cover to protect sion, desertification, or conversion to nonagricultural use;
the soil. Fallowing leaves a field idle (uncropped) for some 700,000 hectares (1.7 million acres) of cultivated
one or more years to achieve one of two outcomes. In land annually are taken by construction. Its Huang River
semiarid areas the purpose is to accumulate soil mois- is the most sediment-laden of any waterway on earth; in
ture from one year to apply to the next year’s crop; in its middle course it is about 50% silt by weight, just under
tropical wet regions, as we saw in Chapter 8, the purpose the point of liquid mud. Worldwide, an estimated 6 to
is to renew soil fertility of the swidden plot. Terracing 7 million hectares (15–17 million acres) of existing arable
(see Figure 4.24) replaces steep slopes with a series of land are lost to erosion each year.
narrow layered, level fields providing cropland where lit- Off-farm erosion evidence is provided by siltation
tle or none existed previously. In addition, because water loads carried by streams and rivers and by the down-
moving rapidly down-slope has great erosive power, stream deposition that results. In the United States, about
breaking the speed of flow by terracing reduces the 3 billion tons of sediment are washed into waterways each
amount of soil lost. Field trials in Nigeria indicate that year; off-site damage in the form of reduced reservoir ca-
cultivation on a 1% slope (a drop of one foot in elevation pacity, fish kills, dredging costs, and the like, is estimated

508 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Maintaining Soil Productivity

I n much of the world, increasing

exhorted farmers to plant all of their (allowing crop residue such as cut
population numbers are largely re- land “from fencerow to fencerow,” to corn stalks to remain on the soil sur-
sponsible for accelerated soil erosion. produce more grain for export. Land face when crops are planted instead of
In the United States, economic condi- was converted from cattle grazing to turning them under by plowing). And
tions rather than population pressures corn and soybean production as live- farmers can be paid to idle marginal,
have often contributed to excessive stock prices declined. When prices of highly erodible land.
rates of soil erosion. Wind and water both land and farm products de- After the mid-1980s, federal
are blowing and washing soil off pas- clined in the 1980s, farmers felt im- farm programs attempted to reverse
turelands in the Great Plains, Texas, pelled to produce as much as some of the damage resulting from
and the Southeast. America’s crop- possible in order to meet their debts past economic pressures and farming
lands lose almost 2 billion tons of soil and make any profit at all. To main- practices. One objective has been to
per year to erosion, an average annual tain or increase productivity, many retire for conservation purposes some
loss over 4 tons per acre. In some neglected conservation practices, 18.6 million hectares (46 million
areas the average is 15 to 20 tons per plowing under marginal lands and acres) of croplands that were eroding
acre. Of the roughly 167 million suspending proven systems of fallow- faster than three times the natural
hectares (413 million acres) of land ing and crop rotation. rate of soil formation. But some
intensively cropped in the United Conservation techniques were 13 million hectares (32 million acres)
States, over one-third are losing top- not forgotten, of course. They were of land annually “set-aside” by govern-
soil faster than it can be replaced nat- practiced by many and persistently ment order from 1986 and 1995 to re-
urally. In parts of Illinois and Iowa, advocated by farm organizations and duce crop surpluses were released for
where the topsoil was once a foot soil conservation groups. Techniques unrestricted cropping again under the
deep, less than half of it remains. to reduce erosion by holding soil in 1996 Farm Bill. Only by reducing the
Federal tax laws and the high place are well known. They include economic pressures that lead to abuse
farmland values of the 1970s encour- contour plowing, terracing, strip crop- of farmlands and by continuing to
aged farmers to plow virgin grass- ping and crop rotation, erecting wind- practice known soil conservation
lands and to tear down windbreaks breaks and constructing water techniques can the country maintain
to increase their cultivable land and diversion channels, and practicing the long-term productivity of soil, the
yields. The secretary of agriculture no-till or minimum tillage farming resource base upon which all depend.

Strip-cropping. No-till farming.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 509

Figure 13.15 The world pattern of soil degradation concern. Between 1945 and 2000, nearly 2 billion hectares (almost 5 billion acres) of
the world’s 8.7 billion hectares (21.5 billion acres) of cropland, pastures, and forests used in agriculture—an area as large as Russia and India
combined—were added to the existing total of degraded soils. Globally, about 18% of forest area, 21% of pastures, and 37% of cropland have
undergone moderate to severe degradation. Water erosion accounted for 56% of that recorded deterioration, wind erosion for 28%, chemical
deterioration (salinization and nutrient loss) for 12%, and physical degradation (e.g., compaction and waterlogging) for 4%.
Sources: World Resources Institute and International Soil Reference and Information Center.

at over $6 billion annually. The world’s rivers deliver humans can affect the quality and utility of an otherwise
about 24 billion tons of sediment to the oceans each year, fixed resource. Any threat of reduction in availability or
while additional billions of tons settle along stream valleys lessening of quality of a material so basic to our very lives
or are deposited in reservoirs (see “Dam Trouble in the as water is certain to arouse strong emotions and deep
Tropics”). concerns. In many parts of the world and for many com-
Agricultural soil depletion through erosion—and petitors for limited freshwater supplies, those emotions
through salt accumulation and desertification—has been and concerns are already real.
called “the quiet crisis.” It continues inexorably and un- The problem is not with the global amount of
folds gradually, without the abrupt attention attracted by water, but with its distribution, its availability, and its
an earthquake or volcanic explosion. Unfortunately, quality. The total amount of water on the earth is enor-
silent or not, erosion is a crisis of growing importance mous, though only a small part of the hydrosphere (see
and immediacy, not just in the countries of its occur- page 489) is suitable or available for use by humans,
rence but—because of international markets and relief plants, or animals (Figure 13.16). And the total amount
programs—throughout the world. remains constant. Water is a renewable resource; the
hydrologic cycle assures that water, no matter how
often used or how much abused, will return over and
over to the earth for further exploitation (Figure 13.17).
Water Supply and Water Quality Enough rain and snow fall on the continents each year to
cover the earth’s total land area with 83 centimeters
Solar energy and water are the indispensable ingredients (33 in.) of water. It is usually reckoned that the volume
of life on earth. The supply of both is essentially constant of fresh water annually renewed by the hydrologic cycle
and beyond the scope of humans to increase or alter al- could meet the needs of a world population 5 to 10 times
though, as we saw with aerosols and atmospheric gases, its present size.

510 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Yet in many parts of the world water supplies are
inadequate and dwindling. Insufficient water for irriga-
Water Availability
tion periodically endangers crops and threatens famine;
Oceans permanent streams have become intermittent in flow;
97.2% fresh- and saltwater lakes are shrinking; and from
throughout the world come reports of rapidly falling
FRESH WATER water tables and wells that have gone dry. Reduced avail-
ability and reliability of supply are echoed in a reduced
Frozen water 0.65% enlarged quality of the world’s freshwater inventory. Increased
silt loads of streams, pollution of surface and groundwa-
Groundwater ter supplies, and lakes acidified and biologically dead or
1/2 mile deep prematurely filled by siltation and algal growth are evi-
water vapor 0.16%
dences of adverse human impact on an indispensable
Soil moisture 0.18% component of the biosphere.

Lakes, rivers, and Patterns of Availability

streams 1.5% Groundwater
greater than 1/2 mile deep Observations about global supplies and renewal cycles of
48.8% fresh water ignore the ever-present geographic reality:
things are not uniformly distributed over the surface of
the earth. There is no necessary relationship between the
earth’s pattern of freshwater availability and the distribu-
tion of consuming populations and activities. Three dif-
Figure 13.16 Less than 1% of the world’s water supply is
ferent world maps help us to understand why. The first,
available for human use in freshwater lakes and rivers and from
wells. An additional 2% is effectively locked in glaciers and polar Figure 13.18, shows the spatially variable world pattern of
ice caps. precipitation. The second, Figure 13.4, reminds us that,
as a rule, the lower the average amount of precipitation
received in an area, the greater is the variability of

Figure 13.17 The hydrologic cycle. Water may change form and composition, but under natural environmental circumstances it is
marvelously purified in the recycling process and is again made available with appropriate properties and purity to the ecosystems of the
earth. The sun provides energy for the evaporation of fresh and ocean water. The water is held as vapor until the air becomes supersaturated.
Atmospheric moisture is returned to the earth’s surface as solid or liquid precipitation to complete the cycle. Precipitation is not uniformly
distributed and moisture is not necessarily returned to areas in the same quantity as it has evaporated from them. The continents receive
more water than they lose; the excess returns to the seas as surface water or groundwater. A global water balance, however, is always

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 511

Figure 13.18 Mean annual precipitation. Regional contrasts of precipitation receipts clearly demonstrate the truism that natural
phenomena are unequally distributed over the surface of the earth. High and very high rainfall amounts are recorded in equatorial and tropical
areas of Central and South America, Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. Productive agricultural regions of North America and Europe have
lower moisture receipts. The world’s desert regions—in North Africa, Inner Asia, the southwestern United States, and interior Australia—are
clearly marked by low precipitation totals. But not all areas of low moisture receipt are arid, as Figure 13.19 makes clear.

precipitation from year to year. The recurring droughts about one-fifth (21%), and domestic and recreation needs
and famines of the Sahel region of Africa are witness to account for the remainder. World figures conceal consid-
the deadly impact of those expected fluctuations in areas erable regional variation.
of already low rainfall. Finally, Figure 13.19 takes ac- Irrigation agriculture produces some 40% of the
count of the relationship between precipitation receipts world’s harvest from about 17% of its cropland (Fig-
and losses through evapotranspiration, the return of water ure 13.20). Unfortunately, in many instances the crops
from the land to the atmosphere through evaporation that are produced are worth less than the water itself; the
from soil and plants and by transpiration through plant difference is made up in the huge subsidies that govern-
leaves. These losses are higher in the tropics than in mid- ments everywhere offer to irrigation farming. In areas and
dle and upper latitudes, where lower rainfall amounts economies as different as California’s Napa Valley or
under cooler conditions may be more effective and useful Egypt’s Nile Valley, farmers rarely pay over a fifth of the
than higher amounts received closer to the equator. operating costs of public irrigation projects or any of their
The distribution and vegetative adequacy of precipi- capital costs. Unfortunately as well, much of the water
tation are givens and, except for human impact on cli- used for agriculture is lost to the regional supply through
matic conditions, are largely independent of cultural evaporation and transpiration; often less than half of the
influences. Regional water sufficiency, however, is also a water withdrawn for irrigation is returned to streams or
function of the size of the population using the resource, aquifers (porous, water-bearing layers of sand, gravel,
its pattern of water use, and the amount of deterioration and rock) for further use. Much of that returned water,
in quantity and quality the water supply experiences in moreover, is heavily charged with salts removed from irri-
the process of its use and return to the system. These are gated soils, making it unfit for reuse.
circumstances under human, not natural, control. On the other hand, most of the water used for man-
ufacturing processes and power production is returned to
Water Use and Abuse streams, lakes, or aquifers, but often in a state of pollu-
For the world as a whole, irrigated agriculture accounts tion that renders it unsuitable for alternate and subse-
for nearly three-quarters (73%) of freshwater use; in the quent uses. Industrial water use rises dramatically with
poorest countries, the proportion is 90%. Industry uses economic development, and in the developing countries

512 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Figure 13.19 World water supplies. The pattern of surplus and deficit is seen in relation to the demands of the vegetation cover. Water is
in surplus when precipitation is sufficient to satisfy or exceed the demands of the vegetation cover. When precipitation is lower than this
potential demand, a water deficit occurs. By this measure, most of Africa (except the tropical rain forest areas of West Africa), much of the
Middle East, the southwestern United States, and almost all of Australia are areas of extreme moisture deficit.
A comparison of this map with Figure 13.4 helps demonstrate the limiting factor principle, which notes that the single factor that is most
deficient in an ecosystem is the one that determines what kind of plant and animal associations will exist there. Moisture surplus or deficit is the
limiting factor that dictates whether desert, grassland, or forest will develop under natural, undisturbed conditions.
Redrawn with permission from Malin Falkenmark, “Water and Mankind—A Complex System of Mutual Interaction,” Ambio 6(1977):5.

growing industrial demands compete directly with in- will be seriously contaminated by untreated raw sewage
creasing requirements for irrigation and urban water from the dozens of cities along the new reservoir. In
supply. Malaysia, more than 40 major rivers are so polluted that
Although municipal wastewater treatment is increas- they are nearly devoid of fish and aquatic mammals. And
ing in the most developed countries, 90% of raw sewage even in developed countries of formerly communist East-
from urban areas in the developing world is discharged to- ern Europe and Russia, sewage and, particularly, indus-
tally untreated into streams and oceans, contaminating trial waste seriously pollute much of the surface water
surface water supplies, endangering drinking water supply.
sources, and destroying aquatic life. Fully 70% of total sur- When humans introduce wastes into the biosphere
face waters in India are polluted, in large part because in kinds and amounts that the biosphere cannot neutralize
only 8 of its more than 3000 sizable urban centers have or recycle, the result is environmental pollution. In the
full sewage treatment and no more than 200 have even case of water, pollution exists when water composition
partial management. Of Taiwan’s 22 million people, only has been so modified by the presence of one or more sub-
600,000 are served by sewers. Hong Kong each day pours stances that either it cannot be used for a specific purpose
1 million tons of untreated sewage and industrial waste or it is less suitable for that use than it was in its natural
into the sea. Mainland China’s rivers also suffer from in- state. In both developed and developing countries, human
creasing pollution loads. More than 80% of major rivers pressures on fresh water supplies are now serious and
are polluted to some degree, over 20% to such an extent pervasive concerns. If current trends of use and water
that their waters cannot be used for irrigation. Four-fifths abuse continue, fresh water will certainly—and soon—
of China’s urban surface water is contaminated, only six become a limiting factor for economic activity, food pro-
of the country’s 27 largest cities have drinking water duction, and maintenance of health in many parts of the
within the state standards, and the water to be impounded world (see “A World of Water Woes”). A recent govern-
by the massive Three Gorges Dam project, it is predicted, ment report on global resources predicts that by 2015

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 513

Figure 13.20 Irrigation in the Lake Argyle project of Western
Australia. Since 1950, growing world food needs have extended
irrigation to between 5 and 6 million additional hectares (12 to
15 million acres) annually. Usually, much more water is transported
and applied to fields than crops actually require, using unnecessary
amounts of a scarce resource. “Drip irrigation,” which delivers water
directly to plant roots through small perforated tubes laid across the
field, reduces water consumption and salinization and, therefore, the
economic and environmental costs of irrigation farming.

A World of Water Woes

W ater covers almost three-quarters

reserve, stretching from west Texas tems draining over half the earth’s land
of the surface of the globe, yet northward into South Dakota, is drying surface are shared by two or more
“scarcity” is the word increasingly used up, partially depleted by more than countries. Egypt draws on the Nile for
to describe water-related concerns in 150,000 wells pumping water for irriga- 86% of its domestic consumption, but
both the developed and developing tion, city supply, and industry. In some virtually all of that water originates in
world. Globally, fresh water is abun- areas, the wells no longer yield enough eight upstream countries. Turkey, Iraq,
dant. Each year, an average of over to permit irrigation, and farmed land is and Syria have frequently been in dis-
7000 cubic meters (some 250,000 cubic decreasing; in others, water levels have pute over the management of the
feet) per person enters rivers and un- fallen so far that it is uneconomical to Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and the
derground reserves. But rainfall does pump it to the surface for any use. In downstream states fear the effect on
not always occur when or where it is many agricultural districts of northern them of Turkish impoundments and
needed. Already, 80 countries with 40% China, west and south India, and Mex- diversions. Mexico is angered at Ameri-
of the world’s population have serious ico water scarcity limits agriculture can depletion of the Colorado before it
water shortages that threaten to cripple even though national supplies are ade- reaches the international border.
agriculture and industry; 22 of them quate. In Uzbekistan and adjacent sec- Many coastal communities face
have renewable water resources of less tions of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, saltwater intrusions into their drinking
than 1000 cubic meters (35,000 cubic virtually the entire flow of the area’s water supplies as they draw down their
feet) per person—a level generally un- two primary rivers—the Amu Darya underlying freshwater aquifers, while
derstood to mean that water scarcity is and the Syr Darya—is used for often both coastal and inland cities depen-
a severe constraint on the economy wasteful irrigation, with none left to dent on groundwater may be seriously
and public health. Another 18 coun- maintain the Aral Sea or supply grow- depleting their underground supplies.
tries have less than 2000 cubic meters ing urban populations. In Poland, the In China 50 cities face acute water
per capita on average, a dangerously draining of bogs that formerly stored shortages as groundwater levels drop 1
low figure in years of rainfall shortage. rainfall, combined with unimaginable to 2 meters (3–6 ft.) each year. In Mex-
Most of the water-short countries are in pollution of streams and groundwater, ico City, groundwater is pumped at
the Middle East, North Africa, and sub- has created a water shortage as great as rates 40% faster than natural recharge;
Saharan Africa, the regions where pop- that of any Middle Eastern desert coun- the city has responded to those with-
ulations (and consumption demands) try. And salinity now seriously affects drawals by sinking 30 feet during the
are growing fastest. productivity—or prohibits farming 20th century. Millions of citizens of
In several major crop-producing completely—on nearly 10% of the major cities throughout the world have
regions, water use exceeds sustainable world’s irrigated lands. had their water rationed as under-
levels, threatening future food supplies. Water scarcity is often a region- ground and surface supplies are used
America’s largest underground water wide concern. More than 200 river sys- beyond recharge or storage capacity.

514 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

nearly half the world’s population—more than three bil- skills and the environmental alterations of early hydraulic
lion people—will live in countries with insufficient water civilizations in the Near East, North Africa, and else-
to satisfy their needs. Although a few governments have where. The raised fields built by the Mayas of Yucatán are
begun to face the water problem—potentially one every still traceable 1000 years after they were abandoned, and
bit as serious as atmospheric pollution, soil erosion, defor- aerial photography reveals the sites of villages and pat-
estation, and desertification—much remains to be done. terns of fields of medieval England.
Among the most enduring of landscape evidences of
human occupance, however, are not the holes deliber-
ately dug or the structures built but the garbage produced
Garbage Heaps and Toxic Wastes and discarded by all societies everywhere. Prehistoric
dwelling sites are located and analyzed by their middens,
Humans have always managed to leave their mark on the the refuse piles containing the kitchen wastes, broken
landscapes they occupy. The search for minerals, for ex- tools, and other debris of human settlement. We have
ample, has altered whole landscapes, beginning with the learned much about Roman and medieval European
pockmarks and pits marking Neolithic diggings into chalk urban life and life-styles by examination of the refuse
cliffs to obtain flints or early Bronze Age excavations for mounds that grew as man-made hills in their vicinities. In
tin and culminating with modern open-pit and strip- the Near East, whole cities gradually rose on the mounds
mining operations that tear minerals from the earth and of debris accumulating under them (Figure 13.22).
create massive new landforms of depressions and rubble Modern cultures differ from their predecessors by
(Figures 13.1 and 13.21). Ancient irrigation systems still the volume and character of their wastes, not by their
visible on the landscape document both the engineering habits of discard. The greater the society’s population and

Figure 13.21 About 400 square kilometers (some 150 sq mi) of land surface in the United States are lost each year to the strip-mining of
coal and other minerals; far more is chewed up worldwide. On flat or rolling terrain, strip-mining leaves a landscape of parallel ridges and
trenches, the result of stripping away the unwanted surface material. That material—overburden—taken from one trench to reach the underlying
mineral is placed in an adjacent one, leaving the wavelike terrain shown here. Besides altering the topography, strip-mining interrupts surface
and subsurface drainage patterns, destroys vegetation, and places sterile and frequently highly acidic subsoil and rock on top of the new ground
surface. Current law not always successfully requires stripped areas to be returned to their original contours.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 515

component of danger to health or to the environment.
Paints and paint removers, used motor oils, pesticides and
herbicides, bleaches, many kinds of plastics, and the like
pose problems significantly different from apple cores and
waste paper.

Landfill Disposal
The supply of open land and a free-enterprise system of
waste collection and disposal led most American commu-
nities to opt for dumping urban refuse in landfills. In ear-
lier periods, most of these were simply open dumps on
the land, a menace to public health and an esthetic blot on
the landscape. Beginning in the 1960s, more stringent fed-
eral controls began to require waste disposal in what was
considered a more environmentally sound manner: the
sanitary landfill. This involves depositing refuse in a natu-
Figure 13.22 Aerial view of Erbil, Iraq. Here and elsewhere in ral depression or excavated trench, compacting it, and
the Middle East, the debris of millennia of human settlement then covering it each day with soil to seal it (Figure 13.24).
gradually raised the level of the land surface, producing tells, or
occupation mounds. The city—one of the oldest in the world—
Open dumping was outlawed in 1976.
literally was constantly rebuilt at higher elevations on the Some 75% of the country’s municipal waste is dis-
accumulation of refuse of earlier occupants. In some cases, these posed of by landfill. In the 1970s and 80s, there was a real
striking landforms may rise scores of feet above the surrounding fear that the available, affordable, or permitted landfill
plains. sites were rapidly disappearing and the cost of solid waste
disposal would soon greatly increase. Some two-thirds of
all landfills in operation in the late 1970s were filled and
material wealth, the greater the amount and variety of its closed by 1990, and more than half the cities on the East
garbage. Developed countries of the late 20th century are Coast were without any local landfill sites in the middle
increasingly discovering that their material wealth and 1990s. Because of changes in garbage economics during
technological advancements are submerging them in a the 1990s, however, those earlier fears proved unneces-
volume and variety of wastes—solid and liquid, harmless sary. First, large waste management companies have built
and toxic—that threaten both their environments and efficient mega-landfills, replacing a great many small,
their established ways of life. The United States may serve local, and inefficient operations, increasing disposal ca-
as an example of situations all too common worldwide. pacity nationwide. Second, widespread adoption of munic-
ipal recycling programs—now diverting an estimated 20%
Solid Wastes and Rubbish of trash away from landfills—has extended the capacity
North Americans produce rubbish and garbage at a rate of and life span of the remaining landfills. Both develop-
220 million tons per year, or about 2 kilograms ments have served to keep “tipping fees”—the cost of
(4.5 pounds) per person per day. As populations grow, in- dumping at a landfill—at about their 1980s level in con-
comes rise, and consumption patterns change, the volume stant dollars.
of disposable materials continues to expand. Relatively lit- Over the years, of course, many filled dumps have
tle residue is created in subsistence societies that move posed a problem for the cities which gave rise to them.
food from garden to table, and wastes from table to farm New York City, for example, for years placed all of its
animals or compost heaps. The problem comes with daily 14,000 tons of residential waste into the world’s
urban folk who purchase packaged foods, favor plastic largest dump, Fresh Kills on Staten Island. Opened in
wrappings and containers for every commodity, and seek 1947 as a three-year “temporary” 500-acre facility, it be-
(and can afford) an ever-broadening array of manufac- came a malodorous 3000 acres of decomposing garbage
tured goods, both consumer durables such as refrigerators rising some 15 stories above former ground level. Gener-
and automobiles and many designed for single use and ating 140,000 cubic meters (5 million cubic feet) of
quick disposal. methane gas annually and illegally exuding contaminated
The wastes that communities must somehow dispose water, Fresh Kills— finally closed in 2001 at a cost of more
of include newspapers and beer cans, toothpaste tubes than $1 billion—symbolized the rising tide of refuse en-
and old television sets, broken stoves and rusted cars (Fig- gulfing cities and endangering the environment.
ure 13.23). Such ordinary household and municipal trash
does not meet the usual designation of hazardous waste: Incineration
discarded material that may pose a substantial threat to For cities and regions faced with growing volumes of
human health or the environment when improperly solid waste, alternatives to local landfill are few, expen-
stored or disposed of. Much of it, however, does have a sive, and strongly resisted. One possibility is incineration,

516 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Figure 13.23 Some of the 240 million tires Americans replace each year. Most used tires are dumped, legally or illegally. Some are
retreaded, some are exported, and some are burned to generate electricity. But most remain unused and unwanted in growing dumps that remain
both fire hazards and breeding grounds for insects and the diseases they carry.

Figure 13.24 A sanitary landfill. Each day’s deposit of refuse is compacted and isolated in a separate cell by a covering layer of soil or
clay. Although far more desirable than open dumps, sanitary landfills pose environmental problems of their own, including potential
groundwater contamination and seepage of methane and hydrogen sulfide, gaseous products of decomposition. By federal law, modern landfills
must be lined with clay and plastic, equipped with leachate (chemically contaminated drainage from the landfill) collection systems to protect
the groundwater, and monitored regularly for underground leaks—requirements that have increased significantly the cost of constructing and
operating landfills.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 517

a waste-to-energy option of burning refuse to produce mandated more expensive ash disposal procedures.
steam or electricity that usually also involves sorting, re- Nonetheless, the 110 waste-to-energy incinerators operat-
capturing, and recycling useful rubbish components, such ing in the United States at the end of the 1990s continued
as paper, glass, metals, and the like. Incinerators also pro- to burn about one-sixth of the country’s municipal garbage
duce air pollution, including highly toxic dioxin1, so con- (Figure 13.25). The seriousness of the dioxin and toxic ash
trol equipment is required. Acid gases and heavy metals problem, however, has aroused concern everywhere. In
are also released by waste burning. The gases add to at- Japan, where about three-quarters of municipal waste is
mospheric pollution and acid rain, although “scrubbers” incinerated in over 1850 municipal and 3300 private in-
and fabric filters on modern incinerators reduce emis- dustrial incinerators, atmospheric dioxin levels triple
sions to very low levels; the metals contribute to the toxi- those of the United States led the Ministry of Health in
city of the ash that is the inevitable product of 1997 to strengthen earlier inadequate dioxin emission
incineration and that requires landfill disposal. guidelines. Some European countries called at least tem-
The likelihood of pollution from one or many incin- porary halts to incinerator construction while their safety
erator by-products has sparked strong protest to their con- was reconsidered, and increasingly landfills are refusing
struction in the United States, though they have been to take their residue.
more accepted abroad. A Supreme Court ruling of 1994
that incinerator ash was not exempt from the nation’s haz- Ocean Dumping
ardous waste law recognized the potential danger and For coastal communities around the world the ocean has
long been the preferred sink for not only municipal
garbage, but for (frequently untreated) sewage, industrial
1Any of several types of hydrocarbon compounds that are extremely waste, and all the detritus of an advanced urban society.
toxic, persistent in the environment, and biologically magnified in the The practice has been so common and long-standing, that
food chain. Dioxin is a frequently unavoidable trace contaminant in
chemical processes and may also be formed during waste matter by the 1980s the oceans were added to the list of great en-
incineration or other combustion processes. vironmental concerns of the age. While the carcinogenic

Figure 13.25 This waste-to-energy incinerator at Peekskill, New York, is one of the new generation of municipal plants originally expected
to convert over one-quarter of the country’s municipal waste to energy by A.D. 2000. A Supreme Court ruling that the ash they produce had to be
tested for hazardous toxicity and appropriately disposed of in protected landfills, growing public rejection and lawsuits, and increasingly
stringent controls on the amount and kind of airborne vapors they may emit have in many instances raised the operating costs of present
incinerators far higher than landfill costs and altered the economic assessments of new construction.

518 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

effect of ozone reduction had to be assumed from scien- Whether the solution to solid waste disposal be
tific report, the evidence of serious ocean pollution was sought by land, by fire, or by sea, humanity’s rising tide of
increasingly apparent to even the most casual observer. refuse threatens to overwhelm the environments that
Along the Atlantic coast of North America from must deal with it. The problem is present, growing, and
Massachusetts to Chesapeake Bay, reports of dead dol- increasingly costly to manage. Solutions are still to be
phins, raw sewage, tar balls, used syringes, vials of con- found, a constant reminder for the future of the threaten-
taminated blood and hospital waste, diapers, plastic ing impact of the environments of culture upon those of
products in unimagined amounts and varieties, and other nature.
foul refuse kept swimmers from the beach, closed coastal
shellfisheries, and elicited health warnings against wading Toxic Wastes
or even breathing salt spray (Figure 13.26). The Gulf of The problems of municipal and household solid-waste
Mexico coast is also tainted and polluted by accumulations management are daunting; those of treatment and dis-
of urban garbage, litter from ships and offshore oil rigs, posal of hazardous and toxic wastes seem overwhelming.
and the toxic effluent of petrochemical plants. Long The definitions of the terms are imprecise, and hazardous
stretches of Pacific shoreline are in similar condition. and toxic are frequently used interchangeably, as we shall
Elsewhere, the Adriatic, Aegean, Baltic, and Irish do here. More strictly defined, toxic waste is a relatively
seas and the Sea of Japan—indeed, all the world’s coastal limited concept, referring to materials that can cause
waters—are no better. Environmental surveys of the death or serious injury to humans or animals. Hazardous
shores of the Mediterranean Sea show serious damage and waste is a broader term referring to all wastes, including
pollution. Around Italy, the Mediterranean waters are toxic ones, that pose an immediate or long-term human
cloudy with raw sewage and industrial waste and some of health risk or that endanger the environment (see defini-
the world’s most beautiful beaches are fouled by garbage. tion on page 488). The Environmental Protection Agency
The Bay of Guanabara, the grand entryway to Rio de has classified more than 400 substances as hazardous, and
Janeiro, Brazil, has been called a cesspool. currently about 10% of industrial waste materials are so
An international treaty to regulate ocean dumping of categorized.
hazardous trash was drafted in 1972, another, the Ocean Such wastes contaminate the environment in differ-
Dumping Ban to control marine disposal of wastes, was ent ways and by different routes. Because most haz-
negotiated in 1988, and a “global program of action” for ardous debris is disposed of by dumping or burial on land,
protection of the marine environment from land-based groundwater is most at risk of contamination. In all,
pollution was devised in 1995, but their effectiveness has some 2% of Anglo America’s groundwater supply could
yet to be demonstrated. In light of the length of the have hazardous waste contamination. No comparable
world’s coastline, the number of countries sharing it, and world figures exist, but in all industrial countries at least
the great growth of urban populations in the vicinity of some drinking water contamination from highly toxic sol-
the sea, serious doubt has been raised whether any inter- vents, hydrocarbons, pesticides, trace metals, and poly-
national agreement can be fully effective or enforced. chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) has been detected. Toxic
Many portents—from beach litter to massive fin- and waste impoundments are also a source of air pollutants
shellfish kills—suggest that the oceans’ troubled waters through the evaporation of volatile organic compounds.
have reached the limit of the abuse they can absorb. Finally, careless or deliberate distribution of toxic materi-
als outside of confinement areas can cause unexpected,
but deadly, hazards. Although methods of disposal other
than containment techniques have been developed—
including incineration, infrared heating, and bacterial
decomposition—none is fully satisfactory and none is as
yet in wide use.

Radioactive Wastes
Every facility that either uses or produces radioactive ma-
terials generates at least low-level waste, material whose ra-
dioactivity will decay to safe levels in 100 years or less.
Nuclear power plants produce about half the total low-
level waste in the form of used resins, filter sludges, lubri-
cating oils, and detergent wastes. Industries that
manufacture radiopharmaceuticals, smoke alarms, and
other consumer goods produce such wastes in the form of
Figure 13.26 Warning signs and beaches littered with sewage, machinery parts, plastics, and organic solvents. Research
garbage, and medical debris are among the increasingly common establishments, universities, and hospitals also produce
and distressing evidences of ocean dumping of wastes. radioactive waste materials.

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 519

High-level waste can remain radioactive for 10,000 Valley, New York (Figure 13.27). Several of these storage
years and more; plutonium stays dangerously radioactive areas have experienced leakages, with seepage of waste
for 240,000 years. It consists primarily of spent fuel as- into the surrounding soil and groundwater.
semblies of nuclear power reactors—termed “civilian Because low-level waste is generated by so many
waste”—and such “military waste” as the by-products of sources, its disposal is particularly difficult to control. Ev-
nuclear weapons manufacture. The volume of civilian idence indicates that much of it has been placed in land-
waste alone is not only great but increasing rapidly, be- fills, often the local municipal dump, where the waste
cause approximately one-third of a reactor’s rods need to chemicals may leach through the soil and into the
be disposed of every year. groundwater. By EPA estimates, the United States con-
By 2000, some 100,000 spent-fuel assemblies were in tains at least 25,000 legal and illegal dumps with haz-
storage in the containment pools of America’s commercial ardous waste; as many as 2000 are deemed potential
nuclear power reactors, awaiting more permanent disposi- ecological disasters.
tion. About 6000 more are added annually. “Spent fuel” is An even less constructive response, according to in-
a misleading term: the assemblies are removed from com- creasing complaints, has been the export of radioactive
mercial reactors not because their radiation is spent, but materials—in common with other hazardous wastes—to
because they have become too radioactive for further use. willing or unwitting recipient countries with less restric-
The assemblies will remain radioactively “hot” for thou- tive or costly controls and its illegal and unrecorded
sands of years. dumping at sea—now banned by the legally binding Lon-
Unfortunately, no satisfactory method for disposing don Convention of 1993.
of any hazardous waste has yet been devised (see “Yucca
Mountain”). Although sealing liquids with a radioactive Exporting Waste
life measured in the thousands of years within steel Regulations, community resistance, and steeply rising
drums expected to last no more than 40 years seems an costs of disposal of hazardous wastes in the developed
unlikely solution to the disposal problem, it is one that has countries encouraged producers of those unwanted com-
been widely practiced. Some wastes have been sealed in modities to seek alternate areas for their disposition.
protective tanks and dumped at sea, a practice that has Transboundary shipments of dangerous wastes became an
now been banned worldwide. Much low-level radioactive increasingly attractive option for producers. In total, such
waste has been placed in tanks and buried in the ground cross-border movement amounted to tens of thousands of
at 13 sites operated by the U.S. Department of Energy and shipments annually by the early 1990s, with destinations
three sites run by private firms. Millions of cubic feet of including debt-ridden Eastern European countries and im-
high-level military waste are temporarily stored in under- poverished developing ones outside of Europe that were
ground tanks at four sites: Hanford, Washington; Savan- willing to trade a hole in the ground for hard currency. It
nah River, South Carolina; Idaho Falls, Idaho; and West was a trade, however, that increasingly aroused the ire

Figure 13.27 Storage tanks under construction in Hanford, Washington. Built to contain high-level radioactive waste, the tanks are shown
before they were encased in concrete and buried underground. By the early 1990s, 66 of the 177 underground tanks were already known to be
leaking. Of the approximately 55 million gallons of waste the tanks hold, about 1 million gallons of liquids have seeped into the soil, raising the
fear that the radioactive waste has already reached underground water supplies and is flowing toward the Columbia River.

520 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Geography and Public Policy
Nevada was selected as the site for this The epicenter of the 1992 earthquake
Yucca Mountain high-level waste facility, which is in- at Little Skull Mountain was only
If the U.S. government has its way, a tended to safely store wastes for 10,000 19 kilometers (12 mi) from the pro-
long, low ridge in the basin-and-range years, until radioactive decay has ren- posed dump site.
region of Nevada will become Amer- dered them less hazardous than they Second, rainwater percolating
ica’s first permanent repository for are today. Most of the waste would be down through the mountain could
the deadly radioactive waste that nu- in the form of radioactive fuel pellets penetrate the vaults holding the
clear power plants generate. If the op- sealed in metal rods; these would be en- waste. Over the centuries, water could
ponents of the project have their way, cased in extremely strong glass and dissolve the waste itself, and the re-
however, Yucca Mountain will become placed in steel canisters entombed in sulting toxic brew could seep down
a symbol of society’s inability to solve chambers 300 meters (1000 ft) below into the water table.
a basic problem posed by nuclear the Nevada desert. The steel containers Finally, the Yucca Mountain site
power production: where to dispose of would corrode in one or two centuries, lies between the Nevada Test Site,
the used fuel. At present, no perma- after which the volcanic rock of the which the DOE used as a nuclear
nent disposal site for radioactive waste mountain would be responsible for bomb testing range, and the Nellis Air
exists anywhere in the world. containing radioactivity. Force Base Bombing and Gunnery
In 1982, Congress ordered the De- Plans now call for opening the Range. Questions have been raised
partment of Energy (DOE) to construct repository in 2010, but many doubt about the wisdom of locating a waste
a permanent repository by 1998 for the that the Yucca Mountain facility will repository just a few kilometers from
spent fuel of civilian nuclear power ever be completed and licensed. areas subject to aerial bombardment.
plants, as well as vast quantities of Three lines of concern have emerged.
waste from the production of nuclear First, the storage area is vulnerable to Questions to Consider:
weapons. Yucca Mountain in southern both volcanic and earthquake activ- 1. What are the advantages and
ity, which could disadvantages of permitting nuclear
cause groundwater to plants to operate when no system for
well up suddenly and disposing of their hazardous wastes
flood the repository. exists?
Yucca Mountain it- 2. Comment on the paradox that
self was formed from plutonium remains dangerously
volcanic eruptions radioactive for 240,000 years, yet
that occurred about plans call for it to be stored in a
12–15 million years repository that is intended to safely
ago; some geologists hold wastes for only 10,000 years.
are concerned that a 3. Considering the uncertainties that
new volcano could would attend the irreversible
erupt within the underground entombment of high-level
mountain. Seven waste, do you think the government
small cinder cones in should instead pursue above-ground
the immediate area storage in a form that would allow for
have erupted in re- the continuous monitoring and retrieval
cent times, the latest of the wastes? Why or why not?
just 10,000 years ago. 4. High-level waste is produced at
In addition, a num- relatively few sites in the United
ber of seismic faults States. Low-level waste is much more
lie close to Yucca common; it is produced at more than
Mountain. One, the 2000 sites in California alone. Which
Ghost Dance Fault, do you think should arouse greater
runs right through public concern and discussion, high-
the depository site. level or low-level waste?

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 521

Human Actions and Environmental Impacts
Internet resources contain a wealth of information about the The National Council for Science and the Environment at
physical world and the ways in which humans impact and is concerned with disseminating environmen-
modify their environments. Some of the most used and useful tal information, particularly through its developing “National
sites are noted here and many others may be located by Library for the Environment” featuring Congressional Re-
following the Internet links included in the sites that are search Service reports, country and state “briefing books,” and
listed below. “Population and Environment Linkages.”
Good first stops for researching the physical geo- The United Nations presents its general environmental
graphic background to environmental and human impact interests through UNEP.Net Environment Network at
concerns include Internet Resources for Physical Geography featuring national and regional environmen-
created by the University of Wisconsin—Stevens Point at tal profiles, an atlas of protected areas, wildfire status reports,; links to risk assessment organizations, and more.
although infrequently updated, its range of topics and links The minimization of adverse human impacts on the en-
are worth examining. The Open Directory Project (“the vironment underlies all efforts to promote “sustainable devel-
largest, most comprehensive . . . directory of the web”) opment.” SD Dimensions is maintained by the Food and
page on Physical Geography at Agriculture Organization of the UN at and is
Social_Sciences/Geography/Physical_Geography contains a gateway to information on the subject through four major
both a brief selection of general and special interest links categories—environment, institutions, knowledge, and peo-
and also a menu of physical geography topics each of which ple. A similar interest in sustainable development but with a
leads to large number of constantly updated topic-specific Canadian emphasis is found on the IISDnet sponsored by the
websites. Physical Geography Resources from the University International Institute for Sustainable Development at
of Wisconsin—Madison at Check also the IISD’s separate Linkages
resources/phys.html features a comprehensive set of “con- page at, intended as an electronic clear-
tents” subheadings, each opening to an extensive list of links inghouse for information on past and upcoming international
to further subdivisions and sites. The Earth Science page meetings related to environment and development. Earth-
maintained by Penn State University at Trends (“the environmental information portal”) is an interac- has an tive website maintained by the World Resources Institute at
extensive set of topical and individual links with brief guid- with access to global environmen-
ance to their nature and content. tal and sustainable development information through a
Many nongovernmental or quasi-governmental sites are searchable database, maps, country profiles, data tables, and
focused on the environment, environmental change, and more. Much less rigorous academically is the popular Earth-
human impacts. Pulse site, “National Geographic’s home for conservation” at
George Washington University and the U.S. Environ-
mental Protection Agency have together developed The GW Among the many useful environmental websites main-
Green University Initiative. The site’s “Environmental Informa- tained by federal agencies are those of: (1) The U.S. Global
tion Resources” option includes links to several hundred other Change Research Information Office (GCRIO). The site at
sites worldwide. Its home page at}greenu/ also provides access to data and information on
features access to “OnLine Environment,” an interactive envi- global change research and educational resources and fea-
ronmental education game and to its “GreenU Site of the tures a changing selection of “Showcase Links”; its “Global
Month Awards.” Change Resources” provides access to bibliographic databases
The WWW Virtual Library: Environment maintained by and to selected full-text documents and publications. (2) The, is divided by subject, including atmo- Environmental Protection Agency; its mission statement in-
sphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Use the sub- cludes the responsibility “. . . to safeguard the natural envi-
ject options for links to a wide variety of organizations, topics, ronment.” The EPA home page at includes
and reports: options detailing agency programs concerning land, air, and
Environmental Organization WebDirectory (“earth’s water systems and summarizing controlling laws and regula-
biggest environmental search engine”) contains a listing of tions. Resources for students and teachers are also noted.
thousands of environmental sites on the World Wide Web, (3) Conservation is the focus of the Department of Agricul-
ranging alphabetically from agriculture to wildlife: ture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. Its home page provides access to daughter sites on the agency’s programs
An easy-to-use collection of categorized links is and resources, to links with other pertinent federal entities:
available through the Environmental Issues page of Check the NRCS’s State of the Land site From acid rain to water and wetlands, the site at at; it provides a wealth of tabu- opens up a wealth of special- lar and spatial data and analysis on land use, soil erosion and
ized websites, many not indexed in more scholarly soil quality, water quality, wetlands, and other issues con-
directories. cerning the conservation and use of natural resources.

522 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

(4) A similar conservation goal motivates the U.S. Fish and Environment Canada’s special Green Lane page on Global Cli-
Wildlife Service, whose mission is to protect animals, plants, mate Change is a valuable source for that topic, though of
and habitats from adverse human impacts: www.fws. gov/. course it emphasizes Canadian interests and actions:
(5) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) website at features reports on cur- Environmental education is the focus on EE-Link:
rent climatic and oceanic concerns, provides links to major Environmental Education on the Internet at
national environmental agencies and services, and access to Although it is aimed at teachers of the K–12 levels, its basic
its “central library.” information, numerous resource links, and emphasis on
Other single topic governmental, international, and or- “key principles” makes it a valuable site for all users. The
ganizational environmental sites are revealed through even a Environmental News Network emphasizes environmental
casual browsing of the Internet. For climate, for example, the news and a weekly in-depth look at a current ecological
World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Envi- concern: www.
ronmental Program Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Earth Times, an international on-line daily newspaper
is found at; the National Center for Atmospheric reporting on environment issues and sustainable develop-
Research is of primary interests to atmospheric scientists, but ment, may be read at The Population
among its range of sub site options is “societal impacts . . . Reference Bureau and the National Council for Science and
related to climate and weather”; view it at the Environment cooperate in producing the PopPlanet web- Of more general climate interest is site “where population, health and environment come to-, a website of the Climate Institute whose sub sites gether” ( The site features a moderated
on science, green energy, regions, and links may be of use bulletin board and country briefing books.
and value. Other single issue web pages, for example that of Many nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations, of
the United Nations Secretariat of the Convention to Combat De- which only a few are listed here, maintain home pages. You
sertification at, are also easily found will find reference to most of them through the linked web-
through browser searches of such keywords as “greenhouse sites detailed above.
effect,” “volcano,” “rainforest,” and the like. World Resources Institute:
The Canadian government, too, has several Internet Resources for the Future:
sites of interest in the area of the environment, conservation, Sierra Club home page:
and human impact. Perhaps the best starting point is Environ- Center for Marine Conservation:
ment Canada’s Green Lane at Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s home
This website features a number of options, including daugh- page at for websites added or
ter sites on climate change, clean air, water, and the like. corrected by the publisher or contributed by helpful users.

and resistance of destination countries and, ultimately, as scrap metals for recycling within consenting receiving
elicited international agreements among both generating countries. Despite the agreement, a UN committee in 1998
and receiving countries to cease the practice. identified the United States, Germany, Australia, Britain,
The Organization of African Unity in 1988 adopted and the Netherlands as continuing major toxic waste ex-
a resolution condemning the dumping of all foreign porters. Investigating toxic wastes dumping as a violation of
wastes on that continent. More broadly and under the basic human rights, the committee reported that Africa still
sponsorship of the United Nations, 117 countries in receives masses of developed country toxic waste in spite of
March of 1989 adopted a treaty—the Basel Convention on its 1988 resolution. The bulk of European waste goes to the
the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Baltic countries and to Eastern and Central Europe. Half of
Wastes and Their Disposal—aimed at regulating the in- the United States’ exports go to Latin America, and those of
ternational trade in wastes. That regulation was to be Britain go largely to Asia.
achieved by requiring exporters to obtain consent from
receiving countries before shipping waste and by requir-
ing both exporter and importer countries to ensure that
the waste would be disposed of in an environmentally
sound manner.
Prospects and Perspectives
A still more restrictive convention was reached in Not surprisingly, the realities of the human impacts upon
March, 1994 when—with the United States dissenting—most the environment that we have looked at in this chapter
Western industrialized countries agreed to ban the export of bring us directly back to ideas first presented in Chap-
all poisonous or hazardous industrial wastes and residues to ter 2, at the start of our examination of the meaning of
the developing world, the countries of Eastern Europe, and culture and the development of human geographic pat-
the former Soviet Union. United States’ objections con- terns on the surface of the earth. We noted there and see
cerned the assumed prohibition on export of such materials more clearly now that humans, in their increasing

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 523

numbers and technical sophistication, have been able meant to remind us yet again of the often repeated tru-
since the end of the last glaciation to alter for their own ism that everything is connected to everything else; we
needs the physical landscapes they occupy. Humans, it is can never do just one thing. The ecological crises de-
often observed, are the ecological dominant in the fined in this chapter and the human geographic patterns
human–environmental equation that is the continuing of interaction, contrast, and—occasionally—conflict ob-
focus of geographic inquiry. served in the preceding chapters show clearly and re-
That dominance reflected itself in the growing di- peatedly how close and complex are the connections
vergence of human societies as they separated them- within the cultural world, and how intimately our cre-
selves from common hunting-gathering origins. In ated environment is joined to the physical landscape we
creating their differing cultural solutions to common con- all share.
cerns of sustenance and growth, societies altered the en- There is growing awareness of those connections,
vironments they occupied. Diverse systems of of the adverse human impacts upon the natural world,
exploitation of the environment were developed in and and of the unity of all cultural and physical landscapes.
diffused from distinctive culture hearths. They were Climatic change, air and water pollution, soil loss and
modified by the ever-expanding numbers of people occu- desertification, refuse contamination, and a host of
pying earth areas of differing carrying capacities and other environmental consequences and problems of in-
available resources. Gradually developing patterns of spa- tensifying human use of the earth are all matters of con-
tial interaction and exchange did not halt the creation of temporary public debate and consideration. Awareness
areally distinctive subsystems of culture or assure com- and concern of individuals are increasingly reflected by
mon methods of utilization of unequally distributed earth policies of environmental protection introduced by gov-
resources or environments. Sharp contrasts in levels of ernments and supported or enforced by international
economic development and well-being emerged and per- conferences, compacts, and treaties. Acceptance of the
sisted even as cultural convergence through shared tech- interconnectedness and indivisibility of cultural and nat-
nology began increasingly to unite societies throughout ural environments—the human creation and the physi-
the world. cal endowment—is now more the rule than the
Each culture separately placed its imprint on the en- exception.
vironment it occupied. In many cases—Chaco Canyon Our understanding of those relationships is ad-
and Easter Island were our earlier examples—that im- vanced by what we have learned of the human side of the
print was ultimately destructive of the resources and en- human–environmental structure. We have seen that the
vironments upon which the cultures developed and seemingly infinitely complex diversity of human societies,
depended. For human society collectively or single cul- economies, and interrelations is in fact logical, explicable,
tures separately, environmental damage or destruction is and far from random or arbitrary. We now have developed
the unplanned consequence of the ecological dominance both a mental map of the cultural patterns and content of
of humans. Our perpetual dilemma lies in the reality that areas and an appreciation of the dynamics of their cre-
what we need and want in support and supply from the ation and operation. We must have that human geo-
environments we occupy generally exceeds in form and graphic background—that sense of spatial interaction and
degree what they are able to yield in an unaltered state. unity of cultural, economic, and political patterns—to un-
To satisfy their felt needs, humans have learned to ma- derstand fully the relationship between our cultural world
nipulate their environment. The greater those needs and and the physical environment on which it ultimately de-
the larger the populations with both needs and technical pends. Only with that degree of human geographic aware-
skills to satisfy them, the greater is the manipulation of ness can we individually participate in an informed way
the natural landscape. For as long as humans have occu- in preserving and improving the increasingly difficult and
pied the earth the implicit but seldom addressed question delicate balance between the endowment of nature and
has not been should we exploit and alter the environ- our landscapes of culture.
ment, but how can we extract our requirements from the
natural endowment without dissipating and destroying
the basis of our support?
This final chapter detailing a few of the damaging
pressures placed upon the environment by today’s
economies and cultures is not meant as a litany of de- Cultural landscapes may buffer but cannot isolate soci-
spair. Rather it is a reminder of the potentially destruc- eties from the physical environments they occupy. All
tive ecological dominance of humans. Against the human activities, from the simplest forms of agriculture
background of our now fuller understanding of human to modern industry, have an impact upon the biosphere.
geographic patterns and interactions, this chapter is also Cumulatively, in both developed and developing countries,

524 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

that impact is now evident in the form of serious and earth—the garbage and hazardous wastes of civilization—
threatening environmental deterioration. The atmosphere are beginning to overwhelm both sites and technologies
unites us all, and its global problems of greenhouse heat- of disposal.
ing, ozone depletion, and particulate pollution endanger We do not end our study of human geography on a
us all. Desertification, soil erosion, and tropical deforesta- note of despondency, however. We end with the convic-
tion may appear to be local or regional problems, but they tion that the fuller knowledge we now have of the spatial
have worldwide implications of both environmental degra- patterns and structures of human cultural, economic, and
dation and reduced population-supporting capacity. Fresh- political activities will aid in our understanding of the
water supplies are deteriorating in quality and decreasing myriad ways in which human societies are bound to the
in sufficiency through contamination and competition. Fi- physical landscapes they occupy—and which they have so
nally, the inevitable end product of human use of the substantially modified.

Key Words
acid rain 498 environmental pollution 513 ozone 500
aquifer 512 fallowing 508 rotation 508
biome 491 greenhouse effect 493 soil 508
biosphere (ecosphere) 488 hazardous waste 519 soil erosion 503
desertification 505 hydrologic cycle 510 terracing 508
ecosystem 491 icebox effect 491 toxic waste 519
environment 488 limiting factor principle 513

For Review
1. What does the term environment 5. What lines of reasoning and 8. What effects has the increasing
mean? What is the distinction evidence suggest that human use of fossil fuels over the past
between the natural and the activity is altering global climates? 200 years had on the
cultural environments? Can both What kind of alteration has environment? What is acid rain,
be part of the physical occurred or is expected to occur? and where is it a problem? What
environment we occupy? What do the terms greenhouse and factors affect the type and degree
2. What is the biosphere or ecosphere? icebox effect have to do with of air pollution found at a place?
What are its parts? How is the possible climatic futures? What is the relationship of ozone
concept of biome related to that of 6. What is desertification? What types to photochemical smog?
the ecosphere? of areas are particularly 9. Describe the chief sources of
3. Were there any evidences of susceptible to desertification? water pollution of which you are
human impact upon the natural What kinds of land uses are aware. How has the supply of
environment prior to the associated with it? How easily can fresh water been affected by
Industrial Revolution? If so, can its effects be overcome or pollution and human use? When
you provide examples? If not, can reversed? water is used, is it forever lost to
you explain why not? 7. What agricultural techniques have the environment? If so, where
been traditionally employed to does it go? If not, why should
4. Do we have any evidence of
reduce or halt soil erosion? Since there be water shortages now in
physical environmental change
these are known techniques that regions of formerly ample
that we cannot attribute to human
have been practiced throughout supply?
action? Can we be certain that
environmental change we observe the world, why is there a current
today is attributable to human problem of soil erosion anywhere?
action? How?

Human Impacts on Natural Systems 525

10. What methods do communities technical problem, why should 11. Suggest ways in which your study
use to dispose of solid waste? Can there be any concern with waste of human geography has
hazardous wastes be treated in disposal in modern advanced increased your understanding of
the same fashion? Since economies? the relationship between the
disposition of waste is a environments of culture and
those of nature.

Focus Follow-up
1. What are contributing causes grazing areas and harvest tropical Pollution of those supplies by
and resulting concerns of wood. Their depletion endangers human actions further reduces
global warming, acid rainfall, or destroys the world’s richest, water availability and utility.
and ozone level changes? most diversified plant and animal 4. How are modern societies
pp. 488–501. biome and adversely affects local, addressing the problems of
Following the last glaciation, regional, and world patterns of solid and toxic waste disposal?
relatively stable world patterns of temperature and rainfall. Their pp. 515–524.
climates and biomes persisted, loss also diminishes a vital
Increasingly, all societies are
broken only by occasional periods “carbon sink” needed to absorb
becoming more dependent on
of unusual warming or cooling. excess carbon dioxide.
modern manufacturing and
Great increases in human Desertification—the expansion of
packaging of industrial,
numbers and their environmental areas of destroyed soil and plant
commercial, and personal
impact over the past century cover in dry climates—results
consumption items. The easy
resulted in apparent detectable from both natural climatic
recycling of waste materials found
changes in former earth system fluctuations and human pressures
in subsistence cultures is no
stability. Recent global warming from plowing, woody plant
longer possible and humans are
has been attributed in significant removal, or livestock overgrazing.
presented with increasing needs
measure to human-caused Those same human actions and
for sites and facilities to safely
increases in greenhouse gases. pressures can accelerate the
dispose of solid wastes. Sanitary
Increases as well in airborne normal erosional loss of soil
landfills and incineration are
smoke, soot, and acid gases from beyond natural soil regeneration
employed to handle nontoxic
factories and cars help produce potential. Such loss reduces total
wastes. The former demands
acid precipitation that corrodes and per capita area of food
scarce and expensive land near
stone and metals, destroys forests, production, diminishing the
cities or costly export to distant
and acidifies to sterility some human carrying capacity of the
locations; the latter is often
lakes and soils. Upper-air ozone land.
opposed because of unsafe
depletion and lower-level ozone 3. How are emerging water emissions and ash residue.
accumulation, both with serious supply and waste disposal Disposal of toxic and hazardous
effect on plant and animal life, problems related to human wastes including nuclear wastes,
are also largely atrributed to numbers and impacts? products of modern societies and
humans’ adverse impact on the pp. 510–515. technologies, poses problems yet
environment. The hydrologic cycle assures to be satisfactorily and safely
2. What human actions have water will be continuously solved.
contributed to tropical regenerated for further use. But
deforestation, desertification, growing demand for irrigation,
and soil erosion? What are the industrial use, and individual and
consequences? pp. 502–510. urban consumption means
Current rapid destruction of increasing lack of balance
tropical forests reflects human between natural water supplies
intentions to expand farming and and consumption demands.

526 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Selected References
Abramovitz, Janet N. Imperiled Waters, Gardner, Gary. Shrinking Fields: 2d ed. United Nations Environmental
Impoverished Future: The Decline of Cropland Loss in a World of Eight Programme. London: Edward
Freshwater Ecosystems. Worldwatch Billion. Worldwatch Paper 131. Arnold, 1997.
Paper 128. Washington, D.C.: Washington, D.C.: Worldwatch Miller, G. Tyler, Jr. Living in the
Worldwatch Institute, 1996. Institute, 1996. Environment. 11th ed. Belmont,
Bailey, Robert G. Ecosystem Geography. Goudie, Andrew. The Human Impact on Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing Co.,
New York/Berlin: Springer Verlag, the Natural Environment. New York: 1999.
1996. Blackwell, 1999. Park, Chris C. Tropical Rainforests.
Bell, Melinda. “Is Our Climate Goudie, Andrew. Encyclopedia of Global London and New York: Routledge,
Unstable?” Earth 3, no. 1 (January Change: Environmental Change and 1992.
1994): 24–31. Human Society. New York: Oxford Pickering, Kevin T., and Lewis A.
Bradley, R. “1000 Years of Climate University Press, 2000. Owen. An Introduction to Global
Change.” Science 288 (May 26, 2000): Harrison, Paul, and Fred Pearce. AAA Environmental Issues. 2d ed. New
1353–1355. Atlas of Population and Environment. York: Routledge, 1997.
Brown, Lester R., et al. State of the Victoria D. Markham, ed. Berkeley, Postel, Sandra. Last Oasis: Facing Water
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Worldwatch Institute. Annual. Advancement of Science and 1992.
University of California Press, 2001.
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Flip-flop.” Atlantic Monthly 281, no. 1 Houghton, John. Global Warming: The Run Dry.” Worldwatch 12, no. 5
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England and New York: Cambridge
Cunningham, William P., and Barbara Roberts, Neil. The Changing Global
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W. Saigo. Environmental Science: Environments. Cambridge, Mass.:
A Global Concern. 5th ed. Dubuque, Hulme, Mick, and Mick Kelly. Blackwell, 1994.
Iowa: McGraw-Hill, 1999. “Desertification and Climate
Sampat, Payal. Deep Trouble: The Hidden
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Durning, Alan T. Saving the Forests:
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528 Human Actions and Environmental Impacts

Appendix A
Map Projections

A map projection is simply a system for display-
ing the curved surface of the earth on a flat
sheet of paper. The definition is easy; the
the globe’s curved surface on the hemisphere we can see.
Then we have to cut the globe map down the middle of its
hidden hemisphere and place the two back quarters on
process is more difficult. No matter how one tries to “flat- their respective sides of the already visible front half. In
ten” the earth, it can never be done in such a fashion as to simple terms, we have to “peel” the map from the globe
show all earth details in their correct relative sizes, and flatten it in the same way we might try to peel an or-
shapes, distances, or directions. Something is always ange and flatten the skin. Inevitably, the peeling and flat-
wrong, and the cartographer’s—the mapmaker’s—task is tening process will produce a resulting map that either
to select and preserve those earth relationships important shows tears or breaks in the surface (Figure A.2a) or is
for the purpose at hand and to minimize or accept those subject to uneven stretching or shrinking to make it lie
distortions that are inevitable but unimportant. flat (Figure A.2b).

Round Globe to Flat Map

The best way to model the earth’s surface accurately, of
course, would be to show it on a globe. But globes are not
as convenient to use as flat maps and do not allow one to
see the entire surface of the earth all at once. Nor can
they show very much of the detailed content of areas.
Even a very large globe of, say, 3 feet (nearly 1 meter) in
diameter, compresses the physical or cultural information
of some 130,000 square kilometers (about 50,000 sq mi) of
earth surface into a space 2.5 centimeters (1 in.) on a side.
Geographers make two different demands on the
maps they use to represent reality. One requirement is to
show at one glance generalized relationships and spatial
content of the entire world; the many world maps used in
this and other geography textbooks and in atlases have that
purpose. The other need is to show the detailed content of
only portions of the earth’s surface—cities, regions, coun-
tries, hemispheres—without reference to areas outside the
zone of interest. Although the needs and problems of both
kinds of maps differ, each starts with the same require- Figure A.1 An orthographic projection gives us a visually
realistic view of the globe; its distortion toward the edges suggests the
ment: to transform a curved surface into a flat one.
normal perspective appearance of a sphere viewed from a distance.
If we look at the globe directly, only the front—the Only a single hemisphere—one half of the globe—can be seen at a
side facing us—is visible; the back is hidden (Figure A.1). time, and only the central portion of that hemisphere avoids serious
To make a world map, we must decide on a way to flatten distortion of shape.

and Mathematical
Of course, mapmakers do not physically engage in cut-
ting, peeling, flattening, or stretching operations. Their
task, rather, is to construct or project on a flat surface the
network of parallels and meridians (the graticule) of the
globe grid (see page 19). The idea of projections is perhaps
easiest visualized by thinking of a transparent globe with
an imagined light source located inside. Lines of latitude
and longitude (or of coastlines or any other features)
drawn on that globe will cast shadows on any nearby sur-
face. A tracing of that shadow globe grid would represent
a geometrical map projection.
In geometrical (or perspective) projections, the
graticule is in theory visually transferred from the globe
to a geometrical figure, such as a plane, cylinder, or
cone, which in turn can be cut and then spread out flat
(or developed) without any stretching or tearing. The sur-
faces of cylinders, cones, and planes are said to be
developable surfaces—cylinders and cones can be cut
and laid flat without distortion and planes are flat at the
outset (Figure A.3). In actuality, geometrical projections
are constructed not by tracing shadows but by the appli-
(a) cation of geometry and the use of lines, circles, arcs, and
angles drawn on paper.
The location of the theoretical light source in rela-
tion to the globe surface can cause significant variation in
the projection of the graticule on the developable geomet-
ric surface. An orthographic projection results from
placement of the light source at infinity. A gnomonic pro-
jection is produced when the light source is at the center
of the earth. When the light is placed at the antipode—the
point exactly opposite the point of tangency (point of con-
tact between globe and map)—a stereographic projection
is produced (Figure A.4).
(b) Although a few useful and common projections are
based on these simple geometric means of production,
Figure A.2 (a) A careful “peeling” of the map from the globe
most map designs can only be derived mathematically
yields a set of tapered “gores” which, although individually not
showing much stretching or shrinking, do not collectively result in a from tables of angles and dimensions separately devel-
very useful or understandable world map. (b) It is usually considered oped for specific projections. The objective and need for
desirable to avoid or reduce the number of interruptions by depicting mathematical projections is to preserve and emphasize
the entire global surface as a single flat circular, oval, or rectangular specific earth relationships that cannot be recorded by the
shape. That continuity of area, however, can be achieved only at the
perspective globe and shadow approach. The graticule of
cost of considerable alteration of true shapes, distances, directions, or
areas. Although the homolographic (Mollweide) projection shows each mathematical projection is orderly and “accurate” in
areas correctly, it distorts shapes. the sense of displaying the correct locations of lines of lat-
Redrawn with permission from American Congress Surveying and Mapping, itude and longitude. Each projection scheme, however,
Choosing a World Map. Special Publication No. 2 of the American Cartographic presents a different arrangement of the globe grid to mini-
Association, Bethesda, Md. Coypright 1988 American Congress on Surveying and
Mapping. mize or eliminate some of the distortions inherent in pro-
jecting from a curved to a flat surface. Every projection
represents a compromise or deviation from reality to

530 Appendix A
Figure A.3 The theory of geometrical projections. The three common geometric forms used in projections are the plane, the cylinder, and
the cone.

Figure A.4 The effect of light source location on planar surface projections. Note the variations in spacing of the lines of latitude that occur
when the light source is moved.

achieve a selected purpose, but in the process of adjust- distort some or all of them. The result is that all flat maps,
ment or compromise each inevitably contains specific, ac- whether geometrically or mathematically derived, also
cepted distortions. distort in different ways and to different degrees some or
all of the four main properties of actual earth surface rela-
tionships: area, shape, distance, and direction.
Globe Properties and Map Distortions Area
The true properties of the global grid are detailed on Cartographers use equal-area or equivalent projections
page 20. Not all of those grid realities can ever be pre- when it is important for the map to show the areas of re-
served in any single projection; projections invariably gions in correct or constant proportion to earth reality—as

Appendix A 531
it is when the map is intended to show the actual areal ex- one direction must be offset by compensating changes in
tent of a phenomenon on the earth’s surface. If we wish to the opposite direction. As a result, the shape of the por-
compare the amount of land in agriculture in two differ- trayed area is inevitably distorted. A square on the earth,
ent parts of the world, for example, it would be very mis- for example, may become a rectangle on the map, but that
leading visually to use a map that represented the same rectangle has the correct area (Figure A.5). A map that
amount of surface area at two different scales.1 To retain shows correct areal relationships always distorts the shapes of
the needed size comparability, our chosen projection regions, as Figure A.6a demonstrates.
must assure that a unit area drawn anywhere on it will
always represent the same number of square kilometers
(or similar units) on the earth’s surface. To achieve equiv-
alence, any scale change that the projection imposes in

1Scale is the relationship between the size of a feature or length of a line

on the map and that same feature or line on the earth’s surface. It may
be indicated on a map as a ratio—for example, 1:1,000,000—that tells us
the relationship between a unit of measure on the map and that same
unit on the earth’s surface. In our example, 1 centimeter of map distance
equals 1 million centimeters (or 10 kilometers) of actual earth distance. Figure A.5 These three figures are all equal in area despite their
See Figure 1.20. different dimensions and shapes.


(b) (c)

Figure A.6 Sample projections demonstrating specific map properties. (a) The equal-area sinusoidal projection retains everywhere the
property of equivalence. (b) The mathematically derived Mercator projection is conformal, displaying true shapes of individual features but
greatly exaggerating sizes and distorting shapes away from the equator. (c) A portion of an azimuthal equidistant projection, polar-case.
Distances from the center (North Pole) to any other point are true; extension of the grid to the Southern Hemisphere would show the South Pole
infinitely stretched to form the circumference of the map.

532 Appendix A
Shape family has its own distinctive outline, set of similar prop-
Although no projection can reproduce correct shapes for erties, and pattern of distortions. Three of them are easily
large areas, some do accurately portray the shapes of seen as derived from the geometric or perspective projec-
small areas. These true-shape projections are called tion of the globe grid onto the developable surfaces of
conformal, and the importance of conformality is that re- cylinders, cones, and planes. The fourth class is mathe-
gions and features “look right” and have the correct direc- matically derived; its members have a variety of attributes
tional relationships. They achieve these properties for but share a general oval design (Figure A.8).
small areas by assuring that lines of latitude and longitude
cross each other at right angles and that the scale is the
same in all directions at any given location. Both these
conditions exist on the globe but can be retained for only
relatively small areas on maps. Because that is so, the
shapes of large regions—continents, for example—are al-
ways different from their true earth shapes even on con-
formal maps. Except for maps for very small areas, a map
cannot be both equivalent and conformal; these two proper-
ties are mutually exclusive, as Figure A.6b suggests.

Distance relationships are nearly always distorted on a
map, but some projections do maintain true distances in
one direction or along certain selected lines. True dis-
tance relationships simply mean that the length of a
straight line between two points on the map correctly rep-
resents the great circle distance between those points on
the earth. (An arc of a great circle is the shortest distance
between two points on the earth’s curved surface; the
equator is a great circle and all meridians of longitude are
half great circles.) Projections with this property can be
designed, but even on such equidistant maps true dis-
tance in all directions is shown only from one or two cen- Figure A.7 A gnomonic projection centered on Washington,
tral points. Distances between all other locations are D.C. In this geometrical projection the light source is at the center of
incorrect and, quite likely, greatly distorted as Figure A.6c the globe (see Figure A.4) and the capital city marks the “standard
point” where the projection plane is in contact with the globe. The
clearly shows. rapid outward increase in graticule spacing makes it a projection
impractical for more than a portion of a hemisphere. A unique
Direction property of the gnomonic projection is that it is the only projection
on which all great circles appear as straight lines.
As is true of distances, directions between all points on a
map cannot be shown without distortion. On azimuthal
projections, however, true directions are shown from one
central point to all other points. (An azimuth is the angle
formed at the beginning point of a straight line, in relation
to a meridian.) The azimuthal property of a projection is
not exclusive but may be combined with equivalency,
conformality, and equal distance. The azimuthal equal-
distance (“equidistant”) map shown as Figure A.6c is, as
well, a true-direction map from the same North Pole ori-
gin. Another more specialized example is the gnomonic
projection, displayed as Figure A.7. Figure A.8 Shape consistencies within families of projections.
When the surface of cone, cylinder, or plane is made tangent—that is,
comes into contact with the globe—at either a point or along a circle
and then “developed,” a characteristic family outline results. The
tangent lines and point are indicated. A fourth common shape, the
Classes of Projections oval, may reflect a design in which the long dimension is a great
circle comparable to the tangent line of the cylinder.
Although there are many hundreds of different projec- Redrawn with permission from American Congress on Surveying and Mapping,
Choosing a World Map. Special Publication No. 2 of the American Cartographic
tions, the great majority of them can be grouped into four Association, Bethesda, Md. Coypright 1988 American Congress on Surveying and
primary classes or families based on their origin. Each Mapping.

Appendix A 533
Cylindrical Projections The mathematically derived Mercator projection in-
Cylindrical projections are developed geometrically or vented in 1569 is a special familiar but commonly mis-
mathematically from a cylinder wrapped around the used cylindrical projection (Figure A.6b). Its sole original
globe. Usually, the cylinder is tangent at the equator, purpose was to serve as a navigational chart of the world
which thus becomes the standard line—that is, trans- with the special advantage of showing true compass
ferred from the globe without distortion. The result is a headings, or rhumb lines, as straight lines on the map. Its
globe grid network with meridians and parallels inter- frequent use in wall or book maps gives grossly exagger-
secting at right angles. There is no scale distortion along ated impressions of the size of land areas away from the
the standard line of tangency, but distortion increases tropics. Equal-area alternatives to the conformal Merca-
with increasing distance away from it. The result is a tor map are available, and a number of “compromise”
rectangular world map with acceptable low-latitude rep- cylindrical projections that are neither equal area nor
resentation, but with enormous areal exaggeration to- conformal (for example, the Miller projection,
ward the poles. Figure A.9a) are frequently used bases for world maps.

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Figure A.9 Some sample members of the principal projection families. (a) The Miller cylindrical projection is mathematically derived.
(b) The Albers equal-area conic projection, used for many official United States maps, has two standard parallels: 29 1/2° and 45 1/2°.
(c) A planar or azimuthal equidistant projection centered on Urbana, Illinois. (d) The Robinson projection of the oval family; neither conformal
nor equivalent, it was designed as a visually satisfactory world map.

534 Appendix A
Conic Projections modification of one of different original shape. The world
Of the three developable geometric surfaces, the cone is the maps in this text, for example, are an oval adjustment of
closest in form to one-half of a globe. Conic projections, the circular (but not azimuthal) Van der Grinten projec-
therefore, are often employed to depict hemispheric or tion (Figure A.10a), a compromise projection that
smaller parts of the earth. In the simple conic projection the achieves acceptable degrees of equivalence and confor-
cone is placed tangent to the globe along a single standard mality in lower and middle latitudes but becomes increas-
parallel, with the apex of the cone located above the pole. ingly and unacceptably distorted in polar regions.
The cone can also be made to intersect the globe along two
or more lines, with a polyconic projection resulting; the in- Other Projections and Manipulations
creased number of standard lines reduces the distortion Projections can be developed mathematically to show the
which otherwise increases away from the standard parallel. world or a portion of it in any shape that is desired: ovals
The projection of the grid on the cone yields evenly spaced are most common, but hearts, trapezoids, stars, and
straight-line meridians radiating from the pole and parallels other—sometimes bizarre—forms have been devised for
that are arcs of circles. Although conic projections can be special purposes. One often-seen projection is the equal-
adjusted to minimize distortions and become either equiva- area Goode’s homolosine, an “interrupted” projection that
lent or conformal, by their nature they can never show the is actually a product of fitting together the least distorted
whole globe. In fact, they are most useful for and generally portions of two different projections and centering the
restricted to maps of midlatitude regions of greater east-west split map along multiple standard meridians to minimize
than north-south extent. The Albers equal-area projection distortion of either (as desired) land or ocean surfaces
often used for United States maps is a familiar example (Fig- (Figure A.10b).
ure A.9b). The homolosine map clearly shows how projections
may be manipulated or adjusted to achieve desired objec-
Planar (Azimuthal) Projections tives. Since most projections are based on a mathemati-
Planar (or azimuthal) projections are constructed by cally consistent rendering of the actual globe grid,
placing a plane tangent to the globe at a single point. Al- possibilities for such manipulation are nearly unlimited.
though the plane may touch the globe anywhere the car- Map properties to be retained, size and shape of areas to
tographer wishes, the polar case with the plane centered be displayed, and overall map design to be achieved may
on either the North or the South Pole is easiest to visualize influence the cartographer’s choices in reproducing the
(Figure A.6c). This equidistant projection is useful be- globe grid on the flat map.
cause it can be centered anywhere, facilitating the correct Special effects and properties may also be achieved
measurement of distances from that point to all others. geometrically by adjusting the aspect of the projection.
When the plane is tangent at places other than the poles, Aspect simply means the positional relationship between
the meridians and the parallels become curiously curved the globe and the developable surface on which it is visu-
(Figure A.9c). ally projected. Although the fundamental distortion pat-
Planar maps are commonly used in atlases because tern of any given projection system onto any of the
they are particularly well suited for showing the arrange- developable surfaces will remain constant, shifting of the
ment of polar landmasses. Depending on the particular point or line of tangency will materially alter the appear-
projection used, true shape, equal area, or some compro- ance of the graticule and of the geographical features
mise between them can be depicted. The special quality shown on the map.
of the planar gnomonic projection has already been Although an infinite number of aspects are possible
shown in Figure A.7. for any of the geometric projections, three classes of as-
pects are most common. Named according to the rela-
Oval or Elliptical Projections tion of the axis of the globe to the cylinder, plane, or
Oval or elliptical projections have been mathematically oval projection surface, the three classes are usually
developed usually as compromise projections designed to called equatorial, polar, and oblique. In the equatorial,
display the entire world in a fashion that is visually ac- the axis of the globe parallels the orientation of the
ceptable and suggestive of the curvature of the globe. In plane, cylinder, or cone; a parallel, usually the central
most, the equator and a central meridian (usually the equator, is the line of tangency. In the polar aspect, the
prime meridian) are the standard lines. They cross in the axis of the globe is perpendicular to the orientation of
middle of the map, which thus becomes the point of no the developable surface. In the oblique aspect, the axis
distortion. Parallels are, as a rule, parallel straight lines; of the globe makes an oblique angle with the orientation
meridians, except for the standard meridian, are shown as of the developable surface and a complex arrangement
curved lines. In some instances the oval projection is a of the graticule results.

Appendix A 535


Figure A.10 (a) The full Van der Grinten projection; (b) Goode’s interrupted homolosine grafts an upper latitude homolographic
(Mollweide) onto a sinusoidal projection.
(b) Copyright by the Committee on Geographic Studies, University of Chicago. Used by permission.

in various modifications and aspects to display to their best

A Cautionary Reminder advantage the variety of earth features and relationships
they wish to emphasize. Some projections are highly special-
Mapmakers must be conscious of the properties of the pro-
ized and properly restricted to a single limited purpose; oth-
jections they use, selecting the one that best suits their pur-
ers achieve a more general acceptability and utility.
poses. It is not ever possible to transform the globe into a flat
If the map shows only a small area, the choice of a
map without distortion. But cartographers have devised hun-
projection is not critical—virtually any can be used. The
dreds of possible mathematical and geometrical projections
choice becomes more important when the area to be

536 Appendix A
Maps and Projections
Maps are well suited to the image-intensive nature of the the same Peter Dana Geographer’s Craft documents cited
World Wide Web, and interest in maps, mapping, and related above. Also found through the Home Page: a number of projec-
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing is tion identification “games” in the Student’s Globes and Amuse-
widespread. Maps of the world, various regions, and countries ments section and many links to various sources of maps with
are all available on-line, as are discussions and tutorials on unique projections:
their use. In addition, most map companies and GIS providers The United States Geological Survey hosts several sites
have sites, as do government agencies. concerned with map and projection information and instruc-
A good place to start browsing is with one of the many tion. The Survey’s National Mapping Information home page at
index sites, all of them with the majority of linkage refer- provides accurate and up-to-date in-
ences in common. formation on its mapping products and services and its na-
Maps on Other Web Sites is among the best indexes, com- tional mapping program. The “Mapping News” segment
piled and updated by the Perry-Castañeda Library map collec- features items of current interest, and the “For Parents,
tion at The University of Texas, Austin. The home page at Teachers, and Students” option gives access to earth science educational material for teachers and (K–12) students.
sites.html contains an exhaustive listing of “general map The Geological Survey also has Fact Sheets to assist in
sites” you will want to explore, and has options to additional map reading. Among them are Map Scale and Finding Your
pages on city, state, country, historical, and weather map Way with Map and Compass. Their separate net addresses are:
sites. The option “cartographic references” includes an exten-
sive listing of map projections, each of which when selected
opens to a brief description of the projection’s qualities, uses, Instructional materials on cartography, maps,
and visual examples of its construction and appearance. and map projections may also be found following the
Among the several useful Infomine: Scholarly Internet Re- “Subject” list on the Geography home page at
source Collections of the University of California Library is “Maps The Maps link connects with
& GIS.” Access the topic through Map Projections and Map Scale with general interest articles
cgi-bin/search?maps, or go directly to “Reference Resources” at and explanations; the Cartography link opens some of the
htp:// The library of the same references and other similar interesting and instruc-
University of California, Berkeley maintains Internet Resources in tional material.
Maps and Cartography at Although not a concern of this “Projections” appendix
MapCollections.html#internet. The Association of American Ge- but introduced in Chapter 1, Geographic Information Systems
ographers’ Cartography Specialty Group may be reached through and remote sensing techniques are of increasing interest to
the Association’s home page “Specialty Groups” option at student and professional geographers. Index sites that can The group’s page features an extensive selection help you get acquainted with the Internet resources on those
of “Cartographic Links.” And Odden’s Bookmarks from the Uni- topics include the following. Many others will be encountered
versity of Utrecht at as you investigate.
advertises over 14,000 links and has been praised as “probably GIS WWW Resource List maintained by the University of
the most complete storehouse of things . . . cartographic on Edinburgh is an alphabetically arranged index of GIS-related
the WWW.” sites at A worldwide
Many websites offer instructional material about maps listing of “GIS and Remote Sensing sites” is a major component
and map projections. In addition to those cited here, others will of Utrecht University, The Netherlands’, Nice Geography Sites
be located as you pursue the leads and links suggested in the page at And a few “Other GIS
index sites noted above. For a start, remember the map projec- Links” are offered by the AAG Geographic Information Systems
tion information offered through the “Cartographic References” specialty group best found through the Association’s site at
option of the University of Texas Perry-Castañeda Library at under the Specialty Group listing. Colorado’s The Geographer’s Craft collection carries a “Database Concepts” tuto-
map_sites.html. From the University of Colorado at Boulder, rial created by Kenneth E. Foote and Donald J. Huebner that
The Geographer’s Craft program of the Deparment of Geography explains the GIS database. Read it at
has a detailed “Overview” discussion of map projections at geography/gcraft/notes/datacon/datacon.html. The WWW Virtual Library: Remote Sensing is a com-
mapproj_f.hml. The tutorial authored by Peter H. Dana pro- plete listing of remote sensing agencies and interest groups
vides outstanding and complete introductory coverage of pro- throughout the world. Use the listing along with its compan-
jections that will further your understanding of the topic. That ion Other Information site. Find them at
page also provides access to related Coordinate Systems and Geo- virtual/. A different, but still useful, collection of GIS arti-
detic Datum tutorials. Also of interest is the separately available cles, discussions, and links can be found through the
Cartographic Communication at GPS & GIS link at
gcraft/notes/cartocom/cartocom.html. Finally, don’t forget to check our own textbook’s
Hunter College’s Map Projection Home Page features a home page at for websites
“Basics” option that opens to information and instruction relat- added or corrected by the publisher or contributed by help-
ing to map projections. Part of the option’s content comprises ful users.

Appendix A 537
shown extends over a considerable longitude and latitude; While selection of an appropriate projection is the
then the selection of a projection clearly depends on the task of the cartographer, understanding the consequences
purpose of the map. As we have seen, Mercator or gno- of that selection and recognizing and allowing for the dis-
monic projections are useful for navigation. If numerical tortions inevitable in all flat maps are the responsibility of
data are being mapped, the relative sizes of the areas in- the map reader. When skillfully designed maps are read
volved should be correct and equivalence is the sought- by knowledgeable users, clear and accurate conveyance of
after map property. Conformality and equal distance may spatial information and earth relationships is made con-
be required in other instances. venient and natural.

Selected References
American Cartographic Association, Brown, Lloyd. The Story of Maps. Snyder, John P. Map Projections—A
Committee on Map Projections. Boston: Little, Brown, 1949; reprint Working Manual. U.S. Geological
Choosing a World Map: Attributes, ed., New York: Dover Publications, Survey Professional Paper 1395.
Distortions, Classes, Aspects. Special 1977. Washington, D.C.: Department of the
Publication No. 2. Falls Church, Va.: Campbell, John. Map Use and Analysis. Interior, 1987.
American Congress on Surveying 3d ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Snyder, John P. Flattening the Earth:
and Mapping, 1988. WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1998. Two Thousand Years of Map
American Cartographic Association, Deetz, Charles H., and Oscar S. Adams. Projections. Chicago, Ill.: University
Committee on Map Projections. Elements of Map Projection. United of Chicago Press, 1993.
Matching the Map Projection to the States Department of Commerce, Steers, J. A. An Introduction to the Study
Need. Special Publication No. 3. Falls Special Publication No. 68. of Map Projections. London:
Church, Va.: American Congress on Washington, D.C., USGPO, 1945. University of London Press, 1962.
Surveying and Mapping, 1991.
Porter, Phil, and Phil Voxland. Stillwell, H. Daniel. “Global Distortion:
American Cartographic Association, “Distortion in Maps. The Peters Is It Time to Retire the Mercator
Committee on Map Projections. Projection and Other Devilments.” Projection?” Mercator’s World 2, no. 1
Which Map is Best? Projections for Focus (Summer 1986): 22–30. (September/October 1997): 54–59.
World Maps. Special Publication
Robinson, Arthur H., et al. Elements of Wilford, John Noble. “Resolution in
No. 1. Falls Church, Va.: American
Cartography. 6th ed. New York: John Mapping.” National Geographic 193,
Congress on Surveying and
Wiley & Sons, 1995. no. 2 (Ferbuary 1998): 6–39.
Mapping, 1986.

538 Appendix A
Appendix B
2001 World Population Data

Percent of Pop. 15–49 with HIV/AIDS End-1999

Projected Population in 2025 (millions)
Projected Pop. Change 2001–2050 (%)

Percent of Population of Age <15/65+

Life Expectancy at Birth (Years) Total

Population Mid-2001 (millions)

GNI PPP Per Capita, 1999 (US$)

Adult Literacy Rate (%) Total

% with Access to Safe Water

Rate of Natural Increase (%)
Deaths Per 1,000 Pop.

Infant Mortality Ratea

Births Per 1,000 Pop.

Total Fertility Rateb

Percent Urban

WORLD 6,137 22 9 1.3 47 7,818 56 2.8 30/7 67 46 1.1 7 73 $6,650

MORE DEVELOPED 1,193 11 10 0.1 4 1,248 8 1.6 18/14 75 75 0.3 + — 20,520
LESS DEVELOPED 4,944 25 8 1.6 58 6,570 61 3.2 33/5 64 40 1.4 72 — 3,300
LESS DEVELOPED 3,671 28 9 1.9 75 5,139 67 3.6 36/4 62 41 1.9 — — 3,210
(Excl. China)

AFRICA 818 38 14 2.4 120 1,268 88 5.2 43/3 54 33 6.7 — — 1,790

SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 673 41 15 2.5 132 1,067 94 5.6 44/3 51 30 8.6 59 54 1,370
NORTHERN AFRICA 177 28 7 2.1 72 251 53 3.6 37/4 66 45 0.2 — — 3,070
Algeria 31.0 25 6 1.9 66 43.2 55 3.1 39/4 69 49 0.1 60 94 4,840
Egypt 69.8 28 7 2.1 64 96.2 44 3.5 36/4 66 43 z 53 95 3,460
Libya 5.2 28 4 2.4 106 8.3 33 3.9 37/4 75 86 0.1 77 72 —
Morocco 29.2 26 6 2.0 66 40.5 53 3.4 33/5 69 55 z 46 82 3,320
Sudan 31.8 34 11 2.4 100 49.6 74 4.9 43/3 56 27 1.0 53 75 —
Tunisia 9.7 19 6 1.3 46 12.5 28 2.3 31/6 72 62 z 67 99 5,700
Western Sahara 0.3 46 17 2.9 128 0.4 140 6.8 —/— — 95 — — — —

WESTERN AFRICA 240 42 15 2.7 142 393 88 5.8 45/3 51 35 4.6 — — 1,000
Benin 6.6 45 15 3.0 174 11.7 94 6.3 48/2 50 39 2.5 34 63 920
Burkina Faso 12.3 47 17 3.0 180 21.6 105 6.8 48/3 47 15 6.4 21 42 960
Cape Verde 0.4 37 7 3.0 –6 0.5 31 4.0 43/7 68 53 — 71 51 4,450
Côte d’lvoire 16.4 36 16 2.0 118 25.6 112 5.2 42/2 46 46 10.8 43 77 1,540
Gambia 1.4 43 14 3.0 195 2.7 82 5.9 46/3 52 37 2.0 33 62 1,550
Ghana 19.9 32 10 2.2 61 26.5 56 4.3 43/3 58 37 3.6 66 64 1,850
Guinea 7.6 41 19 2.3 138 12.6 98 5.5 44/3 45 26 1.5 38 48 1,870
Guinea-Bissau 1.2 42 20 2.2 167 2.2 131 5.8 44/3 45 22 2.5 34 49 630

Percent of Pop. 15–49 with HIV/AIDS End-1999
Projected Population in 2025 (millions)
Projected Pop. Change 2001–2050 (%)

Percent of Population of Age <15/65+

Life Expectancy at Birth (Years) Total

Population Mid-2001 (millions)

GNI PPP Per Capita, 1999 (US$)

Adult Literacy Rate (%) Total

% with Access to Safe Water

Rate of Natural Increase (%)
Deaths Per 1,000 Pop.

Infant Mortality Ratea

Births Per 1,000 Pop.

Total Fertility Rateb

Percent Urban
Liberia 3.2 49 17 3.1 210 6.0 139 6.6 43/3 50 45 2.8 38 30 —
Mali 11.0 50 20 3.0 230 21.6 123 7.0 47/3 46 26 2.0 36 65 740
Mauritania 2.7 43 15 2.8 208 5.4 106 6.0 44/2 51 54 0.5 38 37 1,550
Niger 10.4 53 24 2.9 175 18.8 123 7.5 50/2 41 17 1.4 14 59 740
Nigeria 126.6 41 14 2.8 140 204.5 75 5.8 44/3 52 36 5.1 55 57 770
Senegal 9.7 41 13 2.8 135 16.5 68 5.7 44/3 52 43 1.8 35 78 1,400
Sierra Leone 5.4 47 20 2.6 189 9.9 153 6.3 45/3 45 37 3.0 33 28 440
Togo 5.2 40 11 2.9 89 7.6 80 5.8 47/2 55 31 6.0 53 54 1,380

EASTERN AFRICA 252 42 16 2.5 128 398 97 5.7 45/3 50 20 11.0 — — 850
Burundi 6.2 42 17 2.5 158 10.5 75 6.5 48/3 47 8 11.3 45 52 570
Comoros 0.6 47 12 3.5 208 1.1 91 6.8 46/5 56 29 0.1 55 48 1,430
Djibouti 0.6 43 16 2.7 67 0.8 117 6.1 43/3 46 83 11.8 48 24 —
Eritrea 4.3 43 13 3.0 209 8.3 80 6.0 43/3 55 16 2.9 25 7 1,040
Ethiopia 65.4 44 15 2.9 164 117.6 97 5.9 44/3 52 15 10.6 35 27 620
Kenya 29.8 34 14 2.0 26 33.3 74 4.4 44/3 48 20 14.0 79 49 1,010
Madagascar 16.4 43 13 3.0 186 30.8 96 5.8 45/3 54 22 0.2 47 47 790
Malawi 10.5 46 23 2.3 110 17.1 104 6.4 47/3 39 20 16.0 58 57 570
Mauritius 1.2 17 7 1.0 24 1.4 15.6 2.0 26/6 71 43 0.1 83 100 8,950
Mayotte 0.2 41 10 3.1 259 0.4 75 5.6 47/2 59 — — — — —
Mozambique 19.4 43 22 2.1 18 21.6 135 5.6 44/3 72 28 13.2 41 60 810
Reunion 0.7 20 5 1.5 39 0.9 8 2.3 27/7 75 73 — — — —
Rwanda 7.3 39 21 1.8 22 8.0 107 5.8 44/3 39 5 11.2 63 47 880
Seychelles 0.1 18 7 1.1 15 0.1 10 2.0 29/8 70 63 — — 97 —
Somalia 7.5 48 19 3.0 240 14.9 126 7.3 44/3 46 28 — 24 37 —
Tanzania 36.2 41 13 2.8 144 59.8 99 5.6 45/3 53 22 8.1 72 54 500
Uganda 24.0 48 19 2.9 251 48.0 97 6.9 51/2 42 15 8.3 64 50 1,160
Zambia 9.8 45 22 2.3 108 14.3 95 6.1 45/2 37 38 20.0 75 64 720
Zimbabwe 11.4 29 20 0.9 –18 9.5 65 4.0 44/3 40 32 25.1 91 85 2,690

MIDDLE AFRICA 99 46 16 2.9 203 183 113 6.6 47/3 48 33 5.4 — — —

Angola 12.3 50 25 2.4 141 20.5 198 6.9 48/3 38 32 2.8 45 38 1,100
Cameroon 15.8 39 12 2.7 119 24.7 77 5.2 43/3 55 48 7.7 72 62 1,490
Central African Republic 3.6 38 18 2.0 78 4.9 98 5.1 44/4 45 39 13.8 42 60 1,150
Chad 8.7 49 16 3.3 282 18.2 103 6.6 48/3 50 21 2.7 50 27 840
Congo 3.1 46 16 3.0 245 6.3 105 6.3 43/3 50 41 6.4 77 51 540
Congo, Dem. Rep. Of 53.6 47 16 3.1 239 106.0 106 7.0 48/3 48 29 5.1 77 45 —
Equatorial Guinea 0.5 45 14 3.1 193 0.9 108 5.9 44/4 50 37 0.5 80 95 3,910
Gabon 1.2 32 16 1.6 49 1.4 57 4.3 40/6 52 73 4.2 66 70 5,280
Sao Tome and Principe 0.2 43 8 3.5 204 0.3 54 6.2 48/4 65 44 — — — —

SOUTHERN AFRICA 50 27 14 1.3 –18 42 61 3.1 35/5 52 50 20.7 — — 8,160

Botswana 1.6 31 20 1.0 –26 1.2 60 3.9 41/4 41 49 35.8 74 82 6,540
Lesotho 2.2 33 13 2.0 31 2.4 84 4.3 40/5 53 16 23.6 82 91 2,350
Namibia 1.8 36 17 1.9 37 2.0 68 5.0 43/4 46 27 19.5 80 77 5,580
South Africa 43.6 25 14 1.2 –25 35.1 57 2.9 34/5 53 54 19.9 84 86 8,710
Swaziland 1.1 41 20 2.0 84 1.4 109 5.9 46/3 40 25 25.3 78 60 4,380

540 Appendix B
Percent of Pop. 15–49 with HIV/AIDS End-1999
Projected Population in 2025 (millions)
Projected Pop. Change 2001–2050 (%)

Percent of Population of Age <15/65+

Life Expectancy at Birth (Years) Total

Population Mid-2001 (millions)

GNI PPP Per Capita, 1999 (US$)

Adult Literacy Rate (%) Total

% with Access to Safe Water

Rate of Natural Increase (%)
Deaths Per 1,000 Pop.

Infant Mortality Ratea

Births Per 1,000 Pop.

Total Fertility Rateb

Percent Urban
NORTH AMERICA 316 14 9 0.5 43 382 7 2.0 21/13 77 75 0.6 + + 31,260
Canada 31.0 11 8 0.3 18 36.0 5.5 1.4 19/13 79 78 0.3 + + 25,440
United States 284.5 15 9 0.6 45 346.0 7.1 2.1 21/13 77 75 0.6 + + 31,910

LATIN AMERICA AND 525 24 6 1.7 55 697 31 2.8 32/5 71 74 0.6 88 85 6,460
CENTRAL AMERICA 138 26 5 2.1 65 190 30 3.1 36/5 73 66 0.5 — — 6,900
Belize 0.3 25 6 1.9 132 0.4 22 3.2 41/5 72 49 2.0 75 89 4,750
Costa Rica 3.7 22 4 1.8 51 5.0 12 2.6 32/5 77 45 0.5 + 98 7,880
El Salvador 6.4 30 7 2.3 93 9.3 30 3.5 36/5 70 58 0.6 77 74 4,260
Guatemala 13.0 36 7 2.9 143 22.1 50 4.8 44/3 66 39 1.4 67 92 3,630
Honduras 6.7 33 6 2.8 81 9.8 42 4.4 43/4 66 46 1.9 71 90 2,270
Mexico 99.6 24 5 1.9 50 130.9 25 2.8 34/5 75 74 0.3 90 86 8,070
Nicaragua 5.2 35 6 3.0 122 8.6 40 4.3 43/3 68 57 0.2 63 79 2,060
Panama 2.9 25 5 2.1 48 3.8 17 2.6 31/6 74 56 1.5 91 87 5,450

CARIBBEAN 37 21 8 1.3 36 46 42 2.6 30/7 68 61 2.1 — — —

Antigua and Barbuda 0.1 22 6 1.6 3 0.1 17 2.4 28/8 70 37 — + + 9,870
Bahamas 0.3 21 5 1.5 46 0.4 18.4 2.4 31/6 72 84 4.1 + + 15,500
Barbados 0.3 14 9 0.5 3 0.3 14.2 1.6 23/9 73 38 1.2 + + 14,010
Cuba 11.3 14 7 0.6 –3 11.9 7 1.6 22/10 75 75 z + 95 —
Dominica 0.1 16 8 0.8 14 0.1 16.1 1.8 33/9 73 71 — 83 96 5,040
Dominican Republic 8.6 26 5 2.1 74 12.1 47 3.1 35/5 69 61 2.8 83 79 5,210
Grenada 0.1 21 8 1.3 –2 0.1 14 2.4 38/4 65 34 — + 85 6,330
Guadeloupe 0.5 17 6 1.2 23 0.5 8.4 1.9 25/9 77 48 — — — —
Haiti 7.0 33 15 1.7 70 9.6 80 4.7 43/4 49 35 5.2 46 46 1,470
Jamaica 2.6 20 5 1.5 48 3.3 24 2.4 31/7 71 50 0.7 86 71 3,390
Martinique 0.4 14 6 0.8 14 0.4 7 1.8 23/10 79 93 — — — —
Netherlands Antilles 0.2 17 6 1.1 13 0.2 13 2.1 26/7 74 70 — — — —
Puerto Rico 3.9 15 7 0.8 8 4.2 10.5 1.9 25/10 75 71 — — — —
St. Kitts-Nevis 0.04 20 11 0.9 33 0.05 24 2.5 31/9 69 43 — — + 10,400
Saint Lucia 0.2 19 6 1.3 50 0.2 14.3 2.1 33/6 71 30 — — — 5,200
St. Vincent and the
Grenadines 0.1 19 7 1.2 –19 0.1 20.4 2.2 32/6 72 44 — — 89 4,990
Trinidad and Tobago 1.3 14 8 0.7 6 1.4 17.1 1.7 26/7 71 72 1.1 + 87 7,690

SOUTH AMERICA 350 23 7 1.6 53 462 31 2.6 31/6 70 79 0.5 — — 6,730

Argentina 37.5 19 8 1.1 45 47.2 19.1 2.6 28/10 73 90 0.7 + 79 11,940
Bolivia 8.5 32 9 2.4 100 13.2 63 4.2 40/4 62 63 0.1 84 79 2,300
Brazil 171.8 22 7 1.5 44 219.0 35 2.4 30/5 68 81 0.6 84 87 6,840
Chile 15.4 18 5 1.3 26 18.6 10.3 2.3 28/7 75 86 0.2 + 94 8,410
Colombia 43.1 24 6 1.8 66 59.7 21 2.6 32/5 71 71 0.3 91 91 5,580
Ecuador 12.9 28 6 2.2 92 18.7 30 3.3 34/4 71 62 0.3 91 71 2,820
French Guiana 0.2 27 4 2.3 78 0.3 17 3.4 31/5 76 79 — — — —
Guyana 0.7 21 8 1.3 –34 0.6 40 2.5 31/5 65 36 3.0 + 81 3,330
Paraguay 5.7 32 5 2.7 155 9.7 33 4.3 40/5 73 52 0.1 92 79 4,380
Peru 26.1 24 6 1.8 62 35.5 41 2.9 34/5 69 72 0.4 89 77 4,480
Suriname 0.4 26 7 1.9 –11 0.5 27 3.0 33/5 71 69 1.3 94 72 3,780
Uruguay 3.4 16 10 0.7 34 4.0 16.6 2.3 24/13 74 92 0.3 + 98 8,750
Venezuela 24.6 25 5 2.0 63 34.8 20.5 2.9 34/5 73 87 0.5 92 84 5,420

Appendix B 541
Percent of Pop. 15–49 with HIV/AIDS End-1999
Projected Population in 2025 (millions)
Projected Pop. Change 2001–2050 (%)

Percent of Population of Age <15/65+

Life Expectancy at Birth (Years) Total

Population Mid-2001 (millions)

GNI PPP Per Capita, 1999 (US$)

Adult Literacy Rate (%) Total

% with Access to Safe Water

Rate of Natural Increase (%)
Deaths Per 1,000 Pop.

Infant Mortality Ratea

Births Per 1,000 Pop.

Total Fertility Rateb

Percent Urban
ASIA 3,720 22 8 1.4 41 4,714 55 2.7 30/6 67 37 0.3 — — 3,930
ASIA (Excl. China) 2,447 25 8 1.7 59 3,283 62 3.2 34/5 64 38 0.4 — — 4,130
WESTERN ASIA 193 28 7 2.1 107 299 45 3.9 36/5 68 65 z — — 4,810
Armenia 3.8 9 6 0.3 –0 4.1 16 1.1 24/9 73 67 z + — 2,360
Azerbaijan 8.1 15 6 0.9 42 9.8 13 2.0 32/6 72 51 z + — 2,450
Bahrain 0.7 21 3 1.9 300 1.7 9 2.8 31/2 72 88 0.2 86 + —
Cyprus 0.9 13 8 0.6 10 1.0 7 1.8 23/10 77 66 0.1 + — 19,080
Georgia 5.5 9 9 0.0 –23 4.8 18 1.2 20/13 73 56 z + 76 2,540
Iraq 23.6 37 10 2.7 127 40.3 92 5.3 42/3 59 68 z 58 85 —
Israel 6.4 22 6 1.6 64 8.9 5.3 3.0 29/10 78 91 0.1 + + 18,070
Jordan 5.2 27 5 2.2 128 8.7 31 3.6 40/5 70 79 z 87 96 3,880
Kuwait 2.3 20 2 1.8 181 4.2 9 4.2 26/1 73 100 0.1 80 + —
Lebanon 4.3 23 7 1.7 35 5.4 33 2.5 29/7 71 88 0.1 84 + —
Oman 2.4 39 4 3.5 218 4.9 18 6.1 41/2 71 72 0.1 67 39 —
Palestinian Territory 3.3 42 5 3.7 239 7.4 26 5.9 47/4 72 — — — — —
Qatar 0.6 31 4 2.7 45 0.8 10 3.9 27/2 72 91 0.1 80 + —
Saudi Arabia 21.1 35 6 2.9 185 40.9 21 5.7 43/2 67 83 z 73 95 11,050
Syria 17.1 31 6 2.6 106 27.1 24 4.1 41/3 70 50 z 72 80 3,450
Turkey 66.3 22 7 1.5 47 85.2 35 2.5 30/6 69 66 z 83 83 6,440
United Arab Emirates 3.3 18 4 1.4 54 4.5 19 3.5 26/1 74 84 0.2 75 — —
Yemen 18.0 44 11 3.3 295 39.6 75 7.2 48/3 59 26 z 43 69 730

SOUTH CENTRAL ASIA 1,505 27 9 1.8 66 2,061 72 3.4 37/4 61 30 0.5 — — 2,250
Afghanistan 26.8 43 19 2.4 151 45.9 154 6.0 43/3 45 22 z 32 12 —
Bangladesh 133.5 28 8 2.0 56 180.5 66 3.3 40/3 59 21 z 39 97 1,530
Bhutan 0.9 40 9 3.1 127 1.4 71 5.6 42/4 66 15 z 44 64 1,260
India 1,033.0 26 9 1.7 58 1,363.0 70 3.2 36/4 61 28 0.7 53 88 2,230
Iran 66.1 18 6 1.2 52 88.4 30 2.6 36/5 70 64 z 73 95 5,520
Kazakhstan 14.8 15 10 0.5 –5 14.7 20 1.8 28/7 66 56 z + 91 4,790
Kyrgyzstan 5.0 20 7 1.3 52 6.5 23 2.4 35/5 69 35 z + 77 2,420
Maldives 0.3 41 9 3.2 162 0.5 69 5.8 46/3 61 25 0.1 + 96 —
Nepal 23.5 35 11 2.4 111 37.0 79 4.8 41/3 57 11 0.3 39 81 1,280
Pakistan 145.0 39 11 2.8 138 251.9 91 5.6 42/4 60 33 0.1 41 88 1,860
Sri Lanka 19.5 18 6 1.2 19 22.7 17 2.1 28/6 72 22 0.1 91 83 3,230
Tajikistan 6.2 19 4 1.4 40 7.7 23 2.4 42/4 68 27 z + — —
Turkmenistan 5.5 19 5 1.3 29 6.5 25 2.2 38/4 67 44 z + 58 3,340
Uzbekistan 25.1 22 5 1.7 61 34.1 20 2.7 38/4 70 38 z + 85 2,230

SOUTHEAST ASIA 519 23 7 1.6 49 685 44 2.8 32/5 66 36 0.6 — — 3,210

Brunei 0.3 22 3 2.0 73 0.5 16 2.7 32/3 74 67 0.2 90 — —
Cambodia 13.1 28 11 1.7 38 16.4 95 4.0 43/4 56 16 4.0 66 30 1,350
East Timor 0.8 33 16 1.6 84 1.2 135 4.4 43/5 48 8 — — — —
Indonesia 206.1 23 6 1.7 48 272.0 46 2.7 31/4 67 39 0.1 85 76 2,660
Laos 5.4 39 14 2.5 72 9.0 104 5.4 44/4 52 17 0.1 59 90 1,430
Malaysia 22.7 25 4 2.0 94 33.7 8 3.2 33/4 73 57 0.4 86 89 7,640
Myanmar 47.8 28 12 1.6 43 60.2 92 3.3 33/5 56 27 2.0 84 68 —
Philippines 77.2 29 6 2.2 67 107.8 31 3.5 37/4 67 47 0.1 95 87 3,990
Singapore 4.1 14 5 0.9 151 8.0 2.5 1.6 17/6 78 100 0.2 91 + 22,640
Thailand 62.4 14 6 0.8 15 72.1 22 1.8 24/6 72 30 2.2 95 80 5,950
Vietnam 78.7 20 6 1.4 49 104.1 37 2.3 33/6 66 24 0.2 92 56 1,860

542 Appendix B
Percent of Pop. 15–49 with HIV/AIDS End-1999
Projected Population in 2025 (millions)
Projected Pop. Change 2001–2050 (%)

Percent of Population of Age <15/65+

Life Expectancy at Birth (Years) Total

Population Mid-2001 (millions)

GNI PPP Per Capita, 1999 (US$)

Adult Literacy Rate (%) Total

% with Access to Safe Water

Rate of Natural Increase (%)
Deaths Per 1,000 Pop.

Infant Mortality Ratea

Births Per 1,000 Pop.

Total Fertility Rateb

Percent Urban
EAST ASIA 1,503 15 7 0.8 5 1,669 30 1.8 22/8 72 42 0.1 — — 5,750
China 1,273.3 15 6 0.9 8 1,431.0 31 1.8 23/7 71 36 0.1 83 75 3,550
China, Hong Kong SARc 6.9 8 5 0.3 8 8.4 3.1 1.0 17/11 80 100 0.1 92 + 22,570
China, Macao SARc 0.4 9 3 0.6 82 0.6 4 1.2 24/8 77 99 — — — 16,940
Japan 127.1 9 8 0.2 –21 120.9 3.4 1.3 15/17 81 78 z + + 25,170
Korea, North 22.0 21 7 1.5 20 25.7 88 2.3 26/6 70 59 z — — —
Korea, South 48.8 14 5 0.9 5 53.3 8 1.5 22/7 74 79 z + 92 15,530
Mongolia 2.4 20 7 1.4 61 3.4 37 2.2 34/4 63 57 z 84 60 1,610
Taiwan 22.5 14 6 0.8 12 25.2 6.1 1.7 21/9 75 77 — + — —

EUROPE 727 10 11 –0.1 –9 717 9 1.4 18/15 74 73 0.3 — — 14,970

NORTHERN EUROPE 96 11 10 0.1 5 102 5 1.6 19/15 77 83 0.1 + + 21,460
Denmark 5.4 13 11 0.2 16 5.8 4.2 1.7 18/15 76 72 0.2 + + 25,600
Estonia 1.4 9 13 –0.4 –36 1.2 10 1.3 18/14 71 69 z + + 8,190
Finland 5.2 11 10 0.2 –8 5.3 3.6 1.7 18/15 77 60 0.1 + + 22,600
Iceland 0.3 15 7 0.8 18 0.3 2.4 2.0 23/12 79 93 0.1 + + 27,210
Ireland 3.8 14 9 0.6 18 4.5 5.5 1.9 22/11 77 58 0.1 + + 22,460
Latvia 2.4 8 14 –0.6 –25 2.2 11 1.2 18/15 71 69 0.1 + + 6,220
Lithuania 3.7 9 11 –0.1 –16 3.5 9 1.3 20/13 73 68 z + + 6,490
Norway 4.5 13 10 0.3 15 5.0 3.9 1.8 20/15 78 74 0.1 + + 28,140
Sweden 8.9 10 11 –0.0 7 9.4 3.4 1.5 19/17 80 84 0.1 + + 22,150
United Kingdom 60.0 12 11 0.1 7 64.1 5.7 1.7 19/16 77 90 0.1 + + 22,220

WESTERN EUROPE 184 11 10 0.1 –2 189 5 1.6 17/16 78 79 0.2 + + 23,840

Austria 8.1 10 9 0.0 1 8.3 4.8 1.3 17/15 78 65 0.2 + + 24,600
Belgium 10.3 11 10 0.1 –3 10.3 5.3 1.6 18/17 78 97 0.2 + + 25,710
France 59.2 13 9 0.4 10 64.2 4.4 1.9 19/16 79 74 0.4 + + 23,020
Germany 82.2 9 10 –0.1 –14 80.0 4.4 1.3 16/16 78 86 0.1 + + 23,510
Liechtenstein 0.03 12 7 0.6 18 0.04 7.9 1.4 19/10 — 23 — + + —
Luxembourg 0.4 13 9 0.4 33 0.6 4.7 1.7 19/14 78 88 0.2 + + 41,230
Monaco 0.03 20 17 0.3 15 0.04 3.8 — 15/23 — 100 — + + —
Netherlands 16.0 13 9 0.4 12 17.7 5.2 1.7 19/14 78 62 0.2 + + 24,410
Switzerland 7.2 11 9 0.2 2 7.6 4.6 1.5 18/15 80 68 0.5 + + 28,760

EASTERN EUROPE 303 9 14 –0.5 –14 287 14 1.2 18/13 68 68 0.3 + — 6,770
Belarus 10.0 9 14 –0.4 –15 9.4 9 1.3 19/13 68 70 0.3 + + 6,880
Bulgaria 8.1 9 14 –0.5 –35 6.6 14.9 1.2 16/16 72 68 z + + 5,070
Czech Republic 10.3 9 11 –0.2 –9 10.3 4.1 1.1 17/14 75 77 z + + 12,840
Hungary 10.0 10 14 –0.4 –19 9.2 9.2 1.3 17/15 71 64 0.1 + 99 11,050
Moldova 4.3 11 11 –0.1 –0 4.5 18 1.4 24/9 68 46 0.2 + + 2,100
Poland 38.6 10 10 0.0 –12 38.6 9.2 1.4 20/12 73 62 0.1 + — 8,390
Romania 22.4 10 12 –0.1 –14 21.6 18.6 1.3 18/13 71 55 z + 58 5,970
Russia 144.4 9 15 –0.7 –12 136.9 16 1.2 18/13 66 73 0.2 + 99 6,990
Slovakia 5.4 10 10 0.0 –13 5.2 8.6 1.3 20/11 73 57 z + + 10,430
Ukraine 49.1 8 15 –0.7 –22 45.1 15 1.1 18/14 68 68 1.0 + — 3,360

SOUTHERN EUROPE 145 10 10 0.0 –16 139 7 1.3 16/16 77 70 0.4 — — 16,520
Albania 3.4 17 5 1.2 51 4.5 12 2.8 33/6 72 46 z 85 85 3,240
Andorra 0.1 13 4 0.9 118 0.1 1 1.2 15/12 — 93 — + + —
Bosnia-Herzegovina 3.4 12 8 0.4 –1 3.6 11 1.6 20/8 68 40 z — — —

Appendix B 543
Percent of Pop. 15–49 with HIV/AIDS End-1999
Projected Population in 2025 (millions)
Projected Pop. Change 2001–2050 (%)

Percent of Population of Age <15/65+

Life Expectancy at Birth (Years) Total

Population Mid-2001 (millions)

GNI PPP Per Capita, 1999 (US$)

Adult Literacy Rate (%) Total

% with Access to Safe Water

Rate of Natural Increase (%)
Deaths Per 1,000 Pop.

Infant Mortality Ratea

Births Per 1,000 Pop.

Total Fertility Rateb

Percent Urban
Croatia 4.7 10 11 –0.2 –16 4.4 7.7 1.4 20/12 74 54 z + 95 7,260
Greece 10.9 10 10 –0.0 –11 10.4 5.9 1.3 15/17 78 59 0.2 + — 15,800
Italy 57.8 9 10 –0.0 –20 55.0 5.2 1.3 14/18 79 90 0.4 + + 22,000
Macedonia 2.0 14 8 0.5 3 2.2 14.9 1.9 23/10 73 60 z 94 99 4,590
Malta 0.4 11 8 0.3 11 0.4 7.2 1.7 21/12 77 91 0.1 93 — —
Portugal 10.0 12 11 0.1 –18 9.3 5.6 1.5 17/15 76 48 0.7 + — 15,860
San Marino 0.03 12 8 0.4 11 0.03 3.3 1.3 15/16 80 89 — 91 — —
Slovenia 2.0 9 10 –0.1 –15 2.0 4.2 1.2 16/14 76 50 z + + 16,050
Spain 39.8 10 9 0.0 –23 36.7 4.9 1.2 15/17 78 64 0.6 + — 17,850
Yugoslavia 10.7 12 11 0.1 –4 10.7 13 1.6 21/13 72 52 0.1 + 76 —

OCEANIA 31 18 7 1.1 49 40 28 2.5 25/10 74 69 0.1 — — 17,880

Australia 19.4 13 7 0.6 29 23.2 5.7 1.7 20/12 79 85 0.2 + + 23,850
Federated States 0.1 31 6 2.5 108 0.2 34 4.6 44/4 66 27 — 81 + —
of Micronesia
Fiji 0.8 25 6 1.9 9 1.0 20 3.3 33/4 67 46 0.1 92 — 4,780
French Polynesia 0.2 21 5 1.6 58 0.3 8 2.6 30/5 72 54 — — — 22,200
Guam 0.2 29 4 2.5 71 0.2 9.1 4.2 32/5 74 38 — — — —
Kiribati 0.1 32 8 2.4 148 0.2 62 4.5 40/3 62 37 — — + —
Marshall Islands 0.1 26 4 2.2 343 0.2 31 6.6 49/3 65 65 — 91 77 —
Nauru 0.01 19 5 1.4 100 0.02 25 3.7 43/1 61 100 — — — —
New Caledonia 0.2 22 5 1.7 54 0.3 7 2.6 30/6 73 71 — — — 21,130
New Zealand 3.9 15 7 0.8 29 4.6 6.1 2.0 23/12 77 77 0.1 + + 17,630
Palau 0.02 18 8 1.0 38 0.03 19 2.5 28/6 67 71 — + + —
Papua-New Guinea 5.0 34 11 2.3 124 8.3 69 4.8 39/4 56 15 0.2 74 42 2,260
Solomon Islands 0.5 41 7 3.4 217 0.9 25 5.7 43/3 67 13 — 62 62 2,050
Tonga 0.1 27 6 2.1 86 0.2 19 4.2 41/4 71 32 — — — —
Tuvalu 0.01 30 9 2.1 82 0.02 56 3.1 34/3 67 18 — — — —
Vanuatu 0.2 36 6 3.0 51 0.3 45 4.6 42/3 65 21 — 61 87 2,880
Western Samoa 0.2 30 6 2.4 0 0.2 25 4.5 32/6 68 33 — + 68 4,070

A dash (—) indicates data unavailable or inapplicable.

A plus sign (+) indicates that adult literacy is 95% or more; the “+” also implies essentially 100% access to safe water.
z = Less than 0.5%
aInfantdeaths per 1000 live births. Rates with decimals indicate complete national registration; whole numbers are UN estimates. Rates in italics are based upon less than 50 annual infant
deaths and are subject to great yearly variability.
bAverage number of childen born to a woman during her lifetime.
cSpecial Administrative Region
Urban population data are the percentage of the total population living in areas termed urban by that country.
GNI PPP Per Capita refers to Gross National Income converted to “international” dollars using a purchasing power parity conversion factor.
Table modified from the 2001 World Population Data Sheet of the Population Reference Bureau. Data for safe water supply are based on World Health Organization reports. Data on adult
literacy are based on UNESCO sources. GNI PPP figures are from the World Bank.

544 Appendix B
Appendix C
Anglo America Reference Map


Terms in italics identify related glossary the atmosphere and return to earth as acidic antipode
items. rain, snow, or fog. The point on the earth’s surface that is
activity space diametrically opposite the observer’s location.

A The area within which people move freely on

their rounds of regular activity.
Production and harvesting of fish and shellfish
in land-based ponds.
absolute direction
Direction with respect to cardinal east, west, (1) Genetic modification making a population aquifer
north, and south reference points. more fit for existence under specific A porous, water-bearing layer of rock, sand, or
absolute distance environmental conditions; (2) in immigration, gravel below ground level.
(syn: geodesic distance) The shortest-path the term summarizes how individuals, arable land
separation between two places measured on a households, and communities respond and Land that is or can be cultivated.
standard unit of length (miles or kilometers, adjust to new experiences and social and
arithmetic density
usually); also called real distance. cultural surroundings.
See crude density.
absolute location agglomeration artifacts
(syn: mathematical location) The exact position The spatial grouping of people or activities for The material manifestations of culture,
of an object or place stated in spatial mutual benefit; in economic geography, the including tools, housing, systems of land use,
coordinates of a grid system designed for concentration of productive enterprises for clothing, and the like. Elements in the
locational purposes. In geography, the collective or cooperative use of infrastructure technological subsystem of culture.
reference system is the globe grid of parallels of and sharing of labor resources and market
artificial boundary
latitude north or south of the equator and of access.
See geometric boundary.
meridians of longitude east or west of a prime agglomeration economies
meridian. Absolute globe locations are cited in (syn: external economies) The savings to an
In map projections, the positional relationship
degrees, minutes, and (for greater precision) individual enterprise derived from locational
between the globe and the developable surface
seconds of latitude and longitude north or association with a cluster of other similar
on which it is visually projected.
south and east or west of the equatorial and economic activities, such as other factories or
prime meridian base lines. retail stores. assimilation
agriculture A two-part behavioral and structural process by
absorbing barrier
The science and practice of farming, including which a minority population reduces or loses
A condition that blocks the diffusion of an
the cultivation of the soil and the rearing of completely its identifying cultural
innovation or prevents its adoption.
livestock. characteristics and blends into the host society.
amalgamation theory atmosphere
The relative ease with which a destination may
In ethnic geography, the concept that The air or mixture of gases surrounding the
be reached from other locations; the relative
multiethnic societies become a merger of the earth.
opportunity for spatial interaction. May be
measured in geometric, social, or economic culture traits of their member groups. autonomous nationalism
terms. Movement by a dissident minority intent to
achieve partial or total independence of
acculturation See nonecumene.
territory it occupies from the state within
Cultural modification or change that results animism which it lies.
when one culture group or individual adopts A belief that natural objects may be the abode
traits of a dominant or host society; cultural awareness space
of dead people, spirits, or gods who
development or change through “borrowing.” Locations or places about which an individual
occasionally give the objects the appearance of
has knowledge even without visiting all of
acid rain life.
them; includes activity space and additional
Precipitation that is unusually acidic; created antecedent boundary areas newly encountered or about which one
when oxides of sulfur and nitrogen change A boundary line established before the area in acquires information.
chemically as they dissolve in water vapor in question is well populated.

azimuth Buddhism chain migration
Direction of a line defined at its starting point A universalizing religion, primarily of eastern The process by which migration movements
by its angle in relation to a meridian. and central Asia, based on teachings of from a common home area to a specific
azimuthal projection Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, that destination are sustained by links of friendship
See planar projection. suffering is inherent in all life but can be or kinship between first movers and later
relieved by mental and moral self- followers.

B purification.
built environment
That part of the physical landscape that
channelized migration
The tendency for migration to flow between
areas that are socially and economically
basic sector
Those products or services of an urban represents material culture; the buildings, roads, allied by past migration patterns, by
economy that are exported outside the city bridges, and similar structures large and small economic and trade connections, or by some
itself, earning income for the community. of the cultural landscape. other affinity.
behavioral assimilation charter group
(syn: cultural assimilation) The process of
integration into a common cultural life through
C In plural societies, the early arriving ethnic
group that created the first effective settlement
acquisition of the sentiments, attitudes, and carrying capacity and established the recognized cultural norms
experiences of other groups. The maximum population numbers that an to which other, later groups are expected to
area can support on a continuing basis without conform.
experiencing unacceptable deterioration; for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
The enrichment of low-grade ores through
humans, the numbers supportable by an area’s A family of synthetic chemicals that has
concentration and other processes to reduce
known and used resources—usually significant commercial applications but whose
their waste content and increase their
agricultural ones. emissions are contributing to the depletion of
bilingualism cartogram the ozone layer.
Describing a society’s use of two official A map that has been simplified to present a choropleth map
languages. single idea in a diagrammatic way; the base is A thematic map presenting spatial data as
not normally true to scale. average values per unit area.
caste Christaller
The total dry weight of all living organisms
One of the hereditary social classes in Walter Christaller (1893–1969), German
within a unit area; plant and animal matter
Hinduism that determines one’s occupation and geographer credited with developing central
that can in any way be used as a source of
position in society. place theory (1933).
central business district (CBD) Christianity
The nucleus or “downtown” of a city, where A monotheistic, universalizing religion based on
A major ecological community, including
retail stores, offices, and cultural activities are the teachings of Jesus Christ and of the Bible as
plants and animals, occupying an extensive
concentrated, mass transit systems converge, sacred scripture.
earth area.
and land values and building densities are
biosphere circular and cumulative causation
(syn: ecosphere) The thin film of air, water, A process through which tendencies for
and earth within which we live, including the central city economic growth are self-reinforcing; an
atmosphere, surrounding and subsurface That part of the metropolitan area contained expression of the multiplier effect, it tends to
waters, and the upper reaches of the earth’s within the boundaries of the main city around favor major cities and core regions over less-
crust. which suburbs have developed. advantaged peripheral regions.
central place city
birth rate
An urban or other settlement node whose A multifunctional nucleated settlement with a
The ratio of the number of live births during
primary function is to provide goods and central business district and both residential and
one year to the total population, usually at the
services to the consuming population of its nonresidential land uses.
midpoint of the same year, expressed as the
hinterland, complementary region, or trade
number of births per year per 1000 population. climate
Boserup thesis A summary of weather conditions in a place or
The view that population growth central place theory region over a period of time.
independently forces a conversion from A deductive theory formulated by Walter cluster migration
extensive to intensive subsistence agriculture. Christaller (1893–1969) to explain the size and A pattern of movement and settlement
distribution of settlements through reference to resulting from the collective action of a
competitive supply of goods and services to distinctive social or ethnic group.
A line separating one political unit from
dispersed rural populations.
another; see international boundary. cognitive map
centrifugal force See mental map.
boundary dispute
1: In urban geography, economic and social
See functional dispute. cohort
forces pushing households and businesses
Brandt Report A population group unified by a specific
outward from central and inner-city locations.
Entitled North–South: A Program for Survival, a common characteristic, such as age, and
2: In political geography, forces of disruption
report of the Independent Commission on subsequently treated as a statistical unit during
and dissolution threatening the unity of a
International Development Issues, published in their lifetimes.
1980 and named for the commission chairman, centripetal force collective farm
Willy Brandt. 1: In urban geography, a force attracting In the former Soviet planned economy, the
break-of-bulk point establishments or activities to the city center. cooperative operation of an agricultural
A location where goods are transferred from 2: In political geography, forces tending to bind enterprise under state control of production
one type of carrier to another (e.g., from barge together the citizens of a state. and market, but without full status or support
to railroad). as a state enterprise.

548 Glossary
colony conservation crude birth rate (CBR)
In ethnic geography, an urban ethnic area The wise use or preservation of natural See birth rate.
serving as point of entry and temporary resources so as to maintain supplies and crude death rate (CDR)
acculturation zone for a specific immigrant qualities at levels sufficient to meet present See death rate.
group. and future needs.
crude density
commercial economy contagious diffusion (syn: arithmetic density) The number of people
A system of production of goods and services A form of expansion diffusion that depends on per unit area of land.
for exchange in competitive markets where direct contact. The process of dispersion is
cultural assimilation
price and availability are determined by supply centrifugal, strongly influenced by distance,
See behavioral assimilation.
and demand forces. and dependent on interaction between actual
and potential adopters of the innovation. Its cultural convergence
commercial energy
name derives from the pattern of spread of The tendency for cultures to become more alike
Commercially traded fuels, such as coal, oil, or
contagious diseases. as they increasingly share technology and
natural gas; excluding wood, vegetable or
organizational structures in a modern world
animal wastes, or other biomass. containment
united by improved transportation and
compact state A guiding principle of U.S. foreign policy
A state whose territory is nearly circular. during the Cold War period: to prevent or
cultural divergence
restrict the expansion of the Soviet Union’s
comparative advantage The likelihood or tendency for cultures to
influence or control beyond its then existing
The principle that an area produces the items become increasingly dissimilar with the
for which it has the greatest ratio of advantage passage of time.
or the least ratio of disadvantage in comparison continental shelf
A gently sloping seaward extension of the cultural ecology
to other areas, assuming free trade exists. The study of the interactions between societies
landmass found off the coasts of many
complementarity and the natural environments they occupy.
continents; its outer margin is marked by a
The actual or potential relationship of two
transition to the ocean depths at about 200 cultural geography
places or regions that each produce different
meters (660 feet). A branch of systematic geography that focuses
goods or services for which the other has an
on culturally determined human activities, the
effective demand, resulting in an exchange conurbation
impact of material and nonmaterial human
between the locales. A continuous, extended urban area formed by
culture on the environment, and the human
complementary region the growing together of several formerly
separate, expanding cities. organization of space.
The area served by a central place.
Convention on the Law of the Sea cultural integration
concentration The interconnectedness of all aspects of a
See United Nations Convention on the Law of the
In spatial distributions, the clustering of a culture; no part can be altered without creating
phenomenon around a central location. an impact on other components of the culture.
core area
concentric zone model cultural lag
1: In economic geography, a “core region,” the
A model describing urban land uses as a series The retention of established culture traits
national or world districts of concentrated
of circular belts or rings around a core central despite changing circumstances rendering
economic power, wealth, innovation, and
business district, each ring housing a distinct them inappropriate.
advanced technology. 2: In political geography,
type of land use. cultural landscape
the heartland or nucleus of a state, containing its
conformality The natural landscape as modified by human
most developed area, greatest wealth, densest
The map property of correct angles and shapes activities and bearing the imprint of a culture
populations, and clearest national identity.
of small areas. group or society; the built environment.
core-periphery model
conformal projection culture
A model of the spatial structure of an economic
A map projection that retains correct shapes of 1: A society’s collective beliefs, symbols,
system in which underdeveloped or declining
small areas; lines of latitude and longitude cross values, forms of behavior, and social
peripheral areas are defined with respect to
at right angles and scale (1) is the same in all organizations, together with its tools,
their dependence on a dominating developed
directions at any point on the map. structures, and artifacts created according to
core region.
Confucianism the group’s conditions of life; transmitted as a
core region
A Chinese value system and ethnic religion heritage to succeeding generations and
See core area (1).
emphasizing ethics, social morality, tradition, undergoing adoptions, modifications, and
and ancestor worship. counter migration changes in the process. 2: A collective term for
(syn: return migration) The return of migrants a group displaying uniform cultural
conic projection
to the regions from which they earlier characteristics.
A map projection employing a cone placed
tangent or secant to the globe as the presumed culture complex
developable surface. A related set of culture traits descriptive of one
See state.
connectivity aspect of a society’s behavior or activity.
creole Culture complexes may be as basic as those
The directness of routes linking pairs of places;
an indication of the degree of internal A language developed from a pidgin to become associated with food preparation, serving, and
connection in a transport network. More the native tongue of a society. consumption or as involved as those associated
generally, all of the tangible and intangible critical distance with religious beliefs or business practices.
means of connection and communication The distance beyond which cost, effort, and/or culture hearth
between places. means play a determining role in the A nuclear area within which an advanced and
willingness of people to travel. distinctive set of culture traits, ideas, and
consequent boundary
(syn: ethnographic boundary) A boundary line crop rotation technologies develops and from which there is
that coincides with some cultural divide, such The annual alteration of crops that make diffusion of those characteristics and the
as religion or language. differential demands on or contributions to soil cultural landscape features they imply.

Glossary 549
culture realm relatively high concentration of people in the diffusion barrier
A collective of culture regions sharing related childbearing years. Any condition that hinders the flow of
culture systems; a major world area having demographic transition information, the movement of people, or the
sufficient distinctiveness to be perceived as set A model of the effect of economic development spread of an innovation.
apart from other realms in terms of cultural on population growth. A first stage involves direction bias
characteristics and complexes. stable numbers with both high birth rates and A statement of movement bias observing that
culture rebound death rates; the second displays high birth rates, among all possible directions of movement or
The readoption by later generations of culture falling death rates, and population increases. flow, one or only a very few are favored and
traits and identities associated with immigrant Stage three shows reduction in population dominant.
forebears or ancestral homelands. growth as birth rates decline to the level of dispersion
culture region death rates. The fourth and final stage again In spatial distributions, a statement of the
A formal or functional region within which implies a population stable in size but with amount of spread of a phenomenon over area
common cultural characteristics prevail. It may larger numbers than at the start of the or around a central location. Dispersion in
be based on single culture traits, on culture transition process. An idealized summary of this sense represents a continuum from
complexes, or on political, social, or economic population history of industrializing Europe, its clustered, concentrated, or agglomerated (at
integration. application to newly developing countries is one end) to dispersed or scattered (at the
questioned. other).
culture system
A generalization suggesting shared, identifying demography distance bias
traits uniting two or more culture complexes. The scientific study of population, with A statement of movement bias observing that
particular emphasis upon quantitative aspects. short journeys or interchanges are favored over
culture trait
A single distinguishing feature of regular density more distant ones.
occurrence within a culture, such as the use of The quantity of anything (people, buildings, distance decay
chopsticks or the observance of a particular animals, traffic, etc.) per unit area. The declining intensity of any activity, process,
caste system. A single element of learned dependency ratio or function with increasing distance from its
behavior. The number of dependents, old or young, that point of origin.
cumulative causation each 100 persons in the economically domestication
See circular and cumulative causation. productive years must on average support. The successful transformation of plant or
custom desertification animal species from a wild state to a condition
The body of traditional practices, usages, and Extension of desertlike landscapes as a result of of dependency on human management,
conventions that regulate social life. overgrazing, destruction of the forests, or other usually with distinct physical change from wild
human-induced changes, usually in semiarid forebears.
cylindrical projection
regions. domino theory
A map projection employing a cylinder wrapped
around the globe as the presumed developable developable surface A geopolitics theory made part of American
surface. Projection surface (such as a plane, cone, or containment (of the former Soviet Union) policy
cylinder) that is or can be made flat without beginning in the 1950s. The theory maintained

distortion. that if a single country fell under Soviet
development influence or control, its neighbors would likely
The process of growth, expansion, or follow, creating a ripple effect like a line of
realization of potential; bringing regional toppling dominos.
See Taoism.
resources into full productive use. doubling time
death rate
devolution The time period required for any beginning
(syn: mortality rate) A mortality index usually
The transfer of certain powers from the state total experiencing a compounding growth to
calculated as the number of deaths per year per
central government to separate political double in size.
1000 population.
subdivisions within the state’s territory.
The clearing of land through total removal of
forest cover.
A language variant marked by vocabulary,
deglomeration grammar, and pronunciation differences from
other variants of the same common language. The scientific study of how living creatures
The process of deconcentration; the location of
When those variations are spatial or regional, affect each other and what determines their
industrial or other activities away from
they are called geographic dialects; when they distribution and abundance.
established agglomerations in response to
growing costs of congestion, competition, and are indicative of socioeconomic or educational economic base
regulation. levels, they are called social dialects. The manufacturing and service activities
dialect geography performed by the basic sector of a city’s labor
See linguistic geography. force; functions of a city performed to satisfy
The cumulative and sustained decline in the
dibble demands external to the city itself and, in that
contribution of manufacturing to a national
Any small hand tool or stick to make a hole for performance, earning income to support the
planting. urban population.
demographic equation
economic geography
A mathematical expression that summarizes diffusion
The branch of systematic geography concerned
the contribution of different demographic The spread or movement of a phenomenon
with how people support themselves, with the
processes to the population change of a given over space or through time. The dispersion of a
spatial patterns of production, distribution, and
area during a specified time period. culture trait or characteristic or new ideas and
consumption of goods and services, and with
practices from an origin area (e.g., language,
demographic momentum the areal variation of economic activities over
plant domestication, new industrial technology).
(syn: population momentum) The tendency for the surface of the earth.
Recognized types include relocation, expansion,
population growth to continue despite stringent
contagious, and hierarchical diffusion.
family planning programs because of a

550 Glossary
ecosphere equivalence/equivalent projection exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
See biosphere. In map projections, the characteristic that a As established in the United Nations Convention
ecosystem unit area drawn on the map always represents on the Law of the Sea, a zone of exploitation
A population of organisms existing together in the same area on the earth’s surface, extending 200 nautical miles (370 km) seaward
a small, relatively homogeneous area (pond, regardless of where drawn. See also equal-area from a coastal state that has exclusive mineral
forest, small island), together with the energy, projection. and fishing rights over it.
air, water, soil, and chemicals upon which it erosion expansion diffusion
depends. The wearing away and removal of rock and soil The spread of ideas, behaviors, or articles
ecumene particles from exposed surfaces by agents such through a culture area or from one culture to
That part of the earth’s surface physically as moving water, wind, or ice. neighboring areas through contact and
suitable for permanent human settlement; the ethnic enclave exchange of information; the dispersion leaves
permanently inhabited areas of the earth. A small area occupied by a distinctive minority the phenomenon intact or intensified in its
culture. area of origin.
edge city
Distinct sizeable nodal concentration of ethnic geography extensive agriculture
retail and office space of lower than central The study of spatial distributions and A crop or livestock system characterized by low
city densities and situated on the outer interactions of ethnic groups and of the cultural inputs of labor per unit area of land. It may be
fringes of older metropolitan areas; usually characteristics on which they are based. part of either a subsistence or a commercial
localized by or near major highway economy.
ethnic group
intersections. People sharing a distinctive culture, frequently external economies
electoral geography based on common national origin, religion, See agglomeration economies.
The study of the geographical elements of the language, or race. extractive industries
organization and results of elections. ethnic island Primary activities involving the mining and
elongated state A small rural area settled by a single, quarrying of nonrenewable metallic and
A state whose territory is long and narrow. distinctive ethnic group that placed its imprint nonmetallic mineral resources.
enclave on the landscape.
A small bit of foreign territory lying within a
state but not under its jurisdiction.
Ethnic quality; affiliation with a group whose
racial, cultural, religious, or linguistic fallowing
characteristics or national origins distinguish it The practice of allowing plowed or cultivated
Surroundings; the totality of things that in any
from a larger population within which it is land to remain (rest) uncropped or only
way may affect an organism, including both
found. partially cropped for one or more growing
physical and cultural conditions; a region
characterized by a certain set of physical ethnic province
conditions. A large territory, urban and rural, dominated federal state
by or closely associated with a single ethnic A state with a two-tier system of government
environmental determinism
group. and a clear distinction between the powers
The view that the physical environment,
vested in the central government and those
particularly climate, controls human action, ethnic religion
residing in the governments of the component
molds human behavior, and conditions cultural A religion identified with a particular ethnic
regional subdivisions.
development. group and largely exclusive to it. Such a religion
environmental perception does not seek converts. fertility rate
The concept that people of different cultures ethnic separatism The average number of live births per 1000
will differently observe and interpret their Desired regional autonomy expressed by a women of childbearing age.
environment and make different decisions about culturally distinctive group within a larger, filtering
its nature, potentialities, and use. politically dominant culture. In urban geography, a process whereby
individuals of a lower-income group replace, in
environmental pollution ethnocentrism
a portion of an urban area, residents who are of
See pollution. Conviction of the evident superiority of one’s
a higher-income group.
epidemiologic transition own ethnic group.
The reduction of periodically high mortality ethnographic boundary first effective settlement
rates from epidemic diseases as those diseases See consequent boundary. The influence that the characteristics of an
become essentially continual within a early dominant settlement group exert on the
European Union (EU)
population that develops partial immunity to later social and cultural geography of an area.
An economic association established in 1957
them. fixed cost
by a number of Western European countries
An activity cost (as of investment in land,
equal-area (equivalent) projection to promote free trade among members; often
plant, and equipment) that must be met
A map projection designed so that a unit area called the Common Market; expanded on
without regard to level of output; an input cost
drawn anywhere on the map always represents January 1, 1995, to include 15 member
that is spatially constant.
the same area on the earth’s surface. states.
folk culture
equator evapotranspiration
The body of institutions, customs, dress,
An imaginary east-west line that encircles the The return of water from the land to the
artifacts, collective wisdoms, and traditions of a
globe halfway between the North and South atmosphere through evaporation from the soil
homogeneous, isolated, largely self-sufficient,
poles. surface and transpiration from plants.
and relatively static social group.
equidistant projection exclave
A map projection showing true distances in all A portion of a state that is separated from the
Oral traditions of a folk culture, including tales,
directions from one or two central points; all main territory and surrounded by another
fables, legends, customary observations, and
other distances are incorrect. country.
moral teachings.

Glossary 551
folkway policies to be applied to their common border; geopolitics
The learned manner of thinking and feeling often induced by differing customs regulations, That branch of political geography treating
and a prescribed mode of conduct common to a movement of nomadic groups, or illegal national power, foreign policy, and
traditional social group. immigration or emigration. international relations as influenced by
footloose functional region geographic considerations of location, space,
A descriptive term applied to manufacturing (syn: nodal region) A region differentiated by resources, and demography.
activities for which the cost of transporting what occurs within it rather than by a gerrymander
material or product is not important in homogeneity of physical or cultural To redraw voting district boundaries in such a
determining location of production; an industry phenomena; an earth area recognized as an way as to give one political party maximum
or firm showing neither market nor material operational unit based upon defined electoral advantage and to reduce that of
orientation. organizational criteria. The concept of unity is another party, to fragment voting blocks, or to
Fordism based on interaction and interdependence achieve other nondemocratic objectives.
The manufacturing economy and system between different points within the area. ghetto
derived from assembly-line mass production A forced or voluntarily segregated residential
and the mass consumption of standardized
goods. Named after Henry Ford, who innovated G area housing a racial, ethnic, or religious
many of its production techniques. gathering industries GIS
formal region Primary activities involving the subsistence or See geographic information system
(syn: uniform region, homogeneous region, commercial harvesting of renewable natural
structural region) A region distinguished by a resources of land or water. Primitive gathering
A reference to the assumed increasing
uniformity of one or more characteristics that involves local collection of food and other
interconnection of all parts of the world as the
can serve as the basis for areal generalization materials of nature, both plant and animal;
full range of social, cultural, political, and
and of contrast with adjacent areas. commercial gathering usually implies forestry
economic processes becomes international in
and fishing industries.
form utility scale and effect.
A value-increasing change in the form—and gender globe grid
therefore in the “utility”—of a raw material or In the cultural sense, a reference to socially (syn: graticule) The set of imaginary lines of
commodity. created—not biologically based—distinctions latitude and longitude that intersect at right
forward-thrust capital between femininity and masculinity. angles to form a coordinate reference system
A capital city deliberately sited in a state’s gene flow for locating points on the surface of the earth.
frontier zone. The transfer of genes of one breeding gnomonic projection
fossil fuel population into the gene pool of another
A geometrical projection produced with the light
(syn: mineral fuel) Any of the fuels derived through interbreeding.
source at the center of the earth.
from decayed organic material converted by genetic drift
earth processes; especially, coal, petroleum, A chance modification of gene composition
See gross national product.
and natural gas, but also including tar sands occurring in an isolated population and
becoming accentuated through inbreeding. graphic scale
and oil shales.
A graduate line included in a map legend by
fragmented state gentrification means of which distances on the map may be
A state whose territory contains isolated parts, The movement into the inner portions of measured in terms of ground distances.
separated and discontinuous. American cities of middle- and upper-income
frame people who replace low-income populations,
The network of meridians and parallels on the
In urban geography, that part of the central rehabilitate the structures they occupied,
globe; the globe grid.
and change the social character of
business district characterized by such low- gravity model
intensity uses as warehouses, wholesaling, and A mathematical prediction of the interaction
automobile dealers. geodesic distance
between two bodies (places) as a function of
See absolute distance.
freight rate their size and of the distance separating them.
The charge levied by a transporter for the geographic dialect Based on Newton’s law, the model states that
loading, moving, and unloading of goods; (syn: regional dialect) See dialect. attraction (interaction) is proportional to the
includes line-haul costs and terminal costs. geographic information system (GIS) product of the masses (population sizes) of
friction of distance Integrated computer programs for handling, two bodies (places) and inversely
A measure of the retarding or restricting effect processing, and analyzing data specifically proportional to the square of the distance
of distance on spatial interaction. Generally, the referenced to the surface of the earth. between them.
greater the distance, the greater the “friction” geometric boundary great circle
and the less the interaction or exchange, or the (syn: artificial boundary) A boundary without Line formed by the intersection with the
greater the cost of achieving the exchange. obvious physical geographic basis; often a earth’s surface of a plane passing through the
frontier section of a parallel of latitude or a meridian of center of the earth; an arc of a great circle is
That portion of a country adjacent to its longitude. the shortest distance between two points on
boundaries and fronting another political unit. geometrical projection the earth’s surface.
frontier zone (syn: perspective projection; visual projection) greenhouse effect
A belt lying between two states or between The trace of the graticule shadow projected on a Heating of the earth’s surface as shortwave
settled and uninhabited or sparsely settled developable surface from a light source placed solar energy passes through the atmosphere,
areas. relative to a transparent globe. which is transparent to it but opaque to
functional dispute geophagy reradiated long-wave terrestrial energy; also,
(syn: boundary dispute) In political geography, a The practice of eating earthy substances, increasing the opacity of the atmosphere
disagreement between neighboring states over usually clays. through addition of increased amounts of
carbon dioxide and other gases that trap heat.

552 Glossary
Green Revolution hinterland of the factory system to the textile industry of
A term suggesting the great increases in food The market area or region served by an urban England in the last quarter of the 18th
production, primarily in subtropical areas, center. century.
accomplished through the introduction of very homeostatic plateau infant mortality rate
high-yielding grain crops, particularly wheat, (syn: carrying capacity) The application of the A refinement of the death rate to specify the
maize, and rice. concept of homeostasis, or relatively stable ratio of deaths of infants age 1 year or less per
grid system state of equilibrium, to the balance between 1000 live births.
See globe grid. population numbers and areal resources; the infrastructure
gross domestic product (GDP) equilibrium level of population that available The basic structure of services, installations,
The total value of goods and services resources can adequately support. and facilities needed to support industrial,
produced within the borders of a country horticultural farming agricultural, and other economic development;
during a specified time period, usually a See truck farming. included are transport and communications,
calendar year. host society along with water, power, and other public
gross national product (GNP) The established and dominant society within utilities.
The total value of goods and services (with which immigrant groups seek innovation
some adjustments) including income received accommodation. Introduction of new ideas, practices, or objects;
from abroad, produced by the residents of a human geography usually, an alteration of custom or culture that
country during a specified period (usually a One of the two major divisions (the other is originates within the social group itself.
year). physical geography) of systematic geography; the insolation
groundwater spatial analysis of human populations, their The solar radiation received at the earth’s
Subsurface water that accumulates in the pores cultures, their activities and behaviors, and surface.
and cracks of rock and soil. their relationship with and impact on the intensive agriculture
guest worker physical landscapes they occupy. Any agricultural system involving the
A foreign worker, usually male and frequently hunter-gatherer/hunting-gathering application of large amounts of capital and/or
under contract, who migrates to secure An economic and social system based primarily labor per unit of cultivated land; this may be
permanent work in a host country without or exclusively on the hunting of wild animals part of either a subsistence or a commercial
intention to settle permanently in that country; and the gathering of food, fiber, and other economy.
particularly, workers from North Africa and materials from uncultivated plants. interaction model
countries of eastern, southern, and hydrologic cycle See gravity model.
southeastern Europe employed in The natural system by which water is international boundary
industrialized countries of Western Europe. continuously circulated through the biosphere The outer limit of a state’s claim to land or
by evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. water surface, projected downward to the

H hydrosphere
All water at or near the earth’s surface that is
center of the earth and, less certainly, upward
to the height the state can effectively control.
hazardous waste not chemically bound in rocks, including the International Date Line
Discarded solid, liquid, or gaseous material that oceans, surface waters, groundwater, and water By international agreement, the designated line
poses a substantial threat to human health or to held in the atmosphere. where each new day begins, generally
the environment when improperly disposed of following the 180th meridian. The line

or stored. compensates for accumulated 1-hour time
heartland theory changes for each 15 degrees of longitude by
The belief of Halford Mackinder (1861–1947) icebox effect adding (from east to west) or subtracting (from
that the interior of Eurasia provided a likely The tendency for certain kinds of air pollutants west to east) 24 hours for travelers crossing the
base for world conquest. to lower temperatures on earth by reflecting line.
hierarchical diffusion incoming sunlight back into space and thus interrupting barrier
A form of diffusion in which spread of an preventing it from reaching (and heating) the A condition that delays the rate of diffusion of
innovation can proceed either upward or earth. an innovation or that deflects its path.
downward through a hierarchy. iconography intervening opportunity
hierarchical migration In political geography, a term denoting the study The concept that closer opportunities will
The tendency for individuals to move from of symbols that unite a country. materially reduce the attractiveness of
small places to larger ones. See also step ideological subsystem interaction with more distant—even slightly
migration. The complex of ideas, beliefs, knowledge, and better—alternatives; a closer alternative source
hierarchy of central places means of their communication that of supply between a demand point and the
The steplike series of urban units in classes characterize a culture. original source of supply.
differentiated by both size and function. incinerator in-transit privilege
high-level waste A facility designed to burn waste. The application of a single-haul freight rate
Nuclear waste with a relatively high level of independent invention from origin to destination even though the
radioactivity. (syn: parallel invention) Innovations developed shipment is halted for processing en route,
Hinduism in two or more unconnected locations by after which the journey is completed.
An ancient and now dominant value system and individuals or groups acting independently. See irredentism
religion of India, closely identified with Indian also multilinear evolution. The policy of a state wishing to incorporate
culture but without central creed, single Industrial Revolution within itself territory inhabited by people who
doctrine, or religious organization. Dharma The term applied to the rapid economic and have ethnic or linguistic links with the country
(customary duty and divine law) and caste are social changes in agriculture and but that lies within a neighboring state.
uniting elements. manufacturing that followed the introduction

Glossary 553
Islam (66° 30' N and S); high latitudes occur from longitude are equivalent to a difference of
A monotheistic, universalizing religion that those circles to the North and South poles. 1 hour in local time.
includes belief in Allah as the sole deity and in law of peripheral neglect long lot
Mohammed as his prophet completing the The observation that a government’s awareness A farm or other property consisting of a long,
work of earlier prophets of Judaism and of or concern with regional problems decreases narrow strip of land extending back from a
Christianity. with the square of the distance of an outlying river or road.
isochrone region from the capital city. low-level waste
A line connecting points equidistant in travel leachate Nuclear waste with relatively moderate levels
time from a common origin. The contaminated liquid discharged from a of radioactivity.
isogloss sanitary landfill to either surface or subsurface
A mapped boundary line marking the limits of
a particular linguistic feature.
land or water.
least-cost theory
(syn: Weberian analysis) The view that the
A map line connecting points of equal value. optimum location of a manufacturing Food intake insufficient in quantity or deficient
isotropic plain establishment is at the place where the costs of in quality to sustain life at optimal conditions
A hypothetical portion of the earth’s surface transport and labor and the advantages of of health.
assumed to be an unbounded, uniformly flat agglomeration or deglomeration are most Malthus
plain with uniform and unvarying distribution favorable. Thomas R. Malthus (1766–1843). English
of population, purchasing power, transport limiting factor principle economist, demographer, and cleric who
costs, accessibility, and the like. The distribution of an organism or the structure suggested that unless self-control, war, or
of an ecosystem can be explained by the control natural disaster checks population, it will

J exerted by the single factor (such as

temperature, light, water) that is most deficient,
that is, that falls below the levels required.
inevitably increase faster than will the food
supplies needed to sustain it. This view is
known as Malthusianism. See also neo-
A curve shaped like the letter J, depicting line-haul costs Malthusianism.
exponential or geometric growth (1, 2, 4, 8, (syn: over-the-road costs) The costs involved in map projection
16 . . .). the actual physical movement of goods (or A systematic method of transferring the globe
Judaism passengers); costs of haulage (including grid system from the earth’s curved surface to
A monotheistic, ethnic religion first developed equipment and routeway costs), excluding the flat surface of a map. Projection
among the Hebrew people of the ancient Near terminal costs. automatically incurs error, but an attempt is
East; its determining conditions include lingua franca usually made to preserve one or more (though
descent from Israel (Jacob), the Torah (law and Any of various auxiliary languages used as never all) of the characteristics of the spherical
scripture), and tradition. common tongues among people of an area surface: equal area, correct distance, true
where several languages are spoken; literally, direction, proper shape.

K “Frankish language.”
linguistic geography
map scale
See scale.
krill (syn: dialect geography; dialectology) The study marginal cost
A form of marine plankton composed of of local variations within a speech area by The additional cost of producing each
crustaceans and larvae. mapping word choices, pronunciations, or successive unit of output.
grammatical constructions. mariculture

A transportation or communication connection
or route within a network.
Production and harvesting of fish and shellfish
in fenced confinement areas along coasts and
in estuaries.
Describing a state which lacks a sea coast. lithosphere market equilibrium
land race The earth’s solid crust. The point of intersection of demand and
A genetically diverse, naturally adapted, native locational interdependence supply curves of a given commodity; at
food plant. The circumstance under which the locational equilibrium the market is cleared of the
language decision of a particular firm is influenced by commodity.
The system of words, their pronunciation, the locations chosen by competitors. market gardening
and methods of combination used and locational triangle See truck farming.
mutually understood by a community of A simple graphic model in Weberian analysis to market orientation
individuals. illustrate the derivation of the least-transport- The tendency of an economic activity to locate
language family cost location of an industrial establishment. close to its market; a reflection of large and
A group of languages thought to have longitude variable distribution costs.
descended from a single, common ancestral Angular distance of a location in degrees, material culture
tongue. minutes, and seconds measured east or west of The tangible, physical items produced and used
latitude a designated prime meridian given the value of by members of a specific culture group and
Angular distance north or south of the equator, 0°. By general agreement, the globe grid prime reflective of their traditions, lifestyles, and
measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. meridian passes through the old observatory of technologies.
Grid lines marking latitudes are called parallels. Greenwich, England. Distances are measured material orientation
The equator is 0°, the North Pole is 90° N, the from 0° to 180° both east and west, with 180° E The tendency of an economic activity to locate
South Pole is 90° S. Low latitudes are and W being the same line. For much of its near or at its source of raw material; this is
considered to fall within the tropics (23° 30' N extent the 180° meridian also serves as the experienced when material costs are highly
and 23° 30' S); midlatitudes extend from the International Date Line. Because of the period of variable spatially and/or represent a significant
tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic circles the earth’s axial rotation, 15 degrees of share of total costs.

554 Glossary
mathematical location containing several urbanized areas; multilingualism
See absolute location. discontinuously built up, it operates as a The common use of two or more languages in a
mathematical projection coherent economic whole. society or country.
The systematic rendering of the globe grid on a microdistrict multinational corporation (MNC)
developable surface to achieve graticule The basic neighborhood planning unit A large business organization operating in a
characteristics not obtainable by visual means characteristic of new urban residential number of different national economies; the
of geometrical projection. construction in the planned East European city term implies a more extensive form of
maximum sustainable yield under communism. transnational corporation.
The maximum rate at which a renewable microstate multiple-nuclei model
resource can be exploited without impairing its (syn: ministate) An imprecise term for a state The postulate that large cities develop by
ability to be renewed or replenished. or territory small in both population and area. peripheral spread not from one central business
Mediterranean agriculture An informal definition accepted by the United district but from several nodes of growth, each
An agricultural system based upon the mild, Nations suggests a maximum of 1 million of specialized use. The separately expanding
moist winters, hot, sunny summers, and rough population combined with a territory of less use districts eventually coalesce at their
terrain of the Mediterranean basin. It involves than 700 km2 (270 sq mi). margins.
cereals as winter crops, summer tree and vine migration multiplier effect
crops (olives, figs, dates, citrus and other tree The permanent (or relatively permanent) The direct, indirect, and induced
fruits, and grapes), and animals (sheep and relocation of an individual or group to a new, consequences of change in an activity. 1: In
goats). usually distant, place of residence and industrial agglomerations, the cumulative
megalopolis employment. processes by which a given change (such as a
1: A large, sprawled urban complex with migration field new plant opening) sets in motion a sequence
contained open, nonurban land, created The area from which a given city or place of further industrial employment and
through the spread and joining of separate draws the majority of its in-migrants. infrastructure growth. 2: In urban geography,
metropolitan areas; 2: When capitalized, the mineral the expected addition of nonbasic workers and
name applied to the continuous functionally A natural inorganic substance that has a dependents to a city’s total employment and
urban area of coastal northeastern United definite chemical composition and population that accompanies new basic sector
States from Maine to Virginia. characteristic crystal structure, hardness, and employment.
mental map density.
(syn: cognitive map) The maplike image of the
world, country, region, city, or neighborhood a
mineral fuel
See fossil fuel.
person carries in mind. The representation is nation
ministate A culturally distinctive group of people
therefore subjective; it includes knowledge of
See microstate. occupying a specific territory and bound
actual locations and spatial relationships and is
colored by personal perceptions and model together by a sense of unity arising from
preferences related to place. An idealized representation, abstraction, or shared ethnicity, beliefs, and customs.
simulation of reality. It is designed to simplify nationalism
real-world complexity and eliminate A sense of unity binding the people of a state
The central, enduring elements of a culture
extraneous phenomena in order to isolate for together; devotion to the interests of a
expressing its values and beliefs, including
detailed study causal factors and particular country or nation; an identification
language, religion, folklore, artistic traditions,
interrelationships of spatial systems. with the state and an acceptance of national
and the like. Elements in the ideological
subsystem of culture. monoculture goals.
Agricultural system dominated by a single nation-state
Mercator projection
crop. A state whose territory is identical to that
A true conformal cylindrical projection first
monolingualism occupied by a particular ethnic group or nation.
published in 1569, useful for navigation.
A society’s or country’s use of only one
meridian natural boundary
language of communication for all purposes.
A north-south line of longitude; on the globe (syn: physical boundary) A boundary line based
monotheism on recognizable physiographic features, such as
grid, all meridians are of equal length and
The belief that there is but a single God. mountains or rivers.
converge at the poles.
mortality rate natural hazard
See death rate. A process or event in the physical environment
Middle Stone Age. The culture stage of the early
postglacial period, during which earliest stages movement bias that has consequences harmful to humans.
of domestication of animals and plants occurred, Any aggregate control on or regularity of natural increase
refined and specialized tools were developed, movement of people, commodities, or The growth of a population through excess of
pottery was produced, and semipermanent communication. Included are distance bias, births over deaths, excluding the effects of
settlements were established as climate change direction bias, and network bias. immigration or emigration.
reduced the game-animal herds earlier multilinear evolution natural landscape
followed for food. A concept of independent but parallel The physical environment unaffected by human
metes-and-bounds survey cultural development advanced by the activities. The duration and near totality of
A system of property description using natural anthropologist Julian Steward (1902–1972) to human occupation of the earth’s surface assure
features (streams, rocks, trees, etc.) to trace explain cultural similarities between widely that little or no “natural landscape” so defined
and define the boundaries of individual parcels. separated peoples existing in similar remains intact. Opposed to cultural landscape.
environments but who could not have
metropolitan area natural resource
benefited from shared experiences, borrowed
In the United States, a large functionally A physically occurring item that a population
ideas, or diffused technologies. See
integrated settlement area comprising one or perceives to be necessary and useful to its
independent invention.
more whole county units and usually maintenance and well-being.

Glossary 555
natural selection nonmaterial culture perception
The process resulting in the reproductive The oral traditions, songs, and stories of a The acquisition of information about a place or
success of individuals or groups best adapted to culture group along with its beliefs and thing through sensory means; the subjective
their environment, leading to the perpetuation customary behaviors. organization and interpretation of acquired
of their genetic qualities. nonrenewable resource information in light of cultural attitudes and
natural vegetation A natural resource that is not replenished or individual preferences or experiences. See
The plant life that would exist in an area if replaced by natural processes or is used at a environmental perception.
humans did not interfere with its development. rate that exceeds its replacement rate. perceptual region
neocolonialism North A region perceived to exist by its inhabitants or
A disparaging reference to economic and The general term applied in the Brandt the general populace. Also known as a
political policies by which major developed Report to the developed countries of the vernacular region or popular region, it has
countries are seen to retain or extend influence Northern Hemisphere plus Australia and reality as an element of popular culture or folk
over the economies of less developed countries New Zealand. culture represented in the mental maps of
and peoples. average people.
New Stone Age. The culture (succeeding that
of the Mesolithic) of the middle postglacial
official language
perforated state
A state whose territory is interrupted
(“perforated”) by a separate, independent state
period, during which polished stone tools A governmentally designated language of totally contained within its borders.
were perfected, the economy was solely or instruction, of government, of the courts, and periodic market
largely based on cultivation of crops and other official public and private A market operating at a particular location
domestication of animals, and the arts of communication. (village, city, neighborhood) on one or more
spinning, weaving, smelting and metal orthographic projection fixed days per week or month.
working were developed. More formalized A geometrical projection that results from periphery/peripheral
societies and culture complexes emerged as placing the light source at infinity. The outer regions or boundaries of an area. See
cities developed and trade routes were also core-periphery model.
1: Producing abroad parts or products for permeable barrier
neo-Malthusianism domestic use or sale; 2: Subcontracting An obstacle raised by a culture group or one
The advocacy of population control programs production or services rather than performing culture group’s reluctance to accept some, but
to preserve and improve general national those activities “in house.” not all, innovations diffused from a related but
prosperity and well-being. overpopulation different culture. Acceptance or rejection may
net migration A value judgment that the resources of an area be conditioned by religious, political, ethnic, or
The difference between in-migration and out- are insufficient to sustain adequately its similar considerations of suitability or
migration of an area. present population numbers. compatibility.
network over-the-road costs personal communication field
The areal pattern of sets of places and the See line-haul costs. An area defined by the distribution of an
routes (links) connecting them along which ozone
individual’s short-range informal
movement can take place. A gas molecule consisting of three atoms of
communications. The size and shape of the
network bias field are defined by work, recreation, school,
oxygen (O3) formed when diatomic oxygen
The view that the pattern of links in a network and other regular contacts and are affected by
(O2) is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. In the
will affect the likelihood of flows between age, sex, employment, and other personal
upper atmosphere it forms a normally
specific nodes. continuous, thin layer that blocks ultraviolet characteristics.
network cities light; in the lower atmosphere it constitutes a personal space
Two or more nearby cities, potentially or damaging component of photochemical smog. An invisible, usually irregular area around a
actually complementary in function, that person into which he or she does not willingly
cooperate by developing transportation links
and communications infrastructure joining
P admit others. The sense (and extent) of
personal space is a situational and cultural
nodal region Old Stone Age. An early stage of human perspective projection
See functional region. culture largely coinciding with the Pleistocene See geometrical projection.
node glacial period. Characterized by hunting- photochemical smog
In network theory, an origin, destination, or gathering economies and the use of fire and A form of polluted air produced by the
intersection in a communication network. simple stone tools, especially those made from interaction of hydrocarbons and oxides of
nomadic herding flint. nitrogen in the presence of sunlight.
Migratory but controlled movement of parallel invention physical boundary
livestock solely dependent on natural forage. See independent invention. See natural boundary.
nonbasic sector parallel of latitude physical geography
(syn: service sector) Those economic activities An east-west line of latitude indicating distance One of two major divisions (the other is human
of an urban unit that supply the resident north or south of the equator. geography) of systematic geography; the study of
population with goods and services and that pattern the structures, processes, distributions, and
have no “export” implication. The design or arrangement of phenomena in change through time of the natural phenomena
earth space. of the earth’s surface that are significant to
human life.
(syn: anecumene). That portion of the earth’s peak value intersection
surface that is uninhabited or only The most accessible and costly parcel of land in physical landscape
temporarily or intermittently inhabited. See the central business district and, therefore, in The natural landscape plus visible elements of
also ecumene. the entire urbanized area. material culture.

556 Glossary
physiological density population geography prime meridian
The number of persons per unit area of A division of human geography concerned An imaginary line passing through the Royal
cultivable land. with spatial variations in distribution, Observatory at Greenwich, England, serving by
pidgin composition, growth, and movements of agreement as the 0° line of longitude.
An auxiliary language derived, with reduced population and the relationship of those private plot
vocabulary and simplified structure, from other concerns with the geographic character of In the planned economies under communism,
languages. Not a native tongue, it is used for areas. a small garden plot allotted to collective
limited communication between people with population momentum farmers and urban workers.
different languages. See demographic momentum. projection
place perception population projection See map projection.
See perception. A statement of a population’s future size, age, prorupt state
place utility and sex composition based on the application A state of basically compact form but with one
1: In human movement and migration studies, of stated assumptions to current data. or more narrow extensions of territory.
a measure of an individual’s perceived population pyramid protolanguage
satisfaction or approval of a place in its social, A bar graph in pyramid form showing the age An assumed, reconstructed, or recorded
economic, or environmental attributes. 2: In and sex composition of a population, usually a ancestral language.
economic geography, the value imparted to national one.
proved reserves
goods or services by tertiary activities that positional dispute That portion of a natural resource that has been
provide things needed in specific markets. (syn: boundary dispute) In political geography, identified and can be extracted profitably with
planar projection disagreement about the actual location of a current technology.
(syn: azimuthal projection) A map projection boundary. psychological distance
employing a plane as the presumed developable possibilism The way an individual perceives distance.
surface. The philosophical viewpoint that the physical pull factors
plankton environment offers human beings a set of Characteristics of a locale that act as attractive
Microscopic freely floating plant and animal opportunities from which (within limits) forces, drawing migrants from other regions.
organisms of lakes and oceans. people may choose according to their cultural
purchasing power parity (PPP)
planned economy needs and technological awareness. The
A monetary measurement which takes account
A system of production of goods and services, emphasis is on a freedom of choice and
of what money actually buys in each country.
usually consumed or distributed by a action not allowed under environmental
determinism. push factors
governmental agency, in quantities, at prices,
Unfavorable characteristics of a locale that
and in locations determined by governmental postindustrial
contribute to the dissatisfaction of its residents
program. A stage of economic development in which
and impel their emigration.
plantation service activities become relatively more
A large agricultural holding, frequently foreign important than goods production;
owned, devoted to the production of a single
export crop.
professional and technical employment
supersedes employment in agriculture and
manufacturing; and level of living is defined quaternary activities
Pleistocene Those parts of the economy concerned with
by the quality of services and amenities
The geological epoch dating from 2 million to research, with the gathering and
rather than by the quantity of goods
11 thousand years ago during which four stages dissemination of information, and with
of continental glaciation occurred. administration—including administration of
political geography potential model
the other economic activity levels; often
A measurement of the total interaction
A branch of human geography concerned with considered only as a specialized subdivision of
opportunities available under gravity model
the spatial analysis of political phenomena. tertiary activities.
assumptions to a center in a multicenter
pollution quinary activities
The introduction into the biosphere of A sometimes separately recognized subsection
materials that because of their quantity, precipitation
of tertiary activity management functions
chemical nature, or temperature have a All moisture—solid and liquid—that falls to the
involving highest-level decision making in all
negative impact on the ecosystem or that cannot earth’s surface from the atmosphere.
types of large organizations. Also deemed the
be readily disposed of by natural recycling predevelopment annexation most advanced form of the quaternary
processes. The inclusion within the central city of subsector.
polytheism nonurban peripheral areas for the purpose of
securing to the city itself the benefits of their
Belief in or worship of many gods.
popular culture
eventual development.
primary activities
The constantly changing mix of material and race
Those parts of the economy involved in
nonmaterial elements available through mass A subset of human population whose members
making natural resources available for use or
production and the mass media to an share certain distinctive, inherited biological
further processing; included are mining,
urbanized, heterogeneous, nontraditional characteristics.
agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and
society. rank-size rule
popular region An observed regularity in the city-size
See vernacular region. primate city distribution of some countries. In a rank-size
A country’s leading city, disproportionately hierarchy, the population of any given town
population density
larger and functionally more complex than any will be inversely proportional to its rank in the
A measurement of the numbers of persons per
other; a city dominating an urban hierarchy hierarchy; that is, the nth-ranked city will be
unit area of land within predetermined limits,
composed of a base of small towns and an 1/n the size of the largest city.
usually political or census boundaries. See also
absence of intermediate-sized cities.
physiological density.

Glossary 557
rate distances may vary with improvements in
The frequency of an event’s occurrence during
a specified time period.
transportation or communication technology or
with different psychological perceptions of
rate of natural increase space.
The semiarid zone between the Sahara desert
Birth rate minus the death rate, suggesting the relative location and the grassland areas to the south in West
annual rate of population growth without The position of a place or activity in relation to Africa; a district of recurring drought, famine,
considering net migration. other places or activities. Relative location and environmental degradation and
reapportionment implies spatial relationships and usually desertification.
The process and outcome of a reallocation of suggests the relative advantages or
electoral seats to defined territories, such as disadvantages of a location with respect to all
The process by which soil becomes saturated
congressional seats to states of the United competing locations.
with salt, rendering the land unsuitable for
States. relic boundary agriculture. This occurs when land that has
recycling A former boundary line that is still discernible poor drainage is improperly irrigated.
The reuse of disposed materials after they have and marked by some cultural landscape
sanitary landfill
passed through some form of treatment (e.g., feature.
Disposal of solid wastes by spreading them in
melting down glass bottles to produce new religion layers covered with enough soil to control
bottles). A personal or institutionalized system of odors, rodents, and flies; sited to minimize
redistricting worship and of faith in the sacred and divine. water pollution from runoff and leachate.
The drawing of new electoral district boundary relocation diffusion satisficing location
lines in response to changing patterns of The transfer of ideas, behaviors, or articles A less than ideal best location, but one
population or changing legal requirements. from one place to another through the providing an acceptable level of utility or
region migration of those possessing the feature satisfaction.
Any earth area with distinctive and unifying transported; also, spatial relocation in which a
physical or cultural characteristics that set it phenomenon leaves an area of origin as it is
1: In cartography, the ratio between the size of
off and make it substantially different from transported to a new location.
area on a map and the actual size of that same
surrounding areas. A region may be defined renewable resource area on the earth’s surface. 2: In more general
on the basis of its homogeneity or its A natural resource that is potentially terms, scale refers to the size of the area
functional integration as a single inexhaustible either because it is constantly (as studied, from local to global.
organizational unit. Regions and their solar radiation) or periodically (as biomass)
boundaries are devices of areal generalization, replenished as long as its use does not exceed
The horizontal bending, or leveling, of an
intellectual concepts rather than visible its maximum sustainable yield.
exponential or J-curve.
landscape entities. replacement level
secondary activities
regional autonomy The number of children per woman that will
Those parts of the economy involved in the
A measure of self-governance afforded a supply just enough births to replace parents
processing of raw materials derived from
subdivision of a state. and compensate for early deaths, with no
primary activities and in altering or combining
regional concept allowance for migration effects; usually
materials to produce commodities of
The view that physical and cultural calculated at between 2.1 and 2.5 children.
enhanced utility and value; included are
phenomena on the surface of the earth are representative fraction manufacturing, construction, and power
rationally arranged by complex, diverse, but The scale of a map expressed as a ratio of a unit generation.
comprehensible interrelated spatial of distance on the map to distance measured in
sector model
processes. the same unit on the ground, e.g., 1:250,000.
A description of urban land uses as wedge-
regional dialect resource shaped sectors radiating outward from the
(syn: geographic dialect) See dialect. See natural resource. central business district along transportation
regional geography resource dispute corridors. The radial access routes attract
The study of geographic regions; the study of In political geography, disagreement over the particular uses to certain sectors, with high-
areal differentiation. control or use of shared resources, such as status residential uses occupying the most
regionalism boundary rivers or jointly claimed fishing desirable wedges.
In political geography, group—frequently grounds. secularism
ethnic group—identification with a particular return migration A rejection of or indifference to religion and
region of a state rather than with the state as a See counter migration. religious practice.
whole. rhumb line segregation
relational direction A directional line that crosses each successive A measure of the degree to which members of
See relative direction. meridian at a constant angle. a minority group are not uniformly distributed
relative direction rimland theory among the total population.
(syn: relational direction) A culturally based The belief of Nicholas Spykman (1894–1943) separatism
locational reference, as the Far West, the Old that domination of the coastal fringes of See ethnic separatism.
South, or the Middle East. Eurasia would provide a base for world service sector
relative distance conquest. See nonbasic sector.
A transformation of absolute distance into such rotation shamanism
relative measures as time or monetary costs. See crop rotation. A form of tribal religion based on belief in a
Such measures yield different explanations of roundwood hidden world of gods, ancestral spirits, and
human spatial behavior than do linear Timber as it is harvested, before squaring, demons responsive only to a shaman, or
distances alone. Distances between places are sawing, or pulping. interceding priest.
constant by absolute terms, but relative

558 Glossary
shifting cultivation South spread effect
(syn: slash-and-burn agriculture; swidden The general term applied in the Brandt Report (syn: trickle-down effect) The diffusion
agriculture) Crop production on tropical forest to the poor, developing countries of the world, outward of the benefits of economic growth
clearings kept in cultivation until their quickly generally (but not totally) located in the and prosperity from the power center or core
declining fertility is lost. Cleared plots are then Southern Hemisphere. area to poorer districts and people.
abandoned and new sites are prepared. space–time compression/convergence spring wheat
Shinto Expressions of the extent to which Wheat sown in spring for ripening during the
The polytheistic, ethnic religion of Japan that improvements in transportation and summer or autumn.
includes reverence of deities of natural forces communication have reduced distance barriers standard language
and veneration of the emperor as descendent and permitted, for example, the instantaneous A language substantially uniform with respect
of the sun-goddess. diffusion of ideas across space. to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and
site space-time prism vocabulary and representing the approved
The absolute location of a place or activity A diagram of the volume of space and the community norm of the tongue.
described by local relief, landform, and other length of time within which our activities are standard line
physical (or sometimes cultural) confined by constraints of our bodily needs Line of contact between a projection surface
characteristics. (eating, resting) and the means of mobility at and the globe; transformed from the sphere to
situation our command. the plane surface without distortion.
The relative location of a place or activity in spatial state
relation to the physical and cultural Of or pertaining to space on the earth’s surface. (syn: country) An independent political unit
characteristics of the larger regional or spatial Often a synonym for geographical and used as occupying a defined, permanently populated
system of which it is a part. Situation implies an adjective to describe specific geographic territory and having full sovereign control over
spatial interconnection and interdependence. concepts or processes, as spatial interaction or its internal and foreign affairs.
slash-and-burn cultivation diffusion.
state farm
See shifting cultivation. spatial diffusion In the former Soviet Union (and other planned
social area See diffusion. economies), a government agricultural
An area identified by homogeneity of the social spatial distribution enterprise operated with paid employees.
indices (age group, socioeconomic status, The arrangement of things on the earth’s step (stepwise) migration
ethnicity) of its population. surface; the descriptive elements of spatial A migration in which an eventual long-distance
social dialect distribution are density, dispersion, and relocation is undertaken in stages as, for
See dialect. pattern. example, from farm to village to small town to
social distance spatial interaction city. See also hierarchical migration.
A measure of the perceived degree of social The movement (e.g., of people, goods, stereographic projection
separation between individuals, ethnic groups, information) between different places; an A geometrical projection that results from
neighborhoods, or other groupings; the indication of interdependence between placing the light source at the antipode.
voluntary or enforced segregation of two or different geographic locations or areas.
stimulus diffusion
more distinct social groups for most activities. spatial margin of profitability A form of expansion diffusion in which a
social geography The set of points delimiting the area within fundamental idea, though not the specific trait
The branch of cultural geography that studies which a firm’s profitable operation is itself, stimulates imitative behavior within a
social areas and the social use of space, possible. receptive population.
especially urban space; the study of the spatial spatial search structural assimilation
distribution of social groups and of the The process by which individuals evaluate the The distribution of immigrant ethnics among
processes underlying that distribution. alternative locations to which they might move. the groups and social strata of a host society,
sociofacts spatial system but without their full behavioral assimilation
The institutions and links between individuals The arrangement and integrated operation of into it.
and groups that unite a culture, including phenomena produced by or responding to subsequent boundary
family structure and political, educational, and spatial processes on the earth’s surface. A boundary line that is established after the
religious institutions. Components of the spatially fixed cost area in question has been settled and that
sociological subsystem of culture. An input cost in manufacturing that remains considers the cultural characteristics of the
sociological subsystem constant wherever production is located. bounded area.
The totality of expected and accepted patterns spatially variable cost subsistence agriculture
of interpersonal relations common to a culture An input cost in manufacturing that changes Any of several farm economies in which most
or subculture. significantly from place to place in its amount crops are grown for food nearly exclusively for
soil and its relative share of total costs. local or family consumption.
The complex mixture of loose material speech community subsistence economy
including minerals, organic and inorganic A group of people having common An economic system of relatively simple
compounds, living organisms, air, and water characteristic patterns of vocabulary, word technology in which people produce most or all
found at the earth’s surface and capable of arrangement, and pronunciation. of the goods to satisfy their own and their
supporting plant life. spine family’s needs; little or no exchange occurs
soil erosion In urban geography, a continuation of the outside of the immediate or extended family.
See erosion. features of the central business district outward substitution principle
solar energy along the main wide boulevard characteristic of In industry, the tendency to substitute one
Radiation from the sun, which is transformed Latin American cities. factor of production for another in order to
into heat primarily at the earth’s surface and achieve optimum plant location.
secondarily in the atmosphere.

Glossary 559
suburb technology gap time-distance decay
A functionally specialized segment of a large The contrast between the technology available An influence on the rate of expansion diffusion
urban complex located outside the boundaries in developed core regions and that present in of an idea, observing that the spread or
of the central city; usually, a relatively peripheral areas of underdevelopment. acceptance of an idea is usually delayed as
homogeneous residential community, technology transfer distance from the source of the innovation
separately incorporated and administered. The diffusion to or acquisition by one culture or increases.
superimposed boundary region of the technology possessed by another, tipping point
A boundary line placed over and ignoring an usually more developed, society. The degree of neighborhood racial or ethnic
existing cultural pattern. terminal costs mixing that induces the former majority group
supranationalism (syn: fixed costs of transportation) The costs to move out rapidly.
Term applied to associations created by three incurred, and charged, for loading and toponym
or more states for their mutual benefit and unloading freight at origin and destination A place name.
achievement of shared objectives. points and for the paperwork involved; costs toponymy
sustained yield charged each shipment for terminal facility use The place names of a region or, especially, the
The practice of balancing harvesting with and unrelated to distance of movement or line- study of place names.
growth of new stocks so as to avoid depletion of haul costs.
total fertility rate (TFR)
the resource and ensure a perpetual supply. terracing The average number of children that would be
swidden agriculture The practice of planting crops on steep slopes born to each woman if during her childbearing
See shifting cultivation. that have been converted into a series of years she bore children at the current year’s
horizontal steplike level plots (terraces). rate for women that age.
The development of a new form of culture trait territorial dispute town
by the fusion of two or more distinct parental (syn: boundary dispute; functional dispute) In A nucleated settlement that contains a central
elements. political geography, disagreement between states business district but that is small and less
over the control of surface area. functionally complex than a city.
systematic geography
A division of geography that selects a territorial production complex toxic waste
particular aspect of the physical or cultural A design in former Soviet economic planning Discarded chemical substances that can cause
environment for detailed study of its areal for large regional industrial, mining, and serious illness or death.
differentiation and interrelationships. agricultural development leading to regional traditional religion
Branches of systematic geography are labeled self-sufficiency, diversification, and the See tribal religion.
according to the topic studied (e.g., creation of specialized production for a larger
tragedy of the commons
recreational geography) or the related science national market.
The observation that in the absence of
with which the branch is associated (e.g., territoriality
collective control over the use of a resource
economic geography). An individual or group attempt to identify and
available to all, it is to the advantage of all
systems analysis establish control over a clearly defined
users to maximize their separate shares even
An approach to the study of large systems territory considered partially or wholly an
though their collective pressures may diminish
through (1) segregation of the entire system exclusive domain; the behavior associated with
total yield or destroy the resource altogether.
into its component parts, (2) investigation of the defense of the home territory.
the interactions between system elements, and tertiary activities
A term describing the relatively equal
(3) study of inputs, outputs, flows, Those parts of the economy that fulfill the
exchange of cultural outlooks and ways of life
interactions, and boundaries within the system. exchange function, that provide market
between two culture groups; it suggests more
availability of commodities, and that bring
extensive cross-cultural influences than does

together consumers and providers of services;
included are wholesale and retail trade,
associated transportational and governmental
services, and personal and professional Acceptable costs of a spatial exchange; the cost
(syn: Daoism) A Chinese value system and
services of all kinds. of moving a commodity relative to the ability of
ethnic religion emphasizing conformity to Tao
the commodity to bear that cost.
(Way), the creative reality ordering the thematic map
transnational corporation (TNC)
universe. A map depicting a specific spatial distribution or
A large business organization operating in at
tapering principle statistical variation of abstract objects (e.g.,
least two separate national economies; a form
A distance decay observation of the diminution unemployment) in space.
of multinational corporation.
or tapering of costs of transportation with Third World
tribal religion
increasing distance from the point of origin of Originally (1950s), designating countries
(syn: traditional religion) An ethnic religion
the shipment because of the averaging of fixed uncommitted to either the “First World”
specific to a small, localized, preindustrial
costs over a greater number of miles of travel. Western capitalist bloc or the Eastern “Second
culture group.
technological subsystem World” communist bloc; subsequently, a term
applied to countries considered not yet fully trickle-down effect
The complex of material objects together with
developed or in a state of underdevelopment in See spread effect.
the techniques of their use by means of which
people carry out their productive activities. economic and social terms. tropical rain forest
technology threshold Tree cover composed of tall, high-crowned
The integrated system of knowledge, skills, In economic geography and central place theory, evergreen deciduous species, associated with
tools, and methods developed within or used the minimum market needed to support the the continuously wet tropical lowlands.
by a culture to successfully carry out purposeful supply of a product or service.
and productive tasks.

560 Glossary
truck farming urban hierarchy
(syn: horticultural farming; market gardening)
The intensive production of fruits and
A ranking of cities based on their size and
functional complexity.
water table
vegetables for market rather than for urban influence zone The upper limit of the saturated zone and
processing or canning. An area outside of a city that is nevertheless therefore of groundwater.
affected by the city.
wattle and daub
ubiquitous industry
Transformation of a population from rural to
A building technique featuring walls of
interwoven twigs, branches, or poles (wattles)
urban status; the process of city formation and plastered (daubed) with clay and mud.
A market-oriented industry whose expansion.
establishments are distributed in direct Weberian analysis
urbanized area See least-cost theory.
proportion to the distribution of population.
A continuously built-up urban landscape
ultraviolet (UV) radiation winter wheat
defined by building and population densities
Electromagnetic radiation from the sun with Wheat sown in fall for ripening the following
with no reference to the political boundaries of
wavelengths shorter than the violet end of spring or summer.
the city; it may contain a central city and many
visible light and longer than X rays. contiguous towns, suburbs, and unincorporated world city
underdevelopment areas. One of a small number of interconnected,
A level of economic and social achievement internationally dominant centers (e.g., New
usable reserves
below what could be reached—given the York, London, Tokyo) that together control the
Mineral deposits that have been identified and
natural and human resources of an area—were global systems of finance and commerce.
can be recovered at current prices and with
necessary capital and technology available. current technology.
A value statement reflecting the view that an
area has too few people in relation to its
resources and population-supporting capacity.
V zero population growth (ZPG)
A term suggesting a population in equilibrium,
value system
fully stable in numbers with births (plus
uniform plain Mentifacts of the ideological subsystem of a
immigration) equaling deaths (plus
See isotropic plain. culture summarizing its common beliefs,
uniform region understandings, expectations, and controls.
See formal region. variable cost
Designating by ordinance areas in a
unitary state A cost of enterprise operation that varies either
municipality for particular types of land use.
A state in which the central government by output level or by location of the activity.
dictates the degree of local or regional autonomy variable costs of transportation
and the nature of local governmental units; a See line-haul costs.
country with few cultural conflicts and with a verbal scale
strong sense of national identity. A statement of the relationship between units
United Nations Convention on the Law of of measure on a map and distance on the
the Sea (UNCLOS) ground, as “one inch represents one mile.”
A code of maritime law approved by the United vernacular
Nations in 1982 that authorizes, among other 1: The nonstandard indigenous language or
provisions, territorial waters extending dialect of a locality. 2: Of or related to
12 nautical miles (22 km) from shore and 200- indigenous arts and architecture, such as a
nautical-mile-wide (370-km-wide) exclusive vernacular house. 3: Of or related to the
economic zones. perceptions and understandings of the general
universalizing religion population, such as a vernacular region.
A religion that claims global truth and vernacular house
applicability and seeks the conversion of all An indigenous style of building constructed of
humankind. native materials to traditional plan, without
urban formal drawings.
Characteristic of, belonging to, or related to a vernacular region
city or town; the opposite of rural. An A region perceived and defined by its
agglomerated settlement whose inhabitants are inhabitants, usually with a popularly given or
primarily engaged in nonagricultural accepted nickname.
von Thünen model
urban geography Model developed by Johann H. von Thünen
The geographical study of cities; the branch of (1783–1850) to explain the forces that control
human geography concerned with the spatial the prices of agricultural commodities and how
aspects of (1) the locations, functional those variable prices affect patterns of
structures, size hierarchies, and intercity agricultural land utilization.
relationships of national or regional systems of
von Thünen rings
cities, and (2) the site, evolution, economic
The concentric zonal pattern of agricultural
base, internal land use, and social geographic
land use around a single market center
patterns of individual cities.
proposed in the von Thünen model.

Glossary 561

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564 Credits

Page numbers in bold indicate key dispersions of, in U.S., 201–202 principal wheat-growing areas, Antarctic Treaty (1961), 447
words. Page numbers followed by an folk song tradition of, 247 globally, 291f Antecedent boundaries, 458
f and t indicate figures and tables, and segregation, in urban production controls in, AOSIS. See Alliance of Small Island
respectively. areas, 421 286–287, 287f States
typology of ghettos for, 213, 213f special crop farming, 292–293, 292f Apparel industry, and labor costs, 322
A Africans, arrival in America, as
slaves, 86, 193
and African population, 131
Aquaculture, as food source,
298, 299f
Abortion, and Cairo Conference, 121 Afro-Asiatic languages, 145, 146f–147f death toll from, 119 Aquifers, 512
Absolute direction, 10 Age of mass consumption stage of effect on poor nations, 380 Arab geographers, early, 4
Absolute distance, 10 development, 374 Air transportation, and manufacturing, Architecture
Absolute location, 8 Agglomeration, 326 323–324, 324t Buddhist, 180, 181f
Absorbing barrier, 61 in high tech industries, 342 Albers equal-area conic projection, 534f diffusion of styles, in U.S.,
Accessibility, 14 Agglomeration economies, and Allegiance of citizens, importance of, 240–241, 240f
Acculturation, 59, 150, 195 industrial location, 460–461 folk traditions of, 229, 232–240
in America, 159 328–329, 329f Alliance of Small Island States global diversity in, 232, 232f, 237f
of immigrants to U.S., 195–197 Aging population, challenges of, (AOSIS), as power bloc in of Middle Atlantic hearths,
Acid rain, 498, 498f, 500f 133, 134f U.N., 453 237–238, 238f
Acquired immune deficiency Agricultural location, model for, Alliances, economic, 472–475 Muslim, 176, 176f
syndrome. See AIDS 287–288, 288f Amalgamation theory, 195 Native American, 231
Activity space, individual, 72–74, 73f Agricultural regions, of U.S., 290f America(s). See also Canada; Latin of St. Lawrence Valley hearth,
Adaptation, in racial Agricultural Revolution, 101 America; North America; 234–237, 236f
differentiation, 190 effect on gender relations, 384 United States of Southern hearths,
Admixture, in racial and population growth, 132f changing economy of, 270, 271f 238–239, 239f
differentiation, 190 Agricultural societies, classification colonization of, by England, 446 of Southern New England
Aerosols, effect on atmosphere, of, 276 early, games and leisure in, 228 hearth, 237
491–492 Agriculture, 274. See also Subsistence European migration to, 191–193 Area, distortion of, in map projection,
Afghanistan, ethnic strife in, 197f agriculture homogenization of, 251 531–532, 532f
Africa in China, 284, 295f origin of place names in, 162, 163f Argentina
and AIDS, 131 commercial, 286–294 post-industrial, 317f boundary dispute with Chile,
city characteristics in, 437–439 extensive, 289–292 reasons for migration in, 93–94 459, 459f
colonial boundaries in, effect on impact of, 283 settlement of, 45f density of, 126t
tribal boundaries, 449, intensive, 288–289 westward migration in, 66, 85, 86f Arithmetic density, 11f, 15, 125
450f, 451f in cultural hearths, 51 American Mining Congress, 303 calculation of, 125–126, 126f
and Green Revolution, 284 environmental impact of, 283 American West, as set of Artifacts, 53, 55f
international refugee flows in, folk culture annual calendar subregions, 220 Artificial boundaries. See Geometric
85f, 86 for, 244f Amerindian languages, 145, 148f boundaries
malnutrition in, 372, 373f and global warming, 495, 495f Amish culture, 227f, 229 Asia
North, environmental damage origin and diffusion of, 46–48, 56 Anasazi people, 42 city characteristics in,
in, 42 percentage of workforce engaged Anecumene, 125 436–437, 439f
poverty in, 363 in, as measure of Anglo-American manufacturing eastern, as manufacturing center,
sub-Saharan development, 275f, belt, 335 338–339
European languages in, 368–372, 370f, 370t, 371f Animals manufacturing centers in,
157–160, 160f percent of economically active domestication of, 46–48, 47f 338–339
population pyramid for, women engaged in, human impact on, 40–41 Muslims in, 174–176
111, 112f globally, 388f Animism, 165 and textile industry, 322
African Americans in planned economies, 284f, Annual round of folk culture Asians, migration to U. S., 205–206
concentrations of, in U.S. 293–294, 295f farming, 244f ethnic composition of, 206t
1850, 202f as primary economic activity, Antarctica, territorial claims in, Assembly-line production, in late 20th
1999, 203f 274–294, 276f 447, 447f century, 328

Assimilation, 195–196. See also Birth rates. See also Crude birth rate multicultural policy in, 196 Chechnya, self-determination attempt
Segregation analysis of, 102–104 oil consumption vs. production of, by, 465
external controls on, 209 difficulty of reducing in 307, 307f Chesapeake Bay hearth, 231f, 232
internal controls on, 209–210 developing world, 120 origins of place names in, 162–163 barn architecture in, 238
Atmosphere of earth, 489 global, 120f political subdivisions in, 482 Chicago, urban ethnic areas, patterns
damage to, 491 and religious and political beliefs, religious affiliation in, 171, 172f of expansion in, 212, 214f
Australia 103–104 secessionist movement in, 464 Child mortality, north-south disparity
density of, 126t Black Americans. See African settlement patterns in, 220f in, 377t
languages of, 145, 146f–147f Americans Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 150 Children, demand for, in developing
Austria, population pyramid for, Bluegrass music, origins of, 247–248 Capital, of a state, location of, countries, 105
111, 111f Blues music, origins of, 247 455–456, 456f Chile
Austro-Asiatic languages, 145, Boserup thesis, 278, 282 Careers in geography, 6–7 boundary dispute with Argentina,
146f–147f Bosnia, U.N. peacekeeping in, 468f Carey, Henry C., 69–70 459, 459f
Automobile Botswana, population pyramid for, Carrier efficiency, 323f infant mortality rate for, 109f
effect on urban land use 111, 112f Carrying capacity of land, 46, 127 China
patterns, 417 Boundaries in Africa, 127f belief systems in, 180–181
as focus of popular culture, 254, disputes over, 459–460 Cartograms, 22, 24f density of, 126t
255f, 256f maritime, 469 Caste system, 177 earthquake damage in, 83
Autonomous nationalism, 464 of regions, 17, 17f Catholic Church economic growth in, 339
Awareness space, 73–74 of states, 457–460 and birth control, 132 economic imperialism of, 471
Azimuthal projections, 532f, 533, classification of, 457–459 history of, 169, 171f food imports to, 127
534f, 535 BP (Breaking point), 70 Cattle ranching. See Livestock as manufacturing center,
Brandt Report, 358, 359f ranching 339, 340f
B Brazil, mudslides in, 84, 84f
Breaking point (BP), 70
CBD. See Central business district
CBR. See Crude birth rate
population control measures in,
103, 104
Babbitt, Bruce, 302 Break-of-bulk points, 325 CDR. See Crude death rate privately-owned business in,
Backward nation, obsolescence of for urban areas, 405 Cemeteries, cultural variance in, 165 284, 295f
term, 358 British Commonwealth of Nations, Census Bureau religious beliefs in, 164
Baker v. Carr (1962), 476 The, 466 crude methods of, 202 village economics in, 281
Balloon frame construction, 239 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, data of, in GIS databases, 26 Chinese geographers, ancient, 4
Bambari of Mali, architecture of, Kansas (1954), 476 home page, address for, 134 Chinese language, 143, 143f
232, 232f Bubonic plague, and population, 117 projection of U.S. population Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and
Bangladesh Buck fence, 241, 242f by, 114f depletion of ozone
cyclone damage in, 83, 488 Buddhism, 179 Center for Migration Studies, home layer, 501
density of, 126t architecture of, 180, 181f page address, 95 Choropleth map, 21, 23f
Banks (undersea feature), definition diffusion of, 179, 180f CENTO. See Central Treaty Christaller, Walter, 412
of, 297 history and beliefs of, 177–180 Organization Christian church, spatial division of,
Bantu language, spread of, 149f major traditions in, 179–180 Central business district (CBD), 416 170–171
Baseball Building. See Architecture businesses suitable for location Christianity
diffusion of, 60f Built environment, 227 in, 416 diffusion of, 168–169, 170f
regional variations of Burkina Faso, potential desertification and employment opportunities for history and beliefs of, 168–174
viewership, 260f of, 507f poor, 209 Cigarettes, regional variations in
rise of, as national sport, 228, 228f Business, varying mix of, by ethnicity Central cities purchase of, 261f
Basel Convention on the Control of of neighborhood, 196f constricted, 426–430 Circular causation in
Transboundary defining features of, 404, 405f development, 360
Movements of Hazardous
Wastes and Their C gentrification in, 427–429, 428f
revival of, 426–429
Circulation mobility, 71–72, 72f
Cities. See also Urban areas
Disposal, 523 Cabot, John, 446 Central-hall house, 240 abandonment of, by private
Base ratios, 406 Cairo Plan, 121 Central Industrial Region of Greater sector, 426
Basic-nonbasic ratio, and multiplier Calgary, Alberta, Canada, land use Moscow, 337–338, 339f Anglo American, characteristics
effect, 406, 408f pattern in, 419 Central places, 412–414, 413f of, 431, 431f, 432f
Basic sector, of city economic California, migration fields of, 92f as category of city type, 409–410 centers of, expanding, 430
structure, 406 Calorie requirements, for adequate hierarchy of, 414 central
Basque language, 150, 150f nutrition, 372–373, Central place theory, 413 constriction of, 426–430
Bay head locations, for urban 372f, 373f Central Treaty Organization gentrification in, 427–429, 428f
areas, 405 Canada. See also America(s) (CENTO), 466 revival of, 426–429
Beer, agricultural importance of, 46 capital, shifting location of, Centrifugal forces, 460 defining features of, 404, 404f
Behavior, importance of aggregate 457, 457f and state cohesiveness, 464–465 in developing world, 434–442,
measures of, 68 cities, characteristics of, 431, 432f Centripetal forces, 460 437f, 438f, 439f
Behavioral assimilation, 195–196 density of, 126t and state cohesiveness, 460–464 of Eastern Europe, characteristics
Beowulf, 150 ethnic diversity in prairie CFCs. See Chlorofluorocarbons of, 434, 435f
Bering Strait land bridge, 45f provinces of, 201f Chaco Canyon, environmental effect of suburbanization on, 426
Bhopal, India, deadly gas leak in, ethnic groups in, 194t damage in, 42 European
356, 356f ethnic islands in, 199–200, 201f Chain migration, 88, 200 characteristics of, 431–434,
Bilingual Education Act (1974), 159 folk culture in, 227 of Asians to U.S., 206 433f, 435f
Bilingualism, 160 folk music of, 246–247 Change, in physical and cultural more vital downtowns of, 209
Billion, examples of immensity of, history of immigration to, environment, 13–14, 13f function of, 405–409, 407f, 408f
100–101 193–194, 194t Channelized migration, 92, 93f growth and decline of, in
Biological diversity, and rain land surveying in, 219, 219f Charleston single house, 239, 239f U.S., 408f
forests, 503 languages spoken in, 160, 161f Charter cultures, 199 historical changes in, 14
Biomes, 491 major regions of manufacturing Charter group, 199 internal characteristics of,
Biosphere, 488–489 in, 335–337 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 150 414–423

566 Index
Latin American, 439–442, 439f, 440f Complementary regions of sales, 413, Culture(s), 36, 36f. See also Folk benefits of new technologies to,
more vital downtowns of, 209 413f, 414f culture; Popular culture 347–348
as male-centered Concentration, 15 ancient, Internet resources on, 60 city characteristics in, 434–442,
structures, 427 Concentric zone model of land use, change in, 55–59 437f, 438f, 439f
nature of, 403–405, 405f 418, 419f components of, 37–39 and demographic transition
social areas of, 420–422, 421f Concepts, basic, of geography, 5–19 structure of, 53–54 model, 118–120
and women, 427 Conformal projections, 532f, 533 subgroups of, 37, 37f dependence on export of primary
Civilization, definition of, 49 Confucianism, 181 subsystems of, 52–53 products, 308–310, 308f
Civilizations, struggle for dominance beliefs of, 164 traits of, as subject of human economic progress of, 361–363
between, 467 Conic projections, 534f, 535 geography, 34 malnutrition in, 127
Claritas, Inc., marketing analysis Connectivity, 14 unifying forces in, 251–262 population control in, 104–105
system by, 422 Consequent boundaries, 458 vernacular regions of, 259–262, population growth in, 100
Clay, eating of, 245 Construction, brick and block, 262f, 263f poverty in, 363
Clean Air Act (1970), 498f introduction of, 48 Culture complex, 38 resource exploitation in, problems
Clean Air Act (1990), 498f, 502f Contagious diffusion, 56, 57f Culture hearths, 49–52, 49f, 51f with, 308
Cleveland, Ohio, population density of Buddhism, 179 North American, 230–232, 230f, rural settlements in, 401–403,
gradient for, 417, 418f of Christianity, 169 231f, 234–240 402f, 403f
Climate change, 489–501 of Hinduism, 177 periods and characteristics of, 50t Development
in ancient civilizations, 493 Containment, policy of, 466 Culture realm, 38–39, 39f aggregate measures of, 380–383
due to global warming, 492–496, Contiguous zone of control, 469, 470f Culture rebound, 215–216 and changes in population,
494f, 495f Continental shelf, 297 Culture region, 38 117–118, 117f
history of, 493 Contour lines, definition of, 21 Cumulative causation in characteristic results of, 365–366
natural, 491, 492f Conurbations, 400 development, 360 composite assessment of,
summits on, 497 major examples of, 400–401, 401f Cuneiform, 51 373–374
Climates, global, 491f Core area, of a state, 455 Customs, 230 definitions of, 357–361
Clothing, cultural significance of, Core-periphery models of Cyclone of 1991, and Bangladesh, economic measures of, 361–376
53–54, 55f development, 360–361 83, 488 inevitability of, 374–376
Cloth trades, and wage rates, 322 Corn, hybrid, diffusion of, 59 Cylindrical projections, 534, 534f Internet resources on, 350, 389
Cluster migration, 200 Cornucopians, 132 as measured by human
CMEA. See Council of Mutual
Economic Assistance
Costs, spatially fixed and variable, in
manufacturing, 319, 319f
Dalai Lama, 179–180
development index,
383, 383f
Coal Council for Urban Economic models for, 374–376
and environmental impact, 323f Development, 332 Dams, in tropics, difficulties of multicultural view of, 361
as fuel, 305 Council of Mutual Economic building, 505 neocolonialism and, 360
reserves, estimated, 306t Assistance (CMEA), 474 Data transmission, electronic, non-economic measures of,
Cohort, 102, 102f Counter migration, 89, 89f decrease in cost of, 347 376–380
Collective farms, 294 Country music Dead, disposal of, 165 north-south distinction between
Colonialism, and national diffusion of, 256, 257f in Christianity, 174 (Brandt Report),
underdevelopment, 359 origins of, 246, 248f Death rate. See also Crude death rate; 358–359, 359f
Colonialists, cities built by, in Asia Courts, international, 468 Mortality rate and role of women in society,
and Africa, 436–439, 439f Credit, and development, 386 analysis of, 108–111 383–387
Colonial primate cities, growth of, Creole, 157 global, 120f and uneven distributions of
410–411, 411f Critical distance, in human Deforestation, 491 wealth, 352f, 357
Colonial system, and ministates, 453 interaction, 74–75, 76f effects of, 492 Devolution of power, as response to
Colonies, urban, 211–212, 213f Croatians and Serbs, conflict tropical, 503, 504f separatism, 464, 465f
Commercial agriculture. See between, 465 Deglomeration, 329 Dialect(s), 153–157
Agriculture, commercial Crop rotation, 508 Delaware River hearth, 231f, 232 regional, 154
Commercial economy, 273 Crude birth rate (CBR), 102, 103f. architecture of, 238, 238f in United States, 155–157, 155f
Commercial forests, 299, 300f See also Birth rates Demand, and marketing diffusion of, 156f
Commodity exchange, 66–71, 67f Crude death rate (CDR), 108. See also opportunities, 318 Dialect areas
Common Market, 472 Death rate Demand curve, 318, 318f of eastern U.S., 155f
Commonwealth, The, 466 changes in, 108–111, 108f Democratic Republic of the Congo, 449 of midwestern U.S., 155f
Commonwealth of Nations, 475 pregnancy-related, 110 Demographic equation, 122, Dialect boundaries, 154f, 155f
Communal settlements in U.S., 220, 220f Crude density, 125, 126t 122–123 Diaspora, Jewish, 167, 169f
Communication, as centripetal force, Cubans, dispersal of, in U.S., 204 Demographic momentum, 133 Dictionary, first English, 151
462–464 Cultural areas, of United States, Demographic transition model, 116 Dictionary (Johnson), 151
Communism settlement date, and developing world and, 118–120 Diffusion
industrial development in China source of culture, 221f stages of, 116–120, 117f documentation of, 59
under, 339 Cultural assimilation, 195–196 Demography, 100 as source of innovation, 61–62
migration following collapse of, 85 Cultural convergence, 52, 334, 363–364 terminology of, 102–116 Diffusion barriers, 61
and suppression of Buddhism, 180 Cultural divergence, 46 Density, 11f, 15, 15f Diffusionism, 52
Compact states, 452, 454f Cultural ecology, 39–43 Dependency ratio, 113 Diffusion tracks, of popular culture,
Comparative advantage, in industry Cultural integration, 54 Dependency theory, 376 257, 257f, 260f–261f
location, 330–331 Cultural lag, 56 Desertification, 505–506, 506f Dioxin, and incineration of trash, 518
Competition, foreign, and U.S. Cultural landscape, 12, 12f, 40 Developable surfaces, 530 Direction
industry, 316, 317f changes in, 488–489, 489f Developed nations definition of, 10
Competition theory, and ethnicity, impact of Christianity on, characteristics of, 366 distortion of, in map
195–196 171–174, 174f as magnet for poor, 193 projection, 533
Competitive location in linear Cultural pluralism, resurgence of, 191 Developing nations Direction bias
market, 326–327, 327f Cultural traits, 38 access to healthcare in, 378–380, due to limits in information,
Complementarity, as control on Cultural transfer, between immigrant 380f, 381f 80–81
spatial interaction, 67, 67f and host groups, 215–216 and aging of population, 133, 134f in spatial interaction, 69–70, 71f

Index 567
Dirt, eating of, 245 Economics and oil, 485f migration of guest workers to,
Disease effect of religion on, 164–165, 164f as subject of human 85, 85f
changing face of, 118 as new arena for global geography, 34 population in, 118, 124
five leading killers, 119 conflict, 467 and subsistence farming, 282 Western
ongoing struggle against, 119 Economic systems, types of, 273–274 and wood as fuel, 371 changing role of children in,
Dispersion, 15, 15f Economies, planned. See Planned Internet resources on, 60, 522–523 117–118
Distance economies as national resource, 361f city characteristics in,
definition of, 10 Economy, changing, in U.S., 316, 317f perception of, and barriers to 431–434, 433f, 435f
distortion of, in map Ecosphere, 488–489 information, 80–82, 80f, 81f guest workers in, 188, 188f, 191
projection, 533 Ecosystems, 491 Environmental determinism, 39–40 as manufacturing center,
in human interaction, 74–76, 74f, Ecumene, 124 Environmental pollution, 513 337, 338f
75f, 76f, 78f Edge cities, definition of, 424 Environmental Protection Agency population pyramid for,
Distance decay, 68–69, 69f Edrisi, 4 (EPA). See United States 111, 112f
definition of, 61 Education, as non-economic Environmental Protection secessionist movements in,
in human interaction, 74, 75f, 78f measures of development, Agency 464, 465f
in migration, 92, 93f 377–378, 377f Epidemiologic transition, and European Coal and Steel
Distortion in maps, 20 Educational, Scientific, and increased life spans, 118 Community, 472
Districting, and problems of Cultural Organization Equal-area projections, 531–532 European Economic Community
representation, (UNESCO), 468 conic, 534f (EEC), 472
476–477, 477f Education levels, north-south distortions of, 532, 532f European Free Trade Association
Districts, varying, for various disparity in, 377t Equatorial projections, 535 (EFTA), 472
functions, 477–482, 479f EEC. See European Economic Equidistant projections, 532f, 533, 534f European Union (EU)
Diversity Community Equivalent projections, 531–532 power and effectiveness of,
of crops, diminished, 283, 283f EEZ. See Exclusive economic zone Eratosthenes, 2 472, 473f
sources of, in societies, 228 Effective demand, and spatial Erosion pavement, definition of, 506 and product subsidies, 286–287
Dogtrot house, 241, 241f distribution of tertiary Ethnic areas, urban, patterns of Evapotranspiration, definition
Domestication of plants and animals, activities, 344–345, 345f expansion in, 212, 214f of, 512
46–48 EFTA. See European Free Trade Ethnic cleansing, 190–191 Excess vote technique, 476
Domino theory, 466 Association Ethnic diversity, 189–191 Exclaves, 452–453
Dot maps, 21, 23f Egypt in American cities, 212 Exclusive economic zone (EEZ), 298,
Doubling time (population), 114–116, density of, 126t urban, 207–215 469, 470f
114t, 116f infant mortality rate for, 109f Ethnic enclave, 212, 213f Expansion diffusion, 56
Drink, folk preferences in, Elderly people, in developing Ethnic geography, 188 of Christianity, 168
245–246, 246f countries, health care Internet resources on, 222 definition of, 57f, 58
Drive to maturity stage of for, 380 Ethnic groups, 140, 188 of Islam, 174, 175f
development, 374 Electoral geography, 476 desire for isolation in, 209–210 of language, 150
Dutch barns. See Pennsylvania Dutch, Elliptical projections, 535 shifting concentrations of, in U.S., Extensive commercial agriculture,
barn architecture of Ellis Island, 192f 210–211 289–292
Elongated states, 452, 454f as source of diversity, 228 Extensive subsistence agriculture,
Emigrants, demographic
characteristics of, 122–123
Ethnic identity, assertion of, 215–216,
216f, 217f
External economies, and industrial
Employment Ethnic islands, 199 location, 328–329, 329f
atmosphere of, 489 choice of, and space-time in Canada, 199–200, 201f Extractive industries, 295. See also
damage to, 491 prisms, 75 in U.S., 199, 200f Mining and quarrying
hydrosphere of, 489 states’ bidding wars for, 332 Ethnicity, 189
impact of humans on (See
Environment, human
Enclaves, 454
Energy, cost of capital investment in,
areal expressions of, 197–207
concept of, 188–189
impact on) as barrier to developing effect on landscape, 216–221 Fallowing, 508
lithosphere of, 489 countries, 368 segregation by, in urban areas, Family status, segregation by, in
Earthquakes, damage from, 83, 83f Energy consumption 421–422 urban areas, 420–421
Earth Summit (1992), 497 vs. gross national product, and territorial identity, 189–191 FAO. See United Nations, Food and
East Asian ethnic religions, 180–181 globally, 305f and varying mix of business by Agriculture Organization
East Asia zone, population in, 124 per capita, as measure of neighborhood, 196f Farming. See Agriculture
Easter Island, environmental damage development, 368, 369f Ethnic neighborhoods, 207 Farmland, value per acre, in U.S., 291f
in, 42, 43f England, origin of place names Ethnic provinces in America, Fast food, as popular culture, 253, 253f
Eastern Christian Church, history of, in, 162 201–202, 202f FDI. See Foreign direct investment
169–170 English language Ethnic regionalism, 220 Federal states, definition of, 456
Ecological damage, cost of, 367 as dominant official language, Ethnic religions, 165 Females. See Women
Economic activity 151, 153f Ethnic strife, 196 Fencing, folk designs for, in North
categories of, 271–273, 271f history of, 151–152, 151f Ethnocentrism, 189 America, 241
classification of, 270–274 sources of additions to, 150–151 Ethnographic boundaries, definition Fertility, and overcrowding, 132
conditions effecting, 270–271 vocabulary exchange with other of, 458 Fertility control, barriers to, 132
Economic alliances, 472–475 languages, 152 EU. See European Union Fertility rates, 104–108
Economic base, of a city, 405–406 Environment, 488 Europe reduction of, 104–105
Economic development. See destruction of cultures by, 52 Central, as manufacturing center, Fertilizer minerals, 304
Development human impact on, 2, 3f, 12–14, 337, 338f Financial centers, global, 411, 412f
Economic geography, 270 12f, 40–43 Eastern Fire, and vegetation management, 40
Internet resources for, 350 and coal, 323f city characteristics in, First effective settlement, 199
Economic orientation, new forms and fishing, 297–298 434, 435f Fishing
of, 394 and increase of disease, 119 as manufacturing center, environmental consequences of,
Economic rationality, assumption and mining and quarrying, 302 337–338, 338f 297–298
of, 317 in North Africa, 40–42 nationalism in, 465 Internet resources on, 309

568 Index
regulation of, 298
Friction of distance, 61 Geography of language, 143–163
as resource exploitation, 296–298, in migration, 92 Geometrical projections, 530, 531f
297f, 298f, 299f and trade, 67 Geometric boundaries, 458
Happiness per capita, measurement
unconventional food sources Frontier zones, definition of, 457 Geophagy, 245
of, 382
from, 298 Functional disputes among Geopolitics, 466
Harvard Institute for International
Five pillars of faith, in Islam, 174, 175f nations, 460 Geopolitik, definition of, 467
Development, 359
Flexible production systems, 330 Functional regions, 17–18, 18f Georgian style house, 237, 237f
Haun, Catherine, 66
Florida, migration fields of, 92f Fur trade, in North America, 235f German bank barns. See
Haushofer, Karl, 467
Folk cultural regionalism, passing Pennsylvania Dutch, barn
of, 251
Folk culture, 227
Gable-front house, 237, 237f
architecture of
Germanic languages, 144
Hazardous waste, 519
HDI. See Human development index
Health, as non-economic measures of
building traditions, 232–240 Germany, Yugoslav immigrants in, 89f
Galactic city, structure of, 424, 425f development, 378–380
Internet resources on, 258 Gerry, Elbridge, 476
Games Hearths. See Culture hearths
nonmaterial, 242–249 Gerrymandering, 476–477, 477f
early American, 228 Heartland theory, 466, 467f
as source of diversity, 228 racial, 478
national diffusion of, 257, 260f Hierarchical arrangement, of regions,
U.S. diversity in, 227–251 Ghetto, 212, 213f
Garbage, disposal of, 515–523, 516f, 17, 17f
Folk culture regions Ghettos, types of, 213, 214f
517f, 518f Hierarchical diffusion, 57, 57f
definition of, 230 Glaciation, maximum extent of, 43f
Garreau, Joel, 424 of Christianity, 169
of Eastern U.S., 237–238, 250f, 251f Glaciers, retreat of, 46
Garrison house, 237, 237f of language, 150
Folklore, 249 Globalization, definition of, 39
Gathering industries, 295 Hierarchies, in mass communication,
Folk medicine and cures, 248–249 Global population data, 1998,
GEM. See Gender empowerment 79, 79f
Folk music, style regions of, 246–248, 539–544
measure Hieroglyphics, 51
247f, 248f Global warming, 492–496, 494f, 495f
Gender, 384 High seas, freedom of, in
Folk tradition, oral, 249 Globe, flattening of, for map,
in migration, 94 international law,
Folkways, 249 529–530, 530f
Gender empowerment measure 470, 470f
Food, ethnic, Americanization of, 253 Globe grid, 19–20, 21f
(GEM), 387, 390f High-tech industry, locational
Food and Agriculture Organization Gnomonic projection, 530, 531f
Gender gap, in politics, 463 orientation of, 340–343
(FAO). See United Nations, GNP. See Gross national product
Gene flow, in racial Hinduism
Food and Agriculture Goals 2000: Educate American Act
differentiation, 190 history and beliefs of, 177, 178f
Organization (Public Law 103-227), 6, 8
General Agreement on Tariffs and temples of, 177, 178f
Food and drink preferences, as folk Godey’s Lady’s Book, 251
Trade (GATT), 472 Hindus, religious beliefs of, 164
trait, 244–246 Goode’s homolosine projection,
General-purpose maps, 21, 22f Hinterland, definition of, 405
Food production 535, 536f
Genetic classification of Hispanic American borderland,
increases in, 282–283, 283f Government
languages, 144 202f, 204
trends in, globally, 282–283, 283f controls on urban land use by,
Genetic diversity of crops, Hispanics in U.S.
Footloose industrial firms, 328 422–423
282–283, 284f concentrations of, 203–205
Forced migrations, 86, 87f geographers employed in, 6
Genetic drift, 190 cultural impact of, 205f
Ford, Henry, assembly-line production introduction of, 48
Gentrification, 427 ethnic composition of, 205f
pioneered by, 328 production controls in agriculture
in central cities, 427–429, 428f influence in Southwest, 199
Fordism, in late 20th century, 328 by, 286–287, 287f
Geographers, fundamental question Holocaust, The, 168
Foreign aid, helpfulness of, 374–375 Grade (of coal), definition of, 305
asked by, 2 Home
Foreign direct investment (FDI), Graduated circle maps, 21, 23f
Geographic dialects, 154 force exerted by, 83–84
333, 348 Grameen Bank, 386
Geographic Information Systems New Deal programs for purchase
Foreign Language Resources on the Graticule, 530
(GIS), 25–26, 25f of, 423
Web, address for, 183 Gravity model of spatial interaction,
benefits of familiarity with, 7, 26 Homeland, ethnic groups’ desire for,
Forestry, 298–300, 300f, 301f 69–70
definition of, 25 196, 197
Internet resources on, 309 Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
WWW Resource address, 537 Homelessness, as urban
Forests Sphere, 466
Geography. See also Economic problem, 429
commercial, 299, 300f Greek and Roman geographers, early,
geography; Electoral Homeostatic plateau, 132, 132f
destruction of, by pollution, 2–3
geography; Ethnic Homolographic projection, 530f
500, 502f Greenhouse effect, 493, 494f
geography; Human Homolosine projection, 535, 536f
Formal regions, 17 Green Revolution, 133, 282–285,
geography; Linguistic Hong Kong, as manufacturing
Form utility 283f, 284f
geography; Physical center, 339
of commodities, 272 Grenier house, 239
geography; Political Host society, 191
definition of, 318 Grid street pattern, origin of, 15
geography; Population Hotelling, Harold, 327
Forward-thrust city capital, 456–457 Grid system, 19–20, 21f
geography House(s), New Deal programs for
Fossil fuels. See Minerals, for fuel Gross domestic product (GDP), 367
basic concepts of, 5–19 purchase of, 423
Four noble truths of Buddhism, 179 share of agriculture in,
careers in, 6–7 Housing Act of 1949, 426
Four-over-four house, 238 worldwide, 276f
as core subject in Goals 2000, 6, 8 Hudson Valley hearth, 231, 231f
Fourth World Conference on Women Gross global product, definition
definition of, 2 Human capital, as source of
(1995), 386 of, 363
evolution of, as discipline, 2–4 development, 376
Fragmented states, 452, 454f Gross national product (GNP), 367
as spatial science, 6–7 Human development, north-south
Framework Convention on Climate vs. energy consumption,
standard for knowledge in, 8 disparity in, 377t
Change, 497 global, 305f
subfields of, 4–5 Human development index (HDI),
France, infant mortality rate for, 109f as measurement of wealth,
value of, 2 383, 383f
Fraternal orders, regional variation in 367, 367f
Geography for Life: National Geography Human geography
membership, 261f Groundwater depletion, and
Standards (1994), 6 employment opportunities in, 6
Freight rates, 324 irrigation, 283
standards for geographical purpose and subfields of, 5, 5f
French Canadians, resistance to Growing season, length of,
knowledge, 8 subject matter of, 34
Anglo influences, 62 worldwide, 275f
Geography information, Internet sites Human rights, U.N.’s claimed
French settlements in North America, Guest workers in Europe, 188,
for, 29 jurisdiction over, 469
influence of, 235f 188f, 191

Index 569
Humans Industrial Revolution, 40 on forestry, 309 Judaism, 167
cultural divergence of, 46 effect on atmosphere, 492–493 on human impact on natural diaspora, 167, 169f
gregariousness of, 401 and extended lifespans, 118 systems, 522–523 history and beliefs of, 164,
impact on environment (See origin of, 337 on maps, 537 167–168
Environment, human and population growth, 132f on minerals, 309 Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing, 330
impact on) and supplies of power, 320 on political ordering of space,
territoriality of, 72
Human spatial behavior. See Spatial
and technology gaps, 363, 365f
as transportation revolution,
on popular culture, 258
Ka’bab, 175f
interaction 321–323 on population geography,
Hunger, global, 372–373, 372f, 373f Industry 134–135 Karma, 179
Hunter, Robert, 212 definition of, 273 on primary economic definition of, 177
Hunter-gatherers, 35f, 43–44, 45f high-tech, locational orientation activities, 309 Kenya
conflict with farming peoples, 48 of, 340–343 on primary resources, 309 game management in, 40
society of, 274 location theories for, 325–328 on projections (in map- population pyramid for, 111, 111f
Huxley, Julian, 52–53 rationalization of, in Soviet Union, making), 537 Khoisan language, decline of, 149f
Hydrologic cycle, 510, 511f 331–333 on spatial interaction, 95 Kniffen, Fred, 240
Hydrosphere of Earth, 489 Indus Valley of Pakistan, early on trade, 309 Koran, The, 174
culture in, 52 on urban systems and Kurdish nation, 448f, 449

Ice Age, 43–44, 43f, 44f. See also Little
Infant mortality rate, 109, 109f
north-south disparity in, 377t
structures, 441
Interregional migration, 85
Kyoto Climate Change Summit
(1997), 497
Informal housing, in developing Interrupting barriers, 61–62 Kyoto Protocol, 497
ice age
world’s cities, problem Intervening opportunity, as control on
and change in environment, 13 of, 436 spatial interaction, 68, 68f
end of, 46 Informal sector employment, 362 Interventionism, as U.N. policy, 469
potential for climatic changes Labor, and manufacturing costs,
Information flow, 78–79 Intracontinental migration, 85
leading to, 496 320–321
barriers to, 80–81 In-transit privilege, 325
Icebox effect, 491 Labor unions, high-tech industry’s
and space, 76–79 Inverse concentric zone patterns,
Iceland, folk housing of, 233f avoidance of, 342
Infrastructure, 328 435–436
Iconography, as centripetal force, 461 Land
Innovation Inverse-square relationship, in spatial
Identity, language as integral part of, competitive bidding for, as city-
as cultural change, 55, 56f interaction, 70
160–162 shaping force, 415–417, 415f
diffusion as source of, 61–62 Iran
Ideological subsystem, 53 surveying of, variance by
Institutional controls on urban land density of, 126t
diffusion of innovations in, 58 ethnicity, 216–219
use, 422–423 Shah’s attempt to westernize, 58
Idrisi, 4 Landfills, problems associated with,
Institutions, as centripetal force, Irish potato famine, 270
I house, 238, 238f 516–518, 517f
461–462 Irredentism, 460
Immigration Landless individuals, in less
Intensive commercial agriculture, Islam
to Canada, history of, 193–194, 194t developed countries, plight
288–289 and birth control, 132
and central city revival, 427 of, 369–372, 371f
Intensive subsistence agriculture, history and beliefs of, 164,
nations shaped by, 192–193 Landlocked states, 454, 455f
276, 278–280 174–176, 175f
to U.S., history of, 192–195, 192f, Land races, definition of, 283
InterAction home page address, 95 Isochrones, definition of, 10, 11f
194f, 194t Landscape changes, cultural,
Interaction potential, of spatial Isogloss(es), definition of, 152f, 154
Immigration policies, European, 193 488–489, 489f
interaction, 70 Isolines, definition of, 21, 23f
Immigration streams, 191–195 Land survey, rectangular system of,
Intercontinental migration, 85 Isometric maps, 21
Incineration of trash, problems in U.S., 15
Interdependence, of manufacturing Isopleth maps, 21, 23f
associated with, Land use
processes, 319 Isotherms, maps of, 21
516–518, 518f effect of automobiles on, 255f
Intergovernment Panel on Climate Isotropic plain assumption, 326
Income, per capita, limited human, effect on environment,
Change, 494 Israel, establishment of, 168
information provided by, 502–510
Interior hearths, architecture of, Istanbul, Turkey, Grand Bazaar
365–366 urban
239–240 of, 437f
Independent Commission on government controls on,
Intermodal Surface Transportation Italy, infant mortality rate for, 109f
International Development 422–423
Efficiency Act, 430
Issues, 358
Independent invention, 58
International boundaries, definition
of, 457
Jainism, 177
models of, 418–420, 419f
Land values, and population density,
417, 418f
Index of residential dissimilarity, 207 International Court of Justice, 468
India Japan Language(s), 143
International law of sea (U.N.), 298,
density of, 126t density of, 126t Amerindian, 145, 146f–147f, 148f
469–472, 470f
infant mortality rate for, 109f infant mortality rate for, 109f change in, 150–151
International Monetary Fund
land ownership in, 370 as manufacturing center, classification of, 143–144
and development loans, 374–375
reduction of death rate in, 119 338–339, 340f as cultural force, 140, 142, 143
measure of national
spread of English language in, 150 and manufacturing distribution of, 145, 146f–147f
economies, 363
Indians. See Native Americans specialization, 330 English, 150–151
International political systems,
Individual activity space, 72–74, 73f Jazz, origins of, 247 geography of, 2, 143–163
Indo-European language, 144, 145f J-curve, in population growth, 115, as integral to identity, 160–162
spread of, 149 132, 132f Internet resources on, 183
definition of, 29
Indonesia Jesus, 168 most spoken, 144t
home page of authors, 29
folk housing of, 233f Jiang Zemin, 105 sex differences in, 154
impact on information flow, 76
religious tolerance in, 165 JIT (Just-in-time) manufacturing, 330 Sino-Tibetan, 145, 146f–147f
infectious disease network on, 119
reluctant relocations in, 86 Jobs spread of, 145–148
Industrial location, agglomeration choice of, and space-time through religion, 184
on development, 389
economies and, prisms, 75 standard vs. variant, 152–160
on ethnic geography, 222
328–329, 329f states’ bidding wars for, 332 struggles of groups to maintain,
on fishing, 309
Industrial parks, advantages of, 329f Johnson, Samuel, 151 160–162
on folk culture, 258

570 Index
Language family, 143 Long-lot system of land surveying, Medicine Mining and quarrying, 300–307, 301f,
Lao-tsu, 181 219, 219f folk, 248–249 304f, 305f, 307f
Latin Los Angeles preventive, in third world, costs involved in, 301–302, 304f
languages derived from, 143–144 ethnic patterns in, 208f 378–380, 380f environmental impact of, 302
spread of, 149 shifting ethnic balance of, 421 Mediterranean basin, agriculture in, on public land, 302–303
Latin America. See also America(s) 292–293, 292f Mining Act of 1872, 302
city characteristics in, 439–442,
439f, 440f
Maasai people, 38, 38f
Mediterranean scratch plow, 48f
Megacities, 397–401, 398f–399f
Ministates, issues regarding, 453
Mississippi Delta hearth, 231f, 232
international disputes in, 459, 459f Megalopolis, 400, 401f architecture of, 239, 239f
land reform in, 369–370 architecture of, 232, 233f manufacturing in, 336 Mobility, effect on activity space, 72
Latin Americans, dispersal of, in U.S., Mackinder, Halford, 466, 467f Melting pot, U.S. as, 191, 195, 220 Models, vs. maps, 28
204–205 Mahan, Alfred, 466 Mennonites, settlement patterns Modern geography, 4
Latitude, 9f Malaria, spread of, 380 of, 220f Modern world, cultural realms of, 39f
definition of, 20 Males, cultural preference for, and Mental maps, 26–27, 26f, 27f, 80f Mohammed, 174
Law, rule of, and development, 360 birth rates, 113 Mentifacts, 53 Moisture, areas of surplus and deficit,
Law of peripheral neglect, 465 Mali (West Africa) Mercator projection, 532f, 534 globally, 513f
Law of retail gravitation (Reilly), 70 folk housing of, 233f Meridians, definition of, 20 Mollweide projection, 530f
Law of the sea, international (U.N.), potential desertification of, 506, 507f Mesolithic era, 46 Monaco, density of, 126–127
298, 469–472, 470f poverty of, 360, 360f Metallic minerals, mining of, 302–303 Mongols, architecture of, 232, 233f
Law of universal gravitation Malnutrition, effects of, 127 Metals, introduction of, 48 Monolingual nations, 160
(Newton), 70 Malthus, Thomas Robert, on Metes and bounds system of land Monotheism, 165
LDCs. See Less-developed countries population increase, surveying, 216–217, 218f Monroe Doctrine, 466
League of Nations, 468 131–132 Methane gas, and greenhouse Montreal house, 236, 236f
Conference for the Codification of Manhattan, ethnicity and danger effect, 502 Montreal Protocol (1987), 501
International Law, 469 areas, 210, 211f Metropolitan area, defining features Moonshining, 246, 246f
Least-cost theory of industry Manifest Destiny, 466 of, 404, 405f Mormons, cluster settlement of,
location, 326 Manufacturing Mexican Americans 200, 202f
Least total cost location, 319 location considerations, 318–324 dispersal of, in U.S., 204 Mortality rate, 108. See also Death rate
Lebanon, religious partitioning of, major regions of as majority of Hispanic for infants, 109, 109f
166, 167f global, 333–339, 334f Americans, 204, 204t north-south disparity in, 377t
Less-developed countries (LDCs), 358 in U.S., Canada, and Mexico, Mexico and sanitation, 117, 118f
characteristics of, 366 335–337, 335f industry in, 358 Mosques, 176, 176f
energy crisis in, 371 and spatial orientation oil consumption vs. production of, Motherhood, risk of mortality in, 110
Level of living, and development, 365 tendencies, 325f 307, 307f Mount Pinatubo, eruption of, 492
Life expectancy Mao-Zedong, 104, 284 and outsourcing, 330–331, 331f Movement biases, in spatial
north-south disparity in, 377t Map, flattening globe for, 529–530, 530f Mexico City, 440, 440f interaction, 71, 71f
rise in, 380 Map projections, 529–538 overcrowding and pollution in, Mudslides, in Brazil, 84, 84f
Lincoln, Abraham, 234 distortions involved in, 531–533 396, 396f Multilinear evolution, 52
Line-haul costs, 324 Maps Miami, ethnic diversity in, 185f Multilingualism, 157
Lines of equal travel time, definition ancient Greek and Roman, 2–3, 3f Microdistricts, in Eastern European Multinational corporations. See
of, 10, 11f characteristics of, 19–27 housing, 434, 435f Transnational corporations
Lingua franca(s), 157 early Arab, 4 Middens, definition of, 515 Multiple-nuclei model of urban
of Africa, 158f Internet resources on, 537 Middle ages, European, 4 development, 420
Linguistic geography, 154 mental, 26–27, 26f, 27f, 80f Middle Atlantic hearths, architecture Multiplier effect
Linkages in manufacturing, 319 vs. models, 28 of, 237–238, 238f in economic growth, 406, 408f
Linton, Ralph, 61 Mardi Gras, 139f diffusion patterns for, in industry location, 328–329
Literacy Marginal cost, definition of, 282 240–241, 240f Music, folk, style regions of, 246–248,
as non-economic measures of Mariculture, as food source, 298 Migrants, age and sex of, 93, 93f, 94 247f, 248f
development, 377–378, Maritime boundaries, 469 Migration(s), 84 Muslims. See Islam
377f, 377t Market equilibrium, 318, 318f causes of, 84–85
north-south disparity in, 377t
Lithosphere of Earth, 489
Marketing analysis, by zip codes, 422
Market mechanism, definition of, 318
effects of, 84–85, 122–123
illegal, backlash against, in U.S.,
NAFTA. See North American Free
Little Havana, 185f Market orientation, 325f 90–91
Little ice age, 493, 496 in manufacturing, 321 laws of (Ravenstein), 92–93 Trade Agreement
Livestock-grain farming, 289 Mass communication, 79 principal patterns of, 85–86 Nairobi, Kenya, 438f
Livestock ranching, 292, 292f Material culture, 227 push and pull factors in, 87–93 Namibia, bushmen of, 35f
environmental impact of, 292 Material orientation in of recent centuries, 122f Nation, definition of, vs. state and
Local political organization, 475–482 manufacturing, 320, 325f rural to urban, 85–86 nation-state, 447–448, 448f
Location Mathematical location, definition of, 8 in twentieth century, 192–193 National Association of Baseball
principles of, for industry, 319–320 Mathematical projections, 530 types of, 86–87, 88–92 Players, establishment
of regions, 17 Maximum sustainable yield, 296 Migration fields, 89–90, 92f of, 228
of states, effects of, 454–455, 455f Mayan culture, collapse of, 52 Military and political alliances, 475 National Geography Standards. See
types and definitions of, 8–9 Mayflower compact, signing of, Miller cylindrical projection, 534f Geography for Life:
Locational interdependence, 326, 327f 446, 446f Million, examples of immensity of, National Geography
Locational triangle (Weber), 326, 326f Mecca, 174, 175f 100–101 Standards (1994)
Location maps, 21, 22f Medical resources, and rain forests, Minerals Nationalism, 460
Log cabins, 238 503, 504 for fertilizer, mining of, 304 as centrifugal force, 464
diffusion of, 240f, 241 Medical Revolution, and population for fuel, mining of, 304–307, as centripetal force, 460–461
origin and use of, in U.S., 234 growth, 132f 305f, 306t rising tide of, 196, 198
London, ethnic enclaves in, 210 Medical services, as non-economic Internet resources on, 309 National uniformities, 253–257
Longitude, 9f measures of development, metallic, mining of, 302–303 Nation-state, definition of, vs. state
definition of, 20 378–380 non-metallic, mining of, 304, 304f and nation, 447–448, 448f

Index 571
Native Americans North America Paleo-Asiatic languages, 145, Politics, role of women in, 463
architecture of, 231 cultural hearths of, 230–232, 230f, 146f–147f Pollution
as ethnic group, 197–198, 198f 231f, 234–240 Paleolithic era, 43–44, 44f, 45f environmental, 485f, 513
foods of, 244–245 fencing, folk designs for, 241 racial differentiation in, 190 in Mexico City, 396, 396f
forced migration of, 87f immigration to, 191–195 tools of, 45f Polytheism, 165
and place names in U.S., 162 reference map of, 545 Parallel invention, 58 Popular culture, 252
Native born residents of U.S., North American Free Trade Parallels of latitude, definition of, internationalization of, 252, 253f
dispersal of, in response to Agreement (NAFTA), 474f 20, 21f Internet resources on, 258
immigrants, 213–215 and U.S. outsourcing, 330–331 Paris, building height restrictions in, patterns of, 251–262
Native peoples, effect of colonial North Atlantic Treaty Organization 432, 433f regional variations in, 260f–261f
boundaries on, 449, (NATO), 466, 475 Pattern, definition and types of, 15, 15f as source of cohesion, 228
450f, 451f North-south disparity in human Peak land value intersection, 417 Popular regions, 262
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty development, 377t Pennsylvania Dutch, 200 Population
Organization Notre Dame Cathedral, 171f barn architecture of, 216f, 238 aging, challenges of, 133, 134f
Natural boundaries, 457–458, 458f Nutrition Pennsylvania hearth. See Delaware change in, with economic
Natural gas north-south disparity in, 377t River hearth development, 117–118, 117f
difficulties of transporting, 307 poverty and, 372–373, 372f, 373f Per capita income, limited information concentration of, on earth’s
as fuel, 306–307 Nuts, regional variations in provided by, 365–366 surface, 40, 123f
reserves, estimated, 306t consumption of, 260f Perceptual regions, 19 controls on, 130–133
Natural hazards, perception of, and Perforated state, 454 data collection and reliability,
access to information,
82–84, 82f, 84t
O Permeable barriers, 62
Persian Gulf War, 460, 469
128–129, 130f
excessive (See Overpopulation)
Natural increase, rate of, 114, 114f Oblique projections, 535 Personal communication field, 78, 78f global data on, 1998, 539–544
Natural landscape attributes, 12 Ocean Dumping Ban (1988), 519 Personal space, 72, 73f global distribution of, 123–125,
Natural resources, 295, 296f Ocean dumping of trash, 518–519, 519f Perspective projections, 530, 531f 123f, 124f
disputes between nations over, 460 Oceans, exploitation of, 297–298 Peru, folk housing of, 233f percentage under age 15, 113f
effect of, on settlement patterns, Official language, 157–160 Petroleum. See also Oil projections of, 129–130
40–43 for United States, 158–159 for fuel and manufacturing, terminology for study of,
exploitation of, 295–307 Official Languages Act (Canada, 305–306 102–116
terminology of, 295–296 1969), 160 reserves, estimated, 306t urban
types of, 296 Oil. See also Petroleum Photochemical smog, 500, 502f density pattern of, 417, 418f
Natural selection, in racial interregional trade in, 67f Physical attributes, definition of, 12 increase in, 397–401, 397f,
differentiation, 190 pollution by, 485f Physical geography, 5 398f–399f, 400f
Natural systems, human impact on, shortages of, 306 Physical Quality of Life Index percentage classified as, 128f
Internet resources, 522–523 United States’s dependence on, (PQLI), 381 U.S.
Neocolonialism, in economic 307, 307f Physiological density, 15, 126, 126t projected, 114f
development, 360 Old Amish Order. See Amish Culture Pidgin, 157 projected mix of, 204t
Neolithic era, 48 Open-pit mining, 305 Pilgrimages, in Hindu tradition, Population control, obsolescence of
innovations in, 48–49 Opportunities, effect on activity 177, 178f term, 121
Neo-Malthusianism, 132 space, 73 Pillsbury, Richard, 231f Population density, types and
Nepal, folk housing of, 233f Optimum point of production, 326 Pipeline transportation, and calculation of, 125–128
Network, 71 Oral folk tradition, 249 manufacturing, 323, 324t Population geography, 100
Network bias, in spatial interaction, 71 Ordinance of 1785, 15 Place perception, effect on human Internet resources on, 134–135
Network cities, 414 Organic state theory, 466–467 interaction, 80 Population growth
New Deal programs, for home Organization for European Places projected, 103–104, 105f
purchase, 423 Cooperation (1948), 472 basic characteristics of, 7 rate and impact of, 100–102, 101f
New England hearths, architecture Organization of African Unity, policy interaction among (See Spatial and strain on government, 132
of, diffusion patterns for, on waste imports, 523 interaction) through history, 116f
240, 240f Organization of American States, 474 Place utility, 88, 344 Population momentum, 133
New England large house, 237, 237f Organization of Petroleum Exporting Planar projections, 534f, 535 Population pressure, sources of,
Newfoundland, dialects of, 155 Countries (OPEC), 306 Planned economies, 273 130–131
Newly industrializing countries Orientation, in industry location, 319 agriculture in, 284f, 293–294, 295f Population pyramids, 111–113, 111f
(NICs), 358 Orthographic projection, 529f, industrial location in, 331–333 Population Reference Bureau, 100
and textile industry, 322 530, 531f Plantation agriculture, 292f, 293, 293f as source of data, 128
Newton, Sir Isaac, 69–70 Outsourcing, 330, 331f Plants, domestication of, 46–48, 47f Population studies, terminology of,
NIC. See Newly industrializing Oval projections, 534f, 535 Pledge of Allegiance, as centripetal 102–116
countries Overland Trail, 66 force, 462f Pork, areas avoiding, 164f
Nicaragua, infant mortality rate Overpopulation, 126–128 Pleistocene overkill, 41 Portland, Oregon, growth restrictions
for, 109f consequences of, 120 Plow, Mediterranean scratch-type, 48f in, 430
Nigeria, density of, 126t and underdevelopment, 360, 360f Polar projections, 535 Positional disputes among nations, 459
Ninth Avenue International Fair, Over-the-road costs, 324 Political and military alliances, 475 Possibilism, 40
189, 189f Ozone, 500 Political geography, 446 Post-and-rail fence, 241, 242f
Nodal regions, 17–18, 18f and environmental damage, Political ordering of space, Internet Post-industrial America, 317f,
Nomadic herding, 276–277 500, 502f resources on, 480–481 344, 344f
Nonbasic sector, of city economic Ozone layer, depletion of, 501 Political organization, local and Post-industrial society, 268

structure, 406 regional, 475–482 as stage of development, 374
Nonecumene, 125 Political power, fragmentation of, Potential model, 70
Non-material culture, 227 through multiple districts, Poverty
Pacific basin, settlement of, 45f
Non-material folk culture, 242–249 477–482, 479f definitions of, 363
Pacific Northwest, architecture of, 240
Nonrenewable resources, 296 Political structure, and birth rate, 103 in developing countries, 363
Pakistan, Indus Valley of, early
Norman Conquest, 151 Political systems, international, and nutrition, 372–373, 372f, 373f
culture in, 52
Norman cottages, 236, 236f 467–475 as push factor, 88

572 Index
Poverty (Hunter), 212
Reilly, William J., 70 Saltbox house, 237, 237f
Power, projection of, by states, Relational direction, 10 Salt Lake hearth, 231f, 232
465–467 Relative direction, 10 San Francisco, earthquake damage
Quarrying and mining. See Mining
Power supply, and manufacturing Relative distance, 10 in, 83f
and quarrying
costs, 320 Relative location, 9, 9f Sanitary landfills, problems
Quaternary economic activities,
PPP. See Purchasing power parity Relic boundaries, 459, 459f associated with,
271f, 272
PQLI. See Physical Quality of Life Religion(s), 164 516–518, 518f
internationalization of, 347–348,
Index of agriculture-based cultures, 49 Sanitation, improved, and mortality
348t, 349f
Precipitation, global patterns of, and birth rate, 103–104 rates, 117, 118f
locational orientation of, 346–347
492f, 512f classification of, 165 San people (South Africa), 44, 45f
Quebec, French culture in,
changes in, due to global conflicts over, 163 Satellites, impact on information
206–207, 207f
warming, 495 as cultural force, 140, 142 flow, 76
Quebec cottage, 236, 236f
Preconditions for takeoff stage of diversity of, in U. S., 142f Satisficing locations for
Quebec long barn, 236, 236f
development, 374 Internet resources on, 183 industry, 328
Quinary economic activities, 271f, 272
Preventive medicine, in third world, official, 164–165 Scale, 11–12, 11f, 19, 20f, 532
internationalization of, 347, 348,
378–380, 380f principal, 167–181 Schools, multilingual, 158–159
348t, 349f
Primary economic activities, 271, role of, in culture, 164–165 S-curve, in population growth,
locational orientation of, 347
271f, 272f, 274–294 spread of, through language, 184 132, 132f
Internet resources on, 309 traditional, 165 Sea, International law of (U.N.),
Primary industries, location of, 316
Primary products, international trade
in, 308–310, 308f
Race, 190
spread of, 166–167, 166f
world distribution of, 165–166, 166f
Relocation diffusion, 56, 58
469–472, 470f
Sea level, consequences of
raising, 495
Primary resources, Internet resources classification by, 190 of Christianity, 169 SEATO. See Southeast Asia Treaty
on, 309 and voting rights, 478 definition of, 57f Organization
Primate cities, 410 Radio(s), impact of, on social of Islam, 174–176 Secondary economic activities, 271f,
colonial, growth of, 410–411, 411f cohesion, 79 of Judaism, 169f 272, 272f
Prime meridian, 20 Radioactive wastes, 519–520, 520f Reluctant relocation, 86, 87f location considerations,
Principles of Social Science (Carey), 69 Radon, concerns about, 82, 82f Renewable resources, 296 318–324
Production controls, in agriculture, Railhead locations, for urban areas, 405 Replacement level, 107 Sector model of urban land use,
286–287, 287f Railroads Representation, and districting 419, 420f
Profit maximization, 319 and manufacturing, 323, 323f, 324t problems, 476–477, 477f Secularism, 166f, 167
approaches to industry location and political integration, 463–464 Reserves (mining), variable definition Segregation, 207. See also
using, 327–328 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 59 of, 301f Assimilation
Program for Monitoring Emerging Rank (of coal), definition of, 305 Residential preferences, and access to by ethnicity and status in urban
Diseases (ProMED), 119 Rank-size of cities, 410 information, 80–82, 81f areas, 420
Projection of power, by states, Rank-size rule, 410 Resource disputes, 460 urban, worldwide, 208–209
465–467 Raster approach, 25 Resources, natural. See Natural in U.S., 207–215
Projections, vs. predictions, 130 Rate of natural increase, 114 resources Self-determination, definition of, 464
Projections (in map-making), 19, worldwide, 114f Retail gravitation, law of (Reilly), Self-sufficiency, as value of folk
529–538 Rates (in demography), 102 70, 70f society, 243
classes of, 533–535, 533f Rationalization of industry, 331–333 Return migration, 89, 89f Senior citizens, costs associated with,
and distortion, 531–533 Ratzel, Friedrich, 466–467 Rhine river, as boundary, 458 113, 113f
Internet resources on, 537 Ravenstein, E. G., 92–93 Rhumb lines, 534 Separatism, 464
ProMED. See Program for Raw material orientation, 325f Rice, as crop, 279–280, 280f, 281 Serbs and Croatians, conflict
Monitoring Emerging Raw materials, Chinese reserves Rimland theory, 466 between, 465
Diseases of, 339 Rio de Janeiro, 438f Service industry. See Tertiary
Proposition 187, 190 Reapportionment, 476 Roads, and political integration, 463–464 economic activities
Prorupt states, 452, 454f Rectangular survey system, 217, 218f Robinson projection, 534f Service sector, of city economic
Protestant Reformation, 170 Redistricting, 476 Roger II, King of Sicily, 4 structure, 406
Proto-Indo-European language, Reference maps, 21, 22f Roger’s Book, 4 Settlement
144, 145f Reformation. See Protestant Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic patterns of
spread of, 149 Reformation Church in Canada, 220, 220f
Protolanguage, 144 Refugees Romance languages, origins of, 143–144 in U.S., 219–220, 219f
Ptolemy, early map by, 3f increasing refusal to accept, 193 Roman Empire, collapse of, 198 types and characteristics of,
Public housing, urban, 426, 428f origin and destination of, 86 and Christianity, 169 401–403, 402f, 403f
Public land, mining on, 302–303 resettlement of, following Roosevelt, Franklin D., and New Deal Shamanism, 165
Public Law 103-227 (Goals 2000: Vietnam War, 206 programs for home Shape
Educate American Act), Refugees International home page purchase, 423 distortion of, in map
6, 8 address, 95 Rostow, W. W., 374 projection, 533
Public services Region(s), 15–19 Rotation of crops, 508 of states, effects of, 452–454, 454f
denying, to illegal aliens, 90–91 characteristics of, 17, 17f Roundwood production, definition Shaw, George Bernard, 153
as non-economic measure of contact between, 61–62 of, 299 Shaw v. Reno, 478
development, 378 types of, 17–19 Royalty, function of, 461 Shifting cultivation, 277
Puerto Ricans, dispersal of, in vernacular, 262, 262f, 263f Rural life, disadvantages of, 88 Shinto, 181, 182f
U.S., 204 Regional alliances, 472–475 Rwanda, refugees from, 87f Shopping malls, as popular culture,
Pull factors, 88 Regional autonomy, as response to 254–256, 256f
Purchasing power parity (PPP)
as measure of national
separatism, 464, 465f
Regional concept, 16, 16f S Short haul penalty, 324–325, 325f
Shotgun cottages, 239, 239f
economies, 363 Regional dialects, 154 Saddlebag house, 241 Siddhartha Gautama, 179
as measure of wealth, 367, 368f Regional geography, definition of, 5 St. Lawrence Valley hearth, 231, 231f Sikhism, 177
Push factors, 88 Regionalism, 465 architecture of, 234–237, 236f religious beliefs of, 164
Pygmalion (Shaw), 153 Regional political organization, 474–482 influence of, 235f Silicon Valley, 341

Index 573
Singapore eastward migration in, 85 organization and administration Technological subsystem, 53, 53f
economic success of, and force migrations in, 86 of, 462 diffusion of innovations in, 58
location, 455 industry in, 331–333 super-sized, possible emergence Technology, 270, 363
as manufacturing center, 339 labor shortages and surpluses of, 475 diffusion of, and creation of
Population and Family Planning in, 321 State farms, 294 wealth, 58, 363–365, 365f
Board of, 132 as manufacturing center, Stateless nations, 449 Technology gap, 363
population control measures in, 100 337–338, 339f Statistical maps, 21–22, 24f Technology transfer, 365
Sino-Tibetan languages, 145, 146f–147f Virgin and Idle Lands program, Statute of Pleading, 151 Telephone, space-cost convergence in
Site, 9, 10f 284f, 294 Steel industry, material flow in, 320f toll charges for, 78, 78f
of urban location, 405 Space economy, in U.S., components Step migration, 88 Television, impact of, on social
Situation, 9, 10f of, 316–318 Stereographic projection, 530, 531f cohesion, 79
of urban location, 405 Space-time compression, 57–58 Sterilization programs, 133f Terminal costs, 324
Size Space-time path, 74, 76f Steward, Julian, 52 Terracing, 508
definition of, 11–12 Space-time prisms, 74, 74f Stimulus diffusion, 58 to increase productivity, 125f
of states, effects of, 450–452 and women, 75 Stone Age, 36. See also Mesolithic era; Territorial disputes among nations,
Skylines, forces underlying creation Spanish adobe house, 240 Neolithic era; Paleolithic 459–460
of, 416 Spanish Laws of the Indies (1573), 174 era Territorial identity, ethnicity and,
Slash-and-burn farming, 277–278, 278f Spatial diffusion, 14 Strabo, 2 189–191
Slater, Samuel, 365f of language, 149 Street pattern, grid-style, origin of, 15 Territoriality of humans, 72
Slaves, arrival of Africans in America types of, 56–58, 57f Stripmining, 489f, 515f Territorial sea, definition of, 469, 470f
as, 86 Spatial distribution, 15 Structural assimilation, 195 Tertiary economic activities, 271f, 272
Smelting plants, 304f Spatial extent, of regions, 17 Style and fashion, history of internationalization of, 347, 348t
Smith, Captain John, 234 Spatial interaction, 14, 14f, 66, 66f, awareness of, 251–252 locational orientation of, 343–347,
Smog, 500, 502f 71–84 Subsequent boundaries, 458 345f, 345t
Smoking, origin of, 59 and accumulation of information, Subsistence agriculture, 276–284, 277f Tertullian, 131
Snack nuts, regional variations in 76–79 definition of, 276 TFR. See Total fertility rate
consumption of, 260f bases for, 66–71 environmental impact of, 282 Thematic maps, 21
Snake fence, 241, 242f Internet resources on, 95 Subsistence economy, 273 Third World, 358
Social dialects, 153 measurement of, 68–71 Subsistence household economies, 243 Three Gorges Dam project, 513
Social distance, 207 Spatially fixed and variable costs, in Substitution principle in industry von Thünen, Johann Heinrich, model
Social status, segregation by, in urban manufacturing, 319, 319f location, 327 of agricultural land use,
areas, 420, 421f Spatial margin of profitability, Suburb(s) 287–288, 288f, 289f
Societies, agricultural, classification 328, 328f defining features of, 404, 405f Tibetan Buddhism, 179–180
of, 276 Spatial monopoly, 326, 327f self-sufficiency of, 424 Time, and limitation of spatial
Sociofacts, 53, 55f Spatial orientation tendencies, 325f Suburbanization interaction, 74
Sociolinguistics, 154 Spatial science, geography as, 2 effect of, on cities, 426 Time-distance decay. See Distance
Sociological subsystem, 53, 55f Spatial search behavior, 88, 89f in United States, 423–424, 423f, 424f decay
Soil, 508 Spatial system Summer, year without a (1816), 491 Time-geography, definition of, 74
erosion of, 504, 508–510, 510f analysis of, 28 Sun, energy of, and seasonal Tipping point, 209
maintaining productivity of, 509 government entities as, 475, 476f cycles, 490f Tires, problems disposing of, 517f
South and Central Americans, Special crop farming, 292–293, 292f Superimposed boundaries, 458 TNCs. See Transnational corporations
dispersal of, in U.S., Special districts, as evasion of tax Superstates, possible emergence Tools of Paleolithic era, 45f
204–205 caps, 480 of, 475 Topographic maps, 21, 22f
South and Southeast Asia, city Special function cities, characteristics Supply and demand, 318, 318f Toponyms, 162
characteristics in, of, 409 Supply curve, 318, 318f Toronto, metropolitan government
436–437, 439f Speech community, 152 Surveying of land, variance by of, 482
South Asian Association for Regional Spine, of urban area, definition of, 440 ethnicity, 216–219 Total fertility rate (TFR), 104–108, 106f
Cooperation, 474f Sports. See Games Suzerainty, definition of, 466 change in, in developing
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Spread effects, definition of, 360 Swahili, as creole, 157 nations, 106f
(SEATO), 466 Spykman, Nicholas, 466, 467f Sweden, population pyramid for, Town, defining features of, 404, 404f
Southern Coastal hearths, Sri Lanka, reduction of death rate 110, 111f Toxic waste, 519
architecture of, diffusion in, 119 Swidden farming, 277–278, 278f disposal of, 519–520, 520f
patterns for, 240f, 241 Stacked gerrymandering, 476 Swine production, areas avoiding, 164f Trade
Southern hearths, architecture of, Stage in life course, definition of, 72 Switzerland, non-participation in importance of, to urban growth, 51
238–239, 239f Standard language, 152–153 U.N., 468 Internet resources on, 309
Southern New England hearth, Standard line, 534 Syncretism, 62, 62f, 180, 249 Traditional religions. See Religion(s),
231, 231f Standard of living Syntax, 150 traditional
architecture of, 237 and development, 365 Systematic geographers, 5 Traditional society, as stage of
Southern Tidewater hearth, 231f, 232 and population density, 127 Systems, characteristics of, as subject development, 374
architecture of, 239 Starvation of human geography, 34 Tragedy of the commons, 297–298
South Korea, as manufacturing and population increase, Transferability, as control on spatial
center, 339
Sovereignty, diminishment of, by
and world population, 102
Taiwan, as manufacturing center,
interaction, 68
Transnational corporations (TNCs),
recent U.N. policies, 469 State(s) impact of, 333
Soviet Union cohesiveness of, 460–464 339, 340f Transportation
city characteristics in, 434, 435f definition of, vs. nation Takeoff stage of development, 374 and access, in urban settings,
collapse of, 197, 198, 475 and nation-state, Taoism, 181 415–416, 416f
migration following, 85 447–448, 448f Tapering principle of transportation as centripetal force, 462–464, 464f
and return to private geographic characteristics of, costs, 324, 325f as key economic variable, 273, 274f
agriculture, 293–294 450–457 Taxpayers, cost of illegal immigrants Transportation centers,
and successor states, 452f increasing number of, 449–450 to, in U.S., 90 characteristics of,
containment of, 466 modern, evolution of, 449–450 Teaching geography, as a career, 6 409, 409f

574 Index
Transportation costs, 324–325 nutritional recommendations, suburbanization in, 423–424, Warsaw Treaty Organization, 475
and agricultural land use, 288, 372, 372f 423f, 424f Waste
288f, 289f High Commissioner for Refugees western, sprawling cities of, 430 exporting of, 520–523
fixed, 324 home page, address for, 95 United States Clean Air Acts. See radioactive, disposal of,
and manufacturing, 321–324, 323f home page address, 480 Clean Air Act 519–520, 520f
Transportation methods, relative International Conference on United States Environmental toxic, 519–520, 520f
efficiency of, 323f, 324t Population and Protection Agency problems of disposal, 516
Tribal boundaries, African, effect of Development (1994), 121 (EPA), 12 Wasted vote technique, 476
colonial boundaries on, least-developed countries category United States Steel, 316 Wastewater treatment, 513
449, 450f, 451f of, 358, 359f Unit trains, 323f Water
Tribal religions, 165 panel on climate change, 494 Universal Declaration of Human quality and supply of, 510–515,
spread of, 166f, 167 Statistical Office, as source of Rights, 193 511f, 512f, 513f, 514f
Trickle-down effects, 360 data, 128 Universal gravitation, law of quality of, north-south disparity
Tropical deforestation. See various functions of, 468–472, (Newton), 70, 70f in, 377t, 378, 379f
Deforestation, tropical 468f, 470f Universalizing religions, 165 and urban agriculture, 282
Tropical savannas, 40, 41f voting imbalances in, 453 spread of, 166, 166f Water transportation, and
Truck farms, 289 United States. See also America(s); Upright-and-wing house, 237, 237f manufacturing, 321–323,
Truck transportation, and North America Urban areas. See also Cities 323f, 324t, 336, 336f
manufacturing, 323, agricultural regions of, 290f defining features of, 404 Wattle fence, 241, 242f
323f, 324t agriculture in, and global functions of, 404 Way of life, as subject of human
Truman, Harry S., 358 warming, 495, 495f locations, types of, 404–405 geography, 34
Truman Proclamation (1945), 469 backlash against illegal models of land use in, 418–420 Wealth, per capita, globally, 361f
immigrants in, 90–91 Urban diversity, global, 431–442 Weberian analysis of industry
U border disputes with Mexico,
460, 461f
Urban ethnic diversity, 207–215
Urban expansion, resistance to, 430
location, 326, 326f
Webster, Daniel, 234
Ubiquitous industries, 321 boundary with Canada, 458, 458f Urban hierarchy, 410, 410f Well-being, aggregate measures
Ullman, Edward, 67 characteristics of cities in, Urban influence zones, 412 of, 381
UN. See United Nations 431, 431f Urbanization Western hearths, architecture of,
UNCLOS. See United Nations, cultural areas of, settlement as characteristic of cultural 239–240
Convention on the Law of date, and source of hearth, 49–51, 51f Wheat farming, large scale,
the Sea culture, 221f of population, 128 289–290, 291f
Underdevelopment, 358 density of, 126, 126t in 20th century, 397–401, 397f, Whiskey Rebellion of 1793, 246
explanations of, 358–360 dialects in, 155–157, 155f 398f–399f, 400f White, Leslie, 52
Underpopulation, definition of, 126 diffusion of, 156f Urban land use pattern, generalized, WHO. See World Health Organization
UNDP. See United Nations, eastern 416–417, 417f Women
Development Programme dialect areas of, 155f Urban population, percent of as city dwellers, 427
(UNDP) folk culture regions of, population classified cultural preference against, and
UNESCO (United Nations 237–238, 250f, 251f as, 128f birth rates, 113
Educational, Scientific, and economy of, and government Urban renewal programs, 426 economic activity of, 384–385,
Cultural Organization), 468 regulation, 273 Urban settlements, systems of, 384f, 385f, 387f, 388f
Uniform plain assumption, 326 employment patterns in, 409–414 financial empowerment of,
Uniform regions, 17 1960–1997, 345t Urban subsistence farming, through credit, 386
Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, ethnic diversity in cities of, 212 280–282 Fourth World Conference on
India, deadly gas leak at, ethnic islands in, 199, 200f Urban systems and structures, (1995), 386
356, 356f history of immigration to, Internet resources on, 441 increased rights of, and
Unitary states, definition of, 456 192–195, 192f, 194f, 194t population control, 121
United Kingdom, density of, 126t
United Nations. See also World Health
infant mortality rate for, 109f
major regions of manufacturing
V as innovators of technology, 46
as migrants, 94
Organization in, 335–337, 335f Value systems of societies, 164 role of
Centre for Human Settlements and manufacturing Van der Grinten projection, 535, 536f in folk culture, 243
home page, address for, 441 specialization, 330 Variable revenue analysis, 326 in politics, 463
Conference on Environment and Midwestern, dialect areas Vatican, and abortion, 121 in society, and development,
Development (1992), 121 of, 155f Vector approach, 25 383–387
Conference on Trade and multiple layers of government in, Vernacular house styles, 234 and space-time restrictions, 75
Development (1964), 310 475, 476, 476f, 480, 482 Vernacular regions, 19, 262, status of, and pregnancy-related
Convention on the Law of the inefficiency of, 482 262f, 263f mortality, 110
Sea (UNCLOS), 298, national uniformities, 253–257 Vernacular speech, 153 Wood, as fuel, 300
469–472, 470f native born residents, dispersal of, Vietnam, U.S. intervention in, 466 diminishing supply of, 371
and control of resources by in response to immigrants, Virgin and Idle Lands program (Soviet environmental consequences
tiny land masses, 471 213–215 Union), 284f, 294 of, 371
Development Programme official language for, 158–159 Volcanic activity Workingmen’s Party, 159
(UNDP), 363 oil consumption vs. production of, and acid rain, 498 World, modern, cultural realms of, 39f
gender empowerment 307, 307f and climate, 491–492 World Bank
measure, 387, 390f population aid given by, 121 Voluntary migration, 86–87 and development loans, 374–375
human development index, 383 postindustrial, 344, 344f von Thünen rings, 288, 288f Internet address for, 350
Educational, Scientific, and principal ethnic groups in, 191t Voting rights, and race, 478 measure of national economies
Cultural Organization projected mix of population, 204t Voting Rights Act (1965), 158, 478 by, 363
(UNESCO), 468
projected population of, 114 as source of data, 128
Food and Agriculture religious affiliation in, 171, World cities, 411–412
Organization (FAO), 127, 172f, 173f World Health Organization (WHO), 468
297, 371, 468 Wage rates, in cloth trades, 322
settlement patterns in, and preventative medicine in
on global warming, 496 Wal-Mart, diffusion of, 59
219–220, 219f Third World, 378–380, 380f

Index 575
World Meteorological
World Wide Web Virtual Library of
Organization, 494 Migration and Ethnic
World Refugee Survey, 86 Relations, address for, 95
Yucca Mountain facility, 521 Zelinsky, Wilbur, 199, 220, 221f, 256
World Trade Organization (WTO) Worm fence, 241, 242f
Yugoslavia Zen Buddhism, 179
and apparel industry, 322 Writing, origin of, 51
disintegration of, 465 Zero population growth, 107
history and purpose of, 472 WTO. See World Trade
ethnic strife in, 197f Zionism, 168
World War I, nationalism Organization
Yunus, Muhammad, 386 Zip codes, marketing analysis by, 422
following, 198 WWW. See World Wide Web,
Zone of maturity, in Latin American
World Wide Web, definition of, 29 definition of
cities, 442
World Wide Web Virtual Library of
Zoning ordinances, 422–423, 482
Demography and
Populations Studies,
address for, 134

576 Index

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