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Physical Examination

General survey

The patient is conscious, coherent, calm and responds quickly to questions. No slurring of
speech, with normal volume and tone. He is well nourished with medium built body, has unkempt
appearance and erect posture. His base of gait was narrow with the feet and knees touching when he
walks (knock-kneed). No gross deformities noted and ambulatory. No sign of cardiopulmonary distress.

Vital Signs

Temperature: 35.5OC (axillary)

RR: 19 cpm

PR: 81 bpm

BP: 110/80 (Sitting)


The skin is brown, thick, smooth, moist and with good skin turgor. No abnormal pigmentation
noted. Nails are clean, light pink in color, no clubbing, no cyanosis and nail plate abnormalities noted.
Capillary refill time is <2 sec.

Chest & Lungs

The skin is brown, no superficial blood vessel, no lesions and with normal muscle development.
No visible contractions of accessory muscles during respiration. The Body thorax is symmetric with good
expansion. AP diameter 2/3 of transverse diameter. Mild case of Pectus excavatum is noted at the lower
end of the sternum. Respiratory rate is 19 cpm with normal depth and rhythm; Inspiration is longer than
expiration. No bulging, widening nor retraction of ICS. No chest lagging. Lungs resonant. Equal tactile
fremitus on both lung fields. Breath sounds vesicular; no crackles, wheezes or rhonchi. Negative for
bronchophony, egophony and whispered pectroliloquy.

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