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Instruction: Read the situation below then answer the questions that follow.
A.Mr. Julian is a newly appointed manager of ABC group of companies and was tasked to manage a
newly developed team. He was expected to perform the five functions of management and he was able
to plan and organize activities for his team that contributes to attaining the goals and objectives of the
company. He was able to assign staff to the different tasks that are essential and was able to influence
his subordinates to do the task assigned to them by distributing power and authority to his trusted
subordinates and letting them share the responsibility. As the team competently completed their task
and was able to attain its goal to a minimum effort, an observation was made by his supervisor as Mr.
Julian’s subordinates are starting to slack on their job and was not able to surpass its current
accomplishment on the following months. Their performance began to decrease by a small percentage.
Since their performance is still manageable, the new manager did not mind at all and did not make any
adjustments and strategies to correct their behavior since he wanted to remain in a close bond with his

1. What management functions where accomplished by the new manager?
2. What management functions where not accomplished by the new manager?
3. Which type of management was evident in his leadership?
4. Which among the three management process are where present in Mr. Julian’s management?
5. Explain what should Mr Julian do for him to be able to correct this problem? And which do
you think is the best type of leadership to use in this situation?

B. Your Company is looking for competent managers to be assigned to these following positions in the
new business establishment. These are the following:

1. General Manager (Top level), requires 2 years experience as Area Manager.

2. Area Manager (Middle Level), requires 2 years experience as Branch manager.

3. Branch Manager (Low level), requires 1-year experience as Assistant branch manager.

Using the data below which contain the information of each applicant, you are tasked to choose the
best candidate based on the needs of the company and the skills and roles each applicant has in their

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