Psych Quizzes 1

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Question 4 1 pts

How long should the symptoms of depression last before it can be considered depression?

O One week

© Two months

O Noneof the above

O Two weeks

© One month
Question 5 1 pts

How many symptomsof depression have to be present before it can be considered depression?

© Four

O Five

O Three

O Two

O One
Question 6 1 pts

In Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, there is:

A. Severe recurrent temper outbursts manifested verbally or behaviorally

B. Temperoutbursts are inconsistent with developmental level

O Botharefalse

© Only Bis true

O Both are true

© Only Ais true

Question 7 1 pts

Included in Depressive Disorders are, except:

© Major Depressive Disorder

O Noneof the above

© Menstrual Dysmorphic Disorder

O All of the above

O Dysthymia
Question 8 1 pts

In Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder:

A. There should be at least 4 symptoms

B. Symptomssubside a week after post menses

O Only Bis true

© Both are true

© Bothare false

© Only Ais true

Question 9 1 pts

In Substance/Medication Induced Disorder:

A. Depressive symptoms subside days to weeksafter discontinuation of the substance

B. Onset sets in during intake of the substance/medication and not during withdrawal

© Only Ais true

O Both are true

O Bothare false

© Only Bis true

Question 10 1 pts

The most common cause of Depressive Disorder due to another Medical Condition is/are:

O Stroke

© Cancer

O Noneof the above

© Huntington’s Disease

O All of the above

Question 1 1 pts

A. Moodis the observedfeeling tone of the individual.

B. Affect is a pervasive sustained feeling tone that is experienced internally and influences the person’s perception of the world andhis

@ Only Ais true

O Both are true

O Only Bis true

O Bothare false
Question 1 1 pts

A. Moodis the observed feeling tone of the individual.

B. Affect is a pervasive sustained feeling tone that is experienced internally and influences the person’s perception of the world andhis

O Only Ais true

© Bothare true

© Only Bis true

O Botharefalse
Question 2 1 pts

A. MDEstarts earlier than Bipolar | Disorder.

B. Heightenedcreativity in MDE contributes to ambivalencein seeking treatment.

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

O Bothare false

© Both are true

Question 3 1 pts

A. Mania showswild and apparently deranged excitement and energy.

B. Thoughtracing is a series of controllable thoughts that switch rapidly betweenideas.

© OnlyBis true

© Both are true

O Only Ais true

O Both are false

Question 4 1 pts

A. In Cyclothymia, the depressive and the hypomanic conditions must be present for at least 2 years in children.

B. In insight-oriented psychiatric interview, the doctor should elicit conscious conflicts.

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

O Botharefalse

© Both are true

Question 5 1 pts

A. In Bipolar Il Disorder, impulsivity contributes to suicidal attempts or drug abuse.

B. Heightenedcreativity in Bipolar || Disorder contributes to patients delaying treatment.

O Both arefalse

© Only Bis true

© Both are true

© Only Ais true

Question 6 1 pts

A. In Cyclothymia, the criteria for major depressive disorder were not met.

B. In Cyclothymia, the criteria for the manic or hypomanic episode were not met.

© OnlyBis true

O Botharefalse

O Bothare true

© Only Ais true

Question 7 1 pts

A. There is equal prevalence between male and female patients in Bipolar || Disorder.

B. Suicide risk is higher in Bipolar |] Disorder than Bipolar | Disorder.

O Botharefalse

© Only Bis true

O Bothare true

O Only Ais true

Question 1

Responseto external stimuli:

© Fear

O Anxiety

© Phobia

© Noneof the above

Question 2

A responseto a threat that is unknown:

© Phobia

O Fear

© Noneof the above

© Anxiety
Question 3 1 pts

It is the recurrent and intrusive thought, feeling, idea, or sensation:

© Ego-syntonic

O Compulsion

© Noneof the above

© Obsession
Question 4 1 pts

A conscious, standardized, recurrent behavior such as counting, checking, or avoiding:

© Phobia

© None of the above

© Obsession

© Ego-dystonic
Question 5 1 pts

Excessive anxiety and worry occurring for several days not more than 6 months.

© Noneof the above

© Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

© Dissociative Disorder

© Normal Anxiety
Question 6

Fear of specific objectis:

© Ailurophobia

© Noneof the above

© Social phobia

© Hydrophobia
Question 7

Fear of catsis:

© Cataphobia

© Ailurophobia

© None of the above

© Pyrophobia
Question 8

Fear of animals is:

© Ailurophobia

© Acrophobia

© Mysophobia

O Noneof the above

Question 9

Fear of strangersis:

© Noneof the above

© Acrophobia

© Cynophobia

© Xenophobia
Question 10

Fear of open spacesis:

© Claustrophobia

O Noneof the above

© Hydrophobia

@ Agoraphobia
Question 2 1 pts

A. Adolf Meyer established existential psychoanalysis.

B. Karl Jaspers founded existential psychoanalysis.

© Only Ais true

© Both are true

© Only Bis true

© Both are false

Question 3

A. Schizophrenia is prevalent in urban areas.

B. Incidence of Schizophrenia is equal to both men and women.

© Both arefalse

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

© Both are true

Question 4 1 pts

A. Criteria A of Schizophrenia includes hallucination and incoherence.

B. According to Margaret Mahler there are distortions in the reciprocal relationship between
mother and infant.

© Both arefalse

© Only Ais true

© Both are true

© Only Bis true

Question 5

In Paranoid Schizophrenia, thereis:

© Presence of persecutory delusion

O All of the above

© Patient manifests catatonia

© None of the above

Question 6 1 pts

Ernst Kretschmer believed schizophrenia occurred in people with:

© Noneof the above

© Pyknic people

© All of the above

O Asthenic body
Question 7 1 pts

In Kurt Schneider’s second rank symptoms of Schizophrenia, thereare:

© All of the above

© Delusion

© Noneof the above

© Confusion
Question 8

According to Harry Stack Sullivan, Schizophrenia:

© None of the above

© All of the above

© |san adaptive behavior to control panic and terror

© Develop because of poor models for learning during childhood

Question 9 1 pts

Included in the diagnosis of Schizophreniais/are:

© All of the above

© Disorganized behavior

© Noneof the above

© Negative symptoms
Question 10 1 pts

The following are subtypes of Schizophrenia except:

© Undifferentiated type

© Noneof the above

© Catatonic type

O All of the above

Question 1 1 pts

A. y-Hydroxybutyrate is not a naturally-occurring neurotransmitter in the brain that is related

to sleep regulation.

B. Nitrite inhalants include amyl, butyl, and isobutyl nitrites.

© Both are false

© Only Bis true

© Both are true

© Only Ais true

Question 2 1 pts

A. Adverse reactions of y-Hydroxybutyrate include a toxic syndrome characterized by nausea,

nausea, vomiting, headache, hypotension, drowsiness, and irritation of the respiratory tract.

B. Nitrous oxide is commonly known as “laughing gas.”

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

© Both are true

© Both are false

Question 3 1 pts

A. If nutmeg is consumed in a substantial amount, it will cause depersonalization, derealization,

and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs.

B. Morning glory seeds do not produce a syndrome resembling lysergic acid diethylamide

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

© Both are true

© Both are false

Question 4 1 pts

A. Catnip can produce sedative-like intoxication.

B. Betel nut can produce mild euphoria.

© Both aretrue

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

© Both arefalse
Question 4

A. Catnip can produce sedative-like intoxication.

B. Betel nut can produce mild euphoria.

@ Both are true

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

© Both arefalse
Question 5 1 pts

A. Ephedra, when abused, can cause cardiac arrythmia and fatalities.

B. Chocolate is a potential substance of abuse.

© Only Ais true

© Both are true

© Both arefalse

© Only Bis true

Question 6 1 pts

A. Substance-users often abuse a preferred substance.

B. Treatment of substance abuse is the same in all spectrum of substance abuse.

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

© Both aretrue

© Both arefalse
Question 7 1 pts

A. Gambling disorderis included in Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders.

B. Gambling is an adaptive behavior wherein the gambler has an intense desire to recoup is

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

© Both are false

© Both are true

Question 8 1 pts

A. The rate of pathological gambling has risen inversely proportional to normal gambling
especially in areas where gambling was legalized.

B. Family histories of pathological gamblers show an increased rate of substance abuse

especially alcoholism.

© Both are false

© Both are true

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

Question 9 1 pts

A. Kava is native to South America that produces sedation.

B. Cortisol and antihistamines are the common over-the-counter drugs of abuse.

© Only Ais true

© Both are false

© Both are true

© OnlyBis true
Question 10 1 pts

A. Polysubstance-Related Disorder is diagnosed after the person a abused the drugs for more
than 12 months.

B. There is a significant correlation between pathologic gambling and occurrence of mood


© Both are true

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

O Both are false

Question 1 1 pts

A. Active ingredient of cannabis is methylxantine cannabis.

B. Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive substancein the world.

© Only Bis true

© Both arefalse

© Only Ais true

© Both aretrue
Question 2 1 pts

A. At high doses, cannabis can cause orthostatic hypotension.

B. Hallucinogens are also called psychedelics.

© Only Bis true

© Both are false

© Both are true

O Only Ais true

Question 3 1 pts

A. Hallucinogens can cause panic attack, psychosis and mooddisorder.

B. LSD and Ketamine are classified under hallucinogens.

© Both are false

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

© Both are true

Question 4

A. Inhalants are commonly used by young adults up to elderly.

B. Cannabis causes dysphoric effects lasting for a few minutes to a few hours.

© Both are true

© Both arefalse

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

Question 5

A. 150mg of caffeine can cause toxicity.

B. 10mg of caffeine can cause generalized tonic clonic seizure.

© Both are true

© Only Ais true

O Botharefalse

© Only Bis true

Question 6 1 pts

A. 10-20 inhalations of 1% gasoline for several minutes can causeintoxication.

B. Inhalant intoxication can cause nausea, stupor and amnesia.

© Both are true

© Both arefalse

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

Question 7 1 pts

A. Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic agent.

B. Ketamine is being studied for treatment of depression.

© Only Bis true

© Both arefalse

© Both are true

© Only Ais true

Question 8 1 pts

A. Phencyclidine can cause hallucination.

B. Psilocybin is available in mushrooms.

© Both are true

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

© Both are false

Question 9 1 pts

A. Anxiolytics is used to relieve withdrawal symptoms of cannabis-related disorders.

B. Medical marijuana can be used in epileptic disorder

© Only Ais true

© Only Bis true

O Both arefalse

© Both are true

Question 10

A. Cannabis intoxication does not cause derealization and depersonalization.

B. Beyond 25mcg of LSD can causeintoxication.

© Both arefalse

© Both are true

© Only Bis true

© Only Ais true

Question 1 1 pts

A. In Major Depressive Episode (MDE), the symptomsshould be present for at least 2 weeks.

B. There is impulsivity in MDE.

O Both are true

© Only Ais true

O Only Bis true

© Bothare false
Question 2 1 pts

Depression beyond oneyear is called:

O Cyclothymia

© Dysthymia

O Noneof the above

O All of the above

O Bipolar Disorder
Question 3 1 pts

The following are signs of depression except:

© Increase appetite

O Helplessness

O Lossoflibido

O Noneof the above

O All of the above

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