CAN304 Assessment 1: Literature Review Assessment 1

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CAN304 Assessment 1: Literature Review

Assessment 1
This assignment 1 contributes 20% to the overall assessment of CAN304

Deadline: Saturday, 17th April 2021, 23:59

1. Learning Outcomes for this Assessment

This assessment aims at assessing your understanding of the topics and your knowledge of
the theory and methods of computer systems security by writing a literature review.

2. The Task
Write a literature review on computer systems security based on your understanding of the
lectures, and your research on the recent development on cryptography or cybersecurity. You
can define the scope of the study by yourself, e.g, asymmetric encryption, digital signature,
secure communications, IoT Security, or blockchain. You don’t need to implement a system;
however, you need discuss the technical soundness in detail, e.g., how the techniques can be
used to implement such an application. You are suggested to focus on the following items in
your report.
l Outline the development of your topic including background information and any enabling

l Survey the existing technologies and applications. You need to search for papers by

yourselves and expand your reading (not only the lectures provided).
l Propose a “novel” idea(s) to develop an interesting application or technologies your own

interests on your topic. Based on the literature survey, justify why your ideas are novel.

l Use the provided IEEE template for formatting; no more than 4 pages including everything

(e.g., tables, diagrams and references). The number of references should NOT exceed 30.
l All standard processes related to XJTLU coursework submission are followed.

l Plagiarism results in award of ZERO mark; all submissions will be checked by TurnItIn.

(1) Softcopy via Learning Mall coursework link.
(2) No hardcopy is required
(3) Please name your submission package to XJTLU_ID_FirstName_FamilyName_Ass1
(e.g., 1234567_San_Zhang_Ass1)

Marking Scheme
Total points: 100 (contribute 20% to the overall assessment)
Marking Criteria Item Marks Awarded
Understanding of the topic, i.e., background
study and enabling technologies (20)
Literature review (70)
Survey of related work (30)
Novel ideas (20)
Technical writing (10)
Level of detail (10)
Quality of report (30)
References (5)
Formatting (5)

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