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Bryan Neil C. Garma.

Reflection Paper - 03/02/22

Clinical clerk Dr. Carasig 8-10am and 1-3pm

In our first lecture by Dr. Carasig, He discussed about psychiatric history and mental
status examination in the morning session and for afternoon, depression and anxiety. Both
topics was interactive discussion, he discussed the topic in a way we can easily understood.
The lecture about psychiatric history and mental status examination refreshed my memory
during my duty days in a mental health center during my pre-medicine. I learned about the
different parts of psychiatric history like identifying data, chief complaint, History of present
illness, past medical history, developmental and psychosocial history, physical examination and
lastly mental status examination. In MSE, I learned about the key components of MSE namely
appearance and behavior, speech which includes the differences of mutism, poverty of speech
and pressured speech, mood and affect, disorders of thinking, perception, cognition, attention
and concentration, memory, intelligence, judgment and lastly insight. I learned that History and
MSE or Mental Status Examination are very important diagnostic tool for the doctors and
psychiatrist for them to make accurate diagnosis. I can use what I learned here when I become
an intern and rotated in a psychiatric ward also I could use what I learned in this particular topic
for me to be able to correctly and properly diagnose my future patient and for me to be able to
develop a treatment plan.

In our afternoon lecture with Dr. Carasig, He discussed about Depression and Anxiety.
He started the lecture by asking each one of us what do we think about depression and anxiety,
like the morning lecture, it is also interactive lecture, each one of us was able to give our insight
about the topic throughout the whole session. I learned about the prevalence assessment and
diagnostic issues and the treatment. I was able to know what groups are at high risk of
depression and anxiety and its management. I think I can apply what I learned in this afternoon
session not only patients in clinical setting but also to the friends and loved ones experiencing
depression and anxiety. With I learned from this afternoon session, I can properly approach and
help someone who is experiencing depression or anxiety especially at this time of pandemic.

Overall, the lectures were fun and at the same time we learned a lot.

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