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Punta, Dipolog City


S.Y. 2021 – 2022


TEST I - INSTRUCTION: Carefully read the statements and questions below. Choose the correct
answer then write the letter of your answer on the space provided for before the number.

_____1. The theory of freedom has ___________ and ___________ task. Which of the
choices below complete the statement?
A. Pros and effect C. Peace and war
B. Negative and positive D. Availability and non-availability
_____2. We did not choose to be _______, but most of us choose to keep on _______.
Which of the choices below complete the statement?
A. Born, living C. Friend, enemy
B. Great, best D. Holy, sinners
_____3. Which of the following terms that refers to a virtue that we practice with
our intellect and the choices we made with actions infused with the pillars of our
A. Profitability C. Professionalism
B. Profoundness D. Prudence
_____4. A life that is concern with __________ is the cause of __________. Which of the
choices below complete the statement?
A. Powers, despair C. Prayers, holiness
B. Powers, political dynasty D. Powers, greatness
_____5. The soul of every individual possesses the ________________ the truth and
living in a society that is in accordance to its nature. Which of the choices below
completes the statement?
A. Power of politics C. Power of learning
B. Spirit D. Prudence
_____6. A person becomes _____________ when he himself feels ____________.
Which of the choices below complete the statement?
A. Responsible, rich C. Responsible, responsible
B. Responsible, hardworking D. Responsible, respect
_____7. Behavior psychology is at fault for having over analyzed the words
____________and punishment. Which of the choices below complete the statement?

A. Reward C. Bonus
B. Incentive D. Gratuity
_____8. Human effort can re-determine the ______________, even though it cannot
determine the conditions that make human effort possible. Which of the choices
below completes the statement?
A.One direction C.One way
B.Direction of events D.Direct influences
_____9. Which of the following terms that refers to a means to the formation of
A. Prudence C. Punishment
B. Politics D. Policy
_____10. Which of the following aspects of redesign that in order to make social
environment as free as possible of aversive stimuli?
A. Redesign environment C. Redesign freedom
B. Redesign government D. Redesign faith
_____11. Which of the following terms that insists on regarding one aspect of life at
the same time disregarding the other?
A. Prudence and respect C. Freedom or right
B. Faith and obligation D. Defining or conceptualizing

_____12. We are responsible, whether we admit it or not, for what is in the power to
do until we _________________. Which of the choices below completes the statement?
A. Achieve it B. Attempt to C. Become rich D. Be politician
_____13. Punishment is to prevent wrongdoer from _______________ and to
prevent others from committing a similar act. Which of the choices below
complete the statement?
A. Rewinding the act B. Repeating the act C. Reorganizing the act D. Return to

_____14. Issues are ________________.‖

A. Controllers B. Controllable C. Contributors D. Conjunctions
_____15. There should be __________________ with others and the environment in our
dealing with our fellow human beings.
A. Balance in our account C. Balance in our faith
B. Balance in our relativity D. Balance in our relationship

“The will of humanity is an instrument of free choice, it is within the power of

everyone to be good or bad, worthy or worthless”.

_____16. From the statement above, it can be concluded that ________________:

A. Our inner awareness of an aptitude to do right or wrong
B. The common testimony of all human beings
C. Influence of external environment, peers and acquaintances
D. The reward and punishment of rules

Norman graduated ―with Honors‖ and has been awarded for ―Best in Math‖. During
2. enrolment he himself enrolled in a ―Beauty and Fitness Course

_____17.Which of the following reasons BEST supports the statement above?

A. The imperative quality of a judgment of practical intellect is meaningless, apart from
B. Poverty has its cause
C. Intellect chooses beauty above all
D. Will is impractical when confronted with poverty
_____18. Which of the following acts is within the human’s power and
A. Act of war B. Peer pressure C. Moral acts D. Mob rule
Jean-Paul Sartre emphasized the importance of free individual choice, regardless of the
power of other people to influence and coerce our desires, beliefs, and decision‖.

_____19. From the statement above, it means that, ___________:

A. To be human is to be conscious, is to be free to imagine, free to choose, and be
responsible to one’s life.
C. To be human is to be God like.
B. To be human is to be the highest of all being.
D. To be human is to err.
_____20. Which of the following philosophical theory established by reason in
which a person is prohibited to do what is unhelpful to his life?
A. Socialist principle B. Social Theory C. Social Contract D. Socialist philosophy

The human person builds the road to the destiny of his choosing”.

_____21. Which of the following terms BEST describes the above statement?
A. Truth B. Thinking C. Freedom D. Consequences

“Human will is an instrument of free choice. It is within us to do what is good or bad”.

_____22. Which of the following statements does NOT support the claim from the
above statement?
A. Our inner awareness of an aptitude to do right or wrong.
B. The rewards and punishment of rulers and general employment of
praise and blame.
C. The common testimony of all human beings.
D. Happiness is the process of ever-growing through.

“Natural law is the human participation in eternal law and is discovered by reason”.

_____23. From the statement above, it can be concluded that, ____________________:

A. We should plant more trees.
B. To be human is to follow crowd decision.
C. To be human is to be guided by reason in the path of God existence.
D. To be human is to act like God.
_____24. Which of the following precepts established by reason by which a person is
forbidden to do that which is destructive of his life?
A. Lex legis B. Lex pupolum C. Dura lex D. Lex naturalis
_____25. Which of the following Filipino values that encompasses the give-and-take
relationship among Filipinos as such repaying those who have helped us?
A. Sariling Loob B. Utang na Loob C. Kagandahang Loob D. Pakikisama
_____26. Which of the following terms that refers to the power to make your own
choices of decision?
A. The Power of Volition C. The Power from within
B. The Power of Love D. The Power of Attraction
_____27. To be a free individual is to be responsible not only for one’s self but:
A. But also to your neighbour. C. But also for all.
B. But also to your friends. D. But also to your future.
_____28. Which of the following situations that it should be inculcated in
A. Duties and Harmonies C. Duties and Discipline
B. Discipline and self-centeredness D. Responsibility and Racism
_____29. Which of the following terms is an instrument of free choices?
A. Acts B. Will C. Choices D. Freedom

_____30. Which of the following terms is an important tool towards freedom and
A. Critical thinking B. Logical Reasoning C. Transcendence D. Religion
_____31. Who believes that the action reveals the nature of the human agent and
participation explains the essence of the human person.
A. Martin Buber B. Karol Wojtyla C. Jurgen Habermas D. Emmanuel Levinas11
_____32. What is the focused of Martin Bubers‘ concept of ―I-Thou‖relationship?
A. Human person as a subject B. Fellow member C. Being-in-Relation D. Mutuality
_____33. The human person is not just being-in-the-world but being-with-others, or
being-inrelation. One great example of this is:
A. Hatred to your enemy C. Children exploitation
B. Sincerity and concern to others D. Bullying weak persons

_____34. The equality in love is the equality of being, not of having. This simply
means that:
A. In love, I do not surrender my liberty to the other
B. I do not become a slave to the other
C. In love, the two freedoms become one and each becomes mere free
D. All of the above
_____35. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity?
A. Talking with a friend about a tree you both saw.
B. Volunteering to be a leader of a fund-raising project.
C. Writing a song about the COVID 19 pandemic.
D. Singing three songs all by the same composer.
_____36. Which of the following is NOT an example of I thou relationship?
A. A little boy helping an old woman carrying her things.
B. A man who pays money in exchange of sexual gratification.
C. A granddaughter taking care of her grandmother who is physically ill.
D. The Philippine government support person with disabilities.
_____37. No human being should become an end to him/herself. We are responsible
to our neighbor as we are to our own action, these simply means that people used
A. Freedom of choice C. Pleasure pain principle
B. Rational thinkers D. Rational animal

_____38. A person experiencing an event can be called a/an:

A. Subject B. Object C. Inter-subject D. Observer

39-40. The ability to engage in an authentic dialogue is a key skill for maintaining
relationships. This statement is true or false? Why? State your answer.

Prepared by:


IPHP Subject Teacher

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