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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Cabasan National High School
Cabasan, Bacacay, Albay
Worksheet No. 1 Quarter: 4
Name: _________________________ Grade Level/ Section: __________Monitoring Date: ________
After working on this activity sheet, you should be to:
1. Define a normal random variable
2. Identify the normal probability distribution function
3. Illustrate normal random variable and its characteristics

This activity sheet serves a guide to the learners. This is an introduction about the normal
distribution. You’ve learned from the previous Learning Activity Sheet the concept of random variables that
focuses on discrete probability distribution. The probability of a distribution enables to make predictions and
decisions concerning the populations. However, there are data that are continuous. The distribution of this
type is known as the normal probability distribution or the normal curve. Data can be distributed in a variety
of ways. It can spread more on the left or more on the right or even jumbled up. But there are many cases
where the data tends to be around a central value with no bias left or right, and it gets close to a "Normal
Distribution". Look at the model shown below.

The given distribution consists of a large number of cases and the three measures of averages (mean,
median, and mode) are equal and the distribution is symmetrical and the skewness is 0. In Statistics, such
distribution is called normal distribution or simply normal curve.The normal distribution is the most
important and most widely used distribution in statistics. It is the most common type of data distribution
and is also known as bell curve. Most observations are centered around the mean and fewer data observation
beyond either side of the mean.

Properties of the Normal Probability Distribution

The normal probability distribution has the following properties
1. The distribution curve is bell-shaped.
2. The curve is symmetrical about its center. The mean, the median, and the
mode are equal and coincide at the center.
3. The width of the curve is determined by the standard deviation
of the distribution.
4. The tails of the curve flatten out indefinitely along the horizontal
axis, always approaching the axis but never touching it. That is, the
curve is asymptotic to the base line.
5. The area under the curve is 1. Exactly half of the values are to the
left of the center and exactly half the values are to the right.
6. Empirial rule, it has a distribution with
68% of observation in the population lie
within 𝜇 ± 𝜎, 95% of observations in the
population lie within 𝜇 ± 2𝜎 and 99.7% of
observations in the population lie within 𝜇 ±

The Normal Random Variable

The equation that describes normal curve is:

µ = constant, ,−∞ < 𝜇 < +∞ (mean of X)
𝜎 = constant,
𝜎 > 0 (standard deviation of X)
𝜋 = 3.1416
ℯ = 2.7183

The Standard Normal Distribution

A normal distribution is determined by the mean 𝜇 and standard deviation 𝜎. If the mean µ = 0 and a
standard deviation σ = 1, the normal distribution is called a standard normal distribution. By substituting the
mean, µ = 0 and the standard deviation, σ = 1 in the formula mathematicians are able to find the areas under
the normal curve. The areas under the normal curve can be found using the Areas under the Standard
Normal Distribution Table. These areas have already been predetermined for use.

The middle regions under the normal curve are shown above. The total area between z = −1 and z =1 is
2(0.3413)=0.6826 or 68.26%; between 𝑧 = −2 and 𝑧 = 2, the total area is 0.9544 or 95.44%; and the total
area between 𝑧 = −3 and 𝑧 = 3 is 0.9974 or 99.74%. This means that we can determine the area in any
specified region under the normal curve and associate it with probability, proportion and percentage.

Using a Standard Normal Distribution Table

The table of areas under the normal curve is also known as the z-Table. The z-score is a measure of relative
standing. It is calculated by subtracting 𝑥 or 𝜇 from the measurement of 𝑥 and then dividing the result by 𝑠
or σ. The final result, the z-score, represents the distance between a given measurement 𝑥 and the mean,
expressed in standard deviations. Either z-score locates 𝑥 within a sample within a population.
Example 1:
Eleana conducted a survey and gathered data regarding daily travel time in minutes. After assuming the data
is normally distributed, she found out that the daily travel time has a mean of 32.28 minutes with a standard
deviation of 10.68 minutes.
µ = mean daily travel time in minutes standard deviation of daily time travel in minutes 𝜎 = standard
deviation of daily time travel in minutes
X = daily time travel in minutes
The data is assumed to be normally distributed, hence, it has a symmestric property. Since mean µ = 32.28,
therefore the mode = median = 32. 28

Example 2:
Teacher Jared conducted a 100-item pre-test to his 30 students. He then marks the tests and gathered the
scores of his students. Assuming that the population is normally distributed, 95% of the students got a score
between 70 point and 89 points.
A is a normal continuous random variable which is equal to the exam scores. The variable A may take on
any value within the range of (70,89). Some may have exam scores that is exactly 70 or 89 or even other
integer value within that range. However, some may have scores that have a decimal value that is still within
the said range. There are infinitely many possible values of A that’s within the set range.
Computing for the mean:
The mean is halfway between 70 and 89

Therefore, the mean exam scores of the students are equal to 79.5
Computing for the standard deviation:
95% is 2 standard deviation (2𝜎) either side of mean, meaning a total of 4 standard deviation.

Therefore, the standard deviation of exams of the students is equal to 4.75.

Example 3:
The length (in days) of a randomly chosen human pregnancy is a normal random variable with 𝜇 = 266,𝜎=
16. So, X = length of pregnancy in days. What is the probability that a randomly chosen pregnancy will last
less than 246 days?
We want 𝑃(𝑋 < 246). To find this probability, we first convert 𝑋= 246 to a Z-score.

Thus, the probability that a randomly chosen pregnancy lasts less than 246 days is 0.1056. In other words,
there is an 11% chance that a randomly selected pregnancy will last less than 246 days.

Many things closely follow a normal distribution. Give five examples of real-life data which follow this type
of pattern. Example: heights of people
1. _____________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________

Encircle the correct answer.
1. Children’s height are normal with 𝜇 = 36 inches and 𝜎 = 2 inches. So a child 39.5 inches tall has a
standardized height of ____.
A. 1.75 B. 18 C. 1.10 D. none of the choices
2. In February 2021, 1,664,479 persons took the COVID vaccine in Asia. The distribution of Pfizer vaccine
had a 𝜇 = 496 and a 𝜎 = 144. Find 𝑍 if X = 366.
A. 1.14 B. 4.35 C. 2.54 D. none of the choices
3. Now that there is a pandemic, some doctors believe that a person can be healthy if he or she can lose five
pounds, on the average, in a month by reducing his or her fat intake and by exercising regularly. Suppose a
person lost ten pounds in a month. Use a 𝜎 = 2. What is 𝑍?
A. 2.5 B. -2.5 C. 5 D. none of the choice

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or phrase to make a meaningful statement.
1. The distribution curve is a ________________ probability distribution.
2. The area under the curve is ________________.
3. The width of the curve is determined by the ________________ of the distribution.
4. The curve is ________________ to the base line.
5. The curve is ________________ about its center.
6. The mean, median, and mode of the normal curve are ________________.
7.The standard normal curve is a normal probability distribution that has a mean of _______________ and
standard deviation of _________________.

Pastor, Maria Euleen Z. (2020). Practical Research 1 – Grade 11. Self-Learning
Module (SLM) Quarter 2, Module 1: Identifying the inquiry and stating the
problem. Department of Education – BLR.


Name and Signature of Subject Teacher SHS Coordinator Principal I

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