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Effect of Temperature on Post-Wintering Development and Total

Lipid Content of Alfalfa Leafcutting Bees

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Environ. Entomol. 40(4): 917Ð930 (2011); DOI: 10.1603/EN10320
ABSTRACT Temperature plays an important role in effective management of the alfalfa leafcutting
bee [Megachile rotundata (F.); Megachilidae], the major commercial pollinator of seed alfalfa [Medi-
cago sativa (L.); Fabaceae] in North America. To improve our understanding of threshold and
optimum rearing temperatures of M. rotundata, we examined the effect of temperature on postwin-
tering development by using a greater number of temperature treatments than applied in previous
studies (19 versus eight or fewer) and analytical tools formulated to model nonlinear relationships
between temperature and insect development rates. We also tested the hypothesis that rearing
temperature inßuences adult body lipid content at emergence, which could affect adult survival,
establishment and performance as a pollinator, and reproductive success. We found that the Lactin-2
and Briere-2 models provided the best Þts to data and gave reasonable estimates of lower (16 Ð18⬚C)
and upper (36 Ð39⬚C) developmental thresholds and optimum (33Ð34⬚C) rearing temperatures for
maximizing development rate. Bees successfully emerged over a broad range of temperatures (22Ð
35⬚C), but variation in development rate among individuals reared at the same temperature was lowest
at 31Ð33⬚C. The optimum rearing temperature to maximize the proportion of body lipids in adults was
27Ð29⬚C. Our results are discussed in relation to previous Þndings and speak to the difÞculties in
designing practical rearing guidelines that simultaneously maximize development rate, survival, and
adult condition, while synchronizing adult emergence with alfalfa bloom.

KEY WORDS pollinators, alfalfa leafcutting bee, Megachile rotundata, thermal biology, lipids

The alfalfa leafcutting bee (Megachile rotundata F.; fall. Cells of diapausing bees that provide pollinators
Megachilidae), a solitary cavity-nesting species, is the for the next growing season, may be left by producers
major commercial pollinator of alfalfa (Medicago sa- within the artiÞcial nesting materials or removed and
tiva L.) grown for seed production in western North stored as “loose cells”. After overwintering, bees are
America (Pitts-Singer 2008). Within nests, females then reared to the adult stage and released back into
construct a linear series of cells, each lined and capped Þelds (Delaplane and Mayer 2000, Pitts-Singer 2008,
with leaf pieces cut from nearby vegetation and pro- Pitts-Singer and Cane 2011).
visioned with a mass of pollen and nectar. In managed Effective management of M. rotundata includes
populations, females are provided with large, high- rearing procedures that attempt to maximize survival
density arrays of nest tunnels within “bee shelters”. of the immature stages while timing development so
Producers that maintain large populations of bees that adults emerge in synchrony with crop bloom.
across growing seasons can forego the need to pur- Thus, because of its potential importance to both the
chase bees from commercial suppliers each year, and survival and development rate of bees, researchers
may even be able to sell bees to other growers. have studied effects of temperature on all stages of M.
In western North America, the life cycle of M. ro- rotundataÕs life cycle, looking at both short- and long-
tundata starts in late June to early July when females term exposure to alternative temperature regimes.
begin laying eggs on pollen-nectar masses within leaf Different studies have addressed the relationship of
cells. After completing Þve larval stages, the bees ei- long-term rearing temperatures to development and
ther emerge several weeks later as second generation survival before (WhitÞeld and Richards 1985, Te-
adults (nondiapausing bees) or enter diapause in the pedino and Parker 1986, (Richards et al. 1987), Kemp
prepupal stage within their leaf cells sometime in the and Bosch 2001, Pitts-Singer and James 2009); during;
and after (Stephen and Osgood 1965, Rank and Go-
1 Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, erzen 1982, Richards and WhitÞeld 1988, Kemp and
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. Bosch 2000) overwintering. Others have examined the
2 Corresponding author, e-mail:
3 Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, Montana State
effects of short-term exposure to high (Undurraga and
University, Bozeman, MT 59717.
Stephen 1980a, Barthell et al. 2002) and low temper-
4 USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Red River Valley Agricultural atures (Undurraga and Stephen 1980b); or to condi-
Research Center, 1605 Albrecht Blvd. North, Fargo, ND 58102-2765. tions that affect survival of immature stages during the

0046-225X/11/0917Ð0930$04.00/0 䉷 2011 Entomological Society of America


summer within Þelds (Peterson et al. 1994, Richards upper threshold temperatures for development, 2) the
1996, Pitts-Singer and James 2008). The role of tem- rate of development at different rearing temperatures,
perature in mediating speciÞc factors that affect bee 3) the range of temperatures associated with the high-
mortality and production have been studied for chalk- est proportion of successfully emerging adults, and 4)
brood fungus (Ascosphaera aggregata Skou) (Vanden- the temperature that produces adult bees with the
berg and Goettel 1995, James 2005); parasitoid wasps highest proportion of body lipids at emergence.
(Pteromalus venustus Walker) (WhitÞeld and Rich-
ards 1985); and “pollen ball” (Pitts-Singer and James
Materials and Methods
2008). Because researchers can work with large pop-
ulations, M. rotundata also provides a convenient Sources of Bees. Bees used in the experiments were

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model organism for studies of the thermal biology of obtained from three sources. In 2007, we used bees
solitary bees. reared in polystyrene laminate bee boards (Beaver
The goals of research on the effects of temperature Plastics, Ltd., Acheson, Alberta, Canada) within bee
on bees being reared from the overwintering prepupal shelters we had placed on an alfalfa (Medicago sativa
phase to the adult stage in late spring for release into L.) seed farm 3 km south of Rockvale, MT in summer
Þelds have included determining: 1) the lower and 2006. The next 2 yr, we obtained bee cells after they
upper threshold temperatures between which devel- had been removed from boards by cooperating pro-
opment occurs, 2) the range of rearing temperatures ducers, in 2008 from a seed alfalfa farm near Laurel,
in which survival of immature and postemergent MT and in 2009 from JWM Leafcutters, Nampa, ID.
adults is maximized, 3) the temperatures at which the Each year, bee cells were placed in winter storage in
rate of development is maximized and the emergence an incubator set at 8⬚C, 80% RH at the end of October.
of the sexes is most synchronized, and 4) the effect of Rearing Bees on Thermal Gradient. In June each
rearing temperature on subsequent success of adults year (2007Ð2009), we placed prepupae (still in cells
(Stephen and Osgood 1965, Rank and Goerzen 1982, made of their cocoons and the leaf pieces that sur-
Richards and WhitÞeld 1988, Kemp and Bosch 2000). rounded them) into gelatin capsules for rearing on a
Despite progress already made, however, there is po- laboratory thermal gradient consisting of four parallel
tential for reÞning our knowledge of threshold and 15- by 100- by 0.8-cm-thick aluminum bars, the ends of
optimum rearing temperatures, and the effects of tem- which rested upon two 2.5-cm-wide, hollow aluminum
perature on adult condition. One important question rods (square cross-section) oriented perpendicular to
is whether one can simultaneously maximize devel- the long axis of the bars. Water from a hot water bath
opment rate, survival, and adult condition, without was pumped in a loop through the two rods beneath
being forced to choose which outcomes are most im- one end of the bars, while another pumped a water and
portant and which have to be compromised. propylene glycol mixture from a cold bath through the
Our overall goal was to further explore the effect of rods at the other end. Temperature (Tbar) was mea-
temperature on postwintering development under ex- sured every 10 cm along each bar with thermocouples
perimental conditions in which we could impose a imbedded from below into the center of the bar. To
greater number of temperature treatments than in help stabilize temperature, each bar was enclosed
previous studies. By rearing bees on a laboratory ther- within a 2.5-cm high clear Plexiglas cover (Altuglas
mal gradient, we were able to use 19 different tem- International, Philadelphia, PA), except when
peratures, which exceeds the maximum number of emerged bees were being removed; the covers Þt
treatments (eight; Richards and WhitÞeld 1988) in loosely over the bar to allow air exchange. Before the
previous studies of postwintering of M. rotundata. The Þrst emergence of adult bees and during nights there-
greater number of treatments allowed us to more after, the entire apparatus sat within an opaque en-
carefully deÞne nonlinear relationships between rear- closure. Tbar ranged from 14 to 41⬚C, though there was
ing temperature and the biological parameters of in- some variation between years. In linear regressions of
terest. We also used development-rate models (Lactin the Tbar on the linear position along the bar, r2 values
et al. 1995, Briere et al. 1999) that have not been ranged from 0.96 to 0.99.
applied previously to this species, but which have At the beginning of each experiment in mid-June of
been effective when used for other insects (Kontodi- each year, bee cells were removed from winter stor-
mas et al. 2004). The nonlinear relationship between age. Within 2 h, we placed 760 cells within no. 00
temperature and the developmental rate of M. rotun- gelatin capsules that had been punctured twice on
data was recognized previously (Stephen and Osgood each end with a pin to provide ventilation. Before
1965, Richards and WhitÞeld 1988), but not modeled being placed into the capsules, cells were examined to
quantitatively for postwintering development. A sec- help assure that they had been capped by the provi-
ond novel aspect of our study is that we used the sioning females and were intact; cells in which a bee
method described by Strohm (2000) to test the hy- does not develop to the overwintering stage tend to be
pothesis that rearing temperature inßuences the total fragile because of the lack of cocoon silk that strength-
amount of body lipids carried by adults upon emer- ens the cell. At each 5-cm interval along the length of
gence; we assume that lipids (which are primarily a bar (from the 5-cm to the 95-cm positions), 10 cells
from fat bodies) affect posteclosion survival and re- were placed in a row across the bar; each of the four
productive success. Our speciÞc objectives were, bars thus had 19 rows of cells experiencing 19 tem-
therefore, to estimate for each sex: 1) the lower and perature treatments. Gelatin capsules were anchored

to the bars with double-sided cellophane tape, so that which developmental rate is the highest). The models
the center of each cell sat exactly on a line marking a were assessed using TableCurve 2D, version 4.06
5-cm interval. Bees were present on the gradient from (SPSS Inc. 1996) and six different data sets, one from
14 June to 5 October 2007 (113 d), 5 June to 11 each year for the two sexes.
September 2008 (101 d), and 12 June to 21 September The quadratic model is of the form 1/D ⫽ a ⫹ bTrt ⫹
in 2009 (98 d). The gradient was monitored multiple cTrt2, where a, b, and c are Þtted coefÞcients and the
times each day until such time as 1 wk passed without roots of the quadratic equation provide estimates of
adult emergence; when adult bees emerged, they Tmin and Tmax. The Lactin-2 model takes the form:
were placed in a freezer (⬇⫺22⬚C) within their gel-
atin capsules. 1/D ⫽ e␳Trt Ð e关␳Tm Ð (␳Tm Ð Trt)/⌬] ⫹ ␭

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To determine actual rearing temperature (Trt) ex-
where ␳, Tm, ⌬, and ␭ are Þtted coefÞcients; Tmin and
perienced by developing bees, we conducted mea-
Tmax are determined from the two x-intercepts. The
surements on a set of capsules, each containing a dried
Briere-2 model, which provides direct estimates of
bee cell (including its leaf-capsule) into which a 0.3-
Tmin and Tmax as well as standard errors for both
mm-diameter hypodermic thermocouple probe
variables, is of the form:
(Omega Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT) had been
inserted with its tip within the center of the bee cell; 1/D ⫽ aTrt(Trt - Tmin)(Tmax - Trt)1/m
dried bee cells were used to prevent evaporative water
loss from affecting temperature measurements when where a, Tmin, Tmax, and m are Þtted coefÞcients. Both
the cell was punctured by the thermocouple probe. the Lactin-2 and Briere-2 models are appropriate for
The bee cells were moved to different positions on the data sets in which 1/D declines relatively sharply after
gradient (with the Plexiglas lid in place) where tem- Trt exceeds Topt, as was the case for some of our data
perature (Tcell) was allowed to stabilize before re- sets. A model was considered superior to the other
cording. Two measurements (using different leaf cap- nonlinear models if it produced a higher r2 and lower
sules) were undertaken at each 10-cm interval on all residual sum of squares (RSS) than alternative models
four bars. By regressing capsule temperature Tcell on (Kontodimas et al. 2004).
Tbar, we created an equation for converting bar tem- Several earlier studies of postwintering develop-
perature to the temperature experienced by develop- ment in M. rotundata either provide linear models of
ing bees (r2 ⫽ 0.995, N ⫽ 72): the relationship of 1/D to Trt (Richards and WhitÞeld
1988) or present data over ranges of Trt in which a
T rt ⫽ 2.7045 ⫹ 0.8818 ⫻ T bar
linear relationship can be examined (Rank and Go-
Development Rates and Developmental Threshold erzen 1982, Kemp and Bosch 2000). Therefore, we also
Temperature. The relationship between days to emer- constructed linear models (for each year ⫻ sex com-
gence (D) and Trt for each sex and each of the 3 yr was bination) across the range of rearing temperatures
characterized with a quadratic regression by using (Trt ⱕ 32⬚C) when the relationship of 1/D to Trt was
SigmaStat (San Jose, CA). To examine whether vari- clearly linear. This approach follows that of Richards
ation in the rate of development (1/D) changed with and WhitÞeld (1988) who examined developmental
Trt, we calculated the coefÞcient of variation (⫽[stan- rate across a Trt range of 20 Ð32⬚C. For comparison to
dard deviation/mean] ⫻ 100; Zar 1999) of 1/D after the results of Rank and Goerzen (1982) and Kemp and
combining data into 3⬚C intervals (over the Trt range Bosch (2000), we conducted our own analyses of their
from 22 to 36⬚C). published mean development times at different tem-
By examining the relationship of 1/D to Trt, one can peratures. The linear regression model was of the form
determine the lower developmental threshold (Tmin), 1/D ⫽ aTrt ⫹ b, where a ⫽ the slope and b ⫽ the
the temperature above which development proceeds. y-intercept. Linear models cannot determine Tmax and
In linear models, Tmin is estimated as the x-intercept Topt, but can estimate degree-days (dd) for develop-
value when 1/D ⫽ 0. In some nonlinear models, Tmin ment from the period of removal of the bees from
is the lower intercept value when the regression line winter storage to adult emergence (i.e., as the recip-
intercepts the x-axis twice. Nonlinear models may also rocal of the slope of the regression line; Richards and
estimate Tmax, the temperature (i.e., the upper x-in- WhitÞeld 1988).
tercept value) above which the “rate of development Adult Emergence Success and Sex Ratio. Each year,
is zero or life cannot be maintained for a prolonged we immediately froze all intact cells (from which no
period” (Kontodimas et al. 2004). Based on visual adults emerged) after 1 wk had passed without any
examination of our data, previous studies of develop- adults emerging; the latter occurred from mid-Sep-
ment rate in M. rotundata (Stephen and Osgood 1965, tember to early October. We later dissected each cell
Richards and WhitÞeld 1988), and studies comparing to determine the stage to which the bee had devel-
the value of alternative temperature-development oped at the time at which it was removed from the
models (Lactin et al. 1995, Briere et al. 1999, Kontodi- gradient; stage was recorded as prepupa, pupa, or
mas et al. 2004), we examined the nonlinear relation- unemerged adult male or female. We also recorded
ship of 1/D to Trt by using three models: quadratic whether the cell contained evidence of chalkbrood
model, the Lactin-2 model (Lactin et al. 1995), and the disease or parasitoids, or whether it could be catego-
Briere-2 (Briere et al. 1999), all of which estimate Tmin, rized as having a condition referred to as “pollen ball”.
Tmax, and Topt (i.e., the temperature optimum ⫽ Trt at Pollen ball occurs when a cell contains a mass of pollen

and nectar, but either no egg or an egg that never for each bee was considered to be the amount of fat
hatched (Pitts-Singer 2008). extracted; we then calculated the proportion of dry
During the 3 yr, adult bees emerged from 10 to 12 mass comprised of body fat (Pf). Each year, all bees of
of the 19 bands of cells (temperature treatments) on both sexes were subjected to the drying, weighing, and
the gradient bars. For each temperature band (N ⫽ 4), fat extraction protocol at the same time.
we determined: 1) the mean Tbar while cells were Emergence Success and Lipid Content in Response
present on the gradient, based on weekly measure- to Short-term Exposure to 38ⴗC. Because no adults
ments taken each year; 2) the mean proportion of cells emerged from cells in which Trt exceeded 36⬚C, we
that contained prepupae, pupae, and unemerged conducted another experiment in which sets of de-
adults at the end of observations; 3) the mean pro- veloping bees were subjected to a temperature of 38⬚C

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portion of cells that produced adult bees that emerged for durations of 0.5Ð 48 h. The experiment was con-
from their leaf cells; and 4) the proportion of females ducted at four different times after removal of cells
among emerged adults. All nonviable cells were ex- from overwintering storage in June 2009. The four
cluded from analyses, so that the total number of cells times (age treatments) were designed to correspond
associated with a temperature band ranged from 29 to to different stages in the postwintering development
40, though only three of 57 sets had fewer than 35 of bees: 2 d and 7 d (prepupae); 13 d (early pupae,
viable cells; all means are presented with associated when most have white body color, but dark eyes); and
standard errors. To test the hypothesis that the de- 17 d (late pupae, when most have dark body and eye
velopmental stage reached by bees was temperature- color) (International Pollination Systems 2011). At
dependent, we compared the proportion of bees in a the beginning of the experiment, we prepared 32 sets
given stage across temperatures by using KruskalÐ of 50 bee cells each within ventilated gelatin capsules
Wallis tests. To test the hypothesis that mortality was (as described above); each set was placed in a clear
sex-biased, we regressed the arcsine-square root trans- plastic 500-ml cup. These sets were randomly divided
formed proportion of females (combined across bars into four sets of eight cups to be used at the four
for each band of cells on the gradient) on the mean designated ages. To start incubation, all 32 sets were
temperature for that band across the four bars. placed in an incubator set at a constant 29⬚C. At 0800
One potential limitation of our study is that we did hours, 2 d after incubation began, seven sets were
not know the cell contents when they were placed on moved to an incubator set at 38⬚C (range: 37Ð 40⬚C).
the gradient. All cells were stored at room tempera- An open pan of water in each incubator maintained
ture (⬇25Ð26⬚C) between removal from the Þeld and relative humidity at ⬇25%. After being placed at the
winter storage several months later, so any healthy higher temperature, one set of cells was removed and
nondiapausing bees should have completed develop- returned to 29⬚C after each of the following times:
ment and emerged before wintering took place. Some 0.5 h, 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 24 h, and 48 h (exposure-duration
nondiapausing bees might have died during develop- treatments); the one set that remained in the 29⬚C
ment in the fall, and have been misdiagnosed as dying incubator during the entire experiment acted as the
during postwintering development because cells were control for each age treatment. The cells were then
not opened for inspection until after the latter period. monitored for adult emergence and the total number
However, because cells were randomly assigned to of emerged adults was recorded daily; all bees emerg-
positions on the bars, this would be unrelated to the ing were immediately frozen for later analysis of body
temperature treatments received. The development fat mass (of females only) by using the same methods
patterns we observed across temperatures suggest that described above. The same protocol was followed for
few nondiapausing bees remained in the cells we in- each of the four age treatments.
cubated. Each year, of the 19 sets of cells on each bar, To test the hypothesis that mortality varied with
5Ð 6 sets produced no adults (eclosed or uneclosed). exposure-duration treatment in each age treatment,
Temperature, Adult Body Size, and Lipid Content. the frequency distributions of the total number of bees
For each adult bee that emerged (2007 and 2008 stud- emerged across the eight exposure times were ana-
ies only), we determined its head width to the nearest lyzed with ␹2 goodness-of-Þt tests, with the null hy-
0.04 mm with a microscope equipped with an ocular pothesis being equal emergence across exposure-du-
micrometer. Each bee was placed in a numbered glass rations. To test the hypothesis that mortality varied
vial that was then put into a 55⬚C drying oven for 5 d, with age treatment within each exposure-duration
at which time their dry mass had stabilized. The dry treatment, the frequency distributions of the total
mass of each bee was then determined to the nearest number of bees emerged across the four ages were
0.01 mg on a Sartorius TE64 balance. Following the analyzed with ␹2 goodness-of-Þt tests, with the null
method given by Strohm (2000) to extract body fat hypothesis being equal emergence across ages. Within
from dry insects, we immediately added 5 ml (2007) each age treatment group, we tested the hypothesis
or 10 ml (2008) of petroleum ether (EMD Chemicals that Pf of females after emergence varied among ex-
Inc, Gibbstown, NJ) to each vial and capped the vial. posure-duration treatments by using linear regression,
After six days, the petroleum ether extract was de- regressing the arcsine square-root transformed Pf on
canted and the vial was air dried for 1 h under a duration of exposure to 38⬚C. We also used a Kruskal-
laboratory hood. The vials were then placed back in Wallis test (with DunnÕs test for multiple compari-
the oven for 24 h before a postextraction body mass sons) to determine whether the mean proportion fat
was obtained. The difference between the two masses varied among age treatments.

Table 1. Quadratic regressions of time to emergence (D) on rearing temp (Trt) for M. rotundata; all regressions significant at P < 0.001

Study Sex N Regression of D on Trt F d.f. r2

2007 Female 138 D ⫽ 508.54 ⫺ 31.324Trt ⫹ 0.502Trt2 640.2 2, 135 0.91
Male 288 D ⫽ 376.04 ⫺ 22.393Trt ⫹ 0.349Trt2 3022.9 2, 285 0.96
2008 Female 177 D ⫽ 561.46 ⫺ 33.580Trt ⫹ 0.522Trt2 1364.8 2, 174 0.94
Male 163 D ⫽ 495.68 ⫺ 29.243Trt ⫹ 0.448Trt2 1422.8 2, 160 0.95
2009 Female 136 D ⫽ 581.88 ⫺ 35.463Trt ⫹ 0.562Trt2 1191.5 2, 133 0.95
Male 314 D ⫽ 462.92 ⫺ 27.943Trt ⫹ 0.439Trt2 1774.2 2, 311 0.92

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Development Rates and Developmental Threshold
Temperature. Temperatures within gel caps (Trt)
ranged from 15.1 to 38.4⬚C in 2007, 16.8 Ð39.1⬚C in 2008,
and 18.1Ð39.3⬚C in 2009. Trt differences between ad-
jacent positions on bars averaged 1.2 ⫾ 0.01⬚C in 2007,
1.2 ⫾ 0.0⬚C in 2008, and 1.2 ⫾ 0.0⬚C in 2009. The
relationship of days to adult emergence (D) to Trt
followed a quadratic relationship each year in both
sexes (Table 1; Fig. 1). In four of the 6 yr ⫻ sex
combinations, a small number of bees reared at Trt ⱖ
34⬚C emerged later, as much as 8 wk later, than other
bees reared at the same or slightly lower temperatures.
As a result, the coefÞcient of variation of the rate of
development (1/D) in those four data sets was higher
for bees reared at Trt ⱖ 34⬚C than at any other tem-
perature (Table 2); variation was lowest in the 31Ð
33⬚C range, but became increasingly higher at lower
All four types of regression models of development
rate provide highly signiÞcant Þts to the data for all
year ⫻ sex combinations (Table 3). The linear models,
which were restricted to Trt ⱕ 32⬚C (to mirror similar
analyses in earlier studies), provide estimates of Tmin
from 16.6 to 18.1⬚C for females and 16.3Ð19.3⬚C for
males. The linear model estimates for degree-day ac-
cumulation required to complete postwintering de-
velopment ranged from 309 to 326 dd for females and
264 Ð282 for males.
Most of the six data sets were clearly nonlinear upon
visual inspection (Fig. 2). The quadratic models cap-
tured some essence of the fact that some bees reared
at Trt ⱖ 34⬚C had unusually long developmental pe-
riods. The quadratic models predicted Tmin values of
18.5Ð20.0⬚C, Topt values of 33.5Ð36.3⬚C, and Tmax val-
ues 46.9 Ð 66.2⬚C. The Lactin-2 and Briere-2 models
provided superior results compared with the qua-
dratic models, always having higher r2 and lower RSS
values. They matched each other most closely in pre-
dictions of Topt (mean absolute difference ⫽ 0.2 ⫾
0.1⬚C, N ⫽ 6), but the Briere-2 models gave consis-
tently lower values for both Tmin (1.0 ⫾ 0.2⬚C) and
Tmax (1.5 ⫾ 0.2⬚C). The Briere-2 models had higher r2
and lower RSS values than the Lactin-2 models in four
of six comparisons. Comparing the unweighted mean
values of the nonlinear models, the Lactin-2 and Bri-
ere-2 models gave Tmin estimates lower than the qua-
dratic models (Table 4). Mean Topt estimates were all Fig. 1. Relationship of days to adult emergence to rearing
within 1.5⬚C of one another, but the quadratic models temperature for M. rotundata after removal from winter stor-
gave estimates of Tmax 13Ð23⬚C higher than Lactin-2 age. Females: closed circles, upper regression line; males:
and Briere-2 models. open squares.

Table 2. Relationship of rearing temp to the coefficient of the gradient (Fig. 3). Adults emerged from cells over
variation in development rate for M. rotundata Trt ranges of 20 Ð35⬚C in 2007, 21Ð36⬚C in 2008, and
CoefÞcient of variation of
20 Ð36⬚C in 2009. In 2007, the proportion of cells from
Rearing development rate (1/D) which adults emerged peaked at ⬎90% across a broad
temp (⬚C) Females Males range of Trt, from 23 to 34⬚C. A similar broad plateau
2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009 of high emergence success was observed in 2008
(Trt ⫽ 22Ð35⬚C) and 2009 (22Ð32⬚C), although overall
22Ð24 16.8 17.3 19.1 14.7 21.5 18.8
25Ð27 15.2 11.1 14.5 10.3 15.6 13.6 emergence success was lower in 2008. After all cells
28Ð30 10.7 9.7 11.7 8.1 12.8 9.7 were removed from the gradient and dissected, most
31Ð33 6.8 8.2 7.9 5.5 8.3 7.6 that had been at Trt ⱖ 36 Ð37⬚C contained dead, brown,

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34Ð35 25.9 20.5 21.1 4.9 7.1 21.6
desiccated prepupae. The majority of those cells at
Trt ⱕ 18⬚C also contained prepupae, but most of those
Protandry occurred at all temperatures, though it were white, turgid, and apparently still alive. At Trt of
seems to be greatest at extreme temperatures (Fig. 1). 18 Ð19⬚C each year, ⬇40 Ð90% of the cells still con-
Based on the values of 1/D at Topt in the Briere-2 tained pupae by the end of rearing, apparently alive,
models, the number of days until emergence at Topt for but stalled in that stage. In 2009, a small number of cells
females was 20 in 2007 and 22 in both 2008 and 2009. containing pupae also was observed at Trt ⫽ 37⬚C.
For males, the values were 17 in 2007, 19 in 2008, and Finally, a substantial number of intact leaf cells con-
18 in 2009. tained apparently fully-developed, but unemerged,
Adult Emergence Success and Sex Ratio. Because of adults that may have died in the cells before being
its effect on development rate, rearing temperature frozen. The frequency of these cells peaked at Trt ⫽
affected the stage to which bees developed while on 19 Ð21⬚C, with smaller peaks at Trt ⫽ 36 Ð38⬚C in 2007

Table 3. Coefficients and parameters for four models of developmental rate (1/D) as a function of rearing temp (Trt) for M. rotundata;
all regressions significant at P < 0.001. Top row represents linear regression analysis by using data for Trt < 33°C to match similar analysis
by Richards and Whitfield (1988). Sample sizes for quadratic, Lactin-2, and Briere-2 analyses same as in Table 1

Females Males
2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009
Linear (Trt ⱕ 32⬚C)
N 127 145 114 254 144 274
a 0.00322 ⫾ 0.0001 0.00324 ⫾ 0.0001 0.00307 ⫾ 0.0001 0.00357 ⫾ 0.0000 0.00379 ⫾ 0.0001 0.00355 ⫾ 0.0000
b ⫺0.0533 ⫾ 0.0020 ⫺0.0588 ⫾ 0.0016 -0.0532 ⫾ 0.0020 ⫺0.0583 ⫾ 0.0012 ⫺0.0703 ⫾ 0.0021 ⫺0.0613 ⫾ 0.0013
Tmin 16.6 18.1 17.3 16.3 19.3 17.3
deg-days 311 309 326 280 264 282
F 2,018.3 3,278.3 1,747.5 7,025.3 2,477.0 6,628.8
r2 0.942 0.958 0.940 0.965 0.946 0.958
RSS 0.00110 0.000840 0.000942 0.00168 0.00136 0.00197
a ⫺0.1669 ⫾ 0.0183 ⫺0.1907 ⫾ 0.0178 ⫺0.2080 ⫾ 0.0182 ⫺0.1572 ⫾ 0.0073 ⫺0.1486 ⫾ 0.0150 ⫺0.1761 ⫾ 0.0122
b 0.0119 ⫾ 0.0013 0.0133 ⫾ 0.0013 0.0149 ⫾ 0.0013 0.0111 ⫾ 0.0005 0.0098 ⫾ 0.0011 0.0125 ⫾ 0.0009
c ⫺0.0002 ⫾ 0.0000 ⫺0.0002 ⫾ 0.0000 ⫺0.0002 ⫾ 0.0000 ⫺0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000 ⫺0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000 ⫺0.0002 ⫾ 0.0000
Tmin 18.9 20.0 19.9 18.5 19.7 19.0
Tmax 53.8 50.7 46.9 59.6 66.2 54.6
Topt 35.6 35.3 33.5 34.1 36.3 36.2
F 419.0 493.0 342.2 3,728.3 1,058.1 1,034.1
r2 0.861 0.850 0.837 0.963 0.930 0.870
RSS 0.002993 0.003960 0.002994 0.002150 0.002161 0.007971
␳ 0.0032 ⫾ 0.0001 0.0032 ⫾ 0.0002 0.0031 ⫾ 0.0001 0.0037 ⫾ 0.0001 0.0036 ⫾ 0.0001 0.0030 ⫾ 0.0001
Tm 40.9702 ⫾ 0.9525 43.0583 ⫾ 1.1222 41.9131 ⫾ 0.6307 45.5023 ⫾ 0.9990 42.6699 ⫾ 1.2615 41.0933 ⫾ 1.3423
⌬ 1.4411 ⫾ 0.2551 1.8580 ⫾ 0.3085 1.6857 ⫾ 0.1844 2.4805 ⫾ 0.2682 1.6628 ⫾ 0.3106 1.1657 ⫾ 0.3036
␭ ⫺1.0567 ⫾ 0.0037 ⫺1.0614 ⫾ 0.0041 ⫺1.0580 ⫾ 0.0032 ⫺1.0658 ⫾ 0.0022 ⫺1.0693 ⫾ 0.0031 ⫺1.0523 ⫾ 0.0024
Tmin 17.1 18.5 18.0 17.1 18.7 18.0
Tmax 37.0 39.1 37.1 39.1 38.2 37.8
Topt 33.2 33.5 33.0 33.8 34.1 34.5
F 416.3 467.0 542.5 3751.1 997.7 786.9
r2 0.904 0.890 0.925 0.975 0.949 0.884
RSS 0.002091 0.002902 0.001380 0.001440 0.001581 0.007179
a 0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000 0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000 0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000 0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000 0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000 0.0001 ⫾ 0.0000
m 5.0192 ⫾ 0.7429 3.4385 ⫾ 0.4558 3.1710 ⫾ 0.2686 3.1827 ⫾ 0.3415 4.3334 ⫾ 0.6673 5.4612 ⫾ 0.3098
Tmin 15.8 ⫾ 0.7 18.0 ⫾ 0.5 17.7 ⫾ 0.4 16.2 ⫾ 0.3 17.9 ⫾ 0.3 16.0 ⫾ 0.3
Tmax 35.7 ⫾ 0.1 36.7 ⫾ 0.2 36.6 ⫾ 0.1 37.5 ⫾ 0.4 36.8 ⫾ 0.5 36.2 ⫾ 0.01
Topt 33.4 33.6 33.0 33.8 34.3 34.0
F 429.4 464.9 524.4 3823.7 993.1 1308.0
r2 0.906 0.890 0.923 0.976 0.949 0.927
RSS 0.002033 0.002913 0.001424 0.001411 0.001557 0.004465

Downloaded from by University of Torino user on 20 November 2020

Fig. 2. Relationship of the rate of postwintering development to rearing temperature for M. rotundata. Dashed line:
Lactin-2 model; solid line: Briere-2 model.

and 2008. The proportion of females among emerged proportion of body fat in males exceeded that in females
adults was unrelated to Trt in 2007 (linear regression, in both years (Table 5). Variation in Trt explained 13Ð
F1, 11 ⫽ 0.006, r2 ⫽ 0.02, P ⫽ 0.94); 2008 (F1, 10 ⫽ 0.051, 27% of variation in the proportion body fat in newly-
r2 ⫽ 0.07, P ⫽ 0.83); and 2009 (F1, 11 ⫽ 3.17, r2 ⫽ 0.21, emerged adults (Table 7; Fig. 4). Based on these models,
P ⫽ 0.10). the optimum Trt with regards to maximization of pro-
Temperature, Adult Body Size, and Lipid Content. portion body fat, ranges from ⬇27Ð29⬚C.
Females were signiÞcantly larger than males in both Emergence Success and Lipid Content in Response
head width and dry mass (Table 5), but head width did to Short-term Exposure to 38ⴗC. When developing
not vary with Trt by using either linear or quadratic bees were moved from the 29⬚C incubator and ex-
regression models (Table 6). In linear models, total posed to 38⬚C in another incubator for durations of
dry mass (before fat extraction) varied inversely with time from 0 to 48 h, we observed no signiÞcant dif-
Trt in three of the four data sets, but variation in Trt ferences in the number of bees emerging either: 1)
explained ⱕ5% of the variation in body mass. Qua- across exposure-duration treatments within age treat-
dratic models fared slightly better, but with r2 values ments or 2) across age treatments within exposure-
of just 0.05Ð 0.08. duration treatments (Table 8). The 342 females that
Females emerged with signiÞcantly more body fat emerged as adults in this experiment (all treatments
than males in 2007, but not in 2008. However, the mean combined) had a mean dry mass of 139.1 ⫾ 0.1 mg, a

Table 4. Unweighted mean (ⴞ SE) values for Tmin, Topt, and Tmax for each of the four model types (from Table 3). Top row represents
linear regression analysis using data for Trt < 32°C to match similar analysis by Richards and Whitfield (1988)

Females Males
Tmin Topt Tmax Tmin Topt Tmax
Linear 17.3 ⫾ 0.4 Ð Ð 17.6 ⫾ 0.9 Ð Ð
Quadratic 19.9 ⫾ 0.4 34.8 ⫾ 0.7 50.5 ⫾ 2.0 19.1 ⫾ 0.3 35.5 ⫾ 0.7 60.1 ⫾ 3.4
Lactin-2 17.9 ⫾ 0.4 33.2 ⫾ 0.1 37.7 ⫾ 0.7 17.9 ⫾ 0.5 34.1 ⫾ 0.2 38.4 ⫾ 0.4
Briere-2 17.2 ⫾ 0.7 33.3 ⫾ 0.2 36.3 ⫾ 0.3 16.7 ⫾ 0.6 34.0 ⫾ 0.1 36.8 ⫾ 0.4

Downloaded from by University of Torino user on 20 November 2020

Fig. 3. Relationship of rearing temperature to the stage reached by developing M. rotundata at time when all adult bees
had either emerged or when leaf cells were dissected at end of experiment and their contents designated either as prepupae,
pupae, or uneclosed adults. Number of days that cells were on gradient is indicated in parentheses after year designation.
The proportion of bees reaching a stage varied signiÞcantly with temperature for each stage each year (KruskalÐWallis tests,
P ⬍ 0.001 for all tests). Sample sizes for each one-degree increment range from 8 to 38 in 2007, 4Ð51 in 2008, and 3Ð38 in 2009.

mean body fat mass of 20.4 ⫾ 0.05 mg, and a mean Yocum et al. 2010). The research also points to the
proportion body fat of 0.143 ⫾ 0.003 (range: 0.030 Ð value of using M. rotundata as an easily-manipulated
0.257). Pf varied across time treatments only in the subject for Þeld and lab studies of the developmental
Þnal age treatment (Table 9); in that group, Pf de- thermal biology of solitary aculeate Hymenoptera.
clined with increasing duration of exposure, but ex- Several previous studies of the effect of constant
posure time explained just 11% of the variation in Pf. rearing temperature on the development of postwin-
tering M. rotundata reported that bees reared at 35 and
37⬚C sometimes emerged much later than those bees
at lower temperatures (Stephen and Osgood 1965,
Research on the effects of temperature on devel- Richards and WhitÞeld 1988); however, those higher
opment of postwintering M. rotundata has been un- temperatures were not included in their calculations
dertaken with the goal of designing practical rearing of Tmin. In addition, the restricted ranges of temper-
guidelines that maximize development rate, survival, ature treatments in some studies and the use of linear
and adult condition, while synchronizing adult female regression models precluded quantitative estimates of
activity with alfalfa bloom (Stephen and Osgood 1965, Topt or Tmax (Kontodimas et al. 2004). Therefore, we
Richards and WhitÞeld 1988, Kemp and Bosch 2000, decided to further explore the effect of temperature

Table 5. Mean head width, dry body mass, body fat mass, and proportion fat mass for female and male M. rotundata at the time of
emergence on thermal gradient; sample sizes same as those in Table 1

Head Body dry mass at Fat Proportion Range in

Year Sex
width (mm) emergence (␮g) mass (␮g) body fat proportion body fat
2007 Female 3.24 ⫾ 0.01a 142.4 ⫾ 2.1a 26.3 ⫾ 0.7b 0.182 ⫾ 0.0003 0.051Ð0.283
male 3.09 ⫾ 0.01 107.0 ⫾ 1.1 22.5 ⫾ 0.4 0.207 ⫾ 0.0003d 0.086Ð0.307
2008 Female 3.10 ⫾ 0.01a 132.2 ⫾ 1.6a 19.6 ⫾ 0.6c 0.145 ⫾ 0.0003 0.017Ð0.233
Male 3.03 ⫾ 0.01 108.8 ⫾ 1.5 19.2 ⫾ 0.6 0.172 ⫾ 0.0004d 0.031Ð0.277

MannÐWhitney test; female value signiÞcantly greater than male value (P ⬍ 0.001).
MannÐWhitney test; female value signiÞcantly greater than male value (P ⬍ 0.05).
MannÐWhitney test; female value not signiÞcantly different from male value (P ⫽ 0.65) .
MannÐWhitney test; male value signiÞcantly greater than female value (P ⬍ 0.001).

Table 6. Regressions of head width and dry body mass of emerged Richards and WhitÞeld (1988) reported that 0.5%
adults on rearing temp; sample sizes same as those in Table 1 prepupae develop to the adult stage at 15⬚C; and the
Size Model
bees were apparently unharmed, because when
Year Sex F d.f. r2 P moved to a 30⬚C incubator after 120 d, the remaining
variable type
prepupae successfully completed development. Kemp
Head width Linear 2007 Female 2.63 1, 136 0.019 0.11
Male 2.91 1, 286 0.010 0.09 and Bosch (2000) observed that ⬇4% of postwintering
2008 Female 1.35 1, 175 0.008 0.25 bees incubated at 18⬚C for 4 mo reached the adult
Male 0.15 1, 161 0.001 0.70 stage. We also saw some development at ⬍19⬚C. In
Quadratic 2007 Female 1.49 2, 135 0.022 0.22
Male 1.71 2, 285 0.012 0.19
2007, for example, no bees reared at 15Ð17⬚C range
2008 Female 1.40 2, 174 0.016 0.24 pupated, but at 18⬚C, 40% pupated and one bee

Downloaded from by University of Torino user on 20 November 2020

Male 1.21 2, 160 0.015 0.27 reached the adult stage, without emerging. In 2008,
Dry mass Linear 2007 Female 7.58 1, 136 0.053a 0.01 one bee reached the pupal stage and one the adult
Male 5.21 1, 286 0.018a 0.02
2008 Female 10.02 1, 175 0.054a 0.002
stage (without emerging) at 17⬚C. Thus, though there
Male 0.96 1, 161 0.006a 0.33 is no doubt that development is either very slow or
Quadratic 2007 Female 5.79 2, 135 0.079b 0.02 stalls below 19⬚C, it is not completely halted in all bees
Male 10.28 2, 285 0.067d 0.001 at Trt from 15 to 18⬚C.
2008 Female 6.63 2, 174 0.071 0.01
Male 4.31 2, 160 0.051c 0.04 Our linear models provided estimates of the degree-
days required for completion of postwintering devel-
Sign of correlation coefÞcient is negative. opment that were similar to those estimates of Rich-
Quadratic model provides a signiÞcantly better Þt to the data than ards and WhitÞeld (1988) and to those estimates
linear model) at P ⬍ 0.05.
Quadratic model provides a signiÞcantly better Þt to the data than
calculated from data in Rank and Goerzen (1982), but
linear model) at P ⬍ 0.001. much lower than those estimates based on data in
Quadratic model provides a signiÞcantly better Þt to the data than Kemp and Bosch (2000) (Table 10). The midpoint
linear model) at P ⬍ 0.01. value (dd ⫽ 295) between the unweighted means for
females (dd ⫽ 315) and males (dd ⫽ 275) is the same
on developmental rate in M. rotundata by using a as the combined-sexes value given by Richards and
greater number of temperature treatments and ana- WhitÞeld (1988).
lytical tools formulated to model nonlinear relation- Various sources give guidelines for prerelease op-
ships of Trt to development rate in other insects (Lac- timal (rate-maximizing) rearing temperatures for M.
tin et al. 1995, Briere et al. 1999). Previous studies rotundata at 29 Ð32⬚C (Stephen and Osgood 1965,
either provide estimates of Tmin for postwintering M. Richards 1984, Baird et al. 1991, Delaplane and Mayer
rotundata, or data that we can use to calculate Tmin 2000, Pitts-Singer 2008) often with the stated goal of
(and sometimes Topt and Tmax) (Table 10). maximizing the rate of development. Stephen and
The earliest attempt to estimate Tmin for M. rotun- Osgood (1965) recommended 32⬚C as the best tem-
data was that of Stephen and Osgood (1965) who perature for rearing, relative to the next closest rearing
stated that “below 19⬚C development does not occur”. temperatures in their experiments (29 and 35⬚C). A
They were not explicit in how they arrived at this similar conclusion could be made from Richards and
value, but did show that they were able to rear prepu- WhitÞeldÕs (1988) study, relative to their 30 and 35⬚C
pae to adults at 22⬚C, but not at 17⬚C, the next lowest treatments. We came to similar conclusions, though
treatment in their study. Our quadratic models give our estimates for Topt were slightly higher (33Ð34⬚C).
Tmin values in a similar range (18.5Ð20.0⬚C). Other Reassessment of the data of Richards and WhitÞeld
estimates of Tmin range from 15.7 to 18.1⬚C for linear (1988) by using a Briere-2 model gives Topt values of
models and from 16.5 to 17.9⬚C for nonlinear models 32Ð34⬚C. Studies of other megachilids, however, indi-
(Table 10). The latter includes our reanalysis of data cate that Topt varies within the family. Kapil and Sihag
in Richards and WhitÞeld (1988) by using the Briere-2 (1985) reared Megachile flavipes Spinola, a subtropical
model, which resulted in Tmin estimates nearly iden- species also used for commercial alfalfa pollination, at
tical to those researchers using our data and the same six temperatures from 24.0 to 31.5⬚C. Those insects
model. reared at 28.5⬚C, the fourth highest temperature
The 19⬚C Tmin estimate of Stephen and Osgood tested, developed most rapidly and had the lowest
(1965) is higher than that in other studies (Table 10). overall mortality.

Table 7. Regressions of arcsine square-root proportion body fat on rearing temp for M. rotundata adults; sample sizes same as those
in Table 1

Year Sex Regression of proportion fat (Pf) on Trt F r2 P
rearing temp.a
2007 Female Pf ⫽ ⫺0.364 ⫹ 0.0609Trt ⫺ 0.00113Trt2 11.98a 0.15 ⬍0.001 26.9
Male Pf ⫽ ⫺0.777 ⫹ 0.0929Trt ⫺ 0.00169Trt2 52.34a 0.27 ⬍0.001 27.5
2008 Female Pf ⫽ ⫺0.919 ⫹ 0.0941Trt ⫺ 0.00166Trt2 16.43a 0.16 ⬍0.001 28.4
Male Pf ⫽ ⫺1.005 ⫹ 0.0102Trt ⫺ 0.00179Trt2 12.36a 0.13 ⬍0.001 28.5

Value of T for max Pf value in quadratic and refers to optimum rearing temp if maximizing proportion fat is the only issue of concern.

Downloaded from by University of Torino user on 20 November 2020

Fig. 4. Relationship of proportion body fat of newly emerged M. rotundata to rearing temperature.

At 38⬚C, which is 4 Ð5⬚C above Topt, we found no mortality, but mortality was 100% at 53Ð55⬚C (Barthell
effects on developmental mortality of M. rotundata et al. 2002). Over 90% of prepupae survived the 49⬚C
even with exposures as long as 48 h, and detected very treatment, but only 4% later completed development
little effect on adult fat stores. Other studies also in- and emerged at 30⬚C.
dicate that immature M. rotundata can be fairly robust Longer-term exposure to temperatures just several
in the face of short-term exposure to temperatures degrees above Topt is, however, clearly problematic
⬎Topt. In experiments exposing prepupae and pupae for postwintering bees. Stephen and Osgood (1965)
to high temperatures for up to 3 h, Undurraga and stated that “above 38⬚C mortality is complete” (over 19
Stephen (1980a) observed 100% mortality at 50⬚C, but wk of rearing), and Richards and WhitÞeld (1988)
none at 45⬚C. The 45⬚C treatment, however, did result observed only 14% emergence among bees reared at
in accelerated development of prepupae and retarded 37⬚C, their hottest treatment (over 17 wk). Our study
development of pupae. Similarly, 3-h exposure of gave similar results (over 14 Ð16 wk). Of the cells kept
prepupae to 35Ð 48⬚C caused no appreciable prepupal at 35⬚C, 48% produced adults in 2007, and 64% did so

Table 8. Number of adult bees emerging (out of 50) within each exposure-duration treatment/age treatment group

Age treatment (no. of days following wintering

Exposure-duration treatment when high temp treatment began) ␹2
(no. of h at 38⬚C) 2 7 13 17 value
(Prepupae) (Prepupae) (Early pupae) (Late pupae)
0 (control) 43 44 47 46 0.222 0.974
0.5 44 41 43 46 0.299 0.960
1 45 42 44 45 0.136 0.987
2 46 44 46 45 0.061 0.996
4 42 44 42 43 0.064 0.996
8 48 41 46 50 0.968 0.809
24 43 44 42 47 0.318 0.957
48 43 41 43 50 1.056 0.788
␹2 value 0.621 0.372 0.609 0.903
P 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.996

Table 9. Proportion body fat among adult M. rotundata fe- is probable that many females would emerge too late
males in each age treatment and results of linear regressions of in the season to reproduce successfully; they would
arcsine square root-transformed Pf on duration of exposure to
38°C treatment within each age treatment group not be synchronized with many of the ßoral resources
they evolved to exploit and would run into declining
Age treatment (day Pf temperatures later in the summer. Such lower tem-
following wintering peratures could reduce development rates for brood
N r2 F P
when high temp
treatment began) (mean ⫾ SE)a and shorten the daily period over which adults could
forage. In managed populations of M. rotundata, cells
2 0.134 ⫾ 0.004 89 0.01 0.94 0.336
7 0.134 ⫾ 0.006 76 0.03 2.16 0.146
are removed from winter storage, and rearing is com-
13 0.157 ⫾ 0.005 90 0.01 1.30 0.257 menced, with the goal of synchronizing bee emer-

Downloaded from by University of Torino user on 20 November 2020

17 0.144 ⫾ 0.005 87 0.11 10.91 0.001 gence with alfalfa bloom or that of other crops (De-
laplane and Mayer 2000). An associated goal is to have
Comparison of Pf among age treatments, Kruskal-Wallis Test, P ⬍
0.001 (in multiple comparisons using DunnÕs Test (␣ ⫽ 0.05) Pf for day
bees develop quickly, so as to shorten the period
13 ⬎ days 2 and 7, but not ⬎ day 17. during which immature bees are exposed to parasi-
toids or uncontrollable temperature extremes before
emergence. Thus, data on emergence success at dif-
in 2008; in 2009, development was successful in 55% of
ferent Trt is only relevant when considered in com-
cells reared at 36⬚C. However, at 37Ð38⬚C no adults
bination with information on the rate of development.
emerged from leaf cells in any year, although 16 Ð25%
The Þnal point to consider is whether Trt affects the
of bees reached the pupal or unemerged adult stage.
Given these observations, the Lactin-2 (Tmax ⫽ 37Ð condition and performance of adult bees. On this
39⬚C) and Briere-2 model (Tmax ⫽ 36 Ð38⬚C) gave matter, the published evidence is scant for M. rotun-
reasonable Tmax values, but the quadratic models data, though there is relevant comparative evidence
clearly overestimated Tmax (at 47Ð 66⬚C). The Tmax from other megachilids. Kemp and Bosch (2000) de-
values that we generated using Briere-2 models for the termined that adult bees that had been reared at 26
data of Richards and WhitÞeld (1988) also seem too and 29⬚C survived longer than for those bees reared at
high (Table 10). 22⬚C. Because adults in that study remained unfed
The proportion of cells that produce emerging after emergence, these results are an indication of
adults can be high over a relatively wide temperature condition upon emergence, though not necessarily an
range, and sex ratio is apparently unaffected by Trt. indicator of how well bees would do in the Þeld where
Emergence success was ⱖ88% in Þve temperature they have access to nectar and pollen that could help
treatments from 20 to 32⬚C in the study of Richards dampen temperature effects experienced earlier in
and WhitÞeld (1988), and high in both the 26 and 29⬚C life. In another study of M. rotundata, Tepedino and
treatments of Kemp and Bosch (2000). In our study, Parker (1986) reared bees (starting with prepupae) at
a high proportion of cells successfully produced adults different temperatures during late summer and fall,
over rearing temperatures ranging from ⬇22Ð35⬚C, and then reared bees from all treatments at identical
depending on the year and source of bees. However, temperatures postwintering. Females reared at 29⬚C
if such temperature variation occurred during during the prewintering period weighed 13% more
postwintering development in natural populations, it than those females reared at 24⬚C and 44% more than

Table 10. Comparison of parameter estimates for developmental rate models of different studies of post-wintering development in
M. rotundata

Range (⬚C) (no.) of temp Model Source of

Reference Sex Tmin Topt Tmax dd
treatments in analysis type parameter values
Linear models
Rank and Goerzen (1982) 20Ð30 (3) Both Lineara Our calculation 18.1 Ð Ð 290
Richards and WhitÞeld (1988) 20Ð32 (5) Both Linearb Original paper 15.7 Ð Ð 295
Kemp and Bosch (2000) 22Ð29 (3) Female Linearc Our calculation 16.3 Ð Ð 441
Male Linearc Our calculation 15.8 Ð Ð 427
OÕNeill et al. (present study) 20Ð32 (12Ð13) Female Lineard Present study 17.3 Ð Ð 315
Male Lineard Present study 17.6 Ð Ð 275
Nonlinear models
Richards and WhitÞeld (1988) 20Ð37 (7) Female Briere-2e Our calculation 17.1 32.3 40.1 Ð
Male Briere-2e Our calculation 16.5 34.2 45.0 Ð
OÕNeill et al. (present study) 20Ð38 (17Ð19) Female Lactin-2f Present study 17.9 33.2 37.7 Ð
Male Lactin-2f Present study 17.9 34.1 38.4 Ð
Female Briere-2f Present study 17.2 33.3 36.3 Ð
Male Briere-2f Present study 16.7 34.0 36.8 Ð

Using mean no. of days to emergence at each temp (r2 ⫽ 0.99, P ⬍ 0.05).
Using day on which 50% of adults emerged at each temp.
Using mean no. of days to emergence at each temp (r2 for females ⫽ 0.98, P ⫽ 0.10; for males ⫽ 0.99, P ⫽ 0.06).
See Table 4; degree-day (dd) values are unweighted means of values in Table 3.
R for females ⫽ 0.98, P ⫽ 0.006, for males ⫽ 0.99; P ⫽ 0.001.
e 2
See Table 4.

those females kept at 16⬚C; equivalent values for males females, substantial parental investment in individual
were 2% and 37%. In Osmia bicornis (L.) after being offspring (including large eggs) results in their having
reared as larvae at 20, 25, and 30⬚C, adults were smaller relatively low fecundity; when nesting in alfalfa Þelds,
from higher temperature treatments partially because, they typically provision 12Ð16 cells during their lives
as larvae, they consumed a smaller proportion of the (Gerber and Klostermeyer 1972). Thus, assuming the
provisions provided by their mothers (Radmacher and importance of stored lipids to adult reproductive suc-
Strohm 2010). cess and the fact that the rate at which body fats are
In addressing the hypothesis that postwintering Trt metabolized during postwintering development is
affects body size and body fat stores of M. rotundata temperature-dependent, our results suggest that rear-
adults, we found that temperature was unrelated to ing temperature may have an indirect effect on adult

Downloaded from by University of Torino user on 20 November 2020

the head width of emerging adults and had a small, but
Þtness, perhaps limiting the size and number of eggs
signiÞcant effect on body mass. Apparently, linear
laid by females. The low r2 values in the regressions of
dimensions of adults are determined either by factors
other than temperature, or are affected by tempera- Pf on Trt indicate that the amount of fat remaining at
ture only before the end of the overwintering period. emergence also is inßuenced by other factors, includ-
The effect of temperature on body mass may be ex- ing provision quality and quantity (Klostermeyer et al.
plained by its effect on fat stores. The proportion of 1973, Horne 1995, Kim 1999, Peterson and Roitberg
petroleum ether-extracted lipids in dry body mass of 2006); maternal effects (OÕNeill et al. 2010); and tem-
newly emerged M. rotundata adults (most of which perature experienced at other times in the beeÕs life
should come from fat bodies; Buckner et al. 2004) was cycle (e.g., because of variation in temperature within
as high as 0.31. In 2007, 30% of females and 62% of nesting materials; Peterson et al. 1994).
males had body fat proportions ⱖ0.20. In 2008, the In conclusion, our models suggest that Topt (for
values were 10% of females and 33% of males. Buckner rapid rearing) is 33Ð34⬚C for M. rotundata. However,
et al. (2004) reported that internal lipids, primarily it may not be possible to maximize the rate of devel-
triacylglycerols, comprised 21% of wet weight and 34% opment, while also maximizing: 1) emergence success,
of dry weight of diapausing M. rotundata prepupae which declined above 32⬚C in the study by Richards
that had been wintering at 4⬚C for 7 mo. The fact that and WhitÞeld (1988) and in our 2009 experiment and
this value is higher than that observed in most other 2) adult fat content, which may affect establishment
insects, including honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and thus reproductive performance. The signiÞcance
(Buckner et al. 2004), suggests that lipids are partic- of the latter depends upon whether the observed dif-
ularly important to the survival and reproductive suc-
ferences in body fat content across rearing tempera-
cess of M. rotundata. Buckner et al. (2004) proposed
tures have a signiÞcant effect on the survival, polli-
a dual function for stored lipids in M. rotundata, as
cryoprotectants critical to winter survival and as high nation efÞciency, and reproductive success of adult
density energy stores used during postwintering de- bees. The rapid decline of both mean development
velopment to the adult stage. During prerelease rear- rate and percent survival above 33Ð34⬚C (reßected in
ing, as bees complete development, their rate of me- the shapes of Lactin-2 and Briere-2 models) also sug-
tabolism increases dramatically and they lose about a gests that it might be risky to try to Þne-tune rearing
quarter of their body mass (Kemp et al. 2004). temperatures to the lipid-optimum, especially if bees
Lipids remaining at the time of adult emergence are maintained in facilities where temperature control
likely are essential to adult reproductive success, es- is not accurate to a sufÞcient level. Finally, the tem-
pecially that of females. After emerging as adults, M. peratures at which each variable is maximized may
rotundata can fuel some of their activities (e.g., ßight) vary with the source and condition of the prepupae
by feeding on nectar. For female insects, however, fat being overwintered, and levels of extrinsic mortality
bodies are an important source of materials for egg factors, especially parasitoids (Vandenberg and Goet-
development (Pan et al. 1969, Keely 1985). In M. tel 1995) that emerge Þrst and then attack developing
rotundata, the major increase in the volume of devel- bees during incubation.
oping oocytes does not occur until the second week
after adult emergence (Richards 1994), though in
Megachile flavipes Spinola, vitellogenins that will even-
tually provide proteins for eggs appear in hemolymph Acknowledgments
on the second day after emergence (Sihag 1985). In
We thank James Buckner and Theresa Pitts-Singer for
honey bee workers (Human et al. 2007) and M. ro-
reviewing the manuscript, Samuel OÕNeill and Richard S.
tundata (Richards 1994), pollen consumed after emer- Miller for assisting with the research, and David Weaver
gence also seems to be important for oocyte devel- for providing technical advice; Charles and Robert Wil-
opment (Richards 1994). In solitary nest-provisioning liams, and John and Shelley Wold kindly provided bees for
Hymenoptera, eggs are larger relative to body size use in the experiments. Funding for the research was
than they are in related parasitoid and social species, provided by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station,
and each female lays few eggs in her lifetime (Iwata the Montana Alfalfa Seed Growers Association, the Mon-
1955, 1960; Iwata and Sakagami 1966; Alexander and tana Department of Agriculture, the Western Alfalfa Seed
Rozen 1987; OÕNeill 2001), so each egg requires sub- Growers Association, and the USDAÐARS Bee Biology and
stantial investment from females. For M. rotundata Systematics Laboratory.

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