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CE6L103: Air Pollution Control, Tutorial 1, Date: 05.01.

Q.1 If the 1 h standards of CO2, NO2 and SO2 are 30 mg/m3, 400 µg/m3 and 350 µg/m3 respectively, compute
these concentrations at STP.
Q.2 An industry emits SO2 at 24 h concentrations of 100, 650, 480, 576 and 411 ppm from Monday to
Friday on January 10-14, 2021. On what days is the standard of 140 µg/m3 exceeded?
Q.3 Compute the annual production of NOx from 50000 vehicles in New Delhi, if the NOx emission rate is 2.0
g/km per vehicle.
Q.4 Consider a thermo electric power plant of total capacity 915 MW with a load factor of 72.5% and
an efficiency of 40%. Determine the amount produced of particulates, CO2 and SO2 if coal is used.
The ultimate analysis and calorific value of coal is as follows: Moisture: 8%, Ash: 7.7%, Carbon:
77%, Hydrogen: 3%, Nitrogen: 1.25%, Sulphur: 1%, Oxygen: 2%, Calorific value: 29.7 MJ/Kg.
Q.5 Consider a thermo electric power plant of total capacity 915 MW with a load factor of 72.5% and
an efficiency of 40%. Determine the annual production of water vapour, CO2 and NOx if natural
gas is used. The composition is CO2: 0.1%; N2: 0.6%, CH4: 98%; C2H8: 1%; C3H8: 0.2%; C4H10:
0.1%, density 0.72; Calorific value: 40 MJ/Kg.
kKajedä prasad

h standards
CO, 3o mgm
No, 400 uR/

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Mo.ot o Co,1t16xa 44/mol

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o.99 x14.3 146.3

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(D, 4D3.3X 365 X 14 5 4 x 10

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NO,->.16x365x 34=s.13xo .

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4 0mol
00 Pp =. 00 X 35.31449
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0.385 Jq
6ED ppm . 650 x 61 4 .5t
430ppm 480 * 64/

4-11 Pm 411 7 ,/ 22 44
None cand svandord o 440 g|.
Tutorial-2, Air Pollution Control, Date: 12.01.2022

1. Define air pollution. What are the various sources of air pollution?

2. Differentiate between primary and secondary air pollutants with suitable

3. What is inversion condition? Differentiate between radiation and subsidence

inversion condition.
4. Compute the HC discharged from a population centre of 1 million if 300000

vehicles travel 12000 km per annum emitting 1 g/km each. The per capita
consumption of oil-based paint is 2 L per annum with HC content of 1 kg per
litre. The per capita HC from dry cleaning solvents is 1 kg per annum. ,
5. A cubic meter sample of air found to contain 80 µg/m 3 of SO2. The

temperature and pressure were 25oC and 103.193 kPa when the air sample
was taken. What was the SO2 concentration in ppm?
luovis 2

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Tutorial-3, Air Pollution Control, Date: 19.01.2022

1. Using the power velocity profile equation to determine the wind velocity at heights 20m, 50m, 100m, 200m,
500m for rough terrain and smooth terrain, if the surface wind velocity is 4 m/s on a cloudy summer day having
rainfall in the afternoon. (use the information given below)

2. A city of width 5 Km, Length of 15 Km, mean wind velocity of 3 m/s, mixing height of 1000 m. The
background (upwind) concentration of carnon monoxide is 5 µg/m3. The emission rate per unit area is 4x10-6
g/s.m2. What is the concentration of carbon monoxide over the city?
3. A city of width 5 Km, Length of 15 Km having the following 3 meteorological condition throughout the year.
For 30% of time wind velocity (parallel to length of city) is 3 m/s, mixing height is 800m, for 45% of time
wind velocity (perpendicular to length of city) is 6 m/s and mixing height 1000m, for 25% of the time wind
velocity (parallel to the length of city) is 4 m/s and mixing height is 860 m. What is the annual average
concentration of CO in the city if upwind concentration is 5 µg/m 3 and emission rate per unit area is 4x10-6
4. What are the different types of plume behaviours? Discuss them with neat sketch.
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Kajendra prasad.K

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CE6L103: Air Pollution Control, Tutorial 4
1. A bonfire on the land is emitting 1000 g/s of SO2. The stability condition is C, the wind speed is 3 m/s.
What will be the concentration of SO2 at a distance 1 km downwind and 500 m crosswind at the ground
2. A 3500 x 103 MJ/h power plant with a load factor of 80% and an efficiency of 30% uses coal as fuel
source. The coal has 1% sulphur content and a calorific value of 37 MJ/Kg. The stack height is 200 m
with an internal diameter of 5 m. If neutral conditions prevail, determine the ground level
concentration of SO2 at 2 Km in the downwind direction from the plant at the centre line of the plume.
Surface wind velocity is 3 m/s. Stack gas temperature 100oC, ambient air temperature 20oC, stack gas
emission velocity 12 m/s, atm. pressure 1000 millibars. The wind profile exponent for the terrain under
neutral condition is 0.16.
 Dv  −3  T −T 
h =  s .1.5 + 2.68  10 P.D. s a 
 u    Ts 
3. A 1000 MW thermal power plant with load factor of 80% and an efficiency of 50% uses coal as fuel.
The coal has 1% sulphur content and a calorific value of 30MJ/Kg. The height of stack is 300 m. The
surface wind velocity is measured on a 10 m building is 2.5 m/s in a cloudy summer day. Predict the
maximum ground level concentration of SO2 and mention the distance at which maximum
concentration will occur, using the graphs and tables given below.
Inside stack dia = 2 m, Air temperature = 20 oC, Barometer Pressure = 1000 millibars, stack gas velocity
 T −T 
v 
h = D s  .1 + s a 
= 12 m/s, stack gas temperature = 150 oC. u  Ts 
4. An estimate is required of the total hydrocarbon concentration 300 m downwind of an expressway at
17.30 h on an overcast day with wind speed 4 m/s. The expressway runs north-south and the wind is
from the west. The measured traffic flow is 8000 vehicles per hour during the rush hour and the
average speed of the vehicles is 40 Km/h. At this speed the average vehicle is suspected to emit 2 x 10-
2 g/s of total hydrocarbons.

5. Suppose within a square city, 1 Km on a side, there are 200000 cars on the road each being driven 30
Km between 2 pm to 4 pm and each emitting 3 g/Km of CO. The stability condition is A. The wind
velocity is 2 m/s. Assuming there is no other source of CO emission, what will be the concentration of
CO at ground level at a distance of 1 km downwind, at the centerline, from the city at 4 pm?
1. An industry utilises 0.3 ML of oil fuel per month. It has also been estimated that for every 1 ML of
fuel oil burnt in the factory per year, the quantities of various pollutants emitted are given as:
particulate matter = 2.4 Tons/year and SO2 = 56 Tons/year. Assuming that the factory is operated
for daily 24 h for 300 days in a year, calculate the height of chimney to be provided for safe
dispersion of the pollutants in Indian conditions, where h = 74 (Qp)0.27 = 14 (Qs)1/3.
2. A large power plant has a 200 m stack with inside radius 1.8 m. The exit velocity of the stack gases
is estimated at 12 m/s, at a temperature of 140oC. Ambient temperature is 20oC and wind velocity at
the height of the stack is 5 m/s. Estimate the effective height of the stack if (a) the atmosphere is
stable with temperature increasing at the rate of 2 oC/Km and (b) the atmosphere is slightly unstable
� 1/3 1.6 �1/3 ��
(class C), using Brigg’s equation for stable and unstable conditions ∆ℎ = 2.6 ��
= �
respectively, Where �� = 120�0.4 �� � ≥ 55 �4 �3 ��� �� = 50 �5/8 �� � ≤ 55 �4 �3 , � =
� � ∆��
��2 �� 1 − �� , � = �� ∆�
+ 0.01 ℃/�

Also compare the values with calculated effective stack height using Holland’s equations.
3. A power plant having an effective stack height of 170 m is located from 2 locations A and
B at a distance of 2 and 4 Km at the downwind direction from the stack respectively (see
Fig. 1). In an overcast day with a wind velocity of 4 m/s, your concern is with ground level
pollution at these two locations, A and B.

Fig. 1
a. At what distance will the maximum concentration of pollution occur?
b. Which location has higher level of pollution (A or B)?
b. Suppose the sky clears up and the wind speed stays 4 m/s. Will the location downwind at
which the maximum concentration occurs will move? If so, will it move closer to stack
or further away from the stack?
a. Determine the distance downwind from a stack at which we must use the Gaussian
4. dispersion model under an inversion condition if the following meteorological
conditions are given:
Effective stack height: 50 m, Inversion layer at 350 m, Surface wind speed 7.3 m/s,
Could cover: none, Time: 11.30 h, Season: Summer, Terrain: Smooth.
Also determine the ground level concentration of SO2 in the same direction 1 Km
beyond the above mentioned downwind distance from the stack, if the SO2 emission
rate from the stack is 2 x 108 µg/s.
CE6L103: Air Pollution Control, Tutorial 5, Date: 09.02.2022
1. A dispersion study is being made over relatively open terrain with fluorescent particles @ 1.8x10 10 particles per
gram of tracer. Sampling is by high volume sampler through which 9x10 -3 m3 of air is drawn each minute. A
study involving 1-h release, which can be considered from ground level is to take place during conditions forecast
to be slightly unstable with wind velocity 4 m/s. It is desirable to obtain a particle count of at least 25 particles,
upon filter paper located at ground level 500 m from the plume centre line, on the sampler, 4 km away from the
source. What should be the total release in grams?
2. An air sampling station is located at an azimuth of 203o from a cement plant at a distance of 1500 m. The cement
plant releases fine particulates (less than 15 micron dia) at the rate of 84.5 g/sec from a 30 m stack. What is the
concentration from the cement plant to the total suspended particulate concentration at the sampling station when
the wind is from 30o at 3 m/s on a clear day in the late fall at 4 pm?
3. An inventory of SO2 emission has been conducted in an urban area by square area of 1520 m on a side. The
emission from one such area are estimated to be 6 g/s for the entire area. This square is composed of residences
and few small commercial establishments. What is the concentration resulting from this area at the center of the
adjacent square to the north when the wind blowing from the south on a thinly overcast night with the wind at
2.5 m/s. The average effective stack height of these sources is assumed to be 20 m.
4. Calculate the suspended particulate concentration of an air mass using the following data at STP:. Actual
sampling time = 24 h, Sampling rate in clean filter: 1.6 cum/min, Sampling rate in Filter after exposure = 1.5
cum/min, Wight of filter before exposure = 3.417 g, Wight of filter after exposure = 3.925 g.
Assignment, Air Pollution Control, 07.02.2022
1. Using Holland’s formular determine the effective height of the stack, if the exit velocity of the
stack gases is estimated at 3 m/s, at a temperature of 150oC. Ambient temperature is 20oC, stack
dia 3 m and wind velocity at ground level is 4 m/s on a sunny day and at emission point it is 6
m/s, atmospheric pressure is 1.2 bars.

 Dv  −3  T −T 
h =  s .1.5 + 2.68  10 P.D. s a 
 u    Ts 

2. Suppose within a square city, 1 Km on a side, there are 200000 cars on the road each being driven
30 Km between 2 pm to 4 pm and each emitting 3 g/Km of CO. The stability condition is A. The
wind velocity is 2 m/s. Assuming there is no other source of CO emission, what will be the
concentration of CO at ground level at a distance of 1 km downwind, at the centreline, from the
city at 4 pm?
3. A thorough examination of the map of Talcher Power Plant and Bhubaneswar it was observed
that: Wind direction is directly from Talcher Power Plant to Lingaraj Temple Bhubaneswar. In the
upwind of the Lingaraj Temple there are two industrial areas and one national highway. The
following data were obtained from surveying:
From the Talcher Power Plant SO2 emission is 900 Kg/hr, Effective stack height: 100 m, distance
between the power plant to Lingaraj temple is 20 Km, wind velocity 6 m/s at stack height. One
industrial area of 500 m width (4 Km from Talcher) emits 100 Kg/h SO 2 (assume H = 30 m) and
the other industrial area of 300 m width (2 Km from Lingaraj Temple) emits 80 Kg/h of SO 2
(assume H = 40 m) (avg wind velocity at both the places at stack height are 4 m/s). SO2 from
National Highway is 0.021 g/s-m, wind velocity 4 m/s, Angle between the NH and wind direction
is 95o.
Under the atmospheric condition “C” estimate the SO2 concentration contributed by Power
Plant, Industrial Areas and NH at the ground level near Lingaraj Temple.
4. Two sources of SO2 A and B are there in a plain terrain. On a sunny summer afternoon the surface
wind is from 65° at 6 m/s. Source A is power plant emitting 1500 g/s of SO2 from a stack whose
physical height is 120 m and plume rise is as per Holland’s equation is 538 (m 2/s)/wind velocity
at the emission point of stack. Source B is an open fire with burning of waste at the ground,
emitting 126 g/s of SO2. Wind measured in the nearby TV tower at 120 m is from 65° at 8.5 m/s.
Assuming the mean direction of travel of both the plumes are 245° and no other source of SO 2,
what will be the concentration of SO2 at the receptor level, which is 25 Km from source A, 8 Km
from source B and is at the ground level.

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