Do You Agree That HyFlex Learning Is The Direction of The

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Course 1 End of Session Task (Posted July 5, 2022)

Do you agree that HyFlex learning is the direction of the “better” normal? (Max 100

Before pandemic the students are more active and participative in terms of engagement in
the classroom and because we are face to face we get to know more our student that is why we
have harmonious relationship inside the classroom. But because of the sudden changes brought
by pandemic we have now the HyFlex mode of learning wherein we are adapting to the blended
learning modality which resulted to HyFlex learning. I believe that HyFlex learning will play a
major breakthrough in the field of education. Since we cannot change the fact that we are still
experiencing Covid 19 pandemic, we must not also sacrifice the furure of our students. Though
this era is very challenging the Department of Education do their best to make the mode of
learning quality and accessible.

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