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1) What is the role of BA in project initiation phase?

Ans: Role of BA in project initiation phase Enterprise Analysis i.e. Gap analysis, Market
research, Feasibility study, Root cause Analysis. BA also responsible for understand the
Project understanding with the help of PM. BA is responsible for Stakeholder analysis in
Project Initiation Phase. BA is responsible for to create Proof of concept (POC) and
statement or scope of work (SOW).
2) Is there any document BA prepares in project initiation phase?
Ans: Yes, SOW, Gap Analysis, Giant chart, PSD & Proof of Concept (POC)
3) What are the artifacts of project initiation phase?
Ans: POC (Proof of concept), Gap Analysis, Giant Chart, PSD, SOW (Scope of work),
SLA (service legal agreement).
4) What is the role of BA before allocating on project?
Ans: BA has to understand existing product of respective IT Company or business of
client. Also his role to understand the business cases & writing the business cases.
5) What is the significance of product training given to BA?
Ans: 1. BA has to understand the whole product functionalities.
2. If client wants to add something in terms of functionality, BA must be able to
analysis it and convey it to development team.
3. BA must be able to add functionalities and to resolve the queries raised by the
developer and client
4. To do proper analysis with respect to functionalities.
6) Can we skip high level requirement gathering and go to low level requirement
Ans: Yes, it is depend on the timeline of the Project. We should discuss with PM about
the High level as well low level requirement gathering, as per discussion with PM will
take the decision.
7) Can we skip low level requirement gathering and only do high level requirement
Ans: No
8) What will business analyst do parallel to high level as is business process
requirement gathering?
Ans: BA will make BRD/HLD documentation parallelly to high level as is business
process requirement gathering.
9) How will you categories change request?
Ans: 1. Add new feature
2. Remove Feature
3. Change Existing feature
10) What is the process to implement change request?
Ans: Following the process of implement change request.
1. Create & log request .(Its create by client or BA behalf of client)
2. Review Request for change.
3. Evaluate Change
4. Approve authorize change
5. Co-ordinate implementation
6. Review & close change request.

11) What decision BA will take if client keeps changing its requirements more
Ans: BA will follow the change request process for every changing requirement
frequently. BA will coordinate with PM & Business People regarding changes.

12) What will BA do if client’s stakeholders are cancelling meetings frequently due
to which you cannot achieve your given timelines for your documentation?
Ans: BA will update to PM on daily basis what was happened cancelling meeting
frequently. BA will talk Point of contact & informed about the meeting cancellation. Also
BA will talk with the PM & escalate the issue to the client business team.
13) Pre and post customization real life examples?
Ans: The product feature is required in Current Solution that is the pre customization in
real life example. & those feature is out of scope or adding in future these is the example
of post Customization.
14) What are the artifacts of requirement gathering phase?
Ans: Meeting Invite, MOM, Diagram, UI Design, RACI matrix, BRD/HLD,
15) What will be the role of BA if he/she doesn’t complete the documentation in the
timeline given by the project manager?
Ans: BA will update the work on daily basis to the PM. What work he/she has been done
on daily basis. PM will decide as per the daily summery sheet what decision will take.
16) Is there any BA role in payment follow up?
Ans: No
17) Give real life example of high, medium and low seniority bugs
Ans: Let’s assume ECR is the product
1. Customer is not able to make payment can be high seniority bug
2. Customer is not able to download payment receipt can be medium seniority bug.
3. Font style, color, or text or text box alignments can be low seniority bugs.

18) What is the role of BA if there are any conflicts while assigning priorities of
bugs, defects or issues between BA, testing team and client?
Ans: Mainly BA will arrange the meeting to sort out the conflicts. Firstly, BA will
arrange the internal meeting with testing team and will sort out all internal conflicts. After
resolving internal conflicts, BA will arrange the meeting with client & testing team to
discuss all conflicts.
19) What decision BA will take if UAT deployment is in next hour and tester and
developer found high priority bug due to which deployment could not be carried
out and the client is already pissed off due to previous delays?
Ans: High priority bug needs to be resolve immediately. also, BA needs to informed
regarding bug to the client why and where bug has found. (Need to discuss the answer
with sir).
20) What is the role of BA if bug/defect/issue is taking more time to fix than the
given timeline?
Ans: BA will escalate the delay happening from development team to the project manager
and will conduct meeting with manager and development team to discuss about delays.
Also, BA will inform proper reason of delay to the client after discussing with project
21) What is the role of BA when client is taking more time for UAT testing?
Ans: BA will take the follow up on UAT testing and will request client to do UAT testing
ASAP also BA can ask client whether client’s team is facing any difficulties while
22) Is it possible that there is one functionality that is not working on production
environment but working perfectly on development, testing and UAT
environment and if yes, how will developer fixes it? What is the role of BA in this
whole scenario?
Ans: Yes, it is possible that one functionality might not be working on production
environment but working on development, testing and UAT environment. The reason can
be like, it may possible that there is issue on production environment or server due to
which some functionalities are not working or may be there can be issue in pull push code
request between production and all theirenvironment from the developer. Developer can
fix this issue by doing pull push request again or will check the production code and will
compare it with other environment code.
The role of BA here is to convey the PROD issue to the development team and tell them
to do it immediately. If issue is sever related and developer is not able to resolve then here
BA needs to contact develops or server team immediately. BA needs to take follow up
continuously from the team and also needs to give status to the client.
23) Do you share test case document with client after testing, describe your answer?
Ans: It depend on client to client. Some client have required but some client have not
24) Does client prepare test case document?
Ans: Depends on client to client. Some clients do prepare test case document from their
side as well.
25) What is the role of BA in deployment process?
Ans: BA responsible in UAT & production deployment.
1. BA will collect release document from development team & convey the same
document to the client team.
2. BA will as a client user to follow the steps in release document on day of deployment.
3. To make the deployment process assistance for developer & tester.
4. BA will monitoring deployment process by taking remote desktop of client user, if
something goes wrong in deployment process then BA will fixed it with tester &
5. Post successful deployment BA will do seniority testing just to make sure all high
level functionality are working fine. BA will also asked client to test the same & give
sign off for that specific deployment.

26) What is difference between internal deployment, UAT deployment and

Production deployment?
Ans: Internal deployment – local environment or the deployment which is done for
internal team i.e., development team, testing team and BA.Or making build available for
internal testing.
UAT deployment is a deployment done on UAT server or environment to do testing for
client or making application available for client testing
Production deployment is a deployment done on production server which is a final
deployment for live product or making the application available for official use or real
time customers.
27) What is role of BA in maintenance and support phase?
1. Business analyst will take new requirement / Changes/enhancements or resolve issue.
2. BA will check the feasibility & done the costing. Analyst will send the CR(Change
request / Change requirement ) form to client.

28) What is the BA role in each phase of SDLC?

Ans: 1. Requirement Analysis / Planning
. Analyze, organize, and document the requirement
· Create use-cases, BRD, FRD, spreadsheets.
2. Software Design
· Technical decisions necessary to implement the software are taken.
· BA would bring the technical experts and business users to iron out the details.
3. Software Design/ Executing
· Explain the requirement to the technical team
· Clarify doubts and ensure they fully understand the business requirements they are
4. Testing
· Provide the user acceptance criteria and work with developers and testers to ensure that
all the criteria met. The criteria help to ensure that the coded solution traces back
successfully to all the original requirements.
5. Closing/ Deploy
· Present project to the client and gain acceptance
· Create user-training manuals
· Capture fixes for future versions of s/w solution.
29) What is the role of BA at client side and role of BA in third party organization?
Ans: Role of BA at client side – BA will involve in Production deployment in client side.
BA also the point of contact for discussion. BA will monitor the deployment process also
give the final sign off.
Role of BA in 3rd party organization – BA will do the technical documentation, BA will
responsible for deployment process, BA responsible for the making the test case also give
the sign off with respect to time.
30) How project initiation phase will be different if there is no product exist with IT
Ans: 1. there will be meeting between the ECR business team and ABC tech sales team.
2. Sales team will co-ordinate with ABC tech business team for allocate project
3. there will kick of meeting between ECR business team and ABC tech project
4. BA will do requirement gathering
5. After requirement gathering BA will do SOW (scope of work)
6. BA will share the SOW for the approval to the client.

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