7907 F Scsja53

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7907-F/SCSJA53 NOVEMBER 2020


Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10  1 = 10 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Accepting states are denoted by __________

(a) arrow mark
(b) double arrow mark
(c) double circle
(d) straight line

2. Which of the following statement is true?

(a) A Mealy machine generates no language as
(b) A Moore machine generates no language as
(c) A mealy machine has no terminating state
(d) All of the above
3. Which of the following regular expressions
identifiers are true?
(a) r **  r
(b) r  s*  r * s *
(c) r * s*  r *  s *
(d) r  s *  r * s *
4. Choose the correct statements for regular
(a) A class of languages that is closed under and
complementation has to be closed under
(b) Languages that are closed under intersection
and complementation need not be closed
under union
(c) Languages that are closed under union and
intersection need not be closed under
(d) All of the above

5. Let S be a start symbol and

S  aA , A  BA, A  a, B  b be the productions
in a grammar then one of the string derived from
the grammar is ——————.
(a) baba (b) bbaa
(c) abba (d) aabb
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6. An example for regular grammar is __________
(a) S  Ab (b) AB  S AB
(c) S  aB (d) S  aBB

7. Which of the following statements is false?

(a) A regular language is also a context-free
(b) A context – free language is also a regular
(c) All context – free grammars are ambiguous
(d) Both (b) and (c)

8. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) GNF is used to check the emptiness of CFG
(b) GNF is used to prove the equivalence of CFG
and PDA
(c) CNF is used to check the emptiness of CFG
(d) Both (b) and (c)

9. The difference between the DFA and NFA is

(a) only in input alphabet
(b) only in initial state
(c) only in final state
(d) only in transition function

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10. A Turing machine is similar to a finite automation
with only the difference of
(a) read/write head
(b) input tape
(c) finite state control
(d) All of the above

PART B — (5  7 = 35 marks)

Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b).

11. (a) What are the types of automation? Explain

the significance of NFA.

(b) Design a Mealy machine to find 2’s
complement of a given binary number.

12. (a) Write the Arden’s method for converting

DFA to regular expression.


(b) 
Show that L  0n1n 1 |n  0 is not regular.

13. (a) Explain the equivalence of regular grammar

and finite automata.


4 7907-F/SCSJA53
(b) Show that the grammar
S  a |abSb|aAb, A  bS |aAAb is

14. (a) Convert the following context free grammar

into Chomsky’s Normal form.
S  aaaaS , S  aaaa

(b) Write down the properties of context free

15. (a) Discuss the programming Techniques for

Turing machine.

(b) Construct Turing Machine for the language

L  0n1n |n  1

PART C — (3  10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

Answer not exceeding 4 pages.

16. Design a Finite Automata to check whether given

decimal number is divisible by three.

17. Construct NFA for the regular expression b  ba * .

5 7907-F/SCSJA53
18. Construct a finite automata recognizing L(G)
where G is the grammar

S  aS |bA |b
A  aA |bS |a

19. Convert the following context free grammar into

Greibach Normal form S  abSb|aa.

20. Construct Turing machine for the addition

function for the unary number system.


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