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6 Practice: Comparing Governments Practice

U.S. Government and Politics Name:
Date: 5/5/2021

For this assignment, you will compare and contrast the governments of three nation-
states in Asia: Japan, North Korea, and the Philippines. To complete the assignment,
follow these steps:

1. Research: Explore the provided websites to gather facts about the three
governments and answer questions about the purpose, structure, and operation of
each one.
2. Analyze: Answer a series of questions about the similarities and differences
between these government systems in terms of how they operate and their citizens'

To get the best grade possible, follow the instructions in the assignment closely and
answer all of the questions completely. This assignment is worth 20 points.

Use these links to conduct research on the governments of Japan, North

Korea, and the Philippines and then answer the questions that follow. This
section is worth 5 points.

Web Links
CIA World Factbook (Japan)


Encyclopaedia Britannica (Japan)


North Korea
CIA World Factbook (North Korea)


Encyclopaedia Britannica (North Korea)


The Philippines
CIA World Factbook (Philippines)


Encyclopaedia Britannica (Philippines)


1. Classify the government of each country by who has the power. Is the government
a democracy, a monarchy, or a dictatorship? If it is a monarchy or a dictatorship,
explain what kind. (1 point)

a. Japan:
Parliamentary constitutional monarchy because the king/emperor is the head of state
from their parents or they’re elected but their powers are very limited by the

b. North Korea:
Communist state because it’s a state with a government that is described by
dominance of one group system by a group that also claims to follow communism
but since the government didn’t consider itself communist, it still is one of the most
closed political regimes.

c. The Philippines:
It’s a presidential republic because there’s a head of government which is also the
head of state and it leads the executive branch that isn’t part of the judicial and
legislative. And its presidential republic because the citizens can vote and choose the

2. To what extent can the people participate in the governing process of each
country? Explain your answers. (1 point)

a. Japan:
Constitutional monarchy so emperors’ power is limited so people are already granted
rights from the constitution so the president is elected by diet members among each

b. North Korea:
Mainly if they are already in the government like Kim Jong un or Kim II-sung because
of how closed the politics are

c. The Philippines:

elections, people can represent their interests/beliefs in order to participate in

government and have an effect on who is elected

3. Classify each government by how much power is held. Does the country have a
constitution that limits government power? If government power is not limited,
explain whether the system is authoritarian or totalitarian. (1 point)

a. Japan:
japan is more in the middle in this scenario but it’s more towards authoritarian
because the emperor his self is limited in power.

b. North Korea:
this is totalitarian because the power of the government is not limited

c. The Philippines:
this is authoritarian because the power is limited

4. How is power distributed in each government? Is there a separation of powers

between branches? If branches do exist, are there checks and balances between
them? (1 point)

a. Japan:
the ruler can only do ceremonial duties and the functions of the government are
mainly separated between executive, legislative, and judiciary

b. North Korea:

in NK it’s a democratic republic because there are 3 branches but their powers aren’t
independent of each other

c. The Philippines:

It’s a republic because there’s a head of state/president, it has three branches of

government which is legislative, judiciary, and executive and they are on their own
with equal amounts of power

5. Describe the overall level of rights and freedoms, including economic freedom,
each country grants its citizens. (1 point)

a. Japan:
The citizens have freedom with where they decide to live, what they do for living, and
what they learn or choose to learn

b. North Korea:

The leader controls every aspect of the citizens and they don’t have any

c. The Philippines:

The citizens have rights to each aspect of their lives

Use the notes gathered in your research to answer the questions that follow.
Support your responses with specific details from your research. This section
is worth 15 points.

1. People's ability to express their will varies depending on their country's form of
government. How do the governments of Japan, North Korea, and the Philippines
differ in their attention (or lack thereof) to the will of the people? (5 points)

Japan practices a democracy, and the people can express their will freely, so the governing
bodies allow them to do such, and will listen to their requests. Philippines are a developing
country that has tried in becoming much more democratic, and recently the government has
been more open to the people and slowly the people and their beliefs gain recognition, even
though its still a work in progress. North Korea is very closed in the world and is the best
example of a dictatorship where the ruler has all power within the country, people don’t have
rights to express how they feel, or they will be killed or imprisoned.
2. Japan, North Korea, and the Philippines each have a constitution. What role does
each country's constitution play in organizing power in the government and shaping
the lives of citizens? (5 points)

In japan its to provide a parliamentary system of government and it says the fundamental
human rights of their citizens. North Korea constitution says the people have limited freedom
of movement outside the country and that it institutes the supreme people’s assembly as the
highest government institution. In the Philippines its to promote the industrialization within
the country is to be owned by the states. The citizens choose leaders that will reflect their
3. Given what you already know about the types of governments in Japan, North
Korea, and the Philippines, what role do you think rule of law plays in each nation-
state? (5 points)

It adheres in japan in the running government, but it didn’t before world war two, when there
was an absolute monarchy. In north Korea it’s a communist regime, controlled by Kim Jong
un. His word is final. Leaders have practiced killing so therefore this government is not
based on the rule of law. Philippines however is where the leaders and people have a voice
influencing government decisions/actions so it doesn’t of the law.
1.2.6 Practice: Comparing Governments

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