2 Assignment 2 Outline

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The Introduction: This section previews your topic and the details you will cover in
the body of your presentation. It should be very brief, but include:

A. The food, cuisine, invention or idea that you are going to discuss. Bread the
most diverse food in the world by

B. Why you chose this topic. Bread is one of the most diverse foods, that is
can be found across all countries and nations. Humans have had a love affair
with bread since its first creation.

C. A preview of the regions where your topic has developed and then diffused to.
Bread was developed over 30,000 years ago as humans left Mesopotamia. It
diffused to all over the world.

II. The Body (Content Sections): In the body, you must address how the four
geographic concepts mentioned in the presentation instructions (regions, cultural
landscapes, diffusion, and distance decay) relate to your topic.

A. Regions: Discuss the origin region or regions of your topic, with specific
attention to the geographic qualities of the region that influenced the development
of your topic. Africa, Middle East, Asia, and France to name a few all took
bread and started to change it. Every Country has their own breads that are
popular and known for.

B. Cultural Landscape: Discuss how the landscape in the region(s) described

above have been shaped by the culture that gave rise to your topic, and how your
topic might be reflected in that landscape. In a country there are villages, tribes
and towns which all have their own was to make bread. France is an
attraction for fine eating so their bread leans more towards the cuisine they

C. Diffusion: Discuss how your topic has diffused from its origin. Where has it
diffused to? What factors led to its diffusion there? What kind of diffusion has it
experienced? During the Neolithic Revolution as grains were more available
humans began to grow and raise their food, and this is where sedentary
lifestyle started too happened. With new technology, and cultures mixing
more than ever the evolution of bread has happed over and over again.

D. Distance Decay: Discuss how your topic has changed as it has diffused away
from the region(s) of its origin. Explain these changes with reference to the
geographic qualities of the regions it has diffused to. Bread started as being
made with grains, as it went farther away and came to the Americas it was
introduced to corn. As it bread started to be made with corn starch, and
other sugars things such as desert breads were created and bread was no
longer something used for long travels.

III. The Conclusion Section: this section should contain four to six points that sum up the
main points from the body of the outline.

A. Start your conclusion with one sentence summarizing some basic information about
your topic. Bread has literally both metaphorically and physically been
transported across the entire globe.

B. Continue with a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the important characteristics of
its origin region(s). The origin of bread is so important because it was formed in
the heart of the birth of human civilization over 4,000 years ago. Bread has
been along for the ride in every civilization and battle, it has been a transport
for history.

C. Include a brief note about relevant cultural landscapes. With the technological
advances in today’s landscape things such as gluten is able to be extracted from
bread, and more people can enjoy it.

D. Include a brief summary (1-2 sentences) about the diffusion of your topic and the
distance decay it experienced. Differences in cultures, regions, and basic
advances in the human race over a time span of 30,000 years has taken bread
from a paste to thousands of different options.

E. Wrap up the conclusion section with a closing note that provides brief information
about why this topic was of interest to you, and a fact about your topic you found
interesting. Bread has been able to connect civilizations from today to its early
beginnings. An interesting fact since World War two Celiac Disease has
increased by 400%.

IV. Reference section: This is not just the reference page; rather, referencing should
occur throughout the outline as it will in your presentation. Therefore, your outline
should include both a separate reference page containing a minimum of five sources
listed in proper APA reference list format AND internal citations throughout the
outline where appropriate. Please be sure to see the resources below for assistance
regarding in-text citations and reference list formatting, and/or ask me if you have any
additional questions.

Brown, W. L. and Darrah, L.L. (1985, May). Origin, adaptation, and types of corn. National
Corn Handbook. Iowa State University. Retrieved October 13, 2018 from
Lohman, S (2012). A brief history of bread. Retrieved October 13, 2018, from

Native American history of corn. (1994) Retrieved October 31, 2018 from

Newman, B. (2018, August 04). French Bread - Different Types of French Bread. (Bread in
French is Spelled Pain and Pronounced as Pan). Retrieved October 13, 2018, from

Stradley, L. (2016, July 05) History Of Cakes, Whats Cooking America. Retrieved
October 27, 2018 from https://whatscookingamerica.net/History/CakeHistory.htm.

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