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Hello Everyone! Today I want to tell you about the imaginary world that our brain
creates which is called a dream. Before I tell you about that, I will start with
sleeping first. Every day we have to sleep to recharge our bodies. While we are
sleeping our brain doesn’t shut down and releases chemicals and hormones
throughout the body to recover and grow. Sometimes, our brain is even more
active than when we are awake. We spend a third of our life sleeping in bed. As we
sleep, our brain goes through different stages, light sleep, deep sleep, and RAM
sleep which is called rapid eyes movement sleep, and the brain cycles these stages
to make good night sleep. About 90minute after we finally fall asleep, we reach to
RAM stage which is the deepest stage of sleeping and also the stage that dreams
When we are in the RAM stage, our brain exactly mimics like it acts when we are
awake. But the difference is some productions of chemicals inside the brain have
been blocked, so that causes muscles to stop moving. That is why when we dream
about flying or fighting, our body doesn’t move. This is some information about
what happens to our bodies when we sleep and dream. Ok, then how about this
Why do we dream?
Scientists and philosophers have tried to answer this question since the dawn of
civilization. Although we have much scientific research, technological
advancement, we still can’t find a definite answer for this question. But there are
some interesting theories to explain why we dream.
To remember
Some of them say that dreams are the collection of images from our daily
conscious life and our brain replays the events and the emotion that we experience
throughout the day. As we all know, sleeping is good for memorizing but dreaming
while sleeping is better like a person learned a new task during the day, at night the
brain replays it whether the person knows it or not. So according to researches the
person who has dreamt about the task is 10 times better at the second time than
who hasn’t dreamt about that. Scientists say most memories processes happen in
the brain especially while we are dreaming. That’s why they assume that dreams
are the signal of these processes.
To heal
There is about 1000 trillion connection nerve in our brain which are created by our
though and event we do. So while we are sleeping especially in the RAM stage, the
brain filters these connections and rid of unnecessary connections. If this doesn’t
happen, our brain will be full of useless connections and that can disturb the
necessary thinking you have to do. Stress neurotransmitters in the brain which are
one nerve that can cause stress are much less active during the RAM stage.
Scientists theorize that one purpose of dreaming is to edge off painful memories
and experiences and to heal mental health.
To solve problems.
In the dream, our imagination is endless, and there is no rules or right, so we can
think of or create everything we want like thought that we may not think when we
awake. Albert Einstein found way for his theory of relativity from his dream. And
also amazing paintings of Salvador Dali were based on the images that he saw in
his dream. Researchers prove the effectiveness of dreaming on problem-solving.
That is why people sometimes say that to solve the problem is to sleep on it.
So these are some theories of why we dream, and scientists are still trying to find
out the exact answer. That is all for today. Thanks for your attention, and I hope
you have a good night's sleep and a sweet dream.

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